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tv   Headliners  GB News  May 31, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am BST

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hostages, the withdrawal israeli hostages, the withdrawal of israeli troops from populated areas of gaza, and a big increase in aid for palestine themselves. hamas says the three phase roadmap in its first reaction to the brokered deal is positive . but a spokesperson for positive. but a spokesperson for the israeli prime minister says the israeli prime minister says the war won't end until israel's goals are achieved. joe biden , goals are achieved. joe biden, though, says it is time for it to end. it's time to begin this new stage for the hostages to come home for israel to be secure, for the suffering, to stop . stop. >> it's time for this war to end . for the day after. to begin. >> well, meanwhile, donald trump says he's going to appeal his criminal conviction for falsifying business records , falsifying business records, describing it as a scam verdict in a speech at trump tower earlier on today, he said there was no hush money. it was a
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normal nondisclosure agreement, properly categorised as a legal expense. >> i'm doing something for this country and i'm doing something for our constitution . it's very for our constitution. it's very important far beyond me and this can't be allowed to happen to other presidents. it should never be allowed to happen in the future. but this is far beyond me. this is bigger than trump. this is bigger than me. this is bigger than my presidency . presidency. >> well, in home news, sir keir starmer has given the green light for diane abbott to stand as a labour candidate in the general election in july. it's after the mp was suspended over comments she made suggesting jewish, irish and traveller people experienced prejudice but not racism for days. the labour leader declined to confirm whether mr abbott would be defending her seat on the 4th of july. but this afternoon keir starmer said she could stand. >> she's been a trailblazer. she has carved a path for other
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people to come into politics and pubuc people to come into politics and public life . the whip has public life. the whip has obviously been restored to her now and she is free to go forward as a labour candidate . forward as a labour candidate. >> and just before we go, let's bnng >> and just before we go, let's bring you up to date with events in france where the authorities have foiled a plan to attack the olympic games this summer. we understand a man from chechnya has been arrested on suspicion of planning to target football stadia, all in the name of islamic state. in a statement, anti—terrorism prosecutors in france say the 18 year old young man wanted to attack spectators. security forces as well and die as a martyr. well, with less than two months to go before the paris games, france remains on its highest level of security alert . that's the news. for the alert. that's the news. for the latest stories, do sign up to gb news alerts , scan the qr code on news alerts, scan the qr code on your screen or go to gb news. com slash alerts time now for headliners .
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headliners. >> thank you. polly. hello and welcome to headliners, your first look at the next day's newspapers with three comedians. i'm leo carson. >> tonight i'm joined by a man who's wrapped in bacon. it's paul who's wrapped in bacon. it's paul, the people's gammon cox. >> hello, my little rashers. >> hello, my little rashers. >> and to next him, a man who's salivating at the sight of all that bacon. it's louis, the people's nutritionist. schaffer. >> i don't like it. it's people's nutritionist. schaffer. >> i don't like it . it's too >> i don't like it. it's too much. it's too much attention. and i wore my i wore my, my best tie, my new york tie with, with the chrysler building and the. are you from new york? i'm from new york. and well, we are really getting a fashion parade tonight , but really getting a fashion parade tonight, but let's have a look at tomorrow's front pages. >> the daily mail says trump rages at biden's fascist state. the telegraph leads with johnson. >> trump is victim of a hit job. the times has starmer. i'll create wealth, the mirror says. >> deluded , deranged, dangerous.
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>> deluded, deranged, dangerous. that's trump again. >> the express has at home test to turn tide on prostate cancer. and finally, the daily star has boffs heart e.t. and those were front pages . front pages. >> and let's have a closer look with saturday's front pages, starting with the daily mail. >> paul. yeah no surprise really with the daily mail. >> trump rages at biden's fascist state and he called him that in his 40 minutes speech this afternoon. >> and for me, forget all the drama, okay? this is a very serious moment, i think, in us history, certainly modern history, certainly modern history , it's quite clearly now history, it's quite clearly now that the justice system has been politicised . and so what we've politicised. and so what we've got now is, is a rage against political opposition. now we can park for a minute , we can afford park for a minute, we can afford to park. you know, trump is a character whose character is brought into question a lot. he's done some things that many politicians would never do.
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maybe some upstanding people would never do. but he does appeal to a huge , demographic appeal to a huge, demographic within the united states of america . and i don't see this america. and i don't see this working against him. now 34 counts and found guilty. and lewis has explained it much better than i. but the legal system over there has got lots of different layers. okay. and he is right down here in terms of layers , this seems to have of layers, this seems to have been a misdemeanour that's been blown up in order to convict him at this specific time. and i think that's the worry. yeah. i'd be worried if this happened to biden. let alone donald trump. >> yeah. i mean, it does seem to set, i mean, it's definitely setting a precedent. you know, this has never happened before. and it seems to be backfiring as well. lewis >> i mean, well, we think we i think we think it's backfiring. here is the gb news studio. it's like, you know, this is crazy, but i think it's it might actually work. it's like with trump has already six points aheadin trump has already six points ahead in the polls, six extra points ahead. >> i think he was already slightly slightly ahead . and he slightly slightly ahead. and he raised in ten hours. he raised $39 million for his campaign. >> you know what? i hate to say
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it in america, that's not much money. i mean, the guy, the guy who's the prosecutor, this alvin bragg, he's got he's got $41 million. that's how much his net worth is, is 41 million, according to the. you know, that's true. >> that's absolutely true. how on earth did a da achieve that wealth? yeah, i mean, look at him. >> but do you think he's fat? >> but do you think he's fat? >> but do you think this could. >> but do you think this could. >> because a lot of voters are waking up to the fact that, you know, they're seeing , they're know, they're seeing, they're they're being denied the option to decide for themselves at the ballot box. instead, it's being decided in court. and one of the options, donald trump, who's very popular , as paul says, with very popular, as paul says, with a lot of voters, is being taken away . away. >> people can say that, and i agree with it. but at the same time, remember in the american civil war, the these states down in south down, alabama, mississippi and south carolina, they had the right to leave. but they had the right to leave. but the north said no. in a way, this is a new battle of the american civil war in the 1860s.
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yeah, perhaps it is . yeah, perhaps it is. >> and i think that's a really interesting point, because what happened yesterday, if it hadn't happened yesterday, if it hadn't happened already, it's definitely happened now, is a seed has been sown for civil for civil unrest in november. that's when that's when the real, judgement happens on november the 5th in the states. and whatever happens now, whichever way it goes, the seed has been sown, whichever way it falls , sown, whichever way it falls, there's going to be huge unrest. >> well, we've already seen we've already seen seen unrest. we've seen unrest from the left through the black lives matter riots and antifa riots, which are, you know , basically the are, you know, basically the sort of the far left street militia of the left. yeah. and we've also seen it from the january 6th riots, where, you know, right wing people, trump supporters , took, you know, took supporters, took, you know, took action. but there does seem to be different rules applying to each side with the january 6th riots, they got the maximum possible sentences, whereas the blm rioters were, you know, they were excused in the media. some of the rioters even got compensation for being arrested .
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compensation for being arrested. it was insane when, you know, when biden had classified documents that was seen as okay, when trump had classified documents , that was suddenly a documents, that was suddenly a bad thing. and even with this, even with paying off hush money to somebody a politician has had sex with, i mean, it's not a new thing in politics. bill clinton did it to paula jones, $850,000, i believe, and she wasn't as good looking as stormy daniels because trump can get the deal. he's the art of the deal. but also john edwards. john edwards was a presidential candidate, and he paid off, i think it was close to $1 million in hush money. and it was also when he was running for election for the same rule that they've tried to hang donald trump with and successfully successfully pegged on him in court. >> you're making too much of this thing. i don't think it's the left or it is this this one issue is like, is it okay for democrats to cheat, but it's not okay for republicans. that's not the issue. the issue is, is we are at war. i've said this for two years. i've been in this program. we're at war between been between the democrats. or you could call them the team
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world people. the left people versus the right people. i think right now we're sitting here thinking that donald trump is going to make it home and win. but there are lots of people in america who are like, gloating over this. they're so happy. >> yeah. and there are a lot of people here gloating over it, you know. and there are there are good reasons to dislike donald trump. he's not for everybody. that's not the point. now. the point i think is sorry, leah. i think the point is that, you know, if it can be done to him, it can be done to you. yeah. this is what people forget, you know, if you, you know, who's to say the tables turned. yeah. let's say he is everything they say he is. if he's to get into power and he enacts revenge in some way. yeah, that's going to be a massive problem as well. yeah. >> yeah. and yeah i mean like you say, if it can happen to donald trump, it can happen to anybody. it's not like putin stopped with just jailing, you know, the people at the top of the political parties that oppose him and lewis. bill, sorry, not bill clinton, boris johnson has come out and, and spoken about it as well. >> yeah, because he's on gb news
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because he picked a side. i mean , the guy i don't know, i don't want to say anything bad about the guy. the guy might walk. he's going to walk in. what did he see? what did he say? he said he see? what did he say? he said he said that trump is a victim of a hit job. and he is. he is a victim of a hit job. the fact that whether you'd want, boris johnson being on your side, i'm not sure that you would want that. yeah, but but but at the end, the beginning of the day, at the end of the day is that they've been against the guy. we know they've been against the suv- know they've been against the guy. but sometimes when you're when a guy is bad, you sometimes have to use devious things to get under . and that's that's get under. and that's that's what they, they're doing with him. >> they are they are doing devious things. and the problem is, is this they're getting away with it, but it's as if they think we can't see it. yeah >> i mean, and it's not popular with the voters, apparently . i with the voters, apparently. i mean, it's probably they've almost through their oppression of donald trump, almost through their oppression of donald trump , they've sort of of donald trump, they've sort of made him into this exalted figure that now everybody wants to win. >> i was watching him. i was watching ben shapiro, and i'm seeing this guy is like basically drooling over donald trump and how important is he wasn't he wasn't so and we've
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got quite a sinister video of a joe biden. >> so joe biden was asked about about the donald trump court case. let's play this this video. >> mr president, can you tell us, sir donald trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly? what's your response to that, sir? do your response to that, sir? do you think the conviction will have an impact on the campaign ? have an impact on the campaign? >> no, we're not sure if he's smiling like that out of some sort of sinister, sinister glee at his rival being taken down. or if he's smiling like that because he's just about to get some applesauce. but either way, i'm not reassured. >> it was a look of the man who felt the warmth of a wii in a swimming pool. that's that's what it was. i mean, you could plaintive whichever way you like, it doesn't . what is very like, it doesn't. what is very notable to me is the way that they have reacted, the biden team. yeah, because it's been very easy for them. they've gone, well, you know, this is a man of, new york judicial system. of course it works in
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their favour. it works. system. of course it works in theirfavour. it works. but system. of course it works in their favour. it works. but but their favour. it works. but but the fact that the fact that they've slightly distanced themselves gives me the impression they do have an idea that this might not work for them. yeah, it might not entirely work for them. so if they indulge in it too much, it could come back to bite them. i think it will do. i think he's been martyred to some degree now, and every single thing he's saying now is resonating. now. we all know that we've got this polarised voting, demographic in the states where you've got people who hate trump, never trumpers, and you've got people who love trump always going to love trump. and they've got these people in the middle. now, a lot of only takes a certain. there was a poll i saw where about 10% of them didn't like it, but 90% are thinking now, wow , you know, i don't like the wow, you know, i don't like the look of this. yeah, it's the land of the free, isn't it ? land of the free, isn't it? >> i think you've got i think, paul >> i think you've got i think, paul, you've got to be careful, leo too. you've got to be careful because we're over here. we don't know what's going on in america. and i think british people don't have a clue. it's so weirdly different. it's so much it's they took this country, the americans went over there and they made it better.
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and it's so look how he set it up 300 years later. >> yeah. you've got an orange old man versus the oldest man to live in history with power . live in history with power. yeah. who talks to his socks? >> yeah, but he doesn't have power . he's >> yeah, but he doesn't have power. he's being joe biden is being controlled. well, thank god he is. yeah, but who's controlling him? >> yeah . you know, that's the >> yeah. you know, that's the real question. and who's going to be controlling him for the next four years? well, i guess we'll find out. but moving on now to the times, paul, what have they got on the cover? >> yeah, well, this is about israel . actually. israel offers israel. actually. israel offers hamas a three step peace deal. so president biden, this is his news today . and that was the news today. and that was the press conference we saw him wryly smiling at has announced that israel has has offered a comprehensive roadmap to an endunng comprehensive roadmap to an enduring ceasefire in its war with hamas in gaza. now, step one, it took a long while to get to that. step one is that israel wants to make sure all its interests are protected. protected, phase two would involve an exchange in the release of all remaining living hostages. i'd like to see some of the dead ones given back as
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well. a phase three is a major reconstruction plan for gaza. and their point that they're making is that it's not for all israelis. some people within the israelis. some people within the israeli government would like to see a war and an occupation of gaza, president biden here believes he's brokering a deal that would see these three steps, see peace. >> but, louis, we keep seeing these these deals. i mean, the palestinians had eight offers. i believe it is over the decades to have their own two state solution. you know, the camp david accords , they were offered david accords, they were offered 98% of the land they asked for. it looked like an amazing deal. and yasser arafat, yeah, you know, turned it down and it seems like the leaders, always the leaders of the palestinians, always want war. >> i think they of course, they they , they once had they had they, they once had they had this huge, giant country next to them called israel, which we consider tidy, but they're an even smaller thing. so if once they sign off of this is they've given up the dream . and so of given up the dream. and so of course, they're not going to they're not going to agree with this. these people, the gazans, they lost their home. i feel for them . it's like something out of them. it's like something out of what's that thing called, what's
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that movie called with, lord of the rings or the hobbit or whatever . isn't that the movie? whatever. isn't that the movie? >> no, it's not like you said, laura. the rings. this is like a baden baden prayer. >> they've lost their home. they want their home back. >> yeah, but then the jews lost their home as well. they were pushed off that land by by the romans. and you know, it's passed through various hands through history. i think it's time for scottish people to have a go. yeah. >> well, i think there are very few gazans, very few palestinians, who remember the roman times . right. well, yeah. roman times. right. well, yeah. >> i mean, who remembers the british mandate? that was, that was almost 100 years ago, which was almost 100 years ago, which was trying to help. yeah. it's always trying to help. the amount of bad that's done through people trying to help. anyway, that's the front pages sorted and the next section. a right wing politician is targeted in a deadly terror attack in germany. and diane abbott will be running for laboun for labour. let's she gets her shoes on the right feet time in a
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man. >> welcome back to headliners with me, leo kearse paul cox, and lewis schaefer. and we're hosting a night with the headliners live. it's a stand up comedy show, so it's not this show live . we're going to be show live. we're going to be doing stand up comedy. it'll be much better. and you can join us for this evening of comedy with andrew doyle simon evans, josh howie and me. for more information, scan the qr code on your screen right now. if you're on the radio and you don't have a qr code on your screen, then visit and there's all the information there that you need, so hope to see you there. anyway, the independent now and keir starmer has flip flopped and will let diane abbott run for labour if she's going to be running. let's hope she gets her shoes on the right feet paul. >> yeah exactly, starmer says diane abbott's free to stand for labourin diane abbott's free to stand for labour in the next election in a u—turn. i'm not sure how much of a u—turn it was. it just took a few days. so after days of back and forth about whether the veteran mp would be blocked, the labour leader confirmed she will be able to contest the election as a labour candidate, and he praised her sir keir as a
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trailblazer. diane abbott was selected, he said in 1987 the first black woman mp. now this woman has been in politics for nearly 40 years. yeah, and i've not heard one commentator of any colour say that she has any redeeming feature. other than the colour of her skin. now, obviously this is a very sensitive subject and achieving something as becoming the first black woman mp in the uk in the mid 80s, with all the bricks and stuff going on, that was fantastic achievement. but 40 years of politics and all we can say about this woman is that she still has black skin and it bnngs still has black skin and it brings into question a number of things because she has made some huge boo boos. by the way, she has said that chairman mao did more good than harm. chairman mao did more good than harm. >> this is somebody who you know was was in momentum. she's a corbynista. so i mean, maories probably a bit more. >> well, exactly as she said, the jews and travel and the travelling community, see
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prejudice. but they never see actual racism, she said a number of things, right. that place her in the absolute crazy basket. yeah. for most right thinking middle england, middle britain people and i'm all for her running. i don't mind whether she runs or not, but i understand why keir starmer has tried to just get those basket cases and push them to periphery. >> you know what? you are so wrong. thank goodness for that. because this is not about middle england. this is about islington. she's in islington. let her run. but you know what the fact is, is that the labour party, the higher ups have a decision. they they make the decision. they they make the decision whether she's running or not. and that's why this country has a very piss poor political system. >> she's not in islington, she's in hackney, north and stoke newington. >> okay. but i'm sorry you were doing so well then and i almost felt wrong . felt wrong. >> the thing i would say about the labour party, though, it isn't the higher ups, is split at the higher ups. you've got the leader of the labour party, which is keir starmer, who's elected leader, but you've also got the union led part of the party, angela, angela rayner and
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all, all of the people down that channel said no. diane abbott should should run. so straight away before we even get a labour and keir starmer government, we see the break straight down the middle of the party. >> but every political party. sorry, no go on. every political party has breaks. you know, you pick a party. the tories, the tories, you know , not every tories, you know, not every political party like my political party like my political party. yeah you know how political the taliban i, i support i support how they treat women. you mean the green party yeah. you gotta, you know, you got you got to pick a party and you got to go with it. the truth is, is that keir starmer? this is, is that keir starmer? this is my guess. he doesn't want to deal with these people she's buddies with. yeah, with jeremy corbyn. he doesn't want this. well, they used to. >> they had a fling. they went they went on a camping holiday in france, which a man wouldn't want to unzip that tent and take a big snip. but they also they went they went behind the iron curtain on a on a cycling holiday. she's not the most
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patriotic of mps . she supported patriotic of mps. she supported the ira against britain. i mean , the ira against britain. i mean, i'm amazed you can get elected. but yeah she's got an astounding majority vie. so i think here, you know, he's looking at the seat. he doesn't want to her run against the labour party, of course. so yeah, it's a smart thing to it probably is. >> i just think that 40 years in politics there should be something more important. and it's not about skin. >> it's not about her being black. it's about her and corbyn and the fact that she's not keir starmers. >> yeah, no, it's not about the colour of her skin. that's my point. i don't know why every commentator pro diane abbott can only muster that up as a redeeming feature. >> i think it's time for her to move on and become an accountant . anyway, the telegraph now and one of britain's top covid bottom boffins, said net zero could have the same urgency as lockdown, so no urgency at all in paul. >> sorry. yes sir patrick vallance remember him from the covid days? he wasn't a sir then of course, and calls for net zero to have immediacy of the search of the covid vaccine. so
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old patty vallance is back on the scene and he's thrown his support behind labour's green energy proposals , warning that energy proposals, warning that the race to net zero should be treated in the same way, an immediacy that we did the covid vaccine. two things are going on here quite clearly, patrick vallance is vying for a highly paid adviser job under the new paid adviserjob under the new labour government and the second thing is, is he sold his soul to this green net zero nonsense. and i call it that every time because net zero by 2030, if it was to be fulfilled, would probably kill more people than it would save. well, this is this is the thing. >> i mean, actually, when temperatures rise in the world, more, more people's lives are saved because more people die from the cold than from the heat. >> yes, and that's exactly true. which is why you shouldn't have any of those ice baths. you know i don't. >> well, you certainly shouldn't live in one. >> and basically , like i was out >> and basically, like i was out today, i took a picture on, on the, on the subway platform in the, on the subway platform in the underground. i shouldn't do that. i shouldn't do it. but everyone was, like, dressed up
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in winter clothes. why? because it's freezing and so and so. and this gets on. >> you know, i was just about to say the met office have come out today saying this is likely to >> embarrass us and humiliate us by telling us lies that we have to go along with so that later on. >> so this is how communism works, because under communism. yeah. you know, you're told lies and yet it just deactivates your brain. you don't know what you can trust and what's true anymore. and this is the same thing. all the solutions for climate change. i'm not denying that climate change happens. i am , but but but i don't think am, but but but i don't think the solution is massive amounts of communism. >> no, not at all. and patrick
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vallance here has sold his soul to the devil. you know, there will be some people that would would praise him under his role dunng would praise him under his role during covid. yeah, i think the jury during covid. yeah, i think the jury is out to somewhat, but he did seem someone a man of principle. this to me is a nonsense . nonsense. >> yeah, it's jumping horses. anyway, the mail now and a bearded man went on a stabbing rampage in germany today , rampage in germany today, knifing an anti—islam politician. now, i don't want to jump politician. now, i don't want to jump to conclusions as to the motives. he could be amish. >> louis. yeah well, this is good news. a knife man stabbed a well known , islam critic and well known, islam critic and police officers, and then he stabbed the police officer and several bystanders. but they jumped on who did they jump on? they jumped on one of the. the police came and jumped on one of the victims. >> this is insane. in the video. so this guy is trying to stop the stabber and the police turn up, turn up and see the guy trying to stop the guy who's stabbing people and jumping. the guy trying to stop. stop him stabbing people . i don't know if stabbing people. i don't know if you've just been on diversity training and thought, oh, there's a there's a gammon, but there's a there's a gammon, but the good news is that this guy's
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been shot dead , so it might been shot dead, so it might affect maybe one other person who'd be willing . who'd be willing. >> not this guy, but the knife and the covid knife or the knife , er, has been shot. shot dead. >> but no, not before he stabbed the policeman. so, i mean, it was almost. it was like a farce . was almost. it was like a farce. the policeman grabs one of the victims, one of the guys trying to stop the attacker. yeah. and then while he's wrestling, while he's got this guy on the ground because the knifeman is suddenly free, he stabs the policeman in the neck and then gets shot dead. yeah, yeah. >> i mean, the whole thing is harrowing , but the nuts and harrowing, but the nuts and bolts of it, leo, are that we do have a western, enlightened european continent full of people that believe in free speech and free speech that enables them to criticise religion. yeah. and in this case, they're criticising islam as a religion. yeah. and what they've managed to fill that space with is a minority of strong believing islamist cultural types that just will not accept that come what may. yeah. and the trouble is that
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assimilation will never take place because we have within that enlightened european, space, we have a government , the space, we have a government, the eu, that that is on the side of the minority. so they're not on the minority. so they're not on the side of enlightenment. they're not on the side of free speech. and because of that, they've got their eyes firmly shut. and we've just got this perfect storm where this is going to keep happening. >> well, we're seeing a lot of attacks on the afd, the right wing party in germany that wants to you know, clamp down on immigration and the islamification of germany. and, you know, this is exactly the sort of thing they warn about. and yet, you know, here are their supporters or their people getting stabbed by what's apparently an islamist. and so it kind of corroborates what they've been saying. but the, you know, the state is still trying to ban the afd. they've got politicians from the afd being being prosecuted for pretty spurious charges as well, just like just like trump. so you know, this might, you know, be a sort of headline event that makes people sit up and take note. >> well, i don't think it will
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because we've made it a politicised right versus left movement. and it's not. yeah. i mean, if you're on the left of politics, if you say you're on the left of politics and you support this and just call it lone wolf or mental health and then blame the victim for being and blame the victim, islam or right wing, then you are a huge part of the problem. now, i don't think you mean to be part of the problem, but you've got to wake up. yeah, because if you don't wake up, you're going to see this more and more and more. >> yeah, i think it's simpler than that, paul. you're making it too. it's there is a war, the original war. let's pretend there's no there's no immigration coming into the country. and it's just just us. it's a war against against team world is a communistic world. and the other side of it is like, go germany is more like what? you know, we kind of believe in, like the nation . and believe in, like the nation. and that's the battle that's going on. in the meantime . up comes on. in the meantime. up comes from the south, comes the islamists. and the team world doesn't know what to do with it.
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yeah. and but i mean, it's going to bite them because i mean, in iran, for example, the leftists allied with the islamists to overthrow the shah. >> and then once the islamists were in power, they didn't thank the leftists. they jailed them and executed them. so, i mean, i mean, at least that'll be fun to watch. anyway, we're at the halfway point coming up. the popeis halfway point coming up. the pope is called sexist , halfway point coming up. the pope is called sexist, nicki minaj is arrested madonna is topless relaxed. we don't have
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welcome back to headliners. i'd just like to announce that paups just like to announce that paul's jacket has received a record number of ofcom complaints . we've got the. we've complaints. we've got the. we've got the times now with a new cancer vaccine. they mean it. vaccinates you against cancer. it doesn't give you cancer this time, louis. >> well, we don't know what's going to happen. it's from the nhs and you know, you can trust those people. new cancer vaccine for thousands of nhs patients . for thousands of nhs patients. and they're doing a study where they wear some very respectable
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organisations. we can trust pfizer , genentech. these you pfizer, genentech. these you know, companies they're using, m rna. what is that what it is? they use the same technology. they use the same technology. they use the same technology. they use for the covid thing. yeah. >> it's incredible. >> it's incredible. >> it's incredible. >> it's not incredible . you must >> it's not incredible. you must be delighted. >> delighted because they're using the same technology , vie using the same technology, vie that's used to develop the covid virus, but it makes personalised vaccines to attack tumours. >> then they're not vaccines . a >> then they're not vaccines. a vaccine is where i mean, basically whatever a vaccine is. but a vaccine is, is where they take the element. they put the element on it and the element. so it's and it protects you. >> yeah. that's a good point. it's not a vaccine. >> it's not a vaccine. >> it's not a vaccine. >> it's an injection of cancer killing stuff until they leo, until they know what causes cancen until they know what causes cancer, what the right cause of cancer, what the right cause of cancer is, they have no right to try to cure it. >> well , i try to cure it. >> well, i think it's good that they're trying to cure it, because, i mean, it's like if people have got cancer and, you know, they're fast tracking people onto this, onto this, this trial. >> paul, it sounds amazing . i
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>> paul, it sounds amazing. i mean, in terms of like scientific progress, if this is going to save people's lives from what is a horrible and terrifying disease , that's terrifying disease, that's fantastic news. yeah. >> i mean, there's no arguing that. i think that's true. the opinion i'm about to share is not mine. steve and alan come up with it last night. sadly, we didn't do the headliner show last night, so i'm going to use steve and alan's opinion as my own. he gets frustrated because he's actually clever and a scientist and he's, you know, he says this is not a vaccine the same way louis does. louis is much cleverer than people give him credit for. yeah primarily it's a treatment because what you need to have had the you need to have had the cancer. so they sampled the dna, you've had they sampled the dna, you've had the cancer. and once you've had the cancer. and once you've had the cancer, they then can take that. and essentially provide you with a treatment which becomes a vaccine for for, like as paul talks about, he talks about having cancer. >> what exactly is happening. the mitochondria in cells are alive and they're duplicating because they're sick , because because they're sick, because they've been damaged. they keep on duplicating. so the only way to stop this from happening is
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to, is to basically stop feeding the mitochondria in the cells . the mitochondria in the cells. >> i'm sick of people blaming in sales for everything. anyway, the guardian now and someone in the guardian now and someone in the audience at a madonna concert is suing because toplessness on stage was pornographic. as it's madonna, it's probably a trip hazard as well. >> paul i'd have thought so. yeah madonna sued for pornography without warning. la concert performance and madonna has been sued by a concertgoer at the celebration. at her celebration world tour, who alleges that madonna produced pornography without warning and he was forced to watch topless women on stage simulating sex acts. and i think this is a very expensive way for this man to tell the world that he's gay. yeah, because was it a man? yes, it was a man. now i look, what did he expect? the. i've read this whole story and i thinking, well, there were some legitimate complaints in it. it was late . complaints in it. it was late. it was hot. okay, i read the whole story thinking the kia forum was a car and madonna just
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didn't have the star power anymore. >> and she was doing a gig in a in a four seater car. and no wonder it was hot. this is, this is i mean, this is a non—story because when you go to go to madonna to see that, i mean, i, you know, i mean, maybe now she's not that hot, but, you know, she's had like 40, 50 whatever years of doing this kind of ridiculous things. >> everybody knows unless and he must have known where madonna was because he paid £390 for a ticket. >> this is like people who come to comedy shows and complain. it's like you went to see jerry sadowitz and now you're complaining that he was offensive. it's like, why don't you google who you're going to see before you go and see them? >> yeah, you could walk out at any moment, say, i made a mistake and they probably might send you back the money. >> yeah, well, we've got the meal now with nicki minaj complaining that her arrest for drugs at amsterdam airport was racist. i think it's illegal for white people to smuggle drugs as well. nikki. yes, tell us more. >> well, this is nicki minaj, who is who's an american. i mean, she came to america when she was five years old from trinidad and tobago . tobago?
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trinidad and tobago. tobago? well, trinidad and tobago. yeah tobago.i well, trinidad and tobago. yeah tobago. i mean, i like trinidadians, i prefer the trinidadians, i prefer the trinidad marmions. >> but an actual joke . praise >> but an actual joke. praise the lord. >> i know they're coming back. i've been sitting here too long doing nothing . anyway, so she doing nothing. anyway, so she was arrested and they told. and they told her. they told her she's playing the race card and that it's wrong to bring drugs into the country. it's wrong to bnng into the country. it's wrong to bring drugs into any country. do not bring drugs into a country. >> of all the places, though , >> of all the places, though, imagine smuggling drugs into amsterdam. yeah, just take a credit card, nikki. it's all available for you, mate. what was she doing? >> well, it does seem strange that there arresting her. she's going from a place where weed is presumably legal, to another place where weed is presumably legal, but not at the airport. >> yeah, i mean, just don't carry it with you. it's the most dutch thing i've ever heard. this. this was the spokesman for the military police who said it's annoying if she experienced it's annoying if she experienced
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it that way. so she complained that it was because of the colour of her skin. and his response was, it is annoying that she's experienced it that way. you know, we would. i don't know if that's a translation thing, but it just seems it's so matter of fact, it is annoying because he's right in saying, you know what? this has got nothing to do with that. yeah, it's because we've made the these , these identifiers skin these, these identifiers skin colour, sexuality as the most important indicators of anyone's life . yeah. and it just so if life. yeah. and it just so if i was black, i would say that all the time i'd be like yeah of course i haven't got my trousers on. well yeah . on. well yeah. >> well as long as you don't have that jacket on and the guardian now with pope francis being accused of antiquated patriarchal attitudes to women. well, yeah, he's the pope. paul >> he's doing what he's paid to do.pope >> he's doing what he's paid to do. pope francis allegedly tells a group of priests. gossip is a women's thing . now, the guardian women's thing. now, the guardian have missed the irony of their headune have missed the irony of their headline here because they're saying he allegedly said it and then goes on to talk about gossip. but anyway, pope francis
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is alleged to have told a group of young priests that gossip is a women's thing, and the 87 year old pontiff is reported to have advised that against bayard mouthing in parishes and congregations before allegedly saying gossip is a woman's thing. he alleged to have added we wear the trousers, we have to say things now. well, they don't wear trousers. bazball this is the whole point. and, you know, they carry them, don't they? they look up the dress, don't they, to make sure that they are a boy person. but if, if you, you know, if you can't be misogynistic and homophobic at 87. yeah. when can you leo. because that is a serious question. because i don't know how long i've got to wait before i can get away with it. well, i thought that 80 would be. >> maybe louis can tell you. >> maybe louis can tell you. >> well, you don't want to destroy his career for this. you know, you don't want to just, like, stop, stop. i feel bad for the guy because women talk a lot. if anybody if anybody has ever chatted with a girl at a text message, maybe you have a wife or something and she's not feeling that well, and how many words she just instead of saying, i'm not doing that well or i'm okay, they never say the
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word okay. they have to go. women go on and on. yeah, and this is just a couple of days after he was accused of homophobia. >> i mean, i'm starting to think that the catholic church isn't the progressive organisation. i was told it was. anyway, we've got the times now with a look at sensitive readers. these are the people hired by publishers to go through books and make sure they don't offend or entertain anyone. louis. >> yes, well, this is more war and i'm selling. i'm selling mugs. you can get a mug that says the death of love. this is the death of love. >> nobody can see it because we've got the headline up. because you're supposed to be telling us what the story is. >> is that bad? i'm to new this business. let's put this. there we go, go, go go to my website, louis schaefer. and by and by i think this is sensitivity readers nearly killed me. this is, this is, usually these are like articles that you read and you read and read. it says the same thing over and over again. it says that some people don't. they that their books have to be read by an editor. >> this is an author who's got a deal with a publishing house, and the publishing house has got sensitivity readers to go
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through the thing. >> and he should have said, instead of waving your i know because i'm not good at this stuff, someone's gonna say something bad, but you didn't know better . know better. >> super, super. so he said in his book sukh he that he that he he did something so fast , it was he did something so fast, it was like super fast. he had a super fast broadband to christ. like super fast. he had a super fast broadband to christ . and fast broadband to christ. and they said, you can't say christ because there are people out there who don't believe in christ . so you can't you got to christ. so you can't you got to take that out of the book. >> it might offend religious people and atheists, he said. >> he said getting drunk makes it easier to have sex with someone you don't know, and that was considered to be offensive because it might lead somebody on to do some horrible things like maybe paul and i falling in love. possibly you know, we have had sex, not love. >> yeah, we've done the sex list. >> the reason why this is so the people who are reading these books, these sensitivity, whatever these people are, are the other team. that's why we that's why we find it so funny. >> and they're sucking all the joy >> and they're sucking all the joy and all the, all the fun out of these books. and also rewriting them and restructuring them so they're not entertaining
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anymore. >> they're also creating a very fragile and sensitive part of our community, our world community. if you keep protecting groups and saying they cannot be offended, this whole idea that you cannot be offended, i have no idea. it must. it was it seems to have been like from 2010 onwards, it seems to have become illegal to offend anyone. being offended is for good you. being challenged is even better for you. now i saw something the other day where, there was there was like one of these affirmations and, you know, one of the things you must do on a daily basis apologise to the people that you've offended. never apologise to the people that you've offended. now, i'm not saying that that's nice. i'm just saying that people aren't entitled to have an apology just because they've been offended. >> yeah, you were saying, don't apologise. i am saying it worse. >> well, i don't care. that's the point. i'm trying. >> i didn't even apologise for that. this guy's good. >> i know he's he's nasty. he wears the jacket without even asking. i'll tell you what. not even letting me just give me some serious gammon powers tonight. >> it has really? i don't know what's happened to me. >> just remember where you got those gammon powers from me.
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lewis schaefer, with my whole mishegoss i got over here. >> okay, well, join us for the final section where we let down our hair. left of it with jeffrey epstein on
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welcome back to headliners. we've got the mirror now. an old people think they'll live longer than young people. well, obviously , they've already made obviously, they've already made it most of the way. paul, i'm going to go a bit further. >> this is the most ridiculous story. i think older people think they'll live almost a decade longer than young adults. so a study of 2000 adults found that 35 to 44 year olds think they'll reach 81 on average, while those under 24 believe they'll only hit 76. but those over 65 reckon they'll have a much longer lifespan, typically estimating that they'll live until 84. so all this is really telling us is that that young people think that 76 is old people, that, as they get older, want to live longer. yeah. so if
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you're 45, you think you aren't going to make 80. i feel all right. yeah. i'm only on six big macs a day. i should be all right. and then. and then when you get to 65, you're like, i'm not ready to go. i'm not ready to go. at 80, i want 84. yeah. oh, this is all this is telling us that people want to live longer, particularly those that are that are healthy. no, they just don't. >> they want to live longer. they don't want to die. it's i find that that means the same thing. no, it isn't it isn't. young people. young people have like old people looking over them saying, you're going to die. you're going to hurt yourself. you're going to die. you're going to die. when you reach my agent, no one cares. >> no, you can't have a trip anymore. you have a fall. at your age, don't you? yeah. and your age, don't you? yeah. and you end up in hospital. and there's all sorts of problems. >> well, talking about somebody who's about to die, the metro now has a cryogenic billionaire who might want to stay frozen until they change sex crime laws. >> louis, i don't want to read this story. >> i don't this is what we're paid to do. >> it's this guy, rob. this guy. i don't want to mention his name, but he was arrested because a lot of women complained that he paid them money for sex. and some of them
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were young, which is against the law, i think. and so 80 year old suffers from a heart condition and he's old. he's about to die. and they're saying if he's a cryogenic cyst, so he's wants to be frozen and then come back to life. and they say if he comes back, they're telling him to his face, if you come back to life, we're going to keep we're going to sue you and take your money. >> so they'll have to stay. they'll have to freeze themselves so they can be thawed out and sue him in the future. paul out and sue him in the future. paul. yeah. >> no. well, no. he's young because they're young. they're young , they're young. young, they're young. >> well, he could he could be frozen for 200 years. i mean, he could have, you know, my freezer. you can. it's got, you know, the four stars. like, you can put a body in that for aeons. >> okay? don't don't give any more evidence, as your as your lawyer, i'm going to request you. don't say anything else, leo. i mean, he's a fascinating quy- leo. i mean, he's a fascinating guy. yeah. real billionaire recluse. doesn't have photographs taken of him. most of these women didn't know who he was. >> yeah, well, if he's a sex criminal, he probably wasn't. >> one foot was taken, i think. i think he's probably thinking twice about being frozen. now he's probably thinking now i
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won't bother. yeah, because he's got he's 80. he's about to die. he's got all sorts of problems going on. yeah. i really don't know what to make of stories like this. >> okay, well, we've got the sun now revealing which generation is the most miserable, and the answer might surprise you are gen z and millennials smile for 65 minutes each day, but gen x, which is, you're a nine generation leo, only manage 48 minutes. a survey finds a poll again of 2000 adults. i don't think it's the same poll from the other story. maybe it was 2000 adults. found that london is the smiliest region, with residents grinning more than an hour a day . i immediately, hour a day. i immediately, immediately distrust this poll. now there's no way london is the smiliest place. no, in the uk. i think i've seen someone arrested for smiling . oh it's lovely. for smiling. on it's lovely. >> people think there's something wrong with you. like you're going to mug them if you smile at them. >> this is nonsense. i mean, of course, by the way, gen z are smiling more. they haven't. they haven't experienced what we're all experienced. the ton of dogs mess that comes your way. >> well, let's just try and squeeze this in before we go. we've got the independent with a
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journalist desperately trying to get outraged by peppa pig. paul. >> yeah, she's rude, belittling and a fat shamer how peppa pig became every parent's worst nightmare. so is peppa pig a force for evil or good? now, leo, you'll you'll probably becoming familiar with peppa pig. yeah. >> well , pig. yeah. >> well, louis, i went to peppa pig world and it was amazing. yeah, it was the best theme park i've ever been. great. >> yeah, it was a place called peppa pig. >> there's a place called peppa pig world paultons park. >> is that the place? is that the kind of thing that they sell across the street at m&s, no, that's percy pig. percy pig pigs are very popular here, even even as you can see. i was wondering, because i'm reading this thing, i'm not seeing any any thing about sugar in this. >> apparently they were saying that peppa pig was very dislikeable jul. she's rude, entitled, belittling, unsupportive of her friends, fat shaming her dad that's just kids, isn't it? and you know what? parents have got to stop looking to little pigs to help bnng looking to little pigs to help bring up their children. yeah, we don't want to work for you. you know, we are miserable. >> yeah. you haven't seen this cartoon, i never you know what?
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i've seen it. i know it exists. i've seen it. i know it exists. i know even when my kids were around, i didn't let them watch tv because i knew it was bad for them. which is why they're in trouble now. and my two, my two youngest who happened to watch this? the two, whatever it is. and so, so the point is, is why shouldn't fat people be shamed? >> okay, that's a great point to end on. well, the show is nearly oven end on. well, the show is nearly over. so let's take another quick look at saturday's front pages. the daily mail leads with trump rages at biden's fascist state. the telegraph has boris johnson says trump is victim of a hit job. the times has. starmer says i'll create wealth . starmer says i'll create wealth. the mirror has deluded, deranged, dangerous . they're deranged, dangerous. they're talking about trump, not biden. the express has at home test to turn tide on prostate cancer . turn tide on prostate cancer. and finally, the daily star has boffins heart e.t. and finally, the daily star has boffins heart e.t . and those boffins heart e.t. and those were your front pages. and that's all we have time for. thank you to my guest, paul and lewis. we're back tomorrow at 11 pm. with paul. steve and cressida. and if you're watching at 5 am, stay tuned for breakfast until then. good night and god bless. bye
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>> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> hello. very good evening to you. here's your latest gb news weather update brought to you by the met office. there will be a bit of rain around at times this weekend, and also some cloud, but for many a decent amount of fine, dry and sunny weather because of an area of high pressure that's building in from the west. any rain that we saw today across the southeast that's now clearing away. so a dry picture here. however we are going to see some cloud pushing its way in from the east across eastern parts of england. as we go through the night further north, some spots of rain across parts of scotland, perhaps northern ireland two. but most places staying dry. some clear skies, especially towards the west , under skies, especially towards the west, under which skies, especially towards the west , under which temperatures west, under which temperatures will just about dip into single figures, perhaps a little bit lower than that across parts of scotland. so a chilly start here for some. otherwise, as we go through saturday morning and it
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is going to be quite cloudy across parts of the southeast and we do need to watch out for and we do need to watch out for a few showers, and some of these could turn heavy as we go into the afternoon, much sunnier further west, though some cloud building as we go through the day. a few spots of rain. then for parts of northern ireland, perhaps northern england, southern scotland, where the clouds are thick enough. but for many it is going to be a dry picture and there will be some sunshine for some. not all of us. some of us will be stuck under a bit of cloud, particularly across parts of northern england, the far south of scotland. here the cloud is likely to linger through a big chunk of the day, and we could see a few showers developing as well, even elsewhere, 1 or 2 showers are possible, but any that do develop will be pretty light and short lived, and most of us will avoid them. there will be a decent amount of sunshine for most of us. however and with lighter winds than today, it should feel pleasant enough. temperatures generally in the high teens or low 20s, perhaps some mist and fog patches first thing on sunday morning, and then we are going to see some cloud and some drizzly rain pushing its way in from the northwest. some of that
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rain could turn a little bit heavier as we go into the afternoon. however, towards the south, across many central southern parts, it's going to be largely sunny and feeling pretty warm with that sunshine to some more changeable weather to come next week . enjoy your weekend! next week. enjoy your weekend! >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on
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>>a >> a very good evening to you. it is 7 pm. on friday, the 31st of may. and this is a gb news election special . election special. over the next hour, i have got tory minister of state for enterprise, markets and small business. kevin hollinrake, labour shadow secretary of state
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for scotland ian murray and reform party candidate lee anderson. here in the studio with me, former conservative mp angela knight, former labour mp bill rammell and former lib dem mp norman baker. five weeks today we will know who the government is. keir starmer stands accused of caving in to the far left over aba reforms. new immigration tax is it completely insane? the tories are lagging behind? will rishi finally be radical? it's all to play finally be radical? it's all to play for and we're doing the absolute lot of it. after your . news. >> well, the top story from the gb news room is that donald trump says he's going to appeal his conviction for falsifying business records, claiming the trial was very unfair and rigged. he said, by the biden administration, he was found guilty of all 34 counts last night in a new york courthouse. however, it doesn't appear to have deterred his supporters, including reform uk's nigel
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farage, who says donations to the republican's campaign have gone up . in a speech at trump gone up. in a speech at trump tower, mr trump described the conviction as a scam verdict. >> i'm doing something for this country and i'm doing something for our constitution. it's very important far beyond me and this can't be allowed to happen to other presidents. it should never be allowed to happen in the future. but this is far beyond me. this is bigger than trump. this is bigger than me. this is bigger than my presidency . presidency. >> well, donald trump also attacked joe biden, describing him as the dumbest president even him as the dumbest president ever. however, speaking in the last half hour, joe biden himself said trump is confused , himself said trump is confused, desperate and defeated, and his statement is proof he can't be president of the united states of course, i respect the justice system of the united states, but it's not my place to comment on a live judicial process, which i would also not do in our own . would also not do in our own. >> it's also not subject to conclusion. you do not know if someone's going to appeal or not. and i wouldn't also comment
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on judicial processes while


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