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tv   Martin Daubney  GB News  July 25, 2024 3:00pm-6:01pm BST

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>> away. >> away. >> away. >> a very good afternoon to you. it's 3:00 pm. >> and welcome to the martin daubney show on gb news. we're broadcasting live from the heart of westminster all across the uk. on today's show, a police officer has been suspended after a video of a violent arrest went viral on social media. accusations of racism and even protests followed. but with only half the picture emerging thus far , have the authorities once far, have the authorities once again bowed to the mob . next up, again bowed to the mob. next up, again bowed to the mob. next up, a man has been remanded in custody after being charged with the attempted murder of an army officer. anthony hassan appeared in court this morning across live there this hour for a full update . and today two top tories update. and today two top tories have thrown their hats into the ring to be the next conservative leader. >> former immigration minister robert jenrick is positioning himself as the tories best chance of seeing off nigel farage's reform party, while tom tugendhat has said that he's prepared to leave the echr >> and, of course, the ginger
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winger is back. prince harry, he's at it again. he's been moaning about the media, to the media museum, claiming his war with the tabloids was a central piece in destroying his relationship with the rest of the royals. still moaning on. that's all coming between now and 6:00. was the show we've got and 6:00. was the show we've got an action packed show ahead. astonishing images from manchester airport yesterday, but we've only seen half the picture. the outrage, the protests , the community protests, the community division, the cries of allah akbar outside rochdale police station last night, stoved on by those, in my opinion , attempting those, in my opinion, attempting to create division. the police officer has been suspended but with manchester police being absolutely adamant, there's more to this than meets the eye. before the footage we saw, why are we leaping to such conclusions so far.7 manchester
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mayor andy burnham has just said we need to look at the full picture. we need to calm things down and not use it for political reasons. we've got loads to talk about on that today. send your views in on the issue that's really got you talking is the way to do that. but before we kick off, it's your headlines with tatiana sanchez . with tatiana sanchez. >> martin. thank you. the top stories from the gb newsroom. a police officer has been suspended from all duties after a video emerged appearing to show a person being kicked in the head during an altercation at manchester airport, greater manchester police says three of its officers were seriously injured when they attended to reports of an assault in the airport car park , which happened airport car park, which happened before the event. seen in this video that included a female officer who suffered a broken nose. four men were arrested on suspicion of assault and affray, and the police watchdog has launched an investigation. the
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prime minister says he understands concern over the footage, and the mayor of greater manchester, andy burnham, who is meeting the home secretary today, has appealed for calm . a man has been charged for calm. a man has been charged with attempted murder after the stabbing of a uniformed army officer in kent . 24 year old officer in kent. 24 year old anthony hassan has been remanded in custody after appearing in court today. he was arrested near his home in rochester just near his home in rochesterjust 30 minutes after the violent attack. he's also been charged with possession of an offensive weapon in a public place. it started after lieutenant colonel mark heaton, who is in his 40s, was stabbed in sallyport gardens near brompton barracks in gillingham on tuesday evening. he remains in hospital in a serious but stable condition. in other news, former immigration minister robert jenrick will stand for the leadership of the conservative party, promising to win back voters who switched to reform uk. he's the third tory to throw their hat in the ring, after james cleverly and tom
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tugendhat. mr cleverly says he's best placed to unite the party after a crushing election defeat. but tom tugendhat told gb news the conservatives have lost trust after failing to deliver lower taxes and immigration. >> you've seen what's just happenedin >> you've seen what's just happened in the recent election. we lost the trust of the british people because we failed to deliver and i've got a track record of delivery, whether that's in the army on operations in iraq and afghanistan or whether that's in parliament standing up to those who would threaten us, those authoritarian dictators. and that's got me sanctioned by countries like china and russia and iran. and of course, i've been delivering in government, you know, as the security minister, making sure that we are safe. and i can't talk about all the areas that i've been working on as security minister, for obvious reasons , minister, for obvious reasons, but absolutely prioritising the interests and security of the british people is exactly what i've done. >> the prime minister says off shore wind will soon power 20 million british homes as he launched the new state owned gb energy. speaking during a visit
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to an engineering facility in the north—west of england, sir keir starmer said the firm's partnership with the crown estate would help turbocharge britain's transition to clean energy. >> now there is a massive prize within our reach. and make no mistake, the race is on to get there. until now, i feel like we've been sort of tying up our laces in the changing room . no laces in the changing room. no more. i don't just want to be in the race for clean energy. i want us to win the race for clean energy. and why not.7 we have got the potential. we have got the ports. we have got the people, the skills . and now people, the skills. and now we've got a mission driven government . government. >> the nhs is urging blood donors to come forward amid an urgent shortage of certain blood types. the health service has issued an amber alert after national stocks of o—negative o national stocks of o—negative 0 negative and o national stocks of o—negative 0 negative and 0 positive blood types fell to unprecedentedly
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low levels. it's understood that the recent cyber attacks in london hospitals and more people missing appointments has contributed to that shortage. hospitals are being asked to restrict transfusions of o hospitals are being asked to restrict transfusions of 0 blood types to essential cases and, where possible, use substitutions . some breaking substitutions. some breaking news to bring you now a 40 year old woman has become the first person to be charged under new xl bully laws. ashley warren was charged over the death of esther martyn, who was killed by two xl bully dogs in essex in february and it is the first case of its kind since new laws on owning xl bullies came into force. this year. bullies came into force. this year . two bullies came into force. this year. two just bullies came into force. this year . two just stop bullies came into force. this year. two just stop oil activists have been found guilty of criminal damage after throwing tinned soup over vincent van gogh's sunflowers in 2022. anna holland and phoebe plummer, who are both 22 years old, damaged the celebrated artist's sunflowers, which is on
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display at london's national gallery. they threw two tins of heinz tomato soup over the 1888 work, which is covered by glass, before kneeling down in front of the painting and gluing their hands to the wall beneath it . hands to the wall beneath it. and finally, the first trailer for a new film about one of the world's most influential musicians has just arrived. >> we got a feeling we were getting a glimpse of the future . getting a glimpse of the future. where have you been? >> my blue eyed son? >> my blue eyed son? >> and in case you hadn't guessed, the film tells you the story of bob dylan, who's played by timothee chalamet. starting with his arrival in new york in the early 1960s. the actor consulted his friend austin butler, who recently played elvis presley, for advice on transforming himself for the role, which features all his own
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singing. a complete unknown is expected to hit theatres later this year , and those are the this year, and those are the latest gb news headlines. for now, i'm tatiana sanchez. more from me in half an hour for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone, sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code, or go to >> forward slash alerts . >> forward slash alerts. >> forward slash alerts. >> thank you tatiana. now we start the show today with the fallout from the incident where a police officer kicked a man in the head as he lay on the floor. a warning that some viewers might find the following images distressing. greater manchester police has suspended a firearms officer after the scenes , which officer after the scenes, which is said to have happened at manchester airport on tuesday. last night, an estimated 200 people protested outside rochdale police station shouting shame on you! and in fact some of them were even shouting
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allahu akbar! now, just to run through a few of these details before we head to our home and security editor , mark white. security editor, mark white. we've only seen a part of the picture so far. the footage shared shows the aftermath to an incident greater manchester police are claiming led to the injury of three officers, including a woman, a female police officer getting a broken nose. these were rapid response police from a different unit who responded to an emergency call and came through and acted in the heat of the moment to contain a situation which they weren't fully aware of. what that was, of course , then that was, of course, then accusations of racism followed and a huge protest outside rochdale police station last night to chew all this over. let's go now to gb news home and security editor mark white. mark, i was just saying that we've we've only seen half of the story here. a part of the picture , the aftermath to what picture, the aftermath to what greater manchester police claimed happened before it. and yet this this video has gone
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viral. it's causing huge community tensions, protests and cries of allahu akbar outside rochdale police station last night, mark white bring us up to speed. >> well, these viral videos really tell us the whole story. in fact, they don't even tell us half the story. this is the very end sequence in what was a violent episode in which three police officers were attacked , police officers were attacked, according to the police, and knocked to the ground that female police officer, as you mentioned, there , smashed in the mentioned, there, smashed in the face, suffered a broken nose. all three of those officers required treatment in hospital and those attending officers, those back up officers you refer to are the ones that you're seeing rushing in on this video. here trying to take control of the situation . now, they have the situation. now, they have been listening to their
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colleagues because the way that the modern police radio systems work is that when you are in need of urgent assistance, you press a panic button, which then opens your microphone so you don't have to keep pressing that you can continue then to try and defend yourself . and then at defend yourself. and then at that point, of course, the officers will be able to hear everything that's going on. so they were hearing the screams of their colleagues as they were being violently assaulted, as they're rushing to the scene, knowing that they're going to deal with some violent offenders, their first task in that scenario is to try to gain control of the situation. we've got another clip that we can show you, which is just slightly before the point. there on the video that we were showing there, when those armed officers first start arriving in this airport underground car park, this is that clip. do we not? >> you don't come up. you don't come up. no we ain't going no
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where. no one civilians. no no no no no no no we have not done nothing. >> we have not done nothing. >> we have not done nothing. >> look, we have not done nothing. we are just recording. >> go home. you are showing. you get locked off. no no , me. get locked off. no no, me. >> not me . >> not me. >> not me. >> well, you can hear those men there protesting their innocence, saying that they haven't done anything but the officers that were subjected to that brutal attack are there as well. and they are pointing out these men as being responsible for that attack. so armed with this, these officers then fairly robustly get these men down to the ground, because for them, they're perceiving clearly a threat, according to their colleagues who've just been attacked. these men are violent. they've just assaulted, allegedly, some of their colleagues. so they need to get them down. they need to control them. they need to handcuff them. they need to handcuff them. it's violent to look at.
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of them. it's violent to look at. of course it is. but what the police will say is you know, it's a proportionate response that when you're dealing with a violent individual, you've got to meet that threat with a violent response as well. now, two of the four men who have now been arrested on charges of affray and assaulting emergency service workers have been released from prison. their lawyer posted a video on social media talking about their next steps in complaining to the police . this is a clip of that police. this is a clip of that video they were released not long ago from cheadle police station. >> they then had to make their own way to the hospital , but in own way to the hospital, but in reality, because they've had a head injuries, it was the police duty to take them to a hospital, but nevertheless they made their own way . and now i've documented
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own way. and now i've documented the injuries and we are headed to rochdale police station to make a formal complaint of assault and wounding and mark white in this last half an hour, this has taken on a decidedly political angle. >> the gentleman who was calling for those protests outside rochdale last night was a jack carson. he's previously stood for george galloway's workers party as a candidate in bolton south, and andy burnham, the mayor of greater manchester, has just said this is not a clear cut situation, calling for calm. a very, very good politics in my opinion and he's warning don't exploit this situation for political purposes. mark white wise words in a tense situation. >> yes , because we've got a >> yes, because we've got a situation where people are posting viral videos and very selective viral videos that show the very end sequence in, as i
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say, a violent episode that unfolded with police officers assaulted and then their colleagues rushing to their aid and robustly dealing with those they believed to be responsible for these assaults on the other officers . now, you have to ask officers. now, you have to ask these people that are posting these people that are posting these selective clips why there's no images that are being posted of the assault on the police officers who were trying to carry out an arrest and a detention after a suspect had been pointed out to them for an earlier assault . none of that earlier assault. none of that video is up. their only video that clearly shows the police in a bad light. now andy burnham, of course , as the mayor of of course, as the mayor of greater manchester, has access to a lot of the information and that's why he is calling for calmer heads. he is saying there is more to this story, but there are others on the other side of the argument who are suggesting
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that there should be more protests like we saw last night in rochdale, more people out on the streets, and that's worrying. martin because we only need to think back a week to what happened in leeds and the potential for things to spiral out of control. >> yeah, some of those protesters last night were bellowing allah akbar into megaphones. may i ask you, mark, procedurally in terms of that missing evidence or the evidence the police have of the previous attacks, do you think they will be complied to release that to show their side of the story? or is that now evidence that will be subjected in a court of law, therefore we won't see it. when do you think we'll see if you like the police's version of earlier events ? earlier events? >> sadly, we won't see any of the police body worn camera if we see any of it at all until the end of this process. and that's the independent office for police conduct , the policing for police conduct, the policing watchdog. any subsequent disciplinary or court cases that come off that it's purely
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because it's potentially prejudicial, prejudicial to any ongoing criminal charges that there might be because you're looking at the alleged assault on the three police officers that will have to be prosecuted, and that evidence from those cameras will be used for that, as well as cctv, eyewitness interviews and perhaps some more of that viral video that they've not shown us a clip of if they were recording it earlier, when those officers were allegedly assaulted. so all of that will be gathered by the investigators from the independent watchdog, the police investigators who are running the tandem investigation. and that will piece together more accurately than these short viral videos , than these short viral videos, have done, the full sequence of events and just whether that officer who was seen there kicking the head of that individual on the ground acted proportionately, given everything he thought he, you know, was facing, that he
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perceived in terms of the threat to him and his fellow colleagues. >> mark white it's an excellent summary. once again , thank you summary. once again, thank you very much for joining summary. once again, thank you very much forjoining us on the very much for joining us on the show and to continue this conversation, i'm now joined by the former metropolitan police senior investigating officer, peter kirkham. peter welcome to the show outlining there with with great clarity. we only have a small part of the picture here. the police were acting. we have to take their word for it of an earlier incident, a violent incident. greater manchester police being very firm, saying three officers needed hospital treatments, including a woman with a broken nose. and so therefore peter, operationally from a police point of view, when the boys get that call down, the radio and they're responding to violence, they're responding to violence, they're going they're going to the 90 y re goin g th e y're goin g to they're going they're going to go in to try and contain that situation as quickly and effectively as possible. and peter , sometimes that means peter, sometimes that means using a bit of force . using a bit of force. >> good afternoon. absolutely right . that's exactly what we right. that's exactly what we employ the police to do. and we
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expect them to do. and we rely on them to, they will have information, certain amount of information, certain amount of information before they arrive at the scene of something, and that all forms part of the backdrop to the judgement that they have to make, which is how much force to use, that they can justify as being reasonable and necessary, proportionate in all the circumstances. now they'll make a judgement about that, and that will apply to every bit of force that they use. it doesn't matter. it's not just a global thing of can we use some force? yes. or no? it's can i in this case, we've seen a kick and a stamp. can we justify that as being reasonable and necessary, maybe, maybe the officer can, i don't know, but until we hear what the officer has to say, we can't make a judgement. we won't hear what that officer has to say, the iopc and the courts will, and we'll then hear when that happens, i personally, i think the kick and the stamp, he's going to struggle , the man
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he's going to struggle, the man was on the floor already , the was on the floor already, the only bit of, his body that he was moving that the kick and the stamp could be, sort of aimed at, as it were, is the head, what's he going to do with his head now? there may be an explanation, i don't know, but i think he'll struggle with that, as for the rest of it, the taking them to the ground and whatever, yes. those things perfectly legitimate. there was the use of an incapacitant spray at one point, tasers were drawn and pointed, i believe, each one of those things is going to have to be justified by the officers doing it. the history of the incident is going to form part of that. the context of the incident is going to be formed part of that, and we cannot totally ignore the fact that it happenedin totally ignore the fact that it happened in an airport and we know that violence in an airport is not always by any means, but is not always by any means, but is often something to do with
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some sort of an attack on an aircraft or whatever to do with international terrorism. and so that possibility is higher than it would be in the high street on a saturday night. and so that will form part of their judgement. all of this will be investigated by the iopc. they will make a judgement. and if they consider that it's not made out in terms of a defence using reasonable force, then they'll refer it to the crown prosecution service. >> and peter, may i ask you quickly the decision to suspend the officer, from duty in full? i think that's the right thing to do. a lot of people are angry about that. they're saying the mob has won. but considering there is this full investigation going on, and perhaps even there could be issues around his own personal safety , considering the personal safety, considering the heightened state of emotions, do you think that was the right thing for the police to do ? thing for the police to do? >> suspension from duty, is not, a judgement. it's not a punishment . a judgement. it's not a punishment. suspension from a judgement. it's not a punishment . suspension from duty punishment. suspension from duty is an interim. measure taken to just avoid anything getting
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worse for the office of the pubuc worse for the office of the public or anybody else. in the meantime, the issues that you mentioned, yes. they need to be considered . but the one thing considered. but the one thing that the police service, the chief constable of greater manchester, will need to ask himself , this is an armed himself, this is an armed officer with a firearm that is capable of causing great damage if used inappropriately. and he will be asking himself, is this officer , suitable for carrying a officer, suitable for carrying a firearm? now temporarily, in the aftermath of an incident like this , any officer, may be this, any officer, may be considered , unsuitable for that. considered, unsuitable for that. but the clip that we have all seen, if i was the chief constable of greater manchester, i'd be asking myself about the temperament of that officer. it raises issues of loss of control. his behaviour , his control. his behaviour, his actions were significantly different from other officers present at the scene. and i would want to satisfy myself of that before bringing him back on to duty. >> okay. peter kirkham, thank
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you as ever for your expert insight drawn from great heritage and time on the force. thank you very much for joining us on the show, and we'll have lots more on this story. of course, this huge story throughout the rest of the show, and there's plenty of coverage on our website,, and you've helped to make it the fastest growing national news website in the country. so thank you very much. now there's still plenty of time to grab your chance to win £30,000 in the great british giveaway as our biggest cash prize of the year, andifs biggest cash prize of the year, and it's totally tax free. what would you do with all that extra moolah? well, here's how you could win the lot . could win the lot. >> don't miss your chance to win our super summer giveaway with your chance to win £30,000 cash! our biggest cash prize to date, which means you get to spend every single penny however you like. what plans would you make with an extra £30,000 cash in your bank account? take your family on the ultimate holiday. buy that treat that's always seemed out of reach, or just put it in the bank for a later date. however you'd spend it. make sure you don't miss out for
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another chance to win £30,000 in tax free cash, text cash to 63232. text cost £2 plus one standard network rate message. you can enter online at . entries cost £2 entries cost £2 or post your name and number two gb0 seven, po box 8690 derby d19, double t, uk. only entrants must be 18 or over. lie—ins close at 5 pm. on the 30th of august. please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand. good luck ! demand. good luck! >> three tory mps have now thrown their hats in the ring to become the new tory leader. will speak about that next. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel
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>> i'm patrick christys every weeknight from 9:00, i bring you two hours of unmissable, explosive debate. >> and headline grabbing
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interviews. what impact has that had? >> we got death threats and the bomb threat and so on. >> as time passes, she could have said, stop. >> you made my argument for me one at a time. >> my guests and i tackle the issues that really matter with a sharp take on every story went everywhere. >> something practical could be done, or i can become something different. >> patrick christys tonight from 9 pm. only on gb news, britain's news channel . britain's news channel. >> welcome back 328 i'm martin daubney on gb news later in the show across live to wethersfield in essex after locals fought plan to house migrants at a former raf base. now they can end up having a new mega prison built on the same site . now the built on the same site. now the race to replace rishi sunak as tory leader is hotting up less than 24 hours after nominations open , three mps james cleverly, open, three mps james cleverly, tom tugendhat and robert jenrick have all said that they'll stand. i'm joined in the studio by gb news reporter adam cherry, adam three hats in the ring,
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three in a bed. tell us we heard yesterday about james cleverly. only i can unite the conservatives. tell us about today's double entrance . today's double entrance. >> so interesting one today tom tugendhat and robert jenrick both announcing as was widely expected, they are throwing their hats in the ring. tom tugendhat appeared on this channel earlier today and he had some rather hardline things to say about the echr. in fact, we've got a clip of this. let's just take a look at that now and see what he said. >> no, i've been very, very clear. i am prepared to make any decision that will keep the british people safe and just look at the last five years where we haven't delivered. i am to prepared leave the echr or indeed any other institution that doesn't serve the interests of the british people . of the british people. >> so that's surprising because tom tugendhat is really thought of as being part of the moderate wing of the party. but clearly, given the pressure from the right, from reform, he's feeling this, this pull to the right in this, this pull to the right in this way. he didn't say he will leave the echr, but he at least left the door wide open. and if
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you look at what jenrick has said in the last few hours as well, he's even more explicit about it. he's saying, yeah, we should leave the echr. but also he is gunning for those reform votes so he knows that those are absolutely essential to win the membership. it's a slightly different case when you go to the broader public for an election, because you have to build a broad coalition, the membership care about a very specific set of issues migration, europe , borders, law migration, europe, borders, law and order. and that's where we're seeing the opening, opening pitches arrive at this point, a lot of those voters, they haemorrhaged to reform uk. >> a lot went the other direction to the liberal democrats and the labour party. but in putting themselves forward as if you like the antidote to nigel farage or the alternative to nigel farage, is that plausible ? these people are that plausible? these people are in charge for many years where we didn't control our borders, we didn't control our borders, we didn't control taxes, we felt a net zero and so on and so forth. yeah, i mean, that's the real problem they have, isn't it? >> is that several of these names were in the home office as ministers, either as, as home secretary or as in jennings case, immigration minister. so
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they have their fingerprints all over this, and yet they nonetheless have to right , walk nonetheless have to right, walk the tightrope and say, i have experience, but i represent change. and it's a very difficult case, particularly with reform being in parliament. it's not this is a long race. they have at least, well, three and a half months to battle it out. it will get dirty very quickly, particularly over these sorts of problems. >> superb. adam cherry, and just to let you know, the bookies favourite is kemi badenoch. at 2 to 1 she hasn't even declared yet. jenrick 7 to 2, tugendhat 5 to 1, cleverly 6 to 1. suella braverman distant now 50 to 1. now you can hear a brand new interview with tom tugendhat on state of the nation, presented a course by jacob rees—mogg. and that's from 8:00 this evening, right here on gb news. now. there's loads more still to come between now and 4:00, i'll discuss the news that sir keir starmer is set to meet. european commission president ursula von der leyen will, of course he is. is this another step along the road to rejoining the european union? the first is your headunes union? the first is your headlines with tatiana sanchez .
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headlines with tatiana sanchez. >> martin thank you. the top stories from the gb newsroom. a police officer has been suspended from all duties after a video emerged appearing to show a person being kicked in the head during an altercation at manchester airport. greater manchester police says three of its officers were seriously injured when they attended to reports of an assault in the airport car park , which happened airport car park, which happened before the event. seen in the video that included a female officer who suffered a broken nose. four men were arrested on suspicion of assault and affray, and the police watchdog has launched an investigation. the prime minister says he understands the concern over the footage and the mayor of greater manchester, andy burnham, who is meeting the home secretary today, has appealed for calm . today, has appealed for calm. the jury in the trial of hassan janga , who is accused of janga, who is accused of murdering good samaritan chris marriott , has been discharged marriott, has been discharged after failing to reach any verdicts. mr marriott had been
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out for a post—christmas walk with his wife and two young sons when he was run over while coming to the aid of a stranger in the street. a man has been charged with attempted murder after the stabbing of a uniformed army officer in kent . uniformed army officer in kent. 24 year old anthony hassan was arrested near his home in rochester just 30 minutes arrested near his home in rochesterjust 30 minutes after rochester just 30 minutes after the violent attack. it's after lieutenant colonel mark teetan, who's in his 40s, was fatally stabbed in sallyport gardens near brompton barracks in gillingham on tuesday evening. he remains in hospital in a serious but stable condition , serious but stable condition, and a 40 year old man has become the first person to be charged under new xl bully laws. ashley warren was charged over the death of esther martin, who was killed by two xl bully dogs in essex in february. it's the first case of its kind since new laws on owning xl bullies came into force this year , and those
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into force this year, and those aren't the latest gb news headlines. for now , i'm tatiana headlines. for now, i'm tatiana sanchez. more in half an hour for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone, sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code, or go to gb news. >> .com. forward slash alerts . cheers! >> britannia wine club proudly sponsors the gb news financial report , and here's a quick report, and here's a quick snapshot of today's markets. >> the pound will buy you $1.2874 and ,1.1864. the price of gold is £1,837.25 per ounce, and the ftse 100 is at 8107 points. >> cheers britannia wine club proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . financial report. >> thank you tatiana. now if you want to get in touch with us
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@gbnews. of course it's i read out the best of your messages in the show. we've already had hundreds on the topic that's got you going today. the busiest we've ever seen. you all say that's what rob says. he brings them through to me on the manchester airport policing incident. get your views in. we'll them out before the end of
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>> join me. camilla tominey for a frank and honest discussion. with those in power that cuts through the spin and gets to the heart of the issues shaping our nation. you haven't confirmed that you want to stand as leader, but you haven't ruled it out either. >> this report basically says that he's not fit to stand trial. >> is he indecisive ? >> is he indecisive? incompetent? i deliver the dose of reality westminster needs. that's the camilla tominey show at 930 every sunday on gb news. the people's channel, britain's news channel .
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news channel. >> welcome back. it's 339. i'm martin daubney. this is gb news now at 4:00 we'll hear live from kamala harris, the woman who , kamala harris, the woman who, according to one respected defence expert, would be a danger to the security of the west if she becomes the us president. but before that , a president. but before that, a man has been remanded in custody after appearing in court charged with the attempted murder of an army officer in uniform near a barracks, anthony hasan is accused of repeatedly stabbing lieutenant colonel mark teetan in gillingham on tuesday on gb. news, national reporter charlie peters is at medway magistrates court. charlie, welcome to the show, a story which many, many people in britain are still struggling to come to terms with. tell us what's the latest . with. tell us what's the latest. >> hi, martin. well, it was an unusual scene here at medway magistrates court this morning because anthony hassan, aged 24, charged with attempted murder
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but arrived in the dock in cuffs. that's unusual. the crown prosecution service rules state that that should only happen if someone is considered to be a risk in the courts, a risk of violence there, necessitating that cuffing of the defendant when the district judge here asked anthony hassan to confirm his name, his address and his date of birth, he repeatedly asked why and then when he was told to sit down, anthony ignored that instruction from the judge. now the defence barrister said that psychiatric papers were being prepared to see whether mr hassan was fit to plead at his next court appearance, which will be at maidstone crown court on august the 22nd. but the prosecution went through their case. well, not only has anthony hassan been charged with attempted murder, but also the possession of an offensive weapon because on tuesday evening, when the police were called just before 6 pm, they found two knives at the
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scene where mark teton, the lieutenant colonel in the royal engineers , was found severely engineers, was found severely wounded. they also then found several more knives at the address of anthony hassan in rochester, where they arrested him shortly afterwards, so he will now face a hearing at maidstone crown court on august the 22nd. >> okay, charlie. so also evidence came out. there was a machete, a third weapon that was seen by locals. and of course, that begs the really horrendous proposition that this could have been much worse, charlie. it could have been much, much worse . could have been much, much worse. and of course, yesterday people were talking about the chilling parallels with the lee rigby incident . incident. >> well, the colonel, mark tatum, is now in a stable but serious condition after he was airlifted from that location on tuesday evening. sally port gardens is the address where the
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incident took place. the alleged multiple stabbings that he endured. it's right down the road from a barracks which where one royal school of military engineering is based. now the colonel is said to be a manager there. he's leading as an instructor in that location, but he's now in hospital after those injuries. on tuesday evening with anthony hassan, aged 24, charged with attempted murder and offensive weapons. >> yeah. thank you, charlie pizzas for joining >> yeah. thank you, charlie pizzas forjoining us >> yeah. thank you, charlie pizzas for joining us there from medway magistrates court. thank you . now to keir starmer says he you. now to keir starmer says he wants to reset our relationship with the european union but will rejoining the eu be on the agenda when he meets european commission president ursula von der leyen ? i'm martin daubney on der leyen? i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news
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welcome back. your time is 346. i'm martin daubney on gb news at 4:00. we'll hear live from kamala harris as she keeps trying to drum up support for her bid to become the next us president . sir keir starmer is president. sir keir starmer is set to meet the european commission president, ursula von der leyen, as part of what he says is a reset of the uk's relations with the european union, sir keir said. sir keir said last week that the government will increase the uk's cooperation on defence and security, and also illegal immigration. but am i being cynical when i ask whether overturning brexit and rejoin the european union might be on the european union might be on the agenda? well joining now is doctor andrew lilico, who's the chief executive director and principal of european economics. welcome to the show andrew. so sir keir starmer has said that it's not on the plan to have a second referendum to reverse brexit. but could something a bit more underhand be going on
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backroom deals , political backroom deals, political alignments, the kind of things that will have no say in we won't get a vote. it would just happen. won't get a vote. it would just happen . this could be death by a happen. this could be death by a thousand treaties. >> i don't think there's any appetite on the labour side, certainly for any formal, rejoining of the european union or single market or customs union, the in fact, if anything , union, the in fact, if anything, the situation is quite reverse. we have we had david lammy going off to india this week trying to negotiate a free trade agreement. there was talk of rachel reeves being optimistic that whoever the new president is, in the united states, they should seek to have a us, uk trade agreement. none of those things would be possible whilst we were in the eu. meanwhile, we're doing other kinds of measures that would be inconsistent with eu membership. so for example, a week or two ago we were the first country in the in europe to, legalise the production of lab grown meat, so that kind of thing and other kinds of new technologies coming in. we will be in a position to
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make use of where the eu is behind on its regulatory agenda . behind on its regulatory agenda. so i don't think there's any real appetite for that. what they're interested in, i think, is seeking to have some kind of migration agreement, to they're looking at having some sort of veterinary agreement to ease things on the border with northern ireland and, probably to do something on security and defence. it's in starmer's interest to talk this up as if this was some kind of, big deal. he talks about how the, boris johnson's deal with the eu was a botched deal , johnson's deal with the eu was a botched deal, and that we can be much more intimate. i don't think that's right at all. the uk, eu free trade agreement or the trade and cooperation agreement is the most wide ranging and intimate agreement that the eu has with any , non that the eu has with any, non eu, non european economic area member other than switzerland. so it's an extremely intimate agreement that we have with them now. and i don't think there's a lot of scope for, for improving it really, i think it's just politics and i don't think it will go very far. >> and andrew, it's an agreement
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that comes with many traps and caveats. michel barnier, my order. versary was an expert negotiator. he said repeatedly, we cannot cherry pick. so the nofion we cannot cherry pick. so the notion that we can waltz to brussels and say, right, we want a better trade agreement without them expecting anything in return is for the birds. and consistently, andrew, the criteria on the table has been if you want a better deal with us, you've got to accept freedom of movement . of movement. >> i 100% agree that the eu will have no interest in it, and cherry picking, and that's always their message. and i also agree that that they would want their pound of flesh for any kind of extra if there were anything that starmer particularly wanted or felt he needed, then they would be looking at additional migration aspects, probably as the first port of court call, probably some additional student visa arrangements or some kind of extra work visa arrangements, something of that sort. now it's not as though this situation in the uk is that we're
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particularly tough on immigration as things stand. so i don't know how enormously different that would make things ehhen different that would make things either, to be honest. but that is you're quite right. that's the kind of thing that they would try. >> certainly we need to be keeping an eye on this brexit watch. we're going to be keeping our beady eye on it here @gbnews. thanks for joining our beady eye on it here @gbnews. thanks forjoining us. doctor andrew lilico, the executive director and principal of europe economics. thank you very much indeed forjoining us. now, the number of tool theft incidents in the uk has reportedly increased by a massive 150% in the last five years. tradespeople up and down the country are being warned to take additional precautions , take additional precautions, while those in the industry are lobbying the government to take action. sophie reaper has this report . report. >> cctv footage of joiner paul duffy becoming a victim to tool theft . he attempted to prevent theft. he attempted to prevent theft. he attempted to prevent the thieves from escaping, but was then attacked . this is the was then attacked. this is the third time in three years that
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paul has come to face face with this crime. a series of incidents that has left him in over £10,000 of debt. >> after that incident, i was paranoid. to be fair, i was on site and i were constantly checking my gear, so i take a bit of time off work for that . i bit of time off work for that. i mean, i've got kids, i've got a mortgage, and that's how i provide for my family. mortgage, and that's how i provide for my family . my tools provide for my family. my tools are always to make money and that's and they just steal it and they're just they're not bothered. just some policemen. >> where's mum unfortunately paul isn't alone. the most recent figures show a tradesperson in the uk has their tools stolen every nine minutes. >> it's increasing because it's to easy do, it's relatively risk free and it's very profitable for the tool thieves. so it's gone up from roughly 23,000 incidents a year to 58,000 over the last five years. >> as a result of this rise in
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tool theft incidents. varne watch wants all tradespeople to take four major precautions take care where you park, invest in physical security, look into the forensic marking of tools and lastly, take out high quality insurance. >> if you're in the trades for 40 years at the current rate of tool crime, you'll probably suffer from this five times in your career. so, you know, don't be complacent about it. >> meanwhile, in westminster trade community network on the tools have been working with the government on tackling this issue. >> we're constantly trying to lobby government ultimately and industry to support tradespeople more. so one of the biggest things we want to try and do is stop the sale of power tools at car boots. so car boot markets are an absolute breeding ground for the resale of all these tools. so ultimately , if it's tools. so ultimately, if it's really hard to resell these things and there's a high risk of someone being punished in a,
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in, a more impactful way, you would expect that the tool theft numbers would lower. >> now, as the number of tool theft incidents continues to grow, trade workers will have to hope that new regulations and methods of prevention can actually cut through sophie reaper gb news. >> you know, that's a terrible problem for the for tradesmen. my problem for the for tradesmen. my mate tom painter and decorator had his van cleared out four times. insurance gone through the roof . the police, he through the roof. the police, he said, simply don't give a monkey's now talking about the police. we've had hundreds and hundreds of your essays about the incident at manchester airport . let's go through a few airport. let's go through a few of them now. michelle says this. i say good for those manchester coppers for doing their job, keeping the public and their colleagues safe. if i was in trouble, i'd want those officers to show up, not the woke police farce . lucia, however, says i'm farce. lucia, however, says i'm afraid it doesn't look for good that policeman. derek says you can understand why getting people to join the police these daysis people to join the police these days is so difficult .
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people to join the police these days is so difficult. hugh people to join the police these days is so difficult . hugh says days is so difficult. hugh says this the police are vilified for doing their job. so let's commit crime, get getting caught, and then bring out the race card. what a load of rubbish . and bill what a load of rubbish. and bill says andy burnham is the voice of common sense. and indeed we'll have much more on this story after the break. that officer has now been suspended, as we just heard, the mayor of greater manchester, andy burnham, has called for calm following this incident, saying people are using this for political purposes and that must stop. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel now it's your weather with alex burkill . burkill. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on gb news >> hello again. here's your latest gb news. weather forecast from the met office . the from the met office. the relatively changeable feel to the weather is going to continue as we go through the end of the
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week. yes, there will be some dry bright weather at times, but also something a bit wet to come too. the heavier rain that we've seen across southern parts due to a waving frontal system, is now clearing away towards the east, but there will still be some outbreaks of rain across southern parts as we go through this evening, and plenty of showers across parts of scotland, northern england and northern ireland. and some of these will continue overnight. but for many it is actually going to turn largely dry. there will be some clear skies around, but still that relatively warm, muqqy but still that relatively warm, muggy feel to things with temperatures, especially in your towns and cities. not really dropping a huge amount. as we look through tomorrow morning . look through tomorrow morning. then plenty of showers from the start across parts of scotland. these will be most frequent across western parts and here they will be quite heavy at times, even as we go through the morning, and we're going to see more as we go through the afternoon . eastern parts of afternoon. eastern parts of scotland starting the day largely dry and bright. scotland starting the day largely dry and bright . and here largely dry and bright. and here it should stay mostly fine through large chunks of the day, some showers feeding in across parts of northern ireland, northwest england drier and brighter further east. 1 or 2 showers, perhaps for wales and
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south—west england , but the south—west england, but the midlands, east anglia and southern south eastern parts should have a bright and fine start as we go through the day, though, we are going to see a few more showers developing. they are still going to be quite hit and miss in nature, relatively scattered for many of us. so especially across england and wales towards the east and south in particular, largely dry, but across scotland and northern ireland and northwest england. quite a few showers, some heavy, some thundery and temperatures likely to be up a little bit compared to today, with highs of around 24 or 25 celsius. feeling warm in any sunshine . more showers to come, sunshine. more showers to come, particularly towards the northwest as we go through tomorrow evening. a drier picture towards the south and southeast . more showers on southeast. more showers on saturday. some of them are looking pretty heavy , but a looking pretty heavy, but a ridge of high pressure is building, which brings a more settled, drier picture for sunday. by that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb. >> well .
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>> well. >> well. >> a very, very good afternoon to you. it's 4 pm. welcome to the martin daubney show on gb news. we're broadcasting live from the heart of westminster all across the uk. on today's show, standbys are here from the us vice presidents kamala harris, donald trump said he's not going to be nice about harris, who he called radical and a new victim . will harris, and a new victim. will harris, bite back? we'll bring you her speech live from houston, texas, shortly. and a police officer has been suspended after a video of a violent arrest went viral on social media. accusations of racism and protests followed , racism and protests followed, but with only half of the picture emerging, have the authorities once again bowed to the mob . and a man has been the mob. and a man has been remanded in custody after being charged with the attempted murder of an army officer.
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anthony hassan appeared in court this morning at the latest on that story. this hour, and prince harry's been at it again . prince harry's been at it again. he's been moaning about the media to the media once again. he's even claiming his war with the tabloids and not his wife was a central piece in destroying his relationship with the rest of the royals. and that's all coming between now and 6:00. once a show. always a delight to have your company. hundreds and hundreds of messages have come in today on the topic of that video from manchester airport, the police officer has been suspended. there were protests outside rochdale police station last night driven by a local politician who seems to want to divide the community. greater manchester mayor andy burnham spoke in the last hour calling for calm, saying the situation is more complicated and nuanced.
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wise words well spoken because a previous incident seems to intimate very clearly. an assault on officers, including a female officer . that evidence female officer. that evidence hasn't come out, and yet half of social media seems to have already made its mind up . send already made its mind up. send your views in but now it's your headlines with polly middlehurst . middlehurst. >> martin, thank you and good afternoon to you. >> let's bring you the top story today from the gb newsroom. >> a police officer has been suspended from all duties after a video emerged online showing someone being kicked during an altercation at manchester airport . airport. >> greater manchester police says three of its officers were seriously injured when they attended to reports of an assault in the airport car park, which happened before the events seen in the video, with one female police officer suffering a broken nose. four men were arrested on suspicion of assault and affray, and the police
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watchdog has launched an investigation. the prime minister says he understands concern over the footage and the mayor of greater manchester, andy burnham, has appealed for calm. well, also in the news today, a man has been charged with attempted murder after the stabbing of a uniformed british army officer in kent . 24 year army officer in kent. 24 year old anthony ison has been remanded in custody after appearing in court today. he was arrested near his home in rochester just 30 minutes arrested near his home in rochesterjust 30 minutes after rochester just 30 minutes after the violent attack. he's also been charged with possession of an offensive weapon in a public place. it's after lieutenant colonel mark teetan , who's in colonel mark teetan, who's in his 40s, was stabbed near brompton barracks in gillingham on tuesday evening. he remains in hospital. he's in a serious but stable condition . politics but stable condition. politics and former immigration minister robert jenrick says he'll stand for the leadership of the conservative party, promising to win back voters who switched to reform uk. he's the third conservative to throw his hat into the ring, afterjames cleverly and tom tugendhat . mr
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cleverly and tom tugendhat. mr cleverly says he's best placed to unite the party after their crushing election defeat. but tom tugendhat says the conservatives have lost trust after failing to deliver lower taxes and immigration. the prime minister says offshore wind will soon power 20 million british homes as he launched the new state owned gb energy. speaking dunng state owned gb energy. speaking during a visit to an engineering facility in the north—west of england, sir keir starmer said the firm's partnership with the crown estate would help turbocharge britain's transition to clean energy . to clean energy. >> now there is a massive prize within our reach and make no mistake, the race is on to get there. until now, i feel like we've been sort of tying up our laces in the changing room. no more . i don't just want to be in more. i don't just want to be in the for race clean energy. i want us to win the race for clean energy. and why not? we have got the potential. we have
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got the ports. we have got the people, the skills , and now we people, the skills, and now we have got a mission driven government . government. >> now the nhs is urging blood donors to come forward amid an urgent shortage of certain blood types . the health service has types. the health service has issued an amber alert after national stocks of o issued an amber alert after national stocks of 0 negative 0 and positive blood types fell to unprecedented , unprecedented low unprecedented, unprecedented low levels. it's understood that the recent cyber attacks in london hospitals and more people missing appointments has contributed to the shortage. hospitals are being asked to restrict transfusions of o hospitals are being asked to restrict transfusions of 0 blood types to essential cases only, and use substitutions where possible to just stop oil activists have been found guilty of criminal damage after throwing tinned soup over vincent van gogh's sunflowers painting in 2022, anna holland and phoebe plummer, who are both 22, damaged the celebrated
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artist sunflowers work, which is on display at london's national gallery. they threw two tins of tomato soup over the 1888 work, which is covered by glass, incidentally, before kneeling down in front of the painting and then gluing their hands to the wall, a 40 year old man has become the first person to be charged under the new xl bully laws. ashley warren was charged over the death of esther martyn, who was killed by two xl bully dogsin who was killed by two xl bully dogs in essex in february. it's the first case of its kind since new laws on owning xl bully dog types came into force this year , types came into force this year, and the first trailer for a new movie about one of the world's most influential musicians has just arrived. take a look. >> we got a feeling we were getting a glimpse of the future . getting a glimpse of the future. where have you been? >> my blue eyed son? >> my blue eyed son? >> can you guess who that is? it's the story of bob dylan. if
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you're listening on radio a little bit more difficult to tell. he's played by timothee chalamet, starting with his new arrival in new york in the early 60s and continuing through his life , the actor himself life, the actor himself consulted his friend austin butler, who recently played elvis presley, for advice on transforming himself for the role, which features all his own singing. a complete unknown is expected to hit movie theatres later this year. should be a good watch . those are the latest good watch. those are the latest gb news headlines. for now, i'm polly middlehurst. i'm back in half an hour. i'll see you then . half an hour. i'll see you then. >> for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone, sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code, or go to forward slash alerts . forward slash alerts. >> thank you polly. and we start today with the fallout from the
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incident where a police officer kicked a man in the head as he lay on the floor, and a warning that some viewers might find the following images distressing. greater manchester police have suspended a firearms officer after the scenes, which is said to have happened at manchester airport on tuesday last night, an estimated 200 people protested outside rochdale police station , shouting shame police station, shouting shame on you and even allah akbar. i'm joined now by gb. news, homeland security editor, mark white mark, welcome to the show. so the officer suspended. i've never seen the gb news inbox this busy mark white people are hugely, hugely concerned that the policeman was thrown under the policeman was thrown under the bus that we are seeing a return to very divided communities in the aftermath of this incident. mark white what's the latest ? the latest? >> well, the police have been warning for some time about the dangers of these viral videos that come out and selectively choose a clip of an incident
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that can often turn violent in the latter stages of an incident that puts the police in a bad light. they never show what led up to that actual confrontation and arrest of an individual. only the violence that the police are having to employ when they are dealing with someone who is potentially being a violent offender. and this particular incident, i think , particular incident, i think, falls into that category as as far as many members of the police service and indeed many of our audiences are concerned , of our audiences are concerned, because this is just the very latter stages of an incident that began quite a few minutes earlier when police were responding to reports of an assault in the multi—storey car park at terminal two at manchester airport. they had identified a suspect they were going to detain him. that suspect, according to the police, was then resisting along
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with other males who joined in and fought the police knocked three officers to the ground and badly assaulted them, including a female police officer who suffered a broken nose in the incident. and all the while, of course, those armed officers were rushing to the scene to try to support their colleagues who were at this time under attack. and the viral video that's out there shows up very latter stage when the reinforcements have arrived and are taking control of the situation . it doesn't of the situation. it doesn't show any of the officers being assaulted. earlier on. we've obtained another bit of video that shows just slightly earlier on in the sequence, just as those backup armed officers are arriving and the officers who have been assaulted are pointing out some of the suspects, some of the men that they say were responsible for assaulting them. this is the video and how it
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looks . who is coming up. looks. who is coming up. >> you don't come, you don't come up. no, we ain't going no where. no one civilians. no no no no no no no we have not done nothing. >> we have not done nothing. >> we have not done nothing. >> look, we have not done nothing. we are just according. >> can go home. you are showing you can go. no not me . you can go. no not me. >> and as far as those arrested are concerned, for people who have been arrested for affray and assaulting police officers, two of them have now been released. their lawyer posted a video on social media saying that they are now going to lodge a formal complaint against greater manchester police. this is what they said . is what they said. >> they were released not long ago from cheadle police station. they then had to make their own way to the hospital, but in
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reality, because they've had a head injuries, it was the police duty to take them to a hospital, but nevertheless they made their own way . and now i've documented own way. and now i've documented the injuries and we are headed to rochdale police station to make a formal complaint of assault and wounding . assault and wounding. >> so these viral videos really show the whole story. and on this occasion, people are calling for calm, saying that that whole story is not evident in that small piece of video , as in that small piece of video, as graphic as it is that has been released . but we're still released. but we're still expecting that there will be people out again on the streets of rochdale, out at the police station protesting this evening , station protesting this evening, being called to come out by some of their community leaders who perhaps should know a bit better , perhaps should know a bit better, and mark white, the mayor of
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greater manchester, andy burnham. >> i think it's been excellent on this. he has said. this is not a clear cut situation . don't not a clear cut situation. don't exploit it for political purposes and mark white, one of the individuals who was calling for people to mass last night at rochdale police station as jack khan. he previously stood as a candidate for george galloway's workers party. but mark, i'm getting so many people mailing me in with the big question. i'd like to relay it to you because you're the expert, cassandra says this where is the video of the thugs assaulting the woman or breaking the police woman's noses? these incidents came before the police's action on the floor of the airport. let's see what actually happened. mark white. what's the procedure in the police releasing their body cam evidence or cctv that in, in a way vindicates their previous actions. do you think we'll ever see that evidence? so we see both sides of this picture. >> well, our viewers and listeners are absolutely correct to try to point out the absence
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of the video of what happened earlier when these police officers were at the centre of a very violent confrontation and being kicked to the ground, whoever posted the viral videos has not posted what happened in the minutes leading up to that, whether that video exists or not. body worn camera video from those officers that were attacked will exist, but for evidential purposes. the police are bound by that . they can't are bound by that. they can't release that footage at this stage because it could be prejudicial. bearing in mind four people have been arrested and at some stage may face a prosecution. so once all of the proceedings have been dealt with, the independent investigation into how this officer acted has been dealt with, then maybe, just maybe, we'll get this body worn camera released. but then again, maybe not with policing leaders, perhaps reluctant to do anything
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more to inflame tensions in their community. >> but surely people are saying if there was greater manchester police are being very, very clear that this was a there was a previous assault on officers, as you said, they required hospital treatment, a serious situation. so what kind of person assaults a woman, a police officer in an airport that will that will colour this case? certainly evidentially , case? certainly evidentially, but nevertheless it's a key key part of this. if that story exists, then the public will have a right at some point, surely, to see that. >> well, yeah. i mean, the police are hamstrung a bit. you know, they they just can't because they would be found in, you know, in breach basically of criminal law in any potential court case if they were seen as prejudicing it by allowing this body worn camera footage to come out before those proceedings. so it will have to wait until the
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end of the proceedings unless someone else, some other citizen, has filmed it on their phone and they posted on social media. thus far, it's only been those that have been determined to show us the very end of this process. but while that is all the video that exists, that's all that those that are perhaps getting inflamed by what they have seen on that video are going to see and be subjected to. so that is a worry for the police going forward. having seen these scenes in rochdale and having seen what has happened just a week ago in leeds, the potential for a repeat of that kind of, disruption on the streets and disorder is something that is deeply concerning for policing leaders . leaders. >> mark white an excellent summary as ever. thank you very much for joining summary as ever. thank you very much forjoining us on gb news now. join me now to continue this conversation. as the former metropolitan detective chief superintendent, kevin hurley. kevin, welcome to the show. i've
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never seen the inbox this busy. kevin. and i have to say, the vast majority of people are hugely supportive of the police understanding. there was a previous incident . greater previous incident. greater manchester police very, very clear on that. an assault on officers. but we've only seen half the picture here, kevin. and now community tensions are flat. i want to ask you operationally during that heat of the moment when the backup officers, it was a separate bunch of lads came in to help the officers who were already had been assaulted and under distress at an airport. they're carrying firearms. they're on a heightened state of security . heightened state of security. tensions run high. and in those instances, kevin , do you think instances, kevin, do you think the force used was proportionate? it's their job to take control of the situation . take control of the situation. >> well, we don't i don't know exactly what happened , but i'll exactly what happened, but i'll give you my view or my take in an act of misogynistic violence which may or may not have been culturally driven. a policewoman had a broken nose broken, was punched to the floor, as did two
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others, and they will have been screaming for help. but they were under attack. firearms officers would have sprinted to that incident, not knowing if they were under attack from terrorists or just hooligans. as they arrive on scene, they're going to want to act decisively and they're not want to going to want their firearms taken off them. so if i now look at that one chap who's turned up, i can see two policewomen standing around relatively and effectively, and i can see two suspects. and he's rushed in to the rescue. he's taken what appears to be robust, decisive action. and it doesn't look nice. and he then goes to on take down another person, single handedly. and you'll note the other female officers are doing nothing at this stage. finally, one is starting to get involved while the other one's moving around. so from what i'm seeing is this guy is steamed in. he's taken command, it will for be him to explain why he used that level of violence. but i can
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tell you now that having responded to urgent calls for help from my colleagues, particularly females, when they're assaulted, particularly if three officers have already been knocked down, i personally would never have messed around. >> and i never did. and i would use extreme violence if i had to gain compliance, especially if i'm one against two, as it looks like here. >> so there's a different side to this story. rough people need to this story. rough people need to do violence on our behalf since we can sleep safe in bed at night, and a further point on i'm concerned about these comments about worried about community tension. and so on. the bottom line is, it would seem to me a number of pakistani males have assaulted police at the airport. they've knocked three down, broken one police officer's nose, and now a lot of pakistani people outside rochdale police station are demonstrating. fine. let them if they play up, suppress them with baton rounds or whatever numbers
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are used. we cannot allow people to assault people. our police officers , particularly women, officers, particularly women, onesin officers, particularly women, ones in our airports where we go about our business. now, as to the individual actions of that officer, that will need to be judged once they've got all the video cameras in, they've heard what he's got to say and everyone else. but i'm not going to prejudge him and say he went over the top because i see a guy rushing to the rescue of two female officers after three have been put on the floor, knocked down and hospitalised. so let's see. i take a view . maybe this see. i take a view. maybe this guy was pretty decisive, brave and robust. >> kevin hurley , you police in a >> kevin hurley, you police in a different era. we are in a very different era. we are in a very different time now, and a lot of people actually been writing into us here saying they would welcome a return to a more robust, direct action police service . we had more of that, service. we had more of that, maybe less. these incidents would start in the first place. but nevertheless, this is 2024. kevin hurley and the officer has been suspended. do you think
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that's the right thing to do? >> well, i don't know. they may have seen other evidence, but i'm quite be quite clear. i suspect in an act of, appeasement, senior police officers , without having all the officers, without having all the full facts, have decided, let's suspend them to stop the pakistani community up in rochdale. frankly, kicking off and this growing more legs because unfortunately. and i see this all the time, you've now got the home secretary who hasn't seen it starting to pass. comment. you've got the prime minister passing comment. fair play minister passing comment. fair play to andy burnham who's actually up there in the middle of it. and seen some of the video. he's taking a more measured approach. i do wish people who were commentating this would wait and see the other side of the picture, the bottom line is , if police bottom line is, if police officers are going to be pilloried and thrown under the bus in these kind of situations immediately, don't be surprised when we do see continually police officers backing off and running away like they did the
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other week in leeds. you can't blame them. let's wait and see if what this guy did was correct. once you see everything i'm not going to gain saying i'm looking at it and saying he came to the rescue. he got stuck in whether or not kicking the guy in the head or stamping on his head was a remains to be seen, but i can tell you, in my policing career with difficult situations, i've used extreme violence on people, including banging their head repeatedly on the floor when they were trying to kill me . so when you're in a to kill me. so when you're in a street fight, it's not nice. it looks bad on camera . looks bad on camera. >> kevin hooley, thank you for being so frank and honest and open. i'm sure many people watching the show will be agreeing with your sentiments. that's that's the former met detective chief superintendent kevin hurley. thank you very much for your wisdom and experience. now i have lots more on that story. of course, at 5:00 there's plenty of coverage on our website,, and you've helped to make it the fastest growing national news website in the country . now, website in the country. now, there's still plenty of time to grab your chance to win £30,000
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derby d19, double t, uk. only entrants must be 18 or over. lines close at 5 pm. on the 30th of august. please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand. good luck guys! >> looking now yesterday i told you how the royal family's crown estate have returned record profits of more than £1 billion. i'm going to explain why they're quids in again today, thanks to one of the government's main policies, the labour party are going to make the king a packet. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news
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>> heavy newspapers getting you down. >> my wife didn't divorce me that month. >> struggling to separate the wheat from the chaff. >> i know that it's a bit of a circus. at the best of times. >> well, don't worry, headliners has got you covered. >> we'll take the burden of reading the day's news. and if we get depressed, who cares? it's an occupational hazard , frankly. >> that's headliners on gb news
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from 11 pm. till midnight and the following morning five till 6 am. on gb. >> news , the comedy channel. >> news, the comedy channel. >> news, the comedy channel. >> now. >> now. >> just kidding. britain's news channel. >> welcome back. it's 428 i'm martin daubney on gb news later in the show across live to wethersfield in essex. after locals fought plans to house migrants on a former raf base. now they could end up having a new mega prison built on the same site. now let's bring you an update on the police officer who's been suspended after a man was kicked on the head as he lay on the floor and a solicitor representing two of the men involved in the incident said the people who were allegedly assaulted are family members of assaulted are family members of a greater manchester police officer, ahmed mohammed yakub added that the incident was an example of police brutality and ihave example of police brutality and i have much more on this story at 5:00 now. sir keir starmer has been talking about one of his government's flagship
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policies today and the good news for king charles, as it's going to make the royals an absolute stack of money. the prime minister has promised that great british energy will work with the monarchy's property firm to help speed up the building of offshore wind farms. the crown estate owns the vast majority of britain's seabed stretching up to 12 nautical miles from the mainland. sir keir says great british energy will bring down energy bills for good. but is that the case? >> renewable energy is a reliable source of energy and meet our mission, which is to have clean power by 2030 and the best selling point, if you like, for that , for the general for that, for the general public, is that their bills will go down and they will go down not just for a short time, but for the long term. and that will come as a huge relief. i think , come as a huge relief. i think, to families and businesses across the country . across the country. >> well, this is what the conservatives shadow energy secretary claire coutinho, had to say about labour's announcement earlier. >> so firstly, let me say that
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gb energy is a gimmick. >> what we now know is not only is it not going to generate energy, but it's not going to provide the savings that labour talked about in the election because actually, labour mp after labour mp said that gb energy would save their constituents £300 and today they haven't been able to commit to that figure because actually we know it's not true and in fact , know it's not true and in fact, labour's approach to energy is going to hike costs for families who have already been through a difficult time , increase our difficult time, increase our reliance on china and put our overall energy security at risk . overall energy security at risk. >> and let's cross live now to houston in texas, where us vice president kamala harris is speaking to the american federation of teachers, with everyone here. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> that means so, so, so much more than i can say, randi, thank you for your friendship, your long standing friendship . your long standing friendship. >> as we all know, randi is a force , and she has been an force, and she has been an incredible friend, and an adviser to the president and me. >> and i want to thank you on
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behalf of the president and me and our country for all that you are. >> and i want to begin by saying a few words about our president, joe biden. you know, right . joe biden. you know, right. yeah. yeah >> so last night, our president addressed the nation and he showed once again what true leadership looks like. >> he really did his his words were poignant. >> you know, i'll speak in a moment about the importance of reminding people of history , reminding people of history, teaching america's true history . teaching america's true history. he he thinks and talks about his work and our country , work and our country, understanding what it means in terms of what we do now and how that will impact the future. he thinks about our history and the context of the importance of the work we do now. and over the past three and a half years, and
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over his entire career, joe has led with grace and strength and bold vision and deep compassion. and as he said , that's right. and as he said, that's right. and as he said, that's right. and as he said, that's right. and as he said, in the next six months, he will continue to fight for the american people. and i know we are all deeply , and i know we are all deeply, deeply grateful for his continued service to our nation . continued service to our nation. thank you . thank you . and to the thank you. thank you. and to the members of aft, i thank you for your service to our nation . from your service to our nation. from the public service workers and higher education faculty to the school bus drivers and the custodians, to the school nurses and our teachers, you all do god's work educating our
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children. the whole ecosystem of who our aft members. it is you who our aft members. it is you who have taken on the most noble of work, which is to concern yourself with the well—being of the children of america. and i thank you for that. i thank you for that. and i thank you also for that. and i thank you also for your support over the years and for being the first union to endorse me this week . endorse me this week. thank you. i thank you , i thank thank you. i thank you, i thank you . and as you may know, i am a you. and as you may know, i am a proud product of public education. many of you know that my first grade teacher, mrs.
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frances wilson, god rest her soul , taught me and educated me soul, taught me and educated me and encouraged me and inspired me. and years later , when me. and years later, when i walked across the stage to receive my law school diploma, mrs. frances wilson was in the audience. yeah yeah . audience. yeah yeah. >> and as the that's kamala harris there, speaking in houston, texas, at the american federation of teachers convention, she started off by paying convention, she started off by paying kind words to president joe biden, saying last night, joe biden, saying last night, joe showed what true leadership looked like. his words were poignant. joe has led with grace , poignant. joe has led with grace, conviction and deep compassion. over the next six months, he will continue to lead the usa. and then she turned to teachers. the reason she was there . she the reason she was there. she announced that this teachers union, the american federation of teachers, is the first union to endorse her campaign . this to endorse her campaign. this week. there was a huge round of
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applause at that point. so kamala harris has the backing of this. american teachers union. she then said that she was the proud product of public teaching, trying to make the line there that she has no privilege in her life. so, yeah, she's speaking there at this convention and we'll have plenty more on that later in the show. now, if you want to get in touch, simply go to and i'll read out the best of your messages a little later in the show. so far , little later in the show. so far, hundreds and hundreds on suspension of the manchester teacher manchester policemen beg your pardon, i'm martin daubney
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>> hi there. i'm michelle dewberry, and i'm going to take a second to tell you all about my show dewbs& co. >> we start off with the issues of the day. >> we then bring in both sides of the arguments. >> we get rid of the disrespect, and then you throw me into the mix. >> and trust me, i'll tell it exactly how it is . and then, of
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exactly how it is. and then, of course, the magic ingredient. >> you at home, we mix it all together. >> and what have we got in my opinion, the best debate show in town. >> monday to friday, 6 to 7 on gb. news >> britain's news channel . >> britain's news channel. >> britain's news channel. >> welcome back. time is four 4939. even i'm martin daubney on gb news now. later in the show i discuss prince harry's latest big interview and guess what? he's been moaning about the media again. to the media, you couldn't make it up. but before that, a man has appeared in court charged with the attempted murder of an army officer in uniform near a barracks, anthony hasan is accused of repeatedly stabbing lieutenant colonel mark teetan in gillingham on tuesday. our national reporter charlie peters was inside medway magistrates court >> a man has been remanded in custody after being charged with the attempted murder of an army officer in gillingham on tuesday
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evening. anthony hassan, aged 24, is accused of repeatedly stabbing lieutenant colonel mark teetan, who was airlifted to hospital on tuesday after the incident near his barracks. now appearing at medway magistrates court this morning, anthony eastham was asked to confirm his name, his address and his date of birth , but repeatedly asked of birth, but repeatedly asked why he later refused to sit down when told to do so. he also appeared in the dock in cuffs , appeared in the dock in cuffs, which is highly unusual. the crown prosecution service says that people should only be restrained in the dock if they have concerns about violence. now the prosecution put out their reason for these charges today, saying that a member of the public called 999 after they saw a man being stabbed repeatedly. mr hassan was also charged with possession of an offensive weapon after knives were recovered. both at the scene and at his home in
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rochester, where he was arrested on tuesday evening. anthony hassan, aged 24, will appear at maidstone crown court on august 22nd. >> now the race to replace rishi sunak as tory leader is hotting up less than 24 hours after nominations opened. three mps james cleverly, tom tugendhat and robert jenrick have now said that they will stand in that race and i'm joined in the studio by gb news reporter adam cherry. adam, welcome to the studio . so james cleverly studio. so james cleverly yesterday said only i can unite the tories, but two people don't think that's the case. tell us more. >> yeah. so we've got tom tugendhat and robert jenrick both coming out very punchy today in their leadership pitches. tom tugendhat especially interesting given his position within the party. he's seen as aa1 nation, a bit of a moderate and yet he's, very clearly saying he's willing to leave the echr for the sake of reducing migration. clearly feeling that pull from the right. robert jenrick has been saying similar things, but we expected that because he
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resigned from government over this, this issue in december, it's more surprising from tugendhat and actually our own jacob rees—mogg has sat down with tom tugendhat today for an extended interview. full thing is going to air 8:00 tonight, so we'll have to tune in for the full thing, but we have got a small teaser of what to expect, which i think we're going to take a quick look at now. jul said he would like to come in. >> would you welcome him or would you say , no, no, no. look, would you say, no, no, no. look, i think i think nigel has made his position clear, but i'm asking your position. would you want him in? look, i think nigel has made his position clear. what i would want him to do is to champion conservative views. and i haven't heard him doing that in favour of the conservative party for a little while. he's championed some conservative views, but very much in terms of other parties. he needs to champion the conservative party, as you know, as well as conservative views, but you accept . but you accept. >> you know, adam, i've been saying all along as no doubt you have to the conservatives have got a nigel farage shaped problem specifically going out here in that pitch, the echr pitch to try and neutralise the
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farage factor. do you think that the right man to do it is tom tugendhat ? tugendhat? >> look, i think he's got an uphill battle. i think, to be honest, i think this is a wide open race and there's a long way to go before we can make any clearjudgements to go before we can make any clear judgements on this. i mean, we'll talk about the what the where the money's going in a minute with the bookies odds, but with tugendhat specifically, as i said, he comes from the one nafion as i said, he comes from the one nation wing, so he has some convincing to do, but they all face the same problem of convincing the electorate, or specifically the tory membership, that, yeah, we have experience and we're the right person to execute this, but we also represent change. how do you do that when your fingerprints are all over? a lot of these problems that are the reason they're in such a bad way in the first place. and it's something they're all going to struggle with over the next three and a half months. now, as i said, we have got the bookies odds here. yeah. this is quite telling. you know, money put your money where your mouth is.
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so let's take a look at this. suella braverman 33 to 1. i mean, she's completely crashing out. mel stride 25 to 1. he's really struggling with momentum as well. we don't expect him really to get anywhere in this race. priti patel 9 to 1, cleverly 6 to 1. tom tugendhat 7 to 2. robert jenrick 3 to 1. and the favourite is someone who hasn't actually declared yet. and that's kemi badenoch at 2 to 1. now, as i say this, i think this contest is still wide open. so you know, i won't toss 100 on on one of these just yet, but it's telling. >> let's quickly talk about robert jenrick. he's thrown his hat in the ring and again , hat in the ring and again, specifically seems to be the candidate who's positioning himself as the most likely to be able to neutralise the nigel farage factor. do you think he's the man to do that job? >> well, he's been on a bit of a journey. he was again seen as one of these moderates and actually, you know, people forget he was let go from boris johnson's cabinet as communities and housing secretary in 2021. and then he's been on this sort of road to damascus on, on the right. and by december 23rd, as
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immigration minister, he quit because the government weren't taking the problem seriously. seriously enough. i think he's a credible contender. you know , credible contender. you know, whether he's going to be the prime minister in five years. look, i don't have a crystal ball, but i think they're going to be. it's a real uphill struggle. whoever picks up the mantle, is he credible? yes, but i think there are some problems there on on credibility and seriousness and kemi badenoch yet to announce, of course, but adam cherry, the bookies favourite already. >> lots of stuff to watch. thank you very much for joining us >> lots of stuff to watch. thank you very much forjoining us and you very much for joining us and giving us that update. you can hear a brand new interview as adam cherry just mentioned, with tom tugendhat on state of the nafion tom tugendhat on state of the nation and that's from 8:00 this evening right here on gb news with jacob rees—mogg. now the olympics starts in paris tomorrow and there's chaos in the french capital. homeless people have been protesting in the city while around 600,000 tickets for the games have not even been sold. it's all gone. pete tong in paris i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel
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welcome back. it's 449. i'm martin daubney on gb news now . the olympics in paris news now. the olympics in paris kicks off tomorrow, but there might be in store for a whole host of problems. the river seine, which is meant to host open water swimming and triathlon events next week, could be classed as unsafe due to pollution , and around 600,000 to pollution, and around 600,000 tickets for the games have not even been sold. while homeless asylum seekers have been protesting in the city, demanding they get social housing. well, joining me now is the political broadcaster at bfm tv, antonin andre. welcome to the show, antonin. hello so we're painting a picture here of a city where there's not much bonhomie in the air. and is it any surprise that the tickets aren't selling out? almost
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,3,000 to watch some of the events, ,700 to watch the swimming? is there wonder swimming? is there any wonder there's not much good spirit in there's not much good spirit in the air? tell us more . the air? tell us more. >> yes, but you know it's always the same before olympic games. >> you saw that in london also when , the olympic games were when, the olympic games were there. and just before there is a lot of politics. but here in france we have not the same picture than you have in england, there is a lot of people and we feel that tourist is are arriving now by now these days just at just these days for the openings of the olympics game and there is a there is a problem, there is an issue. >> yes, it's true with the, with the, with lausanne . where, where the, with lausanne. where, where there there will be, some, some athletes. but you know, we thought , we athletes. but you know, we thought, we think that a lot of, of, of infrastructures have made that have clean up the, the same and, if there are some storms, some big storm, it would be a problem. but as, as we know now,
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there is no problem to to, swim into the seine. but, you know, there are sad, sad spirits always are going away against the successful of this olympic games. >> anthony and the continual backdrop to any kind of event now seems to be a pro—palestine protest. there was one at the football yesterday. israel played marley. some pro—palestine protesters got into there. there was scuffles. they were holding up palestine flags . and a french politician flags. and a french politician from the hard left said that the israelis weren't even welcome in france. that's casting a sour note over proceedings to yes, you are right, it's one of the main issues. >> i think by now in the climate of this olympic games, you know, there were , there is a left hand there were, there is a left hand parties in france which are very in favour of palestinian people, and they , they are against the, and they, they are against the, the israel state. and there is a lot of politic battle this,
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this, this year and this month. and there is a climate very, very hateful against israel, among the left right party politics, parties. but i think that the securities and the official, the official issues about the government, about israel and the, the olympic, games will be all right. but, you know, you can't you can't prevent some incidents like flags, like little manifestations, but they are very few, i think. and i think when the, when the olympic games will, will be there and in the, in the main course , i think all in the main course, i think all that, all these problems will be, will be covered by the, the laughs and the applause of the pubuc laughs and the applause of the public and the world, which is in a in city and ceremony never seen in the history of the olympic games. >> okay, good. well, the opening
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ceremony is tomorrow night. let's hope it goes without event. thanks very much for joining us, antonin andre, always a pleasure. thank you very much. now before we go to the end of the hour, i want to get through some of your essays. and we've had hundreds and hundreds of them about the manchester airport police attack. they've says this. they decided to attack the police, which could lead to any real dangen which could lead to any real danger. who knows what weapons they could have had ? the police they could have had? the police must be in control by whatever means. emily adds this. the kick was awful , but what force was was awful, but what force was used to break that? policewoman's nose? welcome back, i say, to 1980s policing criminals and those causing disorder have had it too soft for too long, and i fully support these officers . but support these officers. but let's wait to see the full video . let's wait to see the full video. there are two sides to every story and cassandra adds this. where is that video of the thugs assaulting the woman or breaking the police woman's nose? these incidents came before the police's action on the floor of the airport. let's see what actually happened and mal quickly adds this. let's get an
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interview with the female police officer with a broken nose and see what she has got to say to give it some balance . now a give it some balance. now a police officer has been suspended after that video, which showed a man being kicked as he lay on that floor and a solicitor representing two of the men involved in the incident said the people who were allegedly assaulted are family members of a greater manchester police officer. that's a plot twist few saw coming. we'll have the full details on that story after this. i'm martin daubney on gb news britain's luciano. now let's have your weather and it's alex burkill. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb news >> hello again. here's your latest gb news, weather forecast from the met office. the relatively changeable feel to the weather is going to continue as we go through the end of the
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week. yes, there will be some dry, bright weather at times , dry, bright weather at times, but also something a bit wet to come to the heavier rain that we've seen across southern parts due to a waving frontal system is now clearing away towards the east, but there will still be some outbreaks of rain across southern parts as we go through this evening, and plenty of showers across parts of scotland , showers across parts of scotland, northern england and northern ireland. and some of these will continue overnight. but for many it is actually going to turn largely dry. there will be some clear skies around, but still that relatively warm, muggy feel to things with temperatures , to things with temperatures, especially in your towns and cities not really dropping a huge amount as we look through tomorrow morning. then plenty of showers from the start across parts of scotland . these will be parts of scotland. these will be most frequent across western parts and here they will be quite heavy at times, even as we go through the morning and we're going to see more as we go through the afternoon. eastern parts of scotland starting the day largely dry and bright. and here it should stay mostly fine through large chunks of the day. some showers feeding in across parts of northern ireland, northwest england dry and brighter further east. 1 or 2 showers, perhaps for wales and
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south—west england, but the midlands , east anglia and midlands, east anglia and southern south eastern parts should have a bright and fine start. as we go through the day, though, we are going to see a few more showers developing. they are still going to be quite hit and miss in nature, relatively scattered for many of us. so especially across england and wales towards the east and south in particular, largely dry, but across scotland and northern ireland and northwest england. quite a few showers, some heavy, some thundery and temperatures likely to be up a little bit compared to today, with highs of around 24 or 25 celsius. feeling warm in any sunshine. more showers to come, particularly towards the northwest as we go through tomorrow evening. a drier picture towards the south and southeast . more showers on southeast. more showers on saturday. some of them are looking pretty heavy, but a ridge of high pressure is building, which brings a more settled, drier picture for sunday. by by looks like things are heating up . are heating up. >> boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb
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>>a >> a very good afternoon to you. it's 5:00 pm. and welcome to the martin daubney show on gb news broadcasting live from the heart of westminster all across the uk. on today's show, a police officer has been suspended after a video of a violent arrest went viral on social media. accusations of racism and protests followed, with only half of the picture emerging have the authorities once again bowed to the mob and days after it was announced that all of the asylum seekers will soon be moved out of raf wethersfield in essex , locals are once again up essex, locals are once again up in arms, this time it's emerged that today that the site could instead be converted into a mega jail. i'll be joined by the head of a local campaign group who's blasted the decision as stupid and prince andrew. prince harry, beg your pardon has been at it
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again. he's been moaning about the media, to the media. he's even claiming his war with the tabloids was a central piece in destroying his relationship with the rest of the royals, and not his wife. and that's all coming between now and 6:00. thank you for joining me. always forjoining me. always a pleasure to have your company. the story that's captivating you today has been that incident at manchester airport yesterday. the officer suspended and dramatic breaking news in the last few minutes. two of the men arrested . their lawyer has just arrested. their lawyer has just released a statement claiming they have a family member in the greater manchester police force and that this is an example of police brutality . get in touch police brutality. get in touch with your views on that. so far as i say, i've never seen the inbox this busy. get in touch forward slash your say that's the way to do it. but now it's your headlines and it's
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polly middlehurst. >> martin thank you and good evening to you. well, as you've been hearing, a police officer has been suspended from his dufies has been suspended from his duties after video emerged appearing to show someone being kicked during an altercation at manchester airport. greater manchester airport. greater manchester police says three of its officers were seriously injured when they first of all, attended to reports of an assault in the car park, which happened before the events seen in the video , which included in the video, which included a female officer suffering a broken nose. a solicitor representing two of the men involved says they're family members of a greater manchester police officer. four men were arrested on suspicion of assault and affray, and the police watchdog has now launched an investigation. meanwhile, a man has been charged with attempted murder after the stabbing of a uniformed british army officer in kent. 24 year old anthony ison has been remanded in custody after appearing in court today. he was arrested near his home in rochester 30 minutes
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after the violent attack. he's also been charged with possession of an offensive weapon in a public place. he's back in court next month. that comes after lieutenant colonel mark teetan, who's in his 40s, was stabbed near brompton barracks in gillingham on tuesday evening. he remains in hospital in a serious but stable condition . now the former condition. now the former immigration minister, robert jenrick, will stand for the leadership of the conservative party, promising to win back voters who switched to reform uk. he's the third tory to throw their hat into the ring after james cleverly and tom tugendhat just last night. mr cleverly says he's best placed to unite the party after a crushing election defeat. but tom tugendhat says the conservatives have lost trust after failing to deliver low taxes and immigration. the prime minister has been speaking today saying offshore wind will soon power 20 million british homes as he
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launched the new state owned gb energy . speaking launched the new state owned gb energy. speaking during a visit to an engineering plant in the north—west of england, sir keir starmer said the firm's partnership with the crown estate would help turbocharge britain's transition to clean energy. >> now there is a massive prize within our reach and make no mistake , the race is on to get mistake, the race is on to get there. until now, i feel like we've been sort of tying up our laces in the changing room. no more . i don't just want to be in more. i don't just want to be in the for race clean energy. i want us to win the race for clean energy. and why not? we have got the potential we have got the ports. we have got the people, the skills , and now we people, the skills, and now we have got a mission driven government . government. >> the nhs is urging blood donors to come forward amid an urgent shortage of certain blood types. the health service has issued an amber alert after national stocks of o issued an amber alert after national stocks of 0 negative and o
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national stocks of 0 negative and 0 positive blood types fell to unprecedented low levels. it's understood that the recent cyber attacks affecting london hospitals and more people missing appointments has contributed to the shortage. hospitals are now being asked to restrict transfusions of o hospitals are now being asked to restrict transfusions of 0 blood types to essential cases only two just stop oil activists have been found guilty of criminal damage after throwing tinned soup over vincent van goghs sunflowers painting in 2022. anna holland and phoebe plummer, who are both 22, damaged the painting, which is on display at london's national gallery by throwing two tins of soup over the 19 over the 1888 work, which is protected incidentally by a layer of glass. they then knelt before the painting and glued their hands to the wall. a 40 year old man has become the first person to be charged under the new xl bully dog laws. ashley warren was charged over the death of esther warren , who the death of esther warren, who was killed by two xl bully dogs
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in essex in february. it's the first case of its kind since new laws on owning xl bully dogs came into force this year. and the first trailer for a new film about one of the world's most influential musicians has just arrived. >> we got a feeling we were getting a glimpse of the future . getting a glimpse of the future. where have you been? >> my blue eyed son? >> my blue eyed son? >> and it is, of course, the story of bob dylan, played by actor timothee chalamet. starting with his arrival in new york and the early 60s. the actor consulting austin butler, who recently played elvis presley for advice on transforming himself for the role, which features all his own singing. a complete unknown is the name of the film expected to hit cinemas later this year. those are the latest gb news headunes. those are the latest gb news headlines . for now, i'm polly headlines. for now, i'm polly middlehurst. i'm back in half an
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houn middlehurst. i'm back in half an hour. see you then for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone, sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code or go to forward slash alerts . slash alerts. >> thank you very much, polly. now we start with the fallout from the incident where a police officer kicked a man in the head as he lay on the floor, and a warning that some viewers might find the following images distressing. greater manchester police has suspended a firearms officer after these shocking scenes, which is said to have happened at manchester airport on tuesday. last night, an estimated 200 people protested outside rochdale police station, shouting shame on you! and some even shouting allahu akbar! well, i'm joined now by gb news home and security editor mark white. mark, welcome to the show. so the images have gone viral, gone around the world, millions of views. the officer
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has been suspended. but of course , we've been saying all course, we've been saying all day mark white what we know so far only paints a part of the picture. hundreds and hundreds of messages coming into us here @gbnews today saying, what about the back story? what about the police officers who were assaulted? is that footage out there? and what is the reason that we got to this incident in the first place? mark. mike, what can you tell us? >> well, this viral video doesn't even paint half the story. it's the very end portion of what was a violent altercation in which the police say three of their officers were knocked to the ground and violently assaulted, including one police female officer who was smashed in the face and suffered a broken nose. the officers attending that scene were listening to their colleagues over the radio screaming for assistance on the open radio system that they have
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in the event of a distress call, they press a button and that allows their colleagues to hear everything that is going on. so they heard that the back up officers arrive on scene. and the video that we've been watching is really the moments after those backup officers arrive and try to gain control of a scene which has been very violent in which, as i say, it said that those officers were assaulted. we've obtained another piece of that viral video, which is just a few seconds before the incident where the chap is on the ground, just after some of those back up support officers arrive in this underground car park looking for that suspect, and the suspects are being pointed out to them by one of the officers who has just been assaulted. here's a look at that clip i was doing off camera . that clip i was doing off camera. >> you don't come up. no, we
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ain't do no we normal civilians. no, no no no no no no we have not done nothing . not done nothing. >> we have not done nothing. >> we have not done nothing. this recording . this recording. >> go home. you are showing he's getting locked up. no no, no, not me . not me. >> well, you can hear those people protesting their innocence . but really, when innocence. but really, when armed officers are arriving on the scene, knowing that colleagues have been assaulted, and there are violent individuals to be detained , they individuals to be detained, they just want to detain them, to get them down to the ground, to get them down to the ground, to get them handcuffed, to end the ongoing threat. they can argue their case at a later date. the police will tell you if you want to avoid a violent confrontation, then comply with their orders. when they detain you, when they place you under arrest. now, two of those four suspects who were arrested under
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charges of affray and assaulting members of the police have now been released from hospital. we've heard in the last hour one lawyer say that his client has a cyst on the brain. apparently after some kind of scan was taken at hospital . and in taken at hospital. and in another clip that's been released on social media, a lawyer is saying how they are going to go to the police station to lodge a formal complaint. let's take a listen to that . to that. >> they were released not long ago from cheadle police station. they then had to make their own way to the hospital, but in reality , because they've had a reality, because they've had a head injuries, it was the police duty to take them to a hospital. but nevertheless they made their own way. and now i've documented the injuries and we are headed to rochdale police station to
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make a formal complaint of assault and wounding . assault and wounding. >> so, of course, all eyes will be on what happened this evening. there are calls for more protests in rochdale outside the main police station. there it is the hope of course, of greater manchester police that calm our heads will prevail. but given what happened in leeds just a week ago, there is absolutely real concern of the potential for more violence andindeed the potential for more violence and indeed mark white greater manchester mayor andy burnham. >> i think, by the way, he's been excellent during this, he was saying this is not a clear cut situation. don't exploit it for political purposes. and one of the gentlemen calling for those, protests last night at rochdale police station jack carson, he's previously stood as a workers party candidate, one of george galloway's men. but can i ask you , mark white, so
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can i ask you, mark white, so many people are messaging in here to gb news asking about what's the procedural process now of that earlier footage of that body cam evidence, perhaps cctv within the airport that might tell us the full picture of how we reach this moment where things escalated. will that be made public any time soon? do you think mark white? >> well, not necessarily any time soon, but the hope is at some stage we will get to see once proceedings in the courts. and by this independent investigation, have concluded, we'll get to see just what happenedin we'll get to see just what happened in the minutes before those officers arrived to take control of the situation. because yes, there's body worn video camera footage from the officers that arrived to take control of the situation, but also from the officers that were subject to that assault in the minutes beforehand. so lots of cctv as always around any
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airport environment . and in airport environment. and in terms of the situation with regard to the viral video, well , regard to the viral video, well, as we've said, it shows the very end of that process. we'll have to ask those that posted these videos why they've only posted the very end and not the few minutes before when those officers were allegedly being assaulted. if that video exists, it would be nice if they were perhaps to post them and mark white the lawyer as raisi released a statement a short while ago now claiming this was an example of police brutality. >> and that's the kind of language mark white that is really going to antagonise matters on the ground. and as you said, looking ahead to this evening, more protests planned in rochdale. mark white this incident is far from over. >> well, yes, and not just some claiming it's a clear cut case of police brutality, but others
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claiming that it has racial overtones that these were white officers involved in detaining men of pakistani heritage . but men of pakistani heritage. but the people that are posting that neglect , the people that are posting that neglect, perhaps, or omit from their outrage that those men of pakistani heritage are also accused of assaulting those same white police officers. >> okay, mark white excellent summary as ever. thank you very much for joining summary as ever. thank you very much forjoining us here on gb news. now. joining me now is the activist and the labour party advocate ayesha ali khan. welcome to the show miss ali khan. so can i just talk to you about andy burnham has made a statement. i think andy burnham has been excellent in this, he said that this is not a clear cut situation. obviously there is a lot of evidence. we don't have our eyes or our hands on yet, which might paint a very different picture. and he then warns, don't exploit this for political purposes. may i ask
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you about what you think he meant there? because we mentioned a moment ago jacques khan, the gentleman calling for that protest outside rochdale police station last night, previously stood as a candidate for the workers party of britain, that of course, is george galloway's mob. do you reckon that this is now taking on an organised, joined up political aspect ? political aspect? >> i think, there is a danger and i agree with andy burnham, that if we were to go down the route of using this incident and exploiting it to cause further divisions amongst the communities, it's not going to be helpful. i don't agree with it whatsoever. i think, like you've just mentioned , martin, you've just mentioned, martin, we don't know the full story. we don't know what set off the police officers, obviously there are lots and lots of different, stories that have come about. i've seen text messages where the people involved, the young pakistani men, have said that their mum was pushed and she was attacked and they retaliated. other versions of events such as
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obviously the police official version of events has come out and they've accused , some, some and they've accused, some, some of these boys, some of these men, sorry, of attacking, three police officers and breaking one female police officer's nose . so female police officer's nose. so we don't know. and i'm really looking forward to watching, footage, whether it's from the body cam footage or whether it's from the cctv cameras that are obviously all over manchester airport to find out what what had happened in the lead up. for me, it's important not to let this escalate. and i completely agree that there are lots and lots of different parties that are just waiting to pounce and to, politicise and maximise, the sort of damage something like this could cause to community relations and community cohesion. so i do think we'll take a step back. let's take the heat out of the situation. we've already had. richard tice , the already had. richard tice, the reform leader as well, saying that, he felt reassured with the level of violence that was
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shown. that is not helpful ehhen shown. that is not helpful either. you've had people, obviously from the workers party. say we're going to, you know, protest and it's going to be something you've never seen before. that, for me, is also worrisome because the majority of muslims, pakistani muslims like myself living in the uk , we like myself living in the uk, we don't want to see race riots. we don't want to see race riots. we don't want to see, more of this. like division was on them, this for us is really worrying. and what's happened yesterday should not have happened as a pakistani muslim or that i travel a lot. by muslim or that i travel a lot. by the way, i'm constantly flying , i'm constantly flying, i'm constantly travelling. and oftentimes i will go with my son who has a beard, or my nephews who don't , beard, or my nephews who don't, but obviously the pakistani boys as well. and the footage that was shown like various different footage, not just, 1 or 2 videos, there was like countless about 7 or 8 videos now, showing different angles of what happened. but every single one of them shows the police , let's of them shows the police, let's be honest, being brutal,
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kicking, stamping butt. >> hang on, hang on. you've yourself said that there is a previous into the greater manchester police have been have been abundantly clear on the fact that officers were assaulted, including a woman who's had a nose broken. that's how the incident started. so, so to say that they were picked on because they were muslim lads or because they were muslim lads or because they were pakistani doesn't doesn't weigh up against the body of evidence. if an incident occurred and we only saw the tail end of it, do you think it's helpful as as has happened with the lawyer saying this is institutional racism, it's police brutality? do you think that's helpful because you said about richard tice inflaming things, but that kind of thing that inflames things too. that's not linking people together and calling for calm. it's throwing petrol on the fire. >> no, absolutely. i'm talking about the way i feel, the way i'm worried as a muslim woman, a pakistani woman who travels and obviously travels with her family members as well. so i
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feel concerned because this could easily, have been a young , could easily, have been a young, young lad, and not necessarily involved in violence, like you've just mentioned about, the statement that the police have put out where a policewoman was assaulted, anybody that's travelling might say the wrong thing, might make the wrong comments. it can escalate so quickly. and for them then to for me. sorry to worry about, could this then mean that they're going to get attacked in this way? could this mean that they're going to get tasered and then kicked to the face, but i, as a pakistani woman, i must i must interject, people don't randomly get attacked by the police in britain. >> we're not a third world country. this event yesterday wasn't a random attack by the police, who just decided to wade into a bunch of british muslims. it was precipitated by an incident which we don't know the full details of yet. and also, you know, people get get taken
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down or taken on or confronted by the police in airports, no matter what their ethnic background. if you're if you're a white bloke who's had too much to drink and you're causing trouble, you probably shouldn't be doing that either. if you're causing trouble. so i'm just putting it to you again. do you think it's actually helpful to imply that british muslims are specifically, on the receiving end of hostility or poor treatment by the authorities anywhere? is that helpful? >> look , i'm talking about in >> look, i'm talking about in case there was something that had happened and for it to escalate into violence, the kind of violence we've seen yesterday, obviously , the first yesterday, obviously, the first thing for me would be to ensure that people that my family members myself behave in a completely appropriate way, don't get involved in violence, not to attack the police in violence, not to harm anybody, not to inflict violence. and that's really those of you that know me, know that i'm a i'm a great advocate of a peaceful approach , i've been involved, approach, i've been involved,
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obviously lots over the years, lots and lots of other incidents as well. i work in a school. i work in a special needs school where everything can just escalate really quickly. chairs are being thrown, tables are being flung. so for me, it's really important to always use a calm, measured, attitude, a measured voice, a measured persona, and a lot of the footage yesterday there were a lot of people shouting, there was a lot of noise. there was a lot of, sort of anger, but also a lot of anguish as well. there was lots of screaming and that would not have helped the situation. anyway, my point is that obviously we've we've seen a police officer , we've seen a police officer, we've seen a gentleman, a young pakistani boy , gentleman, a young pakistani boy, sort of a young man lying on the ground . his hands are to his ground. his hands are to his side, and then he's still being kicked in the head. he's still being kicked in the face and stamped upon. and that, for me, is the issue. it was, for me, far too excessive violence, far too excessive force being used too excessive force being used to subdue somebody who's already on the ground. now, going back to the point that i know you've you've made and you've made it
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really well as well. we don't want certain parties to come forward and try to exploit the situation. we don't want people to, maximise, what's happened yesterday. sorry. on tuesday for their own political gain because that would not serve anybody. and the only thing that would happenis and the only thing that would happen is that the pakistani community would become a pawn in these people's, whether it's the workers party or whether it's, reform, we would become a pawn in their political games and political manoeuvrings, which is completely unacceptable as far as i'm concerned. and the most important thing is, lay the blame where it should be, whether it's with these young men and the police that are obviously involved . we could see obviously involved. we could see in the, in the footage, actually hold them to account. and if it means going to court and if it means going to court and if it means being charged . yeah, means being charged. yeah, absolutely. i will support, you know, a process of a fair, just legal process. absolutely but my warning, and i've been on the
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phone and i've seen lots of footage and i've, sorry, lots of messages as well. let's not get too hot headed . what's happens too hot headed. what's happens happened. let's take the heat out. let's calm down and let's have a proper communication about this to make sure it doesn't happen again. whether it's these pakistani men getting involved in a violent situation or whether it's a retaliation or the response by the police, that will then call to the situation afterwards. >> ayesha ali khan, thank you for coming on the show and thank you for being a cool and calm voice. just like andy burnham, perhaps some of the muslim community leaders in rochdale could learn from that and actually come forward. and rather than saying, let's have conflict tonight, let's have some calm in the area, i think that would be a good idea. i got lots more on that story on our website and thanks to you, gb news. com is the fastest growing national news website in the country. it's got breaking news and all the brilliant analysis you've come to expect from us here @gbnews now, coming up, just days after it was announced that all the asylum seekers will soon be moved out of raf wethersfield in essex , locals wethersfield in essex, locals are once again up in arms
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because it's emerged today that the site could instead be converted into one of sir keir mega i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's
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welcome back. it's 528 on martin daubney on gb news. as i said earlier, i've never seen the gb news inbox this busy . your days are this busy. your days are absolutely flying in on this topic of the suspended officer from manchester airport. let's read through a few of them now. peter says this actions have consequences if you attack the police or anyone else , then police or anyone else, then don't expect to be treated with a softly, softly approach. seen a softly, softly approach. seen a senior greater manchester police officers need to grow some and get rid of their snowflake approach to policing. well, peter, they did do that and one officer has now been suspended . jess adds this police
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suspended. jess adds this police getting tough on them on on all these people who messed with the police is long, long overdue. these officers have my support . these officers have my support. bernard adds this. so it seems that two of these boys have a family member in the force . so family member in the force. so how would they like it if their family member had his or her nose broken? and secondly, they should know better than to resist arrest. that's not the excuse they think it is. case closed. and jane has this. i think the police officer is at fault for excessive force . what? fault for excessive force. what? he has been suspended pending a full inquiry. and quickly emily adds this. the kick was awful, but what force was used to break the policewoman's nose first? and just before we head to the news, cassandra adds this. where is the video of the thugs assaulting the woman or breaking the police woman's nose? these incidents came before the police's action on the floor of the airport. let's see what actually happened. so and
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quickly from mal. mal says this. let's get an interview with the female police officer with a broken nose and see what she has to say to get some balance. now there's loads to talk about. still on the story , loads more still on the story, loads more still to come between now and 4:00 6:00. beg your pardon, but let's go to your news headlines now with polly middlehurst. >> the top stories this hour. a police officer has been suspended from duty after video emerged appearing to show a person being kicked following police being assaulted at manchester airport. greater manchester airport. greater manchester police says three of his officers were seriously injured when they attended to reports of an assault in the airport car park , which happened airport car park, which happened before. the events seen in the video, which included a female officer suffering a broken nose. four men were arrested on suspicion of assault and affray, and the police watchdog has now launched an investigation. the prime minister says he understands concern over the footage and the mayor of greater manchester, andy burnham , who's
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manchester, andy burnham, who's met the home secretary, has appealed for calm . the jury in appealed for calm. the jury in the trial of hassan jangir, who's accused of murdering good samaritan chris marriott, has been discharged after failing to reach any verdicts. mr marriott had been out for a post—christmas walk with his wife and two young children when he was run over while coming to the aid of a stranger in the street , and a the aid of a stranger in the street, and a man has been charged with attempted murder after the stabbing of a uniformed army officer in kent, 24 year old anthony esson was arrested near his home in rochester just 30 minutes arrested near his home in rochesterjust 30 minutes after rochester just 30 minutes after the violent attack. it's after left lieutenant colonel mark teetan, who's in his 40s, was stabbed near brompton barracks in gillingham on tuesday evening. he remains in hospital in a serious but stable condition , and the former condition, and the former immigration minister, robert jenrick, will stand for the leadership of the conservative party, promising to win back voters who switched to reform uk. he's the third conservative to throw his hat into the ring,
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after james cleverly and tom tugendhat. mr cleverly says he's best placed to unite the party after last month's election defeat. but tom tugendhat says the conservatives have lost trust after failing to deliver on lower taxes and lower immigration. and a 40 year old man has become the first person to be charged under new xl bully laws. ashley warren was charged over the death of esther martyn, who was killed by two xl bully dogsin who was killed by two xl bully dogs in essex in february . it's dogs in essex in february. it's the first case of its kind since new laws on owning xl bully dogs came into force. this year. those are your latest news headunes those are your latest news headlines for now , i'm polly headlines for now, i'm polly middlehurst. i'm back in half an houn middlehurst. i'm back in half an hour. see you then . hour. see you then. >> for the very latest gb news direct to your smartphone, sign up to news alerts by scanning the qr code, or go to forward slash alerts . cheers! forward slash alerts. cheers! >> britannia wine club proudly sponsors the gb news financial
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report , a quick snapshot of report, a quick snapshot of today's markets for you and the pound, buying you $1.2877 and ,1.1859. l ,1.1859. >>- ,1.1859. >> the price of gold is £1,833.15 an ounce, and the ftse 100 has closed for the day today at 8186 points. >> cheers ! britannia wine club >> cheers! britannia wine club proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . financial report. >> thank you polly . now, >> thank you polly. now, hundreds of migrants have been staying at a former raf base in the essex village of wethersfield . despite a wethersfield. despite a concerted campaign by locals. and now, just days after it was announced that all the asylum seekers will move out, it's been reported that the sites could be turned into a massive prison. mo, join me now is the chair of the fields association in wethersfield, alan mckenzie.
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alan welcome to the show. must have been a bittersweet week for the residents of wethersfield. at the start of the week. it seems to be the direction of travel that it would no longer. this raf site housed asylum seekers, and then the very next day you learn it could instead be a mega prison hosting 1700 prisoners. what's your take on this development ? this development? >> well, i've commented that, an asylum centre was a ridiculous idea, >> for wethersfield airbase. and that proved to be the case. i think everybody in the country is by now aware that the government, the previous government, the previous government estimated set up costs of £5 million, and it ended up at £49 million, something that all the residents told the home office beforehand that it was an inappropriate site and it was going to be very difficult to host an asylum centre there. >> where we are hopeful that the
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new government takes stock of its senses. >> and the idea that the ministry of justice had to over two years ago about building two mega prisons, there will be binned because it's a stupid idea. it's such a remote location that it may well just be purely impossible to get the huge precast concrete blocks which these new mega prisons are constructed with through some of the rural node road networks. there are only three routes in ones finchingfield bridge, which has got seven and a half, was about to get a seven and a half tonne weight limit and so narrow roads get craned off it on occasions. another sible hedingham, where the home office tried to get three wide loads of portacabins through, got stuck and had to go home, and the other is direct through braintree , up through shalford braintree, up through shalford and into wethersfield , the and into wethersfield, the village itself, which has got an almost impossible turn into it right before a primary school.
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the fact is , the ministry, the fact is, the ministry, having spent about two years of studies looking at the possibility for wethersfield, never got round to actually looking to see whether construction traffic could physically make it to the site. it is almost an impossibility, for it probably is impossible. and they haven't done it properly. i'm just hoping and i think residents are hoping that this government is more competent than the last one in terms of looking at these sorts of sites or prisons or any other large infrastructure. >> now, alan mckenzie , of >> now, alan mckenzie, of course, the government would say in response to all that, yeah, we hear what you're saying, but our prison system is full. there are only like 700 places left. we must have new prisons, and it would be far cheaper to convert wethersfield than it would to be build a new prison. what would you say to them if they just called you nimbys? >> oh, we've we've had that originally and we approached it. >> it's nothing to do with
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nimbyism. it's to do with policies of government . if you policies of government. if you look at the criteria for the where the moj wants to site prisons, hardly any of that criteria fit the bill. in terms of wethersfield, if you're talking about rehabilitation, which this new government is talking about, and with the appointment of james timpson as prisons minister, who was chair of the prisons reforms trust , of the prisons reforms trust, who we agree with a lot of their, beliefs about what prisons, where prisons should be sited, what they should be offering, what sort of size they should be, then we are hopeful that this government is not going to be looking at somewhere like wethersfield, which doesn't fit any of those criteria for putting a prison, there is a new prisons programme already in place, the last one of which six prisons to be built, the last one of which to get through planning permission is up in chorley in lancashire that is waiting for, the, the government
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to decide on whether that's going to go ahead or not, if it does, go ahead that they are the six new prisons that were planned to be built by the previous government anyway, and meets the target for that new prisons programme. they don't need any more new prisons. >> okay. we have to leave it there. thanks for giving an impassioned defence. your fight continues and that's the chair of the fields association in wethersfield, alan mckenzie. thanks for joining wethersfield, alan mckenzie. thanks forjoining us on the thanks for joining us on the show. and in response to that, the ministry of justice has said we are cognisant that the home office plan to use parts of the wethersfield site for the foreseeable future, and we do not anticipate progressing a prison scheme whilst they have a presence on the site . however, presence on the site. however, we will continue to maintain an interest in wethersfield as part of our long term pipeline strategy. now, if you want to get in touch with us here @gbnews, simply go to still time to get have your say and i'll
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read out your comments the best of them before the end the show. i'm martin daubney on gb
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welcome back 542. on the final furlong, i'm martin daubney on gb news now. sir keir starmer has been talking about one of his government's flagship policies today. and the good news for king charles as it's going to make him a right royal load of money, because the prime minister has promised that great british energy will work with the monarch's property firm to help speed up the build of offshore wind farms. and, of course, the crown estate owns the vast majority of britain's seabed, which stretches up to 12 nautical miles from the mainland. sir keir says great british energy will bring down energy bills for good. and i'm now joined by simon francis,
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who's a campaigner at the end. fuel poverty coalition simon, thanks for joining us. fuel poverty coalition simon, thanks forjoining us. thanks for your patience. we had to go to kamala harris earlier on. so cheap energy for everybody. what's not to like? but is this the answer ? the answer? >> well, there's certainly a lot to welcome in gb energy in terms of the move towards more renewables that will bring down energy bills in the long run. there's also some really important stuff in there about community energy. the more we can generate energy close to communities, with their consent, then the cheaper it's going to be, the less pipes we're going to need and wires to carry it around the place. so there is a lot of really interesting stuff in the proposals. however there are some concerns that we still feel the government needs to address. firstly, we need to be get a guarantee that the energy thatis get a guarantee that the energy that is generated by these offshore plans is going to be passed through to consumers at cost price. we're not just handing profits over to other people unnecessarily. we also, though, need to see a commitment
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that if there's an infrastructure investment needed to upgrade the grid in order to get the electricity from these sites to our houses. but that is also paid for through an investment model and isn't just added to standing charges, because at the moment that the rules say that's what would happen. so we need to see changes to the rules to enable this project, really to fly. >> and clive, sorry , simon, >> and clive, sorry, simon, don't you think there's a bitter irony in the fact that one of the great beneficiaries of this plan will be the king? i mean, clive lewis could barely even bnng clive lewis could barely even bring himself to swear allegiance to the king. and the fact of the matter is, the land that these turbines will go on. simon francis is owned by the crown estate. and we saw the king's profits double last year to over £1 billion. and he's making his money from windfarms. no surprises that king charles is such a fan. it's making him an absolute packet. but it's great the king's getting rich. but how do we know that our bills are going to come down? we were told £300 before the end of
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this parliament. an actual fact last week, simon francis, we were told our bills were going up were told our bills were going ”p by were told our bills were going up by £190. >> well and we've, we've seen earlier this week of course profits from other energy firms. you know, we don't want the king just to be added into that list of energy firms and, and companies that are making billions and billions of pounds of profit every single year at our expense. and we do need to see action to bring down energy bills. this will help in the long run. but in order to do that, we're probably going to need to see market reform. and we also need to see steps to bnng we also need to see steps to bring down bills this winter. i mentioned standing charges. they need to be reformed. we need to see help for households who are going to struggle through this winter as well. and they won't be helped by this expansion at the moment. so there is a lot of work for this government still to do, both in terms of the logistics around this, the reforms that need to go in to make this really pay for off consumers, and of course, in terms of helping people who are struggling from these record energy prices that are going to go energy prices that are going to 9° up energy prices that are going to go up again in october. >> sam francis, thank you for
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your opinion . superb stuff. your opinion. superb stuff. campaigner as end fuel poverty coalition. thank you very much. but what happens when the wind stops. we haven't got batteries big enough to power towns. anyway i digress because prince harry well he's been at it again. he's been moaning about the media to the media. i'm martin daubney on gb news. britain's news
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welcome back 549. the final , final back 549. the final, final furlong i'm martin daubney on gb news now. the duke of sussex has claimed his determination to fight the tabloids was a central piece in destroying his relationship with his family. prince harry said he wished his family had joined him in his campaign in the wake of the phone hacking scandal. he was speaking to itv on his documentary called tabloids on trial . trial. >> i think everything that's
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played out has, has, has shown people , what the truth of the people, what the truth of the matter is for me , the mission matter is for me, the mission continues. but it has, it has, yes, it's caused, as you say, part of a rift . part of a rift. >> there we go again. well, i can now speak with royal commentator. the legend michael cole. michael, always an absolute delight. so here we go. the global publicity tour continues . prince harry moaning continues. prince harry moaning about the media, in the media. tell us more. >> well, it wouldn't be prince harry without an immediate swipe at his older brother. >> and it's not a very subtle one. >> prince harry said it would be nice if members of his family had joined him in his mission , had joined him in his mission, and that's the word he used. >> we just heard him say it. >> we just heard him say it. >> his mission against the tabloid press. >> this is obviously a reference to the fact that prince william settled with the news group, the publishers of the sun and the now defunct news of the world, >> settled. >> settled. >> apparently a huge sum of
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money, allegedly for past invasions of his privacy, in contrast to his brother , who is contrast to his brother, who is the prince of litigation, who wants to take on all the newspaper groups in this country, one by one, >> of course, it's not only prince william who settled with news corp, hugh grant, who is in the film. >> he has settled with newspaper groups and even lesser people . groups and even lesser people. >> martin have settled with news corp , including myself. corp, including myself. >> i was hacked, i was one of the people who was hacked. it was unpleasant, but nobody died. i settled for a modest sum in damages and an apology, which is what i wanted from the top of news group. >> and they said that they were very sorry about it, and they would never do it again. >> and i accepted that apology because i believe that it's very important to have a free and unfettered press. particularly in this country, without a written constitution and the
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press time after time , like our press time after time, like our television stations hold the people in the highest offices to account when there is wrongdoing. >> and i applaud that. >> and i applaud that. >> but prince harry sees it as his mission to take on the press and he'll be back in the courts in the new year against, news corp and against associated newspapers. prince harry is on firmer ground when he says that his mother did believe that she was being hacked. and that is true. she changed her mobile telephone regularly, almost as often as she changed her pair of shoes and she had her apartment swept for bugs. i actually met the man who actually used to do it for her. she trusted him implicitly, and she didn't only believe it was the press who was listening into her private conversations. >> and michael, he blames the media. he blames the tabloid ongoing scandal for the rift with this family, yet he pursues with this family, yet he pursues with it. and also he doesn't acknowledge the fact that maybe
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the rift in the family could be caused by his mrs. >> well, i think that's true. >> well, i think that's true. >> he's done enough. he's said enough. he's written books. he's appeared in television programs. he said some cruel and unkind things, not only about his brother, but about his sister. in law, who was very close to him at one stage. and that and of course , about the king and of course, about the king and camilla. camilla, who apparently, doesn't want to be in the same room with him. or perhaps it's the other way round. so he has spread plenty of malice in the past, and actions have consequences. and this has all come home to her to hurt him. and i'm quite sure he misses this country. you know, this is the day they got married. could they have been more warmly welcome to this country? the crowds in windsor great park were 20 deep, universally , very rarely. every universally, very rarely. every single newspaper welcomed her as a breath of fresh air. she could not have been more welcome in this country. it's such a
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sadness to see how it's all gone. >> but he's in self—imposed exile, >> in california. he comes here to appear in her majesty. >> michael, i'm afraid i'm going to have to hack you off and interject, but it's always a pleasure to have you on the show. now, that's all from me for now. but of course, dewbs& co is up next. don't forget to join from 6 am. tomorrow. it's breakfast with stephen and anne. then it's britain's newsroom at 930, and tom and emily with good afternoon britain from midday manoush. we're back at three. i'm martin daubney and this is gb news now it's your weather with alex boggle. have a fantastic evening . fantastic evening. >> looks like things are heating up. boxt boilers sponsors of weather on . gb. news weather on. gb. news >> hello again. here's your latest gb news, weather forecast from the met office. the relatively changeable feel to the weather is going to continue as we go through the end of the week. yes, there will be some dry, bright weather at times, but also something a bit wet to
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come to the heavier rain that we've seen across southern parts due to a waving frontal system is now clearing away towards the east, but there will still be some outbreaks of rain across southern parts as we go through this evening, and plenty of showers across parts of scotland, northern england and northern ireland. and some of these will continue overnight. but for many it is actually going to turn largely dry. there will be some clear skies around, but still that relatively warm, muqqy but still that relatively warm, muggy feel to things with temperatures, especially in your towns and cities. not really dropping a huge amount. as we look through tomorrow morning . look through tomorrow morning. then plenty of showers from the start across parts of scotland. these will be most frequent across western parts and here they will be quite heavy at times, even as we go through the morning, and we're going to see more as we go through the afternoon . eastern parts of afternoon. eastern parts of scotland starting the day largely dry and bright. scotland starting the day largely dry and bright . and here largely dry and bright. and here it should stay mostly fine through large chunks of the day, some showers feeding in across parts of northern ireland, northwest england drier and brighter further east. 1 or 2 showers, perhaps for wales and south—west england, but the midlands, east anglia and
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southern south eastern parts should have a bright and fine start. as we go through the day, though, we are going to see a few more showers developing. they are still going to be quite hit and miss in nature, relatively scattered for many of us. so especially across england and wales towards the east and south in particular, largely dry but across scotland and northern ireland and northwest england. quite a few showers, some heavy, some thundery and temperatures likely to be up a little bit compared to today, with highs of around 24 or 25 celsius feeling warm in any sunshine. more showers to come, particularly towards the northwest as we go through tomorrow evening. a dner through tomorrow evening. a drier picture towards the south and southeast. more showers on saturday, some of them are looking pretty heavy, but a ridge of high pressure is building, which brings a more settled, drier picture for sunday. >> by by that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb news
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furious about what has gone down. so where are you on this issue? also, a massive amount of young people apparently tend to reform in the last election. what do you make to that? and you won't be spending a penny for long, because one and two pieces will not be minted in the coming years. is this a problem, or is it just a shape of things to come and call me a prude , to come and call me a prude, right? but i do not think that people need to be parading their tickle tackle on prime time television . a new programme has television. a new programme has been commissioned for fully naked dating on the television . naked dating on the television. i mean, what is happening when it comes to our moral compass in society? do we really need stuff like this on the box? your
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