tv Nancy Grace HLN July 29, 2009 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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tonight, abeautiful young massachusetts mom eight months pregnant. and only days away from delivering her fourth child vanishes. her whereabouts unknown to family and friends. but just over 72 hours later, she's found brutally murdered inside a bedroom closet. her unborn child surgically cut out from her womb. tonight, police on high alert -- not only for the vulnerable infant, but the mom's killer presumably posing as the newborn parent. a woman was found dead in
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her apartment in massachusetts. her fetus was cut of of her womb. they're looking for the person who cut darlene haynes and her newborn. the baby might have survived and would need medical attention to stay alive. >> revengeble crime. it's horrible. >> intense search in boston for a tiny baby brutally cut from her mother's womb. >> the terrible tragedy has the family joining police in pleading for any information. >> okay, have a heart. i don't care if you drop the kid off at the hospital. >> you know, we like to know as well. so, as we lay to rest, we can also put the baby to rest with her. >> and tonight, from boise, idaho, and the desperate search for a little 8-year-old boy. what happened to robert manuel?
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robert's an 8-year-old little guy who needs our help. he's the main priority for not only the boise police department but for dozens of investigators who brought their expertise from all around the treasure valley and indeed from all around the country. >> robert manuel's been missing now two days. according to police, the family last saw the 8-year-old around 9:30 p.m. friday night. the police say they've conducted several interviews and still have no leads. >> the investigation continues to go in many different directions. and because of the very nature of police investigations right now, we're not prepared to discuss the leads the investigators are taking. >> information from police is being released only through statements during scheduled press conferences. >> why do you think -- >> they would not answer questions on camera, boise
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police say they are following more than 100 leads in this case. and there's no evidence to indicate robert has left the area, at least his family continuing to reach out to this community. >> this is robert's bear. that's always been close to his heart. and our family would love to reunite them together. please, do what you can to help. >> good evening, i'm in for nancy grace tonight. >> beautiful young massachusetts mom 8 months pregnant, brutally murdered. her unborn child surgically cut from her womb. police on high alert for mommy killer and the infant girl she named sheila marie. >> police say 23-year-old darlene haynes was last seen thursday, 8 weeks pregnant. monday, the landlord investigating a heavy smell found haynes' body in a closet wrapped in blankets.
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the investigators say the fee cus was cut out of her and may be alive. >> haynes was found dead a few days before the autopsy was found. she suffered head injury though the exact cause of death is not determined. >> i think it was planned out. no one heard her cry? no one heard anything? someone took that baby. i don't know who it could have been or why they would do it. >> she's so kind harded, though, that she would let anybody interher home, anybody. >> i seen a green ford come up. and i guess what i heard they pull in the driveway but the visor was halfway down so we couldn't tell if it was a male or female driving the car. >> darlene haynes, eight months pregnant, her landlord found her mutilated body wrapped in bedding in the closet. her womb stripped. who would steal her baby. >> family tragedy doesn't get much worse than this one. reporter, editor of the boston herald, what is it the latest on this baby?
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>> well, it's a frantic search for the baby. time is of the essence. they have to find this baby. we're told it could lead to quickened -- this child needs professional care immediately. that's the focus of this investigation tonight. >> morning anchor of wpro radio, what are you hearing? tell us exactly what the police can do to exact a search, to make it happen, to find this baby. >> well, pat, everyone is looking and praying that this child is somehow alive and given over to authorities. but at the same time, so many unanswered questions of a young woman that obviously is taken advantage of in so many ways and committed a brutal act against her. >> the former nypd detective from modesty associates for law enforcement. what makes this particular search so horrific, not just
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from the emotional standpoint, but what do you have to do? you have to act quickly? >> a whole host of things they do. but the police at this point in time they're trying to create a timeline. the last time she was seen by some neighbors and go forward from there. in addition to that, it's a question of doing a search of the area. they're canvassing the entire area. they're talking to people. who saw what? a green car pulling up. i'm sure there's bits of information. little by little, they're creating an image. it's putting a jigsaw puzzle together. little bits of information and creating a picture to search with. >> with the clock ticking. go ahead. >> terrible situation, clearly. but the thing is that the medical examiner will be able to determine how this child was removed. it was done viciously.
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whether it was done more with the medical fashion. and that will put a clock on this child and how that child will survive going forward, depending on how she was removed. >> dr. marty, physician at johns hopkins. you know, it was just established yesterday that the fetus was cut out. now the person who did this hopefully took the child to get some kind of treatment. we, the public, are learning yesterday, that doesn't help, does it? >> no, not necessarily. the care of a c-section is the care for the mother. taking a child out is not that complicated. remember, even cavemen delivered babies, you cut and clamp the umbilical cord. the survival at four months 50/50 with all of the ne-yo natal intensive care units. you get further out, eight
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months, the survival goes way up. we have good reason to believe she's out there. >> carl whitney, we're honored to have you. you're the uncle of murder victim darlene haynes. thank you for being with us. i'm so sorry for the tragedy upon your family. what can you tell us? does the family have any clue what went wrong? >> at this point in time, no. darlene talked to the grandmother at 7:30 thursday evening and that's the last time anybody had heard from her. >> what has she seemed like at the time, carl. was she happy? did she say any significance that you call that family members know of? >> no. she was talking about because she was visiting with her grandmother and two girls. she hasn't been feeling well. because of the heat and everything around here, and, you know, being pregnant and that's
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how long -- she was just having trouble getting around. >> i can't even image up what it must be like for your family. there was a report that she had, i believe, texted someone that she was sharing wine coolers with a friend. is that just from nowhere? or is there some significance. >> i know nothing about that. >> you didn't hear anything about that? >> as far as i know, darlene didn't partake of any type of drugs or do any kind of alcohol. >> she should have been socializing with someone who did. and i'm wondering -- >> right. but herself, that wasn't something that she -- that i was aware of she would be doing. >> i want to take a caller. tammy from massachusetts. good evening, tammy. >> caller: hi hi, my thoughts go to her uncle and family. i want to know whoever did this is a monster. basically, what charges would they face? a lot of states don't consider
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the fetus to be a human being when it's inside the mother, it's a fetus. but in effect, she was not like 4 months pregnant. she's 8 months pregnant. that child could be alive right now. >> absolutely. >> if it dies, will that person be charged with murder, or will they consider it a fetus and the person would not get as much of a sentence for that for that reason? >> that's an excellent question. susan moss family law attorney, how do we answer that? a state-by-state decision? >> not only is it a state-by-state decision. it's very specific. if the child came out and breathed air and was alive after being taken from the womb, then absolutely is a person and absolutely the person who did this will be charged with two murder i. >> penny douglas for a defense attorney. let me ask you from your perspective, what do you do with the case like this from the defense attorney's point of view? >> well, if i'm a defense attorney and i represent the boyfriend, i would not allow him to talk to anyone.
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because he will be the first suspect, especially since there's a restraining order and he had a history of violence against this woman. >> yeah. and that's an important thing. we're going to get in to that. and obviously, law enforcement looks directly at immediate family and friends first and we're going to talk about roberto rodriguez is his name. he's a former boyfriend. there is a restraining order. before we go in to that, take another call, amy in tennessee, good evening, amy. >> reporter: thanks so much for taking my call. >> your question? >> my thoughts go out to the family of this poor woman. my question is is there any way they would know if the woman was alive if the baby was taken or if she was murdered before. >> good question. it's a hard one to ask. i was mulling it over myself. we'll go to the doctor about that. i suspect that the examiners will try to figure out if it's something this person tried to do hour rifficly before the mother's death. explain it to us? >> there's a window of time when
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that baby can live after the mother has died. it would normally be about a minute or so if the mother died completely. if she was unconscious or in something similar to a coma, she could have gone for hours -- the baby could have gone for hours in what is really a natural incubator. tonight, are you nancy's number one fan? send us an e-mail or i report and tell us why. you can win an autographed copy of the new novel, "the eleventh victim" and a chance to go to new york city to meet nancy yourself. get your cameras and e-mails together and go to grace.
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pleading for information. >> go ahead, keep running. the law is going to catch up with you eventually. have a heart, okay? just -- i don't care if you just drop the kid off at a hospital. >> you have to see -- you know, we like to know as well. so as we put it to rest, we can also put the baby to rest with her. >> the baby might have survived and would need immediate medical attention to stay alive. haynes was dead a few days before her body was found. an autopsy shows she suffered head injury though the exact cause of death has not been determined. >> in for nancy grace. joe winell from the boston herald. tell me -- recap for us how this all transpired. the last she was seen was thursday. take us briefly up to now. >> well, the -- the landlord was
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told that they were smelling a foul odor on monday at this apartment complex in worcester. he went in and investigated and he found darlene stuffed in the closet, wrapped in a comforter, and she had been killed. she was decomposing already, according to officials. the medical examiner said the autopsy said she was bashed in the head and the fetus was cut out of her stomach. we don't know how it was cut out. the neighbors say they did hear loud screaming on thursday night. authorities are searching high and low as quickly as they can. is this child alive? >> johndy pit row, my understanding is there's not a blood trail. how can that be? >> that's a good question, pat. i do have a question for carl whitney. that is did the boyfriend, roberto, he made a comment that she ran with the wrong crowd and
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there was a report he was supposed to get married but he's the father of the child and what did it mean by she ran with the wrong crowd? >> that's a good time to get to roberto rodriguez who, by the way, is not a suspect. he's an exboyfriend. he's the father of another child. she also has two other children. and the baby -- the newborn for lack of a better term, i believe, is also his. can you clear that up for us, carl? >> as far as i know, mr. rodriguez is the father of the baby in question and he is the father of the other daughter, christina. >> and there are two other children who are in the custody of a grandmother or an aunt? >> yeah. there's two other -- there's two other girls 5 years old and 3
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years old that are -- that her grandmother has court ordered guardianship. >> now, let's make sure we understand, roberto rodriguez who is an exboyfriend, who is not a suspect. who you just saw seem visibly upset and pleads to the person to please bring that baby for help. he has a restraining order against him for alleged assault in june and he does have a history. he's not considered a suspect. but, carl, what did he mean when he said he ran with the wrong people? if someone you as a family might be thinking about if you're indicting anyone? do you have anybody in mind? oh at this point, no. darlene like most of us today she'll get in to the situation, she wasn't able to be -- she couldn't see right away.
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and eventually she would understand what's going on and get away from it. but who she was friends with, who she hung around with, we don't really know. >> it would be fair to say that we are inclined to look at ex-boyfriends and ex-husbands and ex-whatevers. he's not been named a suspect. but would you also tell him to lawyer up? what would you advise him to do at this point? >> the obligation from law enforcement to strike out everyone. if i were defending this person, i would depend on the fact there's no physical evidence, no witnesses. three other children with this woman. >> well, at heiss one other. >> we believe at least one in which there's been no prior history of any violence concerning that child. and it doesn't make any sense to assume that he murdered this woman and took this child. this appears to be a crime in
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which someone wanted that baby and a wannabe parent who couldn't have their own children should be the suspects. >> okay. susan moss, you know, again, we can't indict this man. we don't know what are the other options here. >> there may be other options, but they probably are fantasy. this guy has more crimes than i have rhymes. of course you're going to look at him. he's beaten her up before. he's got crimes down the list of my arm. it's insane. he's the number one suspect. >> i look down and i seen a green ford come up. and i guess from what i've heard, they pull in the driveway, but the visor was halfway down. so we couldn't tell if it was a male or female driving the car.
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of the unborn baby. >> i looked down, i seen a green ford come up. we couldn't tell if it's a male or female driving the car. >> darlene haynes was dropping off the 2-year-old daughter, christina. the landlord saw the body on monday. >> horrifying but my heart goes out to the unborn child and the child left behind who is 1 1/2 years, 2 years old without a mother. >> i'm pat alum in for nancy grace. roberto rodriguez is not a suspect. the clinical psychologist. i want to get in to a whole lot more in depth in another segment. quickly, it's mostly women who perpetrate these kinds of crime on other women. is it not? >> in terms of baby snatching, yeah.
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but we know that a third of women killed are killed by their partner. those are more prevalent than the baby-snatching mommy killers. >> killing a spouse or killing an ex is one thing. but it takes a whole different psychology to snatch a fetus. >> yeah. if it's a baby snatching, then it's rare. but these are people obsessed with being pregnant. don't have their own child. they see just the baby, nothing else. >> did you know roberto? >> no. >> you don't have an idea of his personality? >> seen him in passing a couple of times but never really met him, no. >> are cops keeping close to the vest? do you think they've got a lead
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michelle beka, a woman desperate for a baby kidnapped and killed tereasa and had taken her baby from her dying baby. >> horror began to unravel. michelle beka had taken her own life. a newborn was sound asleep inside the home and andrew's lifeless body was unearthed from a shallow grave from inside the garage. her baby had been snatched from her womb. friends, family, and her husband testified ha they believe 39-year-old lisa montgomery was pregnant and delivered a baby.
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montgomery's family in shock when police arrived to arrest her. montgomery not only kidnapped the baby but cut the newborn from the womb of bobby jo stinnett with a kitchen life after strangling her. >> she was found friday shot to death with her abdomen cut open in a farmer's field in oklahoma. her fetus was missing. >> she told people she was pregnant but never produced evidence of a baby until after simpson's fetus disappeared and she walked into a hospital with a dead fetus she claimed was hers. >> darlene haynes, eight months pregnant. her landlord found her mutilated baby in bedding in her bedroom closet. her womb, stripped. >> it's mostly women as we mentioned before.
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tried to explain for us the psychology. obviously women who so desperately need a child that takes them to a level of psychosis to get one? >> they may have a delusion about needing to have a baby to keep their man or be alive themselves. but some of these women are not psychotic. they're really sociopathic or psychopathic. and lying comes easily to them. killing another human being doesn't mean much to them. it's really the baby. >> so, i would guess that attorneys representing whoever would say, oh, my client was insane. who wants to answer that one? >> obviously, we're not claiming that he did it at all. obviously if there's any evidence against him -- >> not talking about anyone who can carve a fetus from the womb. does that mean you're insane? alan? >> if you're going to carve
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something out of a human body, you must be insane. whether or not we can prove you're insane because we don't know the nature of your act is bad or it's another issue. certainly someone intends to go to somebody's house with a knife sharp enough to open up someone's body and remove a fetus, it would be difficult to claim they were insane because they knew exactly what they were doing. >> you know what they have to say about that? >> i think you have to look at the facts of this case. that this woman was then wrapped up in a blanket, the fact that she wasn't just left on the floor, left in a field, shot in the head, and buried under a garage. she was carefully wrapped in a blanket and then put in the closet. who takes the time to do that? i don't know, perhaps the cops are going to try to investigate to see if it's someone who knew her. someone who cared about her. and maybe, just maybe at the end of this case, there might be some -- some fingers pointed to that ex-boyfriend. >> former -- not yet -- we have to keep reminding people at this
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point, not a suspect. former nypd detective, according to the authorities, her body was, quote, so mangled, so decomposed, that initially they could not identify the gender. >> so clearly not someone that cared about the body when it was -- when it was done. but the reality is that the police were keeping everything close to the vest which tells me they're on to some significant leads in this investigation. >> right. right. >> the ex-boyfriend is a tremendous source of information. definitely not a suspect at this point in time. clearly a source of information. he live in the area. he was familiar with her comings and goings and familiar with the other people in the area. it's indicative of the case that whoever got in to that room with her knew her or was in some regard friendly with her because she allowed it. it wasn't a break-in. >> someone she was comfortable with.
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>> comfortable with. >> trauma to the head means she was knocked out before the baby was removed. so i'm sure they're very, very close to solving this case as we speak. >> mark klaas, renowned kid advocate. thanks for joining us. any thoughts? you deal with missing children all the time. this is particularly heinous. >> it is. every hospital has been notified about this. anybody who comes in with baby under suspicious circumstances, an infant under suspicious circumstances is immediately going to be looked at extremely closely. there's no question about that. and -- i tend to believe that -- that this could be this woman had a history of making bad decisions and letting somebody in the home that she didn't know is a real possibility too. but i heard the neighbor
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pounding into the house at 2:00 a.m. on saturday morning and then sort of forgot about it is -- is probably holding a key piece of evidence. because if there were any surveillance tapes in the apartment house or around the neighborhood, around that time, or if anybody was out and saw something that didn't see suspicious then but under these circumstances would seem suspicious, that might hold a key to this case as well. >> i agree, they've got their eye on somebody so they don't mess up the case and we don't get to know about it. doctor, if there's any chance that this baby is alive and well and we're praying that she is, what kind of jeopardy is she in if she's not getting medical care? dehydration, starvation, tell us. >> the biggest issue, pat, is breathing. at that age, the body is making the fluid in the lungs to allow it to expand. if not enough of it is there, the baby won't be able to breathe on their own. it's a good chance that this baby is completely viable and
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doing well and there arriving as long as they're getting some form of liquid that's not water. >> and let's -- if anyone recognizes a friend who suddenly shows up with a by by, please, you know, be suspicious of it and call authorities. i want to take a call from misty in oregon. good evening, misty. and your question? >> caller: yes. i want to let you know, i have two kids so this is very upsetting to me. i want to know how the boyfriend could not be a suspect with the record he has? >> because there's a law that says you can't just call somebody a suspect because of their record. and statistics show that it isn't necessarily men who do this. very quickly, please? >> it's true, pat. >> okay. and alan ripka, people want to jump on the ex-boyfriend. but in fairness to him, to me, the guy looks visibly upset. i know you can't make a decision on guilt or innocence based on just that. but in all likelihood, i realize when people jump on him, but it isn't fair.
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alan ripka -- >> does not mean that you have the ability to kill someone and rip a fetus out of their body and it's unfair to make an assumption on those circumstances. >> susan mott, do you adisagree with that? >> i think the more the investigation is going to happen, the more facts are going to come to light. i think they're going toll solve it quickly. i'm guessing they're watching the suspect right -- watching everybody they think is a person of interest right now. >> john dipitro, the suspect -- not the suspect, the ex-boyfriend is going to get married today or tomorrow? is that true? >> the marriage license was taken out. but the real other tragedy here is that this poor woman had the mind supposedly of a 12 or 13-year-old. she had three children. she could only take care of one. the landlord said even that was a struggle because of diapers left all over. it sounds as if everyone stood by and this poor woman was taken
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advantage of obviously sexually. she paid for it with her life. >> i'm reading she had mental health issues according to one. she hung with the wrong crowd, she was depressed, really sad. where was everyone coming to her rescue? i don't see that at this point. to tonight's safety tips, you may not realize your own home can pose the greatest danger to your children. here are tips to protect your child to poisonous items. never leave medications on the table. seems simple, you have to remember it. store all medicines in a locked cabinet. simple house hold and hygiene products, mouthwash, nail polish, remover, cleaning supplies could be poison. keep safety glasses on cabinets. have your home paint tested for lead and keep a number for poison control in your home. you got to do it. for more information, go to dddddddd
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the search for young robert manuel. robert is still missing but we remain hopeful for robert's safe return. >> fbi agents have joined the search for a missing idaho boy, robert manuel vanished just after leaving home. >> as of this morning, we invested over 5,000 man hours of investigative time in locating robert. >> after a full day of searching the area around the little boy's apartment, authorities changed their approach, sending crews to back alleys and yards, even telling volunteers to look in trash cans. >> so far, all search and rescue efforts have turned up nothing. >> the investigation continues today with the investigators continuing the house-to-house contacts with neighbors in the area. valuable information is coming from these interviews. a timeline for robert's whereabouts is coming together. >> he says it's not like his son just disappeared. >> somebody's seen him. please, please call the police. we want our little boy back.
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>> i'm pat alum in for nancy grace. another heart breaker dealing with a child. go to a reporter for cnn affiliate kbci. now, gets a little complicated because robert, i understand, was visiting his mother who does not have custody? >> that is correct. here's what we learned today. again, bear with us. there eve been a lot of questions than answers in this case. here are the answers that i can give you. there has been some criminal history on the part of melissa jenkins. that is robert's mother. here's what we found in court documents today. in october of 2008, she was facing a felony charge of injury to a child. she initial ly pled that down i february of this year to a misdemeanor charge of injury to a child for fracturing her youngest child's skull, just a toddler. now, as for the boyfriend of
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melissa jenkins, there was criminal history with him. his name was daniel ehrlich and he's been convicted of burglary, battery, and possession of drug paraphernalia. but authorities here in boise have not made any connection with any past criminal behavior by robert's mother or boy friend and anything that's happening today with this case. >> and ironically -- how tragic, but also ironic. greg hawn from the idaho statesman. my understanding is that the biological father is already suffered a tragedy because a wife he had a long time ago stabbed one of his other children to death? is that true? >> that's exactly right. and it was one of those oh my god moments. take the glasses off and stare at the computer screen and you see it. he was a soldier in ft. polling in louisiana. his wife at the time were in their early 20s and ended up
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pleading guilty to stabbing his 4-year-old in the chest and served years in criminal prison. >> we have no evidence that any of these three people have anything to do with the child missing. but there is a culture of violence in this young man's life. how does that impact such a young, innocent child? >> when kids witness violence as a way of problem solving, then they're going to be drawn to adults who are violent. they also take a lot more risks than kids who are in more normal families and we don't know what kind of associates the parents have. >> barbara from north carolina, good evening, barbara. a question? >> caller: good evening, pam, thank you for taking my call. i was calling to ask what parent would let an 8-year-old child out at 9:30 at night? i mean, it's pitch black at nighttime. so why would this child be leaving the house by himself? to go somewhere? >> that's a great question. but mark frost, i mean, dwoent
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know all of the facts. that's allegedly what time he was out between 7:00 to 9:00 on the playground. none of it is certain in this point. what do we look for in a case like this? >> first of all, a couple of weeks ago, we were dealing with a case with a child named lindsey baum in utah i believe it was out at 9:30 at night. it feels determined through several sources that it was still light enough at that time for the child to be out. so i don't think that we should draw any conclusions that it was pitch black in boise, idaho, which isn't sort of a northern lights at that time at night. in order for law enforcement to solve this case, they have to eliminate certain individuals. this is such a filthy family. there's so much crime involve in this family, cracking heads like walnuts, not being allowed to be with little kids. being married to somebody that stabs your son. there's so much crime that it's going to be difficult for law
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enforcement to eliminate these particular individuals so they can move on to the other possibilities. also, once the public hears about this, they are going to be much less inclined to go out and try to help find the little boy for the simple reason that they probably will think something happened? >> first of all, none of those people have been named as a suspect. and it's important to remember this astounded me, although i remember america's most wanted, i did stories about, you know, pockets of areas where there's an inordinate area of sex offenders. 71 sex offenders, susan moss, in a one-mile radius. i'd be looking at those guys too. >> they have. the cops have told us that each and every sex oh feffender in t area has been spoken to. and the police have done whatever they can to investigate them, using whatever powers they have, the ones on probation, making them ask the tough questions because they'll leave no stone unturned trying to find
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this little boy. >> we have a case where people are inclined to look at this family because of its history. not fair? oh. >> it's not fair. but the thing is most of the time it is someone in the family. and so because that's happened historically, that's the person they look at. but they need to get rid of these people as suspects and investigate them so that they can move on. and the people who are, you know, have their -- the sex addicts and the people in the area, once they are convicted of that and they have to register as a sex offender, they can go in to all of their homes and they can search all of their homes. and i hope they've already done that, especially with 100 of them in this area. >> dr. martin mccarry. ten seconds for sure. what do we have to fear for the child's safety right now besides the obvious. >> the most common thing is that this child may be in hiding. someone who grows up in a family with so much history of abuse, this child is likely dealing with severe anxiety and fear.
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>> tonight, on the search for nancy grace's number one fan, a happier subject, i might add. get your video cameras and e-mails an tell us why you are nancy grace's number one fan. the best submissions will air on the show and you can win an autographed copy of "the eleventh victim." plus, a chance to go to new york city to meet nancy herself. go to right now. i want to thank you so much for all of your calls and e-mails about my book, "the eleventh victim" it comes out on august 11. you're the first to see it right now. of course, after lucy, pictured here, who grabbed it first. it's about a prosecutor who tried her best to give up a law and start a new life. her friends are murdered one by one, the nypd hones in on her. it took me years to write this
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book. i started it when i left prosecution. since then i wrote another book and published it. launched this show, met my producer dean, got married, got pregnant, gave birth, nearly died, didn't, and now here's the book. i hope you like it. part of my proceeds go to a charity, wesley glenn who takes care of a mentally handicapped who need a loving home. you can find this book on our website.
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>> we're in day five of the search for robert manwill. robert is still missing but we remain hopeful for robert's safe return. the family members behind me are cooperating fully with investigators as we continue to pour over the leads and put together a timeline for young robert. >> mike murad, reporter for cnn affiliate kcbi. we heard him say that the family is cooperating in this case. here's what i want to know. usually the bare minimum for law enforcement. but we're not getting who saw the child on the playground. who called the authority? we don't know, do we? >> very few details are being
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released right now. i want to read you what they said back to us. they said until the case is concluded, until we find robert specific and details of this very active ongoing priority, the investigation cannot be relief. but what i can tell you, somebody must believe that the child is still in the boise area because on friday they're asking 1,000 volunteers to come out to this location and search for this young 8-year-old. >> the former nypd detective, isn't it a little odd they can't tell us who called authorities? >> yeah, i'm actually a little concerned that they don't have a timeline after five days. clearly that could be the first order of the process. they may be keeping things close to the vest and not wanting to
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disseminate investigatio disseminate information. you have to go back to the beginning and re-establish the groundwork, start creating that timeline more solidly. >> thank you. public, we need your help on these cases. don't forget. tonight, let's stop to remember marine sergeant joshua frazier, 24 years old from spotsylvania, virginia. volunteered for a third tour in iraq to lead a group of young marines. he served in afghanistan and was awarded the purple heart, iraq campaign medal and national distinguished service medal. remember a great big hand shake and bright smile. he loves firemen and taking his family to lake anna. he leaves behind rick and sheila and brother, aaron. an american hero. thanks to all of our guests at home for being with us. thanks for letting me sit in. tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp eastern. until then, have a wonderful night.
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i'm a.j. hammer in new york. this is a news break. here's some of what we'll cover for you on "show biz tonight" coming up in the last hour. michael jackson's last hours. dramatic new details about what happened when paramedics rushed to jackson's home. the shocking look at what authorities believe led to his death. we'll show you what happens when someone is given the powerful anesthetic, propofol. also, joan rivers speaks out. it's all caught on tape. she curses, she's mad, she bites it guy. but why? what is behind joan's freakout caught on tape? and the olympic swimmer who has become the butts of a lot of jokes. the poor guy just couldn't keep his swim suit on. definitely will not want to miss this hilarious story. that is your "show biz tonight news break." tv's most provocative
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