tv HLN News HLN August 3, 2009 12:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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michael jackson's mother goes to court to make a claim for some control of his estate and finalize plans for his three kids. also -- >> there were people cut, bleeding, people trying to -- there were a few people unconscious. >> turbulence injures dozens of passengers what, we know now about the flight and where it was forced to land. plus, it's a tale of lottery heartbreak, a half a million dollar jackpot literally slips from a florida man's fingers. oh, hate to hear that for somebody, especially in these economic times. i'm christie paul. boy, hello to you on this monday, welcome to hln news and views. first and foremost, talking
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about katherine jackson and her attorney, who as we speak are in court to battle for some control over michael's multimillion dollar estate. ted rowlands is live from los angeles. ted to clarify, this is not a custody situation, correct? that seems to have been worked out. this is primarily about money? >> reporter: the judge is going to, we expect, rubber stamp that agreement between katherine jackson and debbie rowe. debbie rowe gets visitation down the line when appropriate. we don't think since both sides are in agreement, the judge will rubber stamp that. there are other be issues, sides going back and forth. katherine jackson wants a larger role in the estate planning or estate management, basically saying she has been kept in the dark. she wants to know details of what the situation is with x, y and z as the executors go over the estate. executors say more than willing
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to provide her with those detail bus we need her to play ball in terms of signing an agreement, a confidentiality a agreement, going back and forth this judge is going to have to intervene and make the decisions. also today, just learning that katherine jackson's inside, she is present, and also accompanied by two of michael jackson's sisters, not sure which ones, a spokesman told us this and one of his brothers. fairly large contingency of family members. joe jackson, however, notably not here today. what they are going to do is go through basically all of the issues with the estate. another one that just popped up a few minutes ago is that the promotion company, ag, that was the concert promoter for michael jackson's planned tour, they have now filed a petition that they want to intervene in the -- and be given standing in these proceedings as well. basically, their mentality is let us be at the table as well they must think they are owed money a lot of lawyers in this courtroom, the judge has a lot on his plate trying to weave
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through it all. >> two questions stand out. first of all, you mentioned about katherine jackson, how much control of his estate does she have, if any, right now? and two, at the end of the day, how much money are we talking about? because we know that he was supporting his mother, but that he was also -- sounded like bankrupt by the time -- well not bankrupt, but certainly didn't have a lot of money by the time he died? >> yeah, a lot of people, we heard a lot about his financial woes. the bottom line here is the day he died, of course, spending stopped and also his record sales exploded. so financial situation, by all accounts, much better than it was the day before he died. how much is his estate worth? we have heard estimates from 100 million up to 500 million. the actual estimate, we just don't know. katherine jackson, another thing they will ask for today, both side does seem in agreement on this katherine jackson needs a stipend from the state and so do the children. the judge is expected to basically come up with a number for a payment, a monthly
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payment, because katherine jackson and the children, of course, have been living off of michael jackson for years. so that is something that everybody is in agreement w the other stuff have to see what side the judge goes with, but a lot to wade through at this hearing, just getting under way now. >> good to know. ted rowlands, thank you so much we appreciate it so much. in just under an hour, lawyers for o.j. simpson will ask a judge in las vegas to let him out of prison. simpson was sentenced up to to 33 years behind bars for an armed confrontation with memorabilia dealers back in 2007. today, his lawyers will argue that he should be released while he appeals his conviction. should let you know, simpson is not expected to appear in court today. instead of a warm welcome from friends and family, passengers on a continental airlines flight from rio de janeiro were greeted with ambulances. the flight was diverted from miami from its original destination which was houston after the plane hit severe turbulence in the early morning hours. here, you can see people being
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taken off the plane by stretchers a local hospital says eight of the 168 passengers were taken there. continental said 28 brothers treated at the scene. >> the maxes come down, everything, people that weren't seat belted in flue up and hit the ceiling, their faces or heads hit the plastics and broke all the plastics up top. >> there was any warning, passengers buckled up? >> no, no happened like this. >> everybody bumped twice, came down again and very sharp and, oh. >> terrifying? >> terrifying. one fraction of a second. >> have you looked at your face yet? >> i have seen it, but that's just fine. i am okay. i'm -- i don't see anything different. >> what is your name, ma'am? >> the reminder of flight 128 to houston has been canceled. swiss diplomats are trying to meet with three americans detained in iran. the three crossed an unmarked
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iranian border while hiking friday. they were identified as shane bauer, sarah shourd and joshua fattal. people home are very worried about this. >> hardest part not being able to communicate with the people detaining them. i think is that the scariest part. >> another american who traveled with them, shon meckfessel, stayed behind in iraq. his grandmother told cfn that he felt too sick to hike on fly day. iran's media says the three were arrested for illegally entering the country and an investigation is under way. switzerland represents american interests there because the u.s. doesn't have diplomatic relations with iran. that's how that comes into play there. 18 years after he was shot down in iraq, we finally know what happened to captain michael scott speicher. speicher was the first american shot down during the 1919 gulf war. the pentagon said the remains have now been identified and recovered from a grave in the desert. the discovery ends years of speculation that speicher was being held captive.
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>> it's a bittersweet ending. it's great we finally accomplished an ending. but it is bittersweet. you always hope he is going to be found alive, but on that end, if he was found alive, look what he's missed. his children are in college now, and what kind of life would he have led being a prisoner of war? >> well, speicher was shot down on the first night of the first gulf war, january 17, 1991. his children were only toddlers at the time. his family issued a statement thanking everyone involved in the search. searchers found his remains after getting tips from iraqis who remembered the crash and witnessed his burial. three-time boxing champion vernon forest laid to rest today outside atlanta.
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police are close to finding his killers. here we go police say three or four suspects were involved here, saying it started as a robbery at gunpoint, with one suspect demanding forest' diamond championship ring and a rolex watch, while he was pumping air into his tires at a gas station. now, going from this live picture of the funeral to this surveillance video, the suspect's pontiac pull nothing the gas station. police say after the robbery, forrest went after the suspects with his own gun and that is when investigators say he was shot in the back several times by another man who was in that pontiac. an outdoor stage collapsed in a sudden storm killing one person and trapping actor kevin costner. now, the stage caved in on saturday right before costner and his band were going to perform at the big valley jamboree in alberta, canada. he was not hurt. two people were reported in critical condition. organizers canceled the last day of the country music festival. costner's publicist said "we are so saddened by the loss of life
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and injury that occurred on a day that carried so much promise but turned so wicked so quickly. we hope to return to alberta in the future to help with the healing." we have learned he was at the hospital to pay his respects to some of the folks there. obama officials suggesting a middle class tax hike, despite promises not to raise taxes on people making $250,000 a yearsome this a necessary evil or did the president go become on his word? we are going to hear your views.
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taken to the hospital. they have some respiratory issues. firefighters responded though to abc disposal service inc., just about two hours ago and they were told something that had been brought into the facility was making people sick. we do know the victims were decontaminated by a hazardous materials team on site before they were being taken to the hospital, but authorities are investigating the situation there. again, a couple of live pictures, as you can see, some of the emergency vehicles that have converged onto that scene. didn't look like there was a lot of houses or -- no words on evacuations in that area but we will keep you posted. meanwhile, president obama's top money men will not rule out higher tax notice future. over the weekend with, national economic advisers larry summers said they would have to find funding for health care reform somewhere. in an interview on abc's "this week," tim geithner, the treasury seth secretary, said increases might be necessary at some point to get the budget f
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deficit down. >> we will have to do what is necessary. people have to undera stand when we have recovery established led by the private sector, we have to bring the deficit downs very dramatically. what the country needs to do is understand we will do what it takes, we will do what's necessary. >> if you paid close attention during the last days of the 2008 presidential election, you will find there is something at a clashes with summers' and geithner's assessments and that something is a campaign promise the future president himself made to middle class america. >> if you make under $250,000, you will not see your taxes increase by a single dime. not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains tax. no taxes. >> the white house hasn't commented on whether president obama's officially changed his position on the no tax increases pledge, but i'm wondering how you're absorbing this new information here. should middle class americans be
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asked to pay more in taxes to reduce the national deficit? this, of course, even though during the campaign, president obama promised there would be no tax hikes for the middle class. i mean what are you willing to do? 1-877-tell-hln. or e-mail us, go to, click under your views, you can text us the word views, comments and name to hlntv. standard text rates do apply, by the way. this segment all about you and your thoughts, thank you for sharing them with us. detroit auto make letters report their july sales today and analysts are expecting some pretty encouraging numbers here. predicts they will show sales jumped more than 10% in june, or over june, i should say. ford says it will see its first year-to-year gain since november of 2007. now let's talk about that cash for clunkers program that's running out of money so fast.
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the transportation secretary says it could go broke by the end of the week unless the senate approves $2 billion more for it. now, remember, the house approved those funds onay. car dealers burned through the original $1 billion in funding during the first week of this program. it provides up to $4500 if you trade in your old car for a more fuel-efficient one. >> it would probably be a good idea for the government to get these last fuel efficient cars off the road and it would reduce our dependence on foreign oil to some extent, you know? >> give me more money than what my car's worth and i don't have 4500 to put down to on a new car. >> now, i want to point out the wildly popular program is credited with boosting the auto industry. not everyone thinks cash for clunkers is a good yad. republican senator jim demint calls it an example of the stupidity coming out of washington right now. that is a quote. a man wins the lottery but loses his half a million dollar
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again some time. >> you know what, i liked crowley, and i thought that we would like each other. yeah, i don't know what we'll talk about, but i asked if he would have lunch with me one on one, maybe we could go to a red sox game together, maybe have dinner with our families. you know. why not? i offered to get his kids into harvard. >> on a more serious note, we should point out professor gates said he has received death and bomb threats and he's had to change his cell phone number and an e-mail as well. an off-duty cop says he had to shoot a man who stole his taser. houston police say the officer was working security at an apartment complex when he tried break up a fighting couple. the cop says that the man got his taser and threatened him. he says he shot and killed the man because he feared for his own life.
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>> i've never really been in an apartment when something like this happened, i wasn't really scared but kind of worried. >> the officer will be on administrative duty while the department investigates. that woman in the fight was not hurt. a half a million dollar lotto ticket disappeare eed fro the winner's pocket. he stashed his ticket in his pocket while he got directions to the nearest lotto office in west palm beach florida. he realize aed the ticket was gone. he thinks a pick pocket snatched it. >> he was getting too close to me, so i said would you like to go first? he said, to, no, go ahead, do what you gotta do. okay. and then i left there thinking my lotto and my papers were still in my pocket. i left. i came home and it was gone. >> since tollentino didn't sign the ticket, anybody can now turn it in.
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college students spend a ton of money every year for textbooks, luckily, one website puts money back into your wallet. hln money expert clark howard tells us where you can find this deal. >> i'm going to be a spoilsport and i'm going to talk about back to school. how can i do that? i have an opportunity for you. if you are an incoming college freshman or you're already in college and you've seen your wallet just disappear year after year when you go to the book store to buy the books for your classes, what if i could save you a lot of money on that? maybe not for every textbook for every class, but there's a business that's been quietly out there for a couple of years, i talked about it back when it first started, didn't seem to have much impact back then but now growing quickly, where you rent your textbooks for the quarter or semester.
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think about that. when will you ever need them again anyway? you can rent them and turn them back in, that could save you a fortune in money over a four-year degree. so, the website you go to is i'm clark howard. for more ways to save, go to >> clark will teach you to save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. catch him at noon eastern on saturday he is and sundays, right here on hln. leaves you speechless, doesn't it? what happened when a building demolition goes wrong here? in this case, an old factory building in turkey.
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it rolled over a few feet from another building. they were trying to demolish the building in turkey to make room for another shop center. wow. a girl who spent two months in a coma is now okay and expected to make a full recovery. what she says helped her make it through the ordeal and your views, next. )%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%
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katherine jackson and her attorneys are in court as we speak to fight for some control of her son, michael's multidollar estate. now, a former music executive and one of her son's lawyers were named executors of his will. last week, her attorney filed petitions of keeping her in the dark about deals and negotiations. in court documents, michael jackson's estate has been estimated at more than half a billion dollars, but some estimates put that total much lower. even so, today, a a judge is expected to finalize katherine jackson's guardianship of her three grandchildren. last week, she and michael's ex-wife, debbie rowe, came to a cust to toddy agreement over his
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two eldest children. at the top of the hour, lawyers for o.j. simpson will go to go to lugs to ask a judge to let him out of prison. you may remember that simpson was sentenced up to 33 years behind bars for an armed confrontation in 2007. today his lawyers will argue that he should be released while he appeals his conviction. simpson is not expected to appear in court. pansers from a flight from rio were greeted with ambulances instead of a warm welcome, in houston. the plane hit severe turbulence. this is the early morning hours, somebody taken off there by medical personnel on a stretcher a local hospital says eight of the 168 passengers were taken there. continental says 28 others were treat ted scene. >> my head on the light above and it broke the light out and was showered in glass and i was lucky though. there were people on there whose
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faces were cut up. it was terrible. >> trying to get an understanding, was there no warning? >> none. whatsoever. at that point, everybody was almost asleep. i mean, i was anyway andmy husband was as well. so, you could hear shouts, cries. the people in the middle were the ones who were really hurt the worst. a i had a window seat. >> paint a picture for me, what was a mood, what was the atmosphere inside that plane? >> panic. >> yeah. >> everybody kind of panicked for a while but everybody stayed -- remained seated and then we looking for who needs help. >> i know when i have experienced tur by hence you feel like, oh, boy this is it. how did you feel at this very moment, the plane is dipping, i think i heard twice. >> i thought it was more than twice. i feel like i was on a roller coaster. i was just like i couldn't see what happened to my wife. i was just like holding the front of the seat.
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it was just going with the flow. >> the remainder of flight 128 to hoursen has been canceled now. bring you live pictures we are getting from massachusetts, new bedford specifically, where authorities say about a dozen people have been exposed to an unknown gas. this is a city trash hauling company. you can see the emergency vehicles in front of it. ten people we know have been taken to the hospital with respiratory issues. firefighters responded to abc disposal service this morning and we're told that something brought into the facility is making people sick a hazardous materials team decontaminated workers before taking them to the hospital and authorities not investigating. we have not heard anything about evacuations in the area as well. looks like it is pretty much an industrial area but we will keep you posted. meanwhile, swiss diplomats are trying to meet with three americans detained in iran right now. the three crossed an unparked iranian border while hiking in northern iraq on friday.
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iraqi officials identified them as shane bauer, shari shourd and joshua fattal. you can imagine people back home are worried. >> the hardest part is being not able to communicate with people detaining them. is that the scariest part. >> another american who traveled with them, shon meckfessel stayed behind in iraq. he felt too sick to hike on friday. iran's media says the three were arrested for illegally entering the country and an investigation is under way. but switzerlands represents american interests there because the u.s. doesn't have diplomatic relations with iran. so, that's how that comes into play. 18 years after he was shot down in iraq, we finally know what happened to captain michael scott speicher. he was the first american shot down during the first gulf war in 1991. the pentagon says his remains have now been identified and recovered from a grave in the desert. the discovery ends years of speculation that speicher was being held captive.
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>> it's a bittersweet ending. i mean, it's great that we have finally accomplished an ending, but it is bittersweet. you know, you always hope that he is going to be found alive, but yet, on that end, if he was found alive, look what he's missed. i mean, his children are in college now and, you know, what kind of life would he have led being a prisoner of war? >> speicher was shot down on the first night of the first gulf war, january 17, 1991. his children were just toddlers at the time. his family issued a statement thanking everyone involved in the search. searchers found speicher's remains after getting tips from iraqis who remember the jet crash and witnessed his burial. three-time boxing champion vernon forrest being laid to rest today outside atlanta. here are live pictures of the casket there as people pay their respects. obviously, very emotional for them. homicide investigators meanwhile
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say they are close to finding his killers. now, police say they believe three or four suspects were involved, saying it started as a robbery at gunpoint with one suspect demanding forrest's diamond championship ring and a rolex watch while he pumped air into his tires at a gas station. we are looking a at surveillance tape of the suspect's pontiac pull nothing that gas station. police say after the robbery, forrest went after the suspects with his own gun and that's when investigators say he was shot in the back several times by another man who was in that pontiac. an outdoor stage collapsed in a sudden storm killing one person and trapping actor kevin costner. the stage caved in saturday before costner and his band were going to perform at the big valley jamboree in alberta, canada. he wasn't hurt. two people were in critical condition. organizers canceled the rest of the show. costner says he is saddened by the loss of life and hopes to return to help with the healing.
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we understand costner was at the hospital talking to some of those who were hurt. a new strain of the virus that causes aids has been found. this is according to researchers. a 62-year-old woman from cameroon tested positive five years ago. now the strain she has is different from the three known strains of hiv. this new one is similar to a virus recently discovered in wild gorillas. during a speech at george mason university in virginia, the president said it is important for u.s. troops to get the opportunities they have earned. >> now with this policy, we are letting those who have borne the heaviest burden lead us into the 21st century. and so today, we honor the
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service of an extraordinary generation and look to america that they will help build tomorrow. with the post-9/11 gi bill, we can give our veterans the chance to live their dreams and -- >> now this is the first new gi bill since the september 11th terrorism attacks as well. a new mom in massachusetts says her baby's pictures were swiped from her blog. as if that wasn't unsettling enough, someone then posted the pictures on craigslist. the scam she says she uncovered.
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of michael jackson's multimillion dollar estate to his mother. the judge, we understand, has granted katherine permanent custody of all three children with another hearing in two months, october 2nd. that is for the matter of guardianship. jackson's two eldest, paris and prince, have signed consent apparently. last week, she and michael's ex-wife, katherine and michael's ex-wife, debbie rowe, came to a custody agreement over those two eldest kids. of course, debbie rowe is the mother of those children. it looks like katherine has been officially granted custody of his three children as of today. president obama's top money men will not rule out higher taxes in the future. now, over the weekend, national economic adviser larry summers says that they would have to find funding for health care reform somewhere. and on abc "this week" treasury secretary timothy geithner says increases might be necessary at some point to get the budget deficit down. >> well, we are going to have to look at -- do what's necessary.
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the critical thing is that people understand we have recovery established led by the private sector, we have to bring the deficits down very dramatically. what the country needs to what the country needs to do is understand we are going to have to do what it takes dork what's necessary. >> if you paid close attention to the election campaign in 2008, you will find something clashes with what summers and geithner are saying to middle america. >> if you make under $250,000, you will not see your taxes increase by a single dime, not your income tax, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains tax, no tax. >> so far, the white house hasn't commented on whether president obama has officially changed his position on the no tax increases pledge, but we really want your assessment of this. do you think that middle class americans should be asked to pay more in taxes to reduce the
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national deficit, even though during the campaign, president obama promise there had would be no tax hikes for the middle class? the number to call, 1-877-tell-hln. that's 1-877-835-5456. with woe love to hear from you. e-mail us at or text you are your views, comments, name to hlntv. standard text rates do apply but we are airing your comments throughout the day and always so happy to hear from you. thank you for participating in the conversation. the white house is considering moving all guantanamo bay detainees to a single prison in the u.s. that's from a senior administration official who says possible locations include a soon-to-be closed maximum security prison in michigan and a military penitentiary in fort levenworth, kansas. they would have a courtroom for the detainees' trials. president obama ordered guantanamo to be closed by november 22, 2010. you post pictures on the
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internet, please listen to this. a massachusetts mom was horrified to discover a picture of her own baby being used in an apparent adoption scam. the ad on craigslist said for 3 -- $300, she could sign up to adopt a baby boy. she has called the fbi and restricted access to her blog now. a 16-year-old girl just recently woke up after months in a coma. dozens of family and friends welcomed her home on saturday dressed in her favorite color, lime green. the so-called green team held vigil at the hospital since she got in a car crash in may. they decorated the halls in green and even started visiting other patients. >> they saved my life. if they didn't pray, i probably would have died, i think. and i came back to life. >> doctors say that she will fully recover.
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detroit auto make letters report the july sales today and analysts are expecting some pretty encouraging numbers here. predicts they will show sales jumped more than 10% over june. ford says it will have its first year-to-year gain since november of 2007. but let's talk about the future of the cash for clunkers program. rest notice hands of the senate. the house approved a $2 billion boost to the popular car trade-in program last week but some senators think it should be more strict and force people to buy vehicles that are much more fuel efficient. so, christine romans is in new york with more on the fate of this program. obviously august a lot of people are taking advantage of it at this point. >> they really are. talked about some of the senators concerned about making sure people are buying fuel-efficient small cars with this incentive and others concerned the government shouldn't be involved in the
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used car business or car business at all and maybe, you know, this he don't want to see a broad expansion of this program and still others who are concerned that by diverting money, other energy stimulus funds to this program to beef up this program that somehow you are going to be giving short shrift to maybe an energy independence or energy efficiency program. we will see what shapes up in a few hours when the senate takes this up. look, for customers, they are cramming the lots. the lots that have been full of unsold cars are now across the country getting big junker clunkers that they are going to have to -- they are going to have to dismantle because this has been very popular. this is why. listen to what customers say. >> it would probably be a good idea for the government to get these less fuel-efficient cars off the road and reduce our dependence on foreign oil to some extent, you know? >> give me more money than what my car's worth and i don't have 4500 to put down on a new car.
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>> there you go people out there who have got 100,000-plus miles on their car. every time gas prices go up, it gets more expensive for them, the government comes in with a 3500 to 4500 dollar tax rebate to essentially get that off the road and buy a new car, boosting sales, as you pointed out. many car sales in the last week of july as they had for the prior three weeks and expecting that to continue for the beginning of august if this program is extended. so what happens to those cars once they have been junked? what exactly do the dealership does? they have to immediately make them inoperable and then they go to the scrap yard. listen to what the service manager said about, i don't know what it feels like to have to disman the al perfectly good car. >> a as a service manager, you never want to see them junk their old cars, rather see them fix them but as the sales end to have goes, is going to be a huge success and can't wait to do another hundred of them. >> if you are one of those people who is junking your car, you get the scrap value minus $50. the dealer and service manager gets the 50 from the scrap yard,
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you get the rest of that some dealers and scrap yard folks have been telling us you can get 2 or 300 bucks extra, sometimes more, depending what the car is. you get the incentive, then the scrap be other incentives as well. chrysler telling us that they have up to $4500 of additional incentives to get you in to buy a car. >> wow. >> so they want you to buy a car. and some of the criticism also is that maybe this is just cramming a bunch of demand that would have come later in the year. cramming it all at one time. you're not creating it at one time. but, look, there's no doubt about it that the dealers are very busy right now. >> okay. let me ask you this. they blew through $1 million during a week of this program. even if another 2 million is extended into this program, how do you we know how long that is going to last? >> that is a very good question. if you have a clunger in your garage or in your backyard and
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you can prove that you've been driving it over the past year, you have insurance for it, i would suggest that you do this deal sooner rather than later. you just don't know how long the extra $2 billion is going to last, quite honestly. and we know that the first billion went quite quickly. in terms of the insurance issue, if you live in wisconsin or new hampshire you had a little bit of a problem. you were required to have insurance but you didn't have to have proof. if you didn't have insurance on a car but can prove that you were drivinging it over the last year, it does qualify for cash for clungers. if you have any more question about whether you qualify to get this gasparino gus lett the gas guzzler out of your driveway. a baghdad cop has turned this into one, meet general amar. he's an unlikely iraqi
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you're done? she pulled a fast one! ( laughs ) new windex outdoor all-in-one. a streak-free shine in half the time. s.c. johnson, a family company. michael jackson's mother has control over her son's estate and will finalize plans for her three kids. >> and people were caught leaving and people trying to -- there were a few people unconscious. >> more about the flight and where it was and where it had to land. >> plus, a tale of a lottery heartbreak, literally slipped from a florida man's fingers. i'm chuck roberts. welcome. katherine jackson was granted
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custody of michael jackson's three children. she is seeking to gain control over his assets. ted, what happened? >> reporter: it's still going on, chuck. and the judge actually just a few minutes ago took a 30-minute recess to allow the lawyers to try to work out some of their issues on the estate before he makes any sort of a ruling. basically, to go back to what has been accomplished already today, the judge gave katherine jackson his expected permanent custody of the three children. there is another hearing, sort of a status hearing, set for october but at this point she'll have permanent custody. a little bit of a wrinkle earlier, dr. klein's lawyers stepped up and said that the doctor wanted to have a role in the children's lives. the judge said on what basis? they went to a side bar, explained themselves and said, no, you don't have any role. that was his ruling.
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katherine jackson has custody of the three kids. he also ruled on the estate out of and to the children the stipend given to katherine jackson was 100% of which she was asking for. 83% was what they were asking for. not giving all of it and the judge saying that it was a bit excessive. and then again the -- right now where we are at is a 30-minute break so that these lawyers can at issue here is katherine jackson's lawyers being in the dark and suspicion over what is in the estate. we've seen different amounts from 100 million to 500 million in terms of the worth. really what the judge is asking them to do is hammer it out themselves. if they don't, they le have to make some decisions later on this morning. >> what about the named exhibit fors? are they still in court today?
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>> they are. they are in court. that's what is being dealt with. the named exhibit fors have said that they will happily share information with katherine jackson. she's getting 40% of the estate and the kids are the other 40. she does have a role and a right to know things. but they have had disagreements on how that information was going to be translated. it seems to be the suspiciousness from the katherine jackson camp towards the exhibit fors and that's what they are trying to hammer out now. but they are in court and they are participating fully in this judge -- athis judge is trying to referee through all of these lawyers to go back and forth. >> ted, thanks. appreciate it. >> yep. >> instead of a warm welcome from friends and family, passengers on a continental flight bound from rio to houston were greeted with ambulances and didn't make it to houston. this happened in the early morning hours, 8 of the 168 passengers and treated at the
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vooen. >> most of them were hurt. >> and when you say you've never seen anything like this, what was so shocking with this? what was so different? >> well, i fly a lot because i'm originally from brazil. i keep going back and forth. i've never seen turbulence like that. there were really good odds and we were very scared people trying to help the injured people. >> here's a live shot of the plane itself. live pictures from miami international airport. that's flight 128. we had heard that it would be canceled and it would not make the last leg to houston.
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that plane will push back and make it to the original destination in houston. swiss diplomats are trying to meet with the three detained in iran. they were hiking in northern iraq on friday. the three were shane and sarah and joshua. another american stayed behind. he felt too ill to take a hike on friday. the three were arrested for illegally entering the country and an investigation is under way. the u.s. does not have formal diplomatic relations with tehran. 18 years after being shot down in iraq, we finally know what happened to captain michael scott speicher president
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pentagon says his remains have been recovered in a grave in the desert. >> it is bittersweet. you always hope that he's going to be found alive but yet on that end, if he was found alive, look what he's missed. these children are in college now and, you know, what kind of life would he have led being a prisoner of war? >> speicher was shot down the first night of the war on january 17th, 1991. his children, of course, were toddlers at the time. president obama's top money man will not rule out taxes in the future. higher taxes over the weekend,
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national economic advisor says that the government will have to find funding for health care reform somewhere. in an interview this week, treasury secretary tim geithner said tax increases might be necessary at some point to get the budget deficit down. the critical thing is when it's led by the private sector and we have to bring the deficits down very dramatically, what the country needs to do is do what is necessary. >> something being a campaign promise, future campaign that the president himself made to middle class america. you. >> you will not see your taxes increase.
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not your payroll, capital gains, property taxes, no taxes should middle class americans be asked to pay more taxes even though during the campaign they promised no such taxes would be raised? call 1-877-835-5456. or e-mail us at you can text views plus your name and your comment to hlntv. standard text rates apply. we'll air your responses throughout the day. the cash for clunkers program is running out of money fast. the house approved such funding on friday. and provides up to $4500 if you
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provide for your old car. >> it would be a good idea to get the government to get the fuel-efficient cars off the road and reduce our dependence on foreign oil to some extent. >> >> i don't have 45 hundred to put down on a new car. >> they call it an example of stupidity coming out of washington right now. the harvard professor who had a beard with the president is now joking about his arrest. >> i dreamed i got arrested in the white house. >> later what he says about the officer who arrested him.
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arrests by a cambridge police officer. sunday at a book signing on martha's vineyard, he said that he was interested in meeting with sergeant crowley again sometime. >> you know, i like crowley and i thought that we would like each other. and, yeah, i don't know what we'll talk about. but i asked him if he would meet with me one on one, go to a red sox game together. you know, maybe have dinner with our families. you know, why not? i offered to get these kids into harvard. >> our more serious note, he has received death threats and bomb threats. he's had to change his cell phone number and e-mail. an off-duty cop said that he had to shoot a man who stole his taser. he was working security at an apartment complex when he tried to break up a couple for fighting. the officer said that he feared for his life so he shot and
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killed the man. >> i've never really like been in an apartment when this had happened. i had never really seen the shooting or anything. so i was a little, you know -- i wasn't really scared but kind of worried. >> the officer will be on administrative leave. the woman in the fight was not hurt. an outdoor stage was collapsed when it caved in on saturday just before costner and his band performed at the big valley jamboree in alberta. two people were in critical condition. organizers canceled the last day of the country music festival in canada. costner's publicist were so devastated by the loss of life that carried so much promise but turned wicked so quickly. >> that did not go according to plan. that's what happens when a
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demolition goes wrong. it hardly collapsed and just rolled over. it stopped just short of another building. nobody was injured. engineers were trying to demolish the building to make place for a shopping center. three-time boxing champion is being laid to rest. live pictures from outside of atlanta, we'll take you to the memorial as investigators say that they are closer to finding his killer.
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being played to laid to rest as homicide investigators say that they are closing in on finding the killers. they believe three or four suspects were involved. rafer weigel is there. hi. >> yeah, good morning to you, chuck. we're here outside of newberg missionary baptist where thousands of people are coming to pay their respects. this is really a huge loss, not just to the boxing community it was really by all accounts someone that will pay the respects to him. and and forced two times and yet they adored him and came here
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it in. we will tell you where to find this great deal. here we are in the middle of assume mer and if you were an incoming college freshman or you're already in college and you've seen your wallet just disappear, what if i can save you a lot of money on that? maybe not for every textbook, for every class, i've talked about it after it first started. it didn't seem to have much impact on where you rent your textbooks for the quarter or semester. think about that. wouldn't you need them any way?
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so you can rent them turning them back in. that could save you a fortune in money go to don't miss clark's great advise on saturday and sunday on hln. a new york city woman is suinging her ala mater because she can't find a job. she wants to be reimbursed for $70,000 that she can't find on her and the office of school advanced has not given her any leads or add advice. the lawsuit -- >> during the campaign the president promises not to raise taxes on middle class families.
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a judge has granted katherine jackson custody of michael jackson's three children. last week she and debbie rowe came to a custody agreement over the two older kids. assets are also center stage as jackson seeks to gain control over his estate. she and the singer's children will all get monthly allowances, though the amounts were not disclosed. the former music exhibit for named exhib named exhibit for of her will. in court document, michael jackson's estate has been valued
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at over $1 billion. another status update is scheduled for october. couldn't nen flight 1 continental flight 128 will land from rio to houston but they ended up in miami. a local hospital says that they treated eight passengers. people on board said that they flew out of their seats and hit their heads on the overhead compartments. >> a couple people mainly hurt from the plastic breaking on their faces. >> but nobody flipped? >> oh, yeah. there were people cut, bleeding, people trying to -- there were a few people unconscious. one of my friends was in the back. >> my goodness, how did emergency crews handle it? >> we were fine. we didn't know there was a lot going on afterwards and then 20
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or 30 minutes later they let us know that we were going to fly into miami and realized that we saw an ambulance and a lot of people were hurt in the back. >> so were they -- >> they got us heading to another gate and heading us to houston. >> aside from the eight people taken to the hospital, 28 others were treated at the scene. forest is being laid to rest. live pictures from an ongoing funeral. are close to be finding his killers. it started as a robbery at gunpoint with a convenient store. police say after the robbery, forest went chasing after the suspects with his own gun. investigators say that he was shot in the back several times
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by a man that was in the pontiac. they predict a sales jump more than 10% in june. it was the first year to year gain since 2007. the cash for clunkers program is fast running out of money. ray lahood says that they could go break by the end of the week. they already approved those funds late friday. car dealers burned through the funding during the first week of the program. it provides up to $4500 if you trade in your old car for a more fuel efficient one. >> it would probably be a good idea to some extent, you know. >> give me more money than what my car is worth. i don't have 45 hundred to put
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down on a new car. >> not everybody thinks that cash for clunkers is a good idea. they call it an example of the stupidity coming out of washington right now. >> swiss diplomats are still trying to meet with the three detained in iran. iraqi officials identified them as shane and joshua and sarah. people back home are worried. >> the hardest part is not being able to communicate with the people that are detaining them. switzerland represents american interests in iran because the u.s. does not have diplomatic relations with iran. >> august is off to a deadly
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start with troops in afghanistan. at least three of them were killed there last weekend and they were part of the assistance force. a total of nine soldiers died over the weekend. killing two bodyguards and at least ten civilians, the chain was hurt. the family of michael scott speicher were found. he was shot down during the gulf war. his death has h remained a mystery for 18 years a nearly 208-year history, all this time.
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>> it's a bittersweet ending. it's great that we have finally accomplished an ending. but it is bittersweet. when the marines arrived, another iraqi said that he was there with captain speicher already dead. and comparing the dental records and jawbone, it was him. >> the whole family is so grateful that the navy stayed on this. >> but the military. >> the total u.s. losses are.
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>> some of the military thought that he had ejected and thought that he may still be alive. but according to people in the room, i do not want to have to write the parents and tell them that their son or daughter died until 2001, the pentagon missing in action. after the invasion of iraq, some found that officials had scratched into the walls of an iraqi prison. we will never repeat that
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mistake again. >> in a statement released only yesterday, his family says we find solace in having transformed the church process so no servicemen or women is left behind again. every now and then one of the old masters of unpublished work of an old author. wolf gang mozart, you'll hear it for yourself.
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sense. over the weekend, larry summers said that they would have to provide funding somewhere and during an interview said a tax increase might be necessary to get the budget deficit down. the most important thing that we can do is get our economy growing again. part of the reason that the deficit is up right now is that the economy has slowed down so much and the tax revenues because of what happened in the economic slow down have regressed a lot. i think the president -- obviously we're going to have to make some decisions down the road on some of the president's legislative priorities, some of the things that congress wants them to do to evaluate how we
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lose some -- on a path towards sustainability. >> sustainability is the word there. you'll recall something that was said over the weekend that clashes with something that the president potential president, fu future president was saying on the campaign trail and that he himself made of middle class america. >> if you make 100 to $250,000, you will not see your taxes increase by a single dime. not your income tax, not your capital gains tax. no taxes. >> so what are your thoughts? should middle class americans be asked to reduce the deficit even though during the campaign the president offered no such tax? call us toll free at 877-tell-hln. click under "your views."
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standard text rates apply. we'll air your responses throughout the day. just about all of us have a cell phone, computer, laptop, ipod, gps even. and eventually we throw them away. the massive waste is a growing concern and even recycling the stuff is creating dangerous problems. melissa long is here with one of the most read stories today, right? >> when you hear about these blackberry computers, when they do get recycling, it's great in theory but not great if they are ending up in landfills when they arrive in japan or nigeria. that's what this story is all about. they are being picked over studies have shown harmful chemicals in those areas and the risk has magnified.
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reand linked to cancer and some estimates may be shocking to you if you think that recycling is actually happening. only 20% of items safely recycle. the rest are just burned off. placing the blame on the u.s., placing the blame on europe, the largest contributor. government action is in the process to try and raise the consumption that we have and blame placed on the companies making these gadgets, the chemicals being used. they are replacing those chemicals or are trying to do so. chuck? >> for a city being stuck in gridlock, one of the traffic cops is becoming a celebrity, right? >> absolutely. people are alluding him. he is charged with keeping the peace and keeping people safe on the streets. in the hustle and bustle of baghdad. he actually appears on a morning
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show. it's called good morning iraq. how bad can it be? it was actually this general, and his name is ammar, who lost his own son, his 18-year-old son last year. he was killed by a roadside bomb in the streets and he says that he's looking at the job as his duty to protect other people. he's going to do this job until he dies. he says that he believes he is saving lives. he's been a traffic cop for 23 years and he's on the air doing this. >> he's taking it personally. >> he is. >> mozart's childhood creations were identified.
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♪ the compositions were found in a book compiled by mozart's father used for practice. experts believe that he wrote the piece he is when he was around 7 or 8 years old. a true prodigy. there was a hum homecoming celebration for a teen that woke up in a coma. she says it's something that her friends and family did that saved her life.
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the white house is considering moving off of the guantanamo detainees to the u.s. that's what officials say possible locations include a soon to be closed maximum security prison in michigan and a military building in kansas. there would be a courtroom for trials. the president ordered gitmo closed. legislation provides $78 billion in tuition payments over the next decade. during a speech at george mason
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university, the president said that it's important for u.s. troops to get the opportunities that they've earned. >> and now with this policy, we are making it clear that the united states of america must reward responsibility and not ir responsibility. now, with this policy we are letting those that have borne the heaviest burden lead us into the 20th century. so today we honor the service of the an extra ordinary generation and look to america that they will help build tomorrow. with the post 911 bill, we can give them a chance to live their dreams. >> this is the first bill since the september 11th terror attacks. according to french researchers, a 62-year-old woman tested positive for hiv five years ago. researchers say that the strain she had is different and this new one is similar to a virus
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recently discovered in wild gorillas. an off-duty cop says that he had to shoot a man for stealing his taser. he tried to break up the couple -- the cop, rather, said the man got his taser and threatened him. the officer said fearing for his life, he shot and killed the man. >> i've never really like been, you know, in an apartment when this has happened. i never really seen a shooting or anything, so i was a little, you know -- wasn't really scared, but kind of worried. >> the officer also on administeried administrative duty. an island madonna once sang about is now burning. look at video from la palma. things are improving. many of the 4,000 people who were evacuated have been allowed to return. at least 50 homes and several small wineries have burned.
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colleges are catching onto the green trend. more schools are offering classes focusing on the environment. several business schools have added classes on running an ecofriendly company. community colleges are also training students in green technology. one high demand job is wind turbine technician. 7 out of 10 kids in the u.s. don't get enough vitamin d and could be at risk of bone and heart disease, from a new study in the journal of pete tricks. researchers say levels were especially low in african-american and mexican american girls who drank milk less than once a week and weren't active. another researcher told "the washington post" more studies are needed. well, we're all feeling the pinch of a shaky economy, but hln money expert clark howard is here to help, and you can get the help by logging on to submit an i-report that could be profiled on our network and get valuable advice from america's money coach.
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michael jackson's mother goes to court to make a claim to some control of her son's estate and to finalize plans for his three children. also -- >> there are people kind of bleeding, people trying to -- there were a few people unconscious. >> turbulence injuries dozens of passengers. what we know now about that flight. plus, it's a tale of lottery heartbreak. a half a million dollar jackpot literally slips from a florida man's fingers. oh, it is monday. i hope you had a good weekend and thanks for kicking off the week with us. i'm christi paul. you're with hln "news and views." we have breaking news regarding who will take care of michael
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jackson's kids. as expected katherine jackson will get custody of those three children. a judge just approved an agreement between michael jackson's mother, katherine, and his ex-wife debbie rowe. rowe, of course, is the mother of jasckson's two eldest children. after the hearing, this is what her attorney had to say about rowe. >> i want to applaud debbie rowe. she's faced difficulties and pressures none of us know, and today's agreement shows she responded with heart, integrity, and selflessness. >> meanwhile, the battle continues for katherine jackson to gain some control over her son's estate itself. a former music executive and one of michael jackson's lawyers were named executors of his will, but last week her attorneys filed petitions accusing them of keeping her in the dark about deals and negotiations. now, in court documents michael jackson's estate has been estimated at more than half a billion dollars. some estimates put that total much lower, but another hearing is scheduled for october.
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lawyers apparently now in recess and we're going to -- they're talking some things over i guess i should say. we'll keep you apprised as to what's happening. coming up though, bombshell details from michael jackson's dermatologist and his concerns about joe jackson. the very latest in the jackson s saga with "showbiz tonight's" michael jackson hammer. we have other breaking news to get to. new york city prosecutors say a grand jury has indicted ex-new york giant plaque cc cco plaxico burress on weapons charges. he accidentally shot himself in the thigh in a manhattan nightclub. the manhattan district attorney says burres is getting no special treatment. it just took a while to sort through all the witnesses and the evidence. 18 years after he was shot down in iran, we finally know what happened to captain michael
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"scott" speicher. he was the first american shot down during the 1991 gulf war. the pentagon says his remains have been identified now and recovered from a grave in the desert. the discovery ends years of speculation that speicher was being held captive. >> it's a bittersweet ending. i mean, it's great that we have finally accomplished an ending, but it is bittersweet. you know, you always hope that he's going to be found alive, but yet on that end if he was found alive, look what he's missed. his children are in college now and, you know, what kind of life would he have led being a prisoner of war? >> speicher was shot down on the first night of the war, january 17th, 1991. obviously, his children were just toddlers at the time. she says they're now in college. his family issued a statement thanking everyone involved in the search. they actually got tips about speicher's remains though from iraqis who remembered his crash and witnessed his burial.
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swiss diplomats are trying to meet with three americans detained in iran. the three crossed an unmarked iranian border while hiking in northern iraq on friday. well, iraqi officials identified them as shane bauer, sarah shourd, and joshua fattal, and people back home are really worried. >> the hardest part is that -- not being able to communicate with the people that are detaining them. i think that's the scariest part. >> another american who traveled with them shon mcfessel stayed behind in iraq. his grandmother says he felt too sick to hike on friday. iran's media say the three were arrested for illegally entering the kun and an investigation is under way. switzerland represents american interests there because the u.s. doesn't have diplomatic relations with iran. president obama, his top money men will not rule out higher taxes in the future. over the weekend national economic adviser larry summers said the government would have to find funding for health care reform somewhere, and in an
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interview on abc's "this week" treasury secretary tim geithner said tax increases might be necessary at some point to get the budget deficit down. >> well, we're going to have to do what's necessary. the critical thing is people understanding when we have recovery established led by the private sector, then we have to bring these deficits down very dramatically. what the country needs to do is understand we're going to have to do what it takes. we're going to do what's necessary. >> talks of raising taxes on middle income americans really flies in the face of a promise president obama made during last year's campaign not to raise taxes on people making less than $250,000 a year. >> if you make under $250,000, you will not see your taxes increase by a single dime. not your income tax. not your payroll tax. not your capital gains tax. no tax. >> now, today white house press secretary robert gibbs said the president remains firm on that
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point. >> i'm reiterating the president's clear commitment in the clearest terms possible that he's not raising taxes on those who make less than $250,000 a year. >> gibbs added it's clear the deficit will have to be dealt with. he says the president will re-evaluate his leth lay tiff priorities as needed to ensure the economy stabilizes. so we're wondering in light of this new information from mr. gibbs, what do you think? would you be willing to pay more taxes if it cut the federal deficit? call us right now at 1-877-tell-hln. that's 1-877-835-5456. or e-mail us at and click under your views. or text the word "views" plus your comments and name to hlntv. standard text rates do apply, but we want to give you a chance to lend your voice to all of this. thank you for doing so. instead of a warm welcome from friends and family paeges on a continental airlines flight from rio de janeiro were greeted
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with ambulances. the flight was diverted to miami after the plane hit severe turbulence in the early morning hours. you see one passenger deplaning here via a stretcher. eight of the 168 passengers were treated at a hospital. >> the masks come down and everything. people that weren't seat belted in flew up and hit the ceiling, their faces, their heads hit the plastics and broke all the plastics up at the top. >> was there any warning, waeges buckle up? >> new, new, it happened like this. >> all of a sudden everybody bumped. it came down again and very sharp -- >> terrifying. >> terrifying. >> have you looked at your face yet? >> i have seen it. but i feel fine. i am okay. i don't feel any different. >> thankfully for her. aside from the eight people taken to a hospital continental says 28 others were treated at the scene there.
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have you heard lawyers for o.j. simpson are asking the nevada supreme court to let him out of prison? simpson is serving up to 33 years behind bars for an armed confrontation with memorabilia dealers in 2007. his lawyers argue he should be released while he appeals his conviction. simpson was not at today's hearing. the harvard professor who had a beer with president obama is joking about his arrest. >> i dreamed of the night before i went to the white house i dreamed i got arrest in the white house. >> hear what he has to say about the officer who arrested him.
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demanding his ring and a rolex watch. this as he pumped air into his tires at a gas station. this is surveillance video. police say after the robbery for forrest went after the suspects with his own gun. henry louis gates, jr. made his first public appearance since having a beer with president obama and he joked about his recent arrest by a cambridge police officer. this is him on sunday at a book signing on martha's vineyard where he said he was interested in meeting with sergeant james crowley again sometime. >> you know, i liked crowley, and i thought we would like each other, and, yeah, i don't know what we'll talk about. but i asked him if he would have lunch with me one-on-one. i asked him maybe we could go to a red sox game together, maybe to a celtics game together. maybe have dinner with our families, you know. why not? you know, i offered to get his kids into harvard.
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>> on a more serious note there, professor gate says he's received death threats and bomb threats. he had to change his cell phone number and his e-mail, in fact. well, the overwhelming popular cash for clunkers program could be done for unless the senate acts quickly.'s poppy harlow is following all of this from new york. so where does it stand at this point, poppy? >> yeah, you know, christi we're about an hour away from senators convening, probably the biggest topic on the table is that $2 billion cash for clunkers potential additional investment by taxpayers. why is that? why $2 billion more potentially? because the $1 billion in initial funding essentially was exhausted in just the first week, and here is why, because folks get up to $4,500 in credit from the government if they trade in their gas guzzling vehicle for a more fuel efficient one. but the outcome in the senate is still really unclear wa. you're facing is opposition on both
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sides. you have some republicans arguing, listen, this is just another auto industry bailout. why give them $2 billion more dollars? some democrats also saying they don't think the fuel economy standards are high enough. so you have a very unclear outcome ahead in the senate. we're watching, and, of course, they're meeting in less than an hour. >> a lot of people who have already traded in their clunkers are probably wondering, all right, where do i stant in all of this? >> it's exactly right, and what's interesting to look at is what happens to those cars when they trade them in. they're okay if they traded them in, they're getting the credit, the $4,500 is the top credit there. but these old guzzlers, they don't want them back on the road. that's part of this. it's not just really an economic stimulus, but it's also an environmental move. get those gas guzzlers off the road. so they kill the engine. we went to a dealership in new york. it's a nissan dealership. they pour that lick wiquid into
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engine. pour it into the engine, rev the car. the solution hardens, you can't drive the car again. this was actually the first one that that guy at the townsh dealership -- that he had ever killed so to speak. listen to what he has to say. >> as a service manager you never want to see them junk their old cars. as the sales go, it's going to be a huge success. can't wait to do another 100 of them. >> they then go to the scrapyard and get crushed right there. some of the usable parts, they're stripped off, and they are sold, but there's some good news for dealers who want to tell you about it because the rules have changed that allow them to wait to trash the clunker until they get that government rebate. protects them in case the program runs out of funding so they're not stuck with a crushed vehicle and they don't get the funding in. we want you to weigh in. some folks weighing in on our facebook page. howard wrote in and said it's a
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win/win situation. they should do it in five years when electric cars become more prevalent. >> i know everybody has their own idea for it. it's so interesting. >> they do. >> to hear their clever take. thank you so much, poppy. you know you can get much more of today's business news on of course. well, madge's mothichael ja mother was awarded custody of his children but not before the singer's dermatologist made a surprise objection. his concerns about joe jackson next.
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well, the white house is considering moving all guantanamo bay detainees to a single prison in the u.s. this is from senior administration officials who say possible locations include a soon to be closed maximum security prison in michigan and a military penitentiary in ft. leavenworth, kansas. the prison would have a courtroom apparently for detainees' trials. president obama, remember, ordered guantanamo closed by january 22nd of 2010. israeli police are looking for a masked gunman who witnesses say killed two people at a gay youth center over the weekend. one of the victims was laid to rest yesterday. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has condemned the crime saying the killer will face the most severe punishment possible. police sai said they were treating saturday night's shooting as a hate crime, but today they're saying they're looking at a range of possible motives including whether it was a revenge killing over a love
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affair gone wrong. 11 other people were wounded in that attack. the killings have sparked safety concerns within tel aviv gay, lease beeian, transsexual, and transgender community. do you believe this video? that's what happens when a building demolition goes wrong. in this case it was an old factory building in turkey. you saw it, it didn't collapse as plan, it rolled over. i've never seen anything like this. how about you? it stopped a few feet short of another building, and do you demolish the building for a shopping center. well, we told you at the top of the show that michael jackson's mother, katherine, has formally received guardianship of the late pop star's children. we expected that at today's hearing. what we did not expect was the bombshell that jackson's dermatologist would drop. "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer is in new york. he has more on the story with
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dr. klein. hi there, a.j. >> hey, christi. >> what did he say? >> i'm a little disappointed. i thought maybe there would be some kind of curveball today. i didn't see this one coming. i got to tell you. we expected michael jackson's mother, katherine jackson, to be there with her lawyer. we expected the lawyer for debbie rowe, who, of course, is the mother of michael jackson's two oldest kids and had agreed not to pursue custody of the kids. didn't expect do see dr. klein show up. dr. arnold klein is michael jackson's long-time friend and dermatologist, and there has been wild speculation for years and much more rampant since michael jackson passed away that he is, in fact, the biological father of michael jackson's two oldest kids. it's been the subject of a lot of fodder. i thought even if that's the case, this guy has no real standing in a custody decision. sure enough, he was there trying to get heard at this custody hearing today. his lawyer asked the judge to hear dr. klein wanted to be in
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some way involved in the kids' lives in respect to their education and their medical decisions, and when the judge was approached with that and asked why would he want that? the lawyer asked for a side bar. so we never heard what the real reason was. the lawyer never openly explained why exactly klein wanted involvement but said a third party had heard michael jackson asked him to be involved. in any event, christi, it certainly doesn't do anything to squash the speculation that klein is somehow more involved with these kids. >> no doubt about it, and i have to ask, what did the judge end up deciding regarding dr. klein? >> not a huge shock here. the judge said no. the judge said that he wasn't going to even be a party to the hearing. now, it wasn't that klein was objecting to the deal, but he just wanted a standing and wanted to be heard. that didn't end up happening, but as you have been reporting katherine jackson 100% guardianship of these kids. debbie rowe will have visitation
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as they have agreed upon. there's going to be a follow-up hearing in october. michael jackson's two oldest kids signed basically an agreement. they signed their consent saying they understood what was going on here. so it's all good and exactly what should have happened in my mind did happen. custody going to katherine jackson. coming up tonight on the "showbiz tonight," obviously we will be talking about this and all the late-breaking developments in today's court hearing involving michael jackson and the custody. but we also have farrah's funeral shocker. wait until you hear this. ryan o'neal's brand new revelation that he flirted with his own daughter at farrah's funeral. you're saying to yourself what? >> you're right about that. >> even his own daughter is saying, yeah, he did that and didn't surprise me. it's a wild story. >> what? >> we'll fill you in tonight. this is why you must tune in at 11:00 p.m. eastern and pacific to "showbiz tonight." >> you always keep us informed, a.j. thank you so much. >> you got it. well, during the campaign president obama promised not to raise taxes on families making less than $200,000 a year.
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some breaking news from los angeles. a judge has granted michael jackson's mother, katherine, custody of his three children officially here. the battle over jackson's estate, however, a center stage, too,s a katherine jackson seeks to gain some control over his assets. ted rowlands is in los angeles outside the courtroom. one of the more interesting moments, i understand, ted, was when the dermatologist, dr. klein, asked to speak to the judge was it privately? >> reporter: well, what happened was dr. klein wasn't here but when they were going through the custody agreement, keep in mind this had already been hammered out, they get to that part of this right at the beginning of today's hearing, and dr. arnold
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klein's lawyer shows up in court and asks to be heard and says that he would like to have a role, dr. klein, in the children's lives. so the judge says on what basis are you asking for this? and he said, i'll tell you, judge, and they went up to a side bar and they had a little discussion. came back out and the judge said no. no standing here in the court. michael jackson was the father, debbie rowe the mother, and lets move on. he ratified the deal that had been hammered out. katherine jackson gets custody of the children, debbie rowe gets visitation down the line when it was, quote, appropriate. the other half of the equation going on. the estate battle. katherine jackson asking for a larger role in it. she wants more information about the estate and how the executors are handling it, and the judge was just about to rule on this or get into that discussion when the lawyers and the judge came up with a plan to have the lawyers try to hammer this out on their own. so we've been out of session for about an hour and 40 minutes.
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they're just getting back at it now. katherine jackson, la toya jackson, and rebbie backson are n now back in the courtroom. if they can't hammer it out, the judge will have to rule and figure out exactly what katherine jackson's role is. she wasn't an executor, but she wants more information. >> so we do expect possibly a definitive answer today on where this money is going and how much money are we talking about? >> reporter: well, that's a good question. we don't exactly know. the estimates that have been documented range from $100 million to $500 million, and the court documents also have a claim it could be as high as $2 billion by one of the lawyers. but the disparity there is huge, and i think that's probably where the jackson family, too, is asking for answers here on that level. katherine jackson specifically, what are we talking about in
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terms of this estate and we want to see all of the documents. they especially want to see that aeg contract that michael jackson sip signed with the pror for the london concert series, and they haven't been able to see that yet. they may be dealt with today. >> all right. ted rowlands, thanks for keeping us apprised of what's happening. we appreciate it. >> reporter: you bet. >> sure. meanwhile, three-time boxing champion vernon forrest is being laid to rest outside of atlanta. homicide investigators say they are close to finding his killers. in fact, police say they believe three or four suspects were involved in this whole thing saying it started as a robbery at gunpoint with one suspect demanding ferrest's diamond championship ring and a rolex watch this. while he pumped air into his tires at a gas station. i want to show you this surveillance video here of the suspects' pontiac pulling into the gas station. police say after the robbery forrest went after the suspects with his own gun. investigators say he was shot in
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the back several times by another man who was in that pontiac. well, the white house is considering moving all guantanamo bay detainees to a single prison in the u.s. this is from senior administration officials who say possible locations include a soon to be closed maximum security prison in michigan and a military penitentiary in ft. leavenworth, kansas. now, the prison would have apparently a courtroom for detaine detainees' pril detainees' trials. president obama ordered guantanamo closed by january of 2010. state of wisconsin diplomats are trying to meet with three americans detained in iran today. the three crossed an unmarked iranian border while hiking in northern iraq on friday. iraqi officials identified them as shane bauer, sarah shourd, and joshua fattal. and people back home are really worried. >> the hardest part is not being able to communicate with the people that are detaining them. i think that's the scariest part. >> another american who traveled with them.
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shon meckfessel stayed behind in iraq. his grandmother tells cnn he felt too sick to hike on friday. iran's media say the three were arrested for illegally entering the country and an investigation is under way. switzerland represents american interests there because the u.s. doesn't have diplomatic relations with iran. so that's the connection there. we want to talk about the cash for clunkers program, too, because you know it's running out of money pretty fast. the transportation secretary says it could go broke by the end of the week unless the senate approves $2 billion more for this program. now, the house approved the funds on friday. car dealers burned through that original billion dollars in funding during the first week of the program. remember, it provides up to $4,500 if you trade in your old car for a more fuel efficient one. >> it would probably be a good idea for the government to get these less fuel efficient cars off the roads and it would reduce our dependence on foreign oil to some extent, you know. >> give me more money than what
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my car is worth, and i don't have $4,500 to put down on a new car. >> the wildly popular program is credited with boosting the auto industry that not everyone thinks cash for clunkers is a good idea. republican senator jim demint calls it, quote, an example of stupidity coming out of washington right now, unquote. we have this just in. the u.s. geological survey is reporting an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.9 saying this hit the gulf of california. there's a map for you. this is about 76 miles we understand northeast of santa ysabel in baja. we have no word of any injuries or property damage, but this is just coming in. so as we get more information on this, we'll certainly pass it along to you. 7 out of 10 kids in the u.s. do not get enough vitamin d and could be at risk of bone and heart disease. this is from a new study in the
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journal of pediatrics. researchers say levels were especially low in african-american and mexican american girls who drank milk less than once a week and weren't active. another researcher told "the washington post" more studies are needed. some oaks officials are suggesting a middle class tax hike to help pay for the deficit. this is in spite of president obama's promise not to raise taxes on families making less than $250,000 a year. what this means for you.
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over the weekend remember national economic adviser larry summers said they would have to find funding for health care reform somewhere, and then during an interview treasury secretary tim geithner said tax increases on the middle class might be necessary at some point to get the budget deficit down earlier today white house press secretary robert gibbs said president obama intends to keep his promise. >> i am reiterating the president's clear commitment in the clearest terms possible, that he's not raising taxes on those who make less than $250,000 a year. >> gibbs also made it a point to say the economic stimulus package included tax cuts for 95% of workers who pay taxes. we want your view on this. should middle americans or would you be willing, i guess, to pay more taxes if you're in middle america if it did cut the deficit. call us at 1-877-tell-hln.
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or e-mail us at or text the word views, your comments and names to hlntv. standard text rates apply. thanks for participating. all right. take a look at the technology you have at your fingertips. maybe a cell phone, computer, laptop, ipod, gps? do you have all of it? eventually we all throw them away. the massive waste is a growing concern, and it turns out even recycling this stuff a creating dangerous problems. live anchor reggie aqui here. >> this is interesting. this just happened to me, christi. i had a computer that broke and i thought i was doing the right thing. i paid money to get it recycled, to send it off. but who knows, right? you don't know where it goes after you send it in the mail. that's exactly what some organizations have found. you try to get it recycled and it ends up somewhere in a landfill, possibly in nigeria or japan. once it gets to those landfills,
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well, if they're not recycled, you can imagine what happens. those electronics are just having off of their guts essentially spill into the environment that. causes not only an environmental hazard, it also causes a health has ard. there are people who will go through some landfills and pick apart the items they think they can sell. so it's obviously a toxic environment. and it gets even worse when the items are burned in the air. so now there's another problem, and then on top of that there are some organized crime rings apparently who are also trying to get in on this and sell some of the items they find in the landfills. here is what greenpeace did. this is clever. they had a tv set for recycling and that was in the uk. they tracked it and they found that instead of being recycled, it ended up in a nigerian dump. a lot of environmental groups are blaming a lot of this on the u.s. and europe because we're the largest contributors apparently of e-waste. only about 20% of e-west aste i
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recycled every year. the question the article poses is why don't they just stop the production of some of these dangerous chemicals in the first place and replace it with more environmentally friendly things. >> i want to move on to this other story that is really popular right now. the city where being stuck in gridlock can have fatal consequences i know. one of baghdad's traffic cops is one of the country's most surprising celebrities. really? >> he's basically the christi paul of baghdad. >> yeah, right. >> if you can imagine. >> they're going who? >> it's true. he walks out the door sometimes and people recognize him and will call his name. his name is general omar alkia. he's been doing the traffic thing for more than two decades. what's changed is he now appears for the past 18 months he's been doing this on a tv show called good morning iraq. he gives the traffic forecast essentially, stands in front of a bunch of monitors and tells
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people how to avoid messes and criticizes people who are causing traffic jams or doing illegal things on the road. the interesting twist to the story and the sad part of this is his 18-year-old son died not too long ago as a result of a roadside bomb, so the general says he dead catdicates his job him. he's trying to save some lives in baghdad. it's a great story you can check out on our site. >> it is. bless his heart. hey, reggie, thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> appreciate it, as always. every now and then someone finds an unknown painting by one of the old masters or an unpublished work by a great author or new music by the legendary composer wolfgang amadeus mozart. hear it for yourself.
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harvard professor henry louis gates, jr. made his first public appearance since having that beer with president obama and he joked about his recent arrest by a cambridge police officer. this is him sunday at a book signing on martha's vineyard where he said he was interested in meeting with sergeant james crowley again sometime. >> you know, i liked crowley, and i thought we would like each
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other, and, yeah, i don't know what we'll talk about. but i asked him if he would have lunch with me one-on-one. i asked him maybe we could go to a red sox game together, maybe to a celtics game together. maybe have dinner with our families, you know. why not? you know, i offered to get his kids into harvard. >> on a more serious note there, professor gate says he's received death threats and bomb threats. he had to change his cell phone number and his e-mail. august is off to a deadly start for american troops in afghanistan. at least three of them were killed there this weekend. they were part of the international security assistance force. a total of nine nato soldiers died this weekend. today afghan police came under attack. security officials say a roadside bomb hit near the vehicle of a district security chief that killed two of his bodyguards and at least ten
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civilians and at least 29 others were wounded, we understand. 18 years after he was shot down in iraq, we finally know what happened to captain michael "scott" speicher. he was the first american shot down during the 1991 gulf war. the pentagon says his remains have been identified now and recovered from a grave in the desert. the discovery ends years of speculation that speicher was being held captive. he was shot down on the first night of the war. his family issued a statement thanking everyone involved in the search and apparently they got tips about speicher's remains from iraqis who remembered his crash and witnessed his burial. president obama is promoting a new gi bill that provides veterans with a free college education. the legislation provides $78 billion in tuition payments over the next decade. this is him during a speech at george mason university in virginia today where he said, it's important for u.s. troops to get the opportunities they've earned. >> now, with this policy we are
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letting those who have borne the heaviest burden lead us into the 21st century. so today we honor the service of an extraordinary generation and look to america that they will help build tomorrow. with the post-9/11 gi bill, we can give our veterans the chance to live their dreams. >> now, this is the first new gi bill since the september 11th terrorist attacks. colleges are apparently catching on to the green trend. usa today reports more schools are offering classes and degrees focusing on the environment. arizona state school of sustainability, for instance, just graduated its first class. search business schools have added classes on running an ecofriendly company. you're probably wondering what do i major in? one high demand job is wind turbine technician. as a college student you spend a ton of money for
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textbooks every year. luckily one website puts money back into your wallets. clark howard tells you where to find the deal. >> i'm going to be a spoil sport. here we are in the middle of summer and i'm going the middle summer, and i'm going to talk about back to school. how can i do that? well, because i have an opportunity for you. if you are an incoming college freshman or you're already in college, and you've seen your wallet just disappear year after year when you go to the bookstore to buy the books for your classes. what if i could save you a lot of money on that? maybe not for every textbook for every class, but there's a business that's been quietly out there for a couple of years. i talked about it back when i first started. it seems to be growing quickly. you rent your textbooks for the quarter of semester. when do you need them again anyway? if you can rent them and turn
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them back in, that can save you a fortune in money. the website you go to is i'm clark howard. for more ways to save go to >> you know you can get more great consumer advice from clark howard saturday and sunday at noon and 4:00 p.m. eastern right here on hln news and views. save more, spend less, and avoid getting ripped off. wolfgang mozart. recent i piano keys were identified as written creations by the child composer. there they are. the compositions were found in a book by mozart's father used for practice. they believe he wrote the pieces when he was just 7 or 8 years
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a last minute objection to the custody deal for michael jackson's kids. who made it and what the judge decided. and -- >> there were people bleeding. people trying to -- there were a few people unconscious. >> turbulence injuries dozens of passengers. what we know about the flight and where it was forced to land. plus a tale of lottery heartbreak. a half million dollar jack pocket slips for a man's hand. hln news and views. hi, everybody. two top administration officials are not ruling out a middle class tax increase to cut the federal deficit. the white house is quick to shoot down the notion that there is a tax hike in the works.
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ed henry joins us live from the white house. how did this increase get started? >> two top economic officials here, really the top two money men for the president leaving the door wide open to a middle class tax hike in sunday morning interviews. just yesterday larry summers and timothy geithner set off a furious round of speculation that maybe the president will break his campaign pledge that he will not raise taxes on anyone making under $250,000 a year. that led to a flurry of questions from the press corps including from dan lothian. >> president made a commitment in the campaign. he's clear about the commitment. he's going to keep it. i don't know how much more clear i can be. >> obviously being pressed, insisting he will not break the pledge of raising taxes on anyone under $250,000 a year. that leaves the door wide open to anyone making over $250,000 a
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year. obviously depending on what part of the country you live in, based on the cost of living, middle class can be an elusive phrase to fully define because $250,000 in a city like new york, atlanta, san francisco, obviously may not be worth nearly as it is in other parts of the country. i think the bottom line here, the white house is now under some pressure from republicans suggesting, look, they're starting to send a signal from the white house. they're going to raise taxes at some point in the months ahead. when you add up the tab on all the spending the federal government is going through. from bailouts to spending to the health reform effort. which will save money in the long run. in the short term they'll have startup costs. it's clear the government is deep in debt already. going to be looking for new revenue season. insisted it was not. he suggested that the president in a private meeting this morning reiterated to geithner
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and zsummers what the position is. yet. time will tell whether it's a trial balloon or not. today they're insisting it's not. three months, six months, nine months down the road when there's perhaps more talk of taxes being raised we'll look back on this day and remember it. >> what do you think? would you will being to pay more in taxes if it would cut the federal deficit? you can e-mail at just click under your views or text the word views, plus your comment and name to hln tv. standard text rates apply. we'll air responses shortly. the u.s. geological survey reports an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.9.
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that's very powerful. it's hit the gulf of california. the area between mainland mexico and baja, california. 76 miles northeast of sant santsanta isa santa isabel. a smaller quake hit about 29 miles away just before. woo we'll keep our eye on this developing story. the cash for clunkers program is running out of money fast. it could go broke by the end of the week unless the senate approves $2 billion more. car dealers burned through the original billion dollars in funding during the first week of the program. it provides $4,500 if you trade in your old car for a more fuel efficient one. >> it would be a good idea for the government to get the less fuel efficient cars off the road. it would reduce our dependence on foreign oil to some extent,
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you know. >> give me more money than what my car is worth. and i don't have $4,500 to put down on a new car. >> the wildly popular bill is credited with boosting the industry. republican senator from south carolina calls it an example of the stupidity coming out of washington. cash for clunkers is getting credit for last month's auto sales spree. no solid numbers in yet from gm or chrysler. but analysts say the clunkers program will at least let them or help them hit their break even target. breaking news on who is going to take care of michael jackson's three kids. as expected katherine jackson will get custody of all of them. an agreement between katherine and debbie rowe.
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it came in spite of a last-minute objection from the dermatologist, dr. arnold klein raised nonspecific objections. the battle continues for katherine jackson to gain some control over her son's estate. a former music executive and a lawyer were named as co-executors. last week her attorneys filed petitions of them keeping her in the dark. in court documents michael jackson's estate is estimated at more than a half billion dollars. prosecutors say a grand jury indicted plaxico burress on weapons charges. he accidentally shot himself in the thigh at a manhattan nightclub. the grand jury didn't indict his former teammate who was present at the time. burress is getting no special
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treatment. it just took a while to sort there all the witnesses and evidence. instead of a warm welcome from family and friends, passengers were greeted with ambulance. the flight was diverted from miami after the plane hit severe te turbulence in the early morning hours. eight of the passengers were hospitaled. 28 people were treated at the scene. swisz swiss diplomats are trying to negotiate. they are shane bauer joshua fattal and sarah shourd. >> the hardest part is not being able to communicate with the people detaining them. >> another american who traveled with them, shon meckfessel stayed behind in iraq. iran's media say the three were arrested for illegally entering
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the country. an investigation is under way. switzerland represents american interest in iran because the u.s. does not have diplomatic ties with tehran. 18 years after she was dot shot down in iraq, we finally know what happened to captain michael speicher. he was the first american shot down during the '91 gulf war. his remains have now been identified and recovered from a grave in a a desert. it ends years of speculation that speicher was being held captive. >> it's a bittersweet ending. it's great that we finally accomplish an ending. but it is bittersweet. you always hope that he's going to be found alive. on that end, if he was found alive, look what he's missed. his children are in college now. what kind of life would he have led? >> scott speicher was shot down the first night of the gulf war in january 17th, 1991.
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his children were toddlers at the time. his family issued a statement thanking everyone involved in the search. they got tips from iraqis who remembered the crash and witnessed his burial. if you post family pictures on the internet, listen up. a massachusetts mom was horri horrified to find a picture of her own baby being used in an adoption scam. a craigslist add wanted to start the adoption process for $300. she notified the fbi and restricted access to her blog. the harvard professor who had a beer with president is joking about his arrest. hear what he has to say.
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bedford, massachusetts. authorities are giving us the latest on a hazmat situation that's been in process for several hours. dozens of people became sick at a trash disposal facility today. they still have no idea what the substance was that caused the fumes and made everybody so sick. he said it's important for them to find out to ensure the sickened people get proper treatment. up to ten people lost consciousness after breathing the fumes in new bedford. harvard professor henry lewis gates jr. made his first public appearance since having a beer at the whooite house with e president. he joked about his recent arrest. he said he was interested in meeting with sergeant james crowley again sometimes. >> you know what, i like crowley. i thought that we would like each other. i asked him if he would have
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lunch with me one on one. maybe we could have dinners with the families. why not i offered to get his kids into harvard. the he doesn't arrest me every day. >> on a more serious note the professor said he's received death threats and bomb threats. he's had to change his cell phone number, e-mail address, and he may have to move. an outdoor stage collapsed in canada, killing one person trapping actor kevin costner. the stage caved in saturday just before costner and his band were going to perform in alberta. he wasn't hurt. two people were reported in critical condition. organizers canceled the last day of the festival. we're so saddened by the loss of life and injury that turned so wicked so quickly.
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that's what happens when a building demolition goes horribly wrong. an old factory building in turkey just rolled over. nobody was injured. engineers are trying to demolish the building to make space for a shopping center. check out video from the spanish island off of west africa. things are improving. at least 50 homes and several small wineries have been destroyed as the flames scorched more than 7400 acres. three-time boxing champion forest is being laid to rest today. some rivals in the ring are paying their last respects.
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demanding his diamond championship ring. that's the suspect's pontiac pulling up at the gas station. a after the robbery forest went after the suspect with his own gun. he chased them. investigators say he was shot in the back several times by another man in that pontiac. lawyers for oj simpson are asking the supreme court to let him out of prison. he's serving up to 33 years behind bars for an armed confrontation with memorabilia dealers in 2007. his lawyers argue he should be released. simpson wasn't at the hearing today. this happened at minneapolis st. paul airport. no civilian passengers. everybody appears to be okay. an airport rep says the pilot reported overheating. a new strain of virus that
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leads to aids is reported. she tested positive for hiv five years ago. the strain she has is different from the three known strains of hiv and is similar to a virus recently discovered in wild gorillas. a half million dollar lotto ticket disappeared from the winner's own pocket. lewis said he stashed his scratch-off ticket in his pocket. on route he realized the ticket was gone. he thinks a pickpocket snatched it. >> he was getting too close to me. i said would you like to go first? he said, no, do what you got to do. i left there thinking my lotto and my papers were still in my pocket. i came home, and it was gone. >> he didn't sign the ticket so anybody can turn it in.
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l. college students spend a ton of money on textbooks every year. one website is putting money back in wallets. clark howard tells you where to find a great deal. >> i'm going to be a spoil sport. here we are in the middle of summer. i'm going to talk about back to school. how can i do that? i have an opportunity for you. if you're an incoming college freshman or you're already in college, and you've seen your wallet just disappear year after year when you go to the bookstore to buy the books for your classes. what if i can save you a lot of money on that. maybe not for every textbook for every class. but there has a business that's been out there for a couple of years. i talked about it when i first started. didn't seem to have much impact then. now it seems to be growing quickly. you rent your textbooks for the semester. if you can rent them and turn
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them back in, that could save you a fortune in money over a four-year degree. website you go to is for more ways to save, go to howard. don't miss clark on weekends saturdays and sundays at noon and 4:00 eastern right here on hln. arizona senator john mccain who represents the state with many hispanics intends to vote again against sonia sotomayor. she said "she's a judicial activist who is trying the to use her personal position to change the law ". he said her life story is inspiring but that's not enough to qualify her for the high court. john mccain will vote against the nomination of sonia sotomayor. more layoffs expected for general motors. the company says it fell short of the goal when only 6,000 workers took the latest round of
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early retirement and buyout offers. they needed 75 more workers to take the offers. workers at the factories could take open jobs at orr plants. a woman is suing her alma mater because she can't find a job. she wants monroe college to reimburse her the $70,000 she paid on tuition. she's been trying to find a job since april. she says the school's office of career advancement has not given her leads or career advice as promised. the college insists it does help grads find jobs and the lawsuit is baseless. >> here's encouraging news in a tough economy. construction spending increased by a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3/10 of 1% in june. residential construction also
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imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance, may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. hi i'm dan weston. we're experts at getting you the scooter or power chair you need. in fact, if we pre-qualify you for medicare reimbursement and medicare denies your claim, we'll give you your new power chair or scooter free. i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. call the scooter store for free information today.
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call the number on your screen for free information. breaking news about who is going to take care of michael jackson's three kids despite last minute objections from the dermatologist. katherine jackson will get custody of all three, as expected. today a judge approved an agreement between jackson's mother and his ex-wife debbie rowe. the ruling came in spite of an objection from dr. arnold klein. he's repeatedly denied being the biological father of the kids. but at the hearing the lawyer had nonspecific objections. the battle continues for katherine jackson to gain some control over jackson's estate. one of the laurs was names as executors of the will.
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last week the attorneys filed petitions of accusing them of keeping her in the dark. in court documents michael jackson's estate has been put at more than half billion dollars. some estimates put the figure much lower. family, friends, and rivals in the ring are saying good-bye for the last time to vernon forest today. as loved ones paid tribute at a memorial east of atlanta, homicide investigators say they're closing to finding his killers. three or four suspects was involved. it started as a robbery at gunpoint at a gas station. one suspect demanding his diamond championship ring as he pumped air in his tires. they believe the suspects were in that vehicle. after the robbery forest went after the the suspecteds with his own gun. he was shot in the back several times by another occupant of that pontiac. 18 years after he was shot down in iraq we finally know what happened to captain michael
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scott speicher. he was the first american shot down during the 1991 gulf war. his remains have been identified and recovered from a grave in the desert. the discovery ends years of speculation that speicher was being held captive. >> it's a bittersweet ending. it's great that we finally accomplish an ending. it is bittersweet. you always hope that he's going to be found alive. on that end if he was found alive look a what he missed. his children are in college now. what kind of life would he have led being a prisoner of war. >> speicher was shot down the first night of the war. that would be january 17th, 1991. his kids, of course, were toddlers at the time. his family issued a statement thanking everyone involved in the search. they got tips from iraqis who remembered the crash and witnessed his burial. the white house is
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considering moving all guantanamo bay detainees to a prison in the u.s. possible locations include a soon to be closed maximum security prison in michigan. and a military penitentiary in historic fth leavenworth, kansas. president obama ordered guantanamo closed by january 22nd of next year. we have a story just in. arizona senator john mccain intends to vote against supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor when the senate holds a confirmation vote this week. live pictures for the floor of the senate as he continues to make his case against her nomination. he says joous a judicial activist who tried to use her personal position to change the law. her life story is inspiring but not enough to qualify her for the high court. the three crossed an unmarked iranian border, hiking in northern iraq on friday. iraqi officials identified them
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as sean bauer, sarah sheurd and joshua fattal. people back home are worried. >> the hardest part is not being able to communicate with the people detaining them. >> another who traveled with them, shon meckfessel stayed home because he felt too ill. the three were arrested for illegally entering the country. switzerland represents all american interest there because the u.s. does not have formal diplomatic relations with tehran. now an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.9 has hit the gulf of california. 76 miles northeast of santa isiabel in baja. it's in the gulf of california between baja, california, and the state of arizona.
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a few minutes before that tremor a smaller earthquake hit 29 miles away. we'll keep our eye on this developing story. passengers on a continental airlines flight were greeted with ambulances. diverted to miami from its original destination after the plane hit severe turbulence over the caribbean in the early morning hours. several were hospitalized. continental says 28 others were treated at the scene. >> today took everybody back to the back too far the plane. >> what was so shocking with this? what was so different? >> well, i fly a lot. i'm originally from brazil. i've never seen a turbulence like that. we thought we wouldn't make it.
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we were very scared. we thought the plane had mechanical problems. nobody was saying anything. everybody was really quiet. just people working. >> it was over halfway between puerto rico and grand turk island. mixed messages on higher taxes for the middle class. they said they would rule out higher taxes in the future. earlier today robert gibbs says that won't make sense. over the weekend national economic adviser larry summers sa said they would have to find funding somewhere. another interview geithner said tax increases might be nesz at some point to get the budget
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deficit down. >> we're going to have to do what's necessary. that's a critical nipg. we have to bring these deficits down dramatically. we have to do what tilt takes. we have to do what's necessary. >> about two hours ago robert gibbs says the president tends to keep his campaign promises. >> i'm reit raerating that he'st raising taxes on those who make less than $250,000 a year. >> the economic stimulus package included tax cuts for 95% of workers who pay taxes. would you be willing to pony up more if it came to that? call us. e-mail us at standard text rates apply.
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a northwest airlines jumbo jet blew five tires on landing at st. paul minneapolis airport. it had 15 northwest employees on board. no passengers. everybody appears to be okay. an airport representative said the pilot reported the brakes overheating. the incident is still being investigated. a new strain of the virus that causes aids has been found. a 62-year-old woman tested positive for hiv five years ago. reze researchers say the strain she had is different from the known strains of hiv and the new one is similar to a virus recently discovered in wild gorillas. seven out of ten kids in the u.s. don't get enough vitamin d and could be at risk of bone and heart disease. researchers say levels were especially low in african-american and mexican-american girls who drink milk less than once a week and aren't active. more studies are needed.
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the overwhelmingly popular cash for clunkers program could be done for unless the senate acts quickly. poppy harlow is following the story from new york. where are we on this? >> it's been successful as far as consumering buying a lot of cars. really spending the $1 billion in fundings that was allocated. it was a big topic on the table
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today as senators meet this afternoon. $2 billion in potential additional funding for the program. the $1 billion initially has been used up. when people get $4500 government credit to trade in their gas gus ler for a more fuel efficient vehicle, we're dealing with opposition on both sides. some republican lawmakers arguing this is just another auto industry bailout. why give them more money? also some democrats who don't think the standards are strict enough. consumers really liking the programs. >> what happens to the clunkers that have been traded? >> the dealers are required to take them off the road. they have to kill the engine. we visit ad nissan dealer. they take the liquid, pour it in, that's a 1996 mini van.
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drain the oil, pour in the mix of water and sodium. also known as liquid glass into the engine. rev up the car. the solution hardenses in seven minutes. you completely kill the engine forever. you can't drive the car again. this is the first one the service manager had ever killed at the dealership. it was sort of a test one. take a listen to what he told u us. >> as a service manager you would rather see them fix them. as the sales go, it's going to be a huge success. i can't wait to do another hundred of them. >> they trade them in to buy new ones. the dealerships make money. some of the stuff you can use, the doors, tires, they're ripped off before they're crushed. good news on top of better sales for dealers, the rule has been changed.
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that protects them in case the funding dries up or the program runs out of money so they're not stuck with a crushed vehicle. tell us what they think. click comment from howard. he wrote in it's a win/win situation. they should do it again in five years when electric cars become more prevalent. >> i didn't know that poured something in it to kill the engine. >> check this out right now. >> last month's car buying spree. subaru of america had sales up 34%. no solid numbers from gm and chrysler yet. analysts say the program will at least let them hit their break even target. tlfrs a huge homecoming celebration for a tennessee teen who woke up from a coma. it's something her friends and
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>> i like krouly. i thought that we would like each other. yeah, i don't know what we'll talk about. but i asked him if he would have lunch with me one on one. maybe we could go to a red sox game together. maybe we could go to a celtics game together. maybe we could have dinners with our families, you know. why not? i offered to get his kids into harvard. if he doesn't arrest me again. >> on a serious note, the professor says he's received death threats and bomb threats. he's had to change his cell phone number and e-mail and he may have to move.
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an off duty cop said he had to shoot a man who stole his taser. the officer was working security at an apartment complex when he tried to break up a fight. the cop says the man got his taser and threatened him. the officer said he feared for his life, so he shot and killed the man. >> i've never really like been in the apartment when this has happened. i've never really seen a shooting or anything, so, i was a little, you know, i wasn't really scared but kind of worried. >> the officer on administration leave as the department is investigated. the woman in the fight was not hurt. a beach in cancun, mexico shut down after the hotel says the sand was stolen. several beaches in the area were wiped away by hurricane wilma in 2005. the hotel has not commented on the allegations. august is off to a deadly start for troops in afghanistan. at least three of them were killed there over the weekend.
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they were part of the international security assistance fort. a total of nine nato soldiers died over the weekend. today afghan police came under attack as security officials report a roadside bomb near the district chief. killing two bodyguards and ten civilians. colleges are catching onto the green trend. more schools are offering classes and degrees focusing on the environment. community colleges are also training students in green technology. one high demand job is wind turbine technician. wall street is upbeat. stocks are surging on better than expect manufacturing and profit reports.
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taking a look at the big board. dow up 93 points with about 11 minutes to go in the trading day. more layoffs expected for general motors. the company says it fell short of its goal when only 6,000 it goal when 6,000 workers took the latest round of buyout offers. gm needed 7,500 more workers to take the offer. they announced they would close 15 u.s. factories by the end of 2012, but the number of layoffs couldn't be determined because workers could take open jobs at other plants. the commerce department says construction spending increased by a seasonally adjusted annual rate of .3% in june, considering analysts considered a half percent drop. the news isn't all rosy. construction spending is off 10% compared to a year ago. some airlines are offering last-minute deals by sweeting.
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jetblue and united are posting the twitter offers. sometimes they're only good for an our or two. jetblue calls its specials "cheaps." how good are the deals? jetblue offered a flight from new york to nantucket for $9. bank of america agreed to pay $33 million in fines over the bonuses it paid executives at merrill lynch last year. the bonuses amounted to billions of dollars. the s.e.c. filed charges for misleading investors about bonuses. wolfgang mozart is adding to his repertoire. researchers unveiled two pieces composed by the legendary composer. ♪
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a california judge grants michael jackson's mother custody of his children. now the question is, whether she can gain control over his estate. another republican senator says he will not vote for the president's supreme court nomination, giving judge sonia sotomayor a thumb's down. there were people cut, bleeding. there were a few people unconscious. >> turbulence injures dozens of passengers. what we know now about that flight. hello, and happy monday to you. we're so glad to see you. in for richelle carey today. you know, a judge dismisses a
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last-minute objection from michael jackson's dermatologist and grants the pop star's mother permanent custody of his three children. that's just one of the issues the court is sorting out today. randi kaye is in los angeles and has some of the developments here. so what did dr. klein want from the judge, andi, do we know? >> reporter: dr. klein wasn't in court, but his lawyer was. and he told the judge that dr. klein wanted to be involved in the children's lives in some way, whether it was medical care or education, he wanted to weigh in on that. this is a very strange request, because there has been so much talk about dr. klein possibly being the biological father of michael jackson's two older children, the two children that he had with debbie rowe that she gave birth to. debbie rowe was a nurse for dr. klein. so this is all very strange. his lawyer isn't talking about it today yet, but in the past,
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dr. klein has said to his knowledge, he's not sure if he's the children's father. he's never said he is or isn't. he said he did donate sperm once and it's possible. but to his knowledge, he is not their father. it's still unclear. but besides that, after that was over and done with, the judge did not grant his request to weigh in on their education and be involved in this case at all. but he went on to grant permanent custody to michael jackson mother and katherine jackson was there with her two daughters and randy jackson. the agreement was reached on friday for custody. debbie rowe did not fight for custody. but this was sort of an approval process they had to go through to get final approval from the judge. so that did happen. the two oldest children did sign the deal. and they talked about the estate after about an hour and 40 minutes, they had a recess. they tried to hammer out issues
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they couldn't agree on regarding the estate. they came back to the judge and said we can't get this done. the judge was apparently surprised, and the only thing that he did order the big news, at least at this hour, because the hearing will continue, but the news at this hour is he did order the special administrators handling the estate right now to give katherine jackson the contract that her son had with aeg, the tour promoter. this is a confidential document and that has been ordered to be given to her and she has agreed to keep that document confidential as well. >> how much money -- do we have any idea, maybe i should word it this way, do we have any idea how much money we're talking about regarding michael jackson's estate? because of course, at the time of his death, there was news that he was in the red, obviously, and at the same time, his mother's been depending on him for her income, has she not? >> reporter: she has. and apparently he has been taking care of her, even though
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he was in such debt. the latest report is he was about $400 million in debt at the time of his death. but there is a lot that has been happening. i'm told that the special administrator is handling the estate and working out deals behind the scenes, that they expect to bring in hundreds of millions of dollars. katherine jackson's lawyer estimated the estate is worth $2 billion. but those closest to him, it may be worth as little as $100 million. that doesn't mean it won't be worth a lot more with the record sales and everything else. they're releasing his biography. there's a lot going on. so we may see the same thing we saw with elvis presley. he too was in debt and that estate was turned around. >> i would think with katherine jackson, what she's fighting for, just to clarify, is she wants information as to what's in this estate. she's not necessarily fighting for the money from it, is that correct? >> reporter: right.
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the way the will stands right now is katherine jackson would get 40% of michael jackson's estate, his children would get another 40% and 20% goes to charity. he's not necessarily fighting for more money. she wants to have a say in what's going on and a little more control over the estate. right now the people who are handling it are the two people and close friends of his who he had named in his will, who have not been yet named permanent executors. she certainly wanted this confidential contract that her son had with aeg. and i think she just really wants to know what's there. she requested a pile of documents. she said that the special administrators have been keeping her in the dark, so i think she's looking to have a little more say. >> all right, randi kaye live for us in california. thank you so much for bringing us up to date. we've learned arizona
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senator republican john mccain says he will vote against supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor when her nomination reaches the senate floor later this week. he claims sotomayor is a judicial activist who used her position as a judge to try to change the law. he said her life story is inspiring but not enough to qualify her for the supreme court. a gararand jury has indicte plaxico burress on weapons charges. he accidently shot himself in a thigh at a nightclub. the manhattan district attorney says he is getting no special treatment and says it just took a while to sort through the witnesses and evidence. the postal service has come up with a list of nearly 700 post offices that could close to help it rain in financial losses. the agency could lose $7 billion
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this year. i know you're thinking how is that, even though stamp prices increased back in may two cents and the post office has cut staff as well. but because people are switching to e-mail, the changes aren't enough. the postal regulatory commission will review the list of post offices on this list and the postal service warns more may even be added. instead of warm welcome from friends and family, passengers were greeted with ambulances today. the flight was diverted to miami from its original destination of houston after the plane hit severe turbulence in the early morning hours. at least we understand four of the 168 passengers were hospitalized. >> lots of them got hurt and it took everybody back to the back of the plane, and they kept the injured people in the back of
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the plane. >> what was so shocking with this? what was so different? >> i fly a lot because i'm originally from brazil, but i live in the u.s. i've never seen turbulence like that. i really thought we wouldn't make it. during the last 15 minutes, when we were going to miami, we were very scared because we thought it could be that the flight had -- the plane had mechanical problems. so everybody -- nobody was saying anything. everybody was really quiet and just people working. >> and nearly two dozen passengers were treated at the scene for bumps and bruises as well. talk about the cash for clunkers program. the treasury secretary it could go broke before the end of the week. the house approved $2 billion
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more on friday. car dealers burned through $1 billion through the first week. it provides up to $4,500 if you trade in your old car for a new more fuel efficiency program. republican senator jim dement calls it "an example of the stupidy coming out of washington right now." it's getting a lot of credit too for last month's car buying spree. ford says its sales were up 1.6% over july of last year. subaru says its sales jumped 34%. analysts say the clunkers program will help them hit their break even target perhaps. the government is pouring a lot of money into the economy. it will spend even more if health care reform passes. so how do you pay for that? are you willing to chip in? in other words, would you pay more in taxes to bring down the federal deficit? your views on that.
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the white house insists president obama will keep his promise of not raising taxes on middle income families. remember over the weekend larry summers and treasury secretary tim geithner left the door open for tax increases to address the rising federal deficit. so today, the white house swatted down speculation that the president was going back on his campaign pledge. >> did geithner and summers go off script or were they testing the temperature out there? >> i know the president's been clear about his commitment. >> there's no real scenario there that the administration sees where middle class taxpayers might be hit with a hike? >> the president's been clear. >> gibbs also points out that the economic stimulus package
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included tax cuts for 95% of workers who do pay taxes. we've been asking for your view on this. would you be willing to pay more taxes if it cut the federal deficit? dee is in mississippi. thanks for calling. would you be willing? >> caller: no, ma'am, i would not. >> tell me why. what's your argument here? >> caller: my argument is, i believe there's other things that need to be straightened out before they just tax the middle class. first of all, you have the singles, which are not married and they are punished twice. they are being taxed more than anyone else. and they cannot claim head of household. then you have the single people who have children who can work for a little while and quit and claim earned income credit and don't have to pay into the system. i believe it should be more of a percentage for everyone that works, but i definitely think that singles should not have to pay higher taxes on payroll and plus them being taxed and not
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able to claim head of household. to me that's just a disadvantage. >> dee, thanks for calling. i want to go to sandra in kent, washington. what do you think about this? >> caller: i don't think you should try to break what doesn't need to be fixed. there's so much of what the government is -- it's like he's throwing the baby out with the bath water. what we need, i believe our people in government need to be more on line with the people in america that are just really suffering. i live in a small town in kent, washington, and i see businesses going out of business, one of my own children is out of work. all this money so far has gone to a very few people when you think of the millions in america. millions have not received any benefit from this. the ones that are benefits are
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big companies, car dealers, and this cash thing with the car, what happens to the guy after he gets the car, he'll lose his job? where does the car go? right back to the dealer. >> sandra in washington, thank you so much. we're grateful you called. i want to read a couple of e-mails coming to us as well. we received this text -- >> john e-mailed us saying --
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>> you all have some clever ideas about this. i know you've got your own way of your own options of what you think should happen and we're grateful to hear from that. so thank you for calling in today. we still want your comments too here at hln "news and views." "prime news" starts at the top of the hour. check out to get your views heard there. the harvard professor who had a beer with president obama joking about his arrest now. >> i dreamed i got arrested in the white house. >> hear what he says too about the officer who arrested him.
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family, friends, even rivals in the ring say a final goodbye to vernon forrest today. his loved ones paid tribute today. homicide investigators said they are close to finding his killers. police say three of four suspects apparently were involved here, saying it started as an armed robbery. one suspect approached forest while he pumped air into his tires at a gas station and
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demanded he give up his championship ring and rolex watch. police say after the robbery, forest went after the robbers with his own gun. investigators say he was shot in the back several times by another man who was in that pontiac. harvard professor henry gates jr. made his first public appearance since having a beer with president obama and joked about his recent arrest. this is him sunday at a book signing in martha's vineyard where he said it was interested in meeting with sergeant crowley again sometime. >> you know what? i liked crowley and i thought that we would like each other. and you know, i don't know what we'll talk about. i asked him if he would have lunch with me one on one. maybe we could go to a red sox game or a celtics game together. maybe we could have dinner with our families, you know? why not? you know, i also offered to get
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his kids into harvard. [ laughter ] if he doesn't arrest me again. >> now, we want to point out on a more serious note, he says that he's actually received death threats from all of this. all right, the first trading day in august and investigators extended july's big gains amid times of improvement for the auto improvement. so stephanie, break down the numbers for us. >> it's a nice way to start out the month. stocks coming off the best july in two decades and investor's optimism remains high. the manufacturing index rose last month, and a report on construction spending rose .3% in june. the dow gaining 114 points to end at 9286. nasdaq added 30 points, topping
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the 2000 levels for the first time since october. both google and apple jumped about 2% after the google ceo resigned from apple's board. and the s&p 500 tacked on 15 points, and crossed the 1,000 mark for the first time in nine months. it's like old days. back in the old days. >> and we'll enjoy it while we can. stephanie, thank you. >> sure. >> you remember the show "let's make a deal"? wayne brady is going to host the updated version of the show debuting on october 5th. the premise apparently is the same. audience members make deals with brady to try and win cash and prizes. former host monty hall is involved too. he's a consultant on the new show. isn't that something? we now know who will take care of michael jackson's children. a judge just approved this arrangement. we'll have jane velez-mitchell's
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breaking news regarding who will take care of michael jackson's kids. as expected, katherine jackson will get custody of all three children. today, a judge approved an agreement between michael jackson's mother, katherine, and debbie rowe. rowe is the mother of jackson's two eldest children. the ruling came in spite of a last-minute objection from the singer's dermatologist. one of the dramatic moments in the courtroom today. dr. arnold klein, who has denied being the biological father of the children, raised non-specific objections to the custody arrangement. the thing is, the battle continues for katherine jackson to gain control over her son's estate now.
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she and the children will get monthly stipends. last week, katherine jackson's attorneys filed petitions accuseding them of keeping her in the dark about deals. so michael jackson's estate has been estimated at more than $500 million, some put that total much lower. but that's what's happening in court so far. swiss diplomats are trying to meet with three americans detained in iran. the three crossed an unmarked border while hiking in northern iraq on friday. iraqi officials identified them as shane bower, sara shored and joshua fatal and people back home are very worried. >> the hardest part is not being able to communicate with the people detaining them. that's the scariest part. >> another american who travelled with them, shawn mcfessle, stayed behind in iraq.
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his grandmother said he felt too sick to hike on friday. iran's media say the three were arrested for illegally entering the country and an investigation is underway. but switzerland represents the u.s. there, because the u.s. doesn't have diplomatic relations with iran. meanwhile, 18 years after he was shot down in iraq, we finally know what happened to captain michael scott speicher. he was the first american shot down in the 1991 gulf war. the pentagon says his remains have been identified and recovered from a grave in the desert now. the discovery ends years of speculation that he was being held captive. >> it's a bittersweet ending. i mean, it's great that we have finally accomplished an ending. but it is bittersweet. you always hoped that he's going to be found alive. but yet on that end, if he was found alive, look what he's missed. his children are in college now, and, you know, what kind of life
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would he have led being a prisoner of war? >> he was shot down on the first night of the war january 17th, 1991. she indicated there, his kids are in college now. they were just toddlers at the time. his family issued a statement thanking everyone involved in the sear. . they got tips of the remains from iraqis who witnessed the crash. the u.s. geological survey is reporting an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.9 saying it hit the gulf of california. this was centered about 76 miles northeast of santa isabelle in baja and 330 miles south of tijuana. we have no word of any injuries or property damage. but we understand a smaller tremor hit about 29 miles away, and after shocks with magnitudes of 5.9 and 5.0 have hit the area as well. so we're keeping our eye on that developing story for you.
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i want to show you this picture. taken by camilla comoto on flight 128 when it hit severe turbulence this morning. the flight was diverted to miami. several people were injured, some being thrown up from their seats and hitting the overhead compartments. you see some of the oxygen masks that deployed. some of the lights over the passenger's seat were smashed as the plane rocked around as well. the white house is considering moving all guantanamo bay detainees to a single prison in the u.s. this is from administration officials who say possible locations include michigan and ft. leavenworth, kansas. president obama ordered guantanamo closed by january 22nd, 2010.
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the president is promoting a new g.i. bill. it provides $78 billion in tuition payments over the next ten years. during a speech at george mason university in virginia today, the president said it's important for u.s. troops to get the opportunities they've earned. >> now, with this policy, we are letting those who have born the heaviest burden lead us into the 21st century. so today, we honor the service of an extraordinary generation and look to america that they will help build tomorrow. with the post 9/11 g.i. bill, we can give our veterans the chance to live their dreams. >> he mentioned because this is the first new g.i. bill since 9/11. we're learning dispatches in idaho say the body of a young male has been pulled from a county canal. someone called 911 to report seeing the body in the canal
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this afternoon. officials have not said whether they suspect the body is that of this little boy missing 8-year-old robert manuel. he hasn't been seen since july 24th. investigators say evidence indicates the boy could be the victim of a tragic event. in the past few days, apparently they've searched the home of a couple who neighbors say knows the boy's family and police also visited a landfill and closed off a section there. a new strain of the virus that causes aids has been found. this is according to french researchers. a 62-year-old woman from cameroon tested positive for hiv five years ago and researchers say the strain she has is different from the three known strains of hiv. and this new one is similar to a virus recently discovered in wild gorillas. we'll keep you posted there. seven out of ten kids in the u.s. don't get enough vitamin d,
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from a new study in the journal pediatrics. researchers say levels are particularly low in african-american and mexican-american girls who drink milk less than once a week. another researcher said more studies need to be done. "let's make a deal" is coming back, people. wayne brady is going to host the updated version of the showy debuts october 5th. the premise will be the same, audience members make deals to win cash and prizes. every now and then someone finds an unknown painting by one of the masters. or new music by the legendary composer wolfgang mozart. hear it for yourself in a moment.
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with all the technology we have, almost all of us have a cell phone, a computer, lab a laptop, ipod, gps, and eventually we throw them away. the massive e-waste is a growing concern and it turns out even recycle thing stuff is creating dangerous problems. so virginia cha has the latest on one of the most popular stories right now. hi, virginia. >> you know, exploiting that so-called e-waste seems like a good idea, right? but when it ends up in certain developing nations, what happens there is troubling. what can happen is cell phones, as you mentioned, computer, gadgets can wind up in huge
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landfills which are then picked over by locals. studies have shown there can be high levels of harmful chemicals inside a lot of these gadgets and the risk is magnified when the items are burned because it releases fumes linked to cancer, birth defects. the u.n. estimates 20 million to 50 million tons of e-waste is generated worldwide every year. but by some estimates, a whopping 80% of that waste is not safely recycled. some of it is burned or buried. burying it is dangerous because it can contaminate the water, the soil. and organized crime is apparently getting involved because they see money to be made by selling off some of the items after they arrive to these developing nation destinations. now, even when you, let's say in this country, think you're doing the right thing. you take your items to be recycled, greenpeace placed a
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tracking device on a broken television set in the uk. they found out it ended up in nigeria. they tracked it all the way to a nigerian dump site. environmental groups are placing blame on the u.s., the eu. they say these are the largest contribute fors of e-waste and blaming companies for using dangerous chemicals. some of the companies say they are switching to more environmentally friendly and healthy items. if you want to know which companies are doing this, go to our website. >> i want to get to another story about this city being struck in gridlock can have fatal consequences and now one of baghdad's traffic cops is one of the country's most surprising celebrities. >> yeah, it's an amazing story. they call him general there, and he actually is greeted with, it's an honor to meet you. have many times have you done that with a traffic cop in your neighborhood? apparently he has been on the
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air there for 18 months there, a traffic cop for 23 years. he's on a show called "good morning iraq" and helps people with the dangerous streets and points out where people make mistakes. but he helps people avoid traffic areas. why is that important? because people get killed sitting in their cars because of roadside bombs. they're detonated where there's high congestion. his own son, 18 years old, killed last year by a roadside bomb. he says this is his mission to try to save lives. >> good for him. good to hear it. virginia, thank you so much. wolfgang mozart, adding to his repertoire. oh, yeah, researchers have unveiled two piano pieces recently identified as childhood creations by the composer. listen. ♪ >> these compositions were found in a book compiled by mozart's father used for practice.
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expects believe he wrote the pieces when he was 7 or 8 years old. >> the harvard professor who had a beer with president obama is joking about his arrest. >> the night before i went to the white house, i dreamed i got arrested in the white house. >> hear what he says about the officer who arrested him, too.
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prime news minutes away and mike is here with a preview of what you're talking about. you're talking about michael jackson. >> and obviously the curveball you've been talking about. dr. arnold klein has his lawyer there and he wants a say-so in the kids lives. we know larry king asked him are you the biological father. did he give a definitive answer? not really. we'll explore that, and also the battle over the estate between katherine jackson and the issue she has with the current executors. this story baffling. an 81-year-old man, a newlywed. he marries his sweet heart. they reconnect, get married. now he is missing. i'll interview his 73-year-old
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wife and find out what has happened to the love of your life. we'll take your calls on that one as well. i'm sure you'll want to']h.%+rl one. a college graduate filed a lawsuit against her college because the school is not doing enough to find her a job. in this economy, you're going to file a lawsuit and you want the $70,000 in tuition back. she's been looking for a job for three months. the ink on the diploma is barely dry and she thinks this will fly. >> you would have to think the college would have to guaranty her a job. >> call in with your thoughts, 1-877-tell-hln. >> i love it. mike, thank you so much. >> see you in a little bit. harvard professor henry gates made his first public appearance since having a beer with president obama and joked about his arrest. this is him sunday at a book signing where he said he was
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interested in meeting with sergeant james crowley again some time. >> you know what? i liked crowley and i thought that we would like each other. and that you know, i don't know what we'll talk about. i asked him if he would have maybe we could go to a red sox or a celtics game together. you know, maybe we could have dinner with our families. you know, why not? ú7ck into harvard. ú7ck [ laughter ] if he doesn't arrest me again. >> on a more serious note, he says he's received death and bomb threats and had to change his cell phone number and e-mail because of all of this. family, friends and rivals in the ring said a final goodbye to three-time boxing champion vernon forrest. as loved ones pay tribute at the
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memorial, homicide investigators said they are close to finding his killers. police say they believe three or four suspects were involved in this thing that started as a robbery at gun point with one suspect they say demanding his championship ring and a rolex watch while he pumped air into his tires. let's show you the surveillance video of the suspects here, pulling into the gas station. after the robbery, forest went after the suspects with his own gun and investigators say he was shot in the back several times by another man who was in that pontiac. prosecutors say a grand jury has indicted ex-new york giant plaxico burress on weapons charges. the indictment stems from an incident in november where he accidently shot himself in the thigh. the grand jury didn't indict his former teammate antonio pierce who was present at the time. the district attorney says the football player is getting no special treatment, he says it just took a while to sort through the witnesses and
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evidence. talk about the cash for clunkers program, because it's running out of money fast. the transportation secretary says it could go broke by the end of the week unless the senate approving $2 billion more for it. the house, remember, $2 billion for it. the house approved the funds on friday. car dealers burned through the original billion dollars during the first week of this program. it provides up to $4500 if you trade in your old car for a more fuel efficient one. >> it would probably be a good idea for the government to get these less fuel efficient cars off the road and it would reduce our dependence on foreign oil to some extent. >> would give me more money than what my car's worth, and i don't have 4500 to put down on a new car. >> the wildly popular program is credited with boosteding the auto industry but not everyone thinks the cash for clunkers is a good idea. jim demint calls it an example of the stupidity coming out of washington right now. that's a quote.
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cash for clunkers is getting credit for last month's car buying spree. ford says sales were up 1.6% overjuly of last year. subaru of america says sales jumped 34%. chrysler said it had a smaller sales drop compared to recent months thanks to the program and heavy incentives. no solid numbers from gm yet. twitter is breaking more new ground. airlines are offering last minute deals by tweeting. "usa today" says jetblue and ianed posting the twitter offers sometimes only good for an hour or two. jetblue calls the twitter speciallies cheaps and united post what's it calls twares. jetblue offered a flight from new york to nantucket island for nine bucks. wall street was upbeat today. stocks surged on better than expected profit reports. stronger than expected car sales. look at the big board, up 114 points to nearly 9286 is where
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