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tv   Nancy Grace  HLN  August 6, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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the newlyweds set to live happily ever after. what the beauty didn't plan on was that the hitman she hired to murder her new hubby is a cop. that's right. the cops see her on ved. she breaks down in hysterical tears crying over her dead husband within just hours of planning those final tumpz for his shooting death. she was on the phone with a
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would-be hitman, and we have the video. >> no, no. oh, my god. oh. >> you need to calm down. >> no. no. >> i need you -- >> go with the detective.
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>> you want to help your husband, you need to go -- >> no, no. please. tell us everything you know about who you know. and tonight a young mother with five little children in her minivan barrels down the wrong way on a packed interstate highway slamming into another vehicle. eight dead. one child is hanging on to life by a thread. tragedy? yes. action? no. toxicology reports mommy high on booze and pot. tonight a court battle brewing. >> the question was asked, did she have an alcohol problem?
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did you know her to go to bars? >> absolutely not. >> did you know her to get drunk and -- >> i never saw her drunk since the day i met her. a perform-year-old mother drove the wrong way for nearly two miles on a new york highway with five children inside her minivan. she struck an suv with three adults head on. eight people were killed. authorities revealed schuler had a blood alcohol level more than twice the legal limit. equivalent to ten drinks. that she also had traces of marijuana in her system. >> how do you put five children in a car when you are a mother and you're drunk? how do you do that? it's incomprehensible. i can't even -- we have children. i would never ever do something like that. it's just -- it's crazy. >> i go to bed every night knowing, my heart is clear, she did not drink. she is not an alcoholic. listen to all that. she is not an alcoholic, and my heart is wrestless every night when i go to bed. something medically had to happen. good evening. i'm nancy grace.
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i want to thank you for being with us. a florida beach beauty marries her dream man and the newlyweds all set to live happily ever after until death do them part. what the 26-year-old beauty didn't plan on was that the hit-man she hired to murder hubby is a cop. >> i didn't do anything, and i didn't plot anything. >> police say she thought she had gotten away with it, but she's off to the county jail after dalia paid a hit-man $3,000 to kill her husband. turns out that hit-man was an undercover police officer tipped off by a confidential informant. she says she didn't do it. >> it's 10:auto. i should have been dead at, like, 9:0 on. >> he was working out at l.a. fitness gym when police called her to return to the home. it was taped off, and detectives roaming the property like it was a crime scene.
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>> here is a woman who is saying these 5,000% sure she wants to pay for her husband to be killed xshgs then at the scene you have a woman who is sobbing uncontrollably because she's just learned that her husband is dead. >> oh, my god. >> i don't understand. >> straight out to ashley glass from wpec joining us there in palm beach, florida. ashley, what happened? >> well, i saw this woman today for the first time up in court for the first appearance, and it was like i was looking at a different person. you saw the youtube video there. she was emotional over the top, hysterical, how you would react, right, if you thought someone was dead. then in court today for first appearance stone cold, expressionless as she stood before a judge. her bond is set at $that,000. she bonded out. we saw her leave in an unmarked
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here from the palm beach county jail, and she's at her mom's house right now. she went straight to her mom's house. that's where she's going to be on house arrest. a judge ordered it as the case moves along. we're already hearing from her lawyer in court. >> boy, that -- ashley, the judge ordered it? wow. house arrest? boy. how much more strict could that punishment be. she's at home while mommy is making her chicken soup. i want dog out to a special guest joining me from boynton beach. she's matthew emlor with the boynton beach police department. it's a pleasure to have you with us. explain to me how you guys manage to get this on video. it's incredible. >> the case started friday, and all through the weekend we had met with the defendant, and we actually had quite a bit of video and audio of various portions of our interaction with her.
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the portion that you have seen that's on the very end, and really it's a small amount of what we've already taped with her. >> with me chief matthew emlor from boynton beach, florida. chief, it's incredible. how did she get hooked up with an undercover cop? >> well, she had asked someone to actually make this happen, to have her husband killed. the person that she had asked came to us, advised us of what was going on, and at that point we interseeded. >> to dr.belt any marshall. we're taking your calls live. this woman is stunning. 26-year-old work-out enthusiast, let me say. only married six months. the bloom should not be off the rose, bethany marshall. they're newlyweds. dr. bethany, is she crazy?
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she approaches a friend, and i don't care how good of a friend you are. who is going to go along with hiring a hit-man? >> well, obviously she didn't have big picture thinking if she approached a friend not thinking that person would turn her into the police, but most women who kill their husbands usually have what's called a borderline personality disorder. stlo don't start up. there's nothing wrong with this woman. >> well, but it's not a mental illness. it's just a personality edition order, and there's extreme ragefulness at the smallest of provocation. he has a criminal history as well. he was giving her cash to pay bills, and then she wasn't even paying the bills with it. was there a financial incentive on her part? was there a joint corruption of conscience on both of their parts, and they aked out it together? with borderline there's ragefulness and impulseivity and a very malicious and revengeful way. >> we are taking your calls live out to sandy in minnesota. hi, sandy. sandy, are you with me?
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sandy? i can hear you. can you hear me? >> caller: yes, i can hear you. >> okay. what's your question, dear? >> caller: yes. how is this poor man ever going to trust another woman again? ever. >> tell you what, sandy, is probably at home on his knees counting his blessings that this near murder was averted. with me right now the perfect person to answer sandy in minnesota's question. with me is john sabatino, a very good friend of the would-be dead husband, michael dipalito. john, thank you for being with us. how was his reaction? what is it to all of them to find out your wife of just six months, your newlywed, your bride, is planning to rub you out? >> yes. hello. >> hi. can you hear me, john? >> yes. >> what was your friend's reaction? >> i spoke to mike first thing this morning, and he was totally in shock. he could not believe that this entire thing has happened to
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him. >> well, did he see it coming? did he see anything, any rift in the marriage? >> no, not really. he just felt that she was a go-getter and that she, you know, wanted to lead the high class society life. >> like what? >> you know, i know mike has treated women great in the past, and he was definitely going to treat had one with all heart. >> but what do you mean treat women great. what do you mean? buy them stuff? >> yeah. i mean, you know, buy -- mike is a gentleman. i have known mike for over to years, and every girlfriend that he has had that i have met has spoke highly of him. >> so you saw no problems in the marriage, and suddenly she hires a hit-man? >> well, there are -- there were some problems because everybody warned mike that things were happening way too fast. i mean, i think they were living together after, like, only one or two weeks, and then the small
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engagement and then to be married, like, within six months. just everything was happening fast. >> well, what was this woman like? i know she was a fitness freak, worked out all the time. what more can you tell me about her? >> i met her probably back in december for the first time. mike introduced me to her. i was down in florida. i was visiting my brother and happened to go over to boca, and she seemed to be okay. she was a very pretty girl. she catered to mike too. >> this woman spent hours and hours of week getting the perfect body, the perfect look. she meets this guy. within six months they're headed down the aisle. within six months after that she's hiring a hit-man to rub him out. we are taking your calls live. let's unleash the lawyers.
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susan, john, and lauren lake. sue, weigh in. >> the six month itch it's a witch. i can't believe it took her six months and already she's trying to rub out her husband. there's no defense in this case. the fact that she asked her friends about a hit-man means that there's no entrapment because the government wasn't involved then. there is no defense. >> there's a lot of funny stuff going on. you know, you try and look -- see the best in people, not the worst. i feel a little bad, but, i mean, there's no reason she had to do this, you know?
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she was arrested wednesday after police say she hired a hit-man to kill her husband of only six months. it turns out that hired gun was an undercover cop.
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boynton pd staged a crime scene as if her husband had been shot dead. sh she sobbed in hiss eriks. later she learned at the police station her husband was still alive. detectives say had he received a tip about dalia's plan. she had been dealing with an undercover police officer posing as a hit-man. >> the two met several times at a parking lot at a cvs and gas station. when the officer asked if she was sure she wanted it done, she replied "i'm not going to change my mind. i'm a,000% sure i want it done." >> they met less than a year ago. he is now 38. she's 26. they were married six months ago. she says strange things started happening. money went missing. threatening notes were left on his car. he says now that makes sense. it's far different than his wife trying to kill him. >> .
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>> oh, my god. over. oh. >> you need to calm down. we need you to go, okay? >> ma'am. >> please. >> we need you to go to the station. go with the detective. >> if you want to help your husband -- if you want to help your husband, you need to go and tell us everything you know about who he knows, who he is connected to. >> please. please.
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>> here, little girl. you're going to need these in the big house. all right? all that sobbing and crying and carrying on, it's all on video. we're just seeing a portion of what the boynton beach p.d. has against this woman. a 26-year-old newlywed who allegedly planned to rub out her husband. problem, ah oh, the hit-man is a cop. okay. let's take another look at what the cops have in their arsenal that is we know of. roll it, rosy. >> okay. she's walking up. she's gotten a call at the l.a. fitness center to come home immediately. okay. look at the other cop. this is what i like. they all know. he is not dead. oh, god. no. no. look. they're all looking away and looking at the ground. ah oh. scratching his head.
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must be a very painful moment for her. work it. work it. cry. okay. it's about time she should bend over with her abdomenal pain. she's about to collapse out of grief. look at all the cops just staring at her. somebody please take her. take her so we can book her. >> tell us everything about who he knows, who he is connected to. everything is under control. >> so chief immlor, when did you baek it to her that her husband was, in fact, alive in the next room at the police department? >> actually, nancy, about the point that we were taking her from the interview room back to the cell block we let her see
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her husband at that point. >> oh, lord. i didn't know you actually let them see each other, and what was her reaction? >> she was surprised. >> surprised. i think you're underplaying it a little bit. now, at this time when she first saw her husband, did she know he was alive? >> well, yes, because he was standing there in the detective's room. >> had you already told her he was are a live? >> we made no statement about that. she actually saw him as we were moving her. >> chief, what was she saying? i mean, before she realized she was busted, what was she saying? >> she really wasn't saying a whole lot. we were just asking her mainly general questions, and she was responding in genralts like i don't know who would do this, that sort of thing. >> to our producer on the story, ely, what more can you tell me? >> boynton beach police say they have several conversations that this woman had on -- with this informant and the undercover
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cop. it's all on tape. she gave the informant $1,200 as a down payment to buy a gun to allegedly kill her husband. >> $1,200. a lot of celebrities spend that much on a pocketbook. that was to get him killed? >> right. then she told the undercover cop to give him $3,000 after the job was done.
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>> if it's 10:50, i should have been dead at, like, 9:on. >> reporter: dead if his wife's plan had worked. she hired a hit-man to take him out. at 6:00 this morning detectives knock odd his door. they told him his wife was trying to kill him and staged a crime scene. his wife sobbed uncontrollably when she arrived. michael confronted her at the police station. he says there was nothing to say. michael was shown the recording. . >> i saw it.
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i'm okay with it. >> straight out to the lines. rosalynn in ohio. hi, dear. >> caller: hi, how are you? >> i'm good. what's your question? >> caller: i wurnded if there was a large life insurance policy she stood to inherit, if there should not be some kind of waiting period. they were only married six months. >> what do we know? what could be the possible motivation? >> well, these are the kinds of things that detectives are looking at now. don't forget, this only happened between friday and wednesday. there are really a lot of details to go through. these are the interviews that they'll have with michael. don't forget, he just found out about this whole plot yesterday morning, so there's a lot of fact checking going on now that you got exactly what she could have gained by having her husband killed. >> back to the lawyer. susan, john, lauren lake. go ahead, john. i brace myself. what's her defense? >> well, i don't know what the defense is right now. obviously, the evidence is strong against her, but i think if i'm looking at this, i have to look, first, you want to find out what the motive is or absence of a motive.
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i want to know what psychologically, and i know you -- you -- maybe there is a significant personality disorder. maybe this person is such a narcissistic personality -- >> mean and -- >> has she been mean before? we want to look at these things. i tend to think -- >> has she been mean before? >> she may may be out of touch with reality. i'm looking for some form of mitigation here. obviously, we have a lot of evidence here to suggest that she wanted to kill her husband, but maybe not. maybe the interpretation should not be so clear cut. these are things though look at. i'm not saying that's clear, but we don't know as lawyers until we get into it and do the checking. >> it's very murky. it's hard to understand. you're looking. you're digging. you're scraping the bottom of the barrel. >> i wouldn't call it the bottom of the barrel. you are looking behind what the evidence is. >> grasping at straws. >> not necessarily. >> what do you have, gts miss echo. >> i'm going to say something different. we're also going to look at this informant, this supposed third party informant.
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who is this person? if she's so connected to the police or so connected to the girl, we don't know anything about this person, and we need to. >> lauren. >> yes, nancy. >> the cops have her on audio. >> we also need to look at the cops' procedure. did they have authorization from the court? >> you hear that. chief immlor, be ready. they're going to say you guys tried to frame this girl. cock-a-doodle-do.
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i do 22 more inspections than the government requires. and my fresh, all-natural chickens are never given any hormones or steroids. and no candy, gladys. (announcer) perdue. extra inspections. extraordinary chicken.
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come individually wrapped
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and they're perfectly sized to cook quickly and evenly in only 10 minutes. (announcer) perdue perfect portions.
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>> do you see that? listen. >> please. please. please. . >> you are seeing dalia, a 26, a newlywed of six months breaking down in hysterical sobs as police inform her her groom is dead, murdered. they carry her away. she's nearly doubled over in grief. when they get her to the police station, they let her look in the next room and there he is. very alive and very well aware this is a police sting that you are seeing right now. we are taking your calls live. out to sheryl in michigan. hi, sheryl. >> caller: hi, nancy. love you. love your growing family. >> thank you.
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bless it. did you know that two days ago they were 21 months. almost 2. praise the lord. >> caller: yes. >> what's your question, love? >> caller: on top of life insurance, does he have a business, a company, assets that she was going into wanting to kill him? >> what do we know, ashley glass, ashley joining us from wpec? >> when we talked to him, he said, yes, he is well off. yes, they did live in an extrav gantt lifestyle. he says he really doesn't know what the motive is. when he came face-to-face with her in the police department, he says he thinks he has the chance to ask her that, were you after my money? he didn't even take that opportunity to ask her, what were you after? >> ashley, what do you mean by an extrav gantt life sil? what do we know? >> well, i mean, he just flat out said we spend a lot of money, and he said there were suspicions along the way that maybe she was after his money. they had only been married six months.
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>> maybe she was after his money. >> but, again, he didn't want to ask her flat out. >> i'm going to ask chief matthew immlor. chief, what did he do for a living? did they live the high life? >> well, i don't know if you would call it living the high life. they live in a very nice area of boynton beach. it's a newly constructed town center development, and he worked from home. i'm not exactly sure what his business is. i know that he seems to do well. >> what do you mean town center? what's that? >> a town center is where you build a shopping center, retail, restaurants, and then build the residence around that. >> fancy, high-end stores like sacks fifth avenue, barney's, and then, yeah -- >> exactly. >> condos. >> we are taking your calls out to kiana in washington. hi, dear. >> caller: hi, nancy. i love you. >> thank you. thank you for calling in, dear. what's your question?
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kiana calling from washington state. >> caller: yes. i would like to know if anyone knows if the wife was having an affair. >> well, you know, that's a good question. there's always money or a lover hiding in the closet. what do you know? >> don't know of an alleged lover at this point, although we do know that she told the confidential informant she gave him a schedule of where her husband would be, gave him a couple of pictures, told the cops who was posing as a hit-man some ways that he might get out of town easily, some get-away routes. she apparently gave hem lots of information to try to pull off this alleged flot. >> and going to the gym that morning, that was supposed to be -- >> right. actually she offered to go get her hair done. she thought that would be a good alibi. this undercover cop told her why don't you get out of the house by 6:00 a.m. in the morning. she went to the gym, and that's where she got word that her husband was dead.
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. >> they are two little miracle babies. they weigh a little over two pounds when she came into this world, and i'm happy to say she's over 30 pounds now, and she can say daddy and mommy in her own way. so can john david. he has been saying it a really long time. what's your question, love? >> caller: i'm a little confused as to how this video got on to youtube, and is she going to get a hot shot attorney saying they're setting her up? >> that's exactly where this is headed. you heard burres and lake lining it up. how did the video get on youtube, chief immler? >> well, florida has a very open public record -- >> that's right. that's right. florida. >> yeah, for instance, as soon as the suspect is booked, the probable cause affidavit becomes public record, and because of that, we try and be accommodating to the media. obviously, there's a lot that we can't release, but we wanted to
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release something because we do like to cooperate, and we do like to be able to assist them in telling her story to the citizens. >> you're right. in fact, out of all the states in the nation, florida has the most open courtroom system. they don't hide anything. the theory in florida is the best detergent is sunshine, so you have open courtrooms, open records. anybody, including the media, can get ahold of most of the police investigative files. yes. very quickly, everyone, i want to go to tom shamscheck, former police chief, private investigator, instructor at b.u. if you want to find out about insurance policies and money and wills, how do you go about doing that? >> good evening, nancy. obviously, investigators will be sitting down with the husband and mining for that information, looking at all of the background associated with a prenuptial and
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whatever else they're going to uncover through diaries, her computer records, and i think that's where they're going to go. >> oh, yeah. the computer records. you're darn right. very quickly, everybody. take a listen to our second story. >> the family of michael and his son guy are incredulous over the revelation that long island mother diane schuler was stoned and drunk when she plowed into the suv going the wrong way on the taconic parkway. schuler herself was killed along with her 2-year-old daughter and three nieces. >> i think anyone that knows and contributed to this should be brought to justice in one way or another. >> reporter: the family lawyer calling now for a full investigation saying he senses what he calls a fragrance of criminalality. >> it's inconceivable to me that the family would be unaware of the fact that this woman drank a lot and used marijuana.
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>> she is not an alcoholic, and my heart is wrestless every night when i go to bed. something medically had to have happened. >> something happened to her brain. that doesn't give me an answer. does not give me an answer for the alcohol in her stomach or the marijuana allegedly there, and i'm not saying that test is wrong here. something had to happen. this is not a woman who would jeopardize five children. she was the one they chose to always drive. >> the fragrance of crimin criminalality. more like the pungent sense of criminality. eight people are dead. what happened? >> nancy, there are -- there was a terrible crash, a collision that occurred july 26th at 1:30
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p.m. mommy diane schuler oonk loonk with her flee tlooe nieces and two children, 5-year-old son, who did survive the crash, and 2-year-old daughter were killed tragically. this is a head-on collision on the highway right behind me. i'm actually very close to the crash site. just a half mile up the street here. she drove the wrong way northbound on a southbound highway behind me. >> what do we know? who all was in the car with her in the minivan? >> reporter: the red minivan, it was her three nieces. these were the children of her brother, and her own children, nancy, her own it-year-old daughter and a-year-old son. >> how many are dead that were in the car with her? >> reporter: actually, she is dead as well as all the children except for her son. her a-year-old son. >> what about the toxicology reports? what do they show? what was in her system?
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>> toxicology reports show that her blood alcohol content was .19%. this is double the legal amount that's allowed in the state of new york. >> what about marijuana? >> reporter: yes. there was also blood tests showing that she has -- she had smoked marijuana within one hour of that crash.
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diane schuler's brother and his family remain secluded, still in shock over the horrifying revelation that their three girls died because their aunt diane was driving drunk. today a relative of the girls was determined to set the record straight. >> because we have never known diane to be anything but a responsible and caring mother and aunt, this toex kolg report raises more questions than it provides answers for our family. >> reporter: an attorney for diane schuler's husband, daniel, told that schuler never had an
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alcohol problem and that the family is absolutely in shock over the toxicology reports. >> she was not an alcoholic. she rarely had a drink. she got in the van with the childr children. nine witnesses saw her that day not drunk. >> it's hard for me to believe that the family did not know that this woman had an alcohol problem or a drug problem. this could not have manifested itself all of a sudden out of the clear blue sky on that one sunday morning. >> this man loved this woman. he is in a days from all of this. absolutely. >> knob witnessed her drinking. to brad lamb, registered interventionist at
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decide. >> people sometimes don't want to know. right now from 1010 win. she attended the press conference today. it looked like the press gauntlet got kind of crazy. what happened? >> this was the first time we actually heard from diane schuler's husband. now, this accident happened a week and a half ago, and we had not heard from him, so everyone obviously wanted to talk to him and hear his side of the story. he basically disputed the toxicology reports saying he -- his wife wasn't an alcoholic, that she had not been drinking and what was called into question was she left a camp site at 9:30 in the morning and four hours later at 1:30 in the afternoon is when the accident happened. the question is when was she drinking? the toxicology reports show the blood alcohol was .19, and she had marijuana in her system also, according to police. >> is it true, arlene, everyone, joining from so 10 wins radio, that she was barrelling down the wrong way of the interstate?
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>> well, that's right. there's a couple highway that is she took to get there. the highway where it happened, the taconic. they said she was traveling south in the northbound lane and witnesses originally on that highway said that she was actually keeping the car steady for 1.7 miles. nearly two miles. this is before she got on. the other highways that she had been on they did say that they thought she was driving eradically and aggressively, like tailgating. there's two -- from the two highways two different stories. >> with me right now, a special guest ann scott. she is the owner of the hunter lake camp grounds. she's joining us from parkville, new york, and she has known the schulers for years. she saw diane schuler the morning of the crash. ms. scott, thank you for being with us. can you shed any light on what happened that day? >> nancy? >> yes, ma'am. >> am i on? >> yes, ma'am. >> nancy, i have only known diane about three years. they were seasonal campers with us.
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they were just a really normal family here. >> she took the children walk and played up on the court, and the children would go swimming. she was polite to anybody. she wasn't a person that mixed with a lot of people. she was very quiet. i have to be honest with you, she had us all in the state of shock and surprise. as far as this situation is concerned. when the toxicology report came out, we just fell apart. we couldn't believe it. >> i can't believe all of these children. >> it's horrifying. >> lost their lives. >> horrifying. >> and her blood alcohol, the evidence she had been smoking pot with five little children in the car with her. the husband claiming no, she didn't drink, she wasn't an alcoholic, she didn't smoke pot. with me is ann scott, the owner of hunter lake campground.
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she's known the schulers about three years. she saw her that morning. to laura dean mooney, the national president of mothers against drunk driving. when you hear about a story like this, laura, what's your reaction? >> well, my heart broke immediately. it brought back for had he personal memories because my husband was killed by a wrong-way drunk driver in 1991 on a texas highway. they found an emptied bottle of jim beam in the car. this points a horrific flashlight on the drunk driving problem in america. >> when all these people say she didn't drink, she wasn't an alcoholic. hello. her blood alcohol .19. out to the lines. sally in texas. hi, sally. krirchgts hi, nancy. glod god bless you. i pray for all the families. i just can't imagine having realized that my spouse had done something like this. >> you know, sally, i'm afraid to even -- i had a little bit of
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a lead foot before i had the twins. i try not to even get on the interstate with them because no matter how careful i am, what about all the other nuts that are whizzing by. >> exactly. exactly. then to know that she killed these other threeexactly. to know these other three men were killed also. i can't imagine being left behind and knowing my spouse did that. my question is they already answered what she was doing but i was just wondering, did she maybe stop somewhere after she left to get a bottle? >> good question. rupa, have they retraced her steps? is that possible that she stopped somewhere to obtain alcohol? >> reporter: nancy, it's very possible. this is what police are working on right now. they are trying to reconstruct the collision, itself, and the hours before the collision. it is an open and active investigation. >> dr. miblg bell, how reliable are these toxicology reports, dr. bell? >> well, they're extremely reliable. as long as they were taken properly during the autopsy, i
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would count on them. >> and where -- do you get them from the blood, from tissue? where do you get these results for blood alcohol and pot? >> well, usually we don't just draw blood. usually we'll also draw urine, some body organs like liver, brain, as well as eye fluid. >> so unless, doctor, the reports have been switched, do you believe the reports are accurate? >> i do. i think they are. if they do --.
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back to rupa, joining us there from the scene. didn't you leave something out of your rendition of the facts, something like an empty bottle of absolut vodka found in the wreckage? thancht >> reporter: that's right. there was a broken bottle, 1.75 liters found in the driver's passenger seat of the floor. the police are not able to determine if she had consumed the alcohol from that particular bottle. now, it's also interesting to note that they do believe the theory that she stopped at
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several places along the way. here's why. the crash site is 90 miles from that camp site she left at 9:30 in the morning, a four-hour drive? >> and in louisiana, hi, ann. >> caller: hi, nancy. you kind of touched on the question before the break. i was wondering if they could have maybe switched the toxicology reports but with this information you just said about the bottle i did not know that. is there any way they would give them a second? >> what about that? to tom, how often do you see a second analysis done for blood alcohol, quickly? >> i imagine that in this case they may very well do that. nancy, this could have been a suicide. >> okay. except for everybody else in the car. that would be homicide. everybody, let's stop and remember, army specialist carlos wilcox iv, 27, cottage grove, minnesota, killed in iraq.
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awarded the bronze star, purple heart, army service ribbon, national defense service medal. studied at arizona state and graduated with a degree in biology, dreamed of med school, spoke fluent spanish, loved traveling, reading. carlos wilcox iv, american hero. happy birthday to our superstar mara lana and special good night for friends of the show, david, kay, brad, lindsay. aren't they beautiful? see you tomorrow night everybody, 8:00 sharp eastern. until then, good night, friend.
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next on "issues" authorities investigating the death of adorable little robert manwill now say that, yes, it was a homicide. it was murder. and they're also saying there is no evidence to indicate it was a stranger abduction. so are they zeroing in on the family? is it true, the report that the boyfriend of this boy's mother is now suddenly in a treatment center? if so, why? and then this sick, sick man made a youtube video before he went in and shot up an aerobics class filled with women, killing three women, injuring nine others. this guy hated women. he had a victim complex. we're going to debate with the experts the profilers, the psychologists tonight.
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this psychopath, why couldn't he have been stopped? on "issues."
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