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tv   Prime News  HLN  August 10, 2009 6:32pm-7:00pm EDT

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her defense because they're married for trying to kill her? >> how about that for a twist? i would think not. let's get his lawyers in, jason brody, josh friedman. i mean, come on, she's allegedly trying to kill the guy. i don't think he's going to have to cough up any money to defend her. right, guys? >> the answer to that question, you know, is as follows. when we filed our petition for dissloougs of marriage, that would be the cutoff date for determining marital assets and marital liabilities versus non-marital assets and liabilities. if there was any debts incurred during the marriage before the petition was filed, and if that happened, we would ask for an unequal distribution of the marital estate and the marital liabilities. >> just to follow up real quick, mike. >> real quick, go ahead. >> on the previous caller, michael dippolito came out this morning on the "today" show, as you're aware, you've been showing the clips, and he is very thankful to the boynton beach police department, and he said as much this morning. >> yeah. they did a tremendous job, as the caller pointed out. thanks again, guys. jason, josh, tara fields, andrew
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marra. we appreciate it. we'll keep following it for you. when we get the motive, we'll let you know as to why someone would do this. hard to figure. all right, here's an idea. i want to know what you think about this one. turn in your guns, you get a gift card to target. that's the deal in fresno, california. cops there say this year violent crime went up nearly 10%, 9.4%. so they decided it was time for the city's first ever gun buyback program. police collected 447 guns in less than three hours saturday, ran out of the cards. okay, great people can get some money for the old guns, but is it really going to be the great solver of crime there? here's what police are saying. >> these are firearms that are being used on the streets of fresno to do drive-by shootings. they're in the hands of the wrong people. >> it doesn't matter whether you're getting gang bangers in here or not, you're getting guns off the street. >> okay. guns off the street. you know, they have a point. the people who you don't want having guns, are they the ones, though, that are really turning them in the for the gift card?
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we'll delve into all this. joining us to talk about it, let's welcome back steve rogers, former member fbi joint terrorism task force. also, detective lieutenant with the nutley, new jersey police department. and joining us by phone, chief jerry dyer with the fresno police department. first off, chief, did you expect that kind of turnout? you've got people lining up, what, like three hours early, you ran out of gift cards. you expect that? >> yeah, we really didn't know what to expect, quite honestly. we hadn't done this before. i know other agencies had across the nation, but we were overwhelmed in terms of what the interest was for people to turn in firearms, and we were also surprised at the types of firearms being turned in. we had some -- two machine guns that were turned in, five sawed-off shotguns, some sks assault rifles, and really a significant amount of handguns. but it's those assault rifles, machine guns, those types of weapons that are generally used by gang members, and those are the ones we wanted to get off the street. >> and that's good. i want to quote the mayor, and get your take on it, chief.
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this is mayor ashley swearingen saying i think our community is sending the message they're tired of these guns being in the wrong hands. and i think people look at this and say, are the people with guns that are going to -- or the folks that turned in these guns, are they really the ones -- the wrong hands here, are the real hardened criminals the ones turning them in for gift cards, chief? >> well, i think two things. the people turning in guns, some of those individuals are law-abiding citizens. unfortunately, gang members get their guns from law-abiding citizens by breaking into their so the more guns we can remove from certain environments, the less guns we will have on the significant number of involved in criminal activity that were, in fact, turning in turning in, we will never fact, they would have been used but we do know that gun will
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never be used in a crime in our >> let's bring in steve rogers. steve, your take on this program? >> the chief's point is well taken regarding burglaries and stealing guns, but the odds are against them. the police objective forum and the national academy of sciences clearly concluded after recent studies that the program just doesn't work. it does not have significant impact on the crime rate. but go to it, chief, i hope it works out for you in fresno. >> yeah, exactly, we're hoping for the best here. i want to hear from you. call in 1-877-tell-hln. i want to know your thoughts on this program. and also this, miley cyrus at the teen choice awards, dancing on a pole. she is 16! you're going to be astonished when you see the photos. again, 16 years old, disney star. call in, 1-877-tell-hln.
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln. i want to hear from you. fresno, california, had a spike in violent crime, so here was the program they instituted. offered, basically, a gift card to target if you turn in your gun. $50 for a rifle, $100 for a handgun, $200 for assault weapons. they took in 447 guns in three hours and ran out of gift cards. we have our expert standing by, chief jerry dyer is with us from the fresno police department. let's get to the phones. gary is with us in tennessee. your question here? >> caller: yes, i'm a coin and gun collector, and i have a
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license to do so. and i was just wondering, i saw some of the guns that they're showing here now on your program, and some of those guns are -- looked like expensive collector guns and, like i said, i have a license to do so, and i'm wondering if those guns are being chopped up with a cutting torch or dumped in the stove. >> what are they doing with the guns? let's bring in chief dyer. what are you guys doing with them? >> a number of things. number one, we're checking to see which guns are stolen. we do know there will be a certain number of those that were stolen. try to get those back to the rightful owner. secondly, we're running ballistics tests on those guns to see if they've been used in previous shootings. third, if there is a gun out there that has some significant historical value, and we do know that there are a few that we collected that do, then we'll probably be doing something to render them safe and work out some type of an agreement with museum, such as the legion of
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honor museum we have in fresno, getting those firearms to them. >> it's really interesting. tina in our facebook page wanted to answer that question you just answered, can you trace them back to crimes. sounds like you're using ballistics to do that. that's a good thing. let's get another call in. tom's with us in north carolina. how are you doing? >> caller: good. enjoy your show. >> thanks. >> caller: you do a good job. just wish we didn't have so much bad news. >> yeah, you and me both, tom. >> caller: i tell you, i'm an absolute avid believer in our right to bear arms. don't ever get me wrong. i'm 30 years military, fought all over the world. we have the right in this country, and it was a given right. but what they're doing to get these guns off the streets, one of the best things that can be done. >> all right. tom, a big fan there. chief, as you guys divide this plan, what was the biggest pitfall or was there a negative that you were really concerned about? >> i think the biggest concern
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was, are these really the guns that might be used in crimes? and what we're going to do with some of those guns that had historical value, and we've addressed those concerns, and quite honestly, in fresno, you know, folks have been very, very supportive of the program and the outcome. >> yeah. because when you first -- on first glance, you look at this, it's like, okay, number one, let's face it, people can get a gift card, use a gun that might just be lying around and get the money. but, chief, is it your thought if you can save one person, if there's one gun that could be a dangerous gun or in the wrong hands, as you guys like to use the term, if you can get it off the streets it's all worth it? >> you're absolutely right. if we can prevent one violent crime, one homicide from occurring as a result of this program, it's paid for itself. and we will never know the crime that did not occur as a result of this effort. >> where are you guys getting the money? what, 20 -- you gave in gift cards, what, $35,000. $20,000 from donations, is that right? >> yeah, we had $20,000 of private moneys that were
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committed either through my chief's foundation or through crimestoppers. and we also had -- well, that ultimately ended up being $20,000 that had been donated. and then additional moneys, $15,000 from our asset forfeiture. those are monies that were seized from drug dealers that we're now utilizing to buy the gift cards to buy the guns. >> okay. we wish you the best on this. i'm sure you guys were so concerned, you see a spike in violent crime, almost 10 mers. you've got to do something. kate gosselin in the news breaking her silence about her separation from her husband, jon. last week jon gosselin gives the interview saying it's kate's fault. she comes on "the today show" denying it all. i think they're playing us like a fiddle. stay in the spotlight, stay in the news so we keep watching the show. what do you think?
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln. kate gosselin speaking out about her separation fighting on the reality show, "jon & kate plus eight" on tlc. they announced they were splitting up in june, and just this morning kate appeared on "the today show." listen as she explains why she's still wearing the wedding ring. >> sorry. >> that's okay. >> i don't want to upset them. while we're being very real and as honest as i need be, i don't want to shock them. i've walked slowly through this with them. thank you. as they've asked questions, i've answered them. >> there's some emotion from
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kate gosselin as she's talking about the break-up. it's a sympathetic moment for kate gosselin. jane velez-mitchell, my colleague, joins me now. "issues with jane coming up top of the hour. you know, i felt for her there, jane. not sure about you. and she talked about the kids being number one. one thing though, i'd like to -- if the kids were number one, both of them should stop airing out the dirty laundry in public. i mean, i think they should go silent about the divorce and the nitpick back and forth about whose fault it was. >> the horror of this whole thing, mike, is this is the show. >> yeah, you're right. >> this is the show that they didn't know they were getting into. and not knowing that there's going to be a giant lion there that you're going to have to fight with to the death. and you think you're going in to do a stage play. this is the reality show that happens when you put your family into this situation. and so what she's doing now is a great performance. she might think she's being real, but she's really just part of the show. and that's the tragic irony of making a deal with the devil
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like this where you turn your family into a show, is that if it's a reality show that reality, the uglier it gets the more interesting it gets. and so there's an incentive in the system to make this kind of chaos happen, and you couldn't -- a team of hollywood script writers couldn't produce anything more brilliant than this. >> yeah. it's the beast that swallows you up. let's face it, a reality show is a death knell to a marriage and keeping a family together. you mentioned it, jane, about the show. let's listen to kate gosselin on the "today show" today, basically justifying and saying -- and she said this, that the show didn't end their marriage. let's listen to kaitd, and we'll comment afterwards. >> ours is a very unique job. it's taught us many things. it's given our kids many opportunities they would not have otherwise had. they each have a substantial college fund. they will all go to college. i have made sure of that.
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and so i don't live my life in regret. i typically tend to look forward, not backward. and i still feel like this is a good thing. it's healthy. and the kids would agree. >> that's where i disagree with her. there's no way this is a healthy thing. and there's also no way that those kids would agree. there's not a child out there that would say yeah, i'll trade mom and dad being together for a college i thought it would be a great experience. they would get their college fund and i know it hasn't gone as i have intended it. i think this is trouble and -- even if she said i'm going to see it though, i understand what people are talking about. i think i would respect that more. >> yeah.
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jane let's gets a call in here. >> go ahead. >> i want to say that i love your show. i watch it all the time. >> you know, i'm just i'm so confused by it all. i think you are right. i think they are playing us all. i think first i felt sorry for kate. but now it seems like they are agoing it on and i wouldn't want to air my dirty laundry in front of everybody. it seems ridiculous. >> thank you for the call. i said it before the break. they are playing it like a fiddle. it keeps the show out there. >> it reminds me of that movie, "the truman show". and you realize, this is going in a direction i didn't anticipate. except that character wanted out. and these characters don't seem
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to want out. >> "issues" with jane coming up at the top of the hour. >> and my sfxt ley cyrus at the teen choice awards call in.
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