tv Prime News HLN August 13, 2009 5:00pm-6:38pm EDT
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this hour, a serial killer on the loose. a rural north carolina town crippled by fear. five women found dead, murdered in the middle of nowhere along a quiet, lonely country road. today three other women are missing. and an entire community is outraged. the police are doing everything they can to stop the bloodshed. an apology from one. biggest names in basketball. rick pitino, married, father of five, comes out on nashville tv and says he's sorry for his indiscretion six years ago when he had sex with a woman on a table in a restaurant, got her pregnant. the school is standing by him. if they don't want him fired, fine. but what kind of message does this send? is it all about money and wins?
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we want to hear from you, call in, 1-877-tell-hln is the number. e-mail us, or you can text us at hlntv, just start your message with the word prime. it's your chance tbe heard. -- captions by vitac -- wrk. this is "prime news." i'm mike galanos. a disturbing report on the day michael jackson died. multiple sources tell the "l.a. times" that dr. conrad murray, the doctor for the king of pop, left michael jackson alone and under the influence of the powerful anesthetic propofol. he left him alone so he could make some phone calls. and by the time he returned, michael jackson had stopped breathing. give us a call, 1-877-tell-hln. russell, entertainment reporter, legal analyst, attorney, pop also criminal defense attorney, jennifer. and professor of surgery at vanderbilt university. jennifer, let's start with you. this is the report.
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if is this is the way it went down, do we have manslaughter charges. >> absolutely. this doctor is going to be held criminally responsible for his actions. what he did was reckless. he left a man alone and administered a drug that is usually only administered in a hospital. did not have any of the backup safety precautions as the reports say, which would be a heart monitor, at the minimum. nothing like that there. and admits to leaving the room. and did not dispute the police's -- the report from the police, the police statements. what we have here is a man who should be held criminally liable, an civilly liable perhaps. he took an oath to protect, care for his patients. not to do ha they said for $1. that's what we have here perhaps. >> let's bring in dr. jeffrey guy. doctor, let's lay it out for everybody. if someone is being administered
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propofol for surgery in a hospital setting, are they ever left alone? >> no. and that's a legitimate use. in this circumstance, in the hospital, you've got a patient who has not one, but five monitors on the patient. and it's clear by the fact that he left the room, the station was not on a monitor. this isn't something that happens instantaneously. if a total decline in your vital signs leading to your death is not something that happens instantaneously. this was not a quick phone call. this is somebody who is out of the room and it really demonstrates his ig noshs or outright regularless behavior. >> again, as we get a picture of this, reckless. you're saying even if he was in the room, without the monitoring devices, that wasn't foolproof? >> it goes beyond that. you have to be able to monitor your patient is declining. he didn't do that. he wasn't aware that his patient was dying in front of him. then when he recognized that he was dead, he basically took inappropriate actions. he did some sort of his -- his
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own style of cpr. the cpr is not like a hair cut. it's not a style. there's a correct way of doing it. he clearly didn't know what he was doing with that medication, or he was just outright reckless. there's really no middle ground. >> i want to bring a statement. about this the interview and dr. murray did not lie to them. but they are not telling the whole story. russell, what could possibly be the rest of the story here? >> that's a good question. and ed chernoff is an interesting character, as you know, when this all started to develop, he was very vocal defending his client. then as days and weeks went on, he became silent. and he has said he was going to stop responding to unnamed sources. now he's speaking again and he's because he's saying they're only telling part of the story. i think the part of the story we need to understand is, is there a doctor out there, and we just
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heard the doctor on this show, is there a doctor out there who would say that they would administer propofol in someone's house and walk away. that's the question prosecutors need to answer. that's a question that dr. conrad murray and his lawyers are going to have to answer to defend themselves. >> linda's with us in oregon. linda, your comment or question here? >> caller: yeah, hi. i had a question. if dr. murray, first of all, did in fact, you know, give michael jackson propofol, or diprivan in the home, and he's a cardiologist, he knows better than that. even if michael was an addict. if he's brought to charges, will he face manslaughter? or negligent homicide? he should have known better. why did he wait to call 911? >> you've got so many good questions there, linda. jennifer, what charge do you see here? if this "l.a. times" report is correct and that's the way it went down? >> the question becomes, was
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this something that was a reckless action, or did he knowingly take steps that led to the killing of michael jackson. i think the safest charge here most likely is the recklessness. as the information comes in, it -- whether or not manslaughter is, or it's just plain reckless, comes down to whether or not the doctor was -- if the doctor knew what he was doing, and that led to the death. and i don't know if -- the doctor can help on this -- whether or not, not even having him hooked up to the five monitors, was that in itself enough for the doctor to have known that a death was imminent. >> let's take a quick break. we'll get the doctor's take on that when we come back. and we'll talk about how important is it for investigators to know whether or not dr. murray had prescribed other medications. how reckless would that be?
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln. continuing ow conversation. we have a report from the "los angeles times," that dr. conrad murray, michael jackson's personal doctor, gave him administered propofol, then left the room to make some phone calls, and when he came back, michael jackson had stopped breathing. rene is with us from pennsylvania. rene, go ahead. >> caller: i just have a question. unless i missed something, the gentleman that made the 911 call, have they ever interviewed him? or does he know like what all happened? >> leslie, do we have that 911
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call? let's refresh everybody's memory. let's listen to that. >> did anybody witness what happened? >> no, just the doctor, sir. the doctor's been the only one here. >> so the doctor see what happened? >> doctor, did you see what happened, sir? sir, please -- >> we're on our way. we're on our way. i'm just asking these questions while the paramedics are on their way, sir. >> he's pumping his chest, he's not responding to anything. please. >> we're less than a mile away. we'll be there shortly. >> that's the 911 call. russell, what do we know about the person who made that call? >> there aren't a lot of details about that person. several details have been leaked about happened that morning. kai chase, the chef, talking about her eyewitness account of what happened. but in terms of that particular person, authorities have not leaked that information. that person has not come forward to do any media interviews.
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>> let's get back to propofol, cause of death. dr. jeffrey guy, professor of surgery at vanderbilt. when we know, when this autopsy, full toxicology report comes out, if there were other drugs in his system, would it show that propofol -- will we know if that is the main source, cause of death or not? >> you probably won't have a smoking gun. you'll probably have like brain was swollen because of lack of oxygen or perhaps vomited into his lungs. . going to see, we probably won't have a large amount of propofol seen on this report, is that what you're saying? >> this isn't so much about propofol causing -- propofol creates a condition for trouble. a responsible provider is looking for trouble and needs to be able to respond to that. propofol makes it so you can't breathe, open your airways or your blood pressure is low. those are the things that resulted most likely in michael jackson's death. the problem here is the doctor wasn't able to recognize it or wasn't present to recognize it. nor was he equipped to treat it.
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>> let's get back to jennifer, our attorney. jennifer, so it creates the condition for trouble. that's a great quote there, as we wrap our minds around this. is it going to be tougher for prosecutors if there's other medications in his system and we're still kind of groping for the main cause? >> to a certain extent, it can complicate things a little bit more. you know, if propofol was the only thing in his system at a very high dose, i think everybody -- it would be closer to the smoking gun that people are looking for. but the fact that there were other medications in the system at the time, we're probably looking at what happens what's a toxic combination, almost a cocktail, if you will, of toxins in his body. as the doctor said, this doctor is a trained physician. he should have known. and i don't -- one thing, mike, that offends me, and i'm sure offends a lot of your viewers, is what's being told in some of these reports is that the doctor has stated that he didn't know what type of patient he was
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getting in michael jackson. >> ignorance is no defense. >> exactly. that's not a reason to break the law. that's not a reason to break his oath as a doctor. walk away. >> about the other medications, though, the other medications, the benzodiazepine, those have legitimate use in an outpatient settling. this is a drug used in the operating room to accommodate surgery. there is no legitimate use for this in somebody's home. >> we appreciate it, guys. coming up, a serial killer is terrorizing women in north carolina. five women, some moms found strangled, stand, beaten and dumped in a field. three other women are missing. a town is outraged. first killing dates back to 2005. four years and five deaths later, now we're talking about a serial killer? should the alarm have been sounded sooner?
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horrific wreck captured by a tv news helicopter. someone driving a stolen truck, trying to get away from police. ends up getting in a deadly crash. the truck engulfed in flames. you know, you see this kind of chase, you wonder were police following too close in a busy area. we'll examine that. what do you think about the university of louisville basketball coach rick pitino. we had it live for you, his apology for having sex with a woman on a table in a restaurant. she ends up having an abortion. the school is sticking by him, no punishment. what kind of message does that send to players, 18-year-olds, looking at this guy as a father figure, role model. call in, 1-877-tell-hln is the number. this story is terrifying. a possible serial killer preying on african-american women in a rural town in north carolina. it's been going on four four years now. five women found dead, their bodies left in the middle of nowhere. the murderer still out there. there could be more victims. here's david mattingly from our
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sister network cnn. >> reporter: if someone were looking for a place to get away with murder in north carolina, edge comb county seven bridges road might be the place to go. nothing but trees and pastures. since 2005, the remains of five women, all african-american, and suspected prostitutes, have been found here among miles of woods and crops. there are any number of places you can pull off here. like this spot right here. you can just drive off and disappear into the woods in a matter of seconds. sadly, that's what's been happening to these women. they disappear, never to be seen alive again. is this the work of a serial killer? >> yes, i believe it is. yeah, i think the fact that the bodies have been found close together really would argue for a serial killer. >> reporter: michael teeg was once the state's top forensic psychologist and believes the killer could be someone who has a lot of common in their victims. >> their economic level,
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background, same race. i think it's a person that would fit very easily within the environment. >> reporter: all of the victims were last seen in the town of rocky mount. we went to where they came from, an area where prostitutes work neighborhood streets. >> typically this is the area. >> reporter: but we found the streets deserted, cleared by fear. prostitutes are easy targets for killers, living fragile lives on society's fringes. still, councilman andre knight said it shouldn't have taken years for the town to take notice. is it just a matter of race, or is it possibly because of what they do for a living? >> i think it's a combination of both. because even what a person does, they still have human rights. >> reporter: a turning point in public awareness and the investigation itself was the fifth victim. known to her friends as sunshine. friends and family publicly demanded justice. local authorities asked the fbi to assist. like the other victims, hargrove
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disappeared from rocky mount, her body was found in june off seven bridges road. from the streets of rocky mount, it's only about a 15-minute drive to get to places like this. for all practical purposes, it's the middle of nowhere. and this is where investigators say that the victims are being killed. they won't give us a lot of details about what they're finding, but they do tell us two of the victims were strangled, one was stabbed and beaten. three other rocky mount women who police say are not prostitutes are currently missing. the sheriff of edgecomb county calls this a critical time in the investigation. leading many to hope that this lonely country road will soon lead to a killer. david mattingly, cnn, rocky mount, north carolina. >> joining me to talk about this, pat brown, criminal profiler. also with us, lou pa lom bo, former nypd investigator. lou, let me start with you. people ask the question, we've got five women dead in four years. three missing.
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why did it take so long for the fbi to get involved here, lou? >> well, probably a lack of familiarity of these type of cases by the local agency, number one. and unfortunately, i might have to think what the councilman cited as ethnic background and probably their choice of profession, having an influence to how intent they would be in solving these crimes. i think that a combination of a few different things like that. retarded the process. clearly when you start to develop a pattern, they should have enlisted the services of far more sophisticated agencies like the fbi who have behavioral science profilers, as well as the state agencies. >> you're talking patterns, pat brown's language. pat, you and i talked about this a little over a month ago. what do you see here, who could do this, where could this person be, what do we have here? >> first i want to say that i don't believe this is a serial killer. i know this is a serial killer.
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and possibly even there could be another serial killer. sometimes we'll even have two working one area. i tend to think we're looking at one here. i want to comment about why they didn't jump on this. this is traditional for police. they don't like to admit the serial killers. they're difficult cases to solve. politicians say shut up. so unless the dna matches on every one of them, or the women are stacked under a tree or there's something that absolutely connects them, they'll say, we don't know they're connected. we have women out, in prostitution, they're doing drugs, maybe somebody hitchhiking, we don't know if they have bad boyfriends or something else going on here. there's a tendency to downplay it because they're not absolutely sure. but my saying is this, when you get two or three women who end up dead, strangled under some trees in a local vicinity, you don't have three bad boyfriends, you have a serial killer. >> much more on this as we try to piece together who could be doing this. esesesesesesesesesess
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln. what do you think the university of louisville should do about coach rick pitino and the sex scandal. he apologized for boozing it up, having sex with a woman on a table in a restaurant. she got pregnant. coach pitino gave her 3 grand and she ended up having an abortion. the school is sticking by him. no punishment. what message does that send to a player. i think most players would get kicked off a team for having a scandal like this. and the coach who's supposed to be held to a higher standard, he's staying, huh? call up, 1-877-tell-hln is the number. we have two huge developments today in the murders of a wealthy couple attacked in their upscale
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florida home, byrd, melanie billings, a home they shared with 13 adopted special needs children. "prime news" correspondent richelle carey is with us. >> a lot happened, mike. just hours ago, six men and a teenager appeared in court formally charged in the killings of byrd and melanie billings. their charges upgraded from second to first-degree murder. that means prosecutors now have the option to seek the death penalty. police say the alleged ringleader leonard gonzalez jr. led two teams of thieves in last month's ninja-style heist. all seven pleaded not guilty. and this just in. the victim's family just filed an emergency motion to keep the public from seeing pictures of the crime scene. pictures of the autopsy. and video from inside the home. because we learned that the family had all types of cameras all over the property and inside the house. a video and other items are reportedly being released to the public. it's unclear what the new video
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shows. police also released the surveillance video from outside the home. seeing this, just minutes before the attack. some suspects broke in through the frost door. others through the back. and less than four minutes, byrd and melanie billings were dead. and for what. police now say that some of the men were actually there for a contracted hit. but they still are not saying why anyone would want byrd and melanie billings killed. the other apparent motive, robbery. so a lot of questions, mike. a lot of trying to connect the dots to figure out what this all really means. and we're trying to stay on top of it for you. >> doesn't it feel like something is missing here, richelle? >> it does. >> we're still trying to fit that one last piece in there. >> there seem to be overlapping motives and we can't figure out how it all connects. the point is, these people are dead. >> that's a good point. what did the sheriff say, it was a humdinger when this -- >> and he said they're still investigating. now this story. just this morning, a man in a stolen pickup was trying to get
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away from cops in detroit. ended up dead, killed in a fiery crash. here's the video. at this point cops, they had ended their chase. they're still monitoring the vehicle at a safe distance. the green light. car turns in front of him. and we had a crash. that vehicle, the truck, the stolen truck ended up hitting a pole, flipped over instantly. engulfed in flames. you see it right there, it explodes. he was dead. the person who stole the truck allegedly. and two other people, minor injuries. awful. you look at this. you know, we want to peel back for a moment and see how did police handle this, did they do a good job. we'll take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln is the number. joining us to talk about it, jennifer smeters, also with us again, lou palombo, former nypd investigator. and reporter for the detroit news. how did this all start? give us the story here. >> well, suburban community of
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taylor, about 10, 15 miles outside of detroit to the southwest, the police department there got a call early in the morning from the owner of the pickup saying that they were watching the suspect drive off with their vehicle. the police department was looking for it, and found the truck on the freeway in the area. they tried to pull it over. and the truck wouldn't stop. the driver took off. so they gave chase. when they got into detroit, they started to pull back on their pursuit. they followed it. but they weren't chasing after it. the suspect slowed down at that point. but right around the time the suspect got on michigan avenue, he noticed that michigan state police troopers were in a cruiser in the area, and he sped up again. >> okay. and did those troopers, they were unrelated to this particular chase, right? they just happened to be in the area? >> i think that's the case.
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the entire area is getting some additional attention from law enforcement right now that has nothing to do with that. >> so sees the state trooper, speeds up again. obviously going fast, as that took place. >> you know, if you look at the video, it's interesting, the suspect actually had the right-of-way. >> he had a green light. i mentioned that. probably going so fast. the person cut in front of him, the person didn't thought he could squeeze past him there and obviously did not. let's bring in lou. as we watch this, and first, give us -- when police say they're monitoring, you know, they call off the chase, they're in detroit there and begin monitoring, how close are they following? what are we not seeing here? >> it might not identify the specific distance in what they're monitoring. a lot of police agencies in larger cities have air support. as you can well tell, the media was helping us monitor this situation. and there isn't an exact designated distance in which you monitor.
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usually the line of sight. the other thing here is that you have to take into account what the criminal act was. on the surface. that's a car theft. you have to measure the risk to innocent people. very innocent people. the factors that pursuits institute or terminate aren't laws. they're policies of agencies. and depending on the agency, they have a different policy. my perception of this is the police exercised good judgment. and they allowed themselves some distance and the potential of possibly interacting with this individual. the fact that this accident took place was just bad luck. >> we're going to get jennifer's take as soon as we get back. call in, 1-877-tell-hln.
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln. continuing our conversation. just this morning, a man accused of stealing a truck, starts a high-speed chase with police. we have the video of the tragic ending. that pickup truck ends up being hit by another vehicle. actually had a green light. kind of ironic there. hits a pole after impact with that other vehicle. the driver, the person that allegedly stole the truck, instantly dead. a couple other minor injuries in all this. what we were talking about, how was it handled. we've got our experts standing by.
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we'll take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln is the number. jen ir smetters joins us. jennifer, i've got to agree with lou, it sounds like police did their job. do you agree or disagree? >> i have to disagree, mike. the police are there to serve and protect its citizens. and to have a man, regardless if he stole the vehicle or not, lose his life, is a tragic situation. that man's life was worth more than the value of the vehicle. the police inflamed the situation to an extent. now, this may have been not -- it may have been a low-traveled road. but even more so, even on a street like that, people's guard normally comes down. this man is speeding along. the media was surveying from above. let's look at the protocols that the police use. >> they called off the chase. they were just monitoring. we can see right here they're not in hot pursuit of this guy. >> hot pursuit, nonetheless, this man saw that he was being
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followed by police. he was scared. he probably -- we're assuming he broke the law, if he did, his pulse is racing. he's scared. he's going to get caught. he did a stupid thing by stealing this car, if in fact he did. and the excitement of the situation. >> let's get lou back in and talk about that protocol. i mean, you steal a truck. you're going to be on edge, right, lou? >> yeah, obviously. and you're probably anticipating being chased. the simple truth of this matter is, whoever this individual was, precipitated his own death. the police exercised what i would consider to be proper discretion. you know, you have to take into account that someone made an illegal left-hand turn. and probably could be sued for wrongful death, even though this individual stole the truck. that's just the law. to feel that the police were complicit in any way with this unfortunate death of this individual is just not true. >> what about that, jennifer? lou's throwing out that the person who hit the guy who stole
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the truck could be more liable than the cops. >> i find that ridiculous. very preposterous. road. speeding down the >> we've got a disagreement. he stole the truck. he precipitated this whole event. lou, last word, real quick. >> any way that you want to slice this, the simple fact of the matter is, regardless of the impetus of the accident, the individual stole the truck had the right-of-way, period, plain and simple. whoever made the turn made an illegal turn. i do not believe that the accident was really precipitated by anything that the police did. the tape stands on its own merit. >> jennifer, lou, we appreciate it. coming up, we'll update you on the rick pitino sex scandal. we heard him right here on this program giving his apology for
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all right. what do you think the yurts of luteville should do about 9 whole rick pitino scandal. admitteding to boozing it up, having sex with a woman at a restaurant. she gets pregnant. coach pitino gave her three grand, she ended up having an abortion. the coach apologized yesterday. we had it live for you. >> if you tell the truth, your problem becomes part of your past. if you lie, it becomes part of your future. and i made a very difficult decision to tell the truth to federal authorities.
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the local authorities. to the university officials. and most important, the people that love me the most, my family and friends. >> all right. let's lay out everything for you here. this happened six years ago. came to light when karen sypher was charged with trying to extort $10 million from pitino. coach? athletic department says, a million percent behind rick pitino. one of the many questions and talking points coming out of this. what kind of message does that send? a player would probably get kicked off a team after a scandal like this. but the coach? the role model? father figure? the guy who should be held to a higher standard, he stays? call in, 1-877-tell-hln. joining us to talk about it, brian is a sports attorney. also with us, back with us, kent taylor, reporter from prime news
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affiliate wave. joining me again on the phone, colleague, friend, stephen a. smith, journalist, former anchor, espn, great to have everybody back. kent, let me start with you, you're there in louisville. is there any talk of any kind of punishment for the coach? or are they just moving forward? >> it doesn't sound like it at this point. the athletic director, vice president of athletics, said he's a million percent behind him. we talked to dr. james ramsey today, he seems to be behind coach pitino. unless something else comes out, which is entirely possible at this point, it's been crazy at this point, as long as we have the facts right now, it sounds like nothing else will happen to coach pitino that he won't be suspended, take a leave of absence, will be on the bench next season. >> ramsey knew of this, but some details surprised him. what are those details that surprised him? as this fully came to light. >> he has not said specifically.
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we can assume, i guess, the abortion thing i think was probably something that maybe he hadn't heard. we can only assume maybe -- that's the only thing that was shocking, had a shock factor around here and around the country yesterday. but he hasn't really said much on the matter. >> gotcha. stephen a., joining us again. is this just about money and wins? we did a little research, laying it out there, louisville basketball, the most profitable in the country. the value of the basketball program. $24.4 million when pitino showed up. i think they were 12-19 the year before. won 70% of their games since. he gets a pass because they win, is that what we've got here? >> it's all about the bottom line. it's really about getting paid. the money that he brings to that program, the attention and prestige and the all-americans that he's able to recruit because he is rick pitino. being a national championship coach at kentucky, taking louisville as far as he's done. all of those factor into the
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equation. but i don't think you can also minimize or diminish the impact of the woman alleging these allegations, throwing these allegations out there. there are so many holes in the story. what it comes down to the eyes of these administrators, is do we sit here and disrupt our program because the coach committed an infidelity against his wife. no. he indeed -- if he indeed raped her, if he said did not happen, you might get rid of him for that. because he committed infidelity or adultery with his wife, i guarantee you, that is not enough of a reason to get rid of your head basketball coach that generates millions for your program. >> let's bring in brian for this. we've got calls. 1-877-tell-hln is the number. we want to hear from you, what do you think should happen to the coach here. is it about money? i mean, what -- rick pitino is supposed to be the pillar of the community. a face of the school.
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i mean, how can you be proud when the pillar of the community, let's face it, that table at that restaurant is going to be a tourist stop now. they've got to be proud of that, huh? >> i think you're right. what to be seen is what the reaction is going to be as this plays out and it becomes the basketball season, and is he going to continue to have the support and is he going to continue to attract the recruits and make the money for the program? if he doesn't, then you'll look at what his contract says. and his contract clearly says that the university can terminate him if he engages in some sort of scandal, brings the rise to the termination. but if he lied or was dishonest or not completely honest when he had the discussions with the university, that's very serious and you're absolutely right. are they willing to tolerate that?
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>> and we just showed the contract. if they wanted they've got grounds to fire him if they choose to do so. let's get a call in real quick. shannon's with us, west virginia. shannon, what are you thinking? what should happen? shannon? >> caller: oh, hello. >> hey, shabon, go ahead. >> caller: actually, i have two comments. first of all, i don't think he should be fired because he made a mistake, he committed adultery, but if you take every man and woman out in america that committed adultery and fire them for that, you're going to have a lot of people on the unemployment line. and my second comment is i have to disagree with you about not -- about it being a bad role model for the students. i actually think it's a good thing because the students are going to look at him and they're going to see that yeah, he made a mistake but he went on national tv, he admitted the fact that he made a mistake -- >> okay. >> -- and the university is sticking behind him. versus some of these sports stars that are going out and saying that they never did anything when the actual -- >> there's shannon's thoughts. want to hear from you. 1-877-tell-hln's the number.
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cnn, headlines news, or msnbc are locked on your favorites? if they are i've got the gift for you. i'm gonna richardson and my next guest is ken pullson. a pleasure to have you here. >> good to be with you >> what is the museum. most people know. >> sometimes there you an a museum in articling ton, virginia called the museum. it was an effort to remind
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americans of the value of news gathering in america and a nod to the first amendment. we did so well there so we decided to take it where the action is. we have a brand new museum called a the museum on pennsylvania avenue. it's a -- it's a 45 word sign out front with the words of the first amendment 'em blazed there. we think it's healthy for them to read that says congress shall make no law. we're attempting to put it in neon. >> it is flashing? >> it's not a tribute to journalists. we had a blogger say i'm not going to set foot in that museum until they do an extra special to copy editors. it is not about you. it is a museum of history but a different kind that reports what
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happened over the last several centuries through the eyes of journalists. so you get contemporary coverage of the assassination of kennedy and arrival of the beatles and the civil war and fascinating >> exactly. what have the visitors reactions been for the first year? exciting. we see the full range of course. tremendous amount of school groups and a lot of tourists visiting washingt washingto was. we bill ourselves as the world's most interactive museum. young people can play the part of a reporter or an editor or a journalist. we can even stand up in front of what you and your business called blue screen, to tape a broadcast announcement for their friends and family and then send it out to friends at home. amazing exhibits there.
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i well tell you, i can say this with some degree of humility. i just joined the museum in february, i've been the editor of u.s. a. today for the last five years. we have the largest piece of the berlin wall in north america. you can go there and see that and the guard tower in collaboration and partnership with the f.b. i.we celebrate their 100th anniversary and we have phenomenal artifacts. we have the unibomber's cabin believe it or not. and depending on your age, some of your viewers probably remember patty hurst and her tenure with the liberation army. we have the gun she used in the bank robbery and the leather jacket she wore. we have can coverage including
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dillinger's death mask and the bullet pruf vest he zn wear on that night >> with you have so many different exhibits. what do you have planned for us your second year? >> one of the great things about working for a museum where news is in the title we're updating and reflect the headlines in the museum. not long ago when there was an uproar in iran we covered the social network and the twittering. when newspapers have collapsed and some markets we quickly reported that. upcoming exhibits include: throughout the next year you'll be able to see manhunt exhibit about the assassination of abraham lincoln and barack ob a obama. >> i'm so sorry. we've run out of time but
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this hour, a serial killer on the loose. a rural north carolina town crippled by fear. five women found dead, murdered in the middle of nowhere along a quiet lonely country road. today three other women are missing. the entire community's outraged. are police doing everything they can to stop the bloodshed? and we get an apology from one of the biggest names in basketball. louisville coach rick pitino. again, he's a married father of five. came out on national tv. says he's sorry for his indiscretion six years ago when he had sex with a woman on a table at a restaurant. who has sex on a table at a restaurant but 20-year-old waiters and waitresses? well, the lady gets pregnant. but through all this the school
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standing behind him. if they don't want him fired, fine, but what kind of message are you sending to students? love to hear from you. call in on these topics. 1-877-tell-hln's the number. e-mail us. or you can text us. hlntv. just start your message with the word "prime." it's your chance to be heard. >> controversy, opinion, your point of view. this is "prime news." welcome. this is hour number two of "prime news." i'm mike galanos. all right. we have a disturbing new report on michael jackson. we just confirmed dr. conrad murray, personal physician for the king of pop, was surprised about michael jackson's "very unusual problems." murray's lawyer says the doctor did not know about jackson's alleged addiction or his medication when he -- excuse me, when the singer hired him for his comeback tour. plus shocking new reports that dr. murray left jackson alone and under the influence of the powerful anesthetic propofol to make some phone calls and by the time dr. murray returned michael
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jackson had stopped breathing. as always, we'll take your calls. 1-877-tell-hln. joining us to talk about it, dr. jeffrey guy, professor of surgery at vanderbilt university. also with us, criminal defense attorney jennifer smetters. and again, always love hearing from you. all right. jennifer, let's start with some of the newer stuff we're talking about here that dr. murray's lawyers saying, well, dr. murray didn't know what he was getting into. that's a paraphrase there. is that a defense at all? >> absolutely not. there is no -- what is documented is that this man was receiving $150,000 a month to treat michael jackson. there is no amount of money that a doctor should be able to be paid in order to look the other way on breaking the law and breaking the oath to help patients. this man saying he didn't know what he was getting into, he could have turned around and walked out the door. but he chose to stay and he chose to get paid, and he chose to take certain measures that were reckless in nature by using
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this drug, propofol, as a sleeping aid and doing it in a manner that was irresponsible without the -- without michael jackson being monitored while using this drug, administering this drug, and he walks away. it's ridiculous to say he didn't know what he was getting into. he could have turned around and walked out. >> it sounds like from the report we're hearing, "l.a. times" report, he walked out while michael jackson was under the influence of propofol. let's bring in our doctor. doctor, again, for our viewers lay it out for us. if someone's on propofol, getting ready for surgery where it should take place, by the way, administered in a hospital, how many people, how many devices are used to monitor that person? >> there are five monitors that remain on this patient. there is somebody who's trained with the drug. that person not only is trained with the drug but they know how to get that patient out of trouble. and there is a ton of equipment there to rescue that patient. none of that was there. and one thing that we haven't mentioned is that per that report he said, well, i had done this before and it was okay. he's saying, basically,
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repetition of error has given him experience. >> ridiculous, huh, jennifer? >> absolutely ridiculous. the doctor has a very good point. he is just -- he's his own worst enemy by the statements that he's publicly making. he is admitting that he has administered this drug at least once before. he's admitting that he walked out of the room, not properly monitoring this patient. he admitted so many things. regardless of what other information comes out, what he has said is enough to show that his behavior has been reckless and he should pay for this crime. >> let's go to robin with us in new mexico. your comment or question? >> caller: thanks very much, mike. my question is it was just reported that dr. murray had stepped out of the room to make some phone calls. and one of my questions is did the investigators check dr. murray's phone calls to see if one of those could have been to his office in houston to clear out his storage unit?
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because i believe that still happened before 911 was ever called. >> yeah, we don't have that detail. at least at this point. but obviously -- and jennifer, you can help me out on this one. investigators would know -- i mean, if he's making cell phone calls in the morning of michael jackson's death, he'd better fess up to it because it's not that hard to track. >> absolutely not. cell phone records are very easy to figure out, when the calls were placed and where they were placed to. i think the timeline is pretty fuzzy. and i think there's a lot of opportunity in the midst of that night, morning, and early afternoon until the paramedics were called as to what exactly transpired. michael jackson had to have been left alone for more than a few minutes if when the paramedics arrived he was already cold to the touch. >> all right. doctor, let's say he stays in the room and monitors him. is that even enough to guarantee michael jackson will be okay and actually wake up? >> well, i would be fired from my university hospital if i had provided that kind of care
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inside an intensive care unit. he needed more than one monitor. safety is basically having redundancy. and then michael jackson didn't get into problems instantaneously. like a plane crashing there was a slow decline. he failed to respond to that. and then he didn't have the equipment to rescue him if he was in the room and was appropriately monitoring the patient. nor did he respond appropriately with his cpr. he had a different style of cpr. i've never heard of such a thing. >> jennifer, by what we have here, again, this is a report from the "los angeles times," at the heart of this. do we have enough for manslaughter here? >> i think that you're going to find more and more information coming out. it sure sounds like it. i mean, from what we're hearing is that this doctor took measures that -- the doctor on the show today has said that if he did that he would be fired from his job in the hospital. what this doctor did is he played with this man's life. he played fast and loose with the rules. he not only should he have known
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that his conduct could have led to a death but it sounds like the way he did it and the sloppy behavior that he did it, if these reports are true, he definitely should have known. and it sounds like if this comes out to be true he had a hand in his death. absolutely. >> all right. we'll take a quick break, take some of your calls. 1-877-tell-hln is the number. we're going to talk about the toxicology report and how important is it for investigators to see that there was a large amount of propofol in michael jackson's system. what if there's other drugs found as well? all that coming up.
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joining us, janise from florida. comment? question? what have you got? >> caller: it's a comment. i think the harder thing with this whole case is just being able to see how many people in america are addicted to drugs and one of your best-loved celebrities and childhood heroes is now being told to us, someone we looked up to, was also going through problems and nobody saw it, yet he was in the public eye so much. it just scares you. >> yeah. thanks for the call there. doctor, back to the top there. when we're hearing from his lawyer basically saying he didn't know what all the unusual or unique problems michael jackson had, to paraphrase. come on, it's one of the first things a doctor asks, right? what drugs are you taking? >> well, when you're using any kind of medication or giving an anesthetic you have to do an physical. just because somebody asks you if he saw michael in the right direction to get him help
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and not to be a willing participant in his drug problem. and that's exactly what he was. he loaded the gun, handed it to him, and put it in his hands. >> sure seems like it. here's ed chernoff, want to read a statement from the attorney for dr. murray, saying this concerning the report. "i'm not going to dispute the police officers' claims in that regard. they were there at the interview, and dr. murray did not lie to them. but they are not telling the whole story." i'll ask both of you this. jennifer, i'll start with you. the whole story. what else could be out here? what are you seeing here as we delve into this? >> you know, this might be a little smoke and mirrors going on here with regard to his attorney. what is out there, i think, is enough to show that this doctor acted irresponsibly. so much so that the recklessness of the situation is at a level in which this man is literally looking at manslaughter. as the doctor today said, what he did was flat out wrong. i don't -- i mean, what other information is out there does not excuse the fact that what this doctor did sounds criminal to me.
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>> okay, jennifer, what if we, when we see the toxicology report, there's propofol and drugs? that? >> well, again, i think the propofol, enough and the way it was administered is enough to show it was reckless behavior. i do believe. the other anti-anxiety medications that were found in the system, there's a good section of the population that's on those same drugs. adding in the propofol, the way it was administered, admitting that he left the room, not doing it in a proper way, and doing it as a sleep aid, doing it more than once, i think this doctor's in big trouble. >> dr. guy, will the toxicology report tell us definitively yes, propofol's the cause of death in. >> they don't show the propofol's there or not. but if the propofol was there, the propofol makes it so he can't breathe. so his blood pressure is low. and when you give a drug like that, you're responsible for keeping that patient basically alive. you can't do that in the other room. so though the propofol might not be what resulted in michael's
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death, what resulted in michael's death was the provider's irresponsible behavior. michael would not have been in the state he was in if it were not for the propofol. the magnitude of the propofol is irrelevant. >> do we have time for diane in california? no, we don't. okay. diane, sorry about that. call in again. guys, thanks again. as we keep folks updated on the new reports we get. again, still waiting for that toxicology report. i guess that's going to be delayed indefinitely. great talking to you guys. talking to jeffrey guy, jennifer smetters. appreciate it. talk again soon. coming up, this story. a serial killer terrorizing women in north carolina. five women. some moms found strangled, stabbed, beaten and dumped in a field. today three other women are missing. the town outraged. first killing dates back to 2005. yet it takes four years before we're using the term "serial killer"? coming up.
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it's a horrific wreck captured by a tv news helicopter. someone driving a stolen truck, trying to get away from police. ends up getting in a deadly crash. the truck engulfed in flames. you know, you see this kind of chase, you wonder, were police following too close in a busy area? we'll examine that. what do you think about university of louisville basketball coach rick pitino? we had it live for you, his apology for having sex with a woman on a table in a restaurant. she got pregnant. pitino gave her the three grand. she ends up having an abortion. now the school's sticking by him. no punishment. what kind of message does that send to players? 18-year-olds looking at this guy as a father figure, role model. call in. 1-877-tell-hln is the number. this story's terrifying. a possible serial killer is preying on african-american women in a rural town in north carolina. it's been going on for four years now. five women found dead, their bodies left in the middle of nowhere. and the murderer still out there. and there could be more victims. here's david mattingly from our sister network, cnn.
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>> reporter: if someone were looking for a place to get away with murder in north carolina, edgecombe county's seven bridges road might be the place to go. >> nothing. nothing but trees and pastures. >> reporter: since 2005 the remains of five women, all african-american and suspected prostitutes, have been found here among miles of woods and crops. there are any number of places you can pull off here, like this spot right here. you can just drive off and disappear into the woods in a matter of seconds. sadly, that's what's been happening to these women. they disappear, never to be seen alive again. is this the work of a serial killer? >> yes, i believe it is. yeah, i think the fact that the bodies have been found close together really would argue for a serial killer. >> reporter: michael teague was once the state's top forensic psychologist and believes the killer is someone who could have a lot in common with his victims. >> their economic level, their background. again, the same race. so i think it's a person that
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would fit very easily within the environment. >> reporter: all of the victims were last seen in the town of rocky mount. we went to where they came from, an care where prostitutes work neighborhood streets. >> typically, this is the area. >> reporter: but we found the streets deserted. cleared by fear. prostitutes are easy targets for killers, living fragile lives on society's fringes. still, councilman andre knight says it shouldn't have taken years for the town to take notice. >> is it just a matter of race, or is it possibly because of what they do for a living? >> i think it's a combination of both. because even what a person does, they still have human rights. >> reporter: a turn point in public awareness and the investigation itself was the fifth victim. charnice hargrove, known to her friends as sunshine. friends and family publicly demanded justice. local authorities asked the fbi to assist. like the other victims, hargrove disappeared from rocky mount.
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her body was found in june off seven bridges road. from the streets of rocky mount it's only about a 15-minute drive to get to places just like this. for all practical purposes it's the middle of nowhere. and this is where investigators say that the victims are being killed. they won't give us a lot of detail about what they're finding, but they do tell us that two of the victims were strangled. one was stabbed and beaten. three other rocky mount women who police say are not prostitutes are currently missing. the sheriff of edgecombe county calls this a critical time in the investigation, leading many to hope that this lonely country road will soon lead to a killer. david mattingly, cnn, rocky mount, north carolina. >> all right. joining me to talk about this, pat brown, criminal profiler. also with us, lou palumbo, former nypd investigator. lou, let me start with you. i think people ask the question. we've got five women dead in four years. three missing. why did it take so long for the
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fbi to get involved here, lou? >> well, probably a lack of familiarity of these types of cases by the local agency, number one. and unfortunately, i might have to think what the councilman cited, ethnic background and probably their choice of profession having influenced people as to exactly how intent tent they would be in solving these crimes. i just think that, you know, a combination of a few different things like that retarded the process. and clearly, when you started the pattern they should have enlisted the services of far more sophisticated agencies like the fbi, who have behavioral scientist profilers as well as the state agencies. >> you're talking about patterns, you're talking pat brown's language. pat, you and i talked about this one i believe it was a little over a month ago. what are you seeing here, pat? as we try to piece together who could do this, what could this person be? >> first of all, i want to say, mike, i don't believe this is a serial killer. i know this is a serial killer. and possibly even there could be
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another serial killer. sometimes you'll even have two working one area. i tend to think we're looking at one here. and i want to comment about why they didn't jump on this. this is traditional for police. they don't like to admit to serial killers. they're difficult cases to solve. the community goes nuts. the politicians say shut up. so unless the dna matches on every one of them or the women are stacked under a tree or there's something that absolutely connects them they'll say we don't know they're connected. after all, we have some women who were out, they're in prostitution, they're doing drugs, there may be somebody hitchhiking. we don't know if they've got some bad boyfriends or something else going on mere. so there's a tendency to downplay it because they're not absolutely sure. but my thing is this -- when you get two or three women who end up dead, strangled under some streez in the local vicinity, you don't have three bad boyfriends, you've got a serial killer. >> guys, we're going to take a quick break. much more as we try to piece together who could be doing this. llllllllllllll
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln. all right. what do you think the university of louisville should do about coach rick pitino and his sex scandal? yesterday we had it here live for you, apologized for boozing it up, having sex with a woman on a table in a restaurant. she got pregnant. coach pitino gave her three grand. she ends up having an abortion. the school, they're sticking by him. no punishment. what message does that send to a player? i think most players would get kicked off a team for having a scandal like this. and the coach, who's supposed to be held to a higher standard, he's staying, huh? call up. 1-877-tell-hln is the number. a story we continue to follow for you. we have two huge developments in the murders of a wealthy couple
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in their upscale florida home. byrd, melanie billings, a home they shared with 13 adopted special needs children. "prime news" correspondent richelle carey's with us. you got the update? go ahead. >> a lot happened, mike. just hours ago six men and a teenager appeared in court formally charged in the killings of byrd and melanie billings. their charges now upgraded from second to first-degree murder. that means prosecutors now have the option to seek the death penalty. police say the alleged ring leader leonard gonzalez jr. led two teams of thieves in last month's ninja-style heist. all seven pleaded not guilty. and this just in. the victims' family just filed an emergency motion to keep the public from seeing pictures of the crime scene, pictures of the autopsy, and video from inside the home because they've learned that the family had all types of cameras all over the property and inside the house. surveillance video and other items reportedly being released to the public tomorrow. it's unclear what this new video
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shows. police also released the surveillance video from outside the home. we've seen this. this is just minutes before the atta attack. some suspects broke in through the front door, others through the back, and in less than four minutes byrd and melanie billings were dead. and for what? police now say that some of the men were actually there for a contracted hit, but they still are not saying why anyone would want byrd and melanie billings killed. the other apparent motive, robbery, still a lot of questions, mike. a lot of trying to connect the dots to figure out what this all really means, and we're trying to stay on top of it for you. >> doesn't it feel like there's something missing here, richelle? >> it does. because there seem to be so many overlapping motives and we can't figure out how it all connects. but the point is people are dead. >> yeah. that's a good point. what did the sheriff say, we called this a humdinger when it was said and done. >> and he says they're still investigating. >> thanks for the update. just this morning a man in a
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stolen pickup was trying to get away from cops in detroit, ended up dead, killed in a fiery crash. here's the video. at this point cops, they had ended their chase, but they're still monitoring the vehicle at a safe distance. coming up, a green light. car turns in front of him. and we had a crash. that vehicle, the truck, the stolen truck, ended up hitting a pole, flipped over instantly, engulfed in flames, and then you see it right there, it explodes. he was dead, the merns r person who stole the truck allegedly, and two other people minor injuries. awful. you look at this. we want to peel back for a moment, see how did police handle this, did they do a good job. we'll take your calls. 1-877-tell-hln is the number. joining us to talk about it, attorney jennifer smetters. also lou palumbo, former nypd investigator on the phone. santiago esparza, reporter for "the detroit news." santiago let's start with you. how did this all start?
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>> suburban community of taylor, it's about 10, 15 miles outside of dro of detroit in the southwest. police got a call from the owner of the pickup saying they were watching the suspect drive off with their vehicle. the police department went looking for it and found the truck on the freeway in the a a area. they tried to pull it over. and the truck wouldn't stop. he the driver took off. so they gave chase. when they got into detroit, they started to pull back on their pursuit. they followed it. but they weren't chasing after it. the suspect slowed down at that point. right around the time the suspect got on michigan avenue he noticed that michigan state police troopsers were in a cruiser in the area and he sped up again. >> those troopers, they were unrelated to this particular chase, right? they just happened to be in the area.
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>> i think that's the case. the entire area is getting some additional attention from law enforcement right now that has nothing to do with them. >> so sees the state trooper and speeds up again. and obviously going fast as that took place. >> if you look at the video, it's interesting. the suspect actually had the right of way. >> yeah, he had a green light. i mentioned that. probably going so fast the would person who cut in front of him thought they could squeeze past him there and obviously did not. let's bring in lou palumbo. lou, as we watch this -- and first give us -- when police say they're monitoring, you know, they call off the chase, they're in detroit there and begin monitoring, what does that mean? how close are they following? what's going on that we might not be seeing here? >> it might not identify the specific distance at which they're monitoring. a lot 6 police agencies today especially in larger cities have air support. and as you can tell, the media was helping us monitor this situation. there isn't an exact distance in
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which you monitor. usually it would be line of sight. the other thing here is you have to take into account what the criminal act was on the surface. and that's a car theft. you have to measure the risk to lot of innocent people. you know, pursuit, institute or terminate aren't laws. they're policies of agencies. and depending on the agency, they have a different policy. my perception of this is that the police exercised good judgment and they allowed themselves some distance and the potential of possibly interacting with this individual. the fact that this circumstance -- or this accident took place is just bad luck. >> we'll get jennifer smetters' take when we come back. want to hear from you as well.
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