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tv   HLN News  HLN  August 21, 2009 12:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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casey anthony's attorneys want the head of the search and rescue team to testify at her murder trial, but they want the bail bondsman to keep quiet. just released grisly details in the death of a bikini model as an international manhunt is on for her former husband. and the king of pop's final months for all to see on the big screen. when tickets go on sale for the upcoming michael jackson movie. hope you're having a great friday so far. this is hln "news and views." so glad you're with us. i'm susan hendricks in for christi paul. we begin with live pictures for you about the murder case against casey anthony, and a first look at what will likely
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be her defense strategy. short time ago that was taken. here are the live pictures right here. the hearing is still going on at this hour with her parents looking on. her defense team said it wanted the head of the search and rescue team that looked for her then-missing daughter to testify. now, one of her attorneys says his testimony will prove that casey anthony did not kill her daughter. >> the body of caylee anthony was found very close to the anthony home, and the body was found in a wooded area that if one were to search for a missing child, this is the first place you would go search. there is substantial evidence that we've discovered and that's been set forth in our brief, your honor, that the body or the remains of caylee anthony were placed there after casey anthony was locked up in the orange county correctional facility.
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there is substantial evidence, and that proves, your honor, her innocence. that's exculpatory evidence. it proves that somebody else placed the remains in the area where it was ultimately found. >> while casey anthony's defense wants the head of the search and rescue team to testify, it wants to keep her bail bondsman from even talking. mark eiglarsh joining us from miami. the hearing wrapped up a few seconds ago. some strong words from the defense saying, look, we have proof here. >> right. well, that's what we do as defense lawyers, especially when the world is watching. we come out with words like innocent, exculpate, and then the world runs with it. that's yet to be seen, obviously. you have 12 jurors who may disagree she's innocent. we'll see about that. >> do you see a shift in strategy here from the defense team or were they just waiting to get this evidence, so-called evidence they claim they have to release it, or do you see something shifting here? >> i'm reading that some reporters are saying there's a
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shift in the defense strategy, and that always makes me chuckle because the defense doesn't have to come up with a strategy until they literally start opening statements. what they're doing now is what i do on every case, gather as much possible evidence as you can, and then determine how to create reasonable doubt. they have not committed to a defense strategy i'm sure. >> how significant is casey's behavior to you in the courtroom? we saw her tearing up, and were you surprised to see her father on the stand today? >> her demeanor in court means absolutely nothing to me, and at the risk of offending your audience who loves to always analyze it, to me it means nothing. one way or the other. what matters is how she appears in court when the jurors, those who have been selected to appear in the case, how she behaves in front of them. right now this is all just for discussion. >> yeah, her behavior has certainly been scrutinized by a lot of people. her every move, the flicking of the hair, the crying, not crying. also, mark, any indication of what this new evidence is or is
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it just the fact she was in jail saying she wasn't capable of dumping the body because she was beyond bars? >> yeah, it's the defense's job to create reasonable doubt. even if they can't explain away 60% of what the prosecutor is throwing out there. if they can come up with one reasonable doubt where jurors are going, well, yeah, how did that happen? if she was in custody and they didn't -- all of a sudden that's reasonable doubt. that's what the defense is trying to do by suggesting that the body was put there while she was in custody. >> and what about leonard padilla and the defense trying to keep him from testifying? >> leonard padilla, the gentleman who suffers from spotlig spotlightous envious. anything the defendant says to the defense team is protected and should not be released and the state says, no, no, no, he's there for security. there's no such agency agreement between the two, and anything that she might have said to him and/or his team should come into
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evidence. >> mark in i'miami, thanks so much. we appreciate it. we're keeping an eye on a developing situation right now in boston. live pictures for you. the prudential center has been evacuated. local affiliates are reporting the second floor was flooded, which caused a power outage there. no reports of any injuries at this time. now, the 52nd floor building is the tallest in downtown boston. we, of course, will keep you updated. this power failure at the prudential center there in boston. also, we've been following this case for a couple of days for you. reality tv contestant on the right is on the run, and now charged with the gruesome killing of his ex-wife a swimsuit model. the mutilated body of 28-year-old jasmine fiore was found stuffed in a suitcase in a trash bin near los angeles over the weekend. police say the prime suspect is her ex-husband, canadian ryan alexander jenkins. jenkins appeared on vh1's "megn
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wants a millionaire." police say her teeth and fingers had been removed presumably to make it harder for authorities to identify her. jen since kins is believed to h driven to washington state. police say he may have then take an boat to a peninsula on the border where he walked into canadian territory. take a listen. >> while we believe he's crossed in canada, we're not 100% sure of that, and there will be no stone unturned, and we will look under every rock for him. he needs to understand that he's now officially wanted, that we don't stop looking for him. >> fiore's ex-boyfriend is speaking out. he says jenkins is an animal who has done the unspeakable. her family and friends are pleading with people not to help him evade capture.
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jenkins and fiore were married in las vegas back in march. fiore's mother says they started fighting a few months later because jenkins was jealous of her ex-boyfriends. she says fiore had the marriage annulled soon after. a family friend who says fiore was like her daughter says she was on cloud nine after meeting jenkins. >> she called me the day after, and she said, mommy, i met the most perfect guy in the world, and his name is ryan. and she just went on and on and on about ryan and how perfect he was. >> breaking news in the search for ryan jenkins tonight. don't miss it, nancy grace will have all the latest developments. be sure to tune in at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on hln. here is a question now. should a teenage girl be returned to ohio even though she says she fears being killed after converting from islam to christianity? well, a florida judge will consider that in a hearing later today. the 17-year-old girl ran away from her home in columbus last
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month. police used phone records to trace her to an orlando-based minister. she says she met him through facebook. she says her father threatened to kill her for converting, but he told the associated press her family loves her and he never threatened to harm her. a former top white house official says politics almost bled over into national security during the bush administration. what former homeland security chief tom ridge is saying he was pressured to do just days before the 2004 presidential election. z
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welcome back to hln. well, if you want to take advantage of the cash for clunkers program, you need to get moving pretty fast. the program ends this monday, monday night. you know the deal, turn in your gas guzzler and get a rebate on a new car. almost half a million cars have been sold und the popular program, but many dealers are not too happy about it.
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they're still waiting to be repaid. >> this has been a very successful program, okay? dealers have sold cars like they haven't sold them in quite some time. manufacturers are producing cars like they haven't in quite some time. and workers have been hired again to make those cars to replace that inventory like they haven't in quite some time. this is without a doubt an unqualified success. >> and as of right now, august 20th, we have not been funded yet on one deal. >> tell me how many cars are out there and what have you gotten back? >> 105 out there, nothing back yet. >> not a penny? >> not a penny. >> and that's about a half a million -- >> about a half a million dollars. kind of scary. >> dealers are not complaining about the fact that over 300,000 or 400,000 cars have been sold. they're going to get their money. we have the money. congress provided the money. they're going to get their money. >> well, as of yesterday only 7%
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of claims dealers submitted have actually been paid. so we want to know what do you think? was the cash for clunkers program a success or just a waste of your tax money? give us a call right now. give us your view, 877-tell-hln. e-mail us at, and you can text us, text the word views plus your comments and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. we'll air some of your responses shortly and throughout the day today. congressional democrats may be getting ready to split the health care reform bill into two separate measures. "the wall street journal" reports that the democrats may try to pass the most expensive parts of the bill without republican support. the big sticking point here has become the so-called public option. all three house measures offer a government health plan. >> there's no way i can pass a bill in the house of representatives without a public option. >> but it's a different story in the senate. appearing on fox news on sunday senator kent conrad the chair of the budget committee said this, the fact of the matter is there
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are not the votes in the united states senate for the public option. there never has been, he says. we're talking about president obama now. he is heading to camp david in about an hour and a half from now. a short while ago he met with former senators tom daschle and bob dole to talk about that, health care reform legislation. >> senator daschle along with former senator dole and others have put together ideas for bipartisan plans to get through congress and to the president's desk. obviously, it's an issue he's been working on for quite some time. he doesn't have a formal whole with the white house but the president certainly listens to his advice and counsel as he does to many others. >> from camp david president obama and his family will be traveling to martha's vineyard for their summer vacation. the former homeland security chief says an election year dispute convinced him to resign from the bush administration. in his new book, tom ridge says
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he was pushed to raise the terror alert level just days before the 2004 presidential election. he is the tom ridge, not the former one. sorry about that. he writes. i wondered is this about security or politics? attorney general john ashcroft and secretary of defense donald rumsfeld wanted it. at least one former bush administration figure disputes ridge's version of events. >> not only do i not think that politics played any part, it was never discussed. the only thing that was discussed was earlier that summer there had been a threat against the financial district. there was the bin laden tape and then another tape by adam, a u.s. citizen who was a member of al qaeda, and it was a very threatening tape. so the discussion really revolved around what the intelligence was. there is no discussion of politics whatsoever. >> in the end the terror level was not raised, and tom ridge resigned on november 30th, weeks after the election, you may recall. here is a question -- will
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that new diet pill with the mysterious ingredient help you shed weight? it has oprah's name all over it so it must be legit for is it? the talk show host said you and a lot of people may be deceived about what she and the doctor really think about dozens of products.
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welcome back. weaver talking about the weather on this friday and hurricane bill is weaker, but it's still a pretty powerful storm. now a category 3 hurricane, bill's top sustained winds are 115 miles per hour. a hurricane watch is in effect for bermuda where rain is falling right now. pretty strong rain. the storm may produce large waves along the east coast of the u.s. this weekend, but should not make a direct hit. we'll keep you posted on this, of course. the white house calls it outrageous and disgusting and victims' families are calling it deeply upsetting, deeply distressing. a huge crowd in tripoli, libya,
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celebrated abdel baset al megrahi's homecoming yesterday. he was released from a scottish prison after only eight years of a life sentence. he was convicted of blowing up pan am flight 103 over lockerbie, scotland back in 1988. he was set free because he is dying of cancer, a decision that president barack obama called a mistake, and some family members agree. >> it's hard for me to believe it, that this was even put on the table, that this was even considered because it seems so fictitious and just unreal that they would even consider letting out or transferring a mass murderer convicted within the scottish law of 270 people. >> as he mentioned, 270 people were killed when that pan am flight exploded just before christmas in 1988. libya paid $1.5 billion to the victims' families a year ago. that was to end lawsuits in the
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case and to so-called normalize relations with the u.s. one branch of the veterans affairs department handed out at least $24 million in bonuses in 2007 and 2008. some with little or no justification at all. that is what the agency's inspector general says in a new report. it focuses a lot of attention on one now retired official at the agency's technology office. it says she acted like she had a blank checkbook when she handed out the bonuses. she got $60,000 in bonuses herself. the report also accuses her of nepotism saying other v.a. managers improperly approved tuition for some of her friends and relatives as well. are you buying a product because you think maybe oprah is endorsing it? you better check again on this one. the talk show host and one of her regular guests, dr. oz, are suing more than four dozen companies. they include diet tear
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supplements, also tooth whiteners. oprah says the products deceive consumers by implying she and dr. oz are endorsing them. you will have only two weeks to see michael jackson's final months on the big screen. sony says tickets for the documentary "michael jackson: this is on" go on sale september 27th a month before its limited run. sony is editing it right now. you will see more footage like this from rehearsals. he died three weeks before the first show. are you one of those people looking for organic foods for your family? well, hln money expert clark howard says just because a label says 100% organic, it doesn't mean its true. he says you need to read between the lines. i always roll my eyes when my wife comes home with some groceries and there will be this organic thing and that organic thing and the other organic thing. and then when i do the grocery shopping, well, as you might imagine, i buy whatever is
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cheapest. well, who is right? the thing with organic is a problem. why? because the federal government has been playing fast and loose with what items are allowed to have organic on the label, so you may, in order to protect yourself or do something better for you or your family, spend the money on organic, but "the washington post" reports item after item that you would buy as organic has all kinds of nonorganic stuff in it. and while we're on that topic, what does natural mean? do you believe that when you see natural on a food label it means absolutely nothing? there are no standards that enforce what that word means. so before you spend extra money, know what you're buying. i'm clark howard. for more ways for you to stretch a buck, go to >> and speaking of stretching a dollar, ask any parent, they will tell you going out on a date is pretty expensive. a nice dinner, movie, the
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babysitter. it can cost a small fortune. but one community has come up with a creative solution. find out after the break.
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earlier we told you the cash for clunkers program ends on monday night. this monday. almost half a million cars have been sold under the popular program, but many dealers say they are still waiting to be repaid. we wanted to know what you thought. was the program a success or a failure? we want to get to a couple of e-mails we have received. i'm sorry, we're starting with a phone call. mary in mississippi. i'm sorry about that. an e-mail. cash for clunkers she says a waste of taxpayers money and further destroys small businesses, which is the agenda of the president. john in california sent us this e-mail. cash for clunkers was a disgrace.
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if people want a new car, go buy one. don't ask me to pay additional taxes to finance your wants. very powerful opinion on that one from john. also holly in connecticut says cash for clunkers got us to buy a new car and it's been three weeks and the car is still on the lot because they didn't get paid from the government. we drove a car with good mileage to we only got $3,500. funny, we have been conserving gas and for that we don't get the full amount. hope they do better with health care, she says. our thanks to holly. and all of you who have been e-mailing us and responding to this. we want to know what do you think. ? was the progr -- was the program a success or a failure. you can send us an e-mail, or you can text. text the word views from your comments and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply, as always. we love hearing your view. a robbery suspect surrendered to police in the van hise area of los angeles after
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spending an hour on top of a roof pacing and chatting away on his cell phone. he climbed up there as he was running from a robbery scene. the lapd says he was talking to his girlfriend. finally he climbed down a ladder without incident. he's one of three suspects wanted for stealing an atm out of a wall green's store. police haven't caught up with the other two suspects. they're getaway car has been found. and just one winning ticket was sold in wednesday's $259 million powerball drawing. someone bought the ticket at a convenience store in columbia, south carolina. no one has come forward just yet to claim the jackpot. it could be you. the winner can take a lump sum payment of $129 million before taxes or about $88 million after taxes. solar powered cell phones are coming to kenya. this is a huge deal because millions of people there aren't connected to the power grid and have to pay a charge to get regular cell phone service.
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ecofriendly phones are a growing trend in countries with electricity problems. they are expected to sell well in india where electricity supply can be erratic. the phone being told in kenya will cost about $35. similar solar powered phones will be sold soon in other markets such as asia, europe, and latin america as well. there is a little bit of neverland at the california state fair. three carnival rides that were on michael jackson's ranch are now there. every friday of the fair the first 5,000 people through the gates will get a golden ticket good for a free ride on one of the former neverland staples. today is the kickoff for that event. it runs through september 7th, if you're interested. happening today, the mother of caylee anthony is in court. who the accused killer wants to testify at her murder trial and who casey anthony wants to keep off the stand as the state tries to prove that she killed her own
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daughter. more details after the break. )$.
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we're keeping a close eye on the situation where the prudential center has been evacuated. this is the tallest building in the city. local affiliates reports a power outage prompted by a water leak. the 2,000 people who work in the building had to walk downstairs in the 52-floor building to get out. some of them say it took a pretty long time to do that. no reports of any injuries at this time. we'll keep you updated on that. a judge may decide today whether to release the surveillance video taken from the home of a florida couple killed in july. byrd and melanie billings were killed during a home invasion while nine of their special needs adopted children were in the home. an elaborate camera system captured some of the images of the crime. an attorney for the family says there is concern about images of
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the bloody crime scene and also the young children. so far six men, a woman, and a 16-year-old boy have been arrested in this case. here is a question for you. are you buying a product because you think it's endorsed by oprah? you may want to check again on this one. the talk show host and one of her regular guests, dr. oz, they're suing more than four dozen businesses for using their images and names without permission. they include dietary supplements, wrinkle creams, tooth whiteners. oprah says the products deceive consumers by implying she and dr. oz are endorsing them. congressional democrats may be getting ready to split the health care reform bill into two separate measuremeasures. the democrats may try to pass the most expensive parts of the bill without republican support. the big sticking point has become the so-called public option. all three house measures offer a government health plan.
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>> there's no way i can pass a bill in the how many times without a public option. >> it's a different story in the senate. appearing on fox news sunday, senator kent conrad, the chair of the budget committee said this, the fact of the matter there are not the votes in the united states senate for the public option and he says there never have been. president obama is heading to camp david in just about an hour from now. this morning he met with former senator tom daschle to talk about that, the health care reform legislation. >> senator daschle along with former senator dole and others have put together ideas for bipartisan plans to get through congress and to the president's desk. obviously, it's an issue he's been working on for quite some time. he doesn't have a formal role with the white house, but the president certainly listens to his advice and counsel as he does to many others. >> from camp david president obama and his family will be traveling to martha's vineyard for their summer vacation.
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all right. if you were one of the ones that have been putting off taking advantage of that cash for clunkers program, you got to hurry up, jump on it now. the program ends this monday night. you know how it works here. you turn in your gas guzzler and get a rebate on a new car. the white house says it's a big success with 457,000 sales so far. but dealers say it hasn't been profitable for them. as of yesterday only 7% of claims dealers submitted have actually been paid. we want your opinion on this money. was the cash for clunkers program a success or just a waste of your money, your tax dollars? give us a call right now. tell us what you think. 877-tell-hln. e-mail us at text your views plus your comments and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. we'll air some of your responses pretty soon. the former homeland security chief says an election year dispute convinced him to resign
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from the bush administration. in his new book, tom ridge says he was pushed to raise the terror alert level just days before the 2004 presidential election. ridge writes this, and we're quoting here, saying i wondered is this about security or politics? attorney general john ashcroft and secretary of defense donald rumsfeld wanted it. at least one former bush administration figure says ridge had other motivations for making the allegations. >> last night i got my hands on one of the books, and i looked at it, and, in fact, in other parts of the book tom acknowledges that politics never played a role in any of his decisions about the threat alert system. so, you know, you got to wonder if this is not just publicity meant to sell more books. >> in the end the terror alert level was not raised and tom ridge resigned on november 30th, weeks after the election. that movie we've been telling but documenting michael jackson's final months won't be in theaters long. we'll tell you when tickets go
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on sale, when it hits theaters, and how long it will be on the big screen. also new details about jackson's burial coming up.
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some new information for you. we have confirmed that michael jackson will be buried on september 3rd. originally his family wanted him laid to rest at glendale cemetery on august 29th, his 51st birthday. he will be buried in the great mausoleum. and you will only have two weeks to see michael jackson's final months on the big screen. sony is saying that tickets for the documentary "michael jackson: this is it" going on
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sale a month before its limited run. sony, we understand, is editing it right now. you will see more footage like this from rehearsals from his comeback tour. he died three weeks before the first show. speaking of michael jackson, there's a little bit of neverland at the california state fair. three carnival rights that were at michael jackson's ranch are there now. every friday of the fair the first 5,000 people through the gates will get a golden ticket good for a free ride on one of the former neverland amusements. today is the kickoff for that event t runs through september 7th. i'm jane velez-mitchell. octo mom is at it again. nadya suleman hit prime time with her fox special. she paraded the cameras right through her home, but remember she doesn't want to be in the spotlight. there were moments when the show felt like an endurance test to see how much screaming one mother can handle. it's hard to find a positive in this circus, but maybe it can serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers of having too many
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kids. in a world with limited resources where countless children are orphaned or mall nourished, having 14 kids is extremely arrogant and thoughtless environmentally and emotionally. we already knew octo mom was an attention hog. unfortunately, she's also a resource hog. i'm jane velez-mitchell and that's my issue. >> jane is fired up. find out what else she has on her mind. watch "issues with jane velez-mitchell" every night at 7:00 eastern. you could say things got rough when a passenger allegedly took off all his clothes duferi a flight. the man's antics ended up sending a woman to the hospital, and we have the picture.
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looks like hurricane bill is a little weaker, but it's still a strong storm. now a category 3 hurricane, bill's top sustained winds are 115 miles per hour. a hurricane watch is in effect for bermuda where rain is falling pretty hard there right now. the storm may produce some large waves along the east coast of the u.s. this weekend but should
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not, should not make a direct hit there. we'll keep you posted, of course. victims' families are calling these pictures from libya deeply upsetting, deeply distressing. a huge crowd in tripoli celebrated abdel baset al megrahi's arrival. he was released from a scottish prison after only eight years of a life sentence. he was convicted of wlo blowing up pan am flight 103 over lockerbie, scotland. he was set free because he was dying of cancer, a decision president barack obama called a mistake and some family members agreed. >> it's hard for me to believe it. that this was even put on the table, that this was even considered because it seems so fictitious and just unreal that they would even consider letting out or transferring a mass murderer convicted within the scottish law of 270 people. >> as he mentioned, 270 people
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were killed when that pan am flight exploded just before christmas in 1988. libya paid $1.5 billion to the victims' families a year ago. that was to end lawsuits in the case and to so-called normalize relations with the u.s. one branch of the veterans affairs department handed out at least $24 million in bonuses in 2007 and 2008, some with little or no justification. that is what the agency's inspector general says in a new report. it focuses a lot of attention on one now-retired official at the agency's technology office. it says she acted like she had a blank checkbook when she handed out those bonuses. she got $60,000 in bonuses herself. the report also accused her of nepotism saying other v.a. managers improperly approved tuition for some of her friends and relatives. a robbery suspect finally surrendered to police in van hi
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hise, california, after spending an hour on a roof pacing and talking on his cell phone. he climbed up there after running from a robbery scene. the lapd says he was talking to his girlfriend. he climbed down a ladder without incident finally. police have not caught up with the other two suspects, but their getaway car has been found. here is a story we told you about before the break. pilots had to land a plane after a passenger got naked and violent. check out this photo. there he is in the back. that's his arrest. deputies say he exposed himself to the woman sitting next to him, punched her in the face, and then took off the rest of his clothes. they say flight attendants and passengers finally subdued him until the southwest flight could land. >> definitely over six feet and, again, you know, weightwise definitely hitting the 300 mark. everything was really under control, but in the meantime
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there was a naked man in the back of the plane being very belligerent. >> some pretty scary moments there. southwest says the flight left again after the suspect and the woman he allegedly hit were taken off the plane and sent to the hospital. allegedly hit wer taken off the plane and sent to the hospital. a high-speed chase ened with a pricy power boat crashing on to a highway. we showed you the aftermath of this one yesterday. police say the suspect seen there. there you go, swerving his truck on purpose spilling the boat off the trailer and the boat is worth about $175,000. no one was hurt here, but traffic on interstate 95 in connecticut was tied up for several hours and police arrested the guy behind the wheel. it looks like solar powered cell phones are coming to kenya. this is a huge deal. millions of people there aren't connected to the power grid and have to pay to charge a regular cell phone. just to charge it. eco-friendly phones are a growing trend in countries with
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electricity problems. the phone being sold in kenya will be about $35 and they ÷ expect to sell out the first 1,000.÷ they will soon be sold in other markets such as asia, europe and latin america. existing home sales last month had their largest gain in ten years. the national association of realtors says home sales were up 7.2% from june to july and they increase 5% from a year ago. it is the fourth consecutive month existing home sales have risen. well, federal reserve chairman ben bernanke had some upbeat comments about the u.s. economy today. in this speech, bernanke said the u.s. economy looks like it's poised for a recovery and economic activity around the u.s. and around the world appears to be leveling out. finding a good trustworthy baby-sitter is not easy and when you finally do, get ready to spend a whole lot of money.
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parents have come up with the best solution, the best part, it doesn't cost you a dime.
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ant important hearing today in the murder of caylee anthony. who they want to have testify and who they want to try to keep off the witness stand in florida. this is thealist weekend for the cash for clunkers program. you'll have until the end of business on monday. was it a success? our viewers weigh in. plus, if you twitter, you'll soon be seeing a big change. the biggest feature of the social networking site is rolling out. we're rolling out news on hln news and views on a friday. i'm chuck roberts. great it have you with us on the 21st of the month. murder case against casey anthony and the first look at her defense strategy. in a pretrial hearing today in orlando and with her parents
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looking on, casey anthony's defense team said it wanted the head of the search and rescue team that then looked for her missing daughter to testify. one of casey anthony's attorney says his testimony will prove that she didn't kill her daughter, caylee. >> the body of caylee anthony was found very close to the anthony home and the body was found in a wooded area that if one were to search for a missing child, this is the first place you would go search. there is substantial evidence that we've discovered and that has been set forth in our brief, your honor, that the body or the remains of caylee anthony were placed there after casey anthony was locked up in the oronge county correctional facility. there is substantial evidence and that proves, your honor, her innocence. that's exicalpatory evidence.
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that proves that someone else placed the remains in the area where it was ultimately found. >> casey anthony's defense wants the head of the search team to testify under oath and very much wants to keep her bail bondsman from talking. mark joins us from miami to explain what went on today in court. mark, hi, a strategy shift today? >> we can't say that for sure yet. the defense doesn't have to reveal any of their strategies until they actually begin with opening statement. we know all along that they want to create reasonable doubt and one thing we just heard from the defense attorney is, you know, he wants to suggest the body must have been dumped there while she was in jail and if they can create that, they have reasonable doubt, potentially. >> what's in the equisearch records? >> they want the names of all the people out there searching. what the defense is doing is trying to find people to say, yeah, that area that they found the remains, they searched there previously. >> that area was under water, though, a good part of the time? >> thats going to be the
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argument. the defense stood up there and said, no, they had searched that area for sure and that's where the facts don't seem to add up. just because the defense says it, doesn't mean that's what the evidence will show. >> so it's a fishing expedition? >> i wouldn't say that. it's a discovery obligation. they have to find out everything they possibly can. listen, just because it's discoverable doesn't mean it's admissible. much different standard. >> the judge is inclined to grant the request. >> he should. let me just say this, if it's not a tremendous burden on the state to do so, you want to make sure that you err on the side of the defendant because if she's convicted, you don't want issues on appeal. >> could be reversible appeal. they want it keep the bail bondsman from testifying, how come? >> leonard padilla. what he continues to suffer from. because their position is he was part of the defense team. anything that she might have said to leonard padilla or his other agent is protected, same
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thing like attorney/client privilege. the state says, no, they don't share the same relationship. the judge has yet to rule on that. >> how does casey look? she was at tears at some points when her dad was up there on the witness stand. >> that is correct and very emotional. what i say to all the viewers, the following. none of all that matters as far as whether she is found guilty until we get 12 people who are sitting in the box and then they begin to analyze her demeanor. that's when it starts to matter. >> the trial is set for when again? >> technically in october, but i've said since the day she was arrested, this will take years. this will be at least october through 2010 will be my prediction, if not further. >> mark, as always, thank you so much. a reality tv contestant on the run now charged with the gruesome killing of his ex-wife the mutilated body of jasmine fiore was stuffed in a trash bin south of los angeles over the weekend. the prime suspect is her ex-husband, a canadian, ryan
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alexander jenkins who appeared on vh-1's "megan wants a millionaire." fiore was strangled and her teeth and fingers had been removed. p presumably to make it difficult if not impossible for an i.d. to be made. jenkins is believed to have driven more than 1,000 miles to oregon state and take a boat to the peninsula point roberts, washington, where he could merely walk into canadian territory. >> while we believe he cross under to canada, we're not 100% sure of that and there will be no stone unturned and we'll look under every rock for him. he needs to understand that he's now officially wanted. that we don't stop looking for him. >> fiore's ex-boyfriend says jenkins is an animal who has done the unthinkable. her family and friends are speaking to people not to help him evade capture. they were married briefly in las
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vegas in march. they started fighting a few month later because jenkins was jealous of her ex-boyfriends. she had the marriage anulled. a family said fiore was on cloud nine after meeting jenkins. >> she called me the day after and she said, mommy, i met the most perfect guy in the world and his name is ryan and she just went on and on and on about ryan and how perfect he was. >> all the breaking news on the search for ryan jenkins north of the border. nancy grace has it all. latest developments. be sure to tune in at 8:00 and 10:00 eastern right here on hln. congressional democrats may get ready to split the health care reform bill in two. "wall street journal" may try to pass the most expensive part of the bill without any republican support. the so-called public option. all three house measures offer a government health plan. >> there's no way i can pass a
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bill in the house of representatives without a public option. >> but it's a different story in the senate. appearing on fox news sunday. senator kent conrad said the fact of the matter is there are not the votes in the united states senate for the public option, there never have been. we have new video, the aftermath of a small plane crash ininage. the amazing thing is, the two people onboard just walked away from the wreckage. even though they were badly burned. emergency workers found the men at a nearby bus stop and one is now listed in critical condition and the other in serious condition, but emergency workers say they were both alert and conscious when they were found. officials say the pilot was trying to land at teeterboro airport in new jersey this morning but aboarded the landing and it was going around for another attempt when the plane went down. if you want to take advantage of the cash for clunkers program, you have to get moving. the program ends monday night. you know the deal, turn in your gas guzzler and get a rebate on
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a new car. almost a million have done that. been sold under the popular program. but many dealers say they're still waiting to get repaid. >> this has been a very successful program. okay. dealers have sold cars like they haven't sold them in quite some time. manufacturers are producing cars, like they haven't in quite some time. and workers have been hired, again, to make those cars to replace that inventory like they haven't in quite some time. this is, without a doubt, an unqualified success. >> and as of right now, august 20th, we have not been funded yet on one deal. >> tell me, how many cars are out there and what have you gotten back? >> 105 out there and nothing back yet. >> not a penny. >> not a penny. >> and that's about $500,000. >> and it's scary. >> dealers are not complaining about the fact that over 300,000 or 400,000 cars have been sold, they're going to get their money. we have the money, congress provided the money, they're
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going to get their money. >> the program, of course, started in late july. as of yesterday, only 7% of claims that dealers submitted had been actually paid or refunded. so what do you think? was it a success cash for clunkers or just a waste of your tax dollars? if you were taking advantage of it, what was your experience? either way, give us a call, 877-8335-5456. e-mail standard text rates apply. we'll air your responses throughout the day. people in bermuda are bracing for hurricane bill, but that's not stopping one 15-year-old i-reporter from sending in updates as the tiny island hopes for the best even as it prepares for the worst. we'll hear from her.
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we have confirmed michael jackson will be buried september 3rd, a private evening ceremony originally the family wanted him laid to rest at forest lawn
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glendale ceremony august 29th, on what would have been his 51st birthday. he will be buried in the great mausoleum which houses a repluof "last supper. ". now a category 3 hurricane, bill's top sustained winds are at 150 miles per hour. hurricane watch is still up in bermuda where the storm is falling now. produce large waves along the east coast this weekend, but it shouldn't make a direct hit. >> it is currently about 6:00 local time and, as you can see, the tide is becoming really, really rough because of hurricane bill. it is supposed to be approaching saturday morning early as 8:00 local time where it will be apparently 150 miles off coast. it is friday the 21st of august,
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and i'm here to report the surf has come up a lot. >> what a deterioration in conditions. what a great i-report from cheresa reporting overnight and again this morning. hurricane bill is approaching the island and as you can see the events and storm conditions changed drastically in just a few hours. they live right across the beach and, like others, they're prepping for bill's landfall by boarding up their homes. it's very gray outside and the air is hot and thick with humidity and strong winds. she and the family have lived 11 years in bermuda and they've been through hurricanes before, including fabion. forecasters expect bill will only drop one to three inches of rain on bermuda, although it could see a maximum of five inches. the bermuda weather service expects storm tides will raise water levels as much as three feet along the coast.
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great i-report. very dramatic. we hope she and her family stay safe in bermuda. when you have pictures or videos of breaking news, do like that, click on i-report and click on the upload now link. you'll get the instructions and how to submit your stories. if you've been in the ocean this summer, you might have noticed a big change. the world's oceans are the warmest on record this summer, according to the government agency that keeps weather records. the average global ocean temperature was 62.6 degrees. the hottest since record keeping began in 1880. meteorologists blame the el nino weather pattern and manmade global warming. a former top white house official says politics almost bled into national security during the bush administration. what the former homeland security chief tom ridge says he was pressured to do only days before the 2004 presidential election. >>
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. the white house calls it outrageous, disgusting. victims' families cull it deeply upsetting and disgusting. at a homecoming yesterday al megrahi released after a life sentence. he was set free because he is dying of cancer. a decision president barack obama called a mistake. some family members agree. >> it's hard for me to believe it, that this was even put on the table, that this is even considered because it seems so fictitious and just, just unreal. that they would even consider letting out or transferring a mass murderer, you know, convicted within the scottish law 270 people. >> 270 people killed when the pan am flight, the 747 jet
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exploded christmas week, 1988. libya paid $1.5 billion to victims' families. that was a year ago. that was to end the lawsuits in the case and normalize relations with the u.s. the former homeland security chief tom ridge says an election year dispute convinced him to resign from the bush administration. he thought better of it. in his new book tom ridge said he was pushed to raise the terror alert level only days before the 2004 presidential election. ridge writes, i wondered, is this about security or politics? attorney general john ashcroft and secretary of defense donald rumsfeld wanted it. one former bush administration official, though, disputes ridge's version of events. >> not only do i not think politics played any part of it at all, it was not discussed. the only thing discussed was earlier that summer a threat against the financial district and the bin laden tape and then another tape, kiran, by a u.s.
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citizen a member of al qaeda and it was a very threatening tape and it was around what the discussion was. >> the terror alert was not raised and tom ridge resigned november 30th just after the election. should a teenage girl be returned to ohio, even though she says she fears being killed after being converted from islam to christianity. the 17-year-old girl ran away from home in columbus last month. police used phone records to trace her to an orlando-based minister she said she met on facebook. her father threatened to kill her for converting, but told the associated press, her family loves her and he never threatened to harm her. are you buying a product because you think it's got oprah's endorsement? better check again. the talk show host and one of her regular guests, dr. oz, are suing more than four dozen businesses for using their images and names without permission. they include dietary supplements and beauty products like wrinkle creams and tooth whiteners.
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the products deceive consumers by implying that she or dr. oz are endorsing them. existing home sales last month biggest gain in ten years. the national association of realtors says home sales shot up 7.2% from june to july. and they increased 5% from a year ago. it's the fourth straight month existing home sales have risen. the social networking site twitter will soon be unveiling a new feature. a gps-based feature which will tell users in realtime the location of other users. twitter says privacy won't be an issue since it will be the user's choice whether to display that information. applications in the works include one that will let you read the tweets of anyone within two miles of your current position, even if you don't regularly follow the feed. there's also speculation advertisers could use the information, though, to target twitter users near their businesses with geotargeted ads.
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create artificial life before the end of the year. leading a private research project and he developed a way to transplant dna into bacteria. he claims his team in maryland took the geonome of one bacteria and transplanted it into another bacterial species. they will have the first species within four months. if it works, it will pave the way for creating new ways of producing medicines. pilots had to land a plane after a passenger got naked and violent. check out this video or photo of the arrest. deputies say the man exposed himself to the woman sitting next to him and punched her in the face and took off the rest of his clothes. flight attendants and passengers subdued him until the southwest flight could land. they left again after the suspect and the woman he allegedly hit were taken off the
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plane and sent to the hospital. there are new concerns a major earthquake could hit the west coast and this time we're not talking san francisco or los angeles.
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casey achktany her defense strategy and wer parents looking on, the head of equisearch to testify. one of her attorneys says his testimony will prove casey anthony didn't kill the little girl. after the hearing jose bias talked to reporters explaining why he wants to keep bounty hunter padilla from talking. >> we have to protect casey on all fronts and that also has to do with a lot of the mudslinging that has been thrown around.
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so, while people may say negative things about our client, we don't want any of that because it's not relevant, it's not evident and this nonsense has to stop and that's why we're trying to plug holes in every single part of this ridiculous onslot of nonsense and that's basically what we're addressing here. there's nothing. trust me, if you all, if there was some type of confession or some ridiculous thing that would harm our client, you all would have heard about it a long time ago, specifically with, you know, with the cast of characters we're dealing with. >> anthony's attorneys also asked to review records of thousands of volunteers, the ones who searched for the little girl, but an attorney for texas equisearch said the request was too broad and have a chilling effect on volunteers for future searches. the defense should only be given information on 32 volunteers who actually searched the area where caylee's body was found. the judge said he will issue a ruling by next week. a reality tv contestant is still on the run charged with a gruesome killing of his ex-wife.
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the mutilated body of jasmine fiore was found in a trash bin stuffed in a suitcase. the prime suspect is her ex-husband a canadian. jenkins appeared on the vh-1 show "megan wants a millionaire." fiore was strangled and in another disturbing twist, her teeth and fingers had been removed, presumably to make it difficult or impossible to remove her. jenkins is believed to have driven 1,000 miles north to washington state. police say he then may have taken a boat to a peninsula point roberts washington right on the canadian border where he could walk into canada. >> while we believe he has crossed into canada, we're not 100% sure of that and there will be no stone unturned and we will look under every rock for him. he needs to understand that he's now officially wanted.
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that we don't stop looking for him. >> fiore's ex-boyfriend said jenkins is an animal who has done the unthinkable. her family and friends are pleading with people not to help him evade capture. they were married in march in las vegas. they started fighting a few months later because jenkins was jealous of her ex-boyfriended. fiore had the marriage anulled and the family friend who said fiore was like her daughter said the girl was on cloud nine after meeting jenkins. >> she called me the day after and said, mommy, i met the most perfect guy in the world and his name is ryan and she just went on and on and on about ryan and how perfect he was. >> all the breaking news on the search for ryan jenkins tonight nancy grace has the latest. don't miss it, tonight at 8:00 and 10:00 eastern. michael jackson will be buried on the 3rd of september.
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originally the family wanted him laid to rest at forest lawn cemetery on august 29th on what would have been his 59th birthday. jackson will be buried in the great mausoleum which houses a stained glass replica of leonardo da vinci last supper. an election year dispute convinced him to resign from the bush administration. he waited a while to do that. in his new book tom ridge said he was pushed to raise the terror alert level only days before the 2004 presidential election. ridge writes and i quote, "i wondered, is this about security or politics." attorney general john ashcroft and defense secretary donald rumsfeld wanted it. at least one former bush administration figure, though, disputes ridge's version of events. >> not only do i not think that it played, politics played any part of it at all, it wasn't discussed. the only thing discussed was earlier that summer there was a threat against the financial district and the bin laden tape
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and then another tape, kiran, by a u.s. citizen by a member of al qaeda and it was a threatening tape and the discussion revolved around what the discussion was. >> in the end the terror alert level was not raised and tom ridge resigned november 30th, weeks after the election. victims' families are calling these pictures from libya deeply upsetting, deeply distressing. a huge crowd in tripoli celebrated al megrahi's arrival. he was released from a scottish prison after only eight years of a life sentence. he was set free because he's dying of prostate cancer a decision president barack obama called a mistake. some family members agree. >> it's hard for me to believe it. that this was even put on the table that this is even considered because it seems so
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fictitious and just unreal. that they would even consider letting out or transferring a mass murderer, you know, convicted within the scottish law 270 people. >> that number killed when the pan am flight exploded just before christmas 1988. libya paid $1.5 billion to the victims' families a year ago to end the lawsuits in the case and to normalize relations with washington. hurricane bill is still out there, but it's getting a little weaker. it is still quite a potent storm. a category 3 hurricane with top sustained winds at 115 miles per hour. a hurricane watch is up for bermud odd where rain is falling now. storms may produce large waves along the east coast this weekend but shouldn't make a direct hit. by now we've all heard the phrase cash for clunkers. well, get this. a guy spent a lot of cash, we're talking 240 grand for a lamborghini that was a clunker. how he proved his lamborghini was a lemon.
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we have brand-new video. this is the aftermath of a small plane crash in new jersey. it's pretty amazing the two people onboard could just walk away from the wreckage, although they were badly burned. in fact, they were found, both men at a nearby bus stop. one is now listed in critical condition, the other in serious condition. although emergency workers say they were both alert and conscious when they were found. here's what happened. the pilot was trying to land under difficult circumstances at teterboro airport and aborted the landing and went around for another attempt and didn't make it. it may not be a clunker, but a brand-new lamborghini has been labeled a lemon and now the owner is waiting on refund.
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for every one of the last $240,000 he laid out. live anchor melissa long is here with more on one of the more popular stories of the day. >> chuck, this does not qualify for the cash for clunkers program, i can tell you that. it is a flashy vehicle and it's orange. price tag of $240,000 and the real estate developer who bought it says he loves it for its design and performance handling, but, you know what, he didn't like the way the brakes were sounding. a screeching coming from the brakes. this is ralph's second lamborghini and he heard this mysterious squeaking just as soon as he drove it off the lot and he was told sometimes it takes the brakes a month to settle in. the repair shop at that point unable to fix it. he drove it to his part-time residents in arizona and he had specialists from los angeles, boston and italy working on it to replace the parts. no luck. then the lamborghini
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representative stopped taking his calls so he filed a claim under washington state's lemon law and he won a $240,000 vehicle is now declared a lemon. an arbitrator has ruled that lamborghini must refund the full purchase price. no comment from the lamborghini luxury carmaker on this one. >> persistence pays off. >> it does. >> the big one hassant hit southern california, at least not for a few years, but, of course, always a possibility. now, authorities say we may be looking too far south. >> right. look north to seattle and that area when you consider the fault lines and the potential large earthquake. we're learning more from seismologists as they're studying the data. that the pacific fault lines are actually close to the shore than what was previously believed. back in 2001, you may remember, seattle was damaged by a 6.8 magnitude quake and the damage from a future quake, we learned, could be much greater. researchers are pretty sure that many seattle highways would collapse, 200,000 homes are considers now vulnerable.
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some homeowners are trying to retrofit their homes and it does cost about $5,000, but one resident quoted in this story said it's worth it to be prepared for the big one, should it come. a state seismologist saying it is just a matter of time for seattle. >> wish we could predict that. thanks so much, melissa. have a great weekend. >> you, too. our hero of the week survived a life threatening disease and then decide today help others in the same predicament by co-founding a free health clinic in florida. take a look. >> i have been completely denied all insurances. >> i have been unemployed and basically have no income. >> and they told me i have breast cancer and i did not have insurance, so i came here. >> if i have no insurance and they have no money, what's going to happen to them? in 2003, i discovered that i had kidney cancer. i am a nurse practitioner, but i had no health insurance.
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i was able to mortgage my house to pay for the surgery. if it can happen to me, then, certainly, it can happen to anybody. i'm faith coleman, i co-founded a free clinic for americans who don't have health insurance. >> morning, everybody. >> we welcome every patient here who is uninsured and who meets the federal poverty guidelines. >> i'm faith, nice to me you. we see a patient every other weekend and we have what i call controlled chaos. it's go, go, go. two x-rays and two cat scans. it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. the one main reason is because i can truly emps the with patients. >> no questions at all? snuthing you can think of? i'll see you back here in two weeks. okay, awesome. >> i'm so proud of you. >> we are treated equally and we all have the same rights. i'm sorry, the right to health
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care is just right up there with the rest of them. >> if you want to find out more about our heroes check out, actually, i think it's guys, is that right? pretty sure it is. click on heroes under important websites. in just a few weeks we'll announce the top ten heroes of 2009. if you twitter, you'll see a big change. the newest feature the social networking site is rolling out.
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existing home sales last month shot up biggest gain in ten years. the national association of realtors say home sales were up and they increased 5% from a year ago. it's the fourth consecutive month that existing home sales have risen. if you want to take advantage of the cash for clunkers program, time is running out. 8:00 p.m. monday is the end. you know the deal, you turn in
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the gas guzzler and get a rebate on a new car, maybe 4,500 bucks. almost a million cars sold under this popular program and many dealers say they're still waiting to get refunded. >> this has been a very successful program. okay. dealers have sold cars like they haven't sold them in quite some time. manufacturers are producing cars like they haven't in quite some time. and workers have been hired, again, to make those cars to replace that inventory like they haven't in quite some time. this is, without a doubt, an unqualified success. >> and as of right now, august 20th, we have not been funded yet on one deal. >> tell me, how many cars are out there and what have you gotten back? >> 105 out there and nothing back yet. >> not a penny? >> not a penny. >> and that's about $500,000. >> about $500,000. kind of scary. >> dealers are not complaining about the fact that over 300,000
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or 400,000 cars have been sold, they're going to get their money. we have the money, congress provided the money, they're going to get their money. >> as of yesterday, 7% of claims dealers submitted have actually been paid. what do you think of the program overall? was cash for clunkers a success or a waste of tax dollars? was it targeted appropriately? call us toll free 877-835-5456 and e-mail at or text views plus your comment and name to hlntv, standard text rates apply. we'll air your responses throughout the day on this friday. short while ago president obama praised this week's presidential election in afghanistan, the second such vote since the taliban was overthrown in late 2001. he said it was an important step forward for the afghan people and that despite scattered attacks from the taliban, millions of afghans exercised the right to vote. >> over the last few days and particularly yesterday, we've seen acts of violence and intimidation by the taliban and
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there may be more in the days to come. we knew that the taliban would try to derail this election. yet even in the face of this brutality, millions of afghans exercise the right to choose their leaders and determine their own destiny. >> the president noted the u.s. didn't openly support any candidate in the election, only the right of the people to cast a vote and afghan official says the preliminary results will be released over the course of several days. nothing more specific as they come in from the provinces but they all should be available, that is the results by september 5th. the social networking site twitter will soon be unveil agnew feature. the company's co-founder said it is getting ready to launch a gps-based feature. privacy won't be an issue since it will be the user's choice whether to display there information. applications in the works is one that will allow you to read the tweets of anyone within two miles of your current position,
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even if you don't regularly follow their feed. also speculation advertisers, though, could use the information to target twitter users near their businesses with geo-targeted ads. every month new fitness product are hitting the market that offer to help you to get fit faster and easier. the latest craze, fitness shoes that claim to build your calves, hamstrings, and glute muscles. but do this he work? probably not. >> the main thing that makes one shoe better for one person versus another is the comfort of fit. >> the easy tone is just one example. reebok claims lab tests show an increase in muscle activation due to the mini balls under the shoe. >> the type of technology, people use that to rehab ankles and work on your position stance, not your fitness or your
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strength, and so to think that that would then make you more fit with your regular activities, i have a hard time kind of buying that. >> then there's the fit flop that claims added support for your feet leads to a fitter, more fabulous you. mason's verdict? >> it does give give arch support. it does give good cushion to the heel, and there is some support to the midfoot, which you don't see in a lot of the flip-flops. if you're buying it because you want a stylish pair of comfortable flip-flops, i think that would be a good purchase. >> reebok and the makers of fit flop say they may help relieve pressure on your feet and tone muscles that women and men care about. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. it's nazis or nothing if you're looking for a good movie this weekend. what critics are saying about "inglourious basterds." aaaaaaaaa
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casey anthony cries during a court appearance today. we'll tell you what brought her to taeears. a former top white house official says politics almost bled over into national security during the bush administration. what former homeland security chief tom ridge says she was pressured to do just days before the 2004 presidential election. and it is true, it is the last weekend for the cash for clunkers program, but was it a success? that is the big question and our viewers, you, weigh in. we love hearing from you. this is hln "news and views." so glad you're with us on this friday. i'm susan hendricks. our top story, a pretrial hearing in the murder case against casey anthony may be a
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first look at her defense strategy. anthony teared up during that hearing today with her parents looking on, her father even taking the stand. the defense team said it wanted the head of the search and rescue team that looked for casey's then-missing daughter caylee to testify. her attorney says his testimony will prove casey anthony did not kill her daughter. after the hearing george and cindy anthony spoke about seeing their daughter again. >> i just want to let you guys know it was awesome to see my daughter again. it's been a long time since i've seen her and it just gives me a lot of, you know, a lot of peace to see that she actually looks okay and she looks healthiment a, and that's important to me. >> were you able to make any eye contact? >> i was able to tell her i loved her and she was able to tell back she loved me and george was able to blow her a kiss. >> i notice you and casey were in tears when george took the stand. can you explain why that was so
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emotional for you? >> well, because i saw casey's' rction reaction to when george took the stand. she hasn't seen her dad for a long time. when she started to sob, it was very emotional, very touching. >> anthony's lead attorney also spoke after that hearing. he explained why the defense team wants to review the records of thousands of search volunteers. >> i trust judge strickland is going to make a sound ruling based on the law, and every single issue is important. we don't make a motion unless we feel it's important, and because someone's life is at stake and because casey anthony is innocent, we feel that every single issue and every single stone must be -- no stone will be left unturned. >> an attorney for texas equusearch said the request was too broad and would have a, quote, chilling effect on volunteers for future searches. he argued the defense should only be given information on 32 volunteer who is searched that
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area where caylee's body was found. the judge said he would issue a ruling by next week. we have this just into us here at hln. cnn has confirmed that four u.s. soldiers in iraq have been charged with nmall treating ther subordinat subordinates. officials stress here there is no firm evidence that the suicide was linked to any abuse from a superior officer. the four soldiers face charges of verbally abusing and ridiculing subbort nats. they are with the 13th calvary out of ft. bliss, texas. investigators do not believe the maltreatment extended beyond their unit. new information for you, we have confirmed m eed michael ja will be buried on september 3rd. it will be a private evening
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ceremony. his family wanted him laid to rest on august 29th, his 51st birthday. michael jackson will be buried at the great mausoleum which houses a stained glass replica of da vinci's last supper. a massive search is under way for this man on the right. he is a reality tv contestant, a former one, charged with the gruesome killing of his ex-wife, a swimsuit model. the mutilated body of 28-year-old jasmine fiore was found stuffed in a suitcase in a trash bin near los angeles over the weekend. the prime suspect is her ex-husband canadian ryan alexander jenkins. he appeared on vh1's "megan wants a million aairmillionaire" another disturbing twist to share with you, police say her teeth and fingers had been removed presumably to make it harder for authorities to identify her. jenkins is believed to have
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driven 1,000 miles to washington state. police say he then may have taken a boat to a peninsula on the border where he walked into canadian territory. >> while we believe he has crossed in canada, we're not entirely sure of that. there will be no stone unturned and he will look under every rock for him. he needs to understand that he's now officially wanted, that we don't stop looking for him. >> nancy grace will have all the developments at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. president barack obama says afghanistan has taken an important step forward. in a news conference the president congratulated the country for holding its presidential election yesterday. he also praised the afghan turning out to vote in the face of intimidation. >> over the last few days and
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particularly yesterday we've seen acts of violence and intimidation by the taliban and there may be more in the days to come. we knew that the taliban would try to derail this election, yet even in the face of this brutality, millions of afghans exercised the right to choose their leaders and determine their own destiny. >> the president is now at camp david to start a week-long vacation. well, today we're also talking about the former homeland security chief. he says an election-year dispute done vinced him to resign from the bush administration. in his new book tom ridge says he was pushed to raise the terror alert level just days before the 2004 presidential election. ridge writes, and i quote, i wondered, is this about security or politics, end quote. attorney general john ashcroft and secretary of defense donald rumsfeld wanted it. at least one former bush administration figure is dismissing ridge's account of what happened saying this, that he's just trying to sell books. in the end the terror alert
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level was not raised and tom ridge resigned on november 30th, weeks after the election. the white house is calling it outrageous and disgusting and victims' families are calling it deeply upsetting, deeply disturbing. a huge crowd in tripoli, libya, celebrated abdel baset al megrahi's homecoming yesterday. he was relessed from a scottish prison after only eight years of a life sentence. he was convicted of blowing up pan am flight 103 over lockerbie, scotland, back in 1988. he was apparently set free because he's dying of cancer, a decision that president obama called a mistake and some family members agreed. >> it's hard for me to believe it, that this was even put on the table, that this was even considered because it seems so fictitious and just unreal that they would even consider letting out or transferring a mass murderer convicted within the
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scottish law of 270 people. >> that was the son of one of the victims. as he said, 270 people were killed when that pan am flight exploded just before christmas in 1988. libya paid $1.5 billion to the victims' families a year ago. that was to end lawsuits in the case and to normalize relations with the u.s. we have new video in of the aftermath of a small plane crash in new jersey. take a look at it. the amazing thing here, the two people on board managed to walk away from that wreck even though they were badly injured, badly burned. emergency workers found the men at a nearby bus stop right in the area. one is listed in critical condition. the other as serious. but emergency workers say they were both alert and conscious when they were found. officials say the pilot was trying to land at teterboro airport early this morning but aborted the landing an was going down for another attempt when the plane went down.
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we have a weather update. hurricane bill is a bit weaker. still pretty powerful though. a category 2 hurricane now. bill's top sustained winds are 110 miles per hour. a hurricane watch is in effect for bermuda where the rain is falling pretty hard there. the storm may produce some large waves along the east coast of the u.s. this weekend but should not make a direct hit there. we, of course, will keep you updated on that. if you've been in the ocean this summer, you may have noticed a big change. we're talking about the water, the temperature. warmer water. in fact, the world's oceans are the warmest on record this summer. that's according to the government agency that keeps weather records. it says the average global ocean temperature last month was 62.6 degrees. that is the hottest since record keeping began in 1880. the previous record was set in 1998. meteorologists are blaming the el nino weather pattern and man made global warming as well. jackie o. symbolized class, grace, and good taste.
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so a picture of her recently found in andy warhol's belongings may surprise you. details just ahead.
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federal reserve chairman ben bernanke is sounding upbeat about the u.s. economy. in a speech today, bernanke said the u.s. economy looks like it's poised for a recovery, and economic activity in the u.s. and around the world seems to be leveling out. some good news. we're getting your view today. we're speaking a lot about this, the soon to expire cash for clunkers program, and with the government getting ready to pull the plug's stephanie elam is here to tell us what to look for in the last few days. the rush is on. >> susan, it's so true. if you have a gas guzzler, time it running out to get some cash for that clunker. the government is shutting down the $3 billion program because it's out of money. all the deal verse to submit all the paperwork by 8:00 p.m. eastern on monday to guarantee
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they will get paid back for vouchers worth up to $4,500. some will stop offering the deals on sunday or even sooner to make sure they have enough time to complete the paperwork. so far more than 450,000 clunker deals have been recorded worth $1.9 billion in rebatings, susan. >> a lot of callers we've been asking them to call in or e-mail us about what they think about this. they don't really like the program. so should we expect a huge rush this weekend or are people staying at home? >> dealers are gearing up for a rush. one is telling us he's planning a big advertising push as he doesn't want to leave any dollars on the sidelines, but as you know, a lot of dealers have been frustrated. in new york hundreds have pulled out of the program altogether. they said the government was taking too long to pay them back for the vouchers. the transportation department is adding more workers to try to speed up dealer reimbursements. but some felt it was too big of a gamble. >> is there anything to tell viewers to look out for if they are planning on heading out this weekend? >> there's definitely a couple
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things to be aware of. some customers are being asked to sign a form saying you'll pay back this voucher money just in case the government reimbursement doesn't come through. there are also reports that some dealerships are asking customers to wait to take their new car home until the government approves the paperwork. just for the record, that's not allowed. if you do get a clunker deal, they have to give you the car immediately. to qualify your old car has to get 18 miles per gallon or less, it can't be more than 25 years old, and you need to have owned it for at least a year. if you're trying to get out there, get out there this weekend. >> you have to stick to the rules, too, thanks for clearing it up. we wanted to know what do you think about this? was the cash for clunkers program a success or just a waste of your tax money? give us a call right now. 877-tell-hln. or if you're planning on heading out, let us know. e-mail us at text the word views plus your comments and name to hlntv. we have to let you know standard text rates apply and we'll air
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some of your responses throughout the day today. pretty unbelievable story here. or k archivists have found a nude picture of jackie o. in andy warhol's belongings. archivists fired by his foundation recently started going through boxes of his things, his belongings. among the items discovered was an autographed picture of jackie o. naked, who was apparently a good friend of andy warhol's. researchers says aristotle onassis asked him to take pictures of his wife skinny dipping. if you have bought some electronics at walmart within the last few years, we have to give you a warning here. one of them may be a fire hazard. we'll tell you what to look out for just ahead.
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congressional democrats may be getting ready to split the health care reform bill into two separate measures. "the wall street journal" is reporting that democrats may try to pass the most expensive parts of the bill without republican support. the big sticking point has become the so-called public option. now, all three house measures offer a government health plan. >> there's no way i can pass a bill in the house of representatives without a public option. >> but it's a much different story in the senate. appearing on fox news sunday, senator kent conrad, the chair of the budget committee said the fact of the matter is there are not the votes in the united states senate for the public option and there never has been. president obama left the white house today for a week's former senator tom daschle to talk about just that, health care reform legislation. >> senator daschle along with former senator dole and others have put together ideas for bipartisan plans to get through
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congress and to the president's desk. obviously it's an issue he's been working on for quite some time. he doesn't have a formal role with the white house, but the president certainly listens to his advice and counsel as he does to many others. >> from camp david president obama and his family will be traveling to martha's vineyard for their summer vacation. he's on his way there now. well, pilots had to land a plane after a passenger got naked and violent, if you can imagine that. check out this photo of his arrest. see him there in the back. deputies say the man exposed himself to the woman sitting next to him, then punched her in the face and took off the rest of his clothes. they say flight attendants and passengers subdued him until the southwest flight could land. >> definitely over six feet and, again, you know, weightwise definitely hitting the 300 mark. everything was really well under control, but in the meantime there was a naked man in the back of the plane being very
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belligerent. >> yeah, some scary moments for the passengers. southwest says the flight left again after the suspect and the woman he allegedly hit were taken off the plane and sent to the hospital. he could face federal charges. i'm jane velez-mitchell and here is my issue. octo mom is at it again. she paraded the cameras right through her home, but remember she doesn't want to be in the spotlight. there were moments when the show felt like an endurance test to see how much screaming one mother can handle. it's hard to find a positive in this circus, but maybe it can serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers of having too many kids. in a world with limited resources where countless children are orphaned or malnourished, having 14 kids is extremely arrogant and thoughtless environmentally and emotionally. we already knew octo mom was an attention hog. unfortunately, she's also a resource hog. i'm jane velez-mitchell and that's my issue.
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>> jane is fired up. find out what else she has on her mind. watch "issues with jane velez-mitchell" every night at 7:00 eastern right here on hln. here is a story we told you about before the break, walmart is recalling more than a million dvd players because they could suddenly burst into flames. if you bought your dvd player from walmart, go get it and check it. these are dura brand dvd players sold from january 2006 until last month. walmart says it got 12 overheating complaints. five of them led to a fire, property damage. no injuries fortunately, but if you own one of the dvd players take it back to walmart and you will get a refund. cash for clunkers is a waste of taxpayers money and further destroyed small businesses, which is the agenda of the president. that is what mary in mississippi thinks about the car recycling program. we will hear more of what you think about it. "your views" after the break. this is hln. dddddddddd
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a pretrial hearing in the murder case against casey anthony may be a first look at her defense strategy. anthony teared up during the hearing today with her parents looking on. the defense team said it wanted the head of the search and rescue team that looked for casey's then-missing daughter caylee to testify. one of her attorneys says his testimony will prove that casey did not kill her daughter. after the hearing george and cindy anthony spoke about seeing their daughter again. >> i just want to let you guys know that it was awesome to see my daughter today. it's been the longest time since i've seen her and it gives me a lot of, you know, a lot of peace
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to see that she actually looks okay and she looks healthy and that's important to me. >> reporter: were you able to make any eye contact, any message or -- >> i was able to tell her i loved her and she was able to tell back that i loved her and george was able to blow her a kiss. so i know it meant a lot to him. >> absolutely. >> cindy, i notice you and casey were in tears when george took the stand. can you explain why that was so emotional for you? >> well, because i saw casey's reaction to when george took the stand, and it was like seeing her dad. she hasn't seen her dad for a very long time, and when she started to sob, you know, it was very emotional, very touching. so thank you. casey anthony's defense team meanwhile also wants to review the records of thousands of search volunteers, but an attorney for texas ex which sear he can whi said the request was too broad. they say only information should be given on the 32 searchers who
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searched the area where her body was found. we're also following that reality tv contestant case. he is on the run charged with the gruesome killing of his ex-wife, a swimsuit model. the mutilated boy idea of 28-year-old jasmine fiore was found stuffed in a suitcase in a trash bin near los angeles over the weekend. the prime suspect is her ex-husband, seen there, ryan alexander jenkins, a canadian. jenkins appeared on vh1's "megan wants a millionaire" reality show. tmz obtained this photo of the couple taken together at the palms hotel. a preliminary coroner's report say she was strangled. police say her teeth and fingers had been removed presumably to make it harder for authorities to identify her. jenkins is believed to have driven 1,000 miles to washington state. police say he may have then take an boat to a peninsula on the border where he walked into canadian territory. >> while we believe he has
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crossed into canada, we're not 100% sure of that, and there will be no stone unturned and we will look under every rock for him. he needs to understand that he's now officially wanted, that we don't stop looking for him. fiore's ex-boyfriend is speaking out about this saying jen since a an animal who has done the unspeakable. her friends and family are pleading with people not to help him evade capture. jenkins and fiore were married in las vegas back in march. tmz obtained the last known photo of the couple together. fiore's mother said they started fighting a few months after they got married because jenkins was jealous of her ex-boyfriends. she says fiore had the marriage annulled soon after. a family friend who says fiore was like her daughter says the woman was on cloud nine after meeting jenkins. >> she called me the day after and she said, mommy, i met the most perfect guy in the world, and his name is ryan.
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and she just went on and on and on about ryan and how perfect he was. >> breaking news in the search for ryan jenkins tonight. don't miss it. nancy grace will have all the latest developments. tune in at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on hln. the white house calls it outrageous and disgusting and the victims' families are calling it deeply upsetting, deeply distressing. a huge crowd in tripoli, libya, celebrated the pan am bomber abdel baset al megrahi's homecoming yesterday. he was released from a scottish prison after only eight years of a life sentence. he was convicted of blowing up pan am flight 103 over lockerbie, scotland, in 1988. he was apparently set free because he is dying from cancer. president obama's response was short but to the point.
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[ inaudible question ] >> i think it was highly objectionable. >> 270 people were killed when that pan am flight ex floweded just before christmas. libya paid $1.5 billion to the victim's families a year ago to end lawsuits in the case and to so-called normalize relations with the u.s. new information regarding michael jackson. he will now be buried on september 3rd. it will be a private evening ceremony. originally his family wanted him laid to rest at forest lawn glendale cemetery in california on august 29th, his 51st birthday. he will be buried in the great mausoleum which houses a stained glass replica of da vinci's last supper. an election year dispute convinced the former homeland security chief to design from the bush administration. tom rage says he waspushed to raise the terror alert level
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days before the presidential election. he wrote, i wondered is this about security or politics? ashcroft and rumsfeld wanted it. at least one former bush administration figure disputes his version of events. >> not only do i not think that poll takitics played any part i at all, it was never discussed. earlier that summer there had been a threat against the financial district, there was the bin laden tape and another tape by a u.s. citizen who was a member of al qaeda and it was a very threatening tape. so the discussion really revolved around what the intelligence was. there is no discussion of politics whatsoever. in the end the terror alert level was not raised and tom ridge resigned on november 30th, weeks after the election. federal reserve chairman ben bernanke is sounding somewhat upbeat about the u.s. economy. in a speech today bernanke said the u.s. economy looks like it's poised, looks like for a
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recovery. and economic activity in the u.s. and around the world appears to be leveling out as well. we are talking weather now, and hurricane bill is a bit weaker, but it's still pretty strong. now a category 2 hurricane. bill's top sustained winds are 110 miles per hour. a hurricane watch is in effect for bermuda where rain is falling right now pretty strong. the storm may produce some large waves along the east coast of the u.s. this weekend, but it should not make a direct hit. we, of course, are following that. if you've been in the ocean this summer, you may have noticed a big change. warmer water. in fact, the world's oceans are the warmest on record this summer. that's according to the government agency that keeps weather records. it says the average global ocean temperature last month was 62.6 degrees. that is the hottest since record keeping began in 1880. the previous record was set in 1998. meteorologists blame the el nino weather pattern and man made global warming as well. here is a question.
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should a teenage girl be returned to ohio even though she says she fears being killed after converting from islam to christianity? well, a florida judge will consider that in a hearing later today. the 17-year-old girl ran away from her home in columbus last month. police used phone records to trace her to an orlando-based minister she says she met through facebook. she says her father threatened to kill her for converting, but he told the associated press her family loves her and he never threatened to harm her. imagine this if you can, it's pretty hard to imagine. you go out and buy a brand new lamborghini. the cost? just about a quarter of a million dollars for that car. but then your bright orange purchase is officially a lemon. we'll tell you what happened to the one seattle car buyer.
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welcome back to hln. well, it may not be a clunker, but a brand new lamborghini has been labelled a lemon. now its owner is waiting on a refund, a huge refund for every last one of the $240,000 he laid out. live anchor nicole lapin is here with a very popular story. i want to see the guy who purchased this. >> i feel for him, don't you? you spend $240,000 on a brand spanking new lamborghini and you would expect it to work. but he didn't like the screeching sound that he was hearing, and it was a constant screeching sound, indeed. he is a real estate investor from seattle, and that noise continued even after he went back to the shop, susan, and they fixed it up. months later he had specialists in from los angeles, from boston, from italy work on his
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beloved lamborghini replacing parts, but no luck. eventually this man had to file a report saying under washington state's lemon law that this lamborghini was, indeed, a lemon, and he won. the arbitrator ruled that the lamborghini must be returned and he must receive the full purchase price. so there you go. it is his second lamborghini, and not necessarily the type of car you would think would be under that lemon law, right? >> i'm not over the color yet. i wonder what his first one was. >> maybe green. you want to be flashy, right, because you're not understated if you have a lamborghini. >> we're talking about something more serious, the big one, it's still yet to hit southern california or the bay area. really can't predict these, but is it possible we're looking in
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the i don't think area. >> we lived in southern california and we always heard this year after year but maybe seismologists were looking too far south and now seattle is getting a lot of buzz over new data that shows pacific faultlines are closer to the shore there than was originally believed. a state seismologist says it's just a matter of time. any pacific ocean quake would be felt a lot stronger on land. you may remember in 2001 seattle was damaged by the 6.8 magnitude earthquake, and a future quake could yield even greater damage. researchers are pretty sure a lot of seattle's highways would cha collapse. 200,000 homes are considered vulnerable to such an earthquake. some homeowners are taking some precautionary measures already. they're retrofitting some of the houses to withstand an earthquake, the big one so to speak. costs are about $5,000, but some
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residents, and good for them, they're saying i'd rather be prepared for the big one before it comes rather than picking up the pieces. so big news out of seattle today, and we've heard this time and again about california, but now big news out of washington. >> it could come, we just don't know when. thank you. >> you're welcome. we take you to hawaii now. it is officially hawaii 5-0. we'd like to say happy birthday to hawaii, our 50th state turns 50 today, but some people they don't want to party. "usa today" is reporting demonstrators wanted independence will rally outside the hawaii convention center. organize errs feel the culture been exploited. some bassinets are still being used with tragic results. simplicity three in one and four in one convertible bassinets
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last year because apparently two babies became trapped in the bars and died. two more babies have died in them since then. since simplicity was bought out by another company which hasn't commented, there's more information in the important website information at, so go there. a texas woman with an incurable brain tumor will finally get treatment to give her more time with her family. after her husband lost his job, his former employer said his cobra coverage ran out. that's temporary health insurance mandated by federal law, but right before the couple took the matter to court the company changed its mind. >> so ecstatic that we can't hardly put it into words. >> we're very relieved that this has come to an end. >> judy landers expects a phone call for her first appointment any day now. good for her. things apparently got pretty rough when a passenger allegedly took off all of his clothes during a flight midflight. authorities say the man's antics
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sent a woman to the hospital and we have it caught in a picture.
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hp. president obama left the white house today for a week's vacation but before he left he met with former senator tom daschle to talk about health care reform legislation. >> senator daschle along with former senator dole and others have put together ideas for bipartisan plans to get through congress and to the president's desk. obviously, it's an issue he's been working on for quite some time. he doesn't have a formal role with the white house, but the president certainly listens to his advice and counsel as he does to many others. >> from camp david president obama and his family will be traveling to martha's vineyard for their summer vacation. if you want to take advantage of the cash for clunkers program, you better get moving fast. the program ends monday night. this monday. you know the deal about how this works. you turn in your gas guzzler and get a rebate on a new car. almost 1 million cars have been sold, but many dealers aren't
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happy. they say they're still waiting to be repaid. >> this has been a very successful program, okay? dealers have sold cars like they haven't sold them in quite some time. manufacturers are producing cars like they haven't in quite some time. and workers have been hired again to make those cars to replace that inventory like they haven't in quite some time. this is without a doubt an unqualified success. >> and as of right now, august 20th, we have not been funded yet on one deal. >> tell me how many cars are out there and what have you gotten back? >> 105 out there, nothing back yet. >> not a penny? >> not a penny. >> and that's about a half a million -- >> about a half a million dollars. kind of scary. >> dealers are not complaining about the fact that over 300,000 or 400,000 cars have been sold. they are going to get their money. we have the money. congress provided the money. they're going to get their money. >> but as of yesterday only 7%
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of claims dealers submitted have actually been paid so far. what do you think about this program? give us a call and let us know. 877-tell-hln. that's chick under "your views." we would love to hear from you. imagine this, pilots had to land a plane after a passenger on board got naked and violent. check out the photo. here it is of his arrest. there he is in the back. deputies say the man exposed himself to the woman sitting next to him, punched her in the face and took off the rest of his clothes. passengers subdued him until the flight could land. the flight left again after the suspect and the woman he allegedly hit were taken off the plane and sent to the hospital. he could face federal charges. twitter will be unveiling a new feature soon.
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they're getting ready to launch a gps-based feature which will tell users the location of other users. it will be the user's choice whether to display the information or not. applications include one that would let you read the tweets of anyone within two miles of your current position, even if you don't regular follow their feed. a scientist predicts his team will create artificial life before the end of the year. he's trying to sequence the human genome. he claims that his team in maryland took the genome of one bacteria and transplanted it into another bacteria species. if it works it could pave the away to creating cleaner biofuels or new ways of producing medicine. the king of pop's final
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months for all to see on the big screen. when tickets will go on sale for the upcoming "michael jackson" movie. ddddddddddddd
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casey anthony cries during her court appearance today. what brought her to tears and what we're learning about a trial date. a former top white house official says politics almost bled into national security in the bush administration. what the former homeland security cheaf tchief tom ridge says he was pressured to do before the election. was it a success? our viewers weigh in. hi, everybody. hln news and views on friday, the 21st of august. we begin with a murder case against 23-year-old casey anthony and a first look at what will likely be her defense strategy. at a hearing today with her
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parent parents looking on, casey anthony's defense team said it wanted the head of the search team to testify. one of her attorneys says his testimony will prove casey anthony didn't kill little caylee. >> the body of caylee marie anthony was found very close to the home. if one were to search for a missing child, this is the first place you would go search. there is substantial evidence that we've discovered and that's been set forth in our brief, your honor. that the body or the remains of caylee anthony were placed the there after casey anthony was locked up in the orange county correctional facility. there is substantial evidence, and that proves, your honor, her innocence. that proves that somebody else placed the remains in the area
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where it was ultimately foun. >> the defense wants access to the records of thousands of volunteers who tried to find caylee. we'll explain shortly. also new and very gruesome details of the death of a former swimsuit model. the prime suspect being her ex-husband. a reality tv contestant. a canadian from calgary. ryan al sender jenkins is now charged in her death and is on the run. he appeared on vh1's "megan wants a millionaire." her body was found stuffed in a suitcase in a trash bin. a preliminary coroner's report indicate she was strangled. her teeth and fingers were removed, presumably to make it difficult or impossible to identify her. jenkins is believed to have driven a thousand miles up to washington state. he may have then taken a boat to a peninsula on the border, and walked across into british
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columbia. >> we believe he's crossed into canada, but we're not 100% sure of there. there will be no stone unturned. we'll look under every rock for him. he needs to understand that he's now officially wanted. that we don't stop looking for him. >> his family and friends are pleading with people not to help him evade capture. they were married last month in las vegas. they began fighting just a few months later because jenkins was jealous of her ex-boyfriends. a family friend who says fiore was like her daughter said she was on cloud nine. >> ryan jenkins is an animal. what he has done to jasmine is unspeakable.
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it's just not right. and i appreciate your help. please understand who you're helping leave this country. and with ask for your support to bring ryan to custody. >> she didn't tell me she married him. she told me the day she meant, which was st. patrick's day. she called me the day after and said mommy i met the most perfect guy in the world. his name is ryan. and she just went on and on and on about ryan and how perfect he was. and that was all i knew. >> the website obtained the last known photos of the couple together from august 3rd. breaking news in the search for ryan jenkins. nancy grace has latest developments. 8:00 and 10:00 eastern here on hln. michael jackson will be buried on september 3rd, a private evening ceremony.
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originally his family wanted him laid to rest in california. on august 29th. which would have been his 51st birthday. jackson will be buried there. hurricane bill, it's weaker. but still a potent storm. it's now category 2. chad myers tracking the storm from the cnn weather center. people living on the atlantic coast have anything to worry about? >> waves. waves and coastal flooding. this thing is at 110 miles per hour. we say it's only a category 2. well a category 3 starts at 111. now this has been for days putting out wave after wave after wave in her succession with the wind. i've seen reports of waves up to 26 feet. waves will be coming into bermuda and on shore to the wus.
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what does that mean? for the u.s., nothing more than large waves going over sandbars, onto the shore, and dragging things back out. it's call ad rip current. the waves crash over the sand bar. the water piles up on the sand and on the land basically. it has to go somewhere. as it goes out, it washes away a piece of the sand bar. that's where the water goes out. that's how a rip current begins. you must swim down the shore away from this. if you try to swim back inland, you're never going to be a more powerful swimmer. swim away from the current, down the shore, and then the we'wave bring you back in or you can swim back in. coastal north carolina. 15 to 20 foot waves for tomorrow. that's for tomorrow. as we move the storm past per mu
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da and up to the northeast, waves get from 15 to 20 mefeet there. there are places on the shore here. where the sand isn't 15-feet high from beach. so water may literally be going over the island, over the cape, and the same story up here on the cape cod area. as waters crashing onshore, we could also pile up water in the bays and estuaries. there would be six-foot tidal surges above what high tide might be. all the water will get shoved into the bays. >> that will cause havoc on the shipping lanes, too. >> the water goes up six feet, you're boat is going to be drug underwater by your lines. >> thanks for great information. president obama is praising afghans for risking their lives
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over the week to vote in in country's presidential election. they had a lot on their mind. he called the process an important step forward in a country that's seen so much violence and instability. 26 people were killed in election day violence alone. incumbent karzai faced dozens of challengers. the main one was his former challenge. president obama and the first family are heading to martha's vineyard for a vacation. selection of obama t-shirts. even first dog bo will be getting in on the marketing blitz with merchants selling bo bars. ale to the chief beer.
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will a new diet pill help you shed weight? is it legitimate? the talk show host says you and a lot of other people may be dereceived about what she and her doctor really think of dozens of products.
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a passenger got naked and violent on a southwest airlines plane. deputies say the man exposed himself to the woman sitting next to him, punched her in the face, and took off all of his clothes. flight attendants and passengers subdued him until the flight could land in oakland. >> definitely over 6 feet. again, weight wise, definitely hitting the 300 mark. everything was well under control. in the back of the plane a naked man being belligerent. >> the plane left again for st. louis after the suspect and the woman he allegedly hit were
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taken off a plane and sent to the hospital. high-speed police chases happen all the time. they usually don't involve a 9-year-old girl behind the wheel. take a look at this one. the girl took her grandma's car keys and led police on a two-county chase that hit speeds of 90 miles an hour with no headlights on. the girl is developed mentally disabled. her dad says they don't know how she learned to drive a car. if you want to take advantage of the cash for clunkers program, it's going to end at 8:00 p.m. monday. you know the deal, turn in your gas guzzler and get a rebate on a new car. maybe $4,500. almost a million cars were sold under the popular program. many dealers say they're still waiting to be repaid. >> this has been a very successful program. okay? dealers have sold cars like they haven't sold them in quite some time. manufacturers are producing cars like they haven't in quite some
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time. workers have been hired to make the cars to replace the inventory like they haven't in quite some time. this is an unqualified success. >> how many cars are out there? what have you gotten back? >> 500 out there. nothing back yet. >> not a penny? >> not a penny. >> dealers are not complaining about the fact that over 300 or 400,000 cars have been sold. they're going to get their money. twef money. congress provided the money. they're going to get their money. >> 7% of claims dealers submitted were paid. what do you think of the program overall. was it a success or a waste of e-mail at
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or text the words views and your comment and name to hln tv. you have to pick up the standard text rates. we'll air responses in just a few minutes and throughout the day. are you buying a product because you think it has oprah's endorsement. better check again. the talk show host in a regular guest dr. oz are suing more than four dozen businesses for using their images and names without permission. they include dietary supplements and wrinkle creams. oprah says the products deceive consumers by implying shen ea the doctor are endorsing them. politics almost bled into national security in at least one instance during the bush administration. what the former homeland security chief, tom ridge, says he was pressured to do days before the 2004 presidential election.
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a pretrial hearing in the murder case against casey anthony may be a first look at her defense strategy.
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she teared up. the defense team said it wanted the head of the search and rescue team that looked for casey's then missing daughter caylee to testify. one of the attorneys says his testimony will prove casey anthony did not kill the little girl. anthony's lead attorney spoke after the hearing and explained why the defense team wants to review the records of thousands of search volunteers. >> i trust that it's going to make a sound ruling based on the law. every single issue is important. because someone's life is at stake and because casey anthony is incident we feel every single issue and stone must be -- no stone will be left unturned. >> an attorney for texas equisearch said the request was too broad. he argued the defense should only be given information on 32 volunteers who searched the area where caylee's body was found.
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prosecutors have charge ad 20-year-old milwaukee man with attacking the city's mayor. tom barrett, with a metal bar. anthony peters was charged with first-degree reckless injury with a dangerous weapon, theft and disorderly conduct. he heard a grandmother's call for help saturday night at the state fair. he thought her 1-year-old granddaughter was in danger, so he tried to help. barrett suffered a fractured right hand and cuts to his heads. and he lost two teeth. should a teenage girl be returned to ohio even though she says she fears being killed? a florida judge is set to consider that in a hearing this hour. the 17-year-old girl ran away from oklahoma in columbus last month. police traced her to an orlando based minister she meant through facebook. she says her dad threatened to kill her for converting. he told the associated press his family loves her and he never threatened to harm her.
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the largest group of lutheran char churches is making a major choice today. the evangelical lutheran church accepts gay clergy if they're celibate. conservatives say if the more lip ral policy is adopted it could lead to splits in the. ben bernanke is say sounding up key today. he says the country is poise for a recovery. a former top official in the bush white house says he was pressured to bring politics into a national security decision. tom ridge writes of receiving a rather common threat via an audiotape in the days before the 2004 election. afterwards, he said attorney general john ashcroft and donald
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rumsfeld pressured him to raise the country's terror threat level. we certainly didn't believe the tape alone warranted action. we weren't seeing additional sbej that justified it. i wonders, is this about security or politics? at least one former bush official is questioning tom ridge's account of what happened. and his motives. >> last night i got my hands on one of the books, i looked at it. in other parts of the book tom acknowledges that politics never plead a role in his decisions about the threat alert system. you have to wonder ifs not just publicity to sell more books. >> the terror alert level was not raised. tom ridge resigned on november 30th, just after the election. victim's families are calling these pictures deeply upsetting. he was released from a scottish
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prison only after eight years of a life sentence. he was convicted of blowing up pan-am 103 in scotland. some family members agreed. >> it's hard more toe to believe it. that this was even put on the table or considered. it seems so fictitious and just unreal. that they would even consider letting out or transferring a mass murders, convicted. within the scottish law of 270 peopl people. >> that was christmas week of 1988. he paid $1.5 billion to the victims' families a year ago to end the lawsuits and normalize relationships with the u.s. wal-mart is recalling dvd players. if you bought your dvd player from walmart, go and check it. they're durabrand dvd players
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sold from january of 2006 until just last month. they got 12 overheating complaints, five led to an actual fire and property damage. cash for clunkers, a waste of taxpayers' money? does it further destroy small business? was it useful overall? ddddd
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a pretrial hearing in the murder case against 23-year-old casey anthony may be a look at her defense strategy. anthony teared up during the hearing today, especially when her dad took the witness stand. with both parents looking on, the defense said it wanted the head of texas equisearch, the search and rescue team that looked for caylee, to testify. one of her attorneys says his testimony will prove casey didn't kill the little girl. after the hearing george and cindy anthony talked about seeing their daughter again. >> it was awesome to see my daughter today. it's been a long time since i've seen her.
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it gives me peace to see she leeks okay. she looks healthy. that's important to me. >> were you able to make any eye contact with her? >> yeah, i was able to tell her i loved her. george was able to blow her a kiss. i know it meant a lot to him. >> absolutely. >> cindy, you and casey were in tears when george took the stand. can you explain why that was so emotion for you? >> i saw casey's reaction to when george took the stand. she hasn't seen her dad for a very long time. it was very emotional and touching. thank you. >> casey anthony's defense team wants to review the records of thousands of search volunteers and an attorney for texas equisearch says the request is too broad. it would have a chilling effect on volunteers for future searches. the judge is expected to rule next week. while casey's defense wants the head of the search team to testify, they want to keep the bail bondsman from talking.
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mark eiglarsh shoek with me earlier. >> stthey want to create reasonable doubt. if they can create that the body was dumped there while in jail then they have reasonable doubt. >> what's in the equisearch records? >> all the names of the people out there searching. the defense is trying to find people to say, yeah, that area that they found the remains, we had searched there previously. that's what they want to prove. >> that area was underwater a good part of the time, wasn't it? >> the defense said, no, they searched the area for sure. >> bias says he wanted to keep leonard padilla from taking the stand. a reality tv show contestant is on the lam after authorities discover a mutilated body of his
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model ex-wife. this is the last photos of the couple together taken august 3rd at the palms hotel. >> early saturday morning in california, a man looking through a trash bin for recycleables finds a suitcase. >> i lifted it up one time and saw skin, but i wasn't sure. i lifted it up again. then when i saw the birthmark or the marks on the body and everything, i verified that it was a body. immediately called 911. >> the body was jasmine fiore. >> she was strangled. >> reporter: police are now looking for this man. ryan jenkins. who is reportedly briefly married to fiore. they were last seen on friday night at a poker game in san diego. about 100 miles south of where her body was discovered saturday morning. on saturday night, jenkins filed a missing person's report for
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fiore. he hasn't been heard in since. >> our fear is that me might possibly be in route to canada. he was the last person seen with her. >> jenkins, most recently a contestant on the vh 1r1 realit show is described as a banker. he's driving a car like this one with license plate number hly 2005. neighbors describe fiore as outgoing. >> she was cool. she had a good roommate. she was friendly to everybody else. it was just, you know, a shocker. >> reporter: a former boss at the modeling agency says fiore seemed to have her head on straight. >> she seemed responsible and very driven. focused on just wanting to get into the business. wasn't enam orred by it. >> reporter: the last time he saw her she looked really happy.
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and mentioned she had this great guy. the question, whether that great guy may know something about how jasmine fiore died. all the the breaking news in the search for ryan jenkins tonight. nancy grace has it. latest developments at 8:00 and 10:00 eastern here on hln. prosecutors have charge ad 20-year-old milwaukee man with attacking the mayor, tom barrett, with a metal bar on saturday. anthony peters was charged with first-degree reckless injury, theft, and disorderly conduct. the mayor said he heard a grandmother's call for help on saturday night. he thought her 1-year-old granddaughter was in danger, so he tried to help. barrett suffered a fractured right hand and cuts to his head. he lost two teeth. high speed police chases happen all the time. they usually don't involve a 9-year-old girl behind the wheel. take a look at this one near
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smyrna, tennessee. this girl took her grandma's car keys and led police on a two-county chase with the headlights off, hitting speeds of 90 miles an hour. the girl is developmentally disabled. they don't know how she learned to drive a car. ben bernanke is sounding reque upbeat at the u.s. economy. he says it looks to be poised for recovery. president obama praising afghans for risking their lives this week to vote in the country's presidential election. he calls the process an important first step in a country that has seen so much violence and instability. the taliban threatened to derail the site. 26 people were killed in election day violence. incumbent president fazes dozens of challengers. preliminary results are expected next week. perhaps the final results by the fourth of september. the president and first
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family are heading to martha's vineyard for a summer vacation. trip advisers sent us pictures with numerous items on sale in local stores. a selection of obama t-shirts. even first dog bo will be getting in on the marketing blitz. others include ale to the chief beer. doesn't appear it will be a huge draw for tourists. a new poll asked about 4,000 americans if they were interested in visiting martha's vineyard because of the first family. 7% said yes. jacqueline kennedy onassis symbolized class, grace, and good taste. a new picture of her found might surprise some.
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hurricane bill is still out there. weaker, but still a powerful storm. it's category 2, as of 2:00 eastern. top sustained winds at 110 miles per hour. that's right on the threshold of 2 or 3. a hurricane watch still in bermuda where rain is falling. it may produce large waves all across the east coast. not expected to make a direct hi hit. >> it's about 6:00 local time. the tide is becoming really, really rough because of hurricane bill. it's supposed to be approaching saturday morning, early as 8:00 local time. it will be 150 miles off coast.
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>> it is friday the 21st of august. i'm here to report the surf as you can see has come up a light. >> yes, indeed. 15-year-old i-reporter reporting overnight and again this morning. that's in bermuda. hurricane bill brushes the island. you can see the advancing storm conditions certainly changed dramatically in just a few hours time. they live across from the beach. they're prepping for bill's landfall by boarding up their homes. even if the windows break they've got duct tape on them as a backup. it's very gray outside and the air is hot and thick with humidity and strong winds. she and her family have lived 11 years in bermuda. they expect bill will only drop two or three inches of rain on bermuda. the weather service predicts storm tides will raise the water levels as much as three feet
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along the coast. if you are pictures or video of breaking news or cool stories from where you are, go to and look for the upload now link. should a teenage girl be returned to ohio even though she fears being killed? a florida judge is considering that in a hearing under way right now. the 17-year-old girl ran away from home last month in columbus. police used phone records to trace her to an orlando based minister. she says she met him through facebook. her father threatened to kill her for converting. he told the associated press the family loves her and he never threatened to harm her. >> here's my issue. octo-mom is at it again. nadya suleman hit prime time with her fox special. she paraded the cameras through her home. but remember, she doesn't want to be in the spotlight. moments when the whole show felt like an endurance test to see
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how much screaming one mother can handle? it's hard to find a positive in this circus. maybe it can serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers of having too many kids. countless children with or fanned or malnourished having 14 kids is extremely arrogant and thoughtless. environmentally and emotionally. we already knew she was an attention hog. unfortunatelily she's also a resource hog. i'm jane velez-mitchell. that's my issue. >> don't miss issues tonight at 7:00 eastern. are you buying a product because you think it has oprah's endorsement? better check again. the talk show host and regular guest drvmt oz. are suing more than 400 businesses for using their images and names without permission. they include dietary supplements and wrinkle creams.
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archivists have found a new picture of jackie o in andy warhol's stuff. they began going through the boxes and boxes of things. they discovered an autographed picture of a naked jacqueline kennedy o onassis. she was a friend of warhol's they say the former first lady sent signed copy as a joke to andy warhol. the king of pop's final months for all to see on the big screen. when the tickets go on sale for upcoming michael jackson movie.
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a new raid is going on in the investigation of if death of michael jackson. a search is under way at mickey fine pharmacy in beverly hills. jackson used the pharmacy for years. michael jackson will now be buried on september 3rd.
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a private evening ceremony. originally his family wanted him laid to rest on what would have been his 51st birthday at forest lawn glendale cemetery in california. hit houses a stained glass replica of leonardo da vinc's last summer. tickets go on sale september 27th, a month before the limited run. sony is editting it now. his rehearsals for the comeback tour that was to have begun in london. he died three weeks before the first show. a little bit of neverland at the california state fair. three carnival rides at michael jackson's ranch are there. every friday at the fair, the first 5,000 people through the gates get a golden ticket good for a free ride on a former neverland amusement. today is the kickoff for the event. it runs through the 7th of september. the largest group of
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lutheran charges is making a major choice. whether to allow them in committed relationships. the lutheran church in america accepts gay clergy if their celibate. if the more liberal policy is adopted it could lead to a split in the nomination. we're talking about the soon to expire cash for clunkers program and what the government is doing. it's going to pull the plug here, probably by monday. stephanie elam is here to tell us what to look for in the last few days. >> reporter: if you've got a gas luz guzzler at home, time is running out to get cash for the clunker. the government is shutting down the $3 billion program on monday because it's almost out of money. they have to submit all paperwork by 8:00 p.m. eastern on monday to guarantee they'll get paid back for vouchers up to $4,500. the some stop offering the deals
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on sunday to make sure they have enough time to complete the paperwork. more than 450,000 clunker deals were reported. 1.9 billion dollars in rebates, chuck. >> are we going to see a huge rush this weekend? >> one is telling us he's planning a big advertising push, because he doesn't want to leave any dollars on the sidelines. we've been talking about it here. a lot of dealers have been frustrated with the whole program. in new york hundreds pulled out of the program all together. the government was taking too long to pay them back for the vouchers. the transportation department is adding more workers to speed up dealer reimbursements, chuck. >> if you want to take advantage, still what do you look out for? >> some customers are being asked to sign a form saying that they'll pay back the voucher money just in case the government reimbursement doesn't come through. also reports the that some dealerships are asking customers to wait to take their new car home until the government approves the paperwork. that's not allowed.
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if you have a clunkers deal, they have to give you the new car immediately. to qualify, your old car has to get 18 miles a gallon or less. it can't been more than 25 years old. you need to have owned it for l a year. this is the weekend to do if you're going to try it. >> only started july 27th, a lot of dealers may have been jumping the gun to think they'll get a check from the u.s. government in three weeks. >> they should remember tax season, perhaps. >> yeah, takes a long while. good to see you, thanks. a lot more of the business news online at check it out. what do you think was a cash for clunkers program a success or a failure? you can also text the word views plus your comment and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply and we'll have your responses on throughout the day. the dow is moving up rather smartly, as the week winds down after a cautious but upbeat
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assessment from the fed chairman. the dow is now up 152 points and that's pretty close to session highs trading at 9502. today ben bernanke said prospects are good and the economy will begin growing again and credit is still tight, which will hold things back. a report that existing home sales had their biggest jump in ten years and also boosted investor confidence. walmart is recalling more than a million dvd players because they can burst into flames. if you bought a dvd player from walmart they are dura brand sold from january 2006 until last month. walmart says they have 12 overheating complaints and five of them led to an actual fire and property damage. it's officially hawaii 5-0, happy birthday, hawaii. our 50th state turns 50 today. some people don't want to party. "usa today" is reporting that demonstrators wanting independence will rally outside the hawaii convention center.
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organizers feel the culture of the island has been exploited since the u.s. took over the hawaiian monarchy. a boy hopes to catch a foul ball at a ball game. >> one was almost impossible and two is like not going to happen.
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casey agentany cries during a court appearance today. we'll tell you what brought her to tears and what we're learning about a trial date. a former top white house official says politics almost led over into national security during the bush administration. what former homeland security keith homerage said he was pressured to do just days before the 2002 presidential election. a man confined to a wheelchair is tortured and killed and this woman, this woman you just saw said she did it. her jailout interview will shock you. here's the latest from hln news and views. i'm richelle carey thank you for your time on this friday. have some breaking news to get to right now.
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out of los angeles. cnn confirms there has been another raid in connection to the investigation into the death of michael jackson. investigators are searching the mickey fine pharmacy. this is in beverly hills, these are live pictures for you. the pop star apparently used this pharmacy for years. the website tmz is citing law enforcement forces of improper dispensing of controlled substances. it said that jackson got preskripgs for demorol and others. a pretrial hearing in the murder case against casey anthony may be a first look at her defense strategy. anthony teared up during this hearing today. the defense team said it wanted to head a texas equisearch to testify. one of her attorneys say testimony from the search leader will prove that casey anthony
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did not kill the little girl by showing caylee's body was placed where it was found after she was in jail. after the hearing, george and cindy anthony talked about seeing their daughter again. >> i just want to let you guys know that it was awesome to see my daughter today. it has been a long time since i've seen her and it just gives me a lot of, you, know, a lot of peace to see that she looks okay and she looks healthy and that's important to me. >> were you able to make any eye contact or any message to her? >> i was able to tell her that i loved her and she was able to tell back and george blew a kiss to her on the stand. >> i noticed you and casey were in tears when george took the stand. can you explain what was so emotional for you? >> because i saw casey's reaction to when george took the stand and it was like seeing her dad. she hasn't seen her dad for a very long time and when she started to sob, you know, it was a very emotional, very touching.
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so, thank you. >> get some follow oup to what happened today. the judge will rule next week on a request by casey anthony's defense team to review the records of thousands of search volunteers. an attorney for texas equisearch and said the search was too broad and would have a chilling effect for future volunteers. we are also follow disturbing new details on the gruesome details of a former swimsuit model. the prime suspect is her ex-husband. a reality tv contestant. ryan alexander jenkins is charged in her death and is on the run. the mutilated body of 28-year-old fiore was found stuffed in a suitcase in a trash bin near los angeles over the weekend. a preliminary coroner's report indicates she was strangled.
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police also say that her teeth and fingers had been removed presumably to make it harder for authorities to identify her. jenkins is believed to have driven 1,000 miles to washington state and then police say he may have taken a boat to a peninsula on the border where he just walked into xu nadian territory. >> while we believe he has crossed into canada, we're not 100% sure of that and there will be no stone unturned and we will look under every rock for him. he needs to understand that he is now officially wanted. that we don't stop looking for him. >> family and friend are pleading with people not to help jenkins avoid police. they were married in las vegas in march and they started fighting a few month later because jenkins was jealous of her ex-boyfriends. he said fiore had the marriage anulled. the family friend who said fiore was like her daughter said she
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was on cloud nine after meeting jenkins. fiore's ex-boyfriend said as far as he's concerned, jenkins is a monster. >> ryan jenkins is an animal. what he has done to jasmine is unspeakable. it's just not right and i appreciate your help. please understand who you're helping leave this country and we ask for your support to bring rien to custody. >> she didn't tell me that she married him. she told me the day that they met, which was st. patrick's day. she called me the day after and she said, mommy, i met the most perfect guy in the world and his name is ryan and she just went on and on and on about ryan and how perfect he was and that was all i knew.
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>> tmz obtained the last-known photos of the couple together these were taken on august 3rd at the palm hotel. well, breaking news in the search for ryan jenkins. tonight, nancy grace will have all the latest developments. tune in at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern time right here on hln. hurricane bill is weaker and still a pretty strong storm, though. now a category 2 hurricane. topped sustained winds at 110 miles per hour. a hurricane watch is in effect for bermuda where rain is falling right now and the storm may produce large waves along the east coast of the u.s. this weekend, but should not make a direct hit. president obama says afghanistan has taken an important step forward in a news conference from the white house today. the president congratulated the country for holding its presidential election yesterday. he also praised the afghan people for turning out to vote in the face of intimidation. that's a quote. and the president also reacted today to this elaborate
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homecoming for a convicted terrorist in libya. a huge crowd in tripoli, italy, welcomed al megrahi yesterday. he was released from a scottish prison after eight years of a prison sentence. he admitted to blowing up the pan am 103 flight over lockerbie scotland. the families were calling the court's decision deeply stressing. asked to stop before he left the white house for a weekend at camp david. >> i think it was highly objectable. >> 270 people were killed when that pan am flight exploded just before christmas in 1988. libya paid $1.5 billion to the victims' families a year ago. that was to end lawsuits in the case and to normalize relations with the u.s.
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you will likely find this next report highly disturbing. we want to stress the content of this piece is graphic. you're about to hear a woman confess to a violent murder and get explicit details about the alleged crime. the woman, her name is angela simpson and she spoke with melissa wingate of our affiliate in phoenix. she has not been charged or arraigned, although she has been arrested in the murder of terry neely. again, we're going to caution you, the story contains graphic descriptions of violence. >> did you kill mr. neely? >> yes, i did. >> why? >> i don't want my, my children or the people i consider family to be in a place where there are snitches. >> we sat down for a jailhouse interview with 33-year-old angela simpson. the woman accused of mutilating and dismembering terry neely, a man simpson said she barely knew. he lived down the home in an
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assisted living home but often road around in his motorized wheelchair. >> he told me that. >> so what did you do to him? >> i killed him. >> how did you do it? >> i beat him to death. >> for how long? >> how long did i beat him? >> 45 minutes, an hour. >> he was there for three days, right? >> yes. >> what did you do during that time? >> well, i killed him and cut him up. show us where it happened. we went to the vacant apartment. and took an exclusive look inside the murder scene. we found the carpets ripped and bleach she used to clean the blood after hammering a three inch nail into neely's brain. did you pull out his teeth or put a hammer into his head and put a nail in his brain? >> yes. >> was he alive during this? >> some of it. >> was he watching, looking in a marer? >> yes. >> why did you do that? >> i wanted him to see what he
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deserved. >> she made him watch through this mirror. >> is this the first time you've done this? >> no. >> what else have you done? >> it's not. >> but you killed other people? >> they'll find that out. >> will you admit you killed other people? >> how many? >> that's irrelevant. >> why did you kill them? >> same reasons. >> simpson doesn't consider herself a serial killer she claims she killed a few. >> i believe child molesters should be killed. >> as for neely, she lured him inside offering drugs and sex and then after three days of torture dumped his burned body in the trash can. when police tracked it back to simpson, she was already in jail accused of an armed robbery the day after the murder. and her reaction? >> kind of relieved, actually. >> why relieved? >> because, finally -- >> finally what? >> no, i just -- >> finally they caught you. >> yes. >> because you've been doing this for a while? >> yeah. >> for how long? >> a while. >> she fakes medication and
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might be considered mentally ill. >> you think something is wrong with you? >> i think something is wrong with the world that i live in, but according to other people, yes, something is wrong with me. >> as for something being wrong with murdering terry neely -- >> do you feel get guilty? >> guilty for ridding the world of a snitch? no, i don't feel guilty. >> she won't elaborate on the other murders but what she would want to say to the families of the victims. quote, they shouldn't have bread what they bread. >> all right, hln has confirmed that because this is a new case, simpson does not have an attorney yet. no attorney has been assigned to her. hln asked the court whether she has undergone or will undergo a psychological evaluation and the court told hln that a mental evaluation has not yet happened but it could happen. it will be at least a month or so if requested and if the judge approves that. hln is back with more news in a moment.
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the former homeland security chief sedan election year dispute convinced him to resign from the bush administration. all right, in this new book, tom ridge says he was pushed to raise the terror alert level just days before the 2004 presidential election. ridge writes, this is a quote, i wondered if this is about security or politics. well, attorney general john ashcroft and donald rumsfeld wanted it and one former bush administration disputes ridge's version of events. >> not only do i not think that it played, politics played any part of it at all, it was never discussed. the only thing discussed was earlier that summer a threat against the financial district. there was the bin laden tape and then another tape, kiran, but a u.s. citizen who was a member of alcada and it was a very threatening tape. so, the discussion really
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revolved around what the intelligence was. no discussion of politics whatsoever. >> kind of a he said/she said. in the end, the terror alert level was not raised and tom ridge resigned on november 30th, weeks after the election. if you want to take advantage of the cash for clunkers program, you need to get moving now. this program ends monday roo night, you know the deal. you turn in your gas guzzler and get a rebate on a new car. almost half a million cars have been sold under this pretty popular program, but many dealers say they're still waiting to get paid. as of yesterday, only 7% of claims the dealers submitted have actually been paid. we've been asking for your views on the cash for clunkers program. got a pretty big response on our facebook page and i posted this question. if you want to get in on that, search richelle carey on facebook. pam wrote this, my son is an auto tech at a dealership and he said people were trading in 2004
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to 2006 cars and trucks as clunkers when they weren't. lots of new cars and trucks because people wanted quick money. i think if used right, it was a good idea, but not in this case. that's pam's example. jennifer says big waste, but, again, what about government isn't? tom said this program had no accountable from the start, just hurry up and give out more of our money. jean said on one hand it helps with the overall car sales which will get the auto industry back up and running. will it be able to keep up the payments or go deeper in the hole? jean is trying to look ahead to what is the long-term effect of this. john said i feel the program boosted the program in auto sales overall and everyone thought it was great when they were flooding the market with sales and now that it's a waiting game, they want to cry foul. so, most people actually were not feeling the program, but i don't know, it was pretty popular. facebook comments. we still want to hear your
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comments at hln. lots of topics there that you can comment on. check them out at if you twitter, you'll soon be seeing a big change. i mean, a big one. the newest feature of the social networking is rolling out, it promises to put you in your place.
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an update on a story that we had been telling you about
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today. this is just coming in. a judge in florida says a teenage girl will stay in that state for now. this is the situation. a 17-year-old girl from ohio who claimed that her father threatened to kill her because she converted from islam to christianity. she ran away from her home in columbus last month. police used phone records to trace her to an orlando-based minister. she says she met through facebook. her father told the associated press her family loves her and that he never threatened to harm her. there will be another hearing september 3rd. but, for now, the 17-year-old this teenager from ohio can stay in florida. stocks off. some of these strongest gains in days. some of the cred, no doubt, goes to the fed chair. it wasn't me that did it, stephanie. had nothing to do with my uplifting thinking at all? >> had nothing to do with you being happy and cherry and nothing to do with me coming back from a few days away.
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stocks did stage another rally making it four days of gains in a row on wall street. helped boost the major averages and a better than expected report out of the housing sector also helped give stocks a lift. at the close, the dow rose 155 points to 9505 and nasdaq gained 1.5% and the s&p 500 tacked on nearly 2%. fed chairman ben bernanke said the economy is about to start growing again, although he cautions the recovery will be slow and employment will by high in the near future. businesses and consumers will continue to have trouble accessing credit. a report out this morning shows sales of previously owned homes posting the largest increase just last month. the national association of realtors said sales of existing homes was a whopping 7.2% in july and analysts say it appears first-time buyers are rushing to take advantage of a tax credit that appears in the fall. another incentance could be prices.
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15% lower than a year ago. richelle, at least we're ending on a nice note, even if it had nothing to do with us. >> but that is a fantastic number. 7.2%. good stuff. all right, have a good weekend. looks like you already started your weekend, girl. all right, listen to this. the social networking center twitter is featuring a new feature. ready, it is getting ready to launch a gps-based feature which will tell users the real-time place of other users. privacy is not an issue because the user can choose to display that application. applications let you read the tweets of anyone within two miles of your current position, even if you don't regularly follow their feed. there's also speculation advertisers could use the information to target twilter users their businesses with geo-targeted ads. it's nazis or nuth figure you're an adult looking for a
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new movie this weekend. critics are saying about "inglorious bastards." )d)d)d)d)d
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cnn confirms there's been another raid in the investigation into the death of michael jackson. investigators are searching the mickey fine pharmacy in beverly hills. this is a pharmacy that michael jackson apparently used for years. the website tmz citing law enforcement source investigators are looking for evidence of improper dispensing of controlled substances. michael jackson got drugs, got prescriptions for demeral and many other drugs at mickey fine. the latest there. we also confirmed that michael jackson will be buried september 3rd. a private evening ceremony,
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originally a family wanted him to be laid to rest on august 29th, on what would have been his 51st birthday. jackson will be buried in the great mausoleum which houses a replica of da vinci's last supper. a pretrial hearing may be a look at her defense strategy. anthony teared up during this hearing today. the defense team said they wanted the head of texas equisearch to testify. they looked for casey then missing daughter, caylee. one of her attorney said testimony from the search leader will prove that casey anthony did not kill the little girl by showing that caylee's body was placed where it was found after casey was in jail. after the hearing, george and cindy anthony talked about seeing their daughter, again. >> i just want to let you guys know that it was awesome to see my daughter today. it has been a long time since i've seen her and its it just gives me a lot of, you know, a
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lot of peace to see she looks okay and she looks healthy and that's important to me. >> were you able to make any eye contact or any message to her? >> i was able to tell her that i loved her and george was able to blow her a kiss when he was coming off the stand. i know it meant a lot to him. >> absolutely. >> you and casey were in tears. can you explain why it was so emotional for you. >> i saw casey's reaction when george took the stand and it was like seeing her dad, she hasn't seen her dad for a very long time and when she started to sob it was a very emotional and very touching. so, thank you. >> anthony's lead attorney also spoke after the hearing and explained why the defense team want to review the records of thousands of search volunteers. >> make a sound ruling based on the law and every single issue is important. we don't make, we don't make
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emotional, as we feel it is important and because someone's life is at stake and because casey anthony is innocent, we feel that every single issue and every single stone, no stone would be left unturned. >> the judge says he will rule next week on a request by casey anthony's defense team to review those records of the search volunteers. an attorney for texas equisearch said the request was too broad and would have a chilling effect on volunteers for future searches. he argued the defense should only be given information on 32 volunteers who searched the area where caylee's body was found. a massive search is under way for reality tv contestant charged with the gruesome killing of his ex-wife, a swimsuit model. the 28-year-old's boughty was found in a suitcase in a trash bin near los angeles over the weekend. police say the prime suspect is her ex-husband, ryan alaxeneder jenkins. a canadian. the united states marshal
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service has approved a reward of $25,000 for information leading directly to the arrest of jenkins. he appeared on vh-1's "megan wants a millionaire." tmz obtained the last-known photos of the couple together at the palms hotel. fi, re was strangled and in another disturbing twist her teeth and fingers had been removed, presumably to make it harder for authorities to identify her. jenkins is believed to have driven 1,000 miles to washington state. police say then he may have taken a boat to a peninsula on the border where he walk under to canadian territory. >> while we believe he has cross under to canada, we're not 100% sure of that. and there will be no stone unturned and we will look under every rock for him. he needs to understand that he's now officially wanted. that we don't stop looking for him. >> new developments in the search for ryan jenkins tonight,
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nancy grace will have all the latest on that, be sure to tune in at 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. eastern time right here on hln. federal reserve chairman ben bernanke is sounding upbeat about the u.s. economy. and in his speech today bernanke said the u.s. economy looks like it's poised for a recovery and economic activity in the u.s. and around the world appears to be leveling out. and wall street ended the week on an upnote. better than expected existing home sale numbers and with the fed chair's encouraging words. pretty good game. look at that, the dow jones industrial average finished the day up almost 156 points and closed at 9505 and all the broader indexes also posted gains. nice way to end the week. hurricane bill is weaker, still pretty strong, though. it's a category 2 hurricane now topped sustained winds of 120 miles per hour. hurricane watch is in effect for bermuda and rain is falling there right now.
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the storm may produce large waves along the east coast this weekend, but should not make a direct hit. if you've been in the ocean this summer, you might have noticed a big change. warmer water. in fact, the world's oceans are the warmest on record this summer. that's according to the government agency that keeps weather records that's in charge of tracking these things. the global average ocean temperature was 32.6 degrees. that is the hottest since record keeping began in 1880. previous record was set in 1988. they blame the el nino water pattern and manmade global warming. the country's largest group of luthern churches is making a major choice today. whether to allow guy and lesbian ministers in committed relationships. evangelical lutheran church in america accepts guy clergy if they're celibate. conservatives say the more liberal policy is adopted it could lead to splits in the
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denomination, much as more guy tolerant policies have done in the episcopal church. president obama reacted today to this elaborate homecoming for convicted terrorists in libya. the huge crowd in tripoli, libya celebrated the arrival of al g magrahi yesterday. he is convicted of blowing up pan am flight 103 over lockerbie scotland in 1988. victims' families were calling the court's decision deeply upsetting and deeply distressing. president obama was asked to stop before he left the white house for a weekend at camp david. >> what about the hero's welcome in libya? >> i think it was highly objectionable. >> 270 people were killed when that pan am flight exploded just before christmas in 1988.
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libya paid $1.5 million to the victim's families a year ago and that was to end lawsuits into the case of normalized relations with the u.s. the former homeland security chief says an election year dispute convinced him to resign from the bush administration. in his new book, tom ridge says he was pushed to raise the terror alert level just days before the 2004 presidential election. this is what ridge wrote. "i wondered if this is about security or politics. well, attorney general john ashcroft and donald rumsfeld wanted it at least one former bush administration figure is dismissing ridge's account of what happened saying heeds just trying to sell books. in the end, the terror alert level was not raised and tom ridge resigned november 30th, weeks after the election. jacqueline kennedy onassis symbolized grace and good taste and a picture recently found of her in andy warhol's belongings
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might surprise some people.
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got a breaking update on the story we have been following today. a judge in florida has ruled that for now a teenage girl can stay in that state. this is a background on this. the 17-year-old girl from ohio who claimed that her father threatened to kill her because she converted from islam to christianity. she ran away last month from her home in columbus and police had to use phone records to trace her to a minister based in orlando that she said she met through facebook. the father told the associated press her family loves her and that he never threatened to harm her. there is going to be another hearing on the situation on september 3rd.
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archivests have found a nude picture of jackie o. in andy warhol's stuff. famous artist died in 1987 and left behind antiques, clothes and a few other things, apparently. archive is hired by his foundation and recently started going through boxes and boxes of things and among items discovered an autographed picture of a naked jackie o. who was a good friend of warhols and a frequent visitor to his beach house in long island. they asked photographer to take pictures of his wife, skinny dipping. she sent a signed copy to warhol as a joke. may not be a clunker, but a brand-new lamborghini. it has been labelled a lemon. now, the owner is waiting for a refund for every last one of the $242,000 he laid out for this thing. live anchor catherine callaway is here with more on
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one of the very popular stories on our website today because we're all living through this guy who, at least for a time, had a lamborghini. >> yeah, $240,000 car, it ought to fly, like literally for that much money. this is a story about a seattle real estate investor who bought a lamborghini that he loves the style, the way it handles, but what he didn't love was the screeching sound that came from the brakes every time he applied them. it was such a problem that he took it back to the dealer and the dealer worked on it and said it was a mystery to them. they weren't able to fix it. ralph returned to the dealer and tried to get someone to repair it, a month later, still, couldn't, were unable to repair the problem. that's when things got really serious for ralph. he drove his car from seattle all the way down to his part-time home in scottsdale, arizona, where three lamborghini specialists from los angeles, boston and italy all worked on it, replacing parts here and
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there but no luck, eventually, he said that the lamborghini representatives just stopped answering his phone calls so he filed the claim under washington state's lemon law. richelle, he won. he said, the arbitrator said that the lamborghini must refund the full purchase price, $240,000. by the way, this is his second lamborghini. so, he obviously knows that the brakes aren' supposed to sound like that. >> that's exactly the point. he knows what it is supposed to sound like and he tried to be a loyal customer on top of that and then they had the nerve to stop answering his phone calls. >> well, you know, it's gertz, don't answer it. >> what a story. go check this out at dotcom. go check it out. apparently, the big one. storms have not hit southern california yet, but what is it that we're not looking in the right place? >> well, we're thinking maybe we're looking too far south.
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maybe not in l.a., maybe we need to go north a little and look at washington state because of new research that came out says t t that, well, first of all, you remember that quake back in 2001 that hit seattle, it reached 6.8 and they're saying because of some new data that shows that the pacific fault lines are closer to the shore than previously believed that seismologists are saying maybe we should keep a closer eye on washington state. damage from a future quake could be much greater than that one that hit back in 2001. they believe that seattle's highways would collapse and that there would be some 200,000 homes that would be considered vulnerable if this quake were to hit. so, richelle, some homeowners there are taking this seriously already. retro fitting their home and i'm thinking, hey, mr. gertz, that 2 $240,000, you're living in seattle. maybe you should divert some of that money. it is about $5,000, on average, to retrofit your home.
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might be money well spent. maybe. >> well. good stuff today, catherine. thanks. have a good weekend. >> you, too. speaking of weekends, this is the last weekend for the cash for clunkers program. was it a success?
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prime news is coming up in just a few minutes. if you can just hang tight. i was like, mike, folks want to see you. mike came down to give you a preview of what's happening at the top of the hour. >> casey anthony back in court today and, for once, we see a little bit of emotion. little bit. we talked a lot about that. she has been very stone faced. why no tears? a little bit of emotion today and we'll examine that and the defense says they have evidence that little caylee's body was moved while casey was in jail. that's where they're going with this. we'll take your calls 1-877-tell-hln is the number. also keeping you updated on thes massive manhunt for ryan jenkins accused of murdering his ex-wife ja jasmine fiore. the belief is he is on the run
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and made it into his native canada near a place where his mom lives. we'll update you on that and take your calls, comments and theories. love to hear from you. every friday we do what matters and that's richelle's department. reopening the troy davis case. >> he has been on death row for 18 years. can you imagine being on death row for 18 years if you innocent you're innocent. we'll talk to troy davis' sister because this week he got another say. last fall he came within two hours of being executed. we'll talk to a legal expert to say what now and we'll talk to troy davis' sister. the person who died here was an off-duty police officer and his family still thinks troy davis is guilty. two families involved here, not just troy davis. there is a person who died and a family that believes that they still want justs and they think they have gotten justice with troy davis being on death row. we'll try to cover as many angles as we can. >> michael jackson, another pharmacy has been raided.
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this one next to the office of his dermatologist. all that and more coming your way when richelle and i come your way in ten minutes. listen to this, if you want to take advantage of the cash for clunkers program, got to get moving now. this program ends monday night. monday night. you get a gas guzzler, turn it in, get a rebate on a new car. 500,000 cars have been sold. as of yesterday only 7% of claims submitted to the government have been paid. we are asking for your views on the cash for clunkers program. some of you have been saying. this is what mike wrote, not my galanos. he won't get on my page. this is a waste of taxpayer money because most dealers will never see a penny of that money
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back to them. there was so much exclusionary stipulation a lot of people couldn't trade in their old cars, it didn't help, period. gm had to hire more workers and increase production. i think it was a great idea to get people out spending money again. obama rules. too bad you bush lovers can't take what you dish out. all you do is complain, complain, complain. we need to think about conserving our natural resources and this program was not a waste. jennifer wrote, big waste, but then again what about government isn't. jean says overall car sales will get the auto industry up and running but will people keep up the payments or go deeper in the hole. king of pop's final months will be on the big screen. when tickets will go on sale for
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the upcoming michael jackson movie. ñññoññ ooññyñq
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