tv Nancy Grace HLN August 22, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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breaking news tonight, live to l.a., a quiet apartment community reeling after a suitcase discovered in the communal dumpster opened to reveal a female body. the mystery as to the identity goes unsolved for days as well as how she came to be murdered, and then thrown away like trash. we confirm that the body folded inside that suitcase is 28-year-old swimsuit model jasmine fiori. tonight, as details emerge, the murder turns even more heinous.
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fiori, brutally beaten, and her teeth pulled out of her head. her fingers removed to conceal identity. how did they i.d. the body? serial numbers on fiori's breast implants. her body that traumatized. and in a bizarre twist, a reality tv star wanted in connection for the murder. bombshell tonight! while california investigators announce an arrest warrant for reality tv show ryan jenkins, his luxury bmw and boat trailer found abandoned on the u.s./canadian border. in another stunning development, jenkins takes the coast guard on a high-speed chase escaping the u.s. by speedboat. we uncover jenkins' history of violence, a pattern of abusing
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women. with each passing hour, we piece together a time line leading up to fiori's murder as stunning photos surface of fiori and jenkins living it up at a luxury vegas hotel seemingly in love just before fiori's brutal murder. we now know jenkins has a pilot's license. we eluded u.s. police, canadian mown tauntie mounties, and to him, money is no object. where he is tonight? anybody's guess. we now have a warrant for the arrest of ryan alexander jenkins for the murder of jasmine. >> a reality tv contestant ont the run now charged with the gruesome killing of a swimsuit body. the mutilated body of jasmine
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fiori was found stuffed in a suitcase in a trash bin. >> the question was about mutilation, and the fingers and teeth were removed. >> and they said at the press conference that i don't think that anybody was prepared to hear that, and you could hear the gasping in the background and the family members crying. this person obviously didn't want her to be identified or identified quickly. >> police say that the prime suspect is a canadian ryan alexander jenkins. he is believed to have driven 1,000 miles to washington state and take anne boat to a peninsula on the border, point roberts, washington, where he could merely walk into canadian territory. >> he needs to understand that he is now officially wanted. we don't stop looking for him. there will be no stone unturned, and we will look under every rock for him. >> please understand who you are helping to leave this country, and we ask for your support the bring ryan to custody. >> good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being
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with us. breaking news tonight, reality tv star wanted for murder after leading the coast guard on a high-speedboat chase, a $10 million arrest warrant out for the alleged killer of 28-year-old model jasmine fiori. >> brian jenkins is an animal. >> new developments in the murder of a swimsuit model, jasmine fiori. her body was stuffed into a suitcase and authorities believe she was strangled to death. >> we have a warrant for the arrest of ryan alexander jenkins. >> what he has done to jasmine is -- unspeakable. >> tonight they say that this man did it. right now police are looking for him. >> in another disturbing twist, police say that fiori's teeth and fingers had been removed presumably to make it difficult if not impossible for an i.d. to be made. >> and took off the fingers and no fingerprints and take out the teeth so you have no dental records. >> they believe he may have fled
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to canada on foot and they are warning he may be armed an dangerous. >> he files a missing person's report and drives 1,000 miles to canada? they say they found his vehicle then they say they found his boat that was registered to him, but one other piece of information there, there was a report this morning that one of the relatives was seen dropping off in the area. >> anybody who assists him, helms him in any way is also subject to being charged as aiding and abetting and harboring a fugitive. straight out to john baird with knax 1070, and john, it cannot get anymore bizarre than it has. what can you till me about a high-speedboat chase? in all of the years i prosecuted cases, i have never heard of someone managing to elude the coast guard in a high-speedboat chase? >> nancy to, be honest with you, the information on the story is changing so fast, that i just
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learned of the high-speedboat chase myself. we know he took the boat over the peninsula, and spotted in the marina and they are saying they know he is in canada, but this is the first i have heard about the boat chase with the coast guard. >> it is incredible. >> it is. >> and out to tony with the district attorney's office, in all of the years you have been with law enforcement, have you ever heard of anyone managing to outrun the coast guard in a high-speedboat chase? >> no, i haven't seen that. that is of course very unusual, and you know, he abandoned the boat and got the shore and abandoned to boat, and, you know, he fled on foot after that. he has not been seen since, so this is a very unusual case, but, you know, he will turn up, and we will get him pretty soon. >> you are seeing a map of the canadian border, and jenkins allegedly on the run. explain to me, john baird, how he did it. >> how he took off? are you talking about the time line? >> yes. >> basically they went to san
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diego thursday night and supposedly checked into an upscale hotel and reports that they had a blowout fight that night at the hilton. he checked out -- >> over what? a fight over what? >> he checked out the next morning. >> over what? >> my understanding from the reports i have seen, he is very jealous and has to do with other men. but basically the report that i saw said they went back to the hotel and continued to argument and the next morning he took off, and friday, he filed a missing person's report on saturday night and he said that the last time he had seen her was friday afternoon when she dropped him off at the apartment in l.a., and he is saying they went to l.a. and she dropped him off and went to run errands and saturday night, he files the missing report and disappears, but the body was found saturday morning and they could not identify it because the fingers and the teeth missing. >> so that is in direct contradiction to his story, because he said he was with her
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that afternoon with her nails done. her body had been found that morning. i want to go out to dr. howard oliver, former deputy forensic pathologist joining us ot of l.a. we are taking the calls live. you are taking a look at reality tv star ryan jenkins, and now deceased swimsuit model jasmine fiori. he is on the run. we know he has a pilot's license, and he has eluded police with a high-speedboat chase, and money is no object to this guy, and where he is is anybody's guess. in all of the years i have covered stories and prosecuted people, i have never heard of somebody's body being identified by a serial number on a breast implant. have you? >> i have heard of bodies being identified on medical devices such as a pacemaker or hip
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replacements, and it is -- and i have heard of instances where people were identified by implants in their breasts. >> you have heard of that before? >> yes, i have. >> i have never seen that. to you cheryl mccullom, crime analyst and director of the cold case squad pine lake pd, that is a new one on me. >> new one on me. nancy, never. >> and our psychotherapist, i have had it up to here with people on air, analysts, analyzing her like she is is a piece of trash, just like he allegedly left her, because of her occupation. this was not a hooker. this is not a stripper. this is a young lady just 28 years old, who was a model, a swimsuit model. she had gone on to get her real estate license and trying to develop a career as a personal trainer. why is everyone focusing on the
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victim? smearing her in the mud like she did something wrong? >> i am sure i don't know, because sipt easy for people to say, why is she with him, if he is bad? well, these guys are charismatic and i told him accountable and not her. i would check plastic surgeons, also, because i would not put anything past him to elude police. >> and tina joins us. >> caller: hi, nancy. how are you tonight? >> i'm good. what is your question? >> caller: well, i have two quick questions. number one, first of all, say they find him in canada or some other country, can he be tried here in the u.s.? >> if he is extradited, tina, and the problem with canada is that they get a whiff of the word death penalty, and they very likely will not extradite. that's the problem and it depends upon where he goes. now, back to you, to stacy butler, reporting with cnn affiliate kcal, and what can you tell me about daddy owning a
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apparently an enclave or resort enclave in honduras? >> well, that is what we have heard that he has a rich father, and it is possible that he could be there, although we spoke with a bounty hunter on the phone who is actively looking for him tonight, and he says that all leads, nancy, lead to canada. that is where they are focusing all of their efforts right now. >> unleash the lawyers. gloria allred, doug burns, and radford cohen. and gloria, certainly the canadian police have put a tap on the parents and the family and friends' phones up there in canada, right? >> well, it is no question that they would be actively involved in looking for him. >> what about it, bradford? >> i would think that the first place that you would go is to stake tout house and stake out their phone and tap his cell phone. i am sure they will check if it has been bounced off of any towers in the area. i mean, that is rudimentary. >> and doug burns, what is to stop him from going to an fbo,
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fixed base operator, a private airstrip and just taking off for honduras? >> well, i ha erd you say that earlier, and that is a as a pilot license makes it tougher, but they will track him down, you will see. your question was about mutilation? >> yes, we are prepared to answer that question at this time. yes, the fingers and the teeth were removed. >> all of them?
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investigators say that jenkins was spotted in washington just south of his native canada. >> it is our belief that the suspect has crossed the border into canada, and we are currently working with the royal canadian mounted police in our attempts to locate him. >> his black bmw hauling a boat was abandoned in the blaine marina near port roberts. the sister town sitting on a peninsu peninsula, and they are part of the u.s., but only accessible from british columbia. he is wanted in connection of the murder of jasmine fiori. the model's body was found saturday in a suitcase left in bueno park. she was just returning from las vegas, where court records say
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jenkins was arrested for hitting her in the arm earlier this year. he also served 15 months probation for assault on a woman in canada. >> he has been in two different instances with two girls, one being jasmine and he has a complaint against him in las vegas for hitting jasmine with his fist in the arm, and he has been convicted in canada, and this is two years for an ex-girlfriend for attacking her and with battery, and this charge, he actually had to go to domestic violence counseling and sex addiction therapy. >> straight out to sergeant duncan pound of the canadian mounted royal police. he is joining us from vancouver. thank you for being with us. sergeant, i understand that many authorities believe he is hiding in the metro vancouver area. why do they believe that? >> well, at this point, i guess, nancy, some of the original indicators were that he was attempting to enter canada, but at this point, we have not confirmed that he is in canada,
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and we are obviously not taking any chances and doing a thorough investigation the find out if he is here. >> have you received tips from the public? >> we have received a relatively minor number of tips from the public. obviously, there has been a lot of media attention and we do get calls from people who think they look like him, and we follow those up, and there has been nothing corroborated that he is in can dat a this time. >> bhe is dr. duncan pound from the royal canadian mounted police. sergeant, i understand he has a pilot's license. how do you prevent him from going to an fbo, a fixed base operator, a private airstrip, and taking off? because there is very little safeguards. you don't have the show i.d. to hop on one of those planes. >> absolutely, that is a challenge for one of the things that we are trying to do is to make sure we are proactive with the media getting all of the information out there so that we can do community-based policing where the community can assist us in locating a person. >> sergeant pound, where did he
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get his pilot's license? because i am wondering if he would not try to go back somewhere familiar to escape the country? >> and that is a good point, nancy. certainly, we do have a bunch of things that we are doing on our investigation and a bunch of people working on the ground on things burk s things, but at this point, we don't want to tip our hand of where we are looking or not looking so the information does not get to the wrong people. >> what type of operation is in place the try to locate him? >> the canadian royal mounted police have a post here in the lower mainland of the vancouver area. we have disseminated the information towel a of the surrounding detachments and municipal police forces and partnered up with the canada policing agency and liaisoning with the u.s. marshals and we
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have an extensive network and information provided by the u.s. authorities, and i can tell you now that there is a provisional arrest warrant for mr. jenkins here in canada. >> what is a provisional arrest warrant? what is that? >> that is the warrant to signal the start of a extradition process. if he were located in canada, there is an extradition process where the canadian courts would rule on whether he would be extradited. >> well, thank you. right now, i am joined by caroline jarvis from the cnn affiliate global news, and she is there at the point roberts border crossing. caroline, thank you for being with us. caroline -- >> my pleasure. thank you, nancy. >> what can you tell me -- was there an alert posted there at the border crossing where we believe he entered into canada? >> and not that we are aware of, and in the media we received
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word that there is suspicions through authorities that there was a chance that he had entered on foot. now, this is an interesting border crossing, because it is an interesting part of the country. port roberts behind me is washington state and right now i'm standing in the province of british columbia, and right now people are lined up to get across the border and getting across is easier than you would think, and we will get to the details in a moment, nancy. >> we are live in the u.s./canadian border and they are at point roberts crossing and is that where the man wanted for the murder of u.s. swimsuit model jasmine fiori made off being chased by the u.s. cocoast guard in a high-speedboat chase?
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possibly armed with a handgun. again, as we ask for the public's health in canada and the united states, use caution, because we want our citizens and law enforcement officials to be safe when they take him into custody. we believe he is armed with a handgun. >> he doesn't just have a pilot's license, because he was an instructor at calgary flight training center. we know it for a fact, because it would allow him to fly great distances in a plane for instance like a cessna. i want to go to sheryl mccullom, and cold case crime analyst and director of pine lake p.d. what about the car? >> well, her car could have trace evidence and her blood that came off of him, and the car is a staging process for him. he dumped that car somewhere to make the police believe that she was kidnapped. >> out to the lines. kathy in west virginia. >> caller: hi, nancy.
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how are you? >> i'm good. what is your question? >> caller: i was a fan of "megan wants a millionaire" and when i saw the picture, it floored me. one thing i remember in the first interactions that they showed with megan, ryan made it clear he could not work in the u.s., and that he was interested in getting a green card. do you think that maybe that was a motive for maybe jasmine refused to go with that plan? >> that is a great question. what about it, to you, stacy butler? >> well, it is hard to say if that had anything to do with it. there is a couple of things that i want to address, nancy. one, we have talked a lot about he is armed and dangerous. how do we know that? there is word that the missing handgun may have belonged to jasmine fiori, because she is a registered gun owner. police searched the apartment and the information we have is that they were not able to recover it. that is one piece. and also, 3300 miles of open border across canada.
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so if he files a flight plan, he is on the radar, and does he do that? >> well, the flight plan could be completely opposite of where he flies. when we come back, we are going back to the u.s./canadian border and standing by is caroline jarvis with cnn global news. >> jasmine was a beautiful person. she was a very caring individual. she loved her family and friends.
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murder charges have been filed in the brutal death of 28-year-old swimsuit model jasmine fiori. >> we have a warrant for the arrest of ryan alexander jenkins for murder of jasmine. >> police in california say that the suspect, jenkins, went to such gruesome extremes to stall authorities from identifying the body that he actually removed her teeth and fingers. she was identified using the serial number from her breast
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implants. the family says that the guy is an animal. >> obvious he would not want her to be i.d.'d. can you imagine smashing her body and removing her fingers? >> this is a planned execution of a woman. i am sure they are looking in the files to see if there are any unsolved murder ins the area. >> there is not a crime of passion, but only the crime of what you are willing to do if the opportunity arises, and this guy is a psychopath and when the time came to possession, he did what he wanted to do with her. >> here is my question with john from kxtn 670, why do i keep seeing photos of him without a shirt on? did he want to be a model? >> i don't know. maybe so. maybe it is the whole image thing, and to be honest with you, the first thing i thought of in this case was the scott peterson case, but in any event
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because women describe him as good looking and charming. >> well, how many guys do you know, i'm just throwing it out john baird, have a head shot from the belt up without your clothes on? i mean, i don't know, john, you are the tv business, so i don't guess that your head shots include you from the belt up without your clothe os someone >> no, it does not. it looks like modeling photos so maybe that is what he wants to go. >> and that is a whole other can of worms. there he is, everybody. focus on the face if you can. ryan jenkins, 32, and daddy with loads of money and he has a pilot's license and access to go wherever he wants to, and remember, once you get on the little cessna that you rent, you can veer off your chartered plan. you don't have to fly where you say you are going. what are they going to do about it? once you are out of u.s./canadian air space, you are on your own. i want to go back to the
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u.s./canadian border and standing by is caroline jarvis with the global national report with the cnn affiliate global news, and caroline, walk me through how this happened, and i am already learning from you, no posting up or alert, nothing at the u.s./canadian border as if this woman means nothing. it is like they invite them, please, come hide in canada. >> okay. no invitation to come to canada. be clear, and the welcome mat is not out by canadian authorities, because they are looking for him high and low, but getting into canada at this point from the suds pretty easy if you are determined to do it. in fact, even if you are not. today, we found a couple at a local cafe that took us down to a old trail well used and weaved behind a row of homes in a subdivision, and all we saw was a warning sign that says you are about to enter the united states of america, and poof, you are there. it is as easy as that, or heck,
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if you want to walk across the beach and you can row a boat across the water and get, there and it is interesting, because you remember back in june of 2009 this year, we just implemented all of the strict enforcement regulations, the enhanced driver's license, and everything to beef up security across this international divide, and yet, there is not even a chain-link fence here to stop anybody from entering and not to say that a chain-link fence is going to do it, but just to say that there is no physical barriebarrier. this cone is it. there is nothing to delineate where canada starts and the u.s. ends. >> well, everybody is on the honor system, including accused killer ryan alexander who police say ripped the teeth out of this woman's head and removed and i assumed cut off fingers so that she could not be identified.
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folded her body up in a suitcase, and threw her in a communal dumpster. okay. back to you, caroline, explain to me, he leads the u.s. coast guard on a high-speed chase. we know that he wiz -- his car and his empty boat trailer found at point roberts border crossing, how does -- logically speaking, caroline -- how would he have done it? gone from there? >> well, he can literally drop the boat off at the marina and walk wherever he wants to. you can walk through the subdivision, and it is a row of homes. this is a quiet community, nancy, about 1,500-some-odd residents who stay here year-round and booms in the summer months, because it is a beautiful ocean-side resort community and about 5,000 people here in the summer, and he can walk up and grab a latte and walk through the regions he wants. there is a area called zero
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avenue which is their homes that backs up to the street that is the united states. so you can walk through someone's backyard and you are in canada. one woman said, he could be in my garden shed, and a lot of people who live here, and that is the fear, but a lot of them are senior citizens and and older community, shall we say, and they are concerned, because they are not necessarily feeling so safe with a man like this who could be next door. >> well, that is a fine sight to look out your back window and see ryan alexander jenkins, the man who police say tore the teeth out of a woman's head so she could not be identified standing at your kitchen window. nice. we are taking your calls live from genie in montana. what is your question? >> caller: well, i am curious, one of the first statements that ryan made to meghan on that reality show is that he would not make her sign a prenup. do you know or jasmine's family know if he did the same thing with her? >> what if anything do we know, stacy butler, was there a
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prenup? do we know? >> i have not had any information on that. >> okay. that would likely be uncovered at a later point, but right now, they are trying to get the alleged perp. take a look at this reality tv star in action. >> time with megan alone was enough to let her get in touch with my deeper side and redeem myself for some of the silly things that i said at dinner. we are waiting on my card. >> oh, i hope it is not declined. >> that would suck. >> for you. [ laughter ] >> we could do some dishes. >> we? >> just kidding. >> i will meet you at home. just joking. >> you would do that to me? you are cute. >> you're cute. >> so, is this the best date ever? >> maybe. >> maybe. i will tell you at the end. >> i don't know if megan and i have had enough time together to
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loosen up, and get to know me. >> loosen up. >> i feel like you are manipulating me. >> i wanted to show her some vulnerability to make her more comfortable with me. >> you are seeing sound and video from vh 1's megan wants a millionaire from 51 minds entertainment, so when you know, when you take a look at that, here is a guy who has a string of women on the line, and we have established a pattern and abusive pattern of violence toward women. what can you tell me, john baird? >> well, we can tell you that back in 2005, there was a case in canada where he assaulted an ex-girlfriend. when that case came down, he pleaded out on it, and he had to get counseling, not only for domestic violence, but for a sex addiction. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. violence and a zx addict, did i
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hear you correctly? >> yes, sex addiction and he had to get counseling for both of those, and then another ex-girlfriend in another report i saw said that he was really into sex and that is one of the reasons they broke up. but in any event -- >> wait, wait, wait. jon baird, you can say that about any man you happen to snatch off of the street, they are into sex, but what about counselling for it? isn't that beyond the norm? >> i would think it is beyond the norm, but basically, that was in the report that was in the condition that he get this counseling. so obviously, there was some sort of issue with that. >> yeah, yeah, i have a feeling we are putting perfume on the pig here, because when you have to go get counseling for a sex addiction after you have beaten up two girlfriends, and what can you tell me about him punching jasmine fiori before? punching her in public to where she falls fully dressed,
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pocketbook, cell phone, everything into a swimming pool. >> that is right. he was charged with that in las vegas a couple of months ago. remember, they just met back in march, and got married a couple of days later and look it, these problems cropped up, and they were fighting. supposedly got marry and it got annulled and he punches her. >> here in my hand is the restraining order or the domestic violence complaint against him in that particular case. we are taking your calls live after a string of abusive attacks on women. now, jasmine fiori is dead. we are taking your calls live, everybody, and the verdict is in. tonight's winner of the show's number one fan contest is a new jersey friend of the show, diane. she never misses a show and she even planned her wedding so that after the ceremony she could watch and then go back or the the cocktail hour and reception. she is a paralegal and proud mother, and congratulations, diane.
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jasmine fiore last seen with her husband ryan jenkins, and the next morning a man finds her body stuffed inside of a suitcase. >> we now have a warrant for ryan alexander jenkins for murder. >> as you have just heard, murder charges have been filed in the murder of jasmine fiore. >> they added gruesome details about the state of the body when it was found saturday morning. >> the question about mutilation, yes, the fingers and the teeth were removed. >> shocking details emerge. the suspect removing fiore's teeth and fingers and stuffing her inside of a suitcase found thrown away like trash. >> ryan jenkins is an animal, and what he has done to jasmine is -- unspeakable. >> cops were searching the entire west coast for ryan, and a man fitting his description was seen riding a boat in
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blaine, washington, and he was right next to the canadian border. >> he is now officially wanted, that we don't stop looking for him until we have him apprehend and in custody. >> we have learned that this past april, which i believe would have been in those 15 months' probation, he was charged with punching, punching this woman, jasmine fiore. >> well, but the probation started january '07, and terminated in january '08. and the incident with the now deceased jasmine fiore was in april. so now we are seeing a pattern. >> and '08 or '09? >> of '09. a pattern of attacks on women, and this young model found folded dead in a suitcase and now the latest is that the person of interest, her new husband, his car, his bmw, and his boat trailer found abandoned
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at the canadian border and my question is, what is canada going to do about it? to travis hinrich, former fiance of jasmine fiore, and travis, thank you for joining us. he is joining us from las vegas. describe for us her personality to me. she has been slurred in the media and in print. what was she like? >> she was a hard-working business professional woman. she was smart and ambitious and for example, everybody wants to say she was a model party girl, but nobody found a naked picture of her on the internet anywhere. she is one of the things that she did apply nudity, but no naked modeling, but that was not her thing. she worked and was happy modeling events to business people. she wanted to be a business owner. she was smart. she was not born in millions of dollars, but willing to work for it. that is crazy like the first time i met her over five years
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ago when she first came to vegas, she got a job at the palms when it first opened and she networked through playboy organization. i mean, i admire that, it was great to see -- it was great and refreshing to see a woman good-looking and beautiful to ambitious and do her own thing. she was working and ambitious and if she wanted to work, she worked. it was amazing. that is like it, we dated and we had fun. we moved in together for a while, and she was cordial and we always had fun, but she always had the ex-boyfriends around and she never burned a bridge. i can go on and on for her, and she is defin fif and either you were together or not, and she didn't back stab or play games. it is unbelievable that another human being could do what happened. >> and i want to go to the former attorney, allan hepner who is a respected attorney there in calgary. mr. hepner, would it be --
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>> hi, nancy. >> would it be your duty to report it to authorities if he tried to reach you in canada? >> no. i would maintain a special client privilege if he did try to reach me or the family did. so, i would deal with that according to the oath i took to the laws of the society. >> so in other words, according the allan hepner, he would not report it, and that is his duty as a defense attorney, extremely well respected attorney in the area. allan hepner, to our attorneys, gloria allred, and doug burns and bradford cohen. gloria, what about it? what is the duty in the u.s. if your guy is wanted for murder, and he calls you for help, what do you do? >> no attorney/client privilege of confidentiality means that anything that a client or even a prospective client tells the attorney is confidential and it cannot be disclosed. that would be a violation. >> do you agree, doug burns? >> i do, but there are cases
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that test that principle to the absolute limits. for example, nancy, god forbid a child is abducted and still alive and you are told where the child is. so, these are tricky hypotheticals. >> is that correct, bradford? >> absolutely there. are some instances, where it is pushed, but i agree with gloria in terms of attorney/client privilege and you cannot breech it if he calls to tell you where he is, you cannot go to the authorities and say, this is where my client is. >> and now, cnn heroes. >> this is cnn heroes. >> i've been completely denied all insurances. >> i have been unemployed, and basically no income. >> they told me i had breast cancer. i did not have any insurance so i came here. >> if they have no insurance, and they have no money, what is going to happen to them? in 2003, i discovered i had
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what a week in america's courtrooms. take a look at the stories and more important the people that touched our lives. >> i can now announce that as of this afternoon, we now have a warrant for the arrest of ryan alexander jenkins for the murder of jasmine. >> the fingers and teeth were removed. >> jasmine fiore was 28 years old. she was an aspiring model for a time. >> do we know the cause of death, jon?
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>> we do know it was strangulation. i just checked with the police a short time ago and they confirmed it was strangulation. >> very stunning development that the police have announced hours ago, it was no stranger that snuck into that home and took this little girl. where is little haleigh cummi s cummings? we didn't know, but now this is a major development, tj. >> well, the one thing, ron and crystal are no longer suspects, but misty's story is inconsistent as it was from day one. >> this is kristi cornwell from home video and several years ago when her now teenaged son was a baby. each passing day in the disappearance is agonizing for the family who prays for her safe return. >> joanne cornwell is her mother and richard, her brother, and they are asking for your help tonight. what are police telling you? >> well, they are just telling us that they have not found her yet. >> we know she was abducted.
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no question about it. the evidence spells that. >> let's stop and return army staff sergeant robert stanley, 27, from virginia, killed iraq, on a third tour. awarded the bronze star and purple heart. served new orleans after katrina and loved cooking and collecting guns and rocks. favorite author was tom clancy. he leaves behind parents, robert and thelma, and one sister, widow, jamie. robert stanley, american hero. thanks to our guests but especially to you and good night from the new york control room. good night, brett, norm, stacy, evil. and happy birthday to the devoted viewer retired from the justice system personal friend and friend of the show jo horn. and happy birthday to another georgia friend of show, maida, grandmother of nine and great-grandmother of ten. happy birthday. everyone, i'll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp eastern. night, 8:00 sharp eastern. good night, friend.
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-- captions by vitac -- i'm richelle carey. police investigating the death of michael jackson raided a pharmacy in beverly hills friday afternoon. the pop star reportedly got prescriptions filled there for demerol and many other drugs. the pharmacy is near jackson's doctor who is a focus of the investigation. casey anthony teared up friday in court. the defense revealed their strategy for her murder trial. they say anthony could not have quilled her 2-year-old daughter, caylee, because they claim she was already in jail when her daughter's remains were found in the woods. and in another orlando courtroom. one teenager got the okay to stay in ohio, because she claims that her father was threatening to kill her because she converted from islam to christianity. that's the stories we're following. keep it here. i'm richelle carey.
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