tv Nancy Grace HLN August 22, 2009 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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you're done? she pulled a fast one! ( laughs ) new windex outdoor all-in-one. a streak-free shine in half the time. s.c. johnson, a family company. breaking news tonight, live to l.a., a quiet apartment community reeling after a suitcase discovered in the communal dumpster opened to reveal a body. the mystery as to the identity goes unsolved for days as well as how she came to be murdered, and then thrown away like trash. we confirm that the body folded inside that suitcase is 28-year-old swimsuit model jasmine fiori. tonight, as details emerge, the murder turns even more heinous. exclusive tonight.
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his attorney with us live. as we go to air. the reality tv star's car and boat trailer found abandoned at a marina on the u.s./canadian border. we also learn his story to police doesn't match up with the facts. >> the person we are looking for is named ryan alexander jenkins. >> a reality tv contestant wanted for questioning in the death of his bikini model ex-wife may now be in canada. that's what police are saying now about ryan alexander jenkins. they want to question him as in their words, a person of interest in the death of 28-year-old jasmine fiore. they receive ad report that a man matching his description took a boat to washington state's points roberts peninsula and walked across the border. >> jasmine fiore was 28 years old.
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she was an aspiring model for a time. she moved to l.a. to open a personal training business. she apparently moved there with this man. she wept down to san diego for a poker tournament or poker game and ended up dead in that dumper, in that suitcase. >> reporter: her fourth floor penthouse is now a crime scene. inside investigators dust for fingerprints and shoot video tape of her empty apartment. police want to know who strangled the 28-year-old swim suit model and left her body in a dumpster. >> ryan jenkins saw her. that was the last time she was seen alive. that suitcase was found on saturday around 7:00 a.m. and jenkins actually reported her missing saturday evening. and tonight a young mom, just like millions of moms across america goes out for an evening walk on a country road not far from her own home, talking away on the cell phone,
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the boyfriend on the other end hears screams. please don't take me. her voice has never been heard again. she vanishes without a trace. that cell phone later found discarded, thrown onto someone's lawn just two miles away. this as the search expanding across state borders targeting sex offenders across three states. the fbi combing grainy surveillance video for local businesses. hoping against hope for a glimpse of kristi or the kidnaper's vehicle. and tonight the boyfriend on the phone with her to hear her screams, a christian minister, breaks his silence. tonight where is kristi cornwell? >> he heard kristi cornwell screaming "don't take me" moments before she disappears.
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now he's breaking his silence. douglas davis was the boyfriend on the other end of that call with kristi the night she vanishes. a minister, davis says he's keeping the faith and knows kristi is still alive. but he's pleading for tips to bring her home safe. >> he called her. she was apparently expecting the phone call and had already gone out walking waiting for him to call. he was in atlanta. she was in blaresville about two hours away at the time this happened. who can place her, visually place her out walking that evening around 9:00 p.m. >> according to investigators kristi cornwell was seen by an employee leaving the church not far from her parents home. >> she walks routinely for exercise. we know she was abducted. there's no question about it. the evidence spells that. >> live to oakland on the search for a missing 5-year-old afflicted with cerebral palsy. he vanishes from the backseat of
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a car in a busy shopping center. how could he just disappear and nobody sees a thing? bombshell tonight. sources confirm the last person to see the boy before he disappeared failed a polygraph. where is 5-year-old little hasanni? breaking developments in the case of missing 5-year-old hasanni campbell who disappeared just outside his foster father's car in broad daylight. >> there's no signs of this boy. >> search warrants issued the days after the disappearance reportedly shows investigators were looking for a sword or cutting instrument inside the home of his foster parents. >> we have nothing to hide. this has been a traumatic
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experience for me. i know police have their job to do. >> reporter: foster father lewis roster's car, police reportedly take latex gloves, eight dna swabs and four fingerprints. >> i don't know what i'm allowed to say right now because the investigation spotlight is still on us. >> reports surface lewis ross has failed a polygraph test issued by the fbi. >> the foster mother in the case did not want to take a polygraph. she is six months pregnant and she was concerned there was a health risk involve there. >> good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. a quiet apartment community reeling after a suitcase discovered in the communal dumpster opened to reveal a body. we confirm the body folded inside that suitcase is 28-year-old swimsuit model jasmine fiore. police on the lookout for a reality tv star in connection with the murder. as we go to air tonight, the tv
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star's car and boat trailer found abandoned on the u.s./canadian border. >> ryan alexander jenkins. he is 32 years old and from alberta, canada. he's 6'1", 195 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes. >> he's a person of interest because he is the last person to see her alive. we've made some attempts to get in touch with him. >> reporter: police say he went on the run. in either a black bmw suv with calgary license plates or his wife's white mercedes. >> we believe he may be heading towards canada. >> they've been trying to track him down. he's not returned calls. law enforcement fears he could head over 1,000 miles away, back up towards canada. >> her nude body was founded stuffed in a suitcase in an orange county, california, trash bin over the weekend. a preliminary coroner's report indicated she was strangled. >> this is a very large suitcase. it could easily contain the body of an adult person.
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>> she was discovered saturday night. the same night ryan jenkins walked into the west hollywood sheriff's substation and filed a missing person's report for his wife. >> mr. jenkins reported miss fiore missing the evening that we discovered her body. our preliminary results and findings from the orange county coroner were that she was strangled. >> straight out to john beard. reporter with knx 1070. joining us from police headquarters. john, what can you tell me about this reality tv star. it's like a dating game, reality show. ryan alexander jenkins, age 32. his boat trailer empty, i might add. the boat is not in there, and his vehicle found on the u.s./canadian border. >> caller: that's right, nancy. the sheriff's department up in
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washington state got word he might be in the area. they found his black bmw with the trailer attached. the boat was missing. then a citizen spotted him or someone who looked like him driving a boat into the marina at point roberts washington, and he was acting suspiciously. she called authorities. police found the boat. they didn't find him. they think he may have walked to canada from there because it's only accessible by land from canada. >> we are showing you exclusive tmz wedding photos. yesterday a police officer came on and told us he was very upset. everybody is reporting that they were married. well, there you have it. i also have in my hand the computer entry in the official municipal records that document the marriage between miss now dead jasmine fiore and this man, the reality tv star ryan
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alexander jenkins. i'll show you a clip from that show in just a moment. what's so interesting, john baird, joining us now from the police station there in buena park, california, point roberts. now it hangs down. it's like a little icicle. part of it is u.s. but you can walk to canada from there. >> caller: that's right. obviously he took the boat, went across the water to the spot, he obviously knows the area. then would be able to walk across. and the sheriff's department said this morning in a recording that they believe that he made it across into canada. that's their opinion. he's there. >> this is my concern. out to clark, our producer on the story, we've known about this for what, 48, maybe 72 hours. alert. why wasn't there an alarm or an alert of some sort at the canadian border?
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unless he didn't go through border patrol. it only covers "x" amount of lands. there's waterway and woods he can cross over. over the border straight back into canada. he's back on his own turf. he's like a rat in his nest. >> there is a checkpoint there on point roberts. it's about two miles long. but it's not fenced in, nancy. so he could have escaped the through that way. and also, law enforcement now tells us they are searching for him on both sides of the border. it's not clear when that search has gone out. so it may have been just in the past day or so. >> it was probably about a three-foot suitcase. just like a small bag that you would carry. just very thin one. canvas bag, green canvas bag. you wouldn't think there would be a full-sized body in there.
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the body of jasmine fiore has been found folded into a suitcase in a dumpster. tonight person of interest ryan jenkins. why is this reality tv star a person of interest? >> caller: he's a person of interest because we believe that perhaps he might have information that would be beneficial to the investigation. he happens to be the person who was last seen with her while she was still alive. and he did report her missing to the los angeles county sheriff's department subsequent to her death. given the fact that he has some celebrity status, we're quite certain he's been made aware of the media frenzy regarding this case. >> this guy can run, but he
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can't hide. everybody knows what he looks like. when they get him he's going to have to explain why he ran, what happened between friday night and saturday, and why he waited so long to report her missing. >> welcome back, everyone. ryan alexander jenkins, age 32, is now a person of interest. he's not a suspect in the murder of 28-year-old bikini model jasmine fiore. she was found folded into a blood-stained suitcase. then thrown into a communal dumpster. i want to go straight out to a special guest joining us from alberta, canada, right now. allen is joining us exclusively. he's been jenkins' attorney for some time. he represented him, i understand, and you have an excellent reputation in your area, did you represent mr. jenkins in a 2005 assault case? >> caller: i did. it was completed in january of 2007. mr. hepner, it's my understanding that that was an assault on another young woman?
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>> caller: it was a girlfriend, that's correct. yeah. >> and not only was he, of course, brought to court on that. but he was also restrained from being anywhere near her, was that correct? >> that's part of the general probation orders dealing with domestic violence cases in canada. i think it's similar in the u.s. certainly he was given a discharge. once he completes probation that technically not convicted of the common assault charge. that's the charge to which he pleaded guilty. >> allen hepner represented ryan jenkins in an earlier case and managed to keep him out of jail. that's to your credit, mr. hepner. these are newly released photos
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of the young model, jasmine fiore. a lot of people have discounted her completely. i don't know, because she's beautiful. because she's a woman, because she was a model. she had a lot of get up and go. she had gone to obtain her real estate license. was trying to establish herself as a personal trainer. trying to make a go of it, trying to make a life for herself. what were the facts surrounding the assault on his other girlfriend? >> it was an argument. it was a rocky relationship he had with his current girlfriend at that time in calgary. they had an altercation. he admitted he assaulted her. he punched her. she fell to the ground. there were cuts and abrasions. he admitted the punches and admitted to the judge in court it was not near the scope of what you're investigating or talking about now. >> with me is veteran trial
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lawyer allen hepner joining us. he represented jenkins in a 2005 assault. he just completed the terms of probation in 2007. now he's a person of interest -- >> no, no, he was given probation in 2007 -- >> so you're telling me he was still on probation? >> the probationary term was imposed in january in 2007 for 15 months. if he completed all the terms then the probation terminates. there's been no breaches of that. he can be charged with yet another matter called breach of probation. there's nothing like that in the system. i'm assuming he completed the conditions. >> mr. hepner, i don't know if you're familiar with this fact, but we have learned that this
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past april, which i believe would have been in the 15-month probation, he was charged with punching this woman, jasmine fiore. >> but the probation started january of '07, it would have terminated in april of '08. >> and the incident with the now deceased jasmine fiore was in april. so now we are seeing a pattern. >> april '09 or '08? >> '09. a pattern of attacks on women. this young model found folded dead in a suitcase. now the latest. her new husband, his car, his bmw, and his boat trailer found abandoned at the canadian border. and my question is, what is canada going to do about it?
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the person we are looking for is named ryan alexander jenkins. he is 32 years old and from alberta, canada. he is 6'1", 195 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes. he might be driving one of two vehicles. first vehicle is a white mercedes benz. it's a cls 550 model. it's unique in that it's black over white, and it has black rims. he might also be driving a black bmw x5 the license plate for the
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bmw is a canadian plate. hly275. it is an alberta license plate. >> that bmw has been found abandoned on the u.s./canadian border. ryan alexander jenkins, age 32. he is wanted as a person of interest in connection with the murder of swimsuit model jasmine fiore, just 28 years old. her body found folded into a suitcase, thrown into a dumpster like she's trash. i want to go right out to bethany marshall. >> i think being on the reality show may have destabilized him. men relate to women on the basis of power, not affection. so being on the show megan obviously didn't choose him. he had to leave the show.
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then he realizes he's not as important and as much of a celebrity as he had hoped for. he marries this beautiful model. he can't control her. we can all see clearly how gorgeous she is. that could have destabilized him once again. what did he do? he felt trashed, so he turned her into trash. that suitcase, that suitcase in which she put all those beautiful outfits and costumes, did he resent her beauty? so he tossed out the cost tombs, put her in the suitcase like trash and threw her in the trash. >> if you take a look at it, i'll tell you, since you didn't ask me, bethany, sounds like he was destabilized way back when if he was punching a girlfriend in the case all the way back in 2005. quickly, back to you clark
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goldband. an interesting and integral point in the police investigation is that what he told cops when he reported her missing doesn't jive with the facts. >> and this comes from the l.a.p.d. who spoke with an orange county newspaper. they say jenkins apparently said he dropped off jasmine at 4:00 in the afternoon on friday. now, the only problem with that is law enforcement in california say jenkins was with jasmine at around 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. that night in san diego. >> at a poker tournament, right? >> yes, exactly. >> back to john baird joining us from police headquarters. what can you tell me about his father, ryan alexander jenkins' father, owning real estate, a resort community of some sort, in honduras? >> caller: we understand his dad, dan, is an architect, who helped design a resort on the island off the coast of honduras and that he has a 19-passenger jet plane.
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so jenkins obviously has ties to honduras he could end up there as well. apparently, honduras, as far as extraditing people, would extradite someone to his home country, and in this case, that would be canada. >> and then canada, of course, to the lawyers, jason, canada will only usually extradite back to the u.s. if we agree we're not seeking the death penalty. i can tell you this much, jason oceans -- let me see oceans and batista. the body is found nude folded up in a bloody suitcase, her blood. if that does not warrant the death penalty, i don't know what does, jason. >> i'm with you on that, nancy. from that -- the societal perspective of seeking justice. >> the societal perspective. >> it's not uncommon european countries and other countries who are willing to extradite if the death penalty is on the table. let's put that aside and just realize that the person of interest in this case is really suspect.
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he's clearly running from that. >> he's not been named a suspect. hence his constitutional privileges as a defendant. do not apply until he's actually a target. >> no, i don't think that's right, nancy, at all. he has a constitutional privilege when he's arrested. >> when you're arrested then yourself the target. put batista on. batista, you just completely said two different and inconsistent things. you said i was wrong, but you said when he's arrested then he's got the rights under the constitution. when he's arrested, then he's a target. but right now he's not a suspect. >> clearly saying he's a person of interest means he's a suspect. >> no it doesn't. >> as soon as he's contacted he's going to be arrested. whether he's a person of interest or a suspect, he has a constitutional right to keep his
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mouth shut. >> okay, jason oceans. true or false? as just a person of interest, do you have the constitutional protections, or do they kick in the moment you are deemed a suspect? >> no. what we're talking about here as a target, he's just a target. his constitutional rights don't apply. you're correct. but as we both know as i'll agree with counsel here, he's really a suspect. >> i'm going to agree with both of you, because in this particular case many people are suggesting that to call him a person of interest is basically suspect-like. they're not going to go out on the limb and say he's a suspect because they don't want the constitutional privileges to kick in but police have told us adamantly he is not a suspect at this time. mark klaas, president and founder of klaas kids foundation, weigh in. >> this non suspect is demonstrating very suspicious behavior. he's slithered across the canadian border, demonstrating
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that he's a known flight risk. if and when the authorities do get their hands on him, they'll have to hold him. i would like to point out how squishy the canadian system is. only a few years ago they paroled a serial killer. he probably did himself a real favor by slithering into canada, and thus, avoiding a potential death penalty conviction. >> correct me if i'm wrong, please, mark klaas, wasn't she the one that helped her husband kidnap, sexually torture, and murder a string of people? >> including her sister. >> her own sister, yes. okay. yes, the memory we share, mark klaas. kent henderson worked closely with jasmine fiore. ken is joining us out of new york. what can you tell us about her? >> hi, nancy. well she was just a great person. jasmine was not caught up in the
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whole modeling industry thing. from my perspective it was a job for her. her aspirations were higher. i don't think she thought she was going to be a superstar, based on my last conversation with her. she was getting out of the business. she told me she was opening her own business. didn't tell me what. but that was her focus. every job she did she was professional. she was upbeat. did her job, went home, you know, i can't say enough good things about her. >> how well did you know her? when were you guys working together? >> jasmine started working with our agency in the beginning of 2007. we're at an event together. she was attending it, we were producing it. i was introduced by someone who said you two should know each other.
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she started with us then and primarily worked with an agent in our office. >> this woman, everyone with us is a special guest exclusively tonight. kent henderson, ceo of best agency in manhattan in new york who knew her very well on a professional basis. everyone, quick break. the verdict is in. tonight's winner of our number one fan contest. diane. she never misses a show. even planned her wedding so after the ceremony she could watch the show and go back to cocktail hour and receptions. she's a paralegal. her greatest joy is motherhood. congratulations, diane. you get the signed copy of the new thriller and now new york times best seller. the 11th victim.
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then georgia mom kristi cornwell goes missing. cornwell set out around 9:00 p.m. to walk a familiar but isolated road near her family's home. while chatting with her boyfriend cornwell said a car approaching. the boyfriend hears a struggle, screams, and this call is cut short. tonight kristi's boyfriend is breaking her silence. douglas davis says he believes in his heart and has faith that kristi is still alive. he says the young mom is a fighter. but tonight kristi's boyfriend, family, and terrified neighbors are waiting for answers and her safe return. >> i know her voice. i know it well. the tone that gave me the fullest confidence that she was being abducted, she was afraid and i know for a fact that this is an abduction.
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>> reporter: you just saw kristi cornwell's boyfriend, a christian minister on nbc's "today show" just a few hours ago. with wrga e-news radio. take a listen to what else he had to say. >> what did you hear on the phone? describe why you knew, why you believe she was abducted? >> as you know, the authorities, this is important to the case what i would like to relay is the sense i had. the details i can't talk about. however i know her voice. i know it well. the tone that gave me the fullest confidence that she was being abducted, she was afraid and i know for a fact that this is an abduction. >> you were questioned by investigators. you're considered a suspect.
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>> right. >> but do you know who would take kristi or why? >> i have no idea. our relationship was just about us. we were looking to a future together. in all our conversations, the hours we talked and shares our lives she never one time indicated there was someone of her past that could do such a thing. >> that was kristi cornwell's boyfriend douglas davis on nbc's "today show" just a few hours ago. you know, our viewers had e-mailed, written, and called in wanting to know how we could prove that he hadn't set it up somehow to call her cell phone and she was already missing. but the reality is, there are witnesses that place her walking along the country road around 9:00 p.m. the night she went missing.
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he was sighted. not just his cell phone. but he was sighted in atlanta. about two hours away, correct? >> yeah, that would be about two hours. good traffic in that case. you look at the situation that mr. davis is in. he's been told by authorities not to share specific information or details about the case. you get the sense that there is more he wants to say. he's making a plead to say whatever he can. >> and to michael, former nypd detective, i was a little hard on him before because typically when someone goes missing or is murdered, a woman, you start with husband, boyfriend, lover, then ex-husband, ex-boyfriend, ex-lover. then you move to family, neighbors, coworkers, the delivery boy, until you run out of places to go. typically, that's who police look at. >> you're 100% right. that's exactly the way we go. i still have concerns. i know you were hard on him earlier. what bothers me is the book he has.
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that she sent him a book. if you had the case or i had the case as a prosecutor or investigator i would want to see the book. he got it after he waited five or ten days to check his mail. she sent it right before he was missing. that becomes evidence. it's something i want to look at. i want to see what note she sent him. i'm more concerned about that. why aren't we looking at the that book? >> what kind of book is it? i did not find it suspicious. >> it was a book of daily devotions. it was a book she sent to him with a nice love note in the inside. she stood by her faith. he's also a pastor of some kind. they had a relationship very devoted to their faith. this didn't seem out of the ordinary to him. that she would send him this type of book. >> everyone, we are switching gears and will keep you posted on the missing mom. also missing is a 5-year-old little boy afflicted with cerebral palsy. take a listen. >> authorities in california are
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searching for clues in missing 5-year-old hasanni campbell who is disabled. >> they received a call for help from the 5-year-old boy's father. police say he left him in the back of the car while he walk around to the front to unlock the door. he told police he was then gone. >> i feel responsible for this. >> according to reports investigators searched his foster parent's home, looking for a sword or cutting instrument. authorities also reportedly searched lewis ross's bmw. allegedly taking latex gloves and four fingerprints. he reportedly failed a polygraph issued by the fbi. >> we understand the police have a job to do and part of the job ruling out everybody. so polygraph was basically a normal process. >> joining me right now is the foster father, last with him, lewis ross.
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joining us from oakland, california. thank you for being with us. i understand that you did not pass your polygraph, is that true? >> that is what i've been told, correct. >> what were the questions they asked you. >> they asked me about four or five questions. about five questions in total. three control questions and two other questions. the control questions is what is my name, my age, where do i live. the other question is do i know where hasanni is and can i take them to where hasanni is. and i've been told my results were that i failed it 99%. >> you failed it 99% of it. >> yes, that meant i failed the control questions as well. >> to sebastian joining us, what can you tell me about a series of e-mails police are interested in? >> well, it's part of the police investigation. i'm understanding that it's actually records from ross'
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cellular phone that revealed some, well, instances of, you could say domestic violation. i therapeutthere were instances of domestic violence, profanity in it and seemed to be discussing the -- who was going to be watching the two foster children. >> mr. ross, what did you mean in that text message? >> the text message basically i was -- jennifer there was an incident that took place almost over a year ago and the topic came back up again and i was angry about taen basically calling the relationship off. i told her to come and get hassani and meet me at the bart station and i would watch her until she finishes up. it is a situation where we had an argument about something she had done almost a year ago that
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