tv Nancy Grace HLN August 24, 2009 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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breaking news tonight. live to l.a. a quiet apartment community reeling after a suitcase discovered in the communal dumpster opened to reveal a female body. the mystery as to the identity goes unsolved for days. as well as how she came to be murdered. then, thrown away like trash. the body folded inside that suitcase, 28-year-old swimsuit model jasmine fiore, brutally beaten, her teeth pulled out of her head, her fingers removed to conceal identity. how i.d. the body? serial numbers off fiore's
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breast implants. her body that traumatized. bombshell tonight. a reality tv star wanted for the murder found dead in a british columbia hotel room. 32-year-old ryan jenkins luxury bmw and empty boat trailer found abandoned on the u.s./canadian border. jenkins dead hanging by a belt from this coat rack inside this hotel room. and another stunning development. jenkins traveled with an alleged accomplice. a mystery blonde driving a silver pt cruiser. she checked him into the hotel while he stays hidden. where is fiore's missing white mercedes? investigators say it could be the key to a possible murder scene. jenkins' family adamantly swears
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their son didn't do it. then who did? and tonight, another bombshell. do secret text messages reveal motive for murder? video emerges of fiore and jenkins at a luxury vegas hotel seemingly in love just before fiore's brutal murder. tonight, we have the video. >> hanging from a belt. >> a reality show contestant accused of killing his ex-wife in southern california has been found dead. police are searching for the woman last seen with him. >> police still want to know who the young woman was that checked into the hotel for him and left after paying cash for the room. >> she was 20, 25. blond hair, very pretty. driving a pt cruiser with alberta plates. we haven't seen her since.
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>> we would like to speak to the issue of the unknown female that attended the motel at the time it was believed ryan jenkins checked into the motel. >> employees say the blond woman who dropped off jenkins at a motel on thursday left. police want to question her. she's described as being around 5'9" and in her early 20s. >> the subject of an international manhunt wanted for the brutal killing of his swimsuit model ex-wife. now police in british columbia say it appears brian jenkins hanged himself while hiding out in a hotel room. >> he was supposed to check out of the hotel. they knocked on the door around noon. no answer. that's when they opened the door and found ryan jenkins hanging by a belt. >> my boyfriend said he was purple and red in the face. he was wrinkled, he had lost weight, very skinny. i didn't want to check for myself. as we go to air, the sudden
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death of music icon michael jackson ruled homicide. >> the associated press is reporting quoting a single law enforcement official who says the l.a. county coroner has ruled michael jackson's death a homicide. >> he's pumping the chest but he's not responding to anything. >> the associated press is reporting that the l.a. county coroner has ruled michael jackson's death a homicide. the news could mean criminal charges for jackson's personal doctor, dr. conrad murray. murray was in the house with jackson when he died. >> breaking news in the michael jackson death investigation. according to court documents, lethal levels of anesthetic propofol were found in michael jackson during the autopsy. this information was contained in a search warrant affidavit that was unsealed in houston today. houston is where jackson's doctor, dr. conrad murray, has a home and also has an office. >> i'm told that dr. conrad murray took responsibility.
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also, a young mom like millions of moms across america goes out for an evening walk on a country road not far from her own home talking away on a cell phone. the boyfriend on the other end hears screaming "please don't take me." her voice never heard again. she vanishes without a trace. that cell phone discarded on someone's lawn two miles away. as we go to air, the ground search expands. an unanimous tip and more private home video of missing mom released. we have the video tonight. where is kristi cornwell? >> our prayers are with kristi cornwell and her family. the mom of a 15 year old was
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abducted. tips were called into "america's most wanted" saying she was taken to a rural county, cleveland county, in north carolina. >> detectives are searching about 200 miles away from blairsville, georgia, in an area in the kings mountain area of north carolina. authorities say an anonymous caller was vague but gave them an address where cornwell can allegedly be found. >> i think they're being very pro-active by telling people not just to look at the picture and say i haven't seen her but to go out there and do something about it. anybody in that community should go to unoccupied houses, apartments, outbuildings, etc., to assist in the investigation. >> they are just telling us that they've not found her yet. they're searching. they're expanding their search. now they're going to be searching -- when they get a lead, they'll search those places. she's out there somewhere. >> good evening. i'm nancy grace. thank you for being with us. a reality tv star wanted for the murder of swimsuit model jasmine
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fiore found dead in a hotel room. bombshell tonight. we confirm the reality tv star wanted for murder traveled with an alleged accomplice. a mystery blonde driving a silver pt cruiser. tonight, do secret text messages reveal motive for murder? >> he was supposed to check out today. we went and checked around 12:00. knocked on the door. opened the door. there he was hanging there. >> on thursday night, a mystery woman and ryan jenkins showed up to this motel. the mystery woman went inside alone to book the room for a few nights. she paid in cash. then she took off. she hasn't been seen since. >> came for that one day and checked in and rented the room. i don't know if he paid her to rent the room or if he knew her or not. she rented the room and left right away. >> she's a very attractive young
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woman between 20 and 25 years old. she's blonde. about 5'10" tall. >> they came here on friday. a lady went to the place driving a silver pt cruiser with alberta plates. after she rented the room for the fella, she left. never seen her again. >> ryan jenkins remains quiet inside the room. he was only spot once outside having a smoke. motel staff never thought it was him. >> he didn't look at same at all. i seen him with no sunglasses on and then you can notice his jaw line and everything that looks like him. >> we were watching the news and next thing i know we wake up one morning and the guy is dead next door. >> kept to himself. we didn't see him at all. >> straight out to john baird. with knx 1070. what is the latest? >> the latest we've gotten from the royal canadian mountain police is they have i.d.'d this woman that took ryan jenkins to the motel. they know who she is.
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they say she's not a danger. it's not clear if she's been arrested. she could be charged with accessory to murder after the fact for helping a fugitive. but they do know who she is. also, again, you pointed out ryan jenkins found dead hanging in that motel. the shocking news that came about this morning. nancy? >> to carolyn jarvis with global national reporter with cnn affiliate global news, carolyn is joining us from british columbia. carolyn, thank you for being with us. what i don't understand is, they see the guy outside smoking. why not apprehend him? what happened? >> nobody knew who it was, nancy. this guy comes out having a smoke. there was nothing suspicious about how this couple arrived at a motel about an hour and a half outside of vancouver. she's calm and checks into the hotel. he stays in the car. they go upstairs. she leaves 20 minutes later. there wasn't anything shady about the ordeal. he's going outside for a smoke
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but he's not looking like the ryan jenkins we've seen plastered across newspapers and on television stations across north america. he had stubbles, he had a goatee. he was looking a bit gaunt. everyone said he looked thinner than those photos. no light bulbs are going off saying that's ryan jenkins called the cops. everyone thought it was an average guest. >> right, right. carolyn, did he change the color of his hair or did he shave his head? >> no. nobody is telling us that. >> he looked the same. he had stubble on his face. >> how many guys have brown hair and brown eyes? it's a crowd of a million you're choosing from. he didn't look exactly like the mug shot. nobody thought that was ryan jenkins. there was no cause for immediate alarm, at least in this quiet, quiet community. >> out to dan simon, cnn correspondent, also joining us on the story. what can you tell me about this woman? police are saying that they believe they can establish a relationship, a prior relationship between her and him?
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>> that's what they're saying. clearly they know who this woman is. they've said there's some sort of relationship between this mystery woman and ryan jenkins. she's the person who apparently helped him get into that motel. for some reason for a tactical reason they're not releasing this woman's name. what they are saying is, look, if you're listening, come forward. we want to talk with you. nancy? >> out to special guest sergeant duncan pound with the royal canadian mounted police. sergeant, thank you for being with us. do we know how long jenkins was dead before he was found? >> at this stage that would be information that we wouldn't be able to provide until the coroner services completed their investigation. >> when was your office alerted? was he identified by fingerprints? >> he was identified by fingerprints. we responded initially to a call of a deceased male at the hotel and about 5:00 pacific time yesterday we were able to identify him by fingerprints. >> how do we know this blonde
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murdering his wife, jasmine fiore. her dismembered body found in an l.a. dumpster. his body was found in this tiny motel room in hope. the manager of the motel says a woman checked in ryan jenkins thursday night. >> 5'9", 5'10". dirty blond. pretty. 20 to 25 years old. >> driving a silver pt cruiser? >> yes. with alberta plates. >> she paid cash and left and the room remained quiet. jenkins was only spotted once friday smoking outside. he was supposed to check out sunday morning. so the manager and his nephew opened the door. that's when they made the grisly discovery. >> he was hanging by a belt around his neck. he had his legs laying on the ground. >> yes. a grisly discovery, there in the thunderbird hotel in canada.
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the hanging body of ryan alexander jenkins, former reality tv star. before you get sucked into that grizzly discovery, ha about the discovery of the victim's body? thrown away in a dumpster in a suitcase folded over. every tooth in her mouth, every tooth in her head had been pulled. her fingers removed. obviously cut off of her hands in order to conceal her identity. her body so badly beaten and mutilated she had to be identified by the serial numbers on her breast implants. that is what an l.a. community discovered. now, i want to show you some video we just obtained of them just before the murder. seemingly in love. take a look. >> god, i love my life and i
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love my wife. >> okay. to dr. janet taylor, psychiatrist. you're seeing private home video of jasmine fiore, where he says i'm the luckiest man in the world. he's filming her dancing around in a bikini. it gets extremely suggestive after that and personal. we have omitted that for our show, anyway. he posts private intimate video in my mind on youtube and he is bragging about how happy he is. he's the luckiest man in the world. he killed her according to police. he murdered her brutally and then dismembered, disfigured her body. what about it, doctor? >> it just shows how inconsistent he is. on the one hand he loves her but
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then he could have such rage if she talked to her ex-boyfriends. and he looked at her as property and something he could buy and sell based on that video. >> we now have established a long line of abuse on women -- on young women. take a look. here he is on a reality tv dating show. speaking on getting young women. >> i'm with megan alone was enough to let her get in touch with my deeper side and redeem myself for some of the silly things i said at dinner. >> we're waiting on my card. >> hope it's not declined. >> that would suck. >> for you. >> meet you at home. joking. >> you're cute. >> you're cute. >> is this the best date ever? >> maybe. >> maybe?
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>> i'll tell you at the end. >> i don't know if megan and i have had enough time together for her to loosen up and get to know me. >> i feel like you're manipulating me. >> i wanted to show her a bit of vulnerability to make her more comfortable with me. >> you're seeing video from vh1's "megan wants a millionaire." we're taking your calls live. felony prosecutor, specializes on crimes on women and children and peter, defense attorney atlanta jurisdiction and of course we now have an attorney out of the philadelphia jurisdiction. author of "prosecutorial misconduct." eleanor, what about the mystery blonde? how does this guy rope in one woman after the next? >> it's amazing. seems like he has someone to help aid and abet him. she's not exactly playing hangman with him in the room. she's taking him to the hotel and helping him avoid law
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enforcement here in the united states. >> lawless? >> i agree. the woman is in a lot of trouble and the best thing she should do is come forward and try to explain it. >> and remember, peter odom, the victim's mercedes, her mercedes is still missing. does this woman know where it is? >> it could be and it could be the crime scene. when they find it, they'll know it. it's going to be an ugly one.
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>> jenkins was accused of killing and mutilating his wife, jasmine fiore, and dumping her body in buena park. then he took off for canada. police want to find jasmine fiore's missing mercedes. >> we don't have any idea where that car is. we know his route was up to blaine, washington, before he went into canada. that vehicle could be anywhere between here and there. once we find that vehicle, i think that will be one of the last things that will help us out. >> out to the lines, rhonda in florida. hi, rhonda. >> caller: thank you for taking my call and being a voice for people who cannot speak.
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i'd like to know -- two questions i'd like to ask you. one is, do you think -- >> you know what. i'm hearing you listening to tv. can you give me your question, dear, quickly? >> caller: yes. yes. do you think that he wanted to destroy her to make her look ugly to finish her off? >> good question. to dr. janet taylor. >> he flew into a rage and killed her and dismembered her to hide the evidence. it had nothing to do with how he felt about her but everything to do with him protecting himself. >> i'm just a trial lawyer. you're the shrink. i disagree. before he dismembered her to conceal her identity, he also beat her brutally. beat her to a pulp. >> this is different from a death such as shooting by gun. it's a very personal kind of
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thing. i think it shows how he felt about her. a hatred almost. >> to a sergeant joining us from the buena park police department. what more can you tell us about her white mercedes being the actual crime scene? >> well, ms. grace, we don't know for sure if that's the actual crime scene. we know it's an important piece of the puzzle that's still missing. that could give us a lot of answers that we're still looking for here in the crime scene area. but we still haven't discovered the crime scene. that's an important part. >> sergeant, do you believe he had help eluding the authorities? >> nothing has led us to point us to an exact example of that as of yet but we're keeping the case open for that possibility. we don't want to close this case and let anybody who helped him get away with assisting in this
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a reality show contestant accused of killing his wife in california has been found dead. ryan jenkins' body was found at a canadian hotel in hope, british columbia. police say he hanged himself. >> there was a metal bar. he was hanging from a belt and hung himself. >> officers wanted to question him in the killing of jasmine fiore whose mutilated remains were found stuffed in a suitcase in a trash can south of los angeles. a preliminary report shows that jenkins' wife was strangled and
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dismembered. she was identified by the serial numbers on her breast implants. jenkins appeared on the vh1 show "megan wants a millionaire." >> the mystery woman went inside to pay for the room alone and paid in cash and took off. >> we believe they knew each other. there was a past history. we don't want to go into specific detail about the relationship. >> out to the lines. holly in british columbia. hi, holly. >> caller: i love your show. your twins are beautiful. i have a twin brother. it's a lot of fun. >> they have been to play school twice now and both times i cried a lot harder than they did. they wondered why that lady was in the hall listening at the door. >> caller: just a couple of things. first of all, i'm originally from bellingham, washington. it was kind of hit close to home because blaine is 15 minutes away from bellingham. i moved up to british columbia 22 years ago. we're kind of hoping the guy
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would have went towards vancouver. we're paranoid up here with a killer on the loose. hope is about 45 minutes east of where i am. >> right. >> caller: here's the thing. it's kind of weird because hope is a small little town. you blink and you're going to go on the highway. which is leading up to the okanagan. actually, i think the guy kind of did everybody a favor by doing what he did. i hate to say that. if he would have hitchhiked and gone up the highway, it is like finding a need until a haystack. >> he probably would have killed someone else. i know somewhere in there a question is buried. >> caller: why wasn't there videotapes outside of the hotel room and did she give any visa, mastercard or give a fake name? >> carolyn, do we know if the hotel had surveillance and did this woman pay in cash so she
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didn't use a credit card of any type and before you get away, carolyn jarvis, has this spurred any action whatsoever about the u.s./canadian border. why do we even have a border if nobody's guarding it? you can walk across. you can saunter. >> that's what we were talking about on friday. you can walk across the border in many spots, especially where he may have accessed canada, through point roberts, washington. we believe this woman, this mystery woman whoever she is did pay in cash at the hotel and took off shortly thereafter. she paid for three nights. checked in thursday, stayed friday night and saturday night and the manager and his nephew checked on the room sunday afternoon and opened the door and had that grisly discovery of ryan jenkins hanging from the coat rack, his fists clenched, hanging from the coat rack. in terms of what's on video, we
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don't know of any video. your caller raised an interesting point. he could have been anywhere. folks in the states may not have been aware that the world canadian mounted police in canada held a press conference at 3:00 yesterday afternoon on sunday saying ryan jenkins was confirmed to be somewhere in the country. they had information we didn't know the details of. they said, ryan jenkins, if you're watching, turn yourself in. that's 3:00. they find the body not longer than an hour afterwards. they had credible information that he was in canada. we don't know what that information is. and then a body is found soon after. ryan jenkins was somewhere in the country and like your caller said, he could have made it anywhere if police didn't have exact information as to his locale. >> tonight all points bulletin for a mystery blonde that may be his accomplice. right now, switching gears in a major development. the death of michael jackson has been ruled homicide. >> breaking news in the death investigation concerning michael jackson. court documents just into us
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show the king of pop had lethal levels of the drug propofol in his blood. this is a highly potent drug that's used to knock out patients for surgery. this new information on jackson is based on the los angeles county coroner's preliminary reports. a source close to the investigation told cnn jackson's personal doctor, conrad murray, gave him propofol within 24 hours of his death. >> dr. conrad murray was one of the last people to see michael jackson alive. >> a source with knowledge of the investigation tells cnn murray gave jackson the anesthetic propofol within 24 hours. >> michael jackson's death officially ruled a homicide according to the ap, the lapd not commenting. they're saying they didn't leak that. the coroner is giving no comment. according to ap sources within law enforcement say it has been ruled a homicide. to ken baker, executive news editor.
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what's the latest, ken? >> the latest is in addition to that coming out that coroner ruling this a homicide which is significant because conrad murray has been pretty much the primary focus of this investigation. sources are saying that he could be charged with involuntary manslaughter at the very least. the other big thing that came out today, nancy, in houston a month ago, conrad murray's offices were raided by authorities. the dea, lapd, they went in there and they seized a bunch of evidence. now, what was unsealed today was the search warrant affidavit that they got permission from the court to execute that search warrant and in it we found out some interesting dough tails, among them, that he was not only giving michael jackson propofol but the day he died within 24 hours he had given him three other sedatives. >> i want to go to the
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entertainment editor with the cnn wire. alan, his own confession has been corroborate. is it safe to say bye-bye, dr. murray? >> the details contained in this affidavit certainly don't look he's not been charged with certainly the target of this investigation from all of the search warrant affidavits that have given us all of these details, the details that came from his lawyer earlier don't comport with what we see in the affidavit. >> to the board certified anesthesiologist, author of "before the scalpel: what everybody needs to know," doctor, thank you for being with us. what do you make of this being ruled a homicide. it's been a long time coming. would dr. conrad murray be a scapegoat? who was giving him the propofol? where was it coming from? what about all of these pharmacies that were clearly knew it was michael jackson
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under a pseudonym, a fake name? >> well, this is a result of what happens when your under the care of a renegade doctor who is turning a blind eye to reckless endangerment. propofol is an anesthetic. if given enough you can stop breathing and there's no oxygen in your body and the heart would stop and you have cardiac arrest. in the affidavit search warrant, conrad murray is claiming to give doses like 50 milligrams to help michael jackson sleep. that's not going to help him sleep for hours. those doses just wear off in 5 to 10 minutes. so let me just show what 50 milligrams would be. it would be just a small dosage which would be five of these lines that would wear off in a few minutes. it wouldn't be enough to keep him asleep. >> it seems to me, to dr. david
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posey, joining us out of l.a., if dr. conrad murray is, in fact, charged, that he would be a scapegoat, because a lot of people have been involved in michael jackson's death. >> yes, nancy, i think you're right. he may be a scapegoat. there are a lot of people involved. the other doctor, the anesthesiologist making a real point about the propofol and when you look at other drugs involved, he's had a stacking phenomenon. >> exactly. >> 1:30 in the morning he's given valium. that has a real long life, that compresses the central nervous system and other drugs do the same thing and then you give him propofol and that's kind of the straw that breaks the camel's back. it's multiple drugs. >> tonight, michael jackson's death ruled homicide. where are the charges? we're taking your calls live. very quickly to tonight's safety
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tip. it's peak hurricane season. here are your tips for your family. if you're asked to evacuate, leave immediately. secure the home. especially protecting crucial areas where wind can enter, roofs, windows, doors. even the garage. don't forget that. if you have a disaster supply kit ready, make sure you have a battery operated radio. a first aid kit. food and water for at least three days. cash. extra clothing and toiletries. keep important documents protected. fill up your cars with gas and create a family disaster plan. know the safest area in your home to ride out the storm if you must stay there. finally, check your insurance coverage. most plans do not cover flood damage. for info, go to the national hurricane center at
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cones are just behind me. investigates say there are two routes kristi could have taken and it's not clear which route she intended to take the night she went missing. >> who saw her last? who can tell me they saw her go out for a walk? how do i know she wasn't dead already? >> investigators believe this is the last person to see kristi before she was abducted. >> she was in the middle of nowhere where any car could grab her and go any direction. >> reporter: investigators believe that kristi cornwell made it to this point during her walk on that evening. about a mile away from her parents' home. she was on the phone with her boyfriend. we do know that kristi said there was a car following her and next thing he heard was kristi screaming "don't take me." the phone went dead and kristi cornwell has not been seen or heard from since then. >> straight out to eric, wrga news radio.
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police are focusing with cadaver dogs in one specific area. why? >> that area would be kings mountain, north carolina. thanks to a tip that came in over the weekend. there weren't a lot of details except to say kristi's name and to say baltic road, the area where they're searching. it's about a 40, 50-acre area. they went over it yesterday by hand and foot and brought in dogs this afternoon. they could wrap that up as soon as tonight. they may go back again tomorrow. so far, they have not found anything of any significance. >> joining me is a very special guest. a prime time exclusive interview. the boyfriend of kristi cornwell on the phone with her when she disappeared. a lot of people had questions. where was he? where was she? how do we know this whole thing wasn't set up? there are eyewitnesses placing her on that country road alone. his cell phone was in atlanta and there are eyewitnesses placing him in atlanta about two hours away at the time of the phone call.
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so he was nowhere near her at the time she was clearly abducted. right now to douglas davis. mr. davis, thank you for being with us. >> thank you, nancy, for having me. >> you endured a lot of questioning, i'm sure. how are you holding up? >> well, only by god's grace has carried me through this far. it's been difficult for us and the family to have seen this and to experience this abduction out of nowhere this occurred and you can't prepare for these type of things. god's grace carries us through it and i'm grateful for that. >> you are seeing home video just released of kristi. everybody -- millions of women across this country go for a walk after work or after school chatting away on a cell phone. that's just what she did. >> absolutely. >> mr. davis, you must know that our prayers and many, many other people are with you and
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kristi's family and her son, especially. that evening when you were on the phone with her, what was the last thing you heard her say? what were her words? >> well, as you know due to the investigation the depth of that conversation i can't divulge at this time. however, i heard her scream. and it made me -- my first reaction, maybe the car she spoke about, maybe it hit her. i was calling her name. but then it became quite apparent to me that she was, indeed, being abducted by whomever these people were in this car. >> she told you about a car? >> yes. just before this all occurred we had been talking about plans. we were to meet the next thursday night in dalton. she had to come back to get her registration completed for school the next monday and we were talking about having dinner that thursday night when she
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interrupted, said i have to get off the road, there's a car coming. moments after that she began screaming. >> did she tell you what kind of car it was? again, as i told you before, i just can't talk about that. i'm sorry. i wish i could. i can't. >> i completely understand. did you usually talk to her when she was out for a walk? >> yeah. several nights over the course of our relationship she would take a walk and especially the past week or so she fell about ten days earlier and she felt like this was great therapy maybe to deal with that issue. in fact, she and i had done the same route on saturday night of what we suppose was the same route on saturday night before this. it was common for her to make this walk. >> mr. davis, last week, i believe friday night, a viewer called in wanting to know what the book was she sent you and could it have any impact on this investigation. i don't see that as being relevant. what book was it?
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>> it's a daily prayer devotional. "my utmost for his highest" by chambers. i got back in town early part of the week and went to get my mail after being gone for several days. i remember driving to the post office thinking there might be something. i shut that down, saying i don't want to be disappointed. sure enough, when i opened up the box, there this gift was. i had not expected it. you know, it's like kristi is reaching out to me even now. she used this devotional for several years and wanted me to have it feeling like it would be a help to my life and i've been reading it every day. i don't let it out of my sight. it's such a treasured gift. this is who kristi was. she liked to give. she really enjoyed life. she's a very intelligent woman and a loving mother. a dear sister to her brother, richard. she loved her mom and her dad. her family. she had some dearest friends and
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all of blairsville will tell you that this woman here is just a remarkable woman. if you didn't like kristi that was your fault because she loved you. this is who i fell in love with. and we had made our plans to spend time together, our future was being planned together. and i look forward to the day when she's coming home. we're going to find her alive and she and i will continue our relationship together. >> with me, the boyfriend who last spoke to kristi. like so many women, comes home in the evening, goes for a walk. she's never seen again. everyone, as we go to break, on a happy note, congratulations to new york friend of the show, nicky torres. he's college bound. he heads to new york to study finance and try out for basketball and golf. congratulations, dear nicky.
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a missing mom, last heard talking on her cell phone, now gone. to sergeant scott haynes out of pensacola, florida, weigh in. >> it's a very tragic situation. hopefully someone from the public may have seen something. obviously, they've been getting some tips and law enforcement's been following up on that. hopefully, they'll be able to find something that leads them to her and hopefully she'll be alive and okay. >> douglas davis, i think sergeant haynes is correct. i am confident somebody knows something. >> absolutely. >> douglas davis, what is the hardest part of all this for you? >> well, you're just suspended in time. it's like it's holding right
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here. you can't go forward, and you don't know what the next step is. of course, every phone call, you're hoping that is the call. today i was on an airplane coming back from new york for 2 1/2 hours, and the biggest fear was arriving and a message be there and you didn't no which way it would be. just those kind of situations is just -- it's just all i can do to bear it some days. but i'm grateful i have my lord as my protector in this. i don't know how anybody without hope in jesus christ could get through an ordeal like this. >> mr. davis, i guess it just keeps going through your mind over and over, when she called out, "please, don't take me," when she called out and you couldn't help her. >> the most helpless feeling i have ever had. i made a commitment to her just a few days earlier that i would love her as christ loved the church and died for the church, yet in that moment, i was tested and i couldn't help her. there was nothing i could do.
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and yet, god allowed me this opportunity to start taking this stand that we need to take to be able to find her. i believe there's someone out there that has pertinent information. >> let me give the tip line. it's 800-597-8477. let's stop and remember arm agent first -- army sergeant first class alejandro grenado iv. also served desert storm. loves traveling and time with family. leaves behind parents, three brothers, two sisters, three children. alejandro granahdo, american hero. thanks to our guests but especially to you. see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp eastern. sharp eastern. until then, good night, friend. -- captions by vitac --
10:57 pm
hello. i'm a.j. hammer in new york. this is a "showbiz tonight" news break. just some of what we're covering for you on "showbiz tonight" at the top of the shower. tonight, breaking developments in the michael jackson death investigation. also brand-new developments in the reality show murder shocker. the reality star suspected of murdering a model found dead. and the model's family speaks out. "showbiz tonight" has the latest breaking developments. could the stunning murder/suicide have been prevented? plus, the explosive feud between brad pitt and tom cruise. brad's movie dominates at the box office. is pitt really trashing cruise in a brand-new interview? is it possible? "showbiz tonight" has the inside story behind the pitt/cruise smakdown. and the unbelievable buzz over this photo of a plus-size model showing all her curves. is it inspiring to you? "showbiz tonight" has the curvy enthusiasm. that's your "showbiz tonight" news break.
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