tv Prime News HLN September 1, 2009 5:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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we have urgent news in the jaycee dugard case. little girl kidnapped at age 11, found 18 years later. new today, a bone fragment found where her alleged abductor once lived. this as investigators frantically try to connect the dots trying to figure out whether phillip garrido is responsible for kidnapping other children. plus, an exclusive interview, the father of haleigh cummings talking tough about whoever snatched his little girl in the night. misty failed a polygraph. is ron cummings defending his new bride. call in, the number,
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877-tell-hln, e-mail us or text us. your chance to be heard. welcome. this is "prime news." i'm mike galanos. this is just frightening. authorities combing through a pair of properties connected to thep alleged kidnapper and rapist, phillip garrido. found this gruesome discovery, a bone fragment where garrido had once lived. he's accused of kidnapping jaycee dugard when she was 11, holding her prisoner for 18 years. police in antioch, california, etch say he fathered two of her children. what's more, authorities now want to know were the garridos responsible for about ten unsolved murders of prostitutes in the areas in the late 1990s? and they're also looking into whether he's linked to other missing children. we'll take your calls on this one. joining us to talk about it, carr ra finnstrom reporting on this for cnn.
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also with us, sharon murch. her daughter was kidnapped from a parking lot about 21 years ago. kara, what is the latest on this investigation and especially that bone fragment that was found? >> reporter: well, this is an investigation that continues to unfold and to grow, as you mentioned, investigators now looking at whether phillip garrido could possibly be connected to other abductions of children, something that took place back in the 1980s, as well as to a string of rape that is took place and murders that took place in the 1990s. in that instance, many of the women were prostitutes and many of their bodies were found near a park. garrido worked close to that park. you also mentioned the bone fragment that had been found. for about the past four days, police have conducted an exhaustive search, both of garrido's property. and if we pan over, you can see the property adjoining. for a while, that property was
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vacant and garrido acted as a caretaker. he had full access to it. police brought in cadaver dogs and searched both properties. they towed away trailers full of evidence. during that search, they found this bone fragment. at this point, it is not clear whether that is an animal fragment or a -- bone fragment from an animal or from a human. they have sent it off for testing. >> when we talk about the ten prostitutes, that's one side of it. also, missing children cases, we mentioned michaela, how many other children could he be linked into? what are authorities looking into? >> reporter: we know there were two, both michaela and another girl, about 20 miles away from his home that they're looking at. there are a few other cases being mentioned. it's not clear the number. but i can tell you, the police department here and local authorities have come under quite a bit of scrutiny for the
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fact that clues that could led them to dugard earlier were overlooked. they're following up on all the leads. they don't want to make the same mistake. >> one other thing, we know garrido gave documents i believe to the san francisco fbi, kind of his manifesto. has any of that information come out? do we know what's in it? >> reporter: we have taken a look at some of the those documents. some of it is a rambling spiritual type of testimony. doesn't make a lot of sense in a lot of places. he refers to some sexual doo deviance that he has in those documents. and they'll look at his state of mind if they try to plea insanity. just try to figure out how the man worked. >> want to bring in sharon murch, her daughter, michaela, kidnapped when she was 9, 21
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years ago. sharon, thanks for being with us. first off, when jaycee was found, did that give you new hope? >> absolutely. it completely energized me, completely energized my faith. my husband told me that she had been found. he whispered it to me at 5:00 in the morning. and i leaped out of bed yelling, oh, my god. and my first thought was, please let michaela be with her. >> are there similar -- are there any similarities with the way michaela was abducted and the way jaycee was abducted? >> there are a lot of similarities between the cases. the girls looked very similar. they were both dragged into cars. the description of the cars is the same. there have been other occasions over the last 18 years where the cases have intersected and the investigations because of the similarities. >> have you talked to authorities since jaycee was found?
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>> oh, yes. michaela's case has remained very active. the detective continues to work it. we have maintained close contact all along. so at 6:30 in the morning, the day that i found out jaycee had been found, i called him on his cell phone. >> and again, your reaction -- so your reaction has been you haven't relived that moment but you've been energized, that's where you are right now? >> yes, because i have, over the last few years, come to believe that it's still possible that michaela is alive and that she can come home. this just proves that it's possible, even if the cases aren't related. but i do think that there's a possibility they could be related. there was a witness who said that there were five girls who were living on the property next door. jaycee and her two daughters make up three girls. who were the other two?
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>> do you believe that phillip garrido's responsible for michaela's disappearance? >> i believe that he could be, yes. >> sharon, thank you again for your time. we are hoping and praying for a similar miracle for you, that michaela is alive and well. thank you again for taking time to be with us. we're going to take a quick break and continue. we'll take your phone calls on this topic, your thoughts, comments and questions. we're also going to talk about the rehabilitation of jaycee and her daughters, how can they resume anywhere near a normal life. ( revving, siren blares )
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln. we'll continue our conversation on the latest of the jaycee dugard case. the investigation, whether or not phillip garrido, her alleged abductor, is linked to other missing children's cases, whether or not he's link today the deaths of several prostitutes back in the '90s. we're taking your calls. mary is with us in kentucky. hi, mary. your comment or question here? >> caller: hi, mike. glad to get on finally. i think i'm just outraged that they let this man out of prison when he only did just a short stint of a 50-year sentence. he made a comment that he only enjoyed sex by force and how they can let somebody like that out of prison so they can just keep on repeating this -- they need stiffer laws. it's like they're saying children are not important, that the rapist has rights.
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and he doesn't. >> you and so many other, myself included, outraged to think this guy had a 50-year sentenced. he testified back in the mid '70s of what you just mentioned, also admitted he was somewhat of a peeping tom and he had strong urges to rape. let's bring in steve rogers. steve, so many people, we've talked about it, scratching their heads -- help us out. you've looked at this case. how was he let out only after 11 years in 1988? >> this is the problem that we have with this criminal justice system. the most frustrated group of people are those of us in law enforcement. i see it every day. until the people of this nation really wake up and get on their legislatures, their elected officials, we're just going to see it happen over and over again. >> what can we do? ? getting in touch with lawmakers, make them change the laws? >> absolutely. those lawmakers want one thing,
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to be re-elected. those guys are mostly responsible for appointing judges into high courts. well, let them know they're not going to be re-elected and you'll see how fast the laws of this land are strictly enforced and people are kept in prison. >> the recidivism, the likelyhood someone's going to reoffend, it's very likely for a guy like phillip garrido, especially with what he had done to the woman in reno, who we're going to hear from a little later in the show, and what he admitted -- what he battled. come on, he spent 11 years in levenworth. you're not getting rehabilitated there, are you? >> you're right. most of these sex offenders do not get rehabilitated. i'll be almost certain that they'll link him to some other crimes. i'm sure you're going to find that being revealed very shortly. >> let's get another call in. kim in california, kim, go ahead. >> caller: hi, i'm a counselor with abused children, i have been for about two decades. much of that time, i've been in our county orphanage, for lack
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of a better word. so i've worked with kids that have been sexually and physically abused. i'm hearing a lot of people question how jaycee or the other two girls could stay in the home, act attached to these people. and that's really normal and it's actually healthy that they were able to attach. i'm sure you have known people over the years that have been abused either physically or sexually, and most of the time to most people, they look like average, happy children, getting along with their parents, even if their parents were abusing them behind closed door. people need to consider that's normal for these kids to miss them and act that way and not seem suspicious most of the time. >> kim, thanks for that perspective. i don't think people are critical of jaycee and the daughters. i think they have the question, though, of why don't you run? thank you for that. let's bring in stacy kaiser. i'm sure you agree with kim. that's part of a survival, isn't it, at some point, to bond with your abductor?
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it just happen, right? >> it is inappropriate attachment in that sometimes it's forced. sometimes these people that have been abducted have been told their families will be killed or they'll be killed if they don't comply and attach. the most parent part is that because of this inappropriate attachment, it's hard to know what's going to happen to the younger children as they grow up. are they going to know who to trust and who not to trust? >> help us out here, what is going on right now as we've had the reunion between jaycee and her mom, her mom and now her grandchildren? give us a sense of what's going on, stacy. >> we are looking at a level of grief and fear that you could not possibly imagine. these are years that will never be gotten back that these people are all experiencing the trauma from. >> when you -- one last one to you -- is there any way to tell -- is it months? is it years?
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will the young girls go to school anytime soon or is all that just way too premature to even talk about? >> my hope is that they will try to get these young girls into what you would consider a normal life, only with lots and lots of counseling. but it's going to take a lot of years to heal the trauma because a lot of what happened with these kids, they didn't even know how traumatized i think they were. now they've come out of it and they're getting questioned and the media -- >> so many layers to this. guys, thanks again, stacy, steve. coming up, brave firefighters give their lives to help others. two have died while fighting against treacherous wildfires just north of los angeles. rugged terrain, dry conditions. we'll talk about their heroics, battling blazes like that.
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...cuz i'm a, bye! anncr: accidents are bad. anncr: but geico's good. with emergency road service. ding! female announcer: from jennifer, while supplies last, this luxurious microfiber sofa and chair, just $399. our most dramatic offer ever: both pieces, $399, from jennifer. welcome back. this hour, firefighters are battling a monstrous wildfire in
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southern california. the station fire. i want to take a look at what's going on as we speak. look at those blazes, the smoke. it's already burned about 190 square miles. again, live pictures here. an area larger than the city of philadelphia. dangerous, as of sunday, deadly. two firefighters were killed trying to get control of this beast. captain tedmund hall and specialist arnie quinones whose life is expecting their first child any day now. they're being hailed as heroes. i want to bring in carol. the entire firefighting family, i'm sure, is feeling this as the challenge continues with the station fire and other fires raging there in california. let's start with these two gentlemen. how many lives did they save? tell us about their heroics here. >> these really were the best of the best, as we -- the
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firefighters are fair matter of fact about what they do and the risks that they take. but these two gentlemen really were heroes in every sense of the word. essentially they died helping to protect at least 60 other people who were trapped on an overlook in a fire camp. they were down below trying to light back fires, trying to find an escape route when their vehicle plunged off an embankment, impossible to see, there was dense smoke and the fire was literally raging. what happened was that camp was overrun and 15 people had shelter in place. they were there helping to get the rest of their troops out. it says a lot about these two individuals in particular. ted hall was first and foremost about the men that served with him and under him -- men and women that served with him and under him.
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>> let's talk about something. we heard a couple of stories about people refusing to leave. isn't this just, once again, a reminder that when someone stays back to save a piece of property, a life is at stake? >> in california, we have a lot of construction that takes place in these urban wildland interface areas, which means that there are a lot of people out there. firefighters don't have the luxury, emergency responders don't have the luxury of picking and choosing who to save and who not to save. if the people are out there, it's their job to be safe. that's why it's so important from the fire service perspective that when people are asked -- are instructed to leave, they need to get out right away. that's how they can be assured that their lives are protected. they're putting themselves at risk and they're putting, from our perspective, putting frontline firefighters at risk. things can be replaced. lives can't. >> so well put, carroll. before we let you go, and we see
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the picture, just showed some live shots there, what are firefighters up against? this fire is already deadly. the station fire, we're talking about as well. the conditions, is it the perfect storm against firefighters right now? >> it's pretty much everything. at its zenith when the fire was really growing almost exponential, growing at almost 3,000 to 4,000 acres an hour. you can't outdrive it, let alone outrun it. the hot temperatures, dry winds, rugged terrain makes it difficult to get to. the winds blow the aerial rehar attendant every which way. the temperatures have cooled somewhat but now we're concerned about gusty winds and dry lightning which creates all kinds of new problems. >> carroll, we wish you the best. dddddddddddddd
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back to our top story now, the man accused of kidnapping jaycee dugard terrorized another woman almost 33 years ago. november 22nd, 1976, her name, katie callaway hall. phillip garrido asked her for a ride. then he tied her up and raped her repeatedly for eight hours. she told her story to larry king. listen to what she says happened next. >> phillip went out to answer the door. he came back in and he said, it's the heat. am i going to have to tie you up or are you going to be good? and i said, no, i've been good. don't tie me up. he went back out with the receipt and i thought for a minute, if there's a policeman out there, i have to try.
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>> larry: what did you do? >> i went crashing through over the boxes right out into the parking area from the policeman was. completely naked. >> garrido was kidnapp convicter kidnapping and raping hall. but only served 11 years of a 50-year sentence. how did a monster like this ever get out of prison? we'll take your calls. joining me to talk about it, stacy kaiser, psychotherapist. also with us, robin sachs, prosecutor and author. stacy, let me start with you. as this lady comes forward bravely to tell her story, she's been dealing with this for the better part of 30 years, will deal with it the rest of her life. can you ever get over something like that? >> the problem with being victimized like that is that you
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begin to recycle the experience. that is, it relives inside of your mind over and over again. i think it's actually very healing for her that she's get ago chance to tell her story but also that she knows he's back behind bars again. >> let's listen to a little more of this. we want to know, what was her reaction as last week she sees his face, the man who terrorized her and raped her -- there's his face on national television, talking about the jaycee dugard case. here was her reaction. >> larry: how did you find out the man who went to prison -- how did you put the two together? >> i actually heard it on cnn. i was coming downstairs to feed my dog and it was on the television and i happened to walk in front of the television and heard the name. >> larry: all you needed was the name? >> all i needed was the name. >> larry: what went through you? >> i screamed. i started screamed, oh, my god, oh, my god, it's him. he's the one who kidnapped many. >> larry: were you in fear of him all these years? >> oh, absolutely.
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>> lived in fear. stacy, is there any devastating effects to this, for her to see his face again? >> i would imagine that there is. i would imagine that she's replaying what happened to her in her mind and also transferring some of that on what may have happened to the girls held captive. >> is there a sense of relief now? let's face it, this guy is not going to bother her again. >> absolutely. people that are victimized like that want to know that thir predator is behind bars and she's finally beginning to get that peace. >> let's listen to a little bit more. fascinating to hear her story of this minnesoonster, what he did her. she's talking about the moment he abducted her. >> i turned around the corner and pulled over and he slammed my head into the steering wheel and pulled out handcuffs. took my keys out, threw them on the floor. pulled out handcuffs and handcuffed me.
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and said, i just want [ bleep ] -- if you be good, you won't get hurt. >> let's bring in robin sachs. this guy's an animal. testified back in that trial how he trolled neighborhoods like a peeping tom, had strong rape urges, enjoyed forced sex. all the earmarks were there that this guy would re-offend. how does he only spend 11 years of a 50-year sentence? >> that is the burning question that we all want to know the answer to. in the laws of the state of california, we're finally starting to treat sexually violent predators in such a way that they actually stay in custody for a long period of time. but this is a big issue because what happens out there is that there is the perception that we're too harsh on sex offenders and the people who lobby for easier treatment end up giving way to letting people get out of custody. this is why we have to be hyperindividual lent on those worst of the worst predators as
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garrido is. >> what are the odds he gets any kind of rehabilitation 11 years at levenworth, robin? >> there's no way that someone who has this kind of predatory history -- someone who puts someone through torture the way he did is not rehabilitatable. that's why we have these lifetime laws. next question is, what about what are we doing to monitor these predators? >> that's what we see in a case like this. two years ago, even a neighbor said, hey, something's going on at this house. and a parole officer did not do their job properly. let's get a call in. kathy is with us in massachusetts. >> caller: hi, mike. i'm awful curious to find out if not the parole officer, but when the neighbor called the police and told the police that he's a pedophile with children living
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in his backyard, i'd like to know why the police didn't investigate and if there's an investigation into why he didn't do his job? because she could have been found before this. >> yeah, at least a couple of years ago. robin, let's talk about that. yes, you need a search warrant if you're an investigator, right? you would think you have cause with his history, right? >> you absolutely do. when someone is on lifetime parole, automatically subject to lifetime search and seizure. any sort of law enforcement can go into the house day or night with or without a warrant. why that police officer didn't do that, it's much more than just a missed opportunity. that's grave injustice to the victim. >> certainly is. stacy, robin, we appreciate it. coming up, the search for little haleigh cummings. a new search we'll tell you about. her stepmom fails a polygraph test. now her husband, haleigh's dad,
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for the first time since his wife misty reportedly failed a polygraph test miserable, ronald cummings, the father of missing haleigh, talking tough against whoever stole his child. the 5-year-old disappeared february 9th, snatched from her bedroom. cummings talked exclusively to nancy grace. here's a brief clip from that interview. >> ronald, what do you make of misty flunking a polygraph? >> i don't know anything about her flunking a polygraph. i know what's been said about it but i'm not a polygrapher myself. i didn't see the results myself. i was told by the polygrapher who did the polygraph that it's
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not judged in percentages. that the polygraph is either a failed or a passed, not in percentages. >> we'll take your calls on this one. joining me to talk about it, marlena schiavo. midwin charles also joins us. is he right, a percentage is not factored in? what do you make of that? >> i don't know. i felt like he was rambling and just going on and on about nonsense. the bottom line is this woman failed the polygraph test. oftentimes, they carry a lot of weight. he can't walk away from that. >> it was tough to keep track there. let's go over a few of the questions here that she failed and some say failed miserably. did you intentionally without any information regarding haleigh's disappearance?
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>> it's pretty damning to me. does it look that way to you -- how do you use this to get the truth out of this girl? >> it's really, really difficult. first of all, those are very, very high percentages. and they're simple questions. you either know or you don't know. so for her to fail them with such high marks is really quite unbelievable and quite unfortunate given what happened to this little girl. but hopefully the truth will come out. she will get on the stand and they will ask her the questions and the truth will bear itself out. >> yeah. marlena, there's also a voice stress test. was this a separate occasion? help us understand that. she failed that one, too? >> she did. she requested this. she took this voice stress test. they asked her a series of questions. as a matter of fact, after
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taking this test, police ended up going to her brother's house and questioning him further in connection to haleigh's disappearance. >> in the midst of that, they did get some information to go off of? >> they did get some information. it was somewhat connected. they're being very secretive about the contents that were that led them to the questioning. but her brother, tommy croslin, says he doesn't understand why his sister is accusing him of anything. but he still stands by his sister. they did question him for three hours on friday. >> is she accusing him -- is that the correct terminology? >> well, she said that people are accusing him and she doesn't necessarily know what the connection with her brother is. >> let's stay with you, there was also a search done, correct -- a new search based on some info. what was that all about? >> tim miller said the search was planned. it was information he got from
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misty. he and his equusearch team went out searching a six-acre plot of land in the area around where haleigh cummings went missing. but unfortunately, mike, nothing came up from this search. >> did she mention something about going to a specific location where there was a plastic red rose? >> well, there were some local report that is did say she did say this during her hypnosis. but tim miller is saying this is an area she indicated previously. >> midwin, it just gets back to getting a straight story from this girl, doesn't it? >> it does. either you know or you don't know. and that's one of the first things we go ahead to get from this woman. a child is missing. she hasn't been seen for a long time. she just needs to stop with this nonsense and let's get to the bottom of it to find this little girl. >> well put. ladies, thanks so much. coming up, just a horrible tragedy here. 911 call, mother of two abducted from her home, raped, shot dead. somewhere in the midst of that
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nightmare, she manages to grab her abductor's phone, call 911 u 1 of 5 calls. we want to know, why was there not a concerted effort to find her? why was one call with cobs nearby, no one even dispatched, to denise lee? she ends up dead. we'll take your calls. why look for sales to save on school supplies? walmart checks other stores' prices, and they'll match any advertised price. so instead of searching for "deals" out there... you can go back to school for less, right here. save money. live better. walmart.
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welcome back. at any time today, a convicted killer will learn his fate, whether he will face the death penalty or life in prison for the murder of a young mom of two young kids. denise lee was abducted from her home in north point, florida, on january 17th, 2008. the 21-year-old was raped, shot in the head, thrown in a ditch. but she did in the midst of this have the wherewithal to use this creep's phone and call 911. a frantic phone call helped
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convict her killer. here's a part of it. let's listen. >> please let me go, a cry for helping. pleading for her life there. that was one of five 911 calls made that day. now the family plans to sue the charlotte county sheriff's department for mishandling one of those calls. we'll take your phone calls on this. back with us, detective lieutenant nuttily, new jersey, police department steve rogers. also bringing in an attorney, andrew smiley. also with us, george ducar, 911
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trainer. denise is abducted, she puts he little kids in the crib.@ what a heartbreaking early part of this tragedy.@ at 3:30, her husband comes home, makes the 911 call@.@ 6:00, her abductor, her killer, michael king,@ goes to his @ cousin's house to borrow a @ shovel, a gas can and a flashlight.@ she's telling him then, call the cops.@ 6:14 is when she somehow gets @ his phone and dials 911.@ you can hear -- we heard part of that, pleading for her life.@ he curses at her in the midst o that for drawing attention to @ herself.@ 6:23, the cousin's daughter @ calls a 911 call to say, this @ guy's come for a shovel and a gas can. look out.@@ then at 6:30, a witness who's @ driving hears a voice in the @ vehicle next to her, even
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follows the call. here's her 911 call to charlotte county. let's give that a listen. >> a child in the car somewhere between 5 and 10 and banging on the window and screaming and crying. and screaming like screaming, @ screaming. not a happy scream. like get me out of here scream. >> so there it was.@ i mean, this lady she saw it. and no one was dispatched. no one was dispatched. there were cops we come to find out, moments away. could have possibly saved denise lee's life. steve rogers, what could have happened here? >> this is outrageous and excusable. hello from a 911 operator. how about all the confusion trying to coach the address out of her. our 911 operators are trained what is your address?
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outrageous. there will be an internal affairs investigation. >> george, you are a 911 trainer. what do you make of this? >> the first call, toward the latter part of the call the 911 operator tried to make sense of this call from denise. we teach our dispatchers, listen for a caller speaking in code. you have to apply everything you have learned, all your policies and gut feelings. if you think something is wrong you have to ask right off the bat. >> we had a chance to call charlotte county 911 systems there. no response on this story. i think what we want out of this is to make sure there is a concerted effort so something like this doesn't happen again where 911 calls are missed and cops aren't dispatched when they should be. we'll take your phone calls 1-877-tell-hln. stay with us. ÷
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we have urgent news from the jaycee dugard case, the liddle girl kidnapped at age of 11. new today a bone fragment found where her alleged abductor once lived. investigators fraptically trying to connect the dots. whether phillip garrido is responsible for kidnapping other kids. the father of haleigh cummings talking tough. his wife, misty, the last person to see 5-year-old haleigh reportedly failed a polygraph miserably. is ron cummings defending his bride?
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taking your calls 1-877-tell-hln. or e-mail us cnn koim/primenews controversy, opinion, your point of view. this is "prime news." >> this is hour number two of "prime news." i'm mike galanos.x authorities combing through a property of an alleged kidnapper. a bone fragment where garrido once lived. he is accused of kidnapping jaycee dugard when she was 11, holding her prisoner for 18 years. police say he fathered two of her children. authorities want to know if garrido is responsible for murders of prostitutes and whether he is linked to other missing children. joining me, welcome back detective lieutenant steve rogers, a former member of the
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fbi joint terrorism task force. prosecutor robin sacks, "predators and child molesttors" author. steve, let's open up with the bone fragment. we had facebook comments saying why would this information be let out if you don't know it is human or animal? >> if it is, in fact, a human bone fragment this takes a different turn. every cold case is going to be open over the past ten years. they are going to see if body part recovered anywhere else can be linked to this bone fragment. >> what is the likelihood that garrido that is responsible for the deaths of prostitutes and maybe responsible for other kidnapped kids. >> i think it is highly likely.
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knows the history of sex predators this is not the first time. if he was released again it wouldn't be the last. >> robin, what are you seeing here? as we talk about bone fragments, unsolved murders in that area. we are talking about specifically where he lived and worked. >> this stuff does make for great television, but we can't forget that behind the scenes are real people. there are real victims and people aching for answers, jaycee dugard and her family and her grandmother. we have to remember this is just the beginning of a huge uncovering of information. hopefully connecting these dots we will start putting a case together that will ensure this guy is behind bars forever. >> i want to get both of you -- you just mentioned it, robin, connecting the dots. as the prosecutor, what dots? help us out. as we watch as laymen.
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what dots need to be put together to put this guy away for the rest of his life? >> just like you mentioned and was mentioned numerous times before, sex predators are repeat pedophiles. they will continue to offend. to think between 1977 and when jaycee dugard went missing in 1991 and since then nothing happened is not a big probability. we need to look at similar crimes in those areas to put them together to explain these unsolved murders, unsolved sexual assault and crimes in that area. >> as an investigator, steve, what dots are you putting together? >> mike, i can tell you, i'm curious about the unseen dot, the unknown dot, the victim that might come forward and give us information they were victimized by him.
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that is something police will be looking for and waiting for. >> steve, we are hearing about documents that phillip garrido gave to the fbi. somewhat of a manifesto, called a rambling. a spiritual nature, can't make much sense. is that important to read this stuff? >> yes, very, very important. i have read documents like this in some cases i have been involved in. i remember reading a document like this where an individual led us to a book they read that led us to significant evidence involving a case. these things are very important. >> robin, you as well? is it important for you as a prosecutor? >> absolutely. this should be a case where no stone goes unturned. everything should be blown wide open, every document he has touched, every piece of evidence you can link to something else. not only to solve the crime but
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have an understanding to use an example to help protect people in the future. >> okay. let's listen to phillip garrido. he granted an interview to kcra, one of our affiliates. he is talking about a heart warming story we are going to come to know. let's give that a listen. >> wait until you read that document. my life has been straightened out. wait until you hear the story of what took place at this house and you're going to be absolutely impressed. it's a disgusting thing that took place in the beginning. i turned my life completely around and to be able to understand that you have to start there. you are going to find the most powerful story coming from the witness. if you take this a step at a time you're going to find the most powerful heart warming story. >> i don't think so. when we talk about an
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11-year-old kidnapped, raped, forced to have two kids with this monster. but, okay. public outrage aside, we are all infuriated to hear that. what does that tell us about this guy? >> as i listen to that statement i see the most prevalent word, the word i. he is talking about himself all over the place. i this and i that and i've changed and i'm going to show this and that. that shows me he is narcissistic. the interview on "larry king" the prior victim said he tried to talk her out of coming to the police. this is someone who will do anything and stop nowhere at trying to save his own hide. >> exactly. he has been described as a manipulator. no doubt he did that to young jaycee dugard.
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welcome back to "prime news." we continue our conversation on the jaycee dugard case. we are learning more about her alleged abductor, phillip garrido. so many questions concerning him. is he responsible for the deaths of several prostitutes in the late '90s? did he kidnap other kids? we take your calls
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1-877-tell-hln. robin sacks and steve rogers. robin, you mentioned it. you talk about that these are real people, jaycee, her mother, a stepfather. let's listen here for a moment to jaycee's stepfather as he talked about jaycee's recovery and what is going on as she tries to get some rehabilitation. >> she's with a group and they're taking care of her and they're getting adjusted and my wife and daughter are up there. it's going real slow. i don't need to be involved in this and disrupt anything. >> he says it is going slow at this point. robin, obviously, as a prosecutor, i mean, her well being is first and foremost. when could prosecutors and investigators talk to her? how far down the road is that? >> i think the first thing is everyone needs to back off. i'm sitting her on television with a number of people at this point talking about what she may
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be going through. not only is jaycee dugard and her family being hounded by law enforcement and other people, but the media at this point. and being hounded to get information to make a story. we need to be respectful this takes a huge amount of time to overcome not to mention there are probably so many cross feelings and so many unanswered questions just for her own well being and then to let law enforcement be the first people, the people who have the ability to put her at ease in terms of making sure that the garridos are behind bars forever. those should be the people that get the first bite at her. >> well put. let's take a call. mary from virginia. >> caller: hi. i have a comment i would like to make about the person or persons responsible for the release of garrido who i think served only 11 years out of a 50-year
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sentence. are they still employed and if so why? and also shouldn't the entity, the parole system or prison system be responsible for jaycee's psychological, medical and all bills associated with her for the rest of her life? shouldn't the people who let this scumbag go, shouldn't they be legally responsible, but not legally responsible but financially responsible for this girl's life? >> mary, you make some great points. so many share your passions and frustration. to reiterate. we are talking about phillip garrido, convicted of kidnapping and raping catherine callaway hall in 1976. took her to a warehouse, after eight hours of hell. this guy in testimony back then talked about having strong urges to rape, enjoying forced sex.
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this guy was not going to be rehabilitat rehabilitated. robin, i'm going back to you as so many are frustrated. his first wife talked about his violent nature. he went after her with a safety pin to try to gouge her eyes out and she has a scar to this day. this guy was not going be rehabbed. >> you are absolutely correct. there is no way he was going to be rehabilitated. when there is a crime, a kidnap and a rape together, we need to make sure someone is not hanging out on a registry list, they are being monitored with face-to-face contact. kudos to the community police officer at berkeley who saw this guy was acting strange and did something and investigated it further. why wasn't parole doing that same thing and walking around the house which they had the
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legal right to do. >> steve, do you think we will get a reform in the parole system? >> not until the people in this country wake up to the reality there is a problem. i have been talking about this for two decades. tragedy after tragedy after tragedy. the only way we make the change in a free society is to make a change in our legislators. >> so well put. guys, we could continue on. i'm sure we'll talk again soon. robin, steve, we appreciate it. coming up, brave firefighters give their lives to help others. two have died while fighting the treacherous wildfire north of los angeles. rugged terrain, bone dry drought conditions, homes in jeopardy. 60 lives hang in the balance. two gave up theirs to save so many. there's no way to hide it. sir, have you been drinking tonight? if you ride drunk, you will get caught... and you will get arrested.
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at this hour firefighters are battling a monstrous wildfire. the station fire. it has burned 190 square miles, an area larger than the city of philadelphia. two firefighters were killed trying to get control of this beast. captain tedmund hall, husband, dad, and arnie quinones. carol, i'm sure the entire fire fighting family is feeling this as the challenge continues with the station fire and other fires raging there in california. let's start with these two gentlemen. how many lives did they save? tell us about their heroics.
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>> these were the best of the best. the firefighters are very matter of fact about what they do and about the risks they take. these two gentlemen were heroes in every sense of the word. essentially they died helping to protect at least 60 other people who were trapped on an overlook in a fire camp. they were down below trying to light backfires, trying to find an escape route when their vehicle plunged off an embankment. it was impossible to see. there was dense smoke and the fire was literally raging. the camp was overrun and 15 people had to shelter in place. they were there trying to get the rest of their troops out. it says a lot about these two individuals. ted hall was first and foremost about the men that served with him and the men who served under him. the men and women that served
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with and under him. >> let's talk about something, stories about people refusing to leave. isn't this once again a reminder when someone stays back to save a piece of property a life is at stake? >> in california we have a lot of construction that takes place in these urban wild land interface areas. which means there are a lot of people out there. firefighters don't have the luxury of picking and choosing who to save and who not to save. if the people are out there, it is their job to be safe. that is why it is so important from the fire service perspective when people are instructed to leave, they need to get out right away. that's how they can be assured their lives are protected. they are putting themselves at risk and from our perspective frontline firefighters at risk. things can be replaced. lives can't. >> so well put, carroll.
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before we let you go. we just showed some live shot there, what are firefighters up against? this fire is already deadly. the station fire we are talking about as well. is it the perfect storm against firefighters right now? >> it is pretty much everything. at its zenith, it was growing faster than you can outdrive or outrun it. the high temperatures, dry winds, rugged terrain. the winds blow, the aerial redarr dant every which way so it doesn't work that much. the temperatures have cooled somewhat but we are concerned about gusty winds and dry lightning which creates all kinds of new problems. >> carroll, we wish you the best. more to come. ú8ú
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back to our top story. the man accused of kidnapping jaycee dugard terrorized another woman, 33 years ago, november 22, 1977. phillip garrido asked her for a ride, he handcuffed her, tied her up and took her to a warehouse and raped her repeatedly for eight hours. she told her story to larry king on our sister network cnn. >> phillip went out to answer the door and he came back in and said it is the heat. am i going to have to tie you up or are you going to be good. i said, no, i'm going to be good. i thought if there is a
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policeman out there. i have to try. >> what did you do? >> i went crashing through over -- under the rugs, under the boxes right out into the parking area where the policeman was completely naked. >> he only served 11 years of a 50-year sentence. we all want to know how a monster like this ever get out of prison? we take your calls 1-877-tell-hln. joining me to talk about it, stacy kaiser, psychotherapist. stacy, let me start with you as this lady comes forward bravely to tell her story. she has been dealing with this the better part of 30 years. can you ever get over something like that? >> the problem with being victimized like that is you
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begin to recycle the experience. it relives inside of your mind over and over again. i think it is healing she is getting a chance to tell her story but she knows he is back again behind bars. >> let's listen to a little more of this. what was her reaction as last week she sees his face, the man who terrorized her and raped her, there is his face on national television talking about the jaycee dugard case. here is her reaction. >> how did you find out the man who went to prison for this kidnapping raped you? >> i actually heard it on cnn. i was coming down stairs to feed my dog. it was on the television. i walked in front of the television and heard the name. >> all you needed was the name? >> all i needed was the name. >> what went through you? >> i started screaming. oh, my god. he is the one who kidnapped me. >> did you live in fear of him all these years?
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>> oh, absolutely. >> stacy, are there any devastating effects? >> i would imagine she is replaying what happened to her in her mind and transferring some of that to what may have happened to the girls who were held captive. >> is there a sense of relief now? this guy is not going to bother her again. >> absolutely. people who are victimized want to know their predator is behind bars. she is going to get that piece. >> let's listen to more. it is fascinating to hear her story, this monster, what he di in the mid '70s to her. she is talking about the moment he abducted her. >> i turned around the corner and pulled over and he slammed my head into the steering wheel and pulled out handcuffs. took my keys out, threw them on the floor. pulled out handcuffs and
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handcuffed me and said i want a piece of [ bleep ]. if you be good, you won't get hurt. >> this guy is an animal. testified back in that trial how he trolled neighborhoods like a peeping tom, had strong rape urges, enjoyed forced sex. all the earmarks were there that he would reoffend. how does he spend only 11 years of a 50-year sentence? >> that is the answer we want to know. unfortunately, now, under the laws in the state of california we are starting to treat sexually violent predators where they stay in custody a long time. this is a big issue because what happens out there is that there is the perception we are too harsh on sex offenders and people who lobby for easier treatment give way to letting people out of custody. we have to be hypervigilant on the worst of the worst predators
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as garrido is. >> what are the odds he gets any rehabilitation 11 years at levin worth? >> there is no way this kind of person with this pred torl history has no chance of rehabilitation. a person who kidnaps, puts someone through torture in the way garrido is not able to be rehabilitated. the next question, what are we doing to monitor the worst of the worst predators? >> exactly. that is what we see in a case like this. two years ago a neighbor said something is going on. the parole officer did not do their job properly. let's get a call in. cathy in massachusetts. >> caller: mike, i'm curious to find out if not the parole officer but when the neighbor called the police and told the police he is a pedophile with children living in his back
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yard, i would like to know why the police didn't investigate and if there's an investigation into why he didn't do his job? because she could have been found before this. >> yeah. at least a couple of years ago. robin, let's talk about that. yes, you need a search warrant if you are an investigator, right? i think you have cause with his history? >> someone with life time parole they are automatically subject to life time search and seizure. a police officer, a parole officer can go into the house day or night with or without a warrant. why that police officer didn't do that, it is much more than a missed opportunity, it is grave injustice to the victim. the search for haleigh cummings. a new search. meanwhile her stop mom, misty cummings, fails a polygraph test. reportedly failed it miserably. her husband, ronald cummings is
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for the first time since his wife misty reportedly failed a polygraph test, ron cummings, the father of missing haleigh, is talking tough. snatched from her bedroom. last night cummings talked exclusively to our very own nancy grace. here is a brief clip from that interview. >> ronald, what do you make of misty flunking a polygraph? >> i don't know anything about her flunking a polygraph. i know what has been said about it. i'm not a polygrapher myself. i didn't see any results. i was told by the polygrapher it is not judged in percentages.
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the polygraph is a failed or a pass, not in percentages. >> we'll take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln. joining me to talk about it, marlaina schiavo, producer from the nancy grace show. let's pick up where ron cummings left off. is he right? a percentage is not factored in? what do you make of that? >> i don't know. i felt he was rambling about nonsense. the bottom line is this woman failed a polygraph test. they are often introduced into evidence and carry weight and he cannot walk away from. well put, midwin. let's go over a few of the questions she failed and some say failed miserably. did you intentionally withhold any information regarding haleigh's disappearance. her answer no, 99% deception.
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do you know what happened to haleigh? no. 99% deception. do you know where haleigh is now? no. 95% deception. it is damning to me. it looks that way to me, midwin. >> it is difficult. those are very, very high percentages. and they are simple questions. you either know or you don't know for her to fail them with such high marks is quite unbelievable and unfortunate given what happened to this little girl. but hopefully the truth will come out. she will get on the stand and they will ask her the questions. >> marlaina, there was a voice stress test and she failed that one, too. >> she did. she requested this, mike. she took this voice stress test. they asked her a series of questions.
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as a matter of fact, after taking this test police ended up going to her brother's house and questioning him further in connection to haleigh's disappearance. >> they did get information to go off of? >> they did get some information. it was somewhat connected. they are being very secretive of what the contents were that led them to the questioning. her brother, misty's brother said he doesn't understand why his sister is accusing him of anything but he still stands by his sister after all this. they questioned him for three hours on friday. >> is she accusing him? is that the correct terminology? >> well, she said people are accusing him and she doesn't necessarily know what the connection with her brother is. >> marlaina, let's stay with you. there was also a search done, correct? >> there was another search. >> what was that all about? >> tim miller said this search was planned.
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he and his equisearch people searched the area where haleigh cummings went missing. nothing came up whatsoever. >> did she mention a specific location where there was a plastic red rose? >> there were some local reports that said -- she said this during her hypnosis. >> midwin, before we go, it gets back to getting a straight story from this girl? >> it does. either you know or you don't know. that is one of the things we need to get from this woman. a child is missing. she needs to stop with this nonsense and get to the bottom of this so we can find this little girl. >> ladies, we appreciate it. we will revisit the tragic death of deejay a.m., adam goldstein. we were celebrating a year ago
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welcome back. i had a really in depth conversation with jane velez-mitchell about the death of deejay a.m. 36-year-old celebrity deejay, survived a plane crash last year. friday he was found dead. reportedly police found a crack pipe, prescription pills. at one time he was addicted to drugs. looks like he had a relapse that could have been deadly. his tragic tale highlights the
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growing problem of prescription drug use. i want to bring back jane velez-mitchell host of "issues with jane velez-mitchell." let's pick up where we left off. it is a tale for all of us. we celebrated as he survived the plane crash but the traumatic event, did that begin to open the door because he starts using the anti-anxiety pills. >> we don't know. numerous push published reports that there was a slew of drugs, vik dan, oxy continuen,
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lorazepam. this was a man proud of being 11 years sober who was a leader in the recovery movement. it is a cautionary tale that nobody is a leader in the recovery movement. the only thing that any of us recovering addicts or alcoholics have is today. this is a daily reprieve from an addiction that will do push ups waiting for a moment of @÷ weakness. he experienced this pleap crash. that created a fear of flying. he had to fly because of his job. he was due to do something in terms of a deejay performance it las vegas. it is sometimes genuine issues that pop up that create these crisis where you are confronted with i have a desire for an
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anti-anxiety medication. >> the sobriety can be stronger at other times, the foundation of your can happen? >> absolutely. that's why you have to work on your sobriety. and it really is a spiritual program. because if you don't stay on the spiritual beam and focus on being of service and doing good works and keeping your house clean and apologizing when you make a mistake, if you don't work on rigorous honesty and you get in trouble, you can slip and you can also be confronted with legitimate issues, like a horrible plane crash that creates a fear of flying, that creates a desire for antianxiety medication, that is also a very complex and troubling problem. perhaps given his history of drug abuse, even though he had this fear of flying, maybe it would had been better for him to take a bus all the way to las vegas rather than taking antianxiety drug to gain the courage to get on a plane. sometimes addicts simply cannot afford to take prescription
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drugs which is a massive problem in this country. and today is day one of national recovery month. that's one of the reasons why we're going to be investigating all of this on "issues." and revisiting heath ledger's case and anna nicole smith and michael jackson. and now apparently dj am is added to the list. >> don't you think, jane, hopefully on a day like this we can -- those who battle the addiction issues, the people close to them can see those cries for help as small as they may be. isn't that key as well? >> well, something called enabling and codependency and actually i discuss that in-depth in my new book "iwant." because boots a rover memoir. the person who the addict lived with or the significant other is in denial and actually facilitates the addiction. >> jane, s watching "issues" >> jane, s watching "issues" coming up in a little less than ten minutes. jane, good talking to you. ten minutes. so instead of searching for "deals" out there... you can go back to school for less, right here.
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