tv Prime News HLN September 2, 2009 5:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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-- captions by vitac -- this hour, shocking testimony from the first wife of rapist phillip garrido. the man accused of holding her captive for 18 years. garrido was a sex addict and the marriage fell apart because of his insatiable hunger for sex, plus this chilling question, was little jaycee abducted simply to bear children for garrido's infertile wife? a 2-year-old pitching a fit in the frozen food section at walmart gets slapped across the face, four or five times, bub not by mom and dad. police say it was a total stranger who did it. she's 2, suck it up, grab your hungry man dinner and let the mom deal with the kid.
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unbelievable! call in, 1-877-tell-hln is the number. e-mail me at news or text us hln tv. start your message with the word prime. it's your chance to be heard. controversy, opinion, your point of view, this is "prime news." welcome once again. this is "prime news." i'm mike galanos. for the first time we are hearing from the first wife of phillip garrido, the convicted rapist outside san francisco accused again, of kidnapping jaycee dugard when she was 11 and holding her captive for 18 years. first wife, christine murphy says they were high school sweethearts, but not long after they were married he became abusive, even tried to gouge her eyes out in a jealous rage. listen as murphy tells "inside edition" how much of a creep her husband was even back then. >> what happened to your marriage? >> well, it fell apart because of his neediness for sex.
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i just wanted my life the way it used to be, before phil garrido. >> wow! joining me to talk about this, jim moret, chief correspondent for "inside edition," attorney, former anchor here at cnn. also with us carra finnstrom from our sister network, cnn. carra, i want to start with you and before we get to christine murphy, his wiefrt wife, let's hit on the investigation. first off, was there talk that phillip garrido might be involved in the deaths of prostitutes back in the '90s, what's the latest on that? >> reporter: we have heard from pittsburgh police from that now, they searched the house and the property next door. that was a search that went on for four days and they have issued a press release saying no evidence was found that could link him to those crimes. that was a string of murders, many of them were prostitutes during the 1990s. what is still open are the
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investigations into two girls who vanished in the 1980s. both of those girls disappeared just about 20, 25 miles away from here, and some similarities between those cases and the disappearance of jaycee dugard. so police continuing to look into whether garrido could be a suspect in those cases. >> so the book's not closed on that one yet. hey, carra, was there another item we talked about. a bone fragment found in a property that garrido had taken care of. what's the latest on that? any ruling on what that is? >> no, not yet. police weren't sure whether it was actually an animal bone or a human bone. they've taken it away for testing. as of now the search is over here. they've completely sealed off everything. the search was so exhaustive here that they've condemned the house behind it saying it was not inhabitable. they were in there with chainsaws with power tools removing that evidence and in the process was when they found the bone, but everything has been taken away and we have not
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heard the results of the police search. >> carra, anything new in the investigation. >> reporter: just that we know that they're continuing to look into whether he is tied to any other crimes that have been unsolved. as you can imagine, they came under some criticism for not seeing perhaps some clues that could have led them to jaycee dugard earlier. they're making sure that they exhaust every, you know, possibility on some of these unsolved sex crimes that are still out there. >> last one before i let you go, cara. what are neighbors -- or have you had a chance to talk to neighbors in the area as this goes on. they're getting the full realization of what was going on literally in their own backyard. are they talking at this point? >> reporter: some of them are and it's been a mixed bag. on one side there was a gentleman who had his girlfriend call 911 because he suspected that something quite right was going on. he said he saw girls in the backyard. he said from day one he felt there was something not quite right with garrido. on the other side of the house, i just spoke with the woman who lived there a short while ago
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who said i never had any idea. i never saw the young woman or the daughters. you could this have gone on? i never saw anything. very interesting to hear the different takes on people in this neighborhood. >> and what they're dealing with, too. some doctors mentioning they could be dealing with guilt as they find out what's happened. cara, thanks again for the update. i want to turn now to jim moret, chief correspondent of "inside edition." another fascinating angle on this, first wife, christine murphy talking. she spoke to your correspondent with "inside edition." did she talk about his deviant behavior and what she had to deal with as a wife to this guy back in the '70s? >> she talked to our weekend anchor, diane, and she was candid. she said, frankly, it was hell living with this man. she described him as a monster. very manipulative. she claims that he tried to gouge out her eye with a safety pin at one point because either someone had looked at her or she had looked at another man, that
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she tried to get away. she really paints a frightening picture of a man who she described as a high school sweetheart and they had a very brief marriage. she describes her divorce as basically her escape. she had to escape this man and when you hear not only from her, but from another woman that we talked to at "inside edition" who was his first victim, you get a really frightening picture of a man who should never have been let out after 11 years after this first conviction where he was sentenced to 50 years in prison. >> we'll talk more about that when we come back. talking about his own testimony at that trial for the kidnap and rape that he was convicted of and talk about what was going on in his mind back then. you look at t there was no way this guy was going to be sc rehabilitated. we'll continue to take yourie calls.ic 1-877-tell-hln is the number. so instead of searching for "deals" out there... you can go back to school for less, right here.
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln. we continue to follow the latest in the jaycee dugard case. we're talking about phillip garrido. we heard from his first wife, christine murphy. we just heard her talk about one of the reasons their marriage broke up was because of his deviant sexual behavior. we'll take your calls. 1877-tell-hln is the number. we're talking to jim moret of "inside edition." "inside edition" landed that interview with christine murphy. jim, let's go back to the beginning here and when she heard of what phillip garrido was accused of. what was her reaction? was she surprised or did she know he was capable of that.
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>> he was pretty much capable of doing anything. she tried to get out of her maerj early on and he basically told you, look, i'll find you wherever you are and at one point he did find her when she tried to get away and forced her back into his car and she said she was finally able to escape. she describes him as a good manipulator and she used the words you just used, he's pretty much capable of anything. that being said, she's now remarried and is the mother of four, but this haunts her because -- i mean, she had to live with this and she carries those scars of living with a man that she now sees what he's done since and clearly, he's only alleged to have comitted this latest crime, but he was convicted of another rape, and he only served as we said, 11 of 50 years for that. >> so many viewers can't get over it that, myself included. another part of this interview, christine murphy is basically asked about how his new wife nancy garrido could fall for this guy. let's give that a listen.
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>> she must have been so in love with him or infatuated with him that she was willing to do anything opinion. >> let's bring in dr. patricia ferrell, clinical psychologist. doctor, when we start thinking of nancy garrido who we have not talked a lot about and the base question is who marries a rapist and kidnapper in leavenworth? >> remember, where was he? if you were going to do anything and you wanted to get some level of, let's say, celebrity, i know it's a very strange word to use in this case, but you wanted some level of celebrity you might go after someone like this because what thing do you have going for you even though you know the heinous crime he's committed? what do you have going for you? you have the security, and i should say security like this because it really didn't work out that way of knowing he's going to be there for 50 years?
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you're fairly safe, aren't you? there are women who are attracted to these kind of men. there are women who go and marry men on death row knowing what they've done. so i'm not surprised that she might have gone and entered into a marriage knowing that he'd never get out. >> is there a power he has over her or did back then to woo her? >> i don't know. i mean, if he were in jail how could he have done that? there has to be some kind of pre-existing personality that is more likely to gravitate to this kind of person and then he is a very good salesman. remember, these people are great salesmen. they sell themselves. they do whatever they have to do to bring that person very, very slowly in until the trap is sprung. >> yeah. jim, we look at her, there's a portion of time where nancy garrido is alone with jaycee
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dugard, 1993 when garrido violates parole. so you wonder what was going on at that point and she's just as culpable as he is in many ways, right? >> that's certainly a problem for her defense attorney because you could certainly argue that during those three or four months that garrido was back in custody, she did not let yeahsie go. so she became the captor and it would be very difficult for her to explain that she's still a victim. i don't know psychologically what was going on in her mean, but it's certainly -- you could argue that she's every bit as culpable as her husband. >> yeah. okay. >> but let's remember one thing. i was thinking about this today. let's remember the nussbaum case in new york city, didn't last as long as this one, but hannah nussbaum was a woman who knew that this child was being abused on a daly basis. she did nothing. she was horrendously abused herself. she's finally come out and she has been rehabilitated into some
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kind of life, but these women, you really can't say that they had the freedom or the sense that they could escape. they really didn't. they had been totally molded by this guy to believe that there was nothing they could do. they were totally helpless. we're talking about extreme cases of learned helplessness. >> all right. guys, i wish we could continue. doctor, we appreciate it, jim. coming up, haleigh cummings' dad said he could get his daughter back safe if he had $35,000. someone heard these comments and actually put up the money. the check's cut, 35 grand, but ron cummings can't cash it until he produces haleigh. what do you think about this one? call in. 1-877-tell-hln.
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on hln. new today in the search for 5-year-old haleigh cummings. one of the supporters of texas equisearch has written a check to her father, ron cummings to the tune of $35,000 bucks. misty cummings, she's the last person to see little haleigh before she vanished back in february. last week, equisearch behind a polygraph test that misty took, one that she apparently failed miserably. then there's this jawdropper. haleigh's dad reportedly told his father in law that if he had 35 brand he could get haleigh back safe. obviously, all of this has the father-in-law a little ticked. this is misty's dad, hank croslin senior calling texas equisearch director tim miller.
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>> all right. then again, there's dad, spinning away from misty right to ron cummings. you hear the anger in his voice we want to get the bottom of this one. 35,000? what is this all about? we're taking your calls, 1-877-tell-hln. them miller is with us, director of texas equisearch and former investigator, john lose itch. i'll start with you. that's hank croslin, senior. what was your reaction when you heard that? what do you make of that? >> it's one of those things that my head started spinning again and i thought if there was any truth to it at all. i talked to roy moffity and he's helped us so many times in the past with searches and a very hard-working, successful businessman in houston, texas, and i got the call this morning from roy and he said, i will go
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ahead and write that check for $35,000. he wrote the check out and in his office called about 30 minutes later and said you know what? we pray that ronald can go ahead and cash this check, and i know this for a fact. if ronald needs the cash i know roy moffit will fly to florida with the $35,000 cash if he has to ride with ronald to go bring haleigh back safely. all we want is haleigh back. so the money's there. if ronald needs the 35,000, it's there. >> so what do you make of it and then i'll ask john as well. does this is a that ronald knows where she is and if he had the 35,000 does it sound like it's ransom money to get haleigh back or is he saying, if i had the means and 35,000, i could go out and find her. what do you think he's saying here? >> i don't know what he's saying myself, but you know what? i do know this is what misty's dad said and, unfortunately during these tough economic
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times, mr. moffit stepped forward with the 35,000. if he needs it, it's here. let's get midwesty -- let's go get haleigh and get her home. >> this is ronald's attorney saying we are aware of the news of someone offering 35k, but no one has approached ronald about this. he has no one to give 35k to and he doesn't know who took haleigh. that all stems from a voicemail misty's dad left on tim miller's cell phone. that's all i know. john lucich, as you hear all of this, what's your take on it. >> this can go in any direction, especially after hearing the voice mail myself, it may be -- you know, when you take a look at this investigation, this investigation started with everyone looking at misty and now it's come back full circle to everybody still looking at midwesty. and this is misty's dad saying this, it could be a way to get the pressure off of misty and on to somebody else to even cloud this investigation. i think these cops are right on, what everybody said from the start, remember, she went
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through a voice stress analyzer, a polygraph. that -- those tests contradicted her. she contradicted herself. the physical evidence contradicts herself. she's the target here and they need the focus right there. >> tim, we have about 30 seconds. tim, is that your take here, that it's a father just trying to clear his daughter's name? >> i'm not an investigator by no mean, but that was said again, roy moffit made the 35,000 available and we only pray to god that ronald can cash this check because that means haleigh's coming home safe. so let's pray that there's truth in it. the money's here. the money's here. >> we know where your heart is, tim, and so many of our viewers and we just want little haleigh to return home safe and sound. we'll take a break and take your calls on this. 1-877-tell-hln. we'll go over the polygraph tests that misty failed. that's where this all starts. what does misty know? they said it would never last.
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ahhh! with plugins lasting impressions. and yes, it's glade. s.c. johnson, a family company. welcome back to "prime news" on hln. i really want to hear from you on a couple of stories coming up. first this one, 2-year-old girl making a fuss at walmart, crying. she's 2, a typical toddler. she gets slapped across the face by a total stranger. police say the guy told the mom, if you don't shut up that baby i'll shut her up for you. are you kidding me? he's 61 years old, she's 2. he's facing felony charges, good, throw the book at him. call in on that one. 1-877-tell-hln. this one as well. this turned out to be a deadly mistake. a mom gave her 14-year-old son the keys to the car even though he had a learner's permit. he ends up with other teens in the car, none wearing seat belts
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and then the tragic accident. lost control of the car, 14-year-old cheerleader in the vehicle was thrown out of the sun roof and killed. this happened september 2007.ú? since then the boy has pleaded guilty toú? vehicular homicide.? he'll be sentenced next month ú? and his mom being punished as ú? well. sheú? pleaded guilty to manslaughter and will spend 30 days in jail, also getting five years probation, two of those house arrest. i want to hear from you again. the number 1-877-tell-hln. do you think that's the right punishment? see what you think. mimi, good to have you back. also with us, neil shaws, former prosecutor. neil, i'll start with you. 30 days in jail, five years probation, two years under house arrest. did they get it right? >> i don't think so. the prosecutor here had a great opportunity in this high-profile case to send a message to parents across florida and across the country that this sort of parental recklessness will not be tolerated. the fact is if this mom had gone
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to trial and been convicted of manslaughter she could have gone to prison for 15 years. so merely spending 30 days in jail, in my view, that's a slap on the wrist. that isn't the strong message that should have been sent here. >> neil says not enough. mimi, do you think they got it right here or not? >> i do. there's a problem with proof because if we look at the statute the state would have to prove that she performed culpable negligence without legal justification. now, surely she knew that she wasn't authorized by law to allow her son to drive without following all of the guidelines and having an adult in the car, but did she know that he was ú? going put five teens in the car and drive ú?recklessly?ú? did he have a history of that?ú? no.ú? plus there was positive feedback from the victim's mother, no matter what you do prosecutor, you can't bring my daughter back. i agree with this sentence and we have to look at intent and that's what the law represents. misledes ma had no intent, it wasn't premeditated and no evil intent to commit this crime.
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>> what are you afraid of there, mimi? i mean, this was a deadly decision at the end of day from mom, don't you think there's got to be a consequence to this? >> well, you know, there should beú? a consequence, and that ú? family could sue her in civil ú? court rightfully for a civil ú? judgment, but does it meet the ? elements of the criminal ú? offense, and i think that that was questionable andú? that's w the prosecutor determined to proceed as they did. >> again, we want to hear from you on this one. 1-877-tell-hln is the number. let's go back to neil. neil, is mimi right there that the prosecution had their work cut out for them and that's why this didn't go to trial? >> well, i'll tell you, mike, it's analogous to a number of cases around the country in which a parent hassa, loued a child access to a gun either by leaving it on a shelf, leaving it in a drawer that's unlocked and the child has gotten the gun and has shot himself or shot somebody else and these parents have been prosecuted for child
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endangerment and sometimes for manslaughter or murder, and i don't think anybody has a problem with that, but in a situation like this, when you give a 15-year-old unlicensed driver the keys to a car to go and drive himself and his friends at night without supervision that's like giving him a loaded gun. the danger to the public is at least as comparable. so there should be greater consequences. >> okay. mimi is making a good point there that mom set the table for this. we know that a 15-year-olds make bad decisions. they're 15, and mom, she said it and this is one of the best things shed in piece of advice for anybody else out there, she said, let me quote her, she said quit being a friend and be a parent. we're not their 14s until we're 21. he hounded her over and over again, give me the keyis and want to pick up friends. she finally caved in and it turned tragic. with that said, don't we as parents need to make the wise choice and we should be held culpable when the 15-year-old makes the bad decision which they are known to do?
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>> absolutely, mike. there's nobody who can police new teenage drivers, who can regulate them and enforce these restrictions other than parents. nobody else can do it, and it poses a substantial risk to the public when a parent acts recklessly like this. >> let me get a call-in, guys. angel is with us from wisconsin. angel, your thoughts on this one? >> caller: you know, i'm the mother of a 5-year-old and this completely floors me because this woman has to realize how she was when she was 15 years old. when she made that comment that she didn't know that her comment would get his other friends in the car with him, he's 15. what do you think he was going do? >> right. >> caller: 16-year-olds are barely responsible enough to drive nowadays. >> no. that's a good point. mimi, what about that argument? we have to protect a 15-year-old against themselves. >> you're absolutely right, mike. you make a great point. that's why they have permits
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because teens play with vehicles, but unlike the example of the gun, you know, you buy a gun and there's only one purpose, and that's to shoot it. a car was used and in this case he was going to go a short distance, pick up a couple of girls and come back. once again, i agree with you. all of us parents should be extremely responsible and be extra careful, but in this case, was justice served overall? and i think it was, mike. >> okay. guys, we're going to take a quick break. more on this, we want to hear from you. 1-877-tell-hln is the number. did they get it right or do you agree with neil and do you think there should have been a tougher message sent? call in opinion
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15-year-old hounding his mom. he's only got a learner's permit. give me the car keys, i want to get a couple of 14s. this is after dark which is against the rules. if you're 15 you can't drive after 10:00 and you should have an adult with you. mom relented and it turned out to be a tragic decision. he picked up a couple of friends, lost control of the vehicle and a 14-year-old ended up dead as happened upon a tragic accident. we're taking your calls. 1-877-tell-hln is the number. bring in mimi coffee, criminal defense attorney. when you talk about the victim's mom. she thought the sentence could have been tougher, but did not object to the sentence and she also wanted a few additions that she wanted that 30 days spent over the christmas holidays, wanted lisa ledesma, the mom who paid the bad decision, to pay the funeral expenses and write a letter of apology. how much does the judge weigh in victim's mom and what they wnat and what they're willing to agree to here?
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>> well, i think for sentencing the judge is extremely influenced by the e grieved party, because if the e grieved? party has gotten to a point whereú? they can put emotions ú? aside and think logically like ? she's thinking that no matter ú? what sentence that judge gives ? her, it's not going to bring he? daughter back.ú? then at that point she's able to helpú? society by trying to encourage in somewhat of a compassionate way, hey, we want to go ahead and have a sentence, a judgement. we want to send a message, but this victim's mom is being extremely reasonable by saying, judge, it's not that i'm asking for years of prison, but an apology and let's let everybody know that it's a dangerous thing. it's very influential to the judge. >> neil, do you think is this a precedent-setting case in some ways when we're holding mom accountable like this? >> well, i think so, mike. again, i think it's analogous to the gun situation that we have
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to rely on parents to enforce these restrictions and when they shirk that responsibility, there's a danger not only to their children, but to the public at large and so hopefully this high-profile case will help to send that message. >> let's get another call in, guys. reese is with us. >> caller: i think the punishment definitely fits the crime. i don't think it should be any worse. i was driving when i was 12 years old right down the street to my grandma's house. if my family needed sugar or something like that. there's always a chance something can happen, but that's an individual decision. it's not like accidents are going to happen, you know, just because i'm driving. >> hopefully you weren't driving on a populated road, reese. >> caller: no. >> okay. good, country road. i want to get your take on the precedent. are you concerned at all that just how mom is taking the hit and if so, why?
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>> yes. because when we take cases like this, although we want to send a positive message to everybody t? be kafrl and like you said, be ? responsible parents, we also ú? have to worry about the slipper? slope. you know,ú? if we're not going ? focus or require the elements o? a crime to convict for a krim, ? where do you stop that line?ú? say we have construction workers and they don't get toú? fill in? pothole in time and it causes a? serious bodily injury in an ú? accident?ú? now, are we going to go after a felony count of serious bodily injury to our construction workers? i mean, there are thousands of scenarios and we've got to be careful about where we want to take it. >> i hear you. i think you'd agree that giving a 15-year-old the keys at night you'll find mom more culpable than your example. guy, we'll have to leave it there. thank you, and mimi, i know you're sticking around for this next one. i want to hear from you. cops say a guy, a 61-year-old
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man smacked a crying child, a 2-year-old, crying in the frozen food section. that's what they do, roger! she was 2. this guy goes up to mom and says if you don't shut that kid up if you don't shut that kid up he slapped the 2-year-old four or five times. you've got to throw the book at this clown! there's no way to hide it. sir, have you been drinking tonight? if you ride drunk, you will get caught... and you will get arrested. savings is so important to our customers. i want to give them a card that's going to be useful in their wallet. we have a program right now called add it up. add it up is a way for a customer to shop online and earn extra cash back. we do have a power rewards program. where yoearn points for that cash back, to be automatically put back into your checking account. every purchase that you make, you're going to be earning points back. so, i mean, we find ways to help customers save money. that's my bank of america card. that's the one i want to use.
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i can't get over this one, it's unbelievable. a 2-year-old in the frozen food section at walmart smacked across the face for crying. that's only the half of it. the disturbing part is the police in stoeb mountain, georgia, say a total stranger did the smacking and did it four or five times. there he is, roger stephens. the mom says the little girl was crying he said to her, to mom, quote, if you don't shut up that baby i'll shut her up for you. the mom tries to soothe the child and tries to quiet her down. it doesn't work.
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she says that's when stephens slapped her little girl across the face, four or five times. you've got to be kidding me. he is charged with felony first-degree cruelty to children. good. we'll take your calls. 1-877-tell-hln. we welcome back mimi coffee, criminal defense attorney and dr. patricia ferrell, clinical psychologist and assistant program director of wsb am radio in atlanta. doctor, i've got to start with you. what is a 61-year-old man thinking that he could slap a 2-year-old who is not even family, total stranger like that. >> you're right. he wasn't thinking. he was acting impulsively, and you have to wonder where was his judgment. what happened? he had a choice and the choice was he could have left the area, but instead he wants the world to function the way he wants to function it, even if it's a child in the terrible twos. so if he lost his impulse control there, we have to begin
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to wonder how much impulse control does this guy have? he didn't hit her once which i find absolutely unacceptable anyway, he hit her repeatedly. i think the mother must have been paralyzed with fear, and i can't imagine how the child is going to respond, not just now, but in the future. >> yeah. 2-year-old. what a scar that's got to leave psychologically. let's bring in candidate presley, wsb am radio. so what did mom -- are we missing anything here at all? >> i do have an update for you. >> oh, okay. >> mr. stevens was in court earlier today. the judge denied bond after his first court appearance and he's going to be left to sit and think about this impulse that he acted upon until at least next tuesday when he's due back before the judge again. >> good. that's good news. >> mimi, you've got to throw the book that the guy, don't you, for that? >> you're absolutely right, mike. you're being too nice when you say throw the book that the clown. i think that's far too kind.
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when we look at the law, when we are talking about a first-degree cruelty to children case, part of the elements is did the defendant maliciously cause a child cruel or excessive pain? this act was malicious. how do you get more malicious to this? you look at the child, 2 years old and the reasonableness, crying a 2-year-old, what is more natural than that? this guy has nothing to justify defense and quite frankly, he's a menace to society. >> a lot of people want in on this conversation. dawn is with us in west virginia. dawn, go ahead. >> caller: i just wanted to say mike, he might have got by me once to smack my child, but not three times or four. i would be the one in jail or i would be in jail with him. >> dawn, i had a -- i had a visceral reaction when i heard this story. it just made me sick to think,
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you know, i'm a father if someone, a stranger would have done that. i remember getting mad at a guy on the airplane, different story for i couldn't imagine someone hitting my child. and dr. patricia ferrell, let's talk about the psychological wounds on a 2-year-old. mom has already said her child is now frightened. her child was talkative. now is quiet. >> no doubt about it. this is -- you know, that child had a belief that it was going to be safe and secure and everybody was going to act reasonably toward it. now that's been taken away. you have traumatized this child. you have caused a fear which can result in aphobic situation, which can result in a child who now has problems with self-esteem, problems with acting independently. you know, you're already seeing some behaviors of this. how many other behaviors are we going to see down the line. you wonder. >> how sad. let's get another call in. larry's with us in florida. larry, go ahead.
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>> caller: mike, how are you today? >> good, larry. >> caller: first of all, i don't condone what this gentleman -- he's not a gentleman, ha this man did. but there's something about walmart, and i can't put my finger on it, my wife and i every time we go to walmart, there are kids running wild, screaming at the top of their lungs. we don't see it at any of the other retail outlets near us, but walmart we see it every single time we go there. >> well, we don't want to besmirch the name of walmart here. we see different kids business behaving at other stores as well. when we come back, we'll talk about that portion of it in the sense that, there's no way, let's be honest, you can't justify what this guy did. we'll take more calls, 1-877-tell-hln.
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this hour, shocking testimony from the first wife of rapist phillip garrido, the man accused of kidnapping jaycee dugard. their marriage fell apart because of his sexual behavior. this chilling question. was little jaycee abducted simply to bear children for his infertile wife? a 2-year-old gets slapped across the face, four, maybe five times. but not by mom or dad. police say a total stranger did it. are you kidding me? suck it up, buddy. grab your hungry man entre and let mom deal with it, for crying out loud.
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unbelievable. call in on these topics, 1-877-tell-hln is the number. e-mail me or jump into the conversation via the text, text us at hlntv. start your message with the word prime. it's your chance to be heard. -- captions by vitac -- welcome. this is hour number two of "prime news." i'm mike galanos. for the first time we're hearing from the first wife of phillip garrido. imagine what's going through her mind as this is unfolding. phillip garrido, the convicted rapest living outside of san francisco, accused of kidnapping jaycee dugard when she was 11 and holding her captive for 18 years. first wife's name, christine murphy, said they were high school sweethearts, but not long after they were married, he became abusive. even tried to gouch her eyes out. in a jealous rage. tried to do it with a safety pin. listen as murphy tells "inside edition" just how much of a creep this guy was, even back then. >> what happened to your
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marriage? >> well, it fell apart. because of his neediness for sex. i just wanted my life to be the way it used to be. before phillip garrido. >> we'll take your calls on this, 1-877-tell-hln. joining me to talk about it, welcome back, attorney jim moret, chief correspondent "inside edition." also a former anchor here at cnn. and patricia farrell, clinical psychologist. kara finnstrom with us as well, from our sister network cnn. jim, you guys landed this interview "inside edition." how much did she talk about the hell she went through and dealing with this guy's deviant behavior? >> for someone to give credit to my colleague, diane mcinernie, my colleague, it opened up a great deal to this man. she really not only considers herself garrido's first wife,
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but also his first kidnap victim. she said after he became violent with her and in her words would smack her around, she was looking for a way out. and he told her, you can look for a way out. i will find you. and one day when she finally in her words escaped, he did find her, and he forced her back into the car, and took her home. and she feels like she was his first kidnap victim. she said that -- you mentioneded the gouging the eyes out. someone had flirted with her allegedly during their marriage. and he took a safety pin and cut her along here. and said he was going to couch her eyes out. and she was afraid for her life. and she fortunately for her has rebuilt a life. she has a husband and four children. but she is haunted by this man, who was her high school sweetheart. and she said after they got married, things just changed rapidly. >> let's wring in dr. patricia farrell. doctor, what is christine murphy going through? as this man, high school
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sweetheart, is now back obviously in the public eye, and somebody in her face again as this unfolds. >> i think this is probably resurrecting all of those horrific memories that she had. and i can imagine the emotions that she's going through. i praise her for having gotten her life together, gotten married, having a family. but this is almost like a setback for this poor woman. i can imagine what goes on, when she goes to sleep at night and tries to sleep peacefully. i don't think right now she's having too much peace. >> yeah. i'm sure. jim, when we look back, again, phillip garrido, convicted of kidnap and rape back in 1976, that's when the incident took place, he testified himself of being a peeping tom, having urges, strong urges to rape and he leered at young girls. did christine have any inkling at that -- because they were married at this time, right? >> she said he was accused of
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rape during their marriage. and he convinced her that this girl was lying. but even back then, during this marriage, he was -- he -- she said he is pretty much capable of anything. those are her words. and she was shocked to see him in the news and shocked that he got out of prison after only 11 years. even though he was sentenced to 50. and i'm sure the doctor's right, it just brings up al of these feelings and fears and doubts, and, you know, it must be a nightmare for this woman. >> and doctor, with this guy, when we hear, or read back of his testimony in 1976, you know, it was all over the place, the kidnap and rape, and the urges to rape and leering at young girls. does it just continue to escalate? >> i think that's what you're looking at here. we've seen some people who do have this pattern. peeping toms, flashers, people have been led to believe, oh, that's behavior that they'll get
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over. no, generally the behavior will escalate, because to get the thrill, you have to do something more. and it can just go on and on. and i think that's what we're seeing in his case. >> let's get a call in. lynn is with us in florida. lynn, your comment or question here? >> caller: hi, mike. >> hey, lynn. >> caller: these stories are so tragic on every level. the grown women that were with these men never cease to amaze me. one. back stories i hope everybody's as concerned about as i am, this guy is on probation and parole, look at the agencies that let us down. had they been monitoring him like they were supposed to have, this poor girl, jaycee, they might have found her a lot earlier, or may not have happened at all. once again we're being let down by a government agency that's ÷ supposed to be doing something. >> we've been la meanting that since we've started covering this story. jim, put on your attorney hat for us here. look at this from a legal sense. we've done some research and
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found out, if this guy was convicted now, or sentenced to the 50 years now, he probably would have served about 43 of them for what he's done. >> it's horrible. >> we're tougher now. but you look at this, jim. what happened here? >> well, you know, i want to relate to the caller, because i don't want anyone to think that christine murphy knew any of this behavior. this is a very different situation than his wife who is currently being charged. this is a woman who met him in prison. christine murphy met this guy in high school. he became crazy in her words. i really have to stick up for her. what happened? you know, i was thinking back, it was just the 40th anniversary of the manson murders. they were originally sentenced to death. that was ruled unconstitutional by the california supreme court. so look what's happening now. there's a parole hearing today for one of the manson family members. because when the death penalty was ruled unconstitutional, they were then given life with parole. so there are all these quirky loopholes in the law. what's so horrible is that there
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was a parole hearing for this guy. and somebody could have, or probably did speak up. and i don't know who was listening. because 11 years, and you see the same pattern again. it's so sad. because poor jaycee could have -- she could have had a normal childhood. that's been stolen from her. >> exactly. when we look back at this, there's no way this guy was going to be rehabilitated at 11 years at leavenworth and how he was let out. the victim of the '76 rape was assured this guy wouldn't get out until the earliest 2006. now he's out 1988. we'll talk about his wife, nancy garri garrido, how she could marry a convicted rapist, kidnapper in leavenworth. we'll get the latest on the investigation. is phillip garrido connected to the deaths of others? ÷
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln. continuing our conversation about phillip garrido. again, accused of kidnapping jaycee dugard, keeping her for 18 years. kidnapped when she was 11. fathered two kids with her. that's what we're dealing with here. we're hearing from phillip garrido's first wife. and also the latest on the investigation, whether or not phillip garrido is connected to any other crimes, any other missing children cases. kara finnstrom has been covering this for our sister network, cnn. let's hit on a couple of topics we've dealt with. there was concern, or a thought he might have been involved in the deaths of prostitutes back in the '90s in that area. what do we know about that?
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>> reporter: pittsburg police, the neighboring neighborhood, actually came and searched the property behind me, garrido's home, as well as the neighboring property. there were cadaver dogs out there, trailers full of evidence were carted away by different authorities. and they said after that search, they wanted to let the public know that no evidence had been found connecting garrido to that string of murders that happened in the 1990s. many of them were prostitutes. the reason they thought there might be a connection was garrido had worked close to the park where some of those bodies had been found. we should say, though, there are a number of other crimes that they are continuing to see whether he may have any connection to. most notably, police confirm they're looking at two abductions that took place about 20, 25 miles south of here, one to the east. in both of those cases, there are some similaritiesimilaritie. they're taking a closer look. >> what about the bone fragment found near the property that garrido took care of? >> reporter: that was actually the property right next door to his home.
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what we found out was for a period of time, that property was vacant. so he actually acted as caretaker. police knew he had full access to the property. they found that bone fragment. they are now testing to see whether it's a human bone fragment or animal bone fragment. waiting for those results. >> all right. thanks for getting us up to date on the investigation. let's get back to the interview "inside edition" landed with phillip garrido's first wife, christine murphy. she was asked about how could nancy garrido, his current wife have fallen for this guy. let's give that a listen. >> she must have been so in love with him, or infatuated with him that she was willing to do anything. >> as we know it, nancy garrido, and phillip garrido, were married while he was spending time in leavenworth for being convicted of rape. and kidnapping back in 1976. let's go back to dr. patricia farrell, clinical psychologist. doctor, i've got to ask you again, who marries a convicted
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rapist/kidnapper and do it in leaven worth? >> somebody obviously who has a great deal of need in many ways. we don't really know very much about this woman at all. but certainly someone who thought she was never going to have to deal with this fellow. but think about the women who have married men who were murderers or whatever who got out of jail. did they live happily ever after? no. generally they were brutalized. but this fellow has something very interesting which i think you should think about. and that is, that there are almost two aspects to his personality. he can present as a businessman, as a man who hands out religious fliers. and he can also present as this horrendous maniac, if you want to use that term. so he has the ability to function in the way he wishes. so instead of searching for "deals" out there... you can go back to school for less, right here. save money. live better. walmart.
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with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. dude's good. dude's real good. dudes. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. welcome back to "prime news" on hln. new today in the search for
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5-year-old haleigh cummings. one of the supporters of equusearch has written a check out to her father, ron cummings, to the tune of 35 thousand dollars. misty cummings, the last person to see little haleigh before she disappeared back in february. misty took a polygraph test, one that she apparently failed miseriably. haleigh's dad reportedly told his father-in-law that if he had 35 grand, he could get haleigh back safe. obviously the father-in-law was a little ticked. this is hank croslin sr. calling the equusearch director tim miller. >> tim, this is misty's dad. i wish you would give me a call. because i thought you was our friend in trying to help my daughter. but it seems like you trying to set my daughter up. you need to know that ronald has
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got witnesses that ronald said he had 35,000 bucks. he could get his daughter back. so you need to have ronald under hypnosis. >> then good, there's dad spinning away from misty to ron cummings. you see the anger in his voice. we want to get to the bottom of this. $35,000? what's this all about. take your calls, 1-877-tell-hln. let's go to the source, tim miller's with us, director of equusearch. and former criminal investigator, tom lucich. tom, that's hank croslin sr., right? what was your reaction when you heard that? what do you make of it? >> you know, it's one of the things that my head started spinning again. and i wondered if there was any truth in it at all. and i actually talked to roy moffit, and roy moffit helped us in the past so many times on searches. and very hard working, successful businessman here in houston, texas. i got a call this morning from roy and he said, you know what, i will go ahead and write that
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check for $35,000. he wrote the check out. and then his office called about 30 minutes later and said, you know what, we pray ronald can go ahead and cash this check. and i know this for a fact, if ronald needs the cash, i know roy moffit will fly to florida, with $35,000 cash, if he can ride with ronald to bring haleigh back safely. all we want is haleigh back. the money's there. if ronald needs the $35,000, it's there. >> what do you make of it? i'll ask john as well. does this say that ronald knows where she is? and if he had the $35,000, does it sound like it's ransom money to get haleigh back? or is he saying if i had the means and $35,000, i could go out and find her? what do you think he's saying here? >> i don't know what he's saying myself. but you know what, this is what misty's dad said. fortunately during these tough economic times, mr. moffit stepped forward with the
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$35,000. if he needs it, it's here. let's go get haleigh and bring her home. >> let me read a statement. this is from ronald cummings' attorney saying that, we are aware of the news about someone offering 35 k, but no one has approached ronald about this. he has nothing to do with this. he has no one to give 35 k to and he doesn't know who took haleigh. this all stems from a voicemail misty's dad left on tim miller's cell phone. that's all i know. john lucich, as you hear all of this, what's your take on it? >> you know, this could go in any direction. but off the top of my head, especially after listening to the voicemail myself, it may be, you know, when you take a look at the investigation, this investigation really started with everybody looking at misty. and now it's come back full circle to everybody still looking at misty. this is misty's dad saying this. it could be a way to get the pressure off of misty and onto somebody else to even cloud this investigation. i think these cops are right on. everybody said from the start -- remember, she went through a
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voice stress analyzer, a polygraph. those tests contradicted her. she contradicted herself. the physical evidence contradicts herself. she's the target here. and they need to focus right there. >> tim, we've got about 30 seconds. tim, is that your take here, a father just trying to clear his daughter's name? >> i'm not an investigator by no means, but when that was said, again, roy moffit made the $35,000 available, and we only pray to god that ronald can cash this check because that means haleigh's coming home safe. so let's pray there's some truth in it. the money's here. >> we know where your heart is on this, tim. and so many of our viewers. we just want to see little haleigh returned home safe and sound. we'll take your calls on this, 1-877-tell-hln. we'll go over some of the polygraph tests that misty failed and really, that's where this all starts. what does misty know? ?e
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this turned out to be a deadly mistake. a mom gave her 15-year-old son the keys to her car, even though he only had a learner's permit. he ends up with five other passengers, other teens in the car. none wearing seat belts. then the tragic accident. lost control of the car, 14-year-old cheerleader in the vehicle was thrown out of the sun roof and killed. this happened september 2007. since then, the boy has pleaded guilty to vehicular homicide. he'll be sentenced next month. and his mom being punished as well. she pleaded guilty to manslaughter. and will spend 30 days in jail, also getting five years probation, two of those house arrest. i want to hear from you again, the number 1-877-tell-hln. do you think that's the right punishment? let's see what the lawyers think. mimi coffey back with us, criminal defense attorney.
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also with us, neil shous, former prosecutor. neil, i'll start with you. we just laid out the sentence, 30 days in jail, five years probation, two under house arrest. did they get it right? >> i don't think so. the prosecutor here had a great opportunity in this high-profile case to send a message to parents across florida, and across the country, that this sort of parental recklessness will not be tolerated. the fact is, if this mom had gone to trial and been convicted of manslaughter, she could have gone to prison for 15 years. so merely spending 30 days in jail, in my view, that's a slap on the wrist. that isn't the strong message that should have been sent here. >> mimi, do you think they got it right here or not? >> i do. there's a problem with proof. if we look at the statute, the state would have to prove that she performed culpable negligence without legal justification. now, surely she knew that she wasn't authorized by law to allow her son to drive without
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following all the guidelines, having an adult in the car. but did she know that he was going to put five teens in the car and drive recklessly? did he have a history of that? no. plus, there was positive feedback from the victim "mother. she said no matter what you do, prosecutors, you can't bring my daughter back. i agree with this sentence. also, we have to look at intent. that's what the law represents. miss ledesma had no evil intent to commit this crime. >> what are you afraid of that, mimi? this was a deadly decision at the end of the day for mom. don't you think there's got to be a consequence to this? >> well, you know, there should be a consequence, and that family could sue her in civil court rightfully for a civil judgment. but does it meet the elements of the criminal offense? and i think that that was questionable. and that's why the prosecutor determined to proceed as they did. >> okay. again, we want to hear from you on this one, 1-877-tell-hln is the number.
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let's go back to neil. neil, is mimi right there, did the prosecution -- do you think they had their work cut out for them and that's why this didn't go to trial? >> i tell you, mike, it's analogous to a number of cases around the country in which a parent has allowed a child access to a gun. either by leaving it on a shelf, leaving it in a drawer that's unlocked, and the child has gotten the gun and has shot himself or shot somebody else, and these parents have been prosecuted for child endangerment, and sometimes for manslaughter or murder. i don't think anybody has a problem with that. but in a situation like this, when you give a 15-year-old unlicensed driver the keys to a car to go and drive himself and his friends at night without supervision, that's like giving him a loaded gun. the danger to the public is at least as comparable. and so there should be greater consequences. >> okay. mimi is making a good point there, that mom set the table for this. we know that a 15-year-old -- 15-year-olds make bad decisions. they're 15. and mom, and she said it, i
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thought this is one of the best things she said, in piece of advice for anyone else out there, she said, let me quote her, she said quit being a friend and be a parent. we're not their friend until they're 21. i guess he hounded her, give me the keys and she finally caved in. with that said, don't we as parents need to make the wise choice and we should be held culpable when the 15-year-old makes the batted decision, which they are known to do? >> well, absolutely, mike. and there's nobody who can police new teenage drivers, who can regulate them. and enforce these restrictions other than parents. nobody else can do it. and it poses a somebody stangs risk to the public when a parent acts recklessly like this. >> okay. let me get a call in. angel is with us in wisconsin. angel, your thoughts on this one? >> caller: you know, i'm a mother of a 5-year-old, and this completely floors me, because this woman has to realize how she was when she was 15 years
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old. when she made that comment that she didn't know that her son was going to get his other friends in the car with him, he's 15. what do you think he was going to do? >> right. >> caller: i mean, 16-year-olds are barely responsible enough to drive nowadays. >> that's a good point. mimi, what about that argument? we have to protect the 15-year-old against themselves. >> you're absolutely right, mike. you make a great point. that's why they have permits. because teens play with vehicles. but unlike the example of the gun, you know, you buy a gun, there's only one purpose and that's to shoot it. but a car is used, in this particular instance, he was just going to go a short distance, pick up a couple of girls and come back. so i -- once again, i agree with you. all of us parents should be extremely responsible and be extra careful. but in this case, was justice served overall? i think it was, mike. >> guys, we're going to take a quick break. more on this. we want to hear from you, 1-877-tell-hln is the number. did they get it right? or do you agree with neil and
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welcome back to "prime news" on hln. continuing our conversation, and this is really the first of its kind. you talk about cases and outcomes here. what happened september of '07, 15-year-old hounding his mom, he's only got a learner's permit, give me the car keys, i want to get a couple of friends. after dark, against the rules. if you're 15 years old, you can't drive after 10:00 and you should have an adult with her. lost control of the vehicle. a 14-year-old ended up dead, as they happened upon a tragic accident. we're taking your calls, 1-877-tell-hln is the number. our experts are standing by. bring in mimi coffey, criminal
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defense attorney. mimi, when you talk about the victim's mom, she thought the sentence could have been tougher, but did not object to the sentence. she also wanted a few additions that she wanted that 30-day spent over the christmas holidays, wanted lisa ledesma, the woman who made the bad decision, to pay $5,000 for funeral expenses and write a letter of apology. how much does the judge weigh in the victim's mom and what they want and what they're willing to agree to here? >> well, i think for sentencing, the judge is extremely influenced by the aggrieved party. because if the aggrieved party has gotten to a point where they can put emotions aside, and think logically like she's thinking, that no matter what sentence that judge gives her, it's not going to bring her daughter back, then at that point she's able to help society by trying to encourage, you know, in somewhat of a compassionate way, hey, we want to go ahead and have a sentence, a judgment, we want to send a
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message, but this -- but this victim's mom is being extremely reasonable by saying, you know, judge, it's not that i'm asking for years of prison, but an apology, and let's let everybody know this is a dangerous thing. i think it's very influential to the judge. >> neil, is this a precedent-setting case in some ways, when we're holding mom accountable like this? >> well, i think so, mike. again, i think it's analogous to the gun situation, that we have to rely on parents to enforce these restrictions. and when they shirk that responsibility, there's a danger not only to their children, but to the public at large. and so hopefully this high-profile case will help to send that message. >> let's get another call in. rees is with us in alabama. rees, go ahead, your comment or question here? >> caller: i think the punishment definitely fits the crime. i don't think it should be any worse. as i was saying earlier, i was driving whenever i was 12 years old right down the street to my grandma's house, if my family
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needed sugar or something like that. there's always a chance something could happen. but, you know, that's an individual decision. and it's not like -- accidents are going to happen, just because i'm driving. >> hopefully you weren't driving on a populated road, rees. >> caller: no. >> okay. country road. mimi, i want to get your take on the precedence that, are you concerned at all that -- just how mom is taking the hit here? and if so, why? >> yes. because when we take cases like this, although we want to send a positive message to everybody to be careful, like you said, be responsible parents, we also have to worry about the slippery slope. you know, if we're not going to focus, or require the elements of a crime to convict for a crime, where do you stop that line? let's say we have some construction workers and they don't get to fill in a pothole in time and it causes a serious bodily injury in an accident. now, are we going to go after, you know, a felony count of serious bodily injury to our construction workers?
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i mean, there are thousands of scenarios. we've got to be really careful about where we want to take it. >> i hear you on that. i think you agree, giving the 15-year-old keys at night, the mom is going to be culpable. neil, thank you. coming up. are we talking about digging up the body of diane schuler, the woman who killed seven people in a wrong-way crash? this is in july, new york. prosecutors say she was drinking, had marijuana in her system. her husband said, no way. he wants her body exhumed now. there's already been an autopsy, battery of tests. can he clear her name? will he try and clear her name? hey buddy, i appreciate the ride, you know. no problem. ♪ mind if i take a shortcut? yeah, sure. ♪ i knew the subaru legacy was the smart choice...
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the man whose wife killed seven people, plus herself, in a wrong-way crash, he's trying to prove she was not drunk. the medical examiner in westchester county, new york, found diane schuler had a blood alcohol level at 0.19%. now schuler's husband wants her body exhumed. here he is talking to larry king on our sister network, cnn. >> larry: are you saying that the authorities are lying when they say there was 0.19 of alcohol and evidence of marijuana? are you saying they're making that up? >> i know my wife was not drinking. she doesn't drink. very rarely. >> larry: why would the authorities say that? >> there's an error somewhere. >> thereñ he is sticking to hi guns, saying there's an error somewhere. i want to bring in my colleague, jane velez-mitchell, host of "issues" coming your way in a little less than 15 minutes at the top of the hour. jane, all along you felt that this is just a man in a family
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of denial? as this has played out and others have brought theories forward, trying to medically somehow explain that maybe she wasn't drunk, maybe sugar in her system turned to alcohol, has any of that swayed you, or do you -- >> i think it's outlandish and insulting everyone's intelligence and insulting the other victims. i could be wrong, i'm not a doctor, i'm not a scientist. if they do an exhumation and they somehow prove she spontaneously produced the equivalent of ten alcoholic drinks when her body ignited, i'll buy you a cup of coffee. i'll be wrong. but i think it's outlandish. and i think that it's really sad, because this is a case of denial. and this is really -- you're looking at the face of co-dependency. when somebody essentially feels that their job is to minimize and cover up for the addict. and denial is a part of that.
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and there are closet drinkers. there are secret drinkers. she didn't just have alcohol in her system, she also had evidence of marijuana use in her system. there was also a bottle of vodka found in the minivan. so let's put it all together and paint a picture that alcoholics don't always look like bowery bums who are warming their hands over a fire in a garbage can in some rundown part of town. alcoholism looks like that. that is the sad reality that america, not just her husband, but america doesn't want to face. and i say that as a recovering alcoholic myself with 14 1/2 years of sobriety, that there are what you call high-functioning alcoholics, people who maintain their jobs, keep their condos and their cars. and nobody really knows there's a problem, because they create a false persona. and sometimes the more perfect things look on the outside, the more trouble there is going on behind the scenes. >> they can hide it very well.
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let's get back to this and just go over a couple of things that we're talking about. i was watching cnn last night, and there you have dr. drew pinsky thinking it through, medically. a medical doctor as well. dr. sanjay gupta was talking about it as well. when they're talking about something quickly could have happened. something happened very rapidly. now, was that -- and logic agrees with you, jane, that she drank a lot in a hurry. and there was more alcohol that hadn't been processed into her blood stream yet, right? >> yeah, she makes the first couple of phone calls where everything sounds fine. the next couple of phone calls she's slurring, and the little girl says, oh, my gosh, auntie is slurring. that doesn't add up to, oh, i've got a lump in my leg that's moving, which is what the lawyers said. or an abscessed tooth. it's gobbledygook. frankly, i wonder if this man who is in an emotionally fragile state at this point is being
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manipulated by his attorney, who is making himself a household name in the process of promulgating these >> because they're talking about one theory is that the fire, i'm not a doctor, i'm guessing the heat or something, could have turned blood sugar into blood alcohol in her system. i've never heard of that personally. maybe doctors have and they could explain it better. >> we heard the twinkie defense in the past but this is a new twist on that defense. i'm not trying to make light of a horrific situation. but we have to come to terms with the fact that there needs to be a certain amount of accountability and just because somebody looks a certain way or is a mom or has a certain profile doesn't mean we can let them off the hook. it's easy to point to somebody who has a history of drunk driving accidents, maybe public drunkenness and say well, obviously that person has a problem, but the fact is that there is a lot of closet
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addiction out there, not just with alcohol, with prescription pills. it's huge. we'll be talking about it tonight on "issues" because of dj am. this is something we really need to look at. >> you make a great point. i knew people that would drive after they had a few too many to drink, and we wouldn't say anything about that. but the person who got caught, they were the drunk. >> exactly. >> but the person who was doing it and didn't get caught was just as bad or worse. >> sure. and i think we all just like to write the story lines that make us feel good about ourselves and the people we like. and this -- the reason why this has touched such a nerve is this mom looked like the ideal mom. but you and i have covered so many crime stories where we see people who look perfect on the surface are definitely >> yeah. jane, we'll be watching "issues" coming up. stay with us. but, i was like, hey, this actually works. (announcer) only rogaine® foam is shown to regrow hair in 85% of guys. i'll check it out and i'm like, nice.
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