tv Nancy Grace HLN September 7, 2009 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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tonight -- a 5-year-old florida girl tucked into bed. five hours later she's gone. vanished. the back door propped wide open. daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little haleigh. police say the last person to see haleigh alive refuses to give straight answers about the night haleigh goes missing. and is unable to account for crucial hours surrounding the alleged kidnap. in a stunning twist investigators announce haleigh was not, repeat, was not kidnapped by a stranger. no stranger snuck into the home that night and snatched the little girl. cops even reveal physical evidence at the scene
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please, tell us what happened when you got home from work that night. i believe it was around 3:00 a.m. >> actually, it was about 3:25, 3:27. >> okay. >> i pulled into the yard, and my girlfriend opened the front door, and i already knew something was wrong because she's not up at this time. she told me -- i said what are you doing up at this time? she said your back door's wide open and your daughter's gone. >> what is her description -- what scenario took place? >> she got out of the bed. and went to use the restroom and came back to find out my daughter was not in bed with her. and the back door was wide open and she was -- and she was gone. >> ronald, what time did she put haleigh to bed?
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>> she puts them to bed every night. at 8:00. >> 8:00. when she -- >> and -- >> when she put her to bed at 8:00, did she also put to bed the little 4-year-old boy? >> yes, she did. >> okay. what time did she go to bed? >> approximately 10:30, 11:00. >> 10:30, 11:00. at that time was little haleigh in the bed asleep with the brother? >> yes. >> and they all slept together in the same bed, correct? >> yes. >> so sometime between 11:00 p.m. and 3:30 a.m. haleigh goes missing. now, did she call 911? >> no, she did not. not until after i was there. she tried to call me but i was pulling in the driveway. so i asked her how come she was
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trying to call me, she needed to call 911. so she immediately called them then. >> and where does the biological mother live, ronald? ronald, where does the mom live? okay. i think somehow -- i think i've lost his connection. liz, see if you can bring ronald back up. ronald, where does the mother -- >> i got you. i got you. >> okay. good. everyone, ronald cummings is joining us there at the command center in satsuma, florida. mr. cummings, where does haleigh's mother live? >> in baker county, in glen st. mary. >> what is that, about 150 miles away? >> i would say approximately 90 to 100. >> have you and your girlfriend both taken a polygraph, right? >> yes, i have. passed it with flying colors. yes, she has passed hers.
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>> and you volunteered to do that. and you've been cooperating with police. right? >> yeah. why not? why -- i don't have anything to hide. i just want my daughter back. anything that's going to help them eliminate more people is the best thing. >> exactly. mr. cummings, you said the door was propped open. describe to me what you saw when you got home. >> i came in the house and immediately checked all the bedrooms, the bathroom, everywhere, just to be sure. walked to the back door. it was wide open. as i walked out the back door, the screen door was propped open with a cinder block. >> mr. cummings, was the bedroom door open when they went to sleep? >> yes, it was. >> and what kind of a lock -- >> yes, it was. >> okay. and what kind of a lock do you have on your door, the one that was propped open with a cinder block? >> it's just a little plastic
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lock, just a regular screen door plastic lock. >> do you know where the cinder block came from that was propping the door open? >> i don't have a clue. i don't mess with none of that. so i don't know. i very rarely am in the back yard at all unless i'm washing my car. so it could have came from around my shed. i'm renting. i don't know if the previous renters had it, or what, but i've never seen it, i don't believe. >> so to your knowledge, you've never seen it? >> not that i believe. i mean, i may be mistaken and have seen it before, but i know it wasn't where it's at now. >> mr. cummings, about the back door, am i correct that you never -- you've rarely used the back door that was propped open? >> yes, you are correct. i've used it twice to pull a vacuum cleaner down the handicap ramp and vacuum my car with it.
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and yes, i did relock the door when i came in. and i check to be sure it is still locked every afternoon before i go to work. >> when we come back, the desperate search for 5-year-old florida girl haleigh cummings. ever worn your clothes in the shower? if you're using other moisturizing body washes, you might as well be. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. only new dove deep moisture has nutriummoisture, a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers... that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. new dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin.
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cops claim girlfriend/babysitter misty croslin the key to the case of missing 5-year-old girl haleigh cummings. investigators say she refuses to give straight answers and won't account for crucial hours surrounding the girl's disappearance. >> misty, how are you doing right now? >> not good. i just want her to come home. i just want to find her. >> i know you're 17. i can't even imagine at my age going through this. >> it's horrible. >> it's very horrible. very. >> i know at first it seems like there's been a lot of people that have been kind of like i don't understand how this could be the situation, where you don't hear her. did you hear anything? >> i didn't hear anything at all. nothing. if i heard something i would have got up and i wouldn't have let them take her. >> so what happened? >> okay. i put her to bed about, you know, 8:00. because that's her bedtime. she had school. i put her to bed.
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her blanket and my blanket. my blanket was in the bed that they took. so we had a blanket hanging in the window and i had to wash that, and her blanket. she had peed on her blanket the night before so i was going to put it on there but it smelled like peo. so i washed the blanket and i gave her a little sheet to cover up with. and she fell asleep. and i come in there and put her blanket on her. and then i laid down. and it was about -- i'm not positive what time. it was like 3:00. i seen 3:00. 3:00 in the morning. i got up and -- i got up because i had to use the bathroom. but i didn't make it to the bathroom. i seen the kitchen light on. and i walked in the kitchen and the back door's wide open. i mean, i didn't notice about haleigh then until i seen the back door open. and then i go in her room and she's gone. and that's all i know. is when i woke up. when i went to sleep she was there, and then when i woke up she was gone. >> i know you've been intensively questioned by police. what has that been like for you? >> it's been hard. but i'm trying to do everything
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to find her. you know, i'm -- answer any questions i have to because i know i didn't do anything to that little girl. i would never hurt her. i mean, they love me. they love -- i mean, they look at me like their mom. you know. you ask little junior, he'll tell you. you know, they talk lovely about me, and i'm so good to them kids. real good. >> so you woke up, and that was it? you saw the door open. did you leave the light on or -- >> no. >> somebody turned the light on? >> the lights had to get turned on because i know them lights -- you know, i was in the hallway where the back door is. the dryers are right there. i was washing clothes and that back door was shut. you know. and i just wake up and it's open. >> did you take a polygraph? >> i did. but i'm not supposed to talk about that. they told me not to talk about that. >> but you did good? >> yes, i did take a polygraph. >> and you passed it? >> i mean, my understanding is that i passed it, you know. >> what do you want people to
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know? >> i just want everyone to know that i didn't do anything with that little girl. i loved her like she's my own. and i'll do anything to get her back. and if people think that i had something to do with it, i had something to do with it, if i knew where she was we wouldn't be sitting here today. we would have her. and i don't. i don't know where she is. >> she's a sweet baby. i can tell. >> she is so sweet. she's a smart little girl. she's intelligent, you know. she's a real good girl. real good girl. >> what is your heart -- you say you think of her like your daughter. >> like my daughter. >> what does your heart tell you right now? >> it just tells me i need to find her. you know, find her. >> you believe she's still out there? >> yeah. i do believe she's still out there. someone has her or -- i mean, i don't want to think of the bad, you know. it runs through my mind. but i don't want to think of the bad. >> what's the deal with the brick? there was a brick that was propped up. >> there was a brick like a
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cinder block that was holding the screen door open. and that door, that screen door is always closed. that brick, i'd never seen that brick even around there. the cops said there was a whole bunch of bricks about 50 feet away. but i've never seen any bricks at all. >> so somebody propped up the screen door with a brick? >> yeah. >> okay. so bring her home. >> exactly. we just want her to come home. that's it. i just want her to be okay and whoever has her i just want them to bring her home. >> safe. >> just safe. >> calm down. >> i just want her to come home safe. and i thank everybody out there that's helping us. you know. >> are you a really sound sleeper? >> i mean, usually haleigh will wake up at nighttime.
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she gets cramps in her legs, you know. and i have to rub her legs to get the cramps out of her legs to get her back to sleep. and you know, she didn't make no noise that night. i would have woke up if i heard any noise. i didn't hear anything at all. i mean, i was really exhausted that day, you know. really exhausted. when i laid down, i guess, you know, i was out. >> did she -- there's no way she could have wandered off? >> no. she is scared of the dark. she would not go anywhere by herself. she would not. she would not go out of the house by herself. >> so you think something happened and you just didn't hear it? >> yeah. i just didn't hear it. and i wish i did because i wouldn't let no one take her. >> are you blaming yourself? >> i just feel like that, you know, i wish that they would have took me instead of her. you know, because i could have fought. you know, she's only 5. she can't really do anything. and i just wish that they would have took me instead of her. what do they want with a little 5-year-old?
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>> anything else that you want to say, misty? >> i just want her home. anybody that knows where she is, just please bring her home safe. and that's it. i just want her home. (announcer) we understand. you need to save money. caused by a completely blocked artery, another heart attack could lurking waiting to strike. a heart attack caused by a clot, one that could be fatal. but plavix helps save lives. plavix taken with other heart medicines, goes beyond what other heart medicines do alone, to provide greater protection against heart attack,
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an exclusive tour inside the home where 5-year-old florida girl haleigh cummings was reportedly snatched from her own bed. marlaina, show me the girl's room. that's the first thing i want to see. >> okay, nancy. well, we're standing right here. right beside me on my left is the bed where misty croslin was sleeping. and here on the right we have the bed where little haleigh was sleeping. and you can see it is all but about 3 1/2 feet from each other. and this is right where misty said she got up and she had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. now, where i'm facing right now,
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nancy, is a bathroom. it's the master bathroom. through the living room behind me is the other bathroom in the house. and you have to remember, she said that she -- when she got up to go to the bathroom she saw that the kitchen light was on. the kitchen is over this way. so that means she would have had to have gotten up and gone out this door and then have noticed. >> okay, stop. marlaina, are you telling me that she did not go to the bathroom, the babysitter did not go to the restroom in the master bathroom, she chose instead to go out the door across the kitchen to another bathroom? >> that is the assumption we are making. we asked teresa, haleigh's grandmother standing with us, she wasn't sure which bathroom she used. but if she saw the kitchen light on she would have had to use the other bathroom in the home, nancy. >> was the door open or shut, miss neves? because if the door was closed, that rules out her seeing the kitchen light. so was that bedroom door open when she realized the kitchen light was on?
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>> the bedroom door is always open. >> marlaina, how big is that bedroom? >> the bedroom is, i would say, about -- i would have to say 11 by 13. >> okay. let's go through the rest of the house. 11 by 13. thanks. go ahead. tell me what else you observed. >> well, basically, nancy, they kept saying that the door, the back door, which we're about to go to, is about 16 feet from the bedroom. it's a little bit -- if i had to guess, it would probably be about 25. but i'm going to show you the back door and show you how both doors close automatically. so -- and i'm also going to show you the lock. because the lock is about three feet from the floor, and we know that is about as tall as haleigh stands. so here is the back door, and here's the lock. it sticks.
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so there you go. now we opened the back door. and here's the back screen door. the one that was propped open with the cinder block. okay? now, if you see, when it closes it slams, it makes a loud noise. but if you leave this door, this slowly closes as well. so it leaves a lot of questions as to what exactly -- how exactly did this person do this. >> next, investigators say the last person to see haleigh alive is the key to the case. but the babysitter/girlfriend turned stepmom refuses to give straight answers. úapapa
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5-year-old florida girl haleigh cummings tucked into bed. five hours later she's gone. the back door propped wide open. daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little haleigh. not only do investigators say the last person to see haleigh alive can't keep her story straight, but we learn the babysitter/girlfriend turned stepmom, misty croslin, flunks a polygraph. and it's a whopper. 99% inaccurate. not only that, she allegedly flunks a voice stress test. more disheartening, she changes her story, now claiming up to four people in the home the night haleigh goes missing. but calling it a dream-like
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memory. >> on haleigh's birthday misty croslin-cummings hung posters on the house for her. when asked of what she thought of the new attorney in orlando and tim miller with equusearch helping in haleigh's case, she was positive. >> i think they're going to be able to put more stuff together. >> miller says she told him she wanted to clear her name, so he set up an independent polygraph. he says she failed it miserably. >> miller says croslin-cummings wanted to do more, so she took a voice analysis test. she failed that too. and he says she was uncooperative with a hypnotist. miller gave the test information to the putnam county sheriff's office. >> it indicated that misty was deception indicated is the official statement, which is no surprise to us. we've said along that -- all
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along that misty has been inconsistent in her statements. and i agree with the point that was made by tim miller's investigator, which is that misty's consistency is inconsistency. >> misty signed a paper saying she had an attorney who did not want her to take the test but that she still wanted to take them. misty's attorney, robert fields, says she told him she was pressured to take the test and that if she did not miller would not help search for haleigh. miller denies that. investigators say there's nothing at this point to charge misty croslin-cummings with regarding haleigh's disappearance. >> you know, we think that misty needs to el us some things, fill in some inconsistencies. but that's about as far as we're willing to go with that statement. but we're going to stop just short of saying and therefore we have probable cause to make an arrest. we don't. if we had probable cause to make an arrest at this point, we probably would have. >> with us tonight, ronald cummings. this is little haleigh's father. he has never shied away from the
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camera and answering your questions. he apparently has nothing to hide. and with him his attorney, terry shoemaker. well-respected attorney. they're joining us from jacksonville, florida. ronald, thank you for being with us again. >> thank you for having us. >> liz, please put ronald on screen for me. ronald, what do you make of misty flunking a polygraph? >> i don't know anything about her flunking a polygraph. i know what's been said about it, but i'm not a polygrapher myself. so i didn't see any results. i didn't -- you know, i was told by the polygrapher who did the polygraph that it's not judged in percentages, that the polygraph is either a failed or a pass, not in a percentages. >> well, okay. let's take what you know, that you either fail it or you pass it. well, according to these reports, she flunked it. i mean, royally flunked it.
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and that's got to concern you. >> well, until i see more physical proof of what's going on, miss nancy, there's -- my concerns are still on keeping haleigh's face on the tv and being sure that she is found. and whoever has done this to her is put away. >> okay. ronald, i understand that you want to keep haleigh's face out there. and we are doing that. but i know you, and i do not believe you are not concerned about a report that your wife flunked a polygraph. it would concern me. >> nancy, if i might, you know, of course ronald's concerned about a lot of things going on right now, but i think the main thing he's concerned about is making sure that haleigh is found. and you know, again, we'd like to thank you for keeping haleigh in the spotlight and making sure
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everyone continues to look for her and helping us every way you possibly can. but we're more concerned with that aspect rather than whether or not misty may or may not have done well on a polygraph. >> you know, mr. shoemaker, you have an excellent reputation. and what you just said does not make one ounce of sense. of course you want her picture out there. of course you want the help of the media. but for the last person known to have seen haleigh alive to have reportedly flunked a polygraph, how you can suggest that is not a major concern. you want to find her? you want to find haleigh? then find out why misty reportedly flunked a polygraph. gentlemen, does that not make sense to you? ronald cummings, i would like to hear it from you. >> nancy, what you're saying makes perfect sense to me. but why is law enforcement -- i'm not law enforcement. i can't interfere with their investigation.
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i can't do anything about a polygraph or -- >> well, what is she telling you, ronald? what is she telling you? i mean, she took that police polygraph. i don't believe she passed it the first time. i don't believe she did. now this one. then there was that voice stress test. i mean, something is wrong with her story, ronald. >> i don't know, miss nancy. >> ronald, i know that your heart's desire is to bring her home alive. i'll never forget the first time i heard your 911 call. and i think that is exactly the way i would have reacted if i came home and the twins were gone. and i want to know what you want to tell the viewers tonight. >> i want to tell them to keep haleigh's face out there, and if you have any information leading to her disappearance to call it in. it don't matter who it hurts. and i want to let everyone know that i'm not hiding anything for
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anybody. and if somebody had something to do with it, let them fry. so be it. whoever it might be. that's who -- that's who it is. let's bring haleigh home. >> ronald, why did police question misty croslin's brother and sister-in-law? what was that all about? they kept them for hours. >> miss nancy, i don't have a clue what they questioned them about. i'm not allowed around them. >> that's right. i understand. ronald, what do you believe is being done now in the search for haleigh? i know they just finished another search around your home, and they did that because your wife, misty croslin, directed them to a particular spot. >> well, i'm happy that they're still searching. i hope that they find my child alive, obviously. but one way or another i want my daughter to come home. >> ronald, you said -- >> i need some closure.
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>> you said that you don't care who it hurts and that you're not covering for anybody. >> that's right. >> okay. and i assume from knowing you that you mean that. so my question to you tonight is now that you have been told, whether you accept it or not, that your wife has flunked a poly, have you asked her what happened? what does she tell you? i mean, i saw her on the "today" show, and they asked her, why did you give two different stories? and she said, "i don't know." that doesn't make sense. >> i asked her. but i don't get any answers from her about, you know -- i don't see -- what she's telling me is not inconsistent. >> okay. >> so maybe what she -- >> and what is it that she tells you? what is her story about what happened that night? >> the same thing that she's telling police, or whoever, that she went to bed -- she put
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haleigh to bed, done some laundry, went to bed, and woke up to the door propped open. >> when we come back, the photos of haleigh cummings and her little brother with cuts and bruises prove the mom's allegation of abuse? (announcer) everything you need to take a breather on long trips. residence inn. - oh, come on. - enough! you get half and you get half. ( chirp ) team three, boathouse? ( chirp ) oh yeah-- his and hers. - ( crowd gasping ) - ( chirp ) van gogh? ( chirp ) even steven. - ( chirp ) mansion. - ( chirp ) good to go. ( grunts ) timber! ( chirp ) boss? what do we do with the shih-tzu? - ( crowd gasps ) - ( chirp ) joint custody. - phew! - announcer: get work done now. communicate in less than a second with nextel direct connect. only on the now network. deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities access
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stunning photos surface of 5-year-old florida girl haleigh and her 4-year-old little brother with cuts, bruises on face, arms, legs. but do they prove the bio mom's allegations of abuse? we have the photos. the cummings fire back, calling the claim garbage. pointing out correctly that dfacs, department of family and children's services, just at the home leaving empty-handed, no charges. both sides lawyer up. a custody battle over haleigh's little brother now brewing. >> ronald cummings, what do you make of the potential custody battle that you're facing on top of everything else? >> i think that it's absolutely and utterly ridiculous. all it does is take the focus off of my daughter being gone and put the focus on oh, let's see who can get custody. >> now, let me ask you this, ronald.
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your wife -- your former wife, well, the mother of the children hasn't had custody in how long? >> nancy, can i say something? >> go ahead, miss neves. >> she's not my former wife. >> they were never married. so -- >> right. it's the children's mother. >> august the 17th her second birthday is when i took physical custody of the children and i was granted custody of the children in december of '05. and i do have the court paperwork to prove it. >> now, ronald, they seem to suggest that the only reason the mother lost custody was because she missed some court dates. is that true? >> absolutely not. she missed her first court date. the judge gave her a wah-wah story another try. she showed up, lawyered up, and the truth is i was a better parent. still am. better provider.
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>> where is junior tonight, your son? >> do i have to answer that question? >> i mean, who's got him? who's taking care of him? >> my grandmother. >> miss neves, i understand you all have been living in tents outside -- or near the home. but you were forced to vacate the premises? why? >> county ordinances is the reason they gave us. every place we tried there was an ordinance against where we wanted to go. so it's just a county ordinance. >> so i want to go back to the attorney for the mother, the biological mother, of little haleigh now missing over a month, who is leveling abuse charges against the biological father, ronald cummings. it was in his home from which the child was snatched in the
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middle of the night according to the girlfriend, now wife. to kim picazio, the attorney for the mother, crystal sheffield. miss picazio, thank you for being with us. what exactly are the nature of the charges your client is leveling against the child's father? >> that would be physical abuse of both children as well as an unfit home. we have also gone to dcf and explained all the facts that we've gotten from the community members who have come to us. we have checked and double-checked these facts. we felt that it has risen to the level where we needed to go to the department of children and family because we felt that the welfare of the child, junior, who remains in the cummings household, is in danger. >> miss picazio, what exactly is the nature of the alleged abuse you are claiming against ronald cummings on haleigh and junior,
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ronald, jr.? >> physical abuse. >> what? >> child abuse. >> spanking? slapping? beating? locking in a closet? burning with cigarettes? what? what are you alleging? what is the specific act that ronald cummings allegedly did? >> we have, again, gone to dcf and given the specific incidents of abuse. it would be hitting. hitting in the face until bloodied. hitting with sticks. hitting with belts. i could go on and on. throwing down stairs. living in tents. >> okay. hold on. your client has not had custody and has had very little dealings with children ever since about 2005. two judges on three occasions heard your client's allegations. never once during those times did she in a court of law when she had the chance tell a judge about physical abuse on the
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children. why? >> well, as you just heard from my client, there was not physical abuse witnessed by her during their relationship. and at the time of the hearing she was a very young girl. she had been living in a household with mr. cummings, who regularly beat her. she had been given drugs by mr. cummings since she was a very little girl. she was alienated the entire relationship from her family. this person had turned her into someone who was controlled. and at the court hearing, i've gone over it again and again with miss sheffield, she was sitting there with her attorney and facing ronald cummings, who would be gleaming at her. she felt scared. she was intimidated. and that's essentially why she was -- she felt unable to defend herself. out of fear. >> all right. i get it. i get it.
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i just find it very unusual that at this juncture, when we're in a search for little haleigh, after all these years of living in the home she tells me on tv tonight that she never observed any abuse on the children, she's waited until this time, when she has a framework in place to accept donations, that she's now claiming abuse against the father. she had three opportunities to tell a judge, never told him. and miss picazio, is it true that dfacs was at the home in the last month and found no substantiation to these claims? they have not moved forward on these claims? >> well, first of all, i don't know why this is so confusing. we just said -- >> well, because she's just coming up with this now and she's the one that lost custody. >> if you want to let me finish. she's just coming up with it now because she's just stated that it had never happened to her knowledge before now.
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and when -- >> because i took care of the children. he had nothing to do with them. >> hang on. and after little haleigh went missing, we -- people came out of the woodwork to call me in my law office and to talk to people that were here with me in this town. >> okay. >> and i've been here since thursday. to give us -- >> miss picazio, we only have a brief window for you to state your case. so you know, if you could get to the point, i would appreciate that. isn't it true that your client has a record for filing false reports to police? didn't she accuse a co-worker once of stealing her car and then admit it was just a big fat lie? >> no, i don't think she admitted it was a big fat lie. i think -- >> i believe police asked her -- >> that has nothing to do with this case. >> well, the fact she's lied to police on one occasion, and if you read the police report and a supplemental report, it states police said, look, did they really steal your car? and she said no.
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that's charging somebody with a felony. >> no. >> i mean, that's very disturbing. >> are we -- >> miss picazio, is there any >> is there any other reason she know of that she lost custody originally? >> no. i think the doctor's appointments were mentioned and she got permitted to get a driver's license and ronald kept her from doing that. as soon as she left the home, she got the driver's license. she was unable to drive the children because she department have a license. >> i thought the reason she didn't visit more often is because she didn't have a license, but she got a license immediately upon leaving the home? >> it wasn't immediately. i don't know the exact time period. >> i was 20 when i got my license. >> 20 years old. it hard to breathe. but now that i'm breathing better with advair...
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tor tor somebody stole my child. it's not like a bicycle or a car. somebody stole my child from me. >> i want whoever has got her to bring her home. that's all i want is my baby home. >> gave me a hug and a kiss and said she loved me and see me when i got home. >> she's a daddy's girl. >> she hasn't there when i got home. >> she is the most precious thing in our lives.
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we want her to come home. >> please, haleigh, know that i love you. i love you very much. god will bring her home. >> mommy loves you and daddy love you you and we miss you and we will be right here. whoever has her, bring her home. we need her. please just bring her back. your daddy loves you. please just bring her home. >> on this labor day, let's stop and remember retired army major ed freeman, 80, from boise ohio.
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vietnam, world war ii and korea veteran. a helicopter pilot flew unarmed under heavy fire to supply troops and rescue dozens of soldiers. the missions earned him the distinguished supplying cross and in his later years the congressional military honor. he was inducted into the hall of heroes. served 20 years in the department of interior. leaves behind barbara and sons mike and doug. four grandchildren and three great grandchildren. ed freeman, american hero. thank you for being with us. see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp eastern and until then, good night, friend.
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>> are this is your hln "prime news" break. abdullah ak met ali is convicted of experience to commit murder thach planned to detonate explosives in bottles and simultaneously aborted seven transatlantic supply thes. the liquid is carried on to jetliners. the former-term congressman said the best way to provide decent house suggest by continues his work at citizen's energy corporation and the nonprofit organization prois free oil and back in time for the discovery crew. they wrapped up on saturday and ordered up something like a u-haul and brought the ne
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