tv Nancy Grace HLN September 16, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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breaking news tonight, live in connecticut, as the sudden disappearance of a gorgeous young ivy league doctoral student, just before she's set to walk down the aisle. the 24-year-old's beauty, last spotted on grainy surveillance video walking into a yale research building. a false fire alarm mysteriously goes off in the building. people rush out. annie le is never seen again. at nearly the exact hour le is set to walk down the aisle, wedding dress on the hanger in
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the closet, the bride's body founds stuffed in a wall, hidden behind ceiling tiles. bombshell tonight. in the last hours, police storm the tiny apartment of a 24-year-old yale lab technician. raymond clark. clark, in handcuffs, escorted to police headquarters for questioning. spends his workdays in the research basement, cleaning cages. cages that house experimental mice. multiple search warrants, 250 pieces of evidence, dna samples, clark's ford mustang, all seized as evidence. as we go to air, we learn le's official cause of death. traumatic asphyxiation due to neck compression, le, brutally strangled to death.
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but tonight, 24-year-old raymond clark walks free from police headquarters. that's right. he is free, free to go book to the tiny apartment he shares with his fiance and three cats. why? with a community and a university reeling, a family grieving, and a young groom left at the altar with a broken heart, we want justice. for 24-year-old bride-to-be annie le. >> a judge did sign a search warrant for the resident of 40 ferry street, apartment 1-a in middle town. that's the residence of raymond clark, who's an employee of yale university. he cleaned the mice cages, did custodial type of work. lab type work.
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>> a yale lab worker in custody today for the murder of annie le. >> we'll take a saliva sample from him. >> we saw raymond clark led out in handcuffs and also police offered a search warrant on him to take that dna evidence, evidence that was taken from sali saliva, from hair, from fingernails. >> at this point, we have looked at about 700 hours worth of video, we have interviewed over 150 people, some we have interviewed a second time. we have approximately 150 seized items now. if we have one matchup of that person at that location, we will be going for an arrest warrant. >> the police report says she was strangled from asphyxia. and satsuma, florida, daddy
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comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little hayl haylee. tonight the brother of girlfriend turned new stepmother, misty crossland behind bars. >> new details emerge in the case of missing florida girl haylee cummings. the stepmother/babysitter misty crosslin arrested las month after his sister reportedly failed a polygraph and voice stress test. >> if people think i had something to do with it. if i knew where she was, we wouldn't be sitting here today,
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we would have her. >> meanwhile chelsey croslin believes she doesn't believe that misty has enough book smarts to fool investigators. >> she doesn't have that much book smarts to a fool the fbi and the fdle and every other person that came there and talked to her and interrogated her for hours and hours. >> misty corslin's mother believes she has more information than what she's admitting. >> yes, i think my daughter is holding something back, i think they both are holding something back. that's just in my heart. >> now that you have been told whether you accept it or not that your wife has flunked a poly, have you asked her what happened? >> i asked her, but i don't get any answers from her. >> good evening, i'm nancy
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grace, i want to thank you for being with us. at almost the exact hour, gorgeous young ivy league graduate annie le set to walk down the aisle, wedding dress on the hanger in the closet, flowers ordered, the girl's body found stuffed in a wall at the yale university research buildings. in the last hour, police storm the tiny apartment of a 24-year-old yale lab technician, raymond clark. but tonight, clark walks free. >> reporter: police are calling this man, that you see her, raymond clark, a lab tech at the university a person of interest and he is being forced to give dna samples to investigators. clark who was taken from his apartment in handcuffs. >> the basis of the investigation is now focused on the physical evidence. we know where mr. clark is at all times. >> reporter: police are taking dna samples, saliva and also
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fingernail samples for testing. >> investigators are trying to look to see if any of that evidence could be matched to the 100 pieces of evidence they say they have already. and police say by the end of the week, they should be able to determine whether clark is in fact linked to this murder. >> they have been aware of where he was all along and he is indeed a person of interest. >> we're also making sure that there's not other potential suspects so we're avoiding the issue of tunnel vision, we're looking at everyone that had access to that building and could have been there during that time period. >> reporter: the medical examiner's office in new haven, connecticut says 24-year-old annie le was strangled to death. >> he cleaned the mouse cages, custodial type work. >> straight out to suzanne wrath with wsfv.
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what can you tell me about lab technician raymond clark being taken into custody and giving dna samples? >> nancy, we heard yesterday probably around 9:00 that a search warrant had been obtained. they went into his apartment, first they took him out, as you mentioned in handcuffs and then they went into his apartment and began searching for evidence. we were told, actually, when he left his apartment on ferry street in middle town, he was actually taken to the state crime lab in maryland. it was not open, and a team of scientists were taking all types of samples, blood, we're told, hair, fingernails and that's exactly what they did last night. >> to paul bass, editor with the new haven independent joining us also at the police station, paul bass, thank you for being with us. along with you susan wrath. a lot of questions, i have asked them myself about why dna is taking so long to be returned and now i'm starting to think
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that, first of all, we know police had staked out clark's place. for a couple of days now. their presence has been very obvious. i'm wondering if they were hoping to get his dna on their own, such as out of his trash, on a coca-cola bottle or some manner from his toothbrush, i don't know, somehow get it independently and ultimately they took him in with a warrant to get his dna? >> that could be, nancy, unlike you, i'm not skeptical about the extra days. the police department has been very methodical, they have collected over 200 pieces of evidence. they have botched investigations over the years, and now i'm very impressed at how the investigation is going and i think you're not going to be concerned at the end about the length of time of the dna, we're talking just a couple of days and they have said that they
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have had this man in their sights every minute, and so he's n not going anywhere, and so when they make an arrest, h e's going to stay put. >> robin sacks, prosecutor and author of predators and child molesters, what parents need to know, how to keep kids safe. hugo rodriguez, hugo, i don't know about you, but i have never known of the crime lab to open up after hours to process dna. i know this is going to be hard, but, yes, no, have you ever seen that happen? >> no, i haven't. >> what about it robin sacks? >> no, i have not. >> as soon as we get sherman's satellite up from vegas, we'll go to him. everyone, we're taking your calls live, but i want to go to thomas kaplan what's been with us from the get-go, the editor of the yale daily news, paul
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tells me that i'm going to be very happy with the job the police have done. but i'm still wondering how to explain why the known crime scene, this woman's body was stuffed into a two-foot hole, two feet, her whole body was crammed into a two-foot opening for cable boxes. and the basement was not cordoned off, it was not kept pristine for five full days. in fact, thomas kaplan, you told me yourself that some of your co-workers there on the yale daily news manageded to go down there and take photos? >> yeah, last friday, two of our reporters actually went into the basement, swiped their yale id and looked around. they couldn't get to the whole basement, but they did take some pictures. but what the police have said, what they say is you can't shut a building down every time a
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person goes missing and that's sort of been their explanation for why they did not close the building at first. >> well, that's good to know that the police don't believe they can shut a building down. paul bass, where is raymond clark tonight? >> i don't know where raymond clark is right now, but the police do know where he is. >> the breaking news out of new haven, the connecticut medical examiner does confirm that the yale graduate student annie le was strangled to death. her body was found sunday in the wall of that basement lab. ever worn your clothes in the shower? if you're using other moisturizing body washes,
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breaking news, the murder investigation of the yale student annie le, her body was found stuffed inside a wall at a campus research lab. she was only 24 years old. >> police have been focusing their investigation on raymond clark, someone they call a person of interest, a 24-year-old lab technician at yale university. >> the physical evidence we're looking for is dna and so we'll be looking for those types of physical evidence that could be present. we'll take samples of his hair, we'll take a saliva sample from him. >> police are analyzing dna samples and they went through
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his apartment and they're looking to see if any of that evidence matches about 150 pieces of evidence they have seized. >> we have a lot of evidence from the crime scene and we'll be looking at that to see what matches and what doesn't. >> police say they should know by the end of this week whether or not clark will be arrested or be cleared. >> straight back out to susan wrath of wsfb. correct me if i'm wrong, but hasn't there been 250 pieces of evidence seized by police? >> you're exactly right. at first it was about 150 and today they released about 250 pieces of evidence. they say they collected a lot of that at the scene of the crime. but a lot of that comes from his apartment. they have interviewed over 100 people. one of the things that came out of the press conference today and while clark is certainly not being called a suspect at this time, he is also a person of interest, and right now they say they have no other person who's a person of interest. i think that was very clear at today's press conference, he's
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not a suspect, they have interviewed lots of people but he is the only person they are focusing on in this investigation. >> susan, what can you tell me about the manner in which he was taken in for the dna samples? what happened? >> well, when they took him into custody with his handcuffs and it's very unusual as we should point out with handcuffs because he's not a suspect, he has not been charged but there's something that i'm told because they want to preserve evidence under his fingernails that's why they he was taken in handcuffs. they took him to the state crime lab, we're told that he left about 3:00 in the morning, they took blood, hair samples, saliva, they actually swabbed the inside of the mouth so they can get dna testing or samples. you would have thought he would go home at that point. but at 3:00 in the morning, he did not want to go back to his home in middletown. he went back to cromwell, cromwell is actually a
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neighboring town to milltown. so that's where he's staying and police are keeping a very close eye on him, because flay don't want him out of their sight, they don't want him to leave, and they're waiting until all of this dna evidence is processed. >> back to thomas kaplan, editor of the yale daily news, thomas, what was his connection to annie le, i know that he worked in the basement where her body was found, he had access to that and it's my understanding that he tended the lab rats, the laboratory mice some of which le used in her experiments? >> well, that's what we think, nancy, it's unclear the exact tie. but we do know that annie did work with lab animals, did work with mice in her experiments, so it's logical to think that they worked together in that setting. >> and what can you tell me about the building now? is it now released to the public? can anybody go back in there? >> it has been reopened, but with extra security, there are
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officers patrolling at all hours, and -- but as of today, the building has begun to reopen and get back up to speed. >> paul bass of the new haven independent, what can you tell me about raymond clark? what do we know? i know that he was engaged, there was an alleged date for her wedding where she lives with her fiance and her two cats and that she also works at yale what else do we know? >> mr. chark grew up in branson, he now lives in new haven and now he knew lives in middletown. he played high school sports, he got in a little trouble with the law. >> what do you mean a little trouble with the law? >> we have reported about previous incidents in that town. >> i'm sorry, i can't hear you, what specifically is a little trouble with the law? >> there was -- the police went to his high school one time at a
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complaint of a sexual nature with a girlfriend. >> and what became of that complaint? >> in the end, she decided not to press charges, but he was ordered to stay away. [ telephone rings ] [ ring ] [ "catch the wind" plalays ] what is the sign of a good decision? in the world of personal finance, it's massmutual. find strength and stability in a company that's owned by its policyholders. ask your advisor or visit
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. while ray clark has not been officially named as a suspect, he is listed in the directory as an animal technician. it is believed some of the animals used for research is kept in the basement of 10 amaistaz street. after annie le was missing for five days, she was found in the lab basement. her body was hidden behind a
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wall. >> mickey sherman, hugo rodriguez, mickey sherman, what do you make of them taking him in, he's in handcuffs, they take him, they -- okay, glad to see that you managed to jerry rig being with us tonight. >> i believe the studio here on the crap table last night. so we're just going to have to do with this. how did he get handcuffs? they did a search warrant from his body, fluids and whatever. i don't get how he's hand cuffs, he's not in custody. >> we learned earlier that they're trying to preserve possible evidence under his fingernails. susan wrath, what can you tell me about the state of his arms and hands, were there scratch marks on him? susan wrath, are you with me? i have lost audio with susan. paul bass, what do we know?
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i think i have got paul bass, okay, satellite down. back to you, mickey sherman, there are reports that his arms have scratches on them. now friends and family explained that away by saying that one of the three cats did that to him. we know that they found bloody clothes in the building, hidden up in the ceiling tiles. so if they were looking under his fingernails, if they were observing the scratches on his arms, that may have explained why they handcuffs him. i have never seen that done before with anybody but a suspect. >> and obviously he's under close surveillance. i assume they have got a 24/7 guard or surveillance group at his home or wherever he's staying. it's not his fingertips they need to take into account, it's hers, because that's where the scratches obviously most likely came from. this is a forensics case.
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if that material under hishis her fingernails fits his skin, then it's over. >> 24-year-old raymond clark, a technician that worked in the same yale lab building as annie le was taken from his apartment in handcuffs last night. police obtained warrants for dna and other evidence to determine if clark is connected to the murder. ♪ well i was shopping for a new car, ♪ ♪ which one's me - a cool convertible or an suv? ♪ too bad i didn't know my credit was whack ♪ ♪ 'cause now i'm driving off the lot in a used sub-compact. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free credit report dot com, baby. ♪ ♪ saw their ads on my tv ♪ thought about going but was too lazy ♪ ♪ now instead of looking fly and rollin' phat ♪ ♪ my legs are sticking to the vinyl ♪ ♪ and my posse's getting laughed at. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free- credit report dot com, baby. ♪
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one of the other top ranking police officers here told me one of the problems is that because this is an animal lab, there's a tremendous amount of dna evidence from these mice that they experimented with there. so they collected a lot of things and there's going to be a lot of tests done and that's going to take time. they do not want to have the case foiled by pulling somebody in and then having contradict try dna evidence. >> please tell me that i'm wrong, that this murder scene
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was not left uncordoned off, nothing for five days. please tell me i'm wrong, i wanted to be corrected on air. >> no, nancy, you're right about that, we actually had two of our reporters go into the basement and look around. two of our reporters went down there, yale students swiped their id and went down there on saturday, this was 72 hours after annie first went missing. >> we are taking your lines, out to elizabeth in pennsylvania. hi, elizabeth. >> caller: hello, nancy, my question is in regards to the fire alarm, i know they said it was activated due to steam. but i wonder if perhaps annie herself activated it in an attempt to draw attention to her situation. >> excellent question, elizabeth, in pennsylvania. let's go to susan wrath with wfsb, susan, what do we know about that fire alarm activation? we know it was false. we know there was not a fire in
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the building and we have been told through numerous sources that one of the laboratory hoods were apparently was releaseded, releasing steam that caused the fire alarm to go off. what more do you know? because that could be a crucial moment in the timeline. either she, as elizabeth in pennsylvania has pointed out did it for attention, to call attention to what was happening, or he, the killer, whoever it may be, did it to clear the building. giving him a chance to hide the body, or escape the building. what do we know about how that fire alarm was activated? >> you know, i don't know if we know 100%, but i think at the time it seemed a little odd and a little curious why that alarm went off and there are some concerns and that woman raises a very good question, who set it off? police on the record have said that it seemed like it was an accident, it had nothing to do with the incident. so they're downplaying perhaps that whole incident and the
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alarm. >> thomas kaplan, i do not believe when you were talking about a murder and a murder scene, that there is a coincidence in criminal law, i don't believe it. thomas kaplan, do we know where the hood was that activated the fire alarm? where in the building? >> no, nancy, that's a great question, and that's something we're trying to figure out now, again, the place are downplaying that that had anything to do with it. we don't know if it was in the basement or anywhere else in the building. >> the police are downplaying it that means absolutely nothing to me because those were the same people who said there was no foul play when she disappeared. her pocket book and keys and everything left behind when she disappears? no, it was clear foul play. back to the calls, brianna in iowa. >> caller: hi nancy, me and my mom thankfully watch your show and she thinks you're an absolute angel. >> brianna, thank you to your
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mother and thank you for calling in. what is your question, dear? >> caller: my question is do we have any footage of raymond clark coming out of the building? >> that's a great question, bawl pass, was he caught on video leaving the building? there's 75 security cameras leaving the building. >> i know they have reviewed all those security cameras, all the footage, they even rereviewed the footage and slowed it down and brought in experts from the state crime lab. there's no way that guy left the building without being caught on tape. >> susan wrath, do we know if he left the building during the fire alarm? >> we don't and it's a question that we have asked and we don't know that if it's because he's a person of interest that they ore not discussing it. we have not seen any tape, the only tape we have seen is annie le who went into the building but didn't leave. >> joining us is renowned
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forensic scientist, distinguished professor at new haven, connecticut. dr. henry lee. i want to speak to you about your expertise and in your experience, in all the years that you have done experiments, have you ever known the state crime lab to open up in the middle of the night for dna testing? >> yes. in the past we did numerous times. not only open up in the middle of the night, sometimes we work on the new year's eve and christmas and just like a law enforcement officer, police officer, every day they seek just working 9:00 to 5:00 shift, it's not. we work all hours. >> dr. henry lee, when they say they took dna from him, would that only be a buccal swab, an oral swab that you do with a
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q-tip like object? >> actually we have three different types of and indicators to collect a buchal swab evidence, you're right, some of the media report saliva sample. we're not looking at the saliva, we're looking at the cheek cell, looking for nuclear dna, extracting the dna as a known control. then we have to compare those samples. there's 250 items of evidence, actually that's 250 items, not necessarily evidenceal volume. the crime lab people have to go through those 250 items, item by item, separate them, any have evidential come yum, hair, fibers that can provide a linkage to the victim and try to solve the case. >> dr. henry lee, if the buchal
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swab, which of course you're absolutely correct, it is not the saliva that the scientist is trying to obtain, it's the cells off the inside of the gum. >> right. yes. >> if you obtain dna from an oral swab, why would you also take blood? >> well, sometimes you want a control just in case the oral swab may have contaminations, i'm sure they probably also take the fingernail scraping and also take the hair sample. >> yes, and dr. lee, as far as clipping his nails, do you really believe that this many days later that there would still be evidence under his nails or the killer's nails, not necessarily him, he's not a suspect, he's a person of interest, but the killer, would
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he still have evidence under his nails, do you believe? >> as time goes by, the chances to recover the victim's dna under fingernail has become less and become very remote. however you cannot just say if five days go by, we don't take the fingernail, you still have to try. >> you still have to try. >> maybe not necessarily finding anything, but definitely have to try. >> you must try because that's the first thing they'll say at trial as a defense, you didn't take his fingernails, you're absolutely right, dr. lee. dr. kent e. harshbarringer what do you make of the official cause of death? >> it's kind of a long stretch to get to strangulation, they have used a lot of generic terms.
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asphyxia actually just means a lack of oxygen. they're hiding something from the public record. that death certificate shows compression. it could be from a ligature. >> it said traum matttraumatic asphyxiation, why do they use that. >> some people use the term mechanical asphyxiation, they're interchangeable, it really applies to the chest not being able to expand. the due to is the important part. due to neck compression. >> when we come back i want to ask dr. harshbarge how a body could be folded into a two-foot cable box space, which is what happened in this case. we are taking your calls, but very quickly, protecting yourself during tornado season,
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before the storm hits, have a plan in place, know the signs of a tornado, including swirling dust or debris, a consistent loud roar or rumble. know where to take shelter, avoid windows, if you live in a home with a basement, go there, get as low to the floor as possible and cover your head. after a tornado, gather your family, wait for emergency responders, don't touch power lines or puddles if wires are nearby or in the puddle. stay away from damaged homes. watch out for sharp objects and try your best to stay calm. for more info, go to the noaa national weather service at (pouring rain) i had a great time. me too. you know, i just got out of a bad relatio...
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police custody after police took samples of his dna, important to point out here, he has not been identified by police as a suspect. >> they did say that they had been watching him from the start, because there were questions last night, did he try to get away. and poli . >> it's not like there's video cameras down there, and it's dark and there's pipings down there so there's place where is people can hide. >> pat brown, criminal profiler, author of "killing for sport" what do you think about motive? >> i think it's one of those kind of obsessive stalkers. remember that thing happened back in his high school where he had that little incident with his girlfriend? i'm thinking that's the same kind of thing. he has power and control issues, he likes to control women, he's a date rapist kind if he's guilty. he wanted this girl, she didn't want him, he got angry about it
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and he took it out on him maybe the woman who hasn't given you the time of day and not enough respect. it's a psychopath's mind and just because you got the woman, he got what he want. >> what do you make of a possible motive? >> i think we don't know enough to put a motive together. i think that your previous guest is doing wild speculation and we don't know enough about what's going on here and i don't think we should outstrip the data source. we don't know the nature of the relationship, even if it was this guy. and it could be something as simple as he was stealing something out of the lab. >> to lou palumbo, former nassau county investigator, now private investigator, lou, weigh in on why this guy is walking free tonight, they're saying he's just a person of interest, if the dna doesn't match, and he's
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not named as a suspect, this could come back to haunt him if they named the wrong person to start with. >> that could harm their credibility and harm their case. why he's walking free tonight is i don't think they're comfortable in the gathering of all the information they feel they're going to need to charge him. and the fact that they put a surveillance on him, i'm listening to all this terminology, person of interest versus a suspect. part of that is now we're more politically correct in talking about a suspect, versus a person of interest. and we learned that. >> lou palumbo, i appreciate your sentiment, but you haul me in in a place car and they open up the crime lab to take my dna, stigma has attached. to ebonita summers, a very dear
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friend of annie le, ebonita, tell me about her. you two were both in the scholarship program with her. what kind of a person was annie? i think, somehow i have lost ebonita, but i'm going to go back to susan wrath, susan, what are the police waiting on, the dna results? >> something you were asking earlier about the blood and that's important, keep in mind, bloody clothing was found at the crime scene. and at first investigators thought it may have belonged to annie le, so they're very guestguest -- interested in looking at the blood that was on that clothing. not sure why anyone would leave something at the scene, but apparently a piece of clothing
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was left at the scene with blood on it so they're very interested in looking at blood from clark to see if there's a match. >> very quickly, everyone, we're going to satsuma, florida. i want to give you the latest in the disappearance of 5-year-old haylee cummings art harris, i understand the brother of girlfriend turned stepmother, misty croslin was taken into custody. >> her brother was allegedly taken into custody for stealing a colt pistol from a neighbor. you wouldn't think that was a serious crime, but the bond was set at $50,000. >> do you believe they have taken him into custody on this argument on a pistol in order to get him to talk about haylee's disappearance? >> they want anyone close to the
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family to tell them what they know about anything related to the crime. so i do. >> to ronald cummings tonight, he's haylee's father, he's joining us exclusively since this arrest. ronald, what do you make of it? >> ms. nancy, i don't know what to make of it. i don't know what to think. >> well, what is the brother-in-law telling you? what are you hearing from misty's people? >> ms. nancy, we don't have much contact with the family. misty has an injunction against thomas, so we don't have any contact with them. >> to terry shoemaker, the attorney for ron ronald cummings, do you think they arrested him to put pressure on him to see what he knows about haylee's disappearance? >> $50,000 is very high bond for a grand left. so i would imagine they're
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looking at every angle they can and if they think they can put a little weight on him and get him to talk about anything he might know, i'm sure they're going to do ronald cummings. you say that no more communications with misty croslin's family. what is misty croslin telling you? is there any possibility that she left the home that evening and hasn't told you? >> if there is a possibility of it, i don't know anything about it. >> do you believe that she will try again to undergo hypnosis in order to clear her mind regarding that evening? >> i'm not sure. i don't think so. >> why? >> because i don't believe that it's necessary.
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investigators maintain mystery croslin is the key to finding haleigh saying she's never given details of her movement the night that haleigh went missing. >> i will answer any questions i have to. >> back out to ronald cummings. ronald, you said that -- you just told us that her going under hypnosis is not necessary. since she has flunked polygraphs don't you want to get to the bottom of what happened. >> of course i want to get to the bottom of what happened, ms.
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nancy. but i don't know if hypnosis is going to do it. >> are you of the mind that you should try anything? >> if that's what we need to do, absolutely. >> art harris, what do you make of all of this? >> i think you're going to see major turn in the investigation. pressure is mounting. ronald and misty will have to sit down and have some heart to heart about what may be coming out from her brother and from other members of the family. today they visited a cousin, joe overstreet in tennessee interviewed by investigators and a lot of people are being interviewed and re-interviewed. >> ronald as we say good night, i want you to know regardless, our thoughts and prayers are still with you and with haleigh. everyone, let's stop and remember army captain mark garner. a west point grad on third tour also served afghanistan. received a good citizenship award from daughters of the american revolution. had a smile that lit up a room. loved running, sports, traveling with his wife. visited 52 countries.
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leaves behind parents, sisters, widow. mark garner, american hero. thanks to our guests but especially you for being with us. a special good night from friends of the show, law students, lisa, jennifer, lee, courtney, brittany, charles, john, david and eric. aren't they a beautiful bunch? and happy birthday to south carolina friend lieutenant matthew reese. happy birthday, matthew. everyone, i'll see you tomorrow night. until then, good night, friend.
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coming up next on "issues," the yale murder. the fact that at 10:30 last night, a lab technician was taken into custody. his dna was recorded and he was released. news conference held by authorities who say it will come down to physical evidence. that person not a suspect. considered by police to be a person of interest. not a suspect. we'll have the very latest on this fast developing case in just a moment. we're talking about the war on women. we're also going talk about reality. after this man allegedly killed his wife and then killed himself and we found out that he was the star of a reality tv show. it has shaken up the world of reality television. they are revamping their
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