tv Nancy Grace HLN December 15, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EST
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breaking news. tonight, live, windermere, florida, tiger woods drives out of his compound barefoot, 2:00 a.m. after thanksgiving day celebrations and has a head-on collision with a tree. and a fire hydrant. his young wife, the mother of his two children, says she hears the crash from inside, runs out to beat out both back windows of woods' cadillac. woods refusing repeatedly to speak to police and immediately pulling out of his own golf tournament as the alleged mistresses hit double digits,
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including a swim suit model, two porn stars, and a waitress at a pancake house. woods just gets a slap on the wrist even though a witness tells cops woods was drinking before the crash and prescribed sleeping pills and the painkiller vicodin. bombshell tonight. dcf, child services, flanked by cops, reportedly show up at woods' mansion. reportedly after claims of a domestic incident with a weapon in front of the children. in the last hours, woods' wife spotted without her wedding ring. and she is contacting divorce lawyers. do you blame her? this as up to $35 million in endorsements dry up. and yet another alleged mistress comes forward.
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the tally now at 14. all this on the heels of news that tiger woods sacked up with one of these women at the family home the night his beloved father passes away. moving vans showing up at woods' florida compound, packing up and leaving. then, boxes loaded on to woods' multimillion dollar yacht, "the privacy," all on the heels of woods taking quote an indefinite leave from golf. and admitting infidelity. tonight, porn purveyors offering a cool million to an of woods' mistresses who will shoot a movie with them. could tiger sue? what really happened to tiger woods? breaking news.
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the florida department of children and families reportedly paid a visit to the woods' home after they received word there was an alleged domestic incident in front of the kids. dcf won't comment on their possible involvement with the woods' family. but police confirm they have a visit to the gated community. >> tiger woods lost the first big-name sponsor since acknowledging cheating on his wife. accenture is the first to end its business relationship with tiger. the decision to end the six-year relationship with woods comes two days after admitting to infidelity. >> this as another alleged mistress speaks out. 31-year-old single mom cory wrist says her relationship with woods lasted 2 1/2 years. she knew tiger woods was married but he allegedly told her the marriage wasn't doing well and stayed with his wife because she was pregnant.
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new images surface of elin woods out on the town without her wedding ring. >> good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. bombshell tonight. child services flanked by police show up at woods' mansion reportedly after claims of a domestic incident with a weapon in front of the children. >> why is the florida department of children and families reportedly investigating tiger and elin woods? radar online reporting dcf representatives made a visit to the woods' home friday. >> he made the announcement he is taking a break from golf. >> after flying under the radar, elin woods finally spotted running errands without her wedding ring. what does it mean? >> more alleged affairs. more alleged mistresses. a full-blown tiger woods scandal. >> woods portraying himself as a dedicated family man. >> the hardest part for me is to
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know that this whole time, you know, 2 1/2 years, that i thought that i could have been the only woman. and the only reason why, you know, we didn't hang out as much would be that he was busy and to go back and think that, you know, his reasons for being busy may have been another woman. it is really hard. >> accenture is dropping him basically saying he is not the right representative for its advertising. >> reports, woods' 155-foot yacht, "privacy" loaded for a trip as the whereabouts of tiger woods still remain unknown tonight. >> straight out to tom o'neil, senior editor, "in touch weekly" tonight on the legal front. department of family and children services reportedly showing up at woods' multimillion dollar compound flanked by police. what happened? >> they arrived on friday with an orange county sheriff to investigate this claim that we hear, nancy, that involves an
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incident with a weapon. other reports it may have been a golf club. we don't know. that is unconfirmed. all they will say -- >> tom o'neil? tom o'neil. in many aggravated assault even murder cases, a weapon doesn't have to be, i mean use your mind, tom, it doesn't have to be a knife or a gun. a weapon could be a golf club. it could be fists. it could be feet. it could be a car. anything that is used as a weapon. weapon-like can be deemed a weapon under the law. please go ahead, mr. o'neil. >> this could also be a frivolous complaint. we don't know that. the golf club accusation was at the heart of the thanksgiving blowup that caused this whole thing. all we know is child services group is calling this a well-being check which is a case of where they go into the home. they sfrat family members. talk to everybody and get their side of the story. we don't know the full story, nancy. >> i have a tiny problem with your scenario.
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>> okay. >> it is not your fault, tom o'neil with "intouch weekly." let's unleash the lawyers. taking your calls live tonight. we have reports, department of family and childrens' services have pulled up, flanked by police to tiger woods' multimillion dollar compound. eleanor odom, felony prosecutor, out of the atlanta jurisdiction. jason oceans, renowned defense attorney in the new york/new jersey area, and peter odom prosecutor turned defense attorney in atlanta. eleanor, if this is over the same incident where allegedly someone is brandishing a golf club, aren't they a day late and dollar short? >> it sure is because, nancy, it is a crime if you have an aggravated assault or altercation and do it in front of children it is a crime in and of itself. >> what about you, sharon mccollum, crime analyst? >> absolutely. no question. they are a little late, nancy. at least they showed up. >> let's go to the lines. alana in utah. hi, dear. >> caller: hi, nancy.
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how are you? >> i'm good, dear. what is your question? >> caller: i have a question. if i understand correctly they have a prenup. >> yep. >> caller: doesn't adultery automatically null and void that prenup where she can get the money she deserves for the public, worldwide humiliation she is suffering? >> you know what? that is what i keep asking these lawyers. and they keep telling me that infidelity very often is not addressed in a prenup because they don't want the prenup to be defeated. so in the prenup very often they don't have a clause that says, and hey, if i fool around then i owe you $50 million more dollars. it is not addressed. let's go to the lawyers. jason ochins, it seems to me that you go into a marriage in good faith. do you sign this prenup and suddenly, let's just say your husband has 14 affairs from everybody from a porn star to a waitress at the pancake house. >> right.
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>> all right? now, to me, that would crack the pre-nup. >> well, you know, it depends, as you eloquently stated. what's in the agreement? tell me that he pulled up to the -- i don't think anyone wants to put that in as you did state. >> take a look at the shots showing you. these were just taken in the last hours. you see his wife elin without that huge, humongous diamond ring. peter 0 dom, that's typically the first sign of a divorce. people start taking off the rings. >> that's right. we hear rumors they're buying a cast until europe and make plan to move there. it could be the beginning of the end. >> put odom up. they're not starting to buy a
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castle in europe. she's closed on a family mansion in her homeland on an island off the coast fly you go. so this is certainly the beginning of the end. >> i don't know if he, tiger woods srks part of that purchase. but let's go to alexus tereszcuk. what can you tell me about report that is moving vans pulled up to the compound in florida? packed up left. now boxes loaded on to woods' multimillion dollar yacht "the privacy"? >> nancy, that has happened. moving van did pull up in front of tiger's home. they moved out lots of boxes. we didn't see tiger or elin but she has the home. tiger's plane landed in europe today in her home country of sweden and the boat seems to be moving things, too. >> to ellie jostad. yet another woman has decided to go public. she goes on and on about all the pain.
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she is worried she is causing the wife, elin, now why the heck did she go on the "today" show to announce it if she is so worried? take a listen, ellie. >> okay. >> what was he telling you? >> just that his marriage was on the rocks and there was a baby on the way and he had to uphold this image and stick it out for now. and things were not good at home. >> what made you realize then that he wasn't being true to his word, that that wasn't -- he wasn't going to leave his wife? >> the media. i started seeing them out, and the pictures being printed. and i just -- then i didn't believe it. then i would wake up in the night and he would be texting, you know, in the middle of the night. i would ask who is he texting? he would say checking e-mails. i just had that feeling that this was something bigger. >> you started realizing at that point that the texts and everything, perhaps he was having relationships with multiple women? >> that's correct. i'm not the party girl that they're claiming that i am.
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i do go out with my girlfriends and have fun and, you know, but i'm not -- i'm not like most of these girl aens i'm not judging them by any means. i'm not putting anybody down but i'm a mom and i'm a stay-at-home mom. i worked hard. i tried to set the right example by my son. >> has this been hard for you and your son? >> yeah. >> how, what is your son hearing? >> just all the horrible things. i'm sorry. you know, he has to face a lot of -- he is suffering a lot of consequences from this. and i have had to explain to him the mistakes that i have made. so it has been very tough. you know, and my family as well. and i don't think anybody wants to see their daughter or granddaughter in this situation. so -- >> do you feel that you are to blame for that? >> yeah.
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♪ my wife went through my phone. she may be calling you. >> there was an auto accident, yes. ♪ >> oh, my god. >> i have a neighbor. he hit the tree. >> okay. are you able to tell if he is breathing? >> no, i can't tell right now. >> i did feel guilty that he is spending his time with somebody. you know, that isn't his wife. it's just the way he was.
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>> he has been incredibly gracious with the media. he's never not committed himself to the media and he's been great. he makes one mistake and they run all over the guy. >> you are seeing video of tiger woods' caddie, steve williams, from nbc's "today" show. i want you to take a listen to women that are now coming forward and whining and crying about all of the pain that they have caused elin nordegren. why don't they keep their pie holes shut and go home and take care of their family instead of compounding the pain by yakking about it? take a listen. >> what was he telling you? >> just that his marriage was on the rocks. there was a baby on the way. he had to uphold this image. and stick it out for now. and things were not good at home. >> what made you realize then that he wasn't being true to his
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word that that -- he wasn't going to leave his wife? >> the media. i started seeing them out. and the pictures being printed. i just -- then i didn't believe it. i also would wake up in the night, and he would be texting, you know, in the middle of the night. i would ask who he was texting. he would say checking e-mails i just had that feeling that this was something bigger. >> you started realizing at that point that the texts and everything that, perhaps he was having relationships with multiple women? >> that's correct. i'm not the party girl that they're claiming that i am. i do go out with my girlfriends and have fun. you know, but -- i'm not like most of these girls. and i'm not judging them by any means. i am not putting anybody down. i am a mom. i am a stay-at-home mom. i worked hard. i tried to set the right example by my son. >> has this been hard for you and your son? >> yeah. >> how? what is your son hearing? >> just all of the horrible things.
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i'm sorry. you know, he has to face a lot of -- he is suffering a lot of consequences from this. and i have had to explain to him the mistakes that i have made. so it has been very tough. you know, my family as well. and i don't think anybody wants to see their daughter or granddaughter in this situation so -- >> do you feel that you are to blame for that? >> yeah. >> did he ever talk to you about his wife? ever mention her? >> no. the one time that his wife was mentioned was the first day that i met him and that we hung out. i am the one that asked him about her. >> you actually, from what i understand, spent time in their home, in los angeles as well? >> i did. >> when she wasn't there, obviously. >> yes. yeah, this happened probably a month after we had been seeing
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each other. he flew me out. came and picked me up at the airport. and i stayed there for a night. >> spent time in the family home? that is certainly putting the perfume on the pig. you just saw tiger woods' alleged mistress cori rist, tomorrow, the president of the britto agency in new york. she certainly, meredith viera there, certain lay good journalist, cut tiger woods' some slack when she said "you spent time in the woods' mansion" i don't know if that is really a correct description of what they did in tiger woods' mansion according to rist. e
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did you ever see him take drugs at all? >> i mean, i have never seen him take painkillers. i know he does have a hard time sleeping. he would take a sleeping pill occasionally. i mean, he did never sleep. i mean, even if -- if he wanted to go to bed at maybe 10:00 he wouldn't fall asleep until, 12:30, 1:00 and then be up at 3:00. that's just the way he was. >> straight back to the lines. tina, new jersey. hi, tina. >> caller: hi, nancy. i've been thinking this for a while. i just haven't seen nobody comment on it.
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if tiger maybe is a sex addict. >> i want few go to dr. janet taylor. what do you think of that dr. taylor, psychologist, joining us out of new york? >> i think, certainly, tiger has patterns of infidelity and risk taking. i think, sex addict is a stretch and an excuse for bad, bad behavior. >> dr. taylor, why is it that everybody that is famous that gets caught running around suddenly says they have an illness? >> well, again, it is a way out. it's something that is treatable. it separates their responsibility and makes you fool like they can't control it. the reality is, tiger has had these patterns. they have been deliberate, and i don't think he is a sex addict. >> now, why do you believe, in your expertise, what separates him from a sex addict? >> well, if you think it, the brain likes reward and if you think about drug addiction and gambling, those behaviors can set up a pattern where you do an activity and get rewarded. but to be a sex addict, you have
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to have some pleasure. but i think it is a lot harder to prove and more subjective. without knowing tiger's psychological profile, it just would be hard to say he is a sex addict. >> back to the lawyers. eleanor odom, jason ochins, peter odom, what do you make of dcf showing up at woods' mansion that is pretty serious? >> well, they have to show up when there is any kind of a report even if it is an anonymous report. they have to go do an assessment to see if there is anything to it. doesn't mean there is anything to it. doesn't mean the allegations are true. they certainly would be remiss if they didn't just go and separate the family members, speak to them and see what it is to it. particularly, if acts violence occurred in front of children. >> to ellie jostad, what do we know about the report made to child services? >> nancy, we don't know who made the report. we talked to department of children and families who would describe only in very general terms that when they get a report like this, if they
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believe it has been made in good faith, even if the person hasn't personally witnessed some sort of incident they still do an investigation, they still check to make sure that the family is safe. >> to rick burton, professor of sports and management, syracuse university, what is this doing to him as a sports icon? >> well, it is a flood that is building. and to borrow from rock 'n' roll terminology, is whether or not the levee is going to break here fairly soon. cccccccccc
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do you think that tiger is a sex addict? >> the man that i knew, the tiger that i knew. i would never think that. it was never about that. he never just kind of said come over and that's what's going to happen. >> it wasn't one woman. it wasn't two. we think the number has been up to 13. >> if these women are to be believed, the relationship with tiger woods would go on for a couple of years. how he whined about being married to his wife and said he
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wished he met them before he got married. what is that? there has got to be a medical term? >> they delude themselves into thinking some day they will be the only one, that they will replace the wife. i do not for one second believe he had real relationships with these women. >> his wife and his two little children they're the real victims in all of this. >> generally right now they are trying to work things out. some people are saying though it is not necessarily going in his favor. that she is kind of wavering in her feeling. >> what do sponsors do with all this? >> accenture, drops, tag heur, not so much. >> people like certainty. right now. tiger is an uncertainty. nod good for himself, his brand or his golf game. >> do you think that tiger is a sex addict? >> the man that i knew, the tiger that i knew i would never think that. it was never about that. he never just kind of said come over and that's what is going to happen. so, i mean, the person that i knew i would say no. >> we have just obtained some sound and interview with tiger woods himself.
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take a listen. >> this is the man who had it all. >> it's been great, actually. one of the best things that ever happened. >> fame, fortune, family. >> they got my wife's stubbornness, so that's enough. >> a man unaware that very soon, fate would make his answers sound like lies. >> family first then golf second. >> always been like that? >> always. >> be watching. >> tuesday exclusive to sky sport 1. >> that was part of an interview with tiger woods on sky tv one month before the scandal erupted. and he is talking about his family being his priority. he seems truthful. despite his alleged extramarital affairs. we are taking your calls live. out to janet in georgia. hi, janet. >> caller: hi, nancy. >> hi, dear. what is your question? >> caller: why is the news media glorifying these classless, self-centered women with obviously no morals, self-respect nor integrity? >> hold on. hold on.
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hold on. janet, what do you mean by glorifying them? >> they're showing their faces. they're interviewing them, and if i were them, i would hide my face. i would be so humiliated for the -- for everyone to know that i had had an adulteress affair with a married man with two beautiful kids. >> you know, another thing, janet. i will go to you on this, eleanor, you were mentioning it. one of them actually said, i'm not like all the others. >> clearly, nancy, we see the same pattern again and again. each person thinks they're the only one. they will be the one with tiger. >> you know, there are now reports that porn purveyors have offered a cool $1 million to any of these 14 alleged mistresses of tiger woods to star in a porn flick. i could kind of see it right now, out to you, peter odom,
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jason ochins, eleanor odom. she'll come on to the scene and let me guess, it will be at a golf course. okay. if they make that scenario happen in a porn video, jason oshins, would tiger woods have the right to get an injunction to stop it or to sue? >> i don't know why he would have the ability if consenting adult is involved in the porn industry. obviously -- >> because it would clearly be about him? >> yeah, but you wouldn't use his name. you would make everything seem just as close. >> put jason oshins up. jason oshins, you don't have to name an individual, for instance, i don't have to say, michael jackson. all i have to do is put on one glove and dance like nobody else in the universe ever could. >> that's why tiger would have no basis to sue as long as you didn't use his name. but all of us would know who it was. >> i understand.
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now, let me ask you this, jason oshins, i think i got you over the barrel. isn't the truth a complete defense? >> well, we're talking something published or slanderous as opposed to some sort of spoof porn movie. >> put him up! >> thank you, nancy. >> how -- what would be his claim in a lawsuit? you said we could sue. >> i said he would have no basis to sue. he would have no basis as long as you did not use his name. >> okay. that doesn't make sense. because you don't have to use his name for him to be identifiable. >> the question was would he have the basis to sue. he wouldn't be able to get an injunction, no reason for him legally to get one. none. >> agree, peter odom? >> portraying some one, using their image or name in an unfavorable, unflattering situation that is not true such as a porn movie with tiger woods could be what's called false late defamation but it would be a stretch in this case.
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as you suggest, nancy, truth is a complete defense to defamation. >> i an not suggesting it, peter odom. i am telling you it, flat out, point-blank the truth is a complete defense. also, jason oshins there is the issue of him being a public figure. you can make a lot more fun and say all sorts of nasty things about somebody if they are a public figure. talking about the president, the vice president, celebrities, people on tv, tiger woods. you can say all kind of nasty things about them. true or not true. and get away with it. that's the state of the law. >> 100%. >> you are right. think of "saturday night live" that parodies the stars all the time. get away with it. >> back to the lines. betty, ohio. hi, betty. >> caller: hello, nancy. >> hi, dear. what is your question? >> caller: my question is are they really separating? is she moving? and these women make me sick. they make decent women look bad.
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>> well, seeing as i'm not a saint, and nobody has ever accused me of being a saint, i am not going to come down on these women. i would also look to report -- except the ones that get on tv and cry about how much they have been hurt. but, they don't have a duty to anybody. tiger woods is the one that had a duty to his wife and his children. to tom o'neil, what about it, tom o'neil? this one is on you. >> i think they are going to get back together. the answer was on his website. >> back together? does that mean you are saying they're split up? >> that is pretty clear. yesterday she was seen driving around orlando without the wedding ring on. >> i was driving around today in the back of the car without my wedding band on. you think i want to leave this thing in the playstation at mcdonald's? i didn't think so. didn't mean a thing. >> her mother. and kids. going to a party without tiger. but -- and we don't know, you know, what the upshot is here. but i think tiger's point of view was clearly revealed on the
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website on friday when he said what he wants to be is to be a better husband, a better father and wants a safe haven for privacy for healing. >> please pause. please pause. i don't mean to rain on your parade, tom o'neil, but it was just about a month ago he said family first. in that's interview on sky tv. >> i know. i know. now he is caught red-handed. >> but now he is busted. okay. alexis, what about it? are they split up? or are the moving boxes because they're both going to board that yacht with the kids and take off? >> well, you might think from what tiger has said and the statement he wants to spend more time with her. from everything we are hearing she is not very happy. she is working on a different settlement, perhaps talking to divorce lawyers. she is definitely mad about everything that is going on. i don't think you can rule out the fact that they're not going to be few gets. >> to cheryl mccollum, cold case, crime analyst, cheryl this
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morning on the "today" show an alleged mistress, cory rist, trying, said she had a very long affair with woods. now a lot of these women are claiming, two and three year relationships with him. some in the family home. how difficult will that be a divorce lawyer to prove after they hire a fleet of investigators like you? >> it is not going to be hard at all. again we have text messages, voice mails. she is going to have possibly photographs of him on her cell phone. it is not going few be difficult. >> to you, ellie jostad. on friday we got a copy of the order filed in great britain, banning anyone from publishing nude photos of tiger woods. i don't think they exist. have any surfaced? what is happening on the front? has it been domesticated in the united states? >> the order hasn't been domesticated. as far as we know. we don't know of any photographs. the language in the order is specific. if you even fake a picture and try to say it is tiger we'll go after you. >> quick break. we are taking your calls live.
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tiger isn't out of the woods yet. his troubles are just beginning. >> british lawyers have gotten a court order or have gone to court to stop nude depictions, photos of tiger woods. >> lawyers representing the superstar golfer say they don't know if any images like that exist. they say they sought the court order to prevent any body from publishing fake images of him nude. >> infidelity in a marriage is one thing. but a serial infidelity achiever whiff appears to what tiger has done is a symptom in the character of the person who is cheating. >> there seems to be real relationships as you read these text messages.
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this wasn't ships in the night. he really got emotionally involved with these women. >> i did put a lot of, you know, emotions into this. i did care very much for him. and when we were together, i mean he did make me feel like i was the only girl. so to go back and see, i mean, especially now when there is more and more. >> reports emerging that tiger woods had one of these women in the family home the night his beloved father died. now how many of us have tuned in at the end of a golf championship to see tiger woods walk up to his father and hug him? you wait the whole tournament to see the hug at the end. and then how poignant that first tournament where tiger woods walked the last hole alone. ellie jostad, what happened? >> well, nancy, jami e
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jungers says the night that tiger father was dying of prostate cancer she was in the house with him in california. when he got the call from his mother, he went to a hospice. stayed there three hours with his dad. came back home. she says then they had sex as usual. then, shortly thereafter, tiger's mother called and informed him his father had passed away. >> what about it, tom o'neil, "intouch weekly," what else do you know? >> there are reports that jamie said when the phone call came in, i was just lying there in a pair of panties. not the scene of a man you expect knows his father is dying and should have his family around him. he died of prostate cancer in this hospice just down the road. >> alexis? >> jamie jungers says she was in love with him. that is her excuse. where was his wife?
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why wasn't he with his family? he was with the woman who said she was in love with him. >> liz, do we have sound of junger? okay. cue it up. in meantime, take a look at one the "today" show this morning. this is cori rist. >> i am not the party girl that they're claiming that i am the i do go out with my girlfriends and have fun. you know? but i am not like most of these girls. i am not judging them by any means. i am not putting anybody down. but i am a mom. and a stay-at-home mom. i worked hard and tried to set the right example by my son. >> has this been hard for you and your son? >> yeah. >> how? what is your son hearing? >> just all of the horrible things. i'm sorry. you know, he has to face a lot of -- he is suffering a lot of consequences from this.
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and i have had to explain to him the mistakes that i have made. so it adds -- it's been very tough. you know? and my family as well. and i don't think anybody -- >> well, if they didn't know it was you before all of the kids you are worried about on the playground, they know now! because you were on the "today" show this morning. woods' alleged mistress, cori rist on the "today" show a couple hours ago. here is the young lady, jungers who claims she was sacked up, slung up, in the family mansion the night woods gets a call that his father is slipping away. he leaves to go to the hospice three hours. comes back. according to sources, has sex, they get a call, the father is dead. here she is. >> did he ever talk to you about his wife? ever mention her? >> no.
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the one time his wife was mentioned was the first day that i met him and that we hung out. i am the one that asked him about her. >> you actually, from what i understand, spent time in their home in los angeles, as well? >> i did. >> when she wasn't there obviously. >> yes. yeah. this happened probably a month after we had been seeing each other. >> that is jamie jungers, alleged mistress of woods on the "today" show claimed she was slung up with him the night his father passed away. to a physician and professor of public health at johns hopkins, dr. mccary, as always an honor to have you with us. dr. mccary, i am still focused on the dcf, child services going to tiger woods' hem to check out reports there was a violent incident in front of the children. are doctors in any way involved in that?
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>> well, you know, a doctor will often tip off child protective services to go to home. anything that looks suspicious will get reported to cpa. and these groups will actually go -- these team wills go to the home and try to do individual interviews based on a tip-off. and we have had situations in all directions. >> dr. mccary, could you explain to me, could you look at his injuries and tell if they were from a car crash or if he got bashed in the head with a golf club? >> oftentimes you can. car crash impacts are high velocity impacts from directly straight and from the front. whereas domestic dispute injuries are often from the side or back. oftentimes you can tell the difference. >> what about is, eleanor dixon? >> i agree. nancy, that is important to have this physical evidence. neps a domestic violence case. the injuries can tell the story. >> everybody, as we go to break, our thoughts and prayers to connecticut friend of the show,
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filomena, 98 years old. she is recovering from successful hip surgery. filomena, please, stay strong. >> did you think that was the problem? do you think there was something going on? he needed prescription drugs to help him sleep. >> i mean, he is a world renowned athlete and i'm sure he has so much on his mind. i couldn't imagine it ever being put to sleep. but, he very much does have a sleeping problem. you know? whether it's insomnia caused by stress or whatever it may be, i don't know, but -- >> do you think he has an addiction to painkillers or sleeping pills? >> that's something that i wouldn't be able to, you know, say. i tried to just -- fewer text messages and far in between. and phone calls. and there was a time where he did come out. he did physically come out for five days and he texted me every
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day and said, meet up with me. i want to see you, i miss you. i was like, i'm not going to do that anymore. >> did you love tiger? >> i did never say that i did love him. i wouldn't let myself get that far. >> do you think tiger loved you? >> there were times where i feel that, you know, he could have. but i mean, if you were to ask me that question now, i would have to say he didn't.
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we are taking your calls to millie in connecticut. >> caller: how are you? >> i'm good, dear. what is your question? >> caller: is it possible when they were arguing in the house and tiger was leaving to get in the escalade and she ran after him with a nine iron and hit that car's back window, could he have got out of the car to stop her and the car continued going
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backwards? that's why they were -- >> well, here's the issue with that. well, no, hold on. hold on. to you, ellie jostad, are we sure she pulled him out of the car? >> the witnesses, the neighbors said they got there. he was already lying on the ground, as a matter of fact. >> but you know what, ellie? it couldn't happen the way millie is -- exactly that way, the way mill sli proposing it because he was where the car had stopped. >> uh-huh. >> he was beside the car with elin and a golf cart. yes, no? >> yes, you are right. >> got it. okay. to pennsylvania, hi, dear. >> caller: hi, nancy. my question is, kcpf able to gan entry to the home?
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>> to axex lis. >> they did not speak with the people that they wanted to speak with, tiger and elin. >> why? >> my understanding is that they were not there so it was negative contact is the way that they wrote it. >> they weren't turned away, they just weren't home? >> correct. >> okay. everybody, let's stop and remember army private first class brian holden, 20, clairemont, north carolina, killed iraq. awarded the bronze star, purple heart, national service defense medal and served kuwait. loved the outdoors, loved rock music, favorite foods, pa getty and grandma's biscuits and gravy. dreamed of buy ago house and starting a family. leaves behind a grieving and loving family. brian holden, american hero. thank you to our guests but especially to you for being with us tonight and a special happy birthday to one of our superstars, yankees' fan rachel.
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there she is. happy birthday, rachel. everyone, i'll see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp eastern. and until then, good night, friend. hello, i'm a.j. hammer, this is a "showbiz tonight" news break. this is what's coming up on "showbiz tonight" at the top of the hour. the brand new and disturbing claims from tiger woods' alleged mistresses. and chris brown's outrageous new, very angry tirade. did it have anything to do with rihanna?
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