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tv   Nancy Grace  HLN  January 2, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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super star golf phenomenon tiger woods drives out of the his compound, barefoot, 2:00 a.m. after thanksgiving day celebrations and has a head-on collision with a tree and a fire hydrant. his young wife, the mother of his two children reportedly hears the krar from crash from house, runs out, and beats out both back windows of woods' cadillac. woods refusing to speak to
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please, not once, not twice, but three times. why? why did a neighbor have to call 911. we have the 911 call. woods pulling out of his own golf tournament as rumors of an alleged affair between tiger woods and a nightclub host is hit the newsstands just hours before the so-called crash. tiger woods finds himself in
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a pr bunker. but the 26-year-old beauty >> laying on the ground when i got out there.
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tiger woods makes a public, and addressing tabloid speculation set off by his one vehicle last week in florida. he is a poll jazzing for personal failings. joini ining drew petrimeau. >> they talk to the neighbors of tiger woods. one of the most interesting things that came out of that interview. tiger woods was passed out cold. knocked out by the time they got out there early that morning. what exactly knocked him out is unclear. they do say there was no signs of any alcohol. no signs of drugs. but by the time they got out there he was out cold.
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another interesting fact that we learn from the interview that the neighbor hernd 10 to 15 minutes of a knocking sound before they came downstairs. whether that was her, the wife knocking on tiger woods window trying to wake him up or her knocking on her window trying to get some one's attention we are not clear yet. another thing that is interesting, i spoke to some one close to the family they said the sound of somebody saying "what's happened?" on the 911 that was tiger woods' mother. she was inside the house when this whole thing happened. so some very exciting, interesting new developments from this interview. >> well, nancy, we have also learned that not only was tiger woods mother there, but elin nordegren, his wife's mother was there as well. apparently they both came outside of the house the they were all standing there while elin nordegren was tending to her husband tiger woods. the neighbor describes tiger as having a cut lip, bleeding from mouth as if he bit his lip in the accident. however we don't really know much about what might have led
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up to the accident. now, kim sarafin from "in touch weekly" may have heard more about possible damage inside the house. >> well again this all goes back to the original rumors that were swirling around. once we first heard about the accident. of course everyone was saying was this precipitated by a fight inside the house. now reports have been coming out was it because of text messages that tiger was receiving, did they have a fight? was this domestic violence? is that what caused his injuriesch this all goes back to the fight whether a fight happened in the house or whether his injuries cam from his accident. >> also, drew do we know any more about why this alleged mistress, abruptly canceled the scheduled news conference? >> not exactly sure, you know, leading up to that, that news conference we all thought this is where she was going to come clean and say she had lied in her original statement to "the new york post," i believe the is was, that, everything was made up. that she didn't have an affair.
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but you know she has a pretty -- pretty famous and -- well-schooled lawyer out there in l.a. behind the scenes they must have made the decision this is what's best moving forward. >> well, and gloria allred is one of the most skilled, most well-known lawyers in hollywood. she was the one who was, or is representing rachel uchitel. she has not commented or denied any payment out to uchitel. kim serafin what do we know about rachel uchitel and other alleged mistresses. >> you mentioned, this press conference got a lot of coverage. gloria allred know house to do a press conference. when rachel hired gloria allred it made people speculate about what may happen. the press conference was scheduled wednesday night. supposed to be thursday morning. it was canceled. you mentioned also because of unforeseen circumstances is what i believe they said.
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now there were some rumors swirling that it might have been, there might have been some conversations between rachel and tiger. there was talk of was there a payout. then it came out. no there is not a payout. tmz is reporteding, that rachel is keeping silent because she is scared. it is very interesting all of these details that are kind of liking out. so much is rumor. so much is speculation. we really don't know at this point. >> well, also take a look at these photos. these are modeling pictures of tiger woods' wife. and these were taken back when she was living in sweden. she apparently didn't really care about modeling according to the photographer who discovered her. she would rather be a student. she actually quit modeling after she had taken a few of these pictures. went back to school to study child psychiatry, child psychology, and this -- she also negotiated a deal, soon as she became famous, linked to tiger woodsch she went back to this photographer who had discovered
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her, negotiated a deal with him about which photographs he would release to the public. she is a very smart, shrewd business woman on that account. drew petrimoux do we know anything about a prenup that elin nordegren may have signed? >> yes that is very interesting. apparently there is some clause in the prenup where they would have had to have been together a certain amount of time. for the payment to be made. we understand now that that is being renegotiated. what is interesting to add here, tiger woods is still here in orlando held up in his mansion there. we understand they're going through intense marriage counseling. he has professionals coming in to try to work this out. we also understand there has been a large sum of money put into account controlled by tiger woods' wife as a gesture of good faith that tiger really wants to try to work this thing out. >> drew, what exactly, you said the payout before would be $20 million is that correct? >> that's the figure i have heard so far.
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of course i haven't seen personally the legal jargon or what you would have to say with this. i am not exactly sure what the contract reads. but some of the reports we have heard figures as high as $20 million. >> wow. so she gets $5 million now, just for signing this renegotiated prenup. then sheep would get, and this is, what, the daily beast is reporting if she stays for another seven years, married five years at this point. if she stays for another seven years she will get $75 million. if she stays for another two years she still gets $55 million. one thing do we know, kim serafin are they in any sort of counseling or negotiation going on right now? >> they are pa parentally according to reports in counseling. now there is this new report out about a renegotiated prenup. initially the report says that her prenup was that she would get $20 million after staying with tiger for 10 years. but according to the report,
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this renegotiation would give her $5 million up front and then $55 million if she stays another two years and up to $80 million to stay with him for another seven years according to this report. >> drew petrimoux, i know we touched on this briefly. is there any sort of payout to these other women allegedly linked to tiger woods do we know about any money changing hands from tiger woods to these women or did they get paid to tell their story? >> well i know there was a large sum of money paid out for the audio recording that tiger woods allegedly left on one of his mistress' answering machine, upwards of $150,000. whether the uchetel was paid out. she is dekneeinying that. reports i'm seeing say she has not received any money from tiger. some money is being paid out. at this time it doesn't seem that tiger is paying for anyone to keep quiet. >> also it sound like tiger
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woods' wife said very little to neighbors as she was comforting him. just apparently told the neighbor i need help. please help me. please call 911. then she said nothing else thafafter that. attended to tiger woods. never said anything about what precipitated this early morning crash the night after thanksgiving. >> yeah, right. when i talked to this person. somebody that is very close to the family of tiger woods' neighbor they said they are really confused as to what happened. when they first saw it it seemed cut and dry. a crash. when all the details come out now they're thinking back was there a fight? what caused this crash? the biggest question, what caused the crash?
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>> my two officers arrived at the scene noticed tiger woods laying on the ground in front of his vehicle with his wife over him rendering first aid. >> this situation is my fault, woods says, it's embarrassing to my family and me. i am human and not perfect. i willster tenley make sure this doesn't happen again.
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>> everybody wants to know, all right. what happened? what does tiger woods have to tell us. >> he was backing out of his driveway and hit a fire hydrant, subsequently hit a tree in his escalade, and such suffered some injuries the. >> his wife came out of the house when she heard the accident him hitting the fire hydrant. used a golf club is what we were told to barack out the rear window to gain entrance into the vehicle, removed him from the vehicle and laid him on the street. >> my wife elin acted courageously when she saw i was hurt and in trouble woods said. she was the first person to help me. any other assertion is absolutely false. >> any time you stone wau the cops three days in a row you look like you are hiding something or looking look you are guilty of something. >> as tiger woods reportedly hovers in and out of consciousness, a neighbor claims woods' wife asked them to call 911. new know tows of tiger woods' cadillac emerge. take a listen to what unfolds
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>> the florida highway patrol concluded its investigation of the vehicle crash involving mr. tiger woods. the investigation has determined that mr. woods is at fault in the crash. >> crashed his suv neighbors say they found tiger woods lying on the ground without any shoes.
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the florida highway patrol has released their audio taped enterviews with neighbors who rushed to help him. jarius adams says woods' wife was talking to the golfer and he says he put a blanket on and pillow under his head.
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more breaking details continue to emerge. take a listen.
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>> nancy, people that you hear talking on this tape are jarius adams and his sister kimberly the they were apparently both asleep. and kimberly said she heard this sound like a continuous knocking, very faint. she at first thought that maybe somebody in the house had forgotten their keys. she went downstairs to kind of investigate, figure out what was going on. that's when she said she saw
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headlights shining into their house. she woke up her brother. he went outside and he sees tiger woods laying there on the street. he sees elin nordegren, tiger's wife, elin asked him then for help. the thing that isn't clear, drew petrimoux, correct me if i am wrong about this. we don't know if the neighbors heard anything or not. are there various reports about whether people heard any sort of arguen't before this happened? >> these neighbors didn't. there are reports other neighbors did. i looked at an aerial shot of how the neighborhood is laid out it seemed to me it would be hard for any other neighbors to hear anything. these are really huge houses. and across the street is a golf course. and so the only neighbor that is next to, or even remotely close to tiger woods' house is pretty far off in the corner of the street. it would strike me as really strange if any other neighbors were able to hear. those are big houses and far apart. and so it would seem to me it would be difficult for another neighbor to hear a fight even if there was one.
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>> well, kim serafin, what does elin nordegren, tiger's wife say. did she hear the crash? why did she end up outside? >> well again, this is really interesting. because we don't really know much about elin. now according to these neighbors she was there. she was, she asked for help. but she was kind of in shock. she was apparent leap very quiet. really focused on tigern't asked for help. that was about it. but it sort of goes hand in hand with what we know about elin which is not much. like tiger she is very, very private the we really haven't heard much from her. she is not that typical celebrity wife that goes along and starts a clothing line or does a lot of interviews. she's been with tiger at his golf games, that's about it. we know she was of course a beautiful, former swimsuit model who really gave up modeling for educationch other than that she really has stayed very private. didn't want to live the celebrity life. apparently told peep. people said she never wanted to be a celebrity wife, celebrity
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girlfriend. didn't want to be tiger's arm candy. seems like she was attentive but staying with the whole privacy issue, is posht to both her and tiger. >> she was attending to tiger woods after this crash. it is interesting because when she was first admitted into the hospital, the first reports we were hearing, the police report in it it says his injuries were serious. however he was apparently treated for a bit. release aid few hours later and now hearing the neighbor saying that he was snoring. i don't understand the snoring. dr. marty mccary, why would a person be snoring after a car accident? >> well in the trauma setting we recognize sudden snoring or heavy breathing to be the hallmark feature of a temporary loss of consciousness. that happens because a head injury can quickly put some one in a deep sleep. the body will repeatedly gasp for air, a panic, flight or fight response, we say. snoring is a function of a loss of consciousness and related to
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your head positioning and any swelling in the airway area. we know that he had an injury to the lip. so it does make sense. >> lip injury. could that have been from either striking the steering wheel or could it be something as simple as he bit his lip when he crashed the car? >> right now it appears it could have been either of the two. what we do know and i would feel comfortable concluding he does appear to have sustained a concussion, a concussion is simply somebody who lost consciousness temporarily and had a there mall head scan. because quite honestly the only way you can get out of a hospital after any kind of head injury. so we know he was rushed to -- health central hospital. the troopers described his injuries as incapacitating. but that could be difficult to assess in the urgency of getting someone to a hospital. he was treated and released the same day which is a common pathway for any trauma patient with a mild concussion and a normal head scan after a car accident. >> uh-huh.
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and we didn't learn much about tiger's injuries, of course those hospital reports have still been kept secret. highway patrol came out and said they had no probable cause to obtain any medical records. they wouldn't say if there was any blood taken. we do know that tiger woods was not given a breathalyzer test. his blood and urine were not tested for drugs or alcohol. so we don't know much about that at this point. but we do know all tiger woods has said about his injuries, remember he peld out of his own golf tournament, he said that he had cuts, he had bruises, and he was very sore. but no more details about what injuries tiger woods actually has.
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to maxine page senior news editor the first scenario, make en page, first how far away from his home was woods when he had a head on collision with a tree and fire hydrant? >> very close. just outside his house. >> i understand it was two house as way? >> correct.
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a neighbor's house, yes. >> he was two house as way. but his wife says she heard him hit a tree two houses away from inside tiger woods' home? >> that's what she says, yes. >> okay. now she hears the crash according to her, and she races out with a golf club? >> there has been two conflicting stories. one story she said she ran out. the other story she says she drove a golf cart. she appeared on the scene with a golf club and smashed in the back window of the suv. >> wait, wait, wait, maxine page, maxine? >> yes. >> you said two conflicting stories. from where are they coming? who is giving conflicting statements? >> she has, elin has, two different. she said first she ran there. second statement she said he was in a golf cart. >> and with her she happened to bring a golf club? >> very handy. brought a golf club with her,
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yes. >> and maxine page, she beat out the back windows of the vehicle in order to pull him out of the driver's front, the driver seat? >> correct. apparently she smashed out the back window. got into the car and pulled him out. >> maxine, one more clarification, it is my understanding she smashed out both back windows, right and left, yes, no? >> yes, correct. >> why? why? why smash out both windows? >> that's the question. it seems like excessive force. also to smash the back windows in seems strainening when he was in the front. but, yeah, smashed out both back windows. >> maxine. >> yes. >> the likelihood of this incident occurring, the same day as the enquirer hits the stands, now, in new york, the enquirer can hit the stand on thursday which was thanksgiving. then it gets to the rest of the
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country friday, saturday, sunday, monday. some times later. but i believe it is on the front page of the enquirer about an alleged affair between tiger woods and a hostess, i don't know what is a hostess for a nightclub? whatever. that alleged affair which the lady denies and woods denies hits the stands that day. and a couple of hours, smash-up, and wife runs out of the house or comes out in a golf cart armed with a golf club. thoughts? >> it is a big coincidence. and we have got reporting that they had a heated argument over this woman and over the affair. and he told her she totally spoiled their thanksgiving before running out of the house. >> nobody can go what went on inside the house. can't be confirmed unless either he or she told people. but, you know, it hits that day. then this happens that night.
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maxine page, isn't the woman denying the affair, the hostess at the nightclub? >> she has denied it. she has cup out and denied it. but there is a lot of inconsistencies in her story. >> to you barry levine, executive editor of the "national enquirer," you guys are the one that broke the story allegedly, about an alleged affair now both tiger woods and the woman deny the affair. of course we don't know if there was a domestic dispute in the home because there is no witness inside the home? >> that's correct, nancy, i mean at this point we are standing by our story. obviously an argument took place from what we have been told. we specifically reported the day before the accident that tiger was involved in a cheating scandal with a woman named rachel uchetel, a new york city party girl, rachel had gone, in mid november to australia to
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hook uh wip with tiger. we followed her based on source information from new york halfway around the world few australia. we saw her go into tiger's hotel, check into the hotel, get off on the 35th floor of the hotel where tiger was staying, of course, rachel is denying this. but we feel very comfortable with our report. we have multiple sources. >> let me ask you this, mr. levine. >> sure. >> has anybody threatened to sue you over the story alleging libel or slander? >> no, we have not received any, any threats of a lawsuit, tiger's people denied the story. when we went to them for comment, rachel denied the story. and i'm told she has an attorney, great attorney, gloria allred in los angeles. but we have not received any communication on threat of lawsuit. >> that is one of the last things i would want, gloria allred chewing my behind i can
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tell you that much. no threat of a lawsuit right now. now, mr. levine, let me ask you this, the alleged other woman gave her side of the story. hold on, let me go to chief editorial producer, eli, what does this woman say, she is denying the affair? >> rachel uchetel gave a long interview to "the new york post." >> rambling. rambling. kept saying the same thing over and over. >> this interview apparently happened last week before she was using the services of gloria allred. she tells the post that the story is ridiculous, she says not a word of it is true. she claims that the sources were just out for a pay day. she says she only met tiger woods twice. very short meetings. she says she never spoke to him on the phone. she said she never exchanged any text messages with him. and she says they're not having an affair. >> okay. barry levine. back to you. executive editor of the "national enquirer." mr. levine, what is your response to the things that the
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so-called other woman had to say giving her side of the story? >> yeah, i read her account today and on our website today we posted a point by point denial. she is in a damage eyes rachel l go to australia to meet with tiger woods. i mean, we had a team of reporters on the story for several weeks. as you know, nancy, you know, we've dealt with these types of women before. ray yell hunter in the john edwards scandal. for months and months and months denied any type of relationship with john edwards. it is' not uncommon that somebody will deny involvement with a major celebrity or newsmaker. >> 911. what's your emergency. >> i have -- this is [ inaudible ] i have someone down in front of my house. they hit a pole. i came out to see -- >> is it a car accident, sir? >> he's -- >> okay, sir, sir, is it a car
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acciden accident? >> i don't know. >> sir?
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>> what happened what's wrong? >> i have a neighbor. he hit the tree. we came out here just to see what was going on. i see him. he's laying down. >> it was an auto accident? >> it was an auto accidents, yes. >> my two officers arrived on the scene and noticed tiger woods laying on the ground in front of his vehicle with his wife over him rendering first aid. >> this situation is my fault, woods says obviously embarrassing to my family and me. i'm human and i'm not perfect. i will certainly make sure this doesn't happen again. >> tiger woods is now apologizing for his transgressions. >> i have let my family down and i regret those transgressions. with all of my heart. i have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves.
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just hours ago a tabloid released an urgent voice mail supposedly from tiger to another woman. warning her his wife may be calling. >> hey. it's, uh, it's tiger. i need you to do me a huge favor. um, can you please, uh, take your name off your phone? my wife went through my phone and may be calling you. so, if you can, please take your name off that and, um, just have it as a number on the voice mail. just have it as your telephone number, okay? you got to do this for me. huge, quickly. all right, bye. >> i have told many a jury nothing good happens after midnight. >> my two officers arrived at the scene and noticed tiger woods laying on the ground in front of his vehicle with his wife over him rendering first aid. >> i have a neighbor, he hit the tree. and we came out here just to see what was going on the i see him. he's laying down.
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>> you mean it was an auto accident? >> yes, it was an auto accidents, yes. >> after days over tiger woods' car crash the florida highway patrol has concluded the fhp will issue a ticket to the golf superstar. he could face a $164 fine. >> the investigation has determined that mr. woods is at fault in the crash. this afternoon, fhp is in the process of issuing a uniform traffic citation for careless driving to mr. woods. >> i, as you know, although i can't play golf, am i huge tiger woods fan. so, this is not about tiger woods. what i'm wondering is, was there a police report such as striking a fixed object? i know if i ran into a fi hydrant and a tree, the police would be talking to me. >> the only issued statements he made through his lawyer and on his website. what he said he wants to keep his privacy on that. his lawyer has said it's his right to not speak and right now that's what he is exercising.
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>> there had to be something that caused him to lose control of his vehicle and to strike those objects and why he isn't trying to explain that, i don't know. >> tonight, let's stop and remember army specialist robert paul, jr., 30, pittsburgh, pennsylvania killed iraq lost his life one day after talking to his toddler girl. remembered at thoughtful, dedicated to family, loved video games, movies, time with his little daughter. leaves behind grieving mom midge, sisters tara and nori, widow tracy and daughter rachel. robert hall, jr., american hero. thanks for being with us for this special "nancy grace investigates" see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp eastern. until then, good night, friend.
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