tv Nancy Grace HLN January 9, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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breaking news tonight, live, arizona. a gorgeous 23-year-old mom takes off from her home, tempe, arizona, by car for a 978-mile road trip with this beautiful, 8-month-old baby boy gabriel. she ends up spending christmas in a local motel, san antonio, texas. along the way, calling the 25-year-old biological father, threatening he'd never see the baby again. even telling him baby gabriel is dead. turns out, mommy was trying to
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give the baby away, the whole time, to an arizona couple. at the same time, mommy's located in a miami beach, florida youth hostel, minus the baby. her car abandoned somewhere between florida and san antonio. she claims she gave the baby away to a couple she met at a campground along the way. tonight, can we save this little angel-face baby, baby gabriel? >> authorities in three states are desperately searching for a missing 8-month-old boy last seen with his mother who is now under arrest and police say is refusing to cooperate. prime time exclusive tonight, the couple accused of kidnapping baby gabriel.
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does she really claim she gives the baby away to anonymous couple she just met at a public park? tonight, can we save the little baby with an angel face, baby gabriel? >> news in the case of missing arizona boy, 8-month-old gabriel johnson. the fbi is currently working on processing the car of gabriel and mother found outside a motel in san antonio, texas. >> we do know elizabeth took gabriel from arizona to texas and that she stayed at two different hotels while down there. >> investigators are hoping evidence in an abandoned car will lead them to the toddler gabriel johnson. >> has to provide clues, mileage, information left inside of it. >> reports are authorities believe gabriel's mother, elizabeth johnson, bought a bus ticket on december 27th and was alone when she boarded the bus heading to florida. >> and it's pretty much from the point of december 26th, december 27th of 2009 up until this point we don't know where the child
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is. >> at this point elizabeth johnson has not provided us any information on even gabriel's condition, much less his whereabouts. >> johnson told the adoptive couple, tammi and jack smith, that she gave gabriel to a couple she met in a park in san antonio but can't remember their last name, address or phone number. >> she put in the text, "i killed him." >> she killed him? >> yes. >> past tense? >> yes. "i killed him" is what she said. and tonight live to utah, the mystery surrounding the sudden, suspicious disappearance of a beautiful young stockbroker. the mother of two little children. investigators combing the family home, the family van and a rented vehicle. why did daddy take his two little boys camping at midnight in freezing weather the night mommy goes missing? i don't like it. at this hour, still no sign of the 28-year-old mother of two.
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the story taking even more bizarre twists and turns. tonight, where is susan powell? do you have any idea what happened to her? >> no. thank you. any help to try to find her would be appreciated. >> west valley police say joshua powell remains their only person of interest in susan's disappearance. >> speculation comes from josh's story that he took his 2 and 4-year-old sons camping in the freezing cold of the west deserts on the night susan disappeared from their west valley home. >> a lot of times i just go camping with my boy. you know? not anything big. i just go overnight and we do is s'mores and stuff like that. >> i know there was a huge effort out in the west desert looking for any sign of her. is that where you were camping?
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>> i have to go get my boys. >> it was at the vigil that josh arrived with one of their sons. friends surprised he'd leave utah during the investigation. >> i would like to hear a credible story about -- i'd like to know the facts of what happened, what does he know, what does he not know? and if it clears him, that's great, because now we can get on to the main focus which is, where is my daughter at? >> i didn't do anything. i mean, i don't know where she's at. i -- i don't even know where to start looking. good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. live to arizona. a 23-year-old mother takes off from her home, tempe, arizona, by car for a 978-mile road trip with this beautiful 8-month-old baby boy, baby gabriel. she ends up spending christmas alone with the baby in a local motel, san antonio, texas. calling the 25-year-old biological father telling him
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baby gabriel is dead. turns out she was trying to give the baby away the whole time to an arizona couple. mommy's located in miami beach minus the baby. her car, abandoned. bombshell tonight. in the last hours, mommy's car located, san antonio. baby's car seat still inside. tonight, we learn mommy alone, no baby gabriel, hops a greyhound bus to florida december 27. now, that's the last day of any credible sighting of baby gabriel alive. she claims she gave the baby away during this road trip to a couple she had just met at a public park. >> new details emerge in the case of missing 8-month-old arizona boy, gabriel johnson. the vehicle his mother, elizabeth johnson, was last seen in has been found in san antonio, texas. >> that's where 8-month-old
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gabriel was last seen with her and she won't tell authorities where her baby is. >> the car was located at a motel across the street from a bus station. cops reportedly believe johnson bought a bus ticket on december 27th and boarded the bus alone. the bus going to florida where johnson was later arrested for custodial interference. >> she tells the bio dad that the baby is dead. >> i was scared when she first said it. i went right to the police station. i didn't know what to do. >> police say johnson has previously made threats to harm her son and just recently lost custodial rights to the child. >> now everybody's saying, oh, she said that because she wanted him to sign the papers to give the baby away for adoption. >> basically didn't want me to have him and wanted to put him up for adoption. better life. that's what she kept saying. >> authorities say there are no signs of obvious violence in the vehicle. police are still working to find gabriel who johnson allegedly claims she left with a couple she met at a park in san antonio but cannot remember their last
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name, where they live or how to get in touch with them. >> we are getting in information even now as i am going to air. i have just learned in my ear that there are four security cameras there at that san antonio bus station, that the fbi has come, has just come and taken all of the surveillance video on and around december 27th. now, that is the day that this mother -- should she deserve that title? i don't think so. last time she was spotted, that was december 27, the baby was spotted that day. there's a credible sighting of the baby alive december 27. we're waiting to find out the results of that video footage that the fbi has taken from the san antonio greyhound bus station. straight out to michael board, reporter woai news radio, joining us from san antonio. michael, what can you tell me?
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>> i talked to the fbi this afternoon and they said they are still combing the san antonio area, they believe there are maybe possibly clues in san antonio as to where this beautiful 8-month-old baby boy is. nancy, i put this question to the fbi when i spoke to them this afternoon. how does a single mother without a job pay for a bus ticket to miami? pay for hotel rooms? pay for gas? i asked the fbi, are you looking into the possibility that this so-called mother sold the baby? they would not answer my question. they say that is still under investigation. they're not talking about any leads in this particular case, but, nancy, you have to think, where does a single mother without a job get the money to drive from arizona to san antonio, stay in hotels and get a bus ticket to miami? >> did she have a job, matt zarrell? >> didn't. she never checked out of the hotel. for all we know, she never even paid the actual hotel bill. >> she has no job, no means of support, and so, michael board, let me ask you this.
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how much does it cost to get a one-way greyhound bus ticket from san antonio to miami beach? >> well, we know she had to pay for gas money to get from arizona to san antonio. she borrowed her grandfather's car to get from there to here. a couple hundred bucks of gas money there. a lot of money if you don't have a job and are paying for a child, plus you have to think you have to feed that child, you have to put diapers on that child. they have to buy a bus ticket. which for this bus line, a couple hundred buck farce one-way ticket from san antonio to miami. where do you get that kind of cash? what are the ideas we can think about here? i don't want to go to some of the areas you think of. one possible idea i put to the fbi, did she sell this child? it's definitely a possibility. we have to think about that. >> with me right now in a primetime exclusive, two very special guests. special to me. jack smith and tammi peters-smith. they are the phoenix, arizona, couple that had pinned their
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hopes and dreams, attached their heart to this little baby, baby gabriel in the hopes that they were going to get to call him their baby boy. that they were going to adopt baby gabriel. they had been on the string with this woman, elizabeth johnson, age 23, for some time. jack and tammi, thank you for being with us. first to you, jack smith. >> hi, nancy. how are you? >> i'm very disturbed. i'm disturbed about why -- why didn't she just go ahead and give you the baby? why give the baby to some people she just met at some public park, for pete's sake? jack smith, what do you think? >> well, you know, again, we don't know what's in her mind. i would love to think i know what's in her mind, but i don't. if i did baby gabriel would be with us and back here in arizona. the reason she didn't give him
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to us is because the father was saying he wasn't going to do that. this is the first time we had a chance to talk with the father. so he was saying he wasn't going to do it. that basically left her with no alternative to go in her mind but to go. >> tammi smith, did she ever want money from you guys? >> never once did she ask for anything. not a ride. not a meal. not to borrow a quarter. nothing. >> do you think, tammi, that she is capable of killing this baby? >> you know, from what i know of her, i don't believe so, but i've only known her maybe three or four weeks.
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all the time, always moving around doing stuff. loved to play. >> an intense search for a baby boy. cute little gabriel johnson. an 8-month-old who vanished days after christmas. his mother is arrested. the baby's father said she sent text messages that his little boy was dead. >> calls the dad a couple times to say you'll never see the baby again. i've killed the baby. all along she's apparently tried to adopt the baby out possibly for money. >> whether it's true or false, that's a terrible way to tell a
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father anything about his own son. and she's playing games, doesn't want the father to have any contact with this child. >> this is a pretty destructive woman. and as it's been said many times, she's very manipulative. >> the mom was not concerned with the child's safety. she would have focused on being a better mom and assuring her rights to custody, not control. she's worried about control over that child and about spiting the father. >> according to court documents she had hidden this child one other time and had it at a friend's house and accused logan of taking or hiding the child. >> this is about a long-standing issues that she's had with the father of the child. this is really about these two fighting and the child is collateral damage. >> we spoke about some of the threats that were potentially made by -- or that were made by elizabeth to harm gabriel. we had that information initially.
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now some information that possibly gabriel was given up in an adoption situation, we're still trying to confirm if either of those stories is true. the car was located yesterday, probably about 4:40 arizona time, about 5:40 in the san antonio time zone. and the great thing that came out of that for us was that gabriel was not in the vehicle and investigators are still trying to sort through that vehicle, process that vehicle for evidence. >> we are taking your calls live. i want to go back to jack and tammi smith, the arizona couple that had planned to adopt baby gabriel. thank you for being with us. >> you're welcome. >> have you spoken to her since she has been behind bars, mr. smith? >> we did. we talked to her, and we had the local channel here tape it so that there was no questions about what was said and what was done and how it was done. >> what did you learn?
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>> well, one thing we learned is where the car was because it was right after that upload that -- it's our understanding that right after the upload we did find out where the car was. they were able to find the car after we did the interview. nobody said that it was attributed necessarily to that, but they found it 4:00 and we did the interview at 2:00, and they immediately uploaded it. that came from it. to be honest with you, we had a list of questions -- the questions, you know, we wanted to -- the main question that we wanted, obviously was, where is gabriel? where is this wonderful, sweet little baby? at that point she said that she met a couple in the park, and i do have the name of the park -- we didn't know this until the afternoon.
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raymond russell park. >> raymond russell park? so she remembered that but she didn't remember -- >> no, no -- >> she didn't remember that? >> forgive me. no, this comes from -- i don't mean to go off track here but -- >> it's okay. >> -- we have focused our life for the last few days since all this happened. we're on the phone all day trying to find out as much information. we have contacts. we have sources. ain't that cool? we have sources in san antonio with the radio station and radio and telephone stations there. >> you figured out it was raymond russell park? >> raymond russell park is where they -- and we also found out through that source that when she bought the bus ticket she bought it as elizabeth jones. >> is it true, ms. smith, that you learned she checked in and paid for the hotel room a week ahead of time? >> yes, she told me she was paid up until sunday, and we had her
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basically ready to come back. sunday morning she was going to come back. we had offered to help her with an attorney so she could keep the custody and the custody would not go to the father. >> and then out of the blue she just takes off? >> yes. >> where do you think she got the money, ms. smith, to buy the ticket? it's about 150 bucks a ticket plus the gas she needed to get from tempe down to san antonio. >> all i know is a few days prior to her leaving she had told me she had -- we saw her dogs. she had two yorkies. she sold the two dogs for $500. she rented a room to her roommate for $400 cash and he confirmed that. then i believe she got her last -- what is it call? >> unemployment. >> unemployment check and she did have food for the baby. $$$
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the main thing is that she wanted him with a good family that loved him and that would actually take care of him. >> tammi smith remembers the day almost eight months ago she met elizabeth and gabriel johnson. >> and i just could read it in her face she did not want to be a mother. >> tammi says the father wasn't around and when he was -- >> yes, there were a lot of threats and a lot of things, underhanded things that were done. because of his record and because of what the things he had done to her and the baby,
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there was no way she was going to give him that baby. >> tammi says months went by then last month she received a call from elizabeth. >> she finally called and said, are you ready to adopt him? >> the two parties signed legal guardianship papers, and gabriel moved in with the smiths. >> we fell in love with him. >> the baby's dad wouldn't sign guardianship or adoption papers. still gabriel quickly became part of the smith family, visiting santa, playing with 4-year-old hannah. december 18th, elizabeth picked up her son to visit the father. little did the smiths know, the two were taking off to san antonio. >> we were trying so desperately to get her back here. every time she was ready to come back, she would get a phone call threatening her. >> the smiths believe the baby is safe and his mother, now behind bars, will never say where. >> she loves that baby enough that i believe she would probably stay in jail the rest of her life to make sure he was safe from the person she wants to keep him from.
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>> we are taking your calls. out to jessica, nevada. hi, jessica. >> caller: hi, nancy. your twins are beautiful. my question is, have the alleged couple who the mother gave the baby to, are they going to be faced with criminal charges if they don't come forward? >> good question. john burris, daniel horowitz, first to you, daniel horowitz out of san francisco, could that couple face charges? >> every state has a different set of laws. i think it's a kidnapping. the father has rights to the child. whoever is keeping the child is taking him away from the father. we may be picking on the father says he's not a good dad, but his rights are superior to anyone else's until the court says differently. >> i'm not picking on anybody except a mom that gives a baby away to a couple she meets in a public park. >> we're presuming the dad's not a good dad. aren't we? we're presuming the dad's not a good dad. >> i'm not presuming anything. let's just stick with the program of trying to find the baby. all right?
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if you can just focus, you know, keep it in the middle of the road, daniel horowitz. burris, you know, i don't know that this couple, if they exist, thinks they took the baby away from the father. they may not even know that the father's in the picture. >> i agree with that. i don't think that family without more information is liable for any criminal conduct. they don't really know anything. as far as they know the baby was given to them in a consensual way. until proven otherwise, i don't think they have obligation. they certainly don't have any criminal conduct that they were engaged in. >> marc klaas, president founder klaaskids foundation. weigh in, marc. what's the likelihood we can find the baby if this baby's still alive. now the would be adoptive parents tammi and jack smith have given us the name of the park that they believe she handed the baby over. raymond russell county park. we have shots of it, elizabeth, if you can show those to the viewers.
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everyone, our tip line, i believe we have a new tip line. the one i have right now is 480-350-8311. what do you think, marc klaas? >> i think if her story is true, the chances of recovering the child are very good. what you need to do is draw a radius around that park of maybe two or three miles and then look for a couple that has a new baby that just came into their life. this beautiful little child. and it would be a couple that has a baby that came into their life unexpectedly. if one is going to adopt a baby, that's a long process that you oftentimes talk to your neighbors and your friends about before it ultimately occurs. so if, in fact, the child is alive, the smiths just made it a lot easier for the authorities to be able to find the child. i also have to agree with what daniel said because the smiths
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have done nothing more than vilify this father since they came on the show with a variety of the statements that they've made. as i understand it, they didn't even meet the guy until recently. they seem to be buying everything that this woman is saying hook, line and sinker. all she has done is lie -- >> wait, wait, wait. i am not here, none of us are here tonight to vilify anybody. >> but it's been done. >> i do find it very disturbing that the mother gave the baby away to a couple she had met 20 minutes before in a public park. that's my focus. all right? now, speaking of the smiths, i want to go back to jack and tammi smith. two questions. number one, i think that it would be crucial, since you were around her, you spent time with her and the baby, you've spoken to her since she's been behind bars. what was her state of mind when you spoke to her last, ms.
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smith? >> i'm sorry. that wasn't me -- what was her state of mind when i spoke to her yesterday? >> right. >> to be honest with you, she sounded a little bit cheery. whenever she was dealing with the whole custody issue, she was not cheery. she was very depressed and distraught. it seems as though she seemed happier and safer being in jail than she did out of jail and going through this whole custody issue. >> mr. smith, when you were dealing with her about adopting baby gabriel, what was her state of mind at that point? >> you know, we -- honestly we had some concerns. i mean, again, we're looking at -- as i mentioned earlier, we're looking through normal eyes. it felt a little odd, but you know what, we felt like that we could be helping this baby,
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also, if this mother did have any kind of potential emotional problems. so we were basically -- our theory at that point was we are a baby-sitter. we understand the whole principle. we've adopted -- hannah is adopted. we know the process. we got hannah in our house at 4 months old and the adoption wasn't final until she was 2. >> let me ask you guys something. you have come forward and been very forthright. what, if anything, do you have to gain from coming forward, ms. smith? i mean, you did not have to put yourself in the public eye at all but you have. why? >> it's been extremely exhausting. i've only had a couple hours' sleep since yesterday. we're doing this because we fell in love with this baby. we have nothing to gain except for the fact that we know that we have gotten to the point where we kind of know elizabeth's mentality from getting to know her over the
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past few weeks, and we believe we can help find this baby and return or help to return this baby to his family. >> we're taking your calls, everybody. to tammy in nevada. hi, tammy. >> caller: hi, nancy. >> hi, dear, what's your question? >> listen, i want to tell you i love your show. i never miss it. i've watched you from the old days. i also want to thank you and tell you how much i appreciate your dedication to help seek the truth for the innocent out there. >> thank you. >> caller: i was wondering, i know you talked about cameras at the station, but do you know if there were any at the motel 6 or the park perhaps? and my heart goes out to everybody involved in this, and i just pray that this is not another casey anthony story. i mean, you know -- >> i've been thinking the same thing, tammy in nevada. her answers are so vague and ambiguous. exactly the way tot mom's were. to michael board, do we know if there were surveillance cameras at the motel 6?
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>> we know that there might have been but the chances of them actually running and them having the tapes are probably slim. this isn't a high-class joint. probably not around. as for the park, there's no security tapes around there either. the chance of the actual handoff or whatever it was very unlikely to have happened out there. >> to caryn stark, psychologist jack, please stay strong. to send well wishes or donate, go to caring
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how has it been the past few days dealing with your family? >> emotional. >> do you believe your son is still alive at this point? >> yes. >> why? >> just a feeling. >> is there something you want to tell your son? >> i love you, wherever you're at, i hope you come home safe. >> what do you want to tell elizabeth? >> not really at this time. maybe further dun the road. i always wanted gabriel to be a part of his mother's life too.
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i just want to find him. >> we are optimistic at this point still, we're still receiving some indications that gabriel is alive, that's the premise that we're operating under and that's what's keeping our investigators going on a daily basis is that hope that gabriel is still alive. >> we are taking your calls live, i want to go to bill, president of kindershield. what do you make of it? >> thanks very much, nancy. i have to tell you, we have to pray for the best but expect the worst. i agree with caryn stark, the psychologist. there are way too many loose ends here. this is a woman who changes her story the way the wind blows. beyond that, i have not heard of any diminished mental capacity on her part. her story about not wanting to know who this person is, who she was allegedly going to give this child to, she certainly knew enough about the smiths. she was certainly able to get back in contact with them after
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her original meeting. there are too many loose ends here. i bet in the end of this story we're going to find out some disastrous outcome. i pray not but this could happen. >> to dr. gwen o'keefe, pediatrician, founder and ceo of joining us out of boston. dr. o'keefe, thank you for being with us. what position, if the child is alive right now, what position is that child in health-wise? >> i'm pretty concerned, nancy. we don't really know where the baby is or who the baby's with. the baby is clearly going to be stressed out. we have to be concerned the baby is not getting fed enough, not getting the emotional needs gabriel needs. and i think that we have to be just concerned that the baby is going to be environmentally in an unsafe situation because 8-month-olds are fairly mobile. so depending on where he is he could get himself into a lot of trouble if he's left alone,
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especially if it's a cold area. i think his health it at great risk. >> i'm thinking back on lucy and john david at 8 months, and they were so helpless. if this child has any special needs -- you know what's amazing to me, dr. o'keefe? even with this mother obviously not wanting the baby, the baby probably loved the mother. you know, just -- >> absolutely. 8-month-olds are so endearing and love unconditionally. i can only imagine how stressed out this child is right now. >> to burris and horowitz. first to you, john burris. is there any way that a plea can be made to this anonymous couple that they will not be prosecuted if they bring the baby back? >> absolutely. i think that's something that can be done. i don't think they've committed a crime at this stage. i think now that notice is out, the community knows information
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can be given to them and they can bring that baby back any day, any time without fear of prosecution from my point of view. >> daniel horowitz? >> if the couple thinks the father is such a bad guy that he would hurt the child, i could see why they would hide gabriel. now that you know that the dad is not so bad, bring him home to the dad. let the courts figure out where this child goes, maybe to the smiths. maybe to the smiths. maybe this couple wants to do the right thing. i hope so. >> caryn stark, i'd like you to finish your thought before we went to break. >> my thought was, nancy, think about this. she just met this couple. her story is that the father is terrible. the father, you know, can't be trusted. she wants the baby to be safe. she knows nothing about this couple. how does she know the baby's going to be safe? it doesn't make a lot of sense. >> you don't think any of that's true? >> it doesn't sound true to me. >> it doesn't sound true to me either, but again, the only glimmer of hope that i have here
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is back to tammi and jack smith. she just met them at an airport. at a public airport. befriends them and plans to give the baby to them. it's very similar to the scenario that she's come up with -- that she's telling police. back to jack and tammi smith. jack smith, isn't it true that when she was dealing with you guys, she didn't want to know where you lived? she didn't want to know anything about you. >> she didn't. because we actually invited him over. don't you want to come and see where his room would be? don't you want to come and see where his play area would be? she said, no, i don't want to know where you live. >> what was her reasoning? >> in her mind that was a closed adoption. again, i can't think -- i can't think like her. i wish i could, and we'd find the baby, but -- that's my only reasoning is that she wanted a closed adoption. she wanted this part of her life and wanted to go -- i don't understand that.
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my maternal -- >> but that was the same -- almost like a script that she's reading from. the very same thing she did with them is basically what she did with you. she didn't want to know anything about you, didn't want to know your address, nothing. she wanted it to be a done deal to have the baby in a happy family. good-bye, baby gabriel. >> it don't make sense to us. that's the reason we kept hanging on to her and trying to better understand her. it didn't make any sense. but you know what? we understand private adoptions happen every day, and, you know, so i don't believe -- you know what i'm saying. hopefully. >> that if this is true, that she thought she was doing anything wrong. i pray to god in heaven that it is true and the baby is alive tonight. tip line 480-350-8311. take a look at baby gabriel. whoever you are out there with this baby, if the story is true,
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please, please bring the baby back. we're switching gears. i want to tell you about a missing mom. take a listen. >> we just miss her and we want her back, and i and my boys love her. i've been trying to figure out what i can do so i don't sit idle. >> jim kirkwood, susan powell, 28-year-old mother of two, missing. the dad says he takes the kids midnight, freezing temperatures to make s'mores in the snow? what more do we know tonight? >> he is quite a stone waller. the captain in utah describes him as a demonstrate ago frustrating lack of cooperation. i think you have heard this story before, nancy. >> we are going to be okay bah with more on susan powell, but as we go to break, happy birthday to massachusetts friend
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i would like to hear a credible story about -- i'd like to know the facts what happened, what does he know, what does he not know and if it clears him, that's great, because now we can get on to the main focus which is where is my daughter at? west valley police say joshua powell is the only person of interest in his wife's disappearance. >> a lot of times i just go camping with my boys, a lot of
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times i just go overnight and we do s'mores and stuff like that. >> i know there was quite a huge effort out in the west desert looking for any sign of her. is that where you were camping? >> we're talking about a missing mom of two, there she is, susan powell. >> as the investigation continues that the hour, nancy, josh powell is name add person of interest. he is the sole person of interest at this time. also, nancy, law enforcement asking questions about a rental car josh powell had two days after his car had been searched. powell apparently driving the car several hundred miles according to law enforcement investigators and they want to know where in utah could you possibly drive several hundred miles in just a 24-hour time span. >> explain to me again, clark, the scenario of the evening she goes missing. >> it was december 6th, nancy, around 12:00 a.m. that night when josh powell says he took
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his two sons 4 and 2 out camping to test a generator. his wife susan, he claims, sleeping. the three of them left. they drove about an hour and a half away on the pony express trail and supposedly made s'mores and susan powell's friends and families couldn't get in contact with her for about 24 hours the next day. they finally got a hold of josh and he said i didn't know you were looking for me. he missed a day of work of a job he just started. susan also missed work and the mystery continues. >> jim kirkwood with wtkk, didn't he say he lost track of the days? >> yes, that's -- it's apparently famous for that sort of thing, nancy. >> really? >> yes. he has employment problems. >> and marc klaas, what do you make of it? >> i think that he's an irresponsible immature little
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man who needs a mother more than a wife. she was carrying the weight in this relationship. i have to commend her friends and family for the incredible work they have done on the internet, the internet campaign to bring to the attention millions and millions of people via facebook, twitter and youtube. everyone, let's stop and remember army corporal gregory millard, 22, san diego, california, killed iraq. from a family of military vets, also served new orleans after katrina. awarded the bronze star, purple heart, combat infantryman badge. loved cycling, roller hockey, fishing with his older brother. woodworking. never met a stranger. dreamed of marrying fiancee after asking for her hand in marriage. leaves behind grieving parents kevin and jill, brother jason, fiancee, lacey, gregory millard, american hero. thanks to our guests but thanks especially to you for being with us. see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp eastern. and, please, continue to pray for baby gabriel. until then, good night, friend.
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