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tv   Nancy Grace  HLN  February 13, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EST

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breaking news tonight. satsuma, florida. a 5-year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later she's gone. daddy comes home from the nightshift to find not a trace of little haleigh. last person to see her alive, new stepmother 18-year-old misty croslin who takes to the airwaves claiming she's innocent. but even in one brief interview she can't keep her stories straight. including a 180 on a lie detector. she flunked. bombshell tonight. after haleigh's own father, ronald cummings, and baby-sitter
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turned stepmother, misty croslin, both handcuffed, arrested, booked, cummings talks first. stepmother croslin follows suit. as we go to air we obtain even more jailhouse tapes. hours of misty croslin with mommy, daddy, grandma, brother, you name it. croslin vowing not to talk about the night haleigh vanishes. while sleeping just feet away, saying they think i'm going to break. but now we see croslin, a new croslin. angry, cursing, swearing. even blaming it all on the 5-year-old little girl. making excuses for dealing dope and popping pills in lockdown. claims now surface from behind bars her drug deals are to blame for haleigh's disappearance. and tonight, we discover more of the ronald cummings jailhouse tape, whose only focus seems to be finding haleigh. cummings reveals investigators convinced he can get croslin to
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talk. at first croslin's brother says he'll lie to get out of jail. then says he's willing to take a poly. tonight, at the one-year mark of haleigh's disappearance, what does croslin do? besides making more excuses she gets her hair done behind bars. opens letters from a secret admirer, talks about how she is portrayed in the newspaper and claims she's bored and wants to sue police. that's right. she wants to sue police. investigators combing the tapes for evidence that may help find haleigh. tonight, where is 5-year-old haleigh?
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good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. as we go to air we obtain even more secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, hours of baby-sitter turned stepmother misty croslin yakking to mommy, daddy, grandmother, brother.
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all on video.
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>> out to art harris at investigative journalist. we are taking your calls. art, i hear them say, why do they keep putting charges on me? it's like they forgot they've been dealing dope and forgotten -- misty croslin has forgotten she has not come clean about the night haleigh went missing. police just release a press statement where they say her statement, sketchy as it is, they say sketchy, is completely contradicted by the physical evidence.
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and also, they keep doing this to me. she's the one on video selling dope. >> that's right, nancy. this is someone -- this is a jailhouse full of deniers. they cannot accept the fact that they are caught red handed on tape. they have been confessing to felonies on tape. the cops are just sitting back listening. they don't have to even go interview them. they are making their case against themselves for law enforcement as we watch. >> rosie, let's queue up more of the just-obtained jailhouse recordings. jean casarez, what more can you tell me? >> nancy, in a lot of these tapes she keeps saying the charges are going to be dismissed. she won't have all of the charges. let's look at the law for a second. she was charged with eight felony counts of trafficking prescription drugs, and the law states, any person who knowingly sells, purchases, manufacturers, delivers or brings into this state or who is knowingly in actual or constructive possession. nancy, on a tape she says she
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drove to virginia. she drove from virginia to georgia back to florida and sold them to an undercover officer. >> of course, when you hear an jailhouse tapes she talks about how she helped a friend out driving hundreds of miles to obtain illegal drugs and then selling them is a lot more than helping a friend out. under the law. let's take a listen to more secretly-recorded jailhouse tapes.
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>> straight back out to art harris, investigative journalist on the case. art, aside from videotape of a
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pin videocamera inside an undercover police car, audiotape inside the undercover police car, and eyewitness testimony along with crime lab evidence identifying the drugs, what other evidence is there against misty croslin? >> well, we're listening to it right now, nancy. we're hearing evidence, admissions by her that she was along for the ride for at least eight of these transactions. and that she -- >> let's don't say along for the ride because that suggests she's not steering the boat. >> that's her claim. she's also claiming that the undercover officer solicited her and pressed her to sell to him. we're looking at someone who's already constructing their defense. too bad that these tapes are finger pointing right back at her.
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okay. refresh our recollection, art harris, on the three full days before haleigh goes missing. where was misty croslin? >> she didn't like drugs, but she was on a binge with a friend. they went off, picked up another young man, and they were off taking roxies, cocaine, drinking for a three-day party. it was a revenge romance against ronald who just kicked her out. three days later, nancy, she shows back up at the trailer where she was living with ronald and haleigh and junior, and they got back together for a night and then haleigh is missing the next day. so she was indulging. >> to dr. bethany marshall, psychoanalyst and author of "deal breakers." we're about to go to the lines. bethany, to hate our show so much, they sure are watching a lot. i think they're thinking a lot more about us than we are about them. what i'm concerned about is how this is going to be used to find haleigh.
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it's really showing me a window into their mind. they're more concerned i ate a chick-fil-a nugget, okay, that john david dropped than they are about their 114 years sentence behind bars. it's like they're not getting what's going on. >> nancy, they're angry at you because you're holding them accountable for their actions. they don't have cause and effect thinking. the whole family is in what i would call the paranoid position. everything is happening to them with no contribution of their own. they didn't do anything wrong. and let's remember that ron and misty have probably detoxed. now the drugs are out of their system, and they're probably full of terrible cravings and that's why they're becoming angrier toward you, angry toward the system, manipulative, begging, pleading. misty keeps hitting her parents up for money for the commissary. when you have cravings there's incredible sugar cravings. she probably wants sugar. that accounts for some of this behavior. >> we're taking your calls. out to jennifer in california.
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hi, jennifer. >> caller: hi, nancy. i love you so much. you're one of my heroes. you're an amazing person. >> you know, i'm not but i appreciate that you said that. thank you. >> caller: you so are. you're really truly -- >> i do have two little people i need to convince of that. that would be john david and lucy. i may be calling you in 14 years. what's your question, love? >> caller: well, my question is, if ronald and misty are both in solitary and according to ronald's recorded conversations he said she gets, like, a pack of cigarettes a day and as we've all seen she's getting her hair done and spending a lot of time on the phone, how are the police planning on breaking her? it doesn't seem to me like they're putting the hurt on her to get information about this little girl? >> what do you make of it, pat brown? pat brown, criminal profiler, author of "killing for sport." >> nancy, i think misty and ronald know they're on a reality show. they know they're being
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videotaped. they know it's going to go out to the public on this show. misty's a big attention seeker. she loves everybody paying mind to poor little misty and she's going to run her little game and ronald knows she's listening and he says i'm not going to rat you out because police are trying to get me to do it. i'm not going to do it, misty.
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we are taking your calls. i want to go back to jennifer in california's question. art harris, she made a good point.
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it doesn't really seem like they're in isolation between all the wooing they're getting, the phone calls, the visits, the hairstylists, you name it. >> my sources tell me, nancy, this is making law enforcement very happy to watch them just twist in the wind. visit away. talk away. and just let them stew and think about those 114 years that misty may be facing and who may be ratting her out among her family. is it tommy, is it donna brock, her confidant, talking about the pills she gave misty? this is really making her paranoid. >> let's unleash the lawyers. joining us tonight, special guest mark nejame, he is attorney for texas equusearch founder tim miller and he is expert in florida law. eleanor odom, felony prosecutor. peter odom, defense attorney out of atlanta. randy kessler, defense attorney also out of the atlanta jurisdiction. mark nejame, these tapes are
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damning. what's interesting to me and i think it will be pointed out to a jury is that no one except for ronald cummings ever talks about finding haleigh. the one-year anniversary, the one-year mark of her going missing came and went this week. not one person noted it in all of their yakking. the only one that mentioned finding haleigh was ronald cummings. >> yeah. well, you may remember that it was misty who took a polygraph in my office. i remain convinced to this day, i think art does as well, that ronald had nothing to do with the missing -- his daughter missing. and despite whatever else he's done and been accused of i have no doubt that he had nothing to do. whatever his means were to try to find out what happened to his daughter, as unorthodoxed as they may be i don't think it had anything to do with it. >> mark nejame, how badly did she flunk that polygraph? >> miserably would be a compliment. 
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we are taking your calls. just obtained more secretly-recorded jailhouse tapes. stepmother, misty croslin, the last person to be with haleigh alive seemingly just can't stop talking. out to the lines. lakisha, indiana. hi, lakisha. >> caller: hi, nancy. it's nice to talk to you again. >> likewise. what's your question, dear? >> caller: i have a question and i have a comment. >> okay. >> caller: okay. my question is, why do law enforcement think misty croslin will tell them now what happened to haleigh when she is already facing 25 years in prison? that's all of her young adult life. >> well, i think that their
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reasoning is that in exchange for talking about the night haleigh went missing they could cut her a lesser deal. it's going to probably take her a while for it to sink in that she's not going anywhere. she's not moving to massachusetts. she's not leaving florida. she's staying in jail for a very long time. let's go to the lawyers. peter odom, randy kessler, mark nejame, eleanor odom. what about it, eleanor? >> you're right. what people are forgetting are the crimes they are charged with. now it's trafficking. they face up to 114 years with minimum mandatory of 25 years. they have got them on tape, as you said earlier. this is what we like to call a slam dunk case. >> i never use that phrase if i could step it as a prosecutor because i just thought it would snakebite you at the get-go to say you have a slam dunk. they thought that in simpson.
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remember that not guilty the jury came down with? what about if, kessler? >> they found their leverage. she's tough. she stays strong. she said she wants it over and done with. sooner or later she's going to realize it ain't to be done and over until she does something. that's what they're waiting for. they're going to say, let us tell you. talk. tell us what you know. >> you're right, randy. it seems as if they believe they're holding all the cards, but now with them behind bars looking at 125 years behind bars, they're not holding the cards anymore. peter odom, what do you think is going to be the state's strategy? do you think that the defense is going to file a demand for speedy trial? >> the defense can file a motion for speedy trial all at once, nancy. the prosecution is going to play a waiting game. remember that misty croslin is not a long-term thinker. ask dr. marshall about this. it might take her a while to crack but once she realizes
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she's really looking at spending her adulthood in prison she will talk. the police just have to be patient. and that's what they're doing. >> to dr. joshua perper, chief medical examiner, joining us out of broward county. in one of the jailhouse tapes croslin's wife asks him if he is shaking. does drug withdrawal lead to that type of shakes? >> yes. the drug withdrawal can lead to very serious convulsion and shaking. sometimes in alcohol withdrawal the convulsions are so strong that the entire bed in which the patient is lying is going to shake with them. so this is a very dramatic response. to withdrawal. it's coming without calling a variety of drugs. >> out to leonard padilla, bounty hunter who has offered to bail croslin out of jail if she will talk. leonard padilla, any movement
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from the misty croslin camp regarding bail? >> no. we have not heard from the attorney at all, and obviously, that's a key conversation i'd have to have before we'd go forward. bob fields has not contacted us at all. >> in your mind, what does she have to tell you before you will bail her out? >> i think she'd have to convince me, and we'd have to find haleigh. we would not make a move like we did in the casey anthony case without finding haleigh. we're just not going to do that. >> you know, another issue regarding finding haleigh, to marlaina schiavo, our producer on the story. in one of these jailhouse tapes i was reviewing later, she says she goes over it in her mind every day about haleigh. >> that's right. >> she certainly doesn't talk about it. she certainly doesn't talk about that night with her family. she doesn't talk about finding haleigh. they don't even hypothesize or
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speculate or try to cobble together the facts of that night. they never talk about it. >> they never talk about it, but in this tape, yes, she tells her father that she keeps going back over it and over and nothing. she gets nothing. nancy, that's only after she realizes that everyone is saying how she's not talking about haleigh. now she's finding a way to bring it up in these jailhouse tapes because she knows it's going to air. this is going to be her excuse. there's nothing there. i have nothing left to say. >> to sheryl mccollum, crime analyst, director of the cold case squad, pinelake pd. is it a cold case? >> nancy, in calendar months, yes, it's a cold case. the good news is this case is not a cold case. these tapes could lead to a deal and the deal could lead to a conviction. i think that tommy is the key here. i've said that repeatedly. when tommy was arrested before he's the first one that talked. he's the first one that cracked. i would go back to tommy. >> you're referring to when he
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finally divulged he had gone to the home that evening. >> correct. >> during the time misty croslin said she was there asleep, that he banged, banged, banged on the door and nobody came to the door. >> exactly right. he puts himself there the night it occurred. he's the best witness that she was not truthful. >> speaking of that particular jailhouse secretly-recorded tape, take a listen.
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to you, eleanor odom, do you foresee a scenario where the police would use ronald cummings, cut him a light deal, to roll over? they don't really need him in the drug case because it's all on video. >> they don't need him, nancy. why would they do that? they might cut a deal if they could try in any hope of finding haleigh at all.
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then maybe there's a deal to be cut. you know, when you deal with a devil you have to go to hell to get your witnesses, nancy. >> art harris, in these tapes, the videotapes of them selling dope, do they have ronald cummings actually making sales or is he tagging along with misty croslin? >> he's there three times, nancy. on tape. don't know the specifics, but he has been charged with three very serious trafficking counts, and he is -- he's a star in these undercover tapes, too. >> what do you mean by that? >> he is visibly on camera in, you know, in operation as part of this drug -- you know, these drug deals. and so, you know, he's not going anywhere, and they're very confident they have a very good case against him, as well. they are now using him to try to go undercover against misty by pulling her heartstrings to try to get her to reveal what she knows about haleigh. >> jean casarez, what more do you know?
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>> i think one of the next things we're going to see is attorneys go to court to try to have a bail reduction hearing. nancy, you showed taped a little bit ago where misty says when she gets out they're going to massachusetts. that's going to be prime evidence for the prosecution in a bail reduction hearing. you're talking about risk of flight. that's one way to not have the bail reduced. i think reality may hit when that bail reduction does not happen, and they're in there for the long term. >> out to the lines. carol in ohio. hi, carol. >> caller: hi, nancy. i have a comment and a question. >> okay. >> caller: first of all, i don't think misty will ever tell the truth about that night unless she knows ron's going to be in jail a long time, himself. i think she believes he'll kill her. i think ron suspects she and the kids left. that was why there was no sign and response when tommy knocked. here's my question. did tommy report back to ron nobody appeared to be at home and did anybody ask junior where everybody was that night? >> back to you, jean casarez. what do you know?
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>> as far as junior, we've heard some things he's said. i'm sure authorities talked to him as much as they could. it's something that really hasn't come forward and obviously it doesn't look like it's helped the case at all. in regard to -- what was the other part of the question? >> well, she wanted to know, first about junior, and about misty croslin talking about the likelihood that ronald cummings will be behind bars for a very long time. >> well, she's avoiding the reality. she's talking everything that she can think of except the reality. will he be behind? he's got five felony counts now. they upgraded him two more counts. there is 25 mandatory minimum counts, and they are felonies. >> to pat brown, you are the profiler. how would you profile misty croslin? >> well, i'm going to talk about whether she's going to talk or not. to me she's got her story straight. she went to sleep, woke up, child's gone, door was open. that's her story, has to remember three things. no reason for her to go further
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than that if she were involved in someway unless she was a major person involved. because she'll get more time than she will for the drugs. unless she can rat somebody else out she's not going to open her mouth. i think that's the problem. >> sheryl mccollum? >> she's not going to talk. i've said that a thousand times. she had rather go to prison as a drug dealer than baby killer. >> i don't know about that -- i agree with that, but mark nejame, when reality finally sets in such as when they are sentenced or the bond reduction is denied, and they sit there, it may not be this week or next week, this month or next month. it might be six months, eight months, a year from now. two years from now when they realize they are behind bars, and they're not going anywhere that finally someone remembers something about that night. >> yeah. the noose has to tighten. she has to realize she's not getting out on a bond. she has to realize 25 years mandatory minimum means that.
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she knows more than what's been coming out. i'm not convinced, though i've heard theories she was in a drug-induced stupor that night and has hazy dreams about four people and all that. if we think about it, the first responders, the telephone calls, ron's statement, none of those statements suggested that she was under any type of haziness, any type of drug inducement. she was pretty clear. she was pretty calm, and she was pretty focused. so i'm not as convinced as i've heard some theories come out that she was drug induced that night. i think the answer is between her and tommy. somebody knows where haleigh is. >> very quickly, marlaina schiavo. wais there evidence she had been up doing laundry that night? >> no, there was no evidence. they found laundry on the floor. the things she said she washed were not washed and there was no detergent in the home, nancy. everyone, quick break, but as we go to break, "cnn heroes."
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my name is evans wadongo.
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hello. i'm a.j. hammer. here's what's coming up at the top of the hour. backlash over the "n" word
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controversy a. big star with nice things to say about mayer does a dramatic about face. the dramatic action elizabeth edwards may take over her husband's alleged sex tape. that is your "showbiz tonight" news break. tv's most provocative tv show for friday night at the top of the hour on hln. what a week in america's courtrooms. take a look at the stories and, more important, the people who touched our lives. >> it's not enough. >> breaking news. the michael jackson homicide case. his doctor, conrad murray, arrived at court in los angeles. >> los angeles district attorney after six months of investigating this has come up with the strategy of charging dr. murray with just this one count of involuntary manslaughter. >> he just pleaded not guilty. >> he is facing a maximum sentence of four years in jail.
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as soon as they find out what happened to haleigh, everything will be different. >> it's crazy. it's ridiculous because they have my bond set so high because of that. this has nothing to do with it. there's nothing to break me on. they need to leave me alone. will the holloway case now be reopened now that joran and haver sloot's dad is dead? >> he should have talked to joran that night. >> could this be a major breakthrough? >> i can understand your position, but you've got to understand mine. joran is my son and i'll do everything i can to protect him. and i believe it. >> today officially opened up a murder case. >> knew it was coming. >> the question becomes why are you searching the landfill if it's a missing persons case. >> the disappearance of baby johnson is being investigated as a kidnapping and homicide. >> san antonio police are
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searching a landfill in the city today. >> during the course of the investigation, we received several follow-ups on leads. one of those leads has led us to this landfill. >> there's two possibilities, eat thaer she killed gabriel or she did not. >> telling the father that you killed the baby, concealed his body in a diaper bag and threw him away in the trash is reason to suspect the child is dead. >> whether he's been taken across the border of mexico. >> didn't seem like she wanted him. >> or the child is at the bottom of the landfill. >> everything she said is so completely false. >> we have to find the information the best we can to recover gabriel, whether dead or alive. >> still can't believe it. until they prove me wrong, gabriel is out there and out there somewhere and we're hoping to find him. let's stop and remember army staff sergeant darren hubbell.
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38, tipton, georgia, killed iraq. on a fourth tour lost his life five months after getting married. a true army man, served 13 years. a history buff. loved uf gators, singing, playing tuba, guitar, video games. his passion, his family. leaves behind grieving parents darlene and gary. brothers jared and chad. both serving the navy, widow, dana. three sons, one serving iraq. daught daughter. darren hubbell american hero. our biggest thank you to you for being with us. and tonight, a special good flight the new york control room. good night, bret, eva, dan, norm. everyone, i'll see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp eastern. and until then, good night, friend. 
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