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tv   Nancy Grace  HLN  February 19, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EST

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breaking news tonight.raa thenned, creative -- a florist vanish.ative -- she goes shopping with a sister for their father's birthday party, and then never makes it too the party. ryan crow vanishes, never seen again. her chevy malibu abandoned 90 miles to the north. investigators coming combing every square inch for evidence. the new groom lays out on
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the search for his wife and then completely avoids the bride's family. just hours after we first covered the 23-year-old bride missing, police close in on the groom. 26 miles away, heading south. in the car, another woman. now named by police as an official person of interest. the groom -- jesse crow, behind bars tonight on $3 million bond. the charge -- murder one. the bride's body -- missing. bombshell tonight. with the bride's body still missing, police combing hilly terrain, mountains and farms by land, by air, by water. but even without the bride's body they say they've got a case file over two
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even though ryan's husband has been arrested on murder. >> the arrest of jesse john crow does not end this investigation. >> dngts as well as forensic experts and others are continuing to process evidence, to follow up on leads, to determine if perhaps there may have been other persons involved in this crime. >> the woman that jesse crow was with, ms. summer donovan, is a person of interest in this case. >> when crow returned to the home to clean it out, he wasn't alone. this woman was helping him. and lying for him. telling us jesse john crow wasn't there, but that's him loading up a dumpster. >> can we talk to jesse?
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>> who? >> let me talk to him. come on. >> you're on private property. please leave. >> this is the manager of a local hardware store. tells nancy grace he's been interviewed by law enforcement, says jesse crow has come into the store multiple times. the store equipped with surveillance video. >> right now while the groom is behind bars on $3 million bail on a charge of murder, the wife's body, the bride's body still missing. the sudden disappearance of entire family of four. >> joseph mcstay, his wife summer, and their two young boys, ages 3 and 5, haven't been seen or heard from in two weeks. >> neighbors didn't really notice anything wrong because
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the mcstays' truck is still in the driveway. but a telling newspaper flyer lies beneath it, dated february 5, the day after the family was last heard from. >> the deputy was there. he heard certain things. i can't be specific about what they were. they were somewhat alarming to him. he gave us a call. that's how we got involved in the case. >> doesn't look like a vacation? >> that's correct. >> other things don't add up as well. the car was towed from a parking lot february 8. >> it was in a parking lot down there and it was towed from a parking lot as abandoned. we were told he absolutely wouldn't go to mexico with his family. >> something else that has alerted investigators is that when they checked the home, shoes were on the front porch. and the energy meter was still running. it does not appear that the family was planning to go anywhere. >> the family has two dogs and the dogs weren't being cared for. good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us.
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breaking news tonight, salinas, california. with bride ryan crow's body still missing, police combing hilly terrain, mountain, farms, by land, by air, by water, even without a body, police say they have got a case file over two inches thick that points to one thing and one thing only -- the bride was murdered. >> police say summer donovan, the woman in the car when jesse crow was arrested, is still a person of interest, because they've executed a search warrant on her home and questioned her multiple times. cnn affiliate ksbw reporting donovan had ra three-year relationship with jesse crow before he married ryann. >> it became evident to us that this was not a simple case of an adult dropping out of sight for personal reasons. >> the police have not indicated why ms. donovan is a person of interest. they are just saying that she is a person of interest.
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they also say they have a motive in this case, but they would not discuss that with us. >> after numerous searches, interviews and the collection and analysis of a considerable body of evidence over the past few weeks, we are satisfied there is probable cause to believe that jesse john crow killed his wife, ryann. >> cops continue to follow leads and comb through evidence as police say they believe there are people still out there who have details about what happened. >> solid forensic evidence has been collected and analyzed by expert criminalists at the california department of justice bureau of forensic services which supports our conclusion. >> where is ryann crow? >> straight out to mark kevin arrow, program director kion newstalk. bring us up to date, mark. >> well, thank you very much,
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nancy. i had a chance to attend that press conference this afternoon and had an opportunity to talk with both the police chief and the sheriff about this. and a couple of things that i gained from this conversation, the chief indicated to me that in all of his years of police work, this was one of the best sets of circumstantial evidence. the forensic evidence they had was so strong in this case that they feel very confident that this is a homicide and this charge against jesse crow will stick. the sheriff indicated they are searching throughout monterey county, and chief featherov indicated to me that they would search land and sea for her body. >> i'm sorry, i couldn't hear that last thing you said, mark. repeat. >> the chief indicated to me that they would search both land and bodies of water looking for ryann crow's body. >> joining us right now, two
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very special guest, shelly bunell and pamela, the sister and mother of the missing bride. ladies, thank you for being with us. first, i want to go to ms. pippitone. thank you, pamela, for being with us. i do not in any way want to compromise the police investigation. so anything you can't talk about, just tell me up front. could you go through the last known sighting of your daughter? what happened that afternoon? >> that afternoon, she had gone to work saturday and i had -- she works as a florist. she answers the phone quite frequently, and i joke with her a lot. so, i called her up, pretending i was some boyfriend that had just lost -- just broken up with their girlfriend and i needed to order some flowers. i played a lot of pranks on her,
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you know. and she's so sweet. she try to counsel me as a boyfriend. and then i started laughing. she said, "mom, you need to stop doing that." so i talked to her saturday during the day while she was at work before she went missing. >> i want to go to shelly bunell. everyone, joining us tonight exclusively are the bride ryann crow's mother and sister. shelly, i take it that you are the sister she spent that last afternoon with, correct? >> yes. >> now, you guys went shopping for your father's birthday at a cvs to pick up some things for the birthday party that night, right? >> right. my dad's birthday was on saturday, the 30th. she had to work that afternoon. she wasn't feeling well, so she requested i pick her up a little bit earlier. i went ahead and picked her up and reminded her that we had to go and purchase some cards and some other things. so we went ahead and went to the
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store and picked up those items. and she dropped me off and that was the last time i saw my sister. >> shelley, at that time, where did she tell you she was going? >> at that time, she said she would be going to my mom's house, that she wasn't feeling well. she just kind of wanted to lounge on the couch and relax over at my mom's house. >> ms. pipitone, did she come to your home? >> no, she didn't. >> what time was that, shelley? >> i picked her up from work at approximately 3:17 p.m., i believe. it took probably about a half hour to shop and look around for cards. you know, i would say approximately 4:00 was when i saw her last. >> okay. is it correct, shelley, that a friend called her at 5:00 on her cell phone and she answered?
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>> yes, she did call -- well, a friend of mine called from my phone and called my sister and did speak with her briefly. that was the last, you know, phone communication from my phone with my sister. >> and at that time, shelley, everything was okay with ryann? >> you know, unfortunately, i wish i would have been on that phone call, but i didn't really speak with her at length. i really wish i would have been on that phone call, but unfortunately i was not. i was preparing myself for my father's dinner. >> right. did the friend indicate there was any problem, any distress, any urgency in her voice? >> you know, unfortunately, it was kind of a short conversation. so he didn't indicate to me that there was any distress in her voice at that time, but it was quite a short phone conversation. >> but we know she was alive and well at 5:00 p.m. on saturday afternoon, correct? >> correct. >> okay. what time was she supposed to be at the party that evening,
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shelley? >> my dad's dinner was in monterey, which isn't too far from here. about 5:30, we should have been there. so we would have been leaving the house around 5:00. she did indicate she was not feeling well, so there was a chance she might not go to dinner. so yeah, dinner was supposed to be at 5:30. >> and to pamela pipitone, this is ryann's mom. i'm not asking you to divulge what police have told you in any way. this is an ongoing investigation with one person of interest still out there. ms. pipitone, are you satisfied? do you believe, without a body, do you believe police's claim that your daughter is dead? >> um -- that is what they have indicated to me, yes.
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>> we've arrested jesse for the homicide of ryann bunnell crow. >> tuesday night, police moved in and arrested jesse john crow for the murder of his 23-year-old wife ryann, ending days of speculation that jesse john may be involved in her disappearance. >> we believe that the evidence is sufficient to show that harm has come to ryann, that she's deceased, and that jesse's the one who's responsible. >> but investigators not ruling out the possibility others may have played a role, including jesse's 32-year-old girlfriend, summer donovan, who we caught up with monday and lied to us about jesse not being at the prunedale home he rented, despite us witnessing him cleaning out the
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house. let me talk to jesse. >> who? >> jesse. >> not here. >> let me talk to him, come on. >> you're on private property, please leave. >> can you tell jesse we want to talk to him? >> i can't him if he's not here. >> i just saw him out there moving stuff for you. >> i have no idea what you are talking about. >> summer was driving this silver honda when crow was picked up tuesday night. she wasn't arrested but police immediately served a search warrant at her parents' pacific grove home. >> summer is still a person of interest in this case. as we said, we're continuing our investigation. and we're hoping to find some facts to prove one way or another whether, you know, whether any of the hundreds people we contacted may be involved in this case. >> we are taking your calls live in the case of the missing bride. the groom now charged with murder. even without a body, police say they have a case file over two
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inches thick that points to one thing and one thing only -- this beautiful girl, 23-year-old ryann crow was murdered. but can they prove a case without a body? tonight, exclusively joining us, her mother and her sister looking for answers. we are taking your calls live. out to kristen in california. hi, dear. >> caller: nancy, if every mother like the mistys and the caseys had a little bit of nancy grace in them, we wouldn't be where they are. >> you know what, during the commercial, i was talking to ms. pipitone and she was telling us a little bit about her family and the thought of loving your child, bringing them up. tonight just before air,
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actually, i was feeding lucy ice cream in the bathtub. and i cannot imagine in 20 years someone come look and do something like this. it's just -- >> caller: i have a 14-year-old and i don't know how parents find the strength not to lose their mind or go after the people themselves. i give the parents credit. and it just sickens me. anyway, my question is does this scumbag have a criminal past? >> oh, kristen, kristen, kristen, kristen. hit it, clark. >> sure does, nancy. it goes all the way back as far as 1996. they include arrest for dui and sale of marijuana. >> now clark, what can you tell me about the 300 plants growing on his property, a hydroponic marijuana operation? go ahead, clark. >> nancy, law enforcement described it as a sophisticated
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hydroponic operation involving over 310 marijuana plants. law enforcement from the sheriff's department there in the county of monterey, california, raided the home the same day that ryann was reported missing. that case still pending. authorities trying to determine what to do there, but i can tell you this evening that the husband, jesse crow, sits behind bars on $3 million bond. >> clark, tell me something we don't know. we already know about the $3 million bond. but what we don't know about is what the daddy does for a living. the suspect's father runs one of those medical marijuana stores? >> those are some of the reports we're seeing this evening. also we spoke to the manager of a hardware store who tells us that law enforcement was talking to him about this case. he asked law enforcement not disclose exactly what he sold to mr. crow. however, he did say there are surveillance cameras inside the store. >> we are taking your calls very quickly. before we go to break eleanor odom is with us. 300 marijuana plants, is that
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trafficking? >> yes, it could be, nancy, depending on the weight of the marijuana plants. >> everyone, quick break, we are taking your calls. joining us live, ryann's mother and sister. but as we go to break, i'm personally asking for your thoug thoughts and prayers for the greatest mother there's ever been. and yes, i'm biased. my mother, elizabeth. mother, please get well. the twins need you.
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police arrested the husband of a missing california woman and they say they want to question his on-again, off-again
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girlfriend. >> action news has learned that jesse crow has been living on and off with another woman even before his wife, ryann, went missing. we want to know if she's the reason crow isn't talking about his missing wife or taking part in any efforts to find her. >> jesse crow is booked on suspicion of homicide. his bail set at $3 million. crow reportedly went back to his old girlfriend, summer donovan, some time before his wife ryann vanished. >> we are taking your calls live. out to mia, in louisiana. hi, mia. >> caller: we just love you and your twins. it's so good to talk to you. >> hello to all my cajun friends. thank you for calling in, dear. >> caller: thank you. and i also wanted to tell you my niece had twins in january and they're just such a blessing. but my question was, if the girlfriend had anything to do -- like helped him murder her or maybe even helped dispose of her body, can they make some kind of
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deal with her if she'll lead them to her body? >> absolutely, mia. in fact, that's my call on the case. unleash the lawyers. joining us tonight, felony prosecutor specializing in crimes on women and children, eleanor odom, who is no stranger to trying death penalty cases. to defense attorney atlanta jurisdiction peter odom. also with us, high-profile lawyer out of the seattle jurisdiction anne bremner. weigh in, bremner. >> i'm thinking this is california, nancy. we saw in the jackson case. if there's circumstantial evidence and one indicates innocence and the other guilt, in california they're told you have to go with the one that indicates innocence. >> you left out one word with that jury charge. two equally reasoned theories. >> sure. >> one toward innocence, one toward guilt. >> you're right, nancy. but one more thing on that also is with the girlfriend, if she's
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found to have willfully testified facilitiesly before a jury in california, the jury can throw away all of her testimony. these things are important in a case which are supposed to be right now largely circumstantial with no body in terms of defense. >> you're absolutely correct, ann bremner. what about it, peter odom? >> well, circumstantial cases are difficult. its ps going to depend on -- >> oh, blah, blah. you always say that, odom. >> well, i say it because it happens to be true. convictions are gotten on circumstantial cases, but it's much harder for the prosecution. >> yes, they certainly are.
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ryann bunnell crow was last seen during the late afternoon or early evening hours on saturday, january 30th. ryann's disappearance was reported to the salinas police department on tuesday, february 2nd. our investigators have been working nonstop on this case since that time. as time has passed and information continued to surface, it became evident to us this was not a simple case of an
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adult dropping out of sight for personal reasons. the arrest of jesse john crow does not end this investigation. detectives as well as forensic experts and others are continuing to process evidence to follow up on leads to determine if perhaps there may have been other persons involved in this crime. >> the family brought to our attention the fact that they were having trouble locating ryann and requested an attempt to locate contact at the residence in north county. it was at that time that our sheriff's deputies who arrived on the scene made an inquiry and subsequent probe and search of the residence with the permission of mr. crow and failed to locate ryann at that time.
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but during the course of that search of the residence, it was discovered that there was a strong odor of marijuana coming from the residence, and the deputies backed out, obtained a search warren and that search warrant was executed the following day. >> search warrants executed not only at the groom's home, uncovering 300 hydroponically grown marijuana plants, an entire marijuana operation, but also the home of his girlfriend. that's right, the other woman who was actually driving the car when police apprehended him heading south, about 26 miles out of town. this woman now named an official person of interest. there she is, summer donovan. to shelley bunnell, this is ryann's sister, she's joining us along with their mom tonight, taking your calls. did ryann have any idea that her
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new husband was still involved with his ex? >> you know, ryann -- i'm not sure. ryann never indicated that to me. but i don't know about that. but nancy, i was wondering really quick if i could mention, we have set up an account for ryann, it's the ryann bunnell trust fund. we're trying to raise funds for reward money. and i was wondering if we could talk about that really quick. >> please do. how can people access it? do you have a website? >> yes. and also, nancy, what i really wanted to do the reason i really wanted to come on the show is to find ryann. and to talk a little bit about ryann and what a wonderful girl she was and how creative she was and, you know, we just loved -- everybody loved her. and we're in -- well, you know, we're just devastated by all this. but we are at this time trying
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to gather funds for possibly -- for having a reward later on. and so if you could just let me tell you that it's at pacific valley bank, 422 main street, salinas, california, 93901. and people can make checks available to the ryann bunnell crow trust fund. also if you would like to wire any money, you know, people have been asking me, what can we do to help you guys? this is what you can do to help at this time. the routing number is 121143833. and the account number is 021100738. and basically, that's why we wanted to come on the show, and just say how much we miss her
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and how wonderful she was. >> and i think it's important to note that the family doesn't gain from any of the funds. they all go towards ryann's reward fund. >> shelley, what is the name of the bank? pacific what? >> pacific valley bank. >> pacific valley bank. >> located in salinas. >> 422 main street, salinas, california, 93901. the ryann bunnell crow trust fund. we'll get the routing number and the account number and put that on our website, ladies. but i want to two back to you, ms. pipitone. you were saying that you want to talk about ryann. what about her? >> you know, she didn't have an enemy in the world. she's just a joy. everybody wanted to play with her when she was little. everyone wanted to hang out with her as she got older.
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wonderful sense of humor, spiritual, creative. i have no idea where she got these things from because that is not me. >> ms. pipitone, could you tell us your most vivid recollection of her, your most vivid memory of her? when you think of her, what do you see? >> i think of -- when i look back, i mostly see her when she was 2, 3, 4 and 5, is when i think of her. going to her fifth grade -- or excuse me, her kindergarten parent/teacher conference. she was a handful, and her teacher said, "boy, you've got your work cut out for you. she's very precocious." and she was. you know. she was just a wonderful child, just had her own free will and high spirited. and i just see her smiling all
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the time. just a happy-go-lucky. she loved to play with -- she would cut her hair and dye her hair and just experiment with makeup and stuff. and she was just a beautiful, beautiful person, inside and out. and i was telling one of your producers as well, we used to volunteer -- or i was volunteering at a woman's homeless shelter. she would come with me at times and lead the homeless women on a meditation. bring her incense, bring her music and lead these homeless women on a meditation. and they loved her, and she loved going. >> you know, i'm just trying to take in everything you're saying. i've only had my little lucy and john david for two years. and when i try to think of one vivid memory, it just rushes to me like drinking out of a fire hydrant. it's just so much. and when i think of you now, asking for money for a reward fund to help find her, it is
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heartbreaking. i want to go to dr. bethany marshall. dr. bethany, the duplicity, the duplicity, the known duplicity. this is not an allegation of the husband. these two have a whirlwind relationship. they run off to vegas and get married. she comes hope and reality sinks in. her husband is carrying on with his ex-girlfriend and she's quite the catch, with her own criminal history. show a shot for me, liz, of miss summer donovan. and to top it all off, for a living, he grows pot. now that's a fine how do you do to wake up to. there they are, the happy couple. hit me, bethany. >> well, first of all, my thoughts and prayers go with the bunnell family. i'm so sorry about this loss and tragedy. and when i hear you talking about ryann, i think what happened is she's so gorgeous and beautiful and vivacious and
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this evil, horrible, dysfunctional couple, jesse and his longtime girlfriend summer, i think they entrapped her in some evil web. and i'm not overstating it when i say evil. they had some dysfunction between the two of them, whether it's jealousy, revenge, fighting. and i would not be surprised if jesse married ryann to exact some revenge on his girlfriend or make her jealous. and then the girlfriend incited him in order to punish ryann, and this jealous revenge hostile thing went round and round. and if ryann wasn't just the poor, unwitting victim in all of this. because pot heads don't have energy to do much of anything, let alone kill someone, unless they're inciting each other. >> look at these shots of this beautiful girl. right now, the bride's body is still missing. as we go to break, the
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joan cancer fund, cancer killer in the world, lung cancer. joan gaeta, beloved wife, mother of five, teacher, lost her battle with lung cancer. in her honor, the annual dancing for joan fund-raiser to fight lung cancer in saturday, feb 20, marietta, georgia. for info or to make a donation, go to and happy birthday to special friend of the show, martha dugger. isn't she beautiful? she loves crafts. she watches our show every night. and her greatest joy, her beautiful granddaughter, little emma. happy birthday, friend, martha. q
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i'm shocked, you know, and i hope everything's okay. >> they had moved here from orange county just two months ago, but now joseph mcstay, his wife summer and their two young boys, ages 3 and 5, haven't been seen or heard from in two weeks. >> they're always outside, always on the driveway with the kids running around and everything. the garage door is always open, you know? and pretty much on a daily
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basis. >> in this youtube video shot by joseph mcstay, you see the family's white isuzu trooper. that car was mysteriously discovered in san ysidro on february 8. >> other things don't add up as well. the family car was towed from a parking lot near the san ysidro border crossing february 8. a pair of ugg boots and children's sandals remain on the front porch and their two dogs, seen here in a home video with summer, were left in the backyard, unattended. >> straight out to terry figeroa, a writer with the "north county times." terry, an entire family vanishes, including small children? their isuzu found at the border? what do we know? >> well, we know that they haven't been seen since february 4th. we know that four days later, before anybody realized they were missing, the car had just been towed as abandoned. it didn't raise any red flags because nobody knew they were missing. fast forward two weeks, the
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brother can't find them, the police are called. they go into the house and find something that triggers them to call homicide investigators, who investigate when there's a suspicious missing case. and here we are. >> so do you have any idea, terry figeroa, what police found that made them suspicious? >> you know, they are not saying. but we do know that the brother did go to the house. they did find the family's dogs had been unattended. highly unusual for them. the dogs were -- they referred to the older dog as their first child, and they had just gotten a new puppy. so it was very unusual for them to leave the dogs out at all, much less unattended. >> to ellie, our chief editorial producer, how old are the children? >> these little boys are just 3 and 4 years old, nancy. and a couple other details to add. apparently when the family's car was found, the boys' car seats were still in the car. and police said they didn't take
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things that they would take with them on a planned family vacation. as terry explained, the dogs left at home. highly unusual. the brother said they're not answering their cell phones and now joey mcstay's phone appears to be dead. >> so ellie, how far, approximately, is their home only one year of a start-up business? and then all of a sudden, the car is now found on the mexican border? this raises an enormous amount of questions. like i said, nancy, let's go back and look at this. are they missing or are they hiding? >> terry figeroa, what was his business? >> he designed interior water features, like fountains and water faucets, et cetera. he also has a realtor license. a real estate license and he's a licensed realtor as well. summer is as well. and she had been a stay-at-home but she is now -- her friends
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say and colleagues say she was just getting back into it. she was going to start working in that field again. >> okay, i don't find anything unusual about that. bill golodner, you're right, you have to cross every t, dot every i. to dr. meniya joining us out of new york, what would these children's basic needs be right now? and the fact that those car seats were left in the car, that tells me they didn't hop into a rental and take off in it or they would have taken those car seats. >> that's right. and you don't leave without your diaper bag and everything else we run around with. the car seats, leaving by themselves, because you know you'll get a ticket if you do not have your children in a car seat, for both of them. remember, they're 3 and 4 years old. i think that speaks a ton of information. >> to the lawyer, eleanor odom, peter odom, anne bremner. to disappear is not a crime. >> it's not a crime.
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>> actually, i never wanted to just -- >> i wanted to give my best to your mom. accident know she was sick. you call her after every show, so close with her with the twins, john david and lucy, our thoughts and prayers from out here with you and your mom. >> ann, thank you. eleanor, what about it? it is not a crime to just disappear, but i'm just not getting that sense. why wouldn't he tell anybody in his family? why wouldn't he take everything they needed for the children? i mean, the fact that they have got these two kids, these two children, that changes the entire complexion of the case. >> exactly, nancy. if it is just one person trying to hide or disappear -- >> piece of cake. >> that would be easier. but you're trying to hide a whole family, that just doesn't add up. it seems like cops found something in the house, too, that would lead them to believe otherwise. maybe it was some type of, who knows, bodily fluid, blood, something that leads them to suspect sinister motive. >> peter odom, not one lawyer on this panel tonight has not dealt with a kidnapping, a
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disappearance or a murder of a single person. but an entire family of four? what about it? >> well, nancy, this might be an abduction. it's actually very difficult to arrange your own disappearance. most people that try and do it are actually found out. you have to amass cash. you have to get a vehicle. you have to leave no electronic trace. these are all things that it takes a great deal of planning to do it. the police are going to be looking to see if there are signs of that kind of planning with this family. if they don't see them, they may be looking at foul play, perhaps abduction when the whole family was in the car. >> everybody, you are seeing home video of the mcstay family from youtube. i just don't see them taking off to mexico without leaving a trace, leaving the car seats behind with these two little childr children. ellie jostad, what can you tell me? >> the f them. >> 888-580-8477. a whole family disappears.
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i'm brooke anderson. this is a "showbiz tonight" newsbrief. tiger woods slammed for the way he plans on speaking out for first time since he was nailed as a serial womanizer and
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cheater. heidi montag, a danger to young girls? tonight a big star's explosive new claims today. that is your "showbiz tonight" newsbreak. tv's most provocative tv news show starts here at the top of the hour on hln. see you then. when the patrol deputy was there, he's seen certain things -- and i can't be specific about what they were -- that thought were somewhat alarming to him. he gave us a call. that's how we got involved in the case. >> it just doesn't look like a vacation. >> that's correct. >> an entire family goes missing. back to terry figueroa joining us from the "north county times." what are police saying, terry? >> you know, they're not saying much. they're saying that this family went missing, that it is very unusual for them to have left without contacting anyone. and they issued a special bulletin saying heads up, this faep's missing and we don't know
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what happened. >> to dr. evelyn minaya, what would you expect to take if you're hitting the road with a 3-year-old and a 4-year-old? >> lots of things. >> come on. there's no such thing as traveling light. i mean, just to live. >> absolutely. you have the toys, you also have the snacks, you have the dvds. you have the whole bunch of stuff just to keep them even entertained. you know that. you travel with your twins. i've traveled with my children. >> you got to take the car seats. you've got to take diapers. you've got to take formula, if they need it. you got to take baby food. and the dvds and all that, yeah, you want to take those, but i mean, just to exist, especially heading to mexico. what are you going to find down there? >> well, your clothes. clothes. simple clothes. because it's a change in temperature also. >> i do not see this being voluntary. out to cindy, ohio. hi, cindy. >> caller: hi, cindy. i love you.
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>> thank you. >> caller: who reported them missing? >> who reported them missing? i think the brother got suspicious. tell me, ellie. >> nancnancy, the brother becam concerned because he hadn't heard from them. joey mcstay hadn't been checking his work e-mails which is very unusual. he called welfare officials and asked them to do a welfare check. >> think of the 3-year-old and 4-year-old children. 888-580-8477. let's stop and remember army staff sergeant daniel newsome, chick opy, massachusetts. laid to rest one day before his son's first birthday. loved fast cars, restoring his acura, making people laugh. loyal to family and friends. dreamed of tech school. leaves behind grieving parents joann and stepfather eric.
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four brothers, two sisters. daniel newsome, american hero. thanks to our guest, but especially to you for being with us. and tonight, we ask for your prayers for new york friend, michael mcfaddin, heading in the morning into surgery. michael, stay strong. and i'll speak to you when you wake up in a couple of hours. everyone, i'll see you tomorrow night. 8:00 sharp eastern. until then, good night, friend. -- captions by vitac --
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