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tv   HLN News  HLN  March 5, 2010 12:00pm-3:46pm EST

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there is no indication at this point that there are any domestic or international terrorism nexus to this at all. >> how many times do our daughters need to be raped before we put these monsters behind bars forever? >> each week you're get iting bigger and bigger and bigger and more unsexy, unsex eunsexy. >> how out of touch with reality do you have to be to get that depressed over a movie? >> it is so good to see you on this friday. i'm christi paul. thanks for being with us here at hln news and views. want to let you know, we're
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watching a situation in phoenix where six people have been killed after a passenger bus rear-ended another vehicle and overturned south of phoenix. 15 others were hurt. for re, we want to go to our friend bruce in phoenix affiliate ktvk. was this a tour bus? >> no it was not a tour bus. we just got some new information about exactly who the bus was. and we'll talk about that in a second. first, let's get to what's going on right here now because there you see the bus on the side of the freeway. it had rolled over once. the freeway is closed between -- and this is the interstate 10 freeway between tucson and phoenix. the westbound lanes. so at this point, what we do know is six people have died here at this collision after this bus rolled over. but first, that bus was driving up the freeway to phoenix and it clipped the rear end of a pickup truck and that's when it rolled over ejecting some of the 22 passengers and trapping the rest inside the bus. now rescuers had to respond from areas all around here because
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this is a rural area. and they had to pull those items out of a lot of the broken windows in the side of the bus. now five of them were flown out via medical helicopters and 11 had to be taken by ground ambulance, including two 11-year-olds, a boy and a girl. we do not have the condition of them in the hospital. now witnesses they sat bus clipped that pickup truck, rolling at about 5:30 this morning and the information we have on the bus is the tierra santa incorporation, the trip of this bus began in central mexico near durango. it was heading to los angeles. it came up through the border at -- from mexico into america at el paso and it's been driving since then to this location. now the department of public safety, our highway patrol here in arizona is doing a fairly thorough investigation at this point and they have their special investigators on the scene and their helicopter was just orbiting the dps helicopter
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was just orwith with a photographer on board that helicopter taking pictures of this rather extensive scene. so that's what's going on out here. and the department of public safety tell us that right now the freeway will be closed for an undetermined amount of time now between tucson andphoenix. that's about all we know right now. any other information, we'll pass it on to cnn. right now i've lost communication with you folks so we'll send it back to you. >> bruce, thank you so much. >> actually, i heard you there. let me ask you one quick question. of the six people that have died, were all those people from the bus or did that include the car that was clipped in this accident? >> no, the car that clipped actually a ford pickup truck back there on the freeway, that truck, the driver of that truck did not get injured we are told, which is lucky. the bus, after clipping that truck, the bus went back and forth across the freeway a few times. witnesses tell the police and that's when it rolled over, ending up on the side of the freeway.
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once again ihave lost communications with you. >> bruce, even if you can't hear me, thank you so much. our friend bruce from ktvk in phoenix, arizona. meanwhile, for the first time we're getting a remarkable glimpse into kidnap victim jaycee dugard's life. look at this home video. dugard, now 29 is there on the left baking cookies, laugh with her mother and her sister. the family says the video was shot in december. now dugard was found last year, remember. 18 years after she was kidnapped while waiting for the school bus in south lake tahoe. she's avoided the spotlight while living in an undisclosed location in california and her mother is pleading for privacy as the family heals from this long nightmare. >> hi, i'm terry probyn. on behalf of my daughters jaycee and shayna and my two awesome granddaughters, we'd like to thank you for all the love and support you've shown us these
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last few months. it is my desire to share our miracle with the world, but it must be done on our terms. what my family needs is privacy during our healing process. >> now prosecutors say dugard was abducted by convicted sex ofnder philip garrido and his wife nancy. they are awaiting trial on kidnapping and rape charges. dugard had two children in captivity and authorities believe phillip garrido is their father. now prosecutors say dugard and her daughters were kept i squalor living in tents and sheds as you see here in the garrido's backyard in antioch, california. police say the california man behind last night's shooting outsidthe pentagon showed no emotion as he pulled out a gun and just started shooting. take a look at this youtube video posted by john patrick bedell who was killed in the shoot-out with police. this happened at pentagon's subway entrance. two officers suffered minor injuries. authorities say he drove, they believe, bedell drove cross-country over the last
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several weeks and apparently acted alone. >> it appears he's had some issues in the past. has had a couple of contacts with the law he's a very well educatedndividual. right now we don't know if we have a motive. there is no indation at this point there are any domestic or international terrorism nexus to this. it's probably at this time it appears to be a single individual that had issues. >> bedell never got inside the pentagon, by the way. "avatar" is up for nine oscars this weekend. did you see it? all-time box office champ here. banking $700 million here in the u.s. so why are some people who have seen the epic getting the "avatar" blues as they are calling it? we're getting your views from the street. i'm joe carter. we're on the streets. we want to talk to you. have you guys seen the movie "avatar"? >> i have. i saw a preview. >> top grossing. james cameron. 3d movie.
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>> visually, a very beautiful movie. i didn't find the story to be all that unique. >> i thought the animation was neat. i just thought it was too far fetched. >> how did you feel when you saw the movie. >> just that i wish i could live there. the landscape was fantastic. >> there's controversy that is surrounding the moe. they are calling it "avatar blues." when people see this movie it's so -- this great escape. people loved it so much. when they leave the theater, they feel depressed. sort of like a gray world we're living in. your thoughts. >> okay. i can see that as a possibility. when you go to a movie, you suspend your reality. houngets out of touch with reality do you have to be to get that depressed over a movie? >> earthquake in haiti, that's fine, but "avatar," that's really depressing. >> that's crazy. i mean it is a movie. but you have so much to live for. >> they must have had something before they went in. >> i guess maybe it is a little depressing with our economy right now. i can see that, but it's
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entertainment. they did their job. >> it's kind of amusing in a sad way, i guess. >> it wouldn't do anything for me. it's a movie. >> yeah, i didn't feelike i needed to end it all or anything. >> i'm joe carter. and i'll see you on the street. will be it a military or a civilian trial for self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind khalid shaikh mohammed? when the obama administration is expected to make that decision.
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all right. the parents of california teen chelsea king are calling out for tougher laws against sexual predators. this is after john gardner was charged with rape and murder in the death of their 17-year-old daughter. >> we are going to do everything in our power to work to change the way people like this are
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dealt with so that they can't be let -- be let free to roam around and hurt our children. >> now police did not initially look at gardner as a potential suspect. he was registered as a sex offender 55 miles away. he's also charged with trying to rape a jogger in that same park in december. and he's being investigated in the disappearance of another girl amber dubois last year. your views question pertains to this today. roelle, let's talk about what we're asking viewers to weigh in on. >> we're asking for solutions. because i think everyone can agree. yes, we hate crime. we especially hate crime when it involves a registered sex offender who is involved in yet another crime. we're asking what do you think the solutions are? do you think the solution is to treat registered sex offenders as you would treat a killer? meaning stiffer sentences?
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how do you pay for that? we're asking you for solutions. where do you channel your ang ber these types of things. we're talking to tammy who is calling from california. tammy, what do you think the answers are? >> caller: well, i think the answers are that they need to lock them up for good. it's been proven time and time again that there is no cure for sexual predators. and i just really feel like when they keep letting them out, they are reoffending and it's putting more cost on our judicial system and it ends up costing more money and i feel like i'm willing to pay for them to be locked up forever because there is no cure for them. how many more kids do we need to have hurt and how many more women and men need to lose their life because of these monsters. >> tammy, i'm having a hard time hearing you, but i understand the viewers can hear you fine. so bear -- actually, tammy, i'm going to let you go. i was having a difficult time hearing you. if this means i'm locking them
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up longer means more taxes for you you said that you are willing to foot that bill. let me get some facebook comments in here. immediately as soon as we posted this topic you jump in here. neil says this is exactly why i don't like these registered sex offender lists. they violate the rights of people who are released from prison because they've paid their debt to society and are no longer a danger. and if they are still a danger to society, then they should not be released from prison. that violates our rights. so neil is saying basically, don't let them out in the first place if someone says that they are still dangerous. deanna says this. if i had to make the choice between housing the nonviolent drug users in jail or the sex offenders, i would pick the sex offenders. amanda wrote this. that's hard to say because not all people who are registered as sex offenders ae bad. some teenagers get registered ad sex offenders just because they had sex with the one they loved
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and they both wanted to do it. but then a parent gets mad and reports it. those shouldn't be registered as sex offenders. but those who really rape and hurt and kill people should be lock upped for life and never allowed out again. we've gotten a lot of comments in a short period of time. those are just the beginning of the ones we're going to share. we've got a lot more. do you agree with chelsea king's mother. should sexual predators be put away forever? should they be treated on the same level as murderers? as killers? and if so, are you willing to pay the taxes that it would take to incarcerate them, possibly for life? call us right now. 1-877-tell-hln. or the next is hlntv. we also have these topics posted on our facebook page. a lot of you are discussing these emotional topics right now. because they need to be talked about. >> absolutely. rochelle, thank you so much. a woman was shocked when she
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opened her phone bill and saw how much she owed. think about this. $67,000! and why the phone company says, hey, it's legit.
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we may hear soon whether the white house has decided to use a military court to prosecute the self-proclaimed master mind of the 9/11 attacks. a senior administration official says no decision has been made yet. attorney general eric holder
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planned to try khad shaikh mohammed in civilian court in new york bah that's proving to be complicated and unpopular. the white house hopes to have a decision in the next two weeks. we say educate. they say incarcerate. >> protests were planned in at least 33 states across the u.s. giving you an idea of a huge scope of student and teacher outrage here. the average for in-state fees at california's four-year public colleges this year was almost $6,000. that's at more than 10% from last year. new fees going into effect in the fall will top $10,000. and that's another 60% increase. so forll we hear about the value of an education, are the government's actions speaking louder than words? we want your views on whether public education really say national priority or do you think it's fair game in tough times for these deep budget
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cuts? call us at 1-877-tell-hln or e-mail us. you can text the word views, your comments and name to hlntv. standard text rates apply. i'd love to hear from you on facebook. go to christipaul. tiger woods back in his home in florida. and now there are reports his wife elins with him. several media outlts are reporting the family is all back under the same roof. this comes two weeks after tiger's public apology and after a reported week together in family therapy. tiger's been seen back on the practice range, too in what could be preparation for his return to golf. there's still no formal word on when that might be. unemployment is not budging. the labor department says it held steady at 9.7% last month. the thing is economists had been bracing for an even higher job hemorrhage. as i was saying, thieves
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have apparently found a new way to steal your ideity. clark howard tells you the one thing they are really looking for here. >> i got a new wrinkle for you on the old aggravation of identity theft. and it involves breaking into cars at a variety of places where a bunch of people gather like at health clubs. i saw a story in "the waington post" about how one criminal ring specifically targets cars in the parking lot of health clubs. and looks as so often is's the case for women's purses where they'll leave their purse in the car while they go inside to work out. the worst possible situation when somebody steals your purse, ladies, is when they get your checkbook. why? because within minutes of them having smashed the window in your car and gotten your purse, they are already passing your checks all around town. here's what you need to know. first, make sure your purse is not out in plain sight. second, do not -- do not do not
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carry a checkbook with you. of all the forms of identity theft, the worst of all is having your checkbook stolen. i am clark howard. for more ways to protect yourself from identity theft, check me out at now you know. get more great consumer advice from clark howard every saturday and sunday at noon and 4:00 p.m. eastern here on hln news and views. he'll help you save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. all right. got a little game for you here. ready? what is this? coming up. could it be a legendary animal that supposedly feeds off the blood of goats?
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for the first time, we're getting a remarkable glimpse into kidnap victims jaycee dugard's life since she's reunited with her family. look at this home video. that's dugard, 29, on the left there baking cookies, laughing with her mother terry and sister. the video was shot in december. dugard was found last year, remember, 18 years after she was kidnapped while waiting for the school bus in south lake tahoe. she's avoided the spotlight while living in an undisclosed location in northern california. and her mother is pleading for privacy as the family heals from a long nightmare. terry probyn also made an
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admission. >> i feel like i need to set the record straight. we did accept financial support from an undisclosed benefactor and have no affiliation with any church. please give us the time we need to heal as a family without the prying eyes of the photographers and the press. we released this video so that you can see that we are happy and well and when we have more to share, we will. as a mother, i am pleaing for our privacy in this very public story. >> boy, you just feel for them. prosecutors say dugard was abducted by phillip garrido, seen here, and his wife nancy. they are awaiting trial on kidnapping and rape charges. dugard had two children in captivity. and authorities believe phillip garrido is their father. prosecutors say dugard and her daughters were kept in squalor
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living in tents and sheds in the garridos backyard in antioch, california. and when you see those living conditions, with the expected living conditions or what is suspected there, it makes you wonder how do you pick up the pieces after 18 years? how do you possibly move on? i want to go to psychotherapist stacey kaiser on the phone with us. she's going to help us try to answer some of these questions. stase ecan you answer that question of, after 18 years, how -- i would think trust would be one of the biggest obstacles for you to try to overcome with anybody at that point. would it not? >> absolutely. trust is a huge obstacle. imagine yourself being completely held captive, having all of your freedoms taken away. no ability to choose what you eat, who your relationships are with, how much space you have. so she's not only having to deal with trusting people. she's having to acclimate to
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freedom, to being able to make choices about herself, about her kids, about people that she interacts with. and that's a huge obstacle. >> whatbout her family? how can they aid in her healing? >> you know, i have to tell you, i was quite proud of her mother because i think they are doing the right thing. i think she needs to feel safe and protected and watched out for, which is something she's never had since she was a small child. and so the fact that her family is standing by her, they are trying to do normal routines like cooking in the kitchen and they are trying to keep her from being, you know, violated by all of us who want all of this information are the best things that they can do. >> i think one of the real delicate situations here, too, regards jaycee's two children. i mean, these are two girls who have never lived anywhere other than in captivity. how do you help them transition to -- is it even possible to say, a norl life for a teenager? >> this is going to be the
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greatest obstacle because, you know, who you are is very much dependent on how your early childhood is. and these kids were raised in really depressing and traumatic conditions. and so not only are they going to have to acclimate to sort of how you live as a day-to-day person, they are going to have a lot of emotional wounds that are going to have to be healed with counseling. >> is this going to be life-long counseling do you think, stacey? >> i think it's going to take a few years. i absolutely think it's going to take some time. >> stacy kaiser, thank you for walking us through it as we, obviously, think of this family, wishing them the best. and really just can't even wrap our heads around what it must be like for them. but thank you very much. well, six people we've learned are dead after a passenger bus rear-ended a pickup truck and rolled over on interstate 10 south of phoenix. 15 others were hurt. rescuers had to break out windows in fact of that bus to get those victims out. the bus was traveling from
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central mexico to l.a. and the crash blocked both westbound lanes of traffic. there is a massive search going on right now for two missing skiers at crystal mountain resort. this is in washingtonstate. the two reportedly are college students who live in the seattle area. the pierce county sheriff's office says they were expected last night but they never showed up. their car was found in a parking lot and the men carried avalanche beacons and they are wearing ski clothing with sensors that may be detected with tracking equipment. so we'll keep you posted on this search. a 24-year-old california woman is accused of dumping her newborn girl in a trash bin. garbage collectors found the infant's naked body outside a redondo beach home. authorities say jesse canfield had attended a birthday party there before slipping into a bedroom for several hours and giving birth. she apparently told police she didn't know she was having a baby. canfield has been booked for investigation of murder. detectives have not yet
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determined, though if the baby was alive when she dumped it in the bin. the incident took place just blocks from a fire station where unwanted babies can be surrendered without fear of prosecution. police say the california man behind last night's shooting outside the pentagon showed no emotion as he pulled out a gun and just started shooting. take a look at this youtube video posted by john patrick bedell who was killed in that shoot-out with police. this happened at pentagon's subway entrance. bedell never got inside the pentagon. authorities say he drove cross-country, though, over the last several weeks and apparently acted alone. >> he did not say a word. he was, according to the officersand i've interviewed two or three of them now, that said he walked up ver cool like he had -- there was no distress. he had no real emotion in his face. it's very typical for someone to reach for their pass to show it. when he reached in his pocket they assumed he was going to get a pass.
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he came out with a gun. >> aside from the youtube video, we're also getting audiotapes of him reportedly railing against the government. it accuses the government of using deception to operate and to carry on a "legacy of justice." >> my desire for freedom is centered on the role of government in society. from a practical perspective, my desire is to see the cost of governmental services reduced and the quality of those services increased. on a philosophical level, i personally perceive a responsibility to do what i can to continue the admirable legacy of justice, prosperity and tranquillity that's been established in the united states. and directly confront the forces that undermine that legacy. >> court records show a man named john patrick bedell was arrested for growing marijuana in california back in 2006. a diver could have been scared of a shark. instead he felt sorry for it and may have saved its life.
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. this just in to hln. bringing now live pictures. a bomb squad is responding to a report of a possible live grenade at a home in griffin, georgia. this is south of atlanta. a woman tells affiliate wsb that her father found this grenade while digging in his backyard today. several fire trucks and a gegiaureau of investigation bomb squad truck are on the scene here. you can see people gathered there in the middle of the street. a robot that can be used to investigate explosives is also right there at the top of your screen on the left-hand side. we'll keep our eye on this and let you know more. a man may have found a live grenade in his backyard.
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now they are looking to try to get a hold on that. today we are united. we are united at 13 other campuses today. all throughout colorado. with a clear and coherent message. higher ed is dying and it's too valule to lose. obviously, they were united in colorado and at campuses all across the country yesterday as anger over rising tuition and cuts in education spending boiled over. our ireporters were there. this is colorado state university in ft. collins. one of the places in at least 33 states where students, teachers, parents and school employees rallied. protesters organized the march four-day rallies. this one at a middle school in mill bray, california. they are opposing state and local governments moves to ease budget crises by cutting
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education funds. all over the country, class sizes are getting bigger as teachers are let go and academic programs are cut. >> we say fight back. >> they say cut back. >> this is an ireporter from the university of massachusetts at amhurst. a college education is increasingly out of reach for many students as universities cut classes furlough instructors and raise tuition and fees. when you have pictures or video of breaking news or stories from your part of the world, go to and click on the upload now link. we'd love to see them. here's the thing. the scope of these tuition hikes and cost cuts has us wondering, should funding public education be a top priority or is it fair game for sweeping budget cuts when everyone else is tightening their belts?
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rochel rochelle is tracking your views. i can imagine what you are hearing. >> some are protesting from their living rooms via facebook. maybe reminiscing about when they protested back when they were in college. we're talking about these cuts. some are saying everyone has to tighten their belts. some are saying they don't like the message this is sending about how important education should be. so let me jump in with some comments. a comment from kate who says these students are the future of our country. they will run our cities, our businesses and we are making them pay more for education? shouldn't we want to educate the people responsible for our future society? there has to be money somewhere in the college. maybe the athletic department has some to spare? that's a whole other debate there. but esther actually has a milar idea. education is not an area where government should skimp on. make cuts on sports and other exra curricular activities if
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necessary. do not punish students and faculty by increasing tuition. all right. we're also hearing some concerns from people like richard who worry about their own children. he says this. i feel terrible for those two kids. i am in fear for my own. my teens have two more years till college. he says he doesn't see it happening. they have good grades. they're both a and b average students and they deserve college. it is already too expensive. at the rate these tuition -- the tuition is going up, who knows what it's going to be. we also headed out to get your views on these education decisions. here's what christina had to say. >> i think that they should probably just spread the budget cuts around. it's hard to say that nothing should get cut at all. i think that if you spread it around it makes it easier on everyone. kind of cut the fat back a little bit. but you can only cut it so much until you are cutting vital services. >> okay. so she sees it from both sides. it a tough question. robert does as well.
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this is what he wrote. in times like this, everything is a fair target. problem is no one wants to do more with less. it's a hard decision. someone needs to make. personally, schools and public services like police and fire should be the last thing cut. and now michael sent us this. he says this. education is a priority and local and state governnts. local and state governments have made us some tough decisions. the problem is upper class income is disproportionate. middle class and poor have less income, jobs, homes foreclosed, less property taxes coming in, thus education funding suffers. so those were a lot of points of view there. we want more views on this. so far all we hear about the value of education are that the government's actions are speaking louder than words here. we want your views on whether public education really is an actual priority or is it fair game in tough times that everybody has to trim a little bit? call us at 1-877-tell-hln.
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the e-mail address is send us a text to hlntv if you prefer. standard text rates apply. this is alsoposted on my facebook page. go to rates are going up, tuition is going up. it's the rate at which it's going up. you'll hear someone say i can't go next semester because the rate is going up so quickly. >> definitely. hey, thank you so much, rochelle. will it be a military or civilian trial for self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind khalid shaikh mohammed? when the obama administration is expected to make that decision.
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want to show you this live picture of a courtroom in cleveland, ohio, where a jury says it's reached a verdict in the trial of a doctor accused of killing his wife by lacing her calcium capsule with cyanide. we're awaiting the verdict now in the case of the dr. yaze yazeed essa.
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if convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of life in prison with parole possible after 20 years. we're going to have that verdict for you when we get it. that's a live picture coming to us from cleveland and the jury has made a decision. a bomb squad robot, look at that thing. checki out a possible live grenade in the back yard of a home in griffin, georgia. this is south of atlanta. a woman tells affiliate wsb her father found that grenade while digging in his backyard today. several fire trucks and a georgia bureau of investigation bomb squad truck are on the scene as well. and you see that robot making its way to e spot. so we're going to keep our eye on it and let you know what happens. we might hear soon whether the white house has decided to use a military court to prosecute the self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. no decision has been made yet. attorney general eric holder planned to kill -- or try khalid
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shaikh mohammed in civilian court in new york but that's proving to be complicated as well as unpopular. the white house hopes toave a decision in the next two weeks. tiger woods back at his home in florida and now there are reports his wife elin is there as well. several media outlets, including "people" magazine is reporting the family i all back under the same roof. this coming two weeks after tiger's public apology and after a reported week together in family therapy. tiger has been seen on the practice range in what could be preparation for his return to golf, some speculate, but there's still no word on when that might be. more aftershocks from that huge earthquake in chile continue to rattle nerves. one this morning had a magnitude of 6.6. one earlier than that this morning measured at 6. in all, there have been more than 150 aftershocks with magnitude 5 or more since the initial quake hit saturday. today u.n. secretary general is meeting with chile's president
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and her successor to talk about recovery efforts there. president bachelet says it may take three years before the hardest-hit areas can return to normal. an incredible scene off the coast of sweden. look at this. ice breakers had to free dozens of ships trapped in heavy ice. one was a passenger ferry about almost a thousand people on board. it did return to stockholm harbor this morning and thankfully nobody was hurt. "avatar" is up for nine academy awards. it's raked in a lot of green too. so why are some movie goers blue? >> visually a very beautiful movie. i didn't find the story to be all that unique. >> i thought the animation was neat but i just thought it was too farfetched. >> hitting the streets to get your views in a moment.
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breaking ns out of an area just south of atlanta in griffin, georgia, where a robot has apparently grasped what appears to be a grenade. perhaps it's live, perhaps it's inert, we don't know, but somebody found it in their backyard in griffin, georgia, called police and now wally zeins, a retired nypd detective is on the phone right now. wally, they're going to take this back to what, a containment unit? >> yes. they're operating at a safe distance wre the robot, which is a remote control robot, has the grenade and will put it in what we call the bomb disposal
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unit. and that unit will have an escort to the area that they use for detonating explosives. the police department or state police or whatever agency is involved. they will be having a certain route that they will be taking with that particular bomb disposal unit. you go with the premise that the grenade is a live hand grenade d that's why no one is handling it at this time. >> what is the blast radius of a hand grenade, 30 feet, something like that, maybe more? >> it depends on the amount of explosives that are in it. there are different types of grenades. what is important is the shrapnel aspect of it that spreads. keep in mind if you look at the pictures right now, the area is totally desolate. everything -- everyone has been evacuated before they would bring that hand grenade to the disposal unit. >> thimay be a dumb question, but how do you get it out of the
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containment unit? do you detonate it inside there or gingerly take it out and do that? >> no, they will have a procedure. the disposal unit could turn to fferent locations, different angles, and they would probably use the robot to bring it out again. >> how did they find it in the first place. >> it could have been someone shooting it at their police range orome other technique. >> how did they find it in the first place? is there a camera on that robot someone else can look by remote control? >> yes. on those particular robots there are cameras tt are on there, regular tvs, closed circuit tv cameras. they're operated by a trained operator who is a safe distance away. he will operate it and he has a camera. we use it in hostage negotiating also. you know, it has a multi purpos they also can hold a shotgun.
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it also can hold a bean bag, it can hold a water bag and it also is used for areas they can't get into. >> well, they're leaving the scene so hopefully the worst is over. i hope that's the only grenade on site. wally, thank you for your expertise. at least that grenade has been disposed of or soon will be. we'll follow that and bring you any later developnts. six people are dead after a passenger bus rear-ended a pick jum truc and rolled over on i-10. 15 others were hurt. rescuers had to break out windows of the bus to get to some of the victims. the dead were ejected from the vehicle. this was en route from central mexico to los angeles. the crash blocked both westbound lanes of traffic on interstate 10. we're getting a remarkable reunited with her family. glimpse into kidnap victim dugard, now 29, is seen on the jaycee dugard's life since left making cookies, laughing with her mother and her sister. the family said the video was shot in december. jaycee dugard was found last
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year, 18 years after she was kidnapped while waiting for a school bus in southlake tah. she has avoided the limelight while living in undisclosed location in northern california. her mother is leading for privacy as the family heals from a long nightmare. >> hi, i'm terry probyn and on behalf of my daughters jaycee and sheana and my two awesome granddaughters, we'd like to thank you for all thelove and support you've shown us these past few months. it is my desire to share our miracle th the world, but it must be done on our terms. what my family needs is privacy during our healing process. >> prosecutors say jaycee dugard was abducted by philip grarrido and his wife, nancy. duguard had two children in captivity. authorities believe garrido is their father. dugard and her daughters were kept in squall or living in tents and sheds in the backyard
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of the garridos' home in antioch, california. police say the california man behind last night's shooting at the pentagon showed no emotion as he pulled out a gun and began shooting. this is youtube video posted by john patrick bedell who was killed in the shootout with police. this happened at the pentagon's subway entrance. two officers suffered minor injuries. authorities say he drove cross country the last several weeks and apparently acted alone. >> it appears he's had some issues in the past. he has had a couple of contacts with the law. he's a very well-educated individual. right now we don't know if we have a motive yet. there is no indication at this point that there are any domestic or international terrorism nexus to this at all. at this time it appears to be a single individual that had issues. >> bedell never got inside the pentagon. the subway stop as was close as he got. live pictures from a courtroom in cleveland. a jury says it's reached a verdict in the trial of a doctor
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accused of killing his wife by lacing her calcium capsule with cyani cyanide. we're awaiting the verdict right now. the case involves a 41-year-old, dr. essa. he faces a murder charge in the 2005 death of his 38-year-old wife, rose marie. if convicted he faces a maximum sentence of life in prison with parole possible after 20 years. let's see if we can pick up the verdict live.
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all rise. this court is in session, please. >> good afternoon, everyone. you can be seed. before the jury comes out, ladies and gentlemen, i want to say that we have had seven weeks of calm in this courtroom. these people have given up seven weeks of their life to participate in this case, so whatever the verdict is, you will be respectful, all right. i don't want anyone gasping or screaming or crying or anything along those lines. is that clear, ladies and gentlemen? yes? okay, thank you very much. i'm going to bring the jurors out now and we'll get started. all right. are you ready? someone always has to use the bathroom at the last minute.
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live pictures from cleveland. we're waiting for the jury. the jury has reached a verdict. it's a trial of a doctor accused of killing his wife with cyanide. a calcium capsule laced with cyanide. the doctor on trial and it's the man there in the middle in the
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blue shirt, 41-year-old dr. yazeed essa and he does face murder charges. this was a 2005 death. his wife was 38-year-old rose marie. the possible sentence range, if he is indeed convicted, include life in prison with parole after 20 years. the prosecutor said he was trying to escape a loveless marriage and live with his mistress, while the defense says the mistress wanted to marry the doctor and had a motive to kill his wife. we're going to watch this until we have to go to a break and hopefully wee going to hear what the jury has decided. it's about to render a verdict in this case. we're going to grab a quick break and be right back with the verdict.
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ladies and gentlemen, i understand that you have reached a verdict in this case, is that correct? >> yes. >> very good. mr. foreperson, if you would hand me the verdict form. >> this is the trial of dr. s yazeed essa. >> ladies and gentlemen, i want to thank you once again. we the jury in this case being duly impanelled and sworn do find the defendant, yazeed essa, guilty of murder. jury number one is this your verdict? >> yes. >> jury 2? >> yes. >> juror 3? >> yes. >> juror 4? >> yes. >> juror 5? >> yes. >> juror 6? >> yes. >> juror 7 -- >> they are polling the jury. you see the immediate reaction from family members of the deceased, a 41-year-old doctor
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has been just convicted in a cleveland court. you just saw it right there. dr. yazeed essa, who could face life in prison for the death in 2005 of his 38-year-old wife. apparently he was trying to get out of the marriage, according to prosecutors, to continue a relationship with a mistress. guilty as charged. the parents of california teen chelsea king are calling for tougher laws against sexual predators after a convicted child molester, john gardner, was charged with rape and murder in the death of their 17-year-old daughter. >> we are going to do everything in our power to work to change the way people like this are dealt with. so that they can't be let -- be let free to roam around and hurt our children. >> police didn't initially look at gardner as a potential suspect. he was registered as a sex
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offender 55 miles away. he's also charged with trying to rape a jogger in the same park in december and is being investigated in the disappearance of another girl last year. will it be a military or civilian trial for a self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind, khalid shaikh mohammed. when the obama administration is expected to decide.
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we may hear very soon whether the white house has decided to change its mind and use a military tribunal or court to prosecute the self-proclaimed
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mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. a senior administration official says no decision has yet been made. attorney general eric holder planned to try khalid sheikh mohammed in civilian court in manhattan. that's proven to be complicated and very unpopular. the white house hopes to have a decision in the next couple of weeks. >> we say education -- >> reminiscent of the '60s, california students loudly protesting tuition hikes and budget cuts yesterday. protests were planned in 33 states across the country giving you an idea of the huge scope of the student and teacher outrage. the average for in-state fees at california's four-year colleges almost $6,000, up more than 10% from last year. new fees going into effect in the fall will top $10,000, another 60% increase. for all we hear about the value of an education, are the government's actions speaking louder than words here? we want your views on whether
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public education is indeed a national priority or if it's fair game in tough times for these deep budget cuts. it's getting awfully expensive. call us toll-free, 1-877-tell-hln, e-mail at next views plus your comments d name to hlntv. and of course weigh in on our facebook pages, christi paul, richelle carey and chuck roberts, hln, respectively. unemployment isn't budging. the labor department said it held steady at 9.7% last month. economists had been bracing for a bigger amount but it did not come to pass. >> reporter: time now for the help desk. joining me, doug flynn a certified financial planner and donna rosato, a senior writer at "money." thanks for being here. the first question is i am overloaded with debt, credit cards and other loans. i have paid my minimum balance
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on my credit cards for more than three years. how can i get debt-free and what type of program do you recommend? what do you think, donna? >> well, a lot of people are drug ling with credit card debt these days. the best thing to do when you're thinking about how to get out of credit card debt is, first of all, stop using your credit cards. stop digging that hole. if you feel tempted, mae don't take them with you when you go out. some people put them on a block of ice. about your then start paying them down. there's two philosophies on how to do it. we recommend start with the highest interest rate credit card first. those are the cards you'll be paying the most interest rate over the long term. if you can start paying that down, you'll pay less interest over the long term. if you have a number of cards and a couple with small balances, you can get a real psychological boost by wiping out a couple of those smaller credit card balances. so i also feel like it's a lot of a behavioral issue. stop using the cards, start paying them down. if you can knock out a bunch of them, it will be easier to
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tackle that debt. >> all right, our next question is from lawrence. he writes i'm 55 years old and in good health. do you have a formula for knowing when to take a lump sum payment versus a monthly pension check? that's a dicey one, doug, what do you think? >> well, there's no magic formula. when someone is 55, the first thing that comes to mind is that's probably a reduced pension number. you usually get a reduction for not waiting until 60 or 62, but whatever the number is, one of the places you can go to compare how that -- what you're going to get from your provider versus what's out there is to go to you can punch in how much your lump sum would be and what you could get elsewhere as a comparison. the problem i see is he really needs to get the information on if he waited until 60, if he waited until 62 or whatever his social security time is because retiring at 55 in these days az very aggressive goal and you might be getting a very low payment for the rest of your life. really if you have all of that information, what i would recommend is you probably take all that info, along with your
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longevity history and your family and go to a qualified financial planner who specializes in this. they can crunch all the numbers for you and come up with what's the best solution for you in your unique situation. it's a little more complicated than a mamg magic formula. >> and might give him incentive to let it sit there until he gets to the right age. thanks so much, donna and doug. the help desk, all about getting you answers. send an e-mail to cnnhelpdesk@cnn.c
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jerks -- gentlemen, i want to thank you once again. >> a jury in cleveland today just a few moments ago convicted a 41-year-old doctor of murdering his wife with cyanide. dr. yazeed essa shown here faces a maximum of life in prison after lacing his wife's calcium capsule with cyanide. the defense said it was his mistress that wanted to marry the doctor and she's the one that had a motive to kill rose marie. he gave up an extradition fight
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and was returned to ohio and there's the result within the last hour, convicted of murder in cleveland. a bomb squad truck is still transporting a bomb for disposal in georgia. the possible live grenade was found in the backyard of a home south of atlanta and not far from griffin technical institute, in fact literally a stone's throw. a robot was used to retrieve the grenade from the backyard and place it in the truck. we'll tell you more as we learn it. we're not sure it was a live round at all. six people are dead after a passenger bus rear-ended a pickup truck and rolled over on interstate 10 south of phoenix. 15 others were hurt. rescuers had to break out the windows of the bus to get to some of the injured. the people who died were thrown from the vehicle. this bus was en route from central mexico to los angeles. the crash blocked both westbound lanes of busy i-10. for the first time we're getting a remarkable glimpse into kidnap victim jaycee dugard's life since she was reunited with her family. you see dugard now 29 on the
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left baking cookies and laughing with her mother and her sister. the family says the video was shot in december. dugard was found last year, 18 years after she was kidnapped while waiting for a school bus in south lake tahoe. she's avoided the spotlight while living in an undisclosed location. her mother is pleading for privacy. terry probyn also made an admission. >> i feel like i need to set the record straight. we did accept financial support from an undisclosed benefactor and have no affiliation with any church. please, give us the time we need to heal as a family without the prying eyes of the photographers and the press. we released this video so that you can see that we are happy and well and when we have more to share, we will. as a mother, i am pleading for
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our privacy in this very public story. >> prosecutors say jaycee was abducted by convicted sex offender philip garrido and his wife, nancy. they're awaiting trial on kidnapping and rape charges. dugard had two children in captivity and authorities believe philip is their father. prosecutors say dugard and her daughters were kept in squall or in the backyard and the sheds of the garrido's antioch, california, home. police say the california man behind the shooting at the pentagon last night showed no emotion as he pulled a gun and started shooting. he was being asked for an i.d. here's youtube video posted by john patrick debell, now deceased, killed in the shootout with police. two officers suffered minor injuries. bedell never got inside the building. authorities say he drove cross country over the last several weeks and apparently acted alone. >> he did not say a word. according to the officers, and i've interviewed two or three of them now, they say he walked up very cool, like there was no
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distress, he had no real emotion in his face. it's very typical for someone to reach for their pass to show it. when he reached in his pocket, they assumed he was going to get a pass and he came out with a gun. >> bedell never got inside the pentagon. he was killed in the gunfire exchange. we say educate -- >> you see th reference to 1968. students were demonstrating in large numbers against the vietm war at that point. students protested tuition hikes and budget cuts yesterday across the country. in fact there were demonstrations planned in 33 states. to give you an idea of the huge scope of the student and teacher outrage. the average for in-state fees at california's four-year public colleges was $6,000. new fees in the fall will top $10,000, another 60% increase. the scope ofhese hikes and
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cost cuts has us wondering today should funding public education be a top priority or is it fair game for sweeping budget cuts when everybody else tightens their belts. richelle carey has been sampling opinion, right? >> i have been and some people are protesting from their computers, getting on to their facebook accounts. when we say top priority, we mean should that not be a place where you go to when it's time to make cuts. or some people say it should not be untouchable. when times are this extreme, you should be able to cut from everywhere. emily is in school right now and this is what emily wrote. government figures constantly preach about the importance of education, but they seem to have no problem cutting funds. i'm currently a sophomore in college and watching costs go up every year mak me nervous as heck. i think my education is very important, but i'm starting to worry i won't be able to find a job to pay back my student loans.
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all right, let's get to another comment. zolio wrote this. of course there is crazy money to fund wars that have no real end but there isn't enough money to educate our children. that is a very sad fact. i have three teenagers. by the time my youngest goes to college, i'd have to be a millionaire to afford her tuition. we have had some other comments from others who say, you know what, everyone has to tighten up, that's just the way it is. that's just a few of the comments that we have. we had a caller. the caller was not available at this moment so we'll put the question to you again. when you hear about the value of an education, if it's so valuable, does that mean that you shouldn't be able to make any cuts there? we want your views on whether public education really is a national priority or is it fair game when it's time to make deep budget cuts. call us at 1-877-tell-hln, the e-mail address or
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send a text to hlntv. standard text rates apply. we also have this topic posted on our facebook page. richelle carey hln, christi paul hln and chuck roberts hln. jump into the discussion and tell us what you think. i know you're working on a story right now, chuck. >> speaking of e-mail, that's how the word got out about these protests. >> that's a great point. it was in 33 states, i believe. >> yeah, thanks. we have a breaking story, a gas line break in maryland, northwest of d.c. it's in silver springs where a driver apparently veered off the road and ruptured the main. you can see it right there. it sparked a fire that engulfed her vehicle. she has been taken to the hospital. her injuries are not thought to be life-threatening. fire crews are obviously going to shut off the gas before they put out the fire. a nearby row of town homes has already been evacuated or is in the process of being evacuated. again, this is montgomery county in maryland. well, we told you about the
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shoe scanners that will be coming to airport security checkpoints. something else is coming too. how many airports will add full body scanning technology to their security arsenal and how soon?
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there's no question f nfl player kerry rhodes, fitness is a job, on the field, off the
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field, even on twitter. >> a lot of people have been asking me on twitter to give me workout tips. what do i do. one says i'm looking to lose approximately 25 pounds over the next three months. that right there is setting you up for failure because you're trying to do too much. >> rhodes' tip number one, map out a fitness plan. >> i usually do three sets of ten. >> start slow. >> work your way up and get to the point you can do more. >> he says it's all about setting reasonable goals and keeping your routine interesting. >> do creative things to not get used to doing the same thing over and over. >> during the off season, a typical meal for rhodes, an early morning snack, banana or granola bar, oatmeal and toast for breakfast. a high protein lunch like a lean hamburger patty. for dinner, a chicken salad. also he loads up on things like water, fruit, green tea or energy drinks to help stay full throughout the day. >> something like that at least four meals in your system, whether that be a snack for one
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meal or an energy drink for one meal. >> his advice for fan who say tweehim and to kids who are obese, make fitness a priority. >> put down on paper what you want to do just ovall where you want to be at the end of the day. just be active and that's the biggest thing. >> dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. how do you help millions of people that don't have health care? a surgeon in kentucky is doing it one person at a time and that makes dr. andy moore our hero of the week. >> when i went to go see dr. moore, this is what he seen. would you like to see it? i developed skin cancer from too much sun exposure. when i see this, it just -- i have a hard time looking at this photo right now. >> this cancer was so far advanced, eventually it would have killed him. he felt that he could not afford to have the surgery. in this economic time, our friends and family can't wait.
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they need this health care now. >> all right, bud. how ya doing? >> a little nervous. >> yeah, you'd be a little crazy if you weren't a little nervous. that's okay. >> today he's back for that operation to reconstruct his nose. >> we're going to give you some joy juice to take care of that. >> i'm dr. andy moore. i'm a plastic surgeon that performance free surgical procedures on people with no health insurance. when i started 26 years ago, i would simply make a call to the hospital and say i've got somebody i'm going to do for free. >> okay, everybody, this is michael wild. >> it just became more complex with computers and hmos and insurance companies. these people don't have health insurance, and i think it's our duty to reach out and help those type of people as often as we can. >> we just finished up with him, everything went great. >> it's what i went into medicine for. it's about taking care of people and not necessarily expecting something in return for it. >> for more information on dr. moore's work or to nominate
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someone as a hero, go to a retired soldier is back on foot patrol, this time he's asking for votes and talking about what it's like to live with posttraumatic distress disorder.
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sometimes they come two and three times a day, more aftershocks from the chilean earthquake continue rattling nerves. one this morning had a magnitude of 6.6. an earlier one this morning measured at 6. all told there have been 150 aftershocks since the initial quake hit last weekend. today u.n. secretary general is meeting with the chilean president and her successor to talk about recovery efforts. president bachelet said it may take three years before the hardest-hit areas get back to normal. we might hear soon whether the white house has decided to scrap the idea of a sizzle january court to prosecute the self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. a senior administration official says no decision has been made yet. attorney general eric holder tried to have khalid sheikh mohammed tried in civilian court but that's complicated and unpopular. the white house hopes to have a decision in the next couple of
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weeks. nine more u.s. airports are getting body scanning technology. they're supposed to catch hidden explosives. the units will be installed at ft. lard dail, columbus, cincinnati, oakland and kansas city. they'll join three at logan international in boston an one next week at busy o'hare in chicago. 40 machines are already in use at 19 u.s. airports. passengers can opt out of body scanning but if they do, they'll have to go through the metal detector and get a patdown. the parents of california teen chelsea king are calling for tougher laws and tougher punishments for sexual predators. that's after a convicted child molester, john gardner, was charged with rape and murder in the death of their 17-year-old daughter. they talked about it last night on cnn's "larry king live" on our sister network. >> how many times do our daughters need to be raped before we put these monsters
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behind bars forever? i just don't -- i don't get it. change has to be made, and i know that there are people out there that are trying to, you know, get this change in place and brent andi are committed for the rest of our lives to be a part of that. >> police didn't initially look at gardner as a potential suspect. he was registered as a sex offender 55 miles away but he'd moved and they didn't know it. he's also charged with trying to rape a jogger in that same park in december. a 24-year-old california woman is accused of dumping her newborn girl in a trash bin. garbage collectors found the infant's naked body outside a home in redondo beach, california. she had attended a birthday party before slipping into a bedroom and giving birth. she told police she didn't know she was having a baby. she has been booked on investigation of murder. detectives haven't determined if the baby was alive when dumped
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in the bin. thisas only blocks from a fire station where unwanted babies can be surrendered without any fear of prosecution. from a battlefield in iraq to the battlefield of state politics, retired army captain shannon meehan is back on foot patrol pounding the pavement in this philadelphia neighborhood asking for votes. today he's running for the state legislature, but only a year ago things were very dierent. he was at ft. hood, texas, being treated for traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder. while serving in iraq, he ordered a strike on a building. as it turned out, iraqi civilians were inside. >> their deaths, the memories of those children and that family, you know, they will follow me. they always will. i felt like i had this disease inside me, this dark secret that if anyone back home had known what i had done, there's no way they could accept me.
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i would be seen as this monster. >> he said he was finally able to move on after the birth of his son. someone who works for the jackson family may be trying to make a quick buck by selling stories about michael jackson's kids. at least that's the scuttlebutt kevin frazier is hearing. a staffer may be behind reports by blanket getting tasered by his cousin. he described the family to our nancy grace last night. >> i do want to point out th it's an 11,000-square-foot house on three acres. it's a compound. of course, you have room for a lot of people there. there's also a lot of staff there. and i think the thing that the jackson family's upset with, and the members that i talked to today, that they feel like there is someone inside that is calling child protective services, because it creates a good story. and then they're reporting that story. they're selling that story to one of these online services. they feel like right now the
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kids are supervised. his dad was out of town, when his dad gets back, he is in big, big trouble. it's not going unpunished. they're not running wild in there. remember, the jackson family's big business. you get it. we all know the jackson family is big business. >> during an ambush interview, michael jackson's ex-wife debbie rowe said she had no comment about the stun gun incident but says she does worry about her kids. a man in phoenix fell right onto light rail tracks. it headed right toward him. you can see the light of the train. a transit worker describes the frantic rush to help.
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there is no indication at this point that there are any domestic terrorism at all. how many times do our daughters need to be raped before we put these monsters behind bars forever. each week you're getting bigger and bigger and bigger. and more unsexy, unsexy, unsexy. how out of touch with reality do you have to be to get that depressed over a movie. it is good to see you on this friday. thank you for keeping me company. i'm christi paul here with "headline news and views." i hope the day's been good for you so far. what an update we have for you on the grenade found in the
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backyard in georgia. they used a robot to retrieve it from the yard in griffin. we heard from the griffin police department this grenade was a real live explosive from the vietnam era. the ordnance disposal unit detonated it safely in another location. the homeowner found it when he was burying his pet dog. thank goodness he made that call and everybody's okay. for the first time we're getting a remarkable glimpse into kidnap victim jaycee dugard's life since she's been reunited with her family. she's 29 years old now on the left, baking cookies and laughing with her mother, terry probyn and her sister. dugard was found last year, 18 years after she was kidnapped while waiting for the school bus in south lake tahoe. she's avoided the splight while living in an undisclosed location in northern califnia. but her mother is pleading for privacy as the family heals from
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this long nightmare. >> hi. i'm terry probyn. and on behalf of my daughters, jaycee and shana, and my awesome two granddaughters, we would like to thank you for all your love and support you've shown us these past few months. it is my desire to share our miracle with the world. but it must be done on our terms. what my family needs is privacy during our healing process. >> prosecutors say dugard was abducted by convicted sex offender phillip garrido and his wife nancy. they're awaiting trial on kidnapping and rape charges. dugard had two children in captivity and authorities believe phillip garrido is their father. prosecutors say dugard and her daughters were kept in squalor, you see here, tents and sheds in the ga rid ohs' backyard. six people are dead after a passenger bus rear-ended a pickup truck and rolled over. this was on interstate 10 south of phoenix this morning.
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15 others were hurt. rescuers had to break out windows of the bus to get to some of the injured. the people who died had been thrown from that bus. it was traveling from central mexico to l.a. and the crash blocked both westbound lanes of traffic there. giving new information to share with you about the california man who opened -- police say opened fire outside the pentagon. a law enforcement official says john patrick biddel's parents warned authorities about their son's mental stability and that he might have had a gun. the parents apparently got worried and filed the report when biddel went out of town earlier this year without telling them. take a look at this youtube video, though, post by bedell killed in the shootout with police. it happened in the pentagon subway entrance. two officers did suffer minor injuries, and bedell never got inside the pentagon. he drove cross-country over the last several weeks and apparently acted alone. >> it appears he's had some
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issues in the past. he has had a couple of contacts with the law. he's a very well educated individual. right now we don't know if we have a motive yet. there is no indication at this point that there are any domestic or international terrorism nexus to this at all. it's probably at this time -- at this time it appears to be a single individual who had issues. >> bedell never got inside the pentagon. aside from the youtube video that you just saw, we're also gettin audio tapes purportedly of him railing against the government. the person on the tape accuses the government of using deception to operate and expresses a need to carry on a "legacy of justice." >> my desir f is initably centered on therole of govnmfr a practicdesire is tt rnmealrvesobesity diabetes we can't see it,wean'teel it, t it's going on all the time. that's why it's so insidious
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more aftershocks from that huge earthquake in chile continue to rattle nerves still. one this morning had a magnitude of 6.6. an earlier one this morning measured at 6. in all, there have been more than 150 aftershocks since the initial quake hit saturday. today u.n. secretary-general ban
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ki-moon is meeting with chile's president and her successor to talk about recovery efforts. they say it make take at least three years before the hardest-hit areas can return to normal. the parents of california teen chelsea king are calling for tougher laws against sexual predators. this, of course, after convicted child molester john gardner was charged with rape and murder in the death of their 17-year-old daughter. >> we are going to do everything in our power to work to change the way people like this are dealt with. that they can't be let -- be let free to roam around and hurt our children. >> police didn't initially look at gardner as a potential suspect. he was registered as a sex offender 55 miles away. he's also charged with trying to
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rape a jogger in that same park in december, and he's being investigated in the disappearance of another girl, amber dubois, last year. so imagine what you would do in this scenario. you get your phone bill, your cell phone bill, and it's more than $67,000. a woman in kentucky says, you know, i watched a couple of tv shows on my phone, did some online shopping. she has a $50 a month plan, but these are the overage fees. the woman thought there was a mistake in the bill. the phone company told her, no, charge is valid and offered to set up a payment plan. you know what happened next. she got an attorney and when he contacted the phone company it eventually canceled the charges. all right. what are you doing sunday night? in front of the tv for oscars? among the new names in the running, jeremy renner for "the hurt locker." and kareem wynter is in the know right now.
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hi, kareem, nice to see you. >> reporter: the back drop probably gave it away. we're on the red carpet. this is where the action will take place on sunday. they're getting things ready outside the kodak theater. anticipation of rain today and tomorrow, but sunday looks great. all the media that's descending here, and stars like you mention off the top, jeremy renner of "the hurt locker" will be walking down this red carpet. what year it's been for him. he's definitely one of the nominees to watch sunday, christi, in the best actor race. >> what are you doing? >> they're going to send us all to jesus. i'm going to die. >> reporter: it appears hollywood has grown very comfortable with jeremy renner. but oscar's best-actor nominee for "the hurt locker" hasn't always been a household name. this in spite of starring opposite brad pitt in the assassination of jesse james and s.w.a.t. >> everybody lined up with live
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ammo on the move running. that's kind of scary. you better trust your friends. >> reporter: while his friends are movers and shakers now, the 39-year-old's first acting job was hardly glamorous. the local police academy paid renner 50 bucks to act like a thug and attack training officers. >> this is suicide, man. >> reporter: the bomb defuser says just being nominated means everything to him. >> there's a thousand reasons why i shouldn't be sitting here right now. and there's only a few reasons why i am. and that will -- i'll always be eternally grateful for that. >> i understand renner's character is the subject of a lawsuit right now in real life here, right? >> reporte yeah. a little bit of bad press for the movie. a couple things i'll talk to you about, christi.
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first of all, there's a soldier whose father-in-law saying the movie is based on his experiences and wants financial compensation here. some in entertainment saying, we commend his services, but no, this screen play was actually fictional. another thing, one of the producers banned from sunday's show from making disparaging remarks about "avatar." >> thank you so much, careen. >> reporter: don't forget to watch "showbiz tonight's" road to gold. it will be action-packed come sunday. one show at 7:00 p.m. eastern with a.j. hammer and brooke anderson, and hln at 11:00 p.m.
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>> the temperatures may be frigid, but the atmosphere here is red hot. welcome to comcast on the red carpet. i'm at the 14th annual maryland state police polar bear plunge, maryland's premier winter event. >> this is my kind of weather. >> perfect day for a plunge. >> you got to get in. >> this is a huge event. it's amazing. we started back in '96 and it was probably like hundreds of people, and now it's just thousands. it's turned into a major standout event for the state of
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maryland. >> this is the it first time we've had a snow like this and it really does tell who this is all about. it's raising money for a special group of people and they're coming no matter what the weather is. >> how do you do this? >> why? because i love the energy. >> the show must go on. the polar bear plunge, great benefit for special olympics, one of the great charities in maryland, and a ton of people out here. everybody is warm and in the spirit of giving, so it will be a great day. >> for one of the rookie soup sr plunger, this was an item on his life to do list. >> i've never done it. you've heard of the movie the bucket list. this was on my bucket list of things to do. i've accomplished it and can check it off my list. it was a great, great opportunity. >> this is the most amazing group of people i've ever worked with. for those of you who have not been here before, you'll leave here with life long friends. >> as a first time plunger, it's
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not what you expect. i never expected to cry, but i did yesterday and today because the super plungers were so much. to hear the stories are heart-felt. >> i was a first time super plunger in freezing cold water. >> what's the water temperature? >> cold. >> my first time, i could never do it. this this year, i was like, alright, i'm here, i'm going to do it. we're in little costumes. it's cold out there. nothing compares to how cold it is out here. >> it's rewarding because of the smiles you put on the athletes faces and the camaraderie you get to be with the parents, then the family atmosphere that keeps drawing everybody back. >> are you ready? are you ready? >> it gets better every time. >> this is serious business. >> every year i challenge all of the delegates and the house delegates to come out and plunge
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f they are not going to plunge, they should give us money for the special olympics. >> it's a wonderful cause, special people, and an important segment of our society, and we have to step up and be there for them. >> for law enforcement, it's a special, unique connection with the spec olympics. police officers love to be out there among the crowd, and they love to be around everyone, the young and the old. >> the 2010 marked the inaugural year, a special plunge on friday for maryland's elementary and high school students. >> we had about 2,000 students out here yesterday. the energy was amazing. these kids embraced the concept. for them to do something bigger than themselves and be active, it's awesome. >> it's for the special olympians. we live for, go for, die for, is to give them an opportunity to participate if the games. >> our athletes are children and
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adults. we have athletes in their 70's. they can choose from 28 different sports all year long. we're not a one-time a year attraction event. everyday of the year an athlete is benefits from the funds raise. >> with over $3 million raised from the efforts this year, some may wonder where the money goes? >> it goes straight to the athletes like myself and show that athletes with disabilities can do anything that they put their minds to. >> think about it t you can sit there as a child and see kids playing tennis, basketball, football, running track. now as a kid because somebody looked at you as having some type of disability, you don't have a disability. this allows you to go out there and do everything that everybody else can do. you're just like everybody else. >> the bay may be chilly, but you see the steam off of me. that's the warm from our hearts. >> this is what you call
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freezing for a reason. to learn how you can contribute to special olympics maryland, check out smoddot organize. go to on demand and click get local for what's going on in your community. for comcast red carpet,
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six people are dead after a passenger bus rear-ended a pickup truck and rolled over on interstate 10 south of phoenix. 15 others were hurt. and rescuers had to break out windows of this bus to get to some of the injured. the people who died were apparently thrown from that bus that was traveling from central mexico to l.a. the crash blocked both westbound lanes of traffic there, i-10 obviously a major thoroughfare. we're getting a remarkable glimpse into kidnap victim jaycee dugard's life after being
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reunited with her family. dugard now 29 on the left baking cookies, and laughing with her mom, terry probyn and her sister. the family says the video was shot in december. dugard was found last year, remember, 18 years after she was kidnapped while waiting for the school bus in south lake tahoe. she's avoided the spotlight while living in an undisclosed location in northern california. her mother is pleading, though, for privacy as the family heals from this long nightmare. terry also made an admission. >> i feel like i need to set the record straight. we did accept financial support from an undisclosed ben efactor and have no affiliation with any church. please, give us the time we need to heal as a family, without the prying eyes of the photographers and the press. we released this video so that you can see that we are happy and well. and when we have more to share, we will.
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as a mother, i am pleaing for our privacy in this very public story. >> prosecutors say dugard was abducted by sex offender phillip garrido and his wife nancy. dugard had two children in captivity and authorities believe phillip garrido is their father. dugard and her daughters were kept in squar lo in tents and sheds in the garridos' backyard. the man blamed for the shooting outside the pentagon apparently warned authorities he might do something dangerous. john patrick bedell's parents filed a missing persons report back in january. they reportedly told deputies they were worried he had puhased a gun and were concerned about his mental state. take a look at this youtube video, though, posted by john patrick bedell who was killed in that shootout with police at the pentagon subway entrance. two officers suffered minor injuries.
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authorities say he drove cross-country over the last several weeks and apparently acted alone. >> he did not say a word. he was -- according to the officers, and i interviewed two or three of them now, they said he walked up very cool. there was no distress. he had no real emotion in his face. it's very typical for someone to reach for their pass to show it. when he reached for his pocket they assumed he was going to get a pass and he reached for his gun. >> he never got into the pentagon. we hear, or might hear soon whether the white house has decided to use a military court to prosecute the self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attack. no decision has been made yet. eric holder planned to try khalid shaikh mohammed in civilian court in new york, but that's proving to be complicated and unpopular. the white house hopes to have a decision in the next couple of weeks. nine more u.s. airports are getting those body scanning technologies things. they are supposed to catc hidden explosives, remember. tsa says units will be installed
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in the coming months at fort lauderdale, san jose, columbus, san diego, charlotte, cincinnati, los angeles, oakland and kansas city. they're joining three machines going online today at boston's logan international airport and one next week at o'hare in chicago. 40 machines are already in use at 19 u.s. airports and passengers can opt out of the body scan. if they do, they're going to have to go through a metal detector and get a pat-down. the parents of california teen chelsea king are calling for tougher laws and tougher punishments for sexual predators. this is after convicted child molester john gardner has been chard with rap and murder in the death of their 17-year-old daughter. they talked about it on "larry king live" last night on our sister network cnn. >> how many times do our daughters need to be raped before we put these monsters behind bars forever.
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i just don't get it. change has to be made. and i know that there are people out there that are trying to, you know, get this change in place. and brent and i are committed for the rest of our lives to be a part of that. >> police didn't initially look at gardner as a potential suspect. he was registered as a sex offender 55 miles away. he's also charged with trying to rape a jogger in that same park in december. and he's being investigated in the disappearance now of another girl, amber dubois, last year. do you agree with chelsea king's mother? should sexual predato be put away forever? put on the same level as murderers? if so, are you willing to pay more taxes for that to happen? call us at 1-877-tell-hln, or e-mail us at or text us, hlntv, standard text rates apply. a pair of families are so relieved right now because two
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seattle men missing last night at crystal mountain ski resort showed up at a campground about 20 miles from where they were supposed to be skiing and snowboarding. a search began when the college students' car was abandoned at a ski resort parking lot. but happy to say they're safe and sound and back several hours later than expected. frustration over budget cuts and tuition increases turned into massive protests on university campuses this week. should education be on the chopping block like other resources? or do we need to keep its funding steady even when money is tight.
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in cleveland, ohio, a jury convicted a doctor of murdering his wife with poison. 41-year-old dr. isa faces a maximum sentence of life in prison with parole possible after 20 years for lacing his wife's calcium capsule with cyanide. 38-year-old rosemary isa died back in 2005. the prosecutor said the doctor waed to escape a loveless marriage and live with his mistress. the defense says it's his mistress that wanted to marry the doctor. they say she had the motive to kill rose rose marie. he gave up an extradition fight and was returned to ohio last year. today we are united! we're united at 1,300 campuses today all throughout colorado, with a clear and coherent message. >> well, they were united in
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colorado, and at campuses all across the country yesterday in fact. anger over rising tuition and cuts in education spending boiled over. you can see here through our ireporters. this is colorado state university in fort collins, one of the places in at least states where students and parents rallied. they organized the march for day of action rallies to defend public education, like this one at a middle school in mill bray, california. they're proposing state and local governments move to settle budget crieses to send students from kindergarten to university age all over the country, class sizes get bigger as teachers are let go. this is an ireport from the university of massachusetts at amhurst. critics say a college education is increasingly out of reach for a lot of students as universities cut classes, lower
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instructors and raise fees. i want you to share your pictures or video of breaking news or stories from your part of the world with us at just click on the upload now link. the scope of these tuition hikes and cost cuts have us wondering today, should funding public education be a top priority here? or is it fair game for sweeping budget cuts when everyone else is tightening their belts? richelle carey is tracking your views on this issue today. hey, richelle. >> christi, we're hearing from people who are afraid when it's time for their kids to go to college, they will not be able to afford it. they're nervous about these cuts. we're also calling on people -- hearing from people, rather, who have suggestions of other places that maybe the administrators may cut. beth, are you uneasy with some of what you're seeing? >> caller: yeah. i think that what education is,
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is that it can be a convenient platform for democrats or republicans to help them get elected. >> oh, really? >> caller: the minute that there are budget problems, that's one of the first things cut. >> okay. what do you mean, like they campaign about how important education is? but then when it's time for them to act like they mean it, you're saying they don't? >> caller: i think it should be very important. i think that we protect medicare and we protect the veterans. we respect them for what they've done for our country. they have done things to keep this country going. they've worked hard. they've sacrificed for this country. our children coming up are the next ones that are going to have to do that. and we keep talking about how we want to compete. and we keep worrying, or saying we worry about the rest of the western world is so far ahead of us in math and science. but we never put our money where
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our mouths are. >> all right. i hear you, beth. thank you for the phone call. i appreciate it. we got a lot of comments to line up with what you're saying. let's share facebook comments right now. this is what charles is proposing. bring down the salaries paid to school presidents and board members, money spent supporting athletic programs, and you might find enough funding to lower tuition. then, of course, the argument would be, they say they have to pay those salaries to bring in the best talent. richard has an idea, which is already actually in effect in his home state. let's talk about this with richard. richard's home state is florida. hey, richard. >> caller: hey. how are you? >> great. hugh are you doing? >> caller: pretty good. >> what's working in florida? >> caller: in florida we have two plans, the florida prepaid college plan. it's closed until october. but will reopen. and you must have been a resident for 12 months or more. the parent or the student.
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and it's federal tax and state of florida tax-free. and the other plan, which you might even use in conjunction with that, is the florida college investment plan. it's also tax-free. you don't have to be a resident. there's no age, income or residency requirement, and can be used nationwide at almost any accredited college or university. >> and the way it works is? >> caller: you put in minimum of $25 a month, or any amount such as you wish, and then you can withdraw it at any time for tuition, fees and books and so forth. >> you lock it in at the current tuition rate regardless of what the rates bm later on? >> caller: exactly. you lock it in. >> sounds -- >> caller: and the -- both pla can be used at nationwide
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universities. the prepaid college plan will repay any other university in the u.s. at the florida rate. >> richard, thanks for calling and sharing with us what seems to be working for your state. i appreciate it. and do we have time for one more comment? all right. let's get in carl's comment. he says when the money just isn't there, everything must suffer. however, maybe someone should look at the public education system and see if we can educate better, not just more expensively. got in that one last comment. so we wanto hear from you about the value of an education. are the government's actions speaking louder than words here? tell us whatou think. do you think that cutting education costs maybe, you know, in tough times, is that fair game? call us at 1-877-tell-hln. you can also send us an e-ma to send us a text. and it's also posted on our facebook pages. >> richelle, i've got to tell
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you, your picture right there, much prettier than the one i'm about to show you. >> oh, dear. >> yeah, much prettier. >> what have you got? >> i'm going to play this little game with you. what is this? >> ah! >> yeah. could it be a legendary animal that supposedly feeds off the blood of goats? >> oh, dear. >> it's so beautiful. we're back in a moment.
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more aftershocks from the huge earthquake in chile continue to rattle nerves here. in fact, one this morning had a magnitude of 6.6. and one before that this morning measured at 6. in all, there have been more than 150 aftershocks since the initial quake hit on saturday. now, today u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon is meeting with chile's president and her successor to talk about recovery efforts. the president says it may take at least three years befo the hardest-hit areas can return to normal. you'll be able to touch and try the new ipad nt month. apple says the ipad will hit stores april 3rd. it will be wi-fi only at first, so you can use it at home or in coffee shops. but if you travel a lot and you
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need to be connected at all times, you'll have to wait for late april when the wi-fi and 3g version go on sale, starting price for the first version $499. the two more expensive models, if you want more memory obviously. in this economy, we could all use our own money coach, couldn't we. clark howard wants to to just that for you. take a listen to steve's story and see what advice clark hs for him. >> hi. i'm marian. >> hi, i'm steve. >> and we need a money coach. >> i'm 56 years old and i'm retired from my company after 32 years to help my wife with her business. >> i'm a dog groomer. i've had this business for ten years. i work in my home. >> i hve a choice between a lump sum annuity or single life annuity from my employer. my financial adviser told m it would be best if i chose the lump sum annuity, i feel because of my age a single life annuity
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would be a better option for me. clark, my question is, should i take the single life annuity or lump sum and combine it with my 401(k)? >> steve, wow. this is really technical. and you're talking about a key decision for the rest of your life. you say you talked to a financial adviser trying to figure out if you should just get a pile of cash. or a pile of cash and an annuity. or just an annuity. and this is not an easy question to answer. easy question to answer. here is how i want you to get to the right answer. i want you to find a fee-only financial planner who might also have to bill you some time for an actuary to figure out based on your exact situation which is going to be e best scenario to preserve money for you and your wife for both of your lifetimes. when you are left with the choice at time of retirement, what decision to make, don't make a snap decision. this is a case where it's
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essential that you pay for advice so that you can get to the right answer, the best for you. >> now, clark can be your money coach, too. he will teach you how to save more, spend less, and avoid getting ripped off. catch him at noon eastern on saturday and sunday. "ar tar requestivatar" is u academy awards. why are some moviegoers blue? >> i didn't find the story to be all that unique? >> i thought the animation was neat but i thought it was too farfetched. >> hitting the streets to get your views on the epic. ther
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this point that there are any domestic or international terrorism nexus to this at all. how many times do our daughters need to be raped before we put these monsters behind bars forever? each week you're getting bigger and bigger and bigger and more unsexy, unsexy, unsexy. >> how out of touch with reality do you have to be to ge that depressed over a movie? some great stories we're following on friday the 5th of march. hi, everybody.
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thanks for choosing hln "news and views." i'm chuck roberts. first an upgrade on the grenade scare in georgia. the bomb squad used a robot to retrieve it from the backyard of a man. we've heard from the griffin police department that that grenade was a real, live explosive, vintage vietnam war. they detonated it safely in another location. he found it when he was burying his pet dog. he's accused of killing a 13-year-old during a fit of road rage. richard calderon was released after posting bond. he shot the girl in the head as she was on her way home from a high school basketball game. her mom was driving her. police said they didn't do anything to bring on the shooting. the girl was taken to a hospital where she died. he was found at his home near the site of the shooting. six people are dead after a passenger bus rear-ended a pickup truck and rolled over on interstate 10 south of phoenix. 15 others were hurt.
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rescuers had to break out the windows of the bus to get some of the injured. the people who died were all thrown from the vehicle. the bus was traveling from mexico to l.a. the crash blocked both westbound lanes of i-10. a pair of families are very relieved right now because two seattle men reported missing last night at crystal mountain ski resort had just walked out of the woods today. they showed up at a campground 20 miles from where they were supposed to be skiing. the search began when the college students' car appeared abandoned. they're safe and sound just back several hours later than they were expected to be. we're getting new information about that california man, the 36-year-old who police say opened fire outside the pentagon. a law enforcement official says john patrick bedell's parents had warned authorities about their son's meant yacntal insta. here is youtube video posted by bedell. this is the dead man actually.
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he was killed in the shootout with police. this happened at the pentagon subway entrance. two officers suffered minor injuries bafer they returned fire. he never got inside the pentagon. authorities say he drove across the country over the last several weeks and apparently acted alone. >> it appears he's had some issues in the past. he has had a couple of contacts with the law. he's very well educated individual. right now we don't know if we have a motive yet. there is no indication at this point that there are any domestic or international terrorism nexus to this at all. it's probably at this time it appears to be a single individual that had issues. >> bedell never got inside the pentagon proper. for the first time we're getting a remarkable glimpse into jaycee dugard's life since she was reunited with her family. this is home video. due gua dugard is on the left. she's baking cookies.
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the family said the video was shot in december. jay si dugard was found last year 18 years after she was kidnapped. she has avoided the spotlight while living in an undisclosed location in northern california. her mom is pleading for privacy as the family heals from a long nightmare. >> hi, i'm terry probyn and on behalf of my daughters and my two awesome granddaughters, we'd like to thank you for all the love and support you've shown us these past few months. it is my desire to share our miracle with the world, but it must be done on our terms. what my family needs is privacy during our healing process. >> prosecutors say due guard was abducted by con vukted sex offender phillip garrido and his wife nancy. they're still awaiting trial. dugard had two children in captivity and authorities believe phillip garrido is their father. prosecutors say they were kept
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in squalor living in tents and sheds in the backyard in antioch, california. "avatar," the big budget, big block bust ser up for nine oscars this weekend and the all-time boxffice champ, $700 million just in the u.s. so why are a lot of people who have seen the epic getting the "avatar" blues? we're getting "your views" on that from the street. >> i'm joe carter and we want to talk to you. have you guys seen the movie "avatar?" >> i have. >> i saw a preview. >> top grossing, james cameron, 3d movie. >> visually a very beautiful movie. i didn't find the story to be all that unique. >> i thought the animation was neat but i thought it was too far feched. >> how did you feel when you left the movie? >> just that i wished i could live there. the landscape was fantastic. >> there's controversy surrounding the movie. they call it the avatar blue.
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it's this great escape. people loved it so much and when they leave the theater, they feel depressed, like gray world we're living in. >> okay, i can see that as a possibility because when you go to a movie you suspend your reality. >> how out of touch with reality do you have to be to be that depressed wi about a movie. earthquake in haiti, that's fine, but avatar, that's depressing. >> you have so much to live for. >> they must have had some problems before they went in. >> i guess maybe it is a little depressing with our economy right now. i could see that, but, you know, it's entertainment. they did their job. >> it's kind of asing in a sad way, i guess. >> it wouldn't do anything for me. it's a movie. >> yeah, i didn't feel like i needed to end it all or anything. >> i'm joe carter, and i'll see you "on the street." . don't forget, hln's "showbiz tonight" hosts a.j. hammer and brooke anderson are live from the red carpet on sunday. just before the big event at
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7:00 eastern, it's "showbiz tonight" "road to gold" on cnn. and then at 11:00 eastern live coverage continues auto right here on hln. don't miss it.
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the parents of california teen chelsea king are calling for tougher laws against sexual predators. that's after convicted child molester john gardner was charged with rape and murder in the death of their 17-year-old daughter. >> we are going to do everything in our power to work to change the way people like this are dealt with so that they can't be let free to roam around and hurt our children. >> initially police didn't look at gardner as a potential
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suspect. he was a registered sex offender 55 miles away. he's also charged with trying to rape a jogger in that same park in s diego county in december, and he's being investigated in the disappearance of another girl. richelle, what are you seeing and heing? >> most people are saying that if i have to spend more money as a taxpayer to get tougher on this type of krinl, they say they're willing to do it. one option that some have suggested is treating sex offenders as murderers but locking them up for longer periods of time would be more costly, and they say that they're willing to foot the bill. now, troy called in his comment about this topic. here is what he had to say. >> caller: my name is troy. i'm a registered sex offender, and basically what i'm trying to let people know is not every sex offender reoffends.
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there are -- out of 1,000 sex offenders, maybe 2 or 3 may reoffend. most get therapy while they're in prison. they get the tools they need to change their lives, and when they get out, they lead normal lives. they are happy, they're able to do the things they've always wanted to do but could not do before, and for people to believe that all sex offenders should be locked up for life regardless of the crimes is ridiculous. >> all right. you might want to respond to that, if you can. you can go to my facebook page. john took our news and views tour and commented on this topic as well. >> our system broke down in the
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simple fact that, you know, his therapist, his social worker said he was probably going to offend again. just with that recommendation right there, the person should have been kept maybe not necessarily always in jail, but some kind of treatment plan that needs to go for anybody who are type of sexual predators. people need that treatment. it's not really giving them a second chance, about you it is treatment. it's a mental disease that needs to be addressed. just looking somebody up for "x" number of years or even extended periods of time is not going to change their behavior. as soon as they get out, they are most likely going to do it again. >> all right. let me pull some facebook comments for you now. richelle carey hln is how you can get to the discussion. emily posted this, i'll take any tax hike to put sexual predators away forever. jessica wrote this, unfortunately, justice in the united states isn't always just. i personally would not be in favor of paying higher taxes to house those predators, but i do
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think the death penalty should be enforced more. alyssa wrote this, i personally do not want my taxes to house another felon for 20 grand a year. they live a better life in prison than i do out of prison. i think most people would not say prison is nice, about you she says i say more tent cities. they should not get three square meals a day plus air conditioning. make them suffer. all right, chuck, what's on your page? >> let aeet m read one from abb. i think sexual predators should get the death penalty. then maybe they would think twice about doing anying to anyone. justin writes, i think this is a sign for us to take a deeper look at how we handle the pishths for sexual predators. >> we need to be clear the person who is being held in chelsea king's case is only a suspect right now, but whatever the case, he is a suspect and he is a known registered sex offender. so that's why we thought this
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discussion was an important one to have. do you think sexual predators should be put away forever? should they be treated on the same level as a killer, a murderer? and if so, are you willing to pay more taxes if that's what it calls for to be tougher on this type of crime? call us at 1-877-tell-hln. e-mail dress is or send us a text if you want to get in on hlntv or if you heard something in the last segment you want to respond to, maybe the registered sex offender whose comment we played, jump on our facebook pages and tell us. >> thanks, rirnl. a woman is filing a discrimination claim against a new york gentleman's club. jennifer claims she was fired as her job as a bartender because she got pregnant. she said her boss cut her hours and treated her differently than the other girls at the exotic nightclub. she brought a tape recorder to work. here is what happened. >> guys don't think that a pregnant -- they're not coming
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in to see sexy bartders that are pregnant that are bulging out. i'm sorry. >> i bonused nine times since august. >> since august. >> august. how many other people have bonused nine times. that's once a week? >> jen, but each week you're getting bigger and bigger and bigger and more unsexy, unsexy, unsexy. okay. it's more obvious, obvious, obvious, that you're pregnant, protect, pregnant. >> the attorney for the bar owner responded by saying the allegations are without merit and she was not terminated from her employment. she's presently on maternity leave and has the right to return to work upon conclusion of her leave. six days after a massive earthquake rocked chile, aftershocks are still shaking the city of concepcion and for that matter all of chile. we'll have the latest just ahead.
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they keep coming. in fact, more than once a day. aftershocks from the huge earthquake in chile continue to rattle nerves, one this morning had a nag ni tud ofmagnitude of. there have been 150 or so aftershocks. today ban ki-moon's meeting with the chilean president and her successor to talk about recovery efforts. apple saythe new ipad should hit the stores april 3rd. it will be wi-fi only at first. you will have to wait for late april when the wi-fi 3g combo goes on sale. starting price for the first version is $499 with two more
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expensive models if you want more memory. general motors say it will reinstate 600 out of the 1100 dealerships. last year gm informed 2,000 dealerships it would be revoking their franchise agreements in october. it said the cuts were necessary to keep the remaining showrooms maelt healthy. many dealers were claimed they were treated unfairly. gm says the reinstated dealerships will get letters giving them the option to remain with the company. getting a new job is tough, especially these days. stephanie elam is answering tough questions in this edition of "top tips." >> today we're focusing on job related questions. kyle writes i recently filled out a job application. i wrote my work e-mail address as a way to contact. should i have written another e-mail address? here's the bottom line, yeah, totally. get a free personal e-mail
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address like hot mail or g mississippi magmail. you never know when someone from your current job will come across e-mails you wouldn't want them to see. don't take the risk and definitely don't send out your resume from your work e-mail. our next question comes from kristin. kristen is in georgia and she ks, i have an upcoming job interview, but the employer wants me to get a credit report before the interview date. they recommend using a specific website for this information. is this legit? i'm glad this th raised your red flags because this is totally a scam. the employer probably isn't real. we spoke to the better business bureau and this kind of thing has been happening for years. that website that you have been directed to isn't a place to get your credit record. it's a credit monitoring service that charges your credit card every month. the only place to get your credit report is
3:12 pm d if legit employer wants to check out your credit, they're going to pull it themselves. if you ever have any kind of doubt about an employer's legitimacy, check it out with the better business bureau at last question coming from jim who writes in, i need help lo kating green jobs. jim, your best bet is to look locally. if conservation is your passion, join local conservation groups, look for nonprofit volunteering groups at and check out or a chapter of green drinks international. check out, renewable and tree >> "top tips" brought to you by ameriprize financial. 
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thanks for choosing hln "news and views" and happy friday. a jury in cleveland today convicted a doctor of murdering his wife with poison. >> we, the jury, in this case being duly impanelled and sworn do find the defendant guilty. >> he could get a maximum sentence of life in prison. for lacing his wife's calcium capsule with cyanide. she died in 2005. the state said the doctor had wanted to escape his loveless
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marriage and live with his mistress. the defense said the mistress wanted to marry the doctor and claimed she's the one with the motive to kill. he fled to lebanon after his wife's death. he gave up his extradition rights and returned to ohio last year an update on that grenade found in the backyard of a home in griffin, georgia. it's about 40 miles south of atlanta. we heard from the griffin police that this grenade was live. it was from the vietnam era. it could have gone off. the ordnance disposal unit safely dislocate e ed it at ano location. luckily her injuries are not thought to be life threatening 37 fire crews waiting for the utility to shut off the gas main to put out the fire. it was out after about an hour.
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six people are dead after a bus rear-ended a pickup truck and rolled over on interstate 10 south of phoenix. 15 others were hurt. rescuers had to break out windows of the bus to get to some of the injured. the people who died were thrown from the vehicle. this bus was heading from centralexico to los angeles. the crash blocked both westbound lanes of i-10. it's kind of a rough day on the road for folks in wisconsin. not far from appleton, which is just south of green bay. this is highway 41. look at this wreck. 30 vehicles involved in a pileup on the highway this morning. foggy weather is blamed. 15 people have been treated or are being treated for injuries. nobody seriously hurt. a school bus was sent to the scene so motorist who is weren't hurt could stay warm as they cleaned up the wreckage. we're getting new information about the california man who police say opened fire outside the pentagon late yesterday. a law enforcement official says john patrick bedell's parents had warned authorities recently about their son's deteriorating mental condition. and that he might have a gun.
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the parents were worried and they filed the report when bedell went out of town this year without telling them. and here is youtube video posted by bedell, who was kill had had if the shootout with police. it happened at the pentagon subway entrance. two officers suffered minor injuries. bedell never got inside the pentagon itself. authorities say he drove across the country over the last several weeks and apparently acted alone. >> it appears he's had some issues in the past. he has had a couple of contacts with the law. he's very well-educated individual. right now we don't know if we have a motive yet. there is no indication at this point that there are any domestic or international terrorism nexus to this at all. it's probably -- at this time it appears to be a single individual that had issues. >> he was shot after he was asked to produce an i.d. at the subway stop at the pentagon station. he did not get inside the building itself. for the first time we're getting a remarkable glimpse
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into kidnap victim jaycee dugard's life. this is home video. dugard is now 29. that's her on the left baking cookies and laughing with her mom and sister. she was found last year 18 years after she was kidnapped waiting for a school bus in south lake tahoe shp she's avo tahoe. her mom is pleading for privacy as the family heals from its long nightmare. >> hi, i'm terry probyn and on behalf of myaughters and my two awesome granddaughters we'd like to thank you for all the love and support you have shown us these past few months. it is my desire to share our miracle with the world, but it must be done on our terms. what my family needs is privacy during our healing process. >> prosecutors say dugard was convicted by phillip garrido and his wife, nancy. they're awaiting trial on
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kidnapping and rape charges. dugard had two children in captivity and authorities think phillip garrido is their father. prosecutors say dugard and her daughters were kept in squall lor living in tents and sheds in the quack yard of the home in antioch, california. the parents of chelsea king are calling for tougher laws and tougher punishments for sexual predators. that's after convicted child molester john gardner was charged with rape and murder in the death of their 17-year-old daughter. they talked about it on last night's "larry king live" on our sister network cnn. >> how many times do our daughters need to be raped before we put these monsters behind bars forever? i just don't get it. change has to be made, and i know there are people out there that are trying to, you know, get this change in place, and brent and ircommitted for the rest of our lives to be a part
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of this. >> police didn't initially look at gardner as a suspect. he was a registered sex offender living 55 miles away they thought. he was obviously living much closer. he's also charged with trying to rape a jogger in that same park in december and he's being investigated in the disappearance of another san diego county girl last year. we may hear very soon when the white house will decide whether or not to use a military court to prosecute the self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11attacks. a senior administration official said no decision has been taken yet. attorney general eric holder had planned to t khalid shaikh mohammed in civilian court in manhattan, but that'sroving to be both complicated and very unpopular. the white house hopes to have a decision in the next two weeks. nine more u.s. airports are getting body scanning technology. they're supposed to catch hidden explosives. tsa says the units will be installed at ft. lauder zal, s n
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jose, kansas city. they will be joining three machines at logan international and a week later o a few days later at o'hare in chicago. 40 machines are already in place at 19 u.s. airports. passengers can opt out of a body scan but then they have to go through a metal detector and get a patdown. a man in phoenix fell. >> narrator: to some light rail tracks.
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right place, right time. a man in phoenix is lucky that two phoenix police assistants were on transit duty tuesday. surveillance video clearly shows
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why. he stumbled onto the light rail tracks. there's the light of the train approaching. that's when the two men rushed to help. >> we really didn't have the time to think about it. it was something we saw right in front of us. i feel like if we would have thought about it, then the whole situation would have been different. >> turns out the conductor saw them and pulled the emergency brake which brought the rescuers just a few extra seconds to lift the man to safety. wow. sort of like the '60s. california studes protesting loudly about tuition hikes and budget cuts yesterday. in fact, protests occurred were or planned in 33 states. to give you an idea of the huge scope of student and teacher outrage, the average for in-state fees at california's four-year public colleges this year was about or almost $6,000, up 10% from last year and the new fees taking effect in the fall will top $10,000, another
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60% increase. obviously, nobody wants to make cuts to public education, but in tough times should it be subject to the same kind of bet tightening we see everywhere or are we just not prioritizing education the way we should be? we've been asking for your thoughts onhat and noel writes in this. no, we don't prioritize public education, but, no, it should not be a fair target. it needs to become a priority, he writes, and take precedence. everything comes from education. education drives opportunity. elizabeth is on the line from michigan. she'd like to agree with that, i take it. hey, elizabeth. >> caller: hello. >> go ahead. >> caller: hi. i'm appealing on behalf of michigan for the students and also the families in michigan. the parents in michigan, have of them are out of work, and we need our students to graduate from college to help support our families so that michigan families aren't put out of their homes. the children cannot afford these loans. they're graduating with a huge
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burden of debt that the parents and students can't pay back and we consider a four-year degree a minimum to go find work in michigan, especially if we're going to improve the technology and improve the job prospects in michigan. so we're asking please put the money back. i'm asking president obama, the government, federal and state, to please allow students to get full grants for four years of college. after that if they want to continue, they can fund their own education but they need at least a four-year degree to find work here in michigan. >> i can't ask you a question because you have said it all and very well. elizabeth, thank you so much. appreciate your opinions. we also headed out today, out right outside these doors here to get "your views" on how sacred education is when it comes to cost cutting. let's roll that. >> well, the educational budget cuts i feel are a little excessive because education in some ways should be sacred, like
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you said, because that's our future, and if we don't educate our children, then we're doomed to repeat the failures of the past. so i think that there's a fine line we need to follow when we do budget cuts so we're not leaving these kids out in the cold without a proper education. >> apparently the protest had some effect. here is what dustin writes. let the most qualified people get the education and jobs in our country, not the ones with the most money. maybe then they will make better choices to avoid some of the issues our country is facing today. so we want to thank everybody for weighing in on this. for the value of an education, are the government actions speaking louder than words here? we'd love your views on whether public education is really a high national priority or is it fair game in tough times? we're not exactly flush right now in terms of our budgets. how about these deep budget cuts? what are your thoughts?
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e-mail at and weigh in on facebook, roberts hln and richelle carey has a facebook page, too. time now for the help desk where we get answers to your financial questions. joining me this hour doug flynn a certified pnl planner and found of flynn dito capital management and donna rosato. the first question is, i am overloaded with debt, credit cards and other loans. i have paid my minimum balance on my credit cards for more than three years. how can i get debt free and what type of program can you recommend? >> the best thing to do when you're thinking about how to get out of credit card debt is, first of all, stop using your credit cards. it's hard. if you really feel tempted just don't take them with you when you're going out. sop people put them in a block of ice. then you want to pay them down.
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there's two philosophies on how to do it. we usually recommend start with the highest interest rate credit card first. those are the cards you're going to be paying the most interest rate over the long term. if you can start paying that down, you will pay less interest over the long term. but if you have a number of cards and a couple with small balances, you can get a real psychological boost by wiping out a couple smaller credit card balances. i also feel like it's a lot of a behavioral issue. stop using the cards. start paying them down. if you can knock out a bunch of them, it will be easier to tackle that debt. >> that'srue. our next question is from lawrence. he writes, i'm 55 years old and in good health. do you have a formula for knowing when to take a lump sum payment versus a monthly pension check? that's a dicey one, doug. >> there's no magic formula. when someone is 55 the first thing that comes to mind is that's probably a reduced pension number. you usually get a reduction for not waiting until 60 or 62, but whatever the number is, one of the places you can go to compare
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how that -- what you're going to get from your provider versus what'sut there is to go to you can punch in how much your lump sum would be and what you can get elsewhere. the problem is he really needs to get the information on if he waited to 60 or 62 or whatever his social security time is because retiring at 55 in these days is a very aggressive goal and you might be getting a low payment for the rest of your life. and really if you have all of that information, what i would recommend is you probably take all that info along with your longevity history and your family and go to a qualified financial planner who specializes in this. they can crunch all the numbers for you and come up with what's the best solution for new your unique situation. it's a little more complicated than a magic formula. >> and it might give him the incentive to have him let that money sit there until he gets to the right age. >> yes, he could defer it and roll it over.
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send us an e-mail and we might have the answer to your question right here next week. also pick up the latest issue of "money" magazine. he delivers the morning paper chock-full of headlines. now this paper boy is making headlines all his own and being called a hero.
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quick check of the big board. right now the dow is up more than 100 points. the unemployment rate is not budging. labor department says it held steady last month at 9.7%. economists were bracing for a bigger job hemorrhage. dow like it is. he delivers the paper but now he's making headlines all himself. >> she was saying help and i didn't hear it at first and then i heard it and i didn't really understand what whoever was -- >> reporter: though j.t. says he couldn't hear the voice clearly, that didn't stop him there checking it out. the 13-year-old was delivering newspapers in his neighborhood when he discovered an elderly woman on the ground in front of her home. >> she was sitting something
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like this, like trying to conserve body heat because it was cold on friday. >> reporter: he says he put down the newspapers and delivered a helping hand. >> he asked me back if i could try to help her up, but i couldn't and i was kind of worried so i called 911. >> what's the problem? >> i need help picking up a female who fell. and can't get up. >> reporter: help soon arrived and 93-year-old madeleine murphy was back -me, help me. will somebody please help me." and i was so happy when this young boy came over. you know, to help. i probably wouldn't be here to talk about it. that's why i'm so happy. >> i'm feeling relieved and like a hero. >> good for him. michelle releford, our thanks, whdh in boston. madeline usually wears a bracelet to alert authorities when she's in trouble, but she
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didn't have it on this time. the inaugural gone that ms. obama wore to the inauguration is goi ining to the smithsonian.
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