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tv   Nancy Grace  HLN  March 12, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EST

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breaking news tonight. a gorgeous mother of four treats herself to a lavish day at an expensive salon. gets the works. e color, the blow-out, the eyebrows. that's right. the lo island beauty who lives in an upscale mansion was so concerned about her looks, she even planned out the expression she uld fake when cops tell her her husband of 21 years is dead. but after all those beauty treatments, cops show up all right, to bust her on murder for hire. that's right.
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a hit on her own husband. and now, the mother of four, susan williams, can worrybout hair and makeup in her next appearance, in court. a 43-year-old long island mother of fouras been arrested for allegedly trying hire a hit man to kill her husband. >> with striking long,ark black hair, 43-year-old susan williams keeps her head bowed low as she leaves the nassau county policeheadquarters. >> this garden city mother of four has been charged with trying to hire a hit man to kill her soon-to-be ex-husband, peter williams. >> the alleged hit man was an undercover cop. authority assist the whole thing was recoed on videotape. >> joe labella, a normaler nypd detective, was hired by williams in 2008 to dig up information during her messy divorce. he says she called him out of the blue last month and asked if he knew of anyone who could hurt her husband. >> she was just asking me whether or not something like this coulde done.
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and you know, she was willing to find somebody to, you know, cause some, you know, harm to her husband. >> labella went to the district attorney. >> started out with her wanting him to be ht, seriously hurt, then that turned into, i want him gone. >> this led to two meetings with an undercover nassau county detective, who williams believed was a hit man. this picture is from a 20-minute video when williams paid $500 down on the $20,000 hit. >> prosecutors say williams even discussed attending her husband's funeral and how she would react when police came to tell her the bad news. >> and tonight, a california photographer and "dating game" contestant wins the heart of a beautiful bachelorette on national tv, but for years, in a double life, he secretly stalks l.a. suburbs using the cover of photographer to lure girls and young women to their deaths. tonight, over 2,000 disturbing
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photos just uncovered in a rental unit could be the key to an even moreruesome discovery. more murder victims. >> please welcome rodney. rod, welcome. >> rodney appears as bachelor number one on "the dating game." seen here on youtube. >> he was in me show fashion, charming, funny and suggestive. >> the bt time is at night. night time. >> this is rodney now. convicted of murdering four women and 12-year-old girl in separate incidents around los angeles. >> we the jury in the above-entitled action, determine that the penalty to be imposed on rodney james akala, to be death. >> now, law enforcement
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releasing over 100 photos of women and children they found in a storage locker he rented. prosecutors say that he used his camera to gain the trust of young victims. >> rodney alkala is the rson why we have the death penalty. >> investigators have raised many questions about possie connections between alkala and other murders. >> authorities hoping to determine if any of these people in the newly released photos were victims of the mass murderer. >> we're going to have a great time together, cheryl. >> okay. >> that is video from youtube of the killer, rodney alkala on "the dating game." good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. breaking news tonight. a gorgeous mother of four treats herself to a lavish day in an expensive salon. she gets the works. the color, the cut, the blowout, the eyebrows, just before she's busted on a low-budget hit. that's right. she wants her husband of 21
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years rubbed out. >> at one point when the person says to her, do you want him dead? she says, i can't say that word, but she nods her head up and down. >> she just finished spending $145 getting her hair done in a long island salon when she's suddenly arrested for allegedly trying to arrange her husband's murder. >> her hair was looking really good. she looked really fresh. >> authorities say she asked an acquaintance to connect her with a hit man. >> i told her that i could find somebody that would take care of it. >> but the acquaintance instead -- >> i took my information to the nassau county d.a.'s office. >> who arrangethe sting. >> investigators say williams agreed on a $20,000 price tag, handed over a photo of her husband and gave the alleged hit man a $500 deposit. that's when cops slapped the cuffs on the well-dressed mom. williams' attorney says the couple was going you the a messy divorce. >> i understand we have tapes on this.
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what i'm more concerned about is what happened before those tapes? >> prosecutors have their way, williamson'te getting such high-end beauty services for a while. >> straight out to terry sheridan, a reporter with 1010 wins. what happened? >> well, what happened, she looked fabulous in her mug shot. >> stop, stop. that is your lead? i ask you what happens and you say, terry sheridan, she looked fabulous in her mug shot? >> no, what she tried to do, nancy, first, as we just heard, she tried to hire someone to get rid of her husband. as she said, she wanted her husband gone. she contacted that acquaintance. he went straight to d.a. kathleen rice. they s up a meeting with an undercover police officer. that first meeting, with someone that she thought was a hit man, they negotiated a price, $20,000. again, she just said she wanted her husband gone. they set up a second meeting.
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that one was last week on the 3rd. she was given several opportunities, according to the d.a., to back out. she puts down a $500 deposit. >> wait a minute. terry, terry, i missed that. she was given several what? opportunities? >> several opportunities to back out. >> to back out. >> sort of like, are you sure you want to do this? >> the cops kind of threw her a bone, the d.a., by giving her a chance saying this is a crazy idea. i don't want to do it. i still love him. just anything. >> or we're going to go ahead with it, are you sure? but she wanted to go straight ahead with it and that's what she did. >> terry sheridan, i stand corrected. she looks great in her mug shot and she should because she paid a lot of money for this. out to the lines. becky in pennsylvania. hi, becky. >> caller: hi, nancy. i called you a couple of months ago before christmas asking my mom for your book, and she got it for me and it was awesome. so i just wanted to tell you
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that. >> thank you. >> caller: i have a question for you, though. i was wondering if she has any kind of motive behind this? like was there anything as far as domestic things going on like abuse or anything? >> that's a great question, becky. now, it's my understanding that she claims the husband was abusive and forced her into deviant sex practices. that a lot of these claims, which they could investigate, anyway, were investigated and were deemed to be false. what can you tell me, rupa mi mikalanini? >> that's right, nancy. she alleges her former defense lawyer, who stepped down, she has a new defense lawyer here in mineola. i'm here at the courthouse. they appeared two days ago in court with her new attorney and this new attorney has remained very silent about these allegations. but the old attorney alleg sex abuse as well as possibly child abuse, but these are
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unsubstantiated at this time. >> so when did she make these claims, rupa? were they made after she was busted for planning a hit? >> no, they were made during the divorce filings. >> during the divorce. >> the last 1 1/2 years. >> so she sat on alleged child abuse claims until it came time to draw the line down th mansion and divvy up the assets. then suddenly, he had abused the children? am i getting the picture correctly, rupa? >> absolutely, nancy. not only this, those allegations were investigated by child protective services, and the children were interviewed. and they said there was no abuse going on. >> rupa, while i've got you there in front of the courthouse, she had four children. what are their ages, do you know? >> the two children, the two minor children that are still living at home are 11 and 16. the two older children, i believe, are in college. we do not know their ages. >> so all four of them are of an
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age where they could speak to investigators. rupa, explain to me how the hit was going to go down and who was she talking to, rupa, when she was trying to plan the expression she'd wear on her face when cops showed up to tell her she was a widow. her husband's dead. instead they busted her. but who was she talking to as she was planning out just how she'd look when the cops came? >> she was talking to a nassau county police officer who was undercover, posing as a hit man. she believed she was talking to a hit man, nancy. >> to dr. bethany marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "dealbreakers," very often when we get a case where the woman kills her husband or kills the children, everybod immediately says, well, why? what's the motive? was the husbanabusive? in the case of dead children, they say, oh, she must have had a mental defect. how about plain old hate or revenge or evil? >> i think you're absolutely right.
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hatred and malice and often these women have severe personality disorders. they idealize the man when they first meet him, but then love turns to hate. which then turns to revenge. >> christie in utah. >> caller: i just want to say, you're sh an inspiration as a mother and a woman, for that matter. >> you know what? i'm going to save that. your call. i'm going to burn a dvd of tonight's show. and when those children turn 16 and they hate mommy and they're dyeing their hair black and they're trying to get tattoos, i'm good to play that. you look up christy in utah. what's your question, love? >> caller: my question is, well, first off, i can't believe she was worried about doing a glamour shot for her mug shot, but i'm wondering if there was any allegations of infidelity. i know that is usually one of the reasons that women get -- >> good question.
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okay, matt zarrell, do you have an answer for christy in utah? >> i think tell you the acquaintance that hooked susan williams up with the hit man is a retired detective. he investigated thhusband as part of the divorce. he could not find anything to dig up dirt on the husband. he couldn't find anything. >> out to you, renee rockwell, don't you just love it when your client gets a glamour shot look to be busted by police? she wanted to look just right when they came to tell her she now a grieving widow. didn't turn out that way, renee. >> no, but i have to say that she beats all of the expectations. probably the most beautiful mug shot i've ever seen, nancy. >> peter, i don't think that's going to work at trial. >> well, you never know, nancy. >> investigators say williams agreed on a $20,000 price tag, handed over a photo of her husband and gave the alleged hit man a $500 deposit. that's when cops slapped the cuffs on the well-dressed mom.
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her hair was looking good and so was her color and her eyebrows and everything. she looked really fresh. >> how come susan williams looked so good in her mug shot? >> we're here at the new best salon and spa where susan williams -- >> spent hundreds of dollars on a coloring, haircut, blowout just hours before -- >> she would be arrested at her garden city home for soliciting a hit man to knock off her soon to be ex-husband. >> turns out he was a cop. several videotapes were made of williams discussing her husband's accident with a hit man. >> now, she apparently, on tape, told this officer she wanted not only that her husband to be killed, but she speculates about how cheap it is to have somebody killed.
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$20,000 she thought was a cheap price. >> she allegedly paid the hit man a $500 deposit to take out her husband. >> she also talks to herself out loud in front of the officer about what she would do at the husband's funeral. what expression she would have on her face. >> there will be twists and turns in this. >> and how to cover up evidence. >> this won't play out the way the district attorney believes it will play out. >> and she hands over a photo of her husband, his home address and his license plate number and says, do it. >> this is a woman who had it all. how many people wish -- they hope their whole lives that they have a child, much less four children, a mansion in a ritzy area in the long island suburbs, beautiful, healthy, can throw money at these expensive salons for a day of lavish pampering, but then she's not happy. she wants to get rid of her
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husband. eleanor, you know what? sometimes, i wish i was stila prosecutor. >> i know becau wouldn't this be great to flash that picture in court and say, look what she was doing when all along she was plotting, plotting, plotting to have her husband killed? she's a murderer wannabe. >> back to terry sheridan, ace reporter at 1010 wins. we all know terry sheridan. i want to go back to the way this went down. she apparently plugged into an acquaintance that she trusted to get a killer. to find a killer. now, i can't think of one person i know that i would approach and say, i want to commit a murder. can you help me? who's the acquaintance? who does she think is going to go find a killer forer? >> well, who knows? it was someone who was working before on the divorce case. but whatever rson -- >> like a p.i. >> yeah. she thought she could trust him.
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but he did what was right and went straight to the d.a. >> terry, isn't it true that he's a former nypd? >> yes, that is what i've heard, yes. >> unleash the lawyers. we are taking your calls live. elleanor odm, felony prosecutor out of the atlanta jurisdiction, renee rockwell, veteran defense attorney in multiple jurisdictions and peter odom, defense attorney out of atlanta. you know, back to you, renee rockwell, what is she looking at? and why, why would you approach a former nypd to find you a murderer? >> nancy, this guy was working as a p.i. on the divorce case. >> nothing wrong with that. >> let me tell you something. let me tell you what's going happen here. >> okay. you tell me something. >> okay. they are talking initially about she wants to pay $15,000 to have him roughed up. >> that would have been a waste of money. >> okay. it's going to be very interesting what the next play was.
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if the p.i. or in the undercover cop says well, for an extra $5,000, you can get him murdered, then i see an entrapment defense. >> oh. you know? you know what? you're making my teeth hurt. because, eleanor odom, no way is this going to be entrapment because she's the one that got the ball rolling. >> she's the one approaching the person saying i got to find somebody to get a hit on my husband. i've got to do it. no way did she even try the back out of it. >> and they gave her plenty of chances. peter odom, just to stop it off, matt zarrell just comes in my ear and tells me williams' dad is a retired detective with nypd. >> if she approached the police about roughing him up and the police suggested, hey, you can get a discount on murder, that sounds like a cri created by the police. and nancy, that's entrapment. >> is that the way it went down, matt zarrell? was she entrapped? >> no, she was the one initiating she wanted to hurt
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him, then wanting to kill him. >> williams is the garden city mom of four who was arrested thursday for allegedly trying to hire a hit man to kill her husband. turns out that hit man was an undercover cop.
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susan williams, 43 years old and mother of four, had o meetings with a hit man. one of those meetings happened right here. but unfortunately for her, the hit man wasn't really a hit man. he was an undercover nassau county police officer posing as a lit man. and that last meeting happened right here in eisenhower park, just 20 minutes away from susan williams' home, in this parking lot, where the undercover cop met her in his vehicle and had her uersurveillance. and she speaks in his car on tape. about how she wants her husband killed. >> we are taking your calls live. out to cheryl mccollum, crime analyst. thank you for being with us. you know, why is it, it's always
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second verse same as the first. did you notice both the defense attorneys tonight, renee rockwell, and peter odom, they sound like another broken record, entropment. entrapment. it's clear the cops didn't come up to her and go, can we kill your husband? >> that's right. >> she sought them out. >> she initiated it with the private investigator. sh initiated the first meeting, then the second meeting with the undercover guy that she thought was the hit man. she brought cash money, she brought the photograph of the ex-husband. even after all was said and done and the deal is made, instead of going, mother of god, what have i done? what am i doing to my children and calling the victim, even warning him, calling the police and warning them, she goes and gets her hair done so she'll look fabulous for the funeral. >> okay. dr. bethany, you know, muer is one thing,
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but sitting there, cold-blooded, getting your hair blown out, waiting for the horrible news that you're now a widow, what is that? they didn't teach my anything about that in law school. >> well, people who commit homicide have enormous relief after the other person is dead. i mean, they feel like they have reclaimed their life. somehow in some sick and twisted way, she felt that if he was dead, her life would be better.
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on the outside, a beautiful, upscale, garden city home, but inside police say susan williams, a mother of four, was hatching an ugly plan to have a hit man take out her husband peter. >> started out with her wanting him to be hurt. seriously hurt. and then that turned into, i want him gone. >> nassau district attorney kathleen rice says the hit man was actually an undercover cop and investigators recorded the whole plan on tape. >> at one point when the person says to her, do you want him
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dead, she says, i can't say that word, but nods her head up and down. >> investigators say williams agreed on a $20,000 price tag, handed over a photo of her husband and gave the alleged hit man a $500 deposit. that's when cops slapped the cuffs on the well-dressed mom. as she was led into court dressed in an elegant camel hair coat, susanilliams looked much different than she did last week in her mug shot. williams is the garden city mom of four who was arrested for allegedly trying to hire a hit man to kill her husband. turned out he was an undercover cop. her family attorney lost their bid to get the million dollar bond reduced. >> four children hanging in the balance. two in college, two still living in the home. mommy planning to rub out daddy after 21 year of major. as she waits for cops to tell her she's now a widow, she gts a blowout, a cut and the works
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at a high-end salon. out to the lines. amber in alabama. hi, amber. >> caller: hi. i have a question -- well, a two-part question. one, how many years is she going to be facing if she's convicted? and i can't remember my second question. so i guess just that one. >> okay. to matt zarrell. it's my understanding she's looking at 25 years on conspiracy to commit murder. >> she does face up to 25 years in jail, nancy. >> let's go into the mind of a killer. take a listen to this. peter, i don't think that's going to work at trial. >> well, you never know, nancy. >> peter odom, i had them especially do a playback on that. she put so much thought -- can we see peter odom? there he is.
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so much thought and energy into getting her eyebrows waxed, her hair dyed, cut, blown out, makeup perfect, even down to planning the expression she would have on her face when cops told her, your husband's dead. so she could fall out, go into hysterics and cry and wail, bend over in abdominal pain. didn't work that way, peter. my question to you is she pland out her appearance down to minute details. and you say, eh, that would mean a lot to me at trial if i were sitting on that jury. >> the jury's never going to find out the pampering she did. that has nothing to do with the case. the prosecutors will offer it because they want to prejudice the jury with things that are absolutely irrelevant. but that has nothing to do with the ce. >> put odom up. put odom up. have you every hrd the saying that winning a trial is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration?
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i advise you, peter odom, to do your homework because while she was that salon, she yak, yak, yak. all she talked about was her dilemmas of online dating. how bad the dating pool was. that's going to come into evidence. she was still married. >> very doubtfully. no way. >> given my tutorial about sta of mind, course of conduct, plan, scheme, motive. >> exactly and typical defense argument is what you're hearing here. look, it is completely relevant. her actions surrounding what she thought was going to be the hit, the murder of her husband. >> terry eridan, i keep seeing -- terry's with us from 1010 wins. i keep seeing a black and white photo of her in a vehicle. we don't have the sound yet. but is that taken by the undercover surveillance cop? >> that is undercover, yes. that's the undercover video. >> that's the would-be hi man. matt zarrell, clarify something for me. is it her father that's a retired nypd?
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>> yes. her father is retired and nypd with a major case squad, nancy. >> oh, oh, that hurt very deeply. out to the lines. dorothy in illinois. >> caller: yes, hi, nancy. i love you. i'm calling you because i really believe this woman perhaps was having an affairn her husband and she simply wanted him out. she was very selfish for her children, to want this done. and she could have simply went to the police. that's what i don't understand. why would she do that? why? children to want this. >> you know, dorothy, i suspect an affair, too. what do we know, if anything -- rupa mikalanini, you're there on the scene. >> right, we've heard early on that she did admit to having an affair, nancy. >> well, there you go, dorothy. you were right. rupa, how did you manage that leave that little tidbit out when you were reciting the facts? >> nancy, this was early on when she first filed for divorce. >> go ahead. what's the allegation?
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>> when she first filed for divorce, she admitted to her husband, not in court documents, her husband told his lawyer this, that she did admit to having an affair. he apparentl has not. then he left the house a year and a half ago. she dropped her filings for a divorce, then he went ahead and reinitiated the filings for divorce. >> to dr. howard oliver, former deputy medical examiner, forensic pathologist joining us out of l.a., dr. oler, great to have you with us. dr. oliver, had the hit gone through and say, for instance, the husband's shot in the back a couple of times. how long would he lay there and suffer as the blood pumped out of his body until he finally died? >> it would have been only a matter of minutes. if they hit an artery, it would have been a lot faster. a large vein would have taken several minutes. it just depends where the bullet
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hit. >> so ms. williams, the long island beauty, was willing to let her husband lay there as the blood pumped out of h body. she first planned to rough him up for 15,000, then found out, hey, for 20,000, i can have him murdered. well, she's getting her hair and makeup ready all right, so show up in court. we are taking your calls live, but as we go to break, we need your help. the georgia legislature in its wisdom wantso save money. and their idea is to cut one of the greatest programs that ever existed for children and teens. 4-h. please, don't cut such an important program for our youth. you want to save kids. you talk about it all the time, but you want to cut 4-h? that's crazy. please, if you areistening tonight and you care about your children and youth, contact the office board of regents at
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404-656-2202 or go online. e-mail 
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robin samsa was kidnapped from huntington beach and nine days later her nude body was found. rodney alcala was tried, found guilty and sentenced to the gas chamber, except a higher court ruled he didn't get a fair tal and overturned the conviction. he was tried a second time with the same results. guilty and condemned to death. and again, it was ruled by a higher court that he did not get a fair trial. >> this maniac just keeps
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living. a little unfair. >> now a new twist. he's been indicted through dna evidence of four other murders all in los angeles. >> serial killer rodney alcala is facing the death penalty. a jury recommending alcala receive the ultimate sentence for e kidnap and murder of a 12-year-old girl and raping and murdering four other women. now, law enforcement releasing over 100 photos. women and children they found in a storage locker that alcala rented. hoping to determine if any of these people were victims of the mass murderer. >> straight out to investigative journalist joining us out of l.a., roland da watts. it's great to see you. >> great to see, you too. >> what can you tell me about this guy? >> what i can tell you is that police in huntington beach here and at the orange county district attorney's office,
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everybody is asking for the public's help right now, tremendously depending on the public. because they have uncovered these 125 photographs, dozens of women and children photographed in strange positions, half aware, police say that they're being photographed. some of them half dressed. some of them in sexual acts with rodney. many of them prepubescent boys and girls. many of them women. and police are trying to identify some of these women and children to make sure that there aren't more victims out there. right now they are suspecting that alcala could be involved in possibly three cases in new york state, five in new hampshire and then another case in seattle. all of this evidence coming out of this seattle storage unit. and police are hoping to crack this case. they're depending on shows like this, depending on the public to call in and identify these folks, to crack some cold cases and put some families at ease. >> joining me also tonight, special guest tony rokokis,
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orange county district attorney. he procuted rodney alcala. tony, it's an honor to have you on with us. what do you make of this discovery? and how did you find out about the storage unit with all of these photos of -- i've gone through every one of them. most of them are young girls with dark hair. >> this stuff was seize d a lon time ago, about 30 years ago when the search warrant was done of h seattle storage unit. and so what we're hoping is, you know, please, we want people to understand that these are 30-year-old photos, but they might recognize somebody. they might know somebody's missing. the police have been working to try to identify these people for a long time. but there's no chance now except the possibility that somebody in the public would recognize a loved one.
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>> what took 30 years to publicize these photos? these could bemurder victims. >> right. they've been working on this during that time, as you were just told some other victims have, of course, been identified. the police have just decided the only way to possibly find out if there might be any other murder victs here is just to publicize these photos. >> right. with me rit now is jed mills, a co-contestant with rodney alcala on "the dating game." let's take a look at alcala on "the dating game." take a listen. >> bachelor number one, i am serving you for dinner. >> oh. >> what are you called, and what do you look like? >> i'm called the banana. and i look really good. >> can you be a little more
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script i descriptive? >> peel me. >> bachelor number one -- >> yes. >> what's your best time? >> the best time is at night. nighttime. >> why do you say that? >> because that's the only time there is. >> the only time? what's wrong with morning, afternoon? >> well, they're okay. but nighttime's when it really gets good. then you're really ready. >> that's videorom youtube. that's alcala on "the dating game." with me, jed mills. unbeknownst to anyone that met there, jed mills co-contestant with him on "the dating game," he had a secret double life. and in that double life he was stalking women and children and murdering them under the guise, the ruse of being a photographer. jed mills, joining us from l.a., jed, what was your impression of him when you were on "the dating
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game" together? >> back then i thought he was a rather creepy, obnoxious, overbearing -- trying to be intimidating kind of a guy who i didn't like right away. that's what i recall. then listening to his answers that he gave in those days really a slimy sleazebag. that's my impression of him. >> you know what? i got to agree with you. if i had been that woman asking questions, he would have gotten a rear end full of boot from his answers. what about him gave you the creeps? >> his attitude. he was very dark and very aloof. he would butt into a conversation i was having with the other contestant immediately -- or not immediately, but occasionally, rather. and he just gave the impression of being -- wanting to be in control and wanting to be heard and wanting to be top banana.
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he even used the word banana later on in the show. >> i was going t ask you something, ted -- excuse me, jed, jed mills joining us, a co-contestant with alcala on the dating game. no matter what question she asked him, he turned it into something sexual. no matter what. i mean, did they tell you guys to do that? was everything supposed to be a double entendre? >> well, yes. they say they want it to be edgy. they want it to be kind of sexy, but not to go overboard with it. but they encourage you to be, you know, a little -- bot bawdy but certainly -- >> he was suggestive to the point of being creepy, i agr with you, jed mills. out to a special guest joining us, andy kahn, director of the crime assistant division there in houston. he monitors memorabilia sites. these photos of young girls and there are over 200 of them all
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found in his storage locker, do you think they'll end up on a website, a memorabilia site? >> oh, probably will. but you know, serial killers often keep souvenirs and trophies of their victims. it's a way for them to keep fulfilling their fantasies, like btk, kept photos, driver's license, jewelries, jeffrey dahmer and a few others kept mementos of their killers. alcala probably used the lure of being a photographer to kind of ingrain his victims entrust them before he lured them in a trap. you remember ted bundy, howe used to use a sling, then he would drop books and ask young women for assistant before he got them in a car and did you know what to them? >> you're right, andy kahan. and right now i've already got a cope of a handwritten letter that's for sale right now online signed by alcala. >> merchandising and marketing of alcala.
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>> these were horde endous crimes. and during the guilt phase, time was on mr. alcala's side. witnesses had passed away, were unavailable. memories had faded. pieces of evidence had been lost.
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i'm a.j. hammer. this is a "showbiz tonight" newsbreak. here's what's coming up at the top of the hour. the incredible brand new mystery behind corey haim shocking
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death. was it drugs? his best friend's passionate new plea. a major stars attack today on "precious" star gabourey sidibe. will her weight hurt her career? the great debateonight. at the top of thehou that's right here on hln. she was very kind. i don't think there was a mean bone in her body. what's hard for is to know that that was the last face that she saw in her life. the hatred i have for him, actually, that he could be so evil. >> he had a double life, secretly he stalked women and children throughout the l.a. area. and now, police have released hundreds of photos. he befriended people by pretending to be a photographer. they ended up dead. ellie jostad, what more can you tell me? >> one thing to keep in mind
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while we're watching this clip of him on "the dating game," at that point he had raped and beat almost to death an 18-year-old girl. he had also murdered two other women. and en he goes on "the dating game," nancy. >> please tell me he wasn't chosen. >> he actually did win, but the woman who was the bachelorette, she refused to go out with him, reportedly. she thought there was something creepy about him. >> ay. rolonda watts, it's overwhelming. i've got 200 photos here, beautiful little girls, young women, a couple little boys, some obviously knew they we being photographed, some didn't. these couldbe murder victims. how are we supposed to help? >> we're supposed to pay attention. if there's anything that we know -- >> show the photos, liz. >> i think one of the this that has happened in so much time, i mean, fo 30 years a lot of these cases have been swept under the rug. but so much has changed in those
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30 years. it was the dna evidence that actually helped crack five of these cases of the serial killer. and maybe it is this dissemination of information that we have 30 years later that's going to help crack even more cases. we have facebook, we have twitter. we have a society that's also a lot more aware of people who are preying on our children. >> right. >> so maybe if you see something funny, you heard something funny, you've got to do something. this story is also chock-full of great examples of good samaritans coming forward. it was a good samaritan that saved that 8-year-old girl from the very beginning. but i tell you, maybe this n world will help us find folks because we have more information. >> do sheryl mccollum, what do you make of it, a cold case analyst? >> technology has caught up with this case, nancy. it used to be thate only had blood typing. now that we have dna, there will be a lot of case linkage to this. i agree with ms. watts, the
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media will help solve these cases. >> we'll post these on our website to further- let's stop and remember air force colonel glade felix. on a second tour. also served afghanistan. this 31 years of service. awarded the air force commendation, air force meritorious service medal, first oak leaf cluster. helped soldiers wounded in combat. loved golf, coaching baseball, soccer, teaching sunday school, leading boy scouts. leaves behind widow kathy and elementary school principal, and six children. glade felix, american hero. thanks to our guests, but especially you for being with us. see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp eastern. until then, good night, friend.
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