tv Prime News HLN April 9, 2010 5:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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big news, breaking today on "showbiz tonight." brand new tiger woods ad outrage. the unbelievable new details revealed today about the nike ad featuring the voice of tiger's deceased dad. what is earl woods really talking about? is it wrong to use his voice in the first place? but, wait, there's more. who is sending tiger shocking sky messages at the masters? kate's unbelievable juggling act. she speaks out today about balancing her eight kids, "dancing with the stars" her just announced new show and the nasty new custody battle with
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jon. >> i will not quit. i don't quit anything. >> "showbiz tonight" asks the controversial question, is kate taking on too much? and sandy's got the kids? explosive reports today jesse james' children are living with sandra bullock. does this mean sandra and jesse may stay together? hello i'm a.j. hammer in new york city with big news breaking today new tiger ad outrage. well, today, as tiger teed off for the second day at the masters tournament, the firestorm over his very first nike ad a since his whole sex capade exploded. it has a lot of people
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scratching their heads wondering why they would put such an eerie spotlight on the scandal. today, we hear the real story about the clips of his dad and what earl woods was really talking about. get this, he wasn't even talking about tiger. viewers watched him begin day two of his return to golf at the masters today, and it's like he never left. >> tiger had a great first day at the masters. it was actually his best opening day at masters ever. people love a comeback. and we've been waiting for this. >> today, a major question hangs overhead, with his successful first day back in competition, has tiger managed to change the subject back to his golfing and away from his sex scandal? "showbiz tonight" can tell you one thing people are definitely talking about is tiger's nike commercial featuring the voice of his father, earl, who died in 2006. >> i am more prone to be
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inquisitive, to promote discussion. i want to find out what your thinking was. >> "showbiz tonight" can tell you we now hear his words in their original context in this 2004 documentary, we see the words tiger is listening to in the ad weren't really spoken to or about tiger at all. >> i am more prone to be inquisitive, to promote discussion. i am more prone to be inquisitive, to promote discussion. >> turns out earl was really talking about how he's a different parent from his wife, tiger's mom. >> i want to find out what your thinking was. i want to find out what your feelings are. and did you learn anything? so, we're two different types but we co-existed very well. >> not only his comeback ad references an sex scandal he's reluctant to talk about not only
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the ad is using the words of his dead father now finding they were taken out of context. it is clear this ad sparks an explosive new debate. >> i don't think earl would have been okay with this at all. >> tiger woods disagrees and defends the ad. >> i think it is very apropos. i think that's what my dad would say. >> people have definitely started making fun of it on youtube. this spoof of the tiger nike ad replaces earl woods' voice with the voice of another dad who talked to his son from beyond the grave, from "the lion king." and this youtube spoof mashes up the tiger woods commercial with the panicky voice mail message he reportedly left with one of his mistresss.
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even folks at the masters are getting laughs at his expense. someone flying banners over the masters. >> one of them with tiger saying he was a -- >> if tiger saw the banners, he's not letting on. >> i didn't see it, so it wouldn't be the first time. >> this will be hanging over his head for the rest of his life. >> she tells "showbiz tonight" it will take more than a good day on the golf course for tiger to make people completely forget about his sex scandal. >> it's become, unfortunately for him, the biggest story of his career and there's not really anything he can do about that now. >> but, it's clear he is focused doing all he can to change the subject. yeah, tiger may be trying to keep us all focused on golf but
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i've got to wonder if he will be able be able to be put this cheating scandal behind him, especially when there seems to be other scandals that just keep popping up waiting to trip him up. right now in hollywood, the founder of 15 minutes public relations is the author of this must-read book, where's my 15 minutes? also in hollywood pat lalama. we know his dad's voice was lifted from this 2004 documentary. i think the ad nike did is a brilliant thing but you've got to take a look at the commercial side by side with earl woods' original interview. roll that. >> i am more prone to be inquisiti inquisitive, to promote discussion. i want to find out what your thinking was. i want to find out what your feelings are. and did you learn anything? i am more prone to be
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inquisitive. to promote discussion. i want to find out what your thinking was. uh, i want to find out what your feelings are. and did you learn anything? >> nike obviously had to do what they did to pull this off but, pat, now that we know tiger's dad was actually talking about a difference in parenting styles, wasn't even talking about tiger at all does, that kind of raise the ick factor of the commercial for you? >> oh, ick doubled, squared. first of all let's talk about something. here's a guy who chastised the media for getting into his personal stuff. what does he do right out of the box? he does an ad about his personal stuff. then, we find -- and i like to say i think he, excuse me, i'm sure i'll get hate mail, he is pimping his dad from the grave and we find out dad wasn't even talking about him. you know, he is the ultimate but you are right about one thing, the ad guys and women are
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popping the champagne bottles because this is exactly what they wanted. we're talking about it. >> absolutely. i'm sure nike is thrilled about that but i'm betting they are not as pleased to see tiger is forced to defend the out. not so eloquently but watch how he reacted to the criticism over the ad. >> it's amazing how it, huh, how my dad can speak to me from different ways when he's long gone. he's still helping me. >> no one can take away what tiger's dad means to him no matter what he did. i do think and, bragman, i will guess you will agree, it is smart for nike not to ignore his scandal but can you see why a lot of people found the ad plain offensive and creepy since we learn today he wasn't even talking about tiger when he said those things. >> listen, that's not the issue. the ad was brilliant.
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let me sort of give you the bigger picture. nike stood by tiger in these troubled times of his, if you are the number one sports company in the word you want to, excuse the expression want to be in bed with the number one golfer in the world. say he wins sunday and say nike wants to put an ad that says congratulations tiger on your big win at the masters, everybody would criticize them for not really giving tiger any grief for his mistakes. this is the perfect transitional ad. now they can do their more traditional advertising, they got this out of the way. i promise you by sunday, this will be a non-story. the story is how well tiger is playing at the masters. he's competitive, playing some of the best golf we've seen from him in years and if he wins sunday, throw this ad away and, you know, we may even see tiger going to disneyland. probably not. >> uh! >> all that said, i think you came up with a great new slug
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line for nike, nike happy to be in bed with tiger, i'm throwing that up there. charles put up the banner flown over the golf course. look at this, it says that tiger, did you mean bootism, referring, of course, coming back to his routes in buddhism. clearly, i saw that and thought he will be the butt of jokes from here on in, no question about it. all right, tiger may be trying to keep, as we get to another big story breaking today, another list -- a-list sports star caught up in the huge scandal is a famous "today show" contributor now becoming the new tiger woods? i want you to stay right where we are. we got to move onto this. kate's unbelievable jug legjuggling act, speaking about -- >> it's very difficult. i can't put my life aside and do simply six hours of dancing
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every day. >> "dancing with the stars" her just announced new store and custody battle with jon, i'm tir tired. is she taking on too much? and sandy's got the kids? explosive reports jesse james' children are living with sandra bull bullock. does this mean they may stay together? now more stories from the "showbiz tonight" newsroom making news today.
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welcome back to "showbiz tonight" i'm a.j. hammer in new york. the new tiger has "today show" contributor tiki basher become the new tiger woods? new reports say the "today show" correspondent and former nfl star cheated on his pregnant wife with a 23-year-old nbc intern. now, tiki, who sported a squeaky clean family image just announced he and his wife of 11 years are separated. i've got to ask, is he as bad? with me, sunny hostin, legal
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contributor for "in session." a big debate broke out today whether or not his cheating even compares to with what tiger woods and jesse james each allegedly did. i think what he did was awful. his wife, eight months pregnant with twins but as terrible as that i don't think he has anything on tiger. >> what? no, i think he is the worst of the worst now, the lowest of the loaf. i have cho childretwo children, pregnant. when you are pregnant, you are fat not your standard cuteness and vulnerable and emotional. you need your husband to say you are sexier and more beautiful than ever in your life. you don't need to hear se cheating with you with a 23-year-old nbc intern. he now on my cheating scale is like on the bottom. >> okay. i guess, and to be clear about my opinion on this, i guess from a scandal perspective, i think he has nothing on tiger. from what you don't do to a woman perspective, he's got
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tiger beat. i want to be clear. we reached out, no comment from either side but surprisingly h something to say about his scandal. take a look at what they said. >> we talked about how much we adore tiki and he always smelled so good. >> there -- >> apparently smells really good. i don't know. >> no one smells better, true. >> i wish him and his family the best. i wish you guys would start thinking about what you are doing before you do it, for once. >> yeah. it comes down to big egos and big sense of entitlement which often comes with celebrity. show any woman get itchy about maybe getting involved with a celebrity? >> absolutely. at this point halle berry has been cheated upon, sandra bullock, the most beautiful of the beautiful. those who say not my man, yes, yours, too. it could be anybody. >> watch out. thanks so much. i appreciate it. i've got to tell you when we
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ever maen ever mention the names our phones library cynes sizzle awa. at it again. a raging debate whether kate is taking on too much. in fact, i've got to tell you the phone lines are so hot we had to get our on-call operators ice gloves. what's that? karen in nevada thinks she isn't juggling eight kids, she actually has one more, jon. >> i think she has nine. i don't understand why this idiot doesn't realize she is his bread and butter. the more she works and earns, the more he can continue with his partying, philandering ways and his immaturity. i don't see any sign whatsoever that he's there for his kids at all. >> all right, karen, thanks for your call. nika from south carolina completing agrees.
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>> hopefully, a woman is making good money for her eight children. get over yourself, jon. it's obvious you're just jealous. please, let her live her life and make the best money she can for those kids. what are you doing for them and what job do you have? just let it be, jon! let go. >> all right. thank you for your call. i'd love for you to call and sound off on them or anything else you are fired up about. our phone lines are open all the time. the number, right here: where you can leave us a voice mail so we can play your call on "showbiz tonight." does kate have too much going on? she is speaking out about her brand new juggling act today. >> it's very difficult. i can't put my life aside and just simply do six hours of dance every day. >> you know, "dancing with the stars" her two new shows, an brand new custody battle with jon, oh, yeah, eight kids to
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worry about, too. i've got to ask is this way too much for a big-time star mommy? will "showbiz tonight" name her the most provocative celebrity of the week or should it be jon for starting up a whole new fight over their kids? don't forget about i'm back on the golf course with a creepy new tv ad tiger woods. and today, charlie sheen tapes the season finale of "two and a half men." the big question today, is he really quitting or is all this just a big old trick to get more cash? charlie finally sets the record straight. this is "showbiz tonight" on hln news and views. more stories from the "showbiz tonight" newsroom making news today.
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now on "showbiz tonight" kate's unbelievable new juggling act. today, kate gosselin speaks out about balancing eight kids with dancying wi "dancing with the stars" and two more new shows. >> it's very difficult. i can't put my life aside and do simply six hours of dance every day. >> her whining could get her another title. will she be named most provocative of the week? how about jon gosselin starting a new custody war with her or will it be tiger woods and his controversial commercial. where are jesse james' kids?
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reports are tonight they are with sandra bullock. welcome back to "showbiz tonight." it is 30 minutes past the hour i'm a.j. hammer in new york city with big news breaking kate's juggling act. in a brand new interview kate gosselin sounds off on her critics who are criticizing her dancing and, also, the ugly battle with her ex and why she's not about to quit. kate gosselin may not be doing enough fancy footwork on the dance floor to impress the judges on "dancing with the stars" but i can tell you she's not going anywhere. >> i will not quit. i don't quit anything. it's tough. today's tough especially. >> about to get tougher for kate and her eight now that she and
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the bunch are about to star in more brand new shows for tlc. is kate just taking on too much? also breaking today brand new bombshell reports all three of jesse james' kids are actually living with sandra bullock. does this mean sandy and jesse, her alleged cheating husband may actually stay together after all? i got to begin with kate's new interview with "e!" i think she comes off as one tough cookie. i want to you to watch what she says dealing with her ex jon gosselin and all the criticism after her performances don't go so well. >> it's very difficult. i can't put my life aside and just simply do six hours of dance every day. and so, that's been our biggest struggle, really. it's not my lack of ability. it's my lack of, um, i don't
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know, presence, i guess, a lot of times. so, i struggle with that in everyday life with everything that i do. so, it's just determination, pushing through it. >> good for her there, i think she's being very honest. she didn't crack a smile. she didn't try to sugarcoat anything. pat, i am thinking she actually realizes at this point she has bitten off more than she can chew. >> far be it for me to disallow any woman from reaching her full potential. she's in the lymelight, in demand like the ryan seacrest of television. how many shows can she possibly be on? this is because audiences do relate to her and i think there is a fire in her belly. yes, maybe it's tough and she'll find out she took more than she can chew but i think she has that drive, something in her makes her unbreakable. i think if any woman can do it, she can. however, i'm a little concerned. i think octomom is spending more
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time with her kids than kate but kate has to make a living. kate has to make a living. >> she absolutely does but is interesting seeing maybe because she is worn down from all of you know having to put out so much energy with the dancing, sunny, it looks like she is getting, ooh, maybe i'm doing too much. >> i don't know i'm digging kate. i think she is a strong, strong woman, a go-getter and turned her 15 minutes of fame into like 15 mornnths of fame. i'm rooting for her as i think all of america is. that's why she's on in the first place. >> people are also watching her because of the train wreck factor, let's not forget about that. she also said she's not paid attention to all the negative criticism from the "dancing with the stars" judges after her dances but i have to wonder if she happened to catch judge bruno on the george lopez show the other night. >> kate is pretty dreadful.
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she's crap! but in a nice way, you know, you know, in a nice way. she's entertaining. i mean, like people like disaster movies. we've got our own disaster movie every night. but she's a tough cookie. she gets it on the face, she comes back and tries to get better. it doesn't really work. >> so diplomatic there, you know, bruno not holding back at all. really i think he made a great case for what i was saying people watch kate on the show, some, at least, because of the train wreck factor but bruno did call her a tough cookie. do you think she is that tough or do you think maybe all of this can wear her down? we've seen it happen before. >> well, i don't know. i mean, i think the bottom line is she's every woman. she's strong, she's in there. she is a terrible dancer. i've watched her. i think she's a pretty good dancer. she is a horrible dancer but
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she's every woman and ready to go. >> yesterday tlc announced her new shows, her series and specials with her eight kids. kate is not going to disappear. now we'll see a lot more of the kids in those specials. personally i've said before my opinion hasn't changed i think putting those kids back on tv is a terrible idea. pat, let me ask you, jon & kate are still battling over custody of these kids. isn't she -- isn't she kind of nuts for putting them back on tv? >> i think there are going to be some issues. look, let me make this clear. i think he is so sour grapes, an idiot. you can write that down, i said it. but, yet, having covered many, many custody issues, that could be some legitimate points here. how much time is she with the kids, spending quality time with the cameras away allowing them to grow and develop? i do have a little bit of concern. i hate to side with him but i do have a little bit of concern. >> well, i know you have an
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opinion on this so i do urge you to sound off on our "showbiz tonight" exclusive poll. here's what we're asking you. kate gosselin's new shows, is she taking on too snch whmuch? what do you think? i'm all for any working woman doing as much as possible especially saying she has to support the kids. but everybody has a limit. >> if you put my lawyer hat on i have to agree. in terms of custody issues she's going to have an issue because she has eight children. you can't possibly spend enough time with this with your own show and i think she is becoming a bit exploitive of those kids at this points having them on yet another show given all of the ramifications, you know. >> these kids she has said they are so happy to be coming back on tv. >> afwri agree. >> they are little kids. even if they are, that's not healthy, to me. lindsay h. sounded off immediately writing she'll do fine, she is doing everything in
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her power to support her eight kids. stephanie s. writing as mother to only three kids, i can't imagine thousand is even possible for her effective at any of the tasks she is undertaking especially parenting. quickly, do you think she is spread too thing with all she's taking on? oop. >> i hate to speak for her because every woman has their bar but she may find this is too much and things will break down like a house ever cards. >> let me move on to reports that jesse james's children are with sandra bullock now. i think, personally, they are doing what's best for the kids right now but some people are looking at this as a sign that maybe they will stay together. i don't think it's that at all. do you think that's what we should be looking at? >> i hope not. i hope not. i think it sends the wrong message to these kids they are now staying with sandra bullock. >> really? >> if she is going to leave him. i think it is fine if she will
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visit. i know she has a wonderful relationship with one of the children basically she raised, as an infant. it it makes me uncomfortable. i think, sandy, this may have been a wrong new. >> pat, what do you think, this may be the best place for them to be right now. >> a.j., if you are asking me i can tell you, i am a step-mother and spent many years with my step-kids f. the step-kids. if their dad and i broke up i would be devastated not to be in their lives and i agree wholeheartedly these kids love her and she loves them. i don't think it means they are getting back together. maybe those kids are looking for a stable adult, not a nazi-posing porn -- >> absolutely. let's end it there. thanks, guys. brand new erin andrews death threats to talk about. real danger today, very scary for the "dancing with the stars"
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con ststars" contestant and espn reporter. will she keep on dancing? and brand new evidence could prove "idol" is losing its edge. and "showbiz tonight" names the most provocative celebrity of the week. who is it going to be, maybe for kate gosselin for all her dramatics on and off the dance floor, maybe jon gosselin starting this new war with her over their kids or perhaps tiger woods, yeah, he's nominated again not for cheating this time but for his controversial and downright creepy nike commercial. now, the showbiz news ticker. more from "showbiz tonight" making news today.
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moments away from naming our most provocative celebrity of the week. kate gosselin slammed for taking on three reality shows and bellyaching how hard it is. her ex-husband jon gosselin suing her for custody and claiming she's an absentee mom. or tiger woods? welcome back to "showbiz tonight." portia de rossi opens up about coming out as a lesbian and life with ellen degeneres. plus shocking new death threats against erin andrews all in "the buzz" today. she is facing brand new violent
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threats on her life. a man in virginia is under investigation for sending threatening e-mails about andrews and now we're getting a first look at a new e-mail that shows just how serious the threats have become. tmz obtained a message that said i would like to see if erin andrews can dance her way through a hail of gunfire. she tells us she's not going to let threats slow her down and remaining a top contender on "dancing." a shocking tell-all, the star announced some of the stunning details she'll dish on in her upcoming book. she says she'll share new revelations about coming out as a lesbian and marrying ellen dejen rud dejen russ in 2008. "american idol "'s astonishing drop losing slot at the top of the ratings for the second week in a row.
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it got rocked to second place when "dancing with the stars" brought in more viewers. the total fans that tuned into the broadcast was down 6% from the previous week and has hollywood odds makers wondering if "idol" is losing its edge. i've got to think paula abdul's dee p departure has more than a little to do with it or maybe has to with another "dancing" star. since its debut "american idol" has been untouchable in the ratings, only beaten two weeks in eight years but should the suits at fox be at least a little worried. >> well, yeah because next year you don't even have simon but i definitely think this year is the perfect storm, you don't have paula or ind tbehind-the-s
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gossip. ellen didn't really bring in the fighting with simon but you have the back-stage with kathy goslin and rumors the cast doesn't like her and even have erin andrews. i think definitely a perfect storm of not a terrific casey on "american idol" this year and should be worried, i think. >> at least one of the stars of "dancing with the stars" thinks she knows why they are beating "american idol." take a look at this. >> i know, for whatever reason, love me/hate me, i do bring in the ratings, for whatever reason. >> there you go. she knows it all. kate gosselin love/hate appeal that's why she is among our nominees for most provocative celebrity of the week. is it kate for her decision to not only do "dancing" but two other reality shows, as well? maybe we'll fame her ex jon gosselin suing her for primary custody of their eight kids saying she's too focused on fame
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instead of the family or maybe we'll name tiger woods for roaring back into the public eye really sparking outrage this week with his new nike ad of course featuring the voice of his deceased dad. before we reveal who "showbiz tonight" is naming, noelle, who do you think deserves this week's title? >> hands down, it's kate gosselin. i mean, let's think about it, she is so obsessed with herself and so self-absorbed for fame and fortune, she is totally leaving her kids behind at a time these kids have gone through a divorce and they need their mom at home. come on, she can make bank doing something else. she can write something for oprah's magazine on a regular basis maybe. she could even do a radio talk show from her home about raising kids. but, she is so self-absorbed that she wants to get out there and make it on her own and leaving her kids behind. it's wrong. >> all right. i think a lot of people agree with you. i've got to tell you oyou our
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facebook fan summed this up. i mean, come on, kim, it is train wreck tv. how do you dispute that? does tiger get your vote? >> yeah, tiger gets my vote. you know, we have this ad, this nike ad, very controversial, creepy, but brilliant because even if you didn't see it on tv, which you probably didn't, you saw it on every single tv show has played the ad over and over and over again. nike comes out to show they are supporting him but that they are a little disappointed with him. everyone is talking about him, everyone covered his press coerence live, i think it's tiger although kate doing this "twist of kate" show helping families with their challenges and problems, kind of ironic but i still think tiger gets it. >> do you think if he does well
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at the masters they will forget about his and the fact that he makes more money supporting the kids, le need. >> and coming down to this, "showbiz tonight" is naming the most provocative celebrity of the week, and kim and noel, don't go anywhere, because you have had the say, and now it is time for the big reveal -- but first, time for the showbiz news ticker. these are the stories from the newsroom making news today. ddd
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a survivor producer accused in the death of his wife in cancun released from police custody and now frightening details on what happened before she vanished. >> she was loved. i don't want to say she passed away. >> this hour, we will talk to her friend. new jailhouse audio tape just released. casey anthony's inmate pen pal talks about the day caylee's remains were found. she cried all day. was that because of sadness or guilt? and this man flies nearly 20 feet. >> if you don't pay attention to the traffic, this could happen to anybody. >> don't miss more of the shocking video. >> controversy, opinion, your point of view, this is "prime point of view, this is "prime news."
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-- captions by vitac -- welcome, i'm ryan smyth in for mike galanos, and this is "prime news." incredible stories starting out today. a produce wer a hit reality show "survivor" has been released from the police custody in his wife's death. now, her body was found yesterday in a sewer at the moon palace hotel in cancun, mexico and staying there with her husband and their two kids. right now the prosecutors say she was possibly strangled. her husband has not been arrested for crime, but he has been detained and we are getting new disturbing details about what happened before she vanished. witnesses say there was fighting hours before she was killed and his face seems scratched up. what does this sound like to you? suspicious? give us your call at 1-877-tell-hln. joining us is reporter for
6:02 pm, so alexis, fill us in. >> well, the wife who was murdered is the wife of the "survivor" producer who is unhappy with him. and according to the sister, she found out he was having an affair and she was furious and took all of the money out of the account, and went to hawaii on a vacation. bruce called her there and convinced her to come to mexico to work oit out. they were apparently talking, fighting, and now she is dead. she was furious she had found out that he had an affair and this is not a vacation gone wrong, but she was very mad with her, and it seems that he has murdered her and her family absolutely believes that. >> we have no charges filed in that realm, but alexis, tell me about the kids, because they may have been flown back or there or some conflicting reports about this. >> they are having conflicting reports, and we understand that the kids are still in mexico and there is a story that the dad has flown them back and we
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understand that the kids are still with them. >> and mike brooks, former law enforcement officer and now with hln, what is the timetable here, is he stuck in mexico for the duration until they apparently get around to it? >> well, they had him, ryan, and then they released him, and they can do this by the mexican law in 48-hour increments, but the thing that is key to this case, ryan, is the time line. you know, mexican authorities are saying that he has been getting inconsistent statements, but again, coming from the mexican authorities and how good the information coming from them is, we don't know, but the time line is key, because he said that he last saw his wife on monday when she went shopping, but they were seen at the hotel monday evening in an argument and ap partly an argument in the hotel room, but we didn't know, but the time line is key in this case. >> wow. so we have an unclear picture so far in terms of the relationship. you know what, let's go with
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marcellus gomez who is a friend of the victim here and knew her for 17 years and marcella, thank you for joining u g uing us >> the pleasure is mine. >> okay. did you see any fighting or what did you see in the relationship? tell us about it. >> well, i never seen anything, any hostile relationship between them. they always got along and they seemed to be a lovely couple, and i don't know. this is a very devastating news for our community. monica was an icon, and everybody knows her. i have only good things to talk about her. about her family, her father, and i don't know, there is too many stories, and i don't know what is right or wrong, but i think that the investigation will, you know, bring us more news, you know. you just make sure that the kids
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are still in mexico and we have been listening to stories all of the time, and just waiting to, we are all waiting to find out what really happened. >> marcelo, did you know about the mexico trip or the reconciliation or anything about that? >> no, i have been learning all of that since she was, i mean, missing. i have known monica for a long time, but my relationship basically with her is professional. she owns a restaurant across the street from my office, and i'm a producer as well, and she has always been invited as a v.i.p. to my events and she was a pac leader and if you have monica into event, a lot of people will follow. she was that type of person. she helped the community, and everybody loves her. >> wow. let me turn to alexis perez, when you talk about marcelo
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talking about monica, a pillar of the community and someone who people follow, and now this happens. are we hearing any reaction from other friends, anyone else about this? and are we hearing anything about the relationship? >> actually, what i am hearing is the opposite of what you would thought, and that it was seeming like a happy marriage, and monica's sister told us at radaronline she was happy about this relationship, and she was shocked that bruce was having an affair, and devastated her, and she decided to get out and get away from him, but they did have a happy marriage. she didn't expect this at all, and she knew there were arguments here or there, and lots of people have arguments, but nothing to this extreme and never expected this at all, and that is why it is such an surprise why it turned so violent. >> mike brooks, let me go to the quick comment, what is the timetable for him to be out of mexico and i know it is tough to determine, but could we see something happening where he comes to the u.s. and we see him
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here in a little bit? >> good possibility. if he is charged criminally, which we don't think he has so far, it is after they determine a cause and manner of death, ryan. he could stand trial there, but we an agreement with the mexican government that if he is sen ens theed by the mexicans, he could serve his time here in the united states. but, you know, that remains to be seen. and you know, we hear about the life, and many stories, whoa, scott peterson, we hear about "in session" all of the time. >> mike, you never know. and let's talk about another story here. a tennessee woman sent her adopted son back to russia. she says that the orphanage lied about the daughter and said this child was healthy, but this child was a nightmare and allegedly threatened to burn down house and kill mom and now all of the american adoptions in russia is in jeopardy and is this the right move? call into 1-877-tell-hln, and tell us what you think.
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>> okay. here is the story we are following out of tennessee. a mom adopts a 7-year-old boy from russia last year and this week sent him back on a plane all by himself. his adopted grandmother says he was psychotic and violent and mom was on the hit list. the last straw is when he allegedly tried to set the house on fire. so, the grandma said she put him back on the plane and she did not abbeen dandon him, but foll directions from a lawyer she met online. because of this case, the state department could decide to suspend all adoptions for americans wanting a child from russia. you to call me on this one. it is unbelievable.
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did grandma do the right thing? should you return a boy like this? call 1-877-tell-hln, and family law attorney vicki joins us as well as rob. >> well, this woman from tennessee adopted this child and brought him back to the united states, but sometime after that, as the child was learning english they say that they found out about this child's abused background, and that the child was acting out, doing things like wetting his pants a lot, which is of course not a crime. but, doing things like starting fires, and, in fact, that was the final straw they said that earlier this week he gathered some papers and started a fire in his bedroom. they say they have video evidence of this. i might add to this that something that we just heard from moscow, a children's ministry official in moscow says that the boy has told them that
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the family in tennessee was abusing him, pulling his hair and shouting at him a lot. >> so maybe, two sides of the story there. we have a call of eileen in texas. what do you think? >> caller: well, my brother has seven kids adopted from russia and my sister two, and i'm just shocked, because any child that is adopted and put into the orphanages are going to have a little bit of a problem. >> thank you, eye liileeeileen, call, because vicki zeiler, i have a comment, too, because i have this, i have two babies born to drugs, and i would never drop them off on a plane to russia. what do you think? >> from an emotional standpoint, this is devastating. there is a commitment when you adopt a child and from russia, it is a 9-month to 12-month process, so if a child is
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showing psychological problems or a medical condition, instead of sending them back to the country, america has great facilities to help children, it is outrageous, but is it criminal? that is what we need to focus in on as attorneys. >> is this criminal? could they see charges or jail time for this? >> the problem is that the child has been returned to russia, so the action is brought where the child is. obviously, if this family or this woman has abused the boy, certainly, the family services can look into it, and there could be a criminal investigation, but the question is, was this child abandoned or left at the airport to fend for himself? what has been reported basically is that the grandmother flew him to washington, and they paid for the direct trip, and the airlines allowed this boy to get on the flight, and go back to russia, and there was apparently an escort for $200 paid for by the family to pick him up, but, you know, on a visceral level,
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it is seeming atrocious to adopt a child and seven months later, give him back. it is like something you buy at the store and i don't like damaged goods and i'm returning it. that is terrible. >> vicki, when i hear you say that, alan duke, did they know the person they were leaving this child with in russia? >> well, apparently, what this woman has told us, nancy henson told us that she researched him and found what she said were safe references for driver online, and his name was arthur and we don't have the full name, but he picked the child up at the airport and did what he was paid to do, took him to the children's ministry in moscow and with the letter and presented the child there. >> it sounds like you are picking up a child and dropping him off and giving him a letter and saying, hey, i hope it works out. i hope he can find the way to wherever he needs to go. vikki and alan, thank you so much. more news coming up. stay with us. watch this man walk off of the bus and run into traffic and boom! flies nearly 20 feet.
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>> reporter: madonna redmond is on a mission, and we met her two years ago right here in one of the toughest neighborhoods in chicago. last place you would expect to find a garden and that is exactly what she showed me. what are you growing in here >> well, a number of things. those are collard greens. >> reporter: redmond led an effort to start urban farmsites, why? because no matter how hard she tried, she could not find fresh produce in the neighborhood. >> if you wanted to, you could buy illegal drugs and get access to a variety of illegal drugs, if you wanted to buy a gun, you could buy a gun in this community, but if you wanted to find an organic tomato in this community, if you didn't want to come to our urban farmsite you
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would not find one. >> reporter: with few grocery stores nearby, most people do their shopping at the convenient stores like this, and they are full of chips and sugary candies. so researcher says that shopping at stores like this is in part what is making our children fat. they were eating on average 356 empty calories at every stop. what are you buying in there? >> chips and candy. >> reporter: but in the lower income minority communities like this where high blood pressure and diabetes and other problems run rampant, there has to be an alternative. >> a healthy lifestyle is a must. all right. take a look at the dramatic new video, a man walks off of the bus and a car slams into him throwing him 20 feet. here is jason law with "prime news" affiliate wxjt, and this
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is difficult to watch. >> reporter: the bus video released thursday shows images of an accident that have replayed over and over again in the mind of the 22-year-old. >> i don't want to say it is his fault, but it is. if you don't pay attention to traffic, this could happen to anybody. >> reporter: brett hicks is reliving the accident that nearly killed a man on february 4th. bus cameras caught sean mills exiting a bus on a-1a near the beach, and mills walks out into traffic and right out in front of hicks' car. >> i saw him a split second before he hit the car and i tried to swerve. >> reporter: mills is thrown violently into the air and into the back of the bus. hicks stops to try to help. >> he was alive and responsive and breathing on the scene. so all you could do was to pray for him. >> more than three weeks after the accident, and sean hills is here at the brooks rehabilitation center where hicks says he is recovering from a broken back and head injuries
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and hicks says that mills has no feeling in the legs or right arm. >> unfortunately, somebody in the family hired an attorney, so my attorney advise med not to try to contact him, but i would love to contact him and see how he is doing. >> reporter: this authority from the train station says this is the worst accident he has seen in years. >> unfortunately for the man who got off of the bus, he didn't wait. and unfortunately for the person driving the vehicle, it is something he has to live with also. >> all right. our thanks to jason law. hicks has not been charged or given a ticket. he told kxjt that he has not talked to him since the accident. take a look at the story, this woman says a billboard ruined her reputation and she used to be a stripper. she say has the strip club she worked for in 2008 forced her to take photos and then used them without her permission.
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shocking claims coming out of jailhouse recordings in the case against casey anthony. they make robin adams claims she cried all day when the remains were found near her family's orange county family home, but she says that casey had a feeling it was her daughter caylee. >> she seemed to be praying for her everyday. >> was she was a basket case? >> pretty much. >> you know her story right now, right? >> well, no, not all of the way, no. >> they found the body. >> okay. here is the key, that is december 11, 2008, but the problem is that it was days before the detectives positively
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identified the toddler's missing body, and prosecutors say it proves she is a cold-blooded killer, and hid the body. and the defense says they have a pen pal that is just for their personal gain, and someone they are calling the jailhouse snitch. so, now, this is former defense attorney mark eiglarsh and also a natisha lance from the nancy grace show. >> well, right now, ryan, there are calls released from the orange county jail. and in that are calls from casey anthony, and there is a sound bite that we heard that she talks about the days that caylee's remains were found and you corroborate this with the interview that robin adams gave to investigators she said that casey was crying and scared and
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gave information to the prosecutors that had not been released yet. that, that the remains were found in a black garbage bag, and the remains were inside. >> will this ever see the light of day, these recordings? >> i hope not for many reasons, and not for the reasons that you are suggesting. this evidence is so thin, and not suggesting that there are compelling things that she shared with this woman, but unless they are in the letters or on video, the prosecutors will undermine the case by calling a woman who is serving ten years for drug trafficking and clearly looking for some type of benefit that will undermine all of the compelling scientific evidence, all of circumstantial evidence of her not testifying, and i don't like it at all. >> okay. robin adams is maybe looking for a deal or some sort of arrangement, and what does she say in the tapes and what is her
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impetus for talking to her? >> well, you do see in the letters over time, that robin adams starts to look at this as something that may benefit her, and the calls are short, the ones we have heard so far. in the first call, she speaks to a woman, and in that one, the woman is explaining about the remains being found and items connected back to the anthony home, and robin adams says, i figured that would be the case, but it is not my place to judge casey anthony. in another phone call with her father, she talks about needing to be, there being a need for prayer for casey anthony. >> okay. mark, take it from that perspective, and where there is maybe an friend who wants to help out, and why not use this information in court if you are the prosecution to use this and i'm thinking that if casey anthony or anyone starts to talk about her character, then you might see it. >> well, first of all, i don't think that a call from a snitch to another person would come in legally. but i also think that, again, you have letters, so those
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letters then would come in by the defense to show that she really misses her daughter, all of the other things that will bring sympathy to suggest that it is inconsistent that she would have murdered her own child. it cuts way too hard against the prosecution and a lot of favorable evidence for the defense. it is like putting the glove on, too risky, and you don't want the same outcome in this case assume sheeg ing she is guilty o.j.'s first trial. >> and casey says she is not crying for caylee, because there was a reference for her crying and being afraid for the daughter, she is not crying for caylee, but crying because she knows she is busted. we are talking about a mom who sits in court laughing. definitely guilty. natisha lance, i have to say with all of the new information coming out, perhaps pushing public opinion away from casey or maybe showing a mom who is sensitive. >> well, some of the letters do show a different side of casey anthony, and it does show her being very concerned for caylee and mentions in many of the
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letters she misses caylee and if she could go back to redo what happened on the day she went missing, and the items in the letters will be to the benefit of the defense, but also, ryan, the prosecution and investigat r investigators have been saying since the beginning, that it is not one piece of evidence to bring a conviction for casey anthony, be auto ta totality of evidence to prosecute her. >> and mark eiglarsh, a deal for her? >> well, if the prosecutors believe what she says is admissible and compelling enough to add, as natisha said, to the puzzle and a piece they want to put in? i don't think so. i think it will undermine the case, and third, will they offer her something? probably so. >> all right. mark and natisha, thank you so much. and switching gears more controversy surrounding the tiger woods' commercials by nike. they feature the voice of his
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deceased dad, and everybody is wondering where is that sound coming from? tiger's dad died in 2006, and now we have an answer. i was in the fifth grade when i hurt my knee. the doctor diagnosed me with reflex sim thetic dystrophy, and when something touches it, it like a bomb goes off in my knee. although i have tried many treatments, the only thing able to get my mind off of the pain was reading. >> you guys like to read? >> my pediatrician told me about the home for children, and any child being in horrible pain like this, they need something, and something that i knew that helped me was books. okay. this is called "screaming millie" but the people in the shelters are just like you and me, and they need things to get their mind off of whatever they are going through. i put fliers in the mailboxes, and i set up a website.
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thank you so much for donating. my original goal was to get $300. before i knew it, i had 3,000 books. my total right now is 38,000 books, and i've delivered books to libraries and reading rooms and 27 different shelters in six states. you can take as many books as you want. if a child finds a love of reading from books i have given them, then that will help in school, and turn their life around entirely, i think that reading can do that for someone. s
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controversial ad featuring his late father earl came from a documentary. i want to play first the nike ad and pay attention to what is being said by earl woods and then listen to the original clip from abc, which is the tiger, the unauthorized collection distributed by bu knbueno vista productions. >> tiger, i'm more inclined to promote discussion. i want to find out what your thinking was. i want to find out what your feelings are. and did you learn anything? yeah. it is very authoritative. he had very definitive yes and no. i am more prone to be
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inquisitive, to promote discussion. i want to find out what your thinking was, i want to find out what your feelings are, and did you learn anything? >> okay. earl woods was not talking to tiger, but comparing his parenting style to tiger's mom. you know what, something does not sit right with me on this one. let me take your calls. irma from texas is with us. irma, what do you think? >> caller: yes, i really don't -- i think it is very inappropriate for tiger woods to even agree for something like that and or even play this dead man's voice, because it is so creepy. let the poor man rest in peace. this man is gone, and to me, it is all about money, and the root of money is the root of all evil. let this man rest in peace, okay. >> okay. irma, appreciate it.
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give us a call at 1-877-tell-hln, and we will bring in rafer weigle who joins us from augusta, and kevin ed ar from marketing firm. so, as irma said, let the man rest in peace? >> well, the reason it does, ryan, is not because of that, but because of what he said about the ad yesterday when christine brenner of "usa today" asked him point blank, what is the deal? you told us you didn't want to ask you about your personal life, and then you go to make this commercial to capitalize on it, and tiger said, i guess it is my father speaking to me from the grave and something to that effect, and i'm paraphrasing and any son who has lost a father can understand, and then we understand that it is not his father speaking to him from the grave at all, and in fact, after the press conference when he was done playing, i wanted to ask him specifically about this report and you said this yesterday and i was not called
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upon and none of the other reporters asked any question about that, so i have to give it to nike though, ryan, you said he wanted to promote discussion, and that is promoting a lot of discussion about this ad. >> well, it has everybody talking, and i want to play tiger's response to this ad he gave on thursday. listen to this. >> well, it is very apropos, that is what my dad would say. it is amazing how it, how my dad can speak to me from different ways even when he is long gone, he is still helping me. and i think that any son who has lost a father and who meant so much in their life i think they would understand the spot. >> kevin alder, talk to me. it is apropos, and i can still hear from my father -- is this too much manipulation? is he trying to get to us buy products, understand him? what do you think?
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>> well, you know, it is such an interesting dynamic, because historically, in the history of athlete's relationships with brands, athletes are used to sell the brand, be new this particular instance, the brand is selling the athlete which is a real interesting different approach that nike is taking, and you have to give them credit for it. >> kevin, definitely interesting approach. we will talk more about tiger woods and give us your call on this, and call us at 1-877-tell-hln, we are taking your call.
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welcome back the "prime news" and we are talking about tiger woods and the controversial ad, and susan in oregon, what do you think? >> i think it is gross and creepy and if he is man enough to make that kind of commercial, he should man-up and answer the questions. other than that, we need to move on and get past him, because he is not going to pay anymore than he has by losing his wife and kids. >> rafer, man-up and answer the questions, are we hearing anything more from tiger? >> well, no, we are not, and as far as he is concerned it is pretty much done and when he gave the response to the question about the ad, you could tell it was pretty much rehearsed. well, i will say this, ryan, after the tournament when we see some of the other media in there, he is facing some of the questions and i don't know
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whether he will be answering them. but where he is going to be hammered is the british open or the open championship in st. andrews. the british press, oh my goodness, they are really going to -- they are going to hammer him when he gets out, but here, they won't ask these questions, not this media anyway. >> and you know, kevin alder, talk to me about the nike deal, because i am seeing that there are changes to the nike deal. talk to me about that. >> well, nike set the precedent with this back in the kobe incident if you will, and i think it is a very smart move on ni nike's part and they say we valentine you the relationship with you, and we are uncertain about your future as a business driver, so rather than frontloading the deal with cash, we will backload the deal with sales results and how you impact our business going forward. >> so maybe, tiger recorded this ad trying to make nike and the fans happy. speaking of tiger, rafer, he is doing a great job out there on the golf course so far, right?
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>> you know what, ryan, it is incredibly impressive, honestly nicklaus, gave this man a chance. this is a mental game. to take five months off, regardless of how you feel about tiger woods, this is amazing to see. a lot of people didn't think he was even going to make the cut, but he's right in contention and could win this thing. and it could be an amazing story if he does it. it's interesting to watch him feed off of this crowd and the evolution in that regard as well, ryan. >> okay. so he's tied for third, rafer. he's three off the lead. you say feeding into the -- >> tied for fourth. >> sorry. >> he's tied for fourth. he's only two strokes back, but he's tied for fourth. >> okay. so feeding into the crowd. what is that crowd response? are they behind him every step of the way? >> when he walked up to the 18th tee, there was the seating area around it and they stood up, half of them, and gave him a standing ovation. i mean, it was like a scene right out of a movie.
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he is feeding off of their energy. it appears to be making him stronger and stronger. his family is not here. but they've made it clear, we're your family. we are here to support you. and he is loving it. his game is -- is sharper. i don't know -- it's got to be because of it, i would think. who knows what's going on in that guy's head, but he's eating it up. >> all the things going on around him, he seems to have that ability to focus in on a goal and really make it happen. tied for fourth with all this controversy going on. kevin, rifr, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. all right. switching gears. nancy kerrigan's brother, remember nancy kerrigan? her brother has pleaded not guilty in the death of their father. he died at the family home in january. and he's out on bail right now and living with their mother. a prosecutor is worried that mom isn't safe in the house.
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