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tv   Prime News  HLN  April 12, 2010 5:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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get your celebrity fix tonight on "showbiz tonight." it is next. and then tomorrow wake up your news on "morning express" with me, robin meade. big news, breaking today on "showbiz tonight" jim carrey slams tiger woods' wife. jim's explosive, shocking comments that elin must have known about tiger's cheating. and that she purposely did nothing about it. today, why some people actually agree with carrey. jon and kate, together again? is jon gosselin making a bizarre
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offer to do another show with his ex, even after sugher for custody of their kids? really? today, "showbiz tonight" asks you, should jon and kate do another show together? heidi's bikini body outrage. for the first time since her ten plastic surgeries heidi montag reveals her brand-new bikini body. seriously? the great debate today, is heidi's new look a total nightmare? or is this no big deal? tv's most provocative entertainment news show starts right now. >> hello i'm a.j. hammer coming to you from new york city. >> hi, there, i'm brooke anderson in hollywood with big news breaking today blaming elin. >> yeah, brooke, the tiger woods' drama's taking a dramatic
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new turn today that i never in a million years would have expected. on the day after tiger woods finished fourth, his big return to golf for the masters, jim carrey is not only speaking now the support of tiger but he's also take a swipe at tiger's wife. >> a.j., how jim carrey managed to insert himself into this mess is beyond me, but he did, and today carrey's comments are sparking a nationwide debate. carrey posted truly shocking messages on his twitter page saying essentially tiger's wife was a willing participant in tiger's scandal. jim carrey may have to watch his spot. may be taking tiger's spot as public enemy number one. >> somebody stop me. >> somebody just might want to stop jim carrey from using twitter. >> jim carrey needs to stay away from twitter apparently. >> carrey is getting slammed by critics who say his tweeting about controversial opinion
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about tiger woods' scandal was dumb and slamming tiger's wife elin in the process was -- >> hit me with -- just give it to me straight. >> reporter: -- dumber. >> woman across america seem outraged. >> reporter: it all started over the weekend. carrey hit twitter to spout off on the criticism tiger woods' faced since his multiple affairs came to light. carrey wrote, "tiger woods owes nothing to anyone but himself. to please his father he gave up his childhood and his freedom and the world, that's enough." but then, carrey took his controversial shot at elin tweeting, "no wife is blind enough to miss that much infidelity. elin had to be a willing participant on the ride for whatever reason. kids, lifestyle." >> i don't think that jim carrey is getting a lot of fans by attacking the wife a man who cheated on her. you just don't blame the victim. >> then saying that he just stepped on a minefield, carrey later clarified his tweet about
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tiger and elin. wrote "i want to make it clear that i do not condone infidelity at all, but to some degree the responsibility for it is shared by both people." and then carrey referenced the other big celebrity cheating scandal. he wrote, "so you guys probably don't feel like talking about sandra bullock, right? i'm kidding, jeeze. i'm a little on edge, cut me some slack." >> that's a heck av comment coming from someone who is not remented at all? >> this morning on the late edition of the "today" show gifford took issue with carrey's comments about tiger and elin. >> i'm sure tiger's grateful for some support, he hasn't been getting a mole lot of it but at the same time -- >> why would you say that. >> -- to say that elin is responsible for everything that tiger -- or at least in some way, i have a problem with that. >> but that brings up a touchy question, does carrey have a point? should elin have known what tiger was up to? >> women who are being cheated on generally know.
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>> "entertainment" journalist thinks that carrey was onto something on tiger and elin and that people are getting way too upset with him. >> i don't think that anyone should take what james carrey says too seriously. had is the guy who played "ace ventura." >> reporter: but still, a lot of people are saying today that maybe "ace ventura" should stop talking out of his twitter page and lay off elin. >> yeah i have to say, it is unbelievable how jim carrey's tiger tweets, once again, sparked fury over tiger's cheating ways but really in a whole new light this time. is jim carrey right? joining me right now from hollywood carlos diaz a correspondent for "extra." carolina bermudez senior editor for "in-touch weekly." all right, here now jim carrey's first tweet that really set off this firestorm today. he wrote or tweeted "no wife is blind enough to miss that much infidelity. elin had to be a willing
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participant on the ride for whatever reason. kids, lifestyle" and then some smiley face, weird thing. all right, i think i understand what jim carrey was trying to say but to me he really does come out looking like a jerk in any way pointing a finger at elin. carlos, what do you think? was jim completely out of line for saying she had to be a willing participant? >> i'm going to take the unpopular opinion here, i'm going to say i'm on jim carrey's corner on to thone. he's echoing what a lot of people are saying behind the scenes. a.j., come on, and in the cnn newsroom didn't a few people say, how did she not know? >> how could she know? >> 14 or 15. i mean but there are like 15 -- >> guys, we're forgetting the fact that tiger woods traveled. we're forgetting the fact that tiger woods traveled for the majority of the year. he was away from his family. >> come forward. >> she was focusing on raising those two children that they had together. i think that she was placing the importance of her family and she was focusing her attention on that, and not her nagging suspicions about her husband.
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>> i just think that jim carrey brings up a great point and a great topic of discussion. you know could she have known about this? because there are so many mistresses and there's so much money to be lost. >> yeah. >> if she leaves him. >> and don't think that you'll get as much disagreement there, carlos, as to the point where he said, she had to be a willing participant because i think that's a whole different ball of wax there. >> right. >> but i do want to go on to mention on how he says on another post that he doesn't condone fin infidelity. jim carrey's saying that's not what he was doing there but he did say that both sides are responsible and to me that's what made things even worse and this morning on the "today" show and kathy lee gifford and hoda did sound off on jim carrey. was cheated on by her husband. was not happy with jim carrey's theory. >> that's a heck of a comment coming from somebody who is not related at all. i'm sure that tiger's grateful for support he hasn't been getting a whole lot of that.
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biat the same time to say that elin was responsible that tiger -- at least in some way i have a problem with that. >> he said that she was in if for the money or status or something. >> yeah, to say that elin is in any way to blame for the bad choices that tiger made i think that's pretty irresponsible. >> it's irresponsible. it's insensitive. it's a hideous assessment of a situation that he knows nothing about. and to kick the victim while she's down. i mean let's seriously like at this. elin has been undergoing the biggest conflict of her life over the past couple of month and someone who's not even associated for what's going on, for him to even infer that, i think that he was speaking out of turn and somebody should correct him. >> he does know something about this though because tiger's the highest paid athlete in the world and jim carrey's gotten the biggest paychecks in hollywood. jim carrey's seen this firsthand how women, at times, will give up you know a certain amount of their moral fortitude to actually have that big paycheck in their corner. i'm just saying. >> but jim carrey is not an example -- look at his track
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record. am i really going to take marriage advice from someone who has been in unsuccessful marriage and just broke up with his girlfriend on twitter? come on you, guys. it's at the point of ridiculous. i don't know why he would want to enter into this circus. >> a whole other point, carlos. . you know a lot of people are saying today why would he want to actually get involved with this discussion at all? the truth is, look, everybody is weighing in on this everywhere. but carlos, that said, is it so wrong for jim carrey to speak his mind, or you think, as you said earlier, he's just saying what other people are thinking? >> exactly. a.j., and you know and i know this, we constantly try to get celebrities to tell the truth, to not give those you know those generic answers. here comes jim carrey and he's saying what everyone's saying. he's saying what people are saying behind the scenes except he has the onions to say it in front of everyone on a tweet that everyone can read. are we going to chastise him for telling truth. >> a question very quickly that now a stupid move by him, and
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are people maybe going to be turned off kind of like for john mayer for the untoward things that he said about jessica simpson. >> of course. he should have edited it and that's what he's saying my people are telling me i need to stop tweeting. breaking today, tina fey on "saturday night live." few blistering spoofs on sarah palin. you have to check out what tina thinks a sarah palin network would look like. >> man on a helicopter with a sniper rifle versus wild. so you think that you can make me fill out crennus? "date line." >> tina does it again. who won in brand-new face-off between fey and palin? stay right where you are. >> okay, a.j. so tina fey hooking up with her sarah palin alter ego again, well, that makes sense. jon and kate getting together again. not so sure about that one. that's right, is jon really make
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a bizarre, explosive offer to do another show with his ex? even after suing her for custody of their kids? i mean, seriously. today "showbiz tonight" asks you, should jon and kate do another show together? oh, no, she didn't! first, jessica simpson went without makeup and now she's got a short do? this is "showbiz tonight" on hln, news and views. >> and now the "showbiz tonight" ticker. from the newsroom making news today.
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welcome back to "showbiz tonight." i'm a.j. hammer in new york. today, the pope is saying that beef we had with the beatles, well, let it be. the vatican's actually forgiving the fab four for john lennon's famous and very controversial comment that sparked outrage among christians that the beatles were bigger than jesus. lennon said that in an interview back in 1966. quoting now from a brand-new article in the vatican's official newspaper, "they and the beatles may not have been the best example for the youth of the day but they were by no means the worst. their beautiful melodees changed music and continues to give pleasure." demi moore setting the record straight today. does she really want to have kids with hubby ashton kutcher at the age of 4 sech? demi just did this interview with uk "elle" magazine and in it she says she and ashton have been talking about it, well "showbiz tonight" caught up with
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demi as she plugged her movie "the joneses" with co-star david duchovny. listen to what she told us about that "elle" interview. >> she asked me would i like to have another child and i said sure. if that is part of our journey i think that he would be a wonderful father because i already see how wonderful he is with my girls. >> okay, so demi would have another baby. in that same "elle" article demi also shocked us with the revelation that she used to be totally obsessed with her body image. been all kinds of reports that demi's had plastic surgery. listen to her describe to us how serious her obsession was. >> i feel like i lived this, you know, obsession of the measure of my value being on you know what my body was and how -- and if i was thin that i would smoub more validated. and -- and that you will never find, you know, a sense of peace
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or fulfillment coming from the outside in. you have to come from the inside/out. >> well, whatever she's doing the girl looks great. >> she looks amazing. all right, did you see this today? i really can't explain it. i just need you to watch it. it's a guy expressing his love for our fabulous number one website, >> ♪ i wake up in the morning what i do do ♪ ♪ i make eggs to eat with you ♪ what are you developing in story today ♪ ♪ slamming obama on guantanamo bay ♪ ♪ we've got obama's back ♪ and then i gave stocks ♪ red when they drop ♪ politics, entertainment, or tech ♪ ♪ i get so overwhelmed ♪ but i'll go anywhere with wolf blitzer at the helm. ♪ ♪ ac 360 makes the world going down ♪ ♪ rs feeds i've got no complaints ♪ ♪ you do what picasso did with
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paint ♪ ♪ ♪ >> a.j., that was something. that guy's really got it bad for and a.j., he gave you a shout-out too. listen. >> ♪ a.j. hammer on "showbiz tonight" ♪ >> well, there you go. a little plug for "showbiz tonight." folks over at did a great job. to plug our part of our website, which is c >> people are still fired up about that controversial nike ad featuring the voice of tiger's deceased father. >> yeah, brooke, a lot of of people are calling "showbiz on-call" about this today. we heard from dominique in alabama who loves the ad. >> my thinking it was a brilliant ad. if people look at the big picture he said he was going
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back to his roots so what better way to go back to his roots than to put his father back in his life." >> dominique, thanks for your call. >> sharon calling from california, agrees. >> tiger would know better than anyone what his father would say to him in his current situation. i think that he has the right to use his father's voice and that the commercial actually is inlighting. there is nothing wrong with that commercial. in fact i like the commercial. >> well, we like you for calling, sharon thank you for that. you can call us at "showbiz on-call." >> that's right the "showbiz on-call" phone lines are opened up 24/7. here is the number 1-888-sbt-buss. >> brooke, i want to tell you about in brand-new tv network it's launching today. check this out. >> man in a helicopter with a sniper rifle versus wild. so you think you can make me fill out the census?
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"dateline" to the catch a levi johnston. that's so palin. >> it's the sarah palin channel. all right, not really, of course that's tina fey as sarah palin on "snl," again. just hysterical. but who wins in round in the tina/sarah battle? does sarah actually come out looking better here? jon and kate together again? the unbelievable reports today that jon gosselin actually wants to do another show with his ex, kate. you know the one he's battling right now for custody of their kids? is another jon and kate plus 8 a terrible idea? and speaking of terrible ideas heidi montag and her ten plastic surgeries revealed today. heidi's brand-new bikini body. nightmare or no big deal? this is "showbiz tonight" on hln, news and views. now the "showbiz" news ticker. more news making news today.
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♪ ♪ i examined her
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>> whether you won the olympic gold, play professional football or even owned your own team, those reaping the award of tonight's celebrity gala are the stars of the show. welcome to the red carpet at the sixth annual aspire gala, a tribute to life's coaches. >> when you hear some of the testimony of the kids that have gone through our programs, some of the executive directors of the clubs that we've dealt with, these are the guys on ground zero. we recognize these people and attached ourselves with them and they atax them sells with us.
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>> hal and bill wanted to do something special when their father died. by creating this foundation, it allows us to take the legacy of cal senior to the next level and share his live's says sons with kids that need guidance. >> a lot live in circumstances where they don't think about the future. they think of the world that they're in which is not pleasant in cases much they're changed after they come to these camps and think about the future in a positive way, which shows you you're making headway. >> we matchup kids with cops. ninety-seven% of the relationships has improved. the teachers and mentors say these kids are undergoing short-term planning for the first time in their life. we're changing behaviors and that's the first step in changing their lives. when you change their life, you change the community. >> each year the young people
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have an opportunity to go to the cames. from a public housing community torks go to a camp to meet with billy and cal, it's very, very special. >> baseball and life may look simple involving a bat and a ball, but there's more to it, just ask cal. >> many times we communicate in the language of baseball, we're really communicate anything the language of life. with live lesson's, there's things you can learn in team work, individual responsibility. baseball is a cool sport because it blends them both well. >> the earlier you start, the better. i think with cal and billy and the foundation, i think they're doing a tremendous job getting youngsters involved in baseball at a early age. >> life is being apart of a team. sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, and i think we learn more by losing and being a citizen and a good part of the team. when you win it, builds
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self-esteem and takes you to the next level. >> when a team is not doing well, it correlates in life in dealing with the ups and downs, and trying to do things you can best each day. you have to learn how to lose, but winning is a great gift. >> for the cal ripken senior foundation, partnerships have been the key to success. >> i'm thrilled to put my name on this agreement that will signify that the u.s. mar chal service will partner with the ripken foundation to change and affect the lives of hundreds and thousands of kids. >> we're honoring four magnificent people. first jackie. she with her own hands and energy invest in the boys and girls club in st. louis. >> joe ripken will receive an award. there's art, everything he has done speaks for himself. >> to be a guest here treasuress
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and very excited about football and baseball emerging tonight. >> i'm proud of our game, i'm proud of the leagu i'm proud of what we've done, and also proud of my baseball friends who have done so much. >> i don't think there's a better venue in america to help boys become men and girls become women than through sports. coaches are influential to young people. it becomes a responsibility to help them grow and mature in a positive way. >> have a great coach that was in my life. i think with the cal ripken senior foundation is working with young people, teaching them life says sons, and being a valuable as set in the community. >> want to hear from police officers and teachers, we know we're making a difference.
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>> to learn how to get involved, check out to. learn more about your community, check out on demand and click get local. for comcast on the red carpet, i'm elaina ruse sew.
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now on "showbiz tonight" -- jon and kate, together again? does jon gosselin really want to did do a new tv show with his ex, even after just suing her for custody of their kids. and at 2:30, catch me and are you smarter than a half-term governor? i think you'll be surprised by the answer. i know i was. >> the brand-new tina fey/sarah palin battle. tina's brand-new spoof of sarah on "saturday night live." no one, hands-down, can do a palin impersonation better than tina, but this time does sarah
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actually come out looking better here? heidi's bikini body shocker. our first look at heidi's new body after her controversial ten cosmetic surgeries. the great debate today, is heidi's new body overrated, or no big deal? plus, more stories breaking from the "showbiz" news ticker. tv's most provocative entertainment show starts right now. welcome back to "showbiz tonight." it's 30 minutes past the hour. i'm a.j. hammer coming to you from new york city. >> and i'm brooke anderson in hollywood with big news breaking today. jon and kate together again? for the very first time, jon gosselin is saying he would do a tv show with his ex-wife kate. >> yeah, imagine that brooke. well, jon's brand-new proposal for a "jon & kate's" part ii was
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first in a brand-new interview with gosselin's attorney. too hard to believe. but jon gosselin is saying yeah he'd consider reuniting with kate on tlc. the same network of course that sued him. also making big news today, tina fey's brand-new spoof on "snl" of sarah palin as sarah palin launches her own tv network. >> and there's so much more. >> man on a helicopter with a sniper rifle versus wild. so you think that you can make me fill out census? from hollywood, carlos diaz a correspondent for "extra." with me in new york karlina bermuda senior editor of "in-touch weekly." let's begin jon gosselin's brand-new revelations that he'd actually consider doing a new tv show with his ex-wife kate gosselin. carlos, i have on tell you i'm not surprised with all the success that kate's having right now that jon wants to hitch a ride. what about you? >> a.j., give me a second here.
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i just want to -- thank you, lord, for answering my prayers in getting jon and kate back together again on tv. every night when i say my prayers i'm like can we get jon and kate back together and we're going do it and it's hilarious that jon spent all of that time to get off of tlc and like, now i don't have no money. tlc, can we get the show back together? it's hilarious and he needs tlrc a lot more than they need him. >> smacks deggs operation, does it not? a brand-new interview with tmz, jon's attorney says that jon would do a show with kate under the right circumstances. that's amazing to me. carolina, do you think those right circumstances are simply he is getting a paycheck? >> the dollar sign right now, that's right circumstance. no the guy is glutin for punishment. we saw him emasscalated on the show before. we know what kate will do to him. this would be the best television to watch. and tlc, if they're smart, they're going do it. >> i know that i'm tuning in. >> oh definitely. >> in the very same interview with tmz, and jon's attorney.
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he launched with kate over the cust dpeeft eight kids. now, brooke, what exactly did jon's attorney tell tmz over the weekend about that. >> a.j., john waged a brand-new custody battle against kate just last week calling her an absentee mother because of her gig on "dancing with the stars," but get this, even if kate gets voted off "dancing with stars," he still won't drop his case against kate. because he feels she is addict to the paparazzi, caught up in the glamour of hollywood. carlos, i personally think jon would settle his custody dispute with kate in a heartbeat if she and tlc gave him another shot. what do you think? >> yeah, yeah, brooke, it's almost like he planned this to begin with. hm? and by the way, addicted to the paparazzi, kate is the one who doesn't talk to the pop ratesi. jon's always the one who tells his life story to the paparazzi every chance he gets. this is the pot calling the kettle black.
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>> welcome back, welcome back, carlos. just hours ago today we posted our exclusive poll on the "showbiz tonight" facebook page. we wanted to ask people to vote on this -- jon and kate part ii. should they do another show together? i have to tell you the facebook page was virtually imploding with comments including leah l. who wrote this on our wall. we also heard this from shelby j. writing i would love to see them in another show together. ufc title fight kate versus jon, bad parent versus bad parent. look i've got no issue with either one of them being on tv as long as the kids are left out of it. as long as they're not a part of it, i'm okay. i do feel badly for the kids if their parent's behavior embarrassing them on tv and of course carolina, that happens every day. so as long as the kids are left out, is this such a bad idea? it's actually pretty good, isn't it.
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>> it's a very good idea because jon's not going out applying for jobs anytime soon and definitely needs to pay for these children and if this is what will make it work and let's think about adding all of his girlfriend in the show. adding ex-girlfriends in show. drama-filled. it would be a spectacular show. >> all right if you think that's fun i want some real fun right now and move onto tina fey's brand-new spoof of sarah palin on "saturday night live." it is making big-time headlines today. now, in this skit, fey takes on palin, once again, all guns blazing here, and in tina fey's skit palin was proudly hawking her brand-new sarah palin tv network which happened to include a show where palin turns the table on katie couric's infamous interview with katie asks palin what newspapers she read? watch this. >> so, katie, what newspapers do you read? it's an easy question, katie. well, better luck next time, got
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you. >> now, we were during the election year, tina fey genuinely helped shape america's impression of sarah that first time around. carolina, i think that tina fey completely knocked this out of the park, but even as biting as this was, palin's a huge star in her own right. ii have i feeling this will bounce right off of her. i don't think that this will hurt sarah palin at all. >> ne not at all and think in i fact i think that sarah palin earns 10% commission in keeping tina fey relevant in the news. now she's kind of fading into an ebailiffion and tina breathing the life back into her again. >> i don't know. brooke, she really hasn't faded into oblivion. do you think that sarah palin needs tina fey at this point to keep her vel vent? >> no, no i've got to respectfully disagree with carolina. palin has kept herself relevant. she doesn't need tina fey.
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she doesn't need "snl" to do that. she just signed a deal for reality show about alaska worth a reported $1 million an episode for crying out loud. i think that this will bounce off of her. you know palin's been self-depreckating. she's used to the ridicule. >> let's see those numbers, brooke, i'll tell you. >> i love the idea of a sarah palin network now. and the ladies of "the view" had something to say about today. poking fun on "snl." barbara walters poked fun at this debate. watch in. >> the bigger, the more popular, the bigger her impact, i mean it's -- it's just amazing. >> may be the next oprah winfrey. oprah's leaving her slot and maybe put sarah palin. >> no she'll not be the next oprah winfrey. that's a big jump and a rainbow leap, girl. >> carlos, what do you think? sarah has her reality show. and joy behar who hasn't always been so kind to sarah palin who thinks that sarah can be the next oprah.
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she wasn't even joking there. do you think that the tina fey new spoof will help rally palin's biggest fans? >> i think that the spoof helps if -- we're talking about tina fey and sarah palin and sarah palin being the tv permane v pe not sarah palin being the presidential candidate of 2012. let's be honest those spoofs are dead on as far as she just nails her every time, so yes, it does make her more popular as far as being a tv person. but as far as being a leader of our country, no way. >> no, because it reinforces all of the negatives that people may have felt during the election year and 2008 when tina was coming after her every week. well if you thought that tina fey did a number on sarah palin on "saturday night live" you have to watch how fey delivered really an incredible slam of michelle bombshell mcgee. of course the woman who claims she was jesse james' mistress. check this out. >> for every bullosandra bulloc there's every woman who got a tattoo on her forehead because she ran out of room on her [ bleep ]. for every elin nordegren there's
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a hooter's waitress. >> carlos diaz, carolina bermudez, thank you so much. jessica simpson takes it all off, again. went makeup less for leclerc magazine. and now reveal jessica taking off again. and this time it's her hair. is jess' new look a glamour do or a big cover-up. heidi montag's big reveal. after her ten plastic surgeries in one day. today the big debate, why some are saying, girl, put some clothes on. this is "showbiz tonight" on hln, news and views. and now it's the "showbiz" news ticker. more stories from the "showbiz tonight" newsroom making news today.
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there's no such thing as an oscar curse. the curse is there are women like bombshell mcgee walking around. oh brother. >> blame on the oscar curse. when an oscar lose a husband but tina fey knows exactly who to blame. jesse james' alleged porn star actress michelle bombshell mcgee. welcome back to "showbiz tonight" i'm a.j. hammer with brooke anderson in hollywood. tina fey strikes again. we all than tina fey does her spot-on impression of sarah palin. but what happens should when she takes on a celebrity mistress, brooke? >> i can tell you it turns into an absolutely hilarious
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"saturday night live" sketch. tina fey did not pull any punches when she bashed jesse james' alleged mistress, michelle "bombshell" mcgee. so did tina just speak for women everywhere, what do you think? joining me right now new york is kathy, the publisher of "cat linea" magazine. and also in new york is a correspondent and host for "b.e.t. "ladies, tina fey on fire "saturday night." i've got it tell you she took on every major character in the showbiz arsenal and her slam on jesse james' alleged mistress, blistering. let's fake a look at how fey skewered michelle "bombshell" mcgee. >> i know we shouldn't judge people based on their appearance, but when your body looks like a dirtbag's binder from seventh grade metal shop, it doesn't bode well for your character. for every sandra bullock there's a woman who got a tattoo on her forehead because she ran out of room on her [ bleep ].
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for every elin nordegren there's a hooter's wait stress who spells jamie with two "es" and a star. >> kathy, i think that tina is speaking for women everywhere. who are just outraged by this newfound fame for celebrity mistresses. do you agree? >> i agree. i mean but it's easy to pick on the mistress and tina fey was trying to say this is about women getting back at what's wrong in society. these women who are going after husbands but what about the husbands? why doesn't she rag on jesse james? he's at fault here. he's just as guilty as "bombshell" mcgee. he just as creepy although may not have those weird marilyn manson tattoos. yeah i think that tina fey should have gone after the husband on this one. >> maybe saving that for her next -- maybe she's saving that for her next "snl" appearance. >> maybe. >> in terms of "bombshell" mcgee, didn't stop there and tyke shot at those controversial photos that surfaced showing mcgee way swastika tattoo.
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>> i know that you're into nazi stuff and white supremacy. >> well, mcgee apparently heard about fey's slam. she tells "inside edition," "that's very hurtful to bring that up. hitler, that stuff is just wrong." mcgee went on to say she's not a wheat supremacist, not a nazi, well, thanks for clarifying, michelle. but april, do you think, despite the negative attention, michelle mcgee is still sboilg her newfound fame, i think so? >> oh, i think so and she's keeping it going. she tweeted about this. she's talking about it. we're sitting here giving time to this woman so of course she's enjoying it but one thing i don't understand about her is how she doesn't understand the correlation of wearing hitler's outfit and being called a white supremacist? i think that she needs to do a history lesson before she puts tattoos or items on her body. >> yeah, how does she not get the connection? >> yeah. >> and i personally think that
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she's getting a real charge out of all of this attention and not that it will make sandra bullock feel better. but is publicly apologizing to sandra telling an australian tv show that she feels badly for her, sorry for any embarrassment or pain that she's caused. kathy, quickly if you had to take, how do you think that sandra would react to this apology? >> my god, poor sandra bullock. i mention, just go away. bombshell mcgee, just go away. just shut up. just stop. don't mention my name. don't mention my husband's name. just shut up. >> it's a little late for apologies. >> yeah, leave it there. we've got move now to another story just in today, heidi montag, showing off her new surgically enhanced bikini body. take a look at this picture. heidi's teeny-weeny bikini leaves very little to the imagination. the best i can say is she looks -- well, she looks a little strange. april, i got to tell you i think heidi has officially won the title of biggest train wreck in hollywood today. what do you think? >> you know i feel sorry for her
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because here's a young woman who was already beautiful to begin with and then she enhances herself and i don't think she looks any better. i think she looks worse. i mean i think she looked better when she started out. and it just let's you know that she has some real deep, down issues about herself and some self-esteem issues? >> yeah, it's sad to me but it also seems, april, like heidi and her husband spencer have kind of created their own biz arm formula for fame. >> yeah. >> cathy, quickly, should we prepare ourselves for more radcallily enhanced reality star train wreck? >> my god ihope not. it's just not healthy. what she's got going to her chest i mean she'll tip forward. it's just not healthy. >> it's just not healthy. >> no. >> i certainly hope nobody else tries to follow their misguide attempts at success. cathy aru, april woodard, thank you both. >> thank you. moving onto jessica simpson taking hair-raising to a whole new level. the new hairdo jessica got while on a flight with her bff and hairstylist pavis. now pavis gave jessica a brand-new look.
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just not with his scissors. jessica's sexy shortcuts are wig, i tell you. posted picks of jessica's new wigd out looks on twit or sunday. jess' currently on the cover of redefining what beauty means to her. long hair, short hair, makeup, no makeup, jess looks great to me. >> no doubt. and now after weeks of hovers on twitter, and hand wringing, conan has a new gig. we have the breaking details of what happened after nbc basically kicked him to the curb. the latest on news and views on "showbiz tonight." >> these are the stories making news today.
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-- captions by vitac -- breaking news, star quarterback ben roethlisberger will not face criminal charges. >> the sexual allegation against mr. roethlisberger cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. >> new details on what happened the night he was accused of sexually assaulting a college student. tiger woods loses his first golf tournament since the sex scandal and loses to a true family man. >> i really want to recognize my family. my wife has been through a lot this year, and it's means a lot
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to share some joy together. >> phil mickelson wins with integrity and tearfully embraces his wife who is battling breast cancer and what could tiger and all of us learn from this? and a tennessee woman adopts a 7-year-old boy, and then she says he is psychotic and violent and has a hit list, and she sends him back to russia alone and now hundreds of adoptions could be in jeopardy. will she face charges? florida teachers are skipping class to protest a state bill to link their pay to students' test scores. >> there are so many variables to a students' achievement at school, you cannot measure it from a single test. >> is this the way to hold teachers accountable and help our kids' education? controversy, opinion, your point of view, and this is prime news. >> welcome and good to be back. i'm mike galanos and this is "prime news." many of you wonder the answer to this question, how can you adopt
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a child and then send the child back? that is what happened in tennessee. a mom put her adopted child on the plane to rush sharks and the mom says he had mental problems and now this could stop many people who are waiting to adopt here in the u.s. she is not facing charges, but should she? the sheriff is about to hold a press conference on the case, and we will go there live to find out whether or not she is facing charges. joining me is cnn reporter mark savage, and with us, an adoption attorney who is knowledgeable, because we have so many questions about the options. let's start with martin savage, and what is the latest? do we believe that the mom is going to face child endangerment charges here? >> well, it is a real question right here, mike. are we going the see charges coming out of the investigation. no question that a lot people think that the family's parental
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obligations were overlooked, and being the parents of a 7-year-old boy should have stuck it out longer or sought out professional help if the child is mentally unstable, and now the child is back to russia and russian authorities are looking after the child. but the question is were laws broken? many may not agree with how the family handle it, but are laws broken? the d.a. does not believe laws were broken, but that is the purpose of the press conference and we hope to hear more in a few minutes. >> well, did they try to get any counseling or support or help here in the united states? >> well, first of all the hanson family, who is the adoptive american family has gone into seclusion since the story broke thursday. they made a phone call to cnn friday and that is about the only explanation that we have had from the family. in the phone call, the grandmother, nancy, said they did seek out professional help
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and called a psychologist on the telephone and most professionals would say that is not a good way to get the assessment of the child's health, but they were told by the psychologist that from what the psychologist was hearing that the child would need care in a facility, long-term, and shortly thereafter that the decision was made apparently for the family to return the child to russia. mike? >> let's bring in stacy kaiser our psychotherapist. you run into the situation and it sounds like a tough situation and start off with the mindset of the adopttive parents and there should not be any escape, because it is your child, right, and you stick with them? >> i am with you 100% and they treated the child like a car they wanted the take back, but what happened is that they reached a point of desperation and helplessness and like some parents go to harm their kids, these people tried to give their kid back. >> okay. let's bring in robert kirsch on this. what kind of options did this
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mom have? okay. sounds like a tough situation, maybe there were some issues there, and who do you go to for help? as martin savage said, a phone call to a psychologist over the phone, i would not think that is enough. what options did they have? >> what option would they have had if the child was born to her biologically. >> right. >> that is the question. it doesn't matter that it is an adopted child. >> robert, the press conference is under way. hang tight with us, because we want to get your insights, but we go back to tennessee and listen in here. >> that is the only thing i know to do at this point. they keep insinuating that they are going to come in, but evidently not, and from what i understood this afternoon, they are not going to come in at any time unless we bring charges, and they will produce her, and that is where we are at. >> the family is not cooperating at this time? >> they are not at this time. her attorney called just now, and we have been trying to get a hold of her for a little while
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and she called just now and said that they were not going to produce the people, unless we had charges. >> what kind of charges are you looking at? >> are you talk about the grandmother? >> what charges are you looking at? >> we are not sure. this is a extremely complicated deal. it has so many things throwed in the wheel here that anything is nothing simple about this. there is no federal laws we can find to have anything to do with this. this is not something that happens everyday. this is, like, if you have a drug charge, you have a way to go about it, but this deal is really complicated, i mean, it is -- it's something that has got to be handled just so-so or it is not going tof fly. >> sheriff, what have you heard from her attorney? have you spoken with the folks in washington state department? >> we have.
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i asked him this morning, i said, do you not feel that this is a little bit over the sheriff department's head, you know? we deal with other things, other than child adoptions and in a foreign country. and he said, well, the problem is, sheriff, there is no federal law that we can find that -- there's no statute that we can find to charge anybody with on this. so guess what, tag, you're it. >> what was that? >> tag, you're it. >> was that the state department or the attorney's department? >> state department. >> which person are you particularly talking to, the mother or the grandmother who put him on the flight? >> actually, we are interested in talking to both of them. we are as interested in talking to one as the other. >> so, are you looking at charges? looking at possible abuse charges here or with just how the adoption went down or what are in the parameters of the
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research here? >> well, as we are looking now, abuse has been mentioned. but the child is in russia. who knows if they are going to let the child come back here or not, if need be. >> okay. you heard it there from the sheriff. this is again, the sheriff from bedford county, tennessee, as they are deciding whether or not to file charges against the mom who again adopted a 7-year-old from russia, according to the mom and her mother that the kid had issues and at its worst said that he had a hit list, and that the adoptive mom was at the top of the hit list. so, they call a psychologist for help, and end up shipping him back to russia. so, are there charges? should charges be filed? the sheriff is saying, isn't this over our head a little bit, but the state department saying no federal law or statute, so as he put it, tag, you are it. the sheriff is dealing with thchlt we want to hear from you, your thoughts. call 1-877-tell-hln and we have the experts standing by.
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there are plenty of russian families who might be willing to adopt, and there is also the possibility that he is an american citizen and coming back here to be adopted by another family, so i think that there is a potentially good future for him, and he just has to find the right family and it has to work out for him. >> michael kirby talking about the future of the 7-year-old boy, again, adopted by americans, went to tennessee, things did not work out. so, a mom and her mom end up shipping him back to russia. what does the future hold? let's go to robert kirsch, adoption attorney. what kind of future does this little guy have?
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do you think he will come back to the united states or stay in russia? >> well, it looks like he will stay in russia at this point. he did become a u.s. citizen and he is the legal child of mrs. hanson and those are the facts. just like if he were born to her biologically, she is -- he is her child. that is what is so troubling about this, that, you know, if any of us, and if i have two of my children on a flight to russia by himself, i would be in a lot of trouble. so that is something that we have the take out the fact that this is an adopted child out of the equation, because really n the ice of the law, that child is the legal child of mrs. hanson. >> and in the parents' eyes as well, this mom's eyes as well. stacy, let's talk about the little guy, how traumatic and damaging to be brought here and months later shipped back, because you are not good enough. >> hugely damaging. first of all, all of the self-esteem issues to go with it where he is not feeling good enough, and that could affect his behavior and make him act
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out more and make him more emotional and then a whole second part where he was just put in an unsafe environment. from what i understand the stranger met him on the other end who was paid a couple of hundred dollars i was told and that person took him to wherever it was that he went. this child was not in a safe and nurturing scenario. >> let's get a call in. nancy is with us on the phone from california. any thoughts on this? >> caller: well, mike, a few. what this woman did is totally unconsciousable, and for this child to be taken home and loved and then sent back like a piece of luggage or something, returned to a department store -- somewhere along the line, i read in an article at "people" magazine, there is an organization that does do this for other children who have this attachment syndrome, and who react violently. >> nancy, i hate to cut you off, because i want robert to address your point. the clock is ticking on us. robert, again, there should be
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help like you are mentioning, and biological parents would take their child to get hope to the normal avenues, be new a case like this, do the adoption agencies get anymore help or obligated in any way? >> well, certainly the first place she should have gone to in this circumstance, but there is other help through a psychologist or psychiatrist or institutional civilization or social services and all sorts of opportunities for this woman to find help. i am not doubting she needed help. i am sure that this situation did arise, but she didn't handle it in the right way. again, goi back to the fact that this child should have been treated like the biological child. >> okay. robert and stacy, we have the run. thanks for staying with us. more news is coming up.
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well, this case has been grabbing headlines for weeks. star nfl quarterback accused of sexuallies a sa-- sexually assaulting a college girl in the bathroom. but the d.a. says no charges are coming, because the case was not strong enough to take it in front of a jury. >> the sexual allegation against mr. roethlisberger cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. therefore, there will be no arrest made, nor criminal prosecution of mr. roethlisberger for his actions here on march 5th, 2010. there you go. i want to hear from you. call us at 1-877-tell-hln. welcome back, carl prin, staff writer for the "pittsburgh tribune" and robin sacks. as we listen to a detailed account from the district
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attorney earlier today, he mentioned that there seemed to be some injuries to the genital area, and forgive me viewing audience, but that is what he said to the alleged victim here, and why is that not enough to proceed, robin, help us here? >> well, a injury is not going the tell you more other than sex yule conduct, and the laceration he described could have happened as a result of consensual sex as well. what is fascinating is why only less than two months later are we hearing for sure they are not prosecuting this case at all when there is a long statute of limitations ahead of us. >> well, let's listen to the district attorney fred bright saying there is not enough evidence in the case. let's listen. >> here the overall circumstance s do not lead to a viable prosecution. if they did, i would pursue it vigorously. we are not condoning mr.
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roethlisberger's actions that night, but we do not prosecute morals, we prosecute crimes. >> okay. again, robin, he does not seem to think that they have the evidence to go forward, and what are you saying? are you saying it is too soon to make that call? >> well, listen, no doubt that this would be a complex difficult case, and as a prosecutor, the most compelling reason not to go forward in this case at this point is not about the strength of the case, but more about the victim's desires and the victim having a say, and as we know, the victim has said, i do not want to go forward, but in efrm tterms of finding how s the case is, there is another victim and past history, and there is no way that enough time and investigation would have come to see if there is other victims potentially out there. >> i want to hit on that with carl from the "pittsburgh tribune." as this plays out, carl, in pittsburgh, is there a feeling that em pooh want him to wise up?
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regardless, it sounds like from what the d.a. says he is trying to have sex with a 20-year-old in a bar bathroom while there is a pending case over his head on an assault, a civil case. what are the folks in pittsburgh saying about this? >> well, the folks in pittsburgh by and large echoed what the d.a. said, what d.a. bright said, there was too much drinking go on and answer it, ben, grow up, and you should stand up and be a leader and do not put yourself in this position anymore. >> no charges pending. carl, will we find out anymore of what happened after the hours of the alleged attack? >> we should. the last friday request under georgia law to get the joint police report done by the georgia bureau of investigation and georgia police is public document to give us more details. >> thank you. more on a missing
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11-year-old girl coming up.
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welcome back. now to a sad story we are following on "prime news." we told you about a florida teen accused of beating a girl to death almost to death. so vicious that josie ratley is in a coma. today, the family says they are sorry, and the family says that the son was acting out of character when he attacked the teen at the middle school. they believe he is having a tough time after his brother committed suicide. they believe he exploded into a fit of rage after ratley sent him a text about the brother. today, they said they apologize
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and are concerned about josie ratley. >> he would like to apologize to josie and her family, and he is real remorseful about it. one of the things he said to me on friday is that he wishes he could turn back the hands of time to the day before his brother died. he thinks that none of this would have happened. >> and the teen suspect has been charged with attempted murder. the prosecutors are still deciding if they will charge him as an adult. a 13-year-old girl has also been charged as an accomplice, and the ratley family attorney says that the mother is too hurt right now to think about an apology, and the anger and pain is too fresh in her mind, and all she can think about is how her daughter, josie, is doing. again, she is in a coma, but the family says she is breathing on her own, and she can open her eyes. but at the villain tribal conference, he pulled a double-cross by giving her the
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idol, and she took the bait, and the closest ally went home. well, there is a clip from cbs's "survivor" and one of the show's former producers is the suspect in mhis wife's death in cancun last week. they say that bruce redmond is expected to be arrested any time. his wife found dead thursday at a posh resort in the sewer where they were saying. witnesses say they heard fighting before she was found killed. and now disturbing new details of what led up to the fight. joining me is maxine page from and also joining me is jane velez-mitchell host of "issues" coming up at the top of the hour. >> how close are they to making an arrest? >> very close to making an arrest. he met with a lawyer for several hours and went to cancun and met
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with a lawyer and they are getting very, very close. >> and what is the possible motive? we heard reports that he was having an affair and she was upset and found out about it. take it from there? >> correct. he was having an affair with a woman he met at work, and carried on a six-month affair, and broke it up, a his wife, monica, found out about the affair and they went to marriage counseling and went to mexico to work through the issues and save the marriage. >> jane, as we look into the case and why an arrest could be imminent here, there are inconsistencies with the story, right? >> a lot of inconsistencies, mike. for example, the mexican authorities say that when he reported her missing she left and went shopping, but the hotel is saying that there is no record of her ever having left the resort, and there are security guards at the resort gate checking everybody coming and going, so that is one
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inconsistency and numerous others, and there is also physical evidence according to the mexican authorities that he had scratches on his body and when her body was found, she also had scratches on her body. so there is a lot of evidence, but i have to say that there are also some new developments coming in, and we are going to cover this on "issues" in a little while. there are reports that the resort has had problems, and that there may be some kind of history involving this resort. we are still working on that angle. so, we are going to bring that to you on "issues" tonight in a little bit. >> okay. maxine, we have mentioned it, but can you tell us anymore about any guests who heard a struggle in the room, i believe early morning on april 6th? >> yes, correct. someone actually rung down to security reporting that they heard a woman screaming for help. they also heard what sounded like furniture thrown around or broken. security actually run up to the
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room, and he answered the phone and said that everything was fine, and there was no trouble, but they heard stuff like loud raised voices and what sounded like a violent altercation. >> and maxine, the kids were there, right? the kids were in mexico? do we know where they were when in i of this was going down? >> we don't know where the kids were. they are now in the custody of his father, of bruce's father and mother. >> okay. and we know that there is a custody fight, we believe brewing, because her parents, they would want custody. >> correct. >> her sister filed for custody as well, which wasn't granted. it was granted to his parents. >> jane, we see a case like this, and we want to know history, history of domestic violence or abuse in the marriage -- are we hearing any of that so far? >> no, last week on "issues" we spoke to a couple who said they seemed like a perfect couple and always seems like a warning sign, because there is no such thing of a perfect couple.
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she said no arguing or domestic dispute and that is why the community is so shocked. the victim is the owner of a restaurant which was the gathering spot for the brazilian community in los angeles, and they had a vigil there last night, because they are so devastated about this loss of a community leader. >> okay. we are going to continue to follow this, jane. i know you will have the latest "issues" coming up at the top of the hour. and appreciate, maxine. maxine is staying around for this next one. tiger woods finished fourth in the masters, but isn't it ironic that a true family man won the masters. we have talked infidelity, but instead, we get this picture, phil mickelson who is shedding a tear with his wife amy who is battling cancer. >> tell hln.
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well, a breath of fresh air came out of augusta, georgia, this weekend. for months now when we thought of the game of golf, we thought about sex scandals, apologies and the endless parade of mistresses, but then phil mickelson changes all of that by winning the masters. he sinks the putt, and the scene of celebration unfolds. he is joined by his wife, amy, who is bravely battling cancer and the two of them lock in an emotional embrace. it says it all. we like to celebrate the good and that is what marriage is, walking through fires of life and experiencing the joy and emotion continued through phil mickelson's acceptance speech continued a short time after that. >> i really want to recognize any family. my wife, we have been through a lot this year, and it means a lot to share some joy together.
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phil mickelson, what a fan favorite and we will talk about that, and also talk about tiger woods, what is next for him and what he should do and take your calls and reactions to what happened over the weekend. 1-877-tell-hln is the number. joining me, we welcome back maxine page, senior editor for radaronline, and ryan smyth, host of "in session" on our sister network trutv. this is not to beat up tiger woods by the way, ryan, but i thought for 4 1/2 months we have been talk about infidelity and what marriage should not be, and we get a picture of what marriage should be. i was -- me, personally, i was one of many who was touched by this. your reaction? >> me, too, mike. it was a breath-taking scene. you talk about a sport taking a beating, it is golf. dipping rating and since the whole tiger thing, people disillusioned and phil mickelson comes out of nowhere and you forget about the tragedy and the wife going through the breast
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cancer scare, and him taking time off of golf to be with her, and this is the ultimate vindication of that, he stuck by the wife and look at the fruits of the labor now. >> and it screams what should matter most, your family and wife. there is a story, maxine of how his daughter had a hairline fracture, so phil mickelson, the night before the masters is with her getting the x-ray, and again, being the family man and i thought it was a breath of fresh air, and your reaction, maxine? >> he is the anti-tiger. we learned that after elin gave birth, two weeks later, tiger was covorting with some stripper which is his commitment to the family, and in this situation, he has stood by his wife and children throughout it all. he has won, and it is just like a great refreshing moment. >> you know, you mentioned elin, tiger and elin and we are not sure if she watched the masters and if she did, it had to sting, because she would see that and think that is what she thought
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she had with tiger, and maybe they can rekindle it, and do we know if she watched it? >> we don't know, but we would be surprised if she did, because she is seeming checked out of the marriage. she is not wearing the wedding ring and not living with him, in a rented house some 20 miles from their house, and she is pretty much checked out. sunday night, she flew to scotsdale, arizona, to see her mom. her mom is undergoing some medical treatment there, and then early monday morning, tiger flew away with the children to a undisclosed location for vacation and she is not joining him on that vacation. >> the crowds at augusta, nice tho tiger woods and all weekend seemed to give him a good reception, but you look at the new cnn/opinion research poll not good for tiger. those who have a favorable opinion of tiger woods just about 4 in 10, as you look at the numbers how they dipped since this first broke around
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thanksgiving time. did this weekend help him at all? let me ask you that when you talk about -- or is this a matter of time of whether or not those numbers will go up? >> well, it was a matter of ups and downs this weekend for tiger. first of all, that ad hurt him, that nike ad, that creepy nike ad, and the performance and the fact that the stuck it out through all that he has been through, that helped him, and the numbers will come up, but the numbers are flat. >> i was off last weekend and i could not belief nike would come back with that to bring back earl woods' voice who reportedly from a few accounts had infidelity issues himself, and you bring that back, so with that said, "saturday night live" tooked took ed advantage of that and is the spoof of the nike ad. >> tiger, i know this goes without saying, but when i am gone, please don't use my voice in a commercial, and if you do,
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please don't make it for a commercial trying to sell sneakers after a sex scandal. but, you know that, right? >> maxine, they nailed it, didn't they? >> it is hilarious, and they totally got it. that is what everyone is saying, it was so bizarre to have this advert with his dad. >> well, it creeped people out and the fact that "saturday night live" makes fun of it, you know you did something wrong, so no more dad commercials. >> thank you, ryan and maxine. coming up, florida teachers skipping class protesting a state law, a bill that could be signed into law that would link their pay to their students' test scores. is this this way to hold teachers accountable and help our education?
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welcome back the "prime news" on hln. people are fired up in florida because teachers there could have their pay and future decided by students' test scores. the governor charlie crist is deciding whether to sign the bill into law. it has passed the house and the senate. 75% of teachers in miami-dade called out sick in protest. and others were protesting.
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bottom line, supporters say it will reward good teachers and weed out the bad ones. proponents say that the law is too vague and possibly scare away good teachers and also vocal advocates for the teachers are the students. >> there are so many variables to a students' achievement at school, and you cannot measure frit a single test or from five tests or however many they want to give us. >> they are the ones who teach the doctors how to be doctors and lawyers to be lawyer, and they are the foundation and the people who want, and they go to school to teach us, and we are not giving them anything back and they are not getting funding, and it has gotten to the point of ridiculous. >> and a couple of passionate students there. we want to know what you think of your passions on this. should a teachers' raise be based on students' test scores. chime in on 1-877-tell-hln. join me to talk about this and welcome back steve perry, education contributor, for our sister network cnn, and principle founder for the prep
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tear magnet school, and marquez sterling, a teacher at ta middl school in florida. maria, did you sick-out today? >> yes, i did. i took a personal day today. >> let me ask you this, maria, because, and we have the facebook poll by the way and it is leaning your way that people are against, but we have a facebook poll and it's leaning more your way, but me personally, i'm thinking what is wrong with that, where a teacher's pay is based on students' performance? do you really take issue with that? what are your concerns? >> i think one of the things that you have to take into account when you evaluate teachers, based on the performance it needs to be something that's fair across the board. and everyone knows that teaching isn't like that, you have different circumstances and different communities and within schools themselves, so it's not something that's equal all the way across the board and that's one of the problems that i have
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with this. >> so you're saying a test score doesn't cut it. steve, you like this idea, right, steve? >> her actions are absolutely reprehensible. when you take the responsibility of teaching, you don't make excuses for students. we ask children to perform under those circumstances, we don't tell them, you know, i was going to give you a d, but because life is so tough for you, don't worry about it, circumstances. the expectation is when you decide to be a teacher, you decide to teach, when you decide to teach somebody to play the piano, you teach somebody to play the piano, you don't complain about the piano, the student or the family. >> we want to hear from you, 11-877-tell-hln. you can also chime in on
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facebook, we have an ongoing poll, we'll read you the results of this, get in on the action.
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