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tv   HLN News  HLN  April 18, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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look at this volcano eruption, this close up, is above awe-inspiring and frightening. you have been charged as an adult with attempted first-degree murder, premeditated. you better stop or i'm going to taze you! get on the ground! get on the ground! this is an 11-year-old girl and she's got a foul mouth, but there's more to it than just that. it's an empowerment. you're watching hln "news & views." those are few of the stories we're following for you on this sunday. i'm natasha curry. smoke and ash are still gushing from this volcano in iceland. look at this! and the ash cloud is still spreading across northern europe. the eruption began nearly a month ago, but conditions have been getting worse during this
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past week. airports in at least 15 countries are closed right now. thousands of flights are canceled. volcanic ash can cause jet engines to fail and some people in europe are trying to get seats on the euro star train, but britain-bound flights have sold out until tuesday. people are being told to stay put. >> for people in the uk, i think the advice at the moment is stay where you are and don't come into the airport, like you've just said. because, clearly, nothing is happening here. we can see behind us that the airport is completely closed. it's better for people, more comfortable for them to stay in hotels or with friends or at home. >> reporter: several european airlines have been conducting test flights today. they're sending jetliners without passengers on regular routes, flying well below the ash cloud. and so far the airlines report the planes are not damaged. a heartfelt farewell for the president of poland. mourners by the tens of thousands line the streets of
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krakow here where lech kaczynski once served as mayor. the bodies of the late president and his wife arrived from warsaw this morning. they and more than 90 other polish dignitaries died in a plane crash while flying to russia last weekend. dozens of world leaders, including president obama, planned to attend the funeral, but he and several others had to cancel their trips because of air travel restrictions caused by that erupting volcano in iceland. dignitaries from russia and other eastern european nations did attend the ceremony. pope benedict xvi said today that the priest who sexually abused children will be punished. the pope met with eight men who say that they were abused by priests in malta. the vatican said he prayed with them and told them that the priest responsible would be brought to justice. the men were reportedly abused when they were children, living at an orphanage. a teenage boy accused of severely beating a middle school girl has been charged as an adult. josie lou ratley was beaten so
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badly that she spent about a month in a coma. she recently regained consciousness, but suffered brain damage and can't speak. 15-year-old wayne treacy now faces premeditated attempted murder charges. his attorney says he'll plead not guilty. >> you have an honor student, a rational 15-year-old boy who at some point after his brother's death became an irrational 15-year-old boy. and you have to believe, even as a common person, that something -- some switch, something snapped in his head at that particular point and that's what i'm trying to get to the bottom of. >> the court does have the ability under the circumstances of this case, because there is no firearm involved, to impose juvenile sanctions or impose all the way up to life in prison. it's a very wide range. >> yesterday, a judge said that wayne treacy would have to stay in jail without bond. we've been following all the developments in florida in that tragic case of haleigh cummings, the little girl that disappeared more than a year ago.
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last week, putnam county, florida, police say they now consider haleigh's case to be a homicide investigation and a tip led authorities to search a local river here for clues. and we're getting more information now about what divers found, exactly. local affiliates are reporting two cinder blocks have been pulled from the st. johns river. so what happens next year? mike galanos got the update on hln's "prime news". >> natisha, do we know anything about evidence pulled from this body of water? >> well, what we know, mike, is that investigators did pull items of evidentiary value from the st. john's river, although they're not sure if those items are connected to haleigh cummings at this point. those items have been shipped off to different labs and they are doing testing on them. they are not giving us a time frame on when those items will be returned to them. >> 5-year-old haleigh cummings was reported missing from her father's home last january. her father's girlfriend, misty croslin, was babysitting the 15-year-old at the time. croslin is in jail on unrelated charges.
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croslin's cousin, joe overstreet, was questioned immediately after haleigh went missing and again this week. croslin's grandmother told hln another relative as accused overstreet of taking haleigh from the home. call him the new eyes of the law, some police departments around the country have started attaching cameras to some of their officers while on patrol and the cameras catch some pretty interesting things. >> you better stop or i'm going to taze you! get on the ground! get on the ground! >> they're like dash cams, but the cameras are actually wrapped around the officers' head. the police forces that use them say they're crucial in gathering evidence and say they prevent he said/she said situations. >> had it turned into a deadly force encounter, it would have been harder for me to articulate exactly what happened. the video shows exactly what happened, it shows exactly why we did what we did. >> but the officers wearing them have control over when the cameras start recording and some say that gives them too much leeway in recording questionable
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incidents. transit police in california's bay area turned in their tasers and they won't get them back until they've received some new training on how and when to use them. it happened after a transit officer fired his taser on a 13-year-old boy on a bike. now, the boy was not hit, but the transit police chief and others say they are concerned about why the taser was used in that situation. >> they are dangerous, and obviously, they're being used in the wrong way. to hurt innocent people. >> you can recover from a taser, you can't recover from a gunshot, most of the time. >> now, the b.a.r.t. officer involved hasn't been disciplined and is still on duty, as the internal investigation continues. a father gives his 12-year-old daughter a special birthday present -- lethal weapons. and that's not the only unusual and disturbing thing about this character in the new movie "kick ass." find out why she is the focal point of criticism of the film and share your views with hln. [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time.
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time for new zyrtec® liquid gels. they work fast. so i can get relief from the pollen that used to make me sneeze. with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i get allergy relief at liquid speed. that's the fast, powerful relief of zyrtec®, now in a liquid gel. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. so i'm ready by the first hole. with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i can love the air®. [ male announcer ] this week only, save up to $12 on zyrtec® products at and in sunday's paper.
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( zipping, breathing ) ♪ do you need anybody linens and duvet washed fresh for every guest. real value. from your friends at hampton.
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you can tell from the title this is not your typical superhero action movie. mom, "kick ass" is odds on favorite to be the top box office this weekend. it's definitely not for kids. but one of the most compelling characters is a kid. a.j. hammer shows us why she is a lightning rod for critics of the movie. >> in the film, the 11-year-old hit girl uses profanity, breaks one of the biggest language taboos left on screen, in addition to doing things to movie villains we can't show on air. violence and her language outraged people around the world, like the english film critic who called her, quote,
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one of the most disturbing icons and damaging role models in the history of cinema. one of the men who created this story defends his prepubescent h haeroine heroine. >> she's an 11-year-old girl and she's an assassin and she has a foul mouth. but it's more than just that. instead of being abused or molested, she takes the vigilante role. >> and neutral observers see hit girl as a complicated character. >> i don't think there's a really simplistic answer to hit girl. on the one hand, the film is extremely violent, and her flippant use of the "c" word is extreme extremely, but i find that quite empowering and refreshing. >> i think i'm in love with her. >> and the actress who plays hit girl may have lost her baby teeth while she was filming the part, but she says that she and her parents knew what she was getting into.
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>> my mom reads every script before i do and she read it and she knew it was an amazing role. and i read it, and i was like, i have to be hit girl, you know? who wouldn't want to be hit girl. >> my mom would wash my mouth out with soap. a film critic works that "kick ass" is the movie you do not want your children to see. so does this movie cross the line and could it eventually inspire violent tendencies in our youth. here's what some of you have to say. patricia says on facebook, "the blurring of violence in fantasy and violence in reality is the real danger. the common sense fantasy alters the ability to realize grave outcome from similar actions. i put this in the same category from violent video games. our youth do not benefit from this exposure." a.j. said, "this isn't the 1950s and our kids have to be able to protect themselves. parents have to remember they are the child's primary teacher to raise responsible adults. if you know your child is ready to understand the adult world
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with guidance, take them to the movie. if not, be there for your child and protect them until they can protect themselves." so what do you think? to join in on the discussion, e-mail us at or go to our facebook page at richelle carey/hln. lawmakers in nebraska have placed new restrictions on abortions. last week, they passed two new laws, including one requiring women seeking abortions to get psychological screening and another that bans abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. ryan smyth is a host for "in session" on our sister network trutv. he spoke to chuck roberts about what the laws could mean both inside and outside nebraska. >> ryan, there's two facets of this nebraska law. one would end late-term abortions and the other would require a woman seeking an abortion to have a psychological examination. will that pass muster, constitutionally? >> that's a good question. we don't know for sure yet. it depends on how it's crafted. this may disrupt a case called
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planned parenthood versus casey. so here you're talking about a lesser term, 20 weeks. in that sense, in order to challenge this, you have to challenge that ruling. >> and would they have to prove that a fetus would feel pain? >> that's what they have to do. and right now, they're using doctors' testimony saying, you know what, within 20 weeks, they feel stimulus, which may mean they feel pain. >> what about the requirement for a psychological examination, a mental health evaluation. is that groundbreaking? >> it's a little bit different. kansas has employed something similar and some laws are going that way. the real thing here, chuck, they're trying to get late-term abortions out of their states. just the same way dr. jornl tiller made a name for himself in doing late-term abortions, they don't want that in their states. >> so it doesn't matter what their intention is in this case according to the constitution? >> not so much. what really matters here is whether or not it's permissible by law. so in a sense, the supreme court would have to overturn planned
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parenthood versus casey to keep this law in place. >> thanks. they were outnumbered 10 to 1, and it's not a plot for a war movie, it's what happened when a group of white supremacists decided to voice their views on illegal immigration, oh, yeah, and you'll see the result. [ male announcer ] there are 16 chevy models with a five star frontal crash safety rating. that's peace of mind for every size family. chevy... may the best car win.
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it's another thing to back it up. the chevy 5-year/100,000 mile transferable powertrain warranty. with roadside assistance and courtesy transportation, it's the best coverage in america. two airlines are pushing to end the ban on airline travel over parts of europe, but both air france and its dutch subsidiary kml carried out test fig flights into that ash cloud and did not suffer any damage. the ash cloud has closed airports and canceled flights throughout europe and analysts say that the problem could last until the middle of next week. tom foreman looks at why it's considered such a threat. >> this volcano, from the land of ice and fire, is affecting a good portion of the world right now. these are some of the pictures of the eruption. you can see these classic images of lava spewing out there, but this is the big issue right now.
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a cloud of ash that's taken up the air space from about 20,000 to 35,000 feet, right where jetliners usually fly, and this is drifting east and a little south. and that's playing havoc with europe, grounding planes, closing airports all over the place. why is that? well, because, first this can look like normal dust up in the air, or normal clouds. so it's possible to fly into it by mistake, but this is nothing like normal dust. this is so fine that it can clog up nozzles and foul joints on airplanes, and more importantly, it can be sucked into jet engines, where it undergoes a dangerous change. here's a model of a jet engine. it takes in air here, these blades compress that air, it mixes with fuel, it ignites and fires out the back and that makes it go forward. but this process is so hot, it will melt volcanic dust. here's a particle of volcanic dust right there, and when it does, this turns into sort of a molten glass, which then comes out of the back of this engine
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and there it starts cooling and choking the engine. the dust is also very abrasive, so it can do damage simply by flying through it. but the bottom line is once all that happens, the plane can simply lose control and be unable to safely land or do much of anything. we've never lost a plane this way, but there have been planes that have flown into volcanic dust and had very severe problems. >> in 1989, a boeing 747 flying through a cloud of volcanic ash over alaska loss all four of their engines. the crew was eventually able to restart them and they landed safely. a similar incident happened in 1982 when a british airways pilot says his plane lost power in all of its engines over the indian ocean when they entered a cloud of volcanic ash they couldn't even see because it was night. >> the engines all stopped very
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quickly, three of us, but none of us believed it was happening, because we'd practiced it in a simulator, and it was nothing like it was on the night. the only way i could try to communicate was through the passenger address. and i just -- being an honest guy, i said, good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. we have a small problem in that all four engines have failed. we're doing our utmost to get them going. i trust you're not in too much distress. but it's very dangerous and they're doing the right thing in keeping airplanes away from it. i certainly wouldn't want to go near it again. >> the pilots say the engines finally started again at 12,000 feet. usually, when one airline does something, the rest follow suit. but not this time! spirit airlines said earlier this month that it was planning to charge up to $45 for each carry-on bag. but five major airlines have agreed not to do the same thing. we're talking about american, delta, jetblue, united, and us
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airways. this all comes after senator charles schumer called for a ban on the carry-on fee. white supremacists were outnumbered about ten to one when they encountered some counterprotesters at a los angeles rally and some things really flared up. about 50 members of the national socialist movement were protesting against illegal immigration here yesterday and an estimated 500 counterprotesters showed up. riot police tried to keep them around control. police say they arrested five counterprotesters for throwing things at the rally. >> they are defending free speech. and if they weren't there, as you can see from the other side, they're the ones that are rioters, they're the ones that are throwing things, they're the once that came out without a permit. we came out with a permit, the police are doing the job, we respect that. >> to have so many police officers, like, on a saturday night -- or, i mean, saturday, you know, so many of them, how many millions of dollars were spent? >> the white supremacist group says that they are reacting to some immigration reform rallies that support amnesty for some illegal immigrants.
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customs agents shot and wounded a man who tried to get past checkpoints at the busiest border crossing in the u.s. authorities say the man was trying to get into california from mexico at the san ysidro crossing, so he was sent to a secondary checkpoint because he did not have proper i.d. but agents say he tried to ram his way through, and when agents tried to stop him, he slammed his suv into reverse and that's when agents opened fire, wounding the man and causing him to lose control and crash into a concrete barrier. the man's injuries are not life threatening. sarah palin, she's used to tina fey and other comedians spoofing her, but she's the one who got some laughs this weekend.
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i take it every day. it keeps my airways open... to help me breathe better all day long. and it's not a steroid. announcer: spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor right away if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, have vision changes or eye pain or have problems passing urine. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, problems passing urine or an enlarged prostate, as these may worsen with spiriva. also discuss the medicines you take, even eye drops. side effects include dry mouth, constipation and trouble passing urine. my doctor said i could be doing more to breathe better and now i am. announcer: ask your doctor about lifestyle changes and once-daily spiriva. [ sneezing ]♪ a reounas
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you have been charged as an adult with attempted first-degree murder, premeditated. >> you better stop or i'm going to taze you! get on the ground! get on the ground! >> this is an 11-year-old girl and she's an assassin and has got a foul mouth. but there's more to it than just that. >> you're watching hln "news & views." those are few of the stories we're following for you on this sunday. i'm natasha curry. smoke and ash are still gushing from this volcano in iceland. look at this. and the ice cloud, it's still spreading across northern europe. the eruption began nearly a month ago, but conditions have
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been getting worse this past week. airports in at least 15 countries are closed right now. thousands of flights are canceled. volcanic ash can cause jet engines to fail and some people in europe are trying to get seats on the euro star train that goes to and from the uk, but britain-bound seats are sold out until tuesday. and people are being told to stay put. >> the people that are in the uk, whatever nationality they are, i think the advice at the moment is stay where you are and don't come into the airport, like you've just said, because clearly, nothing is happening here. we can see behind us that the airport is completely closed. it's better for people, more comfortable for them to stay in hotels or with friends or at home. >> several european airlines have been conducting test flights today. they're sending jet liners without passengers on regular routes, flying well below the ash cloud, and so far, the airlines report the planes are not damaged. a heartfelt farewell for the president of poland. mourners by the tens of thousands lined the streets of krakow here, where lech kaczynski once served as mayor.
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the bodies of the late president and his wife arrived from warsaw early this morning. they and more than 90 other polish dignitaries died in a plane crash while flying to russia last weekend. the late president's twin brother led the mourners at a 700-year-old cathedral in the heart of krakow. dozens of world leaders including president obama planned to attend the funeral, but had to cancel their trip because of travel delays because of that volcano. defense secretary robert gates reportedly told the white house that it needs a viable long-term plan to hanld iran's nuclear program. gates wrote a three-page memo in january and reportedly said the plan needs to include possible military intervention. "the times" says the memo set off efforts to come up with new options. a white house official told the associated press those efforts have been under way for many months. news of secretary robert gates'
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memo comes as a two-day nuclear conference is under way in iran. iran's president and other officials warned representatives from 60 countries that america's nuclear policy was endangering the world. president obama didn't invite iran to his nuclear security summit in washington last week. the u.s. fears iran is using a civilian peculiar program as a cover to develop weapons, but iran denies this, saying its nuclear work is only for peaceful purposes, like power generation. pope benedict xvi said today that the priest who sexually abused children will be punished. the pope met with eight men who say that they were abused by priests in malta. the vatican says he prayed with them and told them that the priests responsible would be brought to justice. the men were reportedly abused when they were children living at an orphanage. nearly a year ago, 17-year-old brittany drexel here went on spring break and never came back. the new york teen hasn't been
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seen since april 25th of last year when she was spotted near a south carolina hotel where she was staying. the parents of a florida woman have been going through the same heartache for four years and this week they learned that the police ended the search for their daughter, jennifer kesse. >> brittanee drexel with, it's been nearly a year since she vanished in myrtle beach, south carolina. she went there for spring break without her parents' permission. we're now learning that police are looking for three, possibly four people from south carolina whom they are calling persons of interest. tonight, heartbreak and frustration as cops call off the search for jennifer kesse, who was just 24 years old when she vanished more than four years ago. orlando cops now say they have exhausted all credible leads in this case, but, oh, if they get a viable tip, they will pursue it. probably cold comfort to jennifer's devastated parents
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after being told their daughter is now a cold case. on jennifer's website, they wrote that the news, quote, chipped another piece of our hearts away, end quote. police say jennifer is among more than a dozen missing persons cases they cannot solve in this area. >> now, kesse's family says they will not give up their search. a $15,000 reward is being offered in this case. and tonight on "issues," despite lurid new details emerging in the ben roethlisberger scandal, he still walked away without a single charge. jane says he may not have done anything illegal, but he's definitely done some stupid things. catch her take on the story tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern. call him the new eyes of the law, some police departments around the country have started attaching cameras to some of their officers while on patrol. and the cameras catch some pretty interesting things. >> you better stop or i'm going to taze you! get on the ground! get on the ground! >> they're like dash cams but the cameras are actually wrapped around the officer's head.
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the police forces that use them say that they're crucial for gathering evidence and they say they prevent he said/she said situations. >> had it turned into a deadly force encounter, it would have been harder for me to articulate exactly what happened. the video shows exactly what happened. it shows exactly why we did what we did. >> but not everyone thinks that the cameras are such a great idea. the officers wearing them have control over when the cameras start recording and some say that gives them too much leeway in recording questionable incidents. a father gives his 12-year-old daughter a special birthday present. >> check this out! >> lethal weapons! and that's not the only unusual and disturbing thing about this character in the new movie "kick-ass," find out why she's the focal point of criticism in the film and share your views with hln. >> oh, my god! dad!
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so shipping for the chess champ in charleston is the same as shipping for the football phenom in philly? yep. so i win! actually, i think you deserve this. no, i deserve this. wow, got one of those with a mailman on top? priority mail flat rate box shipping starts at $4.95, only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship.
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there's dude just like a super hero out there beating up a bunch of guys. it's awesome! you can tell from the title that this is not your typical superhero action movie. mom, forgive me for saying it, "kick-ass" is the odds-on favorite to be the top box office draw this weekend. and that has some people worried. it's an r-rated adaptation of a comic book and it's definitely not for kids, but one of the most compelling characters is a kid. a.j. hammer shows us why she is a lightning rod for critics of the movie. >> in the film, the 11-year-old hit girl uses profanity, breaks one of the biggest language taboos left on screen, in addition to doing things to movie villains we can't show on air.
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>> hey, i have one of those. >> violence and her language has outraged people around the world, like the english film critic who called her, "one of the most disturbing icons and damaging role models in the history of cinema." one of the men who created this story defends his prepubescent heroine. >> she's an 11-year-old girl and she's an assassin and she has a foul mouth. but there's more to it than just that. it's an empowerment. it's a young girl that instead of being abused or molested, she's the one that takes the vigilante role. >> reporter: and neutral observers see hit-girl as a really complicated character. >> i don't think there's a really simplistic answer to hit girl. on the one hand, the film is extremely violent, and her flippant use of the "c" word is unacceptable, butten on the other hand, the fact that character is able to break out of the box the norm of what we see for girls and women on scene, i find that quite empowering and refreshing. >> i think i'm in love with her. >> and the actress who plays hit
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girl, 13-year-old chloe moretz may have lost her baby teeth while she was filming the party, but she says that she and her parents knew what she was getting into. >> my mom reads every script before i do and she read it and she knew it was an amazing role. and i read it, and i was like, i have to be hit girl, you know? who wouldn't want to be hit girl. >> my mom would wash my mouth out with soap. so does this movie cross the line and inspire violent tendencies in our youth. here's what some of you have to say. linda posted this on hln. our society is fueled by the media, sex, drugs, gangs and inappropriate music, but one facebooker disagrees and writes, sorry, parents, your kids are already violent and using that language, but you're too busy doing everything besides actually parenting to realize it. hey, thanks to all of you for
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the great comments today. if it looks like a bagel and tastes like a bagel, is it a bagel. well, not always, joe carter sampled some of the items on food and wine magazine's list of 100 things to taste in 2010. >> i'm in front of the restaurant wd 50 on manhattan's lower east side where they take an everything bagel and turn it into everything bagel-flavored ice cream. >> i'm with the mound who's behind this fun dish, and he's going to show us how to make it. >> let's go. we just take these bagels, toast them up nicely, and we're going to infuse them directly into the cream and the milk. we strain the milk out of the bagels, and we turn them into ice cream and the machine and after that we pour that soft-serve consistency ice cream into the molds. once they're frozen in the shape of the bagel and we pop them out and air brush them with a little bit of caramel color. >> all right, wiley.
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time now for the finishing touches. what are the garnishes you're going to add? >> a classic new york bagel. first is smoked salmon, red onion, and cream cheese. bagel ice cream right out of the freezer. flip it over -- >> you're dropping it in what? >> sesame seed and poppy seed, classic toppings. >> just like an everything bagel. >> so there it is. >> okay. my favorite part of the job, i get to try the dish. here we go. mm, tastes just like a new york everything bagel. to learn more about breakfast flavors served anytime of the day, check out your latest "food & wine" magazine. they were outnumbered ten to one, and no, this isn't a plot for a war movie, it is what happened yesterday when a group of white supremacists decided to voice their views on illegal immigration. oh, yeah, and you'll see the result. getting ready to plant?
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chances are your soil is like this: compacted, drained of nutrients. it'll hold your plants but it'll also hold 'em back. the solution: miracle-gro garden soil. the perfect mix of rich, organic ingredients, and miracle-gro plant food. just mix it in. and turn bad soil into great soil. helps plants grow twice as big. instead of holding 'em back, they'll leap ahead. miracle-gro garden soil. and moisture control garden soil. time for new zyrtec® liquid gels. they work fast. so i can get relief from the pollen that used to make me sneeze. with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i get allergy relief at liquid speed. that's the fast, powerful relief of zyrtec®, now in a liquid gel. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. so i'm ready by the first hole. with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i can love the air®. [ male announcer ] this week only, save up to $12 on zyrtec® products at and in sunday's paper.
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thisust migh rl key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night it's something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. [ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] 28 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in new blueberry pie and new red velvet cake. yoplait light. it is so good.
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two airlines are pushing to end the ban on air travel over parts of europe, but both air france and its dutch subsidiary, kml, carried out test flights into that ash cloud from an iceland volcano today and they said they did not suffer any damage. the ash cloud has closed airports and canceled flights throughout europe and analysts say that the problem could last until the middle of next week. tom foreman looks at why it's considered such a threat. >> this volcano, from the land of ice and fire, is affecting a good portion of the world right now. these are some of the pictures of the eruption. you can see these classic images of lava spewing out there, but
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this is the big issue right now. a cloud of ash that's taken up the air space from about 20,000 to 35,000 feet, right where jetliners usually fly, and this is drifting east and a little south. and that's playing havoc with europe, grounding planes, closing airports all over the place. why is that? well, first, because this can look like normal dust up in the air or normal clouds. so it's possible to fly into it by mistake, but this is nothing like normal dust. this is so fine that it can clog up nozzles and foul joints on airplanes, and more importantly, it can be sucked into jet engines, where it undergoes a dangerous change. here's a model of a jet engine. it takes in air here, these blades compress that air, it mixes with fuel, it ignites and fires out the back and that makes it go forward. but this process is so hot, it will melt volcanic dust. here's a particle of volcanic dust right there, and when it does, this turns into sort of a molten glass, which then comes
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out of the back of this engine and there it starts cooling and choking the engine. the dust is also very abrasive, so it can do damage simply by flying through it. but the bottom line is once all that happens, the plane can simply lose control and be unable to safely land or do much of anything. we've never lost a plane this way, but there have been planes that have flown into volcanic dust and had very severe problems. >> in 1989, a boeing 747 flying through a cloud of volcanic ash over alaska lost all four of its engines, causing the plane to drop more than two miles in five minutes. the crew was eventually able to restart them and the plane landed safely, thank goodness. a similar incident happened in 1982 when a british airways pilot says his plane lost power in all of its engines over the indian ocean after they encountered volcanic ash that they couldn't even see because it was night. >> the engines stopped one after
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another, very quickly, there were three of us, but none of us believed it was happening, because we'd practiced the thing in a simulator, four engine failures, and it was nothing like it was on the night. the only way i could try to communicate was through the passenger address. and i just -- being an honest guy, i said, good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. all four -- we have a small problem in that all four engines have failed. we're doing our utmost to get them going. i trust you're not in too much distress. but it's very dangerous and they're doing the right thing in keeping airplanes away from it. i certainly wouldn't want to go near it again. >> the pilot says the engines finally started again at 12,000 feet. usually, when one airline does something, the rest follow suit. but not this time! spirit airlines said earlier this month that it was planning to charge up to $45 for each carry-on bag. but five major airlines have agreed not to do the same thing. we're talking about american, delta, jetblue, united, and us airways.
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this all comes after senator charles schumer called for a ba airways. this comes after charles schumer called for a ban on the carry-on fee. white supremacists were out numbered ten to one at a rally. things really flared up. about 50 members of the national socialist movement were protesting against illegal immigration here yesterday and estimated 500 counter-protestors showed up. police tried to keep them under control. they arrested five of them for throwing things at the rally. >> they are defending free speech. as you can see from the other side, they're the ones that are throwing things, they're the ones coming out without a permit. the police were doing their job and rewe respect that. >> police were out on a saturday night. so many millions of dollars were spent. >> the white supremacist groups
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said they are reacting to allies that form amnesty groups. former president bill clinton says if you are going to offend politicians, watch what you say. it could invoke violent action. they eventually got worked up enough to stage an attack. clinton says he doesn't want critics to be silent. he said the political debate and the opportunity to voice opinions freely are essential. sarah palin, she's used to tina fey and other comedians spoofg her, but she's the one that got some laughs this weekend. big deal, persuade him. okay. $65 for tonight. you can't argue with a big deal. and you can get a big deal on last-minute flights, too. while everyone else's prices are on the rise, priceline finds the empty seats to save you up to 50% off published fares
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