tv HLN News HLN April 20, 2010 12:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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i called my husband and i just was so shook up. i just said, honey, i want you to know first there's been a shooting at park west. we couldn't afford anything. i'm going to start crying. >> is he a monster? of course. did he ruin my life? yes. i would actually thank him for giving us our closure. >> i put my hands over my mouth. the only thing i use the post office for now is mailing packages. i'm christi paul. this next hour is all about you. thank you for being with us here at hln news and views. we're following a developing story out of peoria, arizona,
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just near phoenix. police say this involves an armed suspect or suspects barricaded in the two-story house you see there. police say initially they responded to a burglary call around 4:30 local time this morning. and according to local reports, when officers got there, they found a back door forced open and a person who had been bound on the first floor. that person reportedly tolded authorities between 5 and 10 people entered that home. police say they also found several weapons in the house. now it's not clear who is still in that house right now, but we should add no shots have been fired. there are no reports of injuries. but, obviously, we're following the story and we're waiting here to talk to somebody about this. this video coming from wpho. mike tell with phoenix police is on the phone with us right now. thank you so much. what can you tell us about the situation at this moment? >> we got the call out here in peoria about 4:30 this morning
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of a burglary. five to ten seconds forced their way into a house. we found an adult male bound up. he was the one providing the information, but due to the language barrier it was a little broken information. our officers secured the house. we brought our special assignments team out, which consists of s.w.a.t. and crisis negotiators. as of right now, our s.w.a.t. team is still searching the house. >> so you don't know if anybody else is still in the house? is that correct? >> we're not certain. we did get an adult female out of the house as well as a 12-year-old boy. still in the process of searching the house to make sure nobody is in there. >> is that adult female that was bound? we had reports that someone was bound on the first floor. >> that was the male we found when we got the call at 4:30 this morning. our officers found him bound on the first floor of the house. >> okay. but everybody that lived in the house, as you know it is okay. do we have any idea as to a motive? >> not as of yet. we're still looking into that.
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we're still just checking to make sure there's no suspects inside the house. once we're certain of that, our detectives will go in with the search waurnts and conduct the investigation. >> any ideas, you know, i'm sure you are talking to witnesses. but did anybody in the neighborhood see anything? if you are talking five to how many people they suspect you might -- suspect might have broken into this house? >> we were told originally five to ten. we don't know, again, because of the language barrier, the confusion of going on at that hour in the morning. a lot of information from our original witness/victim was kind of sketchy. so we're going to be trying to find out what we've got. as of right now we've got the adult male out of the house with no injuries. adult female out of the house with no injuries. a 12-year-old child out of the house who was also not injured. and just finished searching. it's a three-story house. >> this was an armed invasion,
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would it be correct to -- >> that's what we're being told is that they were armed. and again, once we get a chance to really search the house in detail, we'll be able to determine if there are weapons there, do the weapons belong to the homeowner or do the weapons belong to suspects. >> do you suspect that there is any danger to anybody else in the neighboring homes? >> no. we evacuated those homes right away this morning as soon as we got containment on the first house. and so the people in the general area, they are safe. we shut off the major roadways that runs right by it. we've got a school just a little north of there. we got with them right away. as soon as students arrived on campus, they were immediately taken inside the building and not allowed out on the playground. we had the area secured up at the residence and the public in the area was very safe. >> is there any video that may be available to you to help you solve this? in terms of security video or anything? >> nothing we know of yet. again, we are still just
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finishing up searching the house for the suspect. that's the kind of stuff we hope we'll find. >> all right. mike tellef with the peoria police department. thanks for getting us up to date with this. best of luck to you in the investigation there. all righty. on to one of the other stories we're closely watching today. the florida judge in the casey anthony murder trial is removing himself from the case. circuit judge stan strickland granted a motion filed by defense attorneys last week that he recuse himself. the defense argued a friendship he had developed with the blogger seen in this video showed he was prejudiced against anthony. anthony's attorney says strickland contacted the blogger known as marinade dave, through his blog and by phone but never disclosed that relationship to the defense. strickland denied doing anything wrong but said he removed himself because the defense would most likely accuse him of bias every time he ruled against them. anthony has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder in the death of her daughter caylee. the toddler's remains were found
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in december of 2008, six months after she was last seen alive. just when it looked as though flights would start getting back to normal, a new eruption from the volcano in iceland is causing new trouble. a new ash cloud is headed toward london. look at this thing. it is just i go ji gantic. london airports are closed, though some flights are getting out of other parts of europe, we understand. the u.s. postal service is in some serious trouble. it's forecasting a $7 billion loss this year. the postmaster general has warned congress that the agency may completely run out of money by early november. just, of course, as the holiday season starts to ramp up. so would you miss saturday delive deliveries? we hit the streets to find out. >> i'm joe carter. this is hln's views from the street. how important is it to you to get your mail delivered on saturday? we're on the street to find out. the united states postal service is in a heap load of debt.
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they are putting a plan in place to reduce mail delivery from six days a week to five days a week. >> that's fine. i can get my business done. i'll find a way to get it done. >> it wouldn't really affect me. in my house we don't really check our mail on saturday. >> i'm not happy about it. the reason they're not making smun because people are not satisfied. i don't know if this is going to boost satisfaction. >> i don't like getting the mail poopts usually just bills or junk mail. >> i don't have a real problem with it. i think they can really save money doing it it would be okay. >> how much time do you spend using your computer to communicate versus using the united states postal service? >> are you serious? computer all day long. we might as well be using the pony express. >> i'm able to communicate -- >> you can get coupons online, e-mail and you can pay your bills online. >> the only thing i use the post office for now are mailing packages. >> we want to save paper and the internet is a key way for us to do that.
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>> do you think the post office is still relevant then? >> absolutely. absolutely. >> i wouldn't say it's totally irrelevant because you do have to get certain documents in the mail. there's not a substitute for that. >> the only reason i would need the mail is for like christmas presents and birthday cards and stuff like that. >> everything might be electronic. seems like it's hassed that way. >> what do you do now online that you used to do through the mail. >> everything. except have sex. >> i'm joe carter. i'll see you on the street. the recent "washington post" poll found a majority of americans support ending saturday delivery to remedy the postal service's financial problems. most want their local branchs to stay open. well, some parents are taking a radical approach to educating their kids. i don't know if you've heard about this yet. for these families, school is out, completely. find out how kids are supposed to learn when nobody is
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i buy plants, i bring them home, and then...i water too little... too much... or i just forget. but look. this is doing fine. why? it's planted in miracle-gro moisture control potting mix. it holds 33% more water... than ordinary potting soil, releasing it as plants need it, not when i get around to it. and there's miracle-gro plant food mixed in. so you get miracle-gro results... i like that. [ female announcer ] new and improved miracle-gro moisture control potting mix. success starts with the soil.
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all right. parents, you know you have several options for educating your children. public schools, private schools, home schooling. and how about now none of the above. some parents decide or have decided that their kids should be unschooled. this is a term that was coined for children who don't attend any type of formal classes in a school or at home. basically, their parents allow them to learn what they choose when they choose. no books, no tests. no specific hours set aside for learning. the unschooling approach is discussed in a recent discovery health channel program and on abc's "good morning america" where one parent suggested that unschooled children are not uneducated. >> we spend a significant amount of our time and energy making sure we are exposing the kids to all kinds of things. it's an activity for us as
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parents that takes hours a day. so we bring them to places and we bring things to them on a very regular basis. they're not confined to only the topics that they have to learn in school. >> all right. this is one of our "your views" topics today. richelle, i have to admit, it's intriguing because you are thinking, how are they doing it? how do they -- do they get a ged basically if they choose to, right? >> if they choose to, christi. and then you also -- part of you has to admire the parents because they are trying to find something different. and there isn't always something wrong with that. but, yeah you hear the word unschooling and, of course, the kids are like, yeah that's great. but come on. do kid necessarily need structure in order to learn or maybe you think this is so out there that there is no way in the world this would work. it's a good conversation. the conversation is going on on facebook right now. richelle carey hln to jump into that discussion. let me pull some discussions. then we've lined up someone who has been a part of something similar to unschooling.
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sonya wrote this. since my son dropped out of school due to a chronic illness, i have watched him continue to learn. it isn't impossible. brook, though, says i do not think this is a good idea. there is so much to learn in school. besides that, how are these kids supposed to grow up and get a job with no education? okay. let's talk to someone now. peggy is calling us from grass valley, california. and peggy, i understand that you have gone through an experiment that is very similar to unschooling. how did it work for you? >> caller: yes, i attended a university high in west l.a. in the mid'70s. and they created several schools within a school. i was selected lottery-style to attend i.t.s. innovative program school, which is very much like unschooling. we picked our own curriculum. we basically did what we wanted when we wanted. which is pretty much what teens
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really want to do anyway. and we had training similar to group therapy that enabled us to let go of our problems from childhood. and move into adulthood with little to no fear. and with an ability to do anything we chose to do. >> okay, peg elet me stop you real quick. when you say you were able to learn what you wanted when you wanted, were there parameters? were there certain things that you could choose from when you say what you wanted when you wanted? not just anything like, if i wanted to -- >> caller: only the parameters we created. >> okay. like if you wanted to sit in the corner and eat ice cream all day, you couldn't do that, could you? >> caller: yes, we could. >> to what end? how is that going to prepare you for life? >> caller: it just gave us the ability to make our choices and to stick with them. >> i'm sorry, say that again? >> caller: it gave us the ability to make choices and
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stick with them. and experience the consequences of those choices. >> okay. and who is there to pick you up if there are bad consequences. are your parents there to pick you up? >> of course, we had our parents, but our staff was fabulous. they were the backbone of our school. >> all right, peggy. i've got to go, but thank you very much for letting me ask you that many questions. i think you are the only person that's called so far that's had a experience similar to what we're talking about. do you see some benefits to taking structure out of education with a system like unschooling or do you think it's laying the groundwork for these kids to fail? call us at 1-877-tell-hln. e-mail us, or text us at hlntv. it's also posted on our facebook pages as well. >> thank you so much, richelle. time to take charge of your career. whether you are unschooled or home schooled or whatever. do you have what it takes to be the boss is the question? it means more responsibility,
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longer hours. how can you tell if you are management material. career experts say there are a few questions you should ask yourself. what do you really love about your current job? because when you are a manager, you might not get to do it anymore. can you hold people accountable is the next question. you might have to discipline people or even fire them, which is never fun. and maybe the most important question, do you have the skills and confidence to do the job? and what do you do if you become a manager and find out you hate it? talk to your boss, explain why you want to go back to your old job and try to work it out. i hope that that helps some of you if you are looking for a change. prosecutors in georgia won't pursue criminal charges against a pro football star, but that does not mean ben roethlisberger is in the clear here. what the nfl commissioner has to say now about the pittsburgh quarterback's off the field conduct. when you pursue an mba at devry university's...
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keller graduate school of management, you'll have a professor with you every step of the way. whether you take classes on campus, online, or both, you get the same attention, the same curriculum, and the same quality. 85 locations nationwide and online. discover how to grow the business of you... at
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two women who got married in massachusetts are trying to get a divorce in texas. a judge granted the divorce but now the texas attorney general is appealing. arguments start tomorrow. the attorney general says since texas didn't recognize their marriage, it can't grant them a divorce. the women have worked out a custody arrangement for their 4 1/2-year-old son and they say they're not doing this, by the way, as an equal rights statement.
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but we'll keep our eyes on that one for you. there is a website that offers a safe way to get discount tickets to see your favorite singers and sports teams. here's hln money expert clark howard to give you the scoop on it. >> let's say you are really into a particular sports team and you want to go to an event but they're sold out. or there's a concert act that you absolutely love but you weren't able to get tickets when they went on sale. and you want to make sure you don't get ripped off buying them in the secondhand market. there's a website called seatgeek. they use predictive analysis to tell you which direction prices are going to go for a concert or sporting event and also for specific areas of the arena or venue. so depending on where you want to sit, how much money you want to pay, you can zero in on what's going to be the best price. now one thing you got to know,
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though, with any resale market for sports tickets or for concerts, there are so many counterfeit tickets out there. be very, very wary and cautious of who you deal with. i'm clark howard. you want more tips on how to protect your wallet? go to you know those saws that cut concrete? a blade from one of them cut something else. we're going to tell you what happened in this ohio neighborhood. or motcyclinsurancv,in evemoays mp, boat insance. niceork, eonexll, y for m. . i fashtienh i'acceavipfoyi atiochto ,
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e on car insurance. el it's funny you 2ishtoure se- an gmitessa f pnt thanks to new pampers cruisers with dry max. ♪ hey!! [ female announcer ] they're not just 20% thinner... ♪ they're also 2 times drier. ♪ ♪ hey!! [ female announcer ] it's next generation dryness. ♪ new cruisers with dry max. so playtime never ends. only from pampers. [ sneezing ]♪ a reounas
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we're following a developing story from peoria, arizona, right now. this is near phoenix. it's a suburb of phoenix. possible home invasion of that home you see there on your screen. police say armed suspects may still be inside the house. this is hours after authorities got a call about a burglary in progress. here's what we know. when officers arrived, they found a back door forced open and a man who had been bound on the first floor. that person told authorities between 5 and 10 people had entered the home. later police were able to get a woman and a child out of the home safely. several weapons were found in the house. here's what officer mike tellef told us just a few moments ago. >> as of right now we know we've got the adult male out of the
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house with no injuries, adult female out of the house with no injuries, a 12-year-old also not injured. we fuft finished searching. it's a three-story house so it's taking a little time. >> was this an armed invasion? >> that's what we're being told. once we get a chance to really search the house in detail, we'll be able to determine if there are weapons there. do the weapons belong to the homeowner or to suspects? >> now we want to add here no shots have been fired, they tell us. there are no reports of injuries at this point. but, obviously, our eyes are on this story. and we're going to keep you informed as we get more details. meanwhile, the judge in the casey anthony murder trial is removing himself from the case. as though there's not enough drama in this. circuit judge stan strickland grnted a motion filed by defense attorneys last week that he recuse himself. "in session's" beth kara from our sister network trutv has been following this case. she joins us with the latest. i want to ask you. this is already expected to be
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such a lengthy case. is this going to extend the time frame for this trial? >> good afternoon, christi. i don't think it will extend the length of the trial. it's already 13 months away. the new judge has his work cut out for him but he should be able to catch up in 13 months. there's no date set right now for any motions in the murder case. but i'm sure that the new judge will be calendaring something in the fairly near future. >> what do we know about the new judge? >> well, let me tell you first, before i get to this new judge, who i have seen in action in the 1990s. the judge who just stepped down, stan strickland, took all of one day to make the decision. the defense filed their motion at the end of business on friday and the judge recused himself monday afternoon. and it didn't matter whether or not the judge believed he could be fair and has been fair on this case. the standard is whether or not casey anthony believes that the judge reaching out to a blogger a couple of times, not posting
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any blogs, but telling the blogger he thought he was fair and he had one of the best blogs out there. it was inappropriate and could give a perception of partiality. and so when the judge granted the defense motion yesterday, he ended it by saying this. at its core, defense counsel's motion accuses the undersigned of being a self-aggrandizing media hound. indeed, the irony is rich. motion granted. and with that, the administrative judge then put judge belvin perry jr. on the case. now this is what we know about belvin perry. he was elected in the 1980s. he has become chief of the 9th circuit since 2001. the 9th circuit includes two counties, orange county where orlando is and o ceo la county. he also has his degree from thurgood marshall school of law, which is texas southern university. judge perry is head of the criminal division. he could have inherited the case some months ago, but an
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administrative decision was made that strick ln would stay with it for continuity. so strickland had the case, whether he wanted it or not. well, now it is in belvin perry's hands where it could have been some months ago. he is known to be a no nonsense judge. miami defense attorney mike iglush had comments about the defense's move to get rid of judge strickland. here's what he said just last night. >> they spun the wheel of justice hoping to get judge liberal who somehow is okay with women who don't report their child missing? they made a bad move. and in trial, he's going to hold jose baez very tight. and the defense is not going to have the liberal go of the courtroom like they had during all the motions. >> i spoke with brad conway who is the attorney for george and cindy anthony, the parents of casey anthony. when he first met judge perry years ago, perry, who was a no
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nonsense judge said there are two rules. the train leaves at 8:30 in the morning. be on it. and number two, be prepared. you follow those two rules and you'll do fine in my courtroom. he say no nonsense judge. >> all righty. you know we'll be watching. we know you will be, too. thanks for clearing it all up for us. we appreciate it. a new ash cloud is already causing problems. look at this thing. the pictures are just fascinating, aren't they? this closed some airports in norway this morning. so far today the flight situation in europe is actually improving. air traffic officials expect more than half of the flights over europe to go ahead today. only about one-third took off yesterday. now one of our ireporters who spent five days stranded at the amsterdam airport says he finally has in his hand a boarding pass for a flight back to hong kong. paulo woo sent us these photos.
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you can see the pillows and everything stacked up there. he said in the beginning, passengers were greeted with smiles, patience, cots. now airport authorities are just getting impatient and they want passengers gone. he goes on to say that people are being urged to leave the airport and find hotels. and airport shops are closed because of fear they'll be vandalized. wu got himself a transit hotel for a night before his schedule ed trip out of amsterdam. i hope you get out safely. when you have breaking news from your part of the world, we'd love to see it. go to and click on the upload now link. updating you on a story we've been following for more than six months now. michael brewer the 15-year-old south florida boy who was set on fire last october says now he's feeling great. he's returning to school tomorrow, in fact. on nbc's "today" show this morning, brewer talked about getting back to life as normal,
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which includes a lot of sports. >> how are you doing? how do you feel? >> i feel great. >> any pain at all? >> no. >> not even when you have to move your body or stretch or any of that? >> just one side of me. >> one side. >> and i understand that you've actually gone back to some of your sports activity? >> yes. >> what are you doing? >> skateboard, basketball, baseball, riding bikes. >> and you're not afraid of falling? >> no. if i fall i just get right back up and try again. >> just cheering for the kid, aren't you? brewer suffered burns, though, on two-thirds of his body when three teens doused him with rubbing alcohol and intentionally set him on fire. he survived by jumping into a swimming pool. president obama got something he was not expecting at a fund-raiser in l.a. he got heckled from some members of the crowd. the issue they want him to settle once and for all -- >> what the young man was talking about was -- [ wheezing ]
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arizona has just passed one of the toughest immigration bills in the country. it would require police officers to check the documents of anyone they suspect who might be in the u.s. illegally. critics say the bill legalizes racial profiling and many latinos say hispanics could be a target of police harassment if the governor signs this bill into law. >> right now the way things are being targeted is that all latinos are undocumented and that's absolutely not true. i'm a citizen. and if i'm pulled over, i mean, it's ridiculous. it's unjust. it's immoral and it's inhumane. >> immigrant advocates and the
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aclu say most don't have enough training to look past race when investigating a person's legal status. under this bill, even legal immigrants, they say, could be arrested if they left their green card, say at home. the bill's supporters are just trying to enforce the law and say it will make the entire country safer. about 17% of the people caught trying to cross the arizona border illegally have criminal records in the u.s. and one local sheriff says the more authority they have to stop suspicious people, the more criminals they'll get off the streets. >> we don't have a large resident population of illegal aliens in our county. they simply pass through, move through us and go to all parts of the usa. i've been telling people for years they are running over us and headed your way. get ready. >> that sheriff works in cochise county right next to the border. his county makes more than half of the illegal immigrant arrests in the entire country. wow. president obama got heckled
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apparently from someone who wants the "don't ask, don't tell" policy repeeled. he was speaking at a fund-raiser for democratic senator barbara boxer in l.a. >> she's passionate about fighting for california's families. >> don't ask, don't tell. >> we are going to do that. hey, hold on a second. hold on a second. we are going to do that. >> yes, we can! yes, we can! yes, we can! >> what the young man was talking about was we need to repeal "don't ask, don't tell," which i agree with. and which we have begun to do. it would make more sense to holler that at the people who oppose it. >> some supporters of "don't ask, don't tell" have said the policy is effective. others have said now is not the time to change it with troops in battle. parents have several options for educating their children. you know this. public schools, private schools, home schooling and now none of
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the above? yeah, some parents decide their kids should be unschooled. this is a term that was coined for children who don't attend any type of formal classes in a school or at home. basically, their parents allow them to learn what they choose when they choose. no books, no tests no, specific hours set aside for learning. the unschooling approach is discussed in a recent discovery health channel program and it has a lot of people talking. so we want your view on this. do you see some benefits to taking structure out of education with a system like unschooling? or is it just laying the groundwork for failure for these kids. call us at 1-877-tell-hln. or e-mail us at or text us at hlntv. or go to our facebook pages. we'll be reading your responses throughout the day. animal rights groups are really upset with the supreme court today because the justices knocked down a federal law that banned the sale of dogfighting
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videos. what led to their decision? we'll examine that. i was like, yes, this works... [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. puhh puhh puhh putt and that's it. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining. [ ap! slap! slap!tt aslncer ]sfavorite foo m richsrk in no tumm tum ms ♪
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we want to bring you live pictures of a protest just outside the white house. about six people who appear to be in military uniforms here have chained themselves to the white house fence. that's what you are looking at. they are protesting the "don't ask, don't tell" policy which bans gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. the group organizing this demonstration also heckled the president last night as you just saw. so our eyes are peeled on this one. we're going to continue to watch it for any developments. pittsburgh steelers quarterback ben roethlisberger is taking part in team workouts, pretty much as though nothing has really happened. that may not last long, though. nfl commissioner roger goodell making it clear the star player is in serious trouble with the league. goodell is dropping hints we'll suspend roethlisberger over allegation he's sexually assaulted a woman in a georgia nightclub. he wasn't charges with a crime
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but the commissioner says roethlisberger did violate the league's rules of conduct. >> you do not have to be convicted or even charges of a crime to be able to demonstrate that you violated a personal conduct policy and reflect poorly not only on themselves but their entire teammates, all of their teammates, every nfl player in the league and everyone associated with the nfl. >> this is our "your views" topic today. what do you think should happen to the steelers' qb? richelle carey is reading what you are saying, as am i on our facebook pages. i'm split on my page so far by what people are saying. what about you? >> true, christi. it's not necessarily along gender lines. it's not like women are lining up behind this young woman and men are lining up behind roethlisberger. it's not like that at all. it's very mixed. not at all along gender lines. let me get in as many comments as i can. it's a very interesting discussion. james says, i would say at least
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a two to four-game suspension. i'm a huge steelers fan but ben needs a serious wake-up call. i definitely agree this needs to stop, and ben needs to really step up and be the leader and man he really should be. sarah says it doesn't matter that he wasn't charged. it's about making the nfl and the steelers look bad, and he has done that. the lawyer, meaning the district attorney, didn't charge him and because he said he couldn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, but that doesn't mean he didn't do anything, which sarah believes clearly he did. i'm a lifelong steelers fan, and i hope he gets hit hard with a big suspension. so this isn't necessarily breaking along fan lines either, although there have been fans to weigh in to say they don't think he can do any wrong under any circumstances. john wrote this. how can you punish someone who was not charged? john thinks it's all about money, although we have to be clear that the young woman involved has not come forward with any type of lawsuit. we need to get that out there. he went on to say, do any of you with any of these suggestions of
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punishment believe in our justice system? every athlete is a target for these types. amber is from the same hometown. his hometown of findlay, ohio is very disappointed. i do think something should be done. this is the second time someone has said this. not sure what type of punishment should be handed down. maybe a public service commercial against sexual assault. now tracy is also from ben roethlisberger's hometown. she has called us to talk about this. tracy, what are you thinking? >> caller: i think he should be st suspended for the rest of the year? >> really? why so? some people that don't agree with that are saying he hasn't been found guilty of any particular crime. clearly you don't necessarily think that is the point. >> caller: he's making his whole team look bad. and, you know, continues for the rest of the football league. i don't think anyone else should suffer for something that one person did. >> wow.
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you think a year. interesting. interesting. tracy, thank you for the phone call. kent is calling from nevada. all right, kent, you also think there should be some type of punishment. what do you think it should be? >> caller: i think it all should definitely stick with the harsh punishment. not just the obligatory slap on the wrist. there's a history among elitist celebrity athletes that you have this elitist mentality where they're kind of above the law and ben obviously has put himself in very precarious situations and i think that's just the tip of the iceberg. there are two things we know about, and i think if he gets that little slap on the wrist that's not going do the trick. i think there needs to be some sort of precedent set among the celebrity athletes that this kind of behavior won't be tolerated because if it isn't meted out with the very harsh type of punishment, i think you will have other athletes that continue to follow this trend, knowing there won't be any kind of punishment. >> are you a football fan?
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>> oh, yeah. >> absolutely. do you think the commissioner will do that? >> i hope he does. there's money and people's voices, you know? he's got a lot of people whispering in his ear. >> and there will people who said if you set this type of precedent for someone that hasn't been found guilty of a crime, then what? >> there is a behavior pattern. it is the type of the iceberg. there's a third allegation that hasn't come to light yet. it's just -- there's a precedent among ben roethlisberger with his attitude and actions. >> so you're saying lower the boom. kent, thank you for the phone call. what do you think the nfl commissioner should do with ben roethlisberger? do you think he deserves a strong punishment from the nfl or maybe not because he wasn't criminally charged?am about fede for our presentations. we upload it to fedex office, then they print, bind, and ship it. the presentation looks good, right? yes, but -- you didn't actually bring carl with you. good morning! but i digress. [ male announcer ] we understand.
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you need presentations done right. and right now save 20% on all online printing purchases. visit clinically proven to improve joint comfort in as little as six days. and now, elations introduces new powder packets. on the go, one-a-day packets with the elations patented formula of clinically proven levels of glucosamine and chondroitin. in a delicious new form that's more absorbable than joint supplement pills. say goodbye to big old horse pills. with the elations that goes
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i had to call my husband and i was just so shook up, i said honey, i want you to know first there's been a shooting. and we couldn't afford anything and -- i'm going to start crying. sorry. he's a monster, of course. did he ruin my life? yes. oh, my god, he's putting my hands over my mouth i said oh, my god! >> the only things i use the post office for now are mailing packages. great stories we're covering all day on hln "news and views." hi, everybody. i'm chuck roberts. breaking story out of
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washington, d.c. a protest outside of the white house. there's one left. one military officer, not sure the rank who is being removed right there in handcuffs. there were seven who chained themselves to the white house fence. you're looking from inside the white house grounds to the outside. they were all protesting the don't ask don't tell policy which prohibits -- this is tape from earlier which prohibits gays from serving openly. some of the other ones taken include what i assume is a naval officer there. police showed up and they removed their chains and lieutenant dan choi was one of those handcuffed to the white house. he's done that before. the protest is now officially broken up by police. members of the same group protesting at the white house now heckled the president last night in california. >> she's passionate about fighting for california's families. she is -- we are going to do that! hey! hold on a second! hold on a second!
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we are going to do that! so -- let's -- >> yes, we can! yes, we can! >> what the young man was talking about was we need to -- we need to repeal don't ask don't tell which i agree with. and which we have begun to do. >> it would make more sense to holler that at the people who oppose it. >> the president at a fund-raiser last night, some supporters of don't ask, don't tell say the policy is effective. others say now is not the time to change it with troops in battle, but again, you heard a loud protest interrupting the president who is there on behalf of barbara boxer's re-election bid in california. the florida judge at the heart of the casey anthony murder trial has removed himself from the case. judge stan strickland filed the motion that he recused himself. they'd argued that a friendship he'd developed with a blogger seen in the video showed he was prejudiced against the
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defendant, casey anthony. strickland contacted the blogger known as marinade dave by blog and by phone and never disclosed that relationship to the defense. strickland denied doing anything wrong and said he removed himself because the defense would probably accuse him of bias every time he ruled against them. casey anthony has ruled not guilty of first-degree murder in the case of her daughter caylee. she was found eight months after she was last seen alive. they suggest the worst may be over in the ash cloud, but they're not offering guarantees. one expert tells us it appears the volcano is putting out much less ash. winds are carrying particles over ireland and the uk keeping airports in london closed. some flights are getting out of other parts of europe. scientists say they can't predict when the volcano will stop erupting and they're not sure what the ash could do to a plane's jet engine. >> the problem we've got is at the moment just nobody knows
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what is a safe level. nobody has ever tried to research this in the past, and a lot of people are trying to find out answers very quickly at the moment, but that answer is not simple and once you've got an answer of what is an acceptable level of ash, you've also got to know what you're flying through. >> check out video from the middle of the lava flow and the ash emitted from this volcano, lightning, right in the middle of it. it's quite an unstable environment. there it is. great pictures from sunday. the ash clouds are spreading toward north america, it's spreading west toward north america. the u.s. postal service is in serious trouble and forecasting a $7 billion loss this year and the postmaster general reports the agency may completely run out of funds by early november just as the holiday season begins ramping up. would you miss saturday deliveries? we hit the streets to find out. >> i'm joe carter and this is hln's "views from the street."
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how important is it to you to get your mail delivered on saturday? we're on the street to find out. ♪ >> the united states postal service is in a heap load of debt and they're right now putting a plan in place to reduce mail delivery from six days to five days a week. >> it's fine with me because i can get my business done. i'll find a way to get it done. >> it wouldn't affect me much. in my household we don't really check our mail on saturdays anyway. >> the reason they're not making money is because people are not satisfied. i don't know if this will boost satisfaction. >> i don't like getting the mail. it's usually just bills or junk mail so it doesn't matter to me at all. >> i don't have a real problem with it. i think if they can save money doing it, it would be okay. >> how much time do you spend using your computer to communicate versus using the united states postal service? >> are you serious? the internet all day long. >> letters and what not.
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>> you can get coupons online. you can get your e-mail and you can pay your bills online. >> the only things i use the post office for now are mailing packages. >> we want to save paper and the internet is a key way for us to do that. >> do you think the post office is still relevant? >> absolutely. absolutely. it's extremely relevant. >> i wouldn't say it's totally irrelevant because you do have to get certain documents in the mail and there's not a substitute for that. >> the only thing i would use the mail is christmas presents and birthday cards and stuff like that. >> everything might be electronic. who knows? it seems like it's headed that way. >> what do you do online that you used to do in the mail? everything, except have sex. >> i'm joe carter and i'll see you on the street. a recent "washington post" poll said they agree to end saturday delivery to remedy the problem, but most want the local branches to stay open.
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have you seen the pictures of what may be the next version of the iphone. they're creating quite a stir all over the internet. watch how they were leaked to the public. es water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a new liquid gel. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®.
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with as thro sm. a standoff at a house near phoenix is over. reports that armed suspect his entered the house after a burglary around 4:30 a.m. and when officers arrived they found a back door forced open. a man who had been bound on the first floor. that person then told authorities that between five and ten people entered the home. later, police were able to get a woman and child out safely. no suspects were found. several weapons were found in the house and it's not clear if they belong to the homeowners or the suspects. no shots fired, nobody hurt. parents have many options for educating children. public school, private school, home schooling and none of the above. some parents are opting for the
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unschool curriculum. it's not really a curriculum. the term was coined for children who don't attend any type of formal class, in school or at home. their parents allow them to learn what they choose when they choose, it's their initiative. no book, no tests or specific hours set aside for learning. the unschooling approach discussed recently in a discovery health channel program and on abc's "good morning america" where a parent insisted unschooled kids are not uneducated. >> we spent a significant amount our time and energy making sure that we're exposing the kids to all kind of things. it's an activity for us as parents that takes hours a day. so we bring them to places and we bring things to them on a very regular places. they're not confined to only the topics that they have to learn in school. >> it's a great "your views" topic. richelle carey joins us with views. not all parents are created equal.
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>> not everyone can school the unschooling. you have to think outside of the box. the question is how far outside of the box is okay? do you think that unschooling is a good idea? maybe you think that this is wrong and kids need some sort of structure in order to learn. this is a good conversation. it's happening on my facebook page. search richelle carey, hln. let me get in a couple of comments so far. floorian wrote this, i would be skeptical of such practices only because i would want to ensure my child receives the basic, fundamental learning skills of math, reading and writing. kwesi wrote this. i wish i could have been unschooled from the start. i always learned better on my own than in groups. kids have many different learning styles so this may not work for all kids. we've got callers on the line, karen is calling us from new jersey. karen, you think this is setting kids up for failure and you're very skeptical of this. >> caller: yes. i say this because, you know,
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what happens when the rest of the world our world is not onboard with us? i fear how will these kids cope? and an example is let's say these kids do -- i mean, i'm sure many of them do go on to colleges and say they want to enroll in an ivy league school, what grades from what school will they provide and how will they cope when the answer is i'm really sorry, but you don't have the grades and who will they blame? i just think that kids today, we live in a society where they need to be more socialized. i have two children of my own in elementary school and today they are school was honored for new jersey school character, and i think that's one of the many things that, you know, that these kids -- they look forward to their friends. they look forward to socializing. >> let me ask you this before we
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run out of time. isn't though on eye understand what you're saying and what your concerns are, isn't, though, something to be said for some things don't learn in a very structured environment and maybe you're failing those kids if you don't find the way that they do learn? >> you know what? i suppose that can be said, but i think that there are so many different things that the teachers do teach them in the classroom that we try and enforce as a parent being home, and i think that the schools really try ask provide that, and i think how fair is it that we're letting 5 and 7-year-olds make that decision. >> you just think that this method goes too far. karen, thank you for the phone call. mandy is calling us from rockford, tennessee. you're open to this? >> caller: i honestly disagree with the first caller in the fact that we shouldn't be so worried about children in ivy
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league schools right now. no child left behind act is absolutely failing. >> okay, but mandy, that's a whole other conversation for another day. let's specifically -- you seem to be open to the idea of trying something different. >> caller: i definitely -- i'm one important who honestly is really thinking of taking this no schooling next year. my son is 11 years old and was an a, b honor roll student last year. right now his last report card were three fs and a d. there are so many issues and there are a lot of principals who will back their teachers right or wrong, and i'm having an issue right now with our teacher with, honestly, mental abuse and -- >> what you're saying is -- mandy, just for the sake of time, for the sake of time it sounds like what you're saying you just don't think a structured school is always the
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answer and you want to try something different. we want your views on this as well. do you see some benefits to taking structure out of education and trying something like unschooling? we don't necessarily home schooling. it is unschooling. or do you think that you're laying the groundwork for failure for kids? i do think that is just a little too different. call us right now 877-tell-hln, or thlntv and standard text rates apply and it's posted on our facebook pages as well. you've got to admire the parents for taking the time to try something different, but it's a little scary, too. >> you never have to cram for the finals, though. >> unless the finals is about ice cream. >> no term papers. classes are canceled at columbine high school as students and teachers mark the 11th anniversary of the shootings there. gunmen eric harris and dylan klebold killed students and teachers before turning the
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weapons on themselves. it will probably get a lot of visitors today. it was dedicated to victims three years ago and it is open to the public. one vet was not welcome at the high school prom. before rogaine, my solution to the problem was to go ahead and wear hats. i was always the hat guy. i can't even tell you how much it's changed my life. [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. no more hats. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining.
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no matr whwant vote, volunteedoke . y?e l, hoss. ! yeah ee no. ! bessco febreze freshness. police in tennessee say they now have an idea why a man opened fire yesterday outside a knoxville hospital. the shooter killed a woman and himself. a cab driver says the man took a taxity to hospital, gave the driver $20 and told him to wait.
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here's what the knoxville police chief said a couple of minutes ago. >> the suspect, through the note left in his residence, indicated he was upset with the doctor thinking a chip had been placed inside of him during his appendectomy. the suspect believed he was being tracked due to this chip. family members of the suspect were concerned for his mental well-being and had requested help from mental health experts. the family had him committed to a local mental health facility in february of this year. >> two women injured during the attack are in stable condition. the father of murdered teenager amber dubois speaking out about her killer's surprising courtroom confession. the 14-year-old dubois vanished walking to school in her san diego suburb in february 200. last night john albert gardner admitted to kidnapping, raping
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and stabbing dubois. he confessed to killing chelsea king in february. he confessed after prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penalty after waiting for more than a year for any news about his daughter, amber's father is relieved his family finally has some answers. >> is he a monster? of course. did he ruin my life? yes. did he allow my family to have closure and be able to bury our daughter? yeah, he did, so i would actually thank him for giving us that closure. and i couldn't say anything else to him. >> gardner is set to be sentenced to june, june 1 tovt life in prison without the possibility of parole. more trouble for one of the suspect accused of bullying a massachusetts girl until she committed suicide. austin renault was in court today and pled not guilty to drunken drive. the 18-year-old was arrested sunday. he is one of the teens charged
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with killing phoebe prince. after more than two weeks in space, the space shuttle "discovery" touched down under sunny skies in florida. this mission made history because it's the first time four women were in space at one time. three were a part of the "discovery" crew, and one onboard the international space station. this mission included three space walks and the delivery of more than seven tons of equipment and supplies. three shuttle missions remain, only three, before the fleet is retired. prosecutors in georgia won't pursue criminal charges against a pro football star, but that doesn't mean ben roethlisberger is in the clear. what the nfl commissioner has to say about the pittsburgh quarterback's off-the-field conduct. there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm.
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i want to bring you brand new pictures from the white house. just outside the white house chained to the very gate of the white house, six people with military uniforms chained themselves in protest of the don't ask, don't tell policy for gays serving openly in the armed services. one by one the protestors were removed and arrested. lieutenant dan choi was one of those handcuffed to the white house gate. he has done that before. he has been very visible in this cause. again, that protest now broken up by police at the white house. members of the same group that were protesting that were heckling the president last night in california. >> she's passionate about fighting for california's families.
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she is -- we are going to do that. hey! hold on a second! hold on a second! we are going to do that! >> yes, we can. >> so -- let's -- >> yes, we can! yes, we can! >> what the young man was talking about we need to -- we need to repeal don't ask don't tell which i agree with. and which we have begun to do. it would make more sense to holler that at the people who oppose it. >> and there are supporters, of course, of don't ask don't tell. they call the policy effective and others said now isn't the time to change the policy with troops in battle. the florida judge at the heart of the casey anthony murder trial is gone, having removed himself from the case. circuit judge stan strickland granted the motion filed by defense attorneys last week that he recuse himself. "in session's" beth caras from trutv has been following the
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case. >> the standard isn't whether or not he believes he could be fair after having initiated contact twice with a blogger named dave nickel who uses the name marinade dave. he had to rule based upon casey anthony believed that he could no longer be fair. and he took a couple of shots at the defense, chuck, when he issued that order yesterday afternoon. he ended the order with these words, at its core, defense council's motion accuses the undersigned of being a self-aggrandizing media hound. indeed. the irony is rich. motion granted. and with that, a new judge was assigned. now the new judge, chuck, belvin perry, jr., he's been a judge since the late 1980s and a chief judge of the ninth circuit since 2001. the ninth circuit covers orange county in osceola county and with thurgood marshall school of law and texas southern university. i did see judge perry in a death
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penalty case in the 1990s. he's a no-nonsense judge, pretty tough, and i also had an opportunity today to speak with the blogger, marinade dave who is a little upset at the moment because he's getting a lot of negative comments. people are holding him responsible for the judge removing himself from the case when it was the judge who reached out to him. nickel, dave nickel did not reach out to the judge. he also told me that he is not in favor of the death penalty and when he wrote a blog entitled casey must die he was referring to the blahhing sphere out there, many people calling for her head. he does not believe in the death penalty. in any event, did i have an opportunity to discuss that and other things with him today, chuck? >> okay. what do we know about belvin perry, jr.'s courtroom demeanor? is he a no-nonsense judge? this may be a faster trial with fewer arguments -- fewer motions and objections and things like that? >> well, i can tell you that
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it's probably not going to be a longer trial scheduled. right now the trial is scheduled for may 2011. so it's 13 months away. i don't know that judge perry will move it up any closer, but he's probably not going to make it a later trial date. you are right that his reputation is a no-nonsense judge. the attorney for george and cindy anthony, casey's parents has appeared before him a number of times and he told me last night that the judge told him he has two rules. be prepared and be on time. >> i appreciate it, beth karas, thanks. >> my pleasure. opening statements begin today in the trial of the 22-year-old man accused of hacking into sarah paliny e-mail account. david colonel is the son of representative colonel. he hacked into the yahoo account palin sometimes used for state business. at the time palin was the alaska governor and gop candidate for vice president. she may testify at trial. he faces four felony charges, identity theft, wire fraud and
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intentionally ak session an e-mail account without authorization and obstructing an fbi investigation. that conviction on all counts, all of them would get him 50 years in prison potentially. a new ash cloud is causing problems. it's closed airports today in norway and so far the flight situation on the continent in europe is actually improving. air traffic officials do expect more than half the flights over europe to go ahead today. only about a third took off yesterday. one of our i-reporters has spent five days stranded at the amsterdam airport ski pole and he finally has in his hands a boarding pass for a flight back to hong kong. paula woo sent these photos back in the transit area which is now a makeshift shelter. in the beginning passengers were greeted with smiles and patience, cots and red cross provisions and now airport authorities are getting impatient and they want passengers gone. people are being urged to leave the airport and find a hotel and
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airport shops are closed because of fears they'll be vandalized. he got himself a transit hotel for one night before his scheduled flight out of amsterdam. >> thanks to i-reporter paula woo for the story. when you have great stories from where you are go to and look for the upload now link. the florida teen, the boy burned over two-thirds of his body is making a remarkable recovery and he's talking about it for the first time on national tv. michael brewer on how he's feeling and when he'll head back to school. pepto-bismol.ndigesti, upset stomach, diarrhea. yes, are we covered. rex ate chips, ice cream, tapca, rry, ms. and, owe don't cover dogs. no. lie is my dog. rex is mhusband. [ moans ] [ maer ] yup, you're covered.
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and she said hair was growing back... i was like, yes, this works... [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. puhh puhh puhh putt and that's it. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining. uh... yeah? you gonna ask him this time? about what? our erectile dysfunction. don't want to talk about it. look, you're not alone, millions of men with ed have talked to their doctors.
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i don't know... we can do this. okay... (announcer) talking to your doctor about ed may be the last thing you want to do, but it's definitely a conversation worth having. twenty million men have had their viagra talk. when you're ready for yours... you'll find helpful tips on talking to your doctor at ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. don't take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects may include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. talk to your doctor today... and ask if viagra is right for you. i'm a.j. hammer, this is a news break exclusively on headline and this is the buzz today. >> a mo'nique devastation
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shocker. her brother mo'nique herself just won an oscar for her role on "precious" as a mother who tolerated her daughter being sexually abused by her father. mo'nique's brother wants to apologize to her. >> i abused and betrayed the trust of another sibling, my sister. my blood sister. i'm sorry, mo'nique, i'm sorry. baby, i'm sorry. >> mo'nique's parents were at the show and called the whole thing heartbreaking. mel gibson's ex-girlfriend speaks out. oksana grigorieva and the mother of his 5-month-old daughter made her first appearance since the sudden breakup. she told a news conference the split was mutual and said, quote, unfortunately, i cannot give you the reason, but you will find out everything quite soon. james bond needs a rescue. startling news that james bond, the movie, is on the brink of disaster. producers have just announced
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work on the 23rd film of the franchise has been suspended indefinitely. the cause? financial problems at mgm, the studio behind the films. >> that's your exclusive "showbiz tonight" news break. i'm a.j. hammer and make sure you joining us "showbiz tonight" for all of the big news breaking and we are back every night at 11:00 p.m. eastern and pacific here on hln. every leave your cell phone behind somewhere? well, it happens and apparently this phone was forgotten at a bar and now it's the buzz all over the internet and yet guy who left it may number big trouble with his boss. er tes eaa he eaa i'm really glad we finally cided to see wrein bs ye veue
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saying it violates the right to free speech, the u.s. supreme court today struck down a federal law designed to stop the sale and marketing of videos showing dogfights and other acts of animal cruelty. the 1999 law limited internet sale of so-called crush videos which show women crushing to death small animals with their bare feet or high-heeled shoes, but the justices in an 8 to 1 move concluded that the scope and intent of the statute was overly broad.
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animal cruelty and dogfighting are illegal throughout the country. free speech advocates are happy with the ruling and animal rights groups are calling it a defeat. the quarterback of the pitburg steelers ben roethlisberger is taking part in team workouts as though nothing happened, but that may not last long. he's about to drop the hammer, they say, nfl commissioner roger goodell is making it clear the star player is in serious trouble with the league. goodell is dropping very clear hints that he'll suspend roethlisberger over allegations that he sexually assaulted a college student at a milledgeville, georgia, nightclub. the player was not charged with a crime, but he violated the league's rules of conduct. >> you do not have to be convicted or even charged with a crime to be able to demonstrate that you violated a personal conduct policy and reflect poorly not only on themselves, but their entire teammates and all of their teammates and every
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nfl player in the league and everyone associated with the nfl. >> what do you think the league will do? what do you think the commissioner should do with the steelers quarterback? what is too little and what is too much as a punishment? does he deserve anything for the league? he was never criminally charged and what about any disciplinary action at all? what about the image to the league? you can e-mail at text views to hln tv and standard text rates apply and we have facebook pages. richelle carey, hln and mine is chuck roberts hln. christi paul has one, too. let's hear from you on the roth biz berger punishment that commissioner roger goodell is com are contemplating. if yous shuttle "discovery" touched down under a blue canopy of a clear sky at the kennedy space center. this mission made history because it was the first time four women were in space at one time. three were part of the discovery crew and one was already on
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board the orbiting space station. this mission included three space walks and the delivery of more than seven tons of equipment and supplies. three more shuttle missions remain before the whole fleet is retired. classes are canceled today at columbine high school in colorado as students and teachers mark the 11th anniversary of the shootings there. gunmen eric harris and dylan klebold killed 12 students and teachers after turning the guns on themselves. the memorial will probably get a lot of visitors today. it was dedicated to the victims three years ago and is open to the public. in tennessee police say they opened fire. the man took a taxi to the hospital yesterday and gave the driver $20 and told him to wait. here's what the knoxville police chief said about 20 minutes ago. >> the suspect, through the note left in his residence, indicated
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he was upset with the doctor thinking a chip had been placed inside of him during his appendectomy. the suspect believed he was being tracked due to this chip. family members of the suspect were concerned for his mental well-being and had requested help from mental health experts. the family had him committed to a local mental health facility in february of this year. two women were injured during the attack yesterday in knoxville and said to be in stable condition. the father of murdered teenager amber dubois speaking out about the killer's surprising courtroom confession. the 14-year-old amber dubois vanished while walking to school in the san diego suburb last year. last friday convicted sex offender john albert gardner admitted to kidnapping, raping and stabbing amber dubois. he pleaded guilty to killing chelsea king in february. he confessed after prosecutors agreed not to seek the death n
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penal penalty. after waiting more than a year for any news about his daughter, amber's father is relieved the family finally has answers. >> is he a monster? of course. did he ruin my life? yes. did he allow my family to have closure and be able to bury our taughter? yeah, he did, so i would actually thank him for giving us that closure. and i couldn't day anything else to him. >> the 31-year-old gardner is said to be sentenced on june 1 tovt life in prison without the possibility of parole. parents have several options for educating children. there's public schools, private schools and home schools and none of the above as parents are deciding their kids should be unschooled. the terp was coined for kids that don't attend any type of formal classes either at home or at school. the parents allow them to do whatever they want, learn what they choose at their own choosing and at their own timetable. no books, no tests and no
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specific hours set aside for learning and the unschooling approach as discussed in a recent discovery health channel program and on abc's "good morning america" where one parent i insisted the children are not uneducated. >> we are making sure we're exposing the kids to all kind of things. it's an activity for us as parents that takes hours a day. so we bring them to places and we bring things to them on a very regular basis. they're not confined to only the topics that they have to learn in school. >> what's your point of view on this? do you see benefits at all? do you see more downside? no structure in an education system and totally unschooled or is it laying the groundwork for failure? what about their relationship with other kids and their socialization skills? call us toll-free 877-tell-hln. e-mail it, hlntv is the text address and just type your comment and name and standard text rates apply. we'll have your responses all
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day today. >> the internet is abuzz about the next generation of iphone and here it is, at least allegedly. the prototype was found in a bar near apple's headquarters in northern california. the device appears to have two cameras, one facing forward and the other the back way and also with a bigger battery. the website says it returned the phone to the company at apple's request. so it's back home. a youtube clip of a police officer shoving a cyclist went viral nearly two years ago and now the trial against the officer has begun. jurors saw this video yesterday that shows former new york policeman taking a step toward a cyclist and knocking him off his bike. hogan is charged with assault. the video doesn't show you what the cyclist had been doing just before then. hogan quit the force last february. remember the video of the two canadian teachers who did a lap dance during the school pep rally in winnipeg?
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well, they're now out of a job now. students caught the impromptu lap dance at churchill their ce phones. one teacher resigned and the other teacher's contract was not resumed. here's a website that offers a safe way to get discount tickets to see your favorite singers and sports teams. here's clark howard to tell you all about it. >> okay, let's say you're really into a particular sports team and you want to go to an event and they're sold out. there's a concert act that you absolutely love but you weren't able to get tickets when they get on sale. you want to make sure you don't get ripped off buying them in the secondhand market. there's a website called cd. they use predictive analysis to tell you which direction prices are going to go for a concert or sporting event, and also, for specific areas of the arena or venue. so depending on where you want to sit, how much money you want
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to pay, you can zero in on what's going to be the best price. one thing you have to know, though, with any resale market for sports tickets or for concerts, there are so many counterfeit tickets out there. be very, very wary and cautious of who you deal with. i'm clark howard. you want more tips on how to protect your wallet? go to >> get great consumer advice from clark on weekends at noon and 4:00 eastern. he'll help you save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. national car rental knows i'm picky.
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we want to bring you right now new pictures of a protest that's just been broken up outside the white house. about six people in military uniforms have chained themselves to the white house fence. they were protesting the military don't ask don't tell me policy, and the police showed up, removed their chains. lieutenant dan troy is one of those handcuffed to the white house gate. this isn't the first time he's done this, but again, that protest has been broken up by police now. members of the same national group who protested the white house today, heckled the president last night in california. he was speaking at a fund-raiser for democratic senator barbara boxer in l.a. >> she's passionate about fighting for california's families. she is -- we are going to do
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that. hey, hold on a second. hold on a second. we are going to do that. so let's -- what the young man was talking about is we need to repeal don't ask don't tell, which i agree with. which we have begun to do. it would make more sense to holler that at the people who oppose it. >> some supporters of don't ask don't tell have said the policies effective, and others have said now is not the time to change it with troops in battle. the florida judge in the casey anthony murder trial is remuaying himself from the case. judge strickland granted a motion that he recuse himself. they had argued a friendship he developed with a blogger seen in this video showed he was prejudiced against anthony. anthony's attorneys say strickland contacted the blogger known as marinade dave through his blog and by phone but never
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disclosed that relationship to the defense. strickland denied doing anything wrong, but said he removed himself because the defense would most likely accuse him of bias every time he ruled against them. anthony pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder in the death of her daughter caylee. her remains were found six months after she was last seen alive. top experts in iceland suggest the worst may be over in that travel-crippling ash cloud we've been watching. one expert says it appears the volcano is putting out much less ash right now. boy, look at this cloud. winds are carrying particles over ireland and the uk keeping airports in london closed i want to the point out to you. some flights are getting out of other parts of europe, and scientists say they can't predict when the volcano will stop erupting, so they aren't sure exactly what the ash could do to a plane's engine. >> the problem we've got is at
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the moment just nobody knows what is a safe level, and nobody has ever tried to he research this in the past. a lot of people are trying to find that out quickly at the moment, but that answer is not simple. and once you've got an answer of what an acceptable level of ash, you've also got to know what you're flying there. >> as disruptive as it is, these pictures are beautiful. lightning is right in the middle of lava and ash coming from the volcano. these pictures were taken sunday and the ash cloud is spreading toward north america we understand. the u.s. postal service, as you know, is in serious trouble. it's forecasting a $7 billion loss this year. they warned congress they may completely run out of money by early november, and that's as the holiday season is ramping up. would you miss as a result deliveries if that's where they go with this?
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we hit the streets to find out. >> reporter: i'm joe carter, and this is views from the street. how important is it to get your mail delivered on saturday? we're on the street to find out. the united states postal service is in a heapload of debt, and they're putting a plan in place to reduce mail delivery from six days a week to five days a week. >> that's fine with me. i can get my business done. i'll find a way to get it done. >> it won't affect me much. in my household we don't check mail on saturdays. >> i'm not happy about it. the reason they're not making money approximate is because people are not satisfied. i don't know if this is going to boost satisfaction. >> i don't like he getting mail. it's usually bills or junk mail. >> i don't have a real problem with it. i think they can save money doing it and be okay. >> reporter: how much spend do you spend using your computer to communicate versus the united states postal service? >> are you serious. computer all day long.
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>> you are able to communicate online instead of sending letters and whatnot. sgr >> you can get your coupons online and get your e-mail. >> the only thing i use the post office for now is mailing packages. >> we want to save paper and internet is a key way to do that. >> reporter: do you think the post office is still relevant, then? >> absolutely. >> i wouldn't say it's totally irrelevant because you have to get certain documents in the mail. >> the only reason that i would need the mail is for like christmas presents and birthday cards and stuff like that. >> everybody is electronic. it it seems like it's headed that way. >> what do you do now online that you used to do in the mail. >> everything, except have sex. >> i'm joe carter, and i'll see you "on the street." >> yeah, that last answer will shut you up, right? a recent washington postpoll found a majority of americans
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support ending saturday delivery, but most want their local branches to stay open. prosecutors in georgia will not pursue criminal charge against a pro football star, but that doesn't mean ben roethlisberger is in the clear here. what the nfl commissioner has to say about the pittsburgh quarterback's off the field conduct. ultra downy softens fibs better than detergent alone... ♪ ...for a deep-down softness. get more. feel more. and wear hats. i was always the hat guy. i can't even tell you how much it's changed my life. [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. no more hats. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining.
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police in tennessee say they now have some sort of idea as to why a man opened fire outside a hospital in knoxville. the shooter who killed a woman and himself was mentally ill. a cab driver says the man took the taxi to the hospital yesterday, and gave the driver $20 and told him to wait outside. here's what the knoxville police chief said a couple of moments ago. >> the suspect through the note left in his residence indicated he was upset with the doctor thinking a chip had been placed inside of him during his
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appendectomy. the suspect believed he was being tracked due to this chip. family members of the suspect were concerned for his mental well-being and had requested help from mental health experts. the family had him committed to a local mental health facility in february of this year. >> the two women who were injured during that attack are in stable condition now. it is the only one of the big three that didn't take a government bailout. now ford says it's fully committed to fuel efficiency from the biggest trucks to the smallest cars. we sat down with the chairman, the great-grandson of henry ford. i understand he told you, listen, i'm committed to being green. really? >> he is. we sat down at the fortune green conference where i was last week, and bill ford is the chairman of the company, he's a guy that's been an
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environmentalist for a long period of time. what i learned from interviewing him he was pushing for the green movement decades ago when it wasn't popular at all in corporate america. take a listen. what gave you this environmental kick? i read once that a board told you, you know, you can't associate with those environmentalists. did that really happen? >> that really happened. i was told to stop associates with any known or suspected environmentalis environmentalists. >> the ford board told you this? >> not the whole board but a couple members back in the late '80s when i joined the board. it's something that, first of all, i've always felt personally when i was in college, but importantly as it related to ford, i never wanted us to be the kind of company where young people wouldn't want to work and that they would have to apologize to their family and friends for working there. i felt unless we got on the right side of this environmental issue that's exactly what's going to happen. of course, any company is only as good as its people. if we didn't get the best and brightest, we weren't going to be a great company. >> do you think looking at ford
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and more broadly at big business, is big business really committed to this environmental revolution? >> that's a really good question. i don't know. i don't know what other businesses are. there's a lot of lip service given to it. a lot of people are falling all over themselves to be green now, and in fact, five or six years ago i was lonely. i think the awareness is way up. i think companies understand that unless they get on the right side of it, their customers will turn away from them. but, you know, this is a -- it's early baby steps on a long journey. we have big issues as society in front of us. >> is there a time that you foresee maybe ford says, all right, we'll stop making gas guzzlers, we just won't do it? >> yeah. that's right now. we'll make a full line of vehicles up through the trucks, but we've committed to making every single vehicle we've make the best in the segment in fuel economy. >> you saw some of the video in that piece of ford's electric vehicles. they are along with their competitors making these
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electric cars, but are they really going to catch on in america? he said maybe, but the issue is the narcotic infrastructure. we don't have plug-in outlets like gas stations across the country. you have drivers who have range anxiety. they don't want their car to run out of power on the road. you have to overcome that obstacle before you see more electric vehicles on the road. much more with bill ford. really interesting how green he was decades ago before big business really caught on. >> yeah. intriguing interview. thank you so much, poppy. >> you got it. oprah winfrey taking on a new book about her life. what she has to say regarding some of the unauthorized biographies' tales. rates. not with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. so shipping for the chess champ in charleston is the same as shipping for the football phenom in philly? yep. so i win! actually, i think you deserve this. no, i deserve this.
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wow, got one of those with a mailman on top? priority mail flat rate box shipping starts at $4.95, only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. a man can only try... and try...and try. [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy. to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between,
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opening statements begin this afternoon in the trial of a 22-year-old man charged with hacking into sarah palin's e-mail account. he was a college student when prosecutors say he hack sbed in the yahoo! account, but at that time palin was alaska's governor and gop candidate for vice president. she may testify ft trial. cornell faces four felony charges, identity theft, wire fraud, intentionally accessing an e-mail without authorization and obstructing an fbi investigation. if convicted he could get 50 years in prison. coming up on prime news at 6:00 p.m. eastern, mike galanos
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taking a look at whether her celebrity affects this trial. not good news for animal rights groups here. saying it violates the right to free speech the supreme court today struck down a federal law to stop the sale and marketing of videos showing dogfights and other acts of animal cruelty. the 1999 law limited internet sales of crush video which shows women crushing to death small animals with their bare feet or high-heeled shoes. in an 8-1 move the justices included the scope and intent of the statute was overly broad. animal cruelty and dogfighting are illegal throughout the country. free speech advocates are happy, but animal rights groups call this one a defeat. and pittsburgh steelers' quarterback ben roethlisberger taking part in teamworko workou like nothing happened. nfl commissioner roger goodell making it clear he's in serious trouble with the league.
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goodell is dropping pretty clear hints here he will suspend roethlisberger over allegations. the quarterback was not charged with a crime, remember, but the commissioner says roethlisberger did violate the league's rules of conduct. >> you do not have to be convicted or even charged with a crime to be able to demonstrate that you violated a personal conduct policy, and reflect poorly not only on themselves but their entire teammates, all of their teammates, every nfl player in the league, and everyone associated with the nfl. >> so we want to ask you, what do you think the nfl commissioner should do with the steelers' quarterback? give us a call or e-mail us. you can text us too. go to our facebook pages. find me at christi paul at hln.
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well, we're hearing from oprah winfrey for the first time about this unauthorized biography of her life. "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer is in new york. i think most authors might have trep additions, be a little afraid about writing a tell-all about someone as powerful as one miss oprah winfrey. >> this is the fearless kitty kelly, and she went where few authors would dare go when she wrote her book about oprah winfrey. oprah is at least publicly acknowledging the book's existence for the first time calling it a so-called biography. in this book kelly claims among other things that oprah abused the drugs and questioned the depths of oprah's longtime claims she was abused as a child and she claim the man she knows as her biological father -- i'm sorry that the oprah knows as her father, and that's something that oprah has conceded to in the past. oprah was in new york city on
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monday and presented an award to her best friend gayle king. listen to what oprah said. this is a quote from oprah winfrey. last week was a rough week for gayle when a so-called biography came out. every day she's getting herself more and more worked up with about all of my daddies that are showing up. new daddies who are saying, hello, daughter. call me. i need a roof. well, this too shall pass. she's having fun with this situation and showing everyone it's not getting the better of her. >> this one particular new daddy that's getting a lot of attention, did she speak specifically to that? >> well, she did in terms of the possibility of a paternity test. there's an 84-year-old farmer from mississippi named norm robinson who is getting attention for making claims he's her true biological father. he said he'd have a dna test done. he wrote her a letter to arrange a dna test.
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they asked if she would do the test. her answer is -- she said i will not be taking a paternity test ever, and i'm guessing that's the last we'll here from oprah on the subject and from the post sdrigs sounded like oprah wasn't thrilled with the question to begin with and quite frankly, i can't blame her. can you? >> it's pretty invasive, and she's made her mark. i would think she probably has some trep additions or concerns about who might be wanting to connect with her at this point. >> if she really wanted to investigate something like this, she would. she's oprah winfrey and certainly could. coming up today, we'll have much more on oprah winfrey striking back ought of the explosive new oprah drama. 5:00 p.m., we're live at 5:00 and we look forward to seeing you then and back at 11:00 p.m. eastern. >> looking forward to it as always. thank you, a.j. parent hes, you have several
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options for educating your children. you have public school, private school, home schooling, and maybe none of the above. some parents decide their kids should be unschooled. the term was coined for children who don't attend any type of formal classes in a school or at home, so their parents basically allow them to learn what they choose when they choose. there are no books or tests, no specific hours set aside for learning. the unschooling approach was discussed in a recent discovery health channel program and on abc's "good morning america" where one parent insisted unschooled kids are not uneducated. we want to know what you think about parents who decide school is out for their kids. back in a moment. as little as six little as and now, elations introduces new powder packets. on the go, one-a-day packets with the elations patented formula of clinically proven levels of glucosamine and chondroitin. in a delicious new form that's more absorbable than joint supplement pills. say goodbye to big old horse pills. with the elations that goes
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these are new pictures of a protest broken up now outside the white house here. about six people you see there in military uniforms changed themselves to the white house fence. they protested the don't ask don't tell poach. police showed up, removed their chains. lieutenant dan choi was one handcuffed to the white house gate. this isn't the first time he's done this. that protest has been broken up by police now. members of the same national group who protested at the white house today actually heckled the president last night in california. he was speaking at a fund-raiser for democratic senator barbara boxer in l.a. >> she's passionate about fighting for california's families. >> don't ask don't tell. >> we are going to do that.
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hey, hold on a second. hold on a second. we are going to do that. so -- what the young man was talking about was we need to -- we need to repeal don't ask don't tell, which i agree with. and which we have begun to do. it would make more sense to holler that at the people who oppose it. >> some supporters of don't ask don't tell have said the policy is effective he. others have said now is not the time to change it with troops in battle. the florida judge in the casey anthony murder trial is removing himself from the case. we're talking about circuit judge stan strickland here who granted a motion filed by defense attorneys last week that he recuse himself. they argued a friendship he developed with a blogger that's seen in this video coming here was prejudiced against anthony. anthony's attorneys say
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strickland contacted the blogger, whose name as marinade dave through his blog, there he is, and by phone, but never disclosed that relationship to the defense. strickland denied doing anything wrong, but he removed himself because the defense would accuse him of bias every time he ruled against them. anthony pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder in the des of kay lie. the toddler's remains were found six months after she was last seen alive. opening statements begin this afternoon in the trim of the 22-year-old man charged with hacking into sarah palin's e-mail account. that's david kernell, the son of tennessee lawmaker mike kernell. he was a college student when he hacked into the account. at the time palin was alaska's governor and the gop candidate for vice president. she may testify. kernell faces four felony
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charges, identity theft, wire fraud, intentionally accessing an e-mail account without authorization, and obstructing an fbi investigation. if convicted on all counts, he could get 50 years in prison. coming up, mike galanos is taking a look at whether paillis celebrity could affect the trial. michael brewer, the 15-year-old south florida boy who was set on fire last october, well, now he says you know what? he teams great. he's returning to school tomorrow, and on nbc's "today" show this morning, brewer talked about getting back to life as normal, which includes a lot of sports. >> how are you doing? how do you feel? >> i feel great. >> any pain at all? >> no. >> not even when you have to move your body or stretch or any of that? >> just one side of me. >> one side. i understand you've actually gone back to some of your sports activity? >> yes. >> what are you doing? >> skateboard, basketball,
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baseball, riding bikes. >> you're not afraid of falling? >> no. if i fall i get right back up and try again. >> brewer suffered burns on two-thirds of his body when a group of teens allegedly doused him with rubbing alcohol and intentionally set him on fire, and he survived by jumping into a swimming pool. more trouble for one of the suspects accused of bullying a massachusetts girl until she committed suicide. austin renaud is in court today and he pleaded not guilty to drunken driving now. he was arrested early sunday, but renaud's is one of sixteens charged with bullying 15-year-old phoebe prince. she killed herself in january after weeks of taunting. renaud has pleaded not guilty in that bullying case. the father of murdered teenage amber dubois speaking out about her killer's stunning confession here.
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she vanished while walking to school in a san diego suburb in february of 2009. last friday convicted sex offender john albert gardner admitted to kidnapping, raping, and stabbing dubois. he pleaded guilty to killing 17-year-old chelsea king back in february. he confessed after prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penlt. after waiting for more than a year about his daughter, her father says he's relieved they have answers? >> is he a monster? of course. did he ruin my life? yes. did he allow my family to have closure and be able to bury our daughter? yeah, he did. i would actually thank him for giving us that closure, and i couldn't say anything else to him. >> gardner is scheduled to be sentenced june 1st to life in prison without the possibility of parole. we have an update on a developing story we've been watching from peoria, arizona.
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this is a suburb of phoenix here. police say a barricade situation that lasted nearly five hours is over now. officers responded to a call about a home invasion this morning. they found a back door forced open and a man who had been bound on the first floor. he told authorities between 5 to 10 people entered the home. they got a woman and child out of the house safely. several weapons were found in the house. not clear whether they belong to the suspects or the homeowners. we should add no shots were fired and there are no reports of injuries now. prosecutors in georgia will not pursue criminal charges against pro football star, but it doesn't mean ben roethlisberger is in the clear. what the nfl commissioner has to say about the pittsburgh quarterback's off-the-field conduct. visine®-a iclinically pro e sy moop visine®-a.
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so, at national, i go right past the counter... and you get to choose any car in the aisle. choose any car? you cannot be serious! okay. seriously, you choose. go national. go like a pro. [ female announcer ] it's red lobster's festival of shrimp... a chance to get everyone together for a night where everyone gets just what they want. combine two or three favorites, from new creations like crab-stuffed shrimp and pecan-crusted shrimp to classics like decadent shrimp scampi. it's everything you want in a night out. starting at just $11.99, during the festival of shrimp.
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the president of the colorado rockies was found dell in a hotel room it morning. police say medics tried to revive him. the cause of death is not known, but police say at this point there are no signs of foul play. the colorado rockies released a statement saying it's in shock, the tragic loss of a wonderful man. he leaves behind a wife and four children. pittsburgh steelers' quarterback ben roethlisberger is taking part in team workouts as if nothing has happened, but that may not last long here. nfl commissioner roger goodell is making it clear the star player is in serious trouble with the league. goodell is dropping serious hints he will suspend
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roethlisberger over allegations he sexually saassaulted a colle student in a nightclub. he wasn't charged with a crime, but the commissioner said roethlisberger violated the league's rules on conduct. >> you do not have to be convicted or charged with a crime to be able to demonstrate that you violated a personal conduct policy, and reflect poorly not only on themselves but their entire teammates, all of their teammates, every nfl player in the league and everyone associated with the nfl. >> okay. this is one of our viewer topics today. what do you think should happen to the steelers' qb? what are you hearing? >> it's mixed. i'm getting more than 50% actually think he should get a stuff punishment, and it's not breaking along gender lines at all. ronnie is calling in from virginia. ronnie, you're all for punishing him. how severe? >> ma'am, when you're 6'5" and 245 pounds and you've been in
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the national football league for six years, going on seven years and two and a half years ago ben roethlisberger signed one of the richest contracts ever for a football player at 110 million, here he is in georgia, okay. if i supply liquor or liquor for an underage kid or child or teenager, we're held accountable. i think that the commissioner needs to set, you know, the standard and say, listen, i'm not going to tolerate this because it makes everybody look bad. if he's not punished, he'll continue to do it. why is he even in the presence of a 20-year-old, the alleged victim. he's supplying liquor and shots. he has to be -- >> you feel like even if there wasn't -- a lot of people say he wasn't convicted of anything. >> he was still wrong. he shouldn't have been there. he had hired security and police officers, and they let everything happen that night. >> you seem raeeally, really any about this. >> the man makes a lot of money
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and we look ato watch him on sunday do what he does best. after this and then the alleged things that happened in lake tahoe two years ago, mine, he has to use better judgment. he's supposed to be a professional. if he doesn't hold people to the higher standard, he's not doing his job. >> if you were a coach of a little league you would get in a young man's face and tell him not to do that. thank you for the phone call. >> i love hln. top of line. love you all. >> thank you for the phone call. butch is calling from west virginia. butch, you don't think it warrants punishment? >> absolutely not. i agree with ron on one thing and one thing only. it's alleged. what happened with innocent until proven guilty? obviously, there were no charges filed. as far as i'm concerned, it's a done deal, no charges, no harm, forget it. the commissioner is trying to play god and needs to mind his own business.
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>> hold on a second. you say it there was no harm, but true enough there was no -- they're not pressing any type of charges. do you have any problems with the type of behavior he engaged in at all? go ahead. >> there again, innocent until proven guilty. i mean as far as i know, it's not against the law to go in a bar, and i don't know that he took the girl there. obviously, no wuone else does either. why was it the bar giving her drinks? obviously, if ben was wrong and there would be charges, and then i would say the commission certificate in the right. if he did something wrong, file the charge and punish him. if there's no charges, forget it and people mind their own business and get on with it. >> thank you for the phone call. let me read an e-mail from john in alaska. i believe ben roethlisberger should not be penalize bid the nfl because he's not been charged with a crime. let me read facebook comments. this is what nancy wrote. how many of these situations do
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we have to see at the very least he needs to be put on probation with the nfl. it reflects badly on the sport. we should bring back the morals clause to these people's contracts. a lot of these contracts do have morals clauses. it's whether or not they actually adhere to them. bree anna wrote this, who is saying the accusations are even true? many people make elm things up to try and get publicity and money. some nfl players do worse crimes. duane says two-game suspension because there were no charges against them. sherry says nothing should be done unless they're convicted guilty. i say suspend him the first game of the preseason. he hasn't been charged or convicted. he needs to understand he cannot continue to put himself in these situations. what do you think the commissioner should do to the steelers' quarterback? pretend you're roger goodell for a day. does he deserve a punishment from the nfl since he wasn't
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criminally charged? should he play without any disciplinary action at all, or do you think he should be punished for the behavior? are you troubled by his behavior criminal or not? call us or e-mail cnn dot kom tell us what you think, and go to facebook as well. >> first caller was kind of fired up. >> he yeah. >> kind of like nancy and jane get sometimes. >> love it. well, he's in the right company there. no doubt about it. thank you so much, richelle. you know those saws that cut concrete? a blade from one of them pretty much can you tell something else. what happens in one ohio neighborhood. did you stee that thing? we don't want anything... slow us down. but even in your 30s... ...your bones can begin to change. overtime, you can begin to have bone loss. calcium and vitamin d work together to help keep your bones strong. and yoplait gives you... ...20% of your daily calcium... ...and is the only leading yogurt
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after more than two weeks in space, the space shuttle discovery touched down safely this morning. the mission made history because this was the first time four women nrp space at one time. three were part of the screw examine one was on the international space station. it included three spacewalks and the delivery of 7 tons of
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equipment and supplies. three shuttle missions remain before that fleet is retired. top experts in iceland suggest the worst may be over in this travel-crippling ash cloud, but they aren't offering any guarantees. one expert tells us it appears the volcano is putting out mush less ash right now. there's no good way to predict when that volcano could stop erupting. more flights are now taking off throughout northern and central europe. one of our i-reporters who spent five days stranded the at the amsterdam airport says he finally has in his hand a boarding pass for a flight back to hong kong. i hope you get to uus that soon. he sent us these photos of airport transit area turned makeshift shelter. in the beginning passengers were greeted with smiles, patience and cots provided by the red
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cross. they're getting impatient and want passengers gone. airport shops are closed because of fears they'll be vandalized. he got a transit hotel room for a night before his flight of amsterdam. thank you so much for sharing your story there. i hope you got home safely. when you have pictures or video of breaking news from your part of the world, go to and click on the upload now link. arizona has just passed one of the toughest immigration bills in the country. it would require police officers to check the documents of anyone they suspect is the in the u.s. illegally. many latinos say hiss pancreases are a target of police harassment if the governor signs this bill into law. immigrant advocates and aclu says most police officers don't have nuch training to look past race. under this bill even legal i am dprants could be arrested if
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they left the green card at home. the bill's supporters say they're trying to enforce the law. about 17% of the people caught border illegally have criminal records in the u.s. now, the sheriff of cohise county says the more authority they have to stop suspicious people, the more criminals they will get off the streets. they make more than half the illegal immigrants arrests in the entire country. dorothy height has died, a long time president of the council of negro women. she was the leading woman who helped martin luther king, jr., and others orchestrate the civil rights movement. she was 98 years old. today president obama called her the godmother of the civil rights movement and a hero to many americans. oh, the internet is abuzz about what appears to be a next generation iphone.
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the tech blog gizmodo says the prototype was found in a bar near apple's headquarters in california. it appears to have two cameras and a bigger battery. no comment from apple but the website said it returned the phone to the company at apple's request. saturday mail delivery may soon go the way of the pony express. the u.s. postal service says it's losing too much money. would you miss it? >> i'm not happy about it. the reason they're not making money is because people are not satisfied. i don't know if this will boost satisfaction. >> i don't have a real problem with it. i think they can really save money doing it and be okay. >> is the cost-cutting move a good idea? your views from the street. six days. and now, elations introduces new powder packets. on the go, one-a-day packets with the elations patented formula of clinically proven levels of glucosamine and chondroitin. in a delicious new form that's more absorbable than joint supplement pills. say goodbye to big old horse pills. with the elations that goes
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where you go. new elations powder packets. the new standard in joint health. and she said hair was growing back... i was like, yes, this works... [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. puhh puhh puhh putt and that's it. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining. as you can see this isn't your typical midwestern farm. puhh puhh puhh putt and that's it. the reason lies 6000 miles away in japan. where a producer of specialty eggs needed corn for feed grown to precise standards. cargill identified the producer's needs then introduced an illinois farmer to grow the exact corn needed. and developed a system to ship it separately, connecting the
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i called my husband, and i just was so shook up. i want you to know first there's been a shooting. see if we can get some bread and some meat. we couldn't afford anything. i'm going to start crying. is he a monster? of course. did he ruin my life? yes. so i look at the house and said, oh, my god, i put my hands over my mouth. i said, oh, my god. the only things i use the post office for now are mailing packages. some of the stories we're covering right now and all day. hi, everybody, on the 209 th of april. thanks for choosing hln "news
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and views." police break up a new don't ask don't tell protest at the white house right at the gates. a group dressed in military uniform it's chained themselves to the white house fence and called for the repeal of the u.s. military policy on gays serving openly in the military. among them lieutenant dan choy who is openly guy. what happened last night when somebody called for the repeal of don't ask don't tell interrupted president obama speaking at a fund-raiser for democratic senator barbara boxer in los angeles. >> she's passionate about fighting for california's families. she is -- we are going to do that. hey, hold on a second. we are going to do that. so let's -- >> yes, we can! >> what the young man was talking about was we need to repeal don't ask, don't tell, which i agree with, and which we have begun to do. it would make more sense to
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holler that at the people who oppose it. >> supporters of don't ask, don't tell say the policy has been effective and that ending it now with troops in battle is not the right time. police in tennessee say they now have an idea why a man opened fire outside a hospital in knoxville. they said the shooter, who killed a woman and himself, was mentally ill. a cab driver says the man took a taxi to the hospital yesterday, gave the driver 20 bucks, and told him to wait. here is what the knoxville police chief said earlier today. >> the suspect through the note left in his residence indicated he was upset with the doctor thinking a chip had been placed inside of him during his appendectomy. the suspect believed he was being tracked due to this chip. family members of the suspect were concerned for his mental well-being and had requested help from mental health experts.
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the family had him committed to a local mental health facility in february of this year. >> two women who were injured during the attack are in stable condition. just when it looked like flights would begin going back in the air over europe, a new eruption from the volcano is causing new trouble. a new ash cloud is headed to london. airports have been closed. it's complicating u.s. efforts in afghanistan. troops wounded in battle cannot be taken for medical care to the u.s. air base in germany. instead, many are being sent to iraq for treatment. travelers stuck at airports around the world are trying to make the best of a bad situation. at camp kennedy, otherwise known as jfk airport, one traveler said the shower she had yesterday was the best she's ever had. a pair of british sisters visiting las vegas said they had a budget for their trip and they've already run out of money. fortunately, they're getting help. >> we went to get some bread and some meat. we couldn't afford anything.
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i'm going to start crying. i'm sorry. it's thanks to generous people in america that have helped us. >> sheer is a spectacular glimpse of the volcano. look at the lightning right in the middle of the lava and ash being emitted from the crater. pictures taken sunday. the ash cloud again is now spreading west toward north america as well as south and east toward europe. the u.s. postal service is in serious trouble. it's forecasting a $7 billion shortfall this year and the postmaster general has warned congress the agency may run out of money altogether as early as november. just as the holiday season begins ramping up. would you miss saturday deliveries? our joe carter hit the streets to find out. i am joe carter and this is "views from the street." how important is it to you to get your mail delivered on saturday?
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we're on the street to find out. the united states postal service is in a heap load of debt and they're right now putting a plan to place to reduce mail delivery from six days a week to five days a week. >> it's fine with me. i can get my business done. i will find a way to get it done. >> it really wouldn't affect me much. in my household we don't really check our mail on saturdays. >> i'm not happy about it. the reason they're not making money is people are not satisfied. i don't know if this is going to boost satisfaction. >> i don't like getting the mail. it's usually just bills or junk mail, so it doesn't matter to me at all. >> i don't have a real problem with it. i think they can really save money doing it. it would be okay. >> how much time do you spend using your computer to communicate versus using united states postal service. >> are you serious? computer ought day long. we might as well be using the pony express. >> you can communicate online instead of sending letters. >> you can get coupons online, you can get your e-mail, and you can pay your bills. >> the only things i use the
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post office for now are mailing packages. >> we want to save paper and the internet is a key way for us to do that. >> do you think the post office is still relevant then? >> absolutely, absolutely. extremely relevant. >> i wouldn't say it's totally irrelevant because you do have to get certain documents in the mail and there's not a substitute for that. >> the only reason i would need the mail is for christmas presents and birthday cards and stuff like that. >> everything might be electronic. it seems like it's headed that way. >> what do you do now online that you used to do through the mail? >> everything, except have sex. >> i'm joe carter and i will see you on the street. >> a recent "washington post" poll found a majority of americans support ending saturday delivery to remedy the postal service's financial problems although most want their local branches to stay open. there are no classes, no books, no routine. does that mean no learning happens? "your views" on what's called unschooling.
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visine®-a iclinically pro e sy moop visine®-a. this site has a should i try priceline instead? >> no it's a sale. nothing beats a sale! wrong move! you. you can save up to half off that sale when you name your own price on priceline. but this one's a me. it's only pretending to be a deal. here, bid $79. got it. wow! you win this time good twin! there's no disguising the real deal.
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classes are canceled today at columbine high school as they mark the deadly anniversary of the shootings there. 12 students were killed and a teacher before turning weapons on themselves. a memorial in a park next to the school will probably get a lot of visitors today. it was dedicated three years ago to the victims and is open to the public. parents have several options for teaching children these days. in fact, some they're just creating on their own. public schools, private schools, home schooling, and none of the above because some parents decide their kids should be
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unschooled, a term coined for kids who don't attend any type of formal class in a school or at home. their parents allow them to learn what they choose on their own time table when they choose, no books, no tests, no specific hours set aside for learning. the unskolinunschooling was app in a recent discovery program. >> we spend a significant amount of time and energy making sure we're exposing the kids to all kinds of things. it's an activity for us as parents that takes hours a day. so we bring them to places and we bring things to them on a very regular basis. they're not confined to only the topics they have to learn in school. >> it's a great "your views" topic today. we have been surprised how many people are supporting it, too. richelle carey is joining us with more of what viewers are saying. >> we have been getting a lot of people calling saying i unschool my kids and it's not exactly what you think. we've been asking people if you think it's a good idea or maybe
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you think that it's crazy and you need some structure for kids because they're kids. so let's jump in and talk about this on the phone. betsy is calling us from columbus, ohio. betsy, you say that you have unschooled your daughter and if i could ask you a question right off the bat because we've talked to some people today who say they have unschooled and i haven't been able to actually get an answer to this question. so can i ask you a question right away? >> caller: absolutely. >> okay. sometimes don't you have to teach kids things that they don't necessarily naturally gravitate to and i liken it to exercising. i don't like to exercise, but you have to exercise. there are things you have to do because they're good for you that you wouldn't naturally do. don't you have to teach kids some things they might not naturally want to do? >> caller: right. well, with our school board we had to, you know, set up a type of curriculum and stuff when i took her out of public school to unschool her at home.
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it actually was just for about a year, but, you know, the thing that made the difference to me and for her especially was the fact that, yes, she could learn certain things the way that she learned because her learning type is not like anybody else's. >> okay. >> caller: she just did not learn traditionally. so the year that i had her out we did a couple field trips and worked on some things and she did have to test out at the end of that year. >> so there were certain things that she did have to learn but you let her learn in her own way. >> caller: pretty much. the cool thing is since she's such a different type of learner i was able to find a school in our district that had a program that was like a special ed program kind of, and the gentleman developed this program the very year she started. she made up two years of school in one year and graduated early. >> fantastic.
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betsy, thank you for letting me pick your brain like that. i think other people at home probably had similar questions. delisa is calling us from new orleans. you're not buying it. >> caller: no, no, no, i'm not. >> go ahead. >> caller: i think people are too busy focused on the school aspect of it. i don't think they're focusing on what's going to happen if they're not in school because when they're young, it's fine, it's no problem. but 13, 14, 15, 16, not in school? i feel it's going to cause trouble. i think everything is going to go up. they're not realizing this. i live in new orleans. i mean, people hear a lot of bad things about this city. staying in school is like the best thing you can do in this city. i mean, if you're not in school, what are you going to get into, crime? teen pregnancy? so when they're younger, it's cute, of course, keep them home, no problem, teach them, they pick up quick. it's great. i have a 4-year-old. so i can relate to, of course,
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you want to spend more time, you want to teach them things. >> but you think the structure as they get older is necessary for a lot more reasons than just the education part. okay. thank you very much. we want "your views" on this. those are two great callers and two totally different perspectives. do you see some benefit to taking the structure out of education? maybe kids learn differently? what do you think of unschooling or do you think that the structure is very necessary, and if not, maybe you're setting kids up to fail. call us at 1-877-tell-hln. e-mail at or text and you can post on my facebook page and chuck's as well. [ male announcer ] fishing pole, it's been a while.
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you stood in the basement gathering dust while i, sneezing, itching eyes kept you from our favorite stream. the one that runs through a field where pollen floats through the air. but now, with the strength of 24-hour zyrtec® to relieve my worst allergy symptoms, indoors and outdoors... let's go before the fish stop biting. they won't wait for us. but that's okay. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. today, we battle wits with the trout. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. ♪
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112 meals free. call or click now. get back in the game. the father of murdered teenager amber dubois speaking out about her killer's surprising courtroom confession. the 14-year-old vanished while walking to school in her san diego suburb in february of last year and last friday convicted sex offender 31-year-old john albert gardner admitted to kidnapping, raping, and stabbing dubois. he also pleaded guilty to killing 17-year-old chelsea king in february. he confessed after prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penalty. after waiting more than a year for any news about his daughter, amber's father's relieved that his family finally has some answers. >> is he a monster? of course. did he ruin my life? yes. did he allow my family to have closure and be able to bury our daughter? yeah, he did.
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so i would actually thank him for giving us that closure and i couldn't say anything else to him. >> gardner is sentenced on june 1st to life in prison without the possibility of parole. the florida judge at the heart of the casey anthony murder trial has recused himself. he will not be hearing this case. her attorneys argued that a friendship he developed with a blogger seen here in video, you will see him shortly, shows that he, the judge, was prejudiced. there's the blogger at the left, right there. anthony's attorneys say the judge contacted the blogger known as marinade dave through his blog and by phone and never disclosed a relationship to the defense. judge strickland denied doing anything long but said he removed himself because the defense would probably accuse him of bias every time they ruled against him. anthony has pleaded not guilty to first degree murder in the death of her daughter, caylee. time now for the help desk where we get answers to your financial questions. joining me this hour doug flynn is a certified financial planner
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and founder of flynn zito capital management and rob kurtz executive editor of aol small business. thanks for being here. first question is i have had not so great credit due to not making enough money and having too much debt to credit. i have a good job now and i enrolled in a debt consolidation program almost three years ago so my debt to credit ratio is better. is there anything that can be done about late payments i made in the past. i want to buy a car and am considering buying a condo. with my credit score at 571, that doesn't seem possible. >> here is the good news, she's on the right track. i think the first thing when it comes to your credit score and it sounds like she's done her homeworkb you want to make sure everything is accurate on the report. that's one thing you want to resolve. the second thing is you want to pay off these things. it sounds like she's done it or in the process of it. once you do you want to work with the collection agencies to
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actually get them in the best case scenario get them to scrub this off your credit report. if you pay in full chances are they will at least consider that. the other option is there are different distinctions if you pay something they can change it on the report to paid in full. there are different distinction that is help improve your credit along the way. you have to go in there and find the trouble spots which it sounds like she's doing and make sure what she's paying is actually reflected in the report. >> all right. our next question comes from j.c. the law school i man to attend has a financial aid department and accepts footbainancial aid. can financial aid provide me with the full $27,000 i need annually to attend? >> what it will do is it will figure out for you how to get to $27,000. it might be a combination of some grants that you would be able to receive, scholarships, loans. there might even be a personal contribution. the difference between all the money they have been able to accumulate for you and what the cost of the school is. it doesn't necessarily come up with the money for you, but it's
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an exercise you should definitely do. we strongly recommend that you sit down with the financial aid department, have them walk you through there. at the end of the day if the personal contribution you can't borrow it or you can't find the money, the school might be unaffordable but they do definitely try to figure out how to fill in the gap to get you all the way to the full school cost but it might involve loans and things you can pay back later. >> gentlemen, thanks so much. the help desk is all about getting your answers. so send us an e-mail to baed by foot care scientsu
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>> whether you won the olympic gold, play professional football or even owned your own team, those reaping the award of tonight's celebrity gala are the stars of the show. welcome to the red carpet at the sixth annual aspire gala, a tribute to life's coaches. >> when you hear some of the testimony of the kids that have gone through our programs, some of the executive directors of the clubs that we've dealt with, these are the guys on ground zero. we recognize these people and attached ourselves with them and they atax them sells with us. >> hal and bill wanted to do something special when their father died. by creating this foundation, it allows us to take the legacy of cal senior to the next level and
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share his live's says sons with kids that need guidance. >> a lot live in circumstances where they don't think about the future. they think of the world that they're in which is not pleasant in cases much they're changed after they come to these camps and think about the future in a positive way, which shows you you're making headway. >> we matchup kids with cops. ninety-seven% of the relationships has improved. the teachers and mentors say these kids are undergoing short-term planning for the first time in their life. we're changing behaviors and that's the first step in changing their lives. when you change their life, you change the community. >> each year the young people have an opportunity to go to the cames. from a public housing community torks go to a camp to meet with billy and cal, it's very, very special.
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>> baseball and life may look simple involving a bat and a ball, but there's more to it, just ask cal. >> many times we communicate in the language of baseball, we're really communicate anything the language of life. with live lesson's, there's things you can learn in team work, individual responsibility. baseball is a cool sport because it blends them both well. >> the earlier you start, the better. i think with cal and billy and the foundation, i think they're doing a tremendous job getting youngsters involved in baseball at a early age. >> life is being apart of a team. sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, and i think we learn more by losing and being a citizen and a good part of the team. when you win it, builds self-esteem and takes you to the next level. >> when a team is not doing well, it correlates in life in dealing with the ups and downs, and trying to do things you can
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best each day. you have to learn how to lose, but winning is a great gift. >> for the cal ripken senior foundation, partnerships have been the key to success. >> i'm thrilled to put my name on this agreement that will signify that the u.s. mar chal service will partner with the ripken foundation to change and affect the lives of hundreds and thousands of kids. >> we're honoring four magnificent people. first jackie. she with her own hands and energy invest in the boys and girls club in st. louis. >> joe ripken will receive an award. there's art, everything he has done speaks for himself. >> to be a guest here treasuress and very excited about football and baseball emerging tonight. >> i'm proud of our game, i'm proud of the leagu i'm proud
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of what we've done, and also proud of my baseball friends who have done so much. >> i don't think there's a better venue in america to help boys become men and girls become women than through sports. coaches are influential to young people. it becomes a responsibility to help them grow and mature in a positive way. >> have a great coach that was in my life. i think with the cal ripken senior foundation is working with young people, teaching them life says sons, and being a valuable as set in the community. >> want to hear from police officers and teachers, we know we're making a difference. >> to learn how to get involved, check out to. learn more about your community, check out on demand and click get local. for comcast on the red carpet,
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update on a story we've been following today. at the white house today police broke up a don't ask, don't tell protest. a group dressed in military uniform it's chained themselves to the white house gate and called for the repeal of the u.s. military policy on gays serving openly in the military. about a half dozen were arrested. a looks like all services were represented. among them lieutenant dan choy who is openly gay. he's an iraq war veteran and a west point grad. last night protesters disrupted a political fund-raiser as the president was speaking. >> she's passionate about fighting for california's families. >> don't ask, don't tell! >> we are going to do that. hey, hold on a second. hold on a second. we are going to do that. >> yes, we can!
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>> so let's -- >> yes, we can! >> what the young man was talking about was we need to repeal don't ask, don't tell, which i agree with. and which we have begun to do. it would make more sense to holler that at the people who oppose it. >> well, supporters of don't ask, don't tell say the policy has been effective and others say with troops in battle, now isn't the time to change it. we have just learned sarah palin's family will be called as witnesses in the trial of the 22-year-old tennessee man charged with hacking her e-mail. our knoxville affiliate wbir reports prosecutors plan on calling the former governor herself. the list of two dozen witnesses includes her husband, todd, her daughter, bristol. a jury has been seated. opening statements begin today. the jury has just been seated. here is the defendant, david cornell, the son of a tennessee state lawmaker. he was a college stunt when prosecutors said he hacked into the yahoo! account that palin used for state business.
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she was governor at the time. he faces four felony charges, identity theft and obstructing an fbi investigation. if he's convicted, he could get 50 years in prison. coming up on "prime news" at 6:00 eastern, mike galanos takes a look at whether palin's celebrity could affect the trial. the supreme court struck down a federal law designed to stop the sale and marketing of videos showing dogfights. that 1999 law limited internet sales of so-called crush videos which showed women crushing to death small animals with their bare feet or high-heeled shoes. the justices concluded the scope and intent of that skut was overly broad. animal cruelty and dogfighting are illegal throughout the country. free speech advocates are happy with today's ruling. animal rights groups decidedly are against the rule. police in tennessee say they now have a good idea why a man
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opened fire outside a hospital in knoxville. they say the shooter who killed himself and a woman was mentally ill. he took a taxi to a hospital and gave the driver $20 and told him to wait. >> the suspect through the note left in his residence indicated he was upset with the doctor thinking a chip had been placed inside of him during his appendectomy. the suspect believed he was being tracked due to this chip. family members of the suspect were concerned for his mental well-being and had requested help from mental health experts. the family had him committed to a local mental health facility in february of this year. >> two women injured during the attack are said to be in stable condition. top experts in iceland suggest the worst may be over in that travel crippling ash cloud, but they're not offering any
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guarantees. one expert tells us it appears the volcano is putting out much less ash. scientists say there's no good way to predict when the volcano will stop erupting. meanwhile, more flights are taking off throughout northern and central europe. and one of our ireporters who spent five days stranded at the airport in amsterdam says he finally has his hand on a boarding pass for a flight back to hong kong. he's paulo wu who sent in these photos. he said in the beginning passengers were greeted with smiles, patience, and cots provided by the red cross. now airport authorities are getting impatient. they want passengers gone. wu says people are being urged to leave the airport, find a hotel. airport shops are closed because of fears they will be vandalized. luckily he got himself a hotel room for a night before his scheduled flight out of amsterdam. thanks ireporter paulo wu for
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sharing your pictures. go to and click on the upload now link. prosecutors in georgia won't pursue criminal charges against ben roethlisberger. that doesn't mean the quarterback is in the clear. what the nfl commissioner is saying about big ben's off-field conduct. i'm really glad we finally cided to see wrein bs ye veue
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the president of the colorado rockies was found dead in a salt lake city hotel room this morning. kelly mcgregor was 48. police say medics tried to revive him. the cause of death isn't known yet. the colorado rockies released a statement saying it's in shock over the tragic loss of a wonderful man. he leaves behind a wife and four children.
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pittsburgh steelers quarterback ben roethlisberger is taking part in team workouts as if nothing happened, but that may not last long. nfl commissioner roogeer goodell is making it clear the star player is in serious trouble with the league. goodell is dropping some very serious hints that he will suspend roethlisberger over allegations that he sexual assaulted a college student in a georgia nightclub. the quarterback was not charged with any criminal offense, but commissioner goodell says roethlisberger did violate the league's rules on conduct. >> you do not have to be convicted or even charged of a crime to be able to demonstrate that you violated a personal conduct policy and reflect poorly not only on themselves, but their entire teammates, all of their teammates, every nfl player in the league, and everyone associated with the nfl. >> and it's our "your views" question today. what do you think? some of the comments off facebook, including this -- this is chuck roberts hln is the
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address. brenda writes this, the only people who know what happened are him and the girls involved. unless someone has some solid proof and he's convicted of something, i think he should be allowed to stay in. kelly writes this, a four-game suspension a light for what he's done. i mean, come on. that would be a slap on the wrist for what he's done. he wants to be a role model? does he honestly want children to grow up thinking this is okay? this sense of entitlement has got to stop. jamie writes i think he should be in jail but he plays football so he's automatically above the law as school. carrie rights as a fourth generation steelers fan i feel ben needs at the very least, a time-out to assess why he continues to exercise atrocious judgment. being a private organization the nfl has every right to suspend players for violating their private codes. whether or not the player has been convicted of a crime. let's go to the phones and say hi to barry. >> caller: how are you doing? >> what do you think of all this? >> caller: i just think it's sad, you know, that people get
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accused of stuff and people automatically assume they're guilty. what about the girl that has falsely accused him of this crime? what's happening to her, you know? and it's ruined his record. it's pretty much put a blemish on him for the rest of his life, and people are going to look at him different. because somebody falsely accused him of something. and then -- >> yeah, but he did admit misbehaving with the girl. they all got drunk and he's not happy about what he did either, right? >> caller: well, still, i mean what's misbehaving? we all go out and get a little -- >> all right, so forgive and forget then? >> caller: yeah. if he committed no crime, okay, that's what i'm saying, if he committed no crime, then why is he getting penalized is my -- >> all right, barry appreciate it. susan is up next from oregon. >> caller: love your show, and i just wanted to say, first of all, it was illegal because she was underage drinking so they
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should both be in trouble for that. number two, no means no. if our nfl people keep doing things like this because they think they're, quote, above the law, then we're going to end up with another o.j. series here and, you know, that's just too much. i mean, think about it, how many times did o.j. go out with his little entourage and do similar things, behavior in similar ways, and get away with it before he ended up killing someone? >> well, how long of a suspension do you think is right? a year, half a year, what do you think? >> caller: they should suspend him for six months, take that money he would have made, donate it to cobra and educate him on the importance of a woman's right to say no. if he was to learn what rape victims went through, just as a human being, as a man, he would think twice about his actions because he's got family. it could be his mother, his sister, his daughter, and it could be another nfl player. maybe even someone on his own
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team that ends up doing something like this to one of them. >> all right. o.j., of course, was not criminally convicted, but your points are strong and well-made. thank you. got a couple facebook comments in. sunny writes, the steelers need him professionally for their season. cut his pay after an investigation for his conduct and then find a moral qb after the season. can i get a decent role model for my children anywhere in sports? fletcher said, he's not been convicted of anything other than poor judgment. the league has no cause to punish him. if anything, i would force him to do community service projects or to make a sizable donation to organizations that help abused women. echoing a caller. what do you think? what should the commissioner do for the steelers' quarterback? he's not happy. e-mail us at you can text views and your comment and name to hlntv. nobody is being shy about their comments. we got a facebook page up, too, chuck roberts hln and richelle carey hln respectively.
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but aveeno hair shines in real life. introducing a whole new kind of shine from aveeno nourish plus. when hair is damaged, the cuticle doesn't reflect light well. with active naturals wheat protein, these formulas target and smooth damage so light reflects more visibly. [ female announcer ] a study showed 75% more shine after just one use. real shine, for real life. yours. [ female announcer ] visit for a free sample from the new nourish plus shine collection. jane velez-mitchell and here is my issue. casey anthony, the never-ending
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case that still hasn't even gone to trial. won't for another year at least, at least. i'm beginning to wonder, is this case ever going to go before a jury? the newest hand grenade lobbed at this case came courtesy of judge stan strickland he announced, i'm stepping down. he's washing his hands of this trial after complaints from the defense that he was buddy-buddy with a casey anthony blogger. normally i would say justice delayed a justice denied, but only time will tell. casey sits behind bars. an unknown judge is coming in and the defense team continues to file motions. is it a brilliant move by the defense or will it backfire big time? believe it or not, one day, one day we may actually know the answer. i'm jane velez-mitchell, still waiting, and that's my issue. >> tonight with jane, cops are digging for answers about what happened to haleigh cummings and they're now calling the case a
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homicide. she'll talk to misty croslin's grandmother who claimed she tipped off authorities. don't miss issues with jane tonight at 7:00 eastern. the father of murdered teenager amber dubois speaking out about her killer's surprising courtroom confession. the 14-year-old vanished walking to school in her san diego suburb in february 2009. last friday convicted sex offender john albert gardner admitted to kidnapping, raping, and stabbing dubois. gardner also pleaded guilty to killing 17-year-old chelsea king in february. he confessed after prosecutors promised not to seek the death penalty. after waiting more than a year for any news about his daughter, dubois's father is relieved the finally has some maens. >> is he monster? of course. did he ruin my life? yes. did he allow my family to have closure and be able to bury our daughter? yeah, he did, so i would actually thank him for giving us that closure.
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and i couldn't say anything else to him. >> gardner is set to be sentenced june 1st to life in prison without the possibility of parole. let's get you caught up on a story we've been following for more than six months. michael brewer, who was set on fire last october, says he feels great and he's returning to school tomorrow. on nbc's "today" show this morning, brewer talked about getting back to a life -- a normal life which includes a lot of sports. >> how are you doing? how do you feel? >> i feel great. >> any pain at all? >> no. >> not even when you have to move your body or stretch or any of that? >> just one side of me. >> one side. and i understand that you've actually gone back to some of your sports activity? >> yes. >> what are you doing? >> skateboard, basketball, baseball, riding bikes. >> and you're not afraid of falling? >> if i fall i get right back up and try again. >> he's quite a fighter. brewer suffered burns on
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two-thirds of his body when a group of teens doused him with rubbing alcohol and intentionally set him on fire. he survived the only way he could, by jumping into a swimming pool. 11 students all 13 and 14 overdosed on the over the counter decongestant at a middle school. a fire rescue team said they have been sent to two miami hospitals. the drug isn't meant for kids, only supposed to be used under a doctor's care. the students reportedly took a drug commonly known as triple c. it's a cold medication made for people with high blood pressure. police will try to find out how the drug wound up on coampus. ford says it's fully committed to fuel efficiency.'s poppy harlow sat
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down with the company's chairman. is ford really committed to being green? >> it seems like it. i sat down with bill ford last week at fortune's brain storm green conference. this is a company that really has been pushing forward on being green, making more fuel efficient vehicles. consumers have clearly seen that. what was interesting was even decades ago when corporate america wasn't on board really at all with the green movement, he was. take a listen. what gave you this environmental kick? i read once that a board told you, you can't associate with those environmentalists. did that really happen? >> it really happened. i was told to stop associating with any known or suspected environmentalists. >> the ford board told you this. >> not the whole board but a couple members back in the late '80s when i joined the board. you know, it's something that, first of all, i have always felt personally when i was in college, but importantly as it related to ford, i never wanted us to be the kind of company where young people wouldn't want
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to work and that they would have to apologize to their family and friends for working there. and i felt unless we got on the right side of this environmental issue, that's exactly what was going to happen. and, of course, any happen. of course any company is only as good as its people. if if we didn't get the best and brightest, we weren't going to be a great company. >> reporter: do you think looking at ford and more broadly at big business, is big business really committed to this environmental revolution? >> that's a really good question. i don't know. i don't know what other businesses -- there's a lot of lip service given to it. a lot of people are falling all over themselves to be green now. in fact, you know, about five or six years ago it was pretty lonely. the awareness is way up. companies understand that unless we get on the right side of it, cu customers are going to turn away from them. but, you know, and this is early baby steps on a long journey. we have some big issues as a society in front of us. >> reporter: is there a time you see ford saying we're going to stop making gas guzzlers?
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we won't do it? >> that's right now. we're still going to make a full line of vehicles up through the trucks but we've committed to making every single vehicle we make the best in its segment. >> reporter: when it comes to electric cars, that's something else we talked a lot about. ford is making electrics right now but there's not that much of a demand. i asked him why. he said it's because of the infrastructure. we don't have plug-in and charging stations like we have gas stations so people get concerned. they get this range anxiety that their car is going to run out of power on the side of the road. until that changes, might have a tough time getting electrics to the masses. you can see more of that interview. >> good interview, poppy. a quick check of wall street. but look. this is doing fine. why? it's planted in miracle-gro moisture control potting mix. it holds 33% more water... than ordinary potting soil, releasing it as plants need it, not when i get around to it. and there's miracle-gro plant food mixed in. so you get miracle-gro results... i like that.
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[ female announcer ] new and improved miracle-gro moisture control potting mix. success starts with the soil. and she said hair was growing back... i was like, yes, this works... [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. puhh puhh puhh putt and that's it. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining. so, at national, i go right past the counter... and you get to choose any car in the aisle. choose any car? you cannot be serious!
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okay. seriously, you choose. go national. go like a pro. okay. seriously, you choose. hi, i need to start saving on car insurance. money a bit tight? yeah, i've had to cut back, sell some stuff. like his watch. oh. we can help you save. because we instantly compare your progressive direct rate with rates from other top companies. watch this. [ beeping ] nice savings. this means i can buy my watch back. oh, this watch? yeah. not for sale.
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i called my husband and i was just so shook up. i said, honey, i want you to know first there's been a shooting at park west. >> i can't stop crying. >> a monster, of course. did he ruin my life? yes. >> so i look at the house and say, oh, my god. i put my hands over my mouth. i said, oh, my god. >> the only thing i use the post office now are mailing packages. all right. that is a quick look at some of the stories we're covering right now. welcome to hln "news and views." i'm richelle carey.
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some new developments about the situation at the airports in europe. the british government says its airports, including london's heathrow, one of the busiest in the world, is supposed to reopen as of 5:00 eastern time, an hour from now. that should ease some of the major gridlock caused by ash plumes from that volcano on iceland. now because of this decision, british airways says it hopes to land as many as 25 flights bound for london from the u.s. and elsewhere. the planes took off hoping there would be a window of opportunity to land at heathrow or gatwick airports according to a company representative of the airports will not be open in time, so they are being diverted to other airports including shan thon, ireland. meanwhile, more flights are now taking off throughout northern and central europe. so hopefully this situation is beginning to ease up a little bit. we will keep you posted on that. all right? something else just in to hln to tell you about.
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a new york federal judge sentenced the son of michael douglas, cameron, to five years in prison on drug charges. he is the 31-year-old son of the academy award winning actor. he admitted to dealing drugs. specifically methamphetamine and cocaine. he faced a ten-year prison term. during sentencing the judge told cameron this is a last chance to make it, his last chance to make it. those are the judge's exact words. an update on a story we've been following for you today. police have broken up a new don't ask, don't tell protest right outside the white house. you can see it there. a group dressed in military uniforms chained themselves to the white house fence and called for a repeal of the u.s. policy on gays serving in the military. among those arrested today was army lieutenant dan choi. choi is an openly gay iraq war veteran. he is one of the most prominent critics of don't ask, don't tell. he was arrested for participating in a similar protest last month. and members of the same group protesting at the white house today heckled the president last night in california.
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listen. >> she's passionate about fighting for california's families. [ inaudible ] we are going to do that. [ inaudible ] hey, hold on a second. hold on a second. we are going to do that. [ inaudible ] what the young man was talking about, we need to repeal don't ask, don't tell, which i agree with. and which we have begun to do. it would make more sense to holler that at the people who oppose it. >> he was talking about senator barbara boxer of california. he was there to support her. some supporters of don't ask, don't tell say the policy is effective. others said now is not the time to change it with troops in battle. the florida judge in the casey anthony murder trial is removing himself from the case. circuit judge dan trick land granted a defense motion that he recuse himself. they argued a friendship he
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developed with a blogger seen in this video, right there, right there to the left, to show he was prejudiced against anthony. anthony's attorneys say strickland contacted the blogger known as marinade dave, through his blog and by phone but never disclosed that relationship to the defense. strickland denied doing anything wrong but said he removed himself because the defense would probably accuse him of bias every time he ruled against them. anthony has pled not guilty to first-degree murder in the 2000 death of her daughter caylee. the closing bell on wall street rang moments ago. goldman sachs continues to dominate the news. to poppy harlow from cnn >> reporter: let's start off with the closing numbers. strong across the board, the dow, nasdaq, s&p all higher at the close. the dow up 25 points to 11,117. you see the closing numbers right there. goldman sachs, though, shares down more than 2% today. this is after the firm that is, of course, battling fraud charges from the s.e.c. came out
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with their first quarter numbers and, boy, did they impress wall street but not apparently investors. goldman sachs earned $3.5 billion in profit in the first quarter. the banking sector as a whole looking good. goldman shares down and across the board green on wall street. richelle? >> poppy, with the recovery going on, a lot of companies making a lot of money but what about those that are losing money? apparently there's a new list of the biggest money losers and that's not a good thing like losing weight. >> reporter: not good like the biggest loser in terms of weight. now this is a list that cnn money and fortune just put out today. the biggest money losers in 2009, let's start off with the first one, fannie mae and then you have freddie mac, the two government-backed mortgage financers lost $90 billion in 2009. why is that? well, you all know the housing market imploded. a lot of the mortgages that were defaulted on were mortgages these companies backed and the third one on the list in terms of biggest money losers, aig,
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the company lost $10 billion in 2009. this is a record loss. this is after they got $180 billion in government support. richelle, the three top companies on the list all got government bailouts from, thank you very much, u.s. taxpayers. >> yikes. poppy, thank you very much. >> caller: you've got it. well, have you seen the pictures of what may be the next version of the iphone? they are causing quite a stir all over the internet. what is interesting is how they were leaked to the public. visine®-a iclinically pro ng e sy moop visine®-a.
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that comes to mind. there's home schooling. you think, okay, yeah. also none of the above. some parents decide that they want to unschool their kids. the term was coined for children who do not attend any type of formal classes in school or at home. the parents allow them to learn what they choose when they choose. no books, no tests, no specific hours set aside for learning. i know the kids are like, yay, tell me about this. so we're asking, is unschooling a good idea? or do kids need structure in order to learn? this has been a fantastic conversation all day. a good conversation on facebook. you've been going back and forth about this. let me pull some comments. chuck wrote this. not our chuck. a different chuck. this is little more than parents who don't want the responsibility of raising their kids, just let the kids raise themselves. this is what chuck says. truly a pathetic conversation. peggy says considering all the
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bad things happening with children going to school, why not keep them at home? my boys learn very quickly just from every day activities. let's talk about it. roger from adams, kentucky. roger, you're not really feeling this. were you shocked when we first mentioned this? had you heard of it before? >> caller: i had never heard of it. i don't know how it's done legally. it couldn't be in my state. the parents would go to jail. i oppose the home schooling because many children would be deprived of the opportunity to experience and learn other cultures, their beliefs, their practices whether it be different races, people from different countries, different financial classes. >> well, roger, parents that home school say that they get a bad rap because they say that they do take on the -- they take that extra responsibility of having to expose their kids to different things. they say they take it very seriously and they do go out of their way to try to expose their kids to different things.
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do you think there's no s substitute for the classroom? >> caller: well, are they going to let their kids play with the poor kids? yes, i do have an option. i would like to see us go back to the days we had very small five, six room schools in the neighborhood, all the parents, all the teachers, everybody knew everyone. these large, consolidated schools everybody gets lost in the system. >> all right, roger. thank you for the phone call. let's talk to lorraine who is calling us from cross city, florida. lorraine, you're open to this. >> caller: yes, ma'am. there are some kids who just defy authority. it's like the term you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. there are some kids you can take and put them in an environment to where they can learn every day skills and they can learn them but they can't learn it from a book. >> all right. >> caller: and i have a
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grandson. he refuses to go to school. he's been ordered by a judge to go to school. but he refuses to go. you can't make him go. but you can take him and put him in a real-world situation. he can do math. he can read. >> and he absorbs all different types of things if you take him out of the classroom? >> caller: exactly. he cannot do it in the classroom. it's great for some kids. >> all right, lorraine, thank you for the phone call. i appreciate it. let me get an e-mail from ann in indiana. this is what she says. there's a value to a formal education. however, there is so much more to learn outside of a structured school setting. school hours should be reduced if parents can can find more unconventional educational situations that work for their children. my parents could afford to take me all over the world as a child. how better to learn geography than to experience it by traveling to those places on the map? so ann is kind of talking about a combination of the two. a little bit of structure and then a little bit of unconventionality. thanks for your comments on this. we appreciate it.
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facebook, e-mails, phone calls, a good topic to talk about. all right. time to take charge of your career. do you have what it takes to be the boss? it means more responsibility, longer hours -- i know you're just thinking a lot of salary but there's a lot more to it. how can you tell if you're management material? career experts say there are questions you should ask yourself. what do you really love about your current job because when you're a manager, when you're the boss, you might not get to do it anymore. can you hold people accountable? you might have to discipline people or maybe even fire them and maybe the most important question, do you have the skills and confidence to do the job? and what do you do if you become the manager and you hate it? you don't like it. talk to your boss. explain why you want to go back to your old job and try to work it out. all right. one iraq vet was told not to come to a high school prom. why the school didn't want him
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to escort his younger sister. when you pursue an mba at devry university's... keller graduate school of management, you'll have a professor with you every step of the way. whether you take classes on campus, online, or both, you get the same attention, the same curriculum, and the same quality. 85 locations nationwide and online. discover how to grow the business of you... at and wear hats. i was always the hat guy. i can't even tell you how much it's changed my life. [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. no more hats. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining.
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i'm really glad we finally cided to see wrein bs ye veue no more hats. you know♪ 9cr wieat ir stedientgrion. raisinc i'm really glad we fina m swi♪ tako see wrein bs ye lo v ) 9s moran uns. police in tennessee say they now have an idea why a man opened fire outside a hospital in knoxville. they say the shooter who killed a woman and himself was mentally ill. a cab driver says the man took a taxi to the hospital yesterday,
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gave the driver 20 bucks and told him to wait outside. the woman who was injured during the attack, two women, rather, who were injured in the attack, are in stable condition. the father of murdered teenager amber dubois is speaking out about her killer's surprising courtroom confession. 14-year-old amber vanished while walking to school in her san diego suburb back in february of 2009. last friday convicted sex offender john albert gardner admitted to kidnapping, raping and stabbing amber. gardner pled guilty to killing 17-year-old chelsea king in february. he confessed after prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penalty. after waiting for more than a year for news of his daughter, amber dubois' father is relieved they have some answers. >> is he a monster? of course. did he ruin my life? yes. did he allow my family to have closure and be able to bury our daughter? yeah, he did. so i would actually thank him
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for giving us that closure. and i couldn't say anything else to him. >> gardner is scheduled to be sentenced june 1st to life in prison without the possibility of parole. the soldier who had just come back from iraq was told he's not welcome at a high school prom. this is what happened. the 23-year-old army specialist went to escort his younger sister but the school in charlotte told him he's too old. the school doesn't allow anyone over 20 partly because it's concerned about students' access to alcohol. since the school didn't budge on the rule, jennifer decided to go to her prom alone. the internet is buzzing about what appears to be a next generation iphone. the tech blog gizmodo says the prototype was found in a bar near apple's headquarters in california. the device appears to have two cameras and a bigger battery.
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there's been no comment from apple but the website says it's returned the phone at apple's request. actor danny glover, you know him from a lot of roles like lethal weapon, those movies, he was arrested during a protest. that story is making news on our what matters segment. glover had some trouble with police in maryland friday while standing up for workers' rights. he and 11 others were charged with trespassing during a labor union protest. glover is a strong advocate of the service employee's international union. he stood with the group to pr protest what it calls unfair and illegal treatment of workers by the food giant -- food service giant. they say the union is spreading misinformation. glover was issued a citation and let go. the penalty is $1,000 fine or up to 90 days in jail. glover said this is a global corporation with global responsibility and we are going to hold them accountable. a federal judge has ordered a school district in mississippi to change attendance policies he says that amount to racial
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segregation. the judge ordered the school district to stop allowing hundreds of white students to transfer out of certain schools where a majority of the students were black. he called the practice a violation of a desegregation order and also federal law. the judge found the school administration hundreds of mostly white students transfer out of their districts to a racially identifiable white school. the judge's order calls for more oversight and specific guidelines to approve student transfers. our what matters segment is a chance to take a look at some of the stories in the african-american community that affect all of us. for more check out the may issue of "essence" magazine. well, after more than two weeks in space, the shuttle "discovery" touched down safely this morning. the mission made history because it was the first time four women were in space at one time. three were part of "discovery's" crew, one was already on the international space station. it included three space walks
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and the delivery of more than seven tons of equipment and supplies. the space shuttle's mission before the fleet is retired. cancels were canceled at columbine high school as they mark the 11th anniversary of the shootings there where 12 students and a teacher were killed before they turned the guns on themselves. a memorial at a park next to the school probably will get a lot of visitors today. it was dedicated to the victims three years ago and is now open to the public. misty cross lip's grandmother says she's heard a few theories about what may have happened to the missing florida girl, haleigh cummings. [ female announcer ] it's red lobster's festival of shrimp... a chance to get everyone together for a night where everyone gets just what they want. combine two or three favorites, from new creations like crab-stuffed shrimp and pecan-crusted shrimp to classics like decadent shrimp scampi.
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it's everything you want in a night out. starting at just $11.99, during the festival of shrimp. than two percent. so forget return on investment. let's talk return on insurance. switch your car insurance to allstate, and you can earn a five percent bonus. five percent of your premium, sent to you twice a year... for as long as you don't have an accident. the safe driving bonus check. only from allstate. safety pays. that's allstate's stand. are you in good hands?
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safety pays. that's allstate's stand. a guy nafor 65 dollars.ce, wants a room tonight we don't go lower than $130. big deal, persuade him. okay. $65 for tonight. you can't argue with a big deal. and you can get a big deal on last-minute flights, too. while everyone else's prices are on the rise, priceline finds the empty seats to save you up to 50% off published fares
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some new developments, pretty big developments, in the situation that is going on with the airports in europe. the british government says its airports including london's heathrow, the big one, will open about a half hour from now. that should ease some of the major gridlock caused by those ash plumes from the volcano in iceland. british airways had hoped to land as many as 25 flights bound for london from the u.s. including new york and miami but that didn't quite work out. according to the british airways center, the planes took off hoping there would be a window of opportunity to land at heathrow or gatwick airports but those airports will not be open in time.
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so, yes, they actual ly took of without the airports being open. they are being diverted to other airports like in ireland. more flights are now taking off throughout northern and central europe so this situation is beginning to take a turn. updating on another story, police break up a new don't ask, don't tell protest right outside the white house. the group, you can see there dressed in military uniform, chained themselves to the white house fence and called for a repeal of the u.s. military. among them, lieutenant dan choi, who is openly gay. today's protests continued what happened last night when someone calling for the repeal of don't ask, don't tell interrupted president obama speaking at a fund-raiser for barbara boxer in los angeles. >> she's passionate about fighting for california's families. [ inaudible ] she is --
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we are going to do that. [ inaudible ] hey, hold on a second. hold on a second. we are going to do that. [ inaudible ] so let's -- [ inaudible ] what the young man was talking about was we need to repeal don't ask, don't tell, which i agree with. and which we have begun to do. it would make more sense to holler that at the people who oppose it. >> supporters of "don't ask, don't tell" said the policy is effective and some of them say with troops in battle now is not the time to change it. the florida judge in the casey anthony murder trial is removing himself from the case. circuit judge dan strickland granted the defense motion he recuse himself. they argued a friendship he developed with a blogger seen in this video, you're going to see him come right into the screen right there, they say he's prejudiced himself against anthony. anthony's attorneys say he contacted the blogger known as
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marinade dave through his blog and by phone but never disclosed that relationship to the defense. strickland denied doing anything wrong but said he removed himself because the defense would probably accuse him of bias every time he ruled against them. anthony has pled not guilty to first-degree murder in the 2000 death of her daughter, caylee. sarah palin's family will be called as witnesses in the trial of the 22-year-old man charged with hacking her e-mail. a knoxville affiliate reports prosecutors plan on calling the former alaska governor herself to the stand. the list of 2,000 witnesses include palin's husband, todd, and her daughter, bristol. the jury has been seated and opening statements began this afternoon. the defendant is the son of tennessee state lawmaker mike colonel, a college student who hacked into the yahoo! account palin sometimes used for state business. kernell faces four felony charges, identity theft, wire fraud, intentionally accessing an e-mail account without
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authorization and obstructing an fbi investigation. if convicted on all counts he could get 50 years in prison. coming up at 6:00 p.m. eastern, about an hour and a half from now, my friend mike galanos will take a look at whether palin's celebrity could affect the trial. police in tennessee say they now have an idea why a man opened fire outside of a hospital in knoxville. they say the shooter killed a woman and himself was mentally ill. the cab driver says he took a taxi to the hospital yesterday, dwach the drivered $20 and told him to wait outside. here is what the knoxville police chief said about the shooting. >> the suspect through the note left at his residence indicated he was upset with the doctor thinking a chip had been placed inside of him during his appendectomy. the suspect believed he was being tracked due to this chip. >> family members of the suspect were concerned for his mental
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well-being and had requested help for mental health experts. the family had him committed to a local mental health facility in february of this year. >> the two women who were injured during the attack, they are in stable condition. michael brewer, the 15 ye 15-year-old south florida boy who was set on fire last october, says he feels great, and he is going back to school tomorrow. on nbc's "today" show this morning michael talked about getting back to life as normal which includes lots of sports. >> how are you doing? how do you feel? >> i feel great. >> any pain at all? >> no. >> not even when you have to move your body or stretch or any of that? >> just one side of me. >> one side. and i understand that you've actually gone back to some of your sports activities. >> yes. >> what are you doing? >> skateboard, basketball, baseball, riding bikes.
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>> and europe not afraid of falling or -- >> no. if i fall i just get right back up and try it again. >> he's so handsome. michael suffered burns on two-thirds of his body when a group of teens threw alcohol on him and intentionally set him on fire. he is yosurvived by jumping int swimming pool. the father of murdered teenager amber dubois is speaking out about her killer's surprising courtroom confession. the 14-year-old amber vanished while walking to school in her suburbs in san diego february of 2009. last friday convicted sex offender john albert gardner admitted to kidnapping, raping and stabbing amber. gardner also pleaded guilty to killing 17-year-old chelsea king in february. he confessed after prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penalty. after waiting for more than a year for news of his daughter, amber's father is relieved his family finally has some answers. >> is he a monster? of course. did he ruin my life? yes.
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did he allow my family to have closure and be able to bury our daughter? yeah, he did. so i would actually thank him for giving us that closure. and i couldn't say anything else to him. >> gardner is scheduled to be sentenced june 1st to life in prison without the possibility of parole. prosecutors in georgia won't pursue criminal charges against a pro football star, but that doesn't mean that roethlisberger is in the clear. what the nfl commissioner has to say about the pittsburgh steelers quarterback on conduct off the field. [ female announcer ] sometimes you need tomorrow to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness.
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new motrin pm. oh! just come snuggle with mama. [ male announcer ] missing something? like 2 pairs of bifocals for $149.99 at sears optical, with progressive lenses for just $25 more per pair. hurry in to sears optical today and don't miss a thing. a man can only try... and try...and try. [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy.
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pittsburgh steelers' quarterback roethlisbergben roe is taking part in team workouts as if nothing happened but that may not last long. nfl commissioner roger goodell is making it clear the star player is in serious trouble with the league. goodell is dropping pretty clear hints he'll suspend roethlisberger over allegations he sexually assaulted a college student at a nightclub in georgia. now the quarterback was not charged with the crime but the commissioner says roethlisberger did violate the league's rules on conduct. >> you do not have to be convicted or even charged of a crime to be able to demonstrate that you violated a personal conduct policy and reflect poorly not only on themselves but their entire teammates, all of their teammates, every nfl player in the league and everyone associated with the nfl. >> and one of the questions of the day is should roethlisberger be punished? he was not convicted of a crime and if you think he should be
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punished, what should the punishment be? a lot of feedback on my facebook page about this. the majority of you think he should face some sort of punishment, but not everyone. pamela wrote this. without proof these incidents actually occurred and without a criminal conviction, there should be no punishment whatsoever. marie also commented one of our regulars, there's a pattern of misbehavior with this person. in any other fortune 500 company, he would be fired. of course in a pro football/basketball franchise we all know that wins are more important than the integrity of the team. stephanie says this, why should he be punished for something he was found not guilty of and wasn't even charged. michael says this, roethlisberger's punishment should be a $500,000 fine and a 6 to 12 week suspension during the season, or, in other words, a slap on the wrist for these guys. he clearly has an issue with how he views women as objects rather than his human equal. suspend him, fine him, make him
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do certificaservice at an abuse shelter. he needs to repent and be reprogrammed. wow, tara. eric says this. although only roethlisberger knows the details of his personal activity, it truly seems that the personal conduct of the athlete is detrimental to himself, the team, and the league. counseling may be appropriate at this time in addressing personal issues that continue to arise with the athlete involving allegations of numerous assaults by women. thanks for all of your feedback on this question today. we should know soon, perhaps this week, what the league, in fact, is going to do. all right. we are hearing from oprah winfrey about the unauthorized biography of her life. all right. "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer is in new york. a.j., it's not often that writers will write about queen "o" but kitty kelly was like, i don't care. i'm going to do it. >> and she went where few authors would even dare to go, but that's what can kitty kelly
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does. she wrote her book about oprah and oprah has now, at least publicly, acknowledged the book exists calling it a so-called biography. now in the book kelly makes a lot of claims. among other things she claims oprah abused drugs. kelly even questioned the depths of oprah's claims that she was sexually abused as a child and kelly's book also claims the man oprah knows as her father is not in fact her biological father. now that is something oprah has conceded in the past. well, ms. winfrey was in new york city on monday to present an award to her very best friend gayle king and made note that have paternity claim during her presentation. listen to what oprah said. last week was a rough week for gayle when a so-called biography came out. every day she's getting herself more and more worked up about all of my new daddies that are now showing up. new daddies who are saying, hello, daughter, call me. i need a new roof. well, this, too, shall pass. so, richelle, there you have it. as you would well expect, oprah
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winfrey, having some fun with the situation, showing everyone this is definitely not going to get the better of her. my only question is, isn't this going to cause people to go out and buy the book now that she's acknowledged it? oprah mentions the book, people run out and check it out. >> that's a great point, a.j. that's a great point. i don't think oprah is going to go on maury povich anytime soon to address who's the daddy issue. >> no, i don't see that happening. but the daddy issue is out there. there's an 84-year-old farm er from mississippi getting a lot of attention right now. norv robinson is claiming he is oprah's true biological father. he says i'll even have a dna test done if oprah wanted some proof here. robinson says he once wrote a letter to oprah trying to arrange for a dna test. "the new york post" caught up with oprah outside of her hotel and they threw a question at her, said, oprah, will you do a dna test. her answer was as straig straightforward as it gets. she said, i will not be taking a paternity test ever.
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i'm guessing, richelle, that's the last we'll be hearing on the subject. and when you read how "the post" describes how this interaction went, it sounds like oprah wasn't thrilled with it even being brought up and quite frankly i don't blame her. if she wanted this done, she would have done this a long time ago. >> i don't plame you either and i have a feeling this gentleman would not be writing her a letter about this test if she had not become oprah. >> yeah. i don't know about that. who knows what the reality is. he is from her hometown that she left when she was 6 years old. obviously there may or may not be more to the story than meets the eye. if oprah had wanted to deal with it, i think she would have already taken care of it. obviously we will have much more on this on "showbiz tonight." coming up in 14:30 as a matter of fact when we are live at 5:00. also, plenty of explosive new oprah drama to talk about at 11:00 p.m. eastern and pacific. we are still tv's most provocative entertainment news tv show. we look forward to you joining us then.
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>> i certainly will. thank you, a.j. all right. saturday mail delivery may soon go the way of the pony express. the u.s. postal service says it's losing too much money. >> i'm not happy. the reason they're not making money is because people are not sa satisfied. i don't know if this will boost satisfaction. >> i don't have a real problem with it. i think they can really save money doing it and it would be okay. >> is this cost cutting move a good idea? your views from the street. geico says 15 minutes could save you money. but it takes less than 15 seconds to tell you this. drivers who switched from geico to allstate... saved an average of $473 a year. time to switch to allstate. ♪ so, doctor... ibe vein
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the u.s. postal service has some serious trouble, forecasting a $7 billion loss this year and the postmaster general has warned congress that the agency may completely run out of money by early november. just as the holiday season starts to ramp up. so would you miss saturday deliveries? we hit the street to find out. >> i'm joe carter and this is hln's views from the street. how important is it to you to get your mail delivered on saturd saturday? we're on the street to find out.
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the united states postal service is in a heap load of debt and they're right now putting a plan in place to reduce mail delivery six days a week to five days a week. >> it's fine with me. i can get my business done. i'll find a way to get it done. >> it won't affect me much in my household. we don't check the mail on saturdays anyway. >> i'm not happy about it. the reason they're not making money is people are not satisfied. i don't know if this is going to boost satisfaction. >> i don't like getting the mail. it's bills or junk mail, so it doesn't matter to me at all. >> i don't have a real problem with it. i think they can really save money doing it, it would be okay. >> how much time do you spend using your computer to communicate versus using the united states postal service? >> are you serious? computer all day long. might as well be using the pony express. >> we are able to communicate in letters and what not. >> you can get coupons online. you can get your e-mail and you can pay your bills online. >> the only things i use the
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post office for is mailing packages. >> the internet is a key way to save paper. >> do you think the post office is still relevant then? >> absolutely. >> i is totally irrelevant because you have to get certain documents in the mail. >> -- for christmas presents and birthday cards, stuff like that. >> everything might be electronic, you don't know. seems like it is headed that way. >> what do you do now online you used to do through the mail? >> everything -- except have sex. >> i'm joe carter and i'll see you "on the street." a recent "washington post" poll found a majority of americans support ending saturday delivery to remedy the postal services' financial problems but most want their local branches to stay open. the space shuttle touched down safely this morning. the mission made history, the
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first time four women were in space at one time. three were part of the "discovery" crew. one already on the international space station. the mission included three spacewalks and the delivery of more than seven tons of equipment and supplies. three shuttle missions replain before the fleet is retired. the internet is buzzing about what appearing to be a next generation iphone. the prototype was found in a bar near apple's headquarters. there's no comment but the website says it returned the phone to the company at apple's request. one iraq vet told not to come to a high school prom, why the school didn't want him to escort his younger sister. [ male announcer ] fishing pole, it's been a while.
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you stood in the basement gathering dust while i, sneezing, itching eyes kept you from our favorite stream. the one that runs through a field where pollen floats through the air. but now, with the strength of 24-hour zyrtec® to relieve my worst allergy symptoms, indoors and outdoors... let's go before the fish stop biting. they won't wait for us. but that's okay. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. today, we battle wits with the trout. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. ♪
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