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tv   HLN News  HLN  April 22, 2010 12:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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>> and i hear another yell and he's going. >> what do you do on a day-to-day basis to be a greener person? >> i try to conserve water, but it's kind of hard with kids. >> hey, we are here for you on this friday eve. thank you for being with us, i'm christi paul, welcome to hln news and views. fire crews still pouring water on the blazing oil rig off the louisiana coast as the coast guard resumes its intensive search for 11 missing workers
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now. boy, the pictures are something else, aren't they here? the drilling platform could sink if the fire keeps burning. it's leaking crude oil at a rate of 8,000 barrels a day. 11 people have been missing for a day-and-a-half now, and the coast guard says the gulf of mexico is calm and warm so that increases chances for survival. 94 workers who escaped unharmed are back ashore and reunited with their families. 17 people were hurt when that rig exploded and four are in critical condition. a jailhouse friend of casey anthony is telling one heck of a story. she says anthony admitted to her that she knocked out little caylee with chloroform so she could party. convicted killer mia dirkovich sat down for the interview with our affiliate. >> reporter: she spoke with us at the low he will correctional institution. she said casey used chloroform
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to knock out caylee. >> she would pour it on a wash rag and put it over the baby's face so she would enhail it and that will knock her out. >> did she say what she used to knock her out? >> i can't pronounce it. chloro foam? >> reporter: but when she was questioned under oath by investigators, she did not mention chloroform. we asked why. >> when they came to see me, i only remembered bits and pieces because that's really how it was. avs a year later. >> reporter: she says she is still remembering things. she told us casey said she also drugged caylee to prevent her mother cindy from babysitting. >> she felt leaving caylee with her more often, they will get a closer bond and that's what she didn't want. >> reporter: she said casey never seemed upset that an alleged kidnapper might beholder her daughter or she might be dead. >> people would come to her door and say casey, where is caylee, just messing with her and she'll just smile. it didn't bother her. >> reporter: we asked her
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whether she is saying these things, hoping to get a break on her sentence? exchange. >> i was facing the death penalty. i got 30 years, i'm blessed. so there is nothing i need. i'm fine with the sentence i have. >> now i want to give you the response from casey anthony's attorney, jose baez. we spoke to him. and this is what he said. quote, if the state is going to rely on the testimony of two jailhouse snitches, then the case will be easier to try than i thought. unquote. now, he's referring to dirkovich and robin adams, a woman she had been exchanging letters. he says he stands by his earlier statement, as well, which is, quote, we receive nearly daily requests to the respond to the latest case developments and media reports and will not comment on every story published in connection with this case. casey anthony maintains her innocence and looks forward to her day in court, unquote. now, beth kerras also spoke to
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another attorney. here's what we know. dirkovich is serving a 30 year sentence for murdering a teenager four years ago. according to her attorney, she pleaded guilty to second degree murder. for police, this was a cold case. a dead girl found in a lake. now, she turned herself in, confessed and took the sentence. well, let's move on to happier things. happy earth day to you. what, if anything, are you doing to go green to make every day earth day, so to speak? we hit the street to find out. >> i'm joe carter and this is hln's views from the street. it's earth day. how important is going green to you? are you guys environmentalists. are you aaware of earth day? >> yeah, i'm aware. >> i'm a green guy. >> have you participated in everything day? >> i haven't. >> i'm always happy earth day. but i don't really know that i could talk extensively about it.
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>> i didn't even know it was earth day. >> every earth day for the past six years i've planted two trees each year. >> what do you do on a day-to-day basis to be a greener person? >> i don't know. >> every time we leave a room, lights out. >> we recycle and also have eco friendly cleaners, household cleaners. >> don't leave tvs on or plugs plugged in for no reason. >> i don't lit e i drive a hybrid, i'm a big recycler and i use biodegradable products. >> eat more sustainable food. >> i try to conserve water, but it's hard with kids. >> i don't do anything real green or earthy. >> how important is protecting the environment to you? >> it's real important. probably one of my top priorities, i think. because we're really trashing. >> more people are going green, but i think there's more people on this earth that are not green, so --
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>> because people don't see immediate results, they tend to get on the bandwagon and jump off the bandwagon. >> i think it's important for everybody to be a little more green. makes everything better for everyone. >> i think people need to step their game up, because there are negative effects that not being green has effects all of us. and you only have oneworld. >> just a few cans can make a big difference. >> i'm joe carter, and i'll see you on the street. >> to find out about earth day events near you and how you can take part, go to earth well, an alabama mother is going to be spending more than three months in jail, because of where her son was not spending his time. should parents be put behind bars if their kids skip school? e sy l moop visine®-a. after using rogaine for a while, i went to my stylist
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and she said hair was growing back... i was like, yes, this works... [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. puhh puhh puhh putt and that's it. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining. we're getting some reports here from our affiliate kiro in seattle that there has been some kind of explosion at a building there. here are some live pictures for you. you can see the fire trucks
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and -- well, at least the firefighters there that are fighting this. kiro reporting, this is the south park neighborhood and there is debris outside the building and buckled doors as you saw there, in fact. we showed you the firefighters at the scene, but the seattle fire department says a propane bottle went through a metal shredder, and it exploded. we do not have reports as of yet as to whether anyone has been hurt, but obviously we're going to keep our eyes on this for you, as it's a developing situation, and we'll let you know more when we get it. but, again, an explosion at we believe, according to local media, is a recycling plant. we'll keep you posted. well, an alabama woman is going to spend 97 days in jail because her son skipped school. a judge sentence the her to the same number of days her 8th grade son missed class. yes, 97 days. the school board said she was warned repeatedly about her son
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missing school. the kids are only allowed five unexcused absences a year. under alabama law, if a kid fails to attend school, their legal guardian can go to jail. we don't know where the son is living while she is in jail because he's a juvenile and his information hasn't been made public. think about it. three in jail, that's a hefty punishment. one of our your views questions today. is it too drastic or does the mom have to pay for letting her kid skip school so often? richelle carey is talking to you about it. what are people saying? i know i had one question on my facebook page saying, did she do everything she could to keep him from, you know, skipping school, because there's only so much i guess they think you can do. >> right. and that is the question that would have to be poseded to the mom, christie and it's a relative question. she probably thinks she did everything she could. we would have to ask her that. lisa says that is a totally stupid. yikes. >> and a waste of taxpayer money to send her to jail for that.
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we need to save the space in the jail system for the people actually committing dangerous crimes. cynthia wrote this on our facebook page. i was that student that skipped school all the time. from personal experience, my mom had no control over it. didn't matter what she did. perhaps they should throw the student in jail, in a cell for three months, and let him pay for the truancy himself. okay. jolene says the mother had a warning and did nothing. this woman is a good example of why we should require permits to have children. if you keep track of your children, it is possible to prevent truancy. i was truant. and listen to this, in the days that my mom showed up where i was skipping, i was devastated she even escorted me to school. but wait, there's more. jolene says mom would sit in the classroom with me. now, that is a good mom. all right. so let's hear what jane and linda have to say. they told us their views to the views cam. >> i think the mother definitely ought to serve the time in jail. i think parental responsibility
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for keeping your children in school is very important. >> i'd like to talk to you about the mother serving -- regarding her son. i think that the -- i think the son should pay for, you know, skipping school, because therefore, the child needs to learn responsibility for skipping school. i'm a teacher, and the child needs to learn responsibility. >> all right, gentlem janice is holding. >> i don't think putting the mother in jail for 97 days is a solution to this problem at all. i think the mother and the child should be punished. but i think the punishment should be community service where they have to go work on the school, paint, do something of some creativity and some responsibility. i think they should have some behavior modification classes or family counseling, because i don't think that that's going to make the child accountable. this way, if you punish the
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parent and the child and put them side by side, then this will make the parents more accountable to where their children are at, and it will make the child more accountable and it will possibly even deter crimes, because we'll know where the children are. parents will be more apt to find their children and know exactly where they are to keep them from being punished. >> let me ask you this, janice. do you think something, maybe not this, because you don't think this was the answer, but do you think when you're looking at 97 days that you've missed school, do you think something drastic is required? >> caller: absolutely, something drastic is required. and i believe 97 days of community service. if they don't want to do the 97 days of community service, let them pay $9,700. >> okay, janice is fired up about it. thank you. let's get facebook comments. jason says you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. even if she walked him into school, he is still going to walk out when she leaves. but one of our previous
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facebookers said that's why mama didn't just walk her, she sat in class with her. sophie says if my mom was held accountable for all the days i was absent in my senior year, she would still be in jail. i found every sneaky way to void school. i'm not sure if middle school is the time but there comes a point when there is not much you can do to make a kid go to school. what's your view? is this a fair and necessary punishment or is there a way to send the same message without locking a mom up for three months? call us. 1-877-tell-hln. e-mail us, you can also text hlntv. standard text rates apply. or you can post some facebook comments. if you want to get in on that, search richelle carey, hln, and it's also posted on chuck and christie's pages, as well. i was too scared to skip school. it literally never crossed my mind. >> you and me both. you know, my mom was my brother's teacher at one point.
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and my uncle was my teacher. >> you couldn't get away with it. >> my small little town, yeah. wasn't going to happen. thank you, richelle. >> sure. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ now, take charge of your career. if you've been out of work for a few months and you do find a job, you are probably thrilled. good for you. but starting any new job is going to be hard. and it's even harder after a long layoff. so here's how to make a successful re-entry back into the work force. the "wall street journal" says, one, read up about your industry. have your boss describe your job very specifically, so you can get as ready as possible. then a few days before your first day, go do a test run. see how long it's going to take you to shower, to really get there, whether that's finding your way on the road or taking the subway, so that you're going to be on time and ready and confident on your first day. now, this one may be the
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hardest. don't make the same mistakes twice. now, maybe your layoff really wasn't your fault, but it really is worth going back in your mind and considering if there was anything that you did or you didn't do at your old job that made you vulnerable when the layoffs came around and address it so it doesn't happen again. so you're going to be invaluable. they're going to love you at your new job. they're never going to let you go. i'm jennifer westhoven. alrighty. can we say that so much for this man, the nfl. side lining him for six weeks because of his conduct off the football field. now there's a call for ben roethlisberger's other employers, the corporations who pay him to endorse their products to bench him too. when you pursue an mba at devry university's... keller graduate school of management, you'll have a professor with you every step of the way. whether you take classes on campus,
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aid ltey, ial helpiomorefo e sudden decrease loss right now, president obama actually just wrapped up making the case for cracking down on banks and wall street's backyard is where he made this. the president spoke at cooper union college in new york, and called on bankers to join forces with the government and rewrite the rules of the financial services industry. the president says wall street must accept the lessons of the 2008 meltdown, quote, so we don't doom ourselves to repeat it. we want your views on these efforts to rein in wall street today. e-mail us at or text the word views, your comments and name to hlntv.
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standard rates apply. or you know what, get on our facebook pages. you can find me at christi paul at hln. richelle carey and chuck roberts have pages, too. we would love to hear from you, you can get in on the conversation. >> this is clark howard. do you know your fico score or your fako score? i noticed more and more people will tell me what their credit score is. but many times i'll ask, well, what scoring method is it? and people will say, well, i don't know. because it's not so much a matter of what number you have, it's how it's actually graded. what do i mean by that? well, the true, real credit score you have is the fico score. the fico score is a three-digit number that goes up to 850. you have a good score if it's above 700. but there are lots of others out there that have now been coined as faco scores that give you scores that may sound good but really aren't. for example, there is another
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one that goes to 990, that a 700 on it isn't that good a score. so wherever you get your credit score, what you really need to know is where does it rank you? are you actually in good credit standing or not? some sites are using alphabets so you can do that. i'm clark howard. for more ways for you to protect yourself, go to >> people heard paint cans crashing down from 14 floors up. boss:hey, glad i caught you. i was on my way to present ideas about all the discounts we're offering. i've got some catchphrases that'll make these savings even more memorable. gecko: all right... gecko: good driver discounts. now that's the stuff...? boss: how 'bout this? gecko: ...they're the bee's knees? boss: or this? gecko: sir, how 'bout just "fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance." boss: ha, yeah, good luck with that catching on!
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anncr: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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>> whether you won the olympic gold, play professional football or even owned your own team, those reaping the award of tonight's celebrity gala are the stars of the show. welcome to the red carpet at the sixth annual aspire gala, a tribute to life's coaches. >> when you hear some of the testimony of the kids that have gone through our programs, some of the executive directors of the clubs that we've dealt with, these are the guys on ground zero. we recognize these people and attached ourselves with them and they atax them sells with us. >> hal and bill wanted to do something special when their father died. by creating this foundation, it allows us to take the legacy of cal senior to the next level and share his live's says sons with
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kids that need guidance. >> a lot live in circumstances where they don't think about the future. they think of the world that they're in which is not pleasant in cases much they're changed after they come to these camps and think about the future in a positive way, which shows you you're making headway. >> we matchup kids with cops. ninety-seven% of the relationships has improved. the teachers and mentors say these kids are undergoing short-term planning for the first time in their life. we're changing behaviors and that's the first step in changing their lives. when you change their life, you change the community. >> each year the young people have an opportunity to go to the cames. from a public housing community torks go to a camp to meet with billy and cal, it's very, very special. >> baseball and life may look simple involving a bat and a
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ball, but there's more to it, just ask cal. >> many times we communicate in the language of baseball, we're really communicate anything the language of life. with live lesson's, there's things you can learn in team work, individual responsibility. baseball is a cool sport because it blends them both well. >> the earlier you start, the better. i think with cal and billy and the foundation, i think they're doing a tremendous job getting youngsters involved in baseball at a early age. >> life is being apart of a team. sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, and i think we learn more by losing and being a citizen and a good part of the team. when you win it, builds self-esteem and takes you to the next level. >> when a team is not doing well, it correlates in life in dealing with the ups and downs, and trying to do things you can best each day. you have to learn how to lose,
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but winning is a great gift. >> for the cal ripken senior foundation, partnerships have been the key to success. >> i'm thrilled to put my name on this agreement that will signify that the u.s. mar chal service will partner with the ripken foundation to change and affect the lives of hundreds and thousands of kids. >> we're honoring four magnificent people. first jackie. she with her own hands and energy invest in the boys and girls club in st. louis. >> joe ripken will receive an award. there's art, everything he has done speaks for himself. >> to be a guest here treasuress and very excited about football and baseball emerging tonight. >> i'm proud of our game, i'm proud of the leagu i'm proud of what we've done, and also
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proud of my baseball friends who have done so much. >> i don't think there's a better venue in america to help boys become men and girls become women than through sports. coaches are influential to young people. it becomes a responsibility to help them grow and mature in a positive way. >> have a great coach that was in my life. i think with the cal ripken senior foundation is working with young people, teaching them life says sons, and being a valuable as set in the community. >> want to hear from police officers and teachers, we know we're making a difference. >> to learn how to get involved, check out to. learn more about your community, check out on demand and click get local. for comcast on the red carpet, i'm elaina ruse sew.
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well, fire crews are still pouring water on a blazing oil rig off the louisiana coast as the coast guard reassumes its intensive search for 11 missing workers now. the drilling platform could sink if the fire keeps burning. now, it's leaking crude oil at a rate of 8,000 barrels a day, and 11 people have been missing for a day-and-a-half. the coast guard says the gulf of mexico is calm, and it's warm. so that at least increases chances for survival, obviously. but families of the missing workers are just trying to cling to hope at this point. >> he was due home last night to end his hitch to come home for three weeks. so the last words were, "i love you." >> do you feel that he's still
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alive? >> yes. there for me is no other option. a lot of prayers and support have come from all over. we're greatly appreciative for my husband and all those that were hurt, and the other ten that are still out there, along with my husband. please keep those up. they're what keep us going. >> boy, you just feel for her. 94 workers who escaped unharmed are back ashore, and reunited with their families. 17 people were hurt when that rig exploded and four are in critical condition right now. one of our i-reporters captured incredible video of the oil rig explosion from only 10 to 15 feet away. we're talking about captain michael roberts, part of the initial search and rescue. and captain roberts is on the phone with us right now. thank you so much for sharing your story with us. i want to ask you first and foremost. as i understand it, you got the distress call initially that went out. tell us again what you saw and
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what that was like. >> caller: yeah, sure. we received the distress message over our gmdss, which is the global marine distress satellite system. shortly thereafter, the coast guard was given a message over at channel 16. once we plotted exactly where this emergency was, contacted a coast guard station in venice and made them aware that i was in the vicinity and would head over. >> i'm sorry, captain. what did you see when you got there? >> well, it was -- we arrived on scene about 2:30 in the morning, so it was still dark. but for more than 20 miles away, i mean, at night, you would have thought the sun was coming up on the horizon. >> wow. >> caller: the blaze was just that intense, my mean, it was a big orange glow. as you got closer and close e you really started to see how
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severe of an issue it was we were about to deal with. >> and i understand you could feel it, too. the heat was that intense? >> caller: yes, ma'am. i was, you know, momentarily trying to step out, and capture as much as i could, because i mean, i knew this was something that was -- that was one of a kind for me, as well as a lot of mariner that is were there. i mean, you couldn't -- you could not stand outside for -- i mean, maybe a minute. the heat was so intense that vessels were having to basically relay more or less. you could get in there, try to throw water on it for as long as you or your vessel could stand it. you know, kind of back out. i mean, some vessels experienced paint peeling. some of their antenna and electronic equipment that sits on top of their vessel started to melt. i mean, it was -- it was very intense heat. >> i understand, too, that you've been doing this for 13
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years. have you ever seen anything like this? >> caller: no, ma'am. not in my tenure. i've never experienced anything of this magnitude. >> well, captain michael roberts, we thank you so much for sharing this perspective. without you, we never would have seen in this way. thank you for your efforts. i know the families want to thank you, as well. so again, thanks for oh sharing your stories with us, and we're just glad you're fine. >> caller: thank you. and my prayers go out to those family, and as well as every mariner and every off-shore worker. god bless all of them. >> thank you so much for relaying that. i know they appreciate it, as we do, as well. so thanks again, captain michael roberts there. our i-reporter. when you have pictures or video of breaking news or cool stories from your part of the world, go to and click on the upload now link. 13 alleged members of the g gambino crime family pleaded not guilty to charges of racket. tearing to intimidating juries
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and prostituting children. another suspect is charged, but hasn't been found to arrest yet. among those shackled in federal court yesterday, though, was the man believed to be the current boss of the gambino family and a woman accused of running a sex service through craigslist. well, jean casarez from our sister network, trutv, in session here has the latest on the case. and jean, i understand you had to do what we see reporters do in movies sometimes. you had to physically chase down somebody to get this information, is that right? >> i know what you're talking about and you know what, you're right. the u.s. government is saying that if you ever had a question, the mafia is alive and well, but in this particular indictment, it includes a woman. her name is suzanne porcelli and the indictment alleges she was actually involved in sex trafficking of a minor, conspiracy for sex trafficking of a minor, and sex trafficking
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of young women in general. what the government is alleging is that she actually got the young women to participate, had them work at strip joints, and then she would have them prostitute themselves. they also allege that she would man the phones and coerce and make the appointments and put the ads on craigslist. they said she did all of this in conjunction with the gambino crime family. i was in court yesterday when all of this was happening, and afterwards, we spoke with the attorney that represents who the government says is a boss of the gambino crime family. he is charged with two counts, double murders. his name is daniel marino. the attorney's name is charles karnessi. listen to what i asked him. >> is he a risk to society and to the community? >> of course not. >> why? >> why? because he's a gentleman is. because he's never been a risk. he's been on bail previously whenever there were issues involved, other cases. and there's really nothing -- new. if you look at the indictment with regard to him, the
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government saw fit to leave him out there for all this time. the incidents go back to '88, '90. >> now, carnessi's client, daniel marino is facing charges, and suzanne porcelli. she is not behind bars, and i wanted to ask her questions, and the only way you can do it is to follow her, so i did. and i asked her questions on her thoughts. let's watch. do you have any comment about these charges? are you guilty? any response? >> as you can see, she had no response. she covered her hair so our camera couldn't see, as did several other people when they left court. but the next hearing in all of this will be in september. there will be a lot of motions, but sex trafficking of a minor, that's really, really serious. suzanne, right there. she faces life in prison. >> wow, all right. hey, jean, thank you so much for your work and for explaining to us everything that happened.
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we appreciate it. >> thank you. well, president obama is getting a chance to say, "i told you so." and it doesn't take it. he returns to the place where he predicted the 2008 economic meltdown to talk about the future, not the past. here hear what he had to say on hln. [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. puhh puhh puhh putt and that's it. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining. [ female announcer ] it's red lobster's festival of shrimp... a chance to get everyone together for a night where everyone gets just what they want. combine two or three favorites, from new creations like crab-stuffed shrimp and pecan-crusted shrimp to classics like decadent shrimp scampi. it's everything you want in a night out. starting at just $11.99, during the festival of shrimp.
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i'm ed whitacre, from general motors. a lot of americans didn't agree with giving gm a second chance. quite frankly, i can respect that. we want to make this a company all americans can be proud of again. that's why i'm here to announce we have repaid our government loan, in full, with interest, five years ahead of the original schedule. but there's still more to do. our goal is to exceed every expectation you've set for us. we're putting people back to work, designing, building, and selling the best cars and trucks in the world. with our 100,000-mile, 5-year powertrain warranty to guarantee the quality. and the unmatched life-saving technology of onstar to help keep you safe. from new energy solutions. to the designs of tomorrow. we invite you to take a look at the new gm.
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ng visine®-a iclinically pro el e sy president obama making the case for cracking down on banks. and he's doing this in wall street's backyard. he returned to cooper union in new york, he spoke there two years ago and issued a warning that regulators weren't doing enough to keep wall street in line. today he called on bankers to join forces with the government and rewrite the rules of the financial services industry. the president says they would
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build a new foundation for growth in the 21st century. >> and given the importance of the financial sector, wall street reform is an absolutely essential part of that foundation. without it, our house will continue to sit on shifting sands. and our families, businesses and the global economy will be vulnerable to future crises. that's why i feel so strongly we need to enact a set of updated common sense rules to ensure accountability on wall street and to protect consumers in our financial system. >> the president says wall street must accept the lessons of the 2008 meltdown. quote, so we don't doom ourselves to repeat it. well, richelle carey is getting your views on the president's efforts to rein in wall street what are people saying about it? >> some support, christi. some anger, a little bit of cynicism in there, as in, yeah, i'm for regulation, but it's not going to work.
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kind of a little bit of that. so let me start on facebook. antonio writes that even as a capitalist, he thinks you've got to rethink some things. let me read his comment. i do believe reform is necessary. i am a fan of capitalism, but some aspects of it -- okay, he really is a capitalist. he talks about credit swaps, derivativ derivatives, short sell prosecuting created to enrich those involved with trading, and has little to do with contributing to the economy, but more about personal enrichment. personal enrichment is fine, a worthy goal. but if it comes at a potential expense to others, he says it is not okay. john writes, if only we can pass regulation that is truly enforce fiscal responsibility and not either party's personal agendas and whoever is paying for their backing, then he is like, cool. from our twitter account at hlntv, allen is a bit doubtful. he says it doesn't matter what -- meaning the president does. corruption among those on wall
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street will never cease to exist. we also headed out to hear your views on the hln "news and views" tour. here's what some of you had had to say. >> i do believe mr. -- the president obama should be involved in the wall street business, because in canada, we have a lot tougher rules and i guess we've got less hit by this recession. >> as far as obama goes, you know, i'm not for him whatsoever. and i wish he would just begin to let capitalism take care of itself rather than turn around and try and let banking, wall street, production of cars and health care. >> okay. i think he covered everything that he didn't like about the president. let me get back to facebook. neil wrote this. no corporate taxes, no corporate finance of elections, derivatives are a scam. they should not be regulated. they should be banned. highways have speed limits and safety rules, so should public
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financial transactions. this is what dawn said. everybody, there are already laws in place that would have prevented what goldman sachs did. it's called the government. specifically the s.e.c. and they didn't do their job. that is dawn's take. and finally, jane says this. good luck, mr. president. you're up against a huge machine of greed. all right. so we want your views today on these efforts to rein in wall street. more consumer protections, regulating the size of banks and the risks they take. >> are these regulations the way to go to prevent another economic collapse? maybe you agree with -- i don't remember his name, but the gentleman who gave his view to the views cam that the president -- the government should be hands-off. tell us what you think. 1-877-tell-hln. e-mail us text hlntv, or join us on facebook richelle carey, and it's also posted on chuck and
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chris christi's pages, as well. >> passing it off to you. thank you very much. we're talking about the inside story on the family of missing 5-year-old haleigh cummings. it comes from the grandmother of the teenager who was taking care of haleigh the night she disappeared. why flora hollers is not buying her own granddaughter's account of what happened that night. gúá they work fast. so i can get relief from the pollen that used to make me sneeze, my eyes water. with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i get allergy relief at liquid speed. that's the fast, powerful relief of zyrtec®, now in a liquid gel. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. it works on my worst symptoms so i'm ready by the time we get to the first hole. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®.
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five p
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well, pittsburgh steelers' quarterback ben roethlisberger will lose more than a quarter of his nfl salary next season. he is us suspended for six game without pay because of his conduct. but roethlisberger is still connecting paychecks from endorsements, particularly from nike. if this guy didn't have a pair of super bowl rings and a $102 million contract to entertain us sundays, most people would see him for what he is, a thug with a predatory sense of entitlement. but nike, the shoemaker to the world, the biggest brand the in the end doorsment game, is standing by roethlisberger, at least for the moment as they continue to back tiger woods after his serial infidelities, end quote. a spokesman says he remains on the roster of athletes.
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the company is declining any further comment, though. i'm jane velez-mitchell and here is my issue. ben roethlisberger was slapped with a six-game suspension, but if you ask me, he still got off easy. i don't care if he was never convicted of a crime. look at it this way, the woman accused is only 20 years old. ben was buying her drinks, encouraged her to get drunk, and then allegedly exposed himself in the back of the bar. so regardless of the sexual assault issue, ben was at least, hypothetically, guilty of corrupting the morals of a minor, perhaps? insdeent exposure, perhaps? if this were some average joe, he would have walked out of that bar in cuffs and faced criminal consequences. but not 'olemen. nope, he through a hail mary pass and our two-tiered system of justice caught it and gave him a touchdown. i'm jane velez-mitchell, and that's my issue. moving on here, misty crosl croslin's grandmother is now explaining why she thinks misty may have been involved herself in haleigh's disappearance.
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croslin's grandmother already accused her of being strung out from a drug binge the night haleigh disappeared. she said croslin fought with haleigh's dad about babysitting that night. the grandmother had even more to say to hln's jane velez-mitchell. >> i'm saying misty was jealous of ron and haleigh. >> misty is jealous of ron? >> ron and his daughter. i'm saying she was jealous of them. >> why? >> the attention that he gave his daughter. >> oh. and do you think that was a motive of some sort? >> yes, ma'am, i do. >> motive for what? >> getting rid of the little girl. >> grandma flo suggests her brother and cousin were involved. we want to make clear, all have denied any involvement, and investigators have and investigators have not named any suspects here, but the putnam county florida sheriff's
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department denied they found haleigh's bones in the river. the sheriff's office said it only found animal remains. a lot of information that we're trying to keep correlated for you here and to what's really the truth. tonight on hln, we have a nancy grace exclusive for you. haleigh cummings great-grandmother annette sikes debates misty croslin's grandmother to uncover the truth about what happened the night haleigh vanished. that's right here on hln. an alabama woman is going to spend 97 days in jail because her son skipped school. a judge sentenced teresa mckull low on the same number of days that her eighth grade son missed class during the school year in ' 7. the school board was warned repeatedly about the son missing school and the kids are allowed five unexcused absences a year. under alabama law if the kid fails to attend school the legal guardian can be put in jail. we don't know where mccullough's son is living because she's in
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jail. is it fair and necessary punishment, do you think? or is there a way to send the same message without locking the mom up for three months? give us a call at 1-877-tell-hln or text the word views, your comment to hlntv. standard rates apply. or go to our facebook pages. you can find me at christi paul hln. i would love to hear from you. chuck roberts and richelle carey have pages, too. today is the big 4-0 for earth day. how green are you? it's earth day and we'll get your views on what helps and hurts. [ wheezing ]
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welcome back. these are live pictures from phoenix. we're following a breaking story. the house is gutted. this started out as a home invasion/robbery. two people staged the invasion. they grabbed hostages and someone ran back inside and set the house on fire. one person has been reportedly killed according to local media and another one may be in that house, but i think you can probably justifiably speculate that the person is at least unconscious because the house is completely consumed. there was a hostage inside according to local reports. that person is out of the house. wally zeins retired new york city police detective is on the line. wally, anything else you can bring us in the way of an insight? >> well, this is a tough
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situation. as you know, a home invasion is usually a violent type of robbery and a situation like this you will end up having especially the fire department make an exterior attack. they won't go in the house to engage in the fire only because if someone is still alive, whether it's a -- one of the perps or whatever, you go with the premise that someone could be in there armed. they'll do this attack outside and in addition to the police department they're going to be working on gathering intelligence to find out anything and everything about the people that did the home invasion. in addition to that, they will also be checking with the family who owns that house to see if there's anyone other than the last resident that was in there. it is a very tough situation. we've got to make sure that all of the pegs are in order by finding out good communication and good intelligence. >> you don't know how many suspects were involved and you could have eyewitnesses say they were two guys and there could be three or four. >> you have to assume the worst.
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>> absolutely. you go with the premise and the idea that it is more than what they say until they prove differently. it's like when a person says i have a bomb, you go with the premise that the person has a bomb until you prove differently. the fire department has to do the best they can and as you can see, they're doing a complete exterior attack with the hose tower. >> right. you wouldn't send s.w.a.t. in there anyway, right? it would endanger their own lives just from the fire. >> of course, from the fire department goes in there they have the truck company that goes in there and does the search to see if anyone's in there. >> right. >> and then the hose company is there to put water. so the name of the game there is safety is paramount. so they'll do that as an exterior and they'll concern themselveses about possible perps inside. we don't know at this time and yes, you're absolutely right with what you said. it is a smoky condition and could be quite hazardous. >> absolutely. you also want to interview the people who live there, who got
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out okay or who ran away. they were former hostages at some point. as to who might have motivated this and who might have been in that house and who might have staged this attack, right? >> there are two premises that you could go with. they could have committed a rhyme and they could have hid and taken that place hostage or they targeted that place for some reason that they had some intelligence that there was money or valuables in there that they wanted to get. >> looks like an upper middle class neighborhood. this is in north phoenix, the corner of 16th avenue and thunderbird. one person taken hostage. police are evacuating the neighborhood. wally e is that an indication that the fire may be spreading? is that the threat or are there people still at large? >> no, what they would do and if you notice, from what i can see there now, they have two pieces of fire apparatus that are fighting the fire at this time and keeping the other apparatus back because of the safety issue, but what's important is
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evacuating the inner perimeter of 360 degrees only because in case there is someone in there with a gun, you'll want to make sure that shots are fired and that no innocent bystanders or anyone in other residences by the house will be hurt. >> wally zeins form retired nypd detective. thank you very much on this. meanwhile, pursuing other stories today, fire crews continue pouring water on the blazing oil rig off of the louisiana coast as the coast guard resumes its intensive search for the 11 missing workers. the drilling platform could sink if the fire keeps burning. it's leaking crude oil at the rate of 11,000 barrels a day. people have been missing now for at least 36 hours. the gulf of mexico is calm and warm and that increases chances for survival. 94 workers escaped unharmed and they're back on shore and reunited with family. 17 people were hurt when the wig blew up and four are in critical condition. a jailhouse friend of casey anthony is telling an amazing
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story. she says anthony admitted to her that she knocked out her little girl caylee with chloroform. she sat down with wftv in orlando. >> dirkvitch sat down, and she told us casey anthony talked to her that she used chloroform to knock her out so she could go out and party. >> she would put it on a wash rag and she'd inhale it and that's what would knock her out. >> did she say what she used to knock her out? >> i can't pronounce it. chloro -- >> when she was questioned under oath, she did not mention chloroform. we asked why. >> when they came to see me i only remember bits and pieces. that's how it was. it was a year later. >> she says she's still remembering things.
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she told us casey says she drugged caylee to prevent her mom cindy from baby-sitting. >> she felt leaving caylee with her more often they'd get a closer bond and that's what she didn't want. >> she never seemed upset that an alleged kidnapper might be holding her daughter or that caylee might be dead. >> people would come on the door, casey, where's caylee, where's caylee just messing with her and she would just smile and it didn't bother her. >> we asked her if she was saying these things hoping to get a break on her sentence in exchange. >> i'm not facing the death penalty. i have 30 years and i'm fine with the sentence i have. >> beth karas reporter for her sister network "in session" on trutv spoke to him and if the state will rely on the testimony on two jailhouse snitches then the case will be easier to try than i thought. he's referring to dirkovitch and
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robin adams. jose baez says he stands by his earlier statement that we do receive nearly daily requests to respond to the latest case developments and related media reports and will not comment on every story publiced in connection with the case. casey anthony maintains her innocence and looks forward to her day in court. she spoke to the attorney to get background on the convicted murderer now making these allegations against casey anthony. dirkovitch is 31 sink a 30-year term for murdering a teenager four years ago. she pled guilty to second-degree murder. for police it was a cold case, unsolved case, a dead girl found in a lake and then dirk ovitch turned herself in, confessed and took her sentence. ben roethlisberger will be suspend for six games without pay because of his conduct. timothy egan points out
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roethlisberger is still keblging a paycheck from endorsee, particularly nike, the shoe company. says, gan, if this guy didn't have a pair of super bowl rings and a $between 2 million contract to entertain us on sunday, most people would see him for what he is, a thug with a predatory sense of entitlement. he continues, but nike, the shoemaker to the world, the biggest brand of the endorsement game, is standing by roethlisberger, at least for the moment, just as they continue to back tiger woods after his serial infidelities. a nike spokesman says roethlisberger does remain on the company's roster of athletes and the company has declined any further comment. a home invasion, a hostage taking in north phoenix and a fire. somebody, one of the bad guys ran in there and set the fire. is he still at large? the entire neighborhood has been evacuated. one person is dead. we'll find out more when we come back. e sy moop visine®-a.
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it's completely engulfed in flames after a robbery and home invasion. there was a hostage taking as well and one person is dead. it is not clear who that person is, but police did exchange gun fire with people at the scene. a hostage was taken and one of the hostagetakers set fire to the house according to several reports. they're currently evacuating the neighborhood and fighting the house fire. there is possibly a suspect inside or perhaps at large and what you don't know can hurt you as several law enforcement analysts are telling us including wally zeins retired nypd detective. wally, anything new you can shed on this? >> right now the fire department is doing what they call surround and drown. they're doing an exterior attack and they're not going to make entry into that particular location. also at the same time, the detectives from the police department are doing an intelligence gathering on the particular individuals that did this home invasion. as you know, home invasion is a
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very dangerous, treacherous crime, where there's a lot of violence in that particular type of crime. also in relationship to the house itself, as you can see, it's totally unstable and the fire department will definitely stay out of that one. this is going to take a while and it's important that the 360 degrees of the perimeter is totally taken care of for the safety of the other residents within that location. >> so until you have another suspect accounted for you have to assume he's still at large and still poses a danger. >> right. definitely, in fact the police will probably call in k-9 to do searches around the area and they'll call on their emergency services and s.w.a.t. team to conduct a search of the area. >> we are also joined by law enforcement analyst mike brooks who has been following the story as well. it looks like a home invasion gone bad and they tried to take a hostage and not clear what their motive was initially, but
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i guess you just have to assume that he may still be at large, mike? >> chuck, it's very hard for the phoenix police department s.w.a.t. team in situations like that. i've been in situations where we've had a barricaded suspect and a hostage situation and they've set the house on fire. one of the things the fire department is not going to do. they're not going to make an interior attack. they're in a defensive mode where they are using master streams outside because it's not a secure scene. you cannot send fire fighters into that structure to try to fight an interior attack because of the threat that there could still be someone inside each though there might be a hostage. there was some report that police did shoot one of the two suspects that's believed to have been involved in this home invasion. i don't know exactly what the condition of that person is. >> or whether that was the person who set the fire and who walked out with the hostage. >> exactly. exactly. >> obviously, police got there pretty fast. >> they got there very fast.
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>> what was the motive for this home invasion? we still don't know. it's still fairly early on, but you look at the pictures of this house and it looks like a total loss and that's yet fire department is in what they call a defensive mode of operation right now. >> how big of a problem are drug gangs in the arizona area? >> big. there are quite a few. >> that's frank speculation, i apologize in advance, there could be jewels in the house. we don't know. >> it's not normal for two perpetrators to come in, do a home invasion and set the house on fire. that is just not the norm of what usually happens. usually they're there, the motive is robbery and to steal things and not to take hostages and set a house on fire. >> exactly. apparently, according to local affiliates the hostage that was taken is said to be okay and probably is being interviewed and you get a lot of information, wally, do you not? wally is gone. you get a lot of information from the hostage? >> absolutely, you do. >> why did this happen?
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what were they saying? what did they want? why did they pick you. >> the who, what, when, where, why and how, that's what they're looking for in this investigation. the phoenix fire department, extremely good department, fantastic department, the phoenix police, and the other departments in the phoenix area in the suburbs there assisting with the fire department, but again, in a defensive mode of operation and it looks like the home is definitely going to be a total loss. >> they've done their best to keep it from spreading to neighboring home, but that house is gone. >> it's a fluid situation, as i've said and we'll keep pursuing the angles and bring you the latest when we learn more. we'll be right back.
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no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm. >> again, a house completely engulfed in flames in phoenix after a robbery and home invasion and it was thought to be a barricaded suspect situation. this is tape from earlier, somewhat earlier when the house was being aggressively fought by the fire crews. now we're going go back to live pictures and you can see the house is gone. nothing left at all. according to several reports, two suspects staged the invasion, took hostages and one of them set the house on fire. police arrived very quickly. one suspect was engaged, shots were fired and that suspect is reportedly either seriously injured or dead, but another one is still at large or at least unaccounted for. anyone who was in that house is probably at least unconscious. that would be a fair assumption.
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the woman who apparently owns the house according to an affiliate knxv was able to get out. an elderly woman owns that house in north phoenix. she's okay, so we can at least give you that bit of good news, but the house is gone. it's been destroyed and one of the two suspects is either seriously wounded by police fire or has died. the other suspect, we're not entirely sure what has happened to that person. mike, it is not inconceivable that someone who walks out claiming to be a hostage could, in fact, as they say, a perp. >> absolutely not. i've seen many incidents where that's happened and that's why when a situation like this happens, law enforcement will go in and they will handcuff everybody until they get everybody sorted out. they don't know. they're coming into this situation blind. the perpetrator from the victim and sometimes you'll have the perpetrator and the perp or the perpetrator and the victim and you don't know until you get it
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sorted out. we see the phoenix fire department in a defensive mode with a power ladder and devices trying to put this fire out. i can just tell you as a former assistant fire chief in fairfax, virginia, i can tell you looking at that, it's very unlikely that if anyone was in the house that they were able tos survive that massive fire. >> how long do you hold a lockdown around the neighbor? they'll have to wait until they are able to knock the fire down and take a look, just a preliminary look inside that house to see if they find any other victims, anybody else. whether it be someone who might have been in the house with this elderly woman who apparently owns the house, or if it's possibly one of the two perpetrators. law enforcement is saying they believe they might have killed one of these perpetrators and then again they'll have to keep everything locked down until they get a good handle on exactly what they were dealing with. >> curious neighbors are all over that, and they're telling people, there's an elderly woman
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and she lives alone. there's nobody else in there. it could be her nephew. >> we've seen things around the country where perpetrators will prey on the elderly, kick a door in, and thing goes wrong. why set the house on fire? could it have been something that was cooking? who knows? that's the other thing they'll try to determine the cause of the fire. >> it looks like the second suspect is in custody. there's a lot breaking on this. we'll be right back after this.
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let's update you on our breaking news. a suspect is dead and another thought to be apprehended after this house fire in phoenix that was started as a violent robbery and home invasion. according to local reports the two suspects stabled the invasion, took hostages and then for reasons not entirely clear, set the house on fire. the homeowner is an elderly woman. she's out. she's safe. we will try to gather more information and bring it to you as we get it. fire crews continue to pour water on a blazing oil rig and the coast guard is making an intensive search for 11 missing workers. the drilling platform could sink altogether, it is also leaking crude oil at the rate of 8,000 barrels a day. 11 people have now beenis inning for a day and a half. the coast guard says the gulf of
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mexico is calm and warm and that increases chances for survival. families of the missing workers are clinging to hope. >> he was due home last night in his hitch to come home for three weeks. so the last words were i love you. >> do you feel that he's still alive? >> yes. for me there is no other option. a lot of prayers and support have come from all over. we're greatly appreciative for my husband and all those that were hurt and the other tefrn that are still out there along with my husband. please keep those up. they're what keep us going. >> 94 other workers escaped unharmed. they're back ashore and reunited with their families. 17 people were hurt when the rig blew up and four are in critical condition. i want to bring this to you
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right away. i-reporters were there capturing the incredible video of the explosion after it occurred in the gulf of mexico. this is seconds after it happened. captain michael roberts has been working on a boat for 13 years and has never seen anything like it. he and the crew members were onboard in the gulf and they got a distress call over the radio. they were part of the search and rescue operation and he took these pictures with his i-phone from only a few feet away from the rig. the heat was so intense the rescue boats couldn't stay long and then they'd take a break and another crew would move in because of the intense heat. 17 people on the rig were hurt. the search continues, as we said, for 11 still missing. again, many thanks, captain michael roberts for sharing an e-report video. nobody else had it. he did. when you have breaking news or cool stories from where you are, go to and look for the upload now link and get instructions on how to submit the stories. it's kind of a piece of cake, really. pittsburgh steelers
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quarterback ben roith liss berger will lose a quarter of his salary. he is suspended for his off-field conduct. timothy egan points out roethlisberger is still collecting a big paycheck from endorsements and particularly nike. egan writes, if this guy didn't have a pair of super bowl rings and a $102 million contract to entertain us on sundays, most people would see him for what he is, a thug with a predatory sense of entitlement, he knows, but nike, the shoemaker to the world, the biggest brand in the endorsement game is standing by roethlisberger at least for the moment just as they continue to back tiger woods after his serial infidelities. a nike spokesperson says roth biz berger remains on the roster of athletes and they decline further comment. misty croslin's grandmother explains why she thinks misty may have been involved in haleigh's disappearance. she was briefly married to ron cummings. her grandmother accused her of being strung out on a drug binge
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the night haleigh disappeared. misty croslin fought with haleigh's dad about baby sitting that night. she had even more to say to cnn's jane velez-mitchell. >> i'm saying misty was jealous of ron and haleigh. >> misty's jealous of ron? >> ron and his daughter. i'm saying she was jealous of them. >> why? >> the attention that he'd give his daughter. >> oh, and do you think that was a motive of some sort? >> yes, ma'am, i do. >> motive for what? >> getting rid of the little girl. >> grandma flo suggests misty croslin's brother and cousin were involved. we have to make it clear that all denied any involvement and no suspects have been named by anybody in law enforcement. the putnam county sheriff denied finding haleigh's bones in the river. they say it was animal remains. tonight "nancy grace" with an exclusive, haleigh's grandmother
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debates flora hollars to try to uncover the story what really hand the night haleigh vanished? . don't miss it right here on hln. police say a missing ohio wife and mother tiffany tian wasn't missing at all. she ran off with another man to miami to start a new life. whio is here with the latest from beaver creek ohio. gabrielle, hi. >> reporter: hi, i'm here at paterson park church and this is where tiffany is members and where they chose to update members of the media on reaction to finding tiffany. i can tell you that a lot of the details they wanted to keep private, but they did tell us they wanted to thank the police, the members of the church congregation here as well as the media for getting the message out. and you know, there are a lot of tough questions we all had with them especially with the new information that we learned and i asked them specifically today, are you mad at tiffany?
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do you have any anger? do you have any judgments? >> you know, she may have made some mistakes, but e everyone ds and i can't blame her for any of them. she's a person like everyone else, you know, getting through life and it's not always easy. >> do you have any anger at all? we want to know that question. >> no anger. i was just -- you know. we've got the same feelings that everyone else has. we've got confusion and all those things, but quite frankly our hearts are just filled with joy that she's safe. we are so excited about that. you know, my response last night
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when she called us was my little girl's okay. and i can't say enough about that. >> now the one thing that they could say is according to david, he is not at all happy with mr. hutcherson, the man that was on camera with his wife tiffany. we did have one question, though, are you going to work this out? is she coming home? and you know, the family right now said they want to work it out. david said he wants his marriage to work, but as of right now we do not know if tiffany is coming back here to ohio. >> wow! we don't know that yet. will she face charges? is there any issue with custody? >> that is still part of the investigation that police are working on at this point. they say there's still a lot more to do here. the big question is when did
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tiffany know that we were looking for her? when did people know and that's really going to be the issue here. >> all right. gabe rielle, whio, our fine affiliate in ohio. >> don't be surprised to see kids getting in the office getting in the way! it's take your sons and daughters to work day. they're not in the way, what am i saying? the first lady welcomed the children of white house staffers and school administrators are not thrilled about the timing of this annual event. find out why.
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president obama makes the case for cracking down on banks in wall street's backyard. he wants everything changed and no more status quo like we had
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two years ago. he returned to cooper union college in new york where he spoke two years ago as a presidential candidate and issued a warning that regulators weren't doing enough to keep wall street in line. he called on bankers to join forces with the government and to re-write the rules of the financial services industry. they've been taking advantage of the existing rules. the president says wall street has to accept the lessons of the 2008 meltdown in his words so we don't doom ourselves to repeat it. richelle carey has been harvesting views to rein in efforts. what's the latest? >> it's a combination of things. some got their pitch forks, they're mad and angry and some people are cynical and say you can try, but it's not going to change anything. they're very, very cynical, but some people say give it your best shot. let me give you a sample and a bit of what i'm talking about. i pulled some comments from facebook. this is from cami. yes, stronger regulations are needed. this fantasy that the market will adjust is just that, a fantasy. the market will adjust itself
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until it is crashing due to deregulation and corporate greed and then it needs another infusion of taxpayer money. we hear the word greed a lot. we've been seeing that a lot. john writes this. no new rules. what we need is to keep the government changing reforms that have been in place since the great depression. bush was in office less than a year before congress dieded to repeal the law that was enacted during the depression banning derivatives or bets made on investments and it took wall street with the complicit help of the mortgage industry less than ten years to ruin this country all over again. jon has a lot to say on this one. he is calling us now from milwaukee. ail right, john, what do you think about tighter controls about tinkering more with wall street? >> caller: well, i just think that the government needs to have more of a laissez-faire approach and a hands-off approach. there seems to be a sense of entitlement with the american public that their investments
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should be protected and there's no risk and reward strategy as far as making an investment and if someone has a high-risk stock they should be prepared to lose their money. sorry, but -- >> true enough, there's no guarantee that you're going to get any type of money back when you make an investment, but when people are making the investments for you shouldn't they have to play by some type of rules? some? >> caller: i guess i would agree there might be minimal regulation that might be required -- >> and not cheat? >> caller: i think that the major point here is that americans believe they need to have this false sense of protection for any kind of investment that they make and the -- and i don't want to go down a slippery slope here, but i look at the mortgage thing as a great example, and i know it's off tangent and someone that makes a mortgage for a $500,000 house and they can't afford it. >> i think that's a little bit of a different argument. we're not talking about that. i agree that people shouldn't
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get into a mortgage that they can't afford, but that's separate from what we're talking about. >> caller: going back to the stock market, it's risk, versus reward and people need to be more knowledgeable about how they're investing their money. >> i think we can all agree on that point. that is a great point, john. you've got to know what you're doing. >> caller: nobody is entitled to a certain amount of return on their investment. >> fair enough. >> caller: put it in a bank account. >> thank you. thank you. let me get in another comment from facebook. andrew wrote this. no more regulation is needed. consumer education is a better answer. if someone doesn't understand the financial product, then don't invest. this is for folks who can't or don't understand the mortgages, they shouldn't have one. melissa writes this, they play with people's money and livelihood and so there should definitely be some harsher rules. perhaps if they play with their own incomes and cash they wouldn't be so quick to waste. there's more to this than
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investor loss. you lose your money then that's the risk you took, but the banks' greed cost a lot of -- cost a lot more to people who didn't ask for it, job loss, foreclosure and inflation. he's talking about a ripple effect there. we want your views on this, about reining in wall street. more consumer protection regulating the size of banks and the risks they take with other peoples' money. are the regulations going too far? do you think that's not the right approach? you want more of a hands off approach? let's talk about this. 877-tell-hln. e-mail us at and there's a discussion going on on facebook. richelle carey, hln. we want to hear your views. we're learning a lot of terms in the last few months that we never understood like derivatives. chuck, you have breaking news. this is just in from the coast guard. the oil rig that exploded off louisiana, it's gone. it's below the water now. it has sunk or is sinking. they're still making, of course,
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the intensive search for 11 missing workers, but hope is fading. 17 people were hurt when the rig exploded and there are four in critical condition. >> after being demolished by a tornado, western kansas is rebuilding itself green. tom foreman takes a look in this "building up america" report. >> reporter: the tornado that ripped through greensburg three years ago was a swirling black cloud with winds exceeding 200 miles an hour, and it left this small town in ruins. >> it was a 1.7 mile wide tornado and the town is 1.5 miles wide. >> reporter: the storm of rebuilding that daniel wallick and others have proved since proved just as powerful only this one is green. >> so this town knew they had to have a unique identity. >> and that's what you set out to do with this plan? >> yes. >> with the strong back of the local government, this town is being rebuilt as a model of
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environmental sustainability. at the new school, drainage systems capture and conserve rain water to feed the landscaping, salvaged wood covers the walls. cabinets are made of wheat harvest leftovers and natural light pours in everywhere. superintendent darren redrick is expecting much lower power bills. one of the town's many new wind turbines generate 30% of the new hospital's electricity while power and water-saving utilities dominate and all over town, houses are springing up with eco-friendly designs. the payoff, by most accounts, this was a small, dying town before the storm, but with each new stage of the green comeback it is being reborn and every day fewer folks are looking back. tom foreman, cnn, greensburg, kansas. stig
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welcome back. severe thunderstorms caused hail in denver yesterday that broke out the snowplows. look at this. the threat of severe thunderstorms again today. that's a lot of hail. people in the panhandles of texas and oklahoma have to be on
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lookout for bad weather as well. finally good news for travelers who have been grounded because of the erupting volcano, flights across europe are at or near 100% today. the volcanic ash kept 1,000 flights grounded. fill ug all seats with travelers who have been grounded for days. it's estimated they lost $1.7 billion in the last week. lawmakers in belgium are considering abandoning the face coverings of muslim women. politicians say they are worried about security and protecting women's right. critics say it's intoll rant. says few women now wear them and a ban would prompt thousands to begin wearing them. last night's episode of "south park" included a story line that was heavily censored,
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the first episode showed mohammed described in a bear costume that angered a poster on revolution muslim. warning the creators that they will probably end up like van gogh killed in 2004. in last night's episode, mohammed was covered by a black box that read censored. the dialogue was censored too. an alabama mother will be spending three months in jail because of where her son wasn't spending his time. should parents be put behind bars if their kids chronically skip school? 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a new liquid gel. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®.
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one suspect is dead and another believed to be in custody after this house in phoenix was destroyed. as you can see by this fire, authorities say it started as a violent robbery and home invasion. according to local reports, the two suspects staged the invasion and took hostages and set the house on fire. earlier one suspect came out of the house with a person he claimed to be a hostage. police shot and killed that suspect. it turns out the person he was with was not a hostage but his accomplice, who is now in custody. the homeowner is an elderly resident and is out and is safe. firefighter ares are trying to keep the flames from reaching
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other homes in the neighborhood. we'll keep our eyes on this for you obviously and bring you the latest. watching a burning offshore oil rig that has now sunk into the gulf of mexico. and it is still burning. fire crews have been pumping water on the platform hoping to put out the fire. the explosion has been leaking crude oil at a rate of 8,000 barrels a day. 11 people are still missing and the gulf of mexico is calm and warm, which increases their chance of survival. 94 workers who did escape unharmed are reunited with her family. 17 people were hurt when the rig exploded and 4 are still in critical condition. ben roethlisberger will lose more than a quarter of his nfl salary next season. timothy egan points out, roethlisberger is still collecting paychecks from
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endorsement. if this guy didn't have a pair of super bowl rings and 102 million contract to entertain us on sundays. most people would see him for what he is, a thug with a predatory sense of entitlement. but nike is standing by ben roethlisberger for the moment. as they continue to back tiger woods for his serial infidel. roethlisberger is still on roster of athletes. jane velez-mitchell joins us now from new york. what do you make of in op-ed piece? >> it's 100% on target. it's outrageous people are backing this guy given his pattern of behavior. leave the criminality out of it, he hasn't been charged with anything, even though this
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20-year-old college student accuses him of sexual assault. no charges filed. as part of the 527-page report, police say there was another unsubstantiated accusation from a young woman who didn't want to talk to them. leave that aside, just look at his behavior that night. there were many witnesses there who say he had 10 to 15 young girls, at least one of them was underage. accuser was 20 years old. he's saying all my b words do shots. according to her, he exposes himself. he exposes his private parts to her? this is outrageous that he is still considered a role model. these kids look up to the athlete who have the big endorsement deals and try to be like them. we are entering dangerous territory if we co-sign and endorse this kind of bad behavior. >> are you saying the six-game
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penalty suspension isn't enough in your mind? >> absolutely it's not enough. he should be suspended indefinitely as he goes through a program of rehabilitation and psychiatric counseling and perhaps substance abuse counseling if he needs that and comes out a changed man. this is a slap on the wrist and even though in his mind it may seem like a big deal, in reality it will not stop his trajectory of his career. the nfl made a big mistake by letting michael vick in after he did time for the dogfighting ring. it sends a message, don't worry, wait it out, it will be forgotten. we have to send a message that these behaviors are unacceptable. >> thank you very much for joining us. >> can catch her again on "issues" at 7:00 p.m. police say that missing wife and mother tiffany tehan ran off
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with another man to miami to start a new life. investigators in miami beach found them last night after getting ngs from police in ohio. this convenience store video shows tehan with tre hutcherson, this is key to cracking the case. she and hutcherson are were romantically involved. spoke to reporters in ohio. >> no anger. we've got the same feelings everyone else has. we have confusion and all those things. our hearts are filled with joy that she's safe. we are so excited about that. my response last night when she called us was my little girl is
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okay. and i can't say enough about that. >> tehan's husband says he does not know the man found with his wife. but the most important thing, even he says, is that she's safe. i want to wish you all a happy earth day. what, if anything, are you going to do to go green to make every day say earth day? we hit the streets to find out. >> reporter: i'm joe carter and this is hln's views from the streets. it's earth day. how important is going green to you? are you guys environmentalists? >> i'm aware. they always do earth day celebration on campus. >> i'm a pretty green guy. >> reporter: have you ever participated in earth day? >> i haven't. >> i'm always happy earth day but i don't know i could talk extensively about it. >> i didn't know there was an earth day. >> every earth day for the past six years planted two trees each
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year. >> reporter: what do you do on a day-to-day basis to be a greener person? >> i don't know. >> every time we leave a room, lights out. >> we have eco-friendly cleaners. >> don't leave tvs on. >> i don't litter. i drive a hybrid. >> i'm a big recycler and i use biodegradable products. >> try to eat more sustainable food. >> try to conserve water but it's hard with kids. >> i don't do anything real green or earthy. >> reporter: how important is protecting the environment to you? >> real important. probably one of my top priorities. we're really trashing it. >> more people are going green, but i think there's more people in the eartha are not green. >> because people don't see immediate results, they tend to get on the bandwagon and jump
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off. >> it's more important for everybody to be a little bit more green. >> people like me need to step their game up. we only have one world. >> a few cans can make a big difference. >> reporter: i'm joe carter and i'll see you on the street. >> find out about earth day events near you. go to people heard paint cans come crashing down for 14 floors up and saw painters hanging on to a collapsed scaffolding. there was no quick way to save them. and savis for buegre checkg
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look at this. not the way a couple of painters expected their shift to end. their scaffolding collapsed and fortunately both were wearing safety harnesses. after hanging for half an hour, they were pulled inside and one was taken to the hospital. president obama is making the case for cracking down on banks. he's doing this in basically
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wall street's backyard. the president returned to cooper union college in new york and spoke their two years ago and issued a warning that regulators weren't doing enough to keep wall street in line. today he called on bankers to join forces with the government pane rewrite the rules of the financial industry. the days of high risk gambling on obscure financial products has to come to an end. >> these markets operated in the shadows of our economy, invisible to regulators and invisible to the public. so reckless practices were ram pant, and risks accrued until they ruined our financial department. >> so the president is focusing on financial regulatory reform. we cannot forget it is earth day today and we hear a lot about green jobs and building a clean energy economy.
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how is the white house effort really going on that? poppy harlow is in new york. i'm sure people are curious, what does big business have to say about it. >> that's exactly right because all of green jobs that the president touts, those have to come from businesses large and small. we sat down with business leadsers last week, all very involved in the green movement. and we asked them, clearly, how do you grade president obama on his environmental agenda? >> how would you grade the president? >> i'm not going to be in the business of grading the president. >> reporter: what would your advice from big business be? >> to work with us and set one national agenda, energy policy that we can all get behind. >> i would grade him well on the standpoint that he is making it very clear that he intends to and wants to pass a carbon reduction piece of legislation. and i would actually urge the
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administration to think about just doing that. put the caps out there. >> in my house we do progress reports, not mid-term grades. i would say he made great progress. >> reporter: a., b., c.? >> it all depends on the climate. >> he's hired some good people but been too cautious. if you're trying to save an ecosystem, you can't compromise. there's a right way to do something and a wrong way. cutting the baby in half doesn't solve the problem. >> you've got to go one way or the other. you heard business leaders talk about capping emissions. that has been stalled in the senate. the latest on it is we're expecting a new senate version to be unveiled next week. a lot of questions on whether or not it will pass. as you see the president talking about reforming wall street today, not talking about the environment and reform that he's been pushing there.
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>> but what about green jobs? >> that's a great question. the recovery act, let's not forget the stimulus money, $80 billion of that went to the clean energy investments. about 700,000 jobs will come from that by 2012, here's the problem. a lot of those jobs are in the future and are temporary you and depend on new technology. how far does that go? not soon enough, i have to say for the current americans unemployed. a lot a hope about the agenda, we just have to see if it comes front and center. a lot on his plate outside of green reform. >> hey, poppy, thanks you so much. there's controversy over a new lingerie ad. is it too racy or a case of downright discrimination?
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welcome to progressive. nice calculator. i'm just trying to save money on my car insurance. you know, with progressive, you get the option to name your price.
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is that even possible? uh, absolutely. trade? and i still get great service? more like super great. oh, you have a message. "hello." calculator humor. i'll be here all week. i will -- that was my schedule. the freedom to name your price. now, that's progressive. call or click today. 3, 2, 1. >> would you do it? taking the plunge in las vegas. it can mean heaping from the city's highest building, 108 stories tall. oh, my goodness. chills up my spine looking at it. sky jump las vegas opened up for a mere 100 bucks, brave souls can jump over the edge in a controlled free fall attached by a cable to the building. not like a bun gee. the new ride sets a new record.
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giness certified it as the highest decelerated jump at 829 feet. plus-sized women's clothing label lane bryant is ticked off. they claim a new ad is being rejected or moved to a different time slot. the networks and lane bryant have two totally different perspective? >> this one 25-second ad is creating such a controversy. lane bryant which caters to full-figured women is slamming fox and abc saying showing a bias by rejecting the new lingerie ad or shuffling it off to a later time slot. the networks are saying they felt it was a little too racy for family hour. take a look at the ad causing
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out of the outrage. >> mom always said beauty is skin deep. a smile is the best makeup and it's what's underneath what counts. somehow, i don't think this is what mom had in mind. exclusively at lane bryant. nobody fits you like the new lane bryant. >> what did you think about it? take a look at what fox told "showbiz tonight." lane bryant submitted an ad with the hope we would air it during the 8:00 p.m. broadcast of american idol. we requested they made changes and refused. we agreed to air the unedited ad during the 9:00 p.m. broadcast of "american idol." they have asked "victoria's
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secret" to edit their ads and they complied. abc, their response, the ad was accepted. lane bryant was treated no differently than any other advertiser for the same product. we were willing to accommodate them, but they chose to seek publicity instead. lane bryant is not backing down. they are convinced this is an obvious double standard. >> as i understand, it's an unusual move because they are taking it to a whole new medium, the blog sphere. >> it is. they are saying, yeah, they knew the ad were sexy and they went on a tirade and said these are the same networks that have scantily clad house wives so desperate they seduce every man on the street. i see both sides of this.
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i do have to say i have seen more racy and questionable content on prime time than this. but i see where the networks are coming from, it's standard operating procedure to edit the ads. i wish they could find a compromise to make everybody happy. more on this on "showbiz tonight." >> we will see you there, brooke. thanks so much. >> an alabama woman will spend 97 days in jail. the school board says she was warned repeated by about her son missing school. kids are allowed five unexcused absences a year. what do you think of her sentence? rdeaow ylenk we sll have the solution dermtsndutanleiz
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a burning offshore oil rig has sunk into the gulf of mexico now and it is still burning. fire crews have been desperately pumping water on the platform hoping to put out the fire. an explosion rocked the rig and it's been leaking crude oil at 8,000 barrels a day. there are 11 people missing. the gulf of mexico is calm and warm so that increases their chance of survival. 94 worker who's escaped unharmed are back ashore and reunited with their families. 17 people were hurt when the rig exploded and 4 are in critical condition. one of our ireporters captured just remarkable video of the oil rig explosion from just 10 to 15 feet away.
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captain michael roberts part of the initial search and rescue. he told me by phone what he saw when he got to that scene. >> we arrived on scene about 2 :30 in the morning, it was still dark but for more than 20 miles away, that night, you would have thought the sun was coming up on the horizon. the blaze was just that intense. it was just a big orange glow. as you got closer and closer, you really started to see how severe of an issue it was we were about to deal with. >> captain roberts was one of first emergency responders on the scene, as i said. just happy to get his perspective there. glad he's safe. when you have pictures or video from your part of the world too, we would love to see them. go to and click on the upload now link. ben roethlisberger is losing more than a quarter of his nfl
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salary next season and suspended for six games without pay because of his off-field conduct. timothy egan points out roethlisberger is still collecting paychecks from endorsements. if this guy didn't have a pair of super bowl rings and $102 million contract to entertain us on sundays, most people would see him for what he is, a thug with a predatory sense of entitlement. but nike is standing by roethlisberger for the moment as they continue to back tiger woods after his serial infidelities. a spokesman says he is still on the roster of athletes but the company is declining further comment than that. carnival cruiseship returned to galveston as expected but it was a scary ordeal. 60 people were treated for minor injuries. a carnival spokeswoman says the
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ship tipped 12 degrees to avoid hitting a large buoy. they were on the final leg of a five-day cruise that left galveston for mexico. not everyone is shotted by allegations that a new york crime familiar used a woman to run an underage prostitution ring. she is charged with sex trafficking a minor in connection with the notorious gambino family. she advertised on the internet. at least one of the girls involved was as young as 15. now a former new york police commander tells campbell brown, the mob now is nothing like crime machines of the past. >> first of all, you have to understand you're not exactly dealing with the faculty at harvard here, people who are low lives and become their own best customers. the times reporter mentioned the
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sophistication of the mob as it used to be in the old days or back in the day. these guys today are their own best customers, using the products they sell, cocaine, crack and heroin and the like. >> 13 of the 14 defendants pleaded not guilty and authorities are looking for one more. >> ten months after the sudden death of michael jackson his kids are said to be recovering pretty well according to his older sister. prince and paris and 8-year-old blanket are thriving and healing emotionally. the kids went through a very difficult time in the days and weeks immediately following her brother's death but told the "today" show, the family has really helped them recover. >> they are with family members. they are insulated you might say and surrounded with a lot of cousins and i think it's helping them to be stable and to some extent take their mind off the pressure of all of that. >> jackson said there may be
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prosecution surprises in store when dr. conrad murray goes to trial. she didn't elaborate. his trial is expected to begin this summer. did you know today is take our daughters and sons to workday? michelle obama is hosting an event for the white house. it teaches children the value of an education and shows it possible to balance work and family. several school administrators nationwide do not like having the event in april because many areas have standardized testing and they say it would make more sense to do it in the summer rather than taking a day off. the a spokesman says having it during the school year, students can go back and share what they've learned in class. i want to update you on a story out of ohio. missing wife and mother, tiffany tehan ran off with another man to start a new life. they were found last night after getting information from police
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in xenia, ohio. this video shows tehan with tre hutcherson, it was key to cracking the case. she said they were romantically involved. this morning tehan's husband spoke to reporters. >> she may have made some mistakes, but everyone does. and i can't blame her for any of them. she's a person like everyone else, getting through life. and it's not always easy. >> you really wouldn't expect to hear that. her husband says he does not know the man found with his wife. the most important thing, he says, is that she's safe. one suspect is dead and another believed to be in custody after the house, this one in phoenix, was destroyed in a fire.
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authorities say this started as a violent robbery and home invasion. according to local reports, the two suspects staged the invasion and took hostages and set the house on fire. earlier one suspect came out of the house with the person he claimed to be a hostage. police shot and killed the suspect and it turns out the person he was with wasn't a hostage but his accomplice who is now in custody. the homeowner is an elderly resident and she is out and safe. in the meantime firefighters are working to keep flames from reaching other homes in the neighborhood. president obama challenges big banks to help him rewrite the rules. how he says banks need to change in order to prevent another financial meltdown. and we're getting your views on reigning in wall street. i was always the hat guy. i can't even tell you how much it's changed my life. [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. no more hats. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining.
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ng visine®-a iclinically pro no more hats. el e sy
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president obama makes the case for cracking down on banks in wall street's backyard. this is where he did this. the president returned to cooper union college in new york. he issued a warning that regulators weren't doing enough to keep wall street in line. today he called on bankers to join forces with the government and rewrite the rules of the financial services industry. the president says the days of high risk gambling on complicated and on financial products has to come to an end. so we don't doom ourselves to repeat it. richelle carey is getting your views. what are you hearing so far? >> some people are chiming in saying there has to be personal responsibility. some people are saying, true
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enough personal responsibility but we're talking about investors being responsible with my money. there's a lot of different views. ezra says, if a company is dumb enough to use an excessive amount of money on something that doesn't warrant the risk, that company deserves to fail. the other side is they are failing with people's money. but telling them what they can and can't do is just plain wrong. antonio says, reform is needed. some of the complex trading practices should be banned all together, while others should have greater federal oversight. wall street as an incentive to conduct massive layoffs. and these investments only serve to cause more collateral damage in the throws of someone's personal enrichment. an amazing comment there, antonio. let's hear from mark calling from kalamazoo, michigan. i don't get to say kalamazoo
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very often. thanks for calling. how are you doing? >> caller: good. >> what do you think about this? do you think the president and legislators are heading in the right direction or have the right idea or not so much. >> caller: i absolutely think they are heading in the right direction with -- there's way too much that goes on in wall street that's uncontrolled. i mean, come on, let's people start off -- let's give obama some credit for standing up to big money, the other republicans and doing things that every other president has been afraid to do and stop blaming the man for what george bush did to this country. everybody forgets who our last president was. >> okay. mark, let me remind you of something. a lot of these regulations that were loosened that led to some of the issues we have, to be
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fair, it's not always a partisan thing. a lot of these things happened under a democratic president. some happened under bill clinton as well. it seems that both parties may have had a hand in this. >> caller: a little bit but i'm sorry not as much. i sit and walk george bush get reelected and thought what is wrong with america when this man gets reelected for as bad as he has done this country. i lived in michigan, 50 out of 50 states because of our unemployment is number one. >> you folks are having a very tough time in michigan. nobody can argue with that. >> caller: a whole lot of this came about, i seen it coming as bush was in president. i didn't vote for the man, especially after the first term. >> so clearly what you're getting at, you think president obama is on the way to making changes that you think will be good for the country,
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particularly on wall street. mark, thank you for the phone call. facebook comments, kevin wrote this. come down hard on banks and investment companies with the laws we have and patch the loopholes that exist. and people have been saying that they don't think more legislation is the answer. we have lost common sense in our big business and politics. hold people accountable for their thiefry and that will temper their greed. until our government can control wasteful spending, i don't see how they can feel empowered to tell others how to reform. capitalism is good and is the reason many of us have the quality of life we do in the u.s. however, ub restrained capitalism is part of the reason we're in the mess we're in now where people have lost jobs and in many cases their homes. kevin was calling from michigan
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where they are having an especially tough time. we want your views on the efforts to reign in wall street, more consumer protections and regulating the size of banks. do you think the president is on the right path or maybe you do not see it that way? we want to know, call us. e-mail, or jump in into the debate on facebook. we want your views on this. use some of that new economic vocabulary we had to learn in the past few years. >> thanks so much, richelle. the inside story for you on the family of missing 5-year-old haleigh comes from the grandmother who was taking care of her the night she disappeared. why the grandma is not buying her own granddaughter's account of what happened that night. pollen in the air kept hunter cooped up itching his eyes and sneezing.
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but now i found zyrtec®. it's #1 allergist recommended. with children's zyrtec® he can get 24-hour allergy relief indoors and outdoors. ♪ now he can run wild... with the rest of the pack. with children's zyrtec®, he can love the air®. and now try children's zyrtec® perfect measure®. a premeasured spoon. just twist squeeze and go™. good gravy, bill. our insurance company doesn't have anything like it. magnificent, isn't it? with progressive, it's easy to cover all of your favorite rides.
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progressive has truck insurance? number one in truck and motorcycle. is that a golf cart? yep. we also cover rvs, boats, snowmobiles. don't tell me, you insure pink ponies? no, um... i just like to ride that sometimes. [ chuckles ] save on all your rides. now, that's progressive. call or click today. misty across croslin's grandmother is explaining why she thinks she may have been involved in the disappearance.
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croslin's grandmother already accused her from being strung out from a drug binge, she says she fought with haleigh's dad about baby sitting. she had more to say to jane velez-mitchell. >> i'm saying misty was jealous of ron and haleigh. >> misty was jealous of ron? >> ron and his daughter. >> why? >> attention, that he give his daughter. >> oh, and do you think that was a motive of some sort? >> yes, ma'am, i do. >> motive for what? >> getting rid of the little girl. >> grandma flo suggests misty croslin's brother and cousin was involved here. investigators have not named any suspects. the sheriff's office also is denying reports that detectives found haleigh's bones in the river. they only found animal remains.
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tonight on hln, a nancy grace exclusive, the great grandmother debates the grandmother to uncover the truth about what happened the night haleigh vanish. watch at 8 and 10:00 p.m. eastern on hln. what's your credit score? maybe you think you know. but hold on, money expert clark howard says t the numbers can l depending on where you get them. >> this is clark howard. do you know your fico score? i noticed that more and more people will tell me what their credit score is, but many times i'll ask, what scoring method is it? and people will say, i don't know. because it's not so much a matter of what number you have, it's how it's actually graded. what do i mean by that? the true real credit score you have is the fico score.
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the fico that goes up to 850. you have a good score if it's above 700. but there's lots of others out there that have now been coined as faco scores that give you scores that may sound good, but really aren't. for example, there's another one that goes to 990, that a 700 on it isn't that good of a score. so whenever you get your credit score, what you really need to know is where does it rank you? are you actually in good credit standings or not? some say using alphabet so that you can do that. i'm clark howard. for more ways to protect yourself, go to >> get more great consumer advice from clark howard every saturday and sunday at 12:00 and 4:00 p.m. eastern here on news and views. well, an alabama woman is going to spend 97 days in jail because her son skipped school. a judge sentenced teresa to the
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same number of days that her eighth grade son missed class during the school year. the school board says she was warned repeatedly about her son missing school that kids are only allowed five unexcused absences a year. their legal guardian can be nut jail. we don't know where her son is living while he's in jail because he's a juvenile of course and his information has not been made public. a man in connecticut is thanking his mayor for a new scoop on life. after using rogaine for a while, i went to my stylist and she said hair was growing back... i was like, yes, this works... [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. puhh puhh puhh putt and that's it. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining. i'm ed whitacre, from general motors. a lot of americans didn't agree with giving gm a second chance. quite frankly, i can respect that. we want to make this a company
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all americans can be proud of again. that's why i'm here to announce we have repaid our government loan, in full, with interest, five years ahead of the original schedule. but there's still more to do. our goal is to exceed every expectation you've set for us. we're putting people back to work, designing, building, and selling the best cars and trucks in the world. with our 100,000-mile, 5-year powertrain warranty to guarantee the quality. and the unmatched life-saving technology of onstar to help keep you safe. from new energy solutions. to the designs of tomorrow. we invite you to take a look at the new gm.
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the only thing that i was thinking is, how am i going to tell my kids, you know, that their dad's not coming home. >> i hear another yell, and i see the thing falling and he's going. >> what do you do on a day-to-day basis to be a greener person? >> i try to conserve water, but it's kind of hard with kids. some of the stories we're following today. it's a great day on a thursday. thanks for looking in. had is hln "news and views" i'm chuck roberts. police in phoenix shot and killed a suspect in a fiery home invasion today. officers said two suspects broke into a home and an elderly was inside around 9:00 a.m. local time and when the cops arrived the suspects apparently set the house on fire, then two people walked out, giving the
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appearance of a suspect holding a hostage. police say they shot and killed the one acting like the suspect. officers took the other men into custody, and we're working to figure out if he was a suspect or a victim. officials believe someone else possibly another suspect could still be inside the home in which case they may be dead. the homeowner is an elderly woman, firefighters worked to keep the flames from spreading to the other homes in the neighborhood. the house, as you see, is a total loss. a nearby high school has been locked down. pittsburgh steelers' quarterback ben roethlisberger will lose more than a quarter of his nfl salary next season. he's been suspended for six games without pay because of his off-field conduct, but "the new york times" columnist timothy egon points out he's still collecting a paycheck from endorsement, taxly from nike. says aegean "if this guy didn't have a pair of super bowl rings and $102 million contract to entertain us on sundays most people would see him as a thug with a preder to sense."
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aegean continues -- a nike spokesman says roethlisberger does remain on the company's roster of athletes. the company is declining any further comment but jane velez-mitchell the host of hln's "issues," weaknitedings at 7:00 eastern is live from new york. jane, is this a guy thing? does nike have a woman problem? >> i think that they do. let's face it, they don't just sell sneakers to men. they sell sporting goods to women as well. and women should stop subsidizing the violence against them and denegration against them. and this entire fiasco smacks of a boy's club mentality, where you had this guy who was using the "b" word and allegedly, according to a 572-page police report, according to the accuser, exposing himself, and he's out with off-duty cops.
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and then when the on-duty cop shows up, he ends up having to resign because he says words to the effect that this "b" word is -- so the entire mentality of all of the male's assemble was, one, disrespect to women. and so for a company that sells to both men and women to say that that doesn't here in the them is very troubling to me, and i think that they should really reexamine their policy, as should the nfl. i think that the nfl is really just another slap on the wrist for another player, and i don't think the message is going to get through. something dramatic has to happen. somebody needs to be made an example of it. and i think ben roethlisberger is a great candidate for that. >> well, imagine you're on the nike board, you're sighting there in a meeting, you're going over the whether or not to kick him to the street, the side, as a spokesperson, what's the downside? what does the company lose by saying, this is too much? we're not using you as a spokesperson? >> that's what i don't
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understand, unless they want to have sort of this renegade reputation that appeals to young guys who think this is sort of cool. i mean, it really is co-signing bad behavior, it's almost like nike is a co-dependent enabling this kind of behavior and nike needs to get some help. >> do you think that corporate america has a conscience shortage? >> yes, absolutely. i don't think that corporate america weighs ethics into its criteria, for the most part. it's all about profitability, and usually short-term profit accoun ability. and what we've seen with all of the economic crises is short-term profitability usually ends up in long-term loss. >> well, they may gedsome pressure, nike. a lot of blog comment about this not withstanding the aegean op-ed in "the new york times." see you at 7:00. >> you too chuck. now sunk into the gulf of mexico and it's still burning. fire crus have desperately been pumping water on the platform hoping to put out the fire. an explosion rocked the rig tuesday night. it's a huge rigp it's been leaking crude oil at rate of
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8,000 barrel a days. 94 workers who escaped unharmed are back ashore and reunited with their families. >> the only thing that i was thinking is how am i going to tell my kids, you know, that their dad's not coming home? and the worst goes through your mind. so we were just blessed that we did get a call. >> i worked offshore, you know, i know what it's like for a family to wonder, you know, and this is one of those things that you just hope and pray that everybody's all right and honestly and truly the amount of lives' been saved, you know is -- you know it's amazing. >> 17 people were hurt when the rig exploded. four are in critical condition, and as you know, 11 people are still missing. the only thing in their favor, the gulf is calm and warm which would increase their chances for survival. update you on the story following out of ohio, where police say is a missing wife and
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mother tiffany tehan ran off to miami to begin a new life. after getting information from police in xenia, ohio, please said that this convenient store video. they say tehan told them she and tray were romantically linked. this morning, tehan's husband spoke to reporters. >> she may have made some mistakes, but everyone does. she's a person, like everyone else, you know, getting through life. and it's not always easy. >> her husband says he doesn't know the man found with his wife but most important thing is she's okay, she's safe. happy earth day, everybody, times 40.
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what are you doing to go green to make every day earth day? we hit the street to find out. >> reporter: i am joe carver and this is hln's views from the street. it's earth day, how important is going green to you? you are guys environmentalists? are you aware of earth day? >> yeah i'm aware. we always do earth day celebration on campus. >> i'm a pretty green guy. >> have you ever participated if earth day? >> i haven't. >> i'm always oh "happy earth day," you know but i don't know that i could talk extensively about it. >> i didn't even know it was earth day. >> every earth day for the past six years i've planted two trees each year. >> what do you do on a day-to-day basis to be a greener person? >> i don't know. >> every time you leave a room, you know, light's out. >>ry we recycle and also have eco-friendly cleaners, household cleaners. >> i don't liter. i drive a hybrid.
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i'm a big recycler. and i use biodegradable products. >> i use a water bottle all of the time. >> i try to eat more sustainable food. >> i try to conserve water but it's kind hard with kids. >> i really don't do anything that's real green or real earthy. >> how important is protecting the environment to you? >> it's real important. probably one of my top priorities. we're really trashing it. >> more people are going green but i think there's more people on this earth that are not green so -- >> because people don't see the immediate results they tend to get on the bandwagon and then jump off of the bandwagon. >> i think it's important for everybody to be a little bit more green i mean it just makes everything better for everyone. >> people like me need to step the game up because the negative effects of not being green affects all of us and we only have one world. >> a little makes a big difference. >> reporter: i'm joe carter and i'll see you on the street. >> and to find out about earth day events close to you and how
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you can take part just go to an alabama mom will be spending more than three months in jail because of where her son wasn't spending his time. should parents be put behind bars if their kids skip school? s six days. s and now, elations introduces new powder packets. on the go, one-a-day packets with the elations patented formula of clinically proven levels of glucosamine and chondroitin. in a delicious new form that's more absorbable than joint supplement pills. say goodbye to big old horse pills. with the elations that goes where you go. new elations powder packets. the new standard in joint health.
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an alabama mom is going to spend 97 days in jail because her son skipped school so often. she'd been warned, the judge sentenced teresa to the very same number of days, her eighth grade boy missed class during the school year. said she was repeatedly warned about her school missing class. the kids are only allowed five unexcused absences a year. their legal guardian can be put in jail. now, we don't know where the son is living while she's in jail because he's a juvenile and no such information will be made public. but it's a great "your views'" question today. were there other options that might had been more effective?
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what about the kid? what do you think, viewers, we'll say? richelle carey is here to talk about that. >> 97 days. >> days i know. >> chuck, did you ever, i didn't tell you i was going to ask you this. duever skip school, tell the truth. >> skip school, maybe 12 times over 12 years. >> not too bad. >> how about you? >> never. >> never? >> i was scared to death, chuck. that's what worked with me was fear, all right? so we're going to get some views from you on this on how -- how do you deal with this type of thing. how do you deal with it, should the parent be brought in, because clearly the mom was. we're going to start with two views from james and linda. both made their views known on the tour to the hln "views'" cam. >> i think the mother ought to definitely serve time in jail. i think parental responsibility for keeping your children in school is very important. >> i would like to talk to you about the mother serving -- in regarding her son. i think that the eye think the
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son should pay for, you know, skipping school because, therefore, the child needs to learn responsibility for skipping school. i'm a teacher and the child needs to learn responsibility. >> okay i've got an e-mail i'm going toed from you. this is from kimberly in oklahoma. she says "i skipped school as much as i possibly could. bhp my parents found out they went so far as to drive me too and from school and check on me throughout the day. i would still skip. i ended up dropping out and getting my g.e.d. i never blamed my parents for my mistakes. i know they tried their best. now that i have a child of my own, i think the schools can do a better job at keeping the kids in school. she says i was age able to walk out the front door of my high school and no one would say anything. i also agree that if there was a law that you the student could actually go to juvenile detention for skipping school, there would be a lot less kids doing so. i know i wouldn't have." all right, craig calling us from
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washington state. craig, you don't think that throat mom in jail's the right thing to do? >> caller: misuse of the justice system. alabama has an 11% unemployment right now. three months out of jail for most people who are living two, three week of paychecks from being homeless. this person is going to lose their home, their job. they will have to completely restart over. i don't know how that will help the child out. >> that makes some good points. so what do you do? let me put it to you this way once it's gotten so bad that a middle schooler, a middle schooler is missing 97 days of school. something has gone horribly, horribly wrong. i think that we can all agree on that. so do you have a suggestion for a solution? >> caller: well, that's true. something is definitely wrong and however there are parts of the story they haven't really been able to understand, like if there's two parents available, why -- that's half a school
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year. obviously -- i know when i was younger, we would just -- if you failed a class there was a certain amount of ridicule that went with that just from your peers and i'm not going to say that's enough to make this situation better, but there has to be another alternative besides completely turning someone's life upside down. >> i do understand. >> caller: it takes -- to recover from that. >> i certainly understand your concern, no doubt. thank you for the phone call, i appreciate it. some more facebook comments. james says this "how ridiculous, what is the mother supposed to do -- is she supposed to keep her son on a leash? if the son missed school he's the one who should be punished. unless the mother forced him not to go to school which i doubt i truly feel the child should be punished with detention or suspension and don't punish the mother." dolly says "you don't think it should come back onto the parents. it should be the child who is punished. these kids nowadays need more
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discipline." so what do you think? is this fair? is this the necessary punishment? is this send anything type of message to lock up the mom for three months? maybe you think that is the right idea. maybe you have a solution, some other suggestion. call us. 1-877-tell-hln. e-mail us text if you want, hlntv. standard text rates apply. discuss it on facebook as well. a lot of your asking, is there another parent in the picture? we honestly don't know. this is a juvenile. so we don't have an answer to that. >> can i read you something from "the birmingham news"? >> absolutely. >> in jefferson county the biggest county in the state birmingham dropped 65% between 2006 and 2008. >> wow. >> and so when that policy was instituted so there you go. >> no kidding? >> yeah, 65%. >> it's kind of hard to argue
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with that. >> i know it. maybe it paid off. >> let that sink in, weigh in on that and then we'll talk about that again a few minutes. who could be crazy enough to jump more than 800 feet from a building at a vegas strip? probably more than you may think. r
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not everybody is shocked by the allegations a new york crime family used a woman to run an underage prostitution ring. that woman suzanne porcelli is charged with sex trafficking a
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minor in connection with a notorious gambino family. the indictment says she advertised the interstate sex operation on the internet. it says at least one the girls involved was 15. a former new york police commander tells our sister network cnn's campbell brown that moms now are nothing like the crimes of the past. >> first of all you have to understand you're not exactly dealing with the faculty ev harvard here. you're dealing with people who are low-lives and who become their own best customers. the "times'" reporter there mentioned the sophistcation of the mob, as it used to be, or in the old days or back in the day. these days today are their own best customers. they use the products that they sell, i.e., cocaine, crack, heroin and the like. >> 14 to the 15 defendants have pleaded not guilty and authorities are looking for one more. >> three, two, one. go whoa-hoo. >> taking the plunge in las vegas, it used to mean getting
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married now it means leaping from the highest building. a control fall sky-jump. opened at stratosphere emphasis tower and for about 100 bucks brave souls can jump over the edge and attach to a cable, you glide down to the building. it's not, you know, gravity altogether. the new ride also sets a new record, guinness certified it as the world's highest commercial decelerator jump. 829 feet. people are lining up the celebration in california, why they say it's high-time, this hotel had its grand opening. timw to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm. is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. hi, i need to start saving on car insurance. money a bit tight? yeah, i've had to cut back, sell some stuff. like his watch. oh. we can help you save.
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welcome back. phoenix police shot and killed a suspect in a fiery home invasion today. officers say two suspects broke into that home around 9:00 local time, when cops got there the suspects apparently set the house on fire, and that's what happened. two people walked out giving the appearance of a suspect holding a hostage. police say they shot and killed the one acting like a suspect. then the other man was taken into custody. they're trying to figure out if he was a suspect or a victim. the house is gone. officials believe somebody else may be another suspect could still be inside? is that the latest, guys? i thought they had two people in custody. all right. well its a fluid situation. the homeowner's an elderly woman. firefighters work to keep the flames from reach other homes. a nearby high school had been on lockdown. i'm not sure that's newest
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information but if it changes we'll let you know. pittsburgh steelers' quarterback ben roethlisberger will lose more than a quarter of his nfl salary next season. he's suspended six games without pay because of his off-field conduct but "the new york times" columnist timothy aegean points out roethlisberger is still collecting paychecks from endorsements particularly from nick one. here's what egan wrote today -- a nike spokesman says "roethlisberger does remain on the company's roster of athletes." the company is declining any further comment. updating you a story following for a couple of days, police say a missing ohio mom, tiffany tehan ran off with another man in miami to start a
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new life. investigators at miami beach found them last night after getting information from police in xenia, ohio. police say this convenient store video really cracked the case. it shows tehan with tray hutcherson. that was key to cracking the case. they say tehan told them that she and tray were romantically involved. this morning tehan's husband, from ohio, spoke to reporters. >> she may have made some mistakes, but everyone does. and i can't blame her for any of them. she's a person like everyone else, you know, getting through life. and it's not always easy. >> her husband says he doesn't know the man found with his wife but the only important thing is she's safe. a burning offshore oil rig
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has now sunk in the gulf of mexico. it took a couple of days. it's still burning, that is the oil that's been leaking. 11 people are missing. and one of our i-reporters captured incredible video of the explosion, just the aftermath from about 15, 20 feet away. captain michael roberts was part of the initial search and rescue and david mattingly has been following the story and you talked to captain roberts, right? >> i just talked to him. it was a very emotional time for him, he says he got up close. when he first arrived there he saw the coast guard take people out of water but it was during the day when he took those incredible pictures we've been seeing on our air all day. let's take a look at those things. i mean he was right up next to the rig. look at this. he was assisting in the firefighting that was going on here. he was just a few feet away. he said it was so hot that he couldn't go out on the deck of his boat for more than a minute at a time. he said when he first arrived there in the middle of the night, it was like the sun was coming up. that's how much fire and that's how much heat was radiating from this rig. when i told him that this rig
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had actually sunk, gone under water, he says he wasn't surprised. even though these things are made to withstand the worst of hurricanes, this fire was just too much wear and tear on the systems there and the thing went down. >> what about the people on board? did they get into his boat, get into are boats around there, what was the drill. >> once he arrived he saw the coast guard taking some of the workers out of the water. he didn't actually do that himself but he did participate in the firefighting. i talked to him just a short time ago and he was very emotional when i talked to him. >> when daylight came and you're able to see everything clearly, what did it looks like to you? >> bad. it was real bad. it was real bad. it's one of the reasons why i took some of the photos. from what we -- from what we saw it was -- it was the worst thing i've ever seen in 13 years. it was the worst thing. never seen anything like that.
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>> and you just heard him, he's been doing this for 13 years. he was incredibly moved by what he saw. just the spectacle, the scope of this thing. and now he said he did see a slick on the water that was from whatever might had been burning at the time. and now that this rig is under water, concerns are mounting in the gulf of mexico about what kind of oil slick we might be seeing there. >> because it hasn't been capped. it's not even close to being capped. >> it's still burning and even though the rig is under water it's still burning. >> that's amazing. >> and once that fire goes out, all of that oil that's coming out right now is going to go into the gulf. they've got resources in place to try to corral that, but they can't do anything right now as long as it's burning. >> is he an oil field worker, why was he there. >> he pilots a 200-foot supply boat that service it's. >> that rig. so some of his friends are probably gone. >> these guys are a pretty tight community. they cross paths all of the time. it's a very tight fraternity out there. they have a very unique kind of job. they get very close.
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>> do they go home at night or do they stay on that rig? >> the workers that rig stay on there for a prolongs period of time. like a little tour of duty and these things are huge. i say they're out there, they're floating zip codes is what they are. they serve their every need are there, they're there to work, sleep, work and then they goem. >> david, thank you for the great insight and thank him too that was a great interview, thank you. when you have pictures or video of break news or great stories from where you are just go to and click on the upload now link. "south park" creators were defiant in the face of death threats. that was yesterday. yp the comedy episode has some people wondering if they caved. visine®-a iclinically pro g e sy moop visine®-a.
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late pictures. this is a huge protest going on in phoenix. students are taking to the streets to protest that controversy immigration bill that has passed the state's senate earlier this week. governor jan brewer has the final say. she will either sign it or veto it. the bill would require immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and police could at any point question anyone they reasonable suspected of being in the u.s. illegally. students are protesting, right now a spontaneous demonstration in the heart of phoenix. president obama make, the case for cracking down on banks on wall street's backyard. he returned to the cooper union college in new york. he spoke there of course a couple of years ago as a presidential candidate issuing a warning that regulators were not doing nearly enough to keep wall street in line. well, today he called on bankers to join forces with a government and to rewrite the rules of the financial services industry. he says the days of high-risk gambling on complicated and
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obscure financial products like derivatives must come to an end. >> these markets operated in the shadows of our economy, invisible to regulators and visible to the public. so reckless practices were rampant, risks accrued until they threat ended our entire financial system. and that's why these reforms are designed to respect legitimate activities but prevent reckless risk-taking. >> the president says wall street must accept the lessons of the 2008 meltdown so we don't, as he put it, doom ourselves to repeat it. we've been taking your views today on his efforts to reform wall street to rein in the reckless training, we're hearing a lot of support, anger and equal amounts of cynicism faz this thing you has another purpose. we're all for wall street regulation but will anything actually work? a lot of people are saying that. let's weigh in, lest's get in to facebook and hear what viewers are weighing in with. ezra writes --
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i guess the bottom line here is let the hypocrisy continue. greg says "we need to bring back tighter controls. we had tougher rules but first thing the republicans did with their power in 2001 was deregulate the banking system. we've got sold-out by a traitor." all right, let's hear what keith has to say. keith's the line from springfield. do you favor tighter regulation of wall street, keith? >> caller: yes, i do. >> tell us why. >> caller: well, i feel that the american people are the bones, muscles and vital organs of this country. i feel that the american people have an inalienable right to purchase. to purchase real estate or whatever it is to make the individual happy and conent in these times, i feel that the wall streets and the economic
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situation that we have seen ourselves in and found ourselves in is the atrocity against the american people. i think that the american people have the right to pursue this happiness in a manner and fashion that should not be convoluted in a way where they're losing their homes, myself, and my family and my two children lost our home back in 2007 and had property seized when myself as the primary bred winner and the family became ill and bedridden for over a year. >> wow. >> caller: and was not able to make the payments on the house. and yet we -- we don't see the connectivity and the closed loop that we have. if wall street craze on the american people on the very bricks and mortars, the very foundation of this country, then wall street itself will not be able to stand. >> did you -- >> caller: i am are. >> did you have a subprime loan? what was the problem? it was just the fact that one of
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the bred winners couldn't earn anymore money is that it? >> caller: i earned enough money to where my wife was able to stay home and raise our infant children. >> right. >> caller: and when i became ill and didn't have health insurance and was not able to get adequate health care, did not have the financial resources to pursue health care -- >> you couldn't renegotiate? >> caller: yeah i wound up being bedridden and end uplution the home. >> i'm sorry. i know that a lot of people are in the boat, too many, in fact, but thank you so much. let's get a pair of differing opinions from our "news and views'" cam. let's roll that. >> i do believe that barack obama should be involved in business. because in canada we've got a lot tougher rule and less hit by this recession. >> as far as obama goes you know i'm not for him whatsoever. and i wish he would just begin to let capitalism take care of itself rather than turn around and trying to get banking, wall
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street production of cars and health care. >> all right. let nature take its course. facebook comments include this from michael who says dwht problem will not solve itself. the investment houses that invented these derivatives clearly have no reason or incentive to make a change otherwise they would have. who else other than the federal government can step in to fix this?" we'd love to hear your thoughtancy views on this. the efforts to rein in wall street? does it go against our capitalistic instincts, our moral protections and limitations? will it prevent another economic collapse? will it stave off more bailouts? what do you think, e-mail us at or debate on facebook, my page is chuck roberts hln. and richelle carey has one as well. included the profit moham-- prophet mohammed was censored.
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that angered a poster on the new york-based website revolution muslim. they issued a warning to "south park" creators matt stone and tray parker that they "will probably wind up like theo van gogh." after making the role of women in the muslim faith. in last night's episode mohammed was covered by a black box that read "censored" and the dialogue was also bleeped. detention for smelling good? >> the principal came up and started smelling us, me and my friends were talking what happened, like it was embarrassing, kind of awkward. embarrassing, kind of awkward. >> awkward is right. why some students can be punished for the shampoo or perfume they prefer to use. you take just once a month. it's simponi™, and taken with methotrexate, it helps relieve the pain, stiffness, and swelling of ra with one dose a month. visit to see if you qualify for a full year of cost support. simponi™ can lower your ability to fight infections,
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the freedom to name your price. now, that's progressive. call or click today. students at a southern california middle school say the principal's begun smelling them before they headed to math class and if he doesn't like what he smells they get detention. turns outs the math teacher has a serious allergy problem with certain fragrances. >> the principal came up and started smelling us. me and my friends were talking -- talking what happened, like it was embarrassing, kind of awkward. >> our goal here is not to have students disciplined or reprimanded. just build awareness.
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>> one mother said it's not fair because she buys shampoo for her daughter and that was what got her in trouble. president obama's focusing today on financial regulatory reform as we just discussed but let's not forget it's also earth day and we hear a lot from the obama administration about green jobs and building a clean energy economy. so how is the white house effort going.'s poppy harlow's in new york. pony, what does a big business have to say. >> reporter: it's a big question, right, because all of the focus has been on financial regulatory reform especially here in new york bithe big speech by the president today, but last week what we did swesat down with a lot of major business leaders who are very involved in the green movement and asked them to grade the president on his environmental agenda, how has he done so far t obama. >> oh i'm not going to be in the business of grading the president. >> how about the advisement? i mean what would your advice to
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the president of the big business. >> to work with us, to set up a one-national agenda, an energy policy that we could all get behind. >> i would grade him well on the standpoint that he is making it very clear that he intends to and wants to pass a carbon reduction piece of legislation, and i would actually urge the administration to think about just doing that, put these caps out there. >> in my house we do progress reports. we don't do midterm grades and so what i'd say is he's made great progress. >> a, b, c? >> i think he's -- i think it all depends on the final and the final is whether or not we get climate legislation out of the senate. >> well, he's hired some good people, but he's being too cautious. you know if you're trying to save an eco system you can't compromise. there's a right way to do something, there's a wrong way, and cutting the baby in half often doesn't solve the problem. >> so you can hear some them want more action on the party of administration. you also heard, chuck, some those business leaders talking about capping emissions and if
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you think back to last summer the house passed a just that. it has since stalled in the senate. however, we're expecting a new senate version of that bill that would include those coops emissions to be unveiled next week. a lot of questions about whether or not it will pass the full congress and get to the president's desk. >> not the original cap and trade. what about the green jobs? >> we rely on the business leaders to create the jobs, businesses large and small. what we have now is $80 billion in clean energy investment from the recovery act. the administration said it will create 700,000 jobs by 2012. the problem is, some of those are temporary jobs. a lot of them are in the future and these industries are still new and up and running now so there's not soon enough when you really look at it for the 15 million americans that are currently unemployed. but again the administration is saying we're putting a lot of money and muscle into it. we just got through health care. the president is pushing regulatory reform and the
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environment and getting a climate bill through congress doesn't seem like it is top in mind right now for the administration. >> thank you. an encouraging sign in the housing market. sales of existing homes surged in march followed by declined. that's due in part to first time home buyers rushing to qualify for a tax credit that expires at the end of ax sales up from last year. the median sales price remained about the same. $170,000. people heard paint cans come crashing down from 14 floors above. then they saw two painters hanging on for dear life to collapsed scaffolding. red wine. [ female anew hioothpaste removes up to 80% surface stains in just two weeks. feer ] new crest 3doo
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a burning offshore oil rig has now sunk in the gulf of mexico. it is actually still burning. fire crews had been desperately pumping water on to the platform hoping to put out the fire. it was an explosion that rocked that rig back on tuesday night. it had been leaking crude oil at a rate of 8,000 barrels a day. that's more than 300,000 gallons. this i-report video captures the fury of this fire as it consumed that oil rig yesterday. michael roberts, who captains ships for a marine transportation company, recorded this. >> when daylight came and you were able to see everything clearly, what did it look like to you? >> bad. it was real bad.
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it was real bad. one of the reasons why i took some of the photos. from what we saw, it was the worst thing i've ever seen in 13 years. it was the worst thing. i've never seen anything like that. >> 94 workers actually escaped unharmed. they made it back to shore. they've been reunited with their families. 17 people were hurt when that thing exploded. four in critical condition and 11 are missing. officials say they may have been in the area of the explosion and were just unable to evacuate in time. phoenix police shot and killed a suspect in a fiery home invasion today. officers say two people broke into this home at about 9:00 a.m. local time. when officers got there, the suspects apparently set the house on fire. then two people walked out. giving the appearance that somebody was holding the other person hostage. police say they shot and killed
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the one acting like the hostage taker. officers took the other man into custody, that is, when they were trying to figure out if he was the victim or a suspect. officials are unsure if someone else, possibly another suspect was still inside. the homeowner is actually an elderly woman. firefighters worked to keep the flames from reaching other homes. the house is a total loss. a nearby high school had been on lockdown. updating you on a story we've been following, a missing wife and mother ran off with another man to miami to start a new life. investigators in miami beach found them last night after getting information from police in xena, ohio. police say this convenience store video shows her with tray hutchison and was key to cracking this home. they say they told them they were romantically involved and this morning her husband spoke to reporters. >> she may have made some
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mistakes, but everyone does and i can't blame her for any of them. she is a person like everyone else, you know, getting through life and it's not always easy. >> her husband says he doesn't know the man found with his wife but the most important thing, he says, is that she clearly is safe. happening right now in phoenix, arizona. students are in the streets. you can see they are protesting and their focus is the controversial immigration bill that passed the state senate earlier this week. now the governor must decide to either sign it or veto it. the bill would require immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times. it also requires police to question people if there is reason to suspect they're in the
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u.s. illegally. president obama is making the case to crack down on banks and wall street. he is speaking. he warned regulators that they were not doing enough to keep wall street in line. today he called on bankers to join them and rewrite the rules at the financial services industry. he is test days of high risk gambling on complicated and obscure projects must come to an end. >> these markets operated in the shadows of our economy. invisible to regulators, invisible to the public. so reckless practices were rampant, risks accrued until they threatened our entire financial system. that's why these reforms are designed to respect the legitimate activity buzz prevent reckless risk taking. >> he says wall street mucht accept the lessons of the 2008 let-down so we don't doom ourselves to repeat it.
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the closing bell rang a few minutes ago. what does wall street think about what the president has had to say? poppy is here to fill us. in certainly they were paying attention. >> certainly. you'd better believe it. a lot of bank ceos, top leaders, including the leader of goldman sachs. the market not reacting much. look at the closing numbers. all the major averages closing in the black, just up slightly. you saw a major sell-off at the beginning of the day in early trading. major worries, continued worries about the debt crisis but then we got some better than expected number in terms of existing home sales. that helped confidence and we saw jobless claims down. again, yes, all eyes were on the president and was he going to attack the banks and attack wall street and he didn't really. the white house said he didn't need to. he wanted to send a clear message. it was really to main street and
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the president feeling, it seems, like he has the support he might need to get that regulatory reform through congress. so you didn't see big a sell-off. >> let's talk about the recession. some experts think it is over. let's home so but what are you hearing? >> our talk-back, has your recession end think? it doesn't matter what the experts say if you're still feeling like it. a lot of comments coming in. the first one, someone wrote in and said for me it hasn't ended. i am still unemployed and cannot find anything. most of the colleagues i was laid off with of not found anything either. until i'm back to work, the recession will never be over. another person said, after being laid off and temping for 18 months, i now have a full-time job. that's good news. and health insurance again. for me it's time to spend. as you can see rick from minnesota, good news for him and our other reader from ohio, not great news there. so resessions for some are over.
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for others, not so much. >> it's all about what's happening in your own home. thank you. the nfl is side lining him for six weeks because of his conduct off the football field. now there is a call for ben roethlisberger's other employers, the corporation who's pay him to endorse their products. a call for them to bench him as well. [ female announcer ] breathe right asks... [ woman ] could i ask you to strip on the street?
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they work fast. so i can get relief from the pollen that used to make me sneeze, my eyes water. with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i get allergy relief at liquid speed. that's the fast, powerful relief of zyrtec®, now in a liquid gel. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. it works on my worst symptoms so i'm ready by the time we get to the first hole. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. an alabama woman, a mom is going to spend 97 days in jail because her son skipped school. a judge sentenced teresa to the same number of days her eighth grade son has missed class during the school year. i said 97. think about that. the school board said she was warned repeatedly about her son missing school, and kids are
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only allowed five unexcuse think absences a year. under alabama law, if a kid does not go to school go, their legal guardian can be put in jail. we've been asking for your views on this story. how do you feel about this story? do you think it is right or wrong? start with an e-mail from gary. he said i think that mom should go to jail for her son missing so much school. the problem didn't just pop up over night. it is about time parents are made to be responsible for their children. right now he is her problem and in a few more years, he will be our problem. sharon is calling from alabama. she knows firsthand about this particular state law. sharon, are you surprised that a judge actually followed through and did this? >> caller: i'm not surprised and i don't know the particulars of this case but i am disappointed and concerned. i have personal experience with the possibility that a school system or a school board could misuse this power and i wanted to share that. because our son who was a freshman in high school was sick
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for over 30 days, and even though we had medical reasons for this, we got hauled into court. and i really am concerned about the possible abuses or misunderstanding of school boards on this issue. >> when you say hauled into court. once you went to court and you were able to explain the situation, did that remedy the haqq of communication? >> we didn't get punished or anything. the judge recommended we sue the school district because the school district was ignoring. in my case i think they were using this to kind of harass me. >> or could it have been if a child is missing that much school, somebody has to answer for that. could that just have been the other side of it? >> well, we had already answered for it by giving doctors' notes and excuses. my child was hospitalize washington, d.c. ized with pneumonia. >> what do you think?
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>> caller: i think jail time is just extreme. i don't know about this family or their situation. when i was younger, there was not anything that my mother could do to get me to go to school. i mean, i skipped a lot and if my mother was sent to jail for my truancy, it would have put a huge strain on my family and would have negatively affected my younger siblings. i can't see that being worth it at all. not to punish the entire family. if there are other children in the home. >> okay. let me ask you this. why weren't you going to school? >> i think, i mean, i think that i was, it was partly depression and being a teen, kind of the transition between middle school or junior high to high school. i don't think i handled it well. and then once i started skipping when i finally decided like i needed to go back to school, when i went to class i was so overwhelmed and so far behind that it just kind of started a
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vicious cycle. >> okay. >> a lot of people have expressed some of the same concerns that you have, that making a woman to go prison, go to jail for 97 days could leads to other family problems. but can you also understand that someone has to answer for this child missing 97 days in some way. >> i agree, definitely. but i think that maybe something needs to be done to the child. some kind counseling or something. >> thank you for calling and sharing your experience. linda and james made some comments to the hln that views cam. >> i would like to talk to you about the mother serving, regarding her son. i think that the, i think the son should pay for skipping school because therefore, the child needs to learn responsibility for skipping school. i'm a teacher and the child needs to learn responsibility. >> i think the mother definitely ought to serve the time in all-.
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i think parental responsibility for keeping your children in school is very important. >> thank you for sharing your views on this. we appreciate it. take charge of your career. if you've been out of work for a few months and you do find a job, you are probably thrilled. good for you. but starting any new job is going to be hard and it is even harder after a long layoff. here's how to make a successful reentry back into the work force. the "wall street journal" says, one, read up about your industry. have your boss describe your job very specifically so you can get as ready as possible. then a few days before your first day, go to a test run. see how long it will take to you shower, to really get there. whether that's finding your way
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0 to 60? or 60 to 0? [ tires screech ] how a car performs in a quarter-mile? [ engine revs ] or a quarter-century?
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is performance about the joy of driving? or the importance... of surviving. to us, performance is not about doing one thing well. it is about doing everything well. because in the end... everything matters. performance without compromise. that is what drives us. ben roethlisberger will lose more than a quarter of his nfl salary next season. that's a lot of money. he is suspended for six games without pay because of his conduct off the field. but new york times columnist timothy egan points out roethlisberger is still collecting paycheck for endorsements, particularly from nike. this is what he wrofl if he didn't have a pair of super bowl rings and $102 million contract to entertain us on sundays, most
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people would see him for what he is. a thug with a predatory sense of entitlement. he went on to write. but nike, the shoe maker to the world, the biggest brand in the endorsement game, is standing by roethlisberger. at least for the moment. just as they continue to back tiger woods after his serial infidelities. a spokesperson for mike says roethlisberger remains on the roster of athletes. the company is declining any further comment. lawmakers in belgium are considering banning the face coverings warn by observant muslim women. it would be the first european country to outlaw the burqas that cover the women from head to toe. they said they are concerned about protecting women's rights. critics said it is intolerant. they said few women wear them now and a ban would actually prompt thousands to start wearing them. last night's episode of soeth "south park" included a
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story line about the prophet muhammad. it was tend of a two parter. the first episode showed him disguised in a bear costume. in response to that, someone on the new york based website warned, the creators matt stone and trey parker they will probably wind up like theo vangogh. vangogh was killed in 2004 after making a film about the role of women in the muslim faith. and last night's episode, muhammad was covered by a black box that read, "censored." we're just hearing from the creators of "south park." this is what they said. in the 14 years we've been doing south park, we have never done a show that we couldn't stand behind. we delivered our version of the show to comedy central and they made a determination to alter the episode. it wasn't some meta joke on our part. comedy central added the bleeps.
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in fact kyle's customary was about fear. distant mention muhammad at all about it got bleeped too. we'll be back next week and we'll see whamz with it. a missing ohio mom is not missing anymore. she was found safe and sound and wait until you hear the details we'll be talking to jane velez-mitchell next. [ tires screech, glass shatters ] [ dennis ] weren't expecting that? well how about this... drivers who switched from geico to allstate saved an average of $473 a year. [ operator judy ] see how much you could save. call oclick today for a free quote or to find an allstate agent.
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oh! just come snuggle with mama. [ male announcer ] missing something? like 2 pairs of bifocals for $149.99 at sears optical, with progressive lenses for just $25 more per pair. hurry in to sears optical today and don't miss a thing.
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a burning offshore oil rig has now sunk in the gulf of mexico. unbelievable pictures. officials say it has the potential to cause a major spill as well. fire crews had been desperately pumping water on to that platform, hoping to put out the fire. it was an explosion that rocked that rig tuesday night. it had been leaking crude oil at the wrought of 8,000 barrels a day. more than 300,000 gallons. this i-report video captures the fury of the fire as it consumed that oil rig yesterday. michael roberts hoorgs captain as ship for a marine transportation company has recorded this. >> reporter: when daylight came and you were able to see everything clearly, what did it look like to you?
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>> bad. bad. it was real bad. one of the reasons why i took some of the photos. from what we saw, it was the worst thing i've ever seen in 13 years. the worst thing. never seen anything like that. >> you can tell how much it affected him as well. 94 workers who escaped unharmed are back ashore reunited with their families. 17 people were hurt when that rig exploded. four of them critically. 11 though are still missing. officials say they may have been in the area of the explosion and just were not able to evacuate in time. happening now in phoenix, arizona. students right there in the streets protesting. what is this ball? it's that immigration bill that passed the state senate earlier this week. the governor, jan brewer, must decide whether to sign off on it or veto it. it would require immigrants to carry their alien registration
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documents at all times and it requires police to question people if there is reason to suspect they're in the u.s. illegally. pittsburgh steelers quarterback ben roethlisberger will lose more than a quarter of his nfl salary next season. that is a huge chunk. change. he is suspended for six games without pay because of his off the field conduct. but new york times columnist timothy egan points out, roethlisberger is still checking endorsements, particularly from nike. and he is taking them to task. if this guy at any time have a pair of super bowl rings and a $102 million contract to entertain us on sundays, most people would see him for what he is. a thug with a predatory sense of entitlement. that's not all. this is what else he wrofl but nike, the shoe maker to the world, the biggest brand in the endorsement game, is standing by roethlisberger, at least for the moment.
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just as they continue to back tiger woods after his serial infidelities. a spokesperson for nike says roethlisberger remains on the company's roster of athletes. no further comment beyond that. that's all they said. mike galanos is here to talk about this. your first initial reaction to some of what egan wrote. he really didn't pull any punches. no, he at any time. he is right on the money. let's playing it clear, that's been nike's policy. they wait until somebody gets convicted of a crime, i.e., michael vick with the dog fighting. when you talk about ben roethlisberger and all the accusations, what we do know and what commissioner roger goodell really set in on, it wasn't about the alleged harassment. it was about the underage drinking. that he is feeding shot to underage kids who were probably
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highly intoxicated. he being drunk himself, putting everybody at risk in this situation. on that alone, you could go after ben roethlisberger. then you throw in three separate allegations of sexual harassment. you have a civil case. a woman claiming rape in lake tahoe. he denies the allegations but it is there. and you have two incidents in georgia. the 20-year-old, those charges dropped but we know all the details and another woman claiming sexual harassment. so my question to mike, what do you have to do to drop him? >> it sounds like what you're saying is that nike should almost have a similar code of conduct that the nfl does. that it doesn't necessarily have to be about a crime for us to be rid of you. that we have a sense of responsibility to people the same way that the league does. is that what you're saying? >> that's what i would believe. >> i believe it is a privilege if i'm part of the nike organization. i would think it is a privilege for to you endorse my products. it is a privilege for you to have your name on our products and we have this relationship.
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ben roethlisberger still talks about being a role model. still may believe. don't do what ben did. we may be able to learn something from that. he is not like a big name. let's be clear here. it is not like he's their major endorser but he helps their marauder football cleats. the question with nike, what do you stand for? i think should you dump him. >> some people say it's just shoes. right. >> and clearly it is not to you. >> what does the company stand for? nike is huge, they're big, they will do what they want and people are still buying their stuff. you look at tiger woods. they stuck by him. i wonder about that as well. but sales of the golf equipment haven't changed. >> they do not have a history of cutting people loose. they do not except for michael vick. that's another discussion. >> prime news eastern we'll continue that. >> continuing with the day's news. phoenix police shot and killed a suspect. in a fiery home invasion today, this started as a home invasion. they say at least two people
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broke into the home this morning. officers say they were investigating calls of suspicious activity when the suspects apparently set the house on fire. then two people walked out, giving the appearance of someone holding a hostage will so police say they shot and killed the one, acting like the hostage taker. they stay other person, a juvenile was actually a suspect. officers arrested him. the homeowner was not home when all this was happening. police are looking into whether a third person was involved. who could be crazy enough to jump more than 800 feet from a building on the vegas strip? probably more people than you might think. and they're paying a lot of money to do it. the amazing new ride for vegas thrill seekers. [ sn
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[ sneezing ]♪ a reounas when you need it most. lifa when youave an ak?an at rsteeanteryss youing ic lowi kn
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a plus size women's clothing label lane bryant is getting angry. or regular size, which is what i like to call them. clalz a new ad is being rejected or shuffled off to a later time slot. "showbiz tonight's" brooke anderson is in hollywood. the networks and lane bryant have two totally different perspectives on the same ad. and this is a pretty intense battle. it is very intriguing. >> it certainly is. it is the same ad they're looking at and it is only a 25-second ad that's causing this much controversy. everybody is peeved at one another. lane bryant is slamming zpox abc for rejecting their new lingerie ad or shifting it to a later time period. because lane bryant thinks the net go works have a bias against curvier women. the networks are saying simply
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that they feel the ad, as it was originally made, is just too racy for family hour. so why don't you take a look and let me know what you think. >> mom always said, beauty is skin deep. a smile is the best make-up. and it is what's underneath that counts. somehow, i don't think this is what mom had in mind. introducing, exclusively at lane bryant. so sexy, so not what mom would wear. nobody fits you like the new lane bryant. >> richelle? do you want to get a quick commented? >> come on! are they serious? >> yeah. it's really tame compared to a lot of things i have seen on prime time television. and listen to what fox told "showbiz tonight" about this. lane bryant submitted a lingerie ad with the hope we would air it
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during the 8:00 p.m. broadcast of "american idol." we suggested they make some changes and they refuse to think ed yilt the ad. we agreed to air it during the 9:00 p.m. broadcast of "american idol." fox pointed out, they have asked victoria's secret to edit their ads in the past, and they have complied. and that they aired those ads in the 9:00 p.m. hour as well. abc got a little bit snippy in their response. here it is. their statements are not true. the ad was accepted. lane bryant was treated absolutely no differently than in eye advertiser for the same product. we were willing to accommodate them but they chose to seek publicity instead. lane bryant notback down. they are convinced this is an obvious double standard. >> all right. and where all the cool fights happen nowadays is in the blogs. so that's where lane bryant has gone. >> of course. yes, lane bryant is striking out on their blog.
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it is called inside curve. they're saying we knew the ads were sexy but not they're not salacious and they kind of go on a little bit of a tirade writing these are the same networks that have scantily clad house wives so desperate, they seduce every man on the block. and they say don't forget bart simpson who has shown us the moon more often than nassau, all during what they call prime time. richelle, yeah, the ad seems pretty pg when i look at it, to be honest with you. the shots are so quick, you don't see much cleavage, to be honest. one quick direct shot of that but it seems pretty tame compared to a lot of the things we do see during family hour, even "dancing with the stars." they're dressed in their underwear, it seems like. i know that's ballroom dancing and tv programming has different standards than advertising but they should be held accountable. >> this is great advertising for this new line of lingerie.
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that's for sure. >> in the end, this is probably going to be really great for lane bryant because of all the attention they are getting because of this. we'll have more on this story today on "showbiz tonight." plus size lingerie ad outrage. we are now live, 5:00 p.m. eastern, 2:00 p.m. pacific. we are also at 11:00 p.m. eastern and pacific right here on hln. >> that you are. thank you very much. speaking of provocative, south park creators were defiant in the case of an apparent death threat. that was yesterday. why last night's comedy central episode has some people wondering if they caved. >> all right. by we got them, tom.
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president obama makes the case for cracking down on banks in wall street's backyard. the president returned to keeper union college in new york. he spoke there a couple years ago as a presidential candidate. and warned regulators weren't doing enough to keep wall street in line. today he called on them to rewrite the rules of the financial industry. he said the rules on complicated and obscure products must come to an end. >> these markets operated in the shadows of our economy. unvisible to regulators, invisible to the public. so reckless practices were rampant. risks accrued until they threatened our entire financial system. that's why these reforms are designed to prevent reckless risk taking. >> he said wall street must accept the lessons of the 2008 melt down so we don't doom ourselves to repeat it. his exact words. last night's episode of
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south park included a story line about the prophet muhammad that was pretty heavily censored. it was tend of a two parter. the first episode showed muhammad disguised in a bear costume. in response to that, someone on the new york based website warned south park creators, matt stone and trey parker, warned they could be killed. in last night's episode, muhammad was covered by a black box that warned, censored. the dialogue was also censored but we don't know what it referenced and we're now hearing from parker and stone. this is what the statement says. in the 14 years we have been doing south park, we have never done a show that we couldn't stand behind. we delivered our version of the show to comedy central, and they made a determination to alter the episode. it wasn't some meta joke on our part. comedy center added the bleeps. in fact kyle's customary final speech was about intimidation and fear. it didn't mention muhammad at all but it got bleeped, too.
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updating you on a story we've been following. the missing wife and mother ran off with another man to miami to start a new life. clearly she was not missing at all. investigators in miami beach found them last night after getting information from police in ohio. police say this convenience store video shows tehan with tray hutchison. they said they were romantically involved. this morning her family spoke to reporters in ohio. her husband said he doesn't know the man found with his wife, but the most important thing is that she is safe. not everyone is shocked by allegations that a new york crime family used a woman to run an underage prostitution ring. this woman, suzanne, is charged with sex trafficking a minor in question, the notorious game beano family. she said she advertised the interstate sex operation on the internet. it says at least one of the
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girls involved was as young as 15. a former new york police commander tells our sister network campbell brown, the mob now is nothing like crime machines of the past. >> first you have to understand, you're not exactly dealing with the faculty at harvard here. you're dealing with people who are low lives and they've become their own best customers. the times reported the fist 70 indication of the mob as it used to be, or in the old days or back in the day. these guys today are their own best customers. they're using the products they sell. i.e., cocaine, crack, heroin and the like. >> 13 of the 14 defendants have pleaded not guilty. authorities are still looking for one. ten months after the sudden death of michael jackson, his kids are recovering well. the sister said prince and paris and blanket are thriving and healing emotionally. after losing their father.
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jackson says, the kids went through a very difficult time in the days and weeks she told the "today show" family has helped them recover. >> they are with family members, insulated, you might say with a lot of cousins and i think helping them to be stable and to some extent to take their mind off the pressure of all that. >> she said there may be prosecution surprises in store when dr. conrad murray goes on trial for her brother's death. she did not elaborate. the trial is expected to begin this summer. today is take our daughters and sons to work day. the first lady is hosting an event at the white house for the kids of people who work there. organizers say the day teaches children the value of an education and shows them it is possible to balance work and family. several school atd min strarts across thehe country don't like
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having it in april because of standardized testing. a spokesperson for the event says having it during the school year means students can go back and share what they've learned in class. people heard paint cans come crashing down from 14 floors up and saw two painters hanging on for dear life to a collapsed scaffolding. you see it right there. there was no quick way to save them. visine®-a iclinically pro e sy moop visine®-a.
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[ female announcer ] it's red lobster's festival of shrimp... a chance to get everyone together for a night where everyone gets just what they want. combine two or three favorites, from new creations like crab-stuffed shrimp and pecan-crusted shrimp to classics like decadent shrimp scampi. it's everything you want in a night out. starting at just $11.99, during the festival of shrimp. a man can only try... and try...and try. [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great
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and can help lower cholesterol. >> whether you won the olympic gold, play professional football or even owned your own team, those reaping the award of tonight's celebrity gala are the stars of the show. welcome to the red carpet at the sixth annual aspire gala, a tribute to life's coaches. >> when you hear some of the testimony of the kids that have gone through our programs, some of the executive directors of the clubs that we've dealt with, these are the guys on ground zero. we recognize these people and attached ourselves with them and they atax them sells with us. >> hal and bill wanted to do something special when their father died. by creating this foundation, it allows us to take the legacy of cal senior to the next level and share his live's says sons with kids that need guidance.
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>> a lot live in circumstances where they don't think about the future. they think of the world that they're in which is not pleasant in cases much they're changed after they come to these camps and think about the future in a positive way, which shows you you're making headway. >> we matchup kids with cops. ninety-seven% of the relationships has improved. the teachers and mentors say these kids are undergoing short-term planning for the first time in their life. we're changing behaviors and that's the first step in changing their lives. when you change their life, you change the community. >> each year the young people have an opportunity to go to the cames. from a public housing community torks go to a camp to meet with billy and cal, it's very, very special. >> baseball and life may look simple involving a bat and a
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ball, but there's more to it, just ask cal. >> many times we communicate in the language of baseball, we're really communicate anything the language of life. with live lesson's, there's things you can learn in team work, individual responsibility. baseball is a cool sport because it blends them both well. >> the earlier you start, the better. i think with cal and billy and the foundation, i think they're doing a tremendous job getting youngsters involved in baseball at a early age. >> life is being apart of a team. sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, and i think we learn more by losing and being a citizen and a good part of the team. when you win it, builds self-esteem and takes you to the next level. >> when a team is not doing well, it correlates in life in dealing with the ups and downs, and trying to do things you can best each day. you have to learn how to lose,
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but winning is a great gift. >> for the cal ripken senior foundation, partnerships have been the key to success. >> i'm thrilled to put my name on this agreement that will signify that the u.s. mar chal service will partner with the ripken foundation to change and affect the lives of hundreds and thousands of kids. >> we're honoring four magnificent people. first jackie. she with her own hands and energy invest in the boys and girls club in st. louis. >> joe ripken will receive an award. there's art, everything he has done speaks for himself. >> to be a guest here treasuress and very excited about football and baseball emerging tonight. >> i'm proud of our game, i'm proud of the leagu i'm proud of what we've done, and also proud of my baseball friends who
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have done so much. >> i don't think there's a better venue in america to help boys become men and girls become women than through sports. coaches are influential to young people. it becomes a responsibility to help them grow and mature in a positive way. >> have a great coach that was in my life. i think with the cal ripken senior foundation is working with young people, teaching them life says sons, and being a valuable as set in the community. >> want to hear from police officers and teachers, we know we're making a difference. >> to learn how to get involved, check out to. learn more about your community, check out on demand and click get local. for comcast on the red carpet, i'm elaina ruse sew.
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