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tv   Nancy Grace  HLN  April 25, 2010 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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breaking news, live, ohio. a young church mom of a 1-year-old baby girl vanishes while shopping. then grainy surveillance video emerges of mommy with a mystery man. cops i.d. as a person of interest. the mystery man? treb. hutcherson. then in a surprise twist we learn it's not the first time mommy's spotted with the mystery married man. his wife revealing thousands now gone from the family bank account. bombshell tonight, after a
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massive four-day search, her baby girl left without a mom, volunteers, family, friends, church members all on hold. the trail leads cops straight to mommy, and the married man a thousand miles away at an oceanfront hotel, miami, south beach. mommy telling cops she wants to start a new life. with thousands in police resources, hundreds of man-hours wasted, will there be charges against runaway mommy? and what about the baby she abandoned for a married man in miami beach? >> tiffany has been found safely in miami, florida. >> now, after days of tension and frantic searching, missing church mom tiffany tehan has been found. >> she may have made mistakes but everyone does.
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>> tiffany and person of interest trey hutcherson stopped in a vehicle in miami beach, florida, where tiffany drops a bomb on cops, allegedly telling them she left ohio voluntarily and intended to start a new life. but why? >> a woman claiming to be tre hutcherson's wife told us, quote, he's taken off with this girl, obviously together. he's caused no harm to her and they're together because they want to be. >> how could a beloved member of the church ministry, a pastor's daughter, simply leave her 1-year-old baby behind? >> i can't blame her for any of it. >> will tiffany face criminal charges? cops say if tehan had picked up the phone just once a lot of pain and wasted resources could have been avoided. >> i just don't see her leaving the 1-year-old little girl behind. >> i don't understand that. that's totally not anything in tiffany's character at all. it's not something she traditionally would be doing.
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and we don't really understand why. and breaking news tonight. satsuma, florida, a 5-year-old tucked into bed. five hours later, she's gone. daddy comes home from the nightshift to find not a trace of little haleigh. the last person to see her alive, new stepmother misty croslin. goes on to flunk four polygraphs. haleigh's father ronald cummings and stepmother croslin both booked. drug trafficking. suddenly, search teams, cadaver dog, scuba divers, helicopters, all combing the st. johns river. croslin rousted out of jail taken in handcuffs down to the dock, motioning out to a specific spot for police. cops announcing 5-year-old haleigh likely dead. evidence including two cinderblocks pulled from the muddy waters of the st. johns. as the search for little haleigh's entire body and the murder weapon goes on, breaking tonight -- with pressure mounting, haleigh's family split
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down the middle on what happened the night haleigh vanishes. exclusive tonight, haleigh's great-grandmother and misty croslin's grandmother take sides and they join us live. this as reports possible murder weapons recovered, including cinderblocks and rope, but still no sign of haleigh's body, at least no sign that police will confirm. i didn't do anything with that little girl. >> i didn't do it. >> i had nothing to do with none of that crap. >> those three grandkids of mine is involved in this and i don't know why. >> they're treating our family like crap. >> she's involved. >> she was the last one to see our daughter. >> how could you let my daughter get stole -- >> she says nanny, tommy and joe took a rope -- >> that's something that's hard to hear.
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>> -- tied it around her. >> i heard so many lies. >> they tied brickle blocks to her and -- >> i do not believe anything. -- dropped her into the st. johns river. >> why do they all believe it? >> i just want to know where she's at. >> where is -- >> haleigh. >> -- haleigh? >> my little girl. >> a murder weapon. >> the cops said there was a whole bunch of bricks. i never seen any bricks. >> we've seen her arrogant. >> i'm serious, oh, my god. >> we've seen her emotionless. >> what do you do for a living, ma'am? >> nothing. >> we've seen her strung out. >> i'm like hell, no. >> we've seen her nasty. >> get me out first. worry about me first. >> and now she may be softening up in terms of breaking and really telling us what really happened. >> i said are you telling the police, too? she said yes, i am. good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. bombshell tonight.
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after a massive four-day search that spans the country, her baby girl left with no mother, a young church mom and the married mystery man apprehended by cops a thousand miles away. will there be charges against the runaway mom? and will she get the baby back? the baby she abandoned for miami beach and a married man? >> it's been our hope and goal throughout this whole thing to make sure that we bring tiffany back safely. and we have succeeded. >> breaking news, missing church mom tiffany tehan has been found safe in miami beach, florida. cops say tehan was pulled over with person of interest tre hutcherson, the two willingly together. >> she's a person like everyone else. >> cops say tiffany told them she left ohio voluntarily with the intent of starting a new life. the couple reportedly staying together at a $39-a-night hotel in miami.
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>> getting through life is not always easy. >> just how did the couple end up 1,000 miles away from friends and family? >> a woman that claims to be tre hutcherson's wife told us, quote, i know he would go to circle k and i'm sure he was talk to her and she's with him because she wants to be. she's not been hurt. they've run off together. >> law enforcement are not ruling out charges against tiffany tehan. saying they spent over 200 hours of police overtime on the case. >> does that cause you any anger at all? >> no. >> straight out to clark goldband, our producer on the story. mommy turns up over 1,000 miles away with a mystery married man, saying she wanted to start a new life? >> in south beach, miami, no less, nancy. over 1,000 miles away from ohio where she vanished. and law enforcement there in south beach, nancy, saying that they made statements indicating
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they were romantically involved together, and mommy apparently saying she wanted to start a new life. >> you know what, thank you, clark, but i think we can all determine they were romantically involved together. straight out to katie wright. reporter with the "hillsborough time gazette," joining us from the zenith police department. katie, thank you for being with us. what more can you tell us? >> right now, we know tiffany tehan and tre hutcherson were located last night on the 79th street causeway in miami. we are told they were located by miami police acting on a tip out of the xenia police department here. police say they interviewed both tiffany and tre separately, just to make sure that tiffany was, indeed, acting voluntarily when she went to florida with this man. they confirmed that she is not in any danger and currently
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they are not in custody and no charges have been filed. >> back to you, clark goldband. explain to me how they were an apprehend hended, what vehicle they were in. because mommy's vehicle was found with a flat tire, with the keys in the ignition. the doors locked, as if it had been abandoned. clearly, giving the appearance that there had been foul play. >> also, nancy, the person of interest car, that '99 red volkswagon was also located by law enforcement. so the big question was, how did they get down there? here's what we know, according to reports, a 2002 gray chrysler sebring was found there. now, what's interesting is that apparently this person of interest traded in that volkswagen friday. one day before they had vanished. and he told the car dealer, according to press reports, he needed to get away and needed a car that was more reliable. >> he certainly wasn't making that a secret. to captain scott anger with the xenia police department joining us out of ohio.
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captain, thank you for being with us. right now, are any charges being considered against the runaway mom? hold on, i'm not hearing captain anger. i'll get back to him when you can correct his satellite, rosie. back to you, clark. i want to find out, do we know of current charges pending? >> no, nancy, we have not. but law enforcement said they have spent over 200 hours of overtime investigating this case, not to mention the thousands of dollars paying that overtime. and the fbi also involved, this spanning coast-to-coast. >> out to the lines to judith in michigan. hi, jooud judith. >> caller: hi, nancy, good to talk with you. >> likewise. >> caller: what i want to know is, i have a comment and a question. my comment is, i have three children, which i could never, ever leave, because i love them dearly. i also have a grandson i have raised since he was 3 days old. and my daughter was a daughter that just -- just because you have a child come out of your
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body doesn't make you a parent. that's why there are so many adopted parents beautifully raising their children. my question is, why -- what i'm thinking of, this woman could have probably gone through postpartum, the baby's young, maybe she wanted to start a new life, get away. men do it all the time and it's no big deal when a dad takes off, but when a mom takes off, they say, oh, how could they leave their kid? i'm saying just because a baby comes out of your body doesn't make you a parent. why would charges be filed against this woman? men do it all the time. >> judith, men do it all the time. believe me, here on this show, we don't act like it's nothing when men dump their families and disappear. let's unleash the lawyers and answer the questions. joining us tonight, felony prosecutor atlanta, eleanor odom. also with us, defense attorney, new york, richard hermann. with us also out of atlanta, defense attorney, peter odom.
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first of all, eleanor, it's not against the law to just leave, to just say, hey, i'm going to get the bread, bye, and never come back. that is not a felony, it's not even a misdemeanor. think about this, eleanor, did she intentionally allow it to be set up to look like she had met with foul play? launching a massive, nationwide search, thousands and thousands of dollars, thousands of man-hours by the police, all wasted? if she intentionally misled police, doesn't that give it a different interpretation? >> it certainly does, nancy. not only does that give it a different interpretation, but something else i'm concerned about is abandonment of that child. perhaps there's a charge there because she completely left her own child. stiff joint sufferers have discovered elations, clinically proven to improve joint comfort in as little as
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such as bleeding, may worsen. [ woman ] mom's diagnosis was hard to hear, but there's something i can do. [ female announcer ] visit for free caregiving resources. police now say a missing ohio wife and mother, tiffany tehan wasn't missing at all. >> tiffany has been found safely in miami, florida. >> wife and mother tiffany tehan ran off with another man to miami to start a new life. >> how did tiffany tehan and tre hutcherson avoid cops? >> this convenience store video shows tehan with tre hutcherson. >> hutcherson traded in his '99 red volkswagon beetle for a 2002 chrysler sebring one day before tiffany vanished. >> she and hutcherson were ro maptically involved. >> cops say they put an alert
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out on the 2002 chrysler sebring which was tracked down in miami beach, florida. >> it's been our goal to make sure we bring tiffany back safely, and we have succeeded with that. >> we did have one question, though, are you going to work this out? is she coming home? and you know, the family right now said -- >> she may have made some mistakes, but everyone does. >> we are taking your calls live. i want to go to clark goldband. i want to get this straight, exactly where was the missing mom? >> nancy, she was in miami beach, florida, which is in south florida, 1,100 miles away from the hometown where she went missing. >> i already know miami beach, i know that, where in miami beach? the international inn under bay? tell me. >> yes, nancy, she was at that motel. we did some research -- >> what is that? >> it's $39 a night at that motel and she was stopped about
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a few hundred feet away on the international causeway that was leading back to that hotel. >> to dr. bethany marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "deal breakers." the caller, judith from michigan was right, it's not a crime to leave your family, walk out and never come back. do i approve? no. but it's not a crime. when you intentionally leave a scenario, set up as if you've been kidnapped, a flat tire, keys in the ignition, you ignore voicemail, you don't check your phone, you turn off your cell. how can you miss the news coverage? it's on every major network, every dotcom there is. where's the missing mom of one? we've devoted several nights to it trying to find this woman. i mean, how can that not be intentional, bethany? give me your best shot. go ahead, throw postpartum at me. >> it's not postpartum.
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someone who's depressed would never have the energy to run away. let's not forget the reason she gave for leaving. she wanted a new life. this is why women kill their babies. this woman should never be allowed alone with this baby again. she seems to fit like a borderline narcissistic personality profile, where there's initial clinging to new love or attachment figures, and that's all they want to do is gravitate toward the people they experience as admiring them, she probably gave no thought to her church, her minister father, her husband, her 1-year-old baby, so she thought in a pathological way that they would just -- >> bethany, bethany, bethany, let's boil it down. >> okay. >> i don't care about all the grown-ups. they can deal with it, but the baby. >> sure. >> the baby's a different thing. don't start up with me like judith in michigan did about
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postpartum. she's tired. she wants a new life. every mother, especially who has to hold down a full-time job and raise children, you know, daddy's great, bethany, but the reality is, in our society, it's on mommy. the kid's sick, it's on mommy to take care of the child. if there's a problem, it's on mommy. mommy has to fix it, that kind of goes with the package. most of the women on the panel tonight are mommies, we get it. but walking out on the baby is not an option. and then...i water too little... too much... or i just forget. but look. this is doing fine. why? it's planted in miracle-gro moisture control potting mix. it holds 33% more water... than ordinary potting soil, releasing it as plants need it, not when i get around to it. and there's miracle-gro plant food mixed in. so you get miracle-gro results... i like that. [ female announcer ] new and improved miracle-gro moisture control potting mix.
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there's nothing to break me of. i don't know where she is. >> bottom line you don't know where haleigh is? >> bottom line. >> spotted the river on the tv. >> they set me up. >> this is something you should have said a long time ago. >> i was freaking out. i was like, man, they got me. >> she said, but nanny, i was scared. >> today is a very bad day for me. >> they brought the family members to the sheriff's office. >> it's now officially a
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homicide case. >> the search for haleigh's body and the murder weapon -- >> they need to start making funeral arrangements. >> tomorrow's going to be a bad day for me, too, okay? >> what scenario do you believe unfolded? >> exactly what misty told me. about the rope and the cinderblocks and her dropping her in the st. johns river. >> what do you think happened to her that night? >> chances are she's dead and that may be so, but statistics have also been proven wrong. >> do you think she could have anything to do with this? >> i don't know where she is. i'm not hiding anything. me being in jail has nothing to do with haleigh. >> yes, ma'am. >> they're doing everything they can to push her hot buttons. >> i'm serious, i was like oh, my god. >> they hope to shock her into some sort of revelation. >> it was crazy. >> or some sort of piece of information they can compare to what she said before. >> when i went to sleep, she was there and when i woke up, she was gone. >> that will bring it one step closer to a conclusion and an arrest. >> she does not deserve this. >> the family split down the middle about what happened the night 5-year-old haleigh went missing.
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they join us tonight. first to jean casarez from tru's "in session." jean, what's the latest? >> you know, the latest is, law enforcement is now saying any bones at the river's edge were not human, they were animal. but in the same breath, nancy, they're not refuting the local claims that cinderblocks were taken out of that river and rope taken from tommy's home. >> and the other thing is this, marlaina schiavo, even if they do not have any of haleigh's bones, what if they've got pajamas? what if they've got her shoe? what if they've got her barrette she wore to bed at night? lucy always tries to wear a barrette to bed at night. what if they've got that? what about that? are police denying that, too, marlaina schiavo? >> police will not tell us what they have. but we know what they do have is
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enough to call this a homicide investigation, nancy. it's enough to talk to ronald and crystal and tell them that they have to start making some sort of arrangements to get a death certificate or to maybe start planning a funeral and start thinking about that. so even though they're not being specific, we know they have something significant that they are working on. >> joining us right now, two very special guests. out of nashville, tennessee, flora hollars, this is misty and tommy croslin's grandmother. they called her from behind bars and gave their accounts of what happened the night haleigh apparently was murdered. also with us, annette sykes, joining us exclusively. this is haleigh's great-grandmother. she was there at the home just hours before haleigh disappeared. first to you, ms. sykes what did you observe in the home that evening? >> i stopped by about 7:30 to drop off some laundry i had done.
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i always did the children's laundry just because it's something i've always done. the children were on the front porch with misty. they were eating supper. and when we drove up, haleigh jumped out of her chair and come running up and gave me a hug. junior came out and gave me a hug and i gave them a kiss. misty walked out. she helped carry some of the clothes into the house and got the children's shirts on and they got back up to eat supper. i gave them a kiss, told them good-bye and i got back in the car and left. >> so all along, ms. sykes, misty croslin told us that evening she spent doing laundry, doing the kids' laundry. so that's not true? you did the laundry? >> she did hers and ronald's and the household laundry. i did the children's clothes because i didn't like them to
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have stains or anything on them. i'm real -- i just always did their laundry, the children's laundry. they did the adults in the household laundry. >> and at that time, ms. sykes, ronald cummings was already at work? >> yes. absolutely. >> so he's out of the picture. ms. sy kerks s, i know by now you are aware that ms. hollars, misty croslin's grandmother, she's one of the ones that called police and ended up mounting the search of the st. johns river. really believes that ronald cummings, your grandson, is partially at fault. what's your response? >> i heard what she said on your show about ronald being responsible because he left the children with her and she was all strung out. but i was there and she was not strung out. i mean, she was walking and
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talking just -- i mean, i talked to her. like i said, she helped me carry the laundry in. she had fixed supper for the children. they were eating. >> i have a question for you. why didn't theresa take those kids home with her when misty offered to pay for her to take them home? >> i was not aware that she did. >> she most certainly did. >> hold on just a moment. ms. hollars, where are you getting that information? >> i got that information from every one of them in florida. all my kids down there knew that. >> so that came from misty croslin? >> it came from misty and her mama, and it also -- >> whoa, whoa, stop. who was there when she asked ms. nevis to take the children? >> that i don't know. >> well, what other people may tell you that weren't there really doesn't account for anything. but ms. hollars, i want to go back over your assertion about what misty told you, what tommy croslin told you from behind
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bars. ms. hollars, now i understand that you believe there's a scenario in which little haleigh was molested before she was murdered. >> i feel like that. >> why? >> i just don't know but that's what i think. >> isn't it true that there has been a scenario put out there, and it had to come from behind bars, that misty croslin heard the child in the next room screaming? >> yes. >> where did that come from? >> so did little junior hear the couch bouncing. >> and my question is where did that story come from? >> it came from misty. >> what did she say? >> that she heard haleigh in there crying. >> and who was in the room with haleigh? >> i'm going to say joe or tommy, one. >> or both? >> or both.
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>> and what, if anything, did misty croslin do to take care of haleigh? >> according to what she told me when all this was going on, she had already been threatened by joe, and she grabbed junior and got into bed and they covered up their heads completely. and when she took the covers off of her head, haleigh was gone. >> to ms. sykes, annette sykes, this is haleigh cummings' great-grandmother. that's the first time i have heard that scenario over the airwaves. what is your response? she would stay there with a sheet over her head while a child screamed in the next room. >> that's the first time i've ever heard that. i've never heard that before. i was not aware of that. i have not ever heard that story before. i really don't know.
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i don't see how anybody could do that, if it's true. i don't know. i have never heard that story before. i've heard so many stories, we all have. you never know what to believe anymore. my thing is that they're going to have to prove to me anything that they tell me. if they want me to believe it, they're going to have to prove it. >> miss sykes, what do you think of them searching -- the police searching the st. johns river? >> well, evidently they had some tip, somebody called them, and they were down there searching. and i went down there early that morning and didn't -- you know, they wouldn't tell me anything. i knew what they were searching. i knew they were looking for something participating to haleigh, but i didn't really know what. >> i was the one that called you and told you that. >> yes, she did.
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ms. hollars called and told me, she certainly did, that she had called down and told them what tommy had told her. teresa and i went over to that area and walked around all afternoon and looked in the woods over there, but of course we didn't find anything and the next morning -- >> everyone, we are going to a break, and we're taking your calls live. a special thank you to our facebook crime fighters, kansas friend, candice, pregnant with twins. virginia friend, yvonne, a legal secretary, and ohio friend nora, who checks in every night on facebook. facebook friends, thank you. everybody, submit your photos at and then click on facebook.
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(announcer) its unique foot mapping technology identifies the areas you t the most pressure on. then recommends the custom fit orthotic that's best for your feet. for customized comfort all day long. for locations, see what scenario do you believe unfolded? what do you think happened that night? >> [ bleep ] can you let my daughter get stolen -- >> exactly what misty told me. about the rope and the cinderblocks and her -- >> we are taking your calls live. right now, calling in from cape cod is timmy croslin's wife, chelsea croslin, who was living near satsuma the night little
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haleigh went missing. chelsea croslin, thank you for calling. >> yes. hi. nancy? >> hi, dear. thank you for calling. where were you that night, chelsea? >> i was at my home the night that haleigh went missing. >> chelsea, what do you make of all the scenarios -- chelsea, you need to cut your television off. if you can. or down. >> yes. i went upstairs. i'm sorry. >> thank you, dear, back to chelsea croslin, this is timmy croslin's wife. she's calling from the cape cod area, living in satsuma the night haleigh went missing. chelsea croslin, what do you make of tommy croslin and misty croslin, really their jailhouse confessions they gave to their grandmother? >> for one, i don't believe they gave their grandmother jailhouse confessions at all. i think if they did it would be on tape. i believe the arrests would have already been made. our family, everybody has been
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told, you know, not us, but tommy, misty, joe has all been taken in for their interrogations. i don't believe that anything flo hollars i think is a complete lie. i don't see misty sitting there and listening to her baby cry, not biological baby, but we loved that child as much as i loved my own. she would have never let that happen. she would have not sat there and done that. >> but chelsea croslin, why would ms. hollars make up a lie about her own flesh and blood? >> ms. hollars has not been around our family for the last seven years that i have been with the croslins. i have met flo hollars, maybe two times. she's not involved in our family. so i don't know why she would want to hurt and implicate three of her grandchildren. it's just very sad she would do that. >> ms. hollars, what's your response to that? >> my response to that is why did she tell me the road to tell them to go look at?
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>> repeat? >> well, nanny, you were the one that said, where do you want searched in i said 309. not specifically a dock. i said 309, because i got a letter from misty stating that joe might have had -- or joe was the involving party. so from there, i called the detective, jason jollicer, the head detective on the case. >> and so did i. and so did i. >> he did not follow-up with it. from there i asked leonard padilla. leonard padilla, will you help me with the search? i don't have money, myself. and my goal in life is to find haleigh. that's all that matters to us. >> wait, wait, wait. back to chelsea croslin, what did you tell police where they should search? >> i told them that joe, when he was staying in satsuma with us, i lived in crescent city, a little bit farther, but it's all in the same area, he stayed at tommy's house for a few days until him and ronald had that falling out regarding the gun he had stolen which was recovered. from there, he went and stayed
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at another house. there was a car accident and he was airlifted off to gainesville. >> so are you saying that you believe joe overstreet is involved in haleigh's disappearance? >> i do believe joe overstreet is involved in the disappearance. i don't know if joe is the one that actually did do the harm and killed her, or whatever this horrible news that's out there. >> but wait a minute, chelsea, there's only three choices, overstreet, misty croslin or tommy croslin. >> there's not just three stories, nancy. i believe, you know, there's many more things to it. what happens if haleigh overdosed because there was loose pills laying around in that house? and i don't care what anybody says because i know for a fact there was. >> hold on, hold on. hold on just a moment. hold on. out to the lawyers, richard herman, you've got the whole family basically giving a scenario that implicates their own three family members. >> it's incredible, nancy.
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the caller is right. these are jailhouse phone calls. they've been recorded. law enforcement has listened to them. >> so? i already know that. >> right. they would have acted months ago. they wouldn't act now immediately off miss hollars' phone call. does she have y contracts with tabloids or newspapers? >> no. >> that's what i want to know. >> good try, richard. >> just ask her. >> miss hollars, do you have a contract or a deal with any newspaper, radio or tv? have you made any money off this story? >> i have not made a penny off this story. i have told exactly what those two kids has told me, and if none of them down there don't like it they can kiss where the sun don't shine. >> okay. we'll cut out on that. very quickly, peter odom? >> well, nancy, if all this is made up, why does it police appear to be finding things in the river? >> and eleanor? >> i hate to agree with a defense attorney, but, yes, there's an air of truth to it, and it's being corroborated.
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>> very quickly to dr. michael bell, palm beach county chief medical examiner. weigh in on whether you would expect to find haleigh's remains if they had been thrown in the river? >> well, that's a good question. quite frankly, if they don't find them i wouldn't be surprised. i think depends on how far they want to search. but certainly they may find bones. first thing that i was told was that joe had killed her. >> wjxt is reporting that two cinderblocks had been pulled during that massive search in the st. john's river. >> without a body, the case against haleigh's killer may have to be built entirely on circumstantial evidence.
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