tv HLN News HLN May 5, 2010 12:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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he was a very private person. kept to himself. liked to come out at night. wear all black. go jogging. when all the surface disappears, it's going to hurt the fishing. when there's no fishing, obviously, people aren't going to pay to go fishing. this will keep us from having to search these houses again. we'll mark them. we'll know they're clear and we won't have to come back and waste resources. see there that they've just pulled the female and they've got her up on the shore. >> i don't think sex addiction is an issue.
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i think it's a moral issue. welcome to news and views. we're talking to homeland security officials today who are changing the no-fly list policy to prevent a repeat of what happened in the case of the times square bomb suspect. faisal shahzad boarded a plane on monday, even though he'd been added to the no-fly list just that afternoon. chuck roberts is keeping an eye on these developments. you are bringing us up to speed. it's so much more indicative of what a close call. >> he was on the list for four hours. four hours. they've changed that. in fact, a lot has changed in the last day. from now on, airlines will have to check that within two hours of being notified. they have to keep refreshing it. previously they had only updates every 24 hours. last night new york congressman charlie rangel talked to larry king about why that change needed to be made. >> whatever went wrong, i hope they get their acts together and correct it.
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we learn every day, and the good thing about this is that nobody was hurt in either case. but that's the question and someone ought to come up with the answer and see that it doesn't happen again. >> homeland security official says airlines could be fined if they don't comply with the new tough policy. we have also learned today that shahzad seemed to know securities were closing in. sources say when he was removed from that emirates air flight he said to the law enforcement official, i was expecting you. are you nypd or fbi? shahzad is now in federal custody. intelligence officials said his father-in-law and friend were detained for questioning in pakistan yesterday. in karachi, officials say more people were taken into custody today. they wouldn't say how many or who they were. investigators do want to know if shahzad acted alone, obviously, or as part of a larger plot and what training he might have had. court documents show shahzad had a prepaid cell phone activated april 16th, deactivated april
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28th. the documents also reveal he'd recently received a dozen calls from pakistan, including five on the day he bought the nissan pathfinder, the one that was bought in connecticut, later found at times square filled with explosive material. those phone calls stopped three days before the failed bombing. shahzad is charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, acts of terrorism, transcending national boundaries and three other counts in connection with the saturday incident. christi, back to you. >> chuck, thank you. now we want to get to, can you imagine, some of the passengers who were on board the dubai-bound emirates flight with shahzad? they are talking. they say they had to go through another round of security screening at jfk after the plane was brought back to the terminal. the plane did take off for dubai. passengers arriving there said initially they had no idea what was going on. >> they were very discreet. we didn't even know when they came on. the captain announced that a
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passenger had been removed. we did not know who that passenger was. again, until we read the cnn teletype. that's how we discovered who it was. >> the dubai-based emirates airline says two passengers were questioned but they were released and allowed to travel on that flight. does the fact -- this is what we want to ask you. does the fact shahzad was able to board that plane and was only caught minutes before his flight took off expose gaps in the system do you think, or are you confident that the no-fly system works as is? call us at 1-877-tell-hln or e-mail us at you can text us, too. views, your comment and name to or go to our facebook pages. find me at christi paul hln. i'd love to hear from you. you can go to twitter, too. follow us at and give us your views. this is what it's all about. >> well, 19 people died from the recent flash flooding across tennessee. nine of those deaths were in
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nashville. and the city itself has really been devastated by the weekend rains. the country music hall of fame has closed. and fortunately the water is primarily confined to a mechanical room. and the fame grand ole opry has had to move some performances due to flooding. a lot of country music stars call nashville home. keith urban spoke to cnn about the devastating floods that have hit his adopted hometown. >> community sprlt has never been more evident than it is now. i notice all the radio stations down here are playing virtually no music. it's all pledge drives happening right now. >> interesting. >> i know the red cross and other facilities are maxed out. but there's so many people offering, you know, their own support to take people in and clothe them and that sort of thing. so everybody is doing their little bit. i'm quite sure there's going to be, you know, benefit concerts and what not to help people as well. certainly financially helping my wife and i are. >> of course, his wife is actress nicole kidman. the good news is the national weather service says the water
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level in nashville has dropped about three feet since sunday. several aid organizations are working to assist victims of the flooding in tennessee because it's not just nashville. it's surrounding areas as well. a lot of folks suffering here. to find out how you can help go to you'll find a list of agencies that are providing aid there. thank you for doing that. we now know over corey haim died of natural causes. an autopsy report reveals he had traces of antidepressants and marijuana in his system but it was pneumonia that caused his death. the former child star died in march after a well-documented battle with drug addiction. coroners also said he had an enlarged heart and badly clogged arteries, which were also factors in his death apparently. addiction of any kind no laughing matter. still a lot of us have a hard time believing that sex addiction is a real disease. a lot of celebrities have gone to rehab to treat the problem, as of late. so that's why our joe carter hit the streets and asked, can you really believe or can you really
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be, i guess, addicted to sex? >> i'm joe carter. this is hln's views from the street. men caught cheating claim sex addiction. do you think this is a real problem or just an excuse? this video here is of some celebrities that have been in the news recently. jesse james. sandra bullock's husband. tiger woods. >> right. >> and then david duchovny the actor. david duchovny and jesse james have both admitted to checking themselves in to sex addiction rehab. tiger woods allegedly did. begs the question, is sex addiction a problem? >> i don't think sex addiction is. i think marital morales are an issue. >> i think it's a real problem that guys can struggle with. i think there's temptation like all around us in the world. i think it's great they've checked into rehab. >> i really feel like it's more of an excuse than addiction because addiction is more something that you can't help. i think you can help it. >> i can see that being a problem for people. kind of like alcohol or anything else. something that kind of takes over your life. >> i mean, i think there's a sex
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addiction problem, but i really feel that these guys are just dishonest in their relationships. >> cover-up basically. >> why can't you be single and have sex addiction. why do you have to be married and cheat on somebody? >> do you think these so-called sex addicts can be rehabilitated? >> yeah, i think if they sort of see like the affects it's taking and the -- that they can get pleasure out of other things in life, i think they can definitely be cured. >> it would be hard to -- >> what you can do to change someone's mind-set about how much sex does it pay to have and with who. >> i think they could get it worked out if they underwent serious treatment. >> i believe there's no such thing as being a sex addict. so i would say no. >> sex is not new. sex addiction excuse is new. >> i am joe carter. i'll see you on the street. >> thank you, joe. going to see him next time. all righty. it's only going to -- it only took ten minutes for
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firefighters to pull three people from the edge of this dam. oh, my goodness. was this intense? you have to see this rescue. whe. i'd get this tightness in my chest. like i was breathing through a straw. so i went back to my doctor again. we talked about choices in controller medicines. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma. [ man ] while it's not a rescue inhaler, symbicort improves my lung function, starting within 15 minutes. it helps give me the control to... [ inhales, exhales ] symbicort is a combination of two medicines. it will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms and should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol may increase the chance of asthma-related death, so it is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on other asthma medicines. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. with symbicort, my lung function starts to improve within 15 minutes, helping me... all day. symbicort is a good choice to help control my asthma. [ inhales ] [ exhales ] ask your doctor if it's a good choice for you. i got my first prescription free.
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all right. we are getting word that the suspect in the killing of a female lacrosse player at the university of virginia is talking to police now. george huguely, a member of the men's lacrosse team facing first-degree murder charges in the death of yeardley love. jean casarez, a correspondent for "in session" on trutv joining us now from new york. i understand, and correct me if i'm wrong, that they had a relationship, these two. that it had just ended and huguely is now making some admissions to police. what is he admitting? >> it's amazing. normally legal documents such as search warrantasts, they are sealed or at least they remain closed for ten days. but they have been unsealed. we have them and we now know a little bit about what he told police on the early morning hours of just a couple of days ago. let's show everybody what theast
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for search warrant is saying. "george huguely admitted that on may 3rd, 2010, he was involved in an altercation with yeardley love and that during the course of the altercation, he shook love and her head repeatedly hit the wall. huguely admitted that he kicked his right foot through the door that leads to love's bedroom. they go on to say when authorities found yeardley love in her bedroom it says, quote, described finding yeardley love face down on her pillow in her bedroom. there was a pool of blood on her pillow. love had a large bruise on the right side of her face which appears to have been caused by blunt force trauma. love's right eye was swollen shut and there were bruises and scrapes to her chin. so much detail in these search warrantasts which give probable cause to search george huguely's apartment. that's what they were for. after his initial appearance in
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court, george huguely's lawyer actually made a statement on the courthouse steps. listen right now to francis lawrence. >> we are confident that miss love's death was not intended but an accident with a tragic outcome. in the meantime, george is withdrawing from the university of virginia and remains in the custody of the authorities. >> now what the attorney for george huguely is saying right there, he's admitting his client did it, but that it was an accident, which means it either is not first-degree murder because you can't intend to kill someone when it's an accident. so it's a lesser offense. or even no offense at all. but what's interesting is that when george huguely gave all these statements to police, he didn't have an attorney present. he was mirandized but kept talking. many times there are battles in court with that. as to whether it should come before the jury or not. she he was coerced in doing these things. it's interesting that his attorney would corner himself into a legal theory at this point when things could possibly
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change in the future. >> wow. no kidding. so we know what the attorney is saying. what are police saying? >> police are saying not as much as that. but we did hear last night on nancy grace's show the police chief of all of this, mr. longo spoke with nancy grace. take a listen to this. >> and the facts are horrific. they are shocking. they are incomprehensible. they are unthinkable. and to witness that and in particular, as a parent, to look at the body of a young girl, as you said, had so much to look forward to is just a terrible situation. >> yeardley love was a member of kappa alpha feta. i've been in correspondence with the head of the feta chapter. so many of them are seniors. they are trying to study for their finals and trying to graduate and having to deal with this tragedy that it's almost too much for any of them to cope with. >> you feel for all of them and her family. it's just hideous. thank you, jean. we appreciate it very much.
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want to show you something else here. some video that is not a movie, but it looks like it could be. here we go. you are watching firefighters. this is near atlanta. they are rescuing a woman dangling just inched from the edge of a dam. you see how they pulled her over there. she and two other hikers got trapped late yesterday at this rain-swollen creek. the rushing water was at least knee deep and led to a 30-foot drop as you see it there. now the two men were pulled to safety as well. but this dam is next to a popular recreation area. very, very delicate situation. but all is well fortunately. several police officers in california making their mark after helping a little boy whose bike was stolen from a church parking lot. yes, a church parking lot. 10-year-old elijah dicken says an older kid pushed him and took his bike last week. after filing a police report, some sacramento police officers decided to chip in for a brand new bike. >> a random act of kindness. >> so six police officers --
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>> six police officers -- >> out of their own pockets? >> yes. and they bought him this bike here. just out of their own pockets. you know icould never say enough. it was just -- i have never heard of such a thing. >> they do a lot of good stuff. and they should be known for that. and thank you. >> great illustration of how you never know how your actions could affect someone. he said he's now thinking of becoming a police officer when he grows up. >> the fda released this report about the recall of dozens of children's tylenol and mote rin products. the shocker they found inside the plant where this medicine was being made. welcome to progressive. nice calculator. i'm just trying to save money on my car insurance. you know, with progressive, you get the option
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we're just getting word from emergency management officials in alabama that two people suffered severe burns in an explosion at redstone arsenal. this is the facility in huntsville where the army develops weapons and conducts missile training. still not clear what caused the explosion, but one paramedic described the scene as horrific. we do know everyone has been accounted for in that building, though, thankfully. we'll keep our eye on that for you. you might want to think twice before tossing those credit card offers. that junk mail might have
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something you want. hln money expert clark howard explains. >> well, one of the unexpected aftermaths of the credit card reforms of the card act is that now people's mailboxes suddenly are starting to fill back up with credit card solicitations. not everybody's mailbox. let me tell you who is likely to get a lot of offers. if your credit score is higher than typical, which would be somewhere mid700s or higher, you're going to find it's like the good old days or maybe in your mind the bad old days. you'll see offer after offer after offer. but here's the difference with the offers that are showing up now. most of the ones geared towards people who are higher income with higher credit scores are going to have annual fees with big packages of perks. now, believe it or not, there are lots of situations where for somebody who charges a good volume, pays the balance in full, then it's a good idea for you to pay an annual fee and
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pick up all the rewards that could come with the card. i'm clark howard. for more tips on picking the best credit card for you, go to howard. >> get more terrific consumer advice from clark howard every saturday and sunday at noon and 4:00 p.m. eastern here on hln news and views. he'll help you save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. a high-speed police chase ends with a stunning discovery. why police were shocked to see who was behind the wheel. you know what? that was not the only surprise. boss: so word's gettin' out that geico can help people save in even more ways - on motorcycle insurance, rv, camper, boat insurance. nice work, everyone. exec: well, it's easy for him. he's a cute little lizard. gecko: ah, gecko, actually - exec: with all due respect, if i was tiny and green and had a british accent i'd have more folks paying attention to me too...
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i mean - (faux english accent) "save money! pip pip cheerio!" exec 2: british? i thought you were australian. gecko: well, it's funny you should ask. 'cause actually, i'm from - anncr: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [ male announcer ] visine®-a is clinically proven to relieve all your worst eye allergy symptoms. it goes right where you need it, relieving allergy eyes in minutes. visine®-a. the most complete allergy eye drop. 100% natural nuts and granola in bite sized clusters. it's a little bit of nature... a little bit better. and nature approves. granola nut clusters from nature valley.
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so good to have you company here. homeland security officials are changing the no-fly list policy to prevent a repeat of what happened in the case of the times square bomb suspect. faisal shahzad boarded a plane even though he'd been added to the no-fly list that afternoon. from now on, airlines have to check no-fly lists within two hours of being notified they'd been updated. previously they'd been required to check every 24 hours. last night new york congressman charles rangel talked to cnn's larry king about why they needed to make these changes. >> whatever went wrong, i hope they get their acts together and correct it.
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we learn every day and the good thing about this is that nobody was hurt in either case. but that's the question and someone ought to come up with the answer and see that it doesn't happen again. >> a homeland security official says airlines could be fined if they don't comply with this new policy. we also learned today that shahzad seemed to know investigators were closing in on him. sources tell our sister network cnn, when he was removed from that plane, shahzad said to the law enforcement official, "i was expecting you. are you nypd or fbi?" he is in federal custody now. intelligence officials say his father-in-law and a friend were detained. officials say more people were taken into custody today but wouldn't say how moan or who they were. investigators want to know if shahzad acted alone or as part of a larger plot perhaps. court documents show shahzad had a prepaid cell phone that was activated april 16th and deactivated april 28th.
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the documents also reveal he'd recently received a dozen calls from pakistan, including five the day he bought the nissan pathfinder that was later found in times square filled with explosive material. those phone calls stopped three days before the failed bombing. i want to go to beth karras now from "in session" on your sister network trutv who is following the latest in this case. all right. the phone calls stopped. i am still taken by this statement he made. your with nypd or fbi. he knew they were coming for him. >> not only is that surprising or maybe it's not so surprising. what's so surprising is he stayed in the area, in the new york or tri-state area for a couple of days since the failed bomb attempt. and he apparently was aware of the news reports. very widely reported locally, nationally, internationally when he learned that the authorities learned that the car, the pathfinder had been purchased in connecticut. he thought they may be on to him.
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and then the events unfolded of monday where he bought the one-way ticket with cash. he was placed on the no-fly zone also on that list for seven hours before he was discovered and about to take off. >> he was supposed to be in court yesterday. that did not happen. do we know what the hold-up is? >> he is talking to authorities and giving useful information. that's about all we know. but they had to bring him before a judge within 48 hours by law. unless he waived his presentment, it's called. and they do that routinely in this courthouse, defendant suspects do. so he is now waiving the 48-hour time apparently. he is giving them information. they continue to corroborate it apparently. it has led to some detentions and pakistan it appears as he gives information thad they take breaks, other officials will check out the lead and come back with more information to him and on and on goes the interrogation. when they are satisfied they've got enough from him and it's a reasonable time, then he'll go before a magistrate and it will be called a presentment on the
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charges help he'll enter a not guilty plea. he'll be held on bound and detained and held over for grand jury. it's not going to happen today. it could happen tomorrow or friday. >> it seems like he's been very forthcoming at the end of the day. how will that -- will that have any bearing, i guess, on the consequences for him in a courtroom? >> good question. and, yes, it probably will have some bearing because judges will take into consideration one's level of cooperation. say if he were to plead, doesn't sound like he's going to have much of a case to argue to a jury to find him not guilty or of something lesser. so assuming he takes a plea if indeed he's cooperating and giving useful information, a court would take that into consideration. now he's facing up to life with the charges we see right now. there could be more charges. but maybe a court will give him a term of years. >> thanks so much for walking us
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through it here. this ever-changing situation. we appreciate it. >> another situation we've really been watching heavily. floodwaters that are receding now in tennessee and people are getting a closer look at the devastati devastation. 19 people died in the recent flash flooding. nine of those deaths were right there in nashville. the country music hall of fame has closed. now fortunately the water we understand is primarily confined to a mechanical room. and authorities are still warning people don't drive on those flooded streets. you don't know how deep it is. the famed grand ole opry has had to move some performances. the national weather service says the water level in nashville has dropped about three feet since sunday. one of our ireporters in tennessee said leaving her house and getting to her daughter's graduation in memphis was no easy task. kimberly smith joins us on the phone. i am glad you are safe and able to talk to us. how are you? >> i'm fine now. >> good.
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good. i'm glad to hear it. we're looking at some of the pictures here that you were basically the image that you were seeing out your front windshield as i see it. describe what it was like trying to get through that. >> it was kind of terrifying to say the least. my daughter was trying to get to graduation and was nervous. she couldn't grab her cell so she asked me to attempt to drive. and we did. and i was just, you know, focused on getting her there. it was an important day for her. and so we just began getting on road after road trying to find the easiest way to get -- >> easiest route? >> yeah. i wanted to ask, some of the pictures we're seeing. did you travel through on those roads or did you turn around and go back and find another way? >> some of the roads we have to turn around. there was just no way the water was moving so fast. highway 51 where -- is the road that i live off of. actually was shut down to one
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lane. and we -- the police were there telling us you know, we had to roll down our window and they said move quickly. this lane has just opened for one -- one-way traffic. and so they would let us go southbound and then they would close it and then let the northbound route go. and we were also told -- i mean, just 30 minutes after we went through there, that route that they actually shut the roads down. >> they did. well, kimberly, i understand that you did get your daughter to graduation as we saw there for one last picture. congratulations to the both of you. good luck to her and her future professional endeavors. and thank you for sharing your time with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> glad you are all good and safe. thank you so much to kimberly smith for the pictures. when you have pictures or video from your part of the world go to and click on the upload now link. certainly plenty of adults have to watch their cholesterol. but it's an issue for some kids, too. and their young age may affect how they treat it.
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elizabeth cohen has more in our "health minute." >> reporter: cholesterol tests aren't just for adults. >> take a deep breath and blow. >> reporter: maddy is 10 and has already been tested three times because of a family history of heart disease. >> we are waiting for the results of your lab. >> reporter: pediatricians like dr. jennifer shoo recommend the blood test for certain youngsters ages 2 to 10. >> the children who would be the most concerning are those who are already overweight or obese or if they have a family history of early heart disease. >> reporter: if a child's cholesterol is high, what do you do about it? doctors point to lifestyle changes such as daily exercise and eating a healthy diet. as a last resort, a small percentage of children might be prescribed a cholesterol lowering drug called a staten. >> putting a child or even a teenager on a staten is a major step because that individual may then require statin therapy for the rest of their lives. >> reporter: something maddie doesn't have to worry about after getting some good news.
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have to check the no-fly list if the government send them an update or a change. the homeland security department changed the policy in an attempt to prevent what happened on monday. that's when the suspect in the attempted bombing of times square was allowed to board a plane headed for dubai, despite his name being on the no-fly list. previously airlines had 24 hours to update that list. his name just got on it that afternoon. so we want you to weigh in on this. do you thing no-fly system works or were gaps in the system exposed? a lot of responses on my facebook page. go to christi paul hln and get into the discussion we're having here today. here are a couple of comments. bob wrote to us saying the fact he was on the airplane exposes flaws in the system. faa personnel weren't the ones to pull him off the plane. it left -- if left to themselves, a known terror suspect would have been on a plane to dubai. and another facebook friend named bob says i think it does
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both, proving it works while exposing flaws at the same time. just think, they caught him, but then again, they almost didn't. we asked a few people in the cnn atri atrium. here's what noreen from palm beach, florida, had to say. maybe. do we have noreen? all righty. we're going to go to the phone here. give us a chance to find noreen. we know she's there somewhere. we have faith who is in endfield, connecticut. do you thing system worked? >> no, i don't. >> where do you think it failed? >> i think that it needs to be checked more often, i think. it's kind of scary that this gentleman made it on the plane, obviously showing that it doesn't work. maybe our computers need to be updated that when his name was
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registered in the computer it should have just popped up immediately. i don't know what type of lists these are that they are making that this information isn't popping up when these people are trying to purchase the tickets. >> does it make you feel better knowing that they have made that modification now? apparently they had to check the no-fly list every 24 hours. now they'll get a notification that it's changed and they have to check in t within two hours. does that make you feel better? >> a little bit, yes. i just hope that it works. i'd like to see it work. >> what are you -- do you still have concerns about? is it just the no-fly list or something else? >> maybe there needs to be fingerprinting for available -- maybe there needs to be more facial recognition, more security checks. things -- >> would you be willing for things to slow down for more security checks for something like this? >> definitely. to save the lives of americans,
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yes, i definitely think so, yeah. >> faith, thanks for calling. i want to have to vinton in charlotte, north carolina. what do you think? >> caller: hey. how are you doing? i think some of the same things faith had to say are accurate. i think the system is a good system, but i'm concerned that with today's technology, there is something that would allow that name to pop up instantly. and i think that there's no way that you should not have something like this in place with, you know, with all the terrorism that we're dealing with around the world. we have enough technology to make sure that this would never happen again. and i'm surprised that it's not already in place. >> okay. hey, vinton, thank you so much. good to hear from you as well. >> thank you. >> i want to go to a facebook comment from tim who wrote to us saying, though the system has flaws it still worked and caught this guy. can it be improved? of course. all safeguards need to morph into whatever is needed to keep the general public safe from
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these cowards. he took the oath and should have treason added to the list of charges. how many more of these guys are already here? like it's been said, you see something, say something. tim, obviously paying attention to the man being called a hero. the t-shirt vendor who reported this immediately. this smoking vehicle in times square. he said if you see something, say something. let me ask you. does the fact that shahzad was able to board this plane and was only caught literally minutes before his flight took off expose gaps in the system? or are you confident the no-fly system works? 1-877-tell-hln or e-mail us, or text us, views and comments to hlntv. we are on twitter, too. follow us at well, the fda just released this report about the recall of dozens of children's tylenol and motrin products. the shocker they found inside the plant where this medicine was being made.
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you guys ready? yup. yup. ♪ [ man ] blue one! recessed lighting. it's absolutely -- blue one! ♪ [ grunts ] blue one! [ children ] blue one! blue one! [ male announcer ] the routan. the only minivan with the soul of a volkswagen. can we do it again? [ boy ] yeah! sure. [ male announcer ] now with 0% apr for 60 months. it's a whole new volkswagen.
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emergency management officials in alabama say that two people suffered severe burns in an explosion at redstone arsenal. this facility in huntsville is where the army develops weapons and conducts missile training. it's not clear what caused the explosion. we know one paramedic described the scene as horrific. but everyone has been accounted for in that building, thank goodness. a rainbow sheen from that massive oil spill in the gulf of mexico is washing up on barrier islands now. that's expected to turn to gooey crude as early as tomorrow. oil officials now say the spill could reach as much as 2.5 million gallons a day if it's not tapped. here's a live picture for you of the barge that's hauling that huge concrete steel box you see there to the scene of the oil rig collapse. engineers are hoping to lower
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this thing over the gusher tomorrow and then siphon the oil through it. that's their plan. and, obviously, we're going to be keeping our ear to the ground on that one. the oil spill isone. the oil spill is really hurting people who make their living on the gulf though. fishing is banned in the affected areas for at least a week and people are canceling hotel room and boat charters. other people are going ahead with their plans, hoping things will be okay. >> i've fished a couple time and i never thought that would happen to this extent. this could be pretty bad. >> i'm trying not to be too upset about it. it's horrible and i'm trying to look at the beach and say there is the way it should be and this is the way it will be. >> charter boat fishermen want you to know three quarters of the gulf is still clean and open to fishing. we now know why dozens of cold medicines were recalled last week. products like tylenol, motrin
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and benadryl were contaminated with bacteria. inspectors cited 20 manufacturing problems. 20. at the pennsylvania plant where they're made and they stay plant did not investigate three dozen complaints in the last year about dark specks in tylenol products. now johnson and johnson says it won't resume production at the plant until those problems are remedied. the fda says you probably will not get sick from the medicine but it still recommends throwing it out. a lot of celebrities have claimed sex addiction is the reason for their bad behavior. not a lot of you are buying it. >> why can't you be single and have a sex addiction? why do you have to be married and cheat on somebody? >> the cover-up, basically. >> our very own joe carter hitting the streets to get your views on sex addiction.
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she was a private person. kept to herself. liked to come out at night. wear all black and go jogging. when all the surface disappears, it will hurt the fishing. when there's no fish, people won't pay to go fishing. >> this will keep us from having to search these houses again. we'll mark them and know they're clear and we won't have to come back and waste resources. they've just pulled the female and they have her up on the shore. i don't think sex addiction is a problem. i think marital morals are an
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issue. hi, everybody. we have a lot to talk about. thanks for choosing hln news and views. homeland security officials are changing the no fly list policy after the fact to prevent a repeat of what happened in the matter of that times square suspect, faisal shahzad did board a plane even though he was added to the no fly list four hours earlier. christi paul is bringing us up to speed. >> from now on, from this point on, basically, airlines will have to check no-fly lists within two hours of being notified that they've been updated. previously it was every 24 hours. last flight, new york congressman charles rangel talked about why this is so necessary. >> whatever went wrong, i hope they get their acts together and correct it. we learn every day, and the good thing about this is that nobody was hurt in either case. but that's the question and
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someone ought to come one the answer and see that it doesn't happen again. >> and you know, homeland security officials say airlines could be fined if they don't comply with this new policy. here's something else we learned today. shahzad seemed to know investigators were closing in on him. sources said when he was removed from the plane, he said to the law enforcement official. i was expecting you. are you nypd or fbi? his father-in-law and a friend were detained for questioning in pakistan yesterday. officials in karachi say more people were taken into custody today but they wouldn't say how many or who they were. investigators want to know, though, if he acted alone or obviously was part of a larger plot. court documents show shahzad had a prepaid cell phone that was activated april 16th, and deactivated april 28th. the documents reveal he recently received a dozen calls from pakistan including five the day he bought the nissan pathfinder.
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that was later found on times square, obviously, filled with explosive materials. those phone calls stopped three days before the failed bombing. he is charged with attempting to build a weapon of mass destruct. >> translator: transcending national borders and three other connections with attacks but we understand he is talking to authorities and more charges could be forthcoming. >> indeed. and more investigations in pakistan as well. thanks. does the fact he was able to board that flight and was only caught minutes before the flight took off expose any gaps in the system? or are you confident the no-fly system works? call us toll-free now. e-mail at don't forget facebook. chuck roberts hln is my page. 19 people died in the flash floods across middle tennessee. nine of the deaths were in nashville. music city has been devastated
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by the weekend rains. the country music hall of fame has closed, though fortunately the water inside is mostly confined to a mechanical room. and the famed grand old opry has had to move due to flooding. many call it home. keith urban spoke to our sister station about the floods that have hit his adopted home town. >> it has never been more evident than it is right now. i know all the radio stations down here are playing virtually no music. there are all pledge drives happening right now. and the red cross and the other facilities are maxed out. there are so many people offering their own support to take people in and clothe them and that sort of thing. so everybody is doing their little bit. i'm quite sure there will be benefit concerts and what not to help people as well. we're certainly financially helping, my wife and i. >> his wife, of course, being actress nicole kidman. the good news is that the water level has dropped about three
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feet in nashville since sunday. the cumberland is going back to where it should be in its banks. several aid groups are working to help. you can go to you'll get the whole list of agencies providing aid. one stop shopping. addiction of any kind is no laughing matter. still many of us have a hard time believing sex addiction is a real disease. lots of celebrities have gone to rehab to treat the problem. that's why joe carter hit the streets to find out can you really be addicted to sex? >> reporter: i'm joe carter and this is hln news from the street. men caught cheating claim sex addiction. do you think this is a real problem or just an excuse? this video here is of some celebrities recently in the news. jesse james, tiger woods, and then david duchovny, the actor. now david duchovny and jesse james have both admitted to
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putting themselves in a clinic. is sex addiction a problem? >> i don't think sex addiction is a problem. i think marital morals are an issue. >> i think there is temptation all around the world us in the world. >> i think it is more of an excuse than an addiction. because addiction is more something that you can't help. i think you can help this. >> i can see that being a problem for people? kind of like alcohol or anything else. something that kind. takes over your life. >> i think there is a sex addiction problem but i really feel these guys are just dishonest in their relationships. >> a cover-up basically. >> why can't you be single and have sex addiction? why do you have to be player you had and cheat on somebody? >> do you think these so-called sex addicts can be rehabilitated? >> yeah, i think if they sort of see like the effects that it is taking and that they can get pleasure out of other things in life, i think they could definitely be cured. >> it would be hard to think of what could you do to change someone's mindset about how much
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sex is okay to have and with whom. >> i think it could be worked out if they went under serious treatment. >> pinl there is no such thing as being a sex addict. so i would say no. >> sex is not new. sex addiction excuse is new. >> reporter: i'm joe carter. i'll see you on the street. >> there is a lot of wisdom on the street. thanks, joe. we can't wait to see what else he has for us. emergency management officials in alabama say two people suffered severe burns in an explosion at red stone arsenal. that facility is where the army develops weapons and conducts missile training. an alabama congressman said the explosion occurred as workers were removing a chemical from rockets. it isn't clear what happened. one paramedic called it horrific. everyone has been accounted for in the building. a tense situation got much worse in greece today. several people were killed after protests in athens turned violent. what happened and why these demonstrators are so upset.
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this is the ancient city of athens, greece today. street scenes. protests turned deadly. three people were killed after a bank was fire bombed, trapping them inside. as police tried to guard the burned out bank, rioters set cars ablaze. police used tear gas to try to disperse the crowds. workers walked off the jobs to protest tax hikes and jobs and services. greek lawmakers may vote tomorrow paving the way for a huge european bailout. travellers are facing more problems in ireland. especially over scotland and ireland for most of the day. the dublin airport has canceled flights through tomorrow morning and in england as well. so far the london airports are still operating. they do warn there could be
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cancellations throughout the summer. the oil spill throughout the gulf coast is really hurting people who make their living off the water. fishing is banned for at least a week and people are canceling hotel rooms and boat charters. but other people are going ahead with their plans, hoping things will be okay. >> our fishermen a couple times and i never thought this would happen to this success. it is pretty intense. >> i'm trying not to be too upset about it. it is horrible. i'm trying to focus on the positive and say this is the way it should be. >> a possible solution for the leak is on the way. it is a four-story high containment dome that will be lowered on to the seabed tomorrow. time for our true champion. today we highlight kenny bontz. he is believed to be the first above the knee amputee to compete with able body athletes in a state amateur golf championship. he lost his leg three years ago
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to bone cancer. he won his first match and moved on to the next round. today is cinco de mayo but that's not the reason the nba phoenix suns have changed the tale's name on their jerseys. they're in the playoffs, too. ya know, i'm really glad we finally decided to see where raisin bran crunch is made.
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yeah, this trip is way overdue. i just can't wait to see all those crunchy flakes in action. i hope i get a chance to put two scoops!™ of raisins in some boxes. you know what will really get us in the spirit? ♪ 99 boxes of raisin bran crunch ♪ ♪ if you're nice to me i'll share some with you ♪ ♪ you take one down ( and pass it around ) ♪ ♪ 98 boxes of raisin bran crunch ♪ three tasty ingredients, one great combination. ♪ raisin bran crunch! from kellogg!
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after a daring rescue caught on video in suburban atlanta in ross well, georgia, where firefighters had to pull out a woman dangling inches from the edge of a dam. the rushing water was at least knee deep. it led to a 30-foot drop. two men were that you told to safety as well. quite an operation. it is next to a popular recreation area. and the firefighter was in the thick of things yesterday, joining us by phone. great work yesterday. how did the call come in? was it 911? >> caller: it came in as people were trapped under the dam. >> how many rescue people took part? 20, 30? >> caller: i would say 30. >> do you train for this? >> caller: we sure do. i actually have my swift water training through the city of marietta fire department. we have a lot of calls there at the park so we're pretty familiar with that area. >> were you right by the edge? where were you? >> caller: i was right by the dam.
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if you're looking at the video, i was the gentleman throwing the rope. >> i see it. what did they attach to their body before you pulled them in? at the end of that rope? >> caller: there is a lifejacket is basically what it was that i threw to them. that was just something to keep them above the water, knock on wood, anything else failed. >> what was their issue? what were they doing in the water before the emergency? >> caller: to be honest with you, i have no idea how they got there. that's one thing i keep asking people. i'm not sure how they got there. i can tell you, the gentleman standing up was pretty good. the two people, the young lady and the man laying down, they were exhausted. you can visibly sheikh from the cold and they were ready to come out of the water. >> that's the chat hoochy, huh? >> caller: no, it comes in north of the river. is that dam a periodic problem? >> caller: yes, sir. that's our third time out there this year so far. >> and it's just the beginning
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of summer. dennis, one of roswell's best. a fire at an oil refinery and that's. looks like the top of the alamo dome but don't hold me to that. the picture is pointed in the direction of the fire. smoke is billowing in the air. has the plant that specializes in petroleum refining products. jet fuel and diesel among them. we don't know the cause of the explosion. we do know one person has been injured. several people may be burned as well. fire crews are on the scene. this is southwest military not far from downtown san antonio. not far from the alamo. we'll bring you more information as it comes in. police say details from the autopsy of yeardley love, the university of virginia senior will not be released until there is an official report from the medical examiner. the 22-year-old lacrosse player was found dead in her bedroom early monday. 22-year-old george huguely is
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charged with first-degree murder. also a senior lacrosse player, he told police he kicked in her bedroom door, shook her, and hit her head repeatedly against a wall. last night the police chief told nancy graces, he waved his right. >> chief, i know the crime scene must have been devastating to the police officers that worked it. this girl, i mean, she had so much to live for. a real star. not only on the lacrosse field, but amongst her friends and family. absolutely adored. what first led you to another lacrosse player? >> well, suffice it to say that investigators very quickly began looking at mr. huguely in this casing perhaps because of his relationship with miss love and what they began to gather from potential witnesses. they contacted him at his apartment. he voluntarily came to the
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police station and began a discussion with them. you've read from the search warrant affidavits that you have copies of, that at some point during the mirandized statement, he began to give statements and began to describe the situation in that apartment. the facts are horrific, they're shocking, they're incomprehensible. they're unthinkable. to witness that and particularly as a parent, to look at the body of a young girl as you said, had so much to look forward to is just a terrible situation. >> the athletic director for uva said both the men's and women's lacrosse teams will still participate in the ncaa tournament. the phoenix suns are changing their name against a flawed state law. they will change the name on their journey to los suns. the team has used the same jerseys before but only as a promotion. the suns owner made the decision to break them out on cinco de mayo as a way for the team and
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the organization to honor the did you havers at this in the nba. >> i have a lot of love for our latino fans. we have latino players on both teams. that's the group that seems targeted by this bill. and it's a shame. >> the nba players association release ad statement criticizing the immigration law and praising the suns for this jersey gesture. the law supporters have said they hope it will keep people from entering the country illegally. we now know why dozens of cold medicines were recalled last week. the infant and child formulas of products like tylenol, motrin and benadryl were contaminated with bacteria. inspectors cited 20 different problems at the plant where they're made like equipment covered with dust or held together with duct tape. johnson and johnson said it stopped production at the plant until the problem are fixed. the fda said you probably won't get sick from the medicine but it does recommend you throw it
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out. somebody just won $266 million. the single mega millions lottery ticket matched all six numbers. it was sold in california. 28 tickets had five winning number but not the mega number. they're worth a quarter million dollars. a high-speed chase in houston had a bit of a surprise ending. why officers were taken aback when they finally stopped the driver. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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[ male announcer ] from an early age, timothy richman understood that with knowledge, comes confidence. in junior high, while abroad, he explained how jellyfish stings can be neutralized with vinegar... l'aceto allevia il dolore. [ male announcer ] perfect italian. as an adult, timothy's knowledge of storm cells and tornadoes saved the newberry prep cheerleading squad. but when it came time to buy a new car, he was just as nervous as the rest of us. so timothy got his knowledge at, regained his confidence, and got the perfect car at the perfect price. you stood in the basement gathering dust while i, sneezing, itching eyes kept you from our favorite stream. the one that runs through a field where pollen floats through the air. but now, with the strength of 24-hour zyrtec® to relieve my worst allergy symptoms, indoors and outdoors...
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late word on a breaking story. it's getting a little bit worse, it looks like, in san antonio. an explosion and fire at an oil refinery south of downtown. you can see the black plume of smoke billowing into the air. somewhat thicker than they were a half-hour ago. a spokesman for the company said a truck exploded as it was placed on a loading rack. this refinery specializes in petted pet products, jet fuel and diesel among them. we don't know the cause of the explosion. no confirmation of anybody being hurt, although one affiliate does report nearby apartments were being readied for evacuation and roads within a mile radius. this is southeast military.
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in the process of being shut down. we'll bring you more information as it comes in. tennessee is getting a break from heavy storms that have left nashville homes, businesses and roads underwater. the death toll from flooding now stands at 19. nine of them in music city. that's where we find regina of nashville affiliate wsmv. >> reporter: we are right outside nashville to the west about three miles to the west on del ray drive. you can see this entire street is lined with debris. every home on this street was affected. keep in mind this is a small street in west nashville. tragically we heard a very sad story from 90 aeflt we're told two deaths were from this home. it was an elderly couple. the husband was in a wheelchair. the wife was not. when the rescuers came, the wife would not leave him themselves both passed away in this flooding. everywhere you see children's toys, you see furniture, damaged homes. one of the home we see is right here. this one here on del ray was
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actually up to the roof top with flooding and right now, we're going to join bobby joe davidson. we wanted to speak with you for just a second. i know your home is completely damaged. >> yes, we had water up to our roof line on sunday. i was in missouri to go get my wedding dress. we're getting married in four weeks. and i had gone back to missouri and i was planning on leaving sunday morning to come home for work. we're both teachers. and my fiancee who lives about a block up from here called me and said to turn around. i-24 was closed. my house had water up to my roof line. >> when you got back, what did you think? >> oh, my gosh. i had pictured devastation. i had pictured my belongings gone. but it's really unbelievable. i think it really hit me this morning. the last couple days. it's been like, okay, systematic go through the motions but all of a sudden today, it's been
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like -- this is really all of my things and it is no more. >> everything right here. this is your furniture here. you just moved in in august. >> all my furniture. they're making us create piles. wood, furniture, trash, electronics. all of our appliances got taken out yesterday. >> there are kids next door. families here who lost really everything. >> i moved here in september. so luckily it was just me and my things here so i had kind downsized from an part. the family next to me, they have three kids and they keep bringing stuff out. and it just breaks my heart that they brought their kids out yesterday and the kids are walking around the piles and it was like, this is going to be memories for them forever. unreal. >> thank you so much. i'm glad you're safe at least. >> thank you. r this is just one area of the entire west nashville area. we have other areas, bellevue, several cities. four counties getting federal aid from fema so a lot of damage. you see areas like this
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everywhere. i'm from this area and in some places, the landscape doesn't look like -- forever. the 500-year unprecedented flood. this is the scene here at del ray where dozens of volunteers are helping here and of course across middle tennessee where so many families and lives are changed. >> hard to believe. it was up to the roof top. amazing. it looks so calm now. thanks so much. great work. wsmv in nashville. we also have this report as well. i-reporter in nashville says it's been terrifying watching the water rise right up to the door in his backyard. wait until you see the video he sent us. ed pattersen. you called it lake pettersen, right? >>. >> caller: yeah. >> is the car destroyed? >> caller: yeah, it's gone. >> how high did it get, the top of your mailbox? >> caller: right to the top of the mailbox in the front yard
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which is about three and a half, four feet. the backyard, we still have 20 feet of water back there. >> this is richland creek. that's not supposed to get that high, is it? did the corps of engineers stop the dam? >> caller: what's interesting, when the day of the storm when it was raining, the water came up within seven inches of our front door. then around 3:00, 4:00 in the afternoon, they must have opened something up downstream and it went completely down 24 feet. it just disappeared. at some point that evening, they must have, because of the cumberland being so high, they must have blocked it up and the water came back even higher. >> you've seen fish and what else in the water? >> fish and otter. there is a family of ducks. little baby ducks that must have been born within the last week. it's a cornucopia of wildlife now. >> any snakes in the water? >> caller: yeah. i've seen a black king snake in
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the water but that's not a poisonous snake. they eat rats and mice and attack poisonous snakes. >> the video we're looking at is a day old. what does the water look like now? >> caller: it's not much down. it is not really outside our front door anymore. it has receded a few feet. but like i said, that lake you're looking at there, that still has about 20 feast water. you can walk around the house though now. there's not that water you're seeing anymore. >> i hope it gets better quick limpl ed pattersen along richland creek which isn't supposed to get that high. when you have pictures of breaking news from where you are, to go homeland security officials are changing the no fly list policy to prevent a repeat of what happened with the time square suspect. faisal shahzad board ad plane even though he had been added to the list that afternoon.
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from now on, airlines to have check the no fly list within two hours of being notified they've been updated. previously they had 24 hours to do that. last nature new york congressman charlie rangel talked to larry king about why that needed to be changed. >> whatever went wrong, i hope they get their act together and correct it. we learn every day, and the good thing about this, is that nobody was hurt in either case. but that's the question. and someone ought to come one the answer and see that it doesn't happen again. >> a homeland official said airlines could be fined if they don't comply. and we learned that shahzad seemed to know officials were closing in. sources said when he was removed from the 777, the plane, he said to law enforcement, i was expecting you. are you nypd or fbi? a rainbow sheen from that massive oil sheen in the gulf is washing up. that's expected to turn to gooey
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crude as soon as tomorrow. the spill could reach as much as $2.5 million gallons a day if it is not capped this shows the barng that is hauling that huge concrete and steel box, a dome as it is known, to the scene of the oil rig collapse. and they hope to lower the dome over the gusher tomorrow and then siphon it out through the sides of it. it is a risky operation. today is cinco de mayo. that's not entirely the reason the nba suns have changed their jerseys to read los suns why. they did that. [ male announcer ] fishing pole, it's been a while. you stood in the basement gathering dust while i, sneezing, itching eyes kept you from our favorite stream. the one that runs through a field where pollen floats through the air. but now, with the strength of 24-hour zyrtec® to relieve my worst allergy symptoms,
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indoors and outdoors... let's go before the fish stop biting. they won't wait for us. but that's okay. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. today, we battle wits with the trout. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. ♪ high arches. (announcer) people everywhere are discovering dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic center. backed by foot care scientists, its foot mapping technology identifies the areas you put pressure on then recommends the right orthotic. for locations see to the seekers of things which are one of a kind. the authentic, the rare, the hard to define. to those who'd climb mountains or sail across seas... for the perfect vanilla or honey from bees. to the lovers of orchards where simple is grown, who treat every bite as a world of its own. to those always searching for what's pure and what's real... from we who believe... we know just how you feel.
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that's how long airlines now to have check the no fly list to refresh their database. if the government sends any update or change. the homeland security department changed the policy to prevent what happened on monday when the suspect of the attempted bombing in times square was allowed to board a flight headed for dubai. in spite of his name being on the no fly list. previously the airlines had 24 hours. by love your views on this. does this worry you? does no fly system work okay or were gaps and posed? at of responses on facebook. you can jump in. here's a couple comments. valerie writes, i believe there will always be mistakes made in cases like this. the fact he was arrested only 53 hours after the attempted bombing in new york says a lot about our fantastic men and women working on the case. and dan says, i think the no fly list should update on its own. this was a real test we failed again. that airline company needs to be fined for human error on their
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end. we asked a few people in the cnn atrium today for their thoughts. >> i personally think that it did work, the system, and i believe that they probably just let this terrorist get on the plane so they would find out who else would be with him. and i think that we caught him. he didn't get to pakistan and i believe it did work. >> the system worked. let's take a phone call or two. mike is in helena, montana. you think it is obvious the system did not work as well as it should, right? >> caller: yes, i believe the system could be checked. why can you speak with somebody over the internet from washington on the west coast and see their picture if you're speaking to someone in florida within seconds over the internet. the tsa should have a better system than google or napster or anybody. i believe people are spending too much time trying to save their own agency, rather than to
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protect the american people. that's what it is all about. >> interesting point, mike. you're right. the technology is there. no doubt about that. jenny in palm springs, california. in the desert. how are you? >> caller: i'm good. how are you? >> what do you think? did the system work? >> caller: i think it is okay but it has a lot. gaps. as soon as we let our guard down, that's when we get struck with terrorism. i fly very frequently. when this first happened on 9/11, it was very, very hectic and you had to be there in 90 minutes in advance and you were there pretty much going through security for the whole 90 minutes. now it's very more nonchalant. they're trying to get travelers in and out and i think they're putting this on the back burner. i got stopped in security because i had a water bottle but they didn't get my eight-ounce can of mousse that i'm not allowed to bring in. it is getting better but there are hooft gaps. >> competing interests, too. the airline wants to get that
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flight off on time. if they don't, they pay a penalty. a lot of rebooking problems. >> and we pay the price with our lives. >> exactly. glad you got your mousse okay. does the fact shahzad was able to board that flight and only caught two minutes before the flight took off expose any gaps in the system? or hey, 53 hours from suv smoking in times square to the capture of the suspect. mabel the system works fine. call us, e-mail at we're also on twitter. ben roethlisberger escaped charges in a recent sexual assault investigation but a new "sports illustrated" sarl bound to stir up more controversy for the steelers quarterback. an editor will gunfire us some new roethlisberger revelations. . it goes right where you need it, relieving allergy eyes in minutes. visine®-a. the most complete allergy eye drop.
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before. fire officials say -- we lost the feed i'm sorry. two people are hurt. the spokesman says an 18-wheeler exploded as it was being put on a loading rack. 25 trucks, 25 pieces of equipment are there. it is a refinery that specializes in petroleum products, including jet fuel and diesel. live pictures again. a nearby apartment complex was being readied for evacuation. and everything around there. a one-mile radius being shut down. we'll bring you more information as it comes in from san antonio. the hangover. the title of this week's cover story in "sports illustrated." it is about ben roethlisberger and what he's been doing off the field. what is his behavior all about? where is the pattern here? joining us now, the mg editor for si. a lot of revelations. can you fill us in? >> first and foremost, this type of behavior, not necessarily of
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a sexual nature but just the way ben roethlisberger has been acting is not a surprise to a lot of people in the pittsburgh area. we found out, we had reporters in pittsburgh and reno, nevada, milledgeville where this incident took place, we've gotten that ben roethlisberger had a sense of entitlement. he acted like he's bigger than anybody else. he went around town saying, do you know who i am? i'm the star quarterback here. so his pattern of behavior that led to this latest incident is not necessarily a surprise to everybody, and pittsburgh fans who are extremely loyal to their steelers have worshipped ben since he was drafted out of ohio are really fed one this guy. >> was he vulgar? did he leave a bar without paying a tab? give me some details. >> yeah. he would go, he would literally go around every bar or restaurant in town and he would
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expect the absolute vip treatment. he would expect everybody to kiss his feet. he expected people to pay his tab. in one instance, he refused to pay a $5 cover charge. you would think someone who makes millions a year could pay a $5 cover charge but he thought that was beneath him. he really treated everybody around him like dirt. he had these body guards all around him that really shoed people away. refused to sign autographs. the very people that cheered for him and were there for him every single sunday, and were there for him in 2006, where he had a very serious car accident and nearly died, he really shunned they will in the face. >> what about the car accident? did it have any lasting effects medically? >> it is very interesting that you bring that up. we have an article on on which david ep.stein talks to a prominent neurologist who specializes in frontal lobe brain injuries. and the frontal lobe is the part
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in the brain that affects your judgment. and whether you know right from wrong and this neurologist said some people know when to keep m shut and when not to say something inappropriate, this part of the brain that may had been injured in this motorcycle accident where he, ben roethlisberger was not wearing a helmet, and hit his head several times and fractured a skull in addition to breaking a jaw and several teeth, could have affected his overall judgment. so it is quite possible he suffered some long-term damage. >> did you talk to him or the steelers' trainer or anybody else about this? did you get a reaction from the steelers? >> the steelers refused to comment you know at all about this. and the neurologist we talked to did not examine roethlisberger directly. he could not have commented, but he said in his experience and from the pattern of behavior that we uncovered it is quite possible that he suffered some sort of head injury that could affect his judgment and --
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>> and his friend's apologized for his behavior is that part of the story. >> yeah, it's really sad. they walk around town and some of his closest friends as roethlisberger would berate, waiters and waitresses and even the owner of certain establishments that he frequented, he would leave sometimes without paying a bill and they would clean up behind him and say look, i'm is i'm embarrassed for his behavior. >> assistant managing editor for "sports illustrated," the article is out right now, it will get a lot of attention i promise you, there it is "the hangover" cover "s.i." a high-speed chase in houston had a bit of a surprising ending. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@'re staying at this resort for free? how? welcomerewards from see when i accumulate 10 nights, i get one free. and...they let me choose where to use them. the loyalty program he signed us up for has all these restrictions, blackout dates, a crazy point system... and we couldn't stay here.
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we have an update for you on this explosion and fire at an oil refinery southeast of downtown san antonio. these are live pictures here as it's happening. fire officials say two people were hurt reason a spokesman for the company says an 18-wheeler was exploded as it was placed on a loading rack. now, there are 25 fire trucks on the scene here. this refinery apparently specialized in petroleum products, including jet fuel and diesel. so obviously, a very delicate situation there. according to local reports, a nearby apartment complex is being readied for evacuation and roads within a one-mile radius
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are in the process of being shutdown so we're working on getting a live report from the scene for you now, and we're going to keep our eyes on this one and get you all of the latest as it comes in. also talking today about the homeland security officials who are changing the new no-fly list policy to prevent a repeat of obviously what happened in the caves the times square bomb suspect faisal shahzad. he boarded a plane monday and although he'd been add to the no-fly list that afternoon. chuck roberts is keeping track of all the developments in this case. he's here to bring us up to speed. it's so marquizing, wasn't it, to think that there was a four-hour window he had that name on that list and he still got on that plane. >> yep and it was two minutes of getting away, exactly. for now on, though, airlines will have to check that no-fly list a lot more often, in fact, every two hours after being notified that it's been updated. previously they had only check every 24 hours. last night u.s. congressman charlie rangel who represents new york city, part of new york,
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talked to larry king about why that needed to be changed. >> whatever went wrong i hope they get their acts together and correct it. we learn every day. and the good thing about this is that nobody was hurt in either case but that's the question and someone ought to come up with the answer and see that it doesn't happen again. >> a homeland security official says airlines could be fined if they don't comply with the new policy, if they're late in complying. we also learned today that shahzad seemed to know that investigators were closing in on him. source tell our sister network, cnn that when he was removed from that emirates flight bound for dubai he said to enforcement -- "i was expecting you. are you nypd or fbi?" and now he's talking. his father-in-law and friend were detained yesterday in pakistan. officials in karachi say more people were taken into custody today, wouldn't say how many or who. investigators want to know if shahzad acted alone or part of a larger plot. did he get terror training or
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explosive's training? court documents show he had a prepale cell phone that was activated april 16th and then de-activated april 28th. the documents also revealed he'd also received a dozen calls from pakistan, including five on the day he bought the nissan pathfinder in connecticut, the one that was found in times square filled with explosives. those phone calls stopped three days before the failed bombing. shahzad is charged with attempting to use a weapons of mass destruction, acts of terrorism, transcending national boundaries and three other counts in connection with the saturday night incident. christi, we've got a lot pleasure to cover. >> yeah, we do. just think of the passengers, chuck, who were on board that flight right now and what they might be thinking. >> yep. >> on board of that dubai-bound emirates fly with shahzad and back on their way about four hours after that but they had to go through another round of screen, security screening and passengers said initially they just had no idea what was going on. >> they were very discreet. we didn't even know when they came on. the captain announced that a
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passenger had been removed. >> that was it. >> we did not know who that passenger was. again, until we read the cnn teletype, that's how we discovered who it was. >> now the dubai-based emirates airline says two passengers were questioned but they were released and allowed to travel on that flight, so we're wondering does the fact that shahzad was able to board a plane and only caught minutes before his flight took off expose gaps in this system that worry you or are you confident that the no-fly system works? call us right now 1-877-tell-hln, or e-mail us at you can text us, too view, comments and name to hln. standard rates apply. and go to our facebook pages. you can find me at christi paul, hln. i'd love to hear from you. chuck roberts has a page too and we're on twitter. follow us at and hln. let us hear your view, that's what it's all about. other big story we're watching are the waters that seem to be receding now in nashville. the city's director of water
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services is asking people to conserve water though because only one water plant is operational right now. 19 people died from the recent flash flooding across tennessee, and nine of those were in nashville alone. the country music hall of fame has closed, the famed grand ol' opry has removed some performances due to flooding, a lot of nashville country stars call nashville home including keith urban. >> i know there are older radio stations down here are playing virtually nonmusic. pledge drives that are happening right now. >> interesting. >> andin that the red cross and the facilities are maxed out. so many people are offering their own support to take people in and cloth them and that sort of thing, and so everybody's doing their little bit. i'm quite sure there is going to be a benefit concert, whatnot to help people as well, with certainly financially helping my wife and i. >> of course his wife is actress nicole kidman and the good news. >> that the national weather
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service says the water level in nashville has dropped about three feet since sunday. well, you know it only took ten minutes for firefighters to pull three people from the edge of this dam, oh my goodness, you can imagine how intense this is? you've got to see this. sfx: car crashing ♪ ♪ this is onstar.
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i will -- that was my schedule. the freedom to name your price. now, that's progressive. call or click today. did you realize 40 million people visit times square every year, spending their hard-earned cash on the seitz and sounds of new york city but could last weekend's terror attack keep people away?'s poppy harlow's in new york. what's the impact on the economy, poppy? >> well, you know it's interesting, going into, this we thought it would be a lot worse than it is. a lot of details here. it's one of our top story, but we've got 40 million as you said in terms of tourists in this city. they spent $28 billion in new york city alone, what tourists spent last year, about $5 billion of that was in times square alone. you've got the shops, restaurant, hotels, you name it. and that city, really, that part of new york, depends on tourism so we went down to times square
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yesterday to talk to the man who is in charge of the times square alliance and what the impact has been on tourists and take a listen to what he had to say. >> i was worried they would have to do a lot ofin? week because people would be scared and sometimes square would be empty and do what we did at 9/11 when we the broadway community come here when we had mayor giuliani say come and see the show. the people who settle discount tickets here as well and also the hotel general managers and all them said that business is normal. >> and that's great news for times square that relies on those tourists. what was interesting, christi, he said about 27% more tourist, more people were on times square sunday the day after that attempted terror attack than were there a week ago. he said this is an isolated incident but if we see a recurrence of this and then you've really got to start to worry about the tourism industry here. >> and the impact. what about the tourists themselves, what are they saying? >> sure, it's interesting.
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people from all over the world come to times square to see it and a lot renewed in this after it made headlines around the world but take a listen to what the tourists told us because it wasn't exactly what we were expecting. >> i think there is no danger because the police is looking for everything. so i think it's safe. >> i'm not worried. new york's always been a very safe place. >> i feel safe because there are lots of cops here but at time i was at theater and i felt a little worried. >> being from north carolina, we hear all kinds of stuff that does go on in new york, and when i heard it i was like, wow do we still want to go? and then it just kind of went away. >> i guess it did kind of go away for them, but interesting to see the economic impact, so far, not hurting new york. more of that story right here. christi? >> poppy, thanks so much. >> you got it. well the views, elizabeth hasselbeck criticizes the appearance on "dancing with the stars" what is she saying and did she cross the line, some are
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asking. first though, one pastor has a different idea of how to help the homeless in his town. he wants to put their lives back on track through a tv career as we find out in this week's "leaders with heart." >> pastor louis ava ranga is teaching homeless people how to be tv producers. he's created a show called "voices of change," that's produced by the homeless and focuses on their issues. >> the ultimate goal is the person who come from the homeless community can be able to achieve a skill so that they can, then, in the future, be able to be producers. >> reporter: luis a former reporter/turned minister, provides training to help the homeless learn to help themselves. >> i hope is that they can in the future use it for support in self and for empowering their own communities. >> reporter: ron became homeless shortly after being released from prison and he says become a producer for the show changed his life for the better. >> we're allowed to produce a project that can touch peep's
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lives. that if they're so desire to go in search of hope in the face of hopelessness, it's there. >> they learn a skill and they eventually have a future, a job, a sense of belonging. aflac is not more benefits at greater cost to your company insurance. aflac is not how do i fit it in my company's budget insurance. aflac is help protect and care for your employees at no cost to your company insurance. with aflac, your employees pay only for the coverage they want or need. and, the cost to you - nothing at all. if all you know about us is... duck: aflac! ...then you don't know quack. to find out why more businesses provide aflac, visit
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i like that. [ female announcer ] new and improved miracle-gro moisture control potting mix. success starts with the soil. some people will stick with their old way of getting vitamins and minerals. others will try incredible total raisin bran. with 100% of the daily value of 11 essential vitamins and minerals, juicy raisins and crunchy whole grain flakes. guess it's all about what kind of crunch you like. how are you getting 100%? two ] i'm pret much we n do aut it. ugh. he's not even trying. he is actu gic. not impressed. a leather shoe? [ no even clean whu g thingst en they are. th tle messl g extra power. with as thro sm.
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well you know addiction of any kind is no laughing matter, but still, a lot of people have a hard time believing sex addiction is a genuine disease. a lot of celebrities have gone to rehab to treat the problem especially lately it seems and that's why our joe carver hit the streets and asked, you can really be addicted to sex. >> reporter: i'm joe carver. many men claim sex is an addiction. do you really think that this is a problem or just an excuse? some videos in the news recently, jesse james, sandra bullock's husband, tiger woods. >> all right. >> and david duchovny and now david duchovny and jesse james both admitted to going to sex addiction rehab. >> i think marital morals are an issue. >> i think it's a real problem that guys can struggle with. i think there's like temptation all around nuts world and i think it's great that they've
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checked into rehab. >> i really feel it's more of an excuse than an addiction because an addiction is something that you cannot help. i think that you can help it. >> kind of like alcohol or anything else, something that kind of takes over your body. >> i mean i think there is a sex addiction problem but i really feel that these guys are just dishonest in their relationships. >> the cover-up, basically. >> why can't you be single and have sex addiction? why do you have to be married and cheat on somebody? >> do you think these so-called sex addicts can be rehabilitated? >> yeah i think if they sort of see the affects it's taking, and puts off other things in life and then i think they could definitely be cured. >> it would be hard what should they do to change someone's mindset about how much sex is okay to have and with whom? >> i mean it could work out if they went under serious treatment. >> i believe that there's no such thing as being a sex
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addict. so i would say, no. >> sex is not new. sex addiction excuse is new. >> reporter: i'm joe carter and i'll see you on the street. >> and thank you, joe, very, very much. all righty, we're talking about some severe weather here. you're watching firefighters near atlanta, rescue a woman dangling -- look at that, just inches from the edge of that dam there, that woman and two other hikers apparently got trapped late yesterday in a rain-swollen creek thanks to the treacherous weather that we've had here the rushing water was at least knee-deep. led to that 30-foot drop. all right that's pretty frightening. the two men were fouled safety as well and the dam is next to a popular recreation area, we understand, but everything is okay which is what's important. ilelisabeth hasselbeck taki comments for her comments on "the view" the outfits that espn erin andrews has worn on
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"dancing with the stars." a.j. hammer's in new york. i missed it. >> i will show it to you in just a second because a lot of people were ticked off about this whole thing including erin andrews who said she was shocked by what hasselbeck said so take a look at what elisabeth said on "the view yesterday" on erin andrews' outfits. >> however the past three weeks she's been wearing like next to nothing, okay, so she's come in and i think in light of what happened and as legal and as inexcusable as it was for that horrific guy to peep in on her in her hotel room in some way if i'm him man i could have waited 12 weeks and seen this, a little bit less without prison time. >> yeah, now remember she has that peephole stalker who is in jail right now. well after last night's "dancing with the stars," erin andrews told "people" magazine hasselbeck's comments were a slap in the face. she felt like elisabeth was mocking the situation. i said all along if daerin andrs
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didn't do "dancing with the stars" then it would have made her an outfit again. that's really insulting but i think that elisabeth hasselbeck gets that now. >> yeah because i look at it you don't think she's not necessarily dressing any differently than any of other contestants it seems. >> exactly. >> but i understand hasselbeck is kind of doing a u-turn on that statement snydyeah, and i give her a lot of credit for this, apparently she went home yesterday and she had to explain to her young daughter gracie why she was so upset because she had hurt somebody's feelings. and today on "the view," elisabeth hasselbeck very tearfully recounted that conversation with her young daughter. take a look at this. >> and i told her and i promised her that i would use my words more mindfully like i try do to build people up, not break them down, and thankfully she's 5 and so cute and she said to me, "mommy, why don't you just call erin and tell her you're sorry?" so thankfully i listened to her,
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she's a wise little girl. >> this really affected elisabeth hasselbeck. she went on for over a minute about this. she did go on to publicly apologize to erin andrews. i was among those who were initially ticked off at elisabeth's comments but i think she did the right thing by stepping up and i applaud her what she said this morning on "the view" i think that she turned it around and quite frankly keeping a situation getting a whole lot worse. >> a very good point. >> coming up on "showbiz tonight" we'll have much more on the erin outrage. the latest on the "dancing with the stars" drama. and we're back at 11:00 p.m. and of course that's here on hln. >> we love it, a.j. we'll be watching, thank you. we now know why dozens of cold medicines were recalled last week. the fda says the infant and child formulas of products like tylenol, motrin and benadryl were contaminated with bacteria. 20 manufacturing problems at the
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pennsylvania plant where they are made, such as equipment, covered with dust or held together with duct tape. well johnson & johnson says it's stopped production at plant until the problems are fixed and the fda says you probably won't get sick using the medicine but still recommends throwing it out. more problems from that volcano in iceland now. new ash clouds are forcing the uk to shutdown some airspace over northern ireland and scotland, for most of the day, we understand. now the dublin airport's canceled all flights through early tomorrow morning. it's threatening to affect flights in england, too and officials warn there could be cancellations throughout this somer. ouch. a highspeed police chase ends with a stunning discovery. the gmc sierra hybrid. the most fuel-efficient full-size pickup on the road. may the best truck win.
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i want to update you that explosion and fire at an oil refinery southeast of downtown san antonio. here are some live pictures of all the smoke that's being produced from this. fire officials say two people were hurt and a spokesman for the company says an 18-wheeler exploded as it was placed on a loading rack setting off a chain-reaction of smaller blasts apparently. there are 25 fire trucks on the scene here, and this refinery specializes in petroleum products including jet fuel and diesel. so obviously a lot of concern because there are a lot of the of resources to burn there. but we're going to keep our eye on this and let you know how it pans out.
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emergency management officials, meanwhile in alabama, say, two people suffered severe burns at a redstone arsenal. where the army develops weapons and conducts missile training. an alabama congressman says the explosion happened when employees were remove iing rock. everyone by the way had been accounted for in the building which is the good news there. and now that floodwaters seem to be receding in tennessee people are getting a closer look at devastation. 19 people died in the recent flash flooding. nine of those deaths were right there in nashville. the country music hall of fame has closed, fortunately the water's primarily confined it a mechanical room. authorities are still warning people, though, do not drive on those flooded streets. >> live into access at metro center begins today between noon and 4:00 p.m. properly credentialed owners and managers of businesses in metro center will be permitted to pass
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beyond police roadblocks, at their own risk, to make brief inspections of their property between the hours of noon and 4:00 p.m. today. due top standing water in several parts of metro center, passage will be granted only to persons in suvs or pickup trucks. >> the famed grand ole opri has had to remove services. now people across the city have the grim task of cleaning up their homes, rescuing anything that can be salvaged here. regina of our affiliate wsmv spoke with one woman in nashville whose home was destroyed in in flood. listen to this. >> reporter: hey, bobbie jo, we wanted to speak with you for just a second. i know that your home is completely damaged. >> yes. we had water up to our roof line on sunday. i was in missouri and -- to go
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get my wedding dress. we're getting married in four weeks. i had gone back to missouri, and i was planning on leaving sunday morning to come home from work -- we're both teachers -- and my fiance who lives about a block up from here, called me and said to just turn around. our 24 was closed. my house, i had water up to my roof line. >> reporter: and when you got back, what did you think? >> oh my gosh, i had pictured it -- devastation. i had pictured my belongs gone but it's really unbelievable. i think it really hit me this morning the last couple of days. it's just been like, okay, systematic, go through the motions, but all of a sudden today it's been like, this is really all of my things and it's -- >> reporter: everything, right here, this is your furniture right here. you just moved in in august? >> all of my furniture. they're making us create pile, wood, furniture, trash, any of the electronics, all of our appliances got taken out yesterday. >> reporter: and you mentioned there are kids next door. are there families here who lost everything.
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>> i moved here in september so luckily it was just me and my things here. soap i can kind of downsize from moving apartments and i know that the family next door to me they have three kids and they just keep bring stuff out and it just breaks my heart that they brought their kids out the other day -- yesterday, and you know the kids are walking around the piles and it was just, like, this is going to be memories for them forever. >> what horrible memories. you know our i-reporters have been sending in incredible videos of the flooding there in tennessee itself. well, nashville of course was hit hard. they want us to remember other parts of the state are hurting too. >> 19 3 when i was 3 years old and it's bad. so there's lot of people who are going to lose a lot of stuff right now and it's really, really tragic and sad. >> clark shot that video in dixson, tennessee, the place of his childhood home. he says it's not just downtown nashville, people are stuck
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everywhere and nearly half of the countnese tennessee are affected here. and clark also says there are a lot of volunteers out. they don't know where to start though, and in class, ville, tennessee, i-reporter eric patton took these pictures. he is a student at aust in p. state university and says only one way to get out of town and that the whole area is a catastrophic mess, as he describes it. patton says their big worry now is clean drinking water and that class clarksville is looking like atlantis. we're thinking about you. i hope that it all goes well and you're able to make something of what's happening there. but when you have pictures of video of breaking news, cool stories from your part of the world, we'd love it see it, get your perspective. flooding that i pointoud forced some nashville neighbors to help deliver a baby. you could not get in or out of this woman's neighborhood so when she went into labor tracked down five doctors and three
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nurses in the area and together they helped bring little clair into the world. the neighborhood kids have nicknamed her stormy. glad everybody is okay. several aid organizations are working to assist victims of the flooding in tennessee, so if you'd like to find out how you can help, go to you're goc find a list of agencies providing aid there and thank you for doing so. homeland security officials are changings no-fly list policy to prevent a repeat of what happened in the kafrs the times square bomb suspect. faisal shahzad board a plane monday even though he'd been added to the no-fly list that very afternoon, four hours prior to that so for now on airlines have to check no-fly list within two hours of being notified that they'd been updated. previously the airlines had been required to check for updates every 24 hours. last night, new york congressman charles rangel talked to cnn's larry king about why this change is so necessary. >> whatever went wrong i hope
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they get their acts together and correct it. we learn every day. and the good thing about this is that nobody was hurt in either case. but that's the question and someone ought to come up with the answer and see that it doesn't happen again. >> homeland security official says airlines could be fined if they don't comply with this new policy. and here's something else we're learning today. shahzad seemed to know investigators were closing in on him. sources tell our sister network cnn, when he was removed from the plane, shahzad said to the law enforcement official, "i was expecting you. are you nypd or fbi?" now, shahzad's in federal custody. intelligence officials say his father-in-law and a friend were detained for questioning in pakistan yesterday and officials in karachi say more people were taken into custody today but they wouldn't say how many or who they were. investigators want to know though whether shahzad acted alone or part of a larger plot? and apparently he is talking. court documents show shahzad had a prepaid cell phone that was
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activated april 16th and de-activated april 28th and the documents reveal he'd recently received a dozen calls from pakistan, including five the day he bought that nissan pathfinder that was found on times square filled with explosives. those phone calls stopped three days before the failed bombing. officials at bp say it could be the fastest way to stop the oil leak in the gulf of mexico, but they say there is no guarantee this dome will work. here are live pictures we're going to bring you more and tell you what their plan is in a moment.
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may i help you? hi, i need to start saving on car insurance. money a bit tight? yeah, i've had to cut back, sell some stuff. like his watch. oh. we can help you save. because we instantly compare your progressive direct rate with rates from other top companies. watch this. [ beeping ] nice savings. this means i can buy my watch back. oh, this watch? yeah. not for sale. [ gasps ] that's cold. making sure you get a great deal. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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airlines now have to check the no-fly list if the government sends them an update or a change to it. now the homeland security department modified that policy in an attempt to prevent what happened monday. that's of course when the suspect in the attempted bombing at times square was allowed to board a plane headed for dubai despite his name being on that flo f-- no-fly list. so we want your views. do you think the no-fly system work or were gaps in the system expose here? lots of responses on my facebook page. i would like to invite you to join in on the conversation there. just go to christi paul hln and give us a talking to. here's a facebook comment from josephine. "in my view the system worked," she says. obviously it did because the end result they, caught him. he's in custody. sure are there flaw, errors and imperfection but if they still captured the guy after after the mistakes, mission accomplished, she said. now we also spoke to some people in the cnn eigatrium to get the
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views. >> i think the agencies are communicated better since 9/11. i think things are working, have improved a lot so you know those in this country who communicate with others with the technology and i think that things have improved a lot, communication. >> all right. let's go to the phones. larry's calling from ft. worth, texas. larry, thank you for taking the time. do you think that the no-fly system works? >> caller: yeah i think that they're doing a great job. our national security is doing an excellent job i believe. i think the window was still open as far as them catching the bomber. because could have forced the plane to hand or have it return. also, i feel a hundred times safer here in the united states than i do anywhere in the world. >> you do? do you fly a lot? >> caller: i fly occasionally but i just don't fly overseas anymore. >> okay and if they would make other changes, you know to the no-fly list that may say, delay,
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your ability to get on a plane, are you up for that? is that okay with you? >> caller: no, i don't have a problem with that. because safety is more important than bothering our inconvenience over here. >> larry, thank you very much for the phone call. we're getting e-mails too. this one from patrick in florida. he says quit think the two-hour rule should had been in place all along. it seems strange to me that the old rula, loud airlines 24 hours to check the no-fly list." that rule seems to take away the sense of urgency that's necessary when try to track down and capture someone suspected terrorist activities. here's another facebook comment too. george wrote to us saying "it only took 53 hours to arrest him, under 24 hours to have his name and search his apartment. it's taken over nine years to find bin laden. just saying." all righty, so let me pose the question to you, does the fact that shahzad was able to board a plane and was only caught minutes before his flight took off, exposed gaps in the system, or are you confident that the no-fly system is working? call us right now
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1-877-tell-hln. or e-mail us at text us the word "views," comments. standard rate apply or catch us on twitter. follow us at slan hln. you know what just ten minutes for firefighters to pull three people from the edge of this dam. oh my goodness was this intense. we're going to talk to one of the firefighters involved in this rescue.
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well, moments ago in san antonio, texas, the police chief spoke about that explosion and fire at an oil refinery southeast of downtown san antonio. here's some the pictures coming in. chief charles hood said the fire is going to be burning for a while here. the weather is affecting where the smoke blows obviously. and the city does have a plan for shutting down the refinery. shelter's opened and no schools have been evacuated within a half mile radius of the scene though. but again, it's a refinery there in san antonio, texas. here i think we've got this sound now from the sheriff.
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>> we can shutdown, we're trying to shut some of those valves down. the rest the product, the pla plant -- plan is to burn it off. we're coordinating with the probing authorities to make sure that we maintain vigilance on the river system, drainage, anything like that. so again, our main concern right now is evacuation which we have done on everything within a half mile. retreated and transport anybody that has been injured within this and we're still searching actively for one person. currently we have members of our housing materials response team, technical rescue team who are going to go in and do a recon of a valve system to see if we can shut that off, again a very dangerous situation because we do not have hose line protection that we're going to be able to drag in there. do a quick recon. so if we can work with the refinery personnel to shut these tanks down and basically stop the flow, then let everything -- >> again, there's the fire chief, excuse me, that's the
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sheriff obviously but fire chief there in san antonio, and obviously a lot of resources there to burn since it's a refinery of several specialty petroleum products there so we'll keep our eye on that for you. >> a massive oil sheen from the gulf of mexico washing up on barrier islands now and that could turn to gooey crude as early as tomorrow. say the spill could reach as much as 2.5 million gallons a day if it's not tapped so a barge is hauling a huge concrete and steel box to the scene of the oil rig collapse. here are live pictures of that barge. engineers hope to lower it over the gusher tomorrow and then siphon the oil through it but bp officials put out a reality check on that idea. >> we will be hooking it up over the course of friday and the weekend. this has never been deployed in this water. a technique that the industry uses often in the shallow water 300 to 400 feet. it's never been deployed at
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5,000 feet so we should not expect it will go perfectly. there will be issues to deal with as we deploy it. we're getting word that the suspect in the killing of female lacrosse player at university of virginia is talking to police. george huguely a member the men's lacrosse team facing first-degree murder charges in the death of yeardley love. jean casarez is correspondent for "in session" on our sister network trutv. i understand they had a relationship together. that relationship had kind of crumbled, sort of speak, and that huguely is making some admissions. what is he saying? >> well it's really amazing and the reason that we know this, christi is three search warrants have been executed soy far. one on his apartment, george huguely who has been charged with first-degree murder, another on a computer that he took from yeardley love that they wanted to search, and third, because they wanted to take pictures of his body because of injuries that were on his body. now here's what we know from the affidavit giving probable cause to search his apartment. it says, "george huguely
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admitted that on may 3rd, 2010, he was involved in an altercation with yeardley love. and that during the altercatione shook love and her head repeatedly hit the wall. huguely admitted he kicked his right foot through the door that lids to love's bedroom. as far as the energy personnel that arrived to love's apartment, it says, quote, described finding yeardley love facedown on her pillow in her bedroom. there was a pool of blood on her pillow. love had a large bruise on the right side of her face which appears to have been caused by blunt force trauma. lov lov love's right eye was swollen shut. >> we are confident that miss love's death was not intended but an accident with a tragic outcome. in the meantime, george is withdrawing from the university of virginia and remains had in
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the custody of the authorities. >> so that's admitting that he did it but saying it was an accident. that can mean not guilty. >> thank you so much, jean. we appreciate it very much. all right. you know, a lot of celebrities have said sex addiction is the reason for their bad behavior. many of you aren't buying it. >> why can't you be single and have sex addiction? why do you have to be married and cheat on somebody? >> the cover-up basically. >> our very own joe carter hitting the streets to get your views on sex addiction. @@@@@@@@@
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he was a very private person, kept to himself. liked to come out at night, wear all black, go jogging. >> when all the surface bay disappears it's going to really hurt the fishing. when there's no fish, obviously people aren't going to pay to go fishing. this will keep us from having to search these houses again. we'll mark them, we'll know they're clear and we won't have to come back and waste resources. we see they've just pulled the female and they have her up on the shore. i don't think sex addiction is a problem. i think marital morals are an issue.
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a lot of issues, a lot of great stories. thanks for choosing hln "news and views." i'm chuck roberts. homeland security officials are changing the no-fly policy. faisal shahzad boarded a flight for dubai monday even though he had been added to the no-fly list that afternoon. christi paul keeping track in developments in the case. what's the latest? >> from now on, from this point on airlines are going to have to check the no-fly list within two hours of being notified that they've been updated. previously the airlines had to check every 24 hours. last night charles rangle talked to larry king about why this gaining is so needed. >> whatever went wrong i hope they get their acts together and correct it. we learn every day and the good thing about this was nobody was hurt in either case, but that's the question and someone ought to come up with the answer. >> well, they're doing that because a homeland security
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official says airlines could be fined now if they don't comply with the new policy. we also have learned that shahzad seemed to know investigators were closed in on him. sources tell our sister network cnn when he was taken off that plane, shahzad said to the law enforcement official, quote, i was expecting you. are you nypd or fbi? he's in federal court -- or federal custody, and intelligence officials say his father-in-law and a friend were detained for questioning in pakistan yesterday. officials in karachi say more people were taken into custody today as well although they wouldn't reveal how many or who they were, but investigators want to know obviously if shahzad acted alone or as part of a larger plot, and we understand he is talking to authorities. court documents show shahzad had a prepaid cell phone, too, that was activated april 16th and deact vkctivated april 28th. he had recently received a dozen calls from pakistan, including
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five the day he bought the pathfinder that was found in times square. the phone calls stopped three days before the failed bombing. he's charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, acts of terrorism, transcending national boundaries and three other counts. but as you know, it's a developing situation and more charges could certainly be stapled to the list already. >> but he's talking, by all accounts. >> boy, is he ever. >> thanks. many of the passengers on board that boeing 777 bound for dubai were with him, and they're on their way back in about four hours. they had to go through another round of security screening. some passengers said initially they had no idea what was going on. >> they were very discreet. we didn't even know when they came on. the captain announced that a passenger had been removed. >> that was it. >> we did not know who that passenger was, again, until we read the cnn teletype.
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that's how we discovered who it was. >> the dubai-based emirates airlines said two passengers were questioned but released and allowed to travel on that flight. does the fact that faisal shahzad was allowed to board the plane, was only minutes before taking off, does that expose gaps in the system? or are you overall confident this no-fly system is working? what changes might you want? call us toll free 1-877-tell-hln. e-mail at, or text views and your comment and name to hlntv. and facebook is up and running, christi paul hln and there is my page, chuck roberts hln. two people were hurt in an explosion and fire an oil refinery southeast of sount san anton antonio. a spokesman for the company says an 18-wheeler exploded as it was placed on a loading rack. 25 fire trucks are on scene. the fire chief in san antonio just briefed reporters. >> again, our main concern right
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now is evacuation, which we have done on everything within a half mile. we're treating and transporting anybody that has been injured within this and we're still searching actively for one person. currently we have members of our hazardous materials response team, technical rescue team that are going to go in and do a recon of a valve system to see if we can't shut that off. again, very dangerous situation because we do not have hose line protection that we're going to be able to drag in there. so we're going to go in and do a quick recon, see if we can work with the refinery personnel to shut these tanks down and basically stop the flow. >> residents within a one-mile radius of the fire are being evacuated. nashville's floodwaters are receding and the director of water services are asking people to conserve water because only one plant is operational right now. 19 people died from the recent flash flooding across middle tennessee. nine of them were in nashville. the country music hall of fame has closed. and the famed grand ole opry has
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had to move performances. many country music stars call nashville home including keith urban. >> the community spirit has never been more evident than it is right now. i know all the radio stations down here are playing virtually no music. it's all pledge drives happening right now and i know the red cross and the other facilities are maxed out. but there's so many people offering their own support to take people in and clothe them and that sort of thing. so everybody is doing their little bit. i'm quite sure there's going to be benefit concerts and whatnot to help people as well. we're certainly financially helping my wife and i. >> his wife being actress nicole kidman. the good news is the national weather service says the water level in nashville has dropped about three feet. and several aid groups are up and operating working to assist victims of the tennessee floods. to find out how you can help, go to get the whole list of agencies providing aid. addiction of any kind is no laughing matter.
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still, many of us have had a hard time believing sex addiction is real. lots of celebrities have gone to rehab to treat sex addiction that's why our joe carter hit the streets to ask can you really be addicted to sex? i'm joe carter and this is hln's "views from the street." men caught cheating claim sex addiction. do you think this is a real problem or just an excuse? this video here is of some celebrities in the news recently, jesse james, tiger woods, and then david duchovny, the actor. david duchovny and jesse james both admitting to checking themselves into sex addiction rehab. is sex addiction a problem? >> i don't think sex addiction is a problem. i think marital morals are an issue. >> i think it's a real problem that guys can struggle with. i think there's temptation like all around us in the world and i think it's great they got checked into rehab. >> i feel like it's more of an excuse than an ajix becauseddice
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addiction is something you can't help. >> i can see it being a problem for people, like alcohol, something that takes over your life. >> i think there's a sex addiction problem but i really feel these guys are just dishonest in their relationships. >> it's a cover-up basically. >> why can't you be single and have sex addiction? why do you have to be married and cheat on somebody? >> do you think these so-called sex addicts can be rehabilitated? >> yeah, i think if they sort of see the effects it's taking and that they can get pleasure out of other things in life, i think they can be cured. >> it would be hard to think of what you could do to change someone's mindset about how much sex they will pay to have and with who. >> i think it could be worked out if they went into serious treatment. >> i believe there's no such thing as being a sex addict so i would say no. >> sex is not new. sex addiction excuse is new.
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>> i'm joe carter, and i will see you on the street. >> there's a lot of wisdom out there. thanks, joe carter. officials at bp say it could be the fastest way to stop the oil leak in the gulf of mexico, but there's no guarantee that this dome will work. live pictures as the dome makes its way out to the well head. [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time... time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a new liquid gel. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®.
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a rainbow sheen from the massive oil spill in the gulf of mexico is washing up on barrier islands, that could turn to gooey crude as early as tomorrow. a barge is hauling that huge white tower at the stern there, concrete and steel box, that's going to be moved over the well head, lowered very slowly over the gusher and then it should be siphoned slowly through that. >> we will be hooking it up over the course of friday and the
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weekend. this has never been deployed in this water depth. it's a technique that the industry uses often in the shallow water, 300 to 400 feet. it's never been deployed at 5,000 feet, so we should not expect it will go perfectly. there will be issues to deal with as we deploy it. >> in other words, almost a mile deep. officials now say the spill could reach as much as 2.5 million gallons a day if it's not tapped. travelers are facing more problems from that volcano in iceland. new ash clouds are forcing the uk to shut down air space in northern ireland and scotland for most of the day. that, of course, includes edinburgh and dublin. dublin airport canceled all flights through early tomorrow. it's threatened to affect flights in england as well, although flights at last we checked in london were still operating. they warn there could be cancellations periodically throughout the summer. lava from the volcano is
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causing a glacier to melt. you can see that. heat is coming up through the ground. that melts the ice cap and that creates a huge ravine where the glacier used to be. street scenes from athens, greece, today. protests turned violent and then deadly. three people were killed after bank was firebombed. as police tried to guard the burned out bank, rioters threw bottles. trash cans and cars around the city were set ablaze. workers walked off the job today to protest proposed tax hikes and cuts in jobs and services. greek lawmakers pay vote tomorrow to pave the way for a huge european union bailout. wisconsin congressman david obey says he transto retire at the end of the year. the 71-year-old democrat is the chairman of the house appropriations committee. he was the youngest member of congress when first elected in 1969 and is the fourth longest
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serving house member. he won in 2008 with 61% of the vote. this term he was expected to face shaun duffy, the district attorney of ashland county. "time" had named duffy was one of the ten gop contenders capable of winning an upset. several police officers in california making their mark after helping a little boy whose bike was stolen from a church parking lot. 10-year-old elijah dickens says an older kid pushed him and took his bike-some sacramento cops decided to chip in for a brand new bike. >> that random act of kindness. >> six police officers. >> out of their own pockets. >> yes. and they bought him this bike here just out of their own pockets. coy never say enough. it was just -- i have never heard of such a thing. >> they do a lot of good stuff, and they should be known for that, and thank you. >> you think it made an
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impression? elijah said he's now thinking of becoming a police officer when he grows up. it only took ten minutes for firefighters to pull three people from the edge of a dam, but, boy, was it intense. we're going it hear from one of the firefighters, the one right there at the right. hi, i need to start saving on car insurance. money a bit tight? yeah, i've had to cut back, sell some stuff. like his watch. oh. we can help you save. because we instantly compare your progressive direct rate with rates from other top companies. watch this. [ beeping ] nice savings. this means i can buy my watch back. oh, this watch? yeah. not for sale. [ gasps ] that's cold. making sure you get a great deal. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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[ male announcer ] visine®-a is clinically proven to relieve all your worst eye allergy symptoms. it goes right where you need it, relieving allergy eyes in minutes. visine®-a. the most complete allergy eye drop. ♪ my country ♪ 'tis of thee ♪ sweet land ♪ of liberty ♪ of thee i sing [ laughs ] ♪ oh, land ♪ where my fathers died ♪ land of the pilgrims' pride
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three people are now safe after a daring rescue caught on video in suburban atlanta. firefighters rescued a woman dangling inches from the edge of a dam. it led to a 30-foot drop. two men were pulled to safety as well. that dam is right near a popular recreation area. earlier we talked to one of the rescuers, firefighter dennis o'brien, on the phone. great work yesterday. how did the call come in? was it 911? >> yes, it came in through a 911. actually came in as people trapped under the dam. that's how it came through. >> how many rescue people took part, 20, 30? >> at least. i would say at least 30 people. >> do you train for this? >> we sure do. i have my swift water training through the city of marietta. we have a lot of calls down there at the park. so we're pretty familiar with that area. >> and were you right by the
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edge? >> i was actually on the dam. i was -- if you look at the video i was the gentleman throwing the rope and pulling them in. >> what did they attach to their body before you pulled them? >> there's a life jacket basically is what it was i threw to them and that was just something to keep them above the water. >> well, what was their issue? what were they doing in the water before the emergency? >> to be honest with you, sir, i have no idea how they got there. that's one thing i keep asking people. i'm not sure how they got there. i can tell you they were -- the gentleman standing up was pretty good. the two people, the young lady and the man laying down, they were exhausted, visibly shaking from the cold. >> that's the chattahoochee, huh? >> actually it's vicary cream. >> is that dam a periodic problem? >> yes, sir. we go out there a good bit. third time out there this year.
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>> dennis o'brien, roswell, georgia, fire department. good job, sir. two people suffered severe burns in an explosion at redstone arsenal in alabama. that facility in huntsville is where the army develops weapons and conducts missile training. an alabama congressman said the explosion occurred as workers were removing chemicals from the rockets. one paramedic said the scene is horrific. well, we now know why dozens of cold medicines were recalled. the fda says the infant and child products were contaminated with bacteria. there were 20 manufacturing problems in the pennsylvania plant this they were made. >> the real question is what is the lack of oversight and resources dedicated by fda to make certain the manufacturers of those ingredients use the
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best practices. >> johnson & johnson said it stopped production at the plant until the problems are fixed. the fda says you probably won't get sick from the medicine but it still recommends you throw it out. philadelphia police are considering whether officers should get involved at all when nonthreatening fans sprint onto the field during sporting events as has happened a couple times. the philadelphia inquirer says the 17-year-old who ran onto the field monday in the phillies/cardinals game called his father for permission. his dad said no. that didn't stop him. another fan ran onto the field yesterday. celebrities dream of getting a star on the hollywood walk of fame, but a typo ruined or almost rounuined joule wh eed o. was made easier... ♪ making smiles appear again
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tennessee finally getting a break from heavy storm that is left nashville's homes, businesses, and roads underwater. the death toll across the volunteer state stands at nine in music city alone. that's where regina of wsmv was when she checked in earlier. >> you can see this entire street is lined with debris. every home on this street was affected. keep in mind, this is a small street in west nashville. tragically we heard a very sad story from 908 here. you mentioned 19 deaths. we're told two of them were from this home. it was an elderly couple.
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the husband was in a wheelchair, the wife was not. the wife would not leave him. they both passed away, unfortunately, in this flooding. everywhere you see, you see children's toys, furniture, you see damaged homes. one of the homes that we see is right here. this one here on dell ray was actually up to the roof top with flooding and right now we're going to join bobbi jo davidson. bobbi jo, we wanted to speak with you for just a second. i know your home is completely damaged. >> yes. we had water up to our roofline on sunday. i was in missouri, and -- to go get my wedding dress. we're getting married in four weeks. had gone back to missouri and was planning on leaving sunday morning to come home for work. we're both teachers, and my fiance who lives a block up from here called me and said turn around, i-24 was closed. my house had water up to the roofline. >> when you got back, what did you think? >> oh, my gosh.
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i mean, i had pictured devastation. i had pictured my belongings gone, but it's really unbelievable. i mean i think it really hit me this morning, you know, the last couple days it's just been like systematic go through the motions, but all of a sudden today it's just been like this is really all of my things and it's no more. >> everything right here. this is your furniture here. you just moved in in august. >> all my furniture. they're making us create piles, wood, furniture, crash, and electronics. all our appliances got taken out yesterday. >> you mentioned there are kids next door, families who lost really everything. >> i moved here in september, so luckily it was just me and my things here. i had kind of downsized from moving apartments. i know the family next door to me, they have three kids, and they just keep bringing stuff out, and it just breaks my heart that, you know, they brought their kids out the other day and the kids are walking around the piles and it was just like this is going to be memories for them forever. unreal.
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>> thank you so much. i'm glad you're safe at least. >> thank you. >> this is just one area, chuck, of the entire west nashville area. we have other areas, bellevue, several cities, four counties right now that are getting federal aid from fema. so a lot of damage. you see areas hike this really everywhere. i'm from this area and seeing some places the landscape just doesn't look like it's looked for forever. the 500-year unprecedented flood. this is the scene here at dell ray where dozens of volunteers are helping here and, of course, across middle tp where so many families and lives are changed. >> changing forever, too. regina, thank you. nashville affiliate wsmv. the weather service says the water level in the city and nearby williamson county, davidson county, has dropped three feet. one person was critically burned, another is missing after an explosion at an oil refinery just southeast of downtown san antonio where the fire chief said they're still looking for the driver of the truck that
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exploded. several other people were hurt. 25 fire pieces, trucks, other apparatus, arrived at the scene. residents within a mile radius are being evacuated and a local shelter is now open. well, a rainbow sheen from that massive oil spill in the gulf of mexico is washing up now on barrier islands and that could turn to gooey crude as early as tomorrow. engineers hope it may help clean things up though, this particular process right here. it's a dome, a barge is holing a very large concrete and steel box to the scene of the oil rig explosion. they will lower it 5,000 feet to the well head and siphon the oil through it that way. bp officials put out a reality check on the idea. >> we will be hooking it up over the course of friday and the weekend. this has never been deployed in this water depth. it's a technique that the industry uses often in the shallow water, 300 to 400 feet.
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it's never been deployed at 5,000 feet. we should not expect it will go perfectly. there will be issues to deal with. >> the spill could reach as much as 1 -- 2.5 million gallons a day. faisal shahzad boarded a flight monday for dubai even though he had been added to the no-fly list that afternoon. so from now on airlines have to check the no-fly list within two hours of being notified they have been updated. previously the airlines had been given a 24-hour window to recheck for updates. last night new york congressman charlie rangel talked to cnn's larry king about why that needed to be changed. >> whatever went wrong, i hope they get their acts together and correct it. we learn every day, and the good thing about this is nobody was hurt in either case, but that's the question and someone ought to come up with the answer and see that it doesn't happen
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again. >> a homeland security official says airlines could be fined if they don't comply with the new policy. a law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation into the failed bombing attempt says -- telling cnn that investigators found an interesting train receipt it showed shahzad got on board a train for new york from connecticut 30 minutes after parking the car bomb. the source says investigators think he ran to catch the train. it pulled out around 7:00 or 7:15 local time. the source is unsure what the destination was. shahzad seemed to know investigators were closing in. sources tell cnn when he was removed from the plane he said to law enforcement, i was expecting you. are you nypd or fbi? shahzad is in federal custody. he's already been before a judge. intelligence officials say his father-in-law and a friend were detained for questioning yesterday in pakistan. officials in karachi say more people were take noon custody
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today. they wouldn't say how many or who. investigators wanted to know if he acted alone. what training he may have received. court documents show shahzad had a prepaid cell phone activated april 16th and deactivated april 28th. the documents also reveal he had recently received a dozen calls from pakistan, five on the day he bought that nissan pathfinder, the one that was found in times square filled with explosives. those phone calls stopped three days before the failed bombing. we've been asking you does the arrest of the man accused of trying to detonate a bomb in times square and kill a lot of people mean our safety guards work or was there a lapse, a very obvious lapse? does it highlight a problem with airline security? [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time... time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water.
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but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a new liquid gel. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. real chicken and salmon and the goodness of leafy greens. you live well. you eat right. help your cat do the same. naturals from purina cat chow. a heart attack at 57. that was a rough time. my doctor told me i should've been doing more for my high cholesterol. ♪ you should've listened. you're right. now i'm eating healthier and i trust my heart to lipitor. [ male announcer ] when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipitor may help. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. lipitor is backed by over 18 years of research.
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we told you about the homeland security department's big change in the policy for the no-fly list in light of the arrest of the suspect in the failed car bombing in times square. it was a close call. it revealed several apparent security lapses. so do you think overall the system works, it needs to be refined? were there gaps exposed? does it make you feel apprehensi apprehensive? lots of responses on facebook. you can get there by searching chuck roberts hln. nate writes, the fact that he made it onto the plane, we know the no-fly rule is not enforced. if we can search everyone's carry-ons before the gate why not tighten up every rule before flights take off. katrina says, the security measures taken at airports are taken to avoid these situations but there's always room to error. we asked some people at the cnn atrium their thoughts.
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here is what shameka had to say. >> i think that things have gotten better since 9/11. there are still some things that can be fixed, but overall it has improved, security has improved since 9/11. >> let's take a phone call. i think we're talking to teresa in fayetteville, arkansas. how are you doing? >> caller: i'm doing great. >> do you think the system works? what do you think? >> caller: i think we dodged a bullet and i'll tell you one of the flaws is the human error factor. i don't think i understood that homeland security posts a list and allows the airlines to check against that list. i'm not sure why the homeland security folks don't have automatic access to who is on all airlines and then there's one data point to consistently check or you could shorten the time, check every ten minutes if you need to, but leaving it up to so many people in the airlines, you're just adding human error. >> every time you do. well, i think it was the customs or security that oversaw this
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and saw that his name was on the list that had already been cleared by the airline and that's why they boarded the flight. you're right, and the fact that they only check it every 24 hours, that raises some concerns. finish your thought. >> you're still asking for trouble with the two hours if you're leaving it up to that many people to check it. >> absolutely. cassandra, you think the system worked already. >> caller: i think it's working fine. i just think that we do need to buckle down. human error is in there. we are human, we do make mistakes and leaving it up to everyone when you've got 24 hours to check that is something that's just going to allow human error to come through. i mean, we can't be on top of everything. things are going to slip through. we are human, but if we can try to buckle it down even tighter maybe less will slip through. >> it's always helpful for one computer system to talk to the other.
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thanks. we're also getting e-mails including from michelle. why can't the process of alerting airlines of potential terrorists be modeled after the amber alert system? isn't every minute the one that counts? here is a facebook comment from marie. she writes, two hours is the new guideline to check the no-fly list. that's not good enough. all right. your chance to weigh in. does the fact that shahzad was able to board the plane and caught just before his flight pushed back expose a gap in the system or are you generally confident that the whole no-fly system works, and by the way they caught him 53 hours -- or caught the suspect 53 hours after that smoking suv was found in times square. so great policework all told. e-mail us though on this specific issue at comment at hlntv. text views and your comment. standard text rates apply. we're on twitter, i'm jane velez-mitchell and here's my issue.
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we spend a trillion dollars fighting terror in iraq and afghanistan, in the wars. but it seems like we don't spend a dime fighting terrorism right here at home. the sad thing is it almost cost us again. an suv packed full of explosives pulled right into times square and if it wasn't for some heads up hot dog vendors, thousands of people could be dead right now. here is what really gets me. look at this surveillance video. i mean, this is the 21st century. you try to tell me we have cameras that can see mars but we have to deal with this grainy video? at 5th street and broadway? we should have hd surveillance cameras all over new york city. and most important, we need people to actually be watching those cameras in real time, not just reviewing the footage after it's too late. sure, we caught this suspect, but isn't it time to focus on our blurry priorities? i'm jane velez-mitchell, and that's my issue.
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this site has a should i try priceline instead? >> no it's a sale. nothing beats a sale! wrong move! you. you can save up to half off that sale when you name your own price on priceline. but this one's a me. it's only pretending to be a deal. here, bid $79. got it. wow! you win this time good twin! there's no disguising the real deal.
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called it "one of the best family cars of 2009." the insurance institute for highway safety calls it a 2010 top safety pick. with automatic crash response from onstar that can call for help, even when you can't. we call it peace of mind. a consumers digest best buy two years in a row, chevy malibu. two people suffered severe burns in an explosion at redstone arsenal in alabama. the facility in huntsville is
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where the army develops weapons and conducts missile training. an alabama congressman says the explosion occurred as workers were removing chemicals from rockets. it's not clear what caused it, what the ignition source was. one paramedic described its a horrific. everyone has been accounted for in the building. wisconsin congressman david obey to the surprise of many says he will retire at the end of this term. the 71-year-old is the chairman of the house appropriations committee and the youngest member of congress when he was elected back in 196. he is the fourth longest serving house member. obey won in 2008 with 61% of the vote, but he was expected to face sean duffy, the district attorney of ashland county, and "time" had named duffy as one of the ten gop contenders capable of winning an upset. we now know why dozens of cold medicines were recalled. the fda says the child and infant formulas were contaminated with bacteria. inspectors cited 20 manufacturing problems at the pennsylvania plant where they're
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made like equipment covered with dust or held together with duct tape. >> the real question is what is the lack of oversight and resources dedicated by fda to make certain the manufacturers of those ingredients use the best practices. >> johnson & johnson says it stopped production at the plant until the problems are fixed. the fda says you probably won't get sick from the medicine, but it still recommends you throw it out. 40 million people visit times square every year spending their hard-earned cash on the sights and sounds of new york city. the crossroads of the world. but could last weekend's attempted terror attack keep people away. poppy harlow is in new york. what's the impact on the economy? >> we thought it would be a lot more than what we have found out. we spent yesterday going to times square, talking to the head of the times square alliance, tourists there, asking them because as you said, chuck, 40 million people just tourists
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alone come in and out of new york city alone. look at the numbers, folks. $28 billion was spent just from tourists alone in new york city last year. about $5 billion of that was spent in times square. you have all the shops, the restaurants, the hotels, the theaters in times square. so that area particularly in the city really, really relies on tourists. so there was a lot of concern tourists would flee the area. we went down there to find out. take a listelisten. jifs worried i would have to do a lot of spin this week because people would be scared and we'd have to do what we did after 9/11 when you had the whole broadway community come here and you had mayor giuliani say come see a broadway show. i called the head of the broadway organization and also the hotel general managers and all said business is normal. >> and i think i just lost you,
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chuck. you know, in terms of the amount of people that are in times square, what he told us is 27% more people were in times square on sunday the terror -- you kno terror scare than were there the week before. can you believe it? >> i can't believe it. did you talk to tourists themselves? what were they saying? >> we expected them to be worried and have a lot of questions. that's not really the case. take a listen to what they told us. >> i think there is no danger because the police is looking for everything. so i think it's safe. >> i'm not worried. new york has always been a very safe place. >> i feel safe because there are lots of cops in here. but at that time, i was at the theatre, and i felt a little by worried. >> i'm from north carolina. we hear all kinds of stuff that does go on in new york, and when i heard about it. i was like wow, do we still want to go? and then it just kind of went away. >> and you know, people love new york, they come anyway, chuck. the only thing i would tell you is that times square line told us it's okay for now, tourism is
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still up, but if we see a lot of incidents or more than just this isolated incident, that's a big cause for concern in terms of the tourism industry here in new york. a lot more on that story. >> and it was quite an intersection, too, right in front of the marquiemarquee, ri front of the theatre district. >> a tense situation in greece. several people got gil kilned after protests in athens turned violent. what happened? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time...
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>> he was a very private person. kept to himself. >> when all the surface disappeared, people aren't going to pay to go fishing. >> this will keep us from having to search these houses again. we'll mark them, we'll know they're clear and we won't have to come back and waste resources. >> we see there that they've just pulled the female and they've got her up on the shore. >> i don't think sex addiction is a problem. i thi
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i think marital morals are an issue. >> a lot of important stories just ahead. hi, everybody. i'm chuck roberts. in for richelle carey today. homeland officials are changing the no-fly list policy to prevent a repeat of what happened in the case of the times square bomb suspect. faisal shahzad boarded a plane even though he had been added to the no-fly list that afternoon. from now on, airlines will have to check the no-fly list within two hours after being informed they've been updated. previously, they had to update every 24 hours. >> the suspect's name was entered a little after noon, i believe, on monday. therefore, on the no-fly list the airline didn't have to check necessarily at that point.
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the new rules require that that happen at a two-hour interval. if airlines are notified that somebody has been added as a risk to the no-fly list. >> a law enforcement source with knowledge of this sdregs into the failed times square bombing tells our sister network found an interesting train event receipt. it shows faisal shahzad got on a train for new york bound for connecticut 30 minutes after allegedly parking that car bomb. the source says investigators believe he ran to catch the train, which pulled out around 7:00 or 7:15 local time saturday. we also learned today that shahzad seemed to know that investigators were closing in on him. sources tell our sister network cnn that when he was removed from the plane, shahzad said from law enforcement, i was expecting are you, are you nypd or fbi? shahzad is charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass instruction, acts of terrorism, transcending national boundaries and three other counts in connection with that
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failed attack. was the fact that he was actually able to board the plane and was only caught just minutes before the flight took off expose gaps in the system? or are you more confident the no-fly system works? they caught him 53 hours after the bomb was discovered. you can text hln tv. you can e-mail us, too, at and weigh in on our facebook pages. chuck roberts hln will get you there. one person was critically burned and another is missing after an explosion today, just southeast of downtown san antonio at an oil refinery. they're still looking for the driver of a truck that exploded as it was placed in a loading dock at the refinery. several other people were hurt. 25 fire trucks are on scene. residents within a mile radius of the fire are being or have been evacuated and a local shelter is open. a 100-ton contraption designed to help contain that oil spill in the gulf of mexico is heading to the site of the
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underwater gusher about 50 miles off the louisiana coast. there is the barge. and that at the stern is what's going to be a concrete and steel box that will be placed over the well head, lower very slowly, 5,000 feet to the seabed. that dome should be in place by this weekend. b.p. capped one of the three leaks last night, the smallest of the three. the oil company says that did little to cut the amount of crude gushing into gulf waters. addiction of any kind is no laughing matter. still, many people say they have a hard time believing sex addiction is a real disease. lots of celebrities have gone to rehab to treat this issue, and that's why our joe carter hit the streets to ask, can you really be addicted to sex? >> i'm joe carter. men caught cheating claim sex addicti addiction. do you think this is a real problem or just an excuse? >> this video here is of some celebrities in the news recently. jesse james, tiger woods, and
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then david duchovny, the actor. now, david duchovny and jesse james have both admitted to checking themselves into sex addiction rehab. tiger woods allegedly did. is sex addiction a problem? >> i don't think sex addiction is a problem. i think marital morals are an issue. >> i think it's a real problem guys can struggle with. there's temptations all around the world. i think it's great they checked into rehab pop it. >> i think it's more of an excuse than an addiction. >> i can see it being a problem for people, kind of like alcohol or anything else, something that kind of takes over your life. >> i think there's a sex addiction problem, but i really feel that these guys were justice dishonest in their relationships. >> cover-up basically. >> why can't you be single and have sex addiction. why do you have to be married and cheat on somebody? >> do you think these so-called sex addicts can be
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rehabilitated? >> i think if they sort of see the effects it's taking that they can get pleasure out of other things in life, i think they can definitely be cured. >> it would be hard to think what you could do to change someone's mindset about how much sex is okay to have and with whom. >> i think it would work out if they went soo serious treatment. >> i don't think there's anything such thing as being a sex addict, so i would say no. >> sex is not new. sex addiction, excuse is new. >> i'm joe charter. i'll see you on the street. >> a lot of urban wiz cosdom ou there, thanks. it only took ten minutes for firefighters to pull three people from the edge of a dam. [ male announcer ] this is nine generations of the world's most revered luxury sedan. ♪ this is a history of over 50,000 crash-tested cars. this is the world record for longevity and endurance...
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and one of the most technologically advanced automobiles on the planet. this is the 9th generation e-class. this is mercedes-benz. ♪ this is mercedes-benz. this site has a should i try priceline instead? >> no it's a sale. nothing beats a sale! wrong move! you. you can save up to half off that sale when you name your own price on priceline. but this one's a me. it's only pretending to be a deal. here, bid $79. got it. wow! you win this time good twin! there's no disguising the real deal.
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operation right now. 19 people died from the recent flash flooding across the volunteer state. nine of them were in nashville. the famed grand ole opry has had to move some performances due to flooding. many country stars call nashville home including keith urban. >> it's never been more evident than it is right now. i know all the radio stations down here are playing no music. it's all pledge drives happening right now. and all the facilities are maxed out. but there's so many people offering their own support to take people in and clothe them and that sort of thing. everybody is doing their little bit pip'm quite sure there will be benefit concerts and what not to help people as well. financially helping, my wife and i. >> his wife is actress nick code kidman. of course, the good news is the water level has dropped three feet since sunday. people across the city now have the grim task of cleaning up
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their homes and rescuing anything that can be salvaged. we spoke with one woman whose home was lost in the flood. >> we know your home was completely damaged. >> yes. we had water up to our roof line on sunday. i was in missouri to go get my wedding dres. we're getting married in four weeks. had gone back to missouri and was planning on leaving sunday morning to come home from work. we're both teachers. my fiance who lives about a block up from here called me and said to turn around. my house had water up to my roof line. >> when you got back, what did you think? >> oh, my gosh. i had pictured devastation. i had pictured my belongings gone, but it's really unbelievable. i mean, i think it really hit me this morning, you know, the last
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couple of days .pit's just been okay, systematic, go through the motions. but all of a sudden today it's just been -- this is really all of my things. and it's no more. >> evening right here. this is your furniture here you just moved in in august. >> they're making us create piles. wood, furniture, trash and electronics. all of our appliances got taken out yesterday. >> and there are kids next door, families who lost everything pop i moved here in september. so luckily it was just me and my things. i down sized from moving apartments. but i know the family next door to me, they have three kids and they just keep bringing stuff out. and it just breaks my heart. they brought their kids out yesterday and, you know, the kids are walking around the piles. this is going to be memories for them forever. >> starting life, starting over. several aid groups are up and running trying to assist victims of the tennessee floods. you can help. just go to, and get the list of agencies providing help.
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as the battle heats up, you're seeing more african-americans running as republicans for congress. at least 32 african-americans are running for congress this year as republicans. that's a big surge. in fact, the house hasn't had a black republican since 2003 when j.c. watts of oklahoma left after eight years. many credit president obama for inspiring this new field of candidates. they could also be helped by michael steele, also an african-american. we all know the cost of a college education is not cheap. and now we're learning one group has more debt after school than any other. a new report out says black bachelor's degree recipients owe more money after college than their peers. the college board advocacy and policy center found 27% of black graduates had at least $30,000 in loans, compared to only 15% for other students.
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another surprise -- most of the debt was to pay off tuition at for-profit institutions, such as technical colleges. financial advisers suggest students should consider public universities to rack upless debt and they say students should also take a hard look at how much they'll be earning on graduation before they take out steep loans. our what matters segment is a chance for us to take a look at some of the stories in the african-american community that affect us all. check out the may issue of essence magazine or log on to a tense situation got much worse today in greece. several people were killed after protests in athens turned violent. what happened and why the demonstrators are upset? [ female announcer ] it's red lobster's festival of shrimp... a chance to get everyone together for a night where everyone gets just what they want.
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combine two or three favorites, from new creations like crab-stuffed shrimp and pecan-crusted shrimp to classics like decadent shrimp scampi. it's everything you want in a night out. starting at just $11.99, during the festival of shrimp. [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time. time for new zyrtec® liquid gels. they work fast. so i can get relief from the pollen that used to make me sneeze, my eyes water. with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i get allergy relief at liquid speed. that's the fast, powerful relief of zyrtec®, now in a liquid gel. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. it works on my worst symptoms so i'm ready by the time we get to the first hole. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®.
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three people were killed when a bank was fire bombed. they were trapped inside as police tried to guard the burned out bank. rioters threw bottles. trash cans and bottles were set ablaze. at least two buildings were burned. workers walked off the job today to protest proposed tax mikes and cuts in jobs and services. and tomorrow, greek lawmakers were expected to vote and pave the way for a huge european
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union bailout. travelers are facing more problems from that volcanic ash coming from iceland. new ash clouds are forcing the u.k. to shut down some air space over northern ireland and scotland most of the day. the dub blin airport canceled everything through at least tomorrow morning. that's threatening to affect flights in england as well, but so far the london operations are unaffected, but they do warn there could be cancellations off and on throughout the summer. three people are now safe after a daring rescue caught on video in suburban atlanta. just about this time yesterday, firefighters rescued a woman dangling inches from the edge of a dam. the rushing water was at least knee teem and led to a 30-foot drop. that dam is next to a popular recreation area north of atlanta. the phoenix suns are taking a stand against what they call a flawed state law. they will change the name on their jerseys from is uns to los suns during the playoffs. the team has used these same jerseys br, but only in a
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promotion. the suns owner made the decision to break out the jerseys again as a way for the team and organization to honor the latino community and the diversity in the nba. >> we have a lot of love for our latino friends. we have latino players on both teams. unfortunately that's the group that seems targeted by this bill, and it's a shame. >> another suns general manager says it's not a huge political stand as much as the celebration of diversity. we have been harvesting your views today. chris writes this -- i live in phoenix and i think the action of the suns is deplorable. there's no reason the suns need to be participating in the political rhetoric. this is the playoffs. how about you focus on winning basketball games and leave the grand standing to elected
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officials. similar theme from charles who says of these jersey, no, they shouldn't wear them. keep the owners' political views out of the game. who says it's all the players' views. should the ones who agree with the law be allowed to wear the original jersey? arnold is onboard writing, problem is he's a fan of the team playing the suns tonight. i think it's great a team has a nerve to do something like this to protest a state law. 'm a spurs fan -- that's san antonio -- and how can i hate the suns now? so i just won $266 million. the lotly ticket was sold in californ california. 28 tickets had five winning number, but not the mega number. they were sold in 14 different states. they're worth up to $250,000. stocks continue their slump today as fehrs of a deepeni ini crisis escalate. not a good day. >> not as good as we would like
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it to be, but better than yesterday. we get good economic and earnings news in the u.s. wall street can't shake the pessimism related to the ongoing problems overseas. the protests we've been seeing highlight the urgency of the problem and at the same time, investors fear the problem will spread to spain and portugal. those worries took a toll on stocks for the second day in a row. nasdaq logs almost 1%, and s&p fell 2/3 of a percent. payroll processing firm adp said employers added 32,000 private sector jobs in april, third month of gains in a row. and a separate report showed planned job cuts fell to their lowest month in four years. th the monthly report will be out on friday. on the earnings front, we'll hear from kraft, cigna, direct tv and world wrestling
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[ woman ] can't anything help these itchy allergy eyes? [ male announcer ] visine®-a is clinically proven to relieve all your worst eye allergy symptoms. it goes right where you need it, relieving allergy eyes in minutes. visine®-a. the most complete allergy eye drop. i have asthma. and that's what it sounded like when my symptoms came back. i'd get this tightness in my chest. like i was breathing through a straw. so i went back to my doctor again. we talked about choices in controller medicines. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma.
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[ man ] while it's not a rescue inhaler, symbicort improves my lung function, starting within 15 minutes. it helps give me the control to... [ inhales, exhales ] symbicort is a combination of two medicines. it will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms and should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol may increase the chance of asthma-related death, so it is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on other asthma medicines. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. with symbicort, my lung function starts to improve within 15 minutes, helping me... all day. symbicort is a good choice to help control my asthma. [ inhales ] [ exhales ] ask your doctor if it's a good choice for you. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. and leave ordinary behind. you'll discover thrills, adventure, and the unexpected hiding around every corner.
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welcome back. one person wuss critically burned and another is missing in downtown san antonio. at least 25 fire strucks and other apparatus at the scene right now. the missing person was driving that truck that exploded as it was placed on a loading rack at the refinery. >> transported one person with critical injuries. we treated another person at the scene. we're currently missing one person supposedly a driver. we're still looking. there were over 100 people who worked at this complex. they have all been accounted for except for one person. we're still looking for him.
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>> residents within a one-mile radius are being evacuated from their homes. an exploes at an army facility left at least two people with severe burns. the exploes occurred at a test area at the red stone arsenal in huntsville, a facility where the army develops weapons and conducts missile training. an alabama congressman says the explosion occurred as contract workers were removing chemicals from rockets. a paramedic described the scene as horrific. everyone has been accounted for in the building. now that floodwaters are reseeding in tennessee, people are getting a closeup look at the devastation and it's very disturbing. 19 people died in the flash flooding in middle tennessee. nine of the deaths were in nashville. the country music hall of fame has closed, but fortunately, the water is mostly confined to a mechanical room. authorities are still warning people not to drive on flooded streets.
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>> properly credentialed ownered a and managers will be permitted to pass beyond roadblocks at their own risk to make brief inspections of their property between the hours of noon and 4:00 p.m. today. due to standing waters in several parts of metro center, passage will be granted only to persons in suvs or pickup trucks. >> theeat's the metropolitan nashville police force. the water level in the city has dropped about three feet since sunday. >> while nashville was hit hard, they want us to remember that other parts of the state are also hurting. >> since 1983 when i was 3 years old. it's bad. there's a lot of people going to lose a lot of stuff right now. and it's really, really, really
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tragic and sad. >> nathan clark shot that video in dixon, tennessee, the place of his childhood home. he said it's not just downtown nashville. people are stuck everywhere and that nearly half the counties in tennessee are affected. he says there are many volunteers but they don't know where to start. one i reporter took pictures and here they are. he's a student at austin peay state university and says there's only one way to get out of that town. the whole area many his words is a catastrophic mess. clarksville is looking like it's going to be the next atlantis. the last city of atlantis. all right, thanks esche for weighing in and contributing.. when you've got pictures of breaking news or stois are, look for the up load now link. several aid drup groups are working hard to assist victims in tennessee. if you can help in any way, go to and get the list of agencies providing help.
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the autopsy of yeardley love will not be released until there's an official report from the medical examiner. she was found dead in her bedroom early monday. 22-year-old george hughely is charged in her death. the athletic director said both teams will still participate nor the tournament. students are taking time away from finals to attend a memorial service for yeardley love. what have we learned? >> here's what we're learning. according to the search warrant affidavit, we're hearing really horrific details about how yeardley's roommates found her. they described finding her face down on her pillow in her bedroom. there was a pool of blood on her pillow. love had a large bruise on the right side of her face. love's right eye wur swollen shut and there were bruises and
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scrapes to her chin. this is from the search warrant affidavit. when police arrived on the scene, it was very obvious she had suffered some injuries. she was dead upon arrival, although they did try to revive her. what we are learning today is that investigators have now seized a t-shirt from george hu hugely's apartment. they also seized a letter to yeardley love, socks, ore items they think may be important for this investigation. but take a listen to what george hugely's attorney is now saying about his actions that evening. >> we're confident that ms. love's debt was not intended but an accident with a tragic outcome. in the meantime, george is withdrawing from the university of virginia and remains in the custody of the authorities. >> and i just explained to you,
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chuck. the search warrant affidavit also says that george huguely kicked in the door of yeardley love's apartment bedroom. the dpoor to the apartment was apparently open. also he repeatedly shook her, banging her head up against the wall. there was some hair in the hole in the wall, which they're also using for forensic evidence in this case. we already heard the autopsy is not being released at this time. memorial for yeardley love will be on the campus. >> the campus is completely devastated. >> did huguely have a run-in with the law earlier? >> he did. he had a criminal record. he pled guilty back in 2008 of public swearing and intoxicat n intoxication. this officer apparently had to wrestle him in handcuffs, also use a taser on him because he was so belligerent. he got six months supervised probation and 50 hours community service and 20 hours of substance abuse education. >> he claims he is responsible for her death. i want to get this right, but that it was an accident. he didn't mean to kill her. >> right.
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it was an accident. however, when he was mirandized, he did admit to it. he said he was responsible, that things got out of control. >> thanks for the update. learned a lot. counterterrorism experts are trying to find out if the sus in the attempted times square bombing is linked to a terrorist group and why they're paying close attention to his phone calls. [ female announcer ] in the grip of arthritis, back, or back joint pain? aspercreme breaks the grip, with maximum-strength medicine and no embarrassing odor. break the grip of pain with aspercreme.
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now elisabeth hasslebeck is receiving heat for saying her outfits were too reveal popping. >> a lot of people were ticked off about this. erin andrews said she was shocked by her comments. >> for the past, like, three weeks. she's been wearing next to nothing, okay? she's come in and i think in light of what happened and as a legal, and as inexcusable as it was for that horrific guy to try to go peep on her in her hotel room. if i'm like him, man, i could have waited 12 weeks and seen this a lit bill less without the prison time. >> she actually said that. the blogosphere went nuts on her yesterday. and last night, erin andrews told "people" magazine that they were a slap in the face to
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victims of stalking and sexual predators and she felt like elisabeth was mocking the situation. erin andrews ecohosts also speaking out saying they were upset with what she said. i said all along if erin andrews didn't do "dancing with the stars" because of that stalker it would have made her a victim once again. to think that her outfits should be toned down because of her whole stocking ordeal, chuck, to me, that's really insulting. but i do think lelisabeth hasselbeck is getting that now. >> she's back stepping now? >> she had to explain to her young daughter grace about how she was feeling badly because she hurt andrew's feelings. and she tearfully apologized while she recounted that conversation with young daughter.
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>> i told her i will try to use my words more carefully and she's so cute. she's 5. she said mommy, why don't you just call erin and say you're sorry. so i listened to her. she's a wise little girl. >> she went on to publicly apologize to andrew on "the view." i was originally ticked off by her comments but i've got to say she did the right thing there. i applaud her for stepping up today on "the view." tomorrow on all this outrage over erin with the fired up new "dancing with the stars" debate. we're now live at 5:00 eastern. so chuck, i would say in exactly 17 minutes, we'll be talking to you again. >> keep the mike on, buddy. thanks. a.j., good to see you. homeland security officials are changing the no-fly list policy to change what happened in the
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case of times square bombing suspect. faisal shahzad boarded a plane even though being added on the no-fly list that afternoon. now airlines have to check within two hours of being notified they were updated. previously, they had a 24-hour window. airlines could be fined if they don't comply with the new policy and time line. a source with information says investigators found an interesting train receipt that shows faisal shahzad got on a train bound for connecticut 30 minutes after allegedly parking the car bomb. the course says investigators believe he ran to catch the train, which pulled out around 7:00 or 7:15 saturday night. the source was unsure what the test nation was. we also learned today that shahzad seemed to know investigators were closing in on him. when he was removed from the plane, he said to law enforcement, i was expecting you. are you nypd or fbi?
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he's still in federal custody. intelligence officials say his father-in-law and a friend were detained for questioning in pakistan yesterday. officials in karachi say more people were taken into custody today but wouldn't say how many or who. they want to know if he acted alone or as part of a larger plot. he had a prepaid cell phone. the documents also revealed he had recently received a dozen calls from pakistan, including five on the day he bought that nissan pathfinder that was found in times square filled with explosives. those phone calls stopped three days before the failed bombing. officials at b.p. say it could be the fastest way to stop an oil leak in the gulf of mexi mexico, but they say there's no guarantee this dome will work. latest on the oil spill. tling ] [ music playing in distance ] ♪ ...sun shine in ♪ let the sun shine [ male announcer ] open yourself up
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to a whole new driving experience. introducing a mercedes-benz convertible that controls the wind and keeps you comfortable in any season. the e-cabriolet, newest member of the amazing e-class family. the thrill of opening it up. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a new liquid gel. new zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. yeah, this trip is way overdue. i just can't wait to see all those crunchy flakes in action. i hope i get a chance to put two scoops!™ of raisins in some boxes. you know what will really get us in the spirit? ♪ 99 boxes of raisin bran crunch ♪ ♪ if you're nice to me i'll share some with you ♪ ♪ you take one down ( and pass it around ) ♪ ♪ 98 boxes of raisin bran crunch ♪ three tasty ingredients, one great combination. ♪ raisin bran crunch! from kellogg!
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[ dennis ]reech, weren't expecting that? well how about this... drivers who switched from geico to allstate saved an average of $468 a year. [ judy ] see how much you could save. call or click today for a free quote or to find an allstate agent. the captain of the boat carrying this giant concrete and steel box a dome, if you will, says another vessel with cranes
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will lift and lower it 5,000 feet to the seabed. that should be done by the weekend. b.p. capped one of the three leaks last night, but it was the smallest of the three and did little according to the company to cut off the amount of crude gushing to the gulf. that oil spill is really hurting people making their living in the gulf. and people are cancelling hotel rooms and boat carter, but other people are going ahead with their plan, hoping things will be okay. >> i fished in louisiana a coup of times and i never thought this would ever happen to this excess. this's pretty intense. >> charter boat owners want you to know the gulf is still clean for fishing. two hour, that's how long
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airlines have to refresh the database. the homeland security department change reasonable doubt the policy at the last minute. the suspect was allowed to board a flight despite his name being on the no-fly list. previously, airlines had a 24-hour window to update the list. overall, do you think the no-fly system works? were there gaps in it that were exposed in this incident? or are you overall satisfied with the operation? a lot of responses on facebook. let's pull up a few of them. you can cherj for chuck roberts hln. raina posted this, they should not have to catch the list. the system should be advanced enough that the computer can find name or social security numbers. >> dan posted this. i think the no-fly list should update it on its own. this is a real test, we failed
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again. that airline company needs to be fined for human error on their end. let's take a phone call. kelly is on the line in livingston, montana. do you think the system worked? >> i don't. i think it failed us trasticily. i feel we should have something in place like an amber alert system. a terrorist alert system. we do have a human factor there that is overlooked at times. immediately when this person was put on the terrorist list, he should have immediately went out to every newscast, every news broadcast, every radio broadcast. it should have been put on every computer. you know, u.s. citizens could have said hey, tloo there's this person boarding the train. they could call the police, i just seen this guy board a train. the airlines should automatically flash up to where anybody on a terminal in any transit system has the ability to flash it up immediately and stay on their system. >> and call up his picture, too. >> and bring up his picture and
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say this person is suspected of terrorism, it's an alert. notify somebody right away. >> and not just add his name to a list of 400 or 500 others. it might get lost.lost. >> caller: you add it on a list and two hours later after he's already boarded a plane and in flight, somebody hangs to check it. and if they actually spot it, i mean, you're relying on human -- >> exactly. that's always a problem. facebook comment includes this. tina writes, i guess the no-fly list is just there for kicks. makes you wonder if anyone's in charge when it comes to our safety. thanks, everybody, for weighing in on a great topic and o one tt will continue to be revisited. wisconsin congress nan david obey says he's going to retire at the end of his term this year. the 71-year-old democrat is the chairman of the house appropriations committee. he was the youngest member of congress when first elected in 1969. this term he was expected to face shawn duffy, the district
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attorney of ashland county. "time" magazine had named shawn duffy one of the ten gop contenders likely to win an upset or capable of winning one. you got to see this wild arrest in oregon. the man you see police chasing is suspected of stealing a car monday wearing a top hat, woman's wig and mardi gras beads. he jumps in the river. finally he climbs out and police taser him while he's wet. they say he had a fake gun. it looked real and he was resisting their orders. it only took ten minutes for firefighters to pull three people from the edge of the dam. but boy was it intense. [ banker ] mike and brenda found a house that they really wanted.
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it was in my sister's neighborhood. i told you it was perfect for you guys. literally across the street from her sister. [ banker ] but someone else bought it before they could get their offer together. we really missed a great opportunity -- dodged a bullet there. [ banker ] so we talked to them about the wells fargo priority buyer preapproval. it lets people know that you are a serious buyer because you've been credit-approved. we got everything in order so that we can move on the next place we found. which was clear on the other side of town. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when you're ready to move. you stood in the basement gathering dust while i, sneezing, itching eyes kept you from our favorite stream. the one that runs through a field where pollen floats through the air. but now, with the strength of 24-hour zyrtec® to relieve my worst allergy symptoms, indoors and outdoors...
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