tv [untitled] IRINN April 5, 2023 12:00am-1:01am IRST
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the bravery of the defenders of the shrine by attending the funeral ceremony of heydari's martyrs and a party in tehran, let's make a pact for muslims. hello, my dear brother, show me that with the martyrdom of young people, i can go to the lock of the four-hour meeting of the president with the producers of mr. raisi . economic decisions should not be made without the opinion of the private sector. in the economic field, it should be the private sector of production the spokesperson of the government announced that some executive regulations of the budget law 1402 have been notified to the institutions, including the final rights
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. the most merciful and the most merciful and blessings on prophet muhammad and the family of muhammad, peace be upon him. ayatollah khamenei, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, in a meeting with officials and agents of the system, emphasizing the need to focus the efforts and will of all officials and institutions throughout the year to curb inflation and growth of production to fulfill the requirements. they gave the slogan of the year and some other important economic recommendations and they said that if these requirements are followed, the results will be seen in the reduction of inflation and the feeling of relative comfort of the people at the end of the year. the leader of the revolution in this meeting also made important points about the conspiracies of our social appearance, in fact, the political-security of the enemies, the issue of the hijab of the march elections and global developments. they stated that the leader of the islamic revolution called this year's slogan an important and sensitive slogan. choosing an economic slogan does not mean ignoring social and cultural issues, because economic problems, including
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high inflation, lead to the spread of poverty, on the contrary , to the natural increase of forbidden wealth and the creation of corruption. on people's culture, thoughts and behavior also have a negative effect. he said that they considered production important in addition to curbing inflation, and said that sometimes inflation in the country is controlled, but it brings stagnation, which of course, based on the previous arguments of experts , it is possible to curb inflation along with the growth of production. we hope that good things will happen with in explaining the meaning of giving priority to the slogan of the year in the government, the parliament, the judiciary and all the institutions, he said that the use of all capacities and hardware facilities, including natural resources and god-given infrastructure and software capacities such as power a creative youth
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the motivation of elites and owners of new ideas is necessary to realize the slogan of the year. if we want to make this slogan operational, it is necessary that different institutions and different parts of the country accept the priority of this matter. in front of us, all our efforts, all our wills should be focused on this focal point. it should not be like this that we say and talk for a few mornings . i have a cable head. i have a wire. let's isolate
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it and go to the sidelines. let's forget all the texts by the end of the year. this slogan is not only for one year. the poet often continues. he is trying to find emma this year, 1362 until the end of the year, all the efforts both in the legislation and in the implementation , in the judiciary and in various other departments , fully realize this issue, that this task is not the main and complete task. prioritizing another meaning is that of all the capacities of the country. for this purpose, ayatollah khamenei is used to avoid marginalizing and obstructing the slogan of the year, including political and factional views, or
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inflationary approvals. there are other conditions that do not give priority to the slogan of the year. they emphasized that if the dimensions of this priority are realized in practice, it will be realized the slogan of the year has decreased in economic indicators and the people feel comfort in their lives to some extent. the other part of the leader of the revolution's speech in the meeting with the officials and agents of the system was devoted to the requirements of the implementation of the slogan of the year, the true and extensive cooperation of the fall, including the approval of the necessary laws. the executive part and the serious and continuous follow-up of decisions until reaching the 2000 results were important , which the leadership pointed out, referring to the continuous reminders of himself and the officials in private meetings about the follow-up of decisions, the existence of a large number of half-finished projects is due to the lack of attention to the category of follow-up. they knew in the actual example, they said that several
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large government companies that have good profits, the president had promised to implement construction projects in different regions of the country to serve the people, but now it is clear that they did not take convincing measures . third, stability in economic policies and decisions was required. who called the supreme leader of the revolution the foundation for the realization of the slogan of the year and considered the successive changes of such policies to be very slow and cause the reluctance of domestic and foreign investors, the participation of the people was another requirement for the realization of the slogan of the year, which the leader of the revolution considered to be very important and decisive one of the most important the requirements for the implementation of this slogan is that the participation of the people is a decisive issue
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. it is very important . we have acted poorly. you have acted poorly for many years. the production will be stopped, the existence of which the production method will definitely bring about the presence of the people in the production in various programs from small and small productions to the two big eids by the people themselves, this production car will affect the treatment of inflation . to prepare a knowledge-based roadmap national economy, design a plan, implement a road map and fully inform the people, referring to
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the resistance economic policies, ayatollah khamenei said that the implementation of these policies will empower the weak classes and increase their income, and the organization and other related institutions should create a certain mechanism will determine how to activate the people in the economy, so that good steps can be taken in creating justice, which is the basis of the economy in islam. corruption at the top of the key recommendations of the leader of the islamic revolution and all officials , he once again called corruption a seven-headed dragon and fighting the dragon is a very difficult task. its decisiveness should be at the head of good
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works and all institutions. financial discipline, including the reform of the budget structure , was also focused and emphasized by the leader of the revolution in the discussion of the main economic duties of the officials . they announced a budget structure and pointing to the non-fulfillment of this goal, they said that this important agenda was pursued, avoiding financial obligations that do not have lasting benefits, and new savings, including unnecessary trips to conferences and unnecessary purchases of devices, were the points that the leadership in this field in the next recommendation, the leader of the revolution stated that, referring to the very low level of productivity in the country's economy, i.e., high consumption and low efficiency , they considered it absolutely necessary to increase productivity, and told our leadership that water is less than most countries in the world, and that energy is many times
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more than other countries. the fourth recommendation of hazrat is advanced ayatollah khamenei determined and regulated the logical relationship between large state-owned companies and the government . he said that there are good managers in the public sector as well as in the private sector. the quality and power of competition and the creation of domestic and foreign sales markets for their products supported them, and they also have the duty to find out their role in the overall economic movement of the country by criticizing some of the large and lucrative government companies that use domestic raw materials for production. the price of your products they match with telegram channel and fake prices directed by the enemy, they said why this work should
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be done, which is to give sovereignty to the dollar and strengthen the rival of the rial, the leader of the revolution called one of the problems of the country the dependence of various sectors of the economy on the dollar and pointed out that some the countries that separated themselves from the dollar and the transactions were cut off with a switch found a better situation, he added, stressing on the clarification of the role of large state-owned companies in the macroeconomic strategy and curbing inflation , instead of supporting the good managers of the companies with the owners of destructive roles. in the monetary and financial system like some financial institutions and private banks that cause inflation by buying property and land and overdrafting from the central bank should be dealt with directly.
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sudden shortages frantically and hurriedly look for imports, which breaks the back of production, while the problem should be solved by anticipating events and as soon as shortages are felt in items such as chicken meat and rice by mobilizing people's facilities and capacities , ayatollah khamene oh, in the last advice with expressing satisfaction with the presence of people with good economic understanding and knowledge in the government, some key measures that lay the groundwork for economic leap, including the use of sea capacities, sea economy, taking advantage of the sensitive and privileged position of the country's geography for international transportation, especially on the north-south route they demanded mining and housing production. in another part of his speech, the leader of the revolution considered the world's political developments to be very fast and at the same time to weaken the front of the law of the islamic republic and said that in order to take advantage of this opportunity, we must
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have mobility and thoughts in foreign policy and activities yourself in expressing the signs of the weakening of the anti-iranian front in the future new world order, they said that one of the most important opponents of iran in the world is america , which the reality shows that america, obama is weaker than america , trump is weaker than america, obama and america, sir, are weaker than american trump. in the same context, khamenei reminded that the two poles created in the elections of 23 years ago in the united states are still strongly present . the united states could not solve the zionist regime . happen and the relations of the arab group with iran are increasing and while the united states wanted to end the nuclear war according to its plan with political pressure and sanctions , but it was not able to continue, citing examples of the weakness of the
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united states. it has caused a distance between these countries and the european allies, who are actually the children of war and eat them, but america takes the profit. the leader of the american revolution considers latin america as their backyard, but many anti-american governments came to work there. america wanted venezuela. to look around for that fake president created a fake president with money, voice and army. we failed. the weakening of the us dollar in the way that some countries are trading with each other's national currencies was another example that the leader of the revolution said, citing their collection , therefore america, which is in the system regarding the zionist regime, which is the other enemy of the islamic republic of iran, he pointed out that this regime has never faced animal problems like today during its 75-year life , and
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i know that the collapse of their ex-minister says that everyone says the collapse of our judges, we will not reach the age of 80. you do not see the age of 25 and 25. i want them to hurry up. i want them to multiply the power of the palestinian groups and reach palestine by tens of thousands. among other signs of the weakening of the anti-iran front and the strengthening of the front in another part of his speech, calling the revolutionary leader resistance, he discussed the conspiracy of the enemies inside the country and said that there was and will be a conspiracy inside the country, that last year's riots, which were carried out under the pretext of the women's issue and with the support of the western spy system, were of this kind. referring to the news and the insecurity of women in western countries, they pointed out that in some of these countries , women
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are not safe either on the street or in the military, and even like the veiled muslim woman who came to the court to file a complaint, the complainant was only beaten to death. it comes for the islamic republic ayatollah khamenei marks the best city to live in. referring to the deception of a number of people in last year's incidents, he said that some inside who were often deceived followed the foreign enemy and people outside the country chanted the slogan of women's freedom. which was accompanied by hijri instead of polite speech and logical reasoning, because the issue of women is not only a matter of covering, the active presence of iranian women and girls in the fields of education , employment, political and social activity suitable for management, and the presence of activists in the struggles before the revolution and during the defense period holy and processions of 22 bahman and roz quds pointed out and said in which of these issues is there no freedom in the country? where in the world
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do women have so many activities like iran, which iranian women do with pride and pride ? and immediately the hijab is a sharia and legal restriction, and it is not a state restriction . sharia slaughtering, removing the hijab is a sharia haram , it is a political haram. i do not know that many of these are those who
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the people of harm religion, the people of ramadan, ali grih and don, do not pay attention to what is behind this policy of hijab by fighting against the hijab, the enemy spies, the enemy's spy agencies are looking for this matter, they know that it will not be solved for the piece issue, imam in the first weeks of the revolution, the problem the hijab must be mandatory and decisive at the beginning of the work of the imam, may god bless him and grant him peace, all parents should pay attention. the enemy entered this business with a plan and a plan . we must do this with a plan without a plan
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. god willing, i am doing this after the elections the islamic council and the assembly of experts in march of this year was another issue that the leader of the revolution stressed the importance of and said that the election can be a manifestation of national power . it will increase, so we must become strong, which is one of the important tools of election power . in this context, he added that relevant officials should determine the strategy of participation in health security and election competition from now on, so that we have good, healthy services and high participation . hazrat ayatollah khamenei, the important issue of the media both they pointed out and said that the destruction and conspiracies of the country's power in cyberspace should be exposed, and the national media, which
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, thank god, is in the hands of faithful people , should thwart the enemy's efforts in this regard. the leader of the revolution also thanks for the really good report. at the beginning of this meeting, the president called the holy month of ramadan a unique opportunity to remember god, deliverance from the great calamity of neglect and to be exposed to all kinds of mercy and care of god, citing the verses of the qur'an and the hadiths of the imams of purity, peace be upon him, to learn good deeds and behavior. from the results of mention they read the lord and added that the great responsibility of the officials is to serve the people and run the country well , and the remembrance of god will have positive effects in fulfilling this heavy duty. by giving the opportunity and
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power to serve the people , this service is the most important test for us officials, so we should appreciate the bright opportunity of ramadan and use our strength to fulfill the heavy duties of mazar afghani. and he said that he was the hero of the great nation of iran in the year 1401, who shone brightly by standing up and defeating the enemies in the combined war, hojjat al-islam wa al-muslimeen raisi, referring to the nowruz words of the leader of the revolution and the necessity of transformationalism, transformation and the main approach of the government , and said that since the beginning of the government, its mission was we knew that the weaknesses of the country, such as the budget deficit, the high inflation rate , the decrease in the reserves of basic goods, the drop in production and the distortion of the people's confidence in investment, should be compensated with the right methods and the strengths of the country should be strengthened in the sectors. such as
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economic reforms in the elimination of preferential currency still more from 40%, he said that we will strongly follow the wise words of 1402 about curbing inflation and production growth . oil and gas 9% in machinery and equipment 19% in cars 19% and in some heavy machinery under road construction up to 101% and in other production categories such as steel and household appliances we also had high growth, the president added that the government should follow policies regional and strengthening international cooperation of people's lives and he did not tie the progress of the country to any foreign will, and there were no more such words that the progress of the country has been stopped or so-and
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-so has been stopped. let us stick to it and we will honestly share it with the people. at the end of this meeting, the maghrib and isha prayers led by the leader of the islamic revolution, the construction of the golden place , zola, the president said in his iftar banquet with a group of the country's top producers and entrepreneurs that we will not allow any goods it has a
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domestic counterpart imported from abroad by mr. raisi in the following he asked the governor general of the central bank to resolve the issue of currency allocation to the production sector faster in a meeting with the producers. 4 hours of meeting and discussion in this hall, where sometimes the voices of the producers who want the idea of having the private sector and its hands open for the production cycle to turn around, this command and we give hidden subsidies for concentrated production exceeding 400 billion per year, and this caused the leadership to intensify the elimination of the effects, their concern was that the world
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is like this. very good job to reach production was seeking to break the dependence on foreign currency, we have no way but to gain the technological advantage in the country, and break its dependence due to some people looking for administrative bureaucracy, the numerous directives that are issued are contradictory and a producer is looking to pay attention to the knowledge base . the most possible support for knowledge-based companies in this field . the work will come to a good end i considered the allocation of currency to production units to be a common concern of the government and producers, the priority of the tasks that should be done quickly, the meetings that mr.
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farzin has with the producers, like the currency, should reach this completely acceptable point , he said, a decision in the economic field the characteristics of the producer should be consulted, who is in the field , has an opinion, and the government's hand in russian state companies, if a company is reported and most of its shares belong to 60 shareholders, why should we allow this company to have shares in the general assembly ? formation the group of self-monitoring board, do what you have to do yourself. immediately
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, mr. president asked the head of the central bank to be responsible for the foreign exchange problems of the producers. the 10th minister of economy was responsible for the directives and instructions. in the field of customs , the president used the maximum legal powers . you ordered other ministries to change their directives in a short period of time, illegally and this meeting showed that in order to increase the production cycle with the card, there are both facilities and infrastructure, only between action and the convergence of views, which the president announced , for this to happen, more meetings will be held from now on, these are my meetings
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i will repeat and in this regard i will schedule a weekly meeting for manufacturers all over the country, god willing, so that we can discuss the obstacles to production as a whole and a circular in a specific and exemplary manner. amina continued to the cycle of more production on the new step of the parliament to monitor the budget allocation, the head of the center said that this year, the program and budget organization should load the amount of allocations into the budget system, mr. qalibaf , in the first meeting of the coordination council of the islamic council in the new year, referring to the problems jadi said in the implementation of the budget laws of the past years, with the aim of closely monitoring the way the budget is allocated, the government is obliged to report to the parliament every action in the budget through the budget plan organization after allocating each row , and for this purpose, a system has been designed that allows monitoring the way it gives the budget allocation to the parliament
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mr. qalibaf also said that this year's budget, compared to previous years, was based on the revolutionary leader's plan that the budget ceiling should not be changed in the parliament by nine percent, and with a total change of 25%, the amount of change is incomparable to the years the fifth joint meeting of the government and parliament will be held today in the summit hall. the spokesperson of the government announced the notification of some implementation regulations of the budget law of 1400 and two , including the rights of marriage loans and childbearing loans, and announced the approval of the budget law of 1402. executive regulations, including salary regulations, were finalized and approved
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in the government, i think it was announced yesterday, it will be announced today, and some of the regulations have been sent to the government office, which is being discussed and reviewed. the government said that, god willing, the regulations that oversee the implementation of the budget are necessary, which are about 50 regulations according to the budget . 1402 should be approved by the government, as much as possible, at intervals even earlier than those stipulated in the budget alone, to mr. bahadri jahormi, he also gave the statistics of the increase in nowruz trips, the rail travel sector with 1 million 600 thousand zeros, witnessed a 30% increase in trips in days nowruz holiday compared to the same period last year in the air sector more than two million we had transportation that experienced a 20% growth in the maritime domain, there was also a 12% growth
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, the spokesperson of the government, referring to the reduction of the inflation growth rate to 27, 28% last march, said that the main direction of the government is to control the growth of liquidity in order to continue the trend and prevent mr. bahadri jahormi also denied the rumor of cutting off the subsidy for the recipients of share currency and said that we expect to have no problem in the supply of medicine this year. mr. pour ebrahimi said that in order to prevent tax evasion , we asked the government to fully implement the regulations of the taxpayer system law and the shopping terminal down to the bottom of the city.
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in the second half of the year, with the full implementation of the store system law, the schedule of which has also been agreed between the economic commission of the ministry of economy, observing a significant growth rate in tax collection, the increase in tax rates, or pressure on taxpayers, how to prevent tax evasion in poison country the funeral of the martyrs of iran's military advisor in syria milad heydari and migdad mehrabani will be held this morning in kurdistan and golestan provinces . yesterday, the people of tehran exhumed the bodies of these martyrs in imam hossein square. gereb said, of course, the zionists know what happened
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to them in the past few hours and what will happen in the future. john faza is coming, although in syria, when the zionist regime martyred them, they were alone. go because of my school well, we didn't get the ticket, and now i understand that god's work is not without wisdom, and it was not wise for us to stay and the ceremony of expressing the most evil people on the days of the
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martyrdom of two of the examples. the zeal of the kurds is a special and common name. i was also very jealous of hazrat zainab . she is proud and dignified. khomeini of the revolution. people said , "don't answer the answer. be ahead. one step at a time, you have to take the first step . i hope that we can always avenge the blood of the martyrs of rome as soon as possible. that your family is dear to you the fact that a small child and a chair were gone and the belief that they gave their life story that they are going to syria will defecate the defense bastion of iran and take it to
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the border of israel and is defending itself. the body of martyr heydari is in kurdistan province and martyr mehghani is in golestan hamed ahmadi will be buried tomorrow, according to the head of the elections and international quds day headquarters, the starting point of all the world quds day marches across the country are the usual mosques and mosques, and the destination of all the marches will also be friday prayer meetings for ramadan in the press conference added that palestine is the axis of world unity islam and quds is on the threshold of freedom, the main slogan of this year's march. the international quds day march
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will be held on friday 25 fardin across the country. let's celebrate the day according to the calendar issues, if we possibly had the next day, it doesn't matter, because we are trying to celebrate the international quds day. at the height of the discussion with the nights of qadr, channel 9 of australia announced in a report the use of tik tok in government electronic devices. australia has been banned from
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media concerns raised that this chinese program poses serious security risks. the tik tok ban train has arrived in sydney. australia has banned the use of the popular chinese social network due to security concerns and the misuse of user data in all government agencies after the european union against australia. to destroy the threats of this social network shamsheer, according to the experts, the tik tok filtering incident showed that whatever the western countries refer to as freedom of speech, the national security interests of their country should not be endangered, an issue with the keyword freedom of expression has been used by other countries for years, mr. because you are here, the american people should
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know the truth about the threat of tik tok against our national and personal security, that the filtering of social networks in countries has intensified, and the ceo of shinja is under the impeachment to respond to the violation of privacy. salar vaezi users of sed and sima news agency, hello dear viewers, have a good night. the world champion and olympic bronze medalist returned to the national team camp after apologizing to the officials of the wrestling federation.
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sangin from the world of wrestling was excluded from the national team camps due to a conflict with kamran qasim in the training , he was immediately expelled from the camp according to the 10th clause of the selection cycle of the national team, which caused the bronze medalist of the tokyo olympics and perhaps the first division to win the most beautiful medal 2023 world cup and the paris olympics to regret his actions and officially apologize . in the hearing that took place at the national free wrestling team camp, in this meeting, while mr. amir hossein zare expressed his regret, it was decided that this promising young wrestler and our title will be forgiven and in seyyed mehdi should attend the national team camps pour hosseini of radio and television news agency, after the events of the last few days of the tehran province football board, the members of the football federation's board of directors decided to vote on the current head of the tehran football board in the next meeting, because of the marginalization of the
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tehran football board and the dismissal of habibollah shirazi chand . when it was in the center of attention, it is gaining new dimensions day by day. shirazi, the last election was held , does not have the quality of football in the group, and that is why they have them in the first place, and the election is held, and then they change, and you change. they will go in a few days they filled the distance between damavand, chahardange, shahryar town , firozkou, qarchak, varamin, and the southwest area. they offered to change the sedan car
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. from the high prices of football school licenses in tehran province to the complaint of some families to the federation, of course, the use of lesson 1 action is another one of these ambiguities that the board of the football federation has examined in the first meeting. there was a law to do it and the resolution of march 28, the last assembly of the federation, was not one in the football federation. judicial and quasi-judicial authorities deal with violations. it must have been felt that the plaintiff should be dealt with, and a decision should be issued. one of the important parts of tehran province is also a valid reason. the attention of the officials of vacancies and vacancies of material matters that had their own special people
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as the trustee of their children, what are the administrative matters, how many jobs do i do football, azal shirazi from the head of the football board of tehran province has voted, a meeting of the board of directors is scheduled to be held on saturday be in accordance with the rules and regulations will be followed. if it is on the agenda , it will be taken care of. it will be dealt with according to the regulations. in the past few days, the football federation and the general directorate of sports and youth of tehran province have not yet taken an official position on shirazi's stay or departure. sed and radio news agency good night and may god bless you today is wednesday the 16th of farvardin. the morning call to prayer in tehran was at
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4:20, the sunrise was at 5:46. dozens of conservatives in the parliament wrote their votes on paper they did not sit to show their agreement or disagreement, until the possibility of electronic tracking of their opinions was added, while iran's legislation has been more than 100 years old , a demand has slowly become hot among the public opinion, the transparency of the contents by which the people vote for their representatives.
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see transparently in the parliament and the transparency of the votes of the representatives can be searched at the end of the 10th term of the islamic council, about five years ago in august 2017 , 360 representatives signed it so that it goes into effect, and its purpose was to announce the names of the representatives who did not participate in the conflicts and clearly be the representatives
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who are those in favor, against, and against in each case , in the middle of september 2017 and transparency opposed it so that it will be dealt with in the future? his colleagues should invite the transparency of votes in 2018 to be included in the agenda of the 10th parliament, but again, the representatives opposed its immediate review, although the parliament opposed the urgent review of the transparency plan, we are worried about this, in response to the demand of the media , the concerns that even today , some concerns about populism and propaganda have disappeared and they are holding the representatives. the 10th parliament did not satisfy the tasks of the transparency plan. the representatives of the 11th parliament, who came to work , raised the flag of approval of the transparency of the votes and the review of the transparency plan
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cannot be carried out again . there was no transparency in the parliament. it should be cooked in the middle of february of the 99th in the 11th parliament, where the quality of the deputies' votes had been advertised for a long time . which is to reject the generalities transparency had sunk, then he returned a comprehensive plan, but he was no longer satisfied with the transparency of the votes of the representatives. what emerged from the heart of the 11th parliament was the transparency of the three powers and the executive bodies, who wanted
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to make the financial statements and property and assets of the institutions transparent, just for the stain. on may 11, 1401, the parliament voted in favor of the general draft of the transparency of the dust, but the objections of the guardian council went to the expediency council and it is still waiting for the approval of the parliament. he did not actually make any corrections and he clarified that this resolution insists that more than 60 members of parliament have recently published their votes in the system. the transparency of the candidates
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has removed all restrictions. farhad bashiri, pakdasht, ali khazarian, tehran, sineh shahrekord, abdul ali rahimi, mozaffari, bostan, mohammad rashidi, kermanshah, jalal rashidi, maroodasht kochi, ibrahim rezaei, dashtestan , mojtabi rezakhah, tehran, yaqoub rezazadeh, selmas mohammad sargazi, zabol mahdi rahmati, babol alireza salimi, mahalat iqbal shakri , tehran, malik shariati, niaser tehran, mahdi
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sharifian, tehran, nasrallah pazhmanfar, mashhad, hossein jalali, rafsanjan, hossein ali, haji deligani, shahin shahr, ali haddadi, the announcement of ruhollah izadkhah, tehran, mohammad bagheri, banab, hossein haqvardi, shahryar, seyyed masoud khatami, hossein khosravi, birjand, mohsen pirhadi, tehran , kamal hosseinpour, piranshahr, hossein hosseinzadeh, larestan , mohammad hossein hosseinzadeh bahraini. mashhad ruhollah hazratpour urmia qadratullah hamzeh shalmazari ardel mehdi taqi isfahan ahmed ali rezabigi tabriz abolfazl amoui tehran ali asghar anabistani sabzevar mohammad hossein farhani tabriz hojatullah firozee fasa
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mohammad baqer qalibaf tehran hossein karmi dashti ali akbar karimi, arak ruhollah, motafker azad, tabriz, sohrab gilani, shushtar, behrouz , mohibi, najmabadi, sabzvar, javad karimi, qudousi, mashhad, fatemeh mohammad beigi, qazvin, hossein mohammad salehi, darani, faridan, ahmed moradi, bandar abbas, abbas moqtadaei , isfahan-shiraz, naserinejad, shadgan bassi, karaj, bojnard
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, seyyed ahmad rasoulinejad, damavandabadi, har mahdi asgari karaj, fatemeh qasimpour, tehran, hossein emami, rad chenaran, jabar kouchinejad, rasht, ismail rosari, tehran, seyyed morteza hosseini, tabriz religious center , seyed jalil mirmohammadi meybodi taft, seyed ali nazari, khanqah khalkhal, seyed naser mousavi, largani, flowerjan , 12 km northwest of mashhad at the tos 8 power plant it has been in operation for a year and it supplies 47% of mashhad city's electricity, 10% of razavi khorasan province's electricity and 17% of the country's electricity
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in the northeastern part of the country . this steam is transferred to the turbine assembly and the turbine rotates and finally the movement of the turbine causes the generator to move and finally the electricity production from the generator remains on . we have built more than 5000 in the country by craftsmen and this is why our power plant is always in the circuit should be installed and stable electricity should be changed to the national network electricity by the internalization of parts in line with the movement of energy supply by registered user owners, but most of the parts that they need and are well made inside the country in two ways , we created a horror comedy, a domestically made comedy, which
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we tried to film inside the building. let's not spare you anymore. in fact, if we relied on the internal documents , we should import them, but the native knowledge that we found in the country has been produced since the year 1400, more than 12,440 by iranian knowledge-based companies. produced from these parts, the generator excitation system is one of the most important parts of the electricity production process that are installed on the steam turbines of the power plant are the skin of istanbul and in this high pressure , which is one of the most sensitive parts of the power plant .
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the instigation of sahm unit was that we had major problems for several years, many of them said that it was not done last year , they said that it could not be done because it was a german manufacturing company, i should do it, and this unit entered the circuit. 1400 power generation power plant but according to these repairs and the parts that we have used and based on knowledge, it will be 6% more than the previous years. of course , you can make some simple parts similar to foreign ones, it would increase the productivity of the manufacturer, and the generator would face problems, but there is no
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information about the time of the incident. we didn't have any accidents. newly installed, all the operations performed by the operation, every command that is issued from the control room, even opening the door of the panels, all of them are issued in the record system, and it continues here in the cold and heat to keep the lights on. the houses were taken out of orbit, in fact, we were turned upside down we had and were able to use two of the benefits of the volcano. it was a problem. the accident was a big man. 26 units of materials were out of order. the power
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was down. it was winter. we had to light a fire and be able to get dollars. the repair of control systems for the excitation of generators and the main parts of the power plant was accompanied by problems, and some of these roads in the country were not shut down due to breakdowns. the electricity industry of the country is moving step by step solving the bigger problems in the electricity industry, and we hope that god has brought us here, that now they accept a reliable and exceptional company inside the truck , and in the neighboring country , we can do this project in the country. at the bottom of the riyal part, it is paid to prevent foreign exchange and in all aspects, from cyber after-sales services to
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it may be worth a billion, but you were here for a third . in fact, let's sum it up . only dependence on mashhad's tus power plant has saved 300,000 euros in the past year. hello, dear and respected viewers, i am at your service. the news segment at one o'clock in the morning, on tuesday, the former president of the united states, donald trump , appeared in a court in the manhattan neighborhood of new york city to explain all the 34 charges
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