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tv   [untitled]    October 2, 2023 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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send the number five to 30085 right now. it is four in the morning tehran time, and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. this year, about 3,200,000 students have entered the country's universities, and those who have just become students are going to go to the university from saturday, the 15th of mehr. the beginning of the reopening of the universities and the mood of the students is interesting , it is different from our imaginations, but it is reasonable.
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they find new friends , get to know each other, finally, it has its own passions and excitements. new to alvarud, having the first two semesters, it is good to stick to the trip because it helps them a lot in their studies. later, they just try not to take it too hard. taking classes face-to-face also suited the taste of most students . face-to-face, why not face-to-face? there is no sense at all. we are present here in our classroom. . our focus is on the lesson and if there is a problem, the children should ask, this will be better solved . for example, it is better if they make it virtual, but for example , it is better if it is in-person in the morning. it seems that the professors like more than the students that the classes are in-person . really, the university is alive only because of the students. is energies will be renewed, lessons, discussion and research will be opened again. it is interesting to note that students from the countries of india, iraq, and china.
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and the pakistanis also had a strong presence in the first days of the reopening of the universities. how is it that tehran university is very good , it is big, you studied persian literature, and god willing, everything will be fine . i love the persian language . even if they are in the class , i will speak to a foreign child at a lower level. which i can easily understand and now i am proud of the happiness of the students from the successful launch of noor 3 satellite, that the youth this country and this country were able to achieve such a success and to be able to send a very large satellite into space. it is a feeling of honor that the students were able to achieve something like this. i think it shows the ingenuity of iranian students. how high is their ability?
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and this is just the beginning, the students of the province, who have recently become students, will enter the country's universities from saturday, the 15th of muharram, mohammad ebrahim pakzad , the head of the islamic council, in a message on the death of brigadier general mahmoud zarabi, a veteran and a veteran. the air force of the islamic republic of iran expressed its condolences to the islamic republic of iran. he was one of the pilots of the holy defense era, who participated in several holy defense operations such as kamman 99 and marwarid. the late zarabi also tried to record the memories of war pilots and transfer their experiences to the new generation by setting up the iranian pilots association. these soldiers. disrespectful to the commander
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of the front, they have registered. phantom pilot who was in the sky since the first days of saddam's attack on iran. amir zarabi, who was one of the sharpest pilots of his air force, was jamal eslami, who participated in very important attacks against hamra's air force in the first days of the war. kardan in the first answer of kamman 99 together with alireza yasini and abbas doran. the war went on for a long time, we have to take the pilot , bring him training , bring him, his cabinet, shahid yasini and shahid doran together, we went to shiraz, we started combat flights, the rest of the pilots continued there.
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lashkar was the time of the start of the war, and these are some of the operations in which the martyred pilot zarabi participated in the keshmet flight and sindi of your year , during the 8 years of the holy defense, we were in the corner with my dear ones , now mohammad zarabi, after many years, bring mujahid his martyrdom continued, we all were soldiers
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, we did our duty. today, if someone asks us, we have nothing to do with the nation of iran, and his last song is from the hands of the air force to heaven. ahmed askari khabari sed and sima building of the ministry of interior of turkey was the target of an attack. turkish officials say that two turkish agents were wounded and two terrorists were killed. at 9:30 local time in front of the ministry of interior of turkey. a private car carrying two inthari operatives with the intention of entering the interior of a city building and detonating an explosive vest by an inthari terrorist agent after the explosion of an armed conflict with
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the security forces caused the death of another terrorist and the security forces of turkey in this incident. were injured the turkish interior minister explained the details of the incident without mentioning the identity of the perpetrators of the terrorist explosion . i have already announced. both terrorists were killed, one with a vest and the other by security officers. two security forces were also injured. while thanking the security forces, i stress that they intervened on time. we will continue the fight against terrorist groups, criminal gangs, and dealers in death, completely destroying them. prosecutors to reveal more dimensions of this the incident has started an extensive investigation and until the announcement of additional news by the authorities of zislam , a media ban has been imposed on the publication of related news. more than
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176 turkish citizens died in 3 attacks in 2016 in the same area of ​​ankara. antari attack takes place in the center of the turkish capital while the most important government and military buildings, including the national assembly and the joint staff of the army, are located in this area. all roads leading to the center of ankara are blocked until further notice, and strict security measures are in place around the parliament buildings. national and ministry of interior of turkey have been established completely the president of senegal criticized the foreign interference in the african continent and asked the french government to learn from its past mistakes. he said: "we are witnessing the rebuke of france in africa, and the image of this country in the african continent is being destroyed." the president of senegal added: we will not allow france to dominate our country's resources and
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we are looking to diversify our partners. following popular protests in various african countries, france has so far withdrawn its forces from mali and burkina faso, and it is planned to withdraw its forces from niger by the end of this year. take out thank you until the next part.
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if we look at the past of nahchdan and take a look at the history of science , we will surely find that the role of muslims in this field is prominent and undeniable.
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the spread of islam in the early centuries after the mission of the prophet , may god bless him and grant him peace, provided the grounds for muslims to access the world's highest sources of knowledge of that day, so that muslim scientists relied on what they had compiled and produced and mixed and mixed it. with the knowledge of other people of the world, establish a new civilization in the world, which today we know as islamic civilization, this civilization is as large as half of the world, whose signs can be recognized from andalucia to africa. the award of mustafa, peace and blessings of god be upon him, is supposed
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to be a reminder of the glory and greatness of muslims and their role in the history of the creation and completion of various sciences. another goal of this award is to bring about the convergence of islamic societies and make muslims aware of the main needs of today's world around the axis of science. the mustafa award , which was held in the first period of its holding and was planned and prepared for 3 years , introduced two muslim scientists to the world as its chosen scientists. professor jackie ing was born in china tai in south asia. east is where islam and the heavenly message of the prophet
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appeared among small communities, while most countries in this part of the world do not have an official religion. when i was in middle school at rafeel school , i was with many people of different races and religions. at that time, i didn't have a specific story in my head, but
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i always thought about the meaning of life , what is the purpose of life? i met a lot of people in this school, i had to study hard, but i still had a lot of fun. it was the best time of my life. when i was around 10 or 11 years old, this question occupied my mind so much that it is the mystery of life what is the purpose of us being in this world and what makes each of us special ? it didn't take long for me to get to know islam and i converted to islam about 15 years ago, and this caused a strange change in my life. in these years, i became very interested in making good changes in the world. i made these changes through research and research, and i believe that everyone has a special talent and we should
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use this talent in the best way so that we can make changes. let's do it for the jury of the award of mustafa, may god bless him and grant him peace, that mrs. inang why and how he converted to islam was not a significant issue , but the importance and value of his activities in the growth and development of science in today's world, which attracted the opinion of the jury.
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this institute was established in 203 and in 204 we moved to biopol . this institute operates in four scientific fields, including nanotechnology , artificial biosystems, biological tools and diagnostics, and finally chemistry and green energy. we were able to make tremendous progress in these four areas especially apart from the publications that we had , we have achieved about 400 inventions in various fields and we were able to give a commercial aspect to more than 80 inventions, and we are very happy that these 80 inventions belong to our company. in fact, it can be said that our research is mission-oriented and we hope to achieve more successes in the field of research in the coming years. i also hope that we can be effective by commercializing and transferring our research and provide valuable services. one of the things that
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is the focus of his work is that he created a spin-off company with the technical knowledge to produce it. in fact, using nano technology and living cells , it can solve a problem in diabetes that is still unsolved and we could not solve it . specifically, the mustafa award recognizes my work in the development of stimulus response systems for controlled drug delivery. for example, we made a substance that is sensitive to glucose. currently, diabetic patients have to scratch their own finger tips with a needle. to have blood for testing and if the blood sugar level is high, they should be inseminated. what this glucose-sensitive substance does is make humans like a the capsule fits in itself and releases it only when the blood sugar level is high, and these narats can be designed to
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be consumed either orally or through the nasal passages. therefore, there is no need to scratch the tip of the finger. this system circulates in the body and releases insulin only when needed. the role of the importance of ms. inang's activities in the expansion and growth of healthy life in today's hyperrelatable world is undeniable. i work in the field of developing nano technology so that i can use it like a pocket tool and... in nanometer dimensions so that i can use them in nano medicine. it can be used for controlled drug delivery systems as well as in tissue engineering and the construction of disease diagnosis tools. as a result , nanotechnology
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can play a very important role, from the ability to diagnose diseases in the early stages to the treatment of diseases. the results of this research have been obtained through many trials and errors. working with nano materials is simply not possible and requires special devices and tools. some of these devices exist in today's advanced technology world, and some are designed according to the needs of nano laboratories are made. many of the things we do are an attempt to apply knowledge and nanotechnology for the applications we have in mind.
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for example, we are looking to use nanotechnology to detect cancer in stages. we are at the forefront of that in a way that allows us to treat cancer in a more effective way . we are also developing nanomedicine in a way that will enable us to target cancer treatment, such as directing chemotherapy drugs in a specific way to tumors in a way that minimize the side effects associated with these drugs , so nano medicine allows us to using passive drug targeting to direct chemotherapy to specific parts of the cancer. two years of joint review of mrs. inang's research and actions by the jury, from the initial stages of her introduction to the mostafa award secretariat until the final selection
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, convinced everyone of the secretariat and the policy council of the award that she can undoubtedly be one of the winners of the first term of the mosfafa award . in order to track their records and what works have been done, farnavar headquarters helped a lot in collecting their records, evaluating their work, and in the discussion of the nano committee, the nano committee. he chose another person as the nano field, and he was professor yaghi, but in general, because of his valuable work and being a muslim , he has gained such a position, he has so many students , he is now a professor, and he has established an institute in singapore . i myself suggest that in the future , we will hear many big news from them. i count maybe 20 important world awards from different countries , namely america, germany,
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they are part of the german academy of sciences. in my opinion, he was chosen as the winner of the mustafa award in all aspects. i was always a minority even when you i was at amaity university because i started my academic career when i was very young and i was also an asian and a woman. i used to tell people that i am a minority.
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i became a muslim about 13 years ago, and as a result, i always tell people that i am not very young anymore, but in the field of medicine , i am a minority because i am a muslim, but what is really important to recognize is the fact that there are many people who want to know about science and technology and they want us to do great things as a researcher. also, there are many muslim brothers and sisters who do a lot of research and activities. they are doing well and we as muslims hope to be able to play a large role and benefit our society and other societies by increasing the level of science and technology. ms. inang, along with a large number of
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scientists from different islamic countries, during their trip to iran to receive the award, attended various scientific centers, including universities and the academy of sciences, and presented their designs as well as the selected designs. during this trip , meetings were held with several iranian scientists who were also in the same field, and they agreed to accept, for example , the affiliation of one of the major universities in addition, they agreed to consult and evaluate some of the projects of iranian scientists and some of the technologies produced by iranian scientists , all of which go hand in hand to create good capacities. the start of cooperation with him was actually a key, and i hope
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you will see very good works in the future as a result of this cooperation. i am very happy to meet you here. before this, i always wanted to come to iran, until now i had only been to kish island. so i am really happy to be here in tehran. today i would like to talk about the application of non-materials in biology, medicine and green chemistry. presenting and explaining ms. ink's plan and actions as well as her chosen methods in using other scientific sources focused the attention of iranian and non-iranian scientists and researchers present in these meetings on the level of value of ms. inang's actions in the world. and there is a level of expansion of science, knowledge and technology . in my opinion, iran is really doing very good and important things, and the rest of the world should see what iranian scientists succeed in doing . i specifically noticed. i became that
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iranian youth are very capable and hardworking. as a result, this is a unique success for iran. there are people here who have a very good background in science and technology, and there is also a special headquarters for the development of nanotechnology in iran, which includes all the different aspects of nanotechnology and to promote this science . tries
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in my opinion, mustafa award has very valuable goals and this is really important. in islam, we always pay attention to goals and intentions, and here the intention is to really do something to bring the world of islam and the muslim community together, and it is a good idea to do this through science and technology. let's do it because science and technology have the key to improve the quality of life of society and other parts of the world. in my opinion, the islamic world needs a unified movement in order to reach the peaks of progress , which science and technology can help to expand.
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hello, i would like to serve the guests of the first course. award of the great prophet mustafa, may god bless him and grant him peace. we are proud to be at the service of all friends tonight and we hope that this award can play its role in the development and expansion of science and technology among muslims and in the islamic world. well, if
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you allow me to invite the winner of this award dear sir, professor yin, please give me an encouragement as much as her activities , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . i am truly grateful for the award of mostafa, for supporting our efforts in solving complex problems that can affect the society. pay attention, for example, to effectively provide medicine to treat patients such as diabetics. in my opinion, the stimulus-response system of drug delivery has an important effect on the quality of life and helps diabetics to cure their own disease
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by releasing the element when their blood sugar is high control in the best way. we get a lot of inspiration from god's creation in our research. if you look around you, you will see many wonderful creations of god, including us humans. our physiology is very complex and this makes you realize the existence of a creator. our best work as a biological science derives from modeling god's creation, and this causes us to reach a level of understanding the complex physiology of humans and to be able to progress in this field.


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