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tv   [untitled]    October 13, 2023 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] and said: i hate this non-islamic system. there are different ways to advertise. for example , i said one first. it is very important to invite people, that is , in every procession from friday mosque to another mosque , it starts on friday, that is , it is the beginning and the end of this demonstration, and it passes through the biggest markets
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of the country in nigerian cities. sheikh has no support in the region. therefore, the friday prayer ceremony and the walking program are two precious opportunities so that he can directly communicate with the people and introduce his shia and ashura way of thinking to everyone. members of the islamic movement go to the mosque before friday they give speeches during the friday sermon or after the friday sermon. this still exists . few people listen. people understand what kind of fight this is
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. people understand what i am saying to the people. the official foundation of the islamic movement in nigeria is established by sheikh ibrahim and his friends, a movement that, according to the sheikh and his friends , has no other goal than the establishment of islam and the unity of muslims. weekly sessions of ethics lessons are also established. effective
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and popular sessions. was applying was practicalizing this very v in his life in his methodology. na was inviting people, why don't we go and investigate about ahl
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al-bayt, that is, what happened to being ahl al-bayt, trying to move with the people and then to explain until gradually people little by little few from tens to hundreds to uh thousands and to millions they started becoming sheer. with the increase in the shiite population of nigeria , hussainiyeh baqiyatullah used to lead congregational prayers in sunni mosques and
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participate in most of their ceremonies. dama abu daya mukike, yanzu a yandan 'yan-uwa, zaka ga waɗensu iyen su sunni ne so kuma suna shi'a. hakan al'amarin yake wato mo nan ba da yake shi'an ta zo ne yan yannan batun tarihi dama can akwai mu ballanta na ce ga garin shi'ana ko ga kabilan shi'ana, shi'an tare da sunna suke, to kuma bisa ma kashin kashin kan mu , muna iya cewa
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mata a policy, ba mu ga cewa ya tetaba. he has several sections of saying from four o'clock every day he said with people he prayed. congregational prayers, jamait with people, morning time, evening times with people, people came to his house and then he has time, he goes to town, he goes to different cities and meet with the other scholars and he has so many programs that makes him meet with the people, so he becomes man of the people, he becomes beloved of the people, people, his preachings become loved by the people. in the same way that the imam sent gifts to the christians in new palestine during christmas,
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he paid attention to the houses of the christians. and he would send gifts and inspect them . he is also sunni wahhabi, a gift for them who are around their home and around their home. he used to send food , he used to send food, even eloquence and charm ethical is one of the characteristics of his character and his helper in the path of propaganda. the tea that he treats people with in ceremonies is also very famous. to the extent that some groups oppose it as a means to attract people.
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every monday and thursdays and with other sublegatory fasting that are recommended fastings, like uh, especially the month of rajab, shaban, up to ramadan, he used to f for three months every year, so during the breaking of the fast, during the iftar people gather in his house and then they take after breaking the fast with some uh food and there's also tea which he serves with his own hand because they bring cops in try plenty of cop about 20 he will serve with his own heart chida and then they will share them and divide them to people and they will drink and there are ordinary people even children and other common people who are not even share. they come there and then they take food and they drink from his tea, after that there will be session sitting, they will be discussing political issues over the world
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in nigeria and then current affairs and so these children and these people they become share through their interaction with people and then other muslims brothers and sisters and through. the preachings and some of the statements of sheiks exactly they started saying oh my you went to the shake of the house and you took heard that whoever drinks his tea becomes sheer and now you have not become sheer because you have taken his share so it becomes a popular saying but the reality is not because of the tea everybody takes tea there and even those who are sheer and those are non sheer they become
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sheer because of what they have heard. the young forces are the priority of the sheikh and based on this, he established the foudia school. public acceptance to enroll their children in these schools is increasing and gradually the number of these schools is increasing. he said that because our movement is an islamic movement. we must have knowledge. that's why he said that we should educate our people from childhood to the last stage of education. establishment of pre
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-primary and primary schools and everywhere in the whole of northern nigeria we have foodie schools. powdie school means schools bause to the islamic movement. so far, 300 food workers are working in nigeria. in addition to elementary and middle school, students in these schools also learn religious teachings. yes, they believe that underprivileged children, children who are weaker, should be able to express their rights and social rights. among
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the religious leaders in nigeria, ibrahim zakzaky is the only one who believes that women can participate in social activities like men. this attitude has made the sister forum association run by the president of zainatuddin ebrahim, sheikh's wife. collection he is responsible for the cultural activities of the islamic movement. abraham kuma na daga çinn almajiran malam, wanda suke wannan harka din. anyway, alhamdulillah, mutun farka da aka fara wannan kira din, malan ya nuna cewa, addini din dole ana tafiya ne da maza da mata, don haka tun farka shi ya yi encouraging din mu, in ban da haka nan, da can ba asan mace tana yin addini ba a nan. in fact ma yana daga çinen abin da sukan
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malan da shi daga farka ya fara thisan kira din, suna cewa to wani addini ne har da mata, mata an san suna zuwa kasuwa, suna zuwa gidan biki, suna zuwa wasu iwini amma idan addini ne to ba mata a ciki, to amma yanzu alhamdulillah, wannan ajai bajin 30 da wani abu, da aka fara wannan kira din, to lalai yanzu duk abunda ma mēun ma ba gamace bajin ba, muzum na addini za a sha mamaki, na tswatsa. kuma nan bajin film village, kauya ne da muka yi don filmyo kuma film
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ne ta tarihi na irin a nan an taba samun wani bawan allah wanda sun shik usman bin fordio ya zo ya safir da addini ya zo ya tarar da popuken nan koda yake muslimei ne amma dai ba musulinci ya ke fafaran da musulinci ba, so ya kira mutane zuwa ga adinin allah, kuma har aka fafata har daga kharse allah ya ba shi nasara, ya kafa kuma dawlar musulinci ana, ajai wajin al-maghor. now that he has taken on the color of the shia school, along with his good nature and god-loving character, he is gaining more fans every day and increasing the number of shiites in nigeria. the biggest manifestation of shiite power in africa
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takes place in the month of muharram. this is while radical and wahhabist groups in the region are extremely afraid of such programs they call heresy. he tried to relate some of his teachings to the tragedy of karbala, the event of this historical event of karbala. of what happened to imam hussein alaihi salam, his movement from makkka to kufa and from to the time up to the time he was killed, and then every day, every night, after mangirish, we had what would come matam, and then recite some of the poems
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concerning the tragedy of the of imam hussein, and then many people would shed tears and cry for imam hussein, and then there was... what we call latme and the beating of the chest slightly shake himself we participate and then after that so this this and then many people uh many brothers at that time they decided to wear black, they practice for a year until tasso day an iranian islamic art in the members of the prophet seyyed al-shahhadha should draw and that is not an art except ta'ziyeh
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, which is definitely an iranian art. we were able to export our iranian islamic culture and civilization to tens of thousands of kilometers beyond our own lands
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. and after that, after the ashura, the 10th of muharram, people came from all over the country, our share brothers from kano, from kaduna, from sokoto, from portiskom, from bouchi, from different cities from jos, and then they gathered to listen to the speech of sheikh ibrahim ezezaki, which he normally did believers to explain the details of what happened during the uh tragedy of imam hussein and how imam hussein was killed and this event continues every year so this
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sent a great message to the general populist. zakzaky was live, and they were talking to their relatives and friends , they were telling them to turn on their mobile phones while broadcasting your content , let us hear
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them. because in nigerian govt. he is islamizing and he wants to convert people to islam . because of this, there is a conflict. now the existence of sheikh ibrahim group interests in nigeria and even outside it is basically compromised. he should not have more time. this is the only option
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on the table and is a mandate. balfourfour statement in which england. he gave the land of palestine to the zionist sects and supported them by giving them weapons. therefore, they committed massacres like deir yassin and kafr qasim in which nearly 13 thousand palestinians were killed and 800 thousand were displaced from their homes. meanwhile, 50 villages and towns were destroyed. since then, the palestinians are still under occupation. balfarfur statement is a statement. it was for generations they don't forget it. they thought that old people die and young people forget. but this fantasy is false and young people
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defend their ideals. the occupation will eventually end and the rights of the palestinian people will not be lost with these promises. the palestinians resisted and are still resisting the oppression that was inflicted on them . although some arab countries let them go and sided with the occupying regime. the suffering of palestinians is increasing due to the support of america and europe to the occupying regime and the rights of palestinians are being lost due to these occupations. palestinians every day they mobilize their children to teach them the lesson of resistance against the occupier. today , 14 years have passed since the balfour four declaration, and many crimes have occurred, including the displacement of the palestinian people and the construction of settlements. the resources and wealth of the palestinians have been looted. therefore, there should
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be international popular and regional responsibility to reject this statement. the zionists thought that the old die and the young forget. but the generations that were born and grew up after the occupation. the slogan of freedom for the liberation of palestine and the expulsion of the occupiers. khaled sabarne khabari radio, palestine. whatever you can do, be more coordinated with your supervisory councils, and then if there are any iranian problems in any of the devices , fix them. now there is a mindset for some people that people call such and such a monitoring device a flawed monitoring device. .
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well, you, this surveillance agency that you are sitting there, sit down and say, sir, today, for example, suppose these iranians are taken to the surveillance agency, these flaws in the processes , in the proceedings, in the follow-ups, in the discoveries, in many other things. the problems of these problems are correct or not, these problems are correct, then fix it. if it is not correct, explain it to the people . sometimes, when i do a case pathology in the judiciary, for example, suppose i say, sir , how was this economic case handled? i want two cases, i am running out of time. of course, it will take a lot of my time, but i want to see for myself what happens. last night, i asked for the case, a bird. now, if we call it security , of course, it does not mean security, but in the end , what we say can be given two or three titles, and i got it. i saw that there was a very good report
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that this gentleman, for example, did this, immediately a warrant of arrest, immediately a warrant of search of the house, immediately everything in that house in terms of electronic devices is taken over, then i look, this came, well, he went , he was arrested, the guard judge wrote an appointment, for example , suppose that 200 million tomans is going to be issued a bond, at least until, for example, suppose 11 days later in this case, it is not clear that they finally told him that, sir, you do not have a bond, of course , the agreement was signed under it, but it was not written that, sir, i object, i accept, for example suppose that i can bring a guarantee, i can't bring it, etc i'm all different, i'll tell you, sir, what kind of issues are these things that you say you
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have proof of, in this case that i see, there is nothing or anything. it is not to this extent, i tell bazeps, sir, mr. bazeps, first of all, you said here that he wrote this from, for example, one day, on the day when i said that from the 10th until now, i said that he has not been arrested since the 15th, that he has been arrested since the 9th. how about you? you have written here since the 10th day , sir, there has been a mistake, for example, the office manager made a mistake , another place, again, another thing, i mean, sometimes i look at these things myself, please. i would like you to see that you yourself are in these supervisory councils, which are regular and have many meetings . do the same problems to yourself there , that is, if you really have problems with your way of working, your plan, your decisions, you should check yourself there. you remind them that certain things must be prioritized and while we do not neglect other issues
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, we also pay attention to them, but let's see which one is the priority, what is related to people's physical health and meaning, this is important. after all , it is one of the priorities, now it may be below it should have chapters, those things that are related to security, after all, if there is no security , there are not many things behind it, those that are related to you, one of the issues that are among the priorities is related to that segment of the society that that segment cannot support itself. does he support enough? he may not have the right supporter. what is related to social justice, dear braden, if there is no social justice, we may have anomalies. what is related to
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increasing social justice should be prioritized. on social justice let's put it as a priority, we need more work in this field , that is, really, in the fact that its duties are in the constitution, which is the expansion and realization of justice, well, justice in legislation, justice in decision -making, justice in policy-making, justice in the structure of justice, in the distribution of justice. in all of this, there should be justice, the realization of justice is not only in the judgment of the judge, yes, that is one of them. don't say that only this member of the constitution, who said that it is our duty to achieve justice , did not say that only in our courts, yes, in the courts , it must be in the proceedings. it must be done, but the realization of justice and the expansion of justice and freedoms are the same
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, send the number five to 30885 right now. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the minister of internal security of the zionist regime said: "we have explained the 20,000 gun bills among the settlers in the northern parts." pictures of itmar benguirer personally monitoring
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the process of disarmament among the zionist residents in


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