tv [untitled] October 16, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST
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we are buying and selling, we are making a collection. a group of people who can talk to each other, share opinions and consult with each other and look for new experiences. install the ba salam application and come to the ba salam gathering. meeting of the first page. the meeting of the first page, page. stand up for justice, the rest of the burden of trust, stand up in the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the row of people, your stronghold is yours, this is the table, and there is hope for you on the other side of the table
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, there is a martyr in your eyes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you, honorable compatriots, ladies and gentlemen, to the first page. welcome tonight, mr. rezaei kochi is the guest of the first page program the construction commission of the islamic council, which we have been serving before, these weeks and these months, as you have seen, has a lot of parliamentary smell . first page, well, on the eve of the 12th parliament elections, you people have the right to know more about your representatives and the functioning of the parliament. monitor and decide for the upcoming elections and we are also helping you, mr.
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rezaei kochi. welcome , i welcome safkarem again and say hello. dear singles, we have succeeded in prohibiting the noble nation let us be an islamic iran, i would like to present to you a report on the performance of the construction commission in this period of the parliament. first of all , i would like to announce the support of the revolutionary parliament for the operations of the dear palestinian fighters against the fake zionist regime of israel, which the parliament has repeatedly demonstrated, god willing , soon . we will witness the complete victory of the palestinian fighters and the historic defeat of israel , nasr manallah and fatah gharib. these days
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we are involved in the seventh plan. the men and dear ones whom we serve, well, you are waiting for the programs of the parliament, which are being carried out in two shifts, and the third shift is also our friends in the commission for the consolidation of matters that are brought up from the lower floor of the parliament, they will hold a meeting again and deal with those issues . they say that they really deserve more appreciation and thanks to my dear colleagues in the islamic council. if you allow me, then yes , let's start with this seventh plan, what happened , what construction events happened in the assembly . i will give you a summary of my service later
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god willing, let's jump to the issues that we have in the seventh plan in the field of housing and transportation. yes, my dear friends in the civil commission have the honor of playing a leading role in field visits and trips to different provinces of the country, in terms of the special conditions that the civil commission it has the field of air transport, land, rail, sea, housing and crisis management, civil engineering of municipalities, housing foundation, water and sewage, and various issues related to the civil engineering commission, and it is natural that we need to be present in different provinces of the country. to be in the process of implementing the country's construction projects, especially in deprived areas, border provinces, which in this period, from our parliament to 32 provinces.
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we were present, respected members of the civil commission, that is , we had 53 provincial trips, in 32 provinces , we had to be present two or three times in some provinces due to special circumstances. many laws were proposed in the islamic council in the construction commission. which was in the form of a plan that the representative friends brought. what bills were sent by the government to the construction commission. if you allow me, i will give a summary of the rules and topics. you see, we had the so-called residential real estate settlement law well, it was a plan that we dealt with in the parliament. the parliament itself caused it to be exchanged a couple of times between the honorable council of guardians and the parliament . soon, god willing, this will become a law, and it will play an important role
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in the system of reducing rents to the price of housing, which will be discussed further . my discussion will focus on the benefits of this law for the housing sector and the dear ones who the second topic of the debate was the so-called amendment of the law on the extension of public transportation to fuel consumption management , which was sent by the government, the public private partnership bill, which mainly towards creating attraction for the country's construction projects part of the construction projects to the private sector that we direct the capital of the private sector for the implementation of construction projects , it was enough to amend article 100 of the law on municipalities, which is limited to the fact that many of the violations that are committed in the field of construction in the municipality end up in the commission. article 100 is brought up and sometimes they get permission, they get a permit and pay a lot of fines. we
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brought this plan. it has already been completed in the civil engineering commission . it is the turn of the parliament's plan, which is one of the important issues that can prevent construction violations. this is the amendment of article 100 of the city law on transferring water from the sea we had oman to sistan baluchistan, where we have a problem of water crisis, a law was needed to transfer water, so we did something to amend the engineering system and building control law . you are prohibited, we have more than 500 thousand civil engineers, engineering system engineers are busy. it is a very important and influential field in the construction of housing and the country's economy. in order to strengthen the construction of instruments and the quality of the construction of the country's instruments, we have amended the law of the engineering system. it is currently in the floor of the parliament, with the approach of giving more authority to our engineer for more supervision and guaranteeing the supervision of our engineer, which in any case
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the municipalities, the ministry of urban roads, should pay more attention to the reports given by the supervising engineer, god willing, there is no turn, as if for example, there was a lot of talk for a while, and these are not just recently. recently, mr. dr. ghali, the honorable chairman of the islamic shura majlis, held a meeting with the military council of the country and promised that, god willing, the task of reforming the law of the engineering system will definitely be done in this parliament, god willing. expert review of plans and bills in the field of road and transportation, housing, urban development and rural development
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the civil affairs of the municipality and rural districts are under the control of the civil commission of the majlis. in general, the scope of the commission's duties. construction is classified into three categories: housing and urban management, transportation and construction projects . in this commission, the issues related to the safety of the transport fleet, the way of pricing energy , the revision of the urban management structure, the re-creation and renovation of inefficient urban tissues and the support policies in the field of housing for the low-income strata are discussed and investigated. statistics show that in the past year, the civil engineering commission held 18 specialized meetings with the ministers of roads and shahrassi naft niro and the country has organized the start of urban roads in the supply issue the land has done a good job. we hope that with the decisions made in the supreme housing council , which usually has a meeting of the supreme housing council every month, with the presence of the honorable president, we
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can pass the julid housing law, which will allow one million homes to be built again. people, tell me what happened to the civil commission in carrying out its legislative duties on the plan to control and organize the rental of residential properties, the public and private partnership bill, the bill to amend the law on the development of public transportation, the management of fuel consumption, and the law to amend the law to support the improvement and renovation of the furnaces around the shrine of hazrat imam reza. peace be upon him and the shrine of hazrat masoumeh, peace be upon him , has been the key to the performance of the civil aviation organization and the benadardi organization. review of 8 plans and bills, 47 questions from government ministers and 35 supervisory measures can be seen in the one-year record of the civil engineering commission.
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fateme aliani radio news well, of course, we were supposed to do another report, the introduction of the civil engineering commission and the departure of colleagues. well, you continue , we will come back to the next topics. yes , thank you very much. this provides an opportunity for the officials of the country to talk directly with the people about the services that are being provided in the country . it is really appropriate considering that i am now in charge of the civil engineering commission and i travel a lot to the provinces of the country. i see that in spite of all the economic bottlenecks , the construction activity is wide in different areas of the country, it can be said in the field of construction of main roads and secondary roads. water supply to cities and villages, railway networks, development of airports, great works are being done
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, but recently, in the past few days, the biggest azad we opened the country's road of more than 200 kilometers in fars province by the honorable president . i want to say that honestly , there are many large construction works being done in the country . it is providing good services in the country , of course, there are certain areas where there are shortcomings and we have to try . and those places where the service is needed, god willing, we will do two the important issue we had in the commission was that
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there was a housing production jump law that was announced to the government for almost 2 years, which is supposed to build one million units a year . well, let's see the report and we will come back to you. we use the lack of land for building housing, the problem in these years has contributed to the increase in the price of land and housing. when you lock up the land at all, as you said, the supply of land does not happen, which means that you are intensifying the share of land in the price of housing. when we have land , we have facilities, and part of the problem of housing is also land. why are we somehow restricting the granting of land and increasing the area of cities ? the total area of iran's cities and villages is 1.6 million, most of which are allocated to cities . many of the problems
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we have today in the housing debate are caused by the lack of supply of urban land. now, in the review of the bill of the 7th program of the parliament, the residential capacity of the country should be increased by 20. was approved. it means that an area five times the size of tehran city should be added to the residential capacity of the country. lands that are within the boundaries of cities with a condition or new cities that if it is possible, we will make it in the country. one of the concerns in approving this clause was the use of agricultural land for housing construction. in this respect , akhtar were excluded from the basket to solve this concern, first and second level agriculture. our 1st and 2nd class agricultural area should not be damaged, it is forbidden to do that work. allocation of land to the applicants for housing construction priorities
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were considered, including reverse migration to small towns and villages, the priority is actually the supply of land in villages in the border areas, including the southern coasts, as well as small and medium-sized cities, for distribution in proportion to the population with implementation. this the approval in the 7th plan makes it possible to allocate more than 2,600,000 plots of land measuring 255 meters each year for the construction of housing in cities and villages. amin angardeh news reporter well, now you say that. what did you do in this law to increase housing production and especially for the provision of land in the law to increase housing production ? fortunately, our land bank is in a good condition, which means that we do not have a problem in terms of providing land.
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according to the law, the land should be given to the ministry of urban roads, now the effort has been made about 50% of these lands have been managed by the reich ministry to be taken over from the so-called government apparatus and used for housing production . there are still 50 areas, the government apparatuses are resisting in any way and they have a stickiness to these areas. that we are trying to, god willing, according to the law, if the ministry of urban roads determines that the land should come in the field of housing and be used, if the executive body opposes it and does not cooperate , it can directly correspond with this registration office , and the registration office will transfer the land to the name of the ministry. now, from this capacity, god bless the ministry should be used more by shahrassi. according to the latest statistics that i got and observed, almost 1,800,000 units are currently being built in this law, out of
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the four million units that we defined, with an average percentage, now some 70%, some 10%, the average of this 1,800,000 units has made 30 progress, and we hope , god willing, that we will be able to complete this promise quickly, in addition to the fact that we now have a demand of 6 million units, it is true that we said 4 million units in the law, but the reality of the country we need at least 6 million units let's see what the reason is that we were supposed to build one million units every year after the mehr housing project, which we stopped, actually the construction of housing decreased to about 300 thousand units, that is, an accumulated need today has reached 6 million units. the family that needs us to help them get a house and land , we don't have any problem now, both in the 7th plan and in the
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housing law, this land issue is almost solved. however , the main point of issue 2 to 2 and issue 1 is that the issue of banking education is one of our problems here. first, i would like to thank the honorable president because in the jenish law on housing production, we created a high housing council, which is chaired by the president himself, and mandated that a meeting be held at least once every two months. fortunately, the president holds a meeting every month, which means that it shows that the president's people are working as they should be. this is the discussion of banks. we advised the banks that you should spend 20% of your resources annually in the field of housing. what if you didn't bring it? the ministry of economy and finance should tax you, so to speak. now these tax crimes have a long process and practically, they could not charge any bank and tax from it. i would like to tell you that unfortunately, most
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of our banks fail in the field of housing loan payments . less than 10% fulfill their obligations. we have a bank that 1. half percent 2. he has fulfilled his obligations. it shows that banks are not very interested in paying for education in the field of housing. because it is 20 years old to pay for housing education, they like to go into banking , so-called business areas and other areas where they can get more resources sooner. some banks really have a place to complain that they should be looked at the issues of the country and the problems of the people should have a national perspective. also consider that here only maskan bank, which is a state bank , has fulfilled almost 70 to 80 of its obligations to it, now the supreme council has made money that those units that we provide for 99 years in your field, the lessons of maskan bank 18, owns 23
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it means that you own land, build a house, go to the bank and say, give me a loan, if it is too high , in the housing law, there is a fund, which is the national housing fund , in which government resources are to be injected . we have defined obligations for the government. mehr housing credit, which was 50 thousand billion tomans , we said that it will be repaid in this fund, about 35 thousand billion tomans is the repayment of the mehr housing credit line, which unfortunately the fund came with a very small number. a fund has not been able to support the interest rate of the bank. all this has caused us to have this gap in banking education that we have to solve . now there are many debates in the consolidation commission and in the parliament, what can we do to help reduce the interest rate, there was a discussion that now we should increase the so-called credit of maskan bank
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, that is, we should increase the capital of maskan bank. other discussions were also raised that if a bank does not fulfill its commitment, the central bank will come and dismiss it. these are the proposals that are being presented in the party committee in the parliament floor. now let's see what will be approved. the facilities in the housing sector are not working well and we have a complaint from these dear ones. now in the supreme housing council of the president, they emphasize this issue very much and pressure the banks to comply and cooperate, god willing. for the housing sector , the second issue is the discussion of construction issues, see now cement and rebar, which is the most important steel and cement copper is very high, about 25 to 30, the cost of a free unit comes back to the issues of its construction , the price
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has increased a lot. a percentage of the goods produced by the producer and imported into the stock market becomes a price discovery and this becomes the basis for the pricing of the part of the goods that he did not import. at least we should remove from the stock market from cement to steel, there should be a price let's be relative to the finished price, how do you price some goods, if you say that the full price of a certain item is 10%, 15%, 20 %, the profit for the producer is considered to be the finished price, taking into account the subsidies provided in we calculate the energy carriers and all the other calculations you make. you say that you calculate the price of fuel and the price of electricity. energy carriers and other units , we give the price we have to the producer, at whatever price we have
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, we give him so-called fuel, we give him energy, let's calculate the price together, so this will not cause a price difference then these other markets will be formed and this will go back to our monitoring. yes, whatever issue you don't monitor, the problem will be fixed. now you look at the price of the cable, the price of tv is exactly the same as it was two years ago when we entered, now the price has doubled. a building will cost this price, and in the end, that worker, that employee, and that loved one who wants to stay at home, it is really difficult for him with the salary he is receiving now , this is one side of the story, some experts say that such decisions may lead to leaving. cement and steel from the same country happened in some countries have gone and then it has been used in a place where a friend has gone, see in the eyes of the iranian people, we must first meet the domestic needs of the country, then allow the rest to
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be exported . the roads of the country are used by the roads of the country, and the interests of the country and the needs of the country should be respected first. in addition, we should allow the goods to be exported. in my opinion, this has not been done. we can take it out of the stock market, help control the price, what about the seventh plan? did you have any cases that yes, i will go to the seventh program or that issue, we have a discussion about the so-called arrangement of rents, i will mention this, then let's go to the program and see how many good things have been done in the law on the arrangement of rents and housing land . i would like to say this to my dear tenants
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, when you want to rent a house from an owner, you should definitely go to a real estate consultant, pay a fee, and spend a lot of time with us in a turkish real estate and accommodation system. you and your landlord can register together in that system and write your contract . you can write a contract for free, without asking us to pay a single riyal. the second issue is that the fees and expenses of real estate consultants used to be a function of the contract price, as this price increased, it is natural that the fees and expenses would increase , because of this, it became a factor that we discussed the prices of separate software. price increase in the area of both rents and housing prices, we separated this, we said that this is a function of the right and effort of consultants, not a function of the price of rent and housing. then again, we ranked these real estate consultants based on their health, based on their performance , many of our real estate consultants in the country
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work sincerely, they are good people. we have to rank these so to speak and inform the people in the system that we have defined about the platforms and platforms that exist in the country , sometimes they themselves do the pricing. the price of atoman was a basis for pricing. we said that these platforms must be organized. these platforms are a function of the so-called pricing that i will mention in the rest of my speech. you should see in various cases about cars, about many capital goods , and let me tell you that these are the same platforms.
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it is not possible, it means that it affects any price, the party can announce it, but it may wait for a long time and not sell anything at all . this is true for cars. it is also true for real estate because there are many applicants, both sellers and buyers. some people say that this is true. practically , it will not increase the price and i don't know how much it has been investigated and you can see that one of the reasons for the increase in housing prices and spring rents is the imbalance between supply and demand. i said that we should have a shortage of 6 million in the country, which means that the demand is high and the supply is low. this makes these prices a function of the environment. the mentality of being placed in the country by some platforms, some companies, some individuals, i think that if these platforms are a function of the pricing that they are referring to now
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, then this will happen in the country. can you help in controlling the price ? the science of the presidency can make a price based on the use of artificial intelligence , that is, in an area of tehran, in terms of accessibility, in terms of structure , in terms of building services, and many other issues , we can make a price in this so-called rent system law. we brought this is a hideout for the benefit of the artificial benefit. you can see that it doesn't want to work better than the general intelligence of the people. in the presidential scientific office that we talked about, this is possible for them. now, i should have gone somewhere with other friends. a visit i saw a team from sepa the good guys work there, i said, we are ready to help you, along with your presidential deputy , so that we
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can do a pricing for you , pricing is a basis. you will be faced with a price. this price can be tripled compared to last year . now, you can ask me, sir, is this price real or not ? there is no way to say how much this building is worth. what is the real price? or the supervisory bodies, for example, the penitentiary organization wants to deal with it, it wants to say, very well, this building is expensive, it says, what should i say on what basis should i say, this building is expensive, it is more than its real price, well, this is the rule and this is artificial intelligence. well, people, see for yourself that we have the authority of the people, we are talking about a large number
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of people, this is true when your point is that there is a balance between supply and demand, that is, housing is created in such a way that the price is announced so that no one wants to buy it. i have to be on the side when you are in now tehran is coming to summer, you need to rent, not rent, and that's right, now this is more about renting, now it's about renting, now it's about building and selling . the pricing of contracts to be written for rent is 20% compared to last year in tehran, now it is 15% in other cities. but there was no guarantee for it. someone filed a lawsuit between the lessor of the mosque in the judicial system , the judge said that it is not a law, and it is not possible to implement the decision of the heads of the three powers. we made it legal we want to make it legal. in terram, we brought it to be a so-called law, that is, we allowed the supreme housing council, whose head is the president.
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