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tv   [untitled]    October 22, 2023 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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in the name of god. hello. a group of palestinian youth gathered in the yarmouk camp of damascus and emphasized the right to return to their original homeland and demanded the opening of the borders for the resistance fighters . this is the yarmouk palestinian camp in the outskirts of damascus. the terrorists came at night and displaced us. in the war against terrorists. this
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camp was the symbol of small palestine. the palestinian revolution was sparked from here, so the name of yarmouk sends shivers down the enemy's body. now a group of palestinian youth gathered here to remind once again the right to return to the homeland. anywhere in the world for we are counting the moments until we fight alongside the resistance fighters. holding the palestinian flag and chanting slogans, they condemned the crimes of the zionist regime in the displacement of people in the gaza strip and declared their support for
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the resistance fighters. open so that we can join the fronts of the battle against the zionist enemy for the oppressed people of palestine. assam helali , sed and sima khabarari, rif damascus, the deadline for the devices to register their employees' information in the database of employees of the pakna administrative system ends tomorrow. one of the devices that the least information about the municipality has registered its employees in this system. astronomy that made the voice of all people. the right of bait- mala seems to be meaningless. a claim about rights and public property. a right that is often mentioned in the talks of the officials. the payment.
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it should be fair to the human force. one of the axes of your work is the addition of justice for all decisions in the government. this is the leadership's order. it is a way to realize this attachment of justice . it is necessary to register the information of the employees of the institutions in the clean system . to have problems in the field of implementation and there is no solid guarantee for implementation . unfortunately, 27 months passed the legal deadline for implementation, and this statistic is related to the lowest level of performance in the latest report of the administrative and employment organization on the implementation of the same law. municipalities all over the country have entered only 35% of the information in our pakna database and 13% in our salary system. of course, the city of tehran
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had already promised to register the information. how many meetings did you have? we inquired about the delay from the municipality, they said that we don't have access to it as soon as we have access to it let us start. we actually register the salary information of the employees in the system . in response to this position of the tehran municipality, the administrative and employment organization said: there was no need for administrative delay . the upstream ministries or the management organization of the provinces could have made the changes regarding the user account change . now this is the response of the mayor of tehran to our latest follow - up, the movement continues. administrative and employment organization if the municipalities
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are not completed by the end of mehr, they will be introduced to the regulatory bodies . fatemeh khanumadi khabari sedava sima 31 thousand cars will enter the country this year. the head of the trade development organization announced the start of importing electric cars from november and said that according to plans, up to 60,000 cars will be imported into the country. mahdigami said: in addition to the 200 cars that were released last week. another 200 cars will be released this week. the deputy minister also said that more than 20 million euros of foreign currency has been allocated for car imports and the process of currency allocation continues. minister of affairs the ministry of economy and finance says that in the process of giving the government's share in iran khodro and saipa, measures have been started since last year, but with the change of the minister , new planning must be done. president of esfand 1400 ordered that the process of handing over shares of automobile
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manufacturers be determined within 6 months. the transfer of government shares in automobile manufacturers was one of the programs announced by the government and was part of the president's orders. but it seems that no follow-up has been done in this regard. during the period of the former minister of mining industry and trade, we reached an agreement regarding the transfer of automobile companies between the privatization organization and we had a ministry of positions, part of which started to be implemented , but due to the changes in the ministry of positions , it has stopped. we hope that soon we will reach a new agreement with dr. aliabi about how let us witness the achievement of this path with the self-building organization. in the automobile industry, that is, the state-owned automobile manufacturers are not new, and for several years, the industry promises to be privatized. i do not want to appoint the general manager of my company. we will hand over these to
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the shareholders in a periodization. my president promised 1000 in march . privatization of saipa and iran khodro it becomes homework. iran khodro has issues in terms of its management. i think it is one of those places that should be left to the private sector as soon as possible. the issue of not fulfilling this promise is the existence of tudli shares or the shares of the subsidiary companies of these two car manufacturers. this is the vice president of the transportation industry. the ministry says that this is a collection at all. it's not like, for example, suppose that four or three people come, let's say that you come to buy, for example, to become an owner . in fact, i want to say that the various complexities of different policy shelters that, for example, the person who wants to come, what does he want to do? the reason for the transfer the fact that the state-owned car manufacturers' shares are not given to the private sector is related to the difficulty in determining the shareholdings of the shareholders. in iran khodro company, the government owns about 6 shares , but about 17 of the shares are owned by state-owned public companies
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and banks, and about 25% are owned by iran's subsidiaries. therefore , it can be said that more than 40% of iran khodro's shares belong directly and indirectly to the government . in the case of saips, the government owns about 17 of the shares of saips, about 15% of the shares of this company are owned by public companies affiliated to the government and banks, and about 40% of saipa company's shares belong to the following companies of its group, and this discussion of cyclical shares can be seen even more strongly in saipa company . the harvest thanksgiving celebration of arar was held on 45 hectares of agricultural land in the historic village of amboh, in the districts of ammarlo district of rudbar city. on the sidelines of this traditional ceremony, the governor of gilan said:
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in addition to the production of pomegranates, walnuts, olives, and sorghum, wheat is also planted in some lands , which help provide food for 7,000 livestock of this region. the next part of the news at four o'clock , ali
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for more information, call 021214 to experience beauty and comfort. hello, this publication has been with you for years, at any point of time and at any moment you want. to receive 600 of the resources of this publication for free, right now send five faces to 30085.
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this is indonesia. a country in the southeast of the continent asia and oceania. indonesia is a collection of islands . a part in asia and a part close to oceania and australia. indonesia is like a cloth that has been torn with a knife and thrown into the water. this is the location of the islands that make up indonesia
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. indonesia is famous for its clear waters and its religions. like india. natural wonders and huge ancient buildings. but these beautiful islands once floated on blood. friday the 20th 6th of august 134, jakarta, the capital of indonesia. here in asia today, things are happening that have their roots in europe. netherlands. this small country in neighboring germany. five years ago, hitler's german army descended on the netherlands like an eagle. and the country that considered itself an empire
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surrendered in less than four days. here, princess juliana walid of the netherlands , who fled abroad, talks about pacifism . but this country with its queens had colonized large parts of the world for 142 years. one of them is this. islands close to each other called indonesia. the peace that diana queen of the netherlands talks about does not include the people of the colonies , their work is with this force, the sea, under the water, and from the sky, the world has been involved in a big war for these years.
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wwii. from asia, only japan is directly involved in this global battle. but other countries in asia are also victims of this war. one is iran, which is occupied. but this great war is a golden opportunity for indonesian people. the japanese attacked their neighbors like germany. they took a part of chi and went to indonesia where there was no more news of that powerful dutch army. the japanese freed many indonesian prisoners from the dutch prison. the people of indonesia have been living under the flag and boots of the dutch soldiers for a century.
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many men and their experts, military men they have tasted mobor and tall dutch. but today , one of these men, who spent a decade of his life in the prison of the dutch, will be freed. this man whom muslims called ahmed sukarno made a strange decision. today, he is calm in front of the radio microphone with a calm voice. confidently and fatherly declares: the country of indonesia will forever leave the colonialism of the dutch. sukarno started a big game with the defeated dutch army. but the dutch, who came out of the occupation , do not like to lose indonesia easily
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. the time of revolution begins. in centers take and close the cities and it is a military regime. they, whose standard of living is not bad with the dutch, are not interested in resistance. the city walls are in the hands of the dutch, but the outskirts of the cities are in the hands of the revolutionary forces. middle heels. a fearsome force that has nothing to lose has come to battle. sukarno is a monster for the dutch. a leader who can unite such a country, with so many races, religions and
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beliefs. suppression of such leadership of the work of the dutch. it is not , especially since day by day international institutions, governments and media are focusing on indonesia , but the survival of the dutch army if the country of the netherlands they have given it to germany, but here in indonesia they are standing firm. scattered and hard war. it lasts from day to month and from month to year. four years of resistance. furrow by furrow, farm by farm. the dutch kill and for every person they kill, two people stand up in their place. it is a strange situation. during
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the years indonesian people resisted the dutch . in the netherlands, the old queen announces her abdication and now the young 38-year-old girl must sit on the throne instead of her mother. in the netherlands, women rule instead of men. the queen goes among her people, the children cheer for her . in holland, celebration. and dance and pakistan kobist and in indonesia, fire rains from earth and time. for more
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than 3 years, people have stood firmly against the dutch until finally this young woman got off the plane and agreed to the signing of indonesian independence . four years of repression and standing up again. this stand here gives results. the day of signing the independence of indonesia and the dutch who accept independence by necessity. the first person to sign this document is the queen of the netherlands.
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sukarno proudly reclaims the army from the blue-eyed maubors. this is the independent country of indonesia and now the elders of indonesia shake hands with him as the first president in the history of this country. but does this will the smiles last? we have to wait and see what history has determined for sukarno, but today he
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is walking among the people of indonesia with a ring of flowers around his neck. ahmad sukarno is now called the father of the indonesian nation. everything promises bright days for the people in the revolution. it was depicted, but sukarno still hid something from the public. a big point that will determine the fate of the people of this country. indonesia has oil. this means that these people will soon be invaded by the giant oil companies. on the other side of dia , a new imperial country has been built in the world for some time done. united states of america. americans
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consider themselves the guardians of freedom in the world. in front of the americans is the soviet union. a country with beliefs against the american system. the soviets consider themselves the defenders of the world's poor. these two new metamorphoses of the silent and fireless war world are going on. a war known as the cold war. each of these countries tries to find new allies or colonies for themselves. these giants have an eye on the resources of other nations. especially the united states has been eyeing the united states of indonesia for some time. oil has been found here. american company with companies
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the british have seized indonesia's oil, gas, tin and nickel resources. tin and nickel are metals that have no special value if they are exported raw, but after processing, they gain a lot of value. but. colonial governments are usually never allowed to do this. indonesian people are just workers in these mines. sukarno is sitting here looking at ink and the balls. he knows well with the ball and the opponent of the elites. this is the city of bandung, one of
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the cities in indonesia. sunday, the twenty-seventh of april 1334. they have closed the city. sukarno has a plan for this city. he is news heard. even though he has run away, even in this media tool, the president of indonesia hears things that need to be kept. two years ago , there was a coup d'état in one of the kingdoms of asia. in that coup, the prime minister who wanted to nationalize oil was overthrown. national oil means that the hands of foreign companies should be shortened from the oil industry. this is the prime minister, mohammad mossadegh, and this is the country of iran. in the news
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broadcast by the news and media of the two empires, the soviet union and the united states, this coup was an internal dispute and no foreign government was involved, but news reached sukarno. they said that the grandson of the former american president at the time of the iranian coup was the man who is the head of the west asian department of sukarno's organization, who is worried about americans. they have many interests in indonesia. but sukarno is trying to implement an idea in the world that will become a chain of resistance against america and the soviet union. for this purpose, they
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will start a meeting here and in bandhang city. today, sunday the 27th of april 134, 29 countries are participating in this summit. in the future, this summit will be called non-aligned countries, that is, countries that are not committed to the us and the soviet union. sukarno a good victory achieved many came. this is not a meeting. it is an uprising. the beginning of the official announcement that the world can not be crushed under the pressure of gasification and independent streams will also be created. sukarno is happy, but they don't know that this summit will soon cost him dearly. the americans
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accuse him of communism, which is the ideology of the soviet government. for the americans, any country that is not an ally of the united states is definitely a communist, and any communist country can be bombed. it is a scary situation. of course, sukarno has weaknesses and loves singing, dancing and women. lust has consequences for sukarno that he does not even think about slow wherever he travels in the world, he mainly buys artwork that is filled with sexual imagery. indonesian women also love him very much.
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therefore, the american intelligence organization draws a strange plan for him. they are important guests for sukarno. this trap is spread for sukarno during his trip to america. they send the most beautiful and seductive woman in hollywood to see sukarno. the star of world cinema day, marilyn monroe, marilyn monroe calls sukarno prince instead of president. the beautiful hollywood actress is what the philandering president of indonesia is thirsty for. therefore, at the invitation of munro, the beloved leader of indonesia spent the night as his guest


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