tv [untitled] October 23, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST
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[000:00:00;00] the design and manufacture of equipment and machinery required by industries with iran's national standard certificate and the quality management system certificate of raskar hadak mehr has come and the place of the washing machine is empty . jump in the pak shuma mehr festival. everyone can get special gifts by buying a washing machine. with pak shuma, you all win. mehr pak shuma festival from 15th mehr to 15th november. pak shuma is always with you. i am here to introduce dorto laundry detergent to you and see if it removes this stain. doroto show cloth has excellent cleaning and stain removal properties. moqum seffeh too lt is. away from you hello, you are very welcome. this is the last
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price, yes. price left here is guaranteed. we will go for a walk and come back. is the price you said correct? yes. but this is not the refrigerator you posted on your page. it doesn't matter, this is because of hamona sadan. we will take that. you go, but you come back. guaranteeing the authenticity of the product and
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guaranteeing the price floor in the specialized authority of the supplies. homemade! after the israeli wars and the defeat of the arabs, israel is trying to confirm its internal position. it expels palestinians, hides documents, creates documents and takes over vacant land. then he transfers the jews of other countries to israel rather than them. form the lower parts of society as cheap labor. on the other side of the square, palestinians camp after forced migration in neighboring countries. the camps were supposed to be a temporary place until the day the palestinians return to their homeland, but the camps
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will become permanent settlements. the conditions of the camps are not suitable and everyone is under economic pressure. palestinian fighters based in jordan penetrate into the motherland and start operations . boats and warships of the zionist regime they participate in these attacks. minutes ago, the zionist regime's fighters targeted missiles at the area of shujaiyya and al-totafah in the gaza strip and
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bombed a number of houses in the jabalia area, resulting in a number of casualties and this is the continuation of the attacks. the airstrike of the zionist regime continues, and the humanitarian, health and medical situation is very, very dangerous and worsening, and the hospitals in the gaza strip are on the verge of complete collapse due to the lack of fuel and medical equipment, and the gaza ministry of health has warned about this issue. and emphasized on these materials fuel and also on the provision of medical equipment that in fact these equipments can enter gaza as soon as possible through different ways and reduce the pain and problems of the wounded who are in dire need of medical services in the gaza strip, especially in
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the shafa hospital that it is full of wounded people and full of martyrs, and the next problem is the problem of the displaced people, who are actually 1 million displaced people in the gaza strip , most of them are housed in anwarwa schools, which have neither electricity nor water, and they do not have the least facilities at their disposal. they don't even find bread to eat. ahmad's colleague ghanem, of course, there is a continuous meaning to follow all these
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developments. after the israeli wars and the defeat of the arabs, israel is trying to confirm its internal position. it expels palestinians, hides documents, builds industry and takes over vacant land. then, the jews of other countries are transferred to israel, so that they can be used as cheap labor in the lower sectors. after forced migration , they set up camp in neighboring countries. the camps were supposed to be a temporary place until the day the palestinians
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return to their homeland, but the camps will become permanent settlements. camp conditions. palestinian fighters based in jordan penetrate into the motherland and start operations. in march 1968, israel to avenge the activities of the fighters to the camp. seini karama attacks in jordan and destroys everything. after that , tensions increase. palestinian fighters are transferred to lebanon. the economic and social conditions of lebanon are not suitable. social activists like imam
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musa sadr are trying for unity and cohesion and removing deprivation. but political groups are not coherent. they do not have long-term plans. every group and front. it is for the sake of fame and self-interest they compete and do not tolerate each other's presence , and worst of all , they do not understand israel's policies. on april 3, 1975, the leader of a christian party was assassinated, but survived the assassination. in retaliation for this attack , palestinian fighters are attacked on the same day. conflicts escalate and civil wars begin in lebanon. the plans of imam musa sadr
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will be affected. israel, which welcomes any war and conflict in lebanon, is implementing its plans. in 1978, israel under the pretext of preventing attacks. that the palestinians attack lebanon they do. israel deploys a mercenary group in lebanon and withdraws from lebanon. in 1981, israeli prime minister menachem begin appointed one of his most violent men as the minister of defense. ariel sharon. sharon he had a long history in crime and used to say: destroy everything that can be destroyed. sharon draws up a plan to not only end palestinian resistance
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, but also change the geography of the region. at first, scattered attacks by israel will begin, and on june 6, 198, a nationwide attack will begin. 120 thousand soldiers. along with 302 armored personnel carriers they suddenly enter lebanon. they quickly reach the palestinian camps in sur and saida. the war begins. palestinian fighters resist. at the same time, israel attacks the syrian forces. israel's goals are determined by the attack on lebanon. occupying lebanon, expelling palestinians, suppressing syria and creating a puppet government. at the request of lebanon , foreign forces enter. monitor the departure of palestinians
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. after the departure of the palestinian fighters, the foreign forces will also leave lebanon. the next events happen quickly. israelis in the camp they surround the palestinians. then, they incite the falangists to act against the palestinians . falangists enter the camp. they commit an unprecedented massacre. at that time , there were at least 90,000 people in the camps, most of whom were refugees from 1948. the israelis monitor the operation and keep the camp lit even at night with flashlights so that the killing continues even at night. to find the killers
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carry fake id cards. and it is never clear how many of them were israeli and how many were lebanese. israel was intoxicated with victories. south lebanon it reads as the northern bank of the jordan river and beats the trumpet of victory. but these crimes were also punished. the region was pregnant with new events. it is raining heavily in the city of sur. israeli soldiers gather inside the command building. moments later , a car drives into the building and immediately explodes. as a result of the intensity of the explosion, 140 israeli soldiers and officers were killed. a little later, in the spring of
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1983, another explosion occurred, this time at the american embassy. black organization officers are also killed in this explosion. this is the second attack on embassies. in the fall of 1983, two explosions it happens again. israeli and american casualties are increasing. sporadic attacks on israeli forces continue. in 1984, shiite cleric sheikh raaqib harrab was assassinated by three mercenaries and was martyred. after that , israel attacks the rosettas, destroying houses and killing defenseless people. these events are part of israel's revenge. in 1985, lebanon's hezbollah officially declares its existence and calls israel the occupier.
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for the first time, israel encounters an organized group that is cohesive and united. while in lebanon , it has shown an internal resistance force. yas and namidi rule in the palestinian lands. no person or organization can and does not want to help palestine. the economic conditions of the palestinians are getting worse every day. since the day before , oppression and disrespect of the zionists are present in all the chaos of palestinians' lives , palestinian workers are run over by a truck, four people are killed, the number of society
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is inflamed. a conflict arises during the preparation of the bodies. palestinians attack israelis with stones. a 17-year-old student named mohammad hatem abu sisi arrives in qatar by israel. the conflict spreads and people rise up in a revolutionary movement. first, from the first phase of the palestinian islamic resistance movement, hamas, led by sheikh ahmed, suppressed the movement, but could not. the solution is in negotiation. israel needs peace to restore itself. israel's wishes will be fulfilled. the issue of quds and the return of the palestinians
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is left aside. the palestine liberation organization's conflict with israel ends. autonomous government. it is possible that it is far from the ideal of quds and the purpose of its formation is to calm the palestinians. and this kind of silent repression goes to you. when the imagination israel is relieved from the palestinians, it goes to the new lebanese actor. hezbollah when israel attacked, lebanon's economic and social conditions were not suitable. israel to do anything. he clapped when he wanted. he steals ordinary people and takes them captive in the lands of lebanon. but hezbollah's resistance
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causes israel to retreat. the first prisoner exchange operation is carried out. hezbollah can free its forces from israel . while everyone is happy about hezbollah's success. a tragic incident occurs. the israeli army targets a car with its passengers. at in this incident, seyyed abbas mousavi, the secretary general of hezbollah , along with his family, were all martyred. seyed abbas mousavi was aware of the dangers. but he had decided to be with his family even during the israeli attack. with the martyrdom of the leader of hezbollah, israel thought that the work was over. but the events that happened next show a strategic mistake in
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israel's calculations. in the 90s, hezbollah's resistance continued. israel decides to fight hezbollah directly. israel's military attack on lebanon begins under the pretext of hezbollah . this attack is called fury clusters. lebanon it is heavily bombarded. in the midst of events, something more bitter than war happens. a group of defenseless people settled in a place called qana. in that place. only women and children are present. qana is attacked. lebanese women and children are martyred. the scale of the disaster is taking over israel. with hezbollah's resistance, the war
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stops. in 1999, news is published in the media. the penetration of israeli army forces into lebanese territory has been accompanied by failure. is. this incident is unbelievable. hizbollah's success lies in mediating its victories. hezbollah, various images it broadcasts its operations, which make the realities of the battlefield clear. media operations increase israel's costs. in 200, israel leaves lebanon. and he takes up the policy of terror. shortly after, sheikh ahmed yassin, the leader of hamas, was assassinated. after that, rafiq hariri, the prime minister of lebanon, is assassinated. in the year 200
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, while the finger of accusation is pointed towards hezbollah. and media attacks against hezbollah continue, something is happening at the borders. an israeli military patrol is attacked on the lebanese border. two people are captured. zionists quickly they react. but israel's response is accompanied by casualties. israel declares war on lebanon and they attack lebanon by land, sea and air. especially to the southern district of beirut, zahia. the 33-day war begins. the casualties of the 33-day war are many. but the important thing is that hezbollah does not give up and responds to israel's attacks in any way possible. although the war
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does not achieve anything for israel, israel attacks everywhere. in fact, israel's war plan was something similar to the us military operations in serbia and afghanistan. but this plan fails do they lived in a situation that no one can believe. who would believe that we are living in a time when the al-aqsa mosque
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is being destroyed as one of the holiest places of more than a few billion muslims, just because people with a satanic disposition are worried about the prayer being held in this mosque and that they consider it as an obstacle to their leveraged projects. who believes that palestinians live in a situation where men and women a palestinian is killed in the street by a zionist settler and the body of the shaats is left on the ground just because that settler is suspicious of him. and did not like his behavior. who would believe that the palestinians lived in a situation for the past two years that, for example, one evening when they returned home? their jewish neighbor usurped their house, and when i protested to him, the only answer
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i heard was that if i don't usurp this house, someone else will. for a long time, the palestinians have been in front of the door of their house, rather than seeing guests or ordinary people, other bulldozers that have come to destroy their houses , and this has happened thousands of times . is it really conceivable that in the middle of the 21st century? in a regime that is supported by hundreds of western countries , such scenes happen every day and no one in this world hears a sound. palestinians reacted to such conditions on october 7. in
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fact, the palestinians decided that day to die with dignity and honor once instead of dying every day. the heroic attack that took place on the positionalists that day is a response to years of oppression and suffering, and it is basically meaningless to expect a mature and heroic nation to see this amount of oppression and surrender or remain silent in front of it. this is the truth that was hidden from the people of the world. but now the reality is revealed and everyone can see its truth.
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dear brothers and sisters. today, the government of the zionist regime is a group of thieves and murderers who do not recognize any moral and human boundaries. if this opinion was once our heart's belief or the claim of the supporters of the oppression of palestine. it is now a fact that all the people of the world can see its dimensions on their mobile phones and tv screens. the world today must understand that this regime is a threat to all humanity. eliminating it before it becomes a political or military issue is a human duty moral obligation. today, the whole world is facing a constant threat that it must understand and
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respond to. zionists are killing children these days. the images that are published these days of the torture of palestinian children will remain in the history of the world. this stain of shame will never be removed from the skirts of westerners and any other government anywhere in the world that sees these scenes and doesn't stop. israel is destroying a defenseless land with maximum violence , it has brought all its forces to the field to raise the boundaries of crime to a level not remembered in history.
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look at the words of the israeli and american officials these days. the president of the united states says on sahabah tv: it doesn't matter who pays for gaza. netanyahu looks at the video of the destruction of the houses and orders them to target and destroy the houses one by one. the minister of war of the zionist regime says: those who live in gaza are basically not human. the former minister of this regime also says: you see palestinian mothers cry and enjoy it. he sees and enjoys it. these words are spoken in front of our eyes and do not remain as words. regime zionism
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is in the most brutal killing in history. and westerners after dozens of rights claims. humanity and human freedom are standing and clapping for it. dear friends, the current situation will not continue as it is thought. i assure you that humanity is not dead and dignity and honor are still strong. it is not possible that many resisters and free people... of the world look at such scenes and remain motionless. nothing can be said with certainty these days. but let me tell you one thing is certain. this situation will not continue and the group
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the palestinians and the people of the muslim and arab world cannot allow it. let this situation continue. dear brothers and sisters. let me clearly point out a few things about the upcoming developments . the first point. the zionist regime, no matter how much it martyrs the oppressed people of gaza, cannot cover up the historical defeat it suffered during the al-aqsa storm. the residents of the occupied territories realized that the oppression of the palestinian people for many years has increased the will and power of resistance to such an extent that there is no longer any security for them. today the illusion of security for the inhabitants of the territories
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occupation has become a permanent fear. and everyone knows very well that the lack of security means the beginning of economic, social and political challenges, and we are definitely witnessing the widespread migration of your age , dear compatriots . the us foreign minister said in an interview with nbc: america and israel do not want another front to be opened in the region, but they are coming to deal with it. at the same time, the conflict continues on the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. hezbollah in five
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