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tv   [untitled]    November 1, 2023 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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and pass through the defensive fortifications that were broken in the storm of al-aqsa. before this issue is information. they were the highwaymen. they were his secret intelligence forces. there were aerial cares. information balloons were over this area. you can see the information receiver systems that monitor any kind of movement on the ground and in the air in this space, more than 120 resistance forces entered through the ground and air, and they were able to neutralize the passage of these reconnaissance equipment. that is, the zionist regime with laqsa storm before october 7th or 15th mehr in military terms information security will never come back.
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the patrol will not meet the conditions of the grave, and i can see that no matter how much these bombers bombard, all the crimes of these insurgents will continue and occupy the entire land of gaza , but will this issue of war end here , this thing that now we see in afghanistan, in pakistan, in yemen, in iraq, in the surrounding countries , in lebanon, the resistance forces that are gathering today are preparing themselves to rush to liberate occupied palestine, not to liberate gaza from the regime's henchmen, this is a big issue, that is, today we we are witnessing that this is happening. how in syria, against this movement of proxy war created by america and the zionists, the fatemiyoun
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, badrion, and heidrion armies were formed. firstly, this will happen in relation to the occupied land in palestine, mr. dr. kazemi, you said that with the al-aqsa storm, the political conditions, the social conditions and all dimensions, even netanyahu's cabinet itself had tensions and challenges, and now it has changed a lot , what netanyahu did was to project a political crisis, so now batu al-aqsa and what is happening now the bombardment ground attack is continuing the terrible atmosphere that we are witnessing in the past nights can take over that space again and reduce the amount of criticism and challenges that are presented to him. in the course of 3 years, four cabinets in israel have been occupied by this regime in this
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cabinet. during 3 years, it shows that you are facing a political crisis in this cabinet of this regime. now this political crisis is increasing after this war, and what i predict for mr. netanyahu will be in the final stages of his political life . and the most pressure from the zionists themselves will be directed at netanya. they believe that this is the war that natanya imposed on them. i will play this too. before the al-aqsa storm operation, the regime
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carried out military operations almost every day from the beginning of august to the end of october. you see, the number of cities he took from the people in gaza is significant. that is , it was before the operation was carried out by hamas and resistance forces. the political, social, and economic conditions of the regime are in crisis . during these few days it is said that growth. the economy is declining. its tourism has disappeared now. on the military front. what i perceive and see this continuity. the occupation regime that until yesterday. he attacked to develop his own position. today it is defending itself to maintain its existence.
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the meaning of the bombings is this. you see, in the flag of israel, it was a question of getting people, that is, the sovereignty over this geography is now being fought in a small geography, while gaza is not finished, the west bank is starting its operations, the west bank was where the compromise self-governing government was. it was formed and little by little, people are doing resistance operations there haste to the gaza strip. you emphasized one point in your speech at several points, the unity of the resistance groups in palestine against the crimes of the zionist regime, when we see the number of martyrs and wounded in the barbaric operations of the zionist regime, and
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also the comments of the spokesperson of the palestinian ministry of health, who points out because we are witnessing a terrible massacre in palestine, we come here to see what we are seeing from the people of gaza despite the announcements that the zionist regime is issuing to leave the areas, as a sign of resistance and what is its message. hi and what a message does it have any? it is very clear now that the ongoing process will be such that you are not talking about leaving the people of gaza, even though they are really under siege. they have a lot of damage, they have a lot of injuries. very poor human conditions. a human disaster created this regime . let's say it here. western countries claiming human rights, you see,
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are playing the leading role in this crime today. who are performing and this hypocritical policy, which is like america, is predictable. countries supporting the occupation regime should not be targeted in resistance countries, that is the israeli army will no longer determine geography. due to the help of an aggressor like america, the resistance is being targeted in other regions and this is predictable, we are seeing the symptoms now in iraq . what i see from my process is that during the war, during the holy defense period, when
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the occupying regime attacked southern lebanon, this was a deception operation so that they could reduce the pressure on saddam's front from iran. imam brand said that the holy road passes through karbala. the trend is going forward today he is showing this. this will be one of the centers of resistance in iraq. and i have no doubt about it. this rahimai of hossein, one of the founders of which was our dear martyred commander haj qasim , is being formed from the hearts of those forces, who are forming this path of liberating murder from karbala. is this a slogan? i
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think this is not a slogan. when hezbollah was imposed on him in the 33-day war in 2020. he won the war . today, hezbollah's power in lebanon is 55 times higher than that day. today, the power of resistance in iraq has increased a hundredfold with the help of palestine. from for this reason, i think the result is this. if we want to have a summary in a strategic summary. from 2001 to the present day, what caused the nominal instability. there was a war of coups, assassinations, proxy wars in the region. one reason was the existence of this regime occupying jerusalem . another reason was america's interventions under the pretext that i want to fight terrorism. america is behind all these crimes in the region . today, america is weakened in the region. we are seeing the decline
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of america. we can also see the decline of the zionist regime , its meaning is that the power of resistance is increasing, this was a war that was unequal, moral and he didn't have a conscience, he was following religion, he was relying on god and trusting in god. this front is with you and on the opposite side of the occupying regime and america, who really did whatever they wanted in these 20 years, they are going to decline. now we have the words of the people of the western countries and the experts. now we can clearly see that after these events, apart from the martyrdom of many palestinians and their injuries, the resistance in palestine has achieved many achievements during these days. done. look. what is happening in gaza. in my opinion, this is a type
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how is the retelling of the ashura incident? in imam's interpretation, blood prevails over numbers. victory over blood . the blood of the people of gaza will definitely prevail over the military power of this occupying regime. the fact that you see at the global and international level today , free consciences, not only muslims, are accompanying the people of gaza, this means victory. today, the hypocritical face of america, which claimed human rights , is complicit and complicit in these crimes. this atmosphere will come in such a way,
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conscientious international jurists and lawyers will agree that this regime should be handed over to the court of justice. this move in gaza, these events will be noticed at the international level. look, today, despite the us attack on the un security council, it is no longer able to pass a resolution in favor of this regime. the international community does not allow the fact that today the president of the united states comes and says that we want to provide humanitarian aid to the people of gaza. it means that he is coming to put a distance between the resistance and the people of gaza, while now why is he taking this position ? because he can no longer answer the opinions of the public inside america and about two minutes until the end of the conversation how do you see the future of war, both in the short term and in the long term? you see, in the short term, we have the experience of 8 years of holy rome defense. in the tactical
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front, there is a possibility of progress, and progress is not the end of the war . i am winning the war , may progress be made in gaza. but it will definitely be vulnerable. he can take an area, but he cannot keep it. in the long run , it will be a defeat for the regime and a victory for the muslim people of gaza. the fate of the occupying regime is in this al-aqsa storm operation will take place.
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what we see is that the countries supporting this regime, if they want to continue in the same way as the americans came to gaza and took command of the operation, they should continue this path not with the internal protests of their own people but with regional resistance against the targets. america and america's allies will face america. for this reason , i believe that the long-term effect of this operation on the fate of the region will be for the benefit of the people of the region . axis resistance in palestine, i say goodbye to you and thank you very much for your company, dear compatriots, with the news talk tonight. have a good night and god bless you.
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damar is everywhere. al makhim this is the nusirat camp in the gaza strip. this entire camp is completely destroyed. a large part of this camp has turned into a pile of dirt and ruins. these images. and there are scenes of buildings that have been destroyed. this is the street where people used to come and go until the last few days because it was a commercial street. this was a side street where we now entered the main street. this is the camp market it was nusirat. this whole area is completely destroyed. the market has turned into this state of desolation. everything is destroyed here. everyone dies here. all the houses were full. what should we do? god is enough for us. what should we do about these arab governments? only
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civilians lived in this place. the world must understand that the purpose of this war is to kill. and it is not a military war and an attack on military targets, but simply to kill the people, the genocide of the people of gaza. the free nations of the world must know that israeli fighters targeted our civilians here. mother here we are dealing with the bodies of innocent people. they killed our children. we announce the error to netanyahu for future generations to remember khyber. the army of muhammad, peace be upon him, will return. these are the images of destruction. this was a busy and densely populated neighborhood that has almost completely turned into ruins. there was also a mosque here, which was completely targeted and destroyed. here, efforts to rescue people who are under the rubble are still ongoing.
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the books of allah laghulbin anna worsli, allah is strong and dear.
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or scholars yehtik al-afiya habibi yehtik al-afiya but, by god, if i were to leave you dead until you were born in hadadafirah, and this path is for the likes of the prophets , then let the truth come out of my side, o messenger of god, or messenger of god.
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o abu abdullah.
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or 2010 2010 2010
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it is the best $3 billion dollar investment we make, were there not in israel, the united states of america would have to invent an israel to protect. lebanon's hezbollah announced in a statement that it targeted the zionist regime's plane over the eastern region of khayam and near lebanon's border with occupied palestine with a surface-to-air missile. it was said that the wreckage of this drone was shot down inside the occupied territories. or sahib al-zaman.
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also, in five other statements, hezbollah announced targeting the military bases of miskaf aam samagheh malikiya barkataria and ramiya in the north of the occupied territories with guided missiles, and in this operation, a group of zionist soldiers were killed and wounded. in the future, hezbollah will start hunting zionist drones. this is the small corner of hezbollah's power. artillery, armed drones and fighter planes of the zionist regime in miskra, mays jabal, khayyam, kafr shuba and they shelled shabaa with all kinds of bombs, including the banned phosphorous bombs. all the civilized places. the zionists
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are bombing the residential areas of southern lebanon. so far, more than 15 houses have been destroyed in different areas. our house in maron res was targeted at noon. the media of the zionist regime reported that 10 rockets were fired from the lebanese side at the zionist towns of kiryat shmoneh, shalmi and nahariya in the north of the occupied territories, and some of these rockets hit these towns. the media of the zionist regime to the regime. the soldiers of this regime warned in case of entry ground and heavy military to gaza must wait for hezbollah's long-range and powerful missiles, which can target all the occupied territories .
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5:59 am
we should say hello to nature again. sar zadran, ghoroddeh abu. the role of our lives, martyrs wrapped in the ears of time , the cry of the end, stay and life.
6:00 am
in the name of the islamic republic of iran, in the name of allah, the most merciful of allah , the most merciful, may the peace and blessings of muhammad and the family of muhammad and the family of muhammad have a speedy recovery. hello, wednesday morning. welcome to this news section. mr. kenali emphasized that this action added another stain to the long list of war crimes committed by the zionist regime.


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