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tv   [untitled]    November 4, 2023 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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it is four in the morning tehran time and dear viewers of this news section. the house of commons of bahrain approved the severance of economic relations between manama and tel aviv due to the continuing crimes of the zionist regime in gaza and the killing of innocent palestinian people, but the government of bahrain has not yet approved this decision. abdul bi salman, the first deputy of the bahraini parliament, said: we cannot remain silent in the face of what is happening in gaza. the bahraini parliament has also announced that you have been summoned from tel aviv and the media
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has stopped reporting the flights of bahrain airlines to tel aviv. bahrain year 20 normal agreement he had signed the establishment of relations with the zionist regime. specialists of a company in dania managed to develop the mining process system with the help of artificial intelligence. this system is capable of intelligently identifying deviations and bottlenecks in the administrative processes of organizations and large companies , and to solve it, present a solution to all managers, ministers, heads of organizations and institutions . revising the processes needs to be revised
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. dynamic vectors, organizations, private companies and even economic enterprises. a subject that needs intelligent opinions on these processes for its better realization . in this regard, the researchers of a knowledge-based company located in the technology park of the university of science and technology designed a system that allows for intelligent process checks and corrections . our product helps organizations to implement organizational processes within the system through data analysis. information helps to discover the processes, analyze them online and improve the processes in organizations, at the same time, the product can be analyzed the same data should help the organization to identify deviations in closed executive processes , which can be used in all companies and factories, up to large organizations and institutions . large organizations for whom process improvement is important can be potential customers of our product. our most important customer until today is the vice
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president of the judiciary and the ministry of justice. this system has recently been equipped with artificial intelligence. we provide a digital assistant based on artificial intelligence to organizational managers and analysts who, in addition to understanding the process, comes to it automatically analyzes and interprets the performance of the process and provides them with suggestions to improve the performance of that process. the lower price of this product is the winning card of this company in the competition with prominent companies among the flagships of this field, germany , holland, and australia can be mentioned, and the price is almost one fifth of the global average price of this field. we talked with representatives from saudi arabia, brazil, india, qatar and some other countries and we are starting to establish sales agencies for this official abroad. to
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according to the officials of this company, adding the ability to predict the process before execution using artificial intelligence is the next step in the development of this product. mohammad hossein haji, radio journalist. harvesting of saffron started from 90,000 hectares of clever cultivation of this product in razavi khorasan. about 90 saffrons in the country are produced in razavi khorasan, torbat heydarieh and zawet. to be once again, shamim displays the beautiful flowers of saffron, his efforts in the saffron cemetery. shami, which brings enthusiasm and liveliness every year in these days. i come from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm we are collecting flowers. this year, the harvest is less than last year, but thank god a thousand times. how responsible are you for fasting? depending on the recent flower
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, the production of this product in this province has reduced by 500 , which many farmers of the province have gone to look for new irrigation methods to produce a better crop. we measured water moisture and soil moisture through satellite photos. we didn't irrigate too much, so we put a value on water and came and said , how much can we produce with each liter of water? these are presented in the form of chart tabulation and volume meter we calculated. saffron is a strategic and export product that has high processing quality. it is the first word for supply in the world markets. we need to give a series of trainings to the farmers, which means that when they are fighting against weed , this fight must be done mechanically and no poisons and herbicides are used
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. we have certain standards and comply with them to have exports. the harvest of saffron in razavi khorasan continues until the end of azare and it is expected that more than 20 tons of saffron will be produced this year. daud sharifi khabari sada and sima shahran zaveh. the beaches of hormozgan host migratory birds these days. ospreys, sea swallows and flamingos are among these birds. these birds flew kilometers to reach the shores of each mozgan. every fall, different species of birds travel to hormozgan from siberia and southeast asia.
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hormozgan province with more than 2 thousand kilometers of coastline is an important host for migratory birds in the country every year. these species include they belong to the selimian family, as well as kakais and most of the aquatic and near-aquatic species, which are more than 96 species. our birds were counted in our census last year, and the number of them reached more than 60,000 . the forests of harah, the coasts and the valleys of the province are also hosting these small and big birds . this is the coast. you can see that most of the migratory birds around me are sea birds, of course i can't get too close to them because they might feel threatened and fly away.
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see with tools like binoculars and these and that they are easier to see flamingos, swallows, and migratory birds will stay in hormozgan for the next few months. the birds that enter the province, especially in the late fall and winter, are present and stay here, and they leave the province almost from the beginning of spring. at the same time as the migration season of birds to the province, photography on the beaches is more attractive. the best time to photograph birds is early in the morning and near sunset because they are looking for food. i have a good jamboj, the bird is really enjoyable here, it is a very good attraction , it gave a beautiful effect to our city, the census of migratory birds in the province also starts from the winter season. bandarab radio news thank you until the
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next part.
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the first task of chi warrior is the main character of the book origins, a young african who was kidnapped by english traders and then sold in a auction for 85 dollars and taken to america as a slave. sell ​​this with the rest of the slaves in english or any of his friends you found. he was an example of 25 million african slaves whose life book is now part of the history of slavery. it is the most important book written about slavery after harriet beecher stowe.
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the author of the book of roots took 12 years to make one write a global novel. romanian, which has been translated into 37 languages ​​so far. why was this book a bestseller? roots was a phenomenon. the book takes a look at the past and the family is the focus of the topic that does not know my race. i in this book to the subject of slaves. and i dealt with their hard life, i was looking for justice. the different chapters of the book of roots, in the end , it emphasizes the cultural roots of every nation . there is no god but god, the logic of the book is based on the fact that people, if they have the originality and they forget their roots and fall into the clutches and
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captivity of others. on the one hand, in this book we see a picture of farmers, blacksmiths and workers who lived during the slavery era , no slave can be bought with any torture and abuse. there are no roots that have reached today's generation, because baghban was the oldest among the slaves, it is one of the books that are in the list of works that the leader of the revolution is interested in for a book. books, writing this book of roots, which is a book to show a part of these tragedies. how can a person do this today? forget it a book that has been seen around the world for more than 40 years, but it is still read. a book that recognizes the history of colonialism . mitra labafi radio broadcasting news. you
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kill sooner this is the title of a book series that tried to write a narrative of 20 assassinations of different world personalities by the hands of zionists in the last 60 years . the string of assassinations that now and in the fourth volume of this series has reached the terrorist operations of the zionists in iran. this strategy is a part of the five-point doctrine. dagan was to counter iran's progress in the field of nuclear weapons. pressure political, prohibiting the export of dual-use equipment to iran, inciting minorities, imposing complex sanctions on all sides, and finally, special operations including the sending of complex computer viruses, for example, in the form of a covert operation known as the olympic games, next to the united states, and of course, targeted assassinations. from confessing to the assassination of shahir shahrari, a nuclear scientist of our country. until confessing to the assassination of martyr mustafa ahmadi roshan and martyr hassan tehrani moghadam. on page 625 of your book
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, you mention the explosion on november 21, 2010 at the iranian revolutionary guards corps base in mallard karaj. general moghadam was a very high-ranking person. it's scary. ronin bergman, the author of this book , compiled all his information with direct interviews with the designers of these assassinations. one of his most important sources is about 1000 interviews that the author has conducted. he was able to present the zionist's first-hand account of the operations of the zionist regime in the field of intelligence and security . . in this book, ronin bergman's goal is to show off the power of zionist terror in the world. but this series has become a suicide operation among the zionists. this although the book was written to defend itself,
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it proves israel's state terrorism more than any other source. the author of this book named his work by adapting one of the teachings of the zionists in the early days. a lesson to kill for fear of death. if someone comes to kill you, get up and kill him first. zahra alizadeh, radio reporter. two books in one book. after the publication of 130 works, the iranian history study and compilation office has gone to a new book, this time, the book half a century to failure, a book that is very slanderous against iran , has been written. this is a complete translation. we did, but along with it, we present another work, as a criticism of those distortions and errors , it is a political book that first
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rereads the work of a zionist writer. a work that talks about assassinations and kidnappings. and then it is followed by the analysis that follows, that is, in the second book, the revelations of an iranian journalist. he doesn't mention some assassinations, he doesn't take responsibility for some kidnappings. however , in terms of adaptation, the reader can understand that they did this correctly. the first part of the book half a century to the failure of the secret war against iran it shows. ronen bergman, one of the most well-known zionist analysts in the field of military and security, who has books such as rise and kill first in his career, and has recently been associated with persian-language networks. in this book, he discussed issues such as lebanon's hezbollah from its creation to the 33-day war, relations with the united states, and iran's nuclear issues.
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by publishing these books in the international field of public opinion , they try to influence the people of the world under their own influence, and on the other hand, in the second book, which is attached to bergman's book, abbas salimi does not an iranian newspaper of concern and experienced researchers responded by citing the document. on the one hand, it tells the truth, on the other hand, in order to destroy iran's image , it raises a contradictory claim. now, in writing political works , he has followed mitra's lip service
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of sed and sima news . the gathering of some artists to share their abilities in supporting the palestinian people, the dear ones who are here in several categories of friends and dear ones of the media art sections of the activists. the virtual space of dear students and educational fields, children of the business field, students, seminarians and thinkers of the country gather so that each of them can create a plan in the management of these psychologically difficult operations that exist behind the palestine issue , it is told in the head of a child. he said that most of the people who were killed were women and children , how many times they hit the hospital every day, and these two people, whose only work was art, their job
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was theater production, were targeted and martyred . responding to doubts about the pretext of occupying palestine. it is one of the common goals of these people the history of the establishment of the zionist regime was less than 6% of the palestinian land, owned by the jews , then with the ownership of 6% of the land, they claimed that this land is ours, then they did something that two-thirds of the palestinian people were displaced to different countries and many villages. no sale at all, just a wild attack. and the armed attack sold his land, well at least he had money, he didn't live in a camp or he didn't live in difficult conditions , and this is really one of the lies that is very serious . do someone he should have a creative taste and i would like to say
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that he should only think about the palestinian issue, he cannot be indifferent anymore, start working and work with all his abilities. that there are events like here, such as the palestine incident, and my plan is going to give them a coefficient . with the people's expenses , whatever we had, we were not suspended in any place of governance. the common language of the world is the heart of all nations, especially the nations that are in the west, for example, those who talk to them about the west asia era and this , they hardly understand this language at all , but we can advertise with the language of art, just by talking about
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it can be useful for a series of subjects, because we want to produce a work for it, that is, an art work that can become international. some art disciplines were emphasized by the participants because of their involvement in conveying a message. we can depict what is happening globally i am going to work in the field of the station. now, the idea i have is for palestinian children, for example, the eyes of a palestinian child should be in the picture first , then, for example, in the form of tears, those drops will become a mesh. we are doing this study, which is almost finished, groups would expand it by discussing an idea and turn it into a theater. it is a city where
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people have a show or performance. this city has peace-loving people, a series of immigrants. we go inside this city with a series of suitcases and these suitcases cause harassment those are the people of that city. in fact, the name of our show is the suitcase show. ali kazemi of sed and sima news agency.
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thousands of people condemned the crimes of the zionist regime in the gaza strip and the killing of people in the central station of the new york subway. by publishing these images from the heart of new york, users write that people have a different opinion about the government. like these english-speaking users who consider america to be a partner in the crime of the zionist regime. biden is complicit in this genocide. the united states
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has brought nothing but lies, deceit, death and destruction to the world. america and europe are complicit in israel's genocidal war they are activists of the generation of priests in gaza. the us military is directly involved in israel's genocidal attack, war crimes and ethnic cleansing in gaza. they also wrote about american military aid to israel. america's military aid to israel is more than 120 billion dollars , that's why the world says america is complicit in israel's crimes. some others believed that america was a partner in this crime since the past years. the united states of america since 1967 in all acts of terrorism and war crimes. israel has been a partner. america is a partner in the crime of the zionist regime. this is a common opinion among users in cyberspace, there is an issue that biden has openly
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spoken about: a company that has brought the people of the world to the streets in different countries to support palestine like this, american and israeli, even in new york and san francisco. massoum ezzati, sedav-sima news reporter. from under the rubble of gaza, this baby shirar
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was saved from the air attack and it seems. a hand has helped him. his laughter is as loud as his small larynx can handle. at this time, the atmosphere of gaza is filled with the cries of distressed mothers, the sound of warplanes and destructive missiles. the gaza strip is a large prison for more than there were two million people. but now it has turned into a place like an earthquake affected area with nothing left of it. where are my children my wife, my grandmother, my brother and his children were martyred by starving them before they could eat. 17 children were martyred. of course, in the published pictures from gaza , there are other children whom the infernal bombardment could not target, or has not yet targeted. to taste the bitterness of killing their mothers and fathers.
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mararan's house my brother was screaming and calling me, o kamal, kamal, by god was alive the perpetrator of this crime is not known, but it is israel that displaced the ancestors and fathers of these children from their lands 75 years ago, and pursues them in the camps of the displaced with heavy raids and successive murders. many of them describe this situation as genocidal war, but the jinn, especially the part that describes itself as free , behaves against the killing of hundreds of children in such a way that it seems that it does not see the shedding of their blood and the cries of their families. or perhaps the west, like the israeli minister of war , considers them to be animals similar to humans, and from this they do not see a reason to express solidarity with them. there are dogs and cats in the gaza strip. that
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the missiles of israeli planes kill them. maybe this palestinian teenager shows a decisive reason and excuse in front of the cameras so that the westerners rush to save it and prove their civilization . we stand by israel. all-round support of the americans to the zionist regime in the attack on the light of gaza. i wanted to come to israel so that people here and the whole world know that we are with israel. the message i give to israel is this: you may be strong enough to defend yourself. but as long as america exists you will never, ever have to. we will always be by your side. the support that even opened the feet of these people to the zionist war cabinet. western support
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for the zionists in these deadly attacks. american military advisors accompanied the occupied territories. recently, some of our and israel's special forces have entered gaza to investigate the situation . the people of gaza consider these attacks to be the result of american support for the zionists. but don't be afraid of the children who are dying with american weapons or biden , you are the children who are moving. with american weapons, we are moving children.


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