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tv   [untitled]    November 11, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] i am ready to hold elections, the king of jordan said that we want to resume palestinian-israeli negotiations in the framework of the two-state solution, and the interesting point is the words of egyptian president abdel-fattah sisi, who did not take any position, if all the problems are now focused on the solution between egypt and egypt. there is a gaza strip that should be opened and in fact the position of the egyptian government actually helps the siege of the gaza strip. in this situation, we have to see what will be the chapter of the speech, which is actually the square, and it will give the final speech. and the one who can say this and this position in the square, sis nasrallah is the head of hezbollah, although the mass media are now
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broadcasting the speeches of the arab and islamic summits, but all eyes are on the lebanese and especially on the southern side of beirut, especially in the media circles. the zionist regime described these minutes as very inflammatory minutes and to see what seyed naslal said, while the positions announced by mr. dr. rais were quickly and strongly reflected in the circles of the zionist regime, these positions received a lot of attention because he took it. which is completely different from that line actually the political discourse and public diplomacy of the countries that have relations with the zionist regime in the region called for the establishment of the regime based on the palestinian state from the sea to the river, that is , the mediterranean sea and the jordan river, which means the entire occupied palestine . well, this means the dismantling or complete destruction
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of the regime he invited that the islamic countries should arm the palestinian resistance, the only person who, as far as i was a witness, until his speech , because the emir of kuwait spoke later, the only person who took a position in this meeting was mr. dr. raisi, the rest of the heads of the arab countries and islamic a little in elfaz expressed sympathy with the oppression of the first nation but did not take any issue , so we have to see what seyyed tagaygh will say in his last speech, 8 days ago . destroyed in gaza and stressed that we must all be ready and all options are on the table. in his second speech in the last 35 days, we should see
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that this is actually seyed's practical and public position about the future prospects of the war in the southern fronts. and what will be the occupied northern palestine, thank you mr. hosseini, you are very kind. inshallah, we will talk to you after sayyid hassan nasrallah's talks. now, as in previous weeks, on saturdays and sundays , there are large gatherings in european and western countries for the benefit of the palestinian people. now we are going to london. we are going to see it from the streets of the capital of england. it is estimated by the media that between 500,000 and one
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million people came to the streets today in the capital of england, london, for the benefit of the palestinian people. at the same time as you see live images from the sky of london, the magnificent gathering of support for palestine this week, on saturday, sunday, various cities of the world witness such gatherings
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, and it seems that even more people are coming to the streets in london than last week. aerial images show the extent of this gathering . we should have the speech of the secretary general of hezbollah live , but until then we will continue our conversation with mr. torabi in the final part. finally, in summary of these countries what will happen in the field scene of the zionist regime in the north and south of gaza as well as in the west from the side of the port
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? there is a conflict between the resistance forces and them in the streets of gaza, of course, most of gaza city is still empty of the presence of the zionist military , this is also the situation in the field, well, we are also seeing popular support all over the world, right now there are live images from london on the frame of the news network. developments in the field of global support for the positions of these countries what is your analysis of the future of this genocide? you see , i am speaking quickly because it is possible that seyed hassan nasrallah will speak at any moment. first of all, regarding this gathering that you broadcast the picture of, the prisoners had a hope, their hope was that from some point on, these charts will decrease globally and the pictures will become normal for people, which shows that this is not the case and the whole world . it has become more sensitive and it is becoming more sensitive. this is a very important point in the field field of the israelis. it must
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be said that up to a part where the urban war is less, the ground is empty. it is worth thinking about, but if they can confirm this and if they can cover this in the entire gaza area, this is a point that definitely means that it is time to come, it is a matter of time to stay , it is another matter to stay, and the time component is the limit of descent and the threshold of tolerance of which one. most of israel, with its economy in dire straits, will be hit the further it goes, or gaza, which i saw in undeclared positions, some american officials, these are in the present or there are whispers, they may not be in front of the cameras, but it is said that they are from the united states. the zionist regime is losing time for this
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the amount of reactions to the regime is increasing and to a certain extent it can be resisted against this public opinion, this amount of people who are taking to the streets every day can be resisted until a certain point. if they go out and return to the point on october 7th or mehr 15th, it means defeat, defeat is very certain, will they accept this defeat or not, will they stay, there were casualties yesterday, losses last night, there were many casualties in the field around shafa hospital, and this shows that choosing this option is for the israelis. between hard and harder , so we have to wait and see what happens in the field my prediction is that we will have movements in the field next week in these recent days . i think that clearer messages will be sent to the israelis, and this should require the reaction of the resistance front
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. there is also the last point that i would like to say that if there is a chance now, our dear people should pay attention to a sentence that seyyed hassan nasr made in his speech last week , which was not discussed much . i know that this patience is exhausted, people are tired, they are seeing pictures right now i saw that i felt very bad, but the point is to trust the flow of the resistance front and the axis of resistance and be patient. the patience that he said is the patience of the strategy that i emphasized many times . i need to make a recommendation. now, my dear people, if you have time to find a sentence about martyr hassan bagheri during the war, search it on the internet
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, a voice, maybe 40 seconds, a minute, they say that they introduce the five axes in the war, which they say. war is a day of patience, a day of resistance, a day of endurance, a day of defense, a day of passion for victory. then they say that if we are dependent on the desire for victory, it means that we will not fight for the accounts that god has specified for them . let them remember the events that happened in the past . look at this war in yemen. it is firing rockets with authority. how many years was the siege? the siege of the syrian towns and the syrian shiites should not be forgotten. nobel by zahra kafraya foua. it was 3 years and 2 years of siege. in all the previous scenes, the resistance responded with patience, which was strategic patience along with faith, courage, bravery, intelligence, and everyone's initiative. this is it, well, look at those
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days when noble people are under siege giving food, not having water, remember the 33-day war , remember what happened, the holy defense of khorramshahr, the events during the war, all this shows that the rationality of the resistance front is rational and can be trusted , so please be patient and trust. thank you, mr. torabi, for being with us. we are going to the sky of london . we are waiting for the audio and video from there . we are also waiting for sayyid hassan nasrallah's speech . well, just as we are seeing the images in the sky of london, ms. shabiri, what is the news and news? are you
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telling us that the secretary general of the arab league gave a speech? in riyadh, this meeting that is being held is a joint meeting of the organization of islamic cooperation and the arab league. in this meeting, mr. ahmed abulghiz said that the pathological demands of the zionists have reached such a point that one of their racist ministers said that the gaza strip should be targeted with a nuclear bomb. badim, this arab official said, without mentioning the name of america, a whole month has passed and we ask the security council to protect the palestinian civilians from the barbaric actions of the zionist regime. also, the crown prince of kuwait gave a speech in this meeting, mr. jaber al-sabah . after mr. raisi's speech, it is kuwait's turn to think yes, he said that the zionist regime is punishing the people of gaza, which we cannot justify in any way, and according to this kuwaiti official, this tragedy
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is due to the international community finding a permanent solution to the palestinian issue. he did not and did not try to reach this solution. thank you, we are still waiting for seyyed hassan nasrallah to start speaking. if the images of london continue. currently, i request my colleagues to see the gathering in london. it is estimated that today between 500,000 and one million people will come to the streets in the british capital for the benefit of the palestinian people. well, it seems that the president of syria, mr. bashar al-assad , has started speaking in riyadh, the capital of saudi arabia
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. in the framework of this equation, it is clear that we cannot continue our cooperation with palestine, far from our arab and islamic behavior in the face of repeated incidents. regarding the aggression of our cooperation, this regime causes the increase of aggression against your nation and the death of this issue . today, in our meeting, the issue is not aggression and murder , but both of these continue, and both of these cases
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the mood of the zionist regime goes to you, but the political and human superior has taken such an approach and has endangered the security of our region. in this regard, we cannot ignore most of our responsibilities and act on them. which at the level of settlement and destroyed infrastructure and the delivery of aid should not be affected in this framework.
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what do they need ? it's a question of whether they need humanitarian aid. we didn't have the tools to apply real pressure. what we have are practical political mechanisms and not statements. issuing statements and stopping the political process with the regime at the top of them. and stopping political and economic actions and economic cooperation with this regime until this regime is forced to stop immediately and for a long time against the palestinians and all palestinians
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and allow humanitarian aid to enter gaza in connection with the formation of two states and the peace process and but it is not a priority at the moment. it will not be useful to talk about this issue. because there is no partner, supporter, authority, source, or law for this matter, and it cannot be claimed returned while the criminal is still at large, this is the situation of the west towards the zionist regime. i must say that, far from asking the arab countries, these countries
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fulfill their responsibilities throughout history, which is the plundering of countries and nations. public opinion in our countries is now pleased and happy with the resistance and the reality it has created. we have to take up this proposal, a proposal that pays the price of such a thing to those who are sacrificed in palestine, and i thank you, and peace be upon you, and may god's mercy and blessings be upon you. well, the boss's words we saw the president of syria, mr. bashar al-assad, and now we have live images from london. mr. mohammad ali samadi, an expert on resistance-oriented issues, also came to the khabar network studio
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. mr. samadi, various countries are present. especially speaking, we see a gap between, for example, the positions of the president of iran and the president of syria , as countries that are always in the front line of resistance, but the rest of the countries have the same condemnations, of course, they are more frank , comparable to the positions it's not like the previous one, but it can be done do something more serious in front of the zionist regime, what are those things? in your opinion, the most specific call for ambassadors and economic sanctions , we will not answer anything other than this.
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yes, in my opinion, the main effort of the united states in a normal state, that is, in a state where there is no war , is aimed at normalizing israel's relations with the world around it, and the threat of this problem will cost them a lot, and it is very important to even call for economic sanctions, in my opinion. ambassadors are more important, but unfortunately, that's the way it is i don't think anything will happen. well, we will have seyyed hassan nasrallah's speech in a few moments. do you think that we have had political developments since last week when he spoke ? hizbollah has continued its operations against him, as he said last time, from the second day of october 8. hizbullah has had an operation, it has been carried out even today. how do you know the strategy that hizbullah is pursuing against the zionist regime? so far, the level of hizbullah's entry into the conflict
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is equivalent to the level of its entry into the military conflict in the 33 -day war, that is, it is gradual. yes, no, no. at all, the same amount that was involved in the 33-day war here it is involved, but israel has such a level of violence and violence that it is not visible . by god, it is all in the war. meanwhile, i would like to make a complaint about some of the most influential people in the public opinion who are doing unrelated propaganda on seyyed hassan's speech, i.e. both the previous speech and the current speech, seyed has specific and periodic annual speeches. on martyr's day, he will definitely speak, that is, today's speech is like every year, yes, it is like every year. hezbollah does not make its leaders anything in the speech , it does not reveal that there is nothing wrong at all i am neither routine nor
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non-motivated, once sid is in the middle of a 33-day war the battle of the shooting of the saar frigate was directed from the speech, and that was a special case. it is not the case. from now on, sayyid , do tactical things in the speech. when this doesn't happen, there is frustration. i'm sorry . i'm grateful. i've come across cyberspace a lot. what mr. syed was supposed to do. the strategy is elsewhere in the hezbollah council it will be closed and it will only be read here, that is, what needs to be highlighted, edited, presented, explained to the people, it will be done, for me, this is what
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seyed said today. killing 70 people every day, they are firing several rockets, it is much better than the 3-day war, because this time there is a point , they are hitting specific military targets, and every day , hezbollah is publishing pictures of this. yes , it seems like a lot. i think the management is making the northern front the attention of the regime the north has done this completely in one mission , in my opinion, it is seyed for themselves, for hezbollah. now, the seyed that i am saying means that the hizbollah council has determined that it is enough to make the zionist army nervous and unfocused, which is completely successful in this matter. yes, thank you. an interesting point in seyed's speech last time was that, for example, what part of the regime's air force is focused on shabala, what part of its land force , what part of its navy, that focus is actually
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still lost for the regime to be able to operate as it wants in gaza. the concern of the command of the northern front of palestine should be taken forward zionist, really, few people pay attention to this, it is really to prevent a ground attack from my north, because the ground attack slogan was always given by hezbollah, and no one expected that hamas would pursue this poet, and many of them are worried , it is much easier there. ground attack they are now sure that there will not be a ground attack from gaza similar to october 7th, but they are really not at ease that these events that have happened in such a short time, is hezbollah preparing for a ground attack or not? some analysts say that one of hizbollah's strategies is to create uncertainty for the zionist regime that something could happen from anywhere. give and they don't know. what is the level of hizbollah's entry tomorrow, how will it be after tomorrow, where it might be hit, and i think
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that hizbollah has also taken a gradual process, the places it has targeted , the weapons it is targeting, it is moving one step forward every day. i think it's the same as you say, it means it follows a gradual war , you see hezbollah has three serious weapons from the beginning , that is, since at least the last quarter of a century, hezbollah has been relying on these three weapons, an ambiguity on the battlefield is completely ambiguous and not even secret means giving false information to the enemy there are two very serious uses of the camera as a weapon, which hamas has modeled these two, and the third is rockets, of course, these three have also been modeled by hamas, but it is definitely not as capable and experienced as hezbollah in
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this regard. thirdly, with he is managing it right now, it has been 35 days now, he is moving forward step by step, and i say that there is this uncertainty for israel, so that hezbollah does not want to enter the field, as they say, and repeat the entry here, because seyed had a discussion last time. in my opinion, one sentence was golden, and that is that the resistance must win this must be won. he defined a mission for himself. i think that wherever i feel that hizbullah's victory will be distorted , the level of his entry will be different. nasrallah was the way he pointed to the americans and said that the ships you brought or the ships you want to bring are all vulnerable considering the weapons we have and we are prepared to
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use them, as you said, then now the witness. during this one or two weeks, it was reflected what missiles hezbollah has and this has affected the calculations of the opposing side. it is definitely the same. america has a previous experience of entering lebanese soil in 1988 and there was also an american navy on the coast of beirut with very large and bulky missiles. i apologize mr. samadi to beirut. we're going, seyyed hassan
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nasrallah's speech is about to start. and salutations be upon our lord, our prophet, the seal of the prophets, abul qasim muhammad bin abdullah, his pure and pure, and his chosen companions, and upon all the prophets and messengers of the brothers and sisters of huzdar who have gathered today in different places in harmel , balbag, nabatieh, deir. al-nana law in maysera kaserwan and also in the southern suburbs. gentlemen, scholars
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, families, citizens, brothers and sisters. god buys the lives of the believers and gives them their property and paradise for those who fight in the way of god and are killed and killed, and this is a false promise. we give glad tidings in the torah, the bible, the qur'an, and anyone who fulfills his covenant with god at this price and at this price that it is a great service. after welcoming the respected audience. and expressing
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pride to the citizens and their families. today , as every year on such a day, it is 11 hizbollah's roshide is based on our numbers and customs and our commitments. according to our intention, all are martyrs, from the first fame of the path of resistance to the 19th year of hezbollah's resistance as a whole, which includes many groups, and includes all of these until


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