tv [untitled] November 14, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST
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after israel's wars and the defeat of the arabs, israel tries to confirm its internal position , expels palestinians, hides documents, makes documents and takes over empty lands. then, the jews of other countries move to israel , to use them as cheap labor. form the lower sections of society. on the other side of the square, palestinians camp after forced migration in neighboring countries. the camps were supposed to be temporary places. until the day when palestinians return to their homeland, but the camps will become permanent settlements. camp conditions not suitable.
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my palestinian fighters based in jordan infiltrate the motherland and start operations. in march 1968, israel attacks the palestinian camp in jordan and destroys everything in retaliation for the activities of the militants . after that, tensions increase. palestinian fighters are transferred to lebanon. the economic and social conditions of lebanon are not suitable. social activists like imam musa sadr are trying for unity and cohesion and removing deprivation. but political groups are not coherent. they do not have long-term plans. every group and front in pursuit of fame and
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they compete with each other for their own benefit and do not tolerate each other's presence, and worst of all , they do not understand israel's policies. on april 3, 1975, the leader of a messi party was assassinated, but survived the assassination. in retaliation for this attack, palestinian fighters are attacked on the same day . conflicts escalate and civil wars begin in lebanon. imam musa sadr's plans are affected. israel, which welcomes any war and conflict in lebanon, implements its plans. in 1978, israel used the pretext of preventing palestinian attacks on lebanon
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they attack, israel deploys a mercenary group in lebanon and withdraws from lebanon . in 1988, israeli prime minister menachem begin appointed one of his most violent people as the minister of defense . ariel sharon sharon had a long history of crime and he said: destroy everything that can be destroyed. sharon draws up a plan to not only end palestinian resistance, but also change the geography of the region. at first, scattered attacks by israel will begin, and on june 6, 198, a nationwide attack will begin. 120 thousand soldiers. along with 302 armored personnel carriers
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they suddenly enter lebanon. they quickly reach the palestinian camps in sur and saida. the war begins. palestinian fighters resist. at the same time, israel attacks the syrian forces. with israel's pressure on the parliament of lebanon and shiroon. the president is elected . israel's goals are determined by the attack on lebanon . occupying lebanon, expelling palestinians, suppressing syria and creating a puppet government. at the request of lebanon, foreign forces enter to monitor the departure of the palestinians. after the withdrawal of palestinian fighters, foreign forces also left lebanon they're going out. the next events happen quickly.
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bashir is killed in a bombing. the israelis keep besieging the palestinian camps. then, so and so. they incite them to take action against the palestinians. falangists enter the camp. they commit an unprecedented massacre . at that time, there were at least 90,000 people in the camps, most of whom are refugees from 1948. they supervise the operation and even keep the camp lit at night with searchlights so that the killing continues even at night. the killers carry fake id cards and never know
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some of them were israeli and some were lebanese. israel was intoxicated with victories. south lebanon as the bank of the region was pregnant with new events. heavy rain falls in the city of sur, israeli soldiers gather inside the command building . moments later, a car enters the building and the building explodes. due to the severity of the explosion , 14 israeli soldiers and officers are killed. some time later, in the spring of 1983, another explosion occurred.
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this time at the american embassy. black organization officers are also killed in this explosion. this is the second attack on embassies. in the fall of the year 1983 two more explosions occur. israeli and american casualties are increasing. sporadic attacks on israeli forces continue . in 198, the shiite cleric, sheikh raqib harrab , was assassinated by three mercenaries and was martyred. after that, israel attacks the villages. destroyed houses. slow and kills defenseless people. these events are part of israel's revenge . in 1985, lebanon's hezbollah officially declares its existence and calls israel the occupier. israel
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faces for the first time an organized group that is coherent and uniform are. while in lebanon, the force of internal resistance has shown: in the palestinian territories. they cannot and do not want to help palestine. the economic conditions of the palestinians are getting worse every day. the oppression and disrespect of the zionists are present in all aspects of palestinian life. palestinian workers are run over by a truck . four people are killed. many are injured. society is inflamed. during the burial of the bodies, there is a conflict.
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palestinians attack israelis with stones. a 17-year-old student named mohammad hatem abu sisi by israel arrives in qatar. it spreads in gray and people rise up in a revolutionary movement. the first interphase. from the first phase of the palestinian islamic resistance movement, hamas is formed under the leadership of sheikh ahmed yassin. israel wants to suppress the movement , but it cannot. the solution is in negotiation. israel needs peace to restore itself . israel's wishes will be fulfilled. the issue of quds and the return of the palestinians is left aside. the palestine liberation organization's conflict with israel
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ends. an autonomous government is formed, which is far from the ideal of quds and the purpose of its formation pacify palestine. and this kind of silent repression goes to you. when israel is relieved of the palestinians, to the new actor. hezbollah goes to lebanon when israel attacked , the economic and social conditions of lebanon were not suitable, israel did whatever it wanted , stole ordinary people and took them captive in lebanese lands. but hezbollah's resistance exists so that israel retreats . the first prisoner exchange operation is carried out.
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hezbollah can free its forces from israel. while everyone is happy about hezbollah's success. a tragic incident occurs to give the israeli army targets a car with its passengers. in this incident, seyyed abbas mousavi, the secretary of kalb el allah, along with his family , were all martyred. seyed abbas mousavi was aware of the dangers. but he had decided to be with his family. even during the israeli attack. with the martyrdom of the leader of hezbollah, israel thought that the work was over. but the events that followed show a strategic mistake in israel's calculations. in the 90s
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, hezbollah's resistance continued. israel decides to fight hezbollah directly. israel's military attack on lebanon under the pretext of hezbollah begins. this attack is called fury clusters . lebanon is heavily bombed. in the middle of events. it is more bitter than war. a group of defenseless people settled in a place called qana . only women and children are present in that place. qana is attacked. lebanese women and children are martyred. the scale of the disaster is taking over israel. with the resistance of hezbollah , the war stops. in 1999, news is published in the media: the penetration of israeli army forces into
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lebanese territory has been unsuccessful. this incident is unbelievable. hezbollah's success in media it is his victory. hezbollah publishes various images of its operations, which make the realities of the battlefield. to be determined. media operations increase israel's costs. in the year 200. israel withdraws from lebanon and adopts a policy of terror. shortly after, sheikh ahmed yassin, the leader of hamas, was assassinated. after that, rafiq hariri, the prime minister of lebanon, is assassinated. in the year , while the finger of accusation is pointed towards hezbollah and media attacks against hezbollah continue
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, something happens at the borders. an israeli military patrol is attacked on the lebanese border. two people are captured. the zionists react quickly. but israel's response is accompanied by casualties. israel declares war on lebanon: and they attack lebanon by land, sea and air, especially in the southern area of beirut, the 33-day war begins. but the important thing is that hezbollah does not give up and responds to israel's attacks in any way possible. although the war does not achieve anything for israel, israel
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attacks everywhere. in fact , israel's war plan was something similar to the american military operations in serbia and afghanistan. but this plan fails ate experts believed that the attack was carried out by israel. to make the right decisions. there were tundros who said that he should show off his strength. to restore his image after the events of 2000 and leaving lebanon. they said that israel's goal is to show power. for this reason, the united states supported israel's policy and, together with the united kingdom, prevented the implementation of a cease-fire so that the war would continue and perhaps hezbollah would be defeated.
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they thought that everything would be over within a week or 8 days, but it was not the case , israel will lose this war, seyyed hassan nasr allah, the secretary general of hezbollah, gave a speech and in every speech he attacked israel. sayyid hassan nasrallah's revelations will surely end in israel . israel is also failing in the field of politics . hezbollah does not want and will not let the bitter memories of the 1977 war be repeated. rereading
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the reports made by the israelis. it depicts a battle scene. hezbollah and hamas capture israeli soldiers. israel intervenes. tanks explode one by one. the death toll is rising. the israeli air force enters the field. almert government of lebanon to one all-out war threatens. not only hezbollah and not only southern lebanon, but they will attack any target in lebanon. another israeli says: if the soldiers are not returned, we will return lebanon 20 years back. all events happen quickly and the israeli authorities make decisions quickly and implement every decision quickly . in the middle of the war, it becomes clear that the analysts
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were right: entering the war was a mistake. in contrast to israel's hasty decisions, there was a certain order and discipline in hezbollah, but israel was not willing to accept defeat and continued to attack. the war continues will find. at the height of israel's attacks, an israeli warship explodes. israel is surprised. observers notice that something had changed in hezbollah's battle with israel. but israel. one of the soldiers said later: we didn't know what was happening and what was going to eat us. we only knew that we were killing. they thought that the hezbollah forces
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were probably stationed in field tents with a kalashnikov. but during the military attack with hydraulic steel doors. and they encountered a network of complex tunnels. an israeli soldier later they admit i am ashamed to admit that we used to drink water from hezbollah headquarters and enter local shops to get food. of course, the israeli soldiers looted the shops. the advice of people like benjamin ben elizar to attack was wrong from the start. america pursues a quick ceasefire. because israel needs reconstruction . in the middle of the talks,
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israel attacks again, but this attack also fails, and israel inevitably submits to the un resolution. in the last 72 hours of the war , israel dropped about one million cluster bombs. the number of bombs is so high that even after the ceasefire, ordinary people were killed. but this does not prevent the defeat of israel. stay away from experts. experts said: hezbollah's work is unbelievable. hezbollah is not afraid of israel. the 33-day war becomes israel's first defeat. some time later, the american journalist simroresh
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begins to expose. the bush administration has been closely involved in the planning of the israeli army. the war with hezbollah was a simulation of the us attack on iran's nuclear facilities. and it was considered a kind of exercise. to adaan experts of the 33-day war to the point it becomes a turning point in the equations and affects the subsequent events of the region. bengurian believed that israel should not lose any war and if it does, it will not win any war. maybe this was the only thing he said that was true. the largest number of altankas on friday and saturday.
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, why all this, why do you make it so difficult, why do you make it so complicated, easy with the people feel free to talk, we will be with people , the previous work was good, you threw a carpet, i was sleeping, i was easy to bag. and people can easily buy carpets. they have a quality guarantee. they have a price guarantee. they have a guarantee for everything. what is this for? it's for your and mine's peace of mind . go, hey, i'll do it this way and that . is it my advertisement? handloom choose for sure. shoufash package and.
2:00 pm
welcome to the half day news. 44 palestinians were martyred in the new zionist attacks on khanyounos and the jabalia camp, the martyrdom of 40 more innocent people, including three children, in gaza hospitals, the burial of 170 martyrs due to the siege of shafa hospital in its lifetime, the release of new images from the care department special for newborns in shafa hospital due to the continuation of power cuts, babies are still without
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