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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] the realists had a strange plan for the massacre of the natives and the taking over of the lands. they had set america as a model and considered the conditions in such a way that palestine and its people resembled the land of america and its natives. and the zionists imagined themselves as sailors and explorers. with the difference that the zionists considered the land of palestine to be their ancestral heritage. in this way , all the solutions of the american occupation for the occupation of palestine will also become a screw copy. dreaming begins
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and the zionists in their dreams over palestine from the nile to the euphrates, they rule the middle east and even the world. in this government , the presence of counterparts in america and europe made it possible to establish geopolitical relations, and geopolitical relations brought power to israel, which became a kind of global government. but such thoughts were dangerous and found opponents. for this reason, creating an organization to suppress the opposition is on the agenda. this organization is called anti-defamation union . to suppress critics as a pressure group . with the increase in the economic power of the zionists,
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the anti-defamation union. america's political agenda and even the foreign relations council is also influential. zionists are supported in america and europe. critics and protestors are suppressed and the establishment of the zionist state is taken into consideration under the pretext of the holocaust. but the evidence and documents related to the holocaust were doubted. years later, criticisms begin and critics are prosecuted and even punished. the most important criticisms and revelations come from within the israeli scientific community. ilan pape, professor of political science at the university of ifa, in his book on the issue of ethnic cleansing in palestine
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pay civilians were killed. villages have been destroyed. at least one million men, women and children were expelled from their homes. ilan pape faces israel's iron fist and is expelled from the university. gradually, other thinkers also opened their mouths. israel, a political program, in the form of a complex and complex project. was implementing the colonial occupation in a violent manner. the situation was alarming. because israel's crimes were not something that could be hidden. for years, martial law had been applied in palestine. the rights and rights of the people are under my feet people were simply harassed
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. in fact, a dual judicial system was established in israel. muslims are deprived of government services, welfare and basic rights. they were arrested without reason and placed in cramped and solitary cells. most of them were tortured. even though he was innocent. they were tried and sentenced in military courts, and even more strangely , they could be killed if they were released. even women and children. israeli society had found many similarities with american society. arabs were like black people. more than jews
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were tried and the possibility of their imprisonment. it was more than others. a kind of ethnic cleansing was going on. a combination of racism and targeted killing. the zionists, who complained about the camps of nazi germany , had imprisoned the muslim people in a camp the size of palestine. colonialism, apartheid and occupation were going on. immigrants also did not have the conditions for ideas. they those who entered israel after the nakbat were not allowed to settle in the central cities. they were settled in temporary camps and then
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moved to settlements. the settlement of shahrar was a hostile policy to prevent the return of palestinians it was considered a kind of defensive shield. eastern jewish protests in the summer. the next wave of protests will take place in the following decades. african immigrants also feel another kind of racial exile in their flesh and skin. when protests in israel spread, israeli experts and sociologists get involved and understand. something challenges israel from within. a crisis jonathan shapiro mentions the crisis factor in his books. israeli elites
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were exploiting the people. the necessity of creating a nation for israel had led to the oppression of the majority. and minority were in the worst condition. the oligarchy of the parties was the most important cause of the crisis. there was no guarantee of minority rights. the arabs were in enzo and were regressing and were assigned to menial jobs as cheap labor. until now, in the books, articles on israel were introduced as a model in which a group of different people from different countries were successfully brought together to form a nation. the references were to the tears of the nazis. because all
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important institutions and organizations such as the haganah, the jewish agency, theodore, weizmann, menachem begin, ben gurion, ariel sharon, central committees. all were ashkeni. the history books taught in schools were also about the ashkenazis. the jews had no part in the history books because they were considered backward and primitive. historically , there was nothing wrong with being a hudi and being an arab. the jews lived comfortably among the arabs, but with the formation of israel. jewish arabs face a big problem. the problem of hate. israeli society hated arabs.
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and the immigrant arabs had to hide their arab identity. hiding the arab identity and constantly suppressing oneself had become a feeling of self-hatred. the way the solution was the same as that used in america. madaba pot according to this theory, different people from different societies gather in one place and a new society emerges from their interactions. a new society that, while being the same , also has the individual and social characteristics of different social groups. but the madaba bengurion pot had many holes. racism
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was its most important challenge. the next challenge was the rule of the elites. the effort of the founders of israel was based on the idea that israel , like america, would be governed by elites. to a special class in israel as protectors and the guardians of the society's fundamental values ​​were given the power to prevent the masses from challenging israel's fundamental principles. this plan brings many benefits. in jewish history , there are evidences of a class of ashraf who sacrificed a part of the jews in times of emergency . a combination of racism and racial exile along with the rule of a group of elites and ashraf.
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what will be the result of the domination of people who sacrifice people for their own interests? politically, since 1949, left-wing parties have come to power in israel and formed the cabinet. in 1970, menakhin begin from the likud party comes to power. in the 80s. the shas party gains power, but it is likud that leads in israel. in the 90s, a young politician comes to power in israel. benjamin netanyahu is educated in america. he has a relationship with many people. among them, mitramani, the candidate for the presidency of the united states, and
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menachem schneiersen, the influential jewish khasam. he shakes hands and assassinates khalid meshaal, and from the same year he is involved in corruption and bribery. but after the events of 2000 and israel's withdrawal from lebanon, ariel sharon came to power. he officially he is a criminal and has a long history of killing and committing crimes against palestinians. in his record, the massacre of defenseless people in the villages of al-qawiya and the massacre of sabra and shatila can be seen. sharon's death toll is never known, because he enjoys burning palestinians. when sharan went to war and. terrorism takes place and fails, and with
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israel's defeat in the 33-day war, something in israel is threatened. security right-wingers attract people's attention with extreme slogans. meanwhile , netanyahu, who has the support of jewish rabbis and american advisers, is in the best position have. he with many promises to power. reaches and based on his business records , he undertakes economic reforms in order to gain public satisfaction with economic growth. ehud barak was one of netanyahu's staunch opponents. he came to power in 1999 with the promise of ending the war in lebanon. ehud barak was one of the main commanders of the lebanese war.
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he was studying at stanford university in the united states and in the field of systems analysis, and he was logically thinking of a concern. any action by israel in order to take possession of the palestinian territories such as the west bank of the jordan river and the gaza strip is officially an apartheid government will be formed. because in case of elections in the palestinian territories , the palestinians will definitely vote for the palestinian government. and this was a major challenge for israel. the solution of the zionists to solve the problem was a permanent siege and war with the palestinians. because of this, gaza becomes a big prison. a few years later , when ehud barak was rejected as the minister , he proposed a solution to the previous failures. war. israel is practical. sarrab dagh
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attacks noor gaza for 22 days. phosphorus bombs fall on people. to relief forces, hospitals, women and even children are attacked. in this war, gaza's infrastructure will be destroyed. israeli soldiers kidnap palestinian children in the streets, and use them as human shields. use. israel officially commits a war crime. but this war does not bring any achievements. barak is stepping aside as the main culprit in order to inject a new life into the israeli political system. he was looking for massive changes. but the defeat of the resistance will lead to netanyahu's
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return to power. before netanyahu, from israel's point of view, security took precedence over everything the issue and subject became a security aspect. but in the era of netanyahu, israel faces a new challenge. the challenge of speeding. as long as israel was winning. military service was considered an honor. ertess was the best interpreter of the torah. and the defeat of the arabs added to the excitement. in the meantime, nathanio, who considers himself an expert in terrorism, turns to terror, and on the other hand, tries to achieve concessions through negotiations and then gain the satisfaction of the extreme zionists. for this reason, the items contained in the resolutions of madrid and oslo are included in the vice-chancellor of the century. in 2018
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discrimination is manifested legally in israel and israel defies all international resolutions. according to this law, israel is recognized exclusively as the national state of the jewish people, so that the rights and rights of muslims are forever violated and the arabic language is restricted. in 2020, four families in sheikh jarrah quds neighborhood were ordered to leave their homes. they are subjected to the strange israeli judicial system, which takes palestinian properties away from them. a month later, a radical representative, itamar ben gowier , set up his office under a tent in sheikh jarrah neighborhood. he is a he is an extremist jew who installed a picture of baruch geltein on the wall in his house. barkh
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goltain was a terrorist who attacked unarmed worshipers during the month of ramadan and killed them. when bangawir pitches a tent in the neighborhood of sheikh jarrah, the settlers invade and the occupation of palestinian homes begins. creating tension and conflict, harassing muslims, fleeing families and replacing jews, was a permanent policy to occupy the land, and change the demographic structure and identity of jerusalem and palestine. so that other programs are executed after that. but from a military point of view and especially after the 33-day war in 206 had changed the conditions of the battlefield. for this reason, when an
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israeli ship is attacked in 202, it is clear that a revenge attack has taken place. other attacks are carried out as if they were the only response to israel's crimes. israel, which thought that by participating in the production of isis , has created a permanent nuisance for the axis of resistance. now you see yourself exposed to a bigger fire. in a society based on its teachings , it was considered immoral to engage in any kind of relationship to achieve a legitimate goal , there was also a dangerous extremist trend that tried it would remain hidden and never be revealed. the extreme trend in the political sphere of israel
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was so influential that a person like netanyahu was the main culprit in the assassination of yitzhak rabin. for this reason , netanyahu tried to gain the satisfaction of extremist groups for years. but extremism and ethnic exile are not only opposed by the palestinians but also by the reaction of the resistance front and other communities. and israel
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loses its security. in this way, israel, which has been oppressing the people since its inception and was planning for the middle east, due to the obvious contradictions in its behavior and speech and the adoption of race policies. prosthanane is placed on a path that has no end but failure and destruction. it will not have. the government's decision is the decision of benjamin netanyahu's cabinet to ban al-mayadeen network. and the confiscation of its equipment in occupied palestine
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is not strange and unexpected because it takes place along the long path of confrontation between the occupation and the resistance media, including al-mayadeen network. the news and technical team of the resistance media in daily news coverage as well as in major battles have been faced with suppression, persecution and threats many times. the al-meudeen news team , like others , has received threats and injuries from these pursuits. reasons for threatening national security harmful to the people of israel, and not allowing dangerous propaganda, the justifications for the decision to ban al-mayadeen network's activities, about threatening the security and harming the security of israel, and not allowing the dangerous propaganda published by al-mayadeen network , show the extent. it is one of the media that tries to convey the facts because
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it understands the role of resistance media that is in accordance with international laws and charters. on the other hand, the occupiers continued their efforts to close their mouths after the murder of dozens of reporters and cameramen, using the last excuse to introduce themselves as a regime. democracies in the west used to destroy. and it shows the failure and failure of this regime against the news mission of al-meydin network to disgrace the occupation and question its political, cultural and field narrative . the weapon of words and images has always been one of the most important concerns of zionist missionaries. the field in which the israeli media failed one after the other and the media elites and israeli intellectuals acknowledged this issue. they always considered the al-mummayadin network as a platform to influence israeli public opinion
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, a platform where israeli leaders and intelligence agencies
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they were waiting for the news reports and interviews, and they were trying to analyze and interpret it. hey, the front row meeting, many people talk about the people, but they are not with the people. hey, the first page meeting , let us stand up to justice with our own reports. there is a drop in the height of the remaining work , functions and estimates every moment, the most important in
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the field of vaccine storage, plans, strategies. and the previous horizons of the young consumer area, where questions from us are answered from the first page and evaluation and judgment with
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you in the first row every night at 7:30 pm of khabar network. you made it so complicated, be easy with people why do you make it so difficult? why do you talk? we are on our own. the previous work was good. you threw a carpet. i was sleeping . i was easy. people can buy easily, they have quality guarantee, they have price guarantee, they have everything, what is this for, to make you and me feel comfortable, go, hey , i'm here, here and there, is it my advertisement? it is not my house, the biggest iranian house will soon be in tehran it opens with unbelievable prices and long deals with unique discounts everywhere in iran
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. bride. i am asking for the third time, is it my lawyer? no, what happened? it is not possible. yes, why not wash it? it has been notified to buy dowry with 60 types in 60 times. the city of larger household appliances, danesh baniyan foulad gostar haddad, a producer of all kinds of strength and industrial profiles in the dimensions 20 x 12 x 22 water and gas pipes from 12 inches to 14 inches, construction of all kinds of industrial sheds, design and construction of equipment and machinery required by industries with national standard certificate
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iran and quality management system certificate. kola dastar haddad. in the name of allah, the merciful. hello news section at 17:00. according to tiar's report. in e -mails , the zionist regime asked some cyberspace activists to support this regime in exchange for receiving money. a quarter of


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