tv [untitled] November 17, 2023 8:30am-9:00am IRST
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sardar azmoun scored in the 13th and 15th minutes of mehdi termi's 87th minute and ramin rezaeiyan scored the four goals of the iranian team in this match. from the same group, uzbekistan 3 won in the field of turkestan. the game against the goalkeeper was really good, we had a very good start , but i can say that the first half can be divided into two parts. it was a very high-pressure start with a good rhythm, but due to the two goals we scored, the pressure on our team was reduced. to add to our tally, in other important matches, saudi arabia defeated pakistan 4-0 with four winning goals, australia won with seven goals, japan won by 50 goals
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, myanmar won by 50 goals, and south korea defeated golgapur with five goals. thailand lost 2 to china, iraq 5. it won against indonesia and qatar 8. it crushed afghanistan. but the qualifying matches of the world cup in the south american region were followed by the defeat of argentina and brazil. in the fifth week of this competition, this morning, over won 2-0 against his host. ha hamil kordi also passed brazil's 100 at home 2 and marked the second defeat of selsao. also, boli and zero won against pehru. chile and paraguay drew without a goal, and venezuela's game with ecuador was also without a goal. thank you for
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of the tigris and euphrates, and in the west, the land of the egyptians. these were the words that flowed from the mouth of menachem begin. the prime minister of israel has a long history of crime and crime. his words, however, contradicted the previous speech of the jews. until then, the zionists were displaced. but after the formation of israel , their language and speech changes. they create new words in the current language that indicate a dangerous thought . great israel. from their point of view, the formation of the zionist regime in the palestinian territories was only a prelude to a big plan. this map
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is not the map of our country. we have another plan for future generations. they execute: we must extend our territory from the nile to the euphrates. see the americans' declaration of independence. this declaration does not make any reference to any specific scope. we don't have to set our boundaries either. these were moshehian's words. he was talking about america, about the occupation, the massacre of natives, and annexation. realists had a strange plan for the lands. they had set america as a model and considered the conditions in such a way that palestine and its people
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would resemble the land of america and its natives, and the zionists imagined themselves as sailors and explorers, with the difference that they considered the land of palestine as their ancestral heritage. in this way, all the solutions of the american occupation for the occupation of palestine will also become a screw copy. the dreams begin, and the zionists in their dreams of palestine, from the nile to the euphrates. and they even rule the world. in this government, the existence of counterparts in america and europe made it possible to establish geopolitical relations, and geopolitical relations brought power to israel
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, which was equal to a kind of global government. but such thoughts were dangerous and... found opponents. for this reason, creating an organization to suppress the opposition is on the agenda. this union organization it is called anti-defamation. to suppress critics as a pressure group. with the increase in the economic power of the zionists, the anti-defamation league of america and even the council on foreign relations will become influential. zionists are supported in america and europe. critics and protestors are suppressed and the establishment of the zionist state is taken into consideration under the pretext of the holocaust
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. but the evidence of documents related to the holocaust was doubted. after years of criticism. and critics are prosecuted and even punished. the most important criticisms and the revelations come from within the israeli scientific community. ilan pape, professor of political science at ifa university. in his book , he deals with the issue of ethnic cleansing in palestine. civilians have been killed. villages destroyed. became. at least one million men, women and young children have been driven from their homes. ilan pape faces israel's iron fist and is expelled from the university. gradually, other thinkers also
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opened their mouths. israel was a political program in the form of a complex and complex project. which is occupation. he implemented the harsh. the situation was alarming. because israel's crimes were not something that could be hidden. for years, martial law had been applied in palestine. the rights of the people were violated and the people were easily harassed. in fact, a dual judicial system was established in israel. muslim they were deprived of government services, welfare and basic rights. they were arrested without reason and
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placed in cramped and solitary cells. most of them were tortured. although they were innocent, they were tried in military courts. and they were condemned, and even more strangely , if they were released, they could even be killed women and children. israeli society had found many similarities with american society. arabs were like black people. they were tried more often than jews and they were more likely to be imprisoned than others. a kind of ethnic cleansing was going on. a combination of racism and targeted killing. zionists who had imprisoned muslim people from their camps in a camp as large as palestine.
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colonialism, apartheid and occupation were going on. immigrants also did not have the conditions for ideas. those who entered after the days of nakbat. they were not allowed to settle in central cities. they are in the camps they were temporarily settled and then moved to the settlements . settlement was a hostile policy to prevent the return of palestinians and was considered a form of defensive shield. the protest of eastern jews begins in the summer of 1959 from the city of ifa. the next wave of protests will take place in the following decades.
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african immigrants also feel another kind of racial exile in their flesh and skin. when protests spread in israel, israeli experts and sociologists get involved. and they realize, something from inside israel is challenging. a crisis jonathan shapiro mentions the crisis factor in his books . israeli elites were exploiting the people. the necessity of creating a nation for israel had led to the oppression of the majority. and the minorities were in the worst situation. the situation of the oligarchy was one of the most important factors of the crisis.
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there was no guarantee of minority rights. the arabs were in enzo and were regressing and were assigned to menial jobs as cheap labor. until now, in books and articles, israel was presented as a model in which a small group of different people from different countries were successfully brought together. they have gathered and formed a nation. the references were to the tears of the nazis. because all important institutions and organizations such as the haganah, the jewish agency, theodor herrtel, weizmann, menakhin begin, ben gurion, ariel sharon, the central committees, were all ashkeni. the history books taught in schools
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were also about the ashkenazis. the jews had no part in the history books because they were considered backward and primitive. historically, there was nothing wrong with being jewish and arab. jews lived easily among arabs, but with the formation of israel, jewish arabs faced a problem. they are big. the problem of hate. israeli society hated arabs. and the immigrant arabs had to hide their arab identity. hiding the arab identity and constantly suppressing oneself had become a feeling of self-hatred. the solution was the same as that used in america. madaba pot according to this theory, different people
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from different societies gather in one place and a new society emerges from their interactions. a new society that, while being the same , also has the individual and social characteristics of different social groups. but the madaba bengurion pot had many holes. racism is its most important challenge was. the next challenge was the rule of the elites. the effort of the founders of israel was based on the idea that israel , like america, would be governed by elites. in this way, a special class in israel as protectors and guardians of the fundamental values of the society
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was given the power to prevent the mass of the people of the fundamental principles of israel to this plan , which brings many benefits to the ashkenazis. in jewish history , there are evidences of a class of ashraf who sacrificed a part of the jews in times of emergency. a combination of racism and racial discrimination along with the rule of a group of elites and ashraf what will be the result of the domination of the people who sacrifice their interests? politically , since 1949, left-wing parties have come to power in israel and formed the cabinet. in 1979 , menachem begin from the likud party came to power. in
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the 1980s, shas party gained power. but again , it is likud that takes the lead in israel. in the 90s, a young politician comes to power in israel. benjamin netanyahu is educated in america. he has a relationship with many people. among them , mitramani, the candidate for the presidency of the united states, and menachem schneiersen, the influential jewish khasam. he shakes hands and assassinates khalid meshaal, and from the same year he is involved in corruption and bribery. but after the events of 2000 and israel's withdrawal from
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lebanon. sharon comes to power. he is officially a criminal. and has a long history of murder and crime against palestinians. in his record , the mass murder of defenseless people in the villages of al-ghoyeh and the massacre of sabrava and shatila can be seen. sharon's death toll is never known because he enjoys burning palestinians. when sharan turns to war and terror, he faces failure. and with the defeat of israel in the 33-day war, something happened israel becomes a disaster. security right-wingers attract people's attention with extreme slogans. meanwhile, netanyahu, who has the support of jewish rabbis and american advisers,
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has a better position. he comes to power with many promises and according to business records. which is doing economic reforms to gain public satisfaction with economic growth. ehud barak was one of netanyahu's staunch opponents. he came to power in 1999 with the promise of ending the war in lebanon. ehud barak was one of the main commanders of the lebanese war. in stanford university in america and in the field of analysis the systems were devoted to graduate studies. and it logically stems from a concern. any action by israel to take possession of palestinian territories such as the west bank of the jordan river and the gaza strip will officially lead to the formation of an apartheid government. because in the case of rigiri in the palestinian areas, the palestinians
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will definitely vote for the palestinian government, and this is a challenge. it was essential for israel. the solution of the zionists to solve the problem was a permanent siege and war with the palestinians. because of this, gaza becomes a big prison . a few years later, when ehud barak becomes the minister of defense, proposes a solution for previous failures. war. israel attacks the light of gaza for 22 days during operation sarrab dagh. phosphorus bombs fall on people's heads. to relief forces, hospitals, women and even children. they attack in this war, the infrastructure of gaza will be destroyed. israeli soldiers
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abduct palestinian children from the streets, using them as human shields. israel is officially committing a war crime. but this war does not bring any achievements. hihud barak is sidelined as the main culprit. he does it according to his own opinion let a new life enter the political system of israel. he was looking for extensive changes. but the defeat of the resistance will lead to netanyahu's return to power. before netanyahu, from israel's point of view, security took precedence over everything, and every issue and issue became a security aspect. but in the era of netanyahu, israel faces a new challenge. thunderbird challenge. as long as
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israel was winning, military service was considered an honor. the army was the best interpreter of the torah. and the defeat of the arabs added to the excitement. in the meantime, netanyahu, who calls himself an expert in terrorism named, turned to terror, and on the other hand , he tried to gain concessions through negotiations and then get the satisfaction of the extreme zionists. for this reason, the items contained in the resolutions of madrid and oslo are included in the vice-chancellor of the century. in 2018, discrimination becomes legal in israel and israel defies all international resolutions. according to this law. israel is recognized exclusively as the national state of the jewish people, so that the rights and rights of muslims are forever violated and the arabic language is restricted. in
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2022, a verdict was given to four families in sheikh jarrah quds neighborhood they are told to leave their homes. they suffer from israel's strange judicial system that confiscates palestinian property. a month later, a radical representative, itamar ben gowier , set up his office under a tent in sheikh jarrah neighborhood. he is an extreme jew who had a picture of baruch geltein installed on the wall in his house. barkh goltain was a terrorist who attacked unarmed worshipers during the month of ramadan and killed them. when bangawir pitches a tent in the neighborhood of sheikh jarrah, the townspeople rush in and the occupation of palestinian homes begins. creation
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the tension and conflict, harassment and persecution of muslims, fleeing the family and replacing the jews, was a permanent policy to occupy the land, and change the demographic structure and identity of quds and palestine. until then, other actions were implemented, but from a military point of view, especially after the 33-day war in 206, the condition of the battlefield had changed. for this reason, when an israeli ship is attacked in 202, it is clear that a revenge attack has taken place. in the continuation of other attacks. it is as if they were the only answer to israel's crimes. israel , which thought that by participating in the production of isis,
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it has created a constant disturbance for the axis of resistance. now he saw himself exposed to a bigger fire. in a society based on its teachings, engaging in any immoral relationships was considered a legitimate goal , there was also a dangerous extremist trend that tried to remain hidden and never be revealed. the extreme trend in the political sphere of israel was so influential that a person like netanyahu was the main culprit in the assassination of yitzhak rabin . for this reason, netanyahu tried to gain the satisfaction of extremist groups for years.
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but extremism and racial exile not only with opposition the palestinians face the reaction of the resistance front and other communities, and israel sees their security lost. in this way, because of the obvious contradictions in behavior and speech and the adoption of racist policies, israel, which has been oppressing the people since its inception, is on a path that will have no end but failure and destruction.
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good friday morning, dear and honorable compatriots , at the same time as the president's visit to the fourth province of bakhtiari, 15 water and electricity projects of borzash worth more than 27 thousand billion tomans were put into operation. with the implementation of these plans, the water stress of half of the people of the province has been resolved and water has been supplied to 117 villages. dozens of construction projects with the presence of ministers and board members the government has been put into operation in different regions of the province. the minister of sports and youth said during his trip to bind city in chaharmahal bakhtiari province:
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