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tv   [untitled]    November 18, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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god, it is raining fruit from the sky, the victim is here because he has gone there.
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the place of the star of qob, come home to the tearful eyes of their mother. here, people are talking. they are tired of blood and cruelty
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. thank you very much for being a viewer of khabar channel , especially the news coverage program of the popular community of iran -islamic in support of the children of gaza and the oppressed people of palestine. we offer your presence. we have been with you since about 15:00 and we are walking together . we have also presented the images of the people's gatherings in payet and many provinces of our country. we have analyzed the issues and the latest developments in palestine and gaza.
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so that you are aware of the news, since this morning islamic iran has been all over the scene condemning the crimes of the zionist regime and supporting the oppressed people of gaza and palestine, especially the children of gaza. gaza and palestine, a large number of people were wounded and many others were amputated in the studio. receive pictures from different provinces in our country, where people's gatherings continue, we will visit these provinces live and directly, and at the same time
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, we will cooperate with islamic iran in many countries, including lebanon, yemen, norway, denmark, france and many other countries. we see the people of these countries with the oppressed people of palestine. mr. dr. emadi, i welcome you. let's talk about, in fact , the gatherings that we had today in islamic iran, and let's talk about how many times this is. people in strengthening their strong will in continuing the war in gaza with the regime zionist in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service and dear viewers. greetings and have a good time. in response to this question, i must point out that, first of all, these people's gatherings, which are no longer limited to the countries of the west asian region or specific countries such as iran, are
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it is no longer a reality in all continents, it can almost be said that demonstrations are being held in all countries of the world, and the demonstrations are in condemnation of the crimes of the occupying jerusalem regime. the people of gaza are really oppressed. these demonstrations have a clear message, and that is that the zionist regime is basically a war of narratives. he lost the media war if we don't forget, at the beginning of the war, the zionist regime used western media to spread propaganda against the hamas movement and to destroy the image
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of hamas and to make them look oppressed. it is an oppressed view, we are really seeing it today. this is exactly what the world public opinion has come to the conclusion that basically this regime is not only oppressed , but a regime that is completely criminal . in war , there are a series of principles. but the civilian targets in the war are conscious and unconscious international rights are prohibited, you cannot do it, you have to be responsible for this behavior , what about the fact that the zionist regime has publicly surrounded the hospital, tanks and other behaviors that have no history at all. as i said, it shows that the zionist regime broke the war of narratives on its side, and the intelligence and military that it had
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, you have now pointed out, mr. dr. emadi, before we talk about the media and the media the same points that are mentioned now from mr let me ask dr. cheraghi, so that we don't get too far from it, you mentioned at the beginning of your sentence that we have reached a point where these demonstrations are not only related to some countries and now they have spread. we are witnessing these demonstrations in the heart of america and in the heart of europe. let's follow the media component and media indicators, what happened to get here? well, yes, just as mr. doctor said, look at those early hours and days of the zionist regime to promote its fake narrative using social media platforms and official western networks
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. we have seen his efforts the zionists and the zionist authorities stepped in to promote their own false narrative about hamas. but an important point in this regard is that the zionists immediately realized that they were facing a huge wave in social networks. for this reason , zionist officials apparently put pressure on western governments. in order to reach their cry about this, for this reason, we saw that in the first week, the western authorities put pressure on some social networks, including x network or former twitter and its head.
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to remove any content in support of palestine and the palestinian resistance . therefore, during the first week, we saw about 800,000 content in support of palestine on social networks because it is uncomfortable or illegal, and in fact with this excuse. mr. netanyahu, the spokesperson of the zionist regime army , quickly intervened in social networks with false judicial posts to promote and prove their own false claims. another point that is worthy of attention in this regard is that the officials of western governments personally intervene with the help of, for example, mr. joe biden, ms. kamal harris, president
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the president and his vice president and mr. macron have taken a strong stance against hamas on their social media pages and are supporting the zionist regime, trying to reverse the wave that was created in support of palestine and the resistance, and in this regard, we also we saw some restrictions against social networks. for example, the al-quds news network with 10 million followers was deleted on the facebook social network. well, 10 million people were deleted, and some other networks, the users who posted in support of palestine were extremely upset, so this is this. this is this. hypocrisy and this the attacks and these positions of the zionist regime officials
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strongly promoted the wave that had been created among the islamic nations, and this proved the falsehood of the zionist regime's claims for them. we did not have popular rallies and protests in support of the palestinian people, and some countries and some cities in the world had such a large presence of the people of these countries for the first time, especially for example in america , france, england . i wanted to point out that we are even witnessing that the demonstrations that are being held in western countries are stronger and more numerous and self-inflicted, meaning that the people themselves have come and are demonstrating. this has one thing in itself, and that is that
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there is an obvious contradiction between the government's narrative and the people's understanding. it means that governments should look at their behavior. five resolutions have been sent to the security council. four resolutions were vetoed by america, england and france. only the fifth resolution, which does not condemn the zionist regime at all, is not vetoed. well, this is the behavior of the governments, that is, they are openly supporting it they travel to the occupied territory and say that the zionist regime has the right to legitimate defense, according to article 51 of the charter of the yuan, they say that it has the right to legitimate defense because it has been attacked, without mentioning that palestine has been under attack for 75 years, as mr. guterres himself says . he says that in any case, what hamas has done in reaction to 75 years ago happened in the occupied territories in palestine
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. using the media empire that is coming from the west, i said that saying that the three regimes have been attacked, the right to legitimate defense, and the fact that these stories have been put forward, but demonstrations have been held that, according to you , have never happened in the past in england, france, and the united states of america. this shows that the people of these countries, even the narrative of that the countries do not accept the governments and another point is that in the first part of the question you asked, the message or actually the consequence of the popular demonstrations is one thing, that is the pressure on the western governments and on the zionist regime, if this pressure does not affect the zionist regime. and this regime is still breeding a generation of priests
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western governments definitely have an impact because they claim human rights, following this widespread pressure from the people, who do not veto the latest resolution that was approved last week and vote for it so that short-term humanitarian interruptions occur, because it is highly in terms of human rights and in terms of global public opinion, they are under pressure because public opinion does not support them as partners. that they know it as a crime means something even higher than the issue of support, that is , you are involved in this crime and are committing it , and this is the characteristic of people's gatherings, but this is the reality that if we want to stop the war, the united nations security council must take a serious action at the same time as these popular gatherings, in order to stop the zionist regime and its crimes , you are telling the security council to take serious action during
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our 75 years we have always witnessed the silence of international assemblies and international institutions regarding the developments in palestine and gaza, and now there is a constant question, why is it still silent ? i would like to say one thing, mrs. emami, in my opinion , there is no silence in some places, some places are really silent. the palestinian issue is supported by international institutions, but it is an issue the amount of support is not enough to stop the zionist regime, see the year 2011, december 2016, i think it is resolution 20 34 that the security council approves to stop the construction of cities , it condemns the construction of cities and approves that the construction of cities should be stopped. ok, but the regime won't stick to it, one of the reasons is that the trump administration comes to work, and the trump administration itself encourages the regime that you need support to actually implement this, and then the deal of the century and the normalization of relations and the transfer of the american embassy.
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it comes from taliav to quds, see this is a deliberate point for a moment the same point that you are pointing out now, which we see in some of the silent ones about the same point , which approves a treaty or a convention or an issue , the zionist regime is rebellious, continues to work , if any other country, anywhere in the world, like this he acted defiantly and gave such an answer, immediately the international laws and international answers regarding that convention and that treaty were implemented for him, and now we see that again , yes, i want to point out the same point that if we see that even when support is given, that support does not have the aspect of guarantee of implementation and cannot be implemented in practice, the resolutions remain unused or the regime completely ignores these resolutions. it has a message within itself, and that is, basically, the way we think the world system is not a law-based system, it is not a system that
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adheres to legal principles. the political system, by the way, the security council is a completely political pillar. in contrast to the general assembly which behaves legally, and each country has a vote, and a resolution is issued without anyone having the right to vote, but there is no guarantee of implementation . western powers are defending the zionist regime. there is a point of view, basically, there is a point of view of international relations, which states that international institutions are the tools of their powers, where their interests demand , they use these international institutions against that country , and they put the most pressure on it. they import the country, you have seen the islamic republic of iran as an example, with the most severe sanctions , which were imposed by the security council and implemented , and had a guarantee of implementation, but where the interests do not require it, like the zionist regime, there is a strong zionist lobby in western countries. they support the zionist regime
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they see actors who are similar to themselves in terms of identity, and as a result, they do not allow the approval of the roto resolution. yes, or if it is approved, the resolution is quite mild. see the same mild resolution. in the recent resolution , they approved the short-term humanitarian interruptions and said that they should allow humanitarian aid to arrive within a few days. civilians should not be targeted either. believe me , i couldn't see the pictures today as a human being. i couldn't see the shooting of 20 people at school . but it shows that it is basically an executive aspect. no, the regime does not adhere to it, and it is completely a rebellious regime in the world system, and the main reason , in my opinion, is that it knows that it has reached such a conclusion that the resolution is issued in order not to be implemented, because it is backed by these western powers and the lobby. there are think tanks that are
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managing the think tanks in these countries, america, england, france. and it is natural from this attitude that mr. farshid heydari, an expert and analyst of political issues, has joined us by phone . i greet you. have a good time . let's continue the analysis of dr. emadi. let's pay attention to the silence of the international assemblies, the continuation of the crimes of the zionist regime, the gathering of people from many countries in the company of the oppressed palestinian people, the resolutions that are approved, but there is no guarantee of implementation, and the regime is rebellious in front of them, how long will america, the zionist regime and its western allies they are resisting and resisting the public opinion of the world in the name of allah , the most
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merciful, the most merciful. greetings, i offer my courtesy and respect to hazrat ali and your esteemed expert. let's take a look a year ago, there was no epic in deir wasin, there were no resistance forces , where they killed 400 palestinians, where they blew up their houses with dynamite in their own time, where men were lined up next to the wall and shot in the head . to shoot. if we want to review the history, now the same events are repeating themselves , that is, the international forums that your respected expert referred to were on this issue. he pointed out that zionism is a completely politicized topic, in fact, it is a political opinion that uses the bodies of children to achieve its own goals. it's solved, madam, we can't wait for the international assemblies to pass laws that are not binding, and when they realize that nothing is going to happen to them, they
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continue with their crimes. okay, we will talk to you more. be our contact, mr. heydari, along with the experts who are with us in the studio in this special program, but just as you are aware of the news, the new round of crimes by the zionist regime has caused the aerial bombardment of two schools in northern gaza, al-khore school and tal za'atr school in northern gaza . at least 20 palestinians in fakhora school alone most of them are women and children. they were martyred. you can see very painful pictures from these airstrikes. the fahkhouri school in the north of gaza was subjected to aerial bombardment and the crimes of the zionist regime. according to al jazeera, many of the people who
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were martyred in this attack are people who the reason for the medical problems and the proximity of the indonesian hospital to the bakhora school is that the bakhora school took refuge from the schools under the management of the united nations in gaza . we had to go to medical centers and hospitals. it is worth mentioning that the people who were present in this school were people who
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sought refuge in this school due to medical problems and the proximity of the indonesian hospital to the fakhura school, and were subjected to crimes and aerial bombardments by the zionist regime. the images that you see were martyred and it is very painful. listen to dr. emadi's explanation regarding this school, which is part of the refugee schools, it belongs to them , it is one of the pillars of the united nations in gaza, which covers most of the refugees. i got the news today
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i was watching that 32 people from a large family were martyred in this attack, 19 of which are only children , which means that it is actually targeting children , that's why i say that the resolutions of the security council and the united nations and all this has no meaning at all for this regime. how many times are you arguing? it is related to the new crime of the zionists in the bombing of two schools in fakhora and tel za'atr in northern gaza, where at least 20 palestinians were killed in the fakhora school alone. most of the martyrs are women and children, according to published explanations and explanations fahkhore school is one of the schools under the management of the united nations in gaza and most of the people
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who died in this school were people who took refuge in this school because of medical problems . it is preparing for a new round of more intense attacks on gaza, while in the past days, more than 500 children were martyred due to the crimes of the zionist regime, many children were injured, and many others were also disabled. it is not
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better to find mr. emadi let's say that in all stages and scenarios the issue of genocide is considered one of the primary goals of the zionist regime. yes, look, i think the zionist regime has several goals regarding genocide , one of its main goals is to somehow increase the cost of al-aqsa storm for hamas to the highest level by committing this crime of genocide. in the sense that it also advertises, we even see that in some arab media, unfortunately, it is said that what is being done, and they create this ambiguity, what was the achievement of the al-aqsa storm, the zionist regime is looking for a similar there is also an issue i saw in the news that i think
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it was last day, but ahed has attacked hospitals, medical centers, schools , residential areas, and even refugee camps and jabaliya with these attacks he is doing, well, this is not the first attack, the last time too. he came and attacked jabaliya refugee camp and left dozens of martyrs and wounded there. with this kind of action , he wants to say that this is the result of hamas's behavior. let's accept that the zionist regime has committed a major failure in the al-aqsa storm it has been multilateral, it has been informational , it has been military, it has been media , it has even been an economic failure, even today, the economic estimates are now mr. charaghi, they know better in this field.
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economic estimates indicate that the zionist regime has cost about 100 billion dollars until today or even a week ago . this war has called a large part of its forces. some of the citizens use it to pass through the gaza strip to get out . in any case, this is all the cost of the factories. most of them have been shut down, domestic investment has been shut down in a way, because the investment condition is security and stability. now it is not there. this was a series of very important failures that the zionist regime has suffered . it actually wants to convey this message that the cost of failure is on me. this is what you are seeing now. you saw a few days ago that one of the officials of the zionist regime came to lebanon and warned hezbollah that if it expands the war
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, if the regime comes and increases its attacks , the same disaster will happen to gaza. i brought it, i will bring it to you too , mr. emadi continues, while he is facing internal challenges , he is paying the price, he is standing in front of the public opinion of the world, he continues to do this in order to convey this message, but i truly believe that this is another failure for the occupying regime because it is paying the price. gaza is losing a lot of its human resources, its infrastructure is being destroyed , i accept all of this, but the zionist regime until today, which is 40 and i think 3 or 44 days after the war, has not reached its goals. you see, nizami himself has not been captured, neither his captives have been released by hamas he could not get access to the tunnels and see where the tunnels are. by the way, they also suffered additional failures in terms of information because
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they suggested that the tunnels are under the shafa hospital, the hamas fighters are under the hospitals , they are the medical centers, our prisoners. they took them under the medical centers, then they announced to the public that no, we took everything we looked for, we took tanks, we took everything , we surrounded the whole hospital , we searched the rooms one by one, but we did n't find anything. they don't have it here either. while gaza is full of spies, it is a 360 -kilometer barge that is surrounded in every way, but they could not reach it, so the continuation of the war and the erosion of the war is more necessary for the zionists themselves.


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