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tv   [untitled]    November 20, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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[000:00:29;00] in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may the peace and blessings of muhammad and the family of muhammad be speedy. hello, dear viewers. welcome to the economic news of the islamic council meeting. the representatives in the review of the bill of the 7th takali program for the airports and the ministry of roads and urban development approved today's approvals .
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in the parliament, i am talking to the news reporter ms. aliani. hello, in the name of god, i am at your service and the viewers of khabar channel. the public meeting of the islamic council is being held under the chairmanship of mr. qali baf, and the representatives are still reviewing the seventh program bill they have their own agenda. what the representatives talked about today was more about handovers, handovers to the private sector , for example, what was approved was that the management of the country's airports be handed over to the private sector, and also the representatives approved that the right to operate and invest in the private sector and foreign investment should be handed over and these transfers are for the purpose of developing the infrastructure and improving the management of the country's airports. further, the ministry of roads and urban development was allowed to finance the purchase and lease of airplanes of airlines and
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in another approval. it was approved that the parliament increased the price our foreign tickets airline tickets agreed and the ministry of roads and urban development was given the permission to receive 10 euros for each passenger separately and deposit it into the treasury account of the whole country, but regarding the increase in the price of foreign flight tickets. pilgrimage flights were excluded from this, and the company was obliged to take action from the allocated funds for the renovation of passenger fleets, the development of stations and the securing of railway lines. it was healthy. mandatory ministry of health it was decided to take action to provide services of an electronic health cloth and what the representatives said in the public hall of the parliament said that this will
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reduce the treatment costs and improve and increase the satisfaction of the patients and also an important point that this resolution has is that it creates it will be a suitable platform for the implementation of the family doctor plan. these were the approvals of the representatives in the consideration of the 7th plan bill, and the review of the 7th plan bill is still ongoing in the open floor of the parliament, and the session will continue after him at 14:00. i am grateful that my colleague was mrs. aliani from the islamic council. continuation news the head of consumers and producers support organization said that the approved prices of tires have been registered in the 124 system and have been announced to the tire sellers union . if they see that the trade union
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is violating and is selling above the agreed price, they can inform by calling 124 or the 124 system . this information reaches the inspection colleagues from asalaf and the colleagues of the organization from my province , they will definitely refer to that trade union and with offenders are dealt with. improving children's food safety in the form of an electronic product sheet, according to the deputy minister of labor cooperation and social welfare, in the account of 120,000 families whose children need nutritional support , between 600,000 and one million tomans have been credited with the specified amount, only for the purchase of children's electronic items. we have those who need food fortification . the beginning of the plan to improve the food security of children between five months and five years old is in the form of an electronic document
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. work and social welfare were introduced. according to the national code , an amount is entered into the account of the head of the household. how much is this amount? one million tomans. from 1st to 5th decile for each fertilizer, that is, each child can get 1 million tomans, the children who have been introduced by the ministry of health and the need to strengthen the case from 1st to 5th decile per child, 1 million tomans, 6 and 7, 600 thousand tomans 120,000 households can use these new conditions, refer to the application program and see through the application program whether your application is included for this household. there are dates, fruits, saffron, lentils and bilgo. the amount paid is given to the household as a credit. they cannot withdraw cash , they cannot transfer it. respected families
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, this money has been given to their children who need food fortification. it is possible that there are 3 children in a family, one of them needs food reinforcement. he withdraws this money, he can only go and buy these 16 pens. how is the monitoring of improving the nutrition of these children done with the cooperation we have with the respected experts of the ministry of welfare in our health community service centers? we have a nutritionist who actually analyzes the data every 6 months and checks the development of these children in these systems and informs the ministry of defense that 190,000 stores across the country provide services related to the plan. in your program, in the stores section
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, they can see the stores that are close to dear people, which are members of the scheme. this scheme is continuous. yes, it is definitely continuous. the coverage will be paid every month sima the head of the food and drug organization announced the gradual removal of the support for the import of medical equipment. manufacturers of medical equipment also consider the allocation of support for the import of products with domestic production as an obstacle to the competitiveness of domestic production. this production piece is supposed to be killed in the human body. this company is the only company and the first manufacturing company in iran. which produces the mobile bearing knee joint, knee pain or knee arthrosis is one of the common diseases of the elderly and its treatment sometimes costs up to hundreds of millions of tomans. we have launched a product that is exactly
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in terms of quality, it competes with similar foreign products, but with a low price of at least 30%, it can be cheaper. in this sector , a support width is allocated for the import of the final product . unfortunately , there is still 42 for some products, and of course, if a product with a width of 420 wants to be imported, it is not possible to produce it in iran. for the first materials, a maximum of 20 euros is charged for a knee brace. but the ministry of health has allocated between 95 and 100 euros for an imported provets. an importer until the year the past. 143 million euros, only one importer received a preferential width, if a producer received a maximum preferential width of 5 million euros , but why
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is some items allocated for the import of a product that is similar to the production within the support width , in order to maintain the price for consumption? in fact, since the beginning of this year, the central bank has allocated a total of 2 billion and 860 million dollars for the import of medicine, raw materials, medical equipment and supplies, which is more than 2 billion and 20 million dollars of that provision and is paid. items that are not produced in the country, yes, they should be priced, the legislator knows it is advisable to give them 422 285, but we are completely against any subsidized offer that has similar production in the country. let's gradually go towards land liberalization, we can
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do the same action that was implemented in the case of medicine in the field of equipment and dairy milk gradually , the general manager of the energy exchange announced the launch of the energy saving market by the end of the year, according to mr. naqvi so far a saving contract in the field of electricity it has been signed, and with its implementation, more than 700 billion kilowatt hours of electricity will be saved. this is the current situation in one of the streets of shahroudeh, where hundreds of people go to see a doctor . this is an example of a power outage on roads in a province due to a lack of electricity. this is a problem that in some seasons of the year, in addition to the roads of sanaye, they are also involved in this problem. the peak load has started and we turned off furnaces no. 1, 3, and 5. all these shortcomings in the electricity or gas industry
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originate from the annual energy wastage in the country. unfortunately, our energy consumption intensity index is two and a half times the global average now we are on our way. in order to manage these deficiencies in the field of energy in 2016, the supreme energy council approved the energy optimization market mirror. four legal articles on the optimization of optimization projects will help those parts of the society that have very high consumption to reduce their consumption with modern technologies. 4 years later, the first energy optimization plan was approved by the energy saving commission. and just last week, the contract for this project was signed by the ministry of energy and the relevant documents were sent to the energy exchange. we formed the admission board in asre time and the first project to it was approved. in this project, the street lights of the provinces and kurdistan
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will be changed from mercury lamps to led lamps , a plan whose implementation can save more than 700 billion kilowatt hours of electricity. the investor should have an optimal plan. do the construction compared to the previous situation, in fact, the reduction in energy consumption is given to him by the issuer, and he goes to the stock market and offers the bonds. most of the buyers of these certificates are the industry. in this way, they can compensate for the electricity they need during outages according to the current regulations there are those who have energy saving certificates , they will be placed in the last stage of consumption management and will not be subject to blackout. and
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the activities of young farmers club reached 11 esan countries and more than 580 villages. kandor village in razavi khorasan province is one of these villages, where grape production has increased by 70% with the help of its youth. it increased the income of farmers and the property of the village. with the efforts of mr hasan gholami and his friends , the village of karimabad, rushdkhawa , khorasan, razavi, which has been empty for several years, is getting a new life . there are more than 1,500 km of excess water transmission line. soter reza mohammad janani from rozai shaykh estdabil brought what he learned in the university to the agricultural lands and with his activities , he made the rural income quadruple. learn about 30 villages. we did cultivation before and
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i managed to cultivate 250 hectares of land in 10 villages under the cultivation of dry crops, we harvested black seed , oats, linseed, and large balango. this is in the context that the report of the iranian statistics center shows the increase in the age of the villagers, the average age of which is 58 years. some rural youths in different parts of the country to change the existing conditions in the villages , to establish the young farmers club, the experience of an accident is not an accident, it is not an accident, it is not an accident, it is not an earthquake , it is not a flood. the way we deal with floods or earthquakes can be experienced almost 10-10 years ago in our farmers' club
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. how can we dry the grapes beautifully, without it happening, we came here, we used the method of wiring here darsi , which is only used in khalil abad and kashmir . there is no other space in iran. kandour of kashmere city of razavi khorasan province and it was started with the aim of progressing and revitalizing rural culture . now it has reached 11 provinces. we say that my village is my small country. this is the future that the organization of young farmers should be nationalized and set up in the whole country. in the whole village, the club of young farmers is active in 580 villages, and 36,000 young people from the villages are members of this non-governmental organization. the country has the ability to produce 100 megawatts of renewable energy, and
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other solar power plants with the capacity to produce three to four thousand megawatts of energy are being built. the repeated story of temperature inversion and increasing pollution with cooling air, when the conditions of the temperature inversion phenomenon occur, it causes cold and heavy air to enter around the surface of the earth, and this cold and heavy air causes the pollutants to accumulate around the surface of the earth. the main culprits are fossil fuels that are used to produce energy in cars and power plants and cause an increase in air pollution. a country dependent on fossil fuels , naturally, when the power plants are operating and producing the necessary electricity, they emit pollution because they use fossil fuels. according to the report of the international organization for nature protection , the production of more than 600 million tons of greenhouse gases
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due to the burning of fossil fuels to provide energy has become available so that iran is considered one of the 10 carbon producing countries in the world, and this means more pollution in exchange for energy production . we have electricity problems in the country, we have gas problems, we have water problems , gas power plants and combined cycle consume both gas and diesel. which we were lacking, it does not have significant efficiency , it consumes a lot of water , it is not compatible with the environment, but the government is investing in these types of power plants and industry, now you look at the renewable power plant, there is no water problem the lowest amount of water consumption among power plants is a problem there is no environment in rome, while the mother of the clean air law has emphasized on providing at least 30% of the annual increase in the country's electricity demand through renewable energies, but the renewable energy capacity in the country during the 13 years
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of efforts that has been drawn is about 85 megawatts. it was less than 1. we are less than 1. well, it is very insufficient. the majlis research center announced in a report that last year , the release of more than 980,000 tons of greenhouse gas was prevented by producing only 100 electricity from renewable energy sources. we have a plan to create 10,000 megawatts of renewal power plants it is acceptable in 4 years in all parts of the country, focusing on solar power plants. according to the report of the majlis research center, iran has the capacity to produce 124,000 megawatts of electricity from renewable energy sources . an issue that, in addition to eliminating fossil fuels
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, can make the country a stable source of energy. according to moshiri of khodangdar radio and television news agency, in the name of god, color , in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, light, in the name of god, light , in the name of god, who is the master of things. in the name of god, who created light
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. praise be to god, who created light. i am al-noor, praise be to god who created the light, i am the light. the light is their knowledge, and the light is sent down to allah , the greatest. god is the greatest
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. god is the greatest . god is the greatest. god bless you, god bless you
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, god bless you. hai ali al-falah , hai ali khair al-alam, hi ali khair al-alam. god is great, god is great, there is no god but
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god, there is no god but god , my brides are very special from my marriage, like asfar gaza, oh, dear child of gaza, why don't you tell me what you
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want to wear, dear. in the name of god, i greet you again dear viewers. khabar network, i have to tell you that currently in the western half of our country, as well as parts of the eastern part of our country , we are witnessing cloud cover, the sky in these areas is currently reported to be cloudy, and we are currently witnessing rains in the form of torrential rain. parts of west azarbaijan province, kermanshah province, lorestan province , kehkiu province, we are under the mercy of zanjan hamedanan and fars province . precipitations are definitely in the form
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it is snowing in the areas prone to rains in the form of hail. today we are witnessing these rains in the western half of the country. in the northeastern parts of the country, showers are scattered in the form of showers, but today the intensity of the rains that lead to we are witnessing the flooding of public roads, the rise in the water level of rivers, canals, and also the disruption of road traffic, leading to the issuance of a red level warning for the provinces of ilam, lorestan, khuzestan, chaharmahal, bakhtiari, rahmat, bushe, and the northwestern parts of fars. facing an orange level warning with less intensity in the province west azarbaijan, the southern parts of east azarbaijan province, kermanshah, zanjan, ghazvin, hamadan, central, the heights of albors provinces, tehran, and the western and southern parts of isfahan province . therefore, i recommend that during this period , our dear compatriots
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should refrain from traveling to high altitudes. avoid being on the banks of rivers. during tomorrow, the rains will continue in the western half of our country, the rains will be witnessed in the northwest, west, southwest, southern slopes of the zagros, southern slopes of ezleb, the southern coasts of the caspian sea. we also see it in the northeastern and eastern parts . tomorrow, the intensity of these rains, which will cause the flooding of public roads, the rise of the water level and drains, will be for the eastern parts of mazandaran province. we are witnessing north khorasan and also the eastern slopes of alborz province. we expect the rains to be more intense in these areas. in addition , we have a decrease in temperature in the next two days in the western half and southern slopes of alborz
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. thank you. the biggest auction of the year, digika, billions of discounts on millions of goods, 1 to 7, digika, tehran is not my city, it is my house, the largest iranian house.
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it will be opened soon in tehran city, with unbelievable prices and long deals , everywhere in iran, it is my house. by trying to improve step by step, we have updated our knowledge and built a new design. we have increased the quality of efficiency to be worthy of you at the peak of optimal energy consumption with an inverter compressor , it is worthy of buying a house without a guarantor. yes, we have pictures without a guarantor. hello, when you come.
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you can easily find what you want. every there are businesses that you can follow, people with experience and track records , and ask previous buyers of the market about the quality of their work. if you agree, the money will be deposited into karfadar's account. install baslamo application and
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come to the baslami group. shisht qast in shisht vaareh city of appliances domestically, yes. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. greetings, politeness and respect for the presence of one of you, dear and respected compatriots , respected companions of the 12 o'clock news network, together with all my colleagues. qassam battalions pushed back the tanks of the zionist regime from some axes of gaza and north of this city. the zionist regime also confirmed the death of nine of its military officers and the wounding of four others. the spokesman
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of the zionist military said that two of the dead


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