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tv   [untitled]    November 28, 2023 2:00am-2:30am IRST

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i am the extent of the industry , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, due to a cooperation after some devices, until now 1939 services of the devices have not been provided in the national window of smart government services. the deputy of the electronic government of the information technology organization said: according to the law, the devices should have provided 100 services in the national window of smart government services by the end of this year. according to mr. mohed: in addition to this, the eligible devices must provide at least 20% of their services in a smart way by the end of december
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. we have 8 disconnected devices, which was ordered by the president in the 20th meeting of the council it was a month ago that they should be connected. we also held meetings with them and listened to them on how to connect, and we hope that this connection will be done in these days, in fact, on the first of december. among the most important of them is the measurement organization. the universities of medical sciences of the ministry of health are part of our question and some of the institutions under the ministry of agriculture are in fact part of the institutions that are not connected. knowledge -based specialists succeeded in producing an industrial metal detector and zirconium refractory nozzle. these two products are strategic equipment in the steel, petrochemical and other industries
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it is a medicine that was previously considered as an imported item and was industrialized with the efforts of technologists. production of industrial metal detector system to prevent the damage of metal parts to the equipment of various industries such as steel, copper, cement and rubber. the function of the device is that it is made up of two metal plates, receiver and transmitter, now it depends on the size of the stone or the pieces on the conveyor belt. it can be adjusted based on that, and it detects that piece or that metal defect and removes it from the production line. a system that increases the quality of the final product. function the device increases the quality of the manufactured product and prevents the damage to the lines and damages that are caused to that industry. in the industry, it is now used both in the mineral industry and in the rubber and food industry. and also a nozzle resistant to
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thermal stresses for use in the steel smelting industry. this product was imported until the previous years. because of the difficulties of converting unstable zirconia powder into stable zirconia powder. from unstable zirconia powder, we make stable parts that are highly shock-absorbing, very high temperature resistant and non-flammable. that these parts in the industry steel can be used in the medical industry and in the petrochemical industry. this need the most enclosures of scientists are in the field of steel and mining, which was unveiled at the 20th metallurgy exhibition with the support of the fund of sorting and prosperity. fortunately, in this exhibition and a similar exhibition, we, as an innovation fund, are part of our services and support for the development of the market for the introduction of scientific companies. about 21 scientific companies are now located in this exhibition, which in fact are digitalization and intelligentization in various fields. mining industry to equipment and requirements in the civil industry value chain
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according to the head of innovation and prosperity fund, nearly 12 thousand billion tomans of educational support has been paid to more than 30 danian companies in the field of advanced materials as well as equipment and machinery. mohammad hossein haji khabari sed and radio. the next part of the news at 3 o'clock.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to the world. today, i am hosni sadat shabiri. i will accompany you in this program for an hour. an hour ago, the news of the extension of the ceasefire between the palestinian resistance and the zionist regime was published in the world . today, we ask for the extension of the ceasefire. what is the message? what are the americans looking for from the temporary truce and also the answer to this question, who is in the hands of the administration of war in the cabinet of the zionist regime, did netanyahu
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give up the war ? with the same conditions as before, they announced that the extension of the ceasefire will include the release of 20 zionist prisoners and 60 palestinian prisoners. following the establishment of the ceasefire, 117 palestinian prisoners in the west bank and 58 zionist prisoners have been released by the resistance. the 52nd day of gaza, which is accompanied by the fourth and last temporary rosh, allahu akbar, allahu akbar ba this was accompanied by the joy of the palestinian people. joy from the release of another palestinian prisoner, siyono, who
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was released in the third stage of the exchange of prisoners with the zionist regime. azadehs from different parts of occupied palestine. until the last stage of the exchange of prisoners, their number has reached more than 117 people, and by the end of tonight , their number is expected to reach 15. palestinian people, although we have had a hard time in the prisons of the zionists, we have had a hard time in prison. 11-year-old boys were imprisoned every 24 hours for beating, humiliation and obscenity . and they owe their freedom to the resistance
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of the people of gaza and the efforts of hamas. we were liberated with the blood of the people of gaza . we thank the people of gaza and hamas. . to god, this happiness is mixed with the blood of the martyrs of gaza and destruction. 20 thousand people are martyred, 20 thousand people are missing and 35 thousand people are injured. we appreciate this freedom. mojtaba shah soouni news reporter. you are the viewer of jahan today on the news network, and next to the frame of the program jahan today, the image of the exchange of the fourth stage of freedom
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you can see the palestinian prisoners in the west bank live. we will talk more about the details of the ceasefire extension and the exchange of prisoners with mr. seyed reza sadr al-husseini, an expert on west asia, who is with us in jahan studio today. hello, mr. sadr al-husseini. first question. i wonder how both sides look at the extension of the ceasefire that happened a few hours ago . in the name of allah, the most merciful and the most merciful, what kind of need does it fulfill ? the days of hazrat fatima zahra, peace be upon him i will pass them on. well, as you said at the beginning of the program, something very big is happening. before we go into the details, i must tell you that the strength of the authority and the strength of the resistance
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worked in a way that during the nearly 50 days of the al-aqsa storm operation, the fourth army in the world was at the disposal of the zionist regime. and it was fully supported by the western countries, especially the united states. it was forced to accept the will of the palestinians. the will of the palestinians was dominated by the will of the zionist regime. in fact , all the actions of the zionist regime during the past 3 days because tomorrow is the last day and he will accept it from now on, it shows a very big failure . well, it shows that every one of the innocent palestinian prisoners who are released from palestine , 3 of the prisoners who were killed in this operation.
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they were captured victoriously and will be released, which of course started with the so-called women under the age of 19, and the dual citizens and will continue, and in fact , the innocent people who are in palestinian prisons and their number is of course much more than that. there is something that will change in this initial exchange, the face exchange will. they will be released slowly, and this was one of the main demands of the palestinian resistance, and perhaps one of the main priorities of this operation , in fact, this is another part of the victories achieved in the al-aqsa storm operation . you did an excellent job regarding the statement of the palestinian prisoners, because when it comes to prisoners , there is a legal definition. the legal definition is that prisoners and prisoners in war, in fact
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, either seek refuge on the other side in some way, or they are arrested, but nothing. which of those in this exchange on behalf of the palestinians release captives they are not, but they are the lives of those who were living in their own homes during the past days, and they were put in terrible prisons by the zionist regime, and perhaps words cannot describe the conditions of keeping these prisoners, and only i have to tell you this because of the importance of it. it is significant that the size and breadth of life is such that none of the prisoners can stretch their legs. at the time when the zionist regime of the prisons of the zionist regime, i also mentioned that it is now the fourth stage of the exchange of these prisoners . at the same time as you speak
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live from the frame of the network, the news of the exchange of prisoners is being broadcast. it says the conditions of the prisons of the zionist regime. yes, it is very, very stormy. at the same time , a large number of prisoners who live in a cage do not have the possibility to sit and stretch their legs. may they be comfortable, some prisoners should stand so that other prisoners can stretch their legs because of the pollution caused there by the prison guards, the lack of ventilation and the necessary light, the conditions in the prisons are very miserable, in my opinion . it appears in some of these prisoners' statements palestinians, if some of these crimes of the zionist regime are released in prisons, it means that we will witness the same narratives, and these
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narratives are real narratives that can help the zionist regime to learn about the atrocities and crimes of the zionist regime. before i entered the studio and came to your service, one of the respected broadcasters' translators said that we are trying to interview one of those who have actually been freed from these lives. may this lady be freed from the crimes the zionist regime is trying to introduce some iranian people and the public opinion, you are pointing out that one of the goals of hamas from the al-aqsa storm operation was to release the prisoners who are in the hands of the zionist regime in palestine and if they are there now
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he is looking at extending the ceasefire so that these prisoners will be released step by step. well, he is achieving his goal. what do you think of the zionist regime's view on this extension of the ceasefire, which has now been extended for two more days? if you allow me to complete your order. as i said, definitely the release of prisoners in prisons palestine was one of the priorities in palestinian prisons. of course, the al-aqsa storm had the highest priorities, including giving an identity to palestine, including preventing the name of palestine and the palestinian cause from being forgotten. experts have talked about this, but i have to tell you that the zionist regime is creating a peaceful situation for the world and
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an opportunity to create some peace in the occupied territories by the public opinion through these ceasefires because i have to let me explain to your blessed mind about the issue of the lineage of people i was living in the occupied territories very, very little, shabiri, that is, the fact was that a significant part of the pressure that the public opinion, especially the families of the killed and missing people , forced him to bring to the zionist regime. he wanted to be able to control a part of the land in the hands of the palestinians in the ground operations, to have a part of gaza in his control, the north in the north, because the operations were concentrated in the north, so that he could be in
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the next phase of the war, which we have reached now, that is an achievement . had and be able to negotiate at the table now, direct or indirect negotiation like now is a matter of achievement, but in fact, the internal pressures of the fall of the military forces, the lack of capability against the resistance and the very important support that was very powerful and lasting in history by the people of gaza from the resistance. and for this reason, the more bombings were added, up to 10 sorties were carried out per day, but the resistance of the people of gaza increased and the people saw extraordinary scenes. it was that a mother of three children and a dear child shrouded her heart
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he was standing in front of him and he shouted that he gave this to god , to palestine and the palestinian cause, and i gave it to the resistance. and they say that we will resist and we will win over the zionist regime. this spirit could definitely bring a double spirit to the resistance, which is on the front lines fighting with the regime , being armed to the teeth and supported by nato , and it happened that the support of the people of gaza , the support of the people of gaza, caused the absence of the street by their own will. that
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the fighters of the resistance will create such novel scenes in the field of defending the palestinian ideals, and the internal conditions of the regime, which i have explained to you, the regime was forced to accept this truce and completely accept the defeat, and no matter how much from now on, the predictions we make will increase the possibility of the ceasefire days increasing, that is why he can no longer assemble a coherent army to attack the resistance and to achieve his military goals . yes, it is possible that the zionist regime will lose a lot of air support it is highly possible that this will happen, but it has not found any achievements in the field and will not . mr. sadr hosseini, we talked about what was the goal of the zionist regime in extending the ceasefire and what was the goal of hamas. now we want to go to
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the goal of america, but at the same time i should mention that it is the fourth stage of return. you can see the palestinian prisoners in the arms of their families live on the khabar network in ghab jahan today. let's go to the goal of america, which was under the pressure of the world public opinion and its own public opinion for about 50 days in order to support the ceasefire in the security council at the united nations. but now he is talking about supporting the ceasefire, why is america looking for an extension of the ceasefire? both america and england vetoed it, and
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as you mentioned, this was an indication that the americans wanted to support the zionist regime with all their might and all their means, so that they might be able to deal with the irreparable and irreparable blows that the regime inflicted on them. various areas of military, political, economic, security with he was facing compensation, but why is he accepting this now? i have to tell you frankly that what the americans are saying in their media and in the form of a podium is not what is in their hearts and is not what they want. they are behind the curtain, that is, the americans are in a situation where mr. biden should pretend to be a pacifist and he is one of those who is the main leader of the democratic party, and
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they are constantly monitoring the pulses and signs that are coming in the field of american elections and informing him. but we should know the fact that americans are the only ones who believe in this until the last moment the issue is that the military operations must continue with the most severe situation and netanyahu and the zionist army have an achievement on the ground , so now, because they are not achieving those goals , they have a new face with the pacifist showcase of human rights and ceasefire. they are showing that they might be able to make up for the actions of the past 50 days in a way, so i can summarize this part of your talk as that both the zionist regime and the united states as the main supporter had to come here. otherwise , not having the whole program, not having it, and to a large extent the pressure of the world's public opinion led them to this direction. in this context, i would like to allow
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you to complete your summary. there is an opportunity . i would like to tell you that they were really forced to go to war during the 47 days of intense fighting. people of gaza, the air bridges from europe to the zionist regime were not cut off for a moment. the number of ships that docked at the shores of the zionist regime and supplied the necessary weapons and facilities to the army is not a secret to anyone. therefore, i want to convey this point that really the americans and the zionist regime failed in this regard, and mrs. shabiri, considering the experiences in the past, you can be sure that when these ceasefires become a little longer , something will happen
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. growth in the occupied territories and the selection of a committee to investigate the causes and factors of this break. we will not forget vinograd after the 33-day war, and in fact, this will definitely happen. that an investigation group will carefully sample all the details and check that the reason for this failure is the reason for this surprise what will be the cause of this irreparability in the vital areas of the zionist regime, so as you mentioned, in your summary, the americans did not agree to peace at all , all their efforts were on war and obtaining a basis for the next steps.
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we will continue the conversation with mr. sadr al-husseini about the details of the ceasefire in jahan today. mr. sadr al-husseini, i would like to mention a quote from mr. osama hamdan, the representative of hamas in lebanon, who said that if we reach the conclusion that we will have more prisoners in our hands . there is a possibility of extending the ceasefire. my question is, does hamas not know how many zionist prisoners it has and what is the message of mr. hamdan's speech? i would like to tell you that all resistance groups and currents were present in this al-aqsa storm operation. therefore , it is correct to exclude hamas as the commander of the operation and as the initiator of the al-aqsa storm operation, but all actions during the 5. the other day, it was by hamas , and he himself says that all groups and movements , including the islamic jihad movement, have been
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with my movement since the very first minutes. i was going to say that there is a common think tank between all the palestinian resistance forces . i think this is better . the truth is that the representatives of all resistance groups were present in the joint operations room and they were leading the series of operations during the last 47 days before the ceasefire, and each of them had different points of different missions in their own geographical environments, but this point that your excellency you mentioned in your question that there are other groups and currents in this
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operations and were present in the occupied territories, and they also have an era at their disposal, so this is an important point, ms. shabiri, it should be noted that there is a strategy or strategy, and there is a strategy or ambiguity strategy, so definitely, mr. osama hamdan should not be based on macro strategies operation storm storm al-aqsa should state the number of prisoners, so definitely and definitely the number of prisoners for the resistance movement is completely clear, but they should not open their hands in this exchange and conversation and behind the negotiation table, so i would like to tell you that the resistance after years years of successful experience in the face of the resistance against the zionist regime, he has gained the experience to firstly speak with accurate calculations and secondly
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, not to release all the important and cooperative evenings in the first days and weeks, and for the next conditions that will probably be attached to these current conditions. dandon gir, as persian literature says , they will definitely keep our important ones and to release them, they will present more important conditions than the current conditions. a question arises, let's assume that the ceasefire will be extended step by step, then the number of prisoners and prisoners who will be released will increase, and it will continue for 20 days and 30 days. finally , these things will end, the zionists who are captives, do you think that after that, the occupation regime will resume the conflict and continue its crimes, and we can say that hamas does not have a trump card in its hand anymore. my question is:
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at the time of the start of the al-aqsa storm operation and the actions it took, was the resistance empty-handed? the very, very intelligent design that the resistance made and was able to be today in such a way that the whole world acknowledges its victory . i have made a careful calculation and it is not planned that the amount after 15 the person who actually said that our prisoners should be released from the resistance should continue, and as i said in the answer to your previous question , he may
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present new conditions for the release of some commanders and high-ranking officials of the zionist regime, which is not clear. whether you accept the regime or not, therefore, the resistance against the zionist regime will never defeat itself, and considering the lack of defeat, do you predict that we will continue to extend the ceasefire? i predict that the ceasefire will continue in three stages, starting tomorrow sir and your friends announced this in the news. i believe that this ceasefire will be extended three times, and later a situation of neither war, nor peace , nor war, nor peace, and an undeclared cease-fire will actually arise. the answer to your previous question is exactly right here, at that stage. which can be resisted with what it has.


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