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tv   [untitled]    November 30, 2023 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] until today, when we are at your service, 2 years have passed since the government , we have solved the problem of water tension in 305 villages, by the grace of god, and 10,000 total will be solved by the end of this government. it would have been built, now that we are at your service, in these two years, 10% of the country's total electricity has only been produced in these two years. there is no number at all for my provinces to go until the problems of the provinces are not gone. god willing , i will travel to the provinces. that is, kurdistan these three times, if necessary , i will come to kurdistan 30 times to feel the issues of kurdistan god willing, it has been resolved. in the continuation of the president's travel plans
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, he will visit the exhibition of the achievements of women entrepreneurs and the state. supply location. permanent for the supply of products, granting production trainings and facilitating the licensing process are among the requests of manufacturers. how is the market? my sales market only works in exhibitions. we are requesting to have a bazaar or a bazaar, but they are going to do something fundamental to have a bazaar. since 1993 , we have started working in the field of agricultural units, especially some of the first ones. we have four national patents and are a member of the national elite association. our problem is the problem of space and lack of liquidity, because of this we have a land in the industrial east, but because of your lack of cash , here at the elite foundation, is it not active
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? they are talking about education here. supposedly, with the financial resources that they don't have, the government should help them so that they can commercialize their work. what is your problem ? i want our work to be seen. we can let's turn the villages into this package, make it independent, where are you , and it is edible, i can test it myself, maybe you saw something happened, no, there is no problem. to the kurdistan region of iraq and a good market, they have a very good market there, our problem
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is that we faced the problem of space and inadequate facilities during mass production. we even ask for financial support from the scientific vice-chancellor we supported him, but unfortunately, you should write a request to mr. governor. i will give you the education that i mentioned. i will give it to mr. governor himself. follow him. follow your cartoon , god willing. may you prosper, the work that dear women in the city and the countryside are striving for. good and worthwhile work. the supply can only have a market inside the country, it can have a market outside the country, they are producing, our friends in the government in all sectors provide a marketing field, commercialization and export completely for them, this should be done from within the cities and entrance build cities markets where they can offer their products
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should start working to reach the neighboring countries that are very eager for these products. at the same time, in another corner of sanandaj, a group of young kurdistan elites have gathered and are waiting for miizwan to become the president. supporting academic companies, providing a suitable environment for professional athletes and solving their employment problems. university equipment. cultivators and the creation of a market for handicrafts are among the main points of the president's speech regarding the demands of these young people. the capacity of the elite should be used. we have an anti-ergone glove we produced bacteria and we are also active in the creative industry. i was able to win first place in iran in the 19th growth period of safkari.
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unfortunately, that investment is not necessary in our sports field. and we ask them to have a special look at sports. researcher, book author, winner of 18 international festivals. i have a problem with you, mr. president. i have a problem and because i work under a contract, i want this problem of my contract to go away. i will take these meetings as a good activist . we expect that, god willing , they will use the opinions of the elites more in the big issues of the country. and this involve loved ones in decision-making, decision-making, god willing, the issue of sports and supporting sports is very important, whether it is a sport for everyone or a professional sport, especially championship sports, championship sports are very important for women and men who have the talent to become champions in various fields. let there be a context for them. we also have your point that the issue of implementing social and economic justice is discussed
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. 1. preventing fuel smuggling . 2. actually regulating the consumption pattern . it forces us to be in this relationship let's think about it. you must know that we are doing this thinking and we are following it, but since it has not reached anywhere, i will not enter into it anymore. you know that you are very capable and your power should be used to the maximum in the direction of advanced kurdistan. in fact , this power should be used to the maximum. we are proud of you on this path. fatigue is never a name on thursday evening and the
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president's dense plans in kurdistan continue. dr. raisi meets with a group of peshmera families who defend the shrine and veterans of estestan. we are facing the same situation as you were in kurdistan yesterday your children reduced this evil from kurdistan with the presence of resistance forces . reducing this evil from the country of our cities, the prayers of the family of moazzam shahrada are a great investment for this government . may they be well, be healthy, be alive , it will have a great impact on people. kurdistan is so popular, mr. shahid borujali, he has feelings for you. well, i myself was in kurdistan, i lived with them . the people of kurdistan put the messiah here. everyone wonders who left this messiah. i said, the good people
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of kurdistan, whoever serves the people, is a selfless family. jahanbaz, the martyrs are behind you and rest assured that we are behind you. may god bless you. the last program of the first day of the trip to kurdistan is to meet the people of culture and art of the province. different arrogance of artists from the president . the sky. in this meeting, the artists expressed their concerns. unfortunately , there is not even one standard theater in any of the cities of the province. we want the youth
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to have a hero today. well, they don't want to create heroes, they just want to raise heroes. a special music and theater hall, which is an important event, god willing, for our loved ones in the province we promised that kurdistan will be at their disposal in this four-year period, god willing . a plaque on the supreme leader of the revolution is here to halve the cultural province of kurdistan. under this plaque, something must happen. those events are a part of you, as scholars, because the government does not want to do this work by order, an important part is for the procurement and logistics work, and it must be related to the government, and a series of fields must be prepared on the sidelines of this meeting
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of an artist with a special gift to meet the boss the president came, we were able to prepare this work in 3 days, so that we could hand over the work to them during mr. raisi's trip to sanandesh. i hope we will be satisfied with it. he used a lot of thread, about 360 nails were used in the back of the frame, and nearly 9 kilometers of polyester thread. fishin means wind thread. it has been used for about 3 years since our workshop was established. this is a new work at the international level. people still don't know this work. it means that this work is also one of ours . fortunately, we can also place it with the quality of the sun that comes from the heights of zagros. find the information of a special intra-provincial flight for the first loads are printed on the flight displays of the province.
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the 13th government plane will land at saqqed shahrada airport at 9:00 am on friday. after the test flights, this is the first flight at the newly established airport of saqqez . in 2004, the construction of the airport officially began. in july 1400 and in the last days of the 12th government, this project was incompletely opened with about 63 developments. naturally , no flights have been made in it since then. 500 billion tomans were spent on the construction of shahada saqqed airport. but the current value of this word project
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is 2000 billion tomans. an airport that can compensate for the cancellation of flights to the northwest of the country. saqqez airport plays an important role in completing the puzzle of kurdistan's development. the existence of the special economic zone of baneh and the free commercial zone of baneh marivan, the officialization of the border of sirand and the proximity of the airport to the border of iraq, among the reasons for the importance of this great plan. it is in kurdistan province. those who opened it at the time of the opening are speaking now and when they opened it, they will see what hardships have been done here after them. while the budget does not hurt and don't get tired, go to the government board mr. raisi, i went to the airport a lot, to saudi arabia, to other countries, my spiritual convoy, to the iftam council, i went a lot , thank god , if it had been opened, then why
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hasn't a flight been made now? when it's not ready, i can't take a flight . you can go to tehran on another plane . i'm very happy. delivery here dear people, this area is not just this city. at least 8 or 10 cities of west azerbaijan are actually doing their work from here, god willing, saqaz city, after a long time , its airport was put into operation. it is very good . 30 minutes and 293 nautical miles of our flight
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through the north-western region of estan, although the weather is cooler than the previous days, but people arrived around azadegan stadium hours ago. the president is going to give a speech to the people. the presence of people is spectacular.
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he was welcomed with all the difficulties. i put our eyes on you, i speak kurdish, i speak farsi , i want to say it in any language, i want to say, president, i say good bye, yes, to many people, why the onur abi media does not say a word about this sweet welcome of yours. you won't get anywhere, we are behind you, no matter if you make a movie or photoshop everything, we are behind you and we are behind velayat faghi. making a product with effort is one of the people's constant concerns with border bazaars. the president wants to solve this issue forever to be organizing and trade in this region is one of the important issues that have been among the concerns of the regional officials. now, god willing, with the issue of the free zone , the business situation in bane marivan region and its surroundings
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will take a new form, so that both people can benefit, god willing, and the government can comply with the regulations. may he be stable and our country can benefit from this business and this money, god willing. this is one of the great things that have been done now, thank god. until two years ago, the people of baneh spent many days of the year with the problem of access to drinking water. but now the conditions has changed. this summer, with the efforts of the baneh region, not only the rationing was not done, but the quality is also better. the sports hall for 120 people in baaneh and the water treatment plant of boin are among the projects that will be put into operation at the same time as the presence of the president. 2 years
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ago, the people of ban had only 2 hours of water on some days. two years ago, we had water for two hours a day, but with the presence of the president, 10 construction projects in the water and electricity sector of the region were put into operation. abad includes transmission lines of 22 kilometers from pumping station to the capacity is liters per second and the storage tanks have a capacity of 10,000 cubic meters. carrying out this project will provide the drinking water needs of 20 thousand people. by implementing these projects, at least 50% of
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kurdistan's water tensions will be resolved. efforts to fully resolve the water tensions of estan and the country continue. in addition to exploitation. among the plans, one of the regular plans of the president's provincial trip is to meet with economic activists and entrepreneurs of the province. in kurdistan , the president went to fajr hall of sanald islamic guidance and culture department to attend the gathering of economic activists of the province . president on improving production conditions in the province especially in the fields of agriculture and crafts. the last program of the president is to attend the reporters. one of the important issues is housing. well, regarding housing, this time we presented 30,000 housing units, of which 5,000 housing units have been built, and 25,000 are land
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that has been secured in different areas to be handed over to land applicants. one of the important issues of organizing the business situation in the border areas and the province is the work of border exchanges . dear sunnis who are busy in various fields and the works that they provide are very good and compassionate works for the people for the province of the country . the second provincial visit of the president to kurdistan has ended while more than 35 thousand billion tomans of projects have been implemented in the province. to this figure, the approval of 14 thousand billion
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tomans for the implementation of construction projects in the province for the next two years should be added. economic infrastructure of kurdistan. it is in full development mode. border guards of the homeland of your authenticity and honor should wait for more good news. chain accident of more than five 60 cars
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usually, after any accident , it is one of the key aspects of car safety. how long will we have to sit and read the report every day, see the text messages come, there was an accident, the cars exploded. there was an accident in such and such a place and the family got caught in it and could not save themselves. there was an accident somewhere because of this. when the passenger's head hit the front , the airbag didn't open until when? some members of the parliament protested the quality and safety of automobiles during the ten years and demanded the establishment of laws to regulate the automobile industry. 50 years have passed since car production in this land. we are behind the world. the speed and quality of life should not be taken away from people to take police chief rahaber gave an interview and said that less than 30% of our cars are safe. the existence of a non-competitive and exclusive environment has caused
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our car industry to not progress. the law that had opposition at the beginning of its proposal at the public level of the parliament, this emotional plan is expected today. people think that with this decision of ours, the car price market will become cheap, for example, no , i think that this plan will work for the conditions, but finally , i announce the end of the general plan of organizing the car industry . it was approved with 100 votes in favor. in article 6 of the automobile industry organization law the national standard organization was obliged to supervise the implementation of the approved car standards in order to prevent the import and production of non-standard cars with annual planning. the organization , based on facts, without benefit or harm, can fulfill
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this duty if well and correctly. do it, it will certainly help in increasing the quality of work and trust in domestic body builders and the production boom , and the law was implemented by the order of the president , cars that are of poor quality should be completely stopped. in 1401, this law was implemented when some cars left the paint production lines he took over peugeot cars 405 after 30 years of production, samand and peugeot 206 after 20 years of production, tiba 1 and 2 after 10 years of production, and normal saina were removed from the production line after 6 years. to get people's opinion and get justice, and hopefully people won't have to worry about this.
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with the departure of these cars from the production lines, the car manufacturers put replacement cars of 85-fold and safe standards on their agenda so that they are not recognized as the main culprits in road accidents and fatalities, and the implementation of a plan that can prevent these accidents
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prevent. noon, broadcast news training.
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the front row meeting, many people talked about the people, but they were not with the people, the front page meeting , stand up for justice, we made you the most important reserve of vaccine, programs, leaders and previous horizons of the region , questions from us, answers from the first page, evaluation and judgment, be yours the first row every night at 19.3 minutes
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on the khabar network. son, let's run here, my son, wait a minute , what's going on here today, your crazy father, you don't read this, mahd farsh gives free carpets. become a free carpet owner with mehd farsh plus's design. iran is mahd farshshast. shipbuilding is one of the old industries people of iran. as time goes by , our engineers update their knowledge. shipbuilding is part of the industry directly related to the increase in exports.
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we are in this biggest subsector of construction industry. dariye kishore is ready to build any type of float, mohsen, ija, iran
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, sanayeh area. 4: 8 days until the start of the implementation of the reward scheme for saving gas consumption. according to the announcement of the national gas company, in this plan, which will start from december 16, all subscribers can receive a savings bonus by reducing the expenses on their bills. every year, with the beginning of the cold season and the decrease in air temperature , gas consumption management solutions become especially important at the beginning of the season


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