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tv   [untitled]    November 30, 2023 8:00am-8:30am IRST

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hello, welcome to the 8 am news. the opening of the parand metro will take place in the next hour, at the same time as the president's visit to the city of parand, 438 mehr housing units will be handed over to the applicants. freedom of movement of palestinians in the sixth stage of the exchange of prisoners. the temporary ceasefire ends . the qassam battalions of voluntary forces should be ready in the last hour of the ceasefire. and the internalization
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of radiometers with the efforts of knowledge bases , these equipments are used to measure fluids and gases in the steelmaking, petroleum and petrochemical industries . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, good morning and have a good day, dear compatriots dear sir, welcome to the news series at 8:00 a.m. the parand subway will be put into operation today at the same time as the president's visit. this line will transport 13,000 to 15,000 passengers daily from parand to tehran and vice versa in the first phase of operation. the executive operation of tehran parand metro started 13 years ago, and at the beginning of the 13th government, only 60
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presidents had ordered the rapid operation of this project during their visit to the new city of parand last year. in addition, 4,380 mehr ham housing units will be opened and delivered to applicants in the new city of parand. in this way, from the collection of 95 thousand housing units mehr built in this city, the number of units delivered to applicants is 94,000 units, the removal of legal obstacles , about a thousand remaining mehr housing units are also on the agenda. connecting the city of parand to the payet subway and fulfilling the long-term wish of the people of this city. if they really open the subway, it will be very good for the people. how many years now? every year they tell us that you will open it in the next year. you should calculate now. for example, it should come from phase 6 to the terminal and pay 10,000 tomans. from here, he has to ride to sadeghi
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, tehran, wherever he wants to go, he needs cabbage, but he has to pay 1,100,000 fares every day on holidays. there are no buses or taxis at all. we don't even have to go far from here. we only pay 200 tomans a month for the fare, but if there is a subway, we can go easily. this is really one of the urgent needs of this city. it happens the year after the president's visit to parand metro station. now that he is saying that the work will be completed next year, that is good, but as soon as people can travel this 50 km by metro at the beginning of next year, that is good, but it is very good to travel. the client started, but 7 years later, i.e. 2013, the whole
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project was handed over to tehran municipality and metro company, so that a part of it will be put into operation in 2016 and another part in 2016, but now the final part of this project is 19 kilometers long after the warm test of the project is ready for the opening of an industrial project. our distance from shahid station to parand station took 33 minutes and the return line of this project was completed in less than 7 months , which is a record in the field of metro construction. the value of this project at the current price is about 6 thousand billion tomans with the cooperation of the government and management the city, including the ministry of roads and urban affairs , the ministry of power, the municipality and the governorate of tehran, and the construction site of khatam al-anbiya, have achieved results, so that the concern of the transportation of the people of this city of 45,000 people has been resolved.
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zahra aliani, sed and sima news reporter. the sixth group of freed palestinian women and children arrived in ramallah in the evening and were welcomed by the palestinians. quds for victory and right for life. al-nasruna, we are the victors. god is great, god is great, god is great
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, god is great, welcome, peace and welcome. in the sixth phase, 30 palestinians were released , the spokesman of qatar's foreign ministry said that the released palestinians include 16 minors and 14 women. one of the freed palestinians is ahedtami, a 22-year-old girl who is famous for fighting against the occupation of kirran and slapping a zionist soldier. has been in the early hours of this morning, qassam battalions handed over 10 zionists and four thai citizens to the international committee of the red cross. one of the israeli soldiers
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gives a military salute to the resistance forces while handing over to the red cross, and the others thank the resistance forces for their behavior. the zionists surrounded the hospital also vs. palestinians were shot in ofer prison and one palestinian was martyred and five people were wounded. they were waiting for the sixth convoy of freed palestinians. news sources said that during kerram, the zionist bulldozer started destroying the infrastructure of the region. but the current ceasefire
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ends at 8.3 minutes . however, in a statement, the zionists opposed the extension of the ceasefire with the previous conditions , and the qassam battalions also asked the forces to have a high combat readiness in the last hour of the ceasefire , so that if the ceasefire is not extended, their combat readiness keep a senior member of the hamas movement also said: the resistance is ready for all possible scenarios of the continuation of the ceasefire or its cancellation. osama hamdan said that temporary is not enough, the military vehicles of the occupying regime must also withdraw from gaza so that the enemy stops his hostile actions. hamdan said: what has been presented so far to extend the ceasefire is not worthy of consideration. first, the encroachment on gaza and its siege must be stopped, and then the dialogue on the exchange
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of prisoners must begin. the zionists did not spare premature babies either. middlelist monitor says the discovery of the bodies of five premature babies in al-nasr hospital in gaza shows after evacuating this hospital, the zionists left the premature babies there to die. you will see the horrible sight of this hospital because of the khadaj. you will see now the khadij. the israeli army refused to expel them.
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this is my photo inside al-nasr children's hospital, where we talked about the israeli army's refusal to evacuate these children , and the refusal of one of them to be evicted from the hospital. five children remained in the intensive care unit of the children's hospital and their fate is unknown. because the connection with the hospital is completely cut off and the possibility of death of these children due to power and water cutoff in the hospital is very high. the head of nasr hospital also announced after the violent evacuation of the hospital. we asked international institutions, including the red cross, to do something to save these children, but
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no action was taken. according to the latest statistics , the zionists martyred more than 15,000 palestinians , 73% of whom are women and children, but it is said that this number will increase because i have 7 a thousand people from gaza are among the missing, and these five babies are among the missing. nations criticized the widespread killing of civilians in the zionist regime's attacks on gaza strip. antónio guterres said at the meeting of the security council: 45% of the houses in the gaza strip have been damaged or destroyed, and four out of every five people in gaza have been displaced. the secretary general of the united nations said: according to the official authorities, since the beginning of the military operation, a thousand palestinian people have been killed,
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tens of thousands of people have been injured, and many others have disappeared. in this meeting, antonio guterres also referred to un resolution 27 and said: the forced relocation of palestinians from their land and the massacre of civilians, especially women and children, must be prevented. the palestinian islamic resistance movement, hamas, asked the media to increase their presence in the region. in the announcement of hamas , we ask the journalists to increase their presence in the gaza strip in order to see the level of destruction and genocide that the occupying army has inflicted on children and civilians. musk, the owner of the x social network , visited the zionist settlements around gaza, wearing a bulletproof vest and ted. elon musk's trip to
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the occupied territories took place while he was in the past , he was heavily criticized by the zionists due to some anti-zionist comments. elon musk republished a post on his account accusing zionists of spreading hatred against white people. in this post, he claimed that the zionists are doing what they insist should not be done against... after republishing this post, some big companies like disney, apple, and im immediately stopped publishing ads on the x social network. an action that led to musk's official complaint against these collections. now foreign media believe that ilan's recent trip musk has supported zionism to avoid pressure from companies and politicians. social network users also reacted to mask's presence in occupied palestine with the hashtag "what does it feel like to stand next to a cultured generation?"
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what does it feel like to breathe the same air as this monster that killed more than 6 thousand children? or the other one recommending owner x? do not let the voice of your conscience and do not listen to the voice of murderers. do not trade your humanity for the money of the killers. the power of media deception in this case did not go away from the eyes of users. media deception means elon musk with all those claims by seeing one cradle of arrows. he should pretend to be oppressed for israel, but close his eyes to so many dead bodies of children and women in palestine. another user answers a question . he does not go to gaza, do you know why? gaza does not have a tesla factory. gaza has no investment in israellink. gaza does not have a lobby like aipac. gaza is lonely, thirsty and thousands of innocent people are under rubble. and the user who published this cartoon . the mask of oppression in bara bita saedi khabari sedav sima continued news henry kissinger
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, the former us secretary of state , died at the age of 100. kissinger was in the cabinet from 1977 to 1977. he was the secretary of state for richard nixon and gerald ford. due to his role in washington policies in the 1990s , kissinger is known as the father of american diplomacy. kissinger participated in white house meetings until he was 100 years old. a few months ago and despite the darkness in us-china relations. kissinger traveled to pekin and met with the president of this country . according to the information technology organization, only 14 % of the identified services of the national library and documentation organization
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were connected to the smart government service window. this is despite the fact that december 10th is the deadline of the law for students and researchers, which from the sources this library is used. clients who can benefit from the network of books and documents and the end of nominations. 34 thousand publication titles are available to users. this is also an example. this library is even for researchers in the field of children and teenagers . there is a method that is age group. we can find the book we want through the age group. the library is required to be a member of the service description for this library in the government service management system
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it is defined and must be realized by connecting to the national window of smart government services, but this connection has been completed so far, so that according to the budget law of 1401, the national archives and library organization must have 30 services by the end of mehr 1401 and 500 services by the end of march of the same year. it used to connect itself to the national window, but this connection has not been made, according to the budget law of 1402, it should have been connected 100% by the end of november of this year, and finally , according to the information technology organization, only 14% of the services have been recognized. the national window is connected and the national library and documents organization in none of the steps could not reach the quorum of the connection. we followed up the cause of this violation, but so far no one has responded. mitra labafi radio broadcasting news.
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good morning, dear compatriots, the meteorological organization has predicted rain for the southeast of the country today, and an increase in the concentration of existing pollutants in some big cities. to check more details, we will now join the expert of the meteorological organization, mr. asghari. they will accompany us. good morning asghari. hello , i am at your service. may you be healthy. please tell me which provinces you have predicted rain for today and in regarding the increase in the concentration of jabi pollutants, please provide us with more
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explanations. in the southeast, you mentioned the south of sistan and baluchistan , the place of zarabad is chabahar in the east. they don't specify, they are in the form of a point shower, they are very limited, but there is a possibility of seasonal floods, especially the nomads who travel there , should be very careful to keep an eye on the air pollution from ataraq to the vicinity of the airport. air capital mass around the earth temperature inversion therefore, at this time of the year, it brings rain. for now, we have issued a warning for the provinces of tehran and borbars. yes, central isfahan , we will have the same conditions until the middle of the next few weeks, but what we believe is that as time goes on
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, due to the accumulation that it is ahead of us and the repetition of polluted days will add more to this number. there are reports from qom, from semnan, from qazvin, from east azerbaijan, from khuzestan, from yazb, see the new names. from khorasan razavi, be aware that in the coming days, especially next week, the conditions are such that the air quality index at least for someone whose body is vulnerable, it is dangerous. if there are people who want to see us tomorrow, they want to go to the north, let them know that with attention. the passage of a wave from above and the fall of cold air in mazandan and golestan tomorrow will only be temporary. if there are people who want temperature, it is important for them to know that due to the passage of this wave. we have a slight decrease in temperature tomorrow, but after that we have another increase in temperature. if people are working as they should hit the water
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, they are good people. persian gulf waters too it will be turbulent, especially in the offshore areas , the wave height is so high that we issued a warning. thank you very much. internalization of radiation meters with the efforts of knowledge bases, domestic specialists succeeded in designing and producing measurement equipment based on radiation . of these equipments for measuring fluids and gases in steelmaking, oil and petrochemical industries. is used design and production of precision radiation instruments without all sensors with chemicals or solvents. the result of the efforts of specialists of a knowledge base.
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one side of the core or tube is a radioactive source it emits gamma radiation and it is installed on the opposite side of our equipment, which can control and analyze that radiation and, based on the analysis it performs, the child. to announce the height of the liquid level inside the tank, in the absence of such equipment, especially during the boycott period, the industry would have faced serious problems. any precision instrument will melt if placed next to these 1400 degrees. therefore, in this special environment, such as acidic environment , high temperature, high pressure, the industry has to look for a non-contact solution. they didn't give us the equipment, it would have been difficult to provide it, if it was possible, these products are products that need to be installed and calibrated
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calibration is complicated and technical, and they were not involved during the installation for calibration and installation of these enclosures, but the way the scattering measuring equipment works , i put a lead barrier in front of this chex sous. look here, the number that is written as density, you can read the number. there is one. when i put this on this barrier and insight, it's like the density inside the pipe has increased. you can see that the number has increased from the one that was there . now it is about 90. a large industrial group of customers of this scattering measuring equipment are petrochemical complexes, factory complexes. steel even sugar production factories, metal mining processing factories, concentrates, all of these complexes are integrated, even wood diggers are places that use nuclear equipment measuring instrument systems, these controls
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or screens are the processor of our device. at present, 100 of these radiation measuring equipments produced in this knowledge-based complex have been established in more than 25 industrial complexes in the country. abbas rasouli, sedav- sima reporter. in the name of god. hello dear viewers , good morning. continuation of the centenary of the municipality of gorgen in the west asian basketball, in the second week of the west asian baseball super league, the team of gorgan municipality, the representative of iran
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, hosted the ahli etihad of syria in the azadi basketball hall of tehran, which won the one-sided match with a score of 1217 against the opponent and maintained its position at the top of the table. did the most points scoring players in the wheelchair field were the american players of the municipality who scored 30 points. in addition , arslan kazemi recorded 11 points and 14
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points with the victory of sirjan football team gitipasand and harsan. harsan also 3 2 in the case of rafsanjan, he achieved success and took the third place in the table with his sixth victory. in that area, without any other games, pikan tehran won 3-0 in the field of sarram ardakan. with the same result, chador malai redkan took the lead of his host sipe. gonbad municipality lost 3-1 to tehran and pas gorgan 30. amanani is hoping for a victory with semaghli in defense. amanani lacks a short pass and there is also news from the european champions league. the faces of several other teams that have made it to the final stage have been determined . last night, in the first group of the competition, the meeting between golray and manchester united ended in a draw full of goals in the 3rd quarter. arrived and bayer munich has been defeated at home
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and has passed to the knockout stage. in group 3, real madrid , who has decided against sweden, in santiago bernabeu, 4. napoli in advance. the meeting of braga and union berlin with a drink of one heart. and in group four, benfica and inter drew 3 , and the meeting between sociad and salzburg did not include a goal. with this result, both sociad and inter will be ranked together and will appear together in the hespi stage. thank you for your support
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. have a nice day. but the hamas movement announced a few minutes ago in a statement that the ceasefire will be extended until the end it was agreed today. today, thursday, december 9, 16 jumadi al-awwal and november 3rd, zohar province in tehran at 11.5 minutes. and maghrib will be at 17:00 and 11:00. thank you for your company, dear and respected compatriots, have a good day.
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