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tv   [untitled]    November 30, 2023 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] i am proud of the resistance forces and i give them this message, resistance, crown of resistance, resistance, resistance, resistance, slogan, our choice, the fighting, the sea of ​​the occupation, our choice, the fighting, in the fight, and there is a charge, and there is a charge, takbeer of allah , takbeer of allah, al-amanani. i
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was a prisoner for 21 days. but 20 years have passed and the prisoners were insulted and tortured . i am thankful for the resistance in gaza because of this agreement . we were freed by the grace of god. resistance,
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resistance, god's resistance. yes, yes, yes, god bless you
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, god almighty, god almighty, or zalma , yahya, yahya, yahya, jeebe jeebe , give you peace, my love
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. if it's clear, it's because, god willing, god willing, god willing , god willing , god willing. i was unable to reach the house inside the jenin camp because of the barriers and also
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because of the painful construction that happened in the jenin camp . hello abdul karim, praise be to god, may god bless you. peace be upon you, abd al-karim, i will tell you the last one about the arrival of the situation , the situation that will happen, the one who will die in the camp and the battle, and the smell, the invasions, and the roads, that is, i am ramallah. after the war, the isolation will be done after the war, with the war, baku will fall on us, they will attack us, and all of us will attack us , that is, from talawa al-naz, they will insult us, shout and bribe us with geese.
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he will give them a thousand blessings, and god willing, may the lord help them soon, may god strengthen them. thank you also, the meaning of the father of the freed prisoner , abdul karim. praise be to god. he is safe. talk to us. you love to talk to us today about the resistance that achieved this victory. we thank them all. thank you, god willing, and god willing. ada wa qaida muhammad praise god for your safety, may god bless you, tell us how the situation is in captivity after the seventh of october, how are you? learn the news and what is going on with the israeli occupation. by god, make it difficult for us to stay. the father of the prisoner of the editor, muhammad hawashin, alhamdulillah, peace be upon you, my beloved family, you are telling us about your consciousness today, after the release of muhammad, and after the delay in receiving it. after
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two days, we will reach the camp. the feeling is indescribable. we were afraid of the judgment from him, and praise be to god, the lord of the worlds. may allah make all of it upon us and grant it to him. in gaza and west bank and until the release of the secret in the prison of the occupation, rayeh al-alam camp in jenin, these are the signs of the intervention of the repression units, they entered the juvenile section of the prison and beat us and attacked us. he broke his nose when he attacked me. your face hurt me from this part. they broke the hands of other young people who were with us and
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injured the young man's head. i have diabetes, but they did not give me the necessary medical services and injections. the populist political programs and the second, combined with those of al-isra's who are coming to mehira, gaza, and liswa , i believe that these divisions are apparent and clear.
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may god
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bless you, god bless you, zalma, peace be upon you, or asid. yala, give me a quick kiss, yala, may god bless you and give you a healthy life. this house was built by us, it is strange, and the use of a grocer wants to be exported . it wants to be exported, to create competition and take action in the country , to remove the golden signature. the importation of qabuz will be free for those seeking help, insure the amount of aid for construction workers, those families who have three or more children can't get a car without lottery, break the cold, you children, well, gentlemen agree to rise up, their decision. during the
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qajar, when under the influence of western culture and technology , they wrote shop fronts and building signs with farangi script and language, perhaps few thought that later this farangi writing would continue with a greater extent. as the western culture increased its influence, the persian language had a greater impact on vocabulary and terms. it accepted color and it became so in our time. it might be very serious. one does not feel that this exhibition is being held in our own country. one feels that yes, it is a foreign exhibition with these latin names that one sees on the signs and such. unfortunately, that's all. writing english, the majority of 90 writing english. in any case, this situation means a lack of attention to the persian language and the influx of cultural words, for whatever reason , has always plagued the persian language. through translation, many words enter the persian language, even constructions entered the
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persian language. a look at the current state of preservation of the persian language, which is a continuation of the previous state , confirmed this concern. from signs and fronts of shops, buildings to commercial awareness with farangi names and letters, farangi packaging of goods and food products, farangi names of medicines and health products, and the colors and smells of farangi exhibitions from midon shush rah. let's go and see, for example, midon tajrish and this street, then we will see what is happening with foreign signs and words, and from the very beginning , the first and second academies tried to reduce the influx of foreign words by introducing persian equivalents and words. the current academy also put equalization on the agenda. until now, more than 65,000 cases showed the lack of attention of the people and the authorities to the approval
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of the vocabulary selection of the academies and the disregard for the preservation of the persian language. after all, this academy is a government institution, and in some matters, the popularization of the work it does needs one there is no set of rules that guarantee execution in the sentence. azar 75, islamic council. he came with the help of the persian language and literature academy and approved the law prohibiting the use of foreign titles and terms. the prohibition of the use of foreign titles and terms is a single article in order to preserve the strength and authenticity of the persian language. they agree
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to rise. was approved. the approval of the plan to ban the use of non-alien words in the islamic council , we are happy that such a plan has been approved in the parliament, it is a legal support from the academy. this law, which was enacted by the honorable members of parliament in 1375, among them were those who understood what would be the problem if this law is not implemented properly . i suggested it to the late dr. hassan habibi for the language of the law in 20 years. i remember at that time there were shops that had their own names
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they put a western name on their heads, after a few days they would change that name, that is, i remember very well that, for example, this law was amended very quickly. many cultural and supervisory and ministerial collections are also included now the law passed by the parliament in 1975, with the follow-up of the national media , especially in the last two years, more people have been introduced to a law called the law prohibiting the use of foreign names in the country. yes, yes, i know, and it is already on the way it has been implemented by the people who now and with the knowledge of the law and practice, we only call it persian time, it has farsi , we also put a persian name, that is, we also put persian words in another way. yes, we did this with
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pride. we have always felt
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that no matter what we do, there will be no difference. god is great , god is great, god is great, god is great, after these heartbreaking scenes of genocidal crimes, now there are beautiful manifestations of the release of prisoners, some of them were children during captivity, and now this free woman, whose half of her body is paralyzed due to the anti- human behavior of the zionists with the prisoners of thought if i had received the necessary medical care
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, i could probably walk now. life did not pay attention to us at all. the only method of treatment was to prescribe ordinary housing loans. this is one of the methods of arresting palestinians. they threatened us with death and execution every day. our communication with the outside world was cut off and we didn't know anything. or here the system. he grabs a young palestinian girl and shows it to his friends. the owner of this necklace was waiting to escape on the day of the wedding ceremony, when he was martyred in the attacks of the occupiers on gaza. on the other hand , the qassam battalions behaved differently from the zionist era. the loving behavior of the resistance fighters made a zionist prisoner write a letter to hamas. addressing the generals who in recent weeks. they were with me. i sincerely appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.
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thank you for your extraordinary humanity towards my daughter. thank you for your patience with my daughter. children should not be captured, but thanks to you and other people sharifi, who we saw on the way, my daughter considers herself the queen of gaza. i am forever indebted to you because he got out of here without any mental shock. in addition to this hand letter. when the prisoners were released, it was seen as a sign of their satisfaction. hossein rouhani, the israeli broadcaster , as stated by mr. netanyahu , stated that his goal is to destroy hamas, but how much do you really think that if a ceasefire is established , they will do what what they said means that
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they may forget about destroying hamas. well, from the very beginning, this goal that israel had set for itself, the goal of destroying hamas, was a very unrealistic goal and we saw that finally agreeing to negotiate with hamas, they cannot destroy hamas with hamas, they have to negotiate with hamas, because the only way is really a ceasefire, and the beginning of serious negotiations for a permanent ceasefire and reaching a lasting peace is the only way. what israel had in mind to destroy hamas was really to make a monster out of the palestinians and to implement its real plan which was the ethnic cleansing of gaza . the people of gaza are not ready to leave gaza, they are ready to die, but in their own land
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stay this was the main goal of israel. this destruction of hamas was really an excuse, a cover for the main goal, which was the ethnic cleansing of gaza. even now, he is trying to ethnically cleanse the remaining palestinian lands. how much do you really think considering what happened on the 7th of october and the events that happened after that, that he would accept the presence of a country that includes groups like hamas in his neighborhood, what is the problem, isn't israel anyway how can he deal with hamas in the situation that according to what happened on october 7th it happened, but who was attacking regularly in the last 75 years? this october 7 was the first time that a palestinian group attacked israel. during the last 75 years, it was israel that
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attacked. they started ethnic cleansing. 70 % of palestinians left their lands. in 1967, the arabs occupied gaza and imprisoned nearly one million people in their own prisons. since 1948 , they have massacred 120,000 palestinians. so the question. here is how we can live next to such a country according to this question this is whether we can accept each other and live side by side or not, but the claim that if we allow october 7th, october 7th will repeat itself, well, it starts the story from the middle , what should we do if israel killed so many people how can we live together? oh, sitting in the front row, many people spoke the words of the people
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, but they were not with the people, sitting on the first page for justice. every moment, the most important thing in the field of vaccine storage, programs, leaders and previous horizons of the youth region, questions from us, answers from the first page. and evaluation and judgment with you first line every night hours
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19.3 minutes of khabar network. shipbuilding is one of the old industries of iranian people. as time goes by, our engineers update their knowledge. shipbuilding is a part of the industry that has a direct relationship with the increase in exports. madri is the largest construction site in the country's marine industry , ready to build any type of improved vessel. here is iran. the extent of the bridal industry, i am telling you for
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the third time, what happened to my lawyer, is it really possible? yes, why not 60? it is known to buy dowry with 60 types in shaswareh city , the bigger household appliances, yes. why don't you reach yourself? finally, i am satisfied with myself i arrived. didn't you eat not myself, but my hair? why? parjad garlic shampoo has anti-hair loss properties. hello nature. it should be done again. pour the new brew so it doesn't get cold. this kid's cold voice is telling you
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to fight him. drink it. we ourselves don't know what happened anymore, mom, the gas flame increased by itself, what is the situation, why are the things in your house like this , after all, how many things do you need to change? just last time , we looked everywhere, we shouldn't have looked so much. especially for this baghle, the largest iranian house was opened in tehran with a lot of interesting events. tehran serah
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officer hello, welcome to the half-day news. the opening of the tehran parand metro line after 18 years with a capacity of 15,000 people per day, 70% of this line has been implemented in the past two years. during today's visit of the president to parand, about 4,400 national housings were handed over to the owners. a one-day extension of the ceasefire in gaza until


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