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tv   [untitled]    November 30, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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[000:00:27;00] in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello to the world today, in continuation of last night's program , we will present to you the second part of the interview with osama hamdan, a member of the hamas political office, which was conducted exclusively on the khabar network and the jahan today program, in about half an hour, but before that we will have an overview of the most important news from the seventh day of the ceasefire and the exchange of prisoners
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. likewise, in the file of tonight's program , we will also examine iran's permanent solution to the palestinian issue and its 75-year occupation. stay with us . walhaq for us, victory for us. the zionist media reported that hamas imposed ceasefire conditions to extend the previous agreement zionist media, contrary to the previous days' trend of releasing 10 zionist prisoners daily, this time hamas released only eight zionist prisoners, and the sixth group of freed palestinian women and children
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returned to the west bank and their homes. that all the prisoners be released, my cousin is still in prison, brutally , when my eyes and hands were closed, the intelligence officer of the occupiers interrogated me. before reaching the prison, they beat the prisoners.
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allahu akbar. praise be to allah praise be to allah allah one of the freed palestinian captives of ahed from tamimiyeh. since he was a child, many times because of confronting the invaders the zionist was imprisoned
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, shufkark, this is al-aza, he took a olive tree, planted 100 zihas. three zionists were killed in the anti-zionist operation of palestinian youths in the occupied jerusalem. news sources put the number of wounded in this operation at 16. zionist regime soldiers announced that the house of the family of the perpetrators of the operation was attacked in jerusalem . to arrest the west bank is the target of zionist attacks. in a week that
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there has been a ceasefire in gaza, attacks on the west bank have increased. yesterday was jenin, today is tulkam and ramallah. occupying soldiers to the homes of palestinians they attack and suspect anyone. they take it with them. where there are no soldiers. the settlers have become the bane of the lives of the palestinians. settlers who do not show mercy to pregnant women. this pregnant palestinian mother was stabbed to death by a zionist settler today in front of her children in the west bank city of al-lad. 15 thousand martyrs in gaza and about 250 in the west bank , this is the result of the crimes of the zionists in the last 50 days. in response to these crimes, palestinian youth killed 3 zionists in occupied jerusalem today.
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one of the dead is a zionist rabbi who is the head the court of the rabbis was in the city of ashdod. 16 zionists were also injured in this operation. this operation was carried out with an automatic machine gun and a handgun. carrying out the operation and passing an advanced automatic weapon through the security x-ray devices of the zionist regime and bringing it into the city of quds is definitely a big security failure for this regime and an important development in the type of operations of the palestinian youth. in response to this security failure, the minister of internal security of the zionist regime appeared at the scene of the quds operation and demanded more weapons. he had explained and we saw that it did not benefit them and instead palestinian operations in the west bank have increased
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. they want to give the zionists a sense of security by arming them. the hamas movement announced the qassam battalions as the perpetrators of the qutb operation and considered its operation a natural reaction to the unprecedented crimes of the zionist regime. the second anti -zionist operation was carried out today in the al-aqwar area of ​​the west bank, and a car ran over the zionist soldiers at a checkpoint. as a result of this operation, two zionist soldiers were injured. and the death of henry kissinger, the cause of the massacre of civilians in cambodia and la, on the 100th anniversary of kissinger, the former minister from 1977 to 1977, the us state department
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was in the cabinets of richard nixon and jared. he was the us foreign minister and national security advisor for about 10 years, but until the last months of his centenary , he played a role in the us foreign policy and it is said that all the presidents of his time. using his brain in foreign policy. now, with his death , his story is unfolding before the eyes of the public opinion of the world. some say his positive role in improving america's relations with the east, especially china, and mention the awarding of the nobel peace prize to him for his role in ending the vietnam war, and some other documents show that he is a war criminal. such as the documentation of the book the trial of kissinger written by christopher hitchens, which reminds of kissinger's role in the intentional killing of civilians in vietnam and cambodia. paysinger, as the architect
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of the vietnam war, expanded the vietnam war to laos and caused 500,000 tonbs to be dropped on cambodian civilians and 15,000 cambodians to be killed in the silence of the media. he should in these last days of his life. about this crime, answer to being involved in mass executions in bangladesh and planning to kill a senior official of the chilean government, as well as being involved in several coups, including the coup in chile , are other memories of singer. it was a democracy since 1932, but it did not last despite nixon and kissinger. they began to cooperate with the coup plotters. america provided them with weapons, information and financial aid, and when they disturbed jeb enough , they staged a military coup. therefore, america
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was involved in this story. he is also accused of personally participating in the assassination plot of the president of cyprus, facilitating the genocide in east timor and the kidnapping and assassination of a journalist in washington. kissinger's name is also related to iran. he was the foreign minister of the united states during the last years of the mohammadreza pahlavi dynasty. ardeshir zahedi, the minister of foreign affairs of iran at the time, said in his memoirs: during the tenure of kissinger's foreign ministry , there was not a cloud in the sky of the two countries, and in the last year that someone was minister, iran had become the largest buyer of american weapons and had the largest group of us military advisers. it was said that singer also considered the iran-iraq war to be in line with america's interests and said that it is a pity that this war cannot have two losers at the same time. if i had to do these things again, i would do them again i will do the same. in one of his books called world order, in a section
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called united states and iran, by quoting the words of the leader of the revolution about the islamic awakening and the defeat of communism and liberalism, this discourse is considered to be a competitor of the order of the world society centered on america. he also writes: compared to the countries of the middle east, iran has perhaps the most coherent concept of nationality and has a deep tradition in terms of statehood. the names of iran and kissinger are the same once again. 10 years ago, it came to the headlines of the media. he has made several interviews and media notes, including in the huffington post, the future of iran in the world he predicted that. iran has strengthened its foundations in the middle east and has a real chance to become an empire. according to the recent developments in the region, the american diplomat believes that the traditional divisions of the middle east are on the verge of disappearing, and this issue is a trump card. it provides a strategy for iran.
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from now on, the pro-iranian axis will extend from tehran to beirut and pass through baghdad on its way. this issue provides an opportunity for iranians to revive their former empire. another prediction of his was announced about 10 years ago. 2012 ad. he said: israel will not see the next 10 years. an issue that, of course, not himself, but the official denied in the interview with the media. hosni sadad shabiri, radio reporter. yesterday , the leader of the revolution once again pointed to iran's solution for the permanent settlement of the palestinian issue and the occupation of this land. in the file of tonight's program , we want to talk more about this issue, but before that, some parts of the revolutionary leader's speech
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about this. let's see that some people in the world are telling lies about the opinion of the islamic republic about the region. iran says that the jews or the zionists should be thrown into the sea, no, this was not the case , and others said some time ago, someone from the arabs said , we never said this, we will not throw anyone into the sea, we say the opinion of the people, the opinion of the government that was voted by the people. palestine was formed, it will make decisions about the people who are there, coming from other countries, it is possible to tell them all to stay in palestine, it is possible for all of them to remain in palestine, as in some african countries that i went to during the presidency, they fought,
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the british won there, and the natives ruled there. being able to defeat the british, but the same keeping the english in their own country is the reason for keeping them. they may keep them. it is possible that they will say no. dasmalchian, diplomat and former ambassador of iran in lebanon, mr. dasmal, greetings to your excellency and everyone. dear viewers. mr. dastmalchian, in my opinion, you were one of the people who played a role in drafting this plan to hold a national referendum in palestine as iran's solution to end the conflict and occupation of palestine for 75 years. this is the first time
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how was it proposed and developed? in the name of god. as far as i remember, a year ago. before the imam passed away and during the presidency of agha maqam moazim , an order was sent to the ministry of foreign affairs to prepare a plan regarding the palestinian issue and go through its hierarchy. i remember that a committee in the ministry ministry of foreign affairs was established, and i was a member of that committee and responsible for preparing and compiling that plan. i think it was in 1967 that this plan was prepared for the first time there with the presence of political and legal experts from the ministry of foreign affairs, and it went to the supreme national security council and after
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when it was approved, it reached the service of mr. agha and he approved it. from then on, i think that several times, the supreme leadership in their numerous discussions left this issue and explained its dimensions until on 16 bahman 2018. the ministry of foreign affairs, through the representative of the islamic republic of iran in new york, wrote a letter to mr. guterres, the secretary general of the united nations and also the president of the security council, and this plan was officially registered here . considering that this document
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and this solution are registered among the united nations documents are its legal bases also provided according to the international rules and regulations of the united nations? yes, yes, i would say, and the principle of the principle, which has been emphasized many times in the orders of the supreme authority and the leadership , is the right to self-determination for the palestinian people, which must be implemented during the recent works, and its title the purpose of the project is to provide the palestinian people with legal rights based on paragraph d of article 1 of the united nations charter, which
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determines the right to self-determination, and other articles that it is among the chapters of the chapter , the articles of the chapter, as well as the first resolution of 181 the general assembly of the organization is in november 1947. these are all the principles that are included in the united nations charter and also in the charter of human rights. there is sarlamesht, in addition to the return of palestinian refugees from all parts of the world to participate in this. yes, this is the last point that you
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mentioned. what are the stages of implementation of this plan in order? there are palestinian refugees who have their own historical land i decided to hold a national referendum among the palestinian people, including all jewish, muslim and native christian people. i would say that palestine is the place to live and also the formation of a political system in which the majority of the people want and decide on the characteristics of the unofficial residents of palestine. which was mentioned again in the comments of the supreme leader yesterday.
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thank you, i had a conversation with ahmed dastmalchian. as i mentioned at the beginning of the program. we would like to present to you the second part of the exclusive interview of the jahan today program with osama hamdan, one of the leaders and members of the political office of hamas. this interview was conducted by mr. seyyed mohammad hosseini, a news reporter for the radio station in beirut, prepared. greetings again, dear viewers , we are at the service of mr. asamdan, one of the leaders of the hamas movement and the person in charge of this movement in lebanon.
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we talk with them about the latest situation of gaza equations, equations related to al-aqsa storm battle. dear mr. essam mohammadan, you mentioned the climatic and regional conditions before the al-aqsa storm operation. before this operation , we witnessed sensitive developments both inside palestine and outside palestine. inside from inside palestine. the attacks of the zionist regime on the palestinian areas have spread to the urban trend and the attack on al-aqsa kurds and increased, but in the climate dimension in the region, we witnessed the acceleration of the process of normalization of relations between the zionist regime and the arab countries of the region , an atmosphere that was being formed, well , it made the situation more complicated and difficult for the palestinian resistance for the palestinian cause. . at this moment , al-aqsa storm operation happened and we later saw that in
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an action that might be a shame if we compare it with previous wars, 1953, 1967, 1973 and even the 33- day war of 206. almost all the heads of western governments supporting the regime came to talabin. to declare support for netanyahu and the zionist regime, that is in a clear way, this is how the picture actually came out that hamas is not only in confrontation with the zionist regime, it is actually dreaming of an international coalition . there is no doubt that the strength and power of the zionist regime and the resistance can't be compared
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. it has a great military power in terms of military equipment and technology of resistance, but this is the only equation and not the only dimension, there are other dimensions in the equation, the most important of which is that this regime is an occupation regime and the palestinian people have the right, it has no belief and faith and is only an occupation , but the palestinian nation has faith and the right to this is the land. this is what happened on october 7th it was the resistance that destroyed the military and security image of this regime. a face made by themselves, who have an invincible army. this diet. it showed itself as being so powerful that it can support other countries in the region
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and that it is very strong in terms of technology and very strong in terms of economy. the resistance fighters could destroy an entire brigade of this regime's army with the simplest weapons. if you look at it from the security point of view, you will see that the zionist regime could not recognize this operation, on the other hand, the zionist regime faced a lot of problems inside. this the issues caused all the western powers that formed this regime to come to the region and reassure him and ask him to stand up. the zionist regime had tried to present itself as a regime, but after the 7th of october, all the illusory image
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it had created in the previous years disappeared and became clear. that the occupying regime is criminal. this issue caused all american plans for the region to fail . the third issue is that if the palestinian resistance was able to do this. what will the islamic and arab nations do if they unite? before this, we saw that iran and saudi arabia reached agreements and the whole region. be happy about it. this agreement conveys the message that we can solve our own problems in the region without foreign interference. the enemy realized that his plan and the plan of the united states were destroyed, and he also
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came up with simple means and an opportunity to improve his internal relations in the region without all of this. without any problem , on the contrary , he will face more opportunities. this issue caused all forces there is a need in the world for the zionist regime to tell america that it wants to support its own interests and plans in the region. he wants to continue to be a divided region with many differences. france is looking for its own interests, even germany all gathered to implement and
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support their colonial thinking in the region and to support their last colonial base in the region. in the al-aqsa storm operation, we witnessed two sides in the gaza strip , one is the oppression of the palestinian nation, the killing of women and children, the targeting of mosques, churches, schools and the infrastructure of gaza, and the second side is the bravery of the resistance and targeting zionist areas inside occupied palestine even in the last hours before the ceasefire. we can see these two sides in their effects both in our sehovist regime and in the international space, considering the events that have happened now, we are now in the ceasefire environment , you can see the prospects of this ceasefire
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as doubtless. you said what during. the days of the war against the gaza strip showed the true face of the zionist regime . it showed that the zionist army cannot stand in front of the resistance , it can only target buildings, institutions and people. the zionist regime admitted that it had more than a thousand wounded in the ground operation so far. the severity of the injuries of 250 of them has been declared as severe. the zionist regime is a criminal against the people, but it is very weak against the resistance . on the other hand , it showed its resistance well.
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he did not target the military in the zionist regime, even though they are also occupied, they are occupiers, this is the act of rashness and political intelligence to declare resistance, but the problem is that we have a moral charter, we are not we will not attack the military, we will not harm them, we will point our weapons at the military, now that the ceasefire has been established , we will state the issue. to weaken the support of the resistance , to increase the resistance, to make sure that he can take good actions in the field, this equation can be used


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