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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2023 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] in this match, rome took the lead from the host with lukaku's goal in the 21st minute, but at the beginning of the second half , badia overcame haken with two goals to serve tsawikshon in the other important games of bayer leverkusen. with a draw , sporting rahi went to the next round. marseille passed 100 ajax by 43, viar took sanatinus in front and breton
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won with a goal in ike aten's field. thank you for your cooperation. it is jamal al-awwal and december 1st, the noon call to prayer in tehran will be at 115 minutes and the maghrib call to prayer will be at 17:00 and 11 minutes. thanks for your cooperation with this news series, dear and respected compatriots thank you very much. the settlement of this house by our own hands
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is foreign china for the mother. this action can remove the golden signature in the country. we would like to support women and this idi idi night, to be freed from the importation of gendo, the qboz, the help seekers , the amount of help, the construction worker, insure those families who have three children or more. they are trying to get a car without a lottery, break sardar, your child, tomorrow. who agree to revolt. it was decided there was a queue. we were annoyed. until a few years ago, patients complained about paper notebooks . the difficulty was that we had to go to the branch we used to eat until we changed our books. the doctor's hand, which was bad, for example, could not be recognized. he goes everywhere. the solution to get rid of the problems of copying and wasting paper was nothing but the acquisition of an
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electronic health service system. an issue that was also mentioned in the fifth development plan in the parliament. article 32 of the 5th plan law obliges us to establish a system of community and public health services based on primary health care, which increases the efficiency of the quality of health services, and the basis of his presentation is both the electronic health record and its review in the 6th plan of koshai. we had many representatives the social security organization and other organizations should take action to send the information of their insureds online and to update the said database daily for free and continuously, and to use the said database by replacing electronic tools instead of notebooks to provide all insurance and medical services to the insured use their coverage. the iranian health insurance organization is obliged to measure
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the eligibility of the insured, including the possibility and control of their overlapping, using the country's online database of the insured and to act electronically, the social security organization and other organizations. insurance companies are encouraged to send the information of their insureds online and to update the above-mentioned database daily for free and continuously , and to use the above-mentioned database through alternative electronic tools, preventing the services of the health community and creating an electronic health file of iranians with the help of the first registration organization. a cloth should be reviewed and the requirements of electronic health should be seen in all its dimensions in this review. although this plan has been unveiled many times in the past few years, in the first phase, in
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the social security organization's own centers, we have started the lack of notebooks and the use of electronic systems. we hope that in the process of implementing this symbolic movement , we can correct it, but before 1400 , it was only 10% advanced, and finally, following the representatives , it led to the implementation of the electronic version in the same year. this work could not be done , it would be spoken, it would come into law , it would be expressed as a wish. everyone said it was a good job, but no one knew that it was going to be performed. this work was done. after that, on the date of 1400, the removal of paper notebooks was officially started, and the legal implementation of the electronic version of rang and bowie became mandatory. it is the day of full implementation of electronic prescribing. also after at this time, although electronic prescriptions have been realized in 98, they still have a double influence on the full implementation of this plan. also in the law
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of the sixth program. completely, even now in the law of the seventh program. it is foreseen and especially our health commission and the parliament to do a lot of work in this field. a lot of work has been done and it is definitely emphasized in the 7th plan that it should be fully implemented and operational. now the result of this legal implementation is to improve the condition of people in receiving medical services. he looks at the site without seeing the d version, really it's great, i'm satisfied with everything . it's much better. what's the situation for you? he doesn't want to take paper anymore. bring paper, we'll be captured. it 's much less. medicines are recorded in the system, the patient's treatment history is recorded , the drugs he received, the tests he performed, and a record and a
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file are created for the patient. our work has become easier because the work is done with the national code, the speed of my work is much better compared to the paper versions, the design of the version has increased a lot. electronic writing, in addition to maintaining patient records , is now a clear document in prescribing drugs, implementing clinical guidelines, and obtaining public insurance support. there is no chance. if we don't do anything, the opportunity
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will not open. everything started on october 7, 2023, in an operation
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called al-aqsan storm.
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irreparable failure. the al-aqsa storm was carried out in response to the frequent insults of the authorities and the residents of tenro sirini to the al-aqsa mosque. an operation that after the surprise of the zionists in the 1977 war, known as yomkipur , will be another big surprise for them. life, from the point of view of some safinist officials, is a unique experience he was after the formation of this fake regime in 1948. what happened to us is difficult and dangerous and we have never seen such a difficult event
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. thousands of people attacked us with the aim of destroying us. we are facing the biyseqah situation since 1948 until now. with the conversionists to the al-aqsa storm operation, it was the violation of gaza's light, residential houses, hospitals and schools. an action that resulted in the martyrdom of thousands of palestinians, especially children . israel's only achievement so far has been the killing of people, more than half of the houses in the gaza strip have been destroyed and more than 32 thousand tons of explosives have been dropped on the people of the gaza strip. what else can israel do , especially the palestinian people who have no choice but to remain. whatever israel
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continues to kill and destroy, the palestinian people will remain in the gaza strip. in the beginning, israel pretended that its military operations had no timetable and the passage of time was in favor of this regime. but four factors, the passage of time, economic costs and the questioning of the legitimacy of israel's attacks with the reduction of international support for that regime forced this regime to stop the crime. the heinousness of israel's crimes has provoked arab-islamic and regional reactions. all this forces israel to limit the time of military operations in gaza. but the problem of israel is that it cannot declare itself as the winner of this war because it has had no result except the killing of children and civilians. from the first days of the zionist encroachment on gaza, the main goal
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was to encourage the palestinians to forcibly leave gaza in order to vacate the area, so that the zionists would be relieved of their resistance. this goal has not been achieved until today despite the many killings of civilians. the people of gaza are not afraid of the threats of the zionist regime because we are strong people. we have been here all our lives we have been and we have drank water since we were born, but now water for drinking. we will continue to stay in this land and we will not move from here. the israelis can kill us mercilessly and do whatever they want . we will remain here and we will not leave. there are israelis who want to force us out of here. but they themselves have to go out of our land. they are invaders. ya allah, ya allah, ya allah. allah, shafa hospital is the best and safest place
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for us to stay and that's why we came to this hospital we came here, they don't scare us and make it rain as much as they like. despite all the threats and hardships, we want to die in this hospital. we will not leave this hospital. where do we have to go? we all die one day and our only hope is in god. we thank god for what he has given us. we are all ready to sacrifice our lives for the holy place. we sacrifice our lives for the liberation of quds. many zionist officials are confused after the al-aqsa storm operation. this is what many people say about justice minister levin. they say he has some kind of illness it has become depression and mental breakdown and crisis. netanyahu and some members of his cabinet tried to
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show the ordinary citizens and zionists in a strong position. but we could not accept the reality. after the war, we all have to be accountable. everyone including myself. there was a delay here. a terrible procrastination. you are an advisor to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu.
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he recently published criticisms of the israeli army and the israel defense forces, military intelligence and shinbat, the domestic intelligence service, because of hamas' actions to transfer from gaza to israel and kill more than a thousand people. israelis he later apologized and said: i am sorry for this. is he personally, despite being the prime minister of israel , not taking any responsibility for what happened? what happened in the week of october was a great tragedy for israel, he said. everyone, including himself , faces the investigation, the investigation takes place, he must answer the questions. he knows it has to happen and in israel you have covered this story so much that you remember in 1977 they caught us raffle a full investigation was held in the year 20 after the lebanon war investigation
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we will do the same this time. the zionists are trying to pretend that they are united with each other, but the messages of the al-aqsa storm operation are gradually becoming clear, and the zionist officials are raising the blame for each other's failures and these are among these messages. the strategic results of the al-aqsa storm operation will bring about changes at all levels for the benefit of the resistance and the complete liberation of palestine. after the al-aqsa storm operation , the situation in the occupied territories has changed. resistance missiles hit the cities after al-aqsa storm and it reached various zionist cities and even targeted tel aviv, a city that was supposed
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to be protected by the zionist missile system, but it was still unsuccessful and ineffective in resisting missile attacks. this regime is witnessing reverse migration and jews fleeing from it. and internal protests continue and no one recognizes the current cabinet of this regime. with the emptying of the zionist settlements around the gaza strip, the agricultural sector of the zionist regime faced serious problems . these areas played a key role in supplying enclosures and production in these areas has no place anymore. the scene of setting up tents is no longer supposed to belong only to the palestinian refugees, as in the past , and the equation has changed today. displacement is a price that
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has been added to the economic costs of tofan al-aqsab operation for the zionists. according to official statistics, at least 120 thousand zionists were forced. evacuate the city around gaza and southern lebanon. this is the number of displaced people who live in hotels or desert tents. to these, we must add thousands of people who are at the airport and waiting to leave the occupied territories . displaced zionists bear the heavy financial burden netanyahu's cabinet, which is facing a budget deficit before the al-aqsa storm operation. they will add, and these financial problems fueled the protests against the zionist prime minister, the prime minister said about himself that i am a security man since 203, except for one and a half years when bennett and lapid were prime ministers, the power
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has been in his hands and the situation of israel has reached a point where sometimes the question is raised: to be or not to be, how did it get here , how did israel's work lead to talk about being or not? it is not visible and even in terms of adherence and commitment to israel , he is not like any other prime minister. the reverse migration crisis intensified after the al-aqsa storm operation , but the roots of this crisis go back to a few years ago. when the extreme rightists under the leadership of netanyahu completely seized the power in the political scene of this regime and closed the favor even on the residents of the occupied territories. things like judicial reforms proposed by netanyahu to escape from economic accusations fueled this atmosphere. many israelis because of the political crisis and the rise of extreme rightists and reforms
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the judicial system migrated to other countries, including germany, in protest against netanyahu's cabinet. israeli journalist activist tomer dotan left this country in 2011 due to benjamin netanyahu's policies and settled in germany. many friends and relatives and even people i don't know end up with me and send messages. i receive many messages about leaving israel and immigrating to germany. the migration crisis in the occupied territories has also reached the migration of educated people. to the extent that doctors and zionist authorities are at the forefront of emigration from occupied territories in fear of the migration of these people, they seek to close the migration routes and the exit of these people from the occupied territories. the phenomenon of doctors who threaten to leave the name has spread. they
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formed groups for this purpose in some social networks, which include more than 3 thousand doctors. this phenomenon has become more dangerous with the action of some of the great doctors of israel in practicing their dreams and traveling abroad. i feel pressure and worry. we all speak from our hearts. there is concern about the dictatorship and preventing doctors from leaving israel. these are very difficult issues in the past. that never from i had not heard of doctors. living conditions will become unacceptable. as a human being, before i become a doctor, i will have no choice but to leave here. it is better for the director general of the ministry of health to warn the government, the israeli health network will face a difficult crisis. al-aqsa operations and the intensification of the insecurity crisis in the occupied territories intensify the reverse migration in this regime. and now we have to wait. the definitive departure of a large number of zionists, especially those living near
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the gaza strip, from the occupied territories. every day you apply for reverse immigration from occupied palestine it is increasing so that the media of this regime mention it as a geographical threat in the future . there are two reasons for the zionists' concern. first of all, you palestinians are on the rise, and the possibility of increasing tensions and even war with the axis of resistance is seeking the citizenship of other countries . zwar and its destruction make it clear that the inhabitants of the city, or rather , the usurpers of the palestinian land, flee. this happened in occupied palestine in the occupied territories of 1948 milad also occurs. those who run away
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have no choice but to pack their bags and leave. this is the wave of reverse migration that has put the brakes on changing the demographic composition of palestinian regions and cities. this is the policy that the occupiers adopted to overcome the jews. but the charm of racism returned to the magician himself. now see what is going on in the zionist settlements around gaza? the security of these settlements has been destroyed and the rockets of resistance have turned the lives of the settlers into hell, and the least is that they are wandering between shelters and houses , and the result is forced migration from these areas. what is the situation that the immigrants and fathers promised us? this also threatens the occupiers to accelerate the collapse of the structure and its destruction, and academicians in the occupier regime warn about this. the political
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and social gap in the occupied territories has intensified now and after the al-aqsa storm operation, and it seems that this big gap is irreparable. in this case, on the 15th of mehr, on this side , the zionist usurper regime, both militarily and in terms of information, was an irreparable failure. to be i say that this devastating earthquake has succeeded. is
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to destroy some of the main structures of the rule of the tyrannical regime, which cannot be rebuilt so easily. nafnikm jeanakm. nefnik alim nalqikm or akhbat al-ghadd. number days,
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clauses and plurals. o habibi o habibi allah al-muhallat habibi ya samak al-aswad hamza
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allah, god willing, the expiation of khloh under yaslam. don't buy shoes . let's buy shoes. let's buy friday. dad, let's go somewhere. where is the movie theater ? let's go on friday . let's go to amina's mom's house. why not? what should we do? today's shopping is on saturday let's go now, why don't we go on friday, because on fridays, due to your incomparable reception , we are facing a crowd, our suggestion for an easier shopping experience
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is to visit on saturdays to thursdays. i will buy it. it doesn't matter. you didn't say what weight i should put. it doesn't matter. sir, where do you go every day? it's better. it doesn't matter. it really doesn't matter which site i buy from . let me compare. then it's good. it makes a difference. compare and buy. online third-party insurance from all companies, drink it again the voice of the refrigerator is telling you to fight with him. please tell me, we don't know what i was doing. mom, the gas increased by itself. what is the situation? why are your devices like this ? how many devices do you need to change? last time , we looked everywhere. we shouldn't have looked so much. that's when sarai irani was with kelli. discounts and
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special conditions of this baghle, the largest iranian house . good morning, dear and respected compatriots. ok , god willing, a few minutes ago, news sources announced the end of the ceasefire between hamas and the zionist regime in gaza . the media reported the plane at the same time the war planes of the zionist regime have started attacking gaza and the artillery of the zionist regime has also resumed attacking some areas. before that, some media quoted the wall street journal about the extension


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