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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2023 2:30pm-3:00pm IRST

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the ceo of iran's hemophilia law announced the re-opening of the french contaminated blood case after 40 years. mr. farzadifer said: this case, under the new name red blood, was registered in the international affairs court of our country and followed up in domestic and foreign legal forums at the same time. we are facing many problems and problems. this friday was his 50th birthday . he spent 40 years with an imported virus. this disease did not occur in iran at all. this disease occurred in england. mr. navid is suffering from the same widespread virus that occurred 40 years ago . in the early 1960s, with the blood of the then government france exported to 10 countries, including iran .
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he came with the same infected blood. in the same years, except mr. navid, about 300 other people were also infected with this imported virus . you first infected us manually, then you brought us, then you started collecting our tests and selling them to those companies that are making medicine. now , more than 54,000 people are infected with achi virus and in iran , they want to hear the case in international courts . france is responsible for the people of our country who are currently suffering from aids. the french government in those years for the transfer of these contaminated blood was neither condemned in human rights circles and courts, nor did it benefit our compatriots. the french government never even refused to apologize to the patients who contracted the virus. and
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unfortunately, they did not save their lives. pursuing iran's hemophilia law these days has led to the drafting of a legal bill against the company that produces these contaminated blood products, which of course is being pursued by the presidential legal office and the human rights headquarters of the judiciary. with the help and support of the international legal affairs of the presidency, which fortunately announced the support and supported us in this case. in the international courts, we will file a case both legally and criminally. the human rights headquarters will not provide any kind of assistance to the people and non-governmental organizations in order to realize the rights of iranians inside the country and iranians abroad. from 40 years, the complaints of the plaintiffs in the court of newly investigated cases of the defender
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of the shrine will be held from the next hour, at 15:30 in meraj shahrai, tehran, martyrs ali agha abdullah mahdi zakir hosseini, elias chegini, mohammad rezaza yaqoubi, gholam ali tola, seyed mostafa sadeghi , hasan akbari and reza abbasi are eight martyrs who died in a recent investigation in syria identified them. today, the martyrdom ceremony of mustafa sadeghi, who was an employee of the atomic energy organization, was also held in this organization . in golestan province, the body of martyr reza tola was buried at the islamic azad university of gorgan . how long does it take to go to syria? jaman paper he did not hear from anyone to go to syria.
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he wrote these sentences a few months before the confirmation of his departure . after 34 years of age, having two daughters aged 3 and 6, i tried to control my feelings for such risky work. i get. mostafa sadeghi was an employee of the atomic energy organization. even though he was opposed to his dispatch , his follow-up continued until he announced that he could become the ruler of syria on march 20, 2014. it was heartbreaking in itself, but he also wanted to have the consent of his daughters. why? friends? you know , hazrat zainab does not allow anyone to come here, only those whom she loves very much. now because of you, because you are a very cute girl. god has mercy
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and allows me to go away from the shrine and get rid of zainab . when he entered syria, 11 months had passed since the siege of fua and kafriya. after he was martyred during a battle in the city of hama, syria in 1996. his body remained there for seven years , until a few days ago, news came that his body had returned to his daughters, which was their last frame with their father. atami was discharged at his workplace. it was the last time that i was very sad, i said, father, don't go. then he said, "dad, if you are not satisfied , i will not go. if you are satisfied, i can go . my little and eldest daughter agreed that they should go to syria
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. i told them to go, but don't go, and he went and became a martyr. the martyrs are alive, and the important news of this family is this sentence." is. baba mustafa returned , sarakia, radio and television news, the reaction of cyberspace users to the interviews of one of the officials of savak in one of the persian -language networks . narratives similar to this on the manato network from the head of the third department of savak have provoked reactions in cyberspace. some users shared interviews of people who were not on good terms with the islamic republic. during the period of the shah
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, they used to throw bears at the girls, and this is also the story of the pahlavi era actor of savak's dealings with him for acting in the movie deer. you get into your car, and as you are leaving, a truck hits you against the wall at 12:00 p.m. after midnight, no one sees you. a truck hits you against the wall. on the wall of this, as an example, there were people who published pictures of their loved ones and wrote that in 1957, azgar was tortured in the joint committee of savak, and his toenails were pulled and his soles were shaved with shaving cables . what is wrong with inviting the red cross? the king ordered in response to these words, the red cross itself wrote, "bring karbari, the masterpiece of emptying the executioners of parviz
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savaki, the pahlavi executioner, has done this lady doctor , who was their translator during the visit of the red cross to savak prisons . he has never seen a prisoner as literate and educated as the lives of iran, and the severity of the tortures in iranian prisons has never been seen anywhere in iran . it was dissolved before the revolution, but now you and i are busy cleaning it showing savak president parviz sabeti himself admitted that savak is a torturer. this was written by a cyberspace user. in an interview with foreign networks, the king himself admits to torture and execution in savak's lives. at that time, some people are looking for constant parviz perfume. ali kazemi
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, radio and television news agency. the deputy supervisor of the central bank assured the depositors of noor institute that they should not worry about their deposits. as part of the reform of the country's banking system, the central bank has transferred the deposits, assets and facilities of noor credit institution to the national bank of iran. well, the deposits deposit. dear investors, noor institute has been transferred to national bank , it has been transferred from one institution to one of the most reputable and reputable banks in iran, so there is no need to worry, all the deposits that were in noor institute until thursday last week
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are in national bank from today saturday. now, in the next two months, noor depositors will be able to transfer their own deposits, add and subtract deposits , whatever they were doing before, by visiting the same former branches of noor institute, which is now located in national bank. the services you used to get and finally more services national bank... its range of services is much higher than noor institute. mr. mohammadpour also emphasized that no amount of money will be transferred to national bank from noor institution's dispute. a discussion that has been discussed in a series of media, in fact, networks, in the last couple of days. the discussion is that 40 hemat of a number has now been transferred to noor bank. i am telling you frankly here. digits it is clear that not one natrazi rial will be transferred from nironk national institute. all the assets and liabilities that
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are transferred from the bank, in fact niro institute, to national bank , both of them are actually high-quality items. i explained both the deposit and the assets so that there is no doubt about this issue . banks should only ask the issuer of the check for the amount of the deficit of the amount of the returned check to clear the blocking of the accounts. the central bank announced again in the announcement that the check issuing banks, in case of blocking a part of the check amount in their current account and with our deposit, the difference between the check amount and the blocked amount in their current account, including from the location of the other account, can be withdrawn. at the bank branch, he can take action to complete the payment of the check and provide grounds for removing the bad effect of the check
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about 6 months ago, the central bank had notified this issue to the banking network, but reports and public complaints show that this issue is not observed in the bank branches. mr. ahyaai, hello to you, please tell me, considering that the central bank had already given this order to the banking network, but it was not fully implemented in practice , if the banks do not comply with this issue, what will be done with them? in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, i am sick, i am at your service temporarily the amended check issuance law was notified to the banking network in the year that it was amended, after which
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some ambiguities may have arisen, and these ambiguities were resolved over time. the account is blocked in order to clear the bounced check and subsequently the client and the check holder do not execute the checks correctly. finally, in june of this year, this ambiguity was resolved . it is sometimes possible that some banks, due to the extent and the dimensions and sizes they have are not able to quickly implement these changes in their systems and
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to notify all their banking units through traditional and manual means to implement and implement this issue. it is complied with. now, later on, the customer may need to re-submit his request in a series of banks, so that those banks that could not implement it in their own system , can handle the customer's request outside the system according to the law. according to the issues that have been raised, we have come to this conclusion that again we would like to emphasize this issue to the banking network . we have informed all our banks again today, and as far as we know, according to the customer's request , in those banks that were mentioned in your previous reports, which cannot be implemented, due to the request of a handful, they have been completely closed. if there is an example, our colleagues in the central bank and all the banking networks are coming to investigate this matter quickly and announce the results to the customers
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. thank you very much, mr. ehyai, ​​director of the supervision department of banks and credit institutions. the national oil products distribution company announced today by the order of the first vice president, the non-subsidized rate of natural gas is changed. according to the decision of the board of ministers, from the beginning of azar, subsidized liquefied gas was supposed to be distributed only in the regions of the country that are dependent on city gas through a systematic request for petroleum products, and other regions will receive this at the export rate on the ship. i am talking about this with the deputy minister of oil in refining and distribution of oil products, mr. salari nasib, greetings to you. the new rate that is going to be applied from today, has it changed compared to the approval of the council of ministers? in the name of god. i want to say hello
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dear all viewers. well, you are complaining that we allocate our gas at the price of 20 tomans to the local companies. for this reason , the price that the local companies have to supply is 250 tomans. 36 tomans per kilo is actually 2790 tomans for one capsule. kilos should be given to those who are registered in the system, as it was a legal duty this year to be supplied only through the system . we have prepared the necessary capacities for all consumers. well, some dear ones could not register in the system. in line with the well-being of all the dear ones, the honorable government is in the process it created that those who are outside the system and are part of the consumers, even those who actually have gas not connected to the gas network
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, but are not connected to the network , we will still deliver the gas capsules to those households. this price is also 10% compared to the stuffing that is in sadaf system, that is, from 2790 tomans, it will be about 30090 tomans, that is, the number has not changed, so the price has not changed, it is only the duty that the law had stipulated, the transaction route was through the system for the welfare of our loved ones. and all the food consumers who somehow need our gas for it my dears, we have provided these so-called conditions . my colleagues in the 37 regions will also supervise the companies and facilities that do not offer prices outside of this price. besides, well, the supervisory bodies and the ministry of the ministry, which are actually
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a collection of these collections. there are those who are under the supervision of the ministry , they will also carry out excellent supervision, so our free price is 10% higher than the price of the system, that is, each kilo of 256 tomans becomes 2790 tomans, and in fact, all the companies are obliged to this price. if consumers do not comply with our areas in any way our prayers are actually finished, our loved ones will go to those facilities and they will actually deal with this matter. thank you very much , mr. salari, the deputy minister of oil for refining and distribution of petroleum products.
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iran, among the three countries that produce special needles for infertility treatment, a knowledge-based company succeeded in domesticating the advanced needles required for infertility treatments using nanomicro technology , the technical know-how of making these needles was previously in the monopoly of two american countries. and it was japan that was localized by the efforts of domestic experts. in infertility treatment centers to perform treatment processes special needles are used. our sahana needles are used for intracytoplasmic injection of sperm into the egg and also for blastomere biopsy of embryos in infertility treatment centers. these needles are advanced equipment in the therapeutic process of embryo transfer and freezing, which
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was produced by the efforts of specialists of a knowledge-based company based in fardis technology park. people who want to be treated means to be in infertility treatment cycles to get eggs, now f microinjection , the gynecologist has already taken the patient's blood sample. they can inject, and then this can lead to the fact that eggs with a greater number or quality eggs are actually received from these people . tehran and other cities use our needle products and other enclosures of the company. needles for infertility treatment are produced domestically at one fifth of the price of similar foreign samples. the technical know-how of making these products was previously available to japan and america, and fortunately, with the efforts of domestic specialists, the knowledge of the technology of making this the enclosures have been provided to us and we were able
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to sell these enclosures to the market at a fifth of the price of imported products. gamma rays are used to disinfect these advanced equipments, and the final product is sent to infertility treatment centers after this process. it is possible that the availability of manufacturers in iran can help a lot in obtaining a higher quality product according to the taste of iranian embryologists. a group of experts in embryology , chemistry and nano-micro technology collaborated to make special needles for the treatment of anavariasis. mohammad ghasem kyaei news reporter young thinkers competed with each other in the national event of hemat. the assistant of the president in popularizing the government said on the sidelines of this event that the purpose of this event
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is to plan for the progress of different regions of the country with the cooperation of the youth. young people who each entered this field with an idea. i actually use this machine to weave cloth , which is to facilitate the weaving of cloth for the villagers of the region. i participated in this plan. our plan is to develop and promote medicinal plants on the basis of job creation in deprived areas its participants consider learning from each other a victory , it doesn't matter, but the things i learned here are very valuable for me. what is important is that all these friends who gather here are winners of an event called hemet and the cores of thought and ideas are following the solutions for the development of their region. to the country where we have numerous and talented people who are able to analyze problems and find solutions for their own regions. seven judges
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examine the ideas of the youth based on solving people's problems and using people's capacities. one of our criteria is how stable this group is it is stable, it has a plan for this group to remain stable and grow, and how focused it is on its own area and its own problem. and finally, the winners of this national event were honored. we were analyzing and developing the value chain of peanuts . we are active in almost 205 cities of the country. in this pilot, we implemented it in 53 villages. they said that the 13th government also welcomes people's solutions to solve problems. its foundations, its legal foundations, its mechanisms
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, and its elements must be ready for the capacity of this action , god willing, we will see their solutions used at all levels, at the provincial level. in the national event , 360 groups of young thinkers from all over the country competed with each other. akbar abbasi , a radio journalist of the meteorological organization today predicted a calm and stable atmosphere for most parts of the country , considering the stability of the air, the concentration of pollutants in industrial cities. it reduces air quality. hello , meteorological maps show that until tuesday we will have a calm and stable atmosphere in the regions of the country, and based on this , we are predicting clear and sunny skies in most of the regions. this stability of the relative stillness of the air will cause the conditions
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to increase the concentration of atmospheric pollutants in the industrial and large cities of the country. for example, in the cities of tehran, karaj, arak, and isfahan, where pollutants lead to a decrease in air quality and horizontal visibility in these areas, therefore, we recommend children , the elderly, and heart and respiratory patients who avoid unnecessary outdoor traffic and activities. avoid being in the pool during this time. god willing on tuesday , we will have rains in parts of the north of the country. in the name of god, hello, have a good time. the iranian team with five representatives won the paralympic grand prix and won four gold medals in the paralympics, which
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also won paris. four golds and four parapik quotas in the manchester grand prix. iran's national taekwondo team won four gold medals and four quotas in the parpik paris with five representatives in this tournament. the second year in a row. i want to win the gold medal of the grand prairie final, i wanted to present this medal with all my heart and the iranian women's national team, who are now in years i often compete in minus 80 weight . unfortunately , i injured my hand in the first game, but luckily i was able to win 10 points and win the best place in the rangking. the level of the
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competition was very high. i was able to beat the korean opponent i played in the asian games. maryam abdullahpour, mehdipour rahnama, ali rezaza bakht and hamed haqnas won the parakwondo quota. mortezaei zedpanah, radio reporter. there is also news about club football in europe, bayern's game he canceled it. in the opening match of the 14th week of serie a, italy defeated juventus 21 and took the lead with 33. rabia in the 12th minute and federicotti scored for juve at the end of the second half, while dushan velhoche also missed a penalty in the 11th minute. . at the beginning of the 13th week
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, the whole german league won with a goal against derremesht. in addition, today's most important game between bayern munich and anian berlin was canceled due to heavy snowfall in munich. and at the beginning of the 15th week of the spanish la liga, las palmas took the lead with two goals. tonight in the most important game real madrid will meet granada. thank you for your company. today is saturday, the 17th of azar, the 18th of jumadi al-awla and the 2nd of december. in tehran , the sunset will be at 16.5 minutes, the maghrib call to prayer will be at 17 minutes, and the sharia midnight will be at 23.9 minutes. and now, mr. amin, my colleague, mr. tsab , please say hello. in the name of god , i offer my greetings to you, dear colleague, and i offer my greetings, politeness and respect to all the viewers of the
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economy desk. as you heard in the news , we are going through another phase of the plan to plant one billion trees. what has happened so far is that the research center published a statistic that we can almost say that we have achieved the sixth rank in carbon production, of course there are some debates about it, but in any case , it is a statistic that has been announced. the point is that because with let's deal with this situation and the events that you are witnessing these days, the holiday that happened today and sometimes happens. it has happened in different years because of air pollution, we need to come and strengthen our forest areas to be able to absorb these carbons, these pollutants and other events. we have to figure out that this plan is a part of the implementation of this goal. we want to focus on this at the economic table . if you are interested in this discussion, follow us on the news network
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. thank you . yes, you are with the economy desk. until the first image comes , i will tell you this point, why are we saying the beginning?


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